WVEIS SPECIAL EDUCATION RECORD TESTING ACCOMMODATIONS CODES Effective 2013 Testing accommodation codes have been revised to reflect changes in state assessments. Please refer to the 2013-2014 WV Guidelines for Participation in State Assessment for guidance and complete descriptions of accommodations. W V - M A P i n c l u d e s f i e l d t e s t s . Y e l l o w h i gh l i gh t i n di c a t e s n e w / r e d e f i n e d c o d e s . C o d e s i n b ol d i n di c a t e em b e d d e d su p p or t s / a c c om m o d at i on s . Presentation P01 Use text to speech, excluding ELA reading passages (Smarter Balanced & NAEP) P02 Have test read aloud (All WV-MAP tests excluding Smarter Balanced ELA reading passages, WESTEST 2 RLA and Online Writing, ACT COMPASS Writing Skills and NAEP Reading) P03 Use contracted braille or tactile graphics (All WV-MAP tests excluding NAEP computer-based) P06 Have test presented through sign language, locally provided (All WV-MAP tests excluding Smarter Balanced, WESTEST 2 RLA and Online Writing and NAEP Reading) P13 Use text to speech, including ELA reading passages (Smarter Balanced –for documented need, grades 6-11) P14 Have test read aloud, including passages (Smarter Balanced –for documented need for grades 6-11; students who are blind/low vision grades 3-11 who do not yet have adequate braille skills) P15 Have directions only read aloud (All WV-MAP tests excluding WESTEST 2 Online Writing) P16 Have directions presented through sign language, locally provided (All WV-MAP tests excluding Smarter Balanced) P17 Use secure electronic braille note taker (All WV-MAP tests excluding NAEP) P18 Have directions rephrased by trained examiner (All WV-MAP tests excluding Smarter Balanced) P19 Use large print edition (All WV-MAP tests excluding Smarter Balanced, WESTEST 2 Online Writing, APTA, which is formatted in large print and ACT COMPASS Mathematics and Writing Skills which are delivered on a computer) P21 Use screen reading software (WESTEST 2 Online Writing, ACT COMPASS Mathematics and other computer-based assessments excluding WESTEST 2) P22 Enlarge text on screen (WESTEST 2 and Online Writing, ACT COMPASS Mathematics and Writing Skills, NAEP and other computer-based assessments) P23 Use a magnifying device to enlarge assessment material (WESTEST 2 and Online Writing, ACT COMPASS Mathematics and Writing Skills, NAEP and other computerbased assessments) P24 Use electronic translator to present test (All WV-MAP tests and Smarter Balanced math excluding WESTEST 2 RLA, ACT COMPASS Writing Skills and NAEP Reading) P25 Use electronic translator to present directions only (All WV-MAP tests) P26 Have directions, passage and prompt read aloud (Allowed for WESTEST 2 Online Writing and NAEP Writing) P27 Use approved bilingual word-to-word dictionary for directions only (All WV-MAP tests excluding WESTEST 2 RLA, ACT COMPASS Writing Skills and NAEP Reading and Writing) P28 Use high contrast on screen (Smarter Balanced, WESTEST 2 and Online Writing, ACT COMPASS, NAEP, and other computer based assessments) P29 Use sign-dictionary to present test, including directions (All WV-MAP tests excluding WESTEST 2 RLA and Online Writing, ACT COMPASS English Writing Skills and NAEP Reading passages P30 Provide translated test directions (English Language Learners Smarter Balanced – for math items only) P31 Provide translations glossary (English Language Learners Smarter Balanced – for math items only) P32 Provide translations stacked (English Language Learners Smarter Balanced – for math items only) P33 Turn off any universal tools (Smarter Balanced) P34 Use embedded American Sign Language (Smarter Balanced – for ELA listening and math items only) P35 Use non-contracted braille and tactile graphics (Smarter Balanced) P36 Use closed captioning (Smarter Balanced – for ELA listening and NAEP) P37 Use masking (Smarter Balanced) P38 Use color contrast (Smarter Balanced – in conjunction with print on demand) P 39 Use color overlays (Smarter Balanced – in conjunction with print on demand) P40 Use print on demand (Smarter Balanced) Response R02 Indicate responses to a scribe (multiple choice items) (All WV-MAP tests excluding WESTEST 2 Online Writing, see R04 and NAEP Writing) R03 Use braille or tactile (All WV-MAP tests) R04 Indicate responses to a scribe, all elements to be scored (Smarter Balanced, WESTEST 2 and Online Writing) R05 Use an abacus (Smarter Balanced, WESTEST 2 Mathematics and Science, APTA, ACT COMPASS Mathematics, ACT EXPLORE and PLAN) R11 Use computer or other assistive technology device to respond (All WV-MAP tests) R13 Provide physical support (All WV-MAP tests) R15 Use a bilingual word-to-word dictionary (All WV-MAP and Smarter Balanced ELAperformance task full writes excluding WESTEST 2 RLA and Online Writing, ACT COMPASS Writing Skills and NAEP Reading and Writing) R16 Mark responses in large-print test book (All WV-MAP tests excluding ACT COMPASS Mathematics and Writing Skills and NAEP computer based assessments) R17 Use an electronic translator to respond (WESTEST 2 Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies; ACT EXPLORE, PLAN; and NAEP; excluding Smarter Balanced, WESTEST 2 RLA and Online Writing, ACT COMPASS Mathematics and Writing Skills and NAEP Reading and Writing ) R18 Use a sign dictionary to respond (All WV-MAP tests excluding Smarter Balanced, WESTEST 2 RLA and Online Writing, ACT COMPASS Writing Skills and NAEP Reading and Writing) R19 Use calculator (Smarter Balanced –for students needing a special calculator, e.g. braille or talking) R20 R21 Use multiplication table (Smarter Balanced) Use Speech to Text (Smarter Balanced) Time T03 Take more breaks (no studying) (All WV-MAP tests) T04 Use extra time for any timed test (All WV-MAP tests, NAEP, ACT EXPLORE and PLAN are timed) T07 Use flexible scheduling, same day (All WV-MAP tests) T09 Provide separate setting (Smarter Balanced)