Office of Financial Management Washington State Major Project Status Report

Office of Financial Management
Washington State Major Project
Status Report
July 17, 2008
Agency Number:
Project Title:
Bill Reference:
Cascadia Community College 634
Project Number:
CCC 02-2-999
UW 02-2-14
Cascadia CC/UW Bothell
SR 522 South Campus Access Project
Laws of 2005, ESSB 6094.
Secs. 618 & 748
Project Description:
Design and construct a south campus access from SR 522 to the Cascadia Community
College/University of Washington, Bothell Campus. The South Campus Access project will
provide a new interchange along SR 522 to access the campus from the south. When
completed this will be the primary access serving the campus. This South Campus Access
Project is a City of Bothell Phase II Final PUD condition for further development of the
Campus. Full build-out of the Campus in 2025 is expected to accommodate 10,000 FTE’s.
This project schedule and the growth of CCC and UWB have been closely coordinated with
the city of Bothell.
Project Update:
Since the January 2008 status report, a number of project milestones have been achieved:
1. On January 17, 2008, WSDOT awarded this project to Mowat Construction Company
in the amount of $36,650,726.20. Construction work began in April 2008 and is
expected to reach completion in June 2010. The current detailed construction schedule
is attached to this report. For more information, WSDOT’s website includes regular
updates on this project:
Water/Sewer Line is not part of this project.
2. Prior to the initial (phase 1) campus construction, the City of Bothell placed a growth
cap of 3,000 FTE on CCC/UWB enrollment pending construction of the South Access
off-ramp, intended to relieve the city’s downtown and arterial routes of campus traffic
growth. When the off-ramp is completed, 80% of campus traffic is expected to use the
South Access entrance and only 20% expected to use the current north entrance. This
restriction and others were included in the 1999 Planned Unit Development. The
original PUD mandate stated that no new growth construction could occur on campus
prior to the completion of the South Access off-ramp. This restriction was relaxed
somewhat to prohibit occupancy (rather than the start of construction) of any new FTE
buildings prior to the start of the South Access construction.
Cascadia CC/UW Bothell
SR 522 South Campus Access
Major Project Status Report
3. A PUD hearing was required by the City of Bothell in order to receive a building
permit for the Center of Global Learning and the Arts, CCC’s 800 FTE growth
building, affected by the PUD and the South Access. The April 24, 2008 hearing
resulted in clarity about South Access requirements, including postponing a mandatory
campus traffic impact review until a year after the opening of the access. Phase Two of
the campus construction was closed and Phase 3 opened with the Center for Global
Learning and the Arts.
4. Following the PUD hearing and WSDOT’s start of construction, General
Administration closed out its oversight responsibilities for the South Access Project.
Full project responsibility now rests with WSDOT, and the campus has little direct
involvement. We do receive construction meeting agendas, minutes and schedule
Cascadia CC/UW Bothell
SR 522 South Campus Access
Major Project Status Report