HD28 .M414 dswey '13 ALFRED P. WORKING PAPER SLOAN SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT THE DECISION DATA BASE Jeremy Sloan F. Shapiro WP# 3570-93-MSA June, 1993 MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 50 MEMORIAL DRIVE CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS 02139 THE DECISION DATA BASE Jeremy Sloan © F. Shapiro WP# 3570-93-MSA Copyright 1993, Jeremy F. June, 1993 Shapiro. MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY NOV 1 4 2000 LIBRARIES THE DECISION DATA BASE Jeremy F. Shapiro June, 1993 Abstract Advanced Decision Support Systems based on mathematical programming models receive input data from Decision Data Bases (DDB) that are derived from, but different than, corporate data bases. This paper elaborates on the concept of the DDB, specific its DDB's are examined derivation, in detail, and its practical significance. one addressing integrated Two logistics planning and the other addressing dedicated portfolio optimization. THE DECISION DATA BASE Introduction An increasing number of managers have come to realize that transactional data in their corporate data bases cannot be used directly to analyze their important decision problems. The difficulty problems involve large when managers numerical data. This especially apparent is the case, for example, management problems. It is also the case for portfolio selection related financial decision problems. Shapiro et al [1993] discuss the application of Advanced Decision Support Systems (DSS's) based on mathematical programming models management problems. Their development they the if are confronted with facilities location, production scheduling, or other value chain and sets of is many of call the Decision Data Base to value chain includes a brief discussion of (DDB) which is what derived from corporate data bases and contains the input data for Advanced DSS's. They note that the has value in its own right in supporting managerial DDB decision making, even if it is not used in the generation and optimization of mathematical programming models. The goal of this practical significance. programming paper is to elaborate Our development on the concept of the will DDB and on its employ mathematical as the primary tool both for analyzing business problems and for suggesting the design and content of DDB's. Thus, the paper also serves to review recent practices in the use of models making. DDB's could be developed in other to support managerial decision ways. However, we have found mathematical programming to be a robust problem solving paradigm that suited for these purposes. is well Derivation of the In DDB contemplating the form and content of any DDB, collection of business problems of concern be focused we require that the to the extent that a coherent family of models can be created to analyze them. In other words, the DDB is the result of inductive business different than a deductive approach in problem analysis using models. This which the management is scientist tries to build a complete model of the company's business which, once completed, will be used to analyze virtually any data intensive decision problem that might The latter approach is doomed because to failure it is arise. impossible to bring to closure. The domain first step in creating a DDB is depicted in Figure 1. It begins with a of business problems to be evaluated. After extensive dialogue with the manager(s) about these problems, the model builder conceptualizes the models that fit the problems. that the activities of The cloud problem like graphic description of these steps indicates articulation and model building are creative and imprecise mental exercises. It is different possible, models formulations even likely, that different model builders for a given set of problems. In may be better the associated DDB's. will derive an absolute sense, some than others, and these differences will be reflected in However, for the purposes of discussion, we presume henceforth that the suggested family of models accurately and uniquely describes the business problems at hand. Relationship Between Business Problems and a Figure The model generator realizes the shown model is DDB 1 a concrete object. It is a software program builder's conceptualization of the necessary models. in Figure 2, the model generator transforms input data As into the equations and variables of a mathematical programming model expressed can be read by a numerical optimizer. that in a form that CORPORATE DATA BASE CONVERSION PROGRAMS MANAGER i y I GUI I \ DBMS MODEL GENERATOR I OPTIMIZER SOLUTION GENERATOR ADVANCED DSS Advanced Decision Support Schema Figure 2 At the design stage of an Advanced DSS development of the model generator determines design is the structure of the DDB. project, the design Implicit in this a parsing of the model's data requirements into their natural components which form the basis for the DDB. As shown in Figure 2, we have divided the DDB into two parts: Objective Data that company's corporate data base; and Policy Data that judgment about acceptable might include, for is derived from the reflects the manager's characteristics of optimal strategies. Objective data example, costs, capacities, transformation recipes, and transportation activities. Policy data reflects managerial concern about risk, secondary objectives, or constraints on the practical implementation of It might stipulate, for a strategy. example, that no more than 50% of a company's requirements of raw materials can be satisfied by purchases from companies outside the U.S., or, that lots of bond purchases for a fixed income portfolio must be 1000 bonds. For most applications, the objective portion will be in much larger than the policy portion. Both types of data in the DDB are quantitative, although some of the policy data may be logical or company's logistics network may contain boolean in nature. For example, a constraint that a a distribution center (DC) in Los Angeles or San Francisco, but not both, or a constraint that a dedicated portfolio may contain bonds issued by General Motors or Ford, but not both. A third possible type of input data omitted in Figure 2 are control parameters for the optimizer. Such parameters are especially needed model to be optimized is a it is the mixed integer program. Because the time required compute an optimal or demonstrably good solution unpredictable. Thus, when important to impose for limits to such a model can be on the extent of computation performed by the optimizer. Moreover, the user optimizer by conveying his/her judgment about priorities may assist the among important decision variables. This type of data could be viewed as policy information about the desired quality and probable structure of decision strategies produced by the Advanced DSS. Referring again to Figure at run time. That components of is, 2, we note that model generation for a given data instance, the a decision is data driven model generator checks which problem are passed forward from the DDB and generates a model encompassing only those components. In this way, the model generator has the capability to create a variety of models, each tailored to the immediate needs of the decision maker. The solution generator is program a optimizer and parses and organizes and content of the input data fed names of decision variables creating the mathematical interprets and, for some it in a to the that takes the manner output data from the consistent with the structure model generator. It uses the internal and constraints selected by the model generator programming model. The in solution generator output, suppresses non-managerial technical structures associated with mathematical programming models. Output from generator becomes part of the DDB. the model We intend and expect that the DDB and the Advanced DSS will reside on a pc or workstation, although the company's corporate data base mainframe computer. Figure 2 conveys the idea that may (GUD and the data base on a an Advanced DSS can be implemented on these platforms using an open architecture approach the graphical user interface reside in which management system (DBM) can either be purchased off-the-shelf or constructed quickly using a software toolkit. The optimizer can also be purchased off-the-shelf. Only the model generator needs to be handcrafted for the problem solving domain of the Advanced DSS. The perspective that the optimizer off-the-shelf merits emphasis. linear It is is a "black box" not widely appreciated that highly effective and mixed integer programming packages acquired at a modest cost. After which can be purchased for more than 40 years desktop computers can be of development, the research community has developed efficient algorithms for these types of mathematical programming models. Coupled with phenomenal strides in the numerical processing capabilities of microprocessors, these packages allow optimization of large scale models mainframes of less in times that are commensurate with those associated with than 10 years ago. Of course, the computation and an ability to demand optimize larger models for faster never ending. is Still, the absolute capabilities of today's desktop computers allow business problems of significant size and complexity to be efficiently With these advances, optimization of programming model task is is to conceptualize actual work, however, a reliable modeled and optimized on them. a properly and almost routine posed mathematical task. A more challenging and implement the model generator. The bulk of the is to create the DDB. In terms of the time required to implement and validate an Advanced DSS, perhaps 80% or 90% will be spent in developing the data handling routines of the DDB, organizing data, and making validation runs, while only The discussion thus 10% far to 20% will be spent on the model generator. has assumed that a DDB is defined coherent class of business decision problems. In later sections, specific DDB's, one addressing logistics in terms of a we discuss problems and the other addressing dedicated portfolio selection problems, in order to be more concrete about their construction, meaning and order to examine the use. We have chosen such disparate applications in DDB from radically different perspectives. Business Process Redesign, Integrated Planning and the DDB An Advanced DSS is often sought by management to promote integrated or coordinated planning within the firm. Mathematical are well suited to the task of unraveling the effects that make programming models complex interactions and ripple integrated planning difficult and important. For such applications, the DDB reflects the content communicated among managers with role of the [1993]). is at must be discussed in the following section. DDB in integrated planning is complementary software developments aimed Davenport level of data detail that differing functional responsibilities to A specific case achieve integrated planning. The and to current promoting business process redesign see (e.g., For example, Winograd and Flores [1987] have proposed a workflow paradigm defined in terms of the interaction between two people conducting business, the "customer" and the "supplier". As goods or services move through the value chain, the customer at a given stage downstream stage supplier of a different customer at the next software is satisfaction needed becomes the of the chain. to facilitate formal or informal negotiations New about the terms of between customer and supplier, and agreement about when these terms have been met. Advanced DSS's and DDB's for integrated planning are needed to complement business process software and procedures because decisions made by customers and suppliers will tend to customers and suppliers, especially if be myopic. they It is work within critically the same important for firm, to be given guidelines that are effective from a more global, integrated viewpoint. Conversely, the implementation and use of should greatly facilitate the creation of of higher level, integrated planning DDB The discussion new business process software accurate and timely data for the purposes by Advanced DSS's. for Integrated Logistics Analysis in this section represents an amalgam of facts and experiences from several integrated logistics modeling studies performed for retail distribution companies. We begin by considering the distribution division of a retailing the logistics company operating 8 in Illinois, network of Wisconsin and Indiana. A sin^plified form of the network is displayed in Figure 3. management division handled in-bound transportation, warehousing, inventory and out-bound transportation where the products are sold for more than 50,000 SKU's shipped to the public. Total annual The to retail stores logistics costs exceeded $100 Million. Logistics Network of Retail Distribution Company Figure 3 The retail stores company, franchise were comprised of corporate stores with stores owned by the parent which the parent had long-term contractual arrangements, independents, and specialty stores in a small company recently acquired by the parent. The total number of stores in all categories was approximately 600. The division operated 7 distribution centers (DCs): A large DC in Chicago and 6 medium-sized DCs located in or near other The cities. were stocked by approximately 400 suppliers located throughout the U. Canada. Foreign suppliers were considered to be located at the port of S. DCs and entry of their products. Senior management of the division wished about the structure and operating rules of the for the analysis the was one two calendar years after that. What • Should each lines the optimal The questions number and DC handle all network. The time frame • Which supplier • What be answered included DCs? location of lines or should some product DCs? is locations should serve each the tradeoff between logistics cost measured by the maximal time DC? and service to transport What products from any is the additional cost of servicing each customer for DC The model was a to study questions snapshot or single period model encompassing one year of the company's operations. (See Shapiro further details about all its DC? A mixed integer programming model was well suited these. level as any customer? products from a single such as and DC should serve each market? Which • to product be handled by specialized • to logistics year; study years included the next calendar year • is analyze a range of questions to [1985] or Williams [1990] for mixed integer programming models and their application to logistics.) A central data construction for integrated logistics planning models such as the one that was used in this application is the definition of the set of 10 "products" which are actually product families. In this case, after considerable we chose 40 discussion, products given by 8 warehouse groups x 5 types of customers Each warehouse group was comprised of products with similar handling and distribution characteristics. These groups control purposes in the company had been used for several years. for planning and The types of customers were corporate, franchise, large independent, small independent, and specialty company stores. The product similar definition was chosen so that each type of DC assembly and store delivery characteristics. warehouse group, the work of receiving, assembling That customer had is, for each and re-loading orders constituting full truckload shipments out-bound from the DC's varied among, but not within, each of the 5 types of customers. Moreover, the time spent by the delivery truck driver unloading at the stores varied among, but not within, each of the 5 types of customers. Thus, the 40 products reflected a complete spectrum of handling and transportation differences due to differences in physical handling and customer characteristics. The next set to be defined was the set of customers. This definition followed naturally from the definition of products. The 600 stores were used to define approximately 200 customers as follows. Large stores were treated as separate entities in their given geographical locations. There were approximately 50 of such stores. The remaining 150 customers were aggregations of similar types of smaller customers in close geographical proximity. Each type of customer had positive demand The set of suppliers was for each of the 8 warehouse groups of products. similarly defined. The largest 40 were treated as separate entities in their given geographical locations. Each of these suppliers 11 were sources few of the 8 warehouse groups. The remaining suppliers for only a were aggregated into approximately 50 supplier zones. PRODUCT INDEX SET CUSTOMER INDEX AND LOCATION SET SUPPLIER INDEX AND LOCATION SET DC INDEX AND LOCATION SET RESOURCE SET SUPPLIER COSTS AND CAPACITIES IN-BOUND TRANSPORTATION ARCS: COSTS AND CAPACITIES SUPPLIER DIRECT TO CUSTOMER ARCS: COSTS AND CAPACITIES RESOURCE CAPACITIES AT THE DCS PRODUCT COSTS AND TRANSFORMATION RECIPES AT THE INDIRECT VARIABLE DC'S AND FIXED COSTS AT THE DC'S INTER-DC SHIPMENT ARCS: COSTS AND CAPACITIES OUT-BOUND TRANSPORTATION ARCS: COSTS AND CAPACITIES MARKET DEMANDS POLICY PARAMETERS Data Files in the Integrated Logistics Table These definitions of the DDB Advanced DSS 1 sets of products, customers and suppliers, were the prerequisites for developing the numerical, objective data for an integrated logistics model. A listing of the data files in the DDB are given of the data in this table are self-explanatory. Resources at the example, to labor hours or square feet of storage space. 12 in Table 1. Most DCs refer, for They may also refer to quantities such as throughput of a particular product upon which inventory handling and holding costs are based. Transformation recipes refer to processes whereby input products products are assembled into orders ready to be shipped to the The in-bound and outbound transportation data arcs files in the when are transformed to output products; for example, DDB. The costs associated with were based on industry rates for truckload stores. arcs constituted the biggest movements along movements and the inbound the distances between suppliers and existing and new DCs. Approximately 10,000 to 20,000 such arcs were created where the actual number depended on the number of DC sites to be evaluated. company-ov^med Since most deliveries from trucks, regression analysis determine rates and costs for the out-bound number of new on new DCs to customers were by historical data was performed to Again, depending on the arcs. DC sites being considered, the number of arcs linking DCs to customers ranged from 15,000 to 25,000. Policy constraints for this family of logistics problems included options allowing the decision maker to specify whether customers were to be sole sourced for each product family, or not. allowable service distance between a parameter was used A second policy parameter was the DC and the customers it served. to delimit the set of permissible out-bound type of policy constraint were multiple-choice constraints on example, a constraint stating that set of three potential The strategic at most one new logistics logistics From DC locations. For DC could be selected from a study that led to the creation of the these runs, senior DDB for company was successfully Many scenarios of the distribution company's optimized. A third DC sites. integrated logistics analyst for the distribution out. arcs. This management future were modeled and identified a redesign of their network with indicated savings of several million dollars 13 carried in total logistics cost. The redesign involved a reduction in the total operation and a partial specialization of product some DC's to number of DC's in handle a limited number of lines. After the study v^as completed, other important uses of the apparent. One use was to support quarterly and monthly planning. The need for tactical decision support the period use of the when the network of DC's was tactical logistics particularly acute during was being redesigned. DDB was as a cost control mechanism. DDB became A second By comparing actual operating costs and transportation costs against those projected by the the optimization runs, management could develop exception potential DC DDB and reports identifying operational inefficiencies. DDB The discussion for Dedicated Portfolio Selection in this section is based on our experiences developing analytic engines for dedicated portfolio selection systems based on mathematical programming models. These were data management and modeling systems used by investment banking firms to evaluate the re-structuring of all or part of a dedicated portfolio comprised of government and corporate bonds and other fixed income instruments. Analysis by models was provided as investment banking firm managers looking to a service of the pension managers and other fixed income portfolio to re-structure their portfolios. mainframe systems, pc versions based on the Although they were open architecture schema of Figure 2 would be straightforward to implement. The model constraints were of two month) in the planning horizon (10 to types. First, for each period (usually a 40 years), there was an asset/liability balance equation: 14 + This period's cash flow from coupons and principal repayment of bonds held + in the portfolio. Cash flow from re-investment of cash surplus from the previous period. Note + Cash flow from borrowing or other sources during + Liabilities forecast for this period. + Re-payment of borrowing + This period's cash surplus which will be re-invested. that the model addressed only meet future in the previous period. the question of to would be held to maturity. In other words, they Similarly, the government sell model incorporated only bills for the purchase bonds that the in the bond prices that and model were excluded. one decision choice of 30-day re-investment of cash surpluses. The second type of the bonds. and buy decisions to would not be sold before time. Thus, the complications of forecasting future incorporating future which bonds The assumption was here-and-now liabilities. this period. of constraint were policy constraints based on They were imposed by attributes managers as surrogates portfolio for risks associated with the dedicated portfolio selection decisions. Attributes included the here-and- forecasted now cost of liabilities. bonds whose cash flows would (more-or-less) cover Other attributes included yield to maturity of the bonds. Computation of rating, attribute data required tailored routines in the conversion programs The the average age, duration or shown DDB for this application is shown in Table 2. The such as these in Figure 2. lot size quantity in BOND DATA refers to the integer number of bonds in the minimal lot size that could be purchased (e.g., 1, 10, 100). The conditional minimum 15 refers to the quantity of bonds of a given type are bought at to all (e.g., bond type that must be bought bonds or either at least 1000). if any bonds of Cash flow that pairs refers combinations of periods and cash flow for those periods when cash flow is positive. BOND SET PERIODS SET ATTRIBUTES SET BOND DATA - For each bond: conditional name; market minimum; maximum; PERIOD DATA attributes; cash - For each period: minimum and maximum on price; lot size; absolute liability minimum; flow pairs payments; re-investment cash surplus balance; borrowing rate; rate; maximum borrowing COST FUNCTION AND ATTRIBUTE CONSTRAINT DATA - Cost average constraints; only constraints; each constraints; function; total constraints; logical constraints Data Files in the DDB Dedicated Portfolio Advanced DSS Table 2 The default objective function of the model was total cost minimization, but any weighted combination of attributes and cost could be selected as an alternative. As shown in Table 2, the model generator used these attributes values for individual bonds to write "average" constraints on the entire portfolio with respect to these attributes. The "only" constraints were used as candidates for the portfolio based on their attributes. 16 to screen bonds The "each" constraints were used The to limit total "total" constraints bonds based on investment in individual bonds based on their attributes. were used to limit total in specified sets of their attributes. Finally, the logical constraints boolean constraints on bonds such as be selected," or investment "if most one of bonds A, "at bond B, A selected then is C may were a variety of bond B cannot be selected," and so on. Data Aggregation and Other Estimations and Transformations As we have DDB's seen, data aggregations are both necessary that address tactical and and desirable strategic value chain problems. Due to the for broad scope of these problems and the corresponding scope of the models for analyzing them, products, customers, suppliers, time periods and other factors must be aggregated if the models are to aggregations are also desirable be of a manageable if his/her problems. For example, manager the when is The same or size. similar data to achieve a high level view of considering global inventory and production schedules for the next quarter, the manager will obtain better insights by reviewing data aggregated rather than SKU's numbered into product families that in the aggregations of finished products. For It is well transformed if known must be taken out of types of businesses, regional on customer aggregations that traditional accounting data and overhead costs. This is (ABC) [1988]). Cooper costs unit cost figures volume dep)endent (see many on the same or similar they are to accurately describe costs in a allocations of indirect in the tens thousands or ten thousands. Moreover, sales forecasts for the next quarter should be based forecasts should also be based number based on into market zones. must often be DDB. For example, historical levels of volume and treated as separate volume and non- one of the major tenets of activity based costing 17 Another difficulty may be bundled with standard accounting data company's amounts paid are paid for their products delivered In-bound transportation costs are imbedded facilities. to these suppliers. In order to decide certain in-bound transportation activities, the estimate the supply costs FOB By contrast in the to take company must determine over or and the in-bound facilities. to the discussion above, sometimes aggregate accounting data purposes of decision making. For example, needs to be refined for the integrated logistics DDB discussed transportation whether or not the suppliers' facilities, transportation costs from these bound that important costs together, thereby obscuring decision options available to management. For example, many suppliers to the is was judged regression methods were used to in the above, an average unit cost per mile for on- to be too inaccurate. Instead, statistical compute origin-destination and product specific transportation costs. Comparison of Two DDB's and Advanced DSS's The data listed in differences in decision Tables and 2 are very 1 making between management. However, procedures Advanced DSS's deal in I. common. In this section, Availability of Data Our to three logistics that for these applications different, reflecting the planning and portfolio were used and to design and Time Required to the similarities Assemble experience has been that data for a logistics months to assemble. The DDB's had a great their associated we elaborate on actual time and implement a and DDB differences. . DDB requires two weeks depends on the size and complexity of the company's operations, the state of the corporate data base, the number of people involved in converting the data, and several other monolithic depiction of the corporate data base in Figure 2 18 is factors. The misleading because data will reside in different data bases in most companies. capacities and of a logistics may be indirect costs, Some data, such as approximate, especially in the first version DDB. Further, as we indicated above, considerable aggregation of the products, markets, and suppliers may be strategic logistics planning. aggregation procedures necessary and desirable for effective tactical and The design and implementation may require several addressed are large and complex. Even weeks if of meaningful the problems to be after aggregation, the files in the DDB pertaining to in-bound and out-bound transportation arcs will be large and require time to generate and verify. By days. This more due is because electronic retrieval of financial data efficient to its DDB's can be assembled contrast, dedicated portfolio than it is and the exigencies of global manager has implement as the result of few better organized for logistics data. Financial data is usually intrinsic nature the portfolio is in just a trading. and more accurate However, once identified the strategy that he or she wishes to running several scenarios, a final verification of prevailing market prices for the different bonds and other fixed income instruments, and a final optimization run, are usually required. 2. Permanency of Data and DDB's Much of the data in the logistics over time. Costs and capacities several months. . The rate of may DDB is stable in that it changes slowly not change significantly over a period of change of other data depends on whether the problems being addressed are short-term that inventory and demand data which case we would expect that will tactical, in which case we would expect change rapidly, or long-term no data will change rapidly. strategic, in In either case, the DDB provides an effective mechanism for tracking the real world integrated logistics system being analyzed. 19 On bond days the other hand, critical data in the dedicated portfolio prices are quite transient. may Although changes in bond DDB such as prices over just a few not be large in absolute terms, they are relatively large for the purposes of exact portfolio optimization. portfolio of $100 Million As they A reduction of 0.1% $100,000. is DDB's are viewed are currently used, dedicated portfolio temporary data sets for analyzing how best created, used to generate optimization weeks, and then abandoned short sighted. in the cost of rebalancing a An to rebalance portfolios. models over the course of after the exercise alternative would be to a The as DDB is few days or has been completed. This seems maintain and update the DDB after the rebalancing has been completed and use the updated data, especially the values of the portfolio's attribute constraint coefficients, as a diagnostic for deciding when 3. the portfolio should once Similarity of Mixed Models integer more be rebalanced. . programming models were used for both applications despite the large differences in the real world business decision problems that they were describing. At the purely mathematical system level, the models have considerable similarity. The similarity could be exploited to translate the dedicated portfolio optimization problem into a pseudo-logistics planning problem. In the recast problem statement, each bond type acts as a potential source of cash flow to be supplied to liabilities viewed as sinks with associated cash requirements. The artificial but accurate recasting of problems that are not logistics problems as pseudo-logistics problems has conflicting implications construction of effective DDB's and artificiality Advanced DSS's. of the pseudo-logistics formulations and construction of coherent would and transparent DDB's. 20 On to the the one hand, the interfere with the design On the other hand, the ability to recast a logistics wide variety of non-logistics business problems as a pseudo- problems would facilitate the development of a general purpose model generation language, thereby reducing the extent to which the model and solution generators in Figure 2 must be hand crafted. Brown Northup and , Shapiro [1986] report on a such a language developed on this principle. The approach remains an open area of investigation. 4. Realism of Models The usefulness . of the DDB's for the two applications the realism of the underlying models. In our opinion, programming models provide is clearly related to mixed integer a very realistic description of decision problems associated with integrated logistics planning. The models capture costs, transformation activities, capacities, inventory management, product movements, and location decisions in a facilities manner that is complete and consistent v^th managerial intuition. By contrast, the mixed integer programming models portfolio optimization are a less realistic analyze. future. The main reason The models do not fit to the for dedicated problems they are supposed to for the lack of realism is their deterministic directly address the view of the primary responsibility and concern of financial managers; namely, to control risk while guaranteeing a superior or acceptable return. As we discussed, the attributes constraints are intended to provide these managers with indirect means for controlling uncertainty, but their effectiveness leaves much to be desired. For fixed income portfolios, the most important uncertain parameters are future interest rates. These rates not only influence the value of cash surpluses generated in the future, but also future cash flows associated with callable assets such as mortgage backed programming models securities. to stochastic Extension of the mixed integer programming with recourse models provide 21 much more realistic descriptions of dedicated portfolio problems, in large part because they offer the possibility of incorporating models from finance theory describing interest rate movements and options pricing (see Hiller, Klaassen and Shapiro [1991] or Zipkin [1992] for a discussion of stochastic programming models applied to dedicated portfolio optimization). require considerable makes them By more research and development because difficult to their large their form and size manage and implement. very nature, stochastic programming models of dedicated would require portfolio optimization problems DDB's. In However, the extensions effect, the DDB would number of scenarios need the creation of extremely large to contain data describing of an uncertain future. Note each of a very box also that the in Figure 2 labeled "Conversions Programs" would contain complex and sophisticated interest rate forecasting and other descriptive models from finance theory. Of course, probabilistic analysis of integrated logistics planning problems may also be desirable. In many instances, this can be accomplished by running deterministic models under different scenarios of an uncertain future to see how optimal strategies vary. Each scenario might be determined by modifying a base case scenario in the The DDB. stochastic programming with recourse approach discussed dedicated portfolio problenns (e.g., see Wagner is for also relevant to integrated logistics planning [1969] or Bienstock and Shapiro [1985]. In effect, a stochastic programming model would simultaneously determine optimal contingency plans for each scenario and a here-and-now strategy that optimally hedges against these plans. Although the approach is technically feasible, it is not yet practical to pursue because the simpler deterministic models are not yet sufficiently understood or accepted. 22 Conclusions Our purposes demonstrate its illustrations of in this to introduce the notion of the innportance in decision support. DDB's constructed portfolio optimization, uses. paper were DDB and to We presented specific for integrated logistics and compared and contrasted planning and dedicated their functionalities and We conclude the paper with brief discussions of important related topics not previously covered. Although the discussion focused on models and systems support, the DSS practitioner must never accurate data in the may include a may be collection of most the DDB. To difficult this for decision lose sight of the critical need for end, the "Conversion Programs" in Figure 2 complex descriptive models which, and time consuming task of an in some instances, Advanced DSS implementation. In addition, these programs should incorporate procedures for error checking. Recent advances in data quality management software are also relevant to the creation of accurate DDB's. The planning. specific DDB's discussed above and strategic A number of new issues arise when one considers DDB's for operational decision support. much greater detail tactical related to tactical and One is at the operational level strategic applications. environments Finally, is than examine decision problems is in necessary and desirable for The form and content of DDB's for operational an area of current investigation. we remark construction of a the need to that a DDB is that fundamental assumption underlying the it is defined by the requirement to analyze a coherent class of decision problems. In a large company, find multiple classes of problems each with its implied we would expect to DDB. This suggests a higher level organization of DDB's to support integrated planning at a higher 23 level. 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