LIBRARY OF THE MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY CHARACTERISTICS OF OWNERS OF THRIFT DEPOSITS IN COMMERCIAL BANKS AND SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATIONS MASS. INST. TECH. 67 -64 OCT 30 Henry J. Claycamp July 1964 1964 DEWEY LIBRARY i NOV Characteristics of Owners of Thrift Deposits in Commercial Banks and Savings & Loan Associations 1 . INTRODUCTION Commercial banks and savings and loan associations offer quite similar products to consumers seeking a safe, liquid, yield bearing means of holding savings. Both institutions offer safety of principal (nearly all commercial banks and savings and loan associations now have federal deposit insurance), comparable liquidity, and convenient means of depositing large or small amounts; yet there have been marked shifts in the relative importance of the two institutions as repositories for consumer thrift funds. The recent spectacular growth of savings and loan associations and the decline in the relative importance of commercial banks as repositories for thrift funds has prompted major studies of the strengths and weaknesses of the two institutions. 9 Results of these studies indicate that commercial banks are at a competitive disadvantage because of some ventions and certain policies of regulatory bodies. of their own operating con- In addition, some of the studies suggest that aggressive marketing on the part of savings and loan associations and important changes in consumer preferences and perceptions have been instrumental factors in the shift of importance of the two institutions. However, executives of commercial banks and savings and loan associations interested in improving the efficiency of their marketing activities, as well as individuals interested in the impact of the form and amount of consumer savings on purchasing behavior need more information on a disaggregative level about the -2- customers of the two institutions. For example, it is important to know if the cus- tomers of the two institutions come from similar or dissimilar consumer groups. If to they have unique characteristics, fluctuations in economic conditions are likely have differential effects on the flows of funds to the institutions. In addition, ascertainable distinct characteristics should lead to more precise definitions of market segments and more efficient allocation of marketing effort by the institutions . On the other hand, since the assets are almost perfect substitutes, it is possible that the customers of the two institutions are indistinguishable in terms of standard socio-economic variables and the assets are used roles in the portfolios of the two groups. However, even to fulfill similar this condition does not preclude the possibility that significant differences exist in along important psychological dimensions. For example, both institutions have attempted to dif- ferentiate their images and, as a result, important differences may exist in cus- tomers' personality needs, motives for saving, and expectations of economic conditions. Knowledge of these differences, if they can be ascertained, should provide important insights into the factors that affect choice of financial intermediaries and have a significant impact on the promotional policies of the institutions. In addition, disaggregative data direct from consumers will provide information about consumers who hold both SLA's and CBA's. This group is particularly interest- ing since there is an opportunity cost equal to the differential in interest rates on the funds held in CBA's and presumably there is ing funds in both institutions. It some added inconvenience would be important to know if to hold- these individuals -3- allocate their funds equally to CBA's and SLA's, and if they concentrate proportion- ately more or less of their total funds to these institutions. This kind of data can also be used to determine the relative effectiveness of the two institutions in exploiting the potential offered by their present customers. 1 . Objectives 1 This paper is an attempt to provide information which can be used to test hypotheses and answer questions such as those listed above. In particular, the objectives are: 1) to provide new information about the role savings accounts in com- mercial banks and savings and loan associations play in the portfolios of the following three consumers groups: Group C - those who hold thrift deposits in commercial banks but not in savings and loan associations, b) Group S those who hold thrift deposits in savings and loan associations and not in commercial banks, and c) Group B - those who hold thrift deposits in both commercial banks and savings and loan associations. a) which discriminate between Groups C, - S, and 2) to identify characteristics B, and draw inferences relevant to the marketing policies of the respective institutions. 3) to determine the relative importance of different types of variables as discriminators between the three groups of consumers. 1 1.2.1 . 2 Design of the Investigation The Sample The sample utilized in this study (174 randomly selected savings units'* who -4- were known to hold either CBAs or SLAs) was one of several large midwestern metropolitan areas in the study of by the Consumer Savings Project. panels drawn from consumer savings carried on 4 As a part of the Consumer Savings Project, information was collected on a large number of variables, ranging from standard socio-economic variables amounts held in specific The data used to assets and scores on psychological tests. in this study were taken from the third re-interview of the panel, approximately nine months after the initial contact. in reporting during the nine month period and for Corrections for inconsistencies discrepancies between the amount reported for a given holding and the actual amount according to the institution's records were made before any analysis was undertaken. These corrections mean that the data are likely to be more accurate than that obtained in most surveys. In particular, amounts reported for specific assets are far less likely to be biased by under- and non-reporting than are reports of financial holdings derived from most surveys. 1.2.2 Methodology The first step in the analysis was classification of sample into one of three mutually exclusive groups In the analysis of the role of the specific - each savings unit in the Group C, Group S and Group B. asset in the portfolio of the SU , com- parisons were made of the mean dollar holdings in CBAs and SLAs and of concentration ratios in each of the respective assets. The concentration ratio was computed as the ratio of the amount held in the specific asset to the total discretionary assets of the savings unit. 5 . -5- In the analysis of the importance of specific variables in discriminating between the three groups, comparisons between the means groups were first in a multivariate made on of each of the three a univariate basis, then all variables were included two-way discriminate analysis. The discriminate analysis was performed in a step-wise fashion. That is, in a given run the program took all included variables into account in the first step and computed the contribution of each of the variables to the total sum of the squares accounted for by the discriminant function. Then the variable contribu- squares was automatically deleted and the coeffi- ting the least to the sums cients recomputed. This process, including the analysis of variance of , was repeated until only one variable remained. In order to compare the relative importance in discriminating between the three groups, all of certain classes of variables variables were classified in Socio- three categories - socio-economic, asset, and psychological variables. economic variables included the age, education, and occupation of the main wage earner in the SU; the SU's gross 1959 income and total discretionary assets held at the date of the interview - spring, 1960. Asset balances included the SU's holdings in checking accounts, government bonds, annuities, loans lent, stock, bonds, equity in real estate other than the place of residence, and equity in businesses operated by the SU Psychological variables included were needs, as measured by the Edwards 7 Personal Preference Schedule ; motives for saving; and expectations. The needs included were: N-achievement, N-deference, N-autonomy, N-affiliation spection, N-dominance, N-abasement, N-nurturance, N -change, , N-intro- N-aggression, -6- and N-heterosexuality children, M-payment . Motives included were: M-old age, M-education of debts M-purchase, and M-emergency. , of Expectations included were X-prosperity during the next five years, X-recession during next five years, X-price level to increase during next five years, X-price level to remain constant during next five years. 1.2.3 Limitations Obvious limitations sample. of the investigation are related to the nature of the The sample was taken from: one point in time - early 1960, one geographic region - the midwest United States, households in a large metropolitan area, and households who are known holders of CBAs or SLAs. Perhaps the most important limitation relates to the possible effect of promotion done prior to the study but not explicitly taken into account here. the results found at this point in time may be in part caused by That is, prior promotion. Thus, the variables which distinguish between the groups may not have generality in situations limitations where other types make it of promotion have been employed. Obviously these important to validate the results reported here with new data before making broad generalizations. 2. 2. 1 Results Comparative Holdings of CBAs and SLAs The data presented in Table the three 1 provide considerable information about the consumer groups use CBAs and SLAs in their portfolios. way In addition, in- ferences can be drawn about the nature of the market reached by the two institutions and their relative effectiveness in exploiting the opportunities presented by these TABLE 1 Absolute and Relative Holdings in Commercial Bank Accounts and Savings and Loan Association Accounts Group Account -8- markets. For example, comparison of the average concentration ratios (i.e. or SLA 'A total discretionary assets) indicates that 50% to hold, on average, slightly over SLAs, or a combination of the two. basis. if groups tend in the three of their total discretionary assets in mean ratios is striking. Similar results are the concentration of funds in the two assets is compared on a group For example, 24% of the total discretionary assets of Group trated in CBAs, Although the variances of the three distribu- tions are large, the similarity of the also found SUs $CBA , CBAs, 27% of the assets of the assets of Group B is of Group C is concen- S is concentrated in SLAs, and 24% concentrated in combination of CBAs and SLAs. The fact that the aggregate concentration ratios are approximately one-half the value of the average of the individual ratios indicates, as might be expected, that a large number centration ratios. of those with small total asset holdings tend to have high con- Thus, the results suggest that there is portfolio role assigned to difference in the little CBAs and SLAs by consumers who choose one exclusively; and, contrary to a priori expectations, consumers who or the other hold both CBAs and SLAs do not seem to concentrate more of their funds in these assets than those who choose one Viewed type of institution exclusively. in a slightly different way, these results indicate that commercial banks have approximately the same effectiveness in exploiting the potential offered by SUs who hold CBAs exclusively, as savings and loan associations have with customers. However, the distribution average concentration ratio for CBAs is of funds by SUs in Group B shows their present that the approximately one-half of the same ratio for -9- SLAs. A similar result is found for the aggregate ratios, i.e. B's total assets are in CBAs and 16% are in SLAs. , only 8% of Group Thus, with the group that diversifies thrift deposits between the two institutions, commercial banks do considerably less well than savings and loan associations. Although the variances are large and the distributions skewed, the results shown in Table 1 also indicate that the average balance held in CBAs is con- siderably smaller than that held concentration ratio is total in SLAs. Moreover, since the denominator discretionary assets, Group C have, on average, smaller savings tives. (Mean discretionary assets $32,372 respectively.) for the it is of the apparent that the SUs in to distribute among various alterna- Groups C, S, and B are $11,814, $23,186, Thus, the results indicate that the commercial banks represented in this sample appear to attract proportionately more of the SUs with small savings and fewer SUs with large holdings than do savings and loan associations. 2 . 2 Characteristics of Holders of Thrift Deposits The results of the preceding section indicate that there are close similarities in concentrations of funds in the in the financial two assets and there may be important differences capacity or potential of the three customer groups. In the follow- ing section the three groups are compared on all variables included in the study. 2.2.1 Univariate Comparisons of SU Groups The means and standard deviations shown in Table 2 indicate that the head of TABLE 2 Characteristics of Owners of Thrift Deposits in Variable Commercial Banks and Savings and Loan Associations TABLE 2 - Continued C Mean (N - 48) Group Assets (Continued) Bonds Home equity Real estate equity Business equity Psychological Needs Achievement Deference Au tonomy Affiliation Introspection Oominence Abasement Nurtu ranee Change Aggress ion Heterosexual Ity Motive for Saving Old age Education of children TABLE 2 - Continued Group C Mean (N - 48) Motive for Saving (Continued) Payment of debts Purchase Emergency Expectations Prosperity (Next Five Years) Recession (Next Five Years) Price Level Increase (Next Five Years) Price Level Constant -13- a SU holding CBAs and or unskilled laborer, a in not SLAs is more likely to be younger, employed as a skilled and have more dependents living at home, than SU holding SLAs and stocks and home equity. of formal education, SUs not CBAs. SUs in the in is the two groups are remarkably similar in terms income, home ownership, and checking account balances, CBAs and SLAs The differences m-education of children are consistent with the differences two groups, i.e. To the ex- are held for the motives listed, the results indicate that both assets are indeed held for similar reasons. of the of Group C also have less money invested expectations of economic and price conditions, and motives for saving. tent that head , in the in m-old age and ages and family the younger group with larger families are less concerned with saving for old age, and more concerned with saving for education of children than the older, smaller family groups. In general, differences in the same variables are found in comparing C with B, the major exception is in the expectation of a recession in the near future. Only 7 percent of Grbup C expected a recession, whereas 31 percent of Group B reported that expectation. Group S was significantly different from Group B only in terms of the autonomy- need score In summary, univariate comparisons differs from of the three groups indicate that Group C Groups S and B on a limited number of dimensions and Group S is very similar to Group B on nearly all dimensions. The fact that univariate comparisons fail to show many significant differences -14- (at least in a statistical sense) between the groups does not preclude the possibility that a multivariate model will yield highly significant differences. The multiple discriminant analyses described below is an attempt to overcome the limitations of univariate comparisons. 2.2.2 Multiple Discriminant Analysis between Group C vs. Group S - Table 3 SU Groups provides a summary of the results obtained in the discrimination between holders of CBAs and SlAs using socio-economic, asset, and psychological variables. Discriminant functions utilizing both socio-economic and psychological variables produced significant F ratios at the .05 probability level. However, the eight best psychological variables accounted for over 26 percent of the total Varies ance and socio-economic variables accounted for less than 16 percent. The predication summary shows the results which were obtained in the attempt to predict a given SU's account ownership based on its characteristics and the coefficients derived in the discriminant function. nant value (Z) was calculated logical characteristics. On for For example, a discrimi- so each/as a linear combination of the SU's psycho- the basis of the SU's Z value and a separately calculated q decision 7r the SU was classified in Group C or Group S. These results also indicate that the psychological variables provide the greatest relative gain in correct predictions over a rational best guess. knows only that 34 of the prediction strategy — SUs are in Group guess that every SU S and 29 are in is in Group S -- For example, if one Group C, then the optimal would result in 34/63 or TABLE 3 Discrimination Between Owners of Commercial Bank Accounts and Owners of Savings and Loan Association Accounts, Based on Socio Economic, Asset and Psychological Variables Analysis of Variance of the Discriminant Function Variables -16- SUs placed 54 percent of the in the correct ownership group. Utilization of the information obtained in the discriminant analysis resulted in 45/63, or 71 percent predicted correctly -- a gain of 17 percentage points. economic and asset variables produced gains Utilization of the socio- of 8 and 2.5 percentage points, re- spectively. In an attempt to derive the "best" discriminant function the last six variables eliminated in each of the three previous functions were combined in a composite analysis. Table 4 shows the last eight variables to be eliminated from the composite function and the summary of the results. The F value for the composite function is significant at the .01 probability level and over 36 percent of the variance was accounted Using these variables, the ownership the table. for of by the 8 variables listed in CBA's and SLA's was predicted correctly in 79 percent of the cases -- a gain of 25 percentage points. Although average stock holdings was the last variable to be excluded in the stepwise analysis, at the eight variable step N-affiliation and clerical occupation made greater contributions to the explained five are from the psychological category, and one in Table is from the asset category. 3; i.e. , sum of squares. This result is consistent with the results shown psychological variables tend to be better discriminators between types of variables. Yet when not CBAs, than other This result is particularly interesting since univariate tests of mean psychological scores level). final variables two are from the socio-economic category SUs who own CBAs and not SLAs, and SUs who own SLAs and the Of the eight the failed to show any significant differences same variables were used in a multivariate (at the .o5 model, the end re- TABLEjjt Discrimination Between Owners of Commercial dank Account* and Owners of Savings and Loan Association Accounts Based on the Best Eight Variables DISCRIMINANT FUNCTION Mean Z Variable Stock Clerical N-autonomy N-aff Illation N-heterosexual Ity Age N-achievement M-old age ANALYSIS OF VARIANCE Source of Variance Discriminant Function Remainder PREDICTION SUMMARY Group C Group S Total Weiqht -18- sult is highly significant even after corrections for lost An additional and perhaps more useful way of the discriminant function is to to way power to look at the predictive compute the probability falling in a given group, rather than In this degrees of freedom. of an individual SU making a binary prediction. the full information provided by the function is utilized. In order compute the probability function the SUs individual discriminant scores are 1 grouped into discrete class intervals and the proportion of each class owning a given asset, say CBAs, is computed and plotted against the mid-point of the Z Figure 1, the probability function computed on the basis of the class interval. composite discriminant function, shows clearly that none of the SUs with Z scores of less than -2.76 owns thrift deposits in commercial banks, Z scores greater than -2.16 own CBAs, and the probability of all of the SU's with owning CBAs increases monotonically between the two limits. This analysis also yields additional information. For example, since the Z value is positively associated with the probability of owning savings accounts in commercial banks and the coefficients negative signs, it is clear that for each of the variables in the function have high values of the variables are positively associated with the probability of owning SLAs and negatively associated with the probability of owning CBAs. That is, high needs for autonomy, affiliation, achievement, and heterosexuality are more closely associated with ownership of SLAs than with ownership of CBAs. savings for old ship than to Similarly, being older, having a clerical occupation, a motive of age, and large stock holdings are more closely related to SLA owner- CBA ownership. FIGURE 1 Probability of Owning Commercial Bank Accounts As a Function of individual Discriminant Scores Probability of owning CBA I.OOt .80.. .20.. Discriminant Scores a Based on the best eight variables -20- It is important to note that this analysis does not provide information about the relationship of these variables and the amounts held in the two types of assets. deed, only $SLA and $stock (r = .40), and $SLA and age relation coefficients greater than .14. (r In- = .29) have simple cor- (Of course, multiple correlation analysis between dollar holdings and these variables may yield better results.) In summary, the results of the discriminant analysis between holders of CBA's and SLA's indicated (1) that psychological variables seemed to be better predictors than most other variables in discriminating between the two groups, model incorporated all three kinds of variables, and (2) the "best" the best (composite) model (3) produced highly significant results (in a statistical sense) and marked gains in predictive ability. nificant, i.e. set of , It remains to be seen whether these results are operationally sig- whether the same variables will predict the ownership of a different consumers. Group C vs. Group B - The results shown in Table 5 are analogous to those reported in Table 3, except for the substitution of Group B for Group S. to the former In contrast case, socio-economic variables appear to produce more significant gains in predictive ability than do other types. Moreover, when the best six vari- ables from each of the separate analyses are incorporated in the composite function, five of the last six variables to be eliminated were from the socio-economic class. Contributions to the explained variance by each of the five were highly significant (e.g., self-employed occupation, income, professional occupation, and education were all statistically significant at the 1 percent level.) TABLE 5 Discrimination Between Owners of Commercial Bank Accounts Only and Owners of Both Commercial Bank Accounts and Savings and Loan Association Accounts, Based on Socio-economic, Asset and Psychological Variables Analysis of Variance of the Discriminant Function Variables TABLE 6 Discrimination Between Owners of Commercial Bank Accounts Only and Owners of Commercial Bank Accounts and Savings and Loan Association Accounts, Based on the Best Eight Variables DISCRIMINANT FUN CTION Variable Weight Sel f-employed .65229 I ncome Profess ional .60868 Education -.06400 Age -.01460 Government Bonds -.00056 N-ach ievement .03707 N-nurturance .02723 ANALYSIS OF VARIANCE a P(F) < .10 P(F) < .05 c P(F) < .01 b -.00392 Group Mean Z C Group .47914 B -.84126 -23- Z scores based on the coefficients derived correct ownership predictions to be made in 78 for the best eight variables enabled percent of the cases 25 percentage points over the "best guess" estimate. — a gain of The probability function derived from the Z scores shows that the function offers perfect discrimination at the extremes and, with the exception of one class interval, the gradient increases monotonically between the extremes. The signs of the coefficients suggest that concentration of funds CBAs rather than diversification between CBAs and SLAs is positively associated with self employed and professional occupations and high needs for achievement and nurturance; and negatively associated with income, education, age, and government bond holdings. Group S vs. Group B -- Separate discriminant functions computed and B produced similar results to those found for Groups C and S. for Groups That is, psycho- logical variables resulted in the greatest fraction of the variance accounted for 29 percent versus 8 percent for socio-economic variables and 7 for socio-economic variables and 3 — percent for asset variables -- and the greatest gain in predictive power -- 27 percent versus cent S 2 per- percent for asset variables. Wien the best variables from each category were combined in the composite analysis, all six of the psychological variables were still in the analysis at the eight variable step; and three of the most important psychological variables in the S vs. B analysis (N-autonomy, N-achievement Groups C and S , N-heterosexuality) are also discriminators between FIGURE 2 Probability of Owning Commercial Bank Accounts Only, As a Function of Individual Discriminant Scores Probability of Owning CBA Only 1 .00 ^ ,80.. .60.- .40-- .20-- *-*-» 30 •1 \ .00 1 \ 70 1- .40 1 1 .10 Discriminant Scores a Based on the best eight variables 1 \ + .20 TABLE 7 Discrimination Between Owners of Savings and Loan Association Accounts Only, and Owners of Both Commercial Bank Accounts ana Savings and Loan Association Accounts, Based on Socio-economic, Asset, and Psychological Variables Analysis of Variance of the Discriminant Function Variables Source of Variation Socio-economic Discriminant function Remainder Assets Discriminant function Remainder Psychological Discriminant function Remainder Socio-economic Group S Group B Total Assets Group S Group B Total Psychological Group S Group B Total « P(F) < .05 Degrees of Freedom Sum of Squares 10 .0872 115 .9128 9 116 8 51 Mean Square TABLE 8 Discrimination Between Owners of Savings and Loan Association Accounts Only, and Owners of Both Commercial Bank Accounts and Savings and Loan Association Accounts, Based on the Best Eight Variables DISCRIMINANT FUNCTION Variable N -autonomy Self-employed N-achievement N-nurturance Size of SU N-deference N-heterosexual ty I ANALYSIS OF VARIANCE Source of Variance Discriminant Function PREDICTION SUMMARY Group S Group B Total Mean Z Group s Group B .04400 2.42479 .31358 .03560 X-recess ion Remainder Weight 2.10540 -27- It is interesting to note that the in the variance accounted composite function produced virtually no gain for or in correct predictions over that function with psychological variables. In fact, obtained using the one less SU was predicted correctly in the former analysis. The probability function computed from the individual Z scores shows that Z positively associated with the probability of concentrating funds in SLAs. shown the function does the function does not approach and remain in Figure 3 for C and S, and C and B. That is, all at the is However, upper limit as SUs with Zs between 2.55 and 2.70, and 2.85 and 3.00 own SLAs only; while only one third of those with Zs between 2.71 and 2.85 own both SLAs and CBAs. The signs of the coefficients show that high scores on n-autonomy, n-achievement, n-nurturance, and n-difference, n-heterosexuality are ship of SLAs only than to ownership of both assets. in the all more closely related to owner- Only the expectation of recession near future is more closely associated with diversifying funds in both assets than with concentration of funds in SLAs. 3 . Summary and Conclusions The results presented above provide at least first level answers to many of the questions raised in the introductory section. First, it is clear that home ownership concentrate commonly used variables such as income, education, and are of little value in discriminating thrift between consumer groups who deposits in commercial banks and those loan associations. who choose savings and Age and clerical occupation may be viewed as exceptions since FIGURE 3 Probability of Owning Savings and Loan Association Accounts Only, a As a Function of Individual Probability of Owning SLA Only .001 .80-- Discriminant Scores a Based on the best eight variables Discriminate Scores -29- both proved to be important factors in the final discriminant function. Thus, the hypothesis about the homogeneity of the two groups in terms of standard marketing variables is partially supported by the results of the analysis. It also seems clear that there are empirically verifiable psychological differ- ences between the two groups which can be obtained with an easily administered pencil and paper test. This result has important implications for the marketing strategy of the institutions. are general it If the differences in the needs found in this analysis should be possible for marketing executives of the institutions to design promotional messages to more effectively cultivate possible inherent advantages, For example, the need for autonomy seems to be particularly closely associated with concentrating funds in SLAs. Even if the needs found important here do not have generality in other situations, these results clearly indicate that it is possible for an institution to easily ascertain personality differences in consumer groups which tinct market It may be closely associated with dis- advantages. is important to note that none of the saving motives proved to be important discriminators between the two groups (saving for old age motive at the .10 probability level). was not significant Thus, the motives included in this study are, in the net analysis, no more closely associated with one type account than with the other. This result indicates that there may be little competitive advantage to be gained by an institution appealing directly to these motives. The results also indicate that with the exception of stock holdings, -30- amounts held have little if any differential association with CBA's Thus, from a portfolio point of view, both assets seem to play similar and SLA's. roles. in other assets This result is consistent with the motives for saving results. The results of the analyses involving Group B -- those who diversify their deposits in both CBAs and SLAs It in and present an interesting picture. SUs Group B are more like Group S than terms of concentrations of holdings and financial ability. Yet the most is clear Group C — thrift from Tables 6 8 that in important variables in distinguishing between Group C and Group B are the more com - monly used socio-economic variables and the most important discriminators between owners of SLAs only and Group B are psychological variables. Since owners of both CBAs and SLAs have low absolute holdings, as well as concentration mercial banks, these results indicate areas of important weaknesses. income, education, age, and government bond holdings were all ratios in com- For example, negatively associated with the probability of owning CBAs only. Similar conclusions may be drawn from the results of the Group B-Group S dis- criminant analysis since savings and loan associations do less well, relatively speaking, with those In who diversify than they do with those who hold only SLAs. summary, the results of this study indicate that certain psychological vari- ables are important discriminators between owners of thrift deposits in commercial banks and savings and loan associations, but the best discriminant models require both psychological variables and standard socio-economic variables. Although the evidence is less clear, because of the large variances and the -31- small sample size, there is evidence that both institutions do equally well in exploiting the opportunity presented by the customers who concentrate their thrift deposits, but savings and loan associations have a competitive edge with consumers who diversify their holdings. The results found in the analysis of the concentration ratio's also strongly indi- cate -- as do the non-significant motives for savings -- that both assets play very Similar roles in the portfolios of those that hold them. Finally, it is the author's opinion that although the specific variables found significant here provide intriguing hypotheses to be tested in real world marketing experiments, showing that the most effective discriminate functions involve easily measured psychological variables is a the specific variables in the function. tests may provide more important result than determination of For these results suggest that even simple quantifiable personality dimensions which can be related to im- portant marketing variables. FOOTNOTES 1. See, "Flows Through Financial Vol. 2. 50, No. 5, May, 1964, Intermediaries," Federal Reserve Bulletin, pp. 549-557 For example see, Clifton H. Creps, Jr., and David T. Lapkin, "Public Regulation and Operating Conventions Affecting Sources of Funds of Commercial Banks and Thrift Institutions," Journal of Finance Vol. XVII, No. 2, May, 1962, p. 289; , David Alhadeff and Charlotte P. Alhadeff, "The Struggle for Commercial Bank Savings," The Quarterly Journal of Economics, Vol. L XX February, 1958, No. 1, pp. 1-22. I I Marvin Rozen, "Competition Among Financial Institutions for Demand and Thrift Deposits," Journal of Finance, Vol. XVII, No. 2, May, 1962, p. 318. is defined as one or more persons living in the same dwelling pooling half or more of their income and savings. A dwelling unit may, therefore, have more than one savings unit 3. A savings unit k. The consumer savings project is a large-scale study designed to develop the methodology for collection of accurate financial information through the survey technique. See Robert Ferber, Collecting Financial Data by Consumer Panel Techniques, (Bureau of Economic and Business Research. University of Illinois, 1959). 5. Total discretionary assets was defined as the amount of SO" s total savings minus equity in the home, checking account balances, currency, cash value of life insurance and present value of pension plans. 6. The two-way discriminate analysis is analogous to standard regression One can view analysis in which the dependent variable is dichotomous. the two groups means of maximizing the deviation of the the process as minimize to attempting away from a discriminate function rather than the deviations of the dependent variable away from a regression line. For a discussion of discriminant analysis see, R. A. Fisher, Contr ibut ions John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 1950), to Mathematical Statistics, (New York: pp. 184-90. Revised, 7. Alan Edwards, Edwards Personal Preference Schedule Manual, New York Psychological Corporation. 8. The psychological tests were administered to 50 per cent of the original Tests made on key sample who were randomly selected from the total. variable indicate that there are no significant differences between this sub-sample and the total. 1959, ' 9. The decision Z is calculated as follows: Z, = d 2(Z -Z c p Where: — .— Z c r —o IZ£ c . - ) —p Z* + 2 s = mean discriminant score for Group C Zs = mean discriminant score for Group S <j2 = the pooled variances of the discriminant scores for each group proportion of the observations in Group C the observations in Group S P = P = proportion of William W. Cooley and Paul R. Lohnes, Multivariate Procedures for the John Wiley and Sons, Inc ., 1962), Behavioral Sciences (New York: 10. P b P pp. 2 <r 117-18. For an application of this technique in the prediction of innovative purchas ing -behavior see, Ronald E. Frank and William E. Massy, "Innovation and Brand Choice," (Paper presented at the American Marketing Association Winter Conference, Boston, Massachusetts, 1963). nOflO 3 003 in mi 40 flbfi II mi inn mi mi mil in i, nil 3 TOAD 003 ATT E4^ 3 TOfl 1751 «*IO 0D3 357 roeS .M414 Nos. 55-64 5 3 TDflO 003 1 im 3 . flbfl ^ MaL UBft A"IE$ "-« mini tOAO 003 flbfl 577 MET LIBRARIES 3 TOflO 003 flbfl 715 &-^ MIT LIBRARIES 67-^ 3 tOSO 003 707 flbfl ties 3 nOflO 003 flbfl i bfli ii -75 TOflO 3 003 flbfl III iii -CM t73 i 72--kM an Toao 003 3 t,T4 HlllVi8M "'fS °^" m'im i B fe.7fl "«lES / 3 ^oao III n-w oo3^'» 10 .£». M.I.T. Alfred P. Sloan School of Management Workup- *>- ers.