BASEMEN HD28 .M414 Dewey ^5- ALFRED P. WORKING PAPER SLOAN SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT Design and Control of Multi-Location Distribution Systems/ Donald B. g.osenfield Visiting Associate Professor M.I.T. Sloan School of Management Senior Consultant Arthur D. Little, Inc. April 1985 #1647-85 MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 50 MEMORIAL DRIVE CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS 02139 ^Design and Control of Multi-Location Distribution Systems/ Donald B. 5.psenfield Visiting Associate Professor M.I.T. Sloan School of Management Senior Consultant Arthur D. Little, Inc. April 1985 #1647-85 M.i.T.UBRI^nES AUG 9 1985 RECEIVED Intr oduct an i This paper examines the issues distribution systems. Mu I t i -I procurement ot merchandise ar in the design and contra ocat on distribution systems materials from vendors I af multi-location involve the i raui i the transport of the same to plants) warehouses and distribution centers; the stocking of finished goods or merchandise) and the del ivery of these goods to customers or reta outlets. i I Some of these distribution systems use distribution centers) which consolidate and distribute merchandise to capitalize on the economies of scale transportation) and others use warehouses) which serve to stock goods and in pass b y conso i I I i date de I i ver es i The design and control of these systems involving facilities) involve a range of questions inventories) product flows and transportation. In addition) control of the movements and storage of goods require a greater of sophistication than simple single level installation retail outlets or manufacturing operations. In addition to the obvious operational questions of mul t i— I ocat on i distribution systems) the basic logistics choices have important strategic The strategic implications. implications of logistics choices have been examined by Shapira> [1] by ShapirO) Rosenfield) and Bohn; C23) Shycon and Sprague and) with respect to facilities choices) by Hayes and Wheelwright A f i rm can ga n a competitive advantage using distribution and i facilities. example) in operating a large number of distribution facilities and A service (large numbers of facilities) or low cost f i in rm might compete by offering high (smaller number of By understanding the distribution and logistics options available and the nature of the marketplace) a firm can better design network its network of There are quite clearly significant strategic differences) for operating a small number of facilities. facilities.) C4II. its distribution - - 1 multiple distribution facilities there are a number of important In using These include: questions that must be answered. - number and - servy ce i - s ze of i location of facilities eve I fac i I I t i i es - assignment of products and markets to facilities - design of system during growth stage - eche on des gn i I - inventory control and coordination The number and locations and sizes of both manufacturing and distribution f ac i I i t i es have obvious impacts on both cost and service) Once a network service are strategically important. also complex issues of product and market assignment. is and the goals for designed? there are For an expanding firm) Firms there are the important issues of the growth of the logistics system. can alternatively grow simultaneously in all a regions of the country) requiring full-scale distribution network) or grow sequentially region by region; requiring on y a staged growth of the distribution and manufacturing network. I issue for service and The echelon design is firms have several stages) or echelons; of a key inventory and distribution. national plant or warehouse may supply a regional warehouse which may supply a local warehouse and possibly even a representatives' trunk! these is an echelon. In the parts may be required only occass ona i one of several echelons. I I y ) in turn Each of spare individual parts may be stored at any For these types of distribution systems) of echelons can be a crucial A industry) where specific critical computer Many inventory management. design factor. the number - 2 - The echelon design leads to the final control) and coordination. Uh i I inventory allocation) issues of multiple echelons may not be common) most e plants and warehouses large businesses maintain two echelons where central + ac I i 1 1 i es may supply sate I I i How to distribute and control te warehouses. inventory among the locations are important design and management questions. for addressing the design and In order to provide a focus and framework control of mu t -I ocat on distribution networks) we focus i I i in this paper an what we view as the four key questions: - number of distribution facilities - location and size of distribution f ac i I i t es i - deployment of inventory among distribution facilities in a two stage (plant and distribution center) system - control of inventory among Number of facilities is f ac i I i t i es clearly a key design issue. Given the number of facilities) sizing and location are dependent on many characteristics of the business. These factors include sourc ng factors) i economies of scale in locations of markets) manufacturing and distribution) and locations and capacities of existing facilities for an expanding firm. Inventory deployment and control are crucial because of the nature of manufacturing and distribution. For many nationally or regionally based bus nesses the number of manufacturing facilities II4I] . is less than the number of distribution facilities As a result) plants will generally serve as combination plants and distribution centers) wh ch i centers. w i M in turn supply the additional distribution For firms with extensive distribution networks) two stages or echelons. of ) i The key inventory management inventory between the two echelons. That is) there will hence be issue is the a I location should inventory be concentrated at the first) or plant stage) of the system with modest stock - 3 - inventories be concentrated at the levels at the second stage) or should be staging stDci< at the second) or warehouse) stage of the network) with minimal plant stage a+ the system. two stages* how should addition) once inventory In be control it is al located among the Standard methods for control led'?' I i ng inventory at a single location) such as order point systems) may not be sufficient for two-stage networks where there are complex interactions between the two stages. Methods such as Distribution Requirements Planning C5D have been suggested for hand I i ng these more complex systems. different framework or approach is In any case) a required for a multi-stage network. This paper presents an overview of these four key questions in the design and control of multi-location distribution networks) and identifies the different situations which will cause different firms to approach design questions differently. Number of Distribution Fac There are several i I i t i es factors that distribution facilities. impact the choice of the number of These include - distribution costs - customer service levels - growth patterns of business - number and There is location of manufacturing facilities an obvious relationship between the number of distribution facilities and both distribution costs and customer service. facilities) customer service improves. facilities investments increase; Uh i I e inventory investments and transportation costs may decrease as described as follows) due to the economies of scale in the costs of transportation loads. Economies of scale dictate that full unit than partial loads. If a Uith additional manufacturing firm is individual loads cost less per paying for outbound - 4 - transportation costs (from distribution centers or warehouses to customers ul-i i ch may be small in loads)) transportation in consolidated loads to warehouses or distribution centers will give more economic transportation to the inbound (to warehouses or distribution centers) portion of the delivery. Dith additional distribution centers or warehouses^ facilities are> on average) closer to the customer) the inbound portion of the delivery increases) and In a retailing business) where loads loads and loads from distribution centers transportation costs can decrease. total from vendors are typical to stares are ly in consolidated in sma I I I oads ) a distribution network with several distribution centers will provide a similar economic advantage. In both situations) however) as the number of distribution centers substantially increases) may not be possible to del it i I i ver ful loads to distribution centers I (for a manufacturing firm) ar from distribution centers or warehouses reta i ng cha ns i ) (for . In the situation where the customer distribution center or warehouse) is paying for transportation from the facility and inventory costs quite clearly increase as the number of facilities increases. Transportation costs may also With an increase increase) or they can stay approximately the same. in the number of facilities) some distribution centers or warehouses may be closer to plants (decreasing inbound costs) and some may be farther away (increasing The overall effect inbound costs). is in general not clear but costs should not Kiary substantially with the number of facilities. Some specific quantitative results for these types of relationships are presented below. Corporate growth number of f ac i I i t i es is . another important factor in the determination of the Companies that are expanding geographical distribution facilities for both economic and service reasons. A need to add ly f i rm may expand by slowly expanding its geographic base or by attempting to expand simultaneously in several locations on a small scale. The latter approach may - 5 - be problematic in terms of economies of scale of distribution costs. For a broad-scale geographic expansion) Hayes and Wheelwright discuss the requirement of establishing "beachhead plants" for the associated manufacturing network. growth strategy also critically affects the topic is more extensively discussed A location and size of facilities) and the next section. in A fourth factor that affects the number of distribution facilities is the nature of the manufacturing network. Distribution facilities are often located adjacent tO) or are designed as part of) a manufacturing plant. a manufacturing network is not the focus of this paper) but note that manufacturing facility location labor and tax questions) materials) and plant focus in is important to often based on a different type of is analysis than the analysis of the distribution. economies of scale) it The design of This may include manufacturing location of key suppliers or raw terms of products and process. In any case) the design of the distribution network needs to take into account the design of the manufacturing network. For most nationally-based manufacturing of distribution locations exceeds the ideal The distribution system design issue is f i rms issues In general) the ideal as noted) number number of manufacturing locations. therefore to determine the best number of warehouses or distribution centers given the locations. > I i m ted i number of manufacturing the two problems are related) but given the additional inherent in the manufacturing network design) a decoup I i ng is often feasible) and we concentrate on the separate design of the distribution network To deal with the various of distribution facilities) issues inherent in the determination of the number we consider the two primary questions concerning the number of distribution facilities (distribution centers or warehouses): - How do costs vary with number of distribution - tAJhat is f ac i I i t i es? the relationship between service and cost as the number is varied? of distribution facilities - ^ - The discourse that follauis but sma I An analogous set of conclusions can be number of plants. I reached for a retai I i based an a manufacturing firm with a fixed is ng chain. To answer these two questions; one can make some s i mp I i fy i ng assumptions about the distribution of demand and the locations of distribution facilities that) while not always validj should not compromise the determination of the appropriate number of facilities. Specifically) one assumes that 1) demand if each distribution facility is located uniformly distributed 2) is the center of a region that in supports and 3) the area of each distribution facility territory then some general it equal) is results are obtainable. Consider a network of an arbitrary number of distribution facilities Each N. f ac i I i ty covers I /N of the total area of the business. fol lows It that the outbound transportation time (from the distribution centers to customers) will be proportional the to the square root of l/N) since this is linear dimension of area corresponding to each distribution center. These outbound movements will general ly be LTL movements) and assuming LTL costs are linear functions of distance) variable outbound costs will also be proportional substantially) to the square root of l/N. general in Uh i I the linear assumption e LTL costs often ^ary is reasonable Z61 noted) up to a certain number of distribution facilities As . inbound costs should not vary with the number of facilities) since the average distance plant or plants from the central some f ac i I i t i es w farther away.) a f ac I I I I (With more not change. be closer to a central f ac plant) and some will i I i t i es be However) as the number of distribution facilities reaches certain level) How will i wi it i I i is not possible to obtain full ty and transit loads inbound. inventory costs vary as the number of distribution facilities changes? Certain costs ) e.g. administrative - 7 - overhead) will be +ixed> regardless of the size of the facility. costS) particularly those related to For example) scale. the so-ca inventories at warehouses by the stocking I led inventory) uu i I Other exhibit economies of I square-root law hypothesizes that increase as the square root of the sales covered While there are economies of scale location. inventories) empirical studies in indicate that the precise relationship varies with the business) and that) general) that) in ^sry w th a power of sales between .5 and 1.0 [73. i inventories will A higher power indicates a higher degree of correlation across geographic areas. case the splitting of In this inventories across several distribution facilities does not substantially increase total inventories. simply proportional to the total sales volume. Other costs will be Labor costs will presumably be proportional to total sales volume) as each unit of merchandise will require the same type of materials movement) regardless of how long sits on the shelf. it inventory and other In summary) f ac i I i ty costs (not including those costs that are proportional to sales volume) will be fixed for each location or will vary as a power of sales between .5 and l.D. That iS) C = A + KS^ where C = inventory and A = f i f ac i I i ty costs xed costs K = constant S = sa es I I eve I B = constant As the number of facilities but the total increases) the cost per facility decreases) casts increase. - 8 - These types af general re iat onsh ps can be used to develop i i cone us ons an the best number at distribution facilities and the i I For example) with outbound costs tradeoffs between costs and service. paid by the manufacturer; transportation costs decrease but facility costs increase as the number of f ac i I i t i es (This assumes increases. transportation costS) or those from plant to distribution f ac inbound I i i t es i remain approximately constant) while outbound transportation costs decrease as customers are generally closer to the nearest distribution With fixed-facility costs low (i.e. total costs are facility). proportional to a power of sales) a mathematical relationship can be derived showing that the best number of distribution facilities proportional power no premium for spl is power of .5 results when faci I . I i i (The .5. to sales volume) when facility costs are proportional is case there vo ume sales volume between D and to a power of total is tt ng volume among several i f ac i which in I i t es i . ty costs vary as the square root of sales ) If a firm doubles number of its volume) for example) it should increase the distribution facilities between zero and 41%. its relating total costs and the number of facilities (see figure The curve 1) will be around the region of the optimum) but the approach relatively flat indicates the nature of the relationship between the number of faci I i t es i and sales volume. Perhaps a more important question than cost minimization is the relationship between the distribution costs and customer service) defined as del ivery time) as the number of faci I outbound costs are paid by the customer. facilities varies as N increased) the costs is -k . i t i es is varied. Assume now that Hence as the number of increase) but outbound delivery time Since both costs and outbound del ivery time can be A - ^ - expressed terms af N; N can be eliminated and distribution casts can in be related ta outbound del i'^ery time T. Ue do not present this derivation but note that the term this in relationship between the costs ai distribution and the del ivery time proportional exponent in to T — 2+2B where T > is the del ivery time and B the power relationship (1) between facilities costs and sales volume. prapartional The result proportional to deliver time. the is inventory and other For example; to the square root of sales) is if inventory costs are then costs are inversely is a wide range of cost-delivery time relationships on the efficient frontier) or the most cost-efficient distribution system for a given level of service. The general this tradeoff relationship can have a significant impact on logistics structure C2I1 form of industry Industries with relatively flat curves may offer . more feasible alternatives for the various firms industries with relatively sharp turns. In the in the marketplace than latter case firms not locating at the point of curvative may offer significant premiums either in In the former cost or del ivery time. service levels for modest differences in case firms can offer alternative cost. (See figures 2 and 3). The important issue for number of distribution facilities impact of the inventory-sales parameter B tradeoff curve. B. in (1) is the on the cost-del ivery time Figure 4 presents the curves for two different values of For the higher B case of .875) there is higher correlation among regions of the country) and splitting inventories among locations does not significantly increase costs. a wider Indeed) the B = .875 curve range of delivery time valueS) until low values of delivery time) the nature of demand and of the curve and) in f ac turn) it I i ty economies of scale will the structure of the flatter over becomes sharply kinked at or very fast delivery time. i is industry. Consequently) affect the shape In industries - ID - with higher B, while f ac i I in i t i firms will industries with es generally have many distribution facilities, lower B, there may be a wide range of number of - 11 3 . La catian and Size of Facilitie s Sizing and - How I ocat ans questions primarily consist n+ the fa lowing i I large are appropriate facility territories? - How sensitive is total market share and costs to location and size'7 - How are locations identified as the firm grows Given a territory? a distribution facility location will be based on transportation costs and customer proximity. size required to service the territory. The size will be s i mp y the I The demand centra id of the facility) the location that minimizes the weighted average distance to demand po nts i j minimize average customer proximity and> assuming will transportation costs are proportional to distance) the transportation cost. The centro d can be approximated either by weighted coordinate i average or a coordinate median. Determination of facility territories can be salved on the basis of minimizing average distance to the nearest distribution center or warehouse. Generally) this also minimizes transportation cost and delivery time. For areas of high cost (or delivery time) per mile? distances should be mare heavily weighted. Intuitively? where demand is denser facility territories should be smaller) but total demand covered by the facility should be larger. the size of the f ac i I density between D and i ty should vary 1. inversely w th a power of demand The precise power i is 2/3 [7]. territory sizes will decrease by a factor of 4 and total will double Ta best if Hence Hence facility facility) demand demand density increases by a factor of 8. illustrate the sensitivities and growth questions) we present a case study. The study illustrates some conclusions that are applicable - 12 - involved was a major Eastern retailer The company ta many situations. embarking on an ambitious growth program. Service requirements and the economics of transportation consolidation pointed out the need for Three different scenarios for chain size additional distribution centers. were of concern: i the current chain; the ful expanded chain; and an ly nter m cha n i i ConsD I i dat on economics plays an important role for any logistics i system involving deliveries from many origins to many destinations. large numbers of paths of small loads? it is With economical to consoldiate The automobile companies? who procure goods from hundreds of loads. vendors and deliver them to multiple assembly pi ants > and retailers? who need to transport merchandise from hundreds of vendors to large numbers of Perhaps the most striking example of stores? are good examples of this. this is Federal Express Corporation? who conso deliveries at i ts ma n hub at Memphis? i The key questions for the reta I i I i dates almost all of its Tennessee. er were - The sensitivity of cost and service to the utilization of its existing facility? and - The staging of expansion decisions within the firm-'s overall growth strategy The utilization of the existing facility was important had a large facility or reduced in size. in that the company the eastern part of the country that could be expanded Hence it was important to understand the sensitivity of costs and service to utilization of this facility the firm. in in the long-term strategy of With respect to the second issue? the staging of decisions as part of the growth strategy? it was important to understand how the firm could expand while at the same time controlling distribution costs and services. - 13 - Td analyze the issues > the author develaped a computer model to optimize product flows within the distribution network given the utilization of each of the distribution facilities. and ut i I i Figure 5 presents the relationships between costs zat an of the existing i distribution centers. f ac i I i ty for alternative networks of two The upper curve represents a network with the Eastern location and a fixed midwestern location. The lower curve represents network with the Eastern location and the best second location (which will K^ary as the utilization of the Eastern facility changes). As the ut i I i zat on of the existing i f ac i I i ty increases j the best second location moves further awayj and the cost of a network w th a fixed second i location can rise very sharply. f ac fac i I i i I i as we t es i I I The analysis shows that locations of as costs can be very sensitive to ut i I i zat ion of given t ies. The set of optimum distribution networks for different points in time during the growth stage of the firm identified the best implementation strategy for new distribution centers. It turned out that best second location for the interim point of the rapid growth stage was 1) the best second ful ly location for the expanded chain and> 2) a part of the best network with three distribution centers. Uh i I e this result was somewhat fortuitousj supports the concept it that a firm should expand into new geographical areas sequentially (a fanning out process) rather than expanding simultaneously to a The latter approach can lead to disecanomies of scale I i costs II y in distribution) as such in an approach will yield large geographical areas with sma sequential expansion might be achieved econom ca projected markets. I I I volumes) wh i I e a terms of distribution - 14 - 4 . D eployment of Inve ntory ui i th n a Mu 1 -ec h e o n i 1 I i Inventory Sys tem The third key issue distribution network is in the design and control of a mu t -I ocat on i I inventory deployment tor a mu I t i i -eche on system. While the five echelon or stage feeds the succeeding stage within the network. ar six stage systems for field service in many high-tech businesses are minority? many firms operate a large number of distribution the limited number of manufacturing locations f ac The situation The deployment of complex question. is depicted in I i t i es Since . inventory inventories between the two stages of the systems in a the figure h. Indeed; when one starts deploying inventories i in invariably act also as stocking locations) these distribution systems are defacto two-echelon systems. Each I is a investigating alternative methods of two— stage system? there are very different implications for facility capacities and buffer stocks. In general? there are two sensible methods for deploying inventories between the two echelons of the system. One method concentrates locations (a central . location or system)? while the second method concentrates at the second stage? or the satel system) CBD inventories at the central LJith a central I i inventories locations of the system (a satel te i te system? the satellite warehouses carry stocks to protect against lead time only? wh i I e the central location or locations carry large buffer stocks to protect against the production of procurement lead With a satellite system? the satellite warehouses carry larger buffer time. stocks to protect against both transit and production lead time. type of approach) the warehouses associated with the central act mainly as a staging and marshal satel I I i I i ng areas for conso I i Under this plant ar plants dated shipments to the te warehouses. In a satel I i te system) merchandise is satellite locations as much as possible. pushed (ar pu led) out to the I In a central system) some inventory - 15 - held back iar protect ion) thereby reducing requirements at the sate! is a significant degree. The exact inventory I i tes to levels can then be based on standard approaches for calculating buffer stocks given the appropriate lead times (transit time for the sate central u) i I I location). I I i te locations and the production time tor the Obviously) the type of organization and information system affect the relative desirabi of deployment strategy will discussed in I i ty of the two types of systems. Each type require a specific type of control system) which is the next section. Theoreticians have not been able in general to characterize the best inventory deployment strategies for these mu 1 1 i -eche on systems. However) the I only two reasonable options are the two deployment strategies outlined above. The choice between the two options) moreover) can have an enormous facility requirements. study. The author was country. involved in a is also best illustrated by a case location study for a major consumer goods At the time of the study) the East coast factory and warehouse manufacturer. serviced This latter point impact on SD7. of the country) and the west coast sate I I i te serviced 20% of the The purpose of the study was to evaluate and recommend additional locations for warehouses. One of the keys to the analysis was that the product was a high-value> low-weight product for which inventory costs were dominant. fairly early in became clear It the analysis that the distribution cost analysis would require identification of the specific inventory deployment strategy. Ue then simulated the inventory levels of each and every product of the company for both a central and satellite inventory deployment strategy. The results of the simulation are presented the net in Table 1. Note that wh i I inventories of the two approaches are not vastly different) there are very different allocations of inventory. These allocations will require - 16 - different facility capacities and are hence critical in the deve apment of a I strategic distribution plan. Which of the two types of approaches should be adopted general y? There I is no direct answer and each of the two approaches must be evaluated separately. Table 2 shows which system the system C9] general . favored for several different characteristics of is The analysis of many of these factors can be based on a very principle of inventory management: hold inventory before the high That value-added step. isj if delivery to the final echelon is a high value-added step in central system. This principle can be illustrated by its application to the terms of a II costs; hold the inventory central characteristic of the number of remote warehouses. remote warehouses > through additional this the final echelon in ly in the Uith a large number of aggregate adds a great deal of value) inventory; to the product. inventory before the high value-added step It is in a hence beneficial to store central system. number of remote warehouses hence favors a central system. A large - 17 - 5 . Co ntrol of Inve n tory Mu in a 1 1 i -E che o n System I Multi-stage distribution systems pose issues of as deployment. The dependencies of demand) from satellite for example^ require more sophisticated types of control locations) locations to central inventory control as well than the simpler types of approaches for single locations. In the past several yearS) Distribution Requirements Planning) or DRPj has been proposed as an appropriate means of controlling inventory within a mu I t i -eche Ion environment. DRP uses demands; either actual or forecasted) at the satellite locations to determine replenishment requirements at the satellite determine a requirements schedule at the central approach) MRP) like I ocat ons i location or > and in turn to locations. The manufacturing analog materials requirements planning) or its uses a requirements schedule to develop a precise schedule of production and procurements at the central DRP central is designed to deal with some of the problems of coordination between locations and sae however) is location. I I i locations te not always the system q-^ c! lU in a i mu 1 ce for a 1 i I I -eche on system. DRP) I mu 1 -eche on systems. 1 i I For two-stage systems) the most typical system for a manufacturing firm) there are actually three different approaches for inventory control: Separate simple systems DRP Allocation control Separate systems involve separate control systems for each location. Order-point control location controls is its In this type of approach) the most typical. inventory independently quantities characteristic of s i ng e- ocat on I I i each using order points and order inventory systems. When there are significant interactions among locations) for example when several satellite locations simultaneously make large orders) an order-point system can lead to - la - problems. DRP is designed to deal with these problems through better scheduling of requirements at the central location. Simple control systems such as order-point systems; however) can also be tormulated terms ot echelon in at the specific I I location) which are referred to as inventory at succeeding locations. of the I I as in terms of inventories installation inventories. inventory consists of the inventory at a single installation as well An echelon as a inventories as we For a two-stage system w th a i single central warehouse) for example) the echelon inventory for the central location consists of the entire inventory at the central in the entire system. location would therefore be based on total system This type of approach when associated with perpetual Replenishment inventory. target inventories) is also known as a base stock approach and can a lev late some of the problems of a I simple order-point systems. The final type of control system) the allocation control system) is based on the concept of simultaneously replenishing groups of satellite locations. When such a joint order reaches the central warehouse stage of the network) is it allocated and pushed out to the satellite locations as expeditiously as The central possible. location acts as a staging area and hence the system is designed for a satellite inventory deployment strategy. The best choice of the means of the control inventory control for a multi-stage system depends on inventory deployment and other characteristics. system appropriate for the three main scenarios of two-stage inventory systems. For a satellite inventory deployment system) locations are by definition staging areas and inventory sate I I i te Table 3 presents locations. An a I location system is is the central pushed out to the appropriate here. For a central - 19 - inventory deployment system w th a moderate number of satellite warehouses) i there are signi+ leant dependencies between the demands of the satellite This requires a h gh level warehouses. Uh i I e a i of coord nation in replenishment. base stock system can be designed to deal with this; a DRP system clearly the system of choice. However; w th a central i system w th a large number of sate i I 1 i is inventory deployment te warehouses or with sma I I sate I I i te warehouses) demand at the central warehouses achieves a certain level of stab i I ity. For example? no single warehouse will make batch orders that will dominate demand at the central central location is location or locations. Ulhen demand at the stable) the advantages of DRP are reduced) and a system such as order-point control is sufficient. Uith a hundred satellite locations with independent demands) for example; it is is not neccessary to tabulate detailed forecasts of satellite orders. a certain statistical but stable pattern of demand at the central There location) and the control parameters of the inventory control system can be adjusted for this pattern. The important issue for additional facilities) control of inventories that is inventory control improved) is there required. is is that as service) through a certain level of coordinated As a firm expands from a single distribution facility or a small number of independently operated facilities) simple control systems must evolve to more sophisticated ones. - 2D - ^ • Ca ne us o n i I there are a large number of issues to address of a manufacturing and distribution network. some of the key issues in in the design and development This article attempts to identify the distribution part of the network. no one prescribed method of system design and control) aware of - the tradeoff between cost and service and their t es sensitivity to the number of f ac i I i i - the desire for smaller territories but higher volume coverage dens ty in areas with greater demand i - the sensitivity of costs and locations to existing capacities during the firms growth phase - how inventories can be allocation between echel ons - the importance of more sophisticated control an expanded network. in Uh i I e there businesses should be is - 21 - References 1. ShapIrO) "Get Leverage from Logistics") May-June 1984. R. i-iar'^'ard B u sin e ss R e vieuj ) ) ShapirQ) D. Rosenfield) and R. Bahnj "Imp cat ans at Cost-Service Tradeoffs on Industry Logistics Structures"; to appear in Interfaces 2. R. 3. H. i i i Shycan and C. Bpraguej "Put a Price Tag on Your Customer Servicing Levels") l-larvard B u sin e ss R e vie ui) 53 No. 4) p. 71-78. ) Hayes and S. Wheelwright) Re s toring our Competitive E d ge U ley) 1984. 4. R. 5. J. Magee) U). CopacinO) and D. Rosenfield) Mo dern L o gistics Managem ent) Uiley) 1985) Chapter ID. 6. . ) ) i Chapter 5. Martin) Distributi o n Requirements Pla n nin g) Prentice-Hall) 1983. 7. A. a. R. 9. M. Haimovich and T. Magnant "Extremum Properties of Hexagonal Partitioning and the Uniform Distribution in Euclidean Location". Paper OR 132-85) Operations Research Center, MIT, January) 1985. G. Brown) S tatistical Forecasti n g for Inv e ntory Control New York, 1959. i ) McGraw-Hi I I) ) Working Rosenfield and M. Pendrock "The Effects of Warehouse Configuration Design on Inventory Levels and Holding Costs )" Sloan Manag em ent Revi ew, Summer, 198D ID. D. 11. See Rosenfield and Pendrock for an explanation of each. > - 22 - Table 1 Simulation far Central and Satellite Inventory Deployment Strategies Centra Central Strategy Sate! I i te Strategy 1 - 23 - Table 2 Factors Favoring Central or Sate Fac tor I I i System Favored as Fa c tor Le v el Increa ses Value Added Central Number of Remote Warehouses Central Trans it T i me te System Sate Mite Procurement Time Central Demand Correlation among Regions Sate Transshipment Costs Central Sales Level Satellite I I i te - 24 - Table 3 Inventory Control Strategies Appropriate far Different Scenarios D eploym ent See nar o i Bes t C o ntrol Sy stem — po Central with numerous sate tes ordei Central w th limited tes number of sate D.R.P. Sate A I I I I nt i i I i ite I i I I ocat on i Figure 1 Distribution Costs Versus Number of Facilities Cost Number of Distribution Facilities Figure 2 Relatively Flat Cost-Delivery Time Tradeoff Curve Cost Delivery Time Figure 3 Cost-Delivery Time Tradeoff Curve with Sharp Curvature Cost Delivery Time Figure 4 Distribution Cost-Delivery Time Curves for Alternative B Cost Delivery Time Figure 5 Cost versus Capacity Utilization of Eastern Distribution Facility- Variable Cost fixed locations Utilization of Eastern Facility Best two-location strategy Figure 6 Two-echelon Inventory Systems Typical in many Businesses Plants Central Warehouses Satellite Warehouses (Customers) 625i* 086 ( 3 IDflD DD3 DST 711 v-/ <.•- °^'iAS£MEtlT APR 18 1991 SEP Oi) 21)03 Lib-26-67 "OOLr^cod^ ,5 <or> fcxxeK Covclj^