££2N»^} Center for Information Systems Research Massachusetts Institute of Alfred P. Sloan School of Technology Management 50 Memorial Drive Cambridge, Massachusetts, 02139 617 253-1000 DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEMS AND PERSONAL COMPUTING Peter G. W. Keen Richard D. Hackathorn October 1979 CISR No. 47 Sloan WP No. 1088-79 DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEMS AND PERSONAL COMPUTING Draft #5 (10/10/79) Keen/Ha cka thorn — Page 2 ABSTRACT This paper explores the relationship between Decision Support The aim is to clarify the key issues Systems and Personal Computing. relevant to helping managers make effective use of computer technology in their own jobs. The paper suggests that there exists a useful distinction between Personal Support (PS) and Organizational Support This distinction is critical for designing a system for effective (OS). decision support. The emphasis is placed on Personal Support by Finally, it is suggested discussing development and research issues. that Personal Computing lacks a conceptual base for exploiting the potential of small-scale computer technology and that Personal Support can provide such a framework. OUTLINE 1.0 MOTIVATION FOR DECISION SUPPORT DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEMS 1.1 1.2 PERSONAL COMPUTING 1.3 CONCLUSIONS FROM PREVIOUS RESEARCH 2.0 DEFINITION OF SUPPORT SYSTEMS 2.1 UTILIZING COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY 2.2 LEVELS OF SUPPORT SYSTEMS 3.0 FOCUS ON PERSONAL SUPPORT COMPONENTS OF A SYSTEM FOR PERSONAL SUPPORT 3.1 3.2 BUILDING, USING, AND EVOLVING 3.3 THE DYNAMICS OF INTERACTION 4.0 RESEARCH ISSUES RELATED TO PERSONAL SUPPORT 4.1 IDENTIFYING IMPORTANT VERBS 4.2 LACK OF GOOD RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 5.0 CONCLUSIONS ACKNOWLEGEMENT The authors wish to acknowledge the valuable discussions with faculty and students of the BA508A graduate seminar on "Personal Support Systems" during the spring of 1979 at the Wharton School. University of Pennsylvania. n^n^H^ SUPPORT SYSTEMS AND PERSONAL COMPUTING Keen/Hacka thorn -- Draft #5 (10/10/79) »,i,CISION 3 MOTIVATION FOR DECISION SUPPORT 1.0 Support Decision Page Systems designed to assist managers (DSS) interactive are in complex tasks computer aids requiring human judgment. The aim of such systems is to support and possibly to improve a decision process. the Personal Computing (PC) is direct use umall-scale of information processing task. aspects of the technology: a more recent systems The user individual complete has access, usage, an by term that describes for any control over all program development and data management. This paper explores the relationship between DSS and PC. The aim is to clarify key issues relevant to helping managers make effective use of computer technology in their of DSS and suggests a own jobs. distinction Organizational Support (OS) that apolication of the discusses design concludes with objective is: concept assessment of of Decision Personal Support (PS) and critical to effective Support. of systems key provides an overview The for personal research issues. paper then support and The overall (1) to define where Personal Computing fits into Decision Support; and (2) to exploit provides 1.1 between in itself seems and development an The paper DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEMS the opportunities that Personal Computing DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEMS AND PERSONAL COMPUTING Draft #5 (10/10/79) Keen/Hackathorn Page 4 — The movement DSS about began years ten ago. was It largely stimulated by MIT's Project MAC, which both provided access to computing power to the individual vast increases in human-machine symbiosis that promised handle complex studies of Morton, problems. DSS usage [Licklider, 1965] in organizations. A coherent 1978] There extending the ? our ability to been several have 1979; Keen [Alter, conceptual framework for emerging, and practitioners are pointed towards first time and user for the and Scott Decision Support is academic work of DSS by building innovative systems to support a range of managerial tasks. Decision Support requires a detailed Unlike OR/MS habits, needs, and concepts. Decision Support is rather than based on prescriptive and much of traditional MIS, descriptive paradigms and rationalistic theme in Decision Support is that not understand. understanding of the manager's of decision making perspectives. central A one cannot improve something one does The act of "supporting" a manager implies a meshing of analytic tools into his or her existing activities. The term "Decision Support Systems" is partly a rallying cry. is no formal theory of Decision from practice in this built and a number Support as yet; applied field. of conceptual key theory largely emerges that many studies completed, generalize from experience and thus becoming apparent that the Now word systems have been we can begin to adequately define the field. is There "support" and It is that the term "decision" may be context-free, misleading, or even inaccurate. DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEMS AND PERSONAL COMPUTING Keen/Hackathorn Draft #5 (10/10/79) Page 5 — Most of conceptual the Its manager. individual psychology; decision organizational practitioners are base human on is making. has comes emphasized from problem-solving, It clear, is concerned with far more DSS on theoretical focuS the literature the cognitive rather than however, that organizational issues. The systems that they need are built around activities that involve planning and coordination. While the system to support a priesthood of manager's decision budget faith prescribes a the DSS the lay missionaries , build a system to support the organization's budget process 1.2 . PERSONAL COMPUTING a new rallying cry. The term "Personal Computing" is also of the hectic enthusiasm of computer many segments of along by new [Isaacson society. brings new insights to technology and individual. Computing as an information has direct personal control definition implies a substantive meaning and issue Hackathorn over all Support side linking computing of defines [1978] stages relationship broad impacts on Admittedly pushed 1978] processing activity personal complements the Personal et.al.. fundamental the to having taking on more technology, PC is the hobbyists, the PC area has emerged of microprocessors from minor applications Born out in which of of DSS. PC the end user the activity. This technology that the to Personal shares many of the same aims as DSS, while emphasizing small-scale technology and localized systems. The experience and ambitions banner have much to offer true software tools developed by PC can Dewoy of those who believers in DSS. march under the PC The hardware and similarly extend the applications of DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEMS AND PERSONAL COMPUTING Keen/Hackathorn -- Draft #5 (10/10/79) DSS, and decision support provides Page 6 experience an base design and criteria for PC. 1.3 CONCLUSIONS FROM PREVIOUS RESEARCH The Personal Computing field is very new and lacks research to build upon [Niles, there However, 1978]. have several been detailed experience has been gained to descriptions of DSS usage, and sufficient permit at least the following conclusions: 1) 'Easy' applications of DSS success is high) are find aspects of the problem- solving finance, where it is simple to process that can manager. better be functional areas as involve such those which the likelihood of in which (i.e., ones handled the by machine than by the it is most practicable to build a DSS around a In general, micro decision (e.g., the selection of a product price or setting an advertising budget) or convenient retrieval of those where data (e.g., an automated file drawer). 2) 'Hard' applications by interdependencies. as in contrast are strategic planning, and problem solving or decision is only Macro decisions, such interdepartmental activities as are many where a manager's part of a more complex process. creating and there a multicriteria substantial difficulties in implementation. plan with problems, pose divisional It should be noted that easy applications generally involve PS and the hard ones involve OS. Practitioners want to tackle the hard problems and may not gain much insight from experience with PS. 1572S58 DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEMS AND PERSONAL COMPUTING Keen/Hacka thorn Draft #5 (10/10/79) Paee 7 — 3) DSS evolve. one. The final' system is New tools shape new uses a DSS and often evolve very different from the original and vice versa. imaginative Managers learn from new applications. This means that the initial design is partly an experiment; a good DSS contains mechanisms for its own obsolescence (or evolution depending on one's perspective). 4) The evolutionary nature of DSS has led emphasizes getting started through easily and quickly changed emerged: a DSS and consists of extended. user-system dialog and a set of verbs or operators "find", or (e.g.. "smooth"). [Insert Figure 5) DSS are hard 1 A system that can be common structure has interface that manages the modular routines that correspond to "display", Evolving operators, as shown in Figure design strategy that a flexible software a to a "compare", DSS a largely "extrapolate", means adding new 1. here] to evaluate benefits and take a long 'improved' decision decision outcomes. organization but since time making is A DSS requires can a they provide mainly qualitative to institutionalize. not necessarily not be complex the same simply process Furthermore, plugged of as better into the adjustment and adaptation. 6) Support involves a very detailed understanding process, task, user, and organizational is to be embedded. of the decision setting in which the system Figure 1 DSS Structure User ~n -t r I SOFTWARE INTERFACE (manage r user- system DATA BASE Operator based on verbs (e.g. ' I New Operator (e.g. LIST) "SMOOTH" INITIAL SYSTEM EVOLVED SYSTEM ( SOFTWARE INTERFACE: OPERATORS Dimensions of Quality Ease of use Flexibility Helpfulness Analytic power Compatibility with User's problem-solving process (correspondence with user's verbs) DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEMS AND PERSONAL COMPUTING Draft #5 (10/10/79) Keen/Hackathorn Page 8 — It seems clear that a standardized design structure has emerged from independent efforts to build and its corollaries — DSS and that evolution — learning and notion of support it is the that makes a DSS different from interactive models or online information systems. DEFINITION OF SUPPORT SYSTEMS 2.0 Systems is that this area has One major problem in defining Support been principally characterized concept of Decision Support does system. then to evade the issue by available and suitable criteria for defining however, emphasize Decision DSS should be stating that a Decision technology. 'suitable'. technology has meant time-sharing techology; the not necessarily imply a computer-based meaningful to be more It may computer by the On Support other Support and based on any involves finding hand, 'available' or minicomputers until recently. The technology is now changing very rapidly to include computer networks and microcomputers. The basic objective of applying the technology to support decision processes remains the same. 2.1 The concept of 'replacement' in the UTILIZING COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY support DSS Models, graphics, analytic potential too.1 that need building a system in no way been has literature [Keen contrasted & techniques, software, to be matched to guarantees its use. Scott with that Morton, and hardware of 1978]. are all their context. Simply For the manager, there are way3 of applying quantitative methods and computer technology: DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEMS AND PERSONAL COMPUTING Keen/Hackathorn -- Draft #5 (10/10/79) 1) Ignore them and have been There do nothing. Page 9 examples of so many insensitive, unrealistic, and incorrect application of technology to management tasks that managers' own experience judgment and This is the Replace decision making. and data Research, Management Science, situations the preferable is effective than any computer system [Hoos, 2) in many arguable that it is and more 1972]. traditional aim of Operations The technology processing. is used to rationalize, automate, and establish rules and procedures Thus, a credit for particular tasks. scoring model can replace the and judgment (although loan officer's analysis usually the officer can override the model). 3) Support the decision extremes of doing nothing means augmentation of and provision of This process. clearly falls between and replacing human involvement. Support processes, improvement, education, that can be integrated into problem existing ad hoc tools the solving, communication, and analysis. A key difference between replacement and support, that in itself implies a difference design approach, is that the former aims at solving a problem or getting while the an answer person. For replacement the area itself. A complete system of emphasis is needed that performed through the system. adaptation, since the design is There and facilitate is the task or decision allows the whole can be no on helping a task to be concept of learning and centered around the task structure. contrast, support suggests ongoing to begin latter focuses development so that the process of augmentation By the main aim is and improvement. DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEMS AND PERSONAL COMPUTING Keen/Hackathorn -- Draft #5 (10/10/79) Page 10 The 'best' system for replacement is one that improves efficiency and/or generates a better solution. procedures and processes. to For It may be hard of this, Because 'hard' benefits. support, system improves 'good' a to link these to outcomes and there can rarely be prediction of system uses and hence of costs and benefits. a reliable Obviously, a proposal to support a task must be justified in much the same way as one to replace decision making but in this situation, the estimates of costs and benefits and outlines Development activity. a predictable and and assumes that based on final venture. that In general, prototypes. evolutionary. Instead, preliminary some experiment direct initial phase replacement complex and The one uses provides this The products; these may be and essentially are a Research and It is foolish to plan this activity as if it were carefully evaluated and development. design for R&D needed that can be guidelines for further is will strategy of be small-scale and one is innovative but nature a phased strategy creating of are not exploratory Decision Support implies distinctive techniques for system building: 1) the main problem is to get started, to build a complete 'first' system that can then be evolved 2) There must be continual area of study is learning, in the users' a literal sense. For PS the problem-solving processes; and for OS information flows and needs for coordination. 2.2 LEVEL 3 OF SUPPORT SYSTEMS DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEMS AND PERSONAL COMPUTING Draft #5 (10/10/79) Keen/Hacka thorn Page — A frequently cited framework Scott Morton's which [1971], structuredness (i.e., classification of combines structured versus and strategic a third dimension be added, as shown in Figure dichotomy of task with Anthony's operational control, This framework seems to (i.e., PS and OS. — has been Gorry and unstructured) planning). apply equally well to both extremes of this paper is that Simon's activities managerial management control, for discussing DSS 11 The main proposal of task interdependency — should 2. [Insert Figure 2 here] The most obvious characteristic of situations in which DSS has been successful implemented to assist managers (i.e., the 'easy' applications discussed in Section 1.3) is that the with the aid of There are the system. actors or units. user can make a complete decision By contrast, no interdependencies with other several DSS recently developed to support planning activities in large organizations involve tasks that are highly dependent on other organizational units. is called "sequential" by Thompson decisions, each of which can not be passes on some output. This [1967] and type of interdependency involves a sequence of carried out until the preceding one Between sequential and independent lies "pooled" interdependency, which is inputs from Activity B but more complex and fluid. also passes data back Activity A requires to A. A process with pooled dependency is highly interactive among the activities. Examples of sequential, pooled, and independent tasks in relation to the Anthony framework are shown in Figure 3. Figure 2 MANAGEMENT ACTIVITY OPERATIONAL CONTROL MANAGEMENT CONTROL STRATEGIC PLANNING INDEPENDENT TASK POOLED INTERDEPENDENCY SEQUENTIAL INTERDEPENDENCY Page 12 DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEMS AND PERSONAL COMPUTING Draft #5 <1 0/1 0/79) Keen/Hacka thorn — [Insert Figure here] 3 decision through can reach a others. private analysis, though her own his or been made, choice has when the interdependencies. the manager not involve any Where the task does it must communicated to obviously be The point is that the problem-solving activities do not involve interdependencies. of the value and the quality may be of great Personal Support In this situation, by the decision improved provision of a system designed for direct and individual use by the manager. Where coordination as for For need provide to for communication and Organizational example. problem-solving. will budgeting Support for as a vehicle be as much computer-based aid will Any others'. with closely mesh must activities individual's each interdependencies. sequential involves task the for storing facilities department level, allow these to disaggregated, detailed budgets at the be integrated first by division and then for the company as a whole. Pooled face-to-face requires interdependency discussions. No single unit can carry with others. This suggests and out its work without interaction additional an negotiations type of support — Group Support (GS). This allows users to develop joint plans through a system that provides fast response that and is designed to permit easy exploration of alternatives and explanation of analysis. The three of types Organizational (OS) — support — Personal all share a common aim. to distinguish among these types of support as (PS), Group (GS), and However, it is essential distinct, but related, FIGURE 3. Expanded Gorry-Scott Morton Framework Independent Pooled Sequential Structured Order filling Scheduling room assignments order entry Unstructured Notice writing Scheduling management meetings Shipping and receiving Structured Task scheduling Task assignment Project Costing Unstructured Promotion decision Personnel matters Budget formulatio Structured Office Arrangement Factory location Factory building Unstructured Time Scheduling Top Management hiring Merger perational ontrol tnagement introl rategic inning — UH.II I M — —^^—— — m il | || I LUI. I 1 DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEMS AND PERSONAL COMPUTING Draft #5 (10/10/79) Keen/Hackathorn Page 13 — components of a Support System: 1) PS focuses on a decision (e.g.. U3er setting price, a in a discrete task or selecting a stock) users of class or that is relatively independent of other tasks. 2) of individuals GS focuses on a group . each of whom are engaged in separate, but highly interrelated, tasks (e.g., office activities). 3) OS focuses an on operations sequence of actors and or activity involving (e.g., building a divisional task organizational a marketing plan, capital budgeting). A PS may be used within an small-scale system to set help For example, each manager may use a OS. own his In both cases the decision making; aim the key of budget, and the integrates these budgets using an divisional staff then coordinates and OS. marketing system the difference is is to support the user's focuses on that PS a person, while OS is on an organizational process. DSS emphasizes Personal Support, While the conceptual literature on several of the most successful applications of Decision Support involve Group Support and, more recently, Organizational Support. the DSS built Morton [1971] by Scott production planning provides Group For example, which facilitated marketing and It allowed managers from Support. two departments to come together and use the system as a means of making tradeoffs, sharing ideas, and reaching a consensus. There are at lea3t a few DSS, designed for have been difficult to institutionalize involved sequential interdependency. Personal Support, that because the broader task really For example, BRANDAID is a system DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEMS AND PERSONAL COMPUTING Draft #5 (10/10/79) Keen/Hackathorn Page 14 — that in Their individual brand might result in sales company's products) another of the responsible the managers BRANDAID. addition Organizational Support in to of plan the (i.e, the plans the In for an the expense of be addressed. had to In addition, required brand was not directly compatible in a format that from outputs level next process of analysis. ' of Scott Morton, & being gained at integrating for decisions to be presented the 'cannibalization of particular, the problem [Keen the at very different This required a organization. with integrated were plans managers development the facilitated brand individual marketing plans by 1978]. substantially company one This or whole in needed process place of this Personal Support. This concept of some differentiated technical literature text-editing, document assist tools that on to use OA to OA to electronic and professional Support, mail. 'knowledge such These and The order improve entry the literature operations, efficiency on OA does The as are workers. concerned with Organizational Support. streamline functions. much like DSS. Personal emphasizes appeal and decentralized activities, administrative not only in important, building blocks very preparation, Practitioners are far more wish seems For instance, Office Automation (0A) is a packaging of relation to DSS. conceptual support of levels They coordinate of large-scale not seem to acknowledge the differences in priority and focus; hence, differences in the design cri eria for Personal and Organizational Support are also not acknowledged DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEMS AND PERSONAL COMPUTING Keen/Hackathorn Draft #5 (10/10/79) Page 15 — FOCUS ON PERSONAL SUPPORT 3.0 The discussion above support systems and clarifies where PC of this focusses paper on peripherally dealt with published so far provide systems described by Keen was really used little into very insight and Scott Morton[ 1978] Support. and willing to of implementing experimental systems. small-scale microcomputers, which shape the recent. concepts We now have a necessary whole, the the Of the six large only them. emergence of Personal Computing technology for building for only undertake the risky effort created has PS. addition, In been only one, PROJECTOR, , the On has The rest empirical studies The organizations have been able field, is very which Support, DSS literature. Personal for and DSS can be meshed. Personal in the definition of more differentiated provides a PS but need to Decision Support provides some guidelines but few examples. 3.1 COMPONENTS OF A SYSTEM FOR PERSONAL SUPPORT A system for Personal Support can be viewed as analogous to a staff — assistant to whom a manager issues commands A major research issue is how to interface that provides the communication expected with questions are more complex, conceptual work to build upon. quality, staff and flexibility, assistant. there For been has How can a range OS, less the 1976] organizational context and ease of the research empirical or of users be supported? Should the interface be more structured and standardized? be meshed into [Keen, identify the user's verbs and build an same a "Do this!". How can a DSS of communications, control DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEMS AND PERSONAL COMPUTING Keen/Hackathorn -- Draft #5 (10/10/79) Page 16 systems, and demand for coordination? From the perspective of staff a assistant, components for the Personal Support divide into three main parts: 1) Is the manager The Interface: able to talk with the PS as with a How much does he or she have to learn to structure staff assistant? the dialogue? 2) The Operators: this". Do they correspond Obviously, the comparison criterial provides some useful is for interface does not facilitate a simple managers' command: "do the to not design. and activities; and (2) Organizational Support, the coordinator. In both cases, is flexibility and is if the command) or is Similarly, if the operator cannot verb, it is unlikely it example, it cannot support him or easily be integrated since: (1) it cannot but it a "help" not built around the manager's vocabulary, be directly related to a For one, dialogue in which the PS can explain its responses if necessary (through her in the way an assistant does. literal a not that it will be used into the user's concepts clear what it supports. corresponding analogy is with For a staff the distinguishing feature of the human adaptivity. The quality and usefulness of the support system similarly depends on these attributes. 3) The Database: cabinet or a i3 equivalent to the assistant's file Clearly, the contents, indexing, and access The data base library. method determines the range, flexibility, uses. cost, and adaptability of DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEMS AND PERSONAL COMPUTING Draft #5 (10/10/79) Keen/Hacka thorn Page 17 — 3.2 BUILDING, USING, AND EVOLVING Personal support implies or predefined system. no "final" steps and modes of use for an one may be able to identify the necessary clear that the it seems building OS), organizational process (i.e. in Whereas necessary focus is on the person when developing a PS. This implies the need to: 1) design a dialog first; 2) provide a preliminary set of operators; 3) permit the manager to learn from the system; and M) to evolve the PS by extending its operators. Learning and flexibility They suggest "middle-out". a design seem sequence On the basis of which aim at identifying be to central similar aspects of support. Ness's to definition of observation of the uses and discussions the designer builds an interface, key verbs, which is complete enough to permit a meaningful user-system dialogue but which will certainly need set of operators is implemented. with which to react, and extension. A preliminary later alteration or The user now the designer has a has a concrete system vehicle by which to verify his design. The natural sequence of development of a system for PS is: 1) Using existing operators: a prototype. The initial system is a complete one, not The operators reflect on prior to the development the verbs that of the PS or ones but that also provide new capabilities. the user relied that are easy to use Page 18 DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEMS AND PERSONAL COMPUTING Draft #5 (10/10/79) Keen/Hacka thorn — soon develop sequences of analysis, will it is likely the user will "TREND". "SUMMARIZE", "PLOT"). results: use when reviewing monthly analyzing a "PROFIT"; or then "REPORT", use "STATUS" first customer account: in (e.g.: routines higher-level up in effect build of any value, the tool is If Constructing sequences of operators: 2) These sequences will tend to be user-specific. Developing new operators: 3) gains experience and ready for (or key assumption here is that as the user A the system, confidence in Learning new operators. even specify) he or she will be leads to new verbs 4) operators, or occur as verb adverbs qualify a of result a user's the learning (e.g., differentiated subfunctions introduce and mean modifying PS may Fine-tuning a operators: Changing existing within existing operators. 5) nouns. versus sales expenses" translates The phrase "graph profits into an operator "GRAPH" nouns two the with the database are general, items in In Adding data about objects: "PROFIT" and "SALES EXPENSES" being its arguments. 6) Changing data structures relating retrievable set of objects which or set of definitions the for to objects: The database is a may need a particular organization interface to identify them and them. associate them with the operators that act on These six aspects behavioral concept of concept, a support nouns. of use and support system. Learning, and hence evolution provide a and Support the technical begins evolution of the by link between the realization of that identifying verbs and Support System, similarly DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEMS AND PERSONAL COMPUTING Keen/Hacka thorn -- Draft U5 (10/10/79) involves new verbs. Page 19 An operator must be defined in terms of a verb and vice versa for the system to evolve. It needs to be acknowledged list are easy to handle with existing the operators; different to the though even An interface software. redesigned without affecting user items on the above that the first four the system performs it can be seems entirely same functions. the Operators can be added and altered, especially if a flexible development language, like APL, manage and change is used. However, data structures. DSS literature on database design far more difficult to is little discussion in the it There is and the tools for data storage in PC both use are at present very limited. 3.3 THE DYNAMICS OF INTERACTION The discussion above interactive implies development. The Clearly, the key first step is whose discussion of "levels of that in section 3.2 above, design interactive process relies on to identify "good" verbs. language" in the use gives the example of involves forecasting commodity of prices. PS and evolution. Berry [1977], of APL parallels an economist whose job His explanation of elaborate, and he stresses its complexity, and difficulty. out that carefully listening reduces the a his work is Berry points task to "smooth prices," which requires an APL function for exponential smoothing. Some verbs are obvious; routines such as "PLOT." verb reflects a complex most PS will -LIST." "FIND" analytic require retrieval and display or "TABLE." routine, such In some cases, as "PROJECT." the This Page 20 DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEMS AND PERSONAL COMPUTING Draft #5 (10/10/79) Keen/Hacka thorn — programming dynamic a routine invokes relationships between managerial learning between interface must be built so that new here complex the direct is and extension of evolutionary and use evolutionary made point key The assumptions and techniques. involves that model the PS, an? Obviously, design. the added easily and operators can be quickly. approches to the design of A central difference between traditional assume completeness of specification and a "final" system. issue is getting started, building a system and that can is that the former needed for support systems computer tools and those and learning encourage For PS, the that the user can relate to evolution. most effective The the development of approach for this seems to be to put most effort into operators. a "humanized" interface and a few key M.O RESEARCH ISSUES RELATED TO PERSONAL SUPPORT validity of One test of the research can issues formulated be understanding of the issues. two categories: ( 1 ) proceeding further the PS The those issues with PS; and whether a set of framework is that produce will (2) we gaps need that to know about before become existing DSS research when viewed from a PS perspective. U.1 IDE!. IFYING IMPORTANT VERBS deeper be presented in research issues will that a apparent in DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEMS AND PERSONAL COMPUTING Keen/Ha cka thorn -- Draft #5 (10/10/79) deal about the user and must develop For PS we need to know a great processes (Stabell terms studying decision effective methodologies for this "Decision Research"). designers particular, In be able to process must be couched outputs from the In both cases the must criteria for designing the software identify important verbs and define interface. Page 21 in a form that allows direct translation into software (and occasionally hardware) design. [Berry, Contreras. 1977; key research Some 1978] questions in this respect are: 1) How many important verbs makers use? do most decision Clearly, if easier to get started with a PS the average is five, it will be far than if it is 20 or 200. 2) What verbs do decision makers in different evolved into a useful 3) What is a interface"? "good usability and 1 Support System for a are some general verbs used for manager? It seems likely that there search and display of suta ("FIND, in common? verbs that can form the initial Does there exist a set of primitive Personal Support and be tasks have "PLOT," "LIST," etc.). ' What quality? [Stirling, are the measures users' 1975; Little, 1975] of At present "humanizing" or "customizing" the interface is a haphazard task with few validated rules. These questions all focus on better ways of applying existing skills and technology for nature. PS development. There are other more elusive Most obviously, if the distinction to revise They the cognitive focus existing of most loose DSS are primarily empirical in conceptual issues to be resolved. between PS and OS definitions research Decision Support. of [Keen is valid, we need & Scott The Morton, 1978; DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEMS AND PERSONAL COMPUTING Keen/Hacka thorn -- Draft #5 (10/10/79) Stabell, 1971], seems fully applicable for little work relevant to OS. about organizational The Page 22 but there is relatively PS, propositions of Galbraith [1973; 1977] information processing of seem practical value here. 4.2 LACK OF GOOD RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Many of the empirical. There is a effective use of case absence complete studies to of systems the are research and illustrate key concepts. some detailed descriptions of DSS. the lack of distinction These suffer, however, from methodological and comparative of validate or Keen and Scott Morton [1978] provide several knowledge are our current gaps in discussed but PS as between PS and OS; are clearly OS (especially the Portfolio Management System which is the main example in the book). One conclusion to be drawn from the arguments presented here is that we need more descriptions of started and then evolving understanding of how managers the DSS usage; if the issue is getting system, we learn the general must get a detailed patterns of evolution. One key question is the extent and speed of change: 1) Do managers tend to verbs and not operators that rely on accept ones that require support their existing new concepts and modes of analysis? 2) What types of operators anciytic, conceptual, etc. — — data seem based, model-based, heuristic, most beneficial or acceptable to the ustr? Are they based on individual differences, cognitive style, etc.? DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEMS AND PERSONAL COMPUTING Draft #5 (10/10/79) Keen/Ha oka thorn Page 23 — Many of the questionnaires are the structured interviews and least validated) approaches. than flows Organizational OS. can [Hackathorn, 1977a], but cognitive processes observable. tools for most widely-used (and problem is probably The The Protocol analysis, primitive, at best. studying decision processes are PS measurement. involve above questions more complex for identified reliably be are elliptic and often not Stabell's argument, that the key issue for Decision Support is the development of methodologies processes, seems of central relevance for technologies, rests this on studying individual decision for PS. comprehensive a Regardless of available understanding of the individual user. 5.0 CONCLUSIONS Most applications of Personal Computing of programmable calculators, The PC journals provide At "technology these push", simple data retrieval. uses that business systems with typical clerical functions. developments have being than go much time the microprocessor-based towards small has pushed rather and of practical the same canned software packages for the and direction of games, few examples beyond checkbook balancing. hardware underlying PC video have been simply extensions been pulled The scope determined largely by by the information processing needs of individuals. PC requires a conceptual base small-scale computer technology. Support provides such a framework. for Our By exploiting argument here the is potential of that Personal definition, it involves discrete DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEMS AND PERSONAL COMPUTING Draft #5 (10/10/79) Keen/Hackathorn Page 24 — tasks that do procedures. complex require not linkages with is essentially that The aim of PC provide individuals with tools under their systems and of Decision Support: to own control so that they can to become extensions of adopt and adapt them other their own problem solving processes. Current concepts of very narrowly PC focus with Decision Support, the technology should be an end. Unless PC defines that of PC, software as much as hardware, for managers. The reducing risk. That is, it is far evolving larger systems from that is tailored R and to the small The meshing to provide cheap used is important mainly in easier to justify a Personal Support $1,000 than one involving a Since usage cost. prototypes, D process needs and be cost factor relatively high larger investment and highly suited to the can costs under System whose initial hardware systematic base for no It seems clear that the technology base. personal tools As seen only as a means to design strategies. identifying applications and developing of PS and PC constitutes that has it end. on the technology. tools the of building PC relies on of PC seem the initial version decision processes of a particular individual. Personal Computing extends to carry out the decision new technology. Just as Decision Support. research that can clarily Decision vague rallying cry to an emergent so too can Personal Support has challenge now is The where to apply the moved from a somewhat discipline for research and practice, Computing build its distinctive technical base and provide decision makers with effective tools that they now lack. DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEMS AND PERSONAL COMPUTING Keen/Hackathorn -- Draft #5 (10/10/79) Page 25 REFERENCES Making in Decision Computer-aided of Study A. "A Alter, S. Organizations." Ph.D. Dissertation, Sloan School, M.I.T., 1975. "How Effective Managers Use Information Systems." Harvard Alter, S.A. Business Review, 1976. Decision Support Systems: Current Practices and Future Alter, S.A. In Press. 1979. Challenges. Addison-Wesley Paper presented at "The Democratization of Computing." P. Berry, Eleventh Symposium Nacional de Systeraas Computacionales, Monterrey. Mexico, March 15-18, 1977. Ph.D. Cognitive Factors in Interactive Decision System. 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