DUPl „ f HD28 .M414 ALFRED P. WORKING PAPER SLOAN SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT CYCLICAL MARKUPS: THEORIES AND EVIDENCE by Julio J. Rotemberg Massachusetts Institute of Technology Michael Woodford Unive sity of Chicago WP#3216-90-EFA November 1990 MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 50 MEMORIAL DRIVE CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS 02139 THEORIES AND EVIDENCE CYCLICAL MARKUPS: by Julio J Rotemberg Massachusetts Institute of Technology . Michael Woodford Unive sity of Chicago WP#3216-90-EFA November 1990 Cyclical Markups: Theories and Evidence Julio J. * Rotemberg Maissachusetts Institute of Technology Michael Woodford University of Chicago current version: November 6, 1990 Abstract If changes real in aggregate demand were an important source of macroeconomic fluctuations, wages would be countercyclical unless markups of price over marginal cost were themselves countercyclical. frequencies. The first We thus exaimine three theories of markup variation at cyclical assumes only that the elasticity of demand is a function of the level of output. In the second, firms face a tradeoff between exploiting their existing customers and attracting new customers. Markups then depend also on rates of return and future sales expectations; a high rate of return or expectations of low sales to assign a lower value to future revenues from and markups. from an In the third theory, expectations then lead firms to be fall. new customers. Firms thus markups are chosen (implicitly) collusive understanding. less growth lead firms to ensure that raise prices no one deviates Increases in rates of return or pessimistic concerned with future punishments so that markups Aggregate post-war data from the U.S. are most consistent with the predictions of the implicit collusion model. * We wish to thank Alan Blinder, Robert King, N. Gregory Mankiw and Hal Varian and participants at the NBER Changyong Rhee for providing us with his data on q and the NSF for research support. Institute for suggestions, Summer Cyclical Markups: Theories and Evidence Julio J. Rotemberg Michael Woodford Real wages are not strongly countercyclical. As pointed out already by Dunlop (1938) and Tarshis (1939), this presents difficulties for models in which technological possibilities do not vary at business cycle frequencies. For, is why should firms be willing to pay high and hence the marginal product of labor Keynes (1939), is In this paper that the desired we markup is low? One obvious of price over marginal cost consider three leading models of endogenous explain variations in real wages at business cycle frequencies. the elasticity of demand more is possibility, suggested by low when output markup The when output to workers first The second is high. variation which might simply postulates that facing the representative firm varies over the business cycle. underlying idea behind Robinson (1932) and Bils (1989). is This is the based on the customer market model of Phelps and Winter (1970), the macroeconomic consequences of which have been explored by Gottfries (1989), Greenwald and Stiglitz (1988) and Phelps (1989). Finally, our third model is based on the model of implicit collusion of Rotemberg and Saloner (1986) and Rotemberg and Woodford (1989). The future. first model is The other two of a tradeoS" essentially static; are dynamic. The it does not depend on expectations firms hold about the price charged in the customer market model is the result between exploiting the existing customer base and attracting new customers whose profitable purchases come in the future. Similarly, pricing in the implicit collusion model involves a tradeoff between current profits from undercutting one's competitors and the future profits from maintaining collusion in one's industry. While expectations about the future matter different in the two cases. In the in both of the latter models, their customer market model, large purcheises efiFect is in the future rather induce firms to try to enlarge their market share, so that prices and markups tend to collusion model, by contrast, high expected future making when is This first model is thus one where low the future looks better than the present. The one where a rosy future leads to price increases. is the implication of the two models that broader than a test of the specific models that we need In the implicit increases the costliness of a price war, The possible for firms to raise prices and markups. it prices are like an investment; prices are cut second demand fall. to measure markup variations. Like we we actually test. Therefore, our test consider. To we do Bils (1987), is somewhat test this implication of the models, this by making assumptions on the aggregate production function and exploring the consequences of the equality between the and the ratio of the marginal product of labor to the assumption that the elasticity of substitution real markup wage. Unlike him, we do not impose the between hours and other inputs equals one. Also, our production function simultaneously allows for fixed costs (overhead labor), but does not imply that output can be increased by adding only production workers. In our general formulation, the marginal product of labor, as a technology. f'l action of output and factor inputs, depends Hence we use a generalization of Solow's (1957) method technological possibilities and, armed with this upon the state of measuring changes for in measure, we obtain estimates of markup variations that depend only on observable variables. We show that, for plausible parameter values, these be quite countercyclical. One parameter result is the average level of the that measured variations we do not measure markup. Given that measured return to capital seem to be small, a higher level of the average gap between average costs and marginal markups cost. If this gap is profits over much costs, thus leading to countercyclical markups. This in that there is a wider economies with high change in factor inputs larger percentage change in the factors that are productive at the margin. Thus high estimates of the average markup imply that marginal markup derived by to and above the required markup means due to fixed markup tend and which influences our also have high fixed costs. But, in this case, a given percentage corresponds to a changes directly in the is cost rises substantially in booms, particularly true of the estimates of the average Hall (1988a) from observations on the response of total factor productivity to aggregate demand. While the assumption of a high average markup produces measures of the markup that, by necessity, rise ship between markups tend when employment does not have any direct implication for the relation- falls, it markups and expectations about future to rise when the The paper proceeds that our constructed rate at which firms discount future cash fiows discounted value of future profits models where high prices are We show profitability. high). is We is low (and when the thus provide some direct evidence for the class of an investment. like we In Section 1 as follows. present the framework underlying Section 2 presents the static model of time varying elasticities of demand. models. all three Section 3 develops the customer market .nodel, while Section 4 develops the model of implicit collusion. Section 5 gives the details of how we markup construct our measures of variations. Section 6 explains two methods for testing the implications of the three models. Section 7 discusses our data and section our results in context by discussing 8 gives our empirical results. Finally, section 9 puts the role of the various models of markup variation in explaining fluctuations in aggregate activity. The Basic Setup 1. We one. consider economies with We at time will focus t, Pt- many symmetric firms on symmetric equilibria, so that For simplicity we will treat the that, in units of the numeraire, Pj is whose total number is normalized to equal in equilibrium all firms charge the same price output of these symmetric firms as the numeraire so one. These symmetric firms have access to a technology of the form x;, where t. The y{, = F{K\,Zii,H,-Ht)) H\ and K\ represent respectively firm variable Zt I's output, labor input and capital input at time represents the state of technology at time a more productive period, while Hi for an overhead labor requirement is is the amount (1) t, so that a higher z corresponds to of labor devoted to fixed costs. The allowance a way of introducing decreasing average costs, of the kind needed to reconcile an assumed markup of price over marginal cost with the apparent absence of significant pure profits in U.S. industry. Each firm has access ' to competitive markets for labor and capitad For evidence on the existence of increasing returns, in the sense of average costs U.S. industry, see Hall (1987). services. in excess of At time t, firm i marginal cost on average, in must pay a wage wt for each unit of labor F Given the homogeneity of number the of units that the firm produces The assumption essential for the F that markup by cost. Since both Wf and I's rtk is equail this are r^ is = denominated I's At a symmetric equilibrium all independent of (2) it constant is We markups. all is denote the firms to marginal output, marginal cost ratio of price to marginal cost be denoted by = (^-ifi)„; firms charge the same We (3) price and, given our normalization, the denote by Xt each firm's expected present of the stream of individual profits from period t + 1 onward: X,^E^±'J±l{f^l±i^)Y,,, Here Et takes expectations conditional on information available at pricing kernel, so that any discounted value in period We now t random n\, numeraire are equal to sales of each equal the aggregate level of sales Yt. jisset not by allowing us simplifies our analysis in the units of the typical firm's Letting firm l//it. rents. l the equilibrium ratio of the price charged by n; t is t it to F{k,zth) s.t. profits gross of fixed costs in units of the discounted value at for each unit of capital that firms' prices as the ratio of their respective fit] simply equal to rj homogeneous of degree one so that marginal cost is two equilibrium firm and models to be presented below. However, to write the ratio of is must pay it and competitive factor markets, marginal cost at minwth + in (2) and (4) t, and qt^j/qi yield Zj+y (in units of period t -\- is the stochastic j goods) has a present of Et{qt+}Zi+j/qt)- distinguish between three models that difi"er in both the specification of demand and of market structure. 2. The Static Monopolistic In this Competition Model model each firm behaves like a monopolistic competitor in that prices of all other firms, the level of marginal cost and the "symmetric" monopolistic competition model of Dixit and 4 level of Stiglitz it takes as given the aggregate demand. (1977), As in the we assume that the demand for firm i Equivalently, firm by all depends on the ratio of t demand 's at t its price to the average price charged by depends on the ratio of we other firms in the symmetric equilibrium its own markup will consider, Ht. n\ to the all other firms. markup charged Thus we write firm t's demand as v; = i>(^,y',) (5) where the firm's demand depends on aggregate demand through the To preserve symmetry we require that the demand same the price. Thus we D{1,Y) require that homothetic preferences so that demand demand prices, is D In this special case both Vj. Di, are proportional to Since the firm's problem is only if all static and the same, falls. are not homothetic. /ij. if which we they all charge will return heis D with respect to relative its decision rule by substituting (5) into (3) This yields the familiar formula firms charge the is little Z)i = (6) same markup, the elasticity of Thus the markup can There pEirtial derivative of we can obtain —Di{l,Y)/D{l,Y) = —Di/Y, prices are the special case to Y Yt. the product of a function of relative prices and aggregate D+^ symmetric equilibrium A Y. be equal to aggregate sales Y and maximizing with respect to In a = for each firm level of rise so that the demand markup can rise if and evaluated at the point where with a change in Yf if and only if all preferences a priori reason to expect either direction of deviation from homotheticity, so that markups seem as likely to rise with increased sales as to fall. The Customer Market Model 3. The customer market model continues its markup taking pattern. A expands its t markup firm that lowers given price. at time the its to have each firm meiximizing profits with respect to in all other firms as given. It differs in that current price not only sells customer base. Having a larger customer One simple more demand has a dynamic to its existing customers, but also bcise leads future sales to formulation that captures this idea involves writing the be higher at any demand for firm t as function (5) we have avoided considering the effect of changes of the composition of demand on its and hence on markups. We have done this because we are interested in the effects of changes in aggregate demand and no particular compositional shift seems plausibly associated with a large fraction of changes in aggregate demand. ^In writing the demand overall price elasticity yi The variable m{ r„<0, r,(-,Yt)m\ the fraction of total is as all other firms. = demand The market share m' depends on past g' so that a temporary reduction in price raises firm Klemperer (1987), and new customers who are then reluctant One obvious costs. if it charges the same price pricing iaehavior according to the rule g{l) 0, = 1 (8) market share permanently. Equations demand. demand (6) and is A reduction in price attracts to change firms for fear of having to pay these switching permanent is that the long run elasticity of demand, increcise in price, is larger In our case, a firm that charges a higher price customers, though this The to a and Shapiro (1988).^ Farrell implication of (6) and (7) response of eventual its I's < t (7) capture the idea that customers have switching costs, in a manner analogous to the models of Gottfries (1986), of =Y Vi that goes to firm rr^Ux-9(-\rrx\ (7) r,{l,Y) than its than the short run the i.e., elasticity competitors eventually loses all not essential for our analysis. firm's expected present discounted value of profits from period t onward is thus J-1 n , Firm t chooses /i} to maximize (9), . taking as given the stochastic processes {/Xj} and {Vi}. Therefore "d.-^-l^.^-Ol ^nx <^^^ / ' ^ A-M + fit ,.(!i)£.f;?i±i[!^kzi],(!!i±i.K,^,)'n^(^) =0. where subscripts denote partial derivatives. At a symmetric equilibrium where same (10) price, is each has an m, equal to one and g equals one in equal to the common all all (.0) firms charge the periods. So the expectation term in present discounted value of profits given by (4). Therefore, (10) gives ^This idea haa been applied to the analysis of international pricing iuues by Gottfries (1988) and Froot and Klemperer (1989). the markup as: /i( nt = = ^i{Xt,Yt) —-— + yt The second order condition maximum for a Therefore, the derivative of negative. /i 11 r]i{l,Yt)+g'{\)Xt of profits implies that the denominator of (11) X with respect to is negative. that profits from future customers are high so that each firm lowers market share. The case where r/i is proportional to to X. A Y markup with the elasticity of the high value of Y markup current sales Yt on the effect of (11) implies that the , Y respect to is level of sales. Differentiating (11) y means more ambiguous. its In the homothetic the ratio Xt/Yt\ equal to the negative of the elasticity with respect is elasticity of are relatively profitable so that, in the demand is relatively attractive. This facing an individual firm depends on the and ignoring time subscripts, the derivative of /i with respect to is -/i y+ which is prices and positive in the homothetic case Y , is derivative is elastic as negative only if + (l - r,i(l,y) where n)r}u + s'(l)X T712, the second particil of can be negative zero. This derivative becomes much more is X order to increase markup depends only on means that current customers must be modified when the increase in its price in homothetic case, raising prices and exploiting existing customers intuition An is output rises. if 7712 is 1712 is with respect to relative sufficiently negative so that However, because this term the magnitude of r] is multiplied by (1 substantial, particularly if demand — /i), the markup the typical small. Put broadly, equation (11) says that lower market share. Such an investment is attractive prices are a when the form of investment, an investment in present discounted value of the future returns from investment (X) are high relative to the payoff from current consumption, which in the homothetic case is represented by they are closely related. rates does not make the An Y . increase in While the story distinct from the static model, X through, for instance, a ial\ in interest rates and discount demand curve more that go to customers with relatively is logiccilly eleistic elastic. However, it raises the importance of the sales demand, thus promoting reductions in price. 4. The The model We Model Implicit Collusion a simplified presentation of Rotemberg and in this section is many consider an economy with each industry collude implicitly industries, each of the sense that there in the other hand, the firms in each industry, even prices, the level of aggregate demand, and the is somewhat, we can view industries when level of (1989). which consists of n firms. The n firms in no enforceable cartel contract, but only an implicit agreement that firms that deviate from the collusive understanding On Woodford be punished. will acting in concert, take other industries' marginal cost as given. Abusing the language as monopolistic competitors in the usual sense, while the firms within each industry collude implicitly. Keeping mind, we write the demand this distinction in yO = (^^ V z)' . , . . lit ^^t The function D* J = 1,. . for firm . t symmetric is ,n) are in industry other industries all same the ail j when of all I'th, markup nl , profits, it would maximize ^^(/ij, Fj. If equilibria of this type The (13) with respect to its If £is own markup resulting Bertrand equilibrium in the industry more thcin /i^(/i{, Fj), Higher prices, with their a subgame perfect equilibrium if deviators are firms interact repeatedly and have an infinite horizon, there are and these differ in the price that is charged their implicit many in equilibrium. Eissume that firms succeed in implementing that symmetric equilibrium that is, while firms in (13) the firms in an industry charged can only be sustained punished after a deviation. them. That (for (3), profits '-^....AyX individual firms would benefit from undercutting the industry's price. for and the functions D* permutation of the arguments. Using ^ ^^Liio-p -D'i — other firms as given. would have a markup equal to We (12) charge nt, equal markups attendant higher j as =Y other firms in industry j charge the each firm lived for only one period, treating the in industry D\\,...,l,Y) n arguments except the after appropriate all t I fit in its first TV nv = If y^ ^, ut for firm is jointly best agreement maximizes the present discounted value of expected equilibrium profits for each firm in industry j, taking as given the stochastic processes for {/i{} and {Yi}. As shown by Abreu (1982), the punishment for any deviation 8 is eis severe as possible in the optimal symmetric equilibrium. Therefore, a deviating firm sets price to meiximize current period The profit n'/. result is that the single period profits of a deviating firm equal: = max n^j £>(—,..., — ,...,— ,Yt] After any deviation, the firms in the industry punish the deviator to the Because of the possibility of precludes it (14) mziximum voluntary participation of the firm that exit, the earning an expected present value lower than zero after a deviation. Let being punished is We that ensure that a deviator indeed earns a present discounted value of zero in Woodford possible extent. give conditions Rotemberg and (1989).'' Xl denote, by analogy to (3), the expected present discounted value of the profits that firms in industry j can expect to earn in subsequent periods if there are no deviations. Then, if the expected present value of profits after a deviation equed zero, firms in industry j will not deviate as long as ni<ii{ + x/ where We X\\ is the value of Fl'/ when charges the same price as the other firms in i consider the case where the incentive compatibility constraint (15) At a symmetric equilibrium, xl firm (15) equals Xu all industries have the Using D{p,Y) to denote max P - 1 l,y), industry. always binding.^ same markup so that eaxh firm I»'(l,. ..,/),..., 1 is its we then have from and sells Vj (13)-(15) 1 D{p,Yt)=\l--Yt + Xt (16) p where p represents the Ht yielding once again Bertrand relative price chosen /ij = fi{Xt,Yt). level, so that deviators The by the deviating firm. relevsmt solution of (16) Equation (16) can be solved is for the one where ^t exceeds the undercut the equilibrium price and p is less than 1. Differentiation of (16) yields of *The main condition requires that there exist a ji smaller than one such that when all Arms in industry } charge a markup A while the fimu in other industries charge a markup greater than or equal to one, a deviating firm cannot sell positive quantities by chsirging a price in excess of marginal cost. This aasumption requires that the goods produced by firms in the industry be relatively good substitutes. It ensures that the deviating firm cannot make positive profits in the periods following a deviation by deviating from the behavior it is expected to follow after the deviation. ^In Rotemberg and Woodford (1989) we give conditions under which a deterministic steady state exists in which (15) is always binding. We also show that, for small enough stochastic shocks, there continues to exist a perturbed equilibrium in which (15) always binds. 9 = Dip,Y)-Y D{p,Y) > D{1,Y) = Y and nx is positive. An ^''^ '^^ Since p less is than one, increase in markup the cost of deviating, raises the equilibrium markup. Such an increase in the can also bound the response of the markup to changes X={p- is raises necessary between the costs and the benefits of deviating. to maintain the equality We X, which - l/ti)D{p,Y) (1 - l/n)Y < - (1 in X from above. In l/n)[D{p,Y) -Y] = particuleir ^li^iUll (ig) MX where the (17). Therefore, the elasticity of The effects of changes Y in for all prices, (16) implies that benefits to deviating in Y raise the left from p < follows from (16), the inequality first equeility now and hand with respect to X, while positive, /x are /i the 1, more ambiguous. In the depends only on the ratio markup side of (16) falls. More more than they is and the last equality smaller than ^ 1. Dy = D/Y homothetic case, where X/Y. Thus an — from Y increase in raises the generally, fiy is negative as long as increases the right hand sid reiise . This occurs as long as n^i(i,Y)D2ip,Y) ^ n(/i,y) ^ D{p,Y) While this Y D2/D of is demand must hold in the sufficiently less homothetic case where than one faced by a deviating firm, for p < 1. much larger than Since IT. smaller than one, so that /iy 5. is equals —pDi{p,Y)/D{p,Y), 1, it Series for We assume from (1).^ 'Our markup (as in the theoretical The markup Markup it could fail more generally increasing in p only if if the elasticity a decreasing function of y. For goods seems likely that YD2/D is not FIj much Variations first that we over the postwar period for the U.S. construct a time series for Our method is quite simple. models discussed above) an aggregate production function of the of price over marginal cost results are little a&ected , implausible in this model. Empirical estimation of a markup equation requires cyclical variations in the is is l/Y only slightly less than one, even though is Y D2{l,Y)/D{l,Y) = > Time Construction of a D2/D This queintity that are close substitutes, the optimal deviating p is Y is then by the choice of the functional form (1) over a Y,=F(K,,x,H,)-*,. 10 form such as = t^t We FH{K,,z,{H,-Ht)) (19) can thus construct a markup series from aggregate time series for output, factor inputs, real wages, given a quantitative specification of the production function Ht), and given a time series for the productivity shocks {zt}- an obvious Woodford difficulty, since (1989)), they (including a value for The productivity shocks present not directly observed. In our previous paper (Rotemberg and eire we measured the markup by choosing F and effects of a particular type of aggregate demand shock on the a shock (innovations in real military purchases) that could be argued to be uncorrelated with variations in {zt}. This will not, however, suffice series for cyclical variations in the to reconstruct a series for {zi} markup from (l), if we wish over the entire postwar period. Here using what is essentially the familiar to construct a time we propose instead Solow (1957) method, corrected for the presence of imperfect competition and increasing returns to scale. We consider a log-linear approximation to (1) around a stezwiy-state growth path along which Ht grows at the same rate as Hf, while Kt and Yt grow at the same rate as ZtHf^ This approxi- mation yields where hatted lower case variables refer to log deviations from trend values, and where the other expressions represent constant coefficients evaluated at the steady-state growth path. We assume that, for both factors, the marginal product equals steady-state growth path, where are respectively equal to /i* h'sk and share of output's value. Because F is times the factor price in the the steady-state markup. Therefore, fi'sfj, is /i* where sjc FiK/Y and zF^H/Y and s^ are payments to capital and labor as a homogeneous of degree 1, Euler's equation implies that contrast, the aisumed aite of the fixed costs in relation to total costs (or more generally, of average cost in relation to marginal cost), represented here by the average site of Ri/Ht, is important to our conclusions. ^Bils (1987) avoids the need to construct series for {zi} altogether by assuming a Cobb-Douglas production function with no overhead requirement (at least for production hours) so that Fh in (19) can be replaced by aYi/Hi. We show that this restrictive functional form is not necessary and are able to consider the consequences of alternative assumptions regarding factor By substitutability and the size of flxed costs. 'The assumption that the overhead labor requirement grows at a constant rate allows us to obtain a stationary equilibrium with growth (in which, among other things, the ratio of flxed costs to total costs fluctuates around a constant value). Presumably this should be due to growth in the variety of goods produced as the economy grows, although we do not model that explicitly We could have assumed instead that the overhead labor requirement is constant in per ca^ta terms. Because, per capita hours appear stationary, this too would have allowed us to apply our techniques. here. 11 . H SK + fi SH H --— H — = U 1 (21) Using (21), (20) can be written as ^t = This allows us to construct a time series for is set to 1 zj detrended output and in for the single free parameter . This have the same trend growth rates, the analogous log-linear approxi- = Zt - Wf^ [kt- Zt^ e e represents the elasticity of substitution — 1 — fi ht Sfc I ^ between the two factors in F, evaluated at the factor ratio associated with the steady-state growth path. Substituting (22) for = Ht Hence we need — e-(^'sK e — en . (1 + , yt e sji -e)fi'sK — ; markup somewhat problematic. Our series. - j kt ' 1 efi Sf( to specify only the parameters e shares to construct our and /i* fi'sH — I -—ht /i is this becomes . wt (23) s/f in addition to the Assigning numerical values to e and basic strategy zt observable factor /i* is admittedly to determine ranges of plausible values, and then to check the degree to which our results are sensitive to the exact values chosen for e and those ranges. The parameter of observed long run trends. e is elasticity of substitution near The absence 1. within of a significant trend in factor shares, in the face of a But is sometimes taken to indicate an this is not a particularly persueisive justification. First, this might simply indicate that most technical progress a long run elasticity of /x* often "calibrated" in real business cycle studies on the basis significant trend in relative factor prices over the last century, fact fx' fac- (19) yields Ht where from the variations Solow's original method.^ in Assuming that wt and mation of Zt and given values tor inputs, given average factor shares, parameter 22 : is labor-augmenting, as in (1), rather than 1. Second, there need not be much relationship between the long run elasticity (relevant for our purposes). On the one hand, if eleisticity and the short run one assumes a "putty-clay" technology. * Technically, Solow's calculation also differs from (22) in allowing the factor shares to be time-varying. This amounts to preserving some higher-order terms in the Taylor series expansion of (1), but there is then little reason to drop other second-order terms. We thus stick here to a simple log-linear approximation. 12 much the short run elasticity of substitution might be less than that indicated by long run trends. But, on the other hand, cyclical variations in capital utilization might elasticity is even greater thcin the long run elasticity. make the relevant short run Suppose that the current production function not (1) but Yt where zt{Ht = F{utKt,Zt{Ht-Ht)) U( represents the degree of utilization of the capital stock. — Then Uf varies positively if at cyclical frequencies, the relevant elasticity c in the above calculations Ht)/Kt is with the one associated with the reduced-form production function y, But, if = HKuZtiHt - Ht)) = F{u[ the long run utilization of capital prices, the elasticity one would infer is )Kt,zt{Ht is Ht)) from growth observations would be that u} In this case, the would be smaller than the relevant short run the relevant elcisticity - constant and thus independent of trends in factor true production function evaluated at constant of substitution ''^"'~"'^ We not easily measured. eissociated with the measured long run elasticity elasticity. We must thus admit that take as our baseline case the value e = 1 (Cobb-Douglas), the value must often used in real business cycle studies, but we also consider the possibilities e We = 0.5 and e — 2. are similarly unable to directly observe fi' . Hall (1988a) proposes to measure it on the basis that the zt series given by (22) should be orthogonal to changes in variables such as real military purchcises or the party of the President. Hall uses value aidded as his measure of output and finds values above 1.8 for all seven of his 1-digit industries. Domowitz, Hubbard, and Petersen (1988) use gross output instead and obtain smaller estimates of around 1.6 is typical of their findings. However, since we study /i* for most industries; a value of the behavior of value added, their estimate would have to be adjusted upward to be appropriate for our analysis. Nonetheless, take 1.6 as our baseline case, but also consider the value 2. the existence of markups even as high as As some readers may be 60%, we present some results for a markup we skeptical about variation series in response to cyclical as opposed to secular changes might be due to adjustment costs, so that changes in would be used more in the case of transitory fluctuations. Properly taking into account such adjustment costs would, of course, require a more complicated specification of production possibilities. '°The difference capital utilisation 13 constructed under the assumption /x* — 1.1, although we regard this as an extremely conservative choice. markup growth Figures 1,2, and 3 illustrate the constructed series for period, under different assumptions regarding departures of capital from trend, A;, and level of the markup level. Figure in order to construct the series, make Figure 2 shows the consequences of assuming instead e = = 2, e I. In each ceise, the it growth rate of hours is = effects of parameter variation are /i' = 1.6, e = 1. 0.5, while Figure 3 presents the case shown as well; it is clear that for each of markup these sets of parameters the constructed series displays strongly countercyclical The we do not clear that represents our baseline case, 1 Because in section 8 below. present here only our constructed series for meirkup changes, to pretend to have directly measured the fi' These are constructed by ignoring the e. and using the data described we make an assumption about the average we fi' rates over the postwar easily understood. Assuming a lower variations. elcisticity e implies a sharper decline in the marginal product of hours in booms, and so increases the amplitude of the countercyclical variation in the series constructed for higher steady state Ht — Hf in the for H/H any given observed increase countercyclical variation in results implies a /i' because of (21), and hence a larger estimate of the percentage increase in Ht- For any given marginal product of hours in booms, so that a higher Our Assuming a higher /i<. e, this then implies a sharper decline fi' results in a greater amplitude of (Note the different scales for the markup series fit. on the countercyclical pattern in the in markup confirm in Figures 1-3.) the conclusion of Bils (1987), although we obtain this result for a different reason. Focusing on the beiseline case of c = 1, (23) becomes Ht where sm = yt- ; ht -wt = -snt - denotes log deviations of the share of hours. (so that there are cyclical. But added to /}{. if then also no fixed costs), we assume Bils \i > \ /it is If /x' [- is (24) equals one, and given that s/f + *if simply the negative Qisjjt, which is = final term 1 not very strongly (and hence increasing returns), then a countercyclicad term assumes instead constant returns (and ignores the out that the relevant wage wt Ijht ; in (24)), is but points the marginal wage (the wage paid for marginal hours) rather than the average wage. These two can differ if the utilization of overtime labor 14 is cyclical amd if overtime hours must be paid more than straight-time hours. With this correction, he obtains = -SHt - Ai where U( represents the log deviation of the ratio of the the Appendix ut we show how to compute this correction marginal wage to the average wage. In with our data. depends crucially upon regarding the overtime premium as (1988b). Because is ut justified, Our many that we we present most of our of its shortcomings deserve of the method for estimating allocative. For a criticism, see Hall are uncertain of the extent to which Bils' treatment of the overtime premium results without this correction. specification of production possibilities many Bils' more is obviously overly simple in careful attention in the future. We many respects, and should, however, note most obvious corrections to our simple measure would tend to imply even stronger evidence for countercyclical markup variation. One might wish to consider adjustment costs for hours. In this Ccise (19) becomes ^^ where Aj represents the ^ FH{Kt,zt{Ht-Ht)) Wt T~s + At shadow cost of increasing hours suming a convex adjustment cost function, period in A{ will be positive t in addition to the wage. when hours As- are increasing (due to current adjustment costs) or higher than they are expected to be in the future (due to expected future adjustment costs), and similarly negative when hours are decreasing, or lower than they are expected to be in the future. Hence A{ should be a procyclical correction, and imply an even more countercyclical markup. As another example, one might wish of different workers' hours. As many to consider composition biases due to the heterogeneity studies have shown (see, e.g., Kydland and Prescott Barsky and Solon (1989)), the most important such bias has to do with the greater ability of low wage (and presumably low-productivity) hours. The precise conclusions depends upon seems likely that it many efifect (1988), cyclical vari- of such bias on our aspects of the assumed true model of heterogeneous hours, but reduces the extent to which measured markup it variations are countercyclical. Suppose that low-wage and high-wage hours are two distinct factors of production, and assume a Cobb-Douglas production function. We can measure the markup as the ratio of the marginal 15 product of low-wage hours to the low wage. - -SHLt - Mj where Then, correspxjnding to [- ; IJ/iLt \1-H'sk ' represents the log deviation of low-wage hours from trend, hi,i one obtains (24), sj/x, represents the trend value of the share of payments to low-wage hours in output, and so on. Both sm,i and be more procyclical than the corresponding sjn and tend to make \it Method Our we adopt all yield relationships of the not certain. form = ^^{Xi,Yx). For purposes of estimation, +m (25) /i( = fxi< - eyyt where, again, hatted variables represent logarithmic deviations from trend values, while sents a possible stochastic disturbance. in antitrust Examples of stochastic disturbances of the implicit collusion model has the preferences are homothetic, is zero. < e^ < The customer market model (/^* ~ !) h^ for dealing with this market value to the value of -\- Ki The static < while implies that e^ the is equal to tx- Even without imposing same sign eis (.x unless the elasticity of extremely dependent on the level of demand. is The problem with estimating Xx repre- one imposes the additional requirement that models imply that ey all homotheticity, the dynamic models imply that ty methods If tjj this type include enforcement and changes in the degree of foreign competition. theory of section 2 implies that tx demand is the log-linear approximation At changes aju, competing theories for evaluating the three theories is should These considerations would both more countercyclical when hours are disaggregated. On the other hand, smaller than s^, so the direction of the overall bias 6. hi in (24). }\i_x — ^i \- (25) issue. is The that first we lack direct observations uses measurements of Tobin's their capital in place. The total on q, market value of i^. We have two the ratio of firms' cill firms is equal to Nt where Kf equals the current returns to capital plus the present value of the depreciated capital stock at the beginning of next period $< is the present value of fixed costs and Nf captures any additional influences on market values such as the the present discounted value of ' ' One can equivalently consider the marginal product of high wage hours but adjustment results in this case. 16 costs are more likely to distort the random misvaluations taxes levied from firms as well as of the stock market. Then the logarithmic deviation of Tobin's q should equal X ^- X - N . where the ratios with {X where $ . X+K-^+N X+K-^+N ^ + K — ^ + N) 1 . X+K-^+N X+K-^+N^ in the denominator represent steady state values, and from the steady state value ht represents a deviation (rather than a logarithmic deviation) N. Tobin's q is one on average^' so that {X + JV — $) equals the last two terms in the previous equation, and using (25) 0. Letting i/t represent —n^ times we have jr = —^xqt - At eryt + i^t + Equation (26) can be estimated by ordinary least squares residual if Ut + i>t is r]t variables. + Vt is uncorrelated with qt might well have a direct effect that positive realizations of On be biased upwards. yt we can , recover rjj one rft is Y on i>t its coefficients is raise Xt and qt as well. As a likely to result, these variations affect only unimportant and be recovered by regressing qt Ut is with this reverse regression insofar these raise /i«> important variations is our estimate of r/t v^x i>t uncorrelated with would bias the will /tj and y^, /»< '*This ia starts i/j 17 {X = with this i/t so that, difficulty is that in the reverse regression from the observation that conaistent with the absence of equilibrium pure profit* to One immediate that the estimated ex would be too large. Our second procedure is likely then the coefficients in be biased downwards. Another coefficient of would qt. that increases in real discount rates lower $< and (it rjt would tend to on the other variables. Examples of shocks to the coefficient of in on the other be serially correlated so the other hand, the existence of important variation in if qt such as changes in antitrust enforcement rjt Moreover, such shocks are . by regressing property might include those that affect Nt and some of those that affect $<. difficulty assume that the willing to would have to be unimportant and However shocks to /ij. bias this coefficient toward zero (26) can and For the residual to have this property, instead, if uncorrelated with any two of the three variables in the equation. In particular, have to be correlated only with If, (26) rit ) and with an average N of lero. toward zero so = Et{^-^[nt+i + Xt where In the steady state equals the trend value of and capital, output ITt divided by (r* — g) profits where Xt+i]} (27) grow at the rate r* is g, the trend value of Xt the trend value of the real rate at which profits are discounted. Therefore, the log-linearization of (27) gives it where ft is = {r' g)ex^t+i + (1 + l + r* 9)xt+i - n+i J the deviation from trend of the real rate of return between implies that irt is tit equal to + cyyt yt + — i^t/ifJ-' !)• + — t jl,^'+i is the estimate of ex the markup is Moreover, (3) t. j yt+i :^-^, - Y77''+i 1 + r) (28) ''» terms one obtains an supposed to be uncorrelated with information available at the suggestion of Hansen (1982) The presence of the and -m+ij one eliminates the expected value operator from (28) and ignores the equation whose residual I Hence (25) and (27) together imply that —— = ^/t^l [(Y If - Et{ eta's we if Following estimate this equation by instrumental variables. might biased only t. affect the results from this procedure. In this case, however, such shocks have effects on both the expected rate of change (since ftt+i enters with a coefficient almost equeil to one) return on financial assets. While this is certainly a possibility it in and on the expected rate of seems less likely than that such shocks affect the levels of q and the markup simultaneously. 7. Data Our time series for Tobin's q comes from Blanchard, Rhee and Summers of the output (value added) of the private sector GNP goods is obtained from the and the value added by the Federal, State and is local the ratio of nominal to real private value added. Our measure as the difference between governments. Our index of the prices of Our measure from the establishment survey as the difference between total hours hours employed by the government. NIPA (1989). of private hours is obtained in nonagricultural payrolls and These hours do not have exactly the same coverage as our 18 output series. Thus, for our meeisures to be strictly accurate, the percentage changes in agricultural hours must equal the percentage changes in the hours of private nonagricultural establishments. We employ two measures of wages. The principeil one is This measure equals private employee compensation from the a measure of hourly compensation. NIPA government compensation) over our measure of private hours. One advantage hourly earnings in manufacturing. coverage both in (i.e. compensation minus total The second measure of the compensation series is that it is average has a larger terms of the sectors whose payments are recorded and in terms of the forms of compensation that are included.* 8. Empirical Determinants of We Markup Variation present results both from estimating equation (26) via ordinary least squares and from estimating (28) with instrumental variables. markup on i/( the left and q on the right hand can be neglected while those of rjj We side. affect only start with estimates of equation (26) with the This specification makes sense markup q, y and the constructed variation series is markup also allow the residual to have rjt as well eis first we include the loga- a constant and a linear trend. constructed assuming an average ticity of substitution of capital for labor e the variations in /i(. Since the variables are supposed to be logarithmic deviations from trend rithms of if markup n' equal to 1.6 Our baseline and an equal to 1.0, and ignoring the overtime premium. order serial correlation, so that it equals prjt-i plus an elas- We i.i.d. disturbance. Under this specification, estimation of (26) for the period 1947. Ill to 1988.IV yields /it=-0.72 (0.6) - 0.002 t - 0.42 yj (0.0007) (0.09) Period: 1952:11-1988:4; Both coefficients are positive as is predicted + 0.035 ?, (0.014) /j=0.934 R2=0.997; D.W.=1.54 by the implicit collusion model and thus of the opposite '^A Becond advantage is that there is resison to believe the compensation series has smaller measurement error, at least in way we use it. We use the real wage only to construct our series on markups. Ignoring fluctuations in capital, equation (23) gives the detrended markup as a function of the detroided levels of output, yi, hours, hi and the real wage, W|. A simple transformation allows one to write the detrended markup as a function of the detrended labor share {shi = ^t + ht —yi, detrended output and detrended hours. The use of the two different wage series is thus equivalent to the use of the corresponding two series for fluctuations in the labor share. To see which series has more classical measurement error we use US data from the 1947JII to I989.I to run regressions of the logarithm of one share on the other including a trend and a correction for first order When the share using hourly earnings is on the right hand side its coefficient equal 0.73 and is statistically different from one. When that using compensation is on the right hand side, its coefficient is 0.93 and is not statistically different from one. We thus cannot reject the hypothesis that the earnings share equals the compensation share plus noise. serial correlation. 19 sign than the coefficients predicted by the customer market model. Moreover, since both coefficients are significantly different from zero at conventional significance levels, the customer market model The statistically rejected. is fact that tx is statisticeilly different from zero also leads us to models of the markup where the only determinant of the markup static is reject the current level of output. According to of (.X (26), the coefficient we thus must obtain a measure equals SOY/ K for on for t/j is ey while that on ^. According to our model, our base case. The coefficient on an estimate of €x- Since Y/K is qt We show Table in variability of the As a on 1 how markup. falls as coefficient on yt rises. /i* these coefficients vary as For a given average markup, increases (23) giving our markup qt . The we — ex is and /i* is e. jit markup by more. This approximately Increases in explains anomalous ^l on result yt produces less (and hence if /i* raise the why /«* the coefficient also raise the „_q ) changes markup. markup. in e affect In particular These increases /i^. turn to estimation of the seime equation but with biased coefficients This can be seen from the formula increases in e raise the weight of changes in output on the meeisured We now 0.1. while having no effect on variations only by affecting the influence of private output on the on to obtain for a given increase in ht- that increases in in e raise the coefficient measure of markup variations. For given j/j which rises as well. reeison for this apparently therefore raise the estimated effect of i~._\f( 1. vary somewhat more unexpected is q so that the implied value of the coefficient on ^ In particular, they amplify the reduction in What this equals roughly 10,** the implied value for ex result, a given increase in yt reduces the obtain an estimate must thus be multiplied by ZOY/K consistent with the restriction that ex be smaller than is -^- To qx is there are important variations in qt i/f on the left hand side. This and unimportant movements in rjf We series on markup variations, the estimation of such an equation including both a constant and a again, let the residual in the equation have trend yields: '*See Rotemberg and Woodford (1989). 20 first order serial correlation. For our baseline qt=-4m 0.006 - t (0.006) (3.5) + 1.29 coefficient + (0.52) Period: 1952:11-1988:4; where the yt 1.20 nt (0.48) p=0.969 ' on the markup equals j^ D.W.=1.81 R*=0.952; and that on private value added equals estimates of both cy and ex are positive. In addition, the ratio of the coefficient on on (it gives £y which is Y/K, models. we must, again, obtain a measure for this result same time so that they the coefficient on rj of ex the resulting estimate of ex One reason over that thus estimated to be near one. To obtain an estimate of y^ ^^- The is may very large, too leirge for 30Y/K. For plausible values to be consistent with any of our three be that increases in expected returns lower Xt and $t at the also raise Vf. Insofar as this increase in expected returns reduces markups will be too small and our estimate of ex that are correlated only with nt have the same efiFect will be too markups, large. Variations in since they bias the coefficient on nt toward zero. In Table 2 the average we show how the coefficients on markup (and hence falls. effect on the estimate of j^^. The reason we vary /i* and e. As we increase markup and we e ^^ while having once again, that increases in e raise the lower the estimated value of for this is, Increases in e therefore reduce the regressions estimate of the independent output on stock We now vary as average markup. influnece of y^ on fif effect of yj In contrast, the latter coefficient estimate rises as For a given average markup, increases in no and increase its variability) the correlation between the stock prices falls so that the former increeise the fit prices. turn to the estimation of (28) via instrumental variables. There are several advantages to this procedure. First, the estimates are somewhat less subject to endogeneity method does not require observations on the present discounted value of profits bizis. X. It Second, the does however require information on discount rates (or marginal rates of substitution). Given the inadequeicies of various rates of return as discount rates we experiment with the return on the stock market, the return on Treasury Bills and the return on prime commercicil paper. Third, quantitative estimates for both ey and ex We more it allows us to recover easily. include a constant and a trend as well as the logarithms of the markup, output, hours, 21 wage and the the real level of real returns in our estimation. wage as The series use a constant, a and one lagged value of the logarithms of output, the labor input and the linear trend, the current real As instruments we well as the ex post real return between t — and I t. results of estimating (28) for the period 1947.III to 1988.IV using our baseline and the return on the stock market statistics for both the ceise where ey = presented in Table aire (x = *nd f> 1. for the case markup We show estimates and summary where €y and €x are allowed to differ. The summary statistics reported in table 1 concerning the The Durbin- Watson couraging. fit of the two equations are en- statistic reveals that little seri2il correlation remains in the errors. Because we use more instruments than there are coefiRcients, the two equations are overidentified. The test statistic the row proposed by Hansen (1982) to marked J and distributed is that the restrictions are valid. The x with 5 test these overidentifying restrictions is reported in and 6 degrees of freedom under the null hypothesis actual values of this statistic are very small, which probably indicates that the instruments are quite coUineftr. Turning to the estimates, consider equal. A 1% increase in point. A 1% increeise in X Y is first the case where ey and ex are not constrained to be then estimated to raise the markup by about a of a percentage fifth by contrast lowers the markup by about 1%. Both these coefficients are again and significant. of ey and ex are inconsistent with the homothetic versions of both The estimates models because they are is statististically significantly difiFerent from each other. Once homotheticity dropped, ey can be larger than ex as long as the elasticity of Then, increases in Y given change in his coefficients. number Y increases. difficulties To gain some They thus higher when Y is large. of customers that a deviator gets for a require relatively large reductions in the markup. intuition into the source of this discrepancy suppose growth of private value added expected change in the logarithm of the markup between in is provide an alternative explaination for the difiFerence between the two real discount rate r' equals the average change demand markup. This disproportiante increase implies that deviations become much more attractive when Measurement raise disproportionately the dynamic t and t+1 a g. first that the average Then, (28) makes the linear function of the expected logarithm of private value added (with coefficient ey) and of the expected real return 22 rate between t and + t (with coefficient ex). 1 Given that the difference between that €y exceeds ex with the change r and g is in fact quite An in the error in markup than the expected discount equals 0.0126), the finding f^ added is more correlated This could well be due to the rate. from the expected return on stocks, so that the biases the estimate of ex downwards. additional prediction of the implicit collusion model This restriction (it a finding that the expected chemge in private value is fact that the relevant discount rate for firms differs measurement small is satisfied whether (y and ex are allowed to is that ex should be less than ^ differ as in the first — 1. column or whether they are constrained to be equal as in the second column. In the latter column, the estimate the elasticity of the markup with respect to X/Y , e, of 0.22 which is well below .6 while remaining significantly positive. The difference between the J statistics reported in the the restriction that the two elasticities are the same ratio test proposed by Gallant are at variance with those in this case, the two Wald statistics is 1.35 tests it This is two test whether the analogue of the likelihood sometimes pro'^uces inferences which based on the standard errors of the test rejects the equality of the is valid. and Jorgenson (1979) and from Wald which is two columns can be used to coefficients coefficients. Indeed, but the difference between the well below the critical value for the x^ distribution with one degree of freedom. In Tables 2, 3 and 4 we report variations on the model which are designed to gauge the Tables 2 and 3 are devoted to obtaining estimates for different values robustness of our results. of the average markup and for different values of the elasticity of substitution. particular elzisticities of substitution equal to 0.5, much smaller than what is 1 and 2 and average markups of found by the methods of devoted to estimates when the two elasticities are We Hjill), 1.6 (our base case) and consider in (which is Table 2 is 1.1 2. equal while the estimates of Table 3 are obtsdned without imposing this restriction. The two parameters and reductions in e /i' and e affect the results. As explained in Section 5, increases in both increase the tendency of the markup to be countercyclical. surprising that our estimates of e in Table 2 and those of ey in Table 3 rise with e. What is, once again, more surprising is /i' fi* It is thus not and fall with that the estimates of ex in Table 3 which correspond 23 to estimates of the effect of expected rates of return on the falls with One e. notable feature of Table 2 ;i* — 1 as required by our theory. also increases with and /i* that, with the exception of the estimates for an and an average markup of elasticity of substitution of 0.5 corresponding is markup 1.1, the estimates of The estimates e are lower than the of ex in Table 3 are below /i' — 1 as well. Table 4 presents other variations while holding the average markup and elasticity of substitution fixed at our beise levels of 1.6 and The 1. first variation replaces one useful instrument of real returns on stocks, the lagged return, by another, namely the lagged dividend price ratio. ^^ This has no material effect on our results. The next two lines present the estimates when we use either the Treasury Bill rate plus a constant or the commercial paper rate plus a constant as a discount rate. to add constants to these rates is Somewhat premium must be added We assumed the second and third row of Table 4 is when we from different show significant. The last it is premium have no We Bills, this two rows show that the effect on our conclusions. is is not statistically significantly probably a more 2K;curate representation results are not sensitive to our use of hourly we com- use stock returns or return on measure of wages produces essentially the same results as hourly compensation. our results to the addition of the Bils correction for the between the average and marginal wage. spelled out in the Appendix. *See is comforting that the results using this latter return are somewhat more finally consider the sensitivity of difference the does affect the standard errors. In partic- it pensation instead of hourly earnings in manufacturing. Whether Treasury make that the use of alternative instruments does is Because the commercial paper rate of firm's discount rates to these rates to premia which are equal to the use the return on Treasury Bills, the estimate of ex zero. lower than estimated only from the variation in ex ante risk not affect the magnitudes of the coefficients although ular, risk is we have and the average return on the instrument that did this to ensure that the ex returns. However, small differences in this What we choose arbitrarily difference between the economy's growth rate being considered. reeison that the average real return on these instruments the economy's growth rate. Therefore a risk firm's prob.'*'m well defined. The Keim and Stambaugh The We obtain this correction using the method resulting correction reasonably substantial. (1986). 24 We estimate that the increased use of overtime implies that, of 1%, while the marginal wage when hours rise by 1% the average wage by 0.417 of 1%. Using the resulting markup rises rises by 0.056 series estimation of (26) for our base case yields /i,=-0.56 0.002 - t - 0.66 + y, (0.0009) (0.10) (0.7) reverse equation with q on the 0.006 - gt=-4.92 t p=0.944 1.49 (0.006) (3.5) hand side left + y, both cases, the estimate of ey correction makes marginal affected by the correction. markup series, cost and 1.443 respectively, and more When we both estimates rise. (0.41) rises with the correction. This imate (28) via instrumental is /^ — 1. is not surprising since the However, the estimates of ex are not very much their standard errors &ie 0.07 models D.W.=1.82 R*=0.952; The parameters ex and cy ex remains much smaller than 9. /i, p=0.969 e: D.W.=1.54 R'=0.998; yields instead 1.06 procyclical. higher, even stronger + (0.55) Period: 1952:11-1988:4; In qt (0.017) Period: 1952:11-1988:4; The 0.043 and veiriables using the corrected are then estimated to equal 0.281 0.24. While both elasticities are now Note also that the rejection of the two alternative in this Ccise. Conclusion Our results provide further evidence that the countercyclically over the business cycle. We markup of prices over marginal cost moves have also found that the type of markup variations that occur are reasonably consistent with the predictions of the model of endogenous markup determination that we have previously discussed (Rotemberg and Woodford (1989)). Our results are quite inconsistent with the other leading "dynamic" model of markup determination, that proposed by Phelps and Winter (1970), and we are also able to reject a simple to which the eleisticity of demand varies with the level of aggregate "static" specification, according demand. These conclusions are consistent with our previous analysis of the effects of military purchases on economic eictivity; in Rotemberg and Woodford (1989) we collusion model that are harder also found empirical regularities consistent with the implicit to reconcile with either of the alternatives. 25 These conclusions suggest that markup variations may well be an important mechanism by which changes in the demand goods translate into changes in output. In the case of competitive for demand product markets, firms' for hours Hf a decreasing function of the current real wage Wf, is given by the relation: FH{Kt,ztHt) An stock is demand increase in the predetermined technology for government purchzises, a change in the wt demand in export or demand curve curve, because the capital whether as a demand investment in response to lower real wages. demand for goods should not ciffect the state of for goods, hours) only insofar as the short run labor supply curve the labor labor shift this and the demand (in the short run) Hence an increase Z(. goods cannot = is etc. result of an increase in can increase output (and shifted outward, Such labor supply and firms move down shifts can result from intertemporal substitution and, in the case of government purchases, be the consequence of wealth effects. But, real if wages the way demand shocks affect the economy, they cannot be very important since this is fail to be countercyclical (and are furthermore procycliccil when composition associated with aggregation of high-wage and low-wage hours are taken account of). biases Therefore, only shifts in the aggregate production function can be very important in explaining business cycles if one maintains perfect competition. For shocks to the hire additional demand for goods to be important, they must workers at a given real wage. As Kalecki (1938) and Keynes (1939) recognized, this requires that the markup fall in the modified demand F„{Kt,ZtHt) We it termination. in aggregate sign. = for labor function: ntWt have presented evidence that, as required, the markup thermore increeise firm's willingness to moves in a way that That theory, the demand for is (29) is indeed countercycliczd, and fur- consistent with a coherent theory of endogenous oligopolistic collusion produced goods can The customer market model, by would be much 26 de- model, explains how transitory movements result in fluctuations in labor contr<ist, markup less demand of the same promising as a basis for such a theory, for most of the sources of variation in aggregate - example, temporary increases for in to future consumption, or investment opportunities - would interested in export demand, shifts of tastes toward present as opposed booms due to discovery of especially productive investment tend to raise current output relative to future profits, and to raise real all interest rates. Therefore, demand that one might be markups would tend to increeise shifting the labor so that an even greater labor supply shift and real wage decline is demand curve inward needed to increase output than in the competitive model.' A simple "static" ipecification, fit = (^{Yt), FH{Kt, ztHt) This still = establishes a relation between Wt would mean repljicing (29) by: fi{F{Kt, ztHt))wt (30) and Ht that cannot be by anything other than a technology shock. Thus, in shifted, in the short run, such a theory, aggregate can affect output and hours only by shifting the short run labor supply curve. negii>-ive, real If If fi! is variations sufficiently such variations along the fixed schedule (30) might involve an acyclical or even procyclic^i wage. But aggregate demand it would seem to us undesirable demand variations upon their effects to place the entire responsibility for the efficacy of upon household labor supply. one assumes a representative consumer with preferences that are additively separable be- tween periods, as is optimal labor supply common in the real business cycle literature, the first order condition for is: MRS{Ct,Ht) = wt where Ct denotes aggregate consumption. tion between consumption and leisure is It is usual to suppose that this marginal rate of substitu- increaising in consumption and decreasing of leisure. Hence an outward shift in the labor supply curve sumption; but consumption would make it '^In movements fact, increases in must coincide with a decrease procyclical rather than countercyclicad.' hard to understand the procyclical variation of the Beveridge curve) cyclical is and quit rates (see, for instance. in firm's willingness to hire government purchases '^In Rotemberg and Woodford (1989) may in in con- Moreover, such a model vacancy rates (the relative constancy Parsons (1973)) which both suggest pro- workers at a given real wage. Furthermore, such a well reduce output we show that in the quantity and employment in increases in military spending lead decline. 27 such a model. See Phelpa (1989). rise rather than to consumption to model would rely critically both upon labor-supplying households being able to quickly understand and respond to the future consequences of current aggregate shocks, and upon those households' effective integration into the capital markets, either of that, as in many popular efficiency which might be doubted. Finally suppose wage models, households are rationed in the amount they can supply. Then, variations in desired household labor supply due to wealth tertemporal substitution may have little efifect upon which of labor efiFects or in- of the points consistent with (30) is realized in equilibrium. Hence a "dynamic" model of markup determination, such as the offers the greatest oligopolistic collusion model, promise as a basis for understanding the role of aggregate demand variations in the generation of business cycles, quite apart from the evidence provided here in support of such a specification. Further quantitative investigations of the extent to which this for the character of model can account observed aggregate fluctuations, under various hypotheses about the ultimate driving shocks, would seem to be warranted. 28 Appendix The In this Appendix we consider the computation of wage to the average wage total Bils Correction in the presence of wage payments can be written U(, the variations in the ratio of the marginal varying use of overtime workers. Bils assumes that cis: wt{Ht+pV{Ht)] where wt V{H) is the straight-time wage, p indicates how many is the overtime premium which Wt[l wage Msumed to equal 50%, and overtime hours firms employ as a function of total hours. Therefore, the marginal wage (the increased expenditure when hours while the average is + rise by one unit) is: pV'{Ht)] is 1+p Wt Ht Therefore the percent change in the marginal wage for a 1% increase in employment is pV"H^ H + pV'H while the corresponding percent change in the average wage is _ pjV'H - V) H + pV ^'^~ The logarithmic deviation To obtain estimates of the ratio of marginal to average wage, U( of 7a/ and 7^ we use the cover only the manufacturing sector. We assume by V{Ht) times a stationary residual. of overtime hours, on ht and hj. We is then equal to {'jm available data on overtime which, unfortunately, that the eictual value of overtime hours V^ thus rim a regression of Allowing for an error with both correlation yields 29 — 7A)^t- Vf, first is given the detrended logarithm and second order serial t)t= 7.01 ht + (0.59) 2.69 h^t (8.11) AR(1)=1.17 Period: 1956:111-1989:1; Assuming that the residual is equals V'H/V while the second equals one half of As the latter. Bils's estimates are both V/H in Bils' analysis, the somewhat —y (- -y i^^)^- Using equals 0.0187, gives a value for f\f of former is about eight times larger than larger because his index of total hours covers only production hours in manufacturing, so that his average 10. D.W.=2.05 second order logarithmic expansion of V[H). Thus, the these facts, together with knowledge that in our data 0.417 and one for "ja of 0.056. R^=0.97; uncorrelated with the right hand side variables, the coefficients in this regression are the coefficients in a first coefficient AR(2)=0.24 V/H is higher. References Abreu, Dilip: "Extremal Equilibria of Oligopolistic Supergames," Journal of EcoDonuK. Theory, 39, 1986, 191-225. Barsky, Robert and Gary Solon: "Real Wages over the Business Cycle,", 2888, March 1989. Bils, : Working Paper Mark: "The Cyclical Behavior of Marginal Cost and Price," American Economic Review, 77, — NBER December 1987, 838-57. 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Constrained Coeffs, Parameter Constant Coeff. on trend 0.223 0.19 5 (0.06) (0.05) 0.66e-4 -0.85e-5 (0.4e-4) (0.3e-4) 1.062 (0.20) •X 0.184 (0.06) 0.195 e (0.05) r2 0.995 0.980 D.W. 2.36 2.00 J 1.09 1.46 Table 4 Instrumental Variables Method Elasticity of the markup with respect to X/Y AVERAGE MARKUP 1.1 E L A 0.5 S B T S C I I U T IT Y O F 0.118 0.224 0.366 (0.04) (0.07) (0.12) U S T 1.6 1 0.099 0.204 0.335 (0.03) (0.06) (0.10) I O N 2 0.092 0.195 0.322 (0.03) (0.05) (0.09) TABLE 5 Instrumental Variables Method Separate Elasticities with respect to Y and X AVERAGE MARKUP 1.1 gy E L S A U S B T S I T T U T Y I O O N 0.515 1.726 3.124 (0.11) (0.20) (0.32) 0.099 0.185 0.396 (0.06) (0.11) 0.5 €x CI I 1.6 €y (0.035) 0.139 1.062 2.127 (0.11) (0.20) (0.32) 1 ex 0.097 0.184 0.293 (0.03) (0.06) (0.09) F -0.049 0.729 1.628 (0.11) (0.20) (0.32) 0.096 0.183 0.292 (0.03) (0.06) (0.09) TABLE 6 Instrumental Variables Method Variations with average markup equal to 1.6 and elasticity of substitution equal to 1. Use of lagged dividend/price ratio instead of lagged return as an instrument Use of return on Treasury Bills instead of stock return Use of return on commercial paper instead of stock return Use of hourly earnings in manufacturing instead of hourly private compensation Use of hourly earnings and return on Treasury Bills Use of hourly earnings and return on commercial paper 1.184 0.165 (0.22) (0.05) 0.933 0.365 (0.17) (0.25) 0.916 0.455 (0.19) (0.24) 1.274 0.255 (0.24) (0.07) 1.055 0.655 (0.19) (0.29) 0.878 0.953 (0.19) (0.28) 296fe 06U I i i, Date Due MAY 2S 1993 Lib-26-67 MIT LIBRARIES lifllllll 3 TOflO Q07DbTbS fl