Winter Collection and Points of Interest

The 2015-16 IPEDS WINTER collection cycle is now underway!
Winter Collection and Points of Interest
(December 9, 2015 - February 10, 2016)
Wednesday, December 9, 2015
4 components are due during Winter 2015-16:
Student Financial Aid
Graduation Rates
Graduation Rates 200
Outcome Measures
Fall Enrollment and Finance are also open but please do not enter data for these
components at this time.
Student Financial Aid
Purpose of Survey
The purpose of the IPEDS Student Financial Aid (SFA) component is to collect information
about financial aid provided to various groups of undergraduate students in order to meet
requirements of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (HEA), as amended. It also collects
information on the federal dollars supporting military servicemember and veteran
undergraduate and graduate students.
SBCTC Responsibilities:
1. Process and summarize financial aid data to meet IPEDS requirements
2. Provide the data to the colleges in Excel spreadsheets by January 20, 2016
3. Upload the data to IPEDS web based collection system by January 27, 2016.
If you would rather upload your own college data, please contact me.
College Responsibilities:
1. After SBCTC uploads the survey data, manually update Section 2: Military
Servicemembers and Veteran’s Benefits
- Post-9/11 GI Bill Benefits:
 Number of students may be obtained from the Data Warehouse
STUDENT table where Vet_Benefits = "D" or "E"
 Total dollar amount can be obtained with the help of your
business or cashier’s office
- Department of Defense Tuition Assistance Program:
 Number of students may be obtained from the Data Warehouse
STUDENT table where Vet_Benefits = "J"
 Total dollar amount can be obtained with the help of your
business or cashier’s office
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2. Complete the student Financial Aid Standard Coding Crosswalk (Financial Aid
Directors were instructed to complete this in early November)
3. Review the data
4. Perform edit checks and resolve any flagged data on the IPEDS web site
5. Lock the survey by February 10, 2016
Graduation Rates
Purpose of Survey
The purpose of the IPEDS Graduation Rates component is to track given cohorts of
full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking undergraduate students, as well as
their completion status at 150% of normal time at postsecondary institutions.
These data are collected to assist institutions in complying with the Student Right to
Know Act.
SBCTC Responsibilities:
1. Process and summarize GR data to meet IPEDS requirements
2. Provide the data to the colleges in Excel spreadsheets by January 20, 2016
3. Upload the data to IPEDS web based collection system by January 27, 2016.
If you would rather upload your own college data, please contact me.
College Responsibilities:
1. Review the data
2. Perform edit checks and resolve any flagged data on the IPEDS web site
3. Lock the survey by February 10, 2016
Graduation Rates 200
Purpose of Survey
The primary purpose of the IPEDS GR200 component is to collect more extensive
data on graduation rates as required by HEOA. Data will be collected to calculate
graduation rates at 200% of normal time for all students at less than 4-year
SBCTC Responsibilities:
1. Process and summarize GR200 data to meet IPEDS requirements
2. Provide the data to the colleges in Excel spreadsheets by January 20, 2016
3. Upload data by January 27, 2016
College Responsibilities:
1. Review the data
2. Perform edit checks and resolve any flagged data on the IPEDS web site
3. Lock the survey by February 10, 2016
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Outcome Measures
Purpose of Survey
The primary purpose of the IPEDS Outcome Measures component is to collect
award and enrollment data from degree-granting institutions on four undergraduate
cohorts at two points in time: six-year and eight-year.
SBCTC Responsibilities:
1. Process and summarize OA data to meet IPEDS requirements
2. Provide the data to the colleges in Excel spreadsheets by January 20, 2016
3. Upload data by January 27, 2016
College Responsibilities:
1. Review the data
2. Perform edit checks and resolve any flagged data on the IPEDS web site
3. Lock the survey by February 10, 2016
Uploading IPEDS Survey Data
Colleges may choose to not have SBCTC upload survey data to IPEDS. SBCTC will
continue to provide survey data to you in the current formats whether or not your
college chooses to be responsible for entering survey data. Contact Monica Peper to request that SBCTC not bulk upload IPEDS survey data for
your college. The choice to opt out of SBCTC uploading your data applies to ALL
IPEDS Surveys throughout the year.
For Your Convenience
Based Data
Collection System
To Register with NCES
or enter data via the
web based data
collection system
Changes to the
2015-16 IPEDS
Data Collection
Provides complete listing of changes since
the previous academic
year’s IPEDS data
collection process
IPEDS Home Page
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Documentation and
tools provided by IPEDS
for statistical data and
information on
IPEDS Survey
Provides Survey Forms,
Instructions, FAQ’s,
Narrative Edits, etc. IPEDS Page staff/research-data/datawarehouse/default.aspx
This web page provides
links to the items below:
Provide timelines, lock
dates, and other
information regarding
the three collection
Link to
to the IPEDS listserv
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Monica Peper
Senior Database Specialist and BI Developer | 360.704.4375
Washington State Board for Community & Technical Colleges
1300 Quince St SE | PO Box 42495 | Olympia, Washington 98504-2495
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