Mini-Grants for Assistive Technology in Public Schools
West Virginia Assistive Technology System (WVATS) has re-structured the mini-grants for assistive technology in public schools project. Beginning with the 2011-2012 school year, pre-designed projects will be created to focus on a specific disability. These projects will provide approximately $1000 in assistive technology devices and software to classrooms serving the targeted population. Selected classrooms will receive training on the assistive technology and data collection procedures. A listerv will also be created to encourage open communication and the exchange of ideas among project participants. The targeted population will change each year. This year,
WVATS is focusing on autism in grades K-5.
Project Overview:
This project will provide approximately $1000 in autism focused assistive technology to K-5 classrooms in West
Virginia public schools. This project is designed to test the effectiveness of these products for the autism population. Data will be collected on the following areas: communication, reading and writing skills, and behavior.
Project Outline:
Once selected to participate in the Assistive Technology for Autism in the Classroom project, participants will complete a full day of training at the Center for Excellence in Disabilities in Morgantown, WV. The training will include how to work the devices and software, how to implement them into the classroom, and data collection procedures. The devices will be loaned to the participants at this time for their use during the school year.
Participants will utilize the technology in their classrooms during the school year while collecting the required data. Data must be submitted at the end of each semester.
Participants may utilize the project listserv to communicate with other participants and/or WVATS staff for assistance, ideas, feedback, etc.
Once the final data is received, the devices will become the property of the participants’ schools. If the project is not completed, WVATS reserves the right to collect all devices and software included in the AT for
Autism Classroom Kit.
The AT for Autism Classroom Kit includes:
• Clicker 5 software (1 school license-5 computers)
• Smart Talk Interactive Language Acquisition System
• Smart Talk Vocabulary Cards-Set 2: School and Community
• Time Tracker Visual Timer
• The Social Skills Picture Book
• Talking Photo Album
• Take or Place N’ Talk communication system
Who Can Apply : Public School Teachers, Personnel, and RESA staff working with students diagnosed with autism in grades K-5 .
For more information contact:
Jessi Wright, AT Coordinator
304-293-4692 x.1133
When completed mail to:
Jessi Wright
WVATS Assistive Technology Coordinator
959 Hartman Run Road
Morgantown, WV 26505
Or fax to: 304-293-7294
Name of Applicant: ____________________________________________________________
Address : _____________________________________________________________________
Phone: __________________ Fax: __________________ E-mail :_______________________
School : _______________________________________________________________________
County : ____________________________
Number of Students Participating in the Project: __________
Grade Level of Students Participating: ________
Please provide a brief description explaining how you plan to utilize the assistive technology provided by this project and how your students will benefit.
(You may attach computer-generated answers, but please provide original signatures on this application.)