4 4S- 5 1990 H!JU!: ALFRED P. WORKING PAPER SLOAN SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT BACK TO THE DRAWING BOARD? Computer-Mediated Communication Tools Mark Wanda CCSTR J. J. for Engineers Jakiela Orlikowski #109 SS\Am #3145-90 MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 50 MEMORIAL DRIVE CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS 02139 BACK TO THE DRAWING BOARD? Computer-Mediated Communication Tools Mark Wanda CCSTR J. J. Jakiela Orlikowski #109 SS\ArD #3145-90 for Engineers V BACK TO THE DRAWING BOARD ? Computer-Mediated Communication Tools for Engineers Mark J. Jakiela Department of Mechanical Engineering Massachusetts Institute of Technology 77 Massachusetts Avenue (3-449g) Cambridge, Wanda J. MA 02139 Orlikowski Management Sloan School of Massachusetts Institute of Technology 50 Memorial Drive (E53-329) Cambridge, MA 02139 March 1990 ABSTRACT This paper describes an exploratory research study that attempted to determine the nature of computer-mediated information that would be exchanged by engineers engaged in a process of product design and manufacture. The results suggest that computer-mediated communication tools supporting likely to have asynchronous, written modes of information exchange, are little utility for engineers engaged in design and manufacture. Substantial augmentation of these tools will be necessary before their wide- spread adoption and use by engineers can be expected. INTRODUCTION There is currently communication much in interest the use of computer-mediated tools within organizations to increase the efficiency of coordinating work, to decrease the ambiguity in communication, to the timely communication of information across time facilitate and space, and to connect large numbers of participants without incurring greater costs (Bair 1988, Culnan and Markus 1987, Dennis Feldman 1988, 1987, Flores et Markus 1987, Rice al. 1988, Hiltz and Case concerns have been raised about of being mediated al. Eveland and Bikson 1988, and Turoff 1978, Kraemer and King 1983, Sproull and Kiesler how communication by computers (Daft Kiesler 1986, Trevino et et al. 1989, is 1986). While some changed as a result et al. 1987, Siegel et al. 1986, Sproull 1987), the underlying premise of initiatives and such as computer conferencing, group decision support systems, electronic mail, voice mail, and videoconferencing, amount and improve is that these systems will increase the the quality of communication among participants relative to their current use of communication media such as face to face meetings (time consuming and inconvenient for participants not co-located telephone (frustrating because of telephone tag), and internal 1 ), and external mail (too slow). Our purpose in this research information that communication most is tools By "co-located" we mean likely to to establish the We nature and timing of be exchanged via computer-mediated by participants engaged design and manufacture. 1 was in the process of engineering intended to use the results to propose people that are physically in the same place at the same time. initial specifications for augmenting computer-mediated communication tools in support of the engineering design and manufacture process (Suchman 1983). Our however, led us results, and research, to confront the underlying premises of our question posed in our to face the rhetorical title: Do computer- mediated tools necessarily improve communication among engineers, or might some of the older communication media work as well or better? To illustrate, on a recent visit to a large engineering firm, we were struck by a senior product manager's observation that the replacement of old by modern boards CAD had workstations communication among the design engineers. decreased drawing and inhibited In the past, the large drawing boards had served to record, display, and communicate the current status of the entire project to forums whoever chose to CAD by. The boards had been used examine and discuss design problems and whole product. Today, designers their walk as meetings where designers gathered on an ad for informal face-to-face hoc basis to in this firm to gain a sense of the tend to work on their own with workstations, with less interaction and brainstorming around the evolving design. The sense of a public forum and ongoing communication media that easily in a had characterized drawing boards CAD environment. Peering seemed more intrusive and private workspaces and only Initially, at in this firm did not translate screens over others' shoulders less satisfying as screens are show perceived to be small subsets of the entire design at a time. however, the underlying premise guiding our research study mirrored that of prior research; that the computer-mediated communication mechanisms which have proved useful assist the interaction of in office settings can also significantly engineers around the design and manufacture of complex products. Large-scale engineering of participants, are typically beset with problems. The size, scope, projects, which involve hundreds communication and coordination and complexity of the projects preclude co-location time and space of the various participants, yet timely and accurate in exchange information is needed to interdependencies across the various functions. needed modes to of Some formal ensure that communication occurs, but as communicating interaction of engineers manage appropriately we effort is clearly noted above, existing As in organizations are less than ideal. on such large-scale projects is the a result, the difficult at best, and unsuccessful at worst. The promise of efficient and effective computer- mediated communication seems well-suited interaction, in this domain of human and particularly relevant given the increasing complexity and interdependence of modern engineering work, and the current focus on concurrenry and simultaneity in engineering design and manufacture. RESEARCH DESIGN and would be In order to determine the sorts of information that could exchanged via computer-mediated communication engaging in product design and manufacture, tools by engineers we undertook a series of exploratory experiments. These experiments were designed to simulate certain conditions of a large-scale engineering project, such as, - a number of functionally specialized groups working on different aspects of the product, time and space, and - groups that are not co-located - the presence of time pressures within which groups are to complete the in design and manufacture process. was The setting of the study one of the investigators in the The enrollment a for this course graduate engineering design course taught by Department was of Mechanical Engineering at MIT. The research study was sixteen students. executed in two rounds, each lasting a duration of seven days. At the start of each round the sixteen students were assigned to three groups with each group being given responsibility for one aspect of and manufacture process: conceptual design, The three groups were made up of assigning students to groups, we five, five, a three-stage detail design, and and members six tried to distribute product design fabrication. respectively. In competence, skills, and motivations evenly across the three groups. Round Our 1 was interest in the would exchange during amount and kinds of information that participants the course of a design and manufacture process. order to establish a benchmark of the information that at hand-over stages of the process, the first worked independently on formally exchanged round of our study only allowed the groups to exchange final output information. three groups is In During their part of the this first round, the product design and development process, with no communication allowed among groups. The only information exchanged across the groups was mediated by one of the investigators, stage. That is, and involved each group's hand-off during the group proceeded with first to the next development two days of the study, the conceptual design their initial work on the product design. After two days they submitted their conceptual drawings, plans, and specifications to the investigator who passed these along to the detail design group. The detail design group then spent the next two days using the drawings to detail the product, and produce their initial final conceptual detail design documentation which was handed investigator then fabrication made in to the investigator after two days. The the detail design documentation available to the group which spent the days constructing the product on last three the basis of the documentation obtained. No other information exchange or communication among the groups was permitted. Metaphorically, the information exchanged among the three groups was "thrown over the wall" without personal interaction. The design problem Round for 1 was a sophomore-level, term-long project Department of Mechanical Engineering. from another design course in the The basic task was and construct pong of a of balls on human raw to design a machine a sinusoidal tabletop playing surface operator. The machines were would herd ping- under the joystick control be constructed from a limited and electromechanical elements materials, fasteners, solenoids, motors, to that (e.g., switches, Additionally, the machines were required to etc.). set fit within a fourteen inch cube. The actual context of the ping-pong herding was a contest, Round where machines designed would compete head-to-head. 2 After the completion of the in a for the task first round of engaged this study, the participants second round of product design and manufacture. The procedures resembled those of the first round, in that groups had separate functional responsibility for conceptual design, detail design, participants Given the more complex, who managed to as the first fabrication. In this the problem became problem appeared simple for the round, however, a number of features were varied. significantly and First, complete fabrication twenty-four hours level of capability of the participants we felt that it early. was not reasonable to replicate the complexity of the to ensure that there would be something wanted the groups we still attempted need to interact we with each 1, balance the composition of the groups. Third, interactive communication the to is, groups was varied from Round in the three to problem because we wanted communicate about. That overwhelmed enough membership other. Second, although to feel to first among the groups was permitted during design and manufacture process. To simulate computer-mediated communication we allowed tools, the groups communicate to in asynchronous, written form only. More specifically, they could communicate any information that was capable of being exchanged by facsimile transmission, such as, text, drawings, notes, requests for information, specifications, jokes, To simulate asynchronicity, etc. information could only be communicated across groups during the seven days of Round 2 (see Figure 1). at this 'Taxable" appointed times The information exchange periods occurred approximately every two hours during normal working hours and were mediated by one of the investigators who served as the drop- off/pick-up point for information across groups. In addition to this informal information exchange, documentation periods. No (as in Round 1) to personal interaction The problem description follows: "Design a opposed groups the for machine submitted among groups was 2 presented to the participants read as makes varying sized to 8-track or reel-to-reel) size constraints hand-off permitted. confetti from cassette (as audio tape." The raw materials and electromechanical elements were restricted in the same No formal the next group at the end of their formal Round that also were imposed on the machine. way as in Round 1. At the end of this series of we have two experiments sets of formal product design and manufacture documentation, and a collection of informal information exchanges which occurred during two sets documentation of in Round 2. We compared the terms of differences in the information exchanged among groups between the two rounds, and analyzed the nature and amount of information informally computer-mediated communication were interviewed participants communicated tool. via our simulated At the end of each round the focus group discussions about their in experiences and encouraged to reflect on the product design and manufacture processes they have engaged amount in, with particular emphasis on the nature and of information they did or did not exchange with other groups. Different perceptions, motivations, the pxpectations how elicited, as well as and intentions behind some of the information exchanged during the second round. insight into and experiences were This latter procedure in particular, provided information was used, whether other kind or timing of information it was valuable, may have been more and what appropriate. RESULTS The results of the experiment consist of the interviews and written records and messages of the design groups. Round 1: No We examine these results in this section. intergroup communication In their interview, the conceptual designers of Round 1 described an overall design activity that began with a brainstorming session which produced wild ideas. They eventually began to focus on the concepts that they more manufacturable. While doing this, they made no felt many were systematic recording of the pros and cons of each was important show to They commented, however, idea. the design were Even documentation. was an extremely to carry after ready to detail or build, the process This was evident they emphasized that documenting and they would not do it if they out the construction of the design, rather than passing the documenting things it so, irritating task, One design to a succeeding group. to write it the succeeding groups the rationale of their design decisions and to demonstrate that their idea could be built. in their design that they felt up. was we have we had participant solved them. So at I always hate "I the stage that already solved the problem, and think in pictures, not words. I commented: we were now we had hate words, so documenting a pain." Other participants similarly commented on the difficulty of switching roles from idea generation When to annotation. asked how they would perform the documentation process differently the suggestions included video audio taping, and the use of a note-taking observer. They were quick to that the designers before releasing it should be able to and clarify review the observer's documentation to others. The document produced by these conceptual designers proved thorough and useful. It consisted of, in to be both order, a description of the design, a discussion of the contest strategy, an isometric assembly drawing of the design, shown here as figure 2, construction techniques (to balls would load concerns. show in the design, some performance that and it could be a list of other calculations, suggested built), diagrams of how the conceptual ideas and design The detail designers of Round 1 When in the overall process. made they clear their uncertainty received the materials from the first conceptual group, they met as a group and drew the design made and features of the design efforts to clarify ambiguity up lists would that they in the about their role of questions about like to change. They conceptual design document, and decided which features of the design they could change and which they could They commented not. these decisions were naturally based on that maintaining the intent of the conceptual designers. They decided, for example, that they need not use the suggested method of mounting the drive motors, but they stopped short of designing the rear-wheel drive car they desired over the front-wheel drive design that some cases where they seemed be expected from them, hence they much this. to decide that such overdetailed features design rationale was not given. When given, the detail designers found attached drawing." to drawings and When asked, they text it detail design is shown explicit this detail designers to the reasons for - things as was that they probably if the - comments the strategy would not have useful. group was extremely detailed, with and an exploded view 10 seemed One commented: be very useful. manufacturing instructions. as figure 3a, The design of were unchangeable, even found audio or video tape documentation very many drawings and The were very helpful commented The documentation produced by the design. text describing the design rationale whys helped us understand the higher level of detail than would " over detailed" complex spoked wheels was an example of of the were also be overly influenced by "overdetailing" of to designers provided specifications at a "Some given. There For some features of the design, the conceptual the conceptual design group. was was is A sketch of the given in 3b. The group described how they produced fabrication design. They first reviewed the for they deciding first how apprehension saw to They approximately one hour. They then worked mode the design, it was clear immediately responsible for making the design work. spoked wheels, for Along with of the fact that their duty this take was to that the overall concept actual contest by would be an it its simplicity. that they felt that to In less felt they were They described example, as "brutal" and decided quickly simpler disk wheels. commented was complete. until the design changing the design, perhaps because they at to the fabrication tasks split the design idea, they were impressed fabricate and met up closely together, often in a "make to fit" When completed working detail design report individually decide on clarifications and modifications. and worked independently a the implement charge attitude, was the acceptance implement someone was only "average entry"). else's idea "satisfactory" and (they that in an In contrast to the detail design group's perception of the conceptual design documentation, they found the detail design commented documentation that the ideal sketches along with to be severely lacking design rationale. They documentation would be isometric or perspective some type of chart or tree structure functional relationships between components. One showing the fabricator also suggested that the goal of each part in the design should be annotated, but none of them could describe what was meant by the term "goal." Round 2: Controlled intergroup communication Perhaps the most important event of Round 2 was given to them. in the conceptual and detail design stages the detail design group's rejection of the conceptual design The conceptual design group decided on 11 a best approach and documented it Several other approaches were described in in their report. information exchanges that were sent out at the allowed times. The detail design group had serious concerns about the functionality of the chosen concept, and eventually decided They sought and were denied the approval of design group's second choice. the conceptual design group. perform a detail design of the conceptual to some After consideration, they decided the best interest of the project to continue with their against the wishes of conceptual design- This caused own it was in preferred concept some ill will that was perhaps exacerbated by the apparent inadequacy of the restricted information exchanges as a communication medium. During difficult the Round 2 problem was. having enough time to do experimentation with In particular, they complained about not subsystem however, ask the fabrication group stressed that their second concepts, especially do much more. to to build by detail design They were angered because they felt was probably preconceived and that there experimentation work they did. At manager would be would have authority a cutting They did not, "close second," was very troubling having to them. that the detail design group's chosen idea was this point, good to tape any prototypes. Even though they most preferred idea was a their preferred concept rejected of project They did some prototype a satisfactory job. mechanisms, but would have liked yet how much more their interview, the conceptual designers expressed idea. little respect for the extensive they suggested that This person would "do no work," make important design responsibility for seeing the project through to completion. person would be the communication link 12 some type to other decisions and In particular, this design groups. These conceptual designers also the allowed After an initial review, the problem failed them. virtually impossible) out a felt that and at their first ready for them at the first seemed daunting (if had an idea Detail design communication period and the fabrication group submitted an idea the next day (fabrication had not picked up the call for prior to submitting their design idea; both submitted ideas, therefore, unsolicited). practical. not communication opportunity they sent design ideas from the other groups. call for communication mode The conceptual design group did not think that either idea help were was Six hours prior to their completion deadline, the conceptual design group sent a communication to both other groups that outlined their two preferred ideas and described the experimentation that they had done. Neither group provided feedback on this message, as they did not send a representative to pick the message up was complete. The sketches two design concepts appear of these until the day after conceptual design in figure 4. Looking back on the experience, the conceptual designers lamented that they were desperate to for ideas, but have face-to-face meetings designer commented: and on paper. gestures. It is When you "I no one responded. They would have preferred was frustrated by everything having much more talk to group. to present their ideas to the next helpful to someone you can explain sell to commented be written things verbally and with the idea ... You can't sell on paper, at least not as effectively." Like the conceptual designers of they One that stopping the design process in order to documentation or an information message was very disruptive. suggested a change in the design organization used in the Round 1, compose They also experiment. Conceptual and detail design duties should be brought together in one group 13 that preceded by a research and experimentation phase where fundamental is aspects of the design problem are investigated. The report shown of these conceptual designers consisted of a final concept sketch, as figure 5 and several pages of explanation. This explanation included and a listing of the concepts conceived, results of experiments performed, general thoughts on the design problem. The detail designers received the conceptual design report at 9:00 Monday morning and at 11:00, their first AM on a allowed communication period, they sent a message to conceptual design suggesting a significant redesign that employed their and different methods of tape feeding and tape cutting. They explained doubts (mostly involving physical behavior of the tape during feeding cutting), and included sketches of their new ideas with uV note "Is this okay?" The conceptual designers received the communication and responded at the next communication period, three hours concerns of the detail design group, explaining idea would be easier communication period seemed 6. to construct to (2:00 have refined and PM later. how They addressed the they felt their and adjust once Monday), however, the solidified their concept, which is built. preferred By this detail designers shown in figure There were no further communications between conceptual and detail designers. The detail designers also felt that the difficult than the Round 1 problem. left little time for communication. would be useful if their was time It Round was so 2 problem was much more difficult, in fact, that They commented to iterate in the 14 that solving it communication design process, but in this They were very case they could not wait. conceptual design would not function once built, and taking a serious step when they were given. They to make project it felt that they were compelled, however, to change the design in order manager would have been useful Interestingly, they knew that the they did not use the conceptual design concept Like the conceptual designers, they work. view sincere in their some type that resolving in used almost the exact words felt the of conflict. to describe the duties of the project manager, saying that the person should "do no work" but should have overall responsibility and veto power. Additionally, be the medium for this person should communication with other groups. Also, as with the conceptual designers, they believed that conceptual and detail design functions could be grouped together, but stressed that purpose of intimate contact rather than the The two would be for the between a blurring of the distinction tasks. detail design documentation consisted of some explanatory notes, several exploded view drawings (one of them number it is shown as figure 7) and a large of detailed engineering drawings. Like the conceptual and detail design groups before them, the fabricators were impressed by the difficulty of the problem and their how little time they had to do work. In their interview, they commented that they received the precise and complete document of the machinists," making an assembly. all and began by "acting as the individual parts and attempting to put together Fearing a lack of time, they began to fabricate components immediately, instead of version detail designers, critically reviewing the design. was completed, problems became apparent, 15 When the particularly the first method of feeding the tape. Like the fabricators of appropriate to change the design to make it Round they 1, felt was it work without seeking any approval, and they also emphasized the immediacy and urgency of making They the design work. sent no communications while working and received only one clarifying communication from the detail design group. commented that concerns were their "not problems they had because the time taken to One commented: "We it. get them [the detail Some commented sent communications, however, if When and fabrication processes. one said there asked were time how we would have did not communicate to iterate 1 was necessary, invited the detail designers down 2 fabricators strongly disagreed with documentation was it to that is, look at the approach of the designers seemed to suggest that, given an adequately skilled group of fabricators, a detail design phase might not be necessary. Round on the design they would improve the process, machine and show them the problem." The "make-to-fit" Round up would would have that they that a face to face meeting "over the design" "... communicate designers] caught have taken too long with paper." felt For the types of to resolve, they felt that the time spent to would not have been worth they and that they conceptual," understood the intended functionality of the design. They were not given "critical" and that they this, When asked, the saying that the detail design would have done it themselves if to them. DISCUSSION In this section we derive results discussed above, some conclusions and recommendations from and indicate their implications for the of computer-mediated communication tools for engineers. that, It the development must be noted given the exploratory nature of our study, these findings and the 16 we draw implications are necessarily tentative. the findings are interesting research work however, that should be pointed out that the it synchronous communication engineering design and manufacture projects implications. believe, in this area clearly lies ahead. that full - do and somewhat provocative, although much Before listing the conclusions, conclusion We We undertook this - is is first important in complex predominant in terms of its study in an attempt to determine what types of communication artifacts, specifically asynchronous primarily text- based communication and manufacture artifacts, We cycle. would be generated during found, instead, that asynchronous text-based communication is communication of between co-located Trevino et exchanged al. confirmed for a limited also and 1987) have suggested that in face-to-face interaction. set of possible that no type of among ill-defined information parties, while Daft product design adequate for engineers engaged in design and manufacture. Tang and Leifer (1989) that the it is a others have suggested modes is only possible his associates (Daft et al., ambiguous information These findings seem engineering designers. to is 1987; best have been Additionally, the results suggest implications that extend beyond communication media. Examples include organizational issues, such as the appropriate division of design tasks in the overall design and manufacture process, and the need for effective leadership Full As and liaison roles to resolve conflict across groups. synchronous communication just mentioned, this was is important the overriding finding of the research study. Universally, the groups disliked generating documentation and suggested that face-to-face communication with the designed 17 artifact present (regardless of its state of completion) The small number participants, of which is Given the nature of would be Round less a more effective 2 information exchanges than one per participant their training, socialization, - communication mode. - exchanges over 16 11 also supports this finding. and work experience, it is hardly surprising that engineering designers should be less comfortable with written media. Being designers, they are more likely to graphic images or physical artifacts than text, and more converse in the of and medium notwithstanding, it is still terms in likely to think and devices, than of symbols, drawings, concepts articulate be oriented around of to conceive language. written surprising that a communication and This, medium that allowed the exchange of such graphic information as drawings, proved to have little utility. The implication of this conclusion mediated communication systems (e.g., to seems to be that the use of computer- in engineering design and manufacture deal with the geographic separation of participants), will probably not be successful if the systems only support asynchronous, text-based communication. Augmentation of computer-mediated communication tools with multi-media capabilities (voice, video, graphic, and text) and greater synchronicity, or even an actual "telepresence" (Stults, 1988), will likely be necessary to engage engineering designers' interest, Conflict resolution The requests Round 2 mechanism for leadership is effort, and sustained use. needed from the conceptual and were somewhat surprising detail design to us. In a time interdisciplinary cooperation, participation, when groups of collaboration, and groupwork are concepts often considered in the structuring of design organizations, the apparent need for 18 strong, accountable leadership seemed somewhat out of place. The felt need for a leader with vision, authority, and control across the specialized groups, may be an artifact of examination in a That field setting. is, that differences. Additionally, the privacy simulated computer-mediation tool suppressed no formal leadership had been may have confounded the groups up across our particular design experiment, and bears careful their inability to resolve set major and detachment provided by our may have promoted conflict rather than it. The expressed desire for authority may have less to do with an actual need for leadership than a reflection of the participants' lack of a conflict resolution mechanism. One wonders if a conflict arising from the difference between a preferred and second-best design concept could not have been quickly resolved in a coordinated, mechanisms may take face-to-face meeting. Conflict a variety of forms, such as leadership, liaison roles, meetings, and computer-based conflict resolution tools 1988). However, the resolution relative merits of these (e.g., Stefik, et al., mechanisms in the context of design and manufacture clearly need further examination. A journalling capability will Conceptual designers in be useful in the design stages the study consistently expressed a desire for a journalist or stenographer, and detail designers consistently appreciated annotated design documentation. The need for an automated journalling capability is apparent. uncertain. Clearly a However, mere the form that this capability should take transcript of the design discourse unnecessarily detailed and overwhelming. However, a mere is would be summary of the discussions will also not suffice, as the rationale for decisions needs to be 19 and communicated. Thus, on closer examination, some articulated interpretion justifications, and/or inference of designers' intentions, motivations, purposes, constraints, computer-based tools to infer be needed. Developing will etc. designers' intentions for example, interesting but as yet extremely difficult technical problem. that have attempted intent, and have this task relied have fallen far short of on conscious user input is an Previous systems determining human to create the annotations (e.g. Freeman, 1976; Brown and Bansal, 1989). RECOMMENDATIONS Probably the most important immediate task experiment, and particularly, is to verify the results of this attempt to replicate to this study in organizational settings with practicing engineering designers instead of engineering design student; . Where possible, it would also be useful to examine the actual use of computer-mediated communication tools in engineering design and manufacture, rather than forcing a simulation which must always be somewhat contrived. In addition, the may results indicate that it be interesting to compare a variety of communication media within the engineering design and manufacture process, such as limited-time, face-toface group meetings vs controlled, asynchronous communication vs unlimited, asynchronous communication, and so on. The research conducted here suggests mediated communication seems that we need more that the tools for engineers insight into what, designers communicate, and we need development of computer- should proceed cautiously. how, when and why engineering to use this knowledge assumptions about electronic communication support 20 It to rethink our for engineering teams. Greater understanding of the context and contingencies of engineering design and manufacture could lead In tools. need to difficulties of development of more appropriate support the notions of journalling particular, capabilities during design and the to the and conflict resolution which emerged here, bear further investigation, implementing such competent and appropriate systems be addressed. Other avenues of potentially valuable research suggested by the study have less to do with actual communication media than with organizational design. For example, future research could investigate new methods of organizing engineering groups to allow effective leadership, consensus building, crossfunctional liaison, and rapid iterative prototyping, and examine the implications of these different forms of organizing for the communication across groups. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors gratefully acknowledge the cooperation and participation of the students enrolled in the spring term 1990 offering of the course 2.732, "Advanced Engineering Design." Their research possible. Mark Jakiela is sincerity currently the Flowers Career Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering. is sponsored in part and hard work made by the Center for Wanda Development Orlikowski's research Coordination Science at School of Management. The support provided by these sources acknowledged. 21 this MrT's Sloan is gratefully REFERENCES James H. "Supporting Cooperative Work with Computers: Addressing Meeting Mania." Procs. of Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work; Portland, Oregon, December 1988: 208-217. Bair, Brown, D.C. and Bansal, "Using Design History Systems for Technology Transfer," Procs. of the MIT-JSME Workshop on Cooperative Product Development, MIT, Cambridge, MA, November 1989. Culnan, M. al. J. and Markus, M. 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Leifer, L.J. Trevino, L.K., Lengel, R.H. and Daft, R.L. "Media Symbolism, Media Richness, and Media Choice in Organizations," Communication Research Vol. 14, No. 5, October 1987: 553-574. 23 r«-^vNliN)4 Figure (2): Sketch of Round 1 Conceptual design. (a) (b) Figure (3): Sketches from Round 1 Detail design, (a) Sketch, (b) Exploded view. OD n . «.-»^- Figure (4): The final two design ideas of the Round 2 Conceptual designers. two pairs of rollers rotating blade with the tape held between The is preferred concept, a above. Figure (5): Final design sketch of the Round 2 Conceptual designers. '.**». Figure (6): The suggested design concept of the Round 2 Detail design group. 5*<^ Figure (7): Exploded view sketch of the final Detail design of Round 2. Date Due NOV 1 19P0 31 APR 17 may 1 1 SEP 05 MAY FEB SEP 1931 1991 1991 3 n 1992 , 3 8 til 199;r Lib-26-67 MIT 3 LIBRARIES DUPL I TOAD 00b03Mbfl 7