March 30, 2006
Bridgeport, WV
Attendees: Debbie Kaplan, RESA I; Teresa Ryan, RESA II; Rhonda Tabit, RESA IV;
Alisa Shepler, RESA V; Diane Baker, RESA VI; Sharon Clark, RESA VII; Nancy
Bradshaw, RESA VIII; Rebecca King, WVDE; and, Kathy Verzich, WVASN President.
1. The meeting was called to order at 10:20 a.m. by Rhonda Tabit, Secretary.
2. The minutes were read and approved as revised on motion by Nancy Bradshaw and
seconded by Debbie Kaplan.
3. Rebecca King gave following update from WVDE:
A. A copy of the WV Board of Examiners for R.N.’s – Annual Report
of the Biennium was distributed. You can refer to pp. 58-59 for number of
nurses in a county and degrees when checking for nurses to fill slots for
school nurses. The new certification policy should be out for public
comment by summer. Becky will notify when available. The new policy
will close a loophole that allows counties to hire nurses above the ratio
without meeting certification requirements. A stipend for nurses mentoring
new school nurses is also included in the policy.
B. A copy of the Report and Recommendations Health Screening of
WV Children for Kindergarten Entry in School Year 2004-05 was given to
each representative. This report can also be accessed on-line.
C. The WV Asthma Coalition in cooperation with WVU is creating a CDRom for training school personnel about asthma and diabetes. The CDRom should be available by May 2, 2006. Sharon Clark inquired if any
program on asthma that doesn’t require 4-6 weeks for high school age
students. Becky will check with Asthma Coalition and report back to
Council. Becky also informed that a condensed training for Open Airways
is in the works.
D. The Mentorship Committee has a draft being sent to committee
members for review by next week. It will then be sent to RESA’s for
comment before final report. The report addresses criteria for mentor.
E. A copy of a training program for substitute school nurses was
reviewed. It was developed by Irene Murphy with input from school
nurses. It could be adopted by RESA’s as a training model.
F. Policy 2423 is on-line for public comment. There were questions why
the 6th/9th grade immunization check put in policy when not required by
March 30, 2006
Bridgeport, WV
law. This is a pro-active move to make sure children properly immunized
in light of potential pandemics.
G. Senate Bill 53 addresses funding for 18 counties to increase their
school nurse ratios. This will include 26 more nurses at a cost of 1.4
million dollars. The Bill will also provide one million dollars to be
allotted for children with special health care needs in counties. The money
will be distributed based on acuity level. The bill WVDE will also require
electronic individualized health care plans (IHCP) for distribution of the
one million dollars. IHCP’s have been developed for Diabetes, Asthma and
Seizure’s. It is being piloted in 3 counties and should be ready by summer
for use by all school nurses.
H. Senate Bill 785 changes requirement for BMI’s on students. A
scientific sample will be done in conjunction with the CARDIAC program.
I. House Bill 2548 Diabetes Care Plan Act is a bill of rights for students
with diabetes. Education on diabetes must be made available for school
J. BPH Immunization Audits – Waiting for legal opinion if immunization
audits can be performed legally.
K. The WVDE Job Seeker online will add vacant school nurse positions
to site. The web address is wvde.state.wv.us/jobs
L. One million dollars has been allotted for counties for special needs.
The money will be distributed based on acuity level.
3. Kathy Verzich reported that SB 53 will be signed by the Governor on April 3, 2006.
Executive board members will hold their meeting in Charleston on that day in order to
attend the signing. She also reported that Sue Will, NASN President wants to make
everyone aware of a legislative movement in many states to make 65¢ of every dollar
spent for education must be spent in the classroom. This will affect many services that
schools currently provide.
4. Teresa Ryan reported that the nomination for Rebecca King for School Nurse
Consultant of the Year was mailed on March 27, 2006.
5. Becky King reported that she had no report yet on Developmental Screening. She is
waiting for more information from Dr. Cathy Jones at WVDE.
6. Teresa Ryan had prepared a proposed recommendation on Scoliosis screening. The
recommendation was revised and approved by Council.
March 30, 2006
Bridgeport, WV
7. Rhonda Tabit gave members a copy of WV Code governing dentists and dental
hygienists. She will write the recommendation of Council regarding dental screenings
and forward to Council members for review and revisions. Council will recommend that
counties provide for proper dental screenings by a dentist. School nurses should continue
in their role of providing and promoting dental health education. This has been brought
to the attention of Dr. Cathy Jones, Director of Early Education, to be addressed in the
future revisions of Policy 2525.
8. Diane Baker reported on vision screening. She contacted the WV Board of
Optometrists but received no reply. She talked with Dr. Geoff Bradford at WVU about
screening recommendations. He recommends that screening should be pass/fail and that
muscle balance problems can be detected with acuity testing. He also recommends that
20/40 be referral point. Preferred methods of screening include: LEA symbols for pre-K
and K students, HOTV for 1-12 grades. He doesn’t recommend using Titmus prior to 1st
grade age and recommends that students should not be referred for first failure unless
obvious problem. She will wait to talk with Nancy Doss before writing a
9. Nancy Bradshaw and Teresa Ryan gave report of a training manual from RESA 7 for
hearing screenings. Council will recommend that hearing screenings be performed by
audiologist. School nurses who perform hearing screenings must be trained and certified
by an audiologist.
10. Council decided that recommendations for screenings should be developed and sent
to OMCFC Medical Advisory Board for review and approval and then referred on to
PIECES Committee for possible incorporation into Policy 2525.
11. Council briefly reviewed a copy of a school nurse evaluation Becky King had
received from Louisiana. Members will review further before the next meeting for
possible modification and use by WV school nurses.
12. Council will review the WV Basic and Specialized Health Care Manual before next
meeting for any revisions or additions that may be needed.
13. Council reviewed and revised a Lice Policy that discourages counties from adopting
No-Nit policies.
14. The next meeting will be May 16, 2006 at Bridgeport from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
15. Meeting was adjourned at 5 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Rhonda Tabit, R.N., Secretary
March 30, 2006
Bridgeport, WV