DREXEL UNIVERSITY ELECTRONIC SUBMISSION DIRECTIONS FOR THE DREXEL UNIVERSITY IRB AND WIRB All NEW/Initial submissions to the DU IRBs and/or the WIRB for review will be provided to Human Research Protection (HRP) in an “electronic” format. This change in application format coincides with and enhances the pending implementation of the Coeus electronic application program. SUBSEQUENT/SUPPLEMENTAL POST APPROVAL REPORTING: (modifications, periodic/final reports, reportable new information, etc.) If your protocol was approved by a DU IRB all communications are to be submitted to HRP in an electronic format as described below. If your protocol was approved by the WIRB all communications are to be FIRST submitted to the WIRB with an exact copy to be provided electronically to HRP as described below. 1. IRB/WIRB application documents that require signatures will be printed, signed, then scanned and saved, while word docs or PDFs, such as consent forms, written protocols or investigator brochures, etc. that do not require a signature may be saved directly to your PC/MAC without need for scanning. 2. Each individual document type is scanned or saved and individually named; ex: ([ICF word doc. Investigator 12345]; [written protocol PDF, Investigator 12345]; [investigator brochure PDF, Investigator 12345]; [WIRB Initial Review form word doc, Investigator 12345…]). (DO NOT USE ANY CHARACTERS IN THE WORD DOC/PDF FILE NAME) 3. 20 MBs is the maximum size in total of all attachments that an email is capable of sending or receiving. Each document is attached to the email as an individual word doc/PDF document and titled appropriately. 4. If the MB size of all documents in total exceeds 20 MBs you have the following options: A. compress the attachments into a Zip file and attach to the email, B. save the application to a CD/DVD and mail/drop off at HRP, or C. send the application in multiple separate emails however you must label each email in the “subject” box as PI name, brief title and also note email as 1 of 2; 1 of 3, etc. 5. New applications as well other forms of action with the IRB, such as Continuing Reviews, Adverse Event reports, Amendments, etc.; are to be emailed to HRPP@drexel.edu and Cc’d to the primary IRB coordinator for the applicable IRB committee (#1, #3, #4 or WIRB). #1: Exempt and Expedited applications: Barbara Ferrigno bf34@drexel.edu #1: Full application: Melissa Casey mac542@drexel.edu #3: All applications: Danyelle Gibson dsg32@drexel.edu #4: All applications: Linda Tate lmt43@drexel.edu WIRB All applications: Lois Carpenter lac87@drexel.edu If you need any further assistance please contact the ORRC at 215-255-7857. Drexel University Human Research Protection 1601 Cherry Street, 3 Parkway Bldg. Mail Stop 10-444 Philadelphia, PA 19102 Version: 02-14-2013