HD28 .M414 no.3035-89 :^y 3 TDflO Da5t,73TM T BASEMB4I ALFRED P. WORKING PAPER SLOAN SCHOOL OF MANAGEMEN A COMMODITY LINKED BOND AS AN OPTIMAL DEBT INSTRUMENT IN THE PRESENCE OF MORAL HAZARD Antonio Mello and John Parsons WP #3035-89-EFA- June 1989 MASSACHUSETTS TECHNOLOGY 50 MEMORIAL DRIVE ;AMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS 02139 INSTITUTE OF A COMMODITY LINKED BOND AS AN OPTIMAL DEBT INSTRUMENT IN THE PRESENCE OF MORAL HAZARD Antonio Mello and John Parsons WP #3035-89-EFA- June 1989 JUN i 189 1989 A COMMODITY LINKED BOND AS AN OPTIMAL DEBT INSTRUMENT IN THE PRESENCE OF MORAL HAZARD Antonio Mello and John Parsons* June 1989 In this paper strictly The we communicate two prefers to issue a bond linked firm with a fixed rate results. First, to the price of a bond chooses a we construct an example in which a firm commodity as opposed to a fixed rate bond. suboptimal investment policy because the outstanding nominal obligation distorts the incentives of the equity owners. The commodity linked bond resolves this moral hazard problem. Second, we show that in the presence of moral hazard problems the traditional application of contingent claims valuation techniques leads to an incorrect valuation of the the real assets and consequently to an incorrect valuation of the financial show how the technique can be adapted liabilities written against those assets. We to yield correct valuations. Visiting Professor of Finance and Assistant Professor of Finance, respectively, Sloan School of Management, M.I.T. This research is supported in part by the Program on Investments, Finance, and Contracts of the Center for Energy Policy Research, Energy Laboratory, M.I.T. 2 TTie use of commodity linked debt has been advocated by Lessard (1977), primarily instrument to improve risk sharing between upon commodity exports and outside would have consequences as an less developed countries that are significantly dependent investors. Lessard also noted that the improved risk sharing for capital budgeting. However, his argument did not focus upon the very direct nature in which a commodity linked bond could improve the equity owner's incentives to choose the optimal investment and operating strategy. popular, and there prices of various now exist many commodities or to the improved use of the In this paper we directly to export earnings. However, almost real assets that There is all of the literature almost no attention given can result from the proper design of commodity linked Our focus exclusively on the changes in use of the real assets. demonstrates, therefore, why a noted that the great majority of commodity linked bonds have been issued issues analysis commodity linked bond may be an optimal financing instrument a project in a developed country as well as a project in a less developed country. and that many of the quite proposals for indexing of less developed country debt to the continues to focus upon the problem of improved risk sharing. debt. become Lessard's suggestion has It for should be developed countries in have been made by industrial corporations involved in mining or processing the relevant commodities as our analysis would predict and in contradiction to the predictions of most other explanations for the existence of these securities. attention, moreover, to the fact that the optimal Our commodity linked contract must be analysis calls tailored to the particular set of real assets being financed. In the traditional application of the contingent claim techniques it is assumed that the investment and op)erating decisions of the firm are given and do not vary with the parameters of the liabilities sold against the firm. describes the value of the firm is For example, in Merton (1974) the stochastic process that assumed given, and then the value of any debt claim written 3 against the firm is In recent derived. work on the valuation of real options the contingent claims techniques are used to derive the optimal investment and operating stratcgies--for example, Brennan and Schwartz (1985). strategy is in In these models, however, the optimal investment and operating derived under the implicit assumption that the firm to then take the derived optimal investment 100% is equity owned. It is common and operating strategy as the underlying determinant of the stochastic process for the firm value and to then value the various financial claims against this value. However, under some circumstances the structure of assets will impact the operating decisions of the management so for the firm value does not in fact obtain in equilibrium. incorporated into the contingent claims models, and 1. A Consider a firm that owns we reduce mine be abandoned. When While the mine is still At any point The assumed stochastic process The problem of moral hazard must be we show how this can be done. in a mine that can operate for a total of three the mine is future price of the commodity, S; the price at open it must produce an amount q time the mine can be abandoned time t =l in more the management's discretion to a single decision: open and operating the owner must pay binomial method described is that the Contingent-Claims Analysis of a Mine the problem simple A. financial claims sold against the s, is a at random at a per period zero cost, but variable. We it years. To make when should zero average cost.' maintenance cost of cannot be reopened. model the price using the Cox, Ross and Rubinstein (1979). Accordingly, the price at time can take on one of two values, uS and dS. The price at time ' One can alternatively consider the commodity price given in this t=0 t=2 can take on three values, uuS, udS, and ddS, although conditional on the realization of the price at of the constant per unit average cost. the t =l paper to be the price net 4 there are only two possible realizations at t=2. Because the payoff to the firm possible paths of prices. when we In Figure we draw the tree that defines the path dependent is an important way, in construct a tree to represent the unfolding of uncertainty regarding price between the node and the node convenience t=2 we denote t s=udS and which was time t=2 for which at time at the two nodes at for the four nodes at = l; and we may t=2 by j = 1,2,3,4; write the price at any The risk-free interest rate convenience yield which defining The term r. we assume the f(s) as is to 1 at via s=dS as is distinguish time at at time a similar notation node we s=uS arrived at via which s=udS and which was arrived [Insert Figure s(t,j)c: 1, t t =l = l. For used to denote s(t,j). Here] structure of futures prices is determined by the be proportional to the current price of the commodity, one period future price it follows in our model that f(s)= s(t,j)(l+r- c). A vector strategy, M where [m(0,l);m(l,l),m(l,2);m(2,l),m(2,2),m(2,3),m(2,4)] denotes an m(t,j) when in period = [1;1,0;1,0,0,0]; t = = (= the price M, = 1) means is s(t,j). we have written the strategies. [1;1,0;1, 1,0,0]; M, = not the firm is [1;1,1;1, 1,1,0]; as the basis of abandonment decisions The reader should note abandons (continues to operate) the mine There are 5 undominated and 4 are the interesting ones that serve 1 that the firm that at abandonment strategies: and M^ = M, = [0;0,0;0,0,0,0]; Strategies 3 [1;1,1;1, 1,1,1]. comparisons made in this t = l was each node of the decision tree for both of these under strategy 3, if the price at operating depends upon the past history of price: dS, then the operating at the new price In Figure paper. if t=2 udS, whether or is the price at t = l was the mine was not abandoned and the mine will also not be abandoned at t=2; however, at M, if uS, then the price mine was abandoned and even though the owner might wish to be it is not possible. 5 It is Our example policy. in now possible to derive the value of the mine and to solve for the optimal abandonment is essentially a much Brennan and Schwartz (1985)--allowing for the discretization of the and we solve our problem according to the For any arbitrary strategy M be received by the firm that will it at These cash flows price: x(M,t,j). price process and the difficult is logic used how to use the futures in when that our example-- time and contingent upon the realization of the however, contingent upon the realization of the stochastic problem the proper discount to apply to these cash fiows in is Contingent claims analysis teaches us, market combined with borrowing and lending to exactly duplicate the sequence of risky cash fiows from the mine under any given strategy. amount of cash in in that paper. recognition of the particular risk associated with each. however, problem a straightforward matter to construct the set of cash flows each point are, problem analyzed simplified case of the natural resource would be necessary to open a portfolio We can determine the of futures contracts and bonds which, Under properly rebalanced, perfectly replicates the cash flows from the mine. assumptions about the completeness of the market in financial and real assets, this certain must also be the value of the mine under that strategy. Define K(M,t,j) as the amount of futures contracts that the firm holds price is at node j; and define B(M,t,j) as the period that the firm holds in period t€{0,l} in period te{0,l} amount of one period bonds paying (1+r) if the price is at node j. the following set of equations which can be solved pairwise: x(M.2,l) = (u+c-r) K(M,1,1) + (l+r) B(M,1,1), x(M,2,2) = (d+c-r) K(M,1,1) + (l+r) B(M,1,1), x(M,2,3) = (u+c-r) K(M,1,2) + (l+r) B(M,1,2), and x(M,2,4) = (d+c-r) K(M,1,2) + (l+r) B(M,1,2). is the in the next For every strategy the portfolio of futures contracts and bonds that the firm must hold at time t=l if M= l,...5 the solution to 6 and bonds that the firm must hold Similarly, the portfolio of futures contracts at time t=0 is the solution to the following pair of equations, which can be solved once the values from the previous equations are substituted in accordingly: x(M,l,l) = (u+c-r) K(M,0,1) + (1+r) B(M,0,1) - B(M,1,1), and x(M,l,2) = (d+c-r) K(M,0,1) + (1+r) B(M,0,1) - B(M,1,2). Once this portfolio of futures contracts and bonds is opened, as described by the solution to these equations so that it it yields exactly the the firm as would the mine operated according to the strategy however, the firm needs to purchase the contracts require no cash outlays up initial it is now front, the initial portfolio costs a straightforward matter to each period free cash flow to In order to start the strategy, Since the futures B(M,0,1) and this, then, is the M. choose the optimal abandonment strategy for the mine: = max B(M,0,1) and M' argmax B(M,0,1). e M V also possible to find the value of the = price of the commodity, T(M',t,j) In constructing this valuation some realization of price and for mine x(M',t,j) we have some + at any point in time as a function of the realized B(M*,t,j). ignored the fact that at arbitrary planned a negative cash account and a negative value, This in simply that abandonment strategy which yields the highest value for the mine: r It is M. same portfolio of futures and bonds. value of the mine operated according to the strategy It is can be rebalanced i.e., abandonment we have some point in time and for strategy the firm might have ignored the problem of bankruptcy. easy to resolve." is To properly incorporate the problem of bankruptcy Note, however, that T is we must specify what happens to the always greater than zero, since T(1,0,1)=0 is firm's always feasible. 7 We assets in this event. cash earned is assume first retained and invested end of period t=2 that the firm does not pay any dividends at in an account earning the riskless rate of interest, a liquidating dividend realization of the price it operate as planned, that is is At payed. common knowledge whether whether is it is The declared bankrupt. and the assumed sale price is r. t = l: all At the the beginning of each period, given the the firm has enough cash to continue to can cover the maintenance cost. A, out of the revenues to be received that period and out of any accumulated cash: firm t=0 and firm, less if it will any accumulated cash, is not have enough cash, then the assumed to be liquidated by sale the value of the firm at that point in time and conditional on the current realized commodity price, and under the assumption that the firm is operated from this point on according to the optimal strategy, T(M",t,j), derived above. Define Y(M,t,j) as the balance that M would be in the account and no bankruptcy; this is at the end of a period assuming an arbitrary abandonment strategy the retained earnings of the firm, and at t=2 it is the cash available for distribution to equity holders: Y(M,0,1) = Y(M,1,1) = Y(M,0,1) (1+r) + x(M,l,l), Y(M,1,2) = Y(M,0,1) (1+r) + x(M,l,2), Y(M,2,1) = Y(M.1,1) (1+r) + x(M,2,l). Y(M,2,2) = Y(M,1,1) (1+r) + x(M,2,2), Y(M,23) = Y(M,1,2) Y(M,2,4) The firm is Y(M,t,j)<0. = 0. (1+r) + x(M,2,3), and Y(M,1,2) (1+r) + x(M,2,4). bankrupt at the beginning of period Define u(M,t,j)e{0,l} gone bankrupt at lime t t given a realization of the commodity price as a binary operator, where u=0 if indicates that the firm has or earlier given the realized path of commodity prices, and define 8 w= w(M,t,j)e{0,l} as a binary operator, where given the reahzation of the commodity price. indicates that the firm l went bankrupt Define Z(M,t,j) as the actual balance account of the firm, given the intended strategy M at time in the t cash and the sale of the firm when bankruptcy occurs: Z(M,0,1) = Z(M,1,1) = Z(M,0,1) (1+r) + x(M,l,l)u(M,l,l) + T(MM,l)w(M,l,l), Z(M,1,2) = Z(M,0,1) x(M,l,2)u(M,l,2) + T(MM,2)w(M,l,2), Z(M,2.1) = (1 + r) + Z(M,1,1) (1+r) + x(M,2.1)u(M,2,l) + T(M',2,l)w(M.2,l), Z(M,2.2) = Z(M,1.1) (1+r) + x(M,2.2)u(M,2,2) + T(M',2,2)w(M,2,2), Z(M,2,3) = Z(M,1,2) (1+r) x(M,2,3)u(M,2,3) + T(M',2,3)w(M,2,3), and Z(M,2,4) = Z(M,1,2) (1+r) + x(M,2,4)u(M,2,4) + T(M*,2,4)w(M,2,4). The firm may be valued bonds as described riskless algorithm is the price is at node j; + using a portfolio hedging strategy The only earlier. a recognition that Again we define K(M,t,j) if + T(M",0,l)w(M,0,l) x(M,0,l)u(M,0,l) as the no cash flows amount of correction that must be l,...5 futures contracts and made actually leave the firm until the to the hedging end of period 2. futures contracts that the firm holds in period te{0,l} and define B(M,t,j) as the amount of one period bonds paying the next period that the firm holds in period te{0,l} M= composed of if the price is at node j. For every (1 Z(M,2,1) = (u+c-r) K(M,1,1) + (1+r) Z(M,2,2) = (d+c-r) K(M,1,1) + Z(M,2,3) = (u+c-r) K(M,1,2) + (1+r) B(M,1,2), Z(M,2,4) = (d+c-r) K(M,1,2) + (1+r) B(M,1,2), B(M,1,1), (1+r) B(M,1,1), in strategj' the portfolio of futures contracts and bonds that the firm must hold at time t=l solution to the following set of equations that can be solved pairwise: + r) is the 9 Z(M,1,1) = (u+c-r) K(M,(),1) + (1+r) B(M.0,1). and Z(M,1,2) = (d+c-r) K(M,0,1) + (1+r) Once B(M,0,1). of futures contracts and bonds this portfolio by the solution to these equations, it M. according to the strategy In Table can see that 1 we the same if it is rebalanced as described free cash flow to the firm as would In order to start the portfolio, however, the firm amount B(M,0,1) and the in opened, and yields exactly the the mine operated according to the strategy needs to have cash is then, this, is the value of the mine operated M, V(M,0,1).' display the results of this abandonment optimal model strategy The reader for a particular set of input values. #3 and is that the value of the mine is V(M\0,1)=V(3,0,1)=$4.24. Table 1 s(l,2)=dS, the firm is [Insert At t = l and j=2, increase to udS, it i.e. when would be profitable ddS the firm would choose in order to keep this maintenance costs A. it is the firm ' It is V for the firm to operate. alive, the firm However, the cost of the option > T when the case that V(M,0,1) This is if because V > t the price were to the price were to decrease to = l, is The option $0.65, the difference costs of keeping the is valuable: between the mine open, and so j=2. T(M,0,1), the value of the firm calculated in the incorporates the possibility of bankruptcy while the event of bankruptcy takes the assets away from a implementing a suboptimal abandonment However, losses. must keep the mine open today and pay the on the commodity and the maintenance may be If This would be equivalent to choosing strategy #4. better off abandoning the mine at previous section. facing an unsure future: abandon the mine rather than incur the operating option worth almost $0.54. current earnings to Here] strategy. Of T does not. management team course, V(M',0,1)=T(M',0,1). that is 10 2. Valuing Corporate Liabilities We now suppose that the firm has outstanding a bond with a promised payment The with no intermediate payments due. until the bond is payed. expenses on the mine to pay off the liabilities exist The t firm = l and is may be restricted, p. and however, against paying any dividends allowed to use the accumulated cash to pay any operating t=2. The accumulated balance bond and then the remainder or is t=2, is in this account is used payed out as a liquidating dividend. at No t=2 other created. definition of the cash available to the firm and the events in which bankruptcy occurs are changed slightly would be strategy at The firm at in M by the existence of the outstanding debt. Define Y<((M,t,j) as the balance that the firm's cash account at the end of a period assuming an arbitrary and no bankruptcy; this is the retained earnings of the firm, and at t=2 abandonment it is the cash available for distribution to equity holders: The Y,(M,0,1) = 0, Y,(M,1,1) = Y,(M,0,1) (1+r) + x(M,l,l), Y<,(M,1,2) = Y,(M,0,1) (1+r) + x(M,l,2), Y,(M,2,1) = Y,(M,1,1) (1+r) + x(M,2,l) - p, Y,(M,2,2) = Y,(M,1,1) (1+r) + x(M,2,2) - p, Y,(M,2,3) = Y,(M,1,2) (1+r) + x(M,2,3) - p, Y,(M,2,4) = Y,(M,1,2) (1+r) + x(M,2,4) - p. firm is bankrupt at the as indicator functions for a beginning of period t and if YXM,t,j)<0. Define Ud(M,t,j) and Wj(M,t,j) bankrupt firm and for the period of bankruptcy, just as before. Define Zd(M,t,j) as the actual balance in the cash account of the firm, given the intended strategy the sale of the firm when bankruptcy occurs: M and 11 Z,(M,ai)= x(M,0,l)u,(M,0,l) +T(M',0,l)w,(M,0,l) Z,(M,1,1)= Z,(M.O,l)(l+r) +x(M,l,l)u<,(M,l,l) +T(MM,l)w,(M,l,l), Za(M,l,2)= Z,(M,0,l)(l + r) +x(M,l,2)u,(M,l,2) +T(MM,2)w<,(M,l,2), Z,(M,2,1)= Z,(M,l,l)(l+r) +x(M,2,l)u,(M,2,l) +T(M',2,l)w,(M,2,l), Z,(M,2,2)= Z,(M,l,l)(l+r) +x(M,2,2)u,(M,2,2) +T(M*,2,2)w,(M,2,2), Z,(M,2,3)= Z,(M,l,2)(l+r) +x(M,23)u,(M,23) +T(M',2,3)w,(M,2,3), and Z,(M,2,4)= Z,(M,l,2)(l+r) +x(M,2,4)u,(M,2,4) +T(M*,2,4)w,(M,2,4). We are now ready to value firm with debt outstanding and to directly value the debt and equity claims against the firm. The valuation of the firm proceeds just as before, using a portfolio hedging strategy composed of futures contracts and riskless bonds, Kd(M,t,j) and Bd(M,t,j): Za(M,2,l) = (u+c-r) K,(M,1.1) + Z,(M,2,2) = (d+c-r) K,(M,1,1) + (l+r) B,(M,1,1), Z<,(M,2,3) = (u-rc-r) K,(M,1.2) + (l+r) B,(M,1,2), Z,(M,2,4) = (d+c-r) K,(M,1,2) + (l+r) B,(M,1,2), Z,(M,1,1) = (u+c-r) K,(M,0,1) + (l+r) B,(M,0,1), and Z,(M,1,2) = (d+c-r) K,(M,0,1) + (l+r) B,(M,0,1). Bd(M,0,l) To is (1+r) B,(M,1,1), the value of the mine operated according to the strategy M, Vj(M,0,l).'' value the debt and the equity claims against the firm merely requires correctly registering the payoffs to each claim in each final realization of the commodity price path and valuing the risky " It may be the case that Vj(M,0,l) > V(M,0,1), the value of the firm calculated when there no debt outstanding. This is because the possibility of bankruptcy may change the actual abandonment strategy implemented with the real assets when these assets are taken from the original management; and the set of events on which bankruptcy may occur will be different depending upon the actual size of the debt obligation outstanding. This is one example of the 'free cash flow' argument in favor of a large amount of debt that has been made by Jensen (1986). Of is course, V,(M',0,1)=V(M',0,1). 12 payoff using the appropriate portfolio hedging strategy composed of futures and riskless bonds. The outstanding corporate bond promising strategy t=2 has the following at Z<,(M,2,j) w,(M,2,j), actual payouts under = (Z,(M,2,j)-p) u,(M,2j) we once value these claims + j = l,..4. under strategy M: firm's equity has the following payouts E,(M,2,j) To pay p M: D,(M,2J) = p u,(M,2,j) + The to max{Z,(M,2,j)-p,0} w,(M,2,j), j = l,..4. again construct a hedging portfolio of futures and riskJess bonds according to the algorithm used to value the cash flows of the firm as a whole given above. In Table 2 in constructing we Table under strategy #3 the firm display never D<,(3,0,1)=$1.076. is 1, some of the The =$4,242. bankrupt.- Under strategy total is value of the firm is less worth $0.54 as we mentioned is with this size of debt outstanding therefore riskless; its value is Liabilities under strategy is #4 than under strategy #3, the higher, Ej(4,0,l)= $3.20 > £^(3,0,1)= $3,166. because the outstanding debt obligation of the firm changes the financial incentives facing the equity owners in the event that the price alive the mine Table 2 Here] reader should note that the value of the equity This is The value of firm's equity has a value £^(3,0,1) =$3. 166. Moral Hazard and the Revised Valuation of Corporate Although the for the set of input values used earlier #3 and The corporate debt [Insert 3. model with the promised debt payment p=$1.35 at t=2. V<,(3,0,1) goes results of this earlier, is low. At t=l, j=2, the abandonment option but costs $0.65 to keep not worthwhile and the mine should be abandoned. And therefore T(3,0,1)=V(3,0,1)=V,(3,0,1). alive. is Keeping the option However, the equity holder owns an 13 on a different payoff: the returns to the equity payoff pattern equity is it in each event less not valuable to the firm as a whole. to operate at a loss at t = l, j=2 in This the nominal debt obligation. than the firm payoff pattern so that the option riskier owner even though owner chooses at is mine is valuable to the Consequently, the equity order to keep alive the hope of a large payoff t=2, j=3. It is the firm therefore incorrect to value the outstanding corporate bonds under the assumption that is managed according done when various techniques The to strategy #3 as was done previous section and as in the is often for contingent claims pricing are applied to value corporate liabilities. actual stochastic process that the value of the firm follows is not independent of the nominal obligations specified in the liabilities because these nominal obligations affect the incentives of the equity owners. One cannot therefore first specify or derive the stochastic process for the value of the firm and then directly calculate the value of any arbitrary financial liability written against that firm. The usual method for valuing the contingent claims can be incorporate the consequence of moral hazard: the modification necessary to first specify the nominal obligations outstanding to value the equity under all possible strategies. The easily modified to correctly as follows. is on the firm, strategy that will and then be chosen Once In general, is it is it is necessary the one which this strategy chosen maximizes the return to the equity given those financial liabilities. becomes possible equilibrium and possible to value the firm as a whole: to value all of the financial liabilities in Define M' e argmax E,(M,0,1), and V; = V,(M',0,1), D; = is D,(M',0,1), and it E/ = Ea(M\0,l). While this modification is straightforward at the level of the logic of the algorithm, in fact significantly frustrates the use of the it mathematical machinery with which these problems have been 14 solved to date. that is It is no simple matter to translate this algorithm into a robust valuation technique easily usable for a large class of problems. insight into certain important questions as 4. A Commodity is evidenced in possible to use it is in which the firm promises to pay only debt instrument outstanding on the firm, and assuming we can previous example, then D,', = calculate the value of the and the value of the equity, E,', all at #3 and #4 strategies 0.1231 s(2,j). The important thing to note liability abandonment is strategy. this V;= $4.24 is commodity linked bond linked debt greater than the firm value bond, D/, and therefore is is is, firm, V', the value of this debt higher when when abandonment for when the strategy #3, the first-best therefore, an optimal debt contract which a fixed rate debt contract say that the firm value same $3.20. is used, The V/= firm $4.18. as the value of the fixed rate is the is increased by changing the type of debt the firm has the commodity linked bond outstanding than bond outstanding: E;= $3.26 > £„'= results 3. contract while holding constant the value of the debt outstanding at t=0. is The fixed rate debt contracts for this firm. worth D,'= $0.98 which we can the Table 3 Here] problem associated with This commodity linked bond is other values as given for the that the optimal strategy for the equity holders The commodity resolves the moral hazard value is If this using the hedging portfolio constructions used are displayed in Table [Insert outstanding some time t=2 an amount above and acknowledging the moral hazard problem as discussed above. abandonment to gain the next section. contingent upon the realized price of the commodity: p(2,j) instrument, it Linked Bond as an Optimal Debt Instrument Consider a corporate debt obligation that is Nevertheless, The value of when it the equity has the fixed rate 15 The commodity linked financial incentives for linked bond increases the value of the abandonment when the bond outstanding it is no longer price of the commodity is low. beneficial for the equity holder to option open at t=l, j=2 and therefore the equity holder The firm by changing the equity owner's will With the commodity keep the abandonment implement the first best strategy #3. increase in the firm value that follows from this accrues to the equity.* worth emphasizing that It is this result could not be obtained using the conventional techniques of contingent claims analysis, precisely because these techniques do not recognize the moral hazard problems associated with various financial variety of contingent claims that now liabilities. exist--for The techniques that dominate in valuing the example the models of Schwartz (1982) and Rajan (1988) developed for valuing commodity linked debt-ignore the impact that the issuance of a given type of security has on the stochastic process which describes the firm's value. before, while the logic of the algorithms is easily reconstructed to incorporate this mathematical machinery with which the original algorithms have beeii so so easily reconstructed. Even once a method is in future problem, the fruitfully applied devised to value a given set of financial acknowledging the problem of moral hazard, a more significant problem by which to find the optimal set of financial As mentioned liabilities. It is lies in to these tasks that not liabilities, devising a we is means intend to return research on this problem. Although the particular commodity linked bond that we have analyzed here achieves the There is a large set of it is not the uniquely optimal commodity linked instrument. commodity price contingent debt securities that would also achieve the first-best. In the case at hand, another debt instrument with an option feature would have also achieved the first best. In fact, one would not generally want to make the payment due contingent only upon the final realized price, as we have done in the case of the commodity linked bond used in this example. One would rather have the total value of the promised payment contingent upon the full path of The key prices in such a fashion that it hedged the total value of production from the mine. characteristic of any optimal debt contract for our problem would be that it would lower the required payment in the worst outcome, s(2,4), so that the equity holder would not be tempted to * first-best, keep the mine open through time f)eriod t = l. 16 References Brennan, Michael and Eduardo Schwartz, 1985, "Evaluating Natural Resource Investmens," Journal of Business 58:135-157. . Cox, J., S. Ross and M. Rubinstein, 1979, "Option Economics 7:229-63. Financial Pricing: A Simplified Approach," Journal of , Jensen, Michael, 1986, "Agency Costs of Free Cash Flow, Corporate Finance and Takeovers, American Economic Review 76:323-29. , An Lessard, Donald, 1977, "Commodity-Linked Bonds from Less-Developed Countries: Opportunity?" 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