; ;.,-\ •''" *U.T. LIBRARIE8 - DEWEY Dewey HD28 M414 • no- © Estimating The Variance Parameter From Noisy High Frequency Financial Data Bin Zhou Sloan School of Management Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, 02142 MA #3739 November, 1994 iv'iASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY DEC 01 1994 LIBRARIES Estimating The Variance Parameter From Noisy High Frequency Financial Data Bin Zhou Sloan School of Management Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, MA 02139 Latest Revision: November, 1994 Abstract Many financial data are such as tick-by-tick. now collected at an ultra-high frequency, However, increasing the observation frequency while keeping the time span of the observation fixed does not always help in estimating parameters. A different type of consistency, the consistency of a estimator as the observation frequency goes to infinity, becomes important in studying high frequency data. In addi- tion to the consistency, the deviation of a financial time series from a continuous process frequency increases. is also increasingly significant as the observation This deviation is not negligible and causes an- other difficulty in estimating parameters. This paper concentrates on constructing estimators of variance parameter using contaminated observations; i.e., observations from a continuous process with deviation at time of observation. The consistencies of these estimators, as the observation frequency goes to Key Words: infinity, are analyzed. f-consistency; observation noise; quadratic estimator. Introduction 1 an example of estimating the mean parameter /j in a simple process dB(t) = fidt + adW(t). For a fixed span of observation interval and a = 1, does increasing the observation frequency help the estimation? This type of question has come up recently in studying high frequency financial time series. We now accumulate more and more financial data not because time goes fast, but because data are recorded more frequently. We have gone from quarterly data to monthly data to weekly, daily and now tick-bytick data. How does more data help us in estimating parameters? It may I start with surprise many people to know that increasing observation frequency while keeping the span of observation fixed does not always help in estimating the parameter. In the case of estimating the mean parameter, observation frequency does not help the estimation at the minimum The the two end observation points. When a all. mean parameter sufficient statistic for the difference of these increasing is is given, the difference of two end observation points does not change as the observation frequency increases. However, when the variance parameter is interested, increasing observation frequency does help the estimation. The quadratic variation is a consistent estimator of the variance parameter as the observation frequency in the limit. raises a new consistency problem, f-consistency, the consistency This when the observation frequency goes to infinity while time span keeping fixed. There is another issue associated with using high frequency data. When the observation frequency increases, the difference of financial data from a continuous process becomes increasingly significant. For example, as observation frequency increases, the variance of price increment does not approach zero. We The first order autocorrelation of the increments is strongly negative. often neglect such a difference in using low frequency data such as daily or monthly prices. This difference is not negligible in high frequency data. However, this should not keep us from using a continuous process for high frequency data. I suggested (Zhou 1991) that the high frequency financial data can be viewed as observations from a diffusion process with observation noises: S(t) where P(t) is = P(t) +t t , te[a,b), (1) a diffusion process dP(t) = fi(t) + a(t)dW t . (2) I the diffusion process the signal process and the call The observation and noise is assumed to be independent from the is et non-binding quoting error is diffusion process. part of the noise. things In other markets, bid Many offer difference also contributes to the observation noise. all Many In the currency market, for example, contribute to this observation noise. structural behaviors are observation noise. the deviation of data from the continuous process and other micro- included in this so-called observation noise. For low frequency observations, the observation noise is overwhelmed by the signal change. When observation frequency increases, the signal change becomes smaller and smaller while the size of the noise remains the same. totally dominates the price change in ultra-high frequency data. high frequency data as observation with noise certainly captures characteristics of high frequency financial time series In this paper, I The noise Viewing many basic mentioned above. concentrate on constructing the estimators of the vari- ance parameter using noisy high frequency observations. The f-consistency is investigated for each estimator. the time span considered here parameter to be estimated a 2 = Without loss of generality, I assume that which can be an hour or a month. The is [0,1], is f a 2 {t)dt = Var(P(l) - P(0)). Jo This paper of the is maximum organized as follows. In Section 2, I (3) study the f-consistency likelihood estimator under the assumption of Gaussian noise and a constant variance parameter. In Section 3, I explore the estimator by the method of moment under more relaxed assumptions. In Section 4, I construct an optimal quadratic estimator. In section 5, I investigate the sensitivity of each estimator to its assumptions and give an overall evaluation of each estimator. 2 F-consistency of The Maximum Likelihood Estimator In this section, I assume that the process (1) has independent Gaussian and the signal process (2) has ^(t) — //£, a(t) = noise with constant variance a. Under these assumptions, I can obtain a maximum likelihood estimator (MLE). Solving the different equation (2), S(t) where W{t) random is mean spaced observations from X-in of is + aW(t) + nt have te[0,l], tu a standard Winner process and variables with where Zj = 1 — zero and variance [0,1], "Jt.n — et I are independent Gaussian 2 rj is . Taking n + 1 equally have {So,n,Si,n,~-,Sntn } such that <Jt-l,Ti ——+ n r=^i y/n ~^~ a standard Gaussian random variable. {Xi n,...,Xn ,n} (4) C» — " e *-l The (5) joint distribution a multivariate normal distribution with mean zero and : variance matrix n where /„ is an identity matrix and ( An = 2 In + 2 V K (6) The derivatives of the log-likelihood function with respect to each param- eter are dl(n,a 2 ,r} 2 ;X) = / ^^^ = a-_jWnt e-i£ n n -itr( S „-M„) + z 077^ A Rewrite matrix is n) I(X-^ Sn-M„ Sn-'(X-^)(13) z n n as ^n where e / n dp a vector with = Vn A n V?, and Vn = (vi,...,vn ) is the matrix and A n =diag(Aj) is a diagonal matrix elements all (14) 1 consisting of eigenvectors defined in (8) with diagnal elements being the eigenvalues defined in The (9). inverse of the covariance matrix 1 ^n = V^diag( )V? \ t Let (Y l Let v.i = J2j Vij ,...,Yn ) and notice that £, T = Vij = V?X The 1. MLE of p, a 2 and 2 the is T] solution of equations: ft (<r 2 /n + 2 n tt v K) V 2n{a /n + t 2 2 tt 2(a /n t ( 2 /(/i.a ,^ 2 ) = V ) of (p,a ,tt 2(a 2 /n 2 2 ,r) ) + ' ^A,) 2 ^ is Eij[Z-%/n 2 ^trfE^ 1 ) ; rttt K 2 2 V K) t * Ai) ,n)2 {Yi 1 + r/2A The Fisher information matrix 2 77 ~^ V /n h M° + rfKY l £{ + (a 2 /n ^(E-M^- 1 ) £tr(5£M n £^) ^tr(S-M n S;M n ) ' (T. i n2(<72/n+T7 2 Ai) ._2\12 £— 9«2^2/„ 2n 2 ( -2/n+T,2A i )2 ^ 2n(cr2/n+r)2A.) \ The MLE of the mean — Z-, 2n(<r2/„ + T,2A0 2 A? ^ 2(7PJW+^iF 2 J is Vfo Am = n(£ tt (<r t 2 Ai + i »W ^ (*7* + )/(£ v 2 (18) :) V K) Using the scoring method, the variance parameter and the variance of noise can be solved by the iteration of ^ 2,(fc) ( 2,(fc) k ~ l) l + i(°r- \vT- Vm 1) r 1 (19) where ^ dt ^H^-V/nW^K) [ l) 2-A and I(a 2 ,r) 2 ) is 2,(fc-l) „/ A. ; " 2,(Jfc~l) . + 2n2(^ Vn-H7^ - >A + 2.(fc-l)/„ J_„2,(k-l) A 2 Vn+r, 1 fc 2J 1 i) x ) ' the lower-right corner sub-matrix of the information matrix (18). Theorem 1 77ie asymptotic behavior of the information ( 2^ + °(VM /(/^W) = o is o 8 *+ o 8<r« V matrix o(n) / (20) 2 where y=T] /a 7 The proof can be found It is in the Appendix. easy to prove that Var(/t M = ) E ^(aVn + 1 1 ^Ai) J" = O(v^) The variance diverges as the observation frequency increase. than the estimator = £„„ — 5 ft MLE Instead of using the observation frequency. used ,n, in this section as the asymptotic results about estimator of MLE do not It is which has constant variance of fi, ft mean parameter = fi. £„,„ worse for any — S0>n The classical apply here because we are considering To the observation frequency, rather than the time span, goes to infinity. investigate the f-consistency of the estimator, a2 for using different frequency n, I , signal-to- noise ratio Then I calculate The results are given in Table 1. and the convergence f-consistent I conduct a = 7 if /a 2 . series of simulations For each observation simulate 100 series of noisy observations as in process 100 MLE's and their rate of the variance of the to the inverse of the information matrix (20). ^ Var(^) = (4). sample mean and sample variance. Empirical results indicate that the Var(^) = is That MLE is MLE is simmilar is + (-L) (21) ^-+0^) n n (22) no observation noise, the MLE of the variance parameter is the quadratic variation a 2 = £ X? n — (£ Xhn ) 2 /n. The variance of the quadratic 4 variation estimator is cr /n. For both mean and variance parameter, the When there is variances of MLE's converge y/n slower Because the eigenvalues of matrix An when there are observation noise. are known, it is not too expensive to computing the MLE. However, there are several setbacks First, the variances of high frequency financial distributed among all observations; i.e., the <r t for this estimator. data are extremely unevenly = a is often violated. Second, the noise in (4) is often not normally distributed and may be dependent. Third, the iteration (19) needs a reasonable initial guess. In the next section, I look for the estimator by the assumptions. method of moment under more relaxed Table 1: Empirical Mean and Variance of MLE Estimating the Variance Parameter by the 3 Method Moments of Assuming that the observation noises are independent with a finite fourth moment, I can construct a very simple estimator by the method of moment: ? = £(*?« + 2Xi,nXi-i,n) - (E *>,n) The second term converges simplicity, assume that I \i to zero = 0. and therefore The estimator is 2 /n. (23) negligible as — n oo. For (23) simplifies to &MU = £(*?n + 2Xi,„X _ lin ) (24) i This estimator does not require any distribution assumption on the noises. The noise can be non-stationary. The estimator is nearly unbiased. The mean of this estimator is E{g 2mm ) — = Y,Wn + ri! + vLi-2vU) = ° 2 + V$-vl (25) ^ a 2 dt and rj2 is the variance of observation noise e*. UnforJt n tunately, this estimator is not f-consistent if the majority of noises is non-zero. where a 2 n The variance Var(a^ M ) of the estimator is = £( 2 <n + 4a 2 nV 2 + Aa 2_ l<n a 2 n + Aa 2_ hn 2 -q _x + A) +±nhU + toLijti + toilmU) + vn + vi { where n\ is the fourth non-zero value of 2 rj , moment m let Suppose that be the number of rj2 > rj2 and of noise Cj. 2 rj ^i-i,nVi 4 is \ (26) the minimum m be proportional to n, then Var(^ M ) > If all with a2n = mean a 2 In and J>ftk) e* > 4 2 5>. are independently zero variance 2 7y , E^- and 2 /« = 4m 2 /n V \ identically distributed (i.i.d.) then Var(<7^ M ) = 4 6a /n + I6a 2 n 2 + Sriv 4 . (27) The optimal observation frequency of the estimator = n is JZ/A/^. The minimum variance is Var(^ M ) = 29.867/V. This estimator, after a certain point, getting worse as the observa- is However, because of its simplicity, I want an f-consistent estimator with this simplicity. In construct an optimal quadratic estimator of the variance tion frequency goes to infinity. to investigate there if the next section, I is parameter. 4 Quadratic Estimator In this section, study the estimator I X= section, I (AT 1>n assume , ..., /i Xntn = ) T and Q is Eo% = Var(aJ) = a 2 /n Assume that of n and 2 rj = (28) any n x n matrix. Similar to the Oq has mean and 0. Vn = V? Vn where . and Aj last variance: tr(QE) (29) = tr(gEQS) (30) rf. 2 En = quadratic form XTQX = a% where in following 2 —In + r?A n = Kn diag(— + W)K n n and are defined in (8) Vn (9). is symmetric, therefore Let <2„ = Vn Q n Vn (31) , then E&1 = £&(—n + W) (32) t Var(aJ) = ^ -J(^n + A 9 2 2 l r7 a 10 ) = ^ 4 2 + A 7) E9j( 1 n i ij ) (33) where 7 only = if /a 2 , the signal-to-noise ratio. Obviously, a Q unbiased is if and if ^2qi,=n Yl^^ = ° and i Theorem 34 ) ( i 2 For any given r, the solution of minQ^4(- + A r) 2 i subject to ^ =n g.i ^ and i is g'jj = for i and ^j a+ *" w/ierie o: and /? = a a is pXi + 2(l/n (35) A,r) 2 satisfy 2n The proof = g-jjAj i ^(l/n + A t r)2 Ai ^ (l/n + A,r) 2 +/? + ^(l/n + ^ A (l/n A l r)2 2 + A,r) 2 given in the Appendix. For any given r, the best quadratic estimator *5 is = £&!?, ( 36 ) i where g« is Theorem and defined in (35). 3 For the optimal quadratic estimator aq, with (35), the Q defined in (31) asymptotic convergence rate of y/r 11 2^ V™ V" The proof is again given in the Appendix. From Theorem 3, for any given r, the quadratic estimator &q, with Q defined in (31) and (35) is f-consistent. The prefered value of r is 7, which unknown, r should be chosen order of 7, but should not be too small. When r is close to 7, the performance of the quadratic estimator is similar to and it does not need any distribution assumption about noises. Other- is in MLE wise, the variance does not decrease as the signal-to-noise ratio Without assumption of constant variances, it is very 7 dereases. difficult to find an I empirically examine the sensitivboth MLE and the quadratic estimator to the assumptions of constant variance and Gaussian noises. f-consistent estimator. In the next section, ity of 5 Non-normal Noises and Unequal Variances In applications to financial market, both assumptions of constant variance and Gaussian noises are not over time, especially Gaussian. among In this section, valid. The variance of the prices high frequency observations. I examine the sensitivity of The is changing noise both the is 2 MLE a M and the quadratic estimator Oq to their assumptions. The following series are simulated and used in estimating the overall variance: Series I: a2n = a 2 /n and the noise a degree of freedom Series II: Series III: such that e* is i.i.d. r/t(5), a t random = a 2 /n and the noise a a2 n is sampled from uniform distribution U(0, Series IV: of n is = 2 (T six time variable with 5. a2n J2<Ti >n hardly , the noise is i.i.d. e» is i.i.d. ^Bernoulli (p) with p 1) scaled such that Yjv"in °" 2 > the noise .5. and then re-scaled ryt(5). sampled from lognormal distribution LN(0, = = e^ is i.i.d. 1) and then re- r/t(5). sampled from Bernoulli(p) with p = 0.1 and then re-scaled such that Z)of n = a 2 and the noise et is i.i.d. 7/Bernoulli(p) with p = .5. Series V: of n is 12 Series VI: noise a2n = a 2 /n and the noise t{ MA(1) with MA coefficient 0.5 and 77t(5). In the simulation, following values are used for various parameters: = 2 I, T] Table 0.01 and n = 100,500 and 1000. The empirical a2 = results are listed in 2. first two series have non-Gaussian noises. For t and Bernoulli random both a 2M and Oq show the variance convergence rate of l/y/n. The MLE takes advantages of smaller sigmal-to-noise ratio in series II and has smaller sample variance of the estimates. The next three series have unequal variances over time. Again, both a 2M The noises, and Oq show the variance convergence rate of l/-y/n. The performances of two estimators are somewhat similar. The MLE is slightly better. For small n, both estimators slightly under estimate the variance. The bias disappears 2 as the observation frequency increases. More variation in a n causes more bias in both estimators. However, asymptotically, both estimators are not sensitive to this deviation from the assumption of equal variance. Many other simulations have confirmed above findings. Series cant bias VI has correlated observation noises. The MLE clearly has signifithat does not go away as observation frequency increases. However, much better. The bias, if any, is negliThe variance of o 2M converges at rate of 1/y/n. For this set of data, mean squared error of the quadratic estimator is about the same as ones the quadratic estimator performed gible. the using series I-V. Therefore, the quadratic estimator has advantages of being not sensitive to correlation cases, can be used as an a summary initial noises. guess of the The quadratic MLE. I end estimator, in other this section by giving table (Table 3). Discussion 6 A among misleading perception is that the more data there is, the better. Increas- ing observation frequency while keeping time span constant does not always help parameter estimation. may An estimator developed for low frequency data not be usable for high frequency data. The observation does not decrease as the observation frequency increases, cle. The name of observation noise is is sometimes misleading 13 noise, which the key obstain the financial Table 2: Sensitivity of a 2M and Oq to Their Various Assumptions Table 3: Summary and Comparason of 2 and Oq aM Gaussian equal sensitive to: noises? variances? noises? MLE No Yes— Significant O(fijn) O(yffjn) Not Converge No. Yes^ Small Q(l/M Q(UM the estimator Is Bias Var(<7^) Q.E. Bias Var(^) 0(1 /y/n) The summary of this table is spaced correlated based on empirical simulations incuding ones not listed in this paper. community. Currency spot quotes have widely recognized noises. However, a may still have so-called observation noise. The noise is simply the deviation of the price from an assumed underlying continuous process and may prefer to be called a different name in such stock transaction price recorded precisely application. that is The observation noise can include micro-activies of the market not interested in applications. If high frequency data is used in study- ing the macro-activity of the market such as daily volatility, the variance of important not to be overwhelmed by micro-activities. The advantage of using high frequency data to estimate parameter such as daily price change, it is is that we can estimate the volatility day-by-day rather than an average. The MLE estimator developed here has been applied to many financial data such as the currency exchange rates and prices from futures daily volatility The results are not listed here because that the true volatilities are unknown and no comparisons can be made. The estimators developed in market. paper can be generalized to estimate the multi-dimensional covariance matrix. Treating micro-activities as observation noise, one can construct a this consistent estimator of covariance matrix (Zhou 1994). The f-consistency plications. A data series in lot of and observation noise issues also exist in many other ap- manufacturing processes have generating high frequency last decade. To study such type data and to perform parameter estimation, one has to be aware of the observation noises and examine the consistency of high frequency. 15 Appendix: i) Proof of Theorem matrix the asymptotic behavior of the Fisher information 1, (20): From (18), r ^ f \ _ _fa _ n2(<r'/n+»? 2 Ai) /(jx,*W) = ^ 2n " V First, I 5- 2 (<7 2 /n+r, 2 2n(cr 2 /n+r, 2 A i ) 2 Recall that A, = 4sin + 2 (a /n 2 * ( 2 , ). +1) (l/n r) 2 \i) We 8a 4 ^y 2 / i (l/n + 47sin 4 7 si ^r(l/n r 2 [0, 1] < -dx (7ra:/2)) + o(y/n). can easily prove that 7 > + 47sin 2 (7rx/2)) 2: a decreasing function of x G r / A? 2(<r 2 /n+rj 2 A i ) 2 i 2 1 • 2n(<r 2 /n+tj 2 A i ) 2 prove that the (2,2)-th element of the matrix E 2n is ^ ^ A0 2 and 1 E n+l (l/n „ + 2 (7ra:/2)) 2 dx. (37) 47sin "n+l''"'n+l < A n+l (l/n Jo The maximum value of 1/(1 jn ^ E 1 n+ l + 47X 2 1 2 ) over + 47sin 2 (7rx/2)) 2 [0,1] is n 2 Therefore . 1 , + 47sin 2 (ra/2)) 2 (l/n - 'n+l' ''n+l Jo (i [t + 4477 sin 2 (fx))^ (?x)r (5 + 47) Arctan( L(i + 4>v ^+ 4 ^ / 16 ( ^^ )tan( ^) + (£+ 4 X^ + 4 7-47Cos(7rx)) (^+47) 47 1 7T + + 0(n) x=0 0(n) 0(n 3 / 2 ) 4- 7; n=i 47 sin (7r a:) 3/2 + o(n 3 ' 2 ) 4^/7 Therefore E 2n n+ 1 2 (a 2 /n I n 3/2 ^+ . , /2 .. o(V")- prove the (3,3)-th element of the matrix A2 E 2(a /n + 2 It is . + ^Ai) 2 8a 4 Next, 1 2 easy to see that x /(l/n + 7x) n T) 2 2 \i) is 2 + o(n) Irf an increasing function of x. Therefore, 4 sin (7nr/2)) + (l/n 2 47sin (7rx/2)) 2 , 7 >0 an increasing function of x. The maximum value of above function 2 Using the similar technique as used above, l/(47) is is . 4 n ^E -\ B 2 (4 + 167 2 (j+ 27ri __ sin4 sin (7rx/2)) (1/n + 47 sin 2 = (7rx/2)) 2 (f") L a + 47sin (I 2d:C dx 2 + (fx)) V 1 C ( -) 12 2 ) 47)^+4* I2yirx 2 167 7rx 2 (167 (^ + + + 4^(7rxcos(7rx) — - 47 + 47cos(7rx)) 2 167 7rxcos(7rx) 47)7r(-^ 17 1=1 sin(7rx)) +0 J 1=0 & (£ + 12*) 2 I 1 67 + 4 7)7r JL yT^I 2 2 (16 7 (1 ( (12*) -32 7 2 1 1 + 16 7 2 (+4 7 )(-8 7 ) 16 7 2(4 7 )y4^2 + 4 7 )7r(-£ a 7r + ?(-7r) - 47 - 47) -S-^-167^-167 , 1 V o(l) + o(l). 16 7 2 Therefor 16 2 (n A? 2(<r 2 /n + r/ 2 A,) 2 + 2a l). 1 + °( (t^ 16 7 v A 1 2 )) = n ^+ °(")- 2rf tricky to prove the asymptotic result of (2,3)-th element It is slightly y/n A, £ 2n(a /n + 2 r) 2 \x ) 2 " 8a 4 v^ + o(y/n). Function 2 sin (7ra;/2) (l/n is not monotone. However, The maximum it is + 4 7 sin 2 (7ra:/2)) 2 and has maximum one turning point. ^-. The similar technique can be used positive value of the function is here 2 n+ 1 . sin (fx) L a (± + 4 7 sin + 4 7 sin 2 (7rx/2)) 2 (l/n n 1 2 i sin (7rx/2) 1 Jo "n+1 '"'n+l —+ 1 ,(^ Arctan(^ + (i 47WA + 4 4 7 )tan(fx). 2 ' " Vr ^ _ ) n i=l sin(7rx) (i + 4 7 )tt(-| - 1 ^ + / 47 + 4 7 cos(7rx))J x=0 /-\ o(y/n) 4 7 7T^4f 2 + 0(^/71). 16v9* 18 + 0(1) 2 ; (fx)) dx + 0(l) Therefor 4(n A, E 2n{a /n + 2 r? 2 ^) + y/n 1) + Now, I come back . r 2 o(y/n). to the (l,l)-th element ^[E- 1 ] ii /n 2 = -+ o(l). y First, ^- = Vn dmg(l/(a 2 /n + 2 x Therefore rj X ))Vn £[^ = £(t&/(*Vn + l . 2 r? Ai)). u «j Since XX XX- W" 1 It is 2 = ^E = i - i, - E V/(« + cos(inir/(n 1 n+ = sin + i)) 1)) sin(i7r) sin(z7r/(n 1 n2((72/n + 1)) + 7?2Ai y easy to argue that ^nV/n + A) n+ "2 ^ 2 -/o i+4 7 sin 2 (fx) <iE + 0(1/n) 11=1 2 1 712(72 1 =: W^ 2 7T na 2 n ./4^2 n /(^ Arctan(-' a +4 n . 1 . + o(-/=) y/n' V 2a 2 y/yn y/n 19 + 47)tan(|x) 4^ ,A yn' + n + -> x=0 0(l/n) ii) Proof of Theorem the optimal matrix 2, Q for the quadratic estimator: For the optimization problem min $H9y(n ij subject to =n ^<7ii A« r ) + 2 ^2qnK = and i I 0, i define Lagrangian function *(Q;a,/J) = E€(-n + A r « 2 - ) «(E* - n ij Obviously, (jij = for ^ i For j. z ) - /*(£&*) i = i j, differentiate 4> with respect to each Qu, Q = 2qil (- n + \ l r) 2 -a-p\ . l Conditions J2 On = n ]T <?» A and i = ° lead to follow equations 1 2n ° " a £(l/n + V)' = a A, £(l/n+\r)» A2 A ^(l/n + and A i r) 2+/? ^(l/n + A r) 2 i a + /?Ai 9.. iii) „x- +/3 Proof of Theorem From Theorem 1, 3, ' 2(l/n + V) 2 the convergence rate of the quadratic estimator 1 S (l/n + V)' = 20 n 5/2 V? + 0( " S/2) <Jq. -3/2 A, ^(1/n + V) 2 (1/n + = V) 2 + 4r 3 / 2 ~~ H + ° (n3/2) ° (n) - Therefore, a = " ( 2 „)(^ +0 („))/(g^ + ^)(-^ + ^ = 3/2 (n^))=^ + o(n-^) 7/2 ))/(^^ + °c )) = -| + <'(^ Rewrite the variance Var(aJ) ]Tg 2 (- + = a* = ^E^K 1n + A l7 ) 2 W + 2(7 - r)(± n i It is easy to check that the first E*<5+vr + A,r) + (7 - r) 2 (^ n + A,r) 2 ] term - TD^vr ! +o i) ( = -^r + o{-=). y/n y/n The other two terms can be proved by similar techniques. 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