HD28 .M414 no. ALFRED P. WORKING PAPER SLOAN SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT EVALUATING THE EFFECTS OF INCOMPLETE MARKETS ON RISK SHARING AND ASSET PRICING John Heaton Massachusetts Institute of Technology Deborah Lucas Northwestern University WP#3491-92-EFA November 1992 MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 50 MEMORIAL DRIVE CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS 02139 EVALUATING THE EFFECTS OF INCOMPLETE MARKETS ON RISK SHARING AND ASSET PRICING John Heaton Massachusetts Institute of Technology Deborah Lucas Northwestern University WP#3491-92-EFA November 1992 M.I.T. NOV LIBRARIES 1 8 1992 EVALUATING THE EFFECTS OF INCOMPLETE MARKETS ON RISK SHARING AND ASSET PRICING First Draft: This Draft: September 1991 November 1992 John Heaton Deborah Lucas *M. I.T. and UBER Northwestern University, and NBER We thank George Constantinides, Darrell Duffie, Mark Gertler, Narayana Kocherlakota, Thomas Lemieux, Danny Quah and Jean-Luc Vila for helpful conversations and comments. We also thank participants at the Canadian Macroeconomics Study Group, the N.B.E.R. Asset Pricing meeting, the Northwestern Summer Workshop in Economics, and seminar participants at Cornell, Duke, the Federal Reserve, McGill, M.I.T., New York University, Princeton, Queen's, Rutgers, Western Ontario and Wharton. Part of this research was conducted at the Institute for Empirical Macroeconomics in the summer of 1991. We would also like to thank Makoto Saito for research assistance and the International Financial Services Research Center at M.I.T. for financial assistance. Introduction 1. Incomplete markets In the form of an Inability to borrow against risky future income has been proposed as an explanation for the poor predictive With complete power of the standard consumption-based asset pricing model. individuals fully insure against idiosyncratic income shocks, markets, consumption individual proportional is exceed that of aggregate, the aggregate consumption. 2 With individual consumption variability may however, limited insurance markets, to and and prices asset implied the may differ significantly from those predicted by a representative consumer model. this paper contingent we study on future economy an in income labor which agents cannot uncertainty in the form of dividend and systematic labor also Idiosyncratic buffered by trading in Idiosyncratic income risk. labor financial limited by borrowing constraints, securities, but write contracts face aggregate They realizations. In income risk, and income shocks can be the extent trade of is short sales constraints and transactions costs. motivation The frictions and reviewing the Telmer (1991) asset for prices findings of insure in a the environment this number interaction of recent is between best papers. trading understood Lucas (1991) by and examine a similar model with transitory idiosyncratic shocks and without trading costs. cannot considering against Surprisingly, idiosyncratic they find that even though agents shocks, predicted asset prices are For discussions of problems with the standard model, see for example, Hansen and Singleton (1983), Mehra and Prescott (1985) and Hansen and Jagannathan (1991). 2 See R. Lucas (1978), for example. similar to with those markets. complete 3 occurs This because when idiosyncratic shocks are transitory, consumption can be effectively smoothed by accumulating financial assets after good shocks and selling assets after bad shocks. Aiyagari and Gertler (1991) consider a model with no aggregate uncertainty and with transactions costs, relative returns on stocks and bonds, Constantinides shocks no trade occurs. increases trade offset to and reduce the total volume of trade. study (1992) the case permanent of Although agents have unrestricted access to financial idiosyncratic shocks. markets, Duffie and which agents Differential transactions costs affect the transitory idiosyncratic shocks. Finally, in in When the conditional variance of downturn a the riskfree rate idiosyncratic and falls equity the premium rises relative to the complete markets case. These results suggest that the quantitative asset predictions price from this class of models will depend critically on several factors: the extent of trading frictions in securities markets, the (ii) (i) size and the correlation structure of persistence of idiosyncratic shocks, and (iii) idiosyncratic and aggregate shocks. To address (ii) and (iii), we develop an empirical model of individual income that captures both the size of the idiosyncratic shocks and the persistence of upon evidence from the Panel Study of these shocks over Income Dynamics time, (PSID). based The time series properties of aggregate income and dividends are estimated using the National Income and Product Accounts. This process is then used to calibrate the theoretical model. Our theoretical model differs substantively from those discussed above 3 Using a more volatile aggregate income process, Marcet and Singleton The equity premium rises in the presence (1991) also calibrate this model. of short sales constraints. by considering transactions costs in an environment with both aggregate and idiosyncratic need agents Transactions shocks. frequently trade to individual income. play an costs order in important buffer to role shocks because their to transactions costs can have two effects on As a result, asset prices. First, rates (gross) return on securities may be altered because of agents require higher returns to compensate for transactions costs. effect of transactions cost was emphasized by Aiyagari and Gertler Amihud and Mendelson Constantinides effect small idiosyncratic on transactions and that transactions returns. agents Vila and his In trade only (1992). costs model in should have only which there is rebalance to costs. returns are However individuals face in our model, not due much to affected their is quite costly for it by the idiosyncratic the (1991), contrast, In a no portfolios, transactions costs by reducing the frequency of asset result, a asset risk agents avoid most As argued (1986) Vayanos and (1986) This trades. presence shocks of that individuals to change their asset trading patterns in response to trading costs. A second, indirect, effect of transactions costs is that they limit the ability of agents shocks, so aggregate. that to use asset individual markets consumption to self-insure against does not move transitory directly with the The increased volatility in individual consumption reduces each individual's tolerance for the aggregate uncertainty reflected in dividends, for the utility specifications that we consider. could rise in response to alone. This paper appears The implied equity premium increases in transactions costs for this reason to be the first to evaluate the importance of this mechanism. We calibrate the model under a variety of assumptions about and incidence of trading costs. the size When trading costs differ across markets. we find that agents readily substitute towards transacting in the lower cost then agents market trade primarily transitory effectively smooth have little costs if transactions costs are only introduced in the stock For example, market. affect income shocks. required on market bond the in by this However return. of means transactions case this In rates and if transactions costs are also introduced in the bond market in the form of a wedge between the borrowing and lending rate, then the bond return falls. With a binding borrowing constraint or a large wedge between the borrowing and lending rate, a small transactions costs in the stock market can produce an equity premium that is close to the observed value, and a low return bor, that is close to the observed return on U.S. Treasury securities. The remainder of the paper describe the model borrowing costs, We constraints, and model trading Simulation constraints. sales of Model The Environment The economy contains two their empirical parameter izations for the short the In Section 2 we Section 5 concludes. 4. 2. 1 presents 3 also discuss results are reported in Section 2. organized as follows: Section economy. income and dividends. is labor income (classes of) agents who are distinguished by realizations. stochastic labor income Y . each At time t, agent receives i agents are not allowed to write By assumption, contracts contingent upon future labor income. Agents also receive income from investments time t, a share of stock, with price p random dividends from time t+1 forward, } J provides a risk-free claim to one unit stocks and bonds. provides a claim , {d in of to flow of a The bond, with price p "^t "^ J=t+i At consumption at time t + 1. , The . agents trade these securities two smooth to their Trading is costly, with transactions cost function and (j(-) in the bond market. consumption over time. in the stock market »c(-) Agents also face short sales and borrowing constraints. At time each agent's preferences over consumption are given by: t, , (2.1) (/' (c' —^ CO p"^ = e\i is 1 ^ : W=o where ?(t) ^'^ - ) ?(t)L I time the information set, t 3- > . J 1-r which is common across agents. information is generated by a state variable, This In principle, below. r Z , which is specified could be allowed to differ across agents. However, since we want to interpret the two groups as similar except for realizations idiosyncratic shocks, of groups. , t to equate y across the two 4 At each date c seems appropriate it agent t, stock share holdings ^ i maximizes (2.1) via the choice of consumption bond holdings b ^ and s t+i subject ^ ^ t+1 to the flow wealth constraint: (2.2) c' + p^s^ t t t+i + p^b^ '^t t+i t ) + u(b^ t ;Z t+i ) t +d)+ti +y t t t s s {p t ,s^;Z + k(s' t+i t and short sales or borrowing constraints: (2.3) s' £ K^ t = 0, 1, 2, . (2.4) b^ £ t = 0, 1, 2. .. t 4 /(" t Dumas (1989) considers the implications parameters in a complete markets setting. of different risk aversion The initial wealth d of components '^ s , b , and market prices and / are taken as given. 2.2 Trading Frictions The extent which to shocks depends income idiosyncratic individuals will use the size on asset and markets to incidence of costs, and the presence of borrowing and short sales constraints. buffer trading Since the assumed form of these frictions qualitatively affect predicted asset prices, and since there is little agreement about the exact form of these costs, we consider several alternative cost structures. Transactions costs in stock the Both market. buyers and sellers are assumed to face a quadratic transactions cost function: ,s^;p^) = k {(s' k(s' (2.5) t+i t t - s^)p^}^ t+i t t t the parameter k In the simulations, of the transactions cost. 1 function by (Is of to -s shares traded: an offsetting Is k \s t the magnitude an increase in the cost parameter reduction in trade. Dividing the cost gives the trading cost as a percent of the value )p | to control However, because the realized cost is endogenous, the range of attainable costs is bounded; eventually leads is used 1 Is It -s \p t+i . In the simulation results we report the average of this percentage cost. We use simplicity. sold, a quadratic However, agents must individuals hold it sell no cost also function captures increasingly stock at all the primarily idea that illiquid assets. suggests that there for as computational more The fact may be assets that are many significant fixed costs to entering this market. To partially address this issue, we also estimate the income process conditioning on data from families who own non-negligible amounts of stock. Another possible objection quadratic form is that small changes in stock holdings may be at costly (proportionally) as large changes. consider, will however, infinitesimal to the least as In the discretized state space we shocks never occur so limiting this case is not relevant. Bond market transactions costs. Bonds in this model represent private While it seems sensible to treat transactions costs borrowing and lending. symmetrically for sales and purchases of stock, this is less true for loans. Typically consumers pay a substantial spread over the lending rate to is a default premium which does not apply to the riskfree bonds of the model. However, a portion of the spread borrow. C2in the observed spread Part of be attributed to costs of financial intermediation or monitoring that must be incurred even if the debt is ex post riskfree. To capture the asymmetry between effective borrowing and lending rates, the bond transactions cost function is assumed to have the form: (2.6) The w(b^ parameter ;Z = n min(0.b' ) Q borrowing at time controls t the p")^. magnitude of the cost. By is represented by a negative value for b agent who borrows pays the transactions cost. As with stocks, reported as a percentage of the per capita amount transacted: , convention so only the the cost n \b is \p /2. We also will consider the implications of a symmetric quadratic cost The effects of transactions costs of this form have been considered by Saito (1992) function in the bond market of the form: w(b' (2.7) t+i As we shall ;Z = n (b' ) t t see, t+i p'f. t the choice of versus (2.6) will have a significant (2.7) affect on the predicted equity premium. To match observed the income dividend and process, the assumed to be stationary in aggregate income growth rates. price the of stock and the accommodate the growth in value, be linear in aggregate bond the of Y income, Because . to the As a result, grow over the borrowing constraint, quadratic in the value of trade, cost to income ratio, value face economy K , is the To time. is assumed to transactions costs are induce a constant average transactions = k/Y we assume that k and t t = £l/y^ where k and n Zl t t are constants. Finally, we refer frictionless model. to the where case k(-) = and u(-) = The frictionless model is similar to Lucas as the (1992) and Telmer (1992). Consumption smoothing may also Borrowing and Short Sales Constraints. be curtailed by institutional limits on the amount of borrowing. of credit scenarios. income. rationing represented is In the first, In the second, by (2.4). We will This type consider two agents can borrow up to 10% of average per capita agents are precluded from any borrowing; only stock holdings can be used to buffer income shocks. The choice of an appropriate upper bound on borrowing is not obvious. The value of household collateral, not easily measured. which is a plausible limit on debt, Since agents rarely hit for the income shocks considered, the assumed lO'/i upper bound and since the agents always desire 8 is to do . the chosen limits appear to bracket the relevant range. some borrowing, No (2.3). sales are permitted short stock market the in This is motivated in part by the observation that individuals to take short positions. K that so it = in costly for is allowing short sales would Clearly, increase the effective quantity of tradeable assets. 2.3 Equilibrium At time t, aggregate output consists of the aggregate dividend, d labor income V the sum of individuals' (2.8) b^ + b^ = (2.9) s^ + s^ = (2.10) y ^1=1,2 ^1=1,2 1 t = 0, 1, 2, t = 0, 1, 2, + k(s' {c' t+1 t ,s';Z t ) + (j(b' t*l t Y and CM Market clearing requires: . t ;Z )> = d t t * y^ * y^ -^t -^t t=0,l,2. . . Notice that in (2.8) we are assuming that bonds are in zero net supply. When the short sales and borrowing constraints are not binding, the first order necessary conditions from the agent's optimization problem imply that for all (2.11) and 1 t: Ip" + K (s' t ,s';Z )]u' (c') t+i 1 t ^eL' = t t (.c^ t+l 1^ )[p^ * t+l d * t+l K {s^ 2 t+2 .s' ;Z )] t+1 t and (2.12) [p" t * w (b' 1 t+l ;Z )]u'{c^) t t = m 1^ u'(c' t+l ) I ?(t)l J I ?(t)l. J an agent If sale constraint short the then (2.3), is replaced by: (2.11) (2.11' constrained by is = s' ) K^ t t Similarly, the if agent constrained by is the borrowing constraint (2.4) then (2.12) is replaced by: (2.12' ) At b^ = k" t t time t the unknowns are p ; '^t p ; c i=l,2; , and b s ,i=l,2; t '^t , i=l,2. t t The equations defining an equilibrium are the budget constraints (2.2), the market 2; clearing conditions pricing equations Walras' s By Law, one which the the of constraint is redundant. in (2.11'), or (2.11) (2.9), (2.8), and i=1.2, market and and the asset (2.10); (2.12) or (2.12'), conditions clearing i=l, or a 1=1,2. budget We restrict our attention to stationary equilibria consumption growth prices are functions of the time rate, t portfolio state Z , equilibrium and rules, which is described in detail in the next section. State Variables 3. 3. 1 Empirical Model of Labor and Dividend Income Our empirical model income process when captures growth, the and labor correlation the is designed to capture income is between correlation in uninsurable. aggregate individual 10 and labor important features of For example, individual income the labor shocks over the model income time. income process serves as an Since this solved be must that numerically, input into an asset a relatively choose we pricing model parsimonious specification. The components of aggregate income include aggregate labor income, and aggregate dividends, denoted by Y^ •' in yVy^ , and D Y , aggregate income, , is The growth rate of Y^ and the logarithm of the share of D . t t assumed 5 tt-it p The sum of . t is Y^ D 7 = follow to and X^ s tt D^'/Y^ bivariate a then X* iog(5 )]', [log(.r^) is y = assumed to be t t t Letting autoregression. generated by: X^ = (3.1) jx^ + A^ X^_j * 8^ c^. t = l, 3, 2, where e* is a vector of white noise disturbances with covariance matrix I, t the matrix 9^ assumed is lower be to and triangular, jx* is a vector of We estimate these parameters using annual aggregate income and constants. dividend data from the National Income and Product Accounts (NIPA). Individual i's labor income as a fraction of aggregate labor income is given by ^ -^ In other words, ti'. t {v t. } t 1 7) = t = l,CD where Y Y^/Y t t income at time 1. tj' is assumed implies a law motion of for where since t) iog(7}^) the t independent T) + piog(7)^_J are {c^} =1. +7) The basic t that we consider is of the form: tj = labor the law of motion for 12 t t specification for (3.2) 2 t) i's stationary process for each to be a In the two person economy that we are considering, t individual is t t + individual c| shocks that have mean zero, that are t=l,oo over time and independent 11 of c for all t. The parameter p captures persistence individual's each in income Equation share. (3.2) implies that there is no correlation between the aggregate state and shocks to each evidence individual's this that income labor reasonable a is assuming that the variance of discuss an alternative assumption is appendix Also assumption. process selection criterion for families, present we are by the aggregate state. We below estimated in (3.2) Section in using 3.3. household annual and the construction of describes the estimation of equations 7 For (3.1) and the aggregate (3.2), income. It the also along with several dynamics we use the point estimates of the parameters of the vector autoregression, in Table A.l. we The Appendix has a detailed discussion of income data from the PSID. alternative specifications. the In is not affected c this to income individual The share. (3.1), as reported For the individual labor income dynamics in the base case, we use the average of the cross-sectional estimates of (3.2) which are reported in Table A. 3. We have so far assumed that the only tradeable assets in positive net supply are claims 3.9% of total income, tradeable assets. etc. may , also to be the dividend this stream. Since dividends clearly understates Assets such as government sold or used as the share securities, collateral for additional debt instruments could be incorporated, average only of income from corporate bonds, loans. In principle but doing so complicates represent labor income we are using a first-order autoregressive that the MaCurdy (1982) and Abowd Card (1989) argue and autocorrelation in individual income can be captured by a first-order moving the first-order average model for income growth. For our purposes, autoregressive model is advantageous since it provides a small state-space model that captures dependence in income growth. To model. 7 For instance, we estimate this law of motion conditional on income data from households that actually own stocks. The results are similar to the entire those for sample. 12 the analysis considerably. to a more realistic income so level tradeable that Instead, we tradeable asset holdings increase by grossing up the assumed fraction of dividend income is 157. income total of average. on For comparison, capital's share of income in the NIPA averages about 30%. Markov Chain Approximat ions 3.2. To use this estimated income process as an input for simulations of the Section 2 VAR the model, approximated with a Markov is method of Tauchen and Hussey (1991). income process: the "Base 9 the We focus on two specifications of the and Case" using chain "Cyclical the Distribution Case" models. The Base Case model equations 3.1 and 3.2. corresponding values of matrix the state closely takes on times as two large as estimated the process We use a state vector with eight dimensions, of transition variables transition probability matrix. income approximates values, the value in probabilities. the different Table states 3.1 in the bad in the with the along the good state state. and a gives Notice that the individual share of with a value in that is The persistence of labor 1.65 these individual shocks is captured in the transition probability matrix. In the Base Case model, to be independent of the idiosyncratic labor income shocks are assumed aggregate growth rate and dividend realization g Including additional debt instruments problematic due to is nonstationarities in the data. For example, net interest payments from the corporate sector to the household sector (as measured by "net interest" from the NIPA) account for 1.4% of total income in 1946, and rise to 12.1% of total income in 1990. Computationally, adding assets has the disadvantage that it greatly increases size of the state space. 9 The GAUSS code to implement these procedures was kindly provided to us by George Tauchen. 13 s . discussed as because, between correlation However, below, there individual Mankiw (1986), aggregate and evidence little is shocks PSID the in and Constantinides and Duffie significant of data. show that (1992) the distribution of labor income over the business cycle can play an important role when individuals cannot trade claims this to In particular, income. they show that if the distribution of labor income widens in a downturn then individuals may demand a large equity premium to hold stocks. this potential effect, To examine the Cyclical Distribution Case we consider (C.D.C.) model model, we set In the C.D.C. growth rate of aggregate income, r low state for in the 7) of result The 7j. transition matrix as We then choose two values of is high. . of states 3.1. This set the in idiosyncratic shock) when the (no such that we maintain the unconditional variance -^ is =0.5 t) Table given Table in concentrates with 3.2, the the idiosyncratic shocks into low growth states for the aggregate economy. ' There some evidence in fact is income widens during downturns. standard deviation of and cr log{Y /Y t +i t incorporated iog(T) is ) ) the PSID in Letting for each distribution of the estimated correlation between when However, -0.06. the be the estimated cross-sectional <r t, that correlation this is t into the Markov chain model, results it in very a small departure from the model of Table 3.1. 3.3 Summary of State Variables The exogenous state variables include y according to the Markov process specified above. the state is summarized holdings by can portfolio composition. agent be I's derived holdings using the . These evolve An endogenous component of two person economy, stocks and bonds, market 14 t) our In of and 5 , clearing this since agent conditions (2.8) is 2' and We define the state vector of the economy by (2.9). = Z {r*. t b Asset prices, }. a function of Z 5 , ti t t , t s . t consumption policies, and trading policies are found as . t Simulation Results 4. In this section we report the results of Monte Carlo simulations of the economy of Section Section We 3. 2, using solve for exogenous driving processes described the equilibrium the numerically using a in modified version of the "auctioneer algorithm" described in Lucas (1991). A number of summary statistics are reported. First, we consider the volatility of individual consumption implied by the model and compare this to the volatility of aggregate consumption. because risk sharing is not complete and, link between individual and aggregate individual consumption behaves like This statistic is of interest as a result, consumption. the aggregate there is no direct The extent indicates which the degree which risk sharing is being accomplished by trading securities. report the mean and standard deviation of implied to to We also equilibrium asset prices. These results allow us to evaluate whether the model with incomplete markets and transactions costs can explain the equity premium puzzle of Mehra and Prescott Finally, (1985). trading volume, in order we report to gauge the mean and the sensitivity of standard deviation of trade to the level of transactions costs. To compute these statistics, we assume that initially each agent holds half the shares of stock and no debt. driven by realizations of the The economy evolves for 1000 years, exogenous income process. trades and consumption growth between years 999 and each history. Asset returns, 1000 are recorded for The reported statistics are based on averages across 1500 of 15 these experiments 4.1. Representative Agent Baselines Before insurance turning to we markets, the simulations briefly examine markets version of the model. implications the is very This experiment undertaken by Mehra and Prescott (1985), with model the of of incomplete complete the similar to the one except that we assume a different Mehra and Prescott equate dividends and consumption and dividend process. while we treat consumption as the sum of dividends and labor consumption, income. reports the results of the complete markets version of our Table 4.1 model for y = 1.5 and labor case income. which and each of the specifications of individual representative the The table also reports, agent in the assumed is the complete markets to the column labeled returns from the S&P 500 from returns using for is consume "Data", aggregate the sample The moments of stock returns were calculated using moments from the data. annual = 0.95, The column labeled "Aggregate" income. in |3 CPI. The moments 1947 of 1990 converted through the bond returns were to real calculated using annual Treasury bill returns from 1947 through 1990 also converted to real returns using the CPI. Although the consumption process here differs from those used in previous studies, For example, the the implied asset prices are similar. predicted average return on risk-free bonds close to the stock return in each case whereas return is quite low. Further, the is high and observed average bond the standard deviation of the stock return is The long time horizon was chosen to ensure that the effect of initial conditions was eliminated. See, for example, Mehra and Prescott (1985). 16 low relative to historical levels. Notice that these result are independent of the model of idiosyncratic income since this risk is completely shared. To assess whether the presence of uninsurable the potential to representative explain agent "Individual B.C." for poor the performance consider model, the the Base Case model Cyclical Distribution (C.D.C.) model. labor columns complete the of income shocks has Table markets, 4.1, labeled and "Individual C.D.C." for the in These statistics were calculated in a representative agent model using one of the agent's labor income dynamics as if they were if the aggregate labor income dynamics. These results show that the representative consumer is forced to consume his income process, example, idiosyncratic labor then the predicted equity premium becomes much larger. in the Base Case model the premium is predicted to be 6.8%. For The relatively high level of both the bond and stock returns could be corrected by using a larger value of p. The standard deviation of the stock return is also predicted to be 38.67, so that the stock return is quite volatile, which is consistent with the data. Notice that in the C.D.C. model, the equity premium is even higher because the idiosyncratic shocks are concentrated in periods of low aggregate growth. In general the results in Table 4.1 indicate that the model with uninsurable labor income has the potential to explain some of the observed moments of asset returns. Of interest, however, is whether these results change once trading is allowed in the stock and bond markets. 4.2 Frictionless Trading Table 4.2 summarizes the case in which individuals can trade costlessly in both the stock and bond market, subject to the restriction that stocks cannot be sold short, and that individuals can borrow only up to 10% of per capita income. In the Table, the rows labeled "Avg Consump Growth" and "Std 17 give the average and standard deviation of consumption Dev Consump Growth" growth for agent more volatile Table much is consumption, less consumption is only slightly individual that aggregate than and 4.1) Notice 1. volatile than "Aggregate" the (see individual column income in the (see "Individual" columns in Table 4.1). The result costless trading is (1991), who • . more findings the independent over correlated persistent. relative it strengthens .fficult over 12 time hence and Telmer assumption that the the and (1991) our model, In trades when labor the idiosyncratic labor income shocks are This persistence should, via a wealth effect, make self-insure to time. Lucas of perform a similar experiment under income shocks are shares idiosyncratic shocks are offset by asset that through the asset markets. A striking example of this is given by Constantinides and Duffie (1992), who construct cases in which However, occurs. income shocks follow a random walk and no labor the results persiste ce that we consider income) agents can shocks. As a result, the comj • Gi a still Table of 4.2 indicate that smoothing with (which matches the PSID observations of effectively smooth their idiosyncratic the labor Income equilibrium asset prices are virtually identical to e markets case reported in Table 4.1. the parameterization used here, an increase in predicted consumption volatility appears to require the introduction of some form of trading friction. This observation motivates the experiments with transactions costs and borrowing constraints that follow. 12 We The estimated autocorrelation coefficient is approximately 0.5. the also experimented with income processes exhibiting higher persistence in This income shocks, allowing autocorrelation coefficients as high as 0.7. affect on the results reported in Table 4.2. had li*'' 1 n Transaction Costs in Both Markets, Asymmetric Bond Market Costs 4.3. We now consider the effects of transactions costs on equilibrium prices and consumption. transactions We costs reported here, focus will both in specifications on markets simultaneously. finding of simulations is not second a intertemporal consumption returns are Constantinides their portfolio largely unaffected. (1986) that rebalancing and This transactions is costs related cause therefore have only a is such the to a ;Order f In the first specification that we consider, market to ,ents sei effect on asset returns. bond face they tend to substitute towards trading in the lower cost market, equilibrium delay In agents Because portfolio balance order consideration for these agents relative to and which imposing a friction in one market alone has a we find that negligible impact on asset prices. smoothing, in only that the borrower the cost structure in the pays the transactions cost. Recall that in this case the transactions cost functions are given by (2.5) for the stock market and (2.6) for the bond market. Q to vary from set k = n/2. to 2.0. We allow the To balance the average costs in the two The results 13 of these specifications are given 4.1a-d for the Base Case model and 4.2a-d for the C.D.C. model. the figures the x-axis gives the value of Q. - irameter in "kets we ii Figures .•*lv ,each of < 15 First consider Figures 4.1a and 4.2a which give the average stock and bond returns, along with the equity premium, as a function of Q for each of the two models. Due to the cost of borrowing there are two different rates of return in the bond market: a lending rate and a borrowing rate. 13 In the In constructing these results a grid of values for Q between and 2.0 are used. To smooth across these grid points we fit a third order polynomial through the points. This This curve is reported in the figures. smoothing of the results only serves to remove some very small vf lability in the figures. 19 since the equity premium is figures we plot the average return to lending, typically measured using individuals cannot borrow at average bond return the falls average this and 1 , the stock market rises from report 4.2c the of Q as and increases the widens. as a percentage of The average the value of trade, increases the average costs As Q trading drops the value of to 4.1% of average percentage of per capita level that security, For example in the Base Case model the average cost paid in paid increase. and treasury a premium equity reported in figures 4.1b and 4.2b. are on Notice rate. the transactions costs paid by agent return level As income. This off. trading of markets two transactions costs the reflected is the in Figures 4.1c trade. consumption volatility which can be seen in in Figures increase higher a and 4. Id give the standard deviation of consumption growth for agent as level 4. 2d, a the of which Notice that 1. when n = 2.0 individual consumption volatility is close to the volatility of individual income. In in this model an increase in transactions costs results the average bond return but same at all levels of the in a decrease the average stock return remains transactions This costs. result understood by considering the direct and indirect effects of about is the best transactions costs. The Direct Effect of Transact ions Costs. With moderate transactions costs each market, in period to buffer their idiosyncratic income shocks. the adverse idiosyncratic shock borrows in agents The trade every individual facing the bond market and sells stock in the stock market to partially offset the shock. The agent receiving the favorable shock buys both bonds and stocks to create a buffer against future adverse shocks. rate The borrower is willing to pay a relatively high borrowing including transactions costs. For 20 example, consider Figure 4.1a and The average return on the bond is about n=2. 0.37., but the borrower faces Since the cost function is quadratic, an average transactions cost of 3.3%. the marginal transaction cost that the borrower faces is 6.6% which implies The lender, however, only receives a a net marginal borrowing rate of 6.9%. 0.3% rate of return on average. return because rate of Figure 4. Id) The lender is satisfied with this average high consumption variability when n = 2 the (see creates a strong precautionary demand for bonds. Notice that the stock return remains at a little over 8% for all levels of n each In effect direct The model. equilibrium stock return is difficult demands price lower a to lower than 8% due transactions for transactions costs, to on the whereas costs the Note that the net return from buying stock seller demands a higher price. is costs predict since the buyer of stock to compensate transactions of although in equilibrium the The lower net return also reflects observed return is not greatly affected. a precautionary demand for assets due to higher consumption volatility. In for sum, transactions costs specification cost this depresses that the increases the observed equity premium. return net due to a precautionary there observed a is bond direct effect return and of hence Both stocks and bonds have a lower demand induced by consumption higher variability. similar A effect of differential stock and bond market transactions costs on relative observed returns is found by Alyagari and Gertler However in those models there is no aggregate and Vayanos and Vila (1992). risk so that differences in rates of return are generated differences in transaction costs across asset markets. is a further indirect (1991) effect of transactions costs solely by In our model which is increase in the covariance between stock returns and consumption. 21 due the there to an The Indirect Effect of Transactions Costs To the extent that the increase in consumption volatility increases the covariance between individual consumption and the net returns on stock, premium equity net-of-transactions-costs agents that widens. demand the To assess this effect we need to construct a net-of-transactions-costs equity There are several ways to do this construction. premium. time A transactions cost liquidated at time t+1. to be t consider investor from investing in a unit of the stock the payoff to an individual at First is paid in the but the size of this cost depends on the current period and at liquidation, portfolio position today and the expected portfolio position tomorrow. marginal transactions cost that individual unit stock the of 2k (s is: liquidated -2k (s t+1 11 t+2 time at -s t+1 )(p ) 1 -s )(p As . t+1 a 2 s (see ) (2.5)). If t in purchasing a that position is cost is t t transactions marginal the t+1 2 s 1 t+i t pays at time i The result, net the (of transactions costs) one period rate of return from a unit of investment in the stock on the part of individual i is given by: p^ ,, ,, r (4.1) s.net * - d 2k (s' t+1 t+1 s t,t+l s ^ + p t+2 t „, , 2k(s t 1 1 t+1 )(p^ -s' t+1 , , -s )[p t t+1 f - s,2 1 ) t Notice that this rate of return satisfies ( eIp (4.2) a' (c' ) ^^^ >. + (1 5(t)l = r^'""''^) 1. I t which is just the The net (of Euler equation transactions for costs) investment in the bond is given by: individual rate of i return (see (2.11)). from a unit of l/p" ' i if b' t+ i -"•"'' - (4.3) t,t+l I l/lp" + 2n b' V t '^t t-t-i (p")^] ^t if b' < t+i The indirect effect of transactions costs occurs to the extent that the covariance between r '"* This 4.2a. measure of the equity which we calculate for individual \ conditional changing transactions costs covariance increase. In between the the "net premium" premium the £-|r^'"' consumption and ' growth t,t+i when n=2 Base Case model However in the equity premium is 7% the net premium is 2%. indirect effect does affect 4.1a The "net premium" reflects the 1. r in Figures given by: is premium is 7.8% but the net premium is only 1.3%. model when Q=Z, return on the stock consumption and the net this effect we plot To assess changes. and individual the observed equity premium, as equity the the C.D.C. As a result although the direct effect on the bond return dominates. Another measure of the net-of-transactions-costs premium is to look at the difference between average stock and bond returns, Notice that a borrower average realized transactions costs in each market. must pay transactions costs on the entire subtracting out the borrowed amount each period. However in selling stock the transactions cost is small as a percentage of the total return on stock holdings, since only portfolio typically is bought or sold each period. a portion of the stock The average transactions cost in the stock market as a percentage of the value of the stock portfolio are small, model. rising to a maximum of 0.46% when n = 2 is in the C.D.C. As a result the average net return on an individual's portfolio of stocks is about 7.5% for n = = 2 (k=l) about 1%, this 2. implies a Since the average return to a lender for n sizeable net-of-transactions-costs equity premium of 6%. Which these of two measures is appropriate more a measure the of net-of-transactions-costs premium depends on the question being asked. The first measure directly reflects the relation between risk and return in the while the second is of no obvious theoretical interest. model, comparing the predictions of the model to data, However, the second measure in can be calculated using only information on returns and average transactions costs, while the former would also require detailed information on consumption. results The of section this indicate for that relatively low transactions costs the model does predict a substantial equity premium and a low risk-free rate of return. For example in the B.C. model when average transactions costs are 1.77. there that some is effect = 1, the in the bond market and 2.3% in the stock market and the equity premium is 4.1%. so 12 of The net premium is 0.5% in this case consumption increased volatility on However the largest effect is individuals attitude towards aggregate risk. the drop in the required rate of return on the bond due to a precautionary demand for savings. 4.4. Transactions Costs in Both Market, Symmetric Bond Market Costs To further investigate the effect of the form of transactions costs on the predicted costs equity premium, shared are equally by we examine the lender function (2.6) is replaced with (2.7). the and case the in which the borrowing borrower; the bond cost In this case any difference between the average bond and stock return should reflect differences in risk between the two markets. The 4.3a-d results for the of this specification of Base Case model and 4.4a-d costs for are the in Figures model. Since reported C.D.C. transactions costs are paid by both the borrower and the lender in the bond and set k equal to market, we limit Q to the range [0,1], This produces Q. average transactions costs that are similar to those in Figures 4.1 and 4.2. so that the results of the two cost structures can be easily compared. Notice that slightly as a result of C.D.C. to be 4.3a Figures in and 4.4a increase the the rises premium equity consumption volatility. in only the In model the premium widens more than in the Base Case model, which is given expected the fact individual the that are Because transactions costs are paid concentrated during economic downturns. the drop in the bond return is not due by both the lender and the borrower, in the transactions costs structure to differences shocks income in the two markets, but instead to an increased precautionary demand for savings. The effect demand precautionary of can seen be considering the net-of-transactions-costs bond return. C.D.C. model with n = market transactions costs return because For example in by the the average bond return is 6.3% and the average bond 1 As a result 2.7%. is investing in the bond market is 0.9%. bond clearly most the of form the return from marginal This is not reflected in the observed the of Since function. cost the transactions costs are balanced in each market the equity premium in this case reflects the premium '^ net as measured by £-|r^'"" t,t+i - I r^'"* r ' ^ V, where t,t+il is given by (5.1) and t,t+i (4.4) r •"•'^ t,t+i = £{l/[p° t + 2n t b' t+i {p°r]} . t Notice that the net premium and the measured equity premium track each other closely in this case. In this specification of transactions costs there is some effect on the observed equity premium but it is less dramatic than in the asymmetric bond market costs case examined in Section 4.4. 25 4.5. Transactions Costs in Stocks, No Borrowing we Here consider a structure market that permits costly the borrowing constraint is at 0). stocks but precludes borrowing (i.e., of substitution of the agent with a good idiosyncratic shock. to close the bond market would be to In 14 A second way impose a very high cost on the borrower This is equivalent to the case where borrowing is not the bond market. allowed. in the (shadow) price of bonds is calculated using the marginal rate this case, in trading Hence, the results this of section can interpreted be as approximating a situation where there is extreme credit rationing or where there is a very large wedge between the borrowing and Figures borrowing, of 4.5a-d report results for Base the lending Case rates. in which the only cost parameter that varies is k. the average costs the effect of without model For any level stock market transactions costs on the predicted bond return and the equity premium is slightly larger than in the case where costly borrowing agents because cannot is allowed substitute (see Figures towards 4.1a-d). bond market borrowing are the This occurs to avoid transactions costs. The results Figures 4.6a-d. for the C.D.C. model without reported These results are similar to Figures 4.5a-d except that the equity premium is larger for any level of average transactions costs. occurs before this during economic because downturns. shocks individual to Notice however that labor the income only additional premium predicted by this effect is not large. 14 in See Heaton and Lucas (1992) for a discussion of this issue. 26 As occur equity Concluding Remarks 5. In this paper we have examined asset prices and consumption patterns in in which agents face both aggregate and idiosyncratic income shocks, a model Agents reduce consumption variability and insurance markets are incomplete. by trading in a stock and bond market to offset idiosyncratic shocks, transactions costs in both markets limit the extent of trade. but To calibrate the theoretical model, we estimated an empirical model of labor and dividend using data from the PSID and the NIPA. income, Although the agents in the model are not very risk averse, predicts equity sizable a simultaneously considering premium and aggregate and riskfree low a idiosyncratic the model By rate. shocks, we can decompose this effect of transactions costs on the equity premium into two The direct effect components. net-of-cost margins, with asset an so is due the fact to that individuals equate associated lower transactions cost will have a lower market rate of return. The size of direct the are assumed to be similar, assume that the structure the of When the cost structure in the stock and bond market transactions costs. we widely with varies effect the direct effect transactions cost the in market bond when However, is negligible. creates a wedge between the borrowing and lending rate, or that there is a binding borrowing constraint, total premium. (1991), 50/4 the direct This effect is can account related to the for three quarters of over findings of Aiyagari the and Gertler who report that realistic transactions costs may account for about of the observed equity premium. A second, individual aggregate indirect effect occurs because transactions costs result in consumption consumption. that The more higher closely tracks variability 27 of individual individual income than consumption increases the covariance between consumption and the dividend process, increases the systematic risk of hence While the size of the stock. increases with the assumed level of transactions costs, indirect effect is the relatively insensitive to the structure of transactions costs. case base and analysis, the indirect accounts effect about for 20% it In the of the premium. While the model can explain the observed first moments of stocks and bonds, does not explain observed second moment differentials. it the feature of many consumption-based models, shares It that an increase in the equity premium predicted by the model is not accompanied by a substantial change in Typically in models that the relative volatility of bond and stock returns. fit equity premium, the However in the model implies costs a the volatility of bond return return bond is too high. considered in this paper an increase in transactions widening in equity the premium, observed returns does not greatly increase. the the remains fairly low as but the volatility of In particular the volatility of transactions costs increase. The volatility of the net-of-transactions-costs bond and stock returns do rise in response to transactions costs due to the increase in the variability of the marginal there is a rate of substitution. realistic assumption It remains about open question whether an transactions costs that can simultaneously explain the low volatility of short bond rates and the high volatility of stock returns. Several extensions of the analysis are left future research. to Our two-person economy is the simplest case of heterogeneity, and intuitively we expect most of the results to carry over to Conceptually the model could easily be extended to Because of computational the practical techniques, an difficulty of the increasing interesting question 28 more the is general case. case of n agents. n using whether it current would be possible to exploit a different modeling strategy to develop a tractable way to allow for a large number of individuals. This would allow for a more detailed description of the income distribution and its evolution over time. One potentially important factor that could be studied in this context would be the impact of a small probability of a very bad idiosyncratic shock. The model also could be extended to include a production or storage technology, and a labor/leisure decision. 29 n Data Description and Estimation Results Using the PSID Appendix: Section 3.1 we briefly described the empirical model of aggregate In In this appendix we labor income used in the calibrations. and individual describe the estimation in more detail, and describe a more general model of labor income that was also investigated. A. Further Specification of the Model of Individual Labor Income 1 individual i's labor income as a fraction of aggregate As in Section 3, income labor given by is process for each time over in ii) for } <t) } t = l,00 specification of general tj account must shocks correlation between and 7) assumed to be a stationary is _ t most The state. where , The model i. '^ tj to that and i) we correlation for aggregate the consider of the that are of the is form: (A.l) iOg(Tl^) where the {e , {p 1 1 , = 1, > The ,_ , shock time a ^ for c p iOg{7}^_^) + C^, -^ shocks individual , individuals across and , ,. all t. have that r^f, £{(c 1,2,1/2 _ = > ) zero, independent and ,_l,i = l,n ,-l,l = l,n 1 o- mean {t) . } {^ , > and . are parameters. parameters {tj ~ } '" permanent capture The parameter vector labor income. to C,'C^ are t=l,oo over independent + T) *" > t aggregate = {C, differences relative in captures the degree to which shocks } individual i's relative income are correlated with the aggregate shocks. Differences in differentially < across affect allow individuals The individuals. the aggregate parameter p shock captures to the persistence in shocks to individual i's labor income. As it stands, the specification 30 in (A.l) does not use all of the cross-sectional information. the parameter For example, across individuals in the model. to vary is free t) may be possible to link variation in It to observable family characteristics. unless variation in However, linked to Just two distinct subgroups of the population, ij t) were is not clear how it this information could be used in our investigation of the implications of the two person economy of Section 2. Data A. 2. The PSID provides panel a observations annual of of In using the PSID, family income, consumption of food, and other variables. we took family income per family member as of a measure of Y Because changing the of character of many the of and individual for our model. we families, took a subsample from the PSID consisting of those families for which the head of the household was male and for which neither the head nor his spouse changed This selection was used so that we did not have to keep over the sample. track of new families, complete The family. family split-offs, and other dramatic changes in the PSID over-samples members poorer the of U.S. population due to a sample of poor individuals from the Survey of Economic population, make To Opportunity. those the families sample who closer were to a sample random originally part of of the the U.S. Survey of Economic Opportunity were excluded from the sample. Total labor income of the head of the household and his wife along with total transfers to the family was used for total family income. The transfers included unemployment compensation, worker's compensation, pension income, welfare, child support and so on. all of these sources in any year, it If a family had zero income from was excluded from the sample. At this point we had a sample of 860 families with income data spanning the years 1969 to 1984. Because families differ 31 in size, family income per family member was created by dividing each family's income by the total number of family members in each year This measure of nominal family labor income . was weighted by the Consumer Price Index (CPI) to obtain a measure of real labor income per family member. The model of sample, income dynamics was estimated using this full individual and also using a subsample restricted to households owning stock. The sample was split because a Large segment of the population does not hold In the asset pricing model financial assets. appropriate more clearly individuals who participate Zeldes the (1990), consider to in income split based stock holdings family reported some holdings of stocks in individual upon securities using questions about dynamics in 1984, it is those of Following Mankiw and securities markets. was sample the that we are examining, the it 1984 was holdings PSID. Included of If in a the group called stockholders. For both the constructed as y complete sample and the stockholder sample, /-Ij] " Y t) was then where n is 860 for the complete sample and 327 > for the stockholders sample. Along with observations of individual labor income from the PSID, measures of annual aggregate labor income and dividends were taken from the NIPA for the years 1947 through 1989, obtained from CITIBASE. income we used "total compensation of employees". weighted by the total U.S. For labor The aggregate series were population and the CPI in each year to obtain real per capita labor income and dividends. We also conducted the analysis where family income was weighted only by the number of adults in the family. The results were similar and hence are not reported. 32 I Empirical Results II. 3. As described above, measure of aggregate our income was labor taken alternative would have been to use total from the NIPA. A natural from the PSID. However because of the limited time dimension in the PSID, the aggregate dynamics could not be estimated with much precision. income Although the NIPA measure of labor income does not exactly correspond to the measure of labor income obtained from the PSID, Figure For example. are similar. A. 1 the two measures of aggregate income gives a plot of the CITIBASE measure of aggregate labor income growth [logiY^/Y^ measure constructed from the The PSID. )] along with the corresponding PSID measure aggregate of labor income per capita was constructed by summing household labor income across households in our sample and then weighting by the total number of people in The correlation between the two series is 0.9. our sample for each year. As a result, measuring aggregate labor income shocks from the NIPA series should do a reasonable job in capturing aggregate labor income dynamics. Table A.l reports ordinary least squares estimates of the law of motion for aggregate labor income and aggregate dividends Using the fitted residuals from this estimation, equation (see the model (3.1)). given by (A. 2) was estimated individual by individual using ordinary least squares. All Individuals. The estimation was first performed for our largest A summary of these findings is given subsample of households from the PSID. in Table A. 2 which reports sample averages of the parameter estimates along with sample consistent (1989), standard with errors. results for example. In estimates The reported MaCurdy in particular, the reported (1982) in and Table Abowd A. 2 and are Card estimated parameter values imply that individual income growth is negatively correlated over time. Abowd and Card (1989) also argue that aggregate variation in income has little affect on the autocorrelation structure of individual 33 income. In our sample from on average only 16% of individual income variation is captured by the PSID, the aggregate shocks. for the 's T) with C, which reports A. 3 = 0. the we also estimated the law of motion For this reason, The results of this estimation are given in Table cross sectional standard errors. section average the of Tables A. 4 for the stockholder subsample. A. 3, variance of larger. than the in and However, (A. 2) In comparing these results to tables A. 2 and explained by the regressions the for o- that for entire the sample. stockholders Also is the slightly time and in which there is a very important role for On average aggregate 12% of as our base case the variation in over t) time is reported in shocks. Based upon these results we use A. 3 , the the results are generally consistent with a model in which idiosyncratic shocks. case . present results of estimating A. 5 idiosyncratic shock, is correlated over Table cross notice that the average autoregressive parameters are smaller for the stockholders Tj and Notice that the average autoregressive parameter is slightly larger as is the estimated variance of c Stockholders. parameters the estimated parameters in Section 3. In Section 3 we also discuss a captures variation in the cross-sectional distribution of income over the business cycle. 34 labor References J.M. and D. Card (1989). "On the Covariance Structure of Earnings and Hours Changes", Econometrica 57, 411-445. Abowd, Amihud, Yakov and Haim Mendelson (1986). "Asset Pricing and Spread," Journal of Monetary Economics 17, 223-249. Aiyagari, S. Rao and Mark Gertler (1991). 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Markov Chain Model for Exogenous State Variables Base Case States State Number a 1 0.991 1.047 0.991 1.047 0.991 1.047 0.991 1.047 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 V S r 0.3772 0.3772 0.3772 0.3772 0.6228 0.6228 0.6228 0.6228 0.1522 0.1517 0.1483 0.1478 0.1522 0.1517 0.1483 0.1478 Transition Probability Matrix [p r 1 where p = Pr{state J at time t+1 1 state i at time t> 0.3562 0.2430 0.08506 0.05803 0.1237 0.08436 0.02953 0.02015 0.3392 0.3360 0.03370 0.03338 0.1178 0.1166 0.01170 0.01159 0.03338 0.03370 0.3360 0.3392 0.01159 0.01170 0.1166 0.1178 0.05803 0.08506 0.2430 0.3562 0.02015 0.02953 0.08436 0.1237 0.1237 0.08436 0.02953 0.02015 0.3562 0.2430 0.08506 0.05803 0.1166 0.01170 0.01159 0.3392 0.3360 0.03370 0.03338 0.1178 0.1166 0.1178 0.03338 0.03370 0.3360 0.3392 0.02015 0.02953 0.08436 0.1237 0.05803 0.08506 0.2430 0.3562 0.01159 0.01170 37 _ 1 Table 3.2 Markov Chain Model for Exogenous State Variables Cyclical Distribution Case State Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0.1478 1.047 Transition Probability Matrix As in Table 3. 0.5 1 Table 4. Moments Implied by the Complete Markets Cases Indlvidiual Moment Aeeresate Avg Consump Growth 0.021 Std Dev Consump Growth 0.029 Avg Bond Return 0.008 Std Dev Bond Return 0.026 Avg Stock Return 0.089 Std Dev Stock Return 0.173 Individual Table 4.2 Momemts Implied by the Frictionless Model Base Case Moment Avg Consump Growth 1. Std Dev Consump Growth Avg Bond Return Std Dev Bond Return Avg Stock Return Std Dev Stock Return Avg Bond Trades (°/. of Consumption) 0.058 Std Dev Bond Trades Avg Stock Trades ('/. Std Dev Bond Trades 0.070 of Consumption) 0.121 0.057 Cyclical Distribution Table A.l Aggregate Dynamics y. = t t-1 dVv^ and X^ 2 [iog(/) logiS X" = A^ X^ 8'a * t-1 t a t a ^ Ordinary Least Squares Estimates A" = 0.0805 0.0626 (0. 1673] (0.0344) -0.5166 (0.2329) 16 0.0276 9° = 0.9480 0.0056 (0.0706) 0.2249 a M = (0.1141) -0. 1630 (0.2343) 16 )]' t StcUidard errors in parentheses. 41 0.0432 2 Table A. Individual Income Dynamics with Aggregates All Individuals Cross sectional means and standard deviations of coefficient estimates. t , , 1 > jOglT)^) = -1 1 + 7) I 0- Coefficient -i t , , t 1 , p 10g(T}^_^) + ,„, = {£{C ,1/3 'C^ C, 1 * C^, 1,2,1/2 ) > Cross-Sectional Mean Standard Deviation -3.5284 2.6094 0.0036 0.3600 -0.0071 0.0722 0.5032 0.1268 0.2292 0.1226 42 3 Table A. Individual Income Dynamics without Aggregates All Individuals Cross sectional means and standard deviations of coefficient estimates. t 1 , iogCi) ) = T) 1 a- Coefficient t -1 + I t , , 1 p iog(T) ,_, = {£(c ) + e , 1,2,1/2 ) > Cross-Sectional Mean Standard Deviation Ti^ -3.3499 2.4134 p* 0.5290 0.3320 <r' 0.2508 0.1309 43 4 Table A. Individual Income Dynamics with Aggregates Stockholders Cross sectional means and standard deviations of coefficient estimates. t 1 a- t t ,_, 1,2,1/2 - {£(c ) > t Coefficient Cross-Sectional Mean Standard Deviation V -4.6673 2.1603 C' 0.0113 0.0930 C' ^2 -0.0441 0.1676 p' 0.2308 0.3479 0-' 0.3587 0.1494 1 44 5 Table A. Individual Income Dynamics without Aggregates Stockholders Cross sectional means and standard deviations of coefficient estimates. t lOg(l)^) = TJ 1 0- t t + p Jog(T)^_^) ,_, = {£(C + C^, 1,2.1/2 ) > t Coefficient -1 11 Cross-Sectional Mean -4.2409 Standard Deviation 1 . 8692 0.2987 0.3039 0.3826 0.1589 45 B.C., Returns Figure 4.1a: 0.09 0.08 0.07 0.06 £ 0.05 3 ^ 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 1 F r I 1 1 1 1 1 ! 1 Figure 4.1c: B.C., Average Trading 0.14- 0.12 =0 V 0.06 < 0.04 0.02 ^ Figure 4.2a: 0.09 0.08 0.07 0.06 £ 3 0.05 ^ 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 1 1 ; C.D.C., Returns , ] I 1 I Figure 4.2c: C.D.C., Average Trading Stock Market =0 c "P 0.08 u 2 Bond Market 0.06 < 0.04 0.02 0. 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 Omega 1 (k Figure 4.2d: C.D.C, o 0.06 Q ^ 0.05 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 Omega 1.4 1.6 1.8 1.6 1.8 = Omega/2) STD 1 (k 1.2 of Consumption 1.2 = Omega/2) 1.4 Figure 4.3c: B.C. Symmetric Costs, Average Trading C 1 0.08 H V 2 0.06 Bond Market < 0.04 0.02 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 Omega 0.5 0.2 0.3 0.4 Omega 0.7 0.8 0.9 = Omega) (k Figure 4.3d: B.C. Symmetric Costs, 0.1 0.6 0.5 (k STD 0.6 = Omega) of Consumption 0.7 0.8 0.9 Figure 4.4a: C.D.C. Symmetric Costs, Returns 0.09 0.08 Stock Return 0.07 Bond Return 0.06 E 0.05 ^ 0.04 0.03 0.02 Equity Premium . 0.01 .+ — +...-" - Net Premium ^----f 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 Omega 0.5 (k 0.6 0.7 = Omega) Figure 4.4b: C.D.C. Symmetric Costs, Costs 0.06 0.05 0.04 O 0.8 0.9 Figure 4.4c: C.D.C. Symmetric Costs, Average Trading 0.14 0.12 Stock Market Bond Market 0.04 0.02 b 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 Omega 0.6 0.5 (k 0.7 0.8 = Omega) Figure 4.4d: C.D.C. Symmetric Costs, STD of Consumption 0.02L 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 Omega 0.5 (k 0.6 = Omega) 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 Figure 4.5a: B.C. No Bonds, Returns Figure 4.5c: B.C. No Bonds, Average Trading 0.25 k Figure 4.5d: B.C. 0.05 0.1 0.15 No 0.2 Bonds, 0.25 STD of Consumption 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5 Figure 4.6a: 0.09 0.08 0.07 0.06 h E 3 0.05 4-* ^ 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 C.D.C. No Bonds, Returns Figure 4.6c: B.C. No Bonds, Average Trading 0.25 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 Figure 4.6d: B.C. No 0.25 Bonds, 0.3 STD 0.35 0.4 of Consumption 0.45 0.5 Figure A,l 0.06 0.04 0.02 o o -0.02 - 1972 1974 1978 1976 Year '>668 135 1980 1984 Date Due NOV, i- ' '^^^ 25 Lib-26-67 Mil 3 IIPRARIES Dlll'l TOaD UQ7EDflflb fl