Scenario A Documenting High Quality Standards

Documenting High Quality Standards
Scenario A
At Mayberry Middle School, Principal Thaxton begins each Tuesday morning with a Leadership Team Meeting.
During the meeting, the student surveys concerning ideas for rewarding student success are discussed. The
Student Council executive team presents the survey information to the Leadership Team. Together both teams
begin the planning for a series of rewards to take place throughout the year that will recognize academic
improvement and positive character traits.
Which Standard matches the scenario? What function(s)?
What evidence could the team provide that would document this standard based on this scenario?
Documenting High Quality Standards
Scenario B
The 5th Grade teachers gather together once a week at Beaver Elementary School to discuss their latest unit
topics. Recently, they attended a professional development around student engagement and increasing the
rigor of their questioning when instructing students. After looking at the most recent benchmark scores, they
determined that perhaps their level of questioning on their own classroom assessments was at the basic
knowledge level. Together they developed an end-of-unit test for their next unit to springboard their
instructional planning and to focus their teaching on using higher-order questioning techniques.
Which Standard matches the scenario? What function(s)?
What evidence could the team provide that would document this standard based on this scenario?
Documenting High Quality Standards
Scenario C
The Language Arts Department of Southfield High School meets at lunch once a week to discuss the new Next
Generation Content Standards and Objectives. With the new common core standards, they need to plan what
materials they will purchase instead of buying the typical 20 classroom sets of novels. Because there are
several information text subscriptions that they have decided would work best for their students, they put
together a three year plan on which materials to buy and when. The 10th grade teachers also presented a quick
idea they were working on to promote student skills in writing using the latest digital software purchased by
the county.
Which Standard matches the scenario? What function(s)?
What evidence could the team provide that would document this standard based on this scenario?
Documenting High Quality Standards
Scenario D
The state audit team is visiting Smith Elementary today. While in the school, they noticed that the building was
neat and clean and very safe with all security procedures actively in place. One member of the team reported
that the school was well equipped with digital tools that were being used in all classrooms during the visit to
impact the instruction of students. Another team member met with the school secretary to look at purchase
orders and financial accounts and determined all records were accurate and current. The visit report concluded
that Smith Elementary was a warm and safe place for students.
Which Standard matches the scenario? What function(s)?
What evidence could the team provide that would document this standard based on this scenario?
Documenting High Quality Standards
Scenario E
The following is posted throughout the school:
Green Middle School strives to provide a safe environment for students to reach their fullest potential each
Green Middle School Believes:
1. All students can learn
2. Everyone is accountable for student safety and student learning
3. Making community connections is important
Which Standard matches the scenario? What function(s)?
What evidence could the team provide that would document this standard based on this scenario?
Documenting High Quality Standards
Scenario F
On a typical day at Mesa High School, you would see instructional teams conducting parent meetings using
student data portfolios to show student learning progress. This team works very well together and has an
agenda guiding their discussions. Part of the school’s mission is to increase collaboration with parents and the
community in order to improve student performance.
Which Standard matches the scenario? What function(s)?
What evidence could the team provide that would document this standard based on this scenario?
Documenting High Quality Standards
Scenario G
Ryan Elementary has a Parent Coordinator, Mrs. Phipps. She is working today with several parent and
community volunteers in the school’s book fair. They organized the book fair, created a schedule for teachers
to bring their students, and are busy helping students and teachers choose books. The school cafeteria
manager has helped with the nutritious snack menu provided by the school’s Healthy Choices Team that
includes a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables for students and staff to snack on while visiting the book fair.
At the end of the day, the volunteers will select a student and teacher winner to receive a book for free just for
visiting the fair.
Which Standard matches the scenario? What function(s)?
What evidence could the team provide that would document this standard based on this scenario?