C^^^Y HD28 .M414 no. ^1 DUE-DATE SETTING AND PRIORITY SEQUENCING IN A MULTICLASS M/G/1 QUEUE Lawrence M. Wein i WP? 2502 was 1902-89 December 1988 Please do not quote, duplicate, or distribute without the author's written permission. Comments Are Welcome, f^p?i?^»p?V DUE-DATE SETTING AND PRIORITY SEQUENCING IN A MULTICLASS M/G/1 QUEUE Lawrence M. Wein Sloan School of Management, M.I.T. Abstract The problem of simultEineous due-date setting the setting of a multiclass M/G/1 and queueing system. priority sequencing The objective is is analyzed in to minimize the weighted average due-date lead time (due-date minus arrival date) of customers subject to a constraint on either the fraction of tardy customers or the average customer tardiness. Several parametric and non-petrametric due-date setting policies are proposed that depend on the class of arriving customer, the state of the queueing system at the time of customer arrival, and the sequencing policy (the weighted shortest expected processing time that used. is rule) Simulation results suggest that these policies significantly outperform ditional due-date setting policies tra- and that setting due-dates can have a larger impact on performance than priority sequencing. December 1988 DUE-DATE SETTING AND PRIORITY SEQUENCING A MULTICLASS M/G/1 QUEUE IN Lawrence M. Wein Sloan School of Management, M.I.T. 1. Introduction and Most Summary assume that the due-dates for The scheduling problem then becomes one of sequencing the of the literature on due-date scheduling problems individual jobs axe exogenous. jobs at the various stations in a job shop to optimize some measure of the ability to meet the given due-dates. However, in most firms, the setting of due-dates who have knowledge responsibility of the marketing personnel, negotiable and is the is of the customer's wishes, and the majiufacturing personnel, who have knowledge of the shop floor's capability. If the marketing group sets the due-dates oblivious to the shop floor's capability, then the result is often an overloaded shop with a large work-in-process inventory and past due. On the other hajid, to the relative importance if many jobs the manufacturing personnel set the due-dates oblivious and urgency of the various jobs, then the customers' wishes not be satisfactorily addressed. Thus, it is verj' will important for due-dates to be based on the knowledge of the status of the shop floor and the urgency and importance of the various jobs. In this paper we study two problems sequencing in a multiclass setting, shops. it still We M/G/l of simultemeous due-date setting and priority queueing system. Although this system captures the dynamic and stochastic elements that Eire is an idealized inherent in all job Eissume that jobs of each class arrive to the shop according to an independent Poisson process, and the service times for each job class are independent and identically distributed rEindom variables. The scheduler must customer ajid must also dynajnically decide Preemption of the customer Since we in assign a due date to each arriving which order to serve the customers eissume discretionary due dates, there axe two conflicting objectives. Let us between a job's system arrival to the £ind its DDLT's of jobs. If a firm DDLT) by to be the length of time promised delivery date. The to set the due-dates as tight as possible; that average is, However, some job cleisses objective first set the due-dates to minimize the reduce their DDLT's, then they can achieve a cein demand competitive adveoitage and will be able to attract more business and/or prices. queue. in service is not allowed. define the due-date lead time (abbreviated hereafter is in may be more higher importeint to the firm (due to potential future saJes, for example) thaji others, and thus a more appropriate objective can be found by assigning weights to the various Once the DDLT's their promises classes are set, the second and meet the due dates. or the abihty to meet due-dates. level, job's actuaJ completion time minus negative, and lateness. The second measure the lateness is its and minimizing the weighted average DDLT's. and conflicting goal of the positive, to back is One measure due-date. is The the lateness of a job, which lateness of a job mean and may be is positive or stajidaxd deviation of job and equals zero otherwise. The typical objective The or equi\'alently, the fraction of taxdy jobs. final The measure is the number typical objective here is focus on the latter two of these three measures, since they are used that the two objectives of tion are conflicting, since the shorter the DDLT of tardy jobs, to maximize the to achieve a given level of service. Since these most insightful to state our that a shop quotes, the two objectives are two scheduling problems 2 more minimization and service DDLT's in if in this case is proportion of jobs that are completed on or before their due-date. In this paper, we is the the tardiness of a job, which equals the job's lateness to minimize the average tardiness of jobs. It is clesir up There are three common measures of the service typical objectives axe to minimize the is shop will in practice. level mciximiza- more conflicting, difficult it is it perhaps terms of a single objective and a single constraint. We a due-date management policy as a combination of a will refer to due-date setting policy and a priority sequencing policy. Problem I) is Our first problem (denoted by to find a due-date majiagement policy that minimizes the long-run expected weighted average tion of tajdy jobs. DDLT subject to a constraint on the long-run expected average propor- The second problem (Problem II) has the same objective but is instead subject to a constrciint on the long run expected average tardiness of jobs. We will not explicitly solve Problems new due-date mEinagement identify agement I policies that policies appeEiring in the literature. sidered superior to due-date management satisfy the appropriate constraint and policy is instead to outperform convent ioneJ due-date man- B in either problem above with equality, and policy There have been several simulation [22], the goal of this paper Due-date management policy A A if will be con- both policies achieves a lower objective we wiU review the value than policy B. Before stating our results, Weeks II; studies, including Eilon relevant literature. and Chowdhury [9] and concluding that due-dates based on job content and simple estimates of shop congestion lead to better shop performance that due-dates based solely on job content. The analytical work on this resentation of workload Seidmann and Smith DDLT and machine capacity [19], who [4], who uses a time- phased rep- to set workload-dependent due-dates, derive a constant due-date assignment poHcy (that and is, the equals a constant) in a dynamic job shop that minimizes a particular penalty cost. The two studies that and Baker and Bertremd single problem include Bertrand Eire [2]. most closely related to ours Eire Bookbinder and Noor [5] Bookbinder and Noor look at minimizing machine problem subject to a constraint on the fraction of tardy jobs, DDLT and [5] for a set due- dates based on shop content, job information, and the sequencing policy. However, they assume that the FIFO (first-in first-out) rule is used between batches of jobs. Their due- date setting rule appears to be the only non-parametric rule in the literature; most rules include at least one parameter that must be adjusted (usually via simulation) in order to satisfy some criterion. Baker and Bertrand [2] 3 compare three parametric due-date setting machine model and a strategies for a single DDLT fixed set of jobs. The equcJ to a constant, a constant plus the job's expected processing time, and a constant times the job's expected processing time. (The parameter three cases.) The authors pose of is We dominated by the other two. which depend explicitly the constant in these is the problem of minimizing the average jobs being tsirdy and, under the assumption of policy three rules set a job's on the status known processing will DDLT times, prove that the be incorporating these three shop of the subject to no policies, first none simulation experiment floor, into the in Section 7, In summary, aJthough there have been memy simulation results, there appear to be very difficult, DDLT. Although the length of time lateness, it it the jinalyses of Problems an improvement on the existing observing the relationship between is and some analytic has been no attempt to set due-dates and sequence jobs in a unified manner that will lead to the minimization of II studies DDLT DDLT can be made by literature and cycle time, where the cycle time of a job spends in the shop. By the definitions of follows that the and I DDLT, cycle time, equals the cycle time minus the lateness. Thus and if we can find an accurate due-date setting policy (thereby keeping the lateness small), then the desired sequencing policy should aim to minimize the weighted average cycle time in order to achieve the objectives in Problems [17], Harrison [11], I and and Tcha and Pliska II. It is As mentioned all in rule, which is known with (see, for example, Klimov M/G/l queue is the weighted shortest often referred to as the c^ rule. Baker and Bertrcind processing times were known that the sequencing pohcy that minimizes [20]) the weighted average cycle time in a multiclass expected processing time well [2], if a fixed set of jobs was considered zmd certainty, then we could sequence the jobs by the weighted shortest processing time rule and choose due-dates so that the lateness of jobs equalled zero. This due-date average DDLT Of course, in a management objective in Problems I and II policy all would then minimize the weighted and no job tardiness would ever occur. dynamic stochastic environment, one cannot choose due-dates with such 4 impressive results. But system, since assuming cin Problems I II, rule be used for sequencing in the M/G/l DDLT of jobs, accurate due-date setting policy caji be found that satisfies the constraints in and constrciints in Eire Cfi would be effective for minimizing the weighted average it II. In this paper rules we propose that the we propose Problems I six eind due-date setting rules, II; of which satisfy the appropriate two of these rules are parameterized and the other four The two non-parameterized. all parajneterized rules apply to both Problems and, of the four non-paraxneterized rules, two apply to each problem. the scheduler in Problems number service I and II We I and Jissume that can observe, at the time of each customer arri\'al, the of customers of each class in queue (not including service), the class of customer in (if does not any), and the length of time that the customer has been in service. know the times of subsequent their realization. cLrri\'als The scheduler or the service times of customers before Given the scheduler's knowledge of the queueing system, we define the conditional sojourn time of an zirriving customer to be the total time the customer spends in the queueing system each customer is if the c/i rule is being employed. The conditional sojourn time for a rajidom variable that depends on the class of the arriving customer and the state of the system at the time of the customer's arrival. Using standard arguments from the theory Conway et al. of priority [7]), queues (see Cobham[6], Kesten and Rurmenburg [15], and we derive the (state-dependent) expected value and Laplace tranform of the conditional sojourn time. The first parametric rule is based on the mean of the conditional sojourn time bution, and the second parametric rule is the conditional sojourn time distribution. of Problem I and Problem II) based on the meain and Two distri- stcLndctrd deviation of of the non-paraxnetric rules (one for each are found by analyzing the tail of the conditional sojourn time distribution. Unfortunately, the non-parametric rules axe difficult to calculate for a general multiclass M/G/l queue. For the simple example described in Section 5 (two customer classes with different exponential processing times), we use Newton's method to compute the non-parajnetric due-dates for the higher priority class and, for the lower priority class, use an efficient algorithm recently developed for finding transforms by Platzmaji et such as Jaegerman al. [18]. Keilson et [13] or For more al. difficult exzmiples, this may be [14], Notice that the rules described above do not the due-dates that have already been setting rules (one for Problem I set. and one We for is from Laplace method or others, helpful. taJce into account information about propose two other non-parametric due-date Problem to allow an arriving customer to that use past due-date information II) by the to exploit hot streaks (a string of fast service times) these policies tails of distributions move server. The main idea behind aihead of customers of its own class that are in queue (and hence to receive an earlier due-date) as long as these customers will still be expected to depeurt the system in the desired cimount of time. Using a simulation model of a very simple system, we and three proposed (four proposed here are used in conjvmction vnth the rule in this exEimple) earliest Cfx in [2]) for rule (which is test seven due-date setting rules each of Problems I cind II. These rules the shortest expected processing time and various non-paxametric due-date sequencing policies (such as the due-date rule) that appear in the literature. As mentioned above, the queueing system has two customer classes that have different exponential processing times. The primary insight from the simulation study much larger improvement in setting policies reduced the II is performance than priority sequencing. The proposed due-date mean DDLT by 25-50% in relative to conventionzJ due-date setting policies. the parajnetric rule based on the reducing DDLT It is I and 50-68% in Problem interesting to point out that two moments was only slightly more effective at performance between the parametric rules and the non-parametric rules; the peirametric rules were first Problem than the peirametric rule based on one moment. Also, there was not a significant difference in rules that proper due-date setting offers a slightly more were slightly more effective in Problem effective in Problem 6 II. I and the non-parametric Thus, the parametric rule based on the expected value of the conditional sojourn time, which multiclass A//G/1 system, appears to be a very importEint implications for the quite difficult to obtain effective is very eeisy to calculate for any due-date setting policy. This has more complicated network setting, since good estimates of second moments or it appears to be conditional sojourn tails of time distributions in a multiclass queueing network under various priority schemes. Caxe must be teiken in drawing broad conclusions concerning the relative strength of the four proposed due-date setting policies, since only M/M/1 a single instance of an system has been analyzed numerically. The simulation results also suggest that the impact from priority sequencing posed due-dates are set in is when the due-dates proposed here are used, minimal. This accordance with the c/x rule, from the date setting policies (from priority sequencing has [2]), intuitively clear, because the pro- and thus due-date based sequencing However, when using the traditional due- policies will not differ greatly c/i rule. is some impact, but not as the proposed due-date setting policies. Thus, although there have tion studies (see Baker for due-date scheduling [1], for necirly as much been many simula- example) comparing various priority sequencing heuristics problems, it appears that more leverage can be gained by being concerned with the setting of due-dates, not with priority sequencing. The results of this simulation study closely parallel those of Wein lem of simultaneous input control (how to sequencing wafer fab. [25]) (2) is It analyzed in releaise [23], jobs onto the factory floor) and priority the setting of a 24-station simulation model of a semiconductor was found that (1) input control (loosely based on the analysis provided a much larger improvement under proper input control, the in this effect of priority study and the present one is of Wein [24]- performance than did priority sequencing, sequencing was minimal, and (3) un- der traditional input control, priority sequencing had a moderate impact. between where the prob- The connection that due-date setting and input control can both be thought of as tactical design decisions that are made at a higher sequencing decisions. Thoughtful decisions made 7 level thain the priority at this higher level lead to well designed systems that zire much easier to control (in that detailed control issues such as priority sequencing do not need to be a major concern) than poorly designed systems. This paper is Problems orgaxiized as follows. and the Laplace transform and expected value Section 3. Two in Section 4. I and II axe formulated in Section 2 of the conditional sojourn time axe given in parzmietric and two non-peirametric due-date setting policies are proposed In Section 5, these rules axe derived for the case of two customer classes with different exponential processing times. In Section 6, we describe two additional non- parametric due-date setting policies that attempt to exploit hot the simulation experiment 2. We Two Problem is presented in Section streaJcs ser\'er, Formulations = consider a multiclass A//G/1 queueing system where jobs of class k class k Eire The variance, general distribution Fk{t),t must assign a due date Dk,t to a in > class 0, jfc and Laplace transform k job that arrives at time t is Dk,t - t- in queue. Thus the the long-run expected average DDLT expected average proportion of jobs that are management J , finite t, and must DDLT of class k jobs. tEirdy. policy. Let Then Problem I is P For fc also of a class To repeat, a due-date management policy combination of a due-date setting policy and a priority sequencing Dk be /i The scheduler Fl^{s). customer who arrives at time which order to serve the jobs 1,...,A' service times for job independent and identically distributed random variables with mean dynamicedly decide and 7. arrive according to an independent Poisson process with rate At. let by the = 1, is ..., a A', be the long-run to find a due-date policy to minimize (1) (2) where Ck is a linear cost (or weight) for job class and p k, 95% T Let on time, of their jobs in bound on the desired upper many companies the proportion of jobs that are tardy. For example, goals by desiring to deliver is which case p define their service = .05. be the long-run expected average job tardiness. Then Problem II is to find a due-date management policy to K mimmize subject to where f is the desired upper The non-parametric Pfc < pt for i = r< (4) f, bound on the average job Problems 1, ...,i^, k jobs that are tardy, (3) where emd pt is I and Pfc is II. tardiness. paper can accomodate class-dependent rules proposed in this service level constraints in by E^'^* For example, constraint (2) can be replaced the long-run expected average proportion of class the desired upper bound on the proportion of class k jobs that are tzurdy. The Conditional Sojourn Time 3. The goal of this section is to derive the Laplace transform conditional sojourn time Sk,t for a class k customer the conditional sojourn time of an arriving customer in the system and the we if the Cfi rule is state of the queueing will suppress the system at the dependence on the time of t, time /. Recall that the total time the customer spends Ci/ij arrival. In order to simplify notation, time. EtrriN^al > customers in objective function (1) and system at time arrives at of the being used, conditioned on the class of arriving customer the customer classes are ordered so that class k is who and expected value ... (3). > If Without ...c/^/i/^-, loss of generality, where Ck is the weight for a customer arrives to the queueing the scheduler can observe the A' — dimensional vector Q{t) 9 assume = {Qk{i)), where Qk{t) time t, = n^ is the number the class of customer customers in queue (not including service) of class k who currently in service at time is that has elapsed since this customer started service, which is t, and the length denoted by = a{t) at of time a. Let us define Fq to be the distribution of the residueJ processing time of the customer currently in service. Then Fo{t) = for < > the server if ^"W if a class k customer in service, for k is and Laplace tranform, class k let and to in service. l,...,K. Let /i^' and Fq{s) denote the mean = if the server is idle, is known from well and _!_ ^ Jo°^fdF,ix) no 2j^xdFk{x) ^g^ Following the notation and reasoning of Chapter 8 of Conway et = 5Zj=i ^i ^^ ^^^ total arrival rate of jobs with higher priority than class Fak{^) = A~^ ^i=i ^i^ii^)^i > let F^i^{s) for the service plus the processing times of denote the Laplace transform of si,t{s) where B*i^{s) be their composite processing time distribution, be the associated Laplace transform. Define Gq{s) be the Laplace trajisform is = f;{s)[gi{s + sum all Sk,t x^k = FQ{s)Y[i^i [•'^t*("5)l"* of the processing times of the job currently in jobs in queue of higher priority thaji class by S^ ,(5), then it follows that for k = k. If we l,...,K, - KkB:,{smF:is + Kk - KkB:,{s))r'' (?) the solution to B'akis) Thus, (^' - n(a) Xak al.[7], let fc., is = and respectively, of the residual processing time. It renewed theory that /i^^ if 1 is idle, in order to obtain = F:,{s + X,k - KkBUis)). a closed form solution for S^ solution B*i^(s) to equation (8). In cases ,(5), one needs to (8) first find where a solution can be found, the expected value and standard deviation of the conditional sojourn time, denoted by a[Sfc,j], respectively, the can be found by differentiating the Laplace transform S^ 10 £^[5fc,t] ,{s). and However, a simple expression for £[St,c] can be found by using the direct expected value procedure of Cobhain Hcirris [10]. = Let pk [6]; example, Dolan see, for = ^k/ftk and Ok ^' = Hi + I3,=i Pt for [8] or pages 205-207 in Gross and l,---,-^* where ao = 0. Then it follows that y'' 1 = C/ Ok.t 4. customers in queue at time class k eire n/t (9) l-<Tk-i /jfc where there _L 1 i, and where fiQ is given by (6). Four Due-date Setting Policies we In this section present four due-date setting policies, propriate constraint (2) or (4). to both Problems applies to and I Problem I cind II. The Of the two first last two edl of which satisfy the ap- policies axe paxzLmeterized rules that apply policies, one applies to Problem II. which are both pairameterized, one The first parametric rule assigns the due-date Dk,t and the second parameterized pareimeters q eind P (10) t rule assigns the due-date Dt,t The = + aE[Sk,t], in (10) = + t E[St,t] and (11) Eire set + MSk,,]' (via simulation) in (11) Problems I and II so that the constraints in these problems are satisfied. The non-parametric rule for Problem I assigns the due-date Dk,t=t+Pk,t, (12) = (13) where P P{Sk,,>Pk,t). 11 Thus, — pk,t is the (1 due-date setting rule be automatically Suppose is fractile of employed random the distribution of the in conjunction with the cfi rule, variable Sk,(- If this then constreiint (2) will satisfied. now for p)th that the ramdom non-parcimetric rule for Problem II Then variable Sk,t has distribution Gk,t- the first assigns the due-date = t + rk,t, Dk,t (14) where r= / due-date setting rule Simil8Lrly, if this will be earlier, the employed with the Cfi rule, then constraint (4) due-date setting policies described in (11)-(15) are not easy to calculate for general multiclass E[Sk,t]i<^[Sk,t]iPk,t, and Tk^t for AI/G/1 queues. In the next section we will derive a particular simple example. An Example Suppose there are rates is (15) satisfied. As mentioned 5. {x-Tk^t)dGk,M. fii that the and c/x /i2, rule K = 2 customer classes that have exponential processing times with respectively. Without loss of generality, awards higher priority to class 1 suppose that customers. By fik if class k customer the time of a customer arrivej customers are in queue, is r'l = in service, for fc = 1, 2. The 12 = one if a cleiss k customer implies that ni = n2 = is is exponential state of the system at adequately described by ("i, n2,ii, eind ik equals zero otherwise. Notice that is C2/i2, so the memoryless property of the exponential distribution, the residual processing time distribution Fq with paxauneter > ci/ij 22)1 where in service, njt and ik class k equals 0. Let us begin by analyzing the conditional sojourn time Sj^j of the higher priority customer class. If 12 = 0, then Sij has an Erlang distribution with shape parameter 12 Til +zi + l and scale parameter /ii. = ^^2 1, Erlang distribution with shape parameter nj when distribution with parameter ^2- Thus, and <7[Si,j] = = nipit. Then equation y /ij"^ \/n\ -\- i\ + I'l When I'l ij _ = ^ = 1, distributed eis the convolution of an + 1 and scale parameter /i] and an exponential , I'j = 0, it follows that JE^[Si_,] = /if*(ni+ii4-l) when = t2 0, let (13) reduces to +M +l j-\ equation (16) has a closed form solution that leads to p^t 0, = 5i,i is In order to find pi^t in equation (13) 1. "l When then equation (16) can eeisily = ln(p~')- fJ-\^ be solved using Newton's method. Similarly, when equation (15) reduces to 0, /i;"-^"-^^e->-'-M + ("i 'i)! Ani+ti + V 1)! ^"'^"'' "^' T-t ,^ /^r""""'^' (n, +,-^ + 1)! J' \ _ (m+iQ! 7' 0-1)' (17) Once ag£dn, a closed form solution Tit method When When be used when caji t2 P = 12 1, Z', = 1, we have I'l > = — /xf ^ ln(/iif) exists when ij = 0, and Newton's 0. ^[5i,t] = /^r^C"! +1) + /^^^ ^^^ ^['^i,<] ~ y/^r^C"! + 1) + -2 A*2 equation (13) reduces to /'.e ^^^^( 1) (^^_^,)„,-,>,^.,+( 1) (^,_^,)"'-^' , (18) and equation (15) reduces to f^_1\"l which c£ui The difficult p-ft\ri,t p-fiiTij \ both be solved by Newton's method. analysis of the conditional sojourn time $2^ of the lower priority class and requires the use of the Laplace transform S^ 13 ,. Since ^0*2(5) = is more Fi{s) = 7 /ii/(5 + /ii), ^ the solution B^2i^) 'o equation (8) [16]) By equation (7) is (see, for exaimple, page 215 of Kleinrock we have ^il+\l+s+ V(/ii+Ai+5)2-4/iiAiy 2/^2 2/i2 where, for A; = 1,2, otherwise. Readers (9), and that u = may - /il + Ai a class 1 if verify that + (21) + ^{fli+Xi +5)2-4/i] 5 fc customer — Sj is in service at time t, and equals zero given in equation j(0) yields the value of E[S2,t] differentiating (21) twice gives E[Sl] = S^iO) —+ =- + iny+i,)(— 2Ai '-—) (/^1-Ai)''/ ^A'2(mi-'^i) ^2 + (n2 + 7 + — 2fij + t2)(-27 r^ - Aj) V/i5(/ii A'K/^l-'^l) ^-^ 1 (ni + + ti)(ni — ru) /i2(/il-Ai)3 u2(/ii - Ai)-*/ + ii + 1) + ^(n2 + t2)(n2 + »2 (ni+.i)(n2+t2)y /^2 + 1) (22) y Thus, ^[S2,t] Since £'[5fc,j] =y/E[Sl]-E[S2,tV does not equal <7[Sfc,i] for k = 1,2, due-date setting policies (10) and (11) should yield different results for our example. In order to calculate p2,t ^ind T2^t in equations (13) algorithm recently developed by Platzman et al. 14 and (15), [18] for we used an approximation computing tail probabilities = For a prespecified eiccuracy parameter A/1 eind prespecified precision from transforms. parameter AP, they showed that the ^^ ""utLf teiil probability TP defined by + i: ^'"tc" - ^")^^-..o-)) (24) n=l satisfies P{S2,t < as long as P(52,t > I/) + yl - A>1) << AP. AP TP < < By = ^ JL], equation (25), probability P{S2,t Ayl) + AP (25) a = y2it' e^^, ;9 = L/ = (26) + 2AA' and e>(^+^^)'^, 7 e-^^-. can be seen that equation (24) ceJculates the appropriate it > A) > ^- Here, AP^' AT P(52., we need given A, whereas probability equals the desired value of to find the value of such that the (24) within a simple search algorithm allows us to ceJculate p2,t- The search algorithm, given previously calculated values of >li_i,TP,_i,i4,, and TPi, calculates a A, denoted by >l,+i , new = ^-1 - ( 7^fz^)(^-i Equation (24) is then used to ceJculate TP,^i given a solution p2,t = -^i ^4^+1. - ^^)- The cJgorithm (27) is stopped with when \TP,-p\<e, c is value of by ^.+1 where tail However, imbedding equation in equation (13). p A tail (28) a small specified value. Platzmaji et al. [IS] showed more generally that, for any integrable function g{S2,t)i N rP* = Co + 2 ^ Q"'real{CnS2',,(ju;n)} n=l 15 (29) ' always lies in the range a)|0 < S2., max{g{x) — g{x') conv{E[g{S2,t where diam(^(7)) = N = + n By speciaJizing the function g to we casi P2,i: ..., : obtain an approximate v'alue of equation (29) takes the place of x, x' < /}, : \a\ < AA, \b\ < diam(5(/))}, where the Fourier (30) series coefficients €„ appearing in equation (29) axe given by for 0, 1, <U] + bAP is rj,* with a similar algorithm that was used to find simply used in place of equation (24) to find TP in TP* given j4,, and TP' equation (27). For our special case of the function g in (32), the Fourier coefficients are given by _ ^° and, for n = 1, ..., A^+{AA)^+2UAA-2AAA-2AU = U^ + W+2AA) N^ Cn = e>-(^-^AM)(^^-t^ + V where 6. w is ,.., ^^^^ 27rjn -L^ - e>-^(-^ + ^), 27ru>n^/ 2-Kjn (34) 27ru;n^ given in (26). Exploiting Hot Streaks Although the due date Dk,t for a class k customer eirriving at time < proposed in Section 4 depend) on the class k of arriving customer and on the state of the queueing system at time <, it does not depend on the due dates of customers 16 who are in queue at time and t. reasonable to presume that improved due-date setting policies for Problems It is I could be found by allowing Dk,t to depend on past due-date information. II In this section, we and one for Problem I describe two non-parametric due-date setting policies (one for Problem II) that use past due-date information to exploit hot The streaks (a sequence of fast service times) by the server. to exploit is situation the following: suppose a customer arrives at time t we Eire attempting and, just prior to time t, the server hcis completed a sequence of services that were faster thein expected. (In the case where machine breakdown and repair axe incorporated into the service time distributions (see, for exEunple, Hcirrison [12]), such a hot streak can occur when there has not been a machine breaJvdown for an unusually long time, or Then quicker than expected.) there when may be customers in a machine repaired is much queue who have particularly slack due-dates, because their due-dates were set before the stairt of a hot streak. Indeed, may be enough there slack in these due-dates so that an arriving customer can move eihead of these customers in queue without endangering these customers with tardiness. With this situation in policy for Problem tomers of its classes own by the I. mind, we define the following non-parametric due-date setting This policy only allows an cleiss. Cfi rule, airriving The corresponding sequencing each customer in the queue that is of the These due-dates axe computed only This policy same The new due-date time of their arrival. again computed according to (12)-(13), but has just arrived and observes nt customers of than equals the this number first computes new due-dates customer retain the original due-date that them TTik ranks the customer for (say, class k). for the purpose of assigning a due-date to the arriving still and still class as the arriving customer; the customers in queue is policy but now customers are ranked within each class by the earliest due-date, not by the earliest arrival date. at the customer to move ahead of cus- is class k in customer; the extra one in addition to customer of class k now computed of class k customers in 17 for a mt was assigned as if the queue, where queue that have njt in to queue new customer equcds nik ain eairlier + 1 due-date accounts for the arriving customer. Thus the new due-date is based on a revised conditional sojourn time that assumes that the arriving customer moves ahead of the customer in queue. customer in queue is If the new due-date than the customers original due-date, then there earlier slack in the customer's originzJ due-date to allow the arriving customer to customer in queue; in this this case, we say of the enough is move ahead of that the customer in queue can accomodate the arriving customer. Under our proposed policy, an arriving customer, rather than joining the end of the queue of class k customers (who are ordered according to the instead passes customers in meets a customer is in its earliest due-date criterion), queue (starting from the back of the queue) he/she until queue who cannot accomodate him/her. The arriving job's due date then calculated by (12)-(13), ignoring eJl the customers of its class that it hcis passed in queue. The corresponding non-parametric rule for Problem II is identical to this rule, that equations (14) emd (15) are used in place of (12) and (13) to calculate due-dates. If and old and these two due-date setting policies aie used in conjunction with the where jobs are served within each (2) all (4), respectively, class should be by the earliest except Cfi new rule, due-date criterion, then constraints satisfied. This idea of exploiting server hot streaks cam be extended so that arriving customers may pass ahead of customers in queue that are of a higher class, not just of the same class. In this case, the corresponding sequencing policy would be according to the earliest due-date criterion, regardless of the class of customer, although equations (12)-(15) would still be used to set new and old due-dates. However, the conditional sojourn time for a customer in queue would need to take into account all customers in queue who have earlier due-dates than this customer. Such a policy cannot be guaranteed to satisfy constraints (2) or (4), since the Cfi rule of these policies would not be used. Due to the rather cumbersome nature and due to the modest inprovement achieved in the simulation study of the next section by the two rules described earlier in this section, this idea has not been 18 pursued 7. einy further. A Simulation Study Using the example performance of the due-date setting with Poisson arrival rates Aj p = .8. The weights Problems Cfj /ii I emd = 1 = .4 and ^2 for the and = p = .05 (that = The two .2. Thus, p^ = 5% is, 1 The jobs. tardy jobs) and f For each of Problems I ageiinst conven- = cj = C2 and II, = 1 classes have exponential service classes = A and p2 two customer classes are rule gives higher priority to class set at -S- A2 minimize the long-rim expected average II is to and 6 policies described in Sections 4 The example queueing system has two customer tional due-date setting policies. times with rates a simulation study was undertalcen to compare the in Section 5, the server utilization (that is, is the objective in DDLT of jobs), service levels for problems and so the Eind II I were 0.5. seven due-date setting policies and five priority se- quencing policies were tested; thus, 35 due-date management policies were tested for each problem. For each due-date management policy tested on each problem, 20 independent runs were made, each consisting of 5000 customer completions. Hach. simulation run stcirted with an empty system and had no initialization period. Five parametric due-date setting policies, the first three of policy (referred to as rameter c; where D^j £^[St,t]; CONSTANT = { t c/i^ ^; and policy (11), P and the ± in Tables were tested on both problems: a constant I and .0005] II), = t + /^^ ^ + c; = + c for some pa- proportional (PROP), where Dk,t t the policy described in equation (10), which will be referred to as was (.05 [2], a slack poHcy (SLACK), where Dk,t ciated parameter e which are from which will be referred to as <T[5jfc,t]- For these policies, the asso- set so that the resulting average fraction of tardy jobs resulting average job tardiness f satisfied f 6 In addition, two non-parcimetric due-date setting rules were tested 19 [.5 ± P satisfied .005]. on each problem. The policy described in (12)-(13), which will be referred to as on Problem I, on Problem II. referred to as and policy (14)-(15), which I and be referred to as two corresponding poUcies described Also, the HOT will HOT II, were tested on Problems I NONPAR I, was tested NONPAR II, weis tested and II, set equal to .01 (28) was and .005, respectively. Also, the set equal to .0005 for NONPAR II HOT asid II. NONPAR I and parameter HOT I, U The upper bound parameter will be respectively. For these AP four policies, the accuracy peirameter A^l and precision parameter were which in Section 6, e equation (25) in appearing in equation and was appearing set equal to .005 for in (24) was set equal to twenty times the expected value of the conditional sojourn time. Only non-parametric priority sequencing rules were considered in our study; readers are referred to Vepsalainen five priority where and Morton sequencing policies are: [21] for work recent in parameterized rules. the shortest expected processing time rule (SPT), due date class 1 jobs get priority over class 2 jobs; the earliest priority given to the job with the earliest due-date; the is minimum rule its expected processing time minus the current time; a where priority given to the job with the smzJlest ratio of is processing time; and the modified due-date (MDD) its is the maximum current time plus For the its SPT within each class. of its due-date and two sequencing (S/EPT), critical ratio rule slack divided its earliest due-date is its by its expected [3], which where a job's modified due- expected completion time (that is, the expected processing time). rule, Two we need to specify the majmer possibilities are to order in which customers them by the respectively. Under the three 6, the 20 ordered date or by SPT(FIFO) traditional due-date setting policies, these do not depend on the state of the rules are identical, since the due-dates queueing system. As mentioned in Section Eire earliest arrival the earliest due-date; the two subsequent sequencing policies are denoted by and SPT(EDD), (SLACK), policy of Baker and Bertrand gives priority to the job with the earliest modified due-date, date (EDD), where slack rule which gives priority to the job with the smallest slack, where a job's slack minus The HOT I and HOT II due-date setting rules SPT(EDD) need to be run with in order to satisfy the necessary constraint. However, the remaining proposed due-date setting policies were tested in conjunction with both the SPT(FIFO) and SPT(EDD) sequencing The Table policies. results of the singulation study are Problem II (for II). policy, eind the average summarized in Table As caji is DDLT of jobs stated in Table be seen in (for Problem In both tables, each row corresponds to a due-date is given for each row, along with a interval. In addition, the average fraction of tardy jobs is stated in job teirdiness I Table II, both with 95% Table I, I) management 95% confidence and the average confidence intervals. the four due-date setting policies easily outperformed the I, three traditional due-date setting policies. Also, the due-date setting poUcies have a As bigger impact on performance than do the priority sequencing policies. proposed due-date setting two parametric rules. outperforming the two non-paraxnetric rules policies, the The HOT NONPAR I I policy policy. and it since only a for our four outperformed the policy, slightly minor improvement would appear that the not often lead to a significant improvement over the NONPAR I HOT I policy will policy. Also, the clSt,*] DDLT compared to E\Sk,t], suggesting that the second of the conditional sojourn time improves performajice, but not drajnatically. Notice that the service level target of p = .05 intervals of the proportion of tardy jobs observed I,SPT) due-date management policies; thus the There was a negligible difference when they were used Problem I. This and thus the SPT in conjunction is rule in was well within the 95% confidence under the (NONPAR I,SPT) and (HOT algorithms developed in Sections 5 and 6 for the non-parajnetric due-date setting policies axe for much Since the ability to exploit hot streaks should was obtained with exponential processing times, policy 8wJiieved a minor reduction in slightly was the best due-date setting increase with the \'ariability of the processing times, moment and shown to be reliable. performance axnong the priority sequencing policies with one of the four due-date setting policies proposed because the due-dates were and the due-date based 21 set in accordance with the SPT rules prioritized jobs in a similar rule, manner. nUF-DATF, SFTTING POMCY ni;F.-r)ATF SKTTING POI.IO' The only exception the is proposed due-date setting may attempt rule S/EPT policies. sequencing rule, which did not perform well with the This not surprising, however, since this sequencing is to serve class 2 customers before class customers when there are no 1 tardy jobs in queue, and hence will counteract the proposed due-date setting policies. (PROP,SPT) due-date management pohcy was had a rule impact under a significant 1 the only case where a priority sequencing SPT to Table for this case axe quite similar to those of due-date setting policies cut the II, which gives Problem I, In contrast to performed the pEirametric rules. [<j[Sk,t] (NONPAR II,SPT) of the interval in As in 95% and Problem Also, there rules in SPT II. I, II. The results the non-parametric rules I, was virtually no difference Problem II. HOT The II in outperformed now out- performance NONPAR service level target f = .5 II, once (HOT II,SPT) policies; however, the target was near the endpoint there was very little difference policies. among Under the priority sequencing policies traditional due-date setting poH- did not perform as well as the due-date sequencing policies. In particular, the policy, which had performed well in Also, our study agrees with the results of rule performs better In simimary, all Problem I, did not perform well in Prob- Baker and Bertrand than the other sequencing rules in most [3] in that the MDD cases. the due-date setting policies described in this paper easily outper- formed the traditional due-date setting in Problem both cases. Problem (PROP,SPT) lem results for confidence interval of the observed average job tardiness for the under our proposed due-date setting cies, rule. but are even more dramiatic: the best but the increase in performeince was again modest. again was within the SPT DDLT by a factor of two or three compared to conventional due-date setting policies. between the E[Sk,t] and due- sequencing rule in this example because class jobs have a shorter cycle time them class 2 jobs under the We now turn our attention PROP due-date setting policy. The particuleir date setting rule worked well with the The policies, performance than did priority sequencing. 24 and provided a much larger improvement Moreover, the proposed due-date setting policies are very robust with respect to the sequencing policy that was used with it. Acknowledgements I am grateful to J. Michael Harrison for would also like to theink Dimitris Bertsimas many helpful discussions about scheduling. and Stephen C. Graves 25 for helpful I comments. REFERENCES [1] Baker, K. R., "Sequencing Rules and Due-Date Assignments in a Job Shop," Mgmt. Sci Baker, K. R. and [2] Rules," [3] 30, 1093-1104 (1984). AIIE W. M. J. IVans. 13, 123-131 (1981). Baker, K. R. and J. W. M. ing Against Due-Dates," Bertrand, [4] J. Bertrand, "A Comparison of Due-Date Selection W. Bertrand, J. Bookbinder, J. H. and A. Level Constraints," [6] Cobham, Mgmt. 3, Priority Rule for Schedul- 37-42 (1982). M., "The Effect of Workload Dependent Due-Dates on Job Shop Performance," Mgmt. [5] Ops. 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