;i^v HD28 ^"=*' Tfc^ ,i,8fi iAUG 181988 ] ALFRED P. WORKING PAPER SLOAN SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT CAUSE AND EFFECT OF RECENT MERGERS Christopher Coyne Frank J . Fabozzi Uzi Yaari VP;: 2033-88 June 1988 MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE- OF TECHNOLOGY 50 MEMORIAL DRIVE CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS 02139 y CAUSE AND EFFECT OF RECENT MERGERS Christopher CojTie Frank J. Fabozzi Uzi Yaari VP^ 2033-88 *** June 1988 CAUSE AND EFFECT OF RECENT MERGERS by CHRISTOPHER COYNE,* FRANK J. FABOZZI** and UZI YAARI*** Original Draft October 1986 Latest Revision June 1988 Department of Finance College of Business and Administration St. Joseph's University Philadelphia, PA. 19131 ** Sloan School of Management Massachusetts Institute of Technology 50 Memorial Drive Cambridge, MA. 02138 *** School of Business Victor Hall Rutgers University Camden NJ 08102 (c) Not to be quoted or published without the authors' written permission. M.I.T LIBRARIES RECEIVED CAUSE AND EFFECT OF RECENT MERGERS I . Introduction Over the period 1980 - the volume of reported merger 1986, activity has increased at an average annual rate of 25.6 percent, billion to $173.3 billion. from $44.3 This change reflects in part an increase in the average size of reported mergers-^, $49.8 million targets corporations large that indicate 1980 to $117.9 million in 1986. in acquisition. of are increase The These figures increasingly in from merger becoming activity is supported by two developments. On one level, major innovations in the capital market facilitate the assembly of large sums of money necessary for acquisitions; large on antitrust another, policy under the Reagan Administration is more tolerant of such acquisiThe tions. sheer volume of this phenomenon coupled with the publicity surrounding the largest merger transactions have drawn public attention resulting in congressional hearings and government for community studies, adds most intervention. up of to The significant a which rely on response the of increase the in pre-1980 data, 5, 9, 10, consequence, 15, 18, 19, financial 20, 21, 24, 26, 46, theorists are still call academic number of focusing on the description of this phenomenon rather than its explanation 4, a 53, 58, 60]. [2, 3, As a uncertain about the causes behind the current wave of mergers [26, 45]. This study develops a model of mergers as a vehicle for tax arbitrage and tests it on post-1980 data. Overlooked in previous studies, the proposed source of arbitrage gain is the two-tier 2 taxation of corporate-source where system, personal the tax paid is Under this system, distribution. underlying income only the tax U.S. trading at and corporation will gain from a using its pre-personal tax funds to acquire the assets of another at lower the price commensurate with a post-tax stock market value. A cash-f or-stock acquisition strips the net assets of the target of their presonal tax wedge; the resulting gain to the shareholders of both firms is only partially offset by additional personal taxes. differs from nevertheless, This explanation of the current merger epidemic claims often validity of made our the by acquiring hypothesis does management awareness of the source of the gain. management; not require We quantify the tax wedge and then successfully test our theory on a sample of 86 cash-f or-stock mergers occurring between 1981 and The 1984. average combined gain generated by mergers studied is substantial and largely explained by the tax wedge in the target firm. About three-fifths of that gain goes to the shareholders of the target and the remainder to the acquiring firm and, shareholders. after tax, to its Unlike most earlier studies, our estimated gain to the acquiring firm is substantial and significant. We suggest an explanation for the evidence that the target's shareholders are the main beneficiaries of the typical merger. While our model from merger, it is cannot a good predictor of the potential gain presently predict the occurrence of specific mergers. Hence, the most immediate implications of our findings public are for policy and for firms negotiating a 3 not merger, seeking investors for to merger identify targets. Our main policy recommendation calls for the imposition of a tax on acquisitions. cash-for-stock without corrective tax, a The results mergers may have indicate that adverse effects on economic efficiency by using up resources in related services and However, even without the proposed tax, by shifting tax burdens. no major effects are expected on competition or the concentration of corporate If valid, assets. our findings indicate that the 1986 Tax Reform Act will not have some of the anticipated effects on mergers In particular, [57]. the effects of the decrease in the maximum tax rate on dividends and the increase in the capital gains tax will be roughly offsetting. of the General Utilities Doctrine, tions increase to acquired assets, depreciation will not Similarly, the elimination the ruling allowing corpora- writing-up by diminish the main the tax value benefit of from mergers. study The Section II is details translated to a up the proposed further to theory model in section III. main empirical model, section V. according set the of following corporate plan. mergers, Section IV introduces the followed by a description of the data in The empirical results are presented in section VI and interpreted in section VII. Policy implications of our findings are discussed in section VIII. II. A Tax Theory of Corporate Acquisitions In the absence of personal taxes, there would be no differ- ence between the cost of funds held by the corporation and those 4 held Consequently, shareholders. by the unobservable value of net assets (i.e., assets less debt liabilities) observable market value of the common would equal the This stock. parity is destroyed under our tax system, where corporate-source income is subject to personal taxes only at trading and distribution, since such taxes drive wedge between the corporate and shareholder a costs of funds. We base our claim of a tax incentive for corporate acquisi- tions on the assumption of a systematic and significant discrep- ancy between the corporate and shareholder costs of funds, which in turn requires the assumption that shareholders pay a signifi- cant tax^ tax . market pre-tax net personal taxes create In terms of valuation, equity value that asset value. and legal restrictions, a post- smaller than the unobservable is Absent prohibitive transaction costs this discrepancy enables any corporation from purchasing the assets of another by acquiring full to gain stock ownership over those assets.-^ The tax incentive for merger is illustrated by the following simplified example, assuming value additivity and other sources of synergy,'^ having assets with a Consider a non-growth target firm pre-personal-tax value corresponding pre-tax equity value of $1,000. are on (P) has a post-corporate-tax basis.) assets with and $8,000 in a of (All and a $1,000 and (T) a values cited A non-growth acquiring firm pre-tax value of $10,000 other assets) ignoring all ($2,000 in cash corresponding equity value of $10,000. Pre-tax asset values are imputed by grossing-up observed . subjected to and these stocks of market values pre-1987 a on estimated an tax $1 000 ( 1, value the 4 ) $10 000 (1- and , 4 government the by . the post-tax corresponding the =$600 claimed ) =$6 000 , is the dividend tax revenues to be generated by discounted stream each firm, $400 and $4,000, of . percent dividend tax, 40 have would firms of Consistently, based equity of future earnings of both firms are to be distrib- If all effect. uted values market post-tax respectively. The pre-merger balance sheets of the parties involved are illustrated below. Before Acaruisition CORPORATION Cash 2,000 Other Assets 8,000 CORPORATION T IMPUTED) Assets 1,000 Equity 1,000 f I Equity 10,000 SHAREHOLDERS P (OBSERVED) Stock P 6,000 Equity 6,000 SHAREHOLDERS T (OBSERVED) Stock T 600 Equity 600 I I U.S. GOVERNMENT (IMPUTED) Dividend tax wedge T Dividend tax wedge P Now entire premium. assume stock of (IMPUTED) P that firm firm T, 400 4000 P Equity proceeds paying for 4,400 to it acquire $900 for including cash the $300 in The post-merger balance sheets provided below indicate the following changes. The consolidated balance sheet of firm P shows a decrease of $900 in cash, offset by an increase of $1,000 in assets originating in firm T. For those assets, tax wedge of T has been replaced by that of P. the personal The pre-tax gain from the acquisition includes the $300 in premium going to the target's shareholders and the $100 increment in net assets to the acquiring combined pre-tax gain of The firm. pre-merger tax wedge in the target. the net gain to the equals the The post-tax gain includes target's shareholders who must pay without delay capital gains tax at the pre-1987 rate of a $400 (.4) (.4) =.16 on and the net gain to the acquiring firm's share- gain of $300, holders for whom an assets' increase of $100 is diminished by a tax wedge at the ordinary rate of .4. After Acquisition CONSOLODATED CORPORATION P (IMPUTED) Cash 1,100 Assets of T 1,000 Other Assets 8,000 Equity 10,100 SHAREHOLDERS OF T Cash for fair value 600 Cash premium 300 less: tax 48 252 Equity Stock of P SHAREHOLDERS OF P 6,060 Equity 852 6,060 U.S. Government (IMPUTED) 48 Capital gains tax, T shareholders Dividend tax wedge in P 4,040 Equity 4,084 The Statement of Asset Changes summarizes the net effects on the three parties involved: A combined post-tax gain to shareholders of $300(1-. 16) + $100(1-. 4) loss in value of tax revenue. = $312 originates with an equivalent ASSET CHANGES Cash premium Less: Capital gains tax Net gain T shareholders: P shareholders: 300 (48 Pre-tax assets Dividend tax burden Net gain 100 Less: (40) 60 Lost divident tax in T (400) Increased capital gains tax in T 48 Increased dividend tax in P 4_0 Net loss (312) U.S. Government: As ) 252 illustrated by this example, under the U.S. tax system, cash-f or-stock acquisitions by corporations are a source of semi- The combined pre-tax gain generated by the two arbitrage gain. firms is systematic but uncertain due to a variety of unpredictable changes caused by the merger. Given the choice of a target, that gain essentially is management motives. That independent gain equals other of the synergies tax wedge difference between pre-tax and post-tax values) (i.e., of the and the target's net assets less transaction costs. The tax wedge is a function of shareholders' marginal tax bracket in the target. The gain to the shareholders of the target is the premium paid on their stock. At most, this gain personal level. paid for may be subject capital gains tax at the Gain accrues to the acquiring firm if the price acquired assets, the to their pre-personal tax value. plus transaction costs, is below Any gain to the acquiring firm is subject to the full personal tax wedge between the net assets of that firm and its shareholders' equity. Unlike a cash-f or-stock acquisition, a stock-for-stock ; . 8 acquisition would liabilities of wedge of the the be a two target. simple consolidation of firms, generating gain shareholders The no of the assets the and from the tax target exchange $1000 of equity in the target for $1000 of equity in the acquirfirm. ing acquiring target, Similarly, firm would under pay an $1000 asset-f or-asset in cash for acquisition, the assets the of the changing the asset composition of both firms but not the asset value of either. III. The Model Our corporate acquisition model follows Marcus et al [35], who extend the Gordon-Miller-Modigliani growth model to analyze interaction of growth and taxes under the U.S. the tax system. Although these models do not incorporate risk explicitly, this is not a drawback in the present context. then real and financial If markets are efficient, assets are fairly priced at all times, precluding any systematic gain from intra-firm diversification. Let: V = pre-merger market value of the target firm's equity; A = pre-merger value of the target firm's net assets (i.e., assets net of debt liabilities) E = pre-corporate-tax earnings accrued at the end of the year; b = firm's reinvestment ratio, namely, periodic investment as a fraction of pre-tax earnings, E; e = the fraction of b financed internally by retention; g = growth rate of earnings, dividends, and price per share; ; ; post-tax equivalent-risk opportunity rate of return earned by shareholders, conveniently assumed to be independent of the growth rate, g r = tjj . = marginal rate of corporate profit tax; tp = shareholders' marginal tax rate on "unearned" personal income, including dividends; tj, = shareholders' marginal tax rate on realized capital gains i = share marginal holding period measured in years, assumed to begin ex-dividend. The shareholders of a fixed-leverage with firm constant perpetual growth perceive the following post-tax dividend in year j: the E(l-eb-tj^) (1-tp) (1-g) capital gains tax With ^~-'-. in year annual ex-dividend would be tQV[ j ( The present value of the firm's equity would be^, V = E(l-eb-tk) (1-tp) f_ r-g 1 + g) payment becomes ( 1+g) r - g > (i Vt^^ E(l-eb-tj,) (1-tp) _ r-g ( 1) , 1+g) ^/ > g) the value of the capital [ ( l+r) ^- l+g) ^] ( and tc(l^g)^ _ V ., (l+r)i - A formula for the firm's market equity solving this equation for V: "•'- tc(l+g) present value of the firm's equity value is V = ^ _ V With an i-year holding period tax ] ^ (subject to r gains -1 trading, (l+g)i value is obtained by the 10 E(l-Gb-t)^) (1-tp) f_ V = 1 ^i . r-g (1) where tc(i+g)^ Wi = 1 + (2) • . : (l+r)i - (l+g)i The pre -personal-tax value of the corporation's net is derived from (1) by setting the personal tax rates assets at zero: E(l-eb-t3^) A = (3) . r-g Based on the relationship between (1) and pre-personal-tax can be net asset value (3) the unobservable , determined from the observable (post-tax) equity market value by Wi A = V (4) • 1-tp Assume now that takeover by another, marginal tax rates, this corporation becomes a target for a whose shareholders are subject to the same tj^, tp, and t,-. action costs and other synergies, . In the absence of trans- the maximum price that can be offered by the acquiring firm for the stock of the target is the value A [stated by (3)], asset value of the target. the pre-merger pre-personal-tax net The minimum price acceptable to the 11 shareholders pre-merger the of post-tax target is the value V value market their of [stated by plus stock, the (1)], compen- sation for any additional tax liability arising from the transacIf the merger tion itself. is optimally timed to coincide with the end of the i-year trading cycle, any, if The combined pre-tax gain from subject to such a tax. is only the merger premium, merger is the pre-merger difference A-V measured in the target According to and (2), that gain is proportional to the equity (1) size of the target, E (1-eb-t)^)/ (r-g) The firm. the as measured by its discounted dividend flow but , independent of the size of the acquiring ratio A/V = Wj_/(l-tp) target, incentive.^ A/V where > personal tax and growth; it 1 can be interpreted as an the implies 1 This incentive > incentive to transfer ownership in combined gross index of the . presence such of an is directly related to the rates of is inversely related to the rate of interest and the holding period, but independent of the rate of corporate tax. Transaction costs personal effective and narrow the range of admissible acquisition prices. pre-tax gain acquisition, from A-V, is tax loopholes The combined decreased by the same These factors may disrupt the relationship between the amount. hypothetical and actual gain from merger.^ IV. Testable Hypotheses The merger central generates claim a gain of this due to study, a that personal a tax cash-f or-stock wedge in the valuation of the target's assets, can be tested by observing the 12 effect of mergers on the equity market values of the firms involved. Absent transaction costs, the tax wedge hypothesis implies the following theoretical relationship between the target's pre- merger wedge tax changes residual and (r.h.s.) in both firms, representing the pre-tax gain from any cash-for-stock acquisition AvT AaP + = aT - vT with the superscripts T and P identifying the target and acquiring firms, respectively. This relationship is translated to the empirical linear equation Av^ + Aa^ = a + b(A'^ - V'^) + c^Xi + ... + c^Xn + e (5) where a is the constant term, and b is the coefficient of the tax wedge, e an is represent other variables and their coefficients, and Cj^X-j^ error term. Based on (4) and (5) , our hypothesis is tested by:^ AvT AvPwi/(l-tp) = + a + bvT[Wi/(l-tp)-l] +CjXi + The presence of V*^ and w-^ . . . + CnXn + e . (6) on both sides of this equation could bias the results by introducing spurious correlation. To guard against this possibility, we recalculated variations of equation (6) w^ without on the v'^ and/or with the mean of l.h.s. There was no Wj^ replacing firm-specific significant difference in the results. ^^ Equation (6) estimates the parameters a and b using indepen- dent estimates of the tax rate tp and the parameters entering v^ 13 based on (2). (r,g,i,t^) representing historical costs [10, of net assets in assets net the (5) book their by 44, 43, 32, 11, 54], values based on we estimate the value based on market valuation. relationship The Departing from the accepted method of b<l and a<0 would interpreted be as evidence of transaction costs or effective tax loopholes unaccounted for indicated the by by theoretical and a<0, costs model. Fixed proportional to would costs size the of be the transaction by b<l. The portion of the actual gain accruing to each firm can be described as ing (6) a function of the joint theoretical gain by rewrit- separately benefit according for each Shareholders firm. of the target to-'--'- Av^ + b'vT[wj_/(l-tp)-l] = a' +CiXi + . . . +CnXn + e (7) . Shareholders of the acquiring firm benefit according to AvP[Wi/(l-tp)] = a" +b"vT[Wi/(l-tp)-l] +CiXi + ... + Cj^Xn + e . (8) Jointly with the main hypothesis, we test for the effects of the following additional factors (X^^, ... , X^) . Structural stability over time is tested by including a dummy variable for the year of acquisition. The competing hypotheses of monopoly and efficiency [27, 20, 24] are tested by a dummy variable for the type of merger (horizontal, vertical, or conglomerate). Differential effects of transaction costs and information asymmetry are tested by the percentage of institutional ownership. We also test 14 the competing hypothesis that merger is a tax-effective distribu- tion method [44, acquiring firm, depreciation by 26] 7, including 49, variable the for corporate tax synergy via and the hypothesis of [5, cash a by including a variable for fixed assets 54] or depreciation. V. Data A. The Sample Grimm reports over nine thousand mergers and acquisi- W.T. tions between 1981 and 1984. Of those, were divestitures fifty-one about about thirty-five hundred (typically cash-f or-asset acquisitions) hundred involved a twelve hundred involved privately held target firm, and These mergers foreign party. a over , are excluded from the sample due to irrelevance or no information on one the of parties After involved. acquisitions by private buyers, those involving those exchange, on which there is elimination further stock-f or-stock a incomplete involved an target. Since mergers by the the exchange of cash model same imposes firm, such no Although this sample appears to be small, were those 86 mergers stock of the for the restriction mergers and data, where one of the parties was in financial distress, remain that on not it compares repeated excluded. favorably with previous studies and proved adequate to test our model. principle, tions of In our model should apply to all cash-f or-stock acquisi- among domestic corporations, closely-held corporations, a including sample of thousands. those involving 15 B. Tax Wedge Variables V*^ V^ , Pre-merger equity value of the two firms. : effect of the merger on prices Since the measured is period of approximately one year, it the effect of market-wide changes. Market influence by deflating the adjusted for is necessary to change in value by the relevant individual alternative approach stock betas over a taken suppress is removed S & from Value P index Line . An using an overall market index in lieu of individual betas produced similar results. Both methods are used in earlier research. Mandelker concerning [33] and impending Ellert mergers indicate [21] leaks out that starting information least at four months prior to the first public announcement. To insure that the values are as free from interference as possible, for all first the of public pre-merger quotations announcement of is months before the six planned merger. a the base date This six-month period is used for both the target and the acquiring firm. In our sample of 86 mergers, firm was over the average equity size of the acquiring two-and-a-half times that of the target, 889 million dollars compared with 317 million dollars, respectively. Merger value of the target firm. excluded, Since partial acquisitions are this variable measures the actual entire stock of the target, price paid for the taken from Mergerstat transaction size was 549.5 m.illion dollars. . The average A comparison of the equity value acquired with that prevailing six months before the merger indicated an average residual premium of Av'^/v'^ = 76.8 .. 16 percent. Post-itierger value of the accmirinq firm. The methodology of Mandelker [33], Ellert [21], and Langetieg studies following Dodd and Ruback [18], which public announcement. our In the study, differs from [29] focus on the first date of public the announcement of the final merger agreement is chosen to insure that the probability of change that the in from the merger. completion of the merger price of both firms reflects the Measured as Av^/V^ gain = 59 percent. The target's holding period is calculated as the share value Poterba full so the average residlual post- a rate, tax gain for the acquiring firm is i: unity, is average outstanding divided by the annual trading volume) [43] argues that the holding period is unique to each stock and affected by its growth rate and other variables. r: Although not explicit in the model, post-tax discount the rate applied by the target owners depends on the general level of interest rates and the relative risk of the target. we use the actual pre-merger ex-post account for both effects, post-tax rate of return for the target shareholders. The of taxes is calculated by using "market" tax rates and capital gains (see discussion below), g: annualized growth rate To of per earnings effect for dividends We use the target's share, which is more stable than that of the price per share, but less stable than the growth rate of dividends per share. the obscuring effect of an The use of earnings avoids unknown dividend policy, and the effect of changes in the general level of uncertainty and market interest rates on the share price, tp: Based on Peterson et al 17 we assume a pre 1987 dividend tax rate of 40 percent, [41], Consistent with the findings of Poterba t^: we use a pre-1987 [42], percent which is four effective capital gains tax rate of 16 tenths of 40 percent. C. Other Variables Type merger: of A variable or conglomerate. vertical, horizontal, dummy classifying mergers Market-extension mergers with horizontal mergers, product-extension mergers are included either vertical or conglomerate mergers, and mergers which with cannot classified otherwise be are placed in Calendar year of merger completion: category. conglomerate the A dummy variable indicating the year of final approval of the merger. owned equity of as institutions: by A proxy fixed gross percentage assets change to in total market for Target^s ratio of depreciation to total assets ; pre-merger cash position: factors. Target^s ratio of Acquiring assets; Percentage firm^s annual These variables pertain to the year preceding the merger. VII Empirical Results . The Effect of Merger on The Combined Value A. Regressions testing the tax-wedge hypothesis appear in Table 1, Panel Regression A.-^^ (i) basic relationship as stated by show wedge a positive (r.h.s.) and and is (5). significant the the most direct As predicted, relationship combined change in test of our the results between the market values. tax The r> ft, ft. C y— .' - 3 A »o 18 coefficient of .68 indicates that the pre-tax gain is about twothirds of that anticipated in the absence of variable transaction costs effective and tax loopholes. The significant difference between our estimated coefficient and the theoretical coefficient of unity is interpreted as evidence of large variable transaction costs and/or substantial tax avoidance which lowers the marginal tax bracket as per Miller and Scholes presence of fixed Consistent with the [38]. transaction costs, the intercept negative is although small and insignificant. An adjusted R^ of about .64 confirms tax wedge the the role of the personal in providing source of arbitrage gain and the incentive to merge. in the dollar gain from merger are largely Variations explained by pre- merger differences in the target's tax wedge. The size of transaction costs may be affected by instutional ownership. the ratios To reflect the of influence of this institutional ownership we regression in ratios of the two firms showed collinearity factor, , include (ii). The which was removed by substituting for original values residuals obtained by regressing the collinear variables on each other. Regression refined by recognizing potential changes in the rates of interest, structural (i) is further changes due to inflation, and growth, and the deferral period. Based on the t-values and the adjusted R^ , these additional variables appear to have no systematic effect on the gain from merger. This result lends legitimacy to our procedure of comparing mergers spanning a four-year period. Regression (iii) includes additional variables to reflect 19 effects the the type of depreciation merger, cash in the acquiring firm. and firm, of in The absence of the target signifi- a cant positive coefficient for vertical and horizontal mergers is consistent with the results of Elgers and Clark [20], and Gordon and Yagil lack The fails [24] to . of significance confirm claim the of that the pre-merger merger is a distribution method for the acquiring firm [44, 7, variable cash tax-effective While in 25]. our model the gain from merger depends on the total net assets of the target obtained, regardless of how the funds for the acquisition are according to the distribution hypothesis that gain is unrelated to the net assets of the target, the amount firm. It acquiring of cash available follows that but is determined by for distribution under the in distribution the acquiring hypothesis, the firm would normally use accumulated cash rather than external funds to finance the acquisition. The insignificance of the cash variable is not suprising. claims Despite to the contrary, merger is not similar to stock repurchase, where as in the latter the benefit automatically accrues to the shareholders of the accrue firm pursuing to the owners the distribution, of another shareholders of the acquiring target, firm. in the former it would Indeed, firm subsidize the why would the owners of the unless they can share in the subsidy? This would only be possible by means of a costly and illegal reciprocal arrangement, unlikely for two public companies. 20 B. The Separate Effects on the Merger's Participants The regressions reported in Panels B and C of Table dependent variables the changes acquiring firms, variables in show A value of the target and the in Although some of the independent respectively. Panel use as 1 significant no relationship the to combined value, one cannot rule out the possibility that those variables exert could influence or both The first regression in Panel The target firm. equation coefficient the of the .68, present based on independent variable only the tax contains as an (7), B, which positive is and significant. Since the coefficient for the combined change in value is partic- of the an influence which cancels out in the combination. ipants, wedge, one on coefficient of nearly shows .44 (Panel A) that the target receives the larger portion, on average 65 percent of the pre-tax gain produced by the merger. Earlier studies are consistent showing in In 33]. a greater share to the target further support of our theory, shows that variations in 17, 18, the adjusted R^ of .85 [2, 15, the gain to the target closely follow variations in its tax wedge. These results remain essentially intact in the presence of additional variables accounting for the year in which the merger occurred, ownership, of the the type cash, results of merger, depreciation, suggests the and and the ratios of fixed assets. importance of the institutional The stability tax wedge as a determinant of the target's gain from merger. The acquiring firm. Following equation (8), Panel C 21 contains the same set of independent variables as Panel B, the gain to the acquiring firm as the dependent variable. using All of the regressions show a positive and significant coefficient the tax-wedge variable. This coefficient remains stable around indicating that the acquiring firm receives, .24, for on average 35 percent of the actual pre-tax gain produced by the merger. These results are consistent with previous studies in showing gain to the acquiring firm, or none at all, 29, 33, 32, 44], [2, 4, a 17, 8, smaller 18, 21, but differ in that the gain is substantial and statistically significant. With few exceptions a [4, 8, 18], previous studies do not show systematic gain for the acquiring firm to unattractive the behavior on the implication part of suggest that the results of shareholders [2, 17, 29, incongruent and 32], irrational or managers leading [45]. shareholders of the typical Our acquiring firm expect and receive a substantial gain from merger. Having discovered the source of systematic gain generated by mergers, we offer an explanation for the unequal sharing of that Our focus is on the acquiring management. gain. The management initiating the acquisition possesses unique and valuable infor- mation event. less about the identity of the target and the timing of the To the extent that managers as insiders are effectively restricted in acting privately on information concerning firms other than their own, and to the extent that their holdings in their own firm are small, tender offer or consummate a they have an incentive to submit a merger bidding up the price of the 22 Given target at the expense of their own firm's shareholders. and the target timing the pursuit of a private the merger, of gain by the acquiring management would not affect the combined pre-tax gain, shift a greater portion of it to the target. but Management pursuit of a private gain is consistent with our taxwedge hypothesis ride on but cannot replace it; any private gain must systematic combined gain to the parties involved, and a that must reflect an external source of value. VII. Further Interpretation further interpretation of our theory and results, In noted that merger should A costs. relative the not firm borrowed funds, other means combined the size of the two matter can except purchase a firms is involved in the it may affect larger one with as it transaction the help of repaying the loan by divestiture of assets or by [23, 57]. net The combination of transactions may affect gain shareholders to but not the gross gain produced by the tax-wedge in the target. This interpretation is consistent with evidence that large firms are sometimes acquired by small ones, in which case the merger is often financed by borrowing and followed by divestiture. We propose the hypothesis that the partly A a observed activity of asset-for-asset acquisitions is by-product of profitable cash-f or-stock acquisitions. final observation concerns an obvious limitation of a theory which predicts unlimited merger activity by all profitable corporations. Since our theory does not specify the costs mit- 23 igating merger activity, alone recommend ones. it cannot predict specific mergers, its present stage, In let our theory would be most useful in formulating public policy toward mergers. VIII. Policy Implications Our results have implications and for public policy. investors, its shareholders, merger, main the especially choice the for timing, of individual firm, for At the level of the firm and implication target, that is the gain from predicted with some can be Additional tentative implications concern degree of certainty. the for the target, and terms merger. of On the question of timing, our model indicates that the gain per dollar value of the target's net assets is inversely related to the rate of interest. results Regarding the selection of a takeover target, the clearly demonstrate that the total gain increases with the equity of the target and its per-share growth rate, but is not affected by its tax status as long as the corporate tax rate is equal merger, in the two For firms. negotiating the terms of the the model quantifies the gain to be divided between the two firms, providing a basis for pricing the target. In this country, the traditional toward mergers is antitrust legislation. tool of public policy The tax gain generated according to our theory is not within the purview of that law. Realization of that gain through merger has a net social cost because companies change their economic behavior without producing an offsetting social of gain. Even without the alleged effect large conglomerate mergers on the concentration of corporate 24 wealth all [6], cash-f or-stock acquisitions cause if raised by other means, revenue which, distorts the tax system. Mergers induced by the tax wedge further cause using resources up resources additional consequences real policy aimed at social generate merger. the preventing social acquisitions stock a welfare loss by acquisition, of and often any divestiture designed to offset the in of process the in loss of tax a generate a waste designing in that all is private tax gain, a cash-foronly but restriction selective A gains. problem The on some wasteful mergers would create the impossible task of calculating the net social consequences of each merger. An alternative approach would concentrate on the removal of tax-wedge the instead example, may tions gain for mergers through like S-Corporations by their portion in earnings, to corporations and their shareholders and, tive to merge. f or-stock protect gain) . all For corpora- personally taxing whether distributed up acquisitions. roughly mergers with it, the incen- A more feasible alternative is to outlaw cashSince any real gains can be realized via stock-f or-stock acquisitions, use reform. This would remove the tax wedge between funds available or not. to tax present distribution tax, the treated be shareholders of all fror, the same consistent and since such acquisitions appear resources, with social this restriction would benefit (or monopoly Perhaps the most efficient measure would be to impose lump-sum tax designed to lost as per our model. replace the a value of the tax revenue Such a tax would selectively remove the 25 placing no new barriers alleged tax incentive from all mergers, before companies attempting to achieve private gain when consistent with social benefit. Additional which government the implications policy should concern take. not In actions potential demonstrating the overwhelming importance of a specific tax incentive, our results indicate the negligible contribution of competing explanations. One implication of the results is that recent mergers have no Any acquiring firm major direct effect on economic efficiency. can optimally restructure assets its and liabilities the acquisition, without affecting the gain from it. token, there are no necessary side concentration competition or implication concerns the of effect the shareholders of the recent of large beneficiaries of recent mergers. all corporate By the same extent the on of Another assets. mergers on small As predicted by our theory, the shareholders of the target firm. results show that shareholders effects following and small the are primary Of the two groups of owners, target are likely to make the greatest proportional gain. Further policy implications concern the effects of the 1986 Tax Reform Act. One feature of that Act is intended to diminish the incentive to merge by limiting the opportunity of an acquiring firm to step-up the asset base of a target in line with the so-called General Utilities Doctrine [58]. findings and those of Auerbach and Reishus [5] Our empirical strongly indicate that this modification will have little effect on the overall tax 26 incentive to merge. Another feature of the Act lowers the maximum tax rate of ordinary income and raises that of capital setting gains, maximum rates of both taxes at thirty-three percent. to our model, a According this change would have conflicting effects on the incentive to merge. return, the Ignoring any effects on the post-tax rate of decrease in the marginal tax rate on dividends should increase that incentive, and an increase in the marginal tax rate on capital realistic growth, gains should have holding period and the opposite feasible rates effect. of interest the two effects would roughly offset each other, the tax incentive to merge virtually unchanged. Under a and leaving ENDNOTES Following the academic literature on this subject, the terms "takeover," "acquisition," "merger," used and are interchangeably. 1. This assumption is challenged by a number of writers on 2. theoretical grounds [48, 38, 1, 52, 12, 13], but empirically confirmed by others [22, 41, 43]. The firm's opportunity to profit from buying the assets of 3. another firm through the stock market was explored by Keynes [28, ch. 12] and by a number of writers in recent years [55, 56, 11, 44, 54, 42, 10]. 4. A potential corporate tax synergy depends on the marginal tax rates of the two firms and the relationship between book value and acquisition value of the target assets [5]. We test for the latter effect below. 5. Under partial acquisition, E and V are prorated according to the fraction of equity acquired. 6. Note that this formulation ignores distribution of earnings via tax-savings distribution methods such as stock repurchase and liquidation dividend. For a valuation model under stock repurchase distribution see Palmon and Yaari [40]. Measured in this fashion, the incentive to merge ignores the additional layer of personal taxes imposed on the gain itself. This effect is illustrated in the numerical example and addressed below. 7. 8. There is evidence that legal fees alone may be as high as 1.5 percent of the total value of the transaction [36]. The use of the target's Wj^ on both sides of the equation reflects the assumption that the underlying parameters are Put differently, asset-specific rather than firm-specific. personal tax wedge of the acquired is assumed that the it assets is not changed by the acquisition. 9. The transformation required as a result of removing V discussed below. 10. -^ is Like equation (5), v"^ and its first difference appear on both sides of (7). To test for spurious influence, we use the subscribts and 1 to denote observed values before and after the from a second version of (7) merger agreement, and estimate b 11. without Vq*^: Vi"^ = a' + b"Vo^[Wi/(l-tp) ] + e and then transform b*Wi/(l-tp) - 1 b = Wi/(l-tp) - 1 The value of b calculated in this fashion was indistinguishable from that estimated directly in (7). 12. Preliminary estimates of eg. exhibited heteroskedas(5) ticity, as measured by the Bartlett and Goldfeld-Quandt tests. To improve the efficiency of our estimates, we used the procedures of Weisberg [61] and Judge et al [27] to transform the data. , . . BIBLIOGRAPHY [I] Allen, F. "On the Importance of Interaction of Tax Provisions." Mimeograph, University of Pennsylvania, 1982. Code P. Asquith, "Merger Bids, Uncertainty, and Stockholder [2] Returns," Journal of Financial Economics (April 1983), 51-83. [3] Asquith, P., and E.H. Kim, "The Impact of Merger Bids on the Participating Firms' Security Holders," Journal of Finance (December 1982), 1209-1228. [4] Asquith, P., R. F. Bruner, and D. W. Mullins, "The Gains to Bidding Firms from Merger," Journal of Financial Economics (April 1983) , 121 - 139. [5] Auerbach, A., and D. Reishus, "Taxes and the Merger Decision: An Empirical Analysis," NBER Working Paper Series no. 1855 (March 1985) [6] Benston, G. 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