WVBE POLICY 2510-ASSURING THE QUALITY OF EDUCATION: REGULATIONS FOR EDUCATION... Providing guidance for leaders dedicated to high-quality early learning programming,... grade



Providing guidance for leaders dedicated to high-quality early learning programming, Pre-K through 5 th grade

Foundations for High-Quality Early Learning Programming

Early Learning Intermediate (Grades 3-5)

Developmentally Appropriate Practices for Physical Health and Wellness

In grades Kindergarten-5 , not less than 30 minutes of physical education, including physical exercise and age appropriate physical activities, for not less than three days a week will be provided as per W. Va. Code §18-2-7a. At least 50 percent of class time for physical education should be spent in moderate to vigorous-intensity physical activity. Schools that do not currently have the number of certified physical education teachers or required physical setting may develop alternate programs to enable current staff and physical settings to be used to meet this requirement. Alternate programs shall be submitted to the

WVDE and the West Virginia Healthy Lifestyle Council for approval. In accordance with W. Va. Code §18-2-7a, the

FITNESSGRAM® shall be administered to students in grades 4-5.

In grades Kindergarten-5 physical activity in the form of recess or informal physical activity will be provided for no fewer than

30 minutes daily for all students.

Physical Education

Physical Activity

Grades 3-5 should focus on exploring the effects of health habits on wellness through decision making and problem solving techniques. Hands-on wellness activities provide experiences that are easily integrated with other course components while providing wellness strategies to develop independence, self-motivation and critical thinking skills.

The incorporation of vigorous activity will enhance physical development, social skills and fosters participation in enjoyable physical activity outside the classroom.

Grade 5 will begin to understand social norms, physical changes occurring during puberty, self-acceptance, influences of social media and the effects of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs (ATOD) on their body.

Critical Considerations to Help Assure Developmentally Appropriate

Practices for Physical Health and Wellness

The Intermediate years of Grades 3-5 should demonstrate wellness behaviors, practice health-enhancing skills and become advocates for their own personal health.

Students in grades 3-5 should show advancements in proficiency of motor skills and movement concepts which will allow greater exploration of lifetime physical activities.

The students should explore the effects of health habits on wellness through decision making and problem solving techniques to start developing complex skills and critical thinking.

Students in these grades learn best when provided with a nurturing, safe and positive school climate with caring adults who become childhood mentors.

Students in these grades learn best from schools who engage in community partnerships and learning.

Students learn best when their families are increasingly involved and meaningfully engaged with intermediate education and learning.


Learning experiences should focus on social skills and lifetime wellness principles to promote continued physical development and participation in good health habits and enjoyable physical activity outside of the classroom.

Ask Yourself: Does my classroom incorporate good health habits, physical activity and social emotional skills such as manners, treating others with respect, acceptance, respect for other, etc.?

Students will propose wellness strategies to develop independence, self-motivation and critical thinking skills. Ask Yourself: Does my classroom actively engage in the modeling of wellness behaviors and develop ways to foster a healthy school environment?

Students should enjoy physical activity and good nutrition sets the stage for lifelong health habits. Ask Yourself: Do my students enjoy physical activity with simultaneous activities for all and trying new foods such as fruits and vegetables?

Students should demonstrate good health habits on a daily basis.

Ask Yourself: Does my classroom incorporate good health habits like hand washing, cough etiquette, etc. into the classroom behaviors?

Students should have multiple opportunities to engage in physical movement experiences throughout the instructional day, enhancing the critical link between physical activity and brain functioning.


Yourself: Do I integrate physical activity into the early learning classroom and curriculum to enhance brain function?

Health and Wellness activities cannot be used as punishment for students. Ask Yourself: Do I foster a positive environment free of practices using physical activity as punishment?

Health and wellness activities should not be withheld as a behavioral consequence. Ask Yourself: Do I foster a positive environment that encourages physical wellness? Do I provide opportunities for all students to have the required amount of daily physical activity?

The families and communities of students should be meaningfully engaged with learning process.

Ask yourself: Does my classroom actively engage parents and community in a positive and nonthreatening teamwork manner?

Health and Wellness activities should NOT be used as a punishment for students such as withholding physical activity, requiring physical activity or punishment related to nutrition/school meals. Ask Yourself: Do I foster a positive environment that is free of practices which use wellness as a punishment for students?

Students in 5 th

grade should understand the changes occurring with their body to assure a positive self-image along with the benefits of being drug-free. Ask Yourself: Do my students understand the normal growth and development changes occurring with their bodies to ensure a positive self-image and respect for others changing appearances ? Do my students know ATOD can harm their health?

Revised April 2015


Providing guidance for leaders dedicated to high-quality early learning programming, Pre-K through 5 th grade

Foundations for High-Quality Early Learning Programming

Early Learning Intermediate (Grades 3-5)

Developmentally Appropriate Practices for Physical Health and Wellness

Selected Resources

CDC Physical Activity Facts at http://www.cdc.gov/healthyyouth/physicalactivity/facts.htm


CDC Safe and Healthy Kids and Families at http://www.cdc.gov/family/kids/ .

Coalition for Community Schools at http://www.communityschools.org/ .

Health in Mind: Improving Education Through Wellness at http://www.nasmhpd.org/docs/PreventionResources/Health_in_Mind_Report.pdf


Institute of Medicine Report. (2013). Educating the Student Body Taking Physical Activity and Physical

Education to School. The National Academy of Sciences. Retrieved on February 4, 2014 from http://www.iom.edu/~/media/Files/Report%20Files/2013/Educating-the-Student-



WVDE-Office of Early Learning Website. (2014) at http://wvde.state.wv.us/oel/ .

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Revised April 2015
