MINING HISTORY AND MINERAL RESOURCES OF THE MlMBRES RESOURCE AREA, DORA ANA, LUNA, HIDALGO, AND GRANT COUNTIES, NEW MEXICO Virginia T. McLemore, David M.Sutphin, Daniel R Hack, andTim C. Pease May 1996 New Mexico Bureauof Mines and Mineral Resources OPENFILE REPORT OF424 801 Leroy Place Socorro, NM 87801 ABSTRACT The Federal Land Policy and Management Actof 1976 (FLPMA) charges the U. S. Bureau of Land Management (BLM) withthe responsibility for preparing a mineral-resource inventory and assessment for mineral resources forall of the public lands they manage. The Mimbres Resource Area of the BLM, includes all of Dofia Ana, Luna, Hidalgo,and Grant Counties,the most mineralized areain New Mexico. Mining has been an integral part of the economy ofthe Mimbres Resource Area since pre-historic times. Twentyfive @pes of deposits are found throughout the Mimbres Resource Area, including several world-class ore deposits. as The Mimbres Resource Area accounts for most of the copper and zinc production from New Mexico well as significant amountsof gold, lead, and silver. Total production fromthe Mimbres Resource Areais estimated to amount to 15.7 billion poundsof copper, 100million ouncesof silver, 1.2 million ounces of gold, 651 million poundsof lead, and2.8 billion poundsof zinc. This accounts for over 90% of the total copper, zinc, and silver production from New Mexico (1848-1993), 89% of the lead, and 46% ofthe gold production. Other as well. Most mining since 1950 has occurred in the Silver City area. commodities have been produced Many districtsin the Mimbres Resource Area account for most ofthe metals productionin New Mexico. In Grant County,the Chino (Santa Rita district) and Tyrone (Burro Mountains district) are mines the largest porphyry-copper deposits in New Mexico. The Chino mineis also the state’s largest gold producer.The Burro Mountains districtis the 2nd largest silver producing district in New Mexico, whereasthe Bayard district ranks 3rd. The Bayard districtis the 2nd largest silver producing district in the state. The Fierro-hover district ranks 3rd in copper production behind Santa Rita and Burro Mountains districts, and ranks 4thin lead and 1stin zinc production. Other districts alsoare significant base-and precious-metals producers: Piiios Altos (5th zinc, 6th copper, 10th gold), Copper Flat (6thin zinc), Carpenter (7thin zinc), and Steeple Rock (9th gold,13th silver). In Luna County, the Cooke’s Peak district ranks 5th in lead productionin the state and 9thin zinc productionand the Victorio district ranks7th in lead productionin the state. In Hidalgo County,the McGhee Peakmining district is the 8th largest zincand lead producing districtin New Mexicoand Lordsburg is the 10th largest leadand zinc producing district in the state. The Lordsburg districtis also 4thin copper production,6th in gold, and 4th in silver production. Today metal miningis occnning inthe Silver City area (Chino, Tyrone, Continental mines)inand the Lordsburg and Steeple Rock districts. Manganeseis sporadically produced from government stockpiles in Luna County. Industrial minerals, especially scoria (Aden district), clay (Brickland and Pratt districts), silica (Brockman district), travertine (Rincon, Doiia Ana County), agate, and sand and gravel are important commodities. Many of these mining districts have excellant potential for additional mineral discoveries. TABLE OF CONTENTS Abstract Introduction Acknowledgments Mining history and productionin the Mimbres Resource Area Introduction Early mining activities Mining after the Civil War Mining in the twentieth century Mining methods Ore processing Types of deposits Geology and mineral occurreuces of the mining districtsofDoila Ana County Introduction Aden district Bear Canyon district Black Mountain district BricUand district Doiia Ana Mountains district Iron Hill district Northern Franklin Mountains district Organ Mountains district Potrillo Mountains district Rincon district San Andrecito-Hembrillo district San Andres Canyon district Tonuco Mountain district Tomgas Mountain district Geology and mineral occurrences of the mining districtsof Luna County Introduction Camel Mountain-Eagle Nest district Carrizalillo district Cooke’s Peakdistrict Florida Mountains district Fluorite Ridge district Little Florida Mountains district Old Hadley district Tres Hermanas district Victorio district Geology and mineral occurrencesofthe mining districtsof Hidalgo County Introduction Antelope Wells-Dog Mountains district Apache No. 2 distirct Big Hatchet Mountains district Brockman district Fremont district Gillespie district Granite Gap district JSimball district Lordsbnrg district McGhee Peak district Mnir district Pratt district Rincon district 2 1 7 i 7 7 19 21 22 22 23 30 30 30 31 34 36 37 38 39 40 43 56 60 63 67 67 68 70 70 71 75 79 83 85 87 89 90 95 102 102 103 105 109 112 112 114 119 123 125 13 1 136 137 138 Silver Tip district Sylvanite district Geology and mineral occurrences of the mining districts of Grant County Introduction Alnm Mountaindistrict Bayard district Black Hawk district Bound Ranch district Burro Mountains district Caprock Mountain district Carpenter district Chloride Flat district Copper Flat district Cora Miller district Eureka district Fierro-Hanover district Fleming district Georgetown district Gila Fluorspar district Gold Hill district Lone Mountain district Malone district Northern Cooke’s Range district Piiios Altos district Ricolite district San Francisco district Santa Rita district Steeple Rock district Telegraph district White Signal district Wilcox district References Figure 1-Mining districts in the Mimbres ResourceArea, Doiia Ana, Luna, Hidalgo, andGrant Counties, New Mexico Figure 2-Rock house at theGila CliffDwellings National Monument Figure 3-Arrastra mill on displayat the Way It Was Museumin Virginia City, Nevada Figure &-Cyprus mill at Deming in 1995 Figure 5-Hwley smelter in Grant County, New Mexicoin 1995 Figure 6-Mines and prospects in the Bear Canyon district, Doiia Ana County, New Mexico Figure 7-Map of Copiapojarosite mine Figure 8-District zoning in theOrgan Mountains, Doiia Ana County, New Mexico Figure 9-Gold-silver veins in Proterozoic granite and diabase at theRock of Agesmine at Mineral Hill in the Organ Mountains district Figure 10-Galena pockets in limestone at the Modoc mine,Organ Mountains district Figure 11-Banded calcite, fluorite,and manganese oxidesat theBishops Cap mine,Organ Mountains district Figure 12-Mines and prospectsin the Potrillo Mountains, Doiia Ana County, New Mexico Figure 13-Mines and prospects in the Rincon district, Doiia Ana County, New Mexico Figure 14-View looking to the northeast of the upper and lower Palm Park barite mine, Rincon district, Doiia Ana County, New Mexico Figure 15-Simplified geologic sketch andplan map of the Green Crawford mines, Dofia Ana County, New Mexico Figure 16-Mines and prospects in the Camel Mountain-Eagle Nest district, Luna County 3 139 141 147 147 149 151 154 158 160 166 169 172 175 176 178 182 188 191 193 194 200 202 203 204 209 212 213 217 221 226 23 1 234 11 20 23 24 24 35 42 46 55 55 56 57 61 62 66 72 73 Figure 17-Camel Mountain, looking north 74 Figure 18-Eagle Nest Hill, lookingnorth Figure 19-Vein containing calcite, quartz, siderite, galena, and pyrite striking east-west at Eagle 75 Nest Hill 77 Figure 20-Mines and prospectsin the Carrizallilo mining district, Luna County 78 Figure 21-Mines and prospectein the Canizallio Hills, southern Carrizallilomining district 92 Figure 22-Mines and prospectsin the Tres Hennanas miningdistrict, Luna County 96 Figure 23-Mines and propsectsin the Victorio mining district, Luna County 99 Figure 24-Closeup view of a 3-ft wide vein in limestone at Mine Hill, Victorio mining district 99 Figure 25-Fissure vein in limestone at the Parole mine, Mine Hill, Victrio mining district Figure 26-Map of the mines and prospects in the Antelope Wells-Dog Mountains mining district, 104 Hidalgo County 106 Figure 27-Map of the mines and prospectsin the Apache No. 2 mining district, Hidalgo County Figure 28-Map of the mines and prospects in the Big Hatchet Mountainsmining district, 110 Hidalgo county 115 Figure 29-Map of the mines and prospects in the Gillespie mining district, Hidalgo County 117 Figure 30-Photo of the fluorite mill in 1994 at the Winkler anticline 118 Figure 31-Photo of the Red Hill minein 1994, Gillespiemining district 118 Figure 32-Photo of the Gillespie minein 1994, Gillespiemining district 121 Figure 33-Map of the mines and prospects in the Granite Gapmining districts, Hidalgo County 126 Figure 34-Map of the mines and prospects in the Lordsburg mining district, Hidalgo County 134 Figure 35-Map of the mines and prospects in the McGhee Peak mining district, Hidalgo County 135 Figure 36-Photo of the Carbonate Hill mine and mill,in 1994, lookingwest, Hidalgo County 140 Figure 37-Map of the Silver Tip mining district, Hidalgo County Figure 38-Eagle Point adit (lookoing east) with unaltered limestone to the right and skam to the left, 145 Sylvanite district, Hidalgo County 145 Figure 39-Closeup of W-Cu-Pb skam at the Eagle Point mine, Sylvanite district, Hidalgo County 150 Figure 40-Mines and prospects in the Alum Mountainmining district, Grant County 155 Figure 41-Mines and prospects in the Black Hawkmining district, Grant County 167 Figure 42-Mines and prospects in the Caprock Mountain mining district, Grant County 170 Figure 43-Mines and prospects in the Carpenter mining district, Grant County 177 Figure 44-Mines and prospects in the Cora Millermining district, Grant County 181 Figure 45-Turquoise pit in sec. 2 T28S R16W, Eureka district, Grant County 181 Figure 46-Turquoise vein withiron oxides (3 cm thick) in ash-flow tuffat turquoise pit 183 Figure 47-Baringer fault in the Continental pit, Fierro-Hanover district, Grant County 184 Figure 48-Generalized mineralization patternsin Laramide skam deposits in southern New Mexico 185 Figure 49"Chalcopyrite in skam at the Continental pit, Fierro-Hanover district, Grant County 189 Figure 50-Mines and prospectsin the Fleming mining district, Grant County 199 Hill mining district, Grant County Figure 51-Feldspar in the White Top pegmatite, Gold 199 Figure 52-Microlite and smarskite in feldspar at the South pegmatite, Grant County 208 Figure 53--cyprUs Pifios Altos decline, Pifios Altos district, Grant County 208 Figure 54-Chalcopyrite-galena ore pod at the Pifios Altos mine, Grant County 210 Figure 55-Mines and prospects in the Ricolite mining district, Grant County 214 Figure 56-Mines and prospects in the Santa Ritamining district, Grant County 216 Figure 57-Santa Rita pit, looking sonth from overlook, Grant County 218 Figure 58-Mines and prospects in the Steeple Rock mining district, Grant County 224 Figure 59-Jimmy Reed fluorite mine, looking west, Wild Horse Mesa area, Telegraph district Figure 60-Silicification along a faultin the Wild Horse Mesa area, Telegraph district, Grant County225 232 Figure 61-Mines and prospects in the Wilcox mining district, Grant County Table 1-Mining districts of the Mimbres Resource Area Table 2-Base- and precious-metal productionin the Mimbres Resource Area Table 3-Placer gold deposits in the Resource Area Mimbres area Table 4-Known barite and fluorite production from mines in the Mimbres Resource Area 4 7 12 16 17 Table 5-Uranium production from minesin the Mimbres Resource Area 18 Table 6 4 t h e r production from mines in the Mimbres Resource Area 18 Table 7-Tungsten production from the Mimbres Resource Area 19 Table &Manganese production from the Mimbres Resource Area 19 Table 9-Selected active, inactive,and dismantled millsin the Mimbres Resource Area 25 Table lO-T-es of deposits in Doiia Ana County 30 Table 11-Selected scoria depositsin Doda Ana and Luna Counties 31 Table 1 2 S c o r i a production in DoM Ana and Luna Counties 33 34 Table 13-Mines and prospects in the Bear Canyon district, Doiia Ana County, New Mexico Table 14-Chemical analyses of samples collected from the lower contactin the Bear Canyon district 36 Table 15-Mines and prospects in the Black Mountain district, Doiia County 37 38 Table 16-Mines and prospects in the Doiia Ana Mountains district, Doiia County 39 Table 17-Chemical analyses of samples collectedfrom the Doiia Ana Mountains district 40 Table 18-Mines and prospects in the Northern Franklin Mountains, Dofia AM County 41 Table 19-Chemical analyses of samples collected fromthe Northern Franklin Mountains district 41 Table 20-Assays of samples fromthe Copiapo jarosite prospect 44 Table 21-Metal production fromthe Organ Mountains district, Doiia Ana County 47 Table 22-Mines and prospects in the Organ Mountains mining district 53 Table 23-Chemical analyses of samples fromthe Organ Mountains district 58 Table 24-Mines andprospects in the Potrillo Mountains, Doiia Ana County 59 Table 25-Assays of samples collectedfrom the Potrillo Mountains 60 Table 26-Mines and prospects in the Rincon district, DoiiaAna County 63 Table 27-Chemical analyses of samples from selected mines and prospects in the Rincon district 64 Table 28-Mines and prospects in the San Andrecito-Hembrillo district, Doiia Ana County Table 29-Chemical analyses of samples fromthe Green Crawford, Hospital Canyon, and 65 Hembrillo Canyon mines 68 Table 30-Mines and prospects in the Tonoco mining district, Doiia Ana County 70 Table 31-Reported metal productionfrom Luna County, New Mexico 71 Table 32-Prospects in the Camel Mountain-Eagle Nestarea, Luna County 76 Table 33-Mines and prospects in the Carrizalillo mining district, Luna County 80 Table 34-Reported metal production fromthe Cooke's Peak district, Luna County 81 Table 35-Mines and prospects fromthe Cooke's Peak district, Luna County 82 Table 36-Metal production from individual mines in the Cooke's Peak district, Luna County 83 Table 37-Reported metal production fromthe Florida Mountains, Luna County 84 Table 38-Mines and prospects fromthe Florida Mountains mining district, Luna County 85 Table 39-Mines and prospects fromthe Fluorite Ridge mining district, Luna County 89 Table 40-Mines and prospects fromthe Little Florida Mountains mining district, Luna County 90 Table 41-Mines and prospects fromthe Old Hadley mining district, Luna County Table 42-Reported metal production from the Tres Hermanas district, Luna County 91 Table 43-Mines and prospects fromthe Tres Hermanasmining district, Luna County 94 Table 44-Reported metal production fromthe Victorio district, Luna County 97 100 Table 45-Mines and prospects fromthe Victorio mining district,Luna County Table 46-Chemical analyses of samples fromthe Victoria district 101 Table 47-Metal production from Hidalgo County, 1920-1957 102 Table 48-Mines and prospects in the Antelope Wells-Dog Mountains mining district, Hidalgo County 103 Table 49-Reponed metal production from the Apache No. 2mining district, Hidalgo County 105 Table 50-Mines and prospects in the Apache No. 2mining district, Hidalgo County 107 Table 51-Mines and prospects in the Big Hatchet Mountainsmining district, Hidalgo County 109 Table 52-Reported metal productionfrom the Fremont mining district, Hiddgo andLuna Counties 112 Table 53-Mines and prospects in the Fremont mining district, Hidalgo County 113 Table 54-Reported metal productionfrom the Gillespie mining district, Hidalgoand Luna Counties 114 116 Table 55-Mines and prospects in the Gillespie mining district, Hidalgoand Luna Counties 120 Table 56-Reported metal production fromthe Granite Gapmining district, Hidalgo County Table 57-Mines and prospects in the Granite Gapmining district, Hidalgo County 122 5 Table 58-Mines and prospectsin the Kimball mining district, Hidalgo County Table 59-Reported metal production fromthe Lordsburg mining district, Hidalgo County Table 60-Mines and prospectsin the Lordsburg mining district, Hidalgo County Table 61-Mines and prospectsin the McGhee Peak miningdistrict, Hidalgo County Table 62-Mineral occurrences in the Muir mining district, Hidalgo County Table 63-Mines and prospectsin the Rincon mining district, Hidalgo County Table 64-Reported metal production from the Sylvanite mining district, Hidalgo County Table 65-Mines and prospectsin the Sylvanite mining district, Hidalgo County Table 66-Chemical analyses of samples fromthe Sylvanite mining district, Hidalgo County Table 67-Metals production from Grant County from 1904 to 1958 Table 68-Mines and prospectsin the Alum Mountain mining district, Grant County Table 69-Mines and prospectsin the Bayard mining district, Grant County Table 70-Chemical analyses of samples collected fromthe Manhattan and Peerless claims Table 71-Metals production fromthe Black Hawk mining district, Grant County Table 72-Mines and prospectsin the Black Hawk mining district, Grant County Table 73-Mines and prospectsin the Bound Ranch mining district, Grant County Table 7LMetals production fromthe Burro Mountains mining district, Grant County Table 75-Copper production fromthe Tyrone mine Table 76-Mines and prospectsin the Burro Mountains mining district, Grant County Table 77-Mines and prospectsin the Caprock Mountain mining district, Grant County Table 78-Metals production from the Carpenter mining district, Grant County Table 79-Reported production from individual mines in the Carpenter district, Grant County Table 80-Mines and prospectsin the Carpenter mining district, Grant County Table 81-Metals production from theChloride Flat mining district, Grant County Table 82-Mines and prospectsin the Chloride Flat mining district, Grant County Table 83-Mines and prospectsin the Copper Flat mining district, Grant County Table 84-Metals production from the Eureka mining district, Grant County Table 85-Mines and prospectsin the Eureka mining district, Grant County Table 86-Mines and prospectsin the Fierro-Hanover mining district, Grant County Table 87-Metals production from the Fleming miningdistrict, Grant County Table 88-Mines and prospectsin the Fleming mining district, Grant County Table 89-Mines and prospectsin the Georgetown mining district, Grant County Table 90-Chemical analyses of samples fromthe Georgetown district, Grant County. Table 91-Mines and prospectsin the Gila Fluorspar mining district, Grant County Table 92-Metals production from the Gold Hill mining district, Grant County Table 93-Mines and prospectsin the Gold Hill mining district, Grant County Table 94-Metals production from the Lone Mountain mining district, Grant County Table 95-Mines and prospectsin the Lone Mountain mining district, Grant County Table 96-Mines and prospectsin the Malone mining district, Grant County Table 97-Mines and prospectsin the Northern Cooke’s Rangemining district, Grant County Table 98-Metals production from the Pifios Altos mining district, Grant County Table 99-Mines and prospectsin the Pifios Altos mining district, Grant County Table 100-Mines and prospectsin the Ricolite mining district, Grant County Table 101-Selected production from the Chino mine, SantaRita district Table 102-Metals production from the Steeple Rock mining district, Grant County Table 103-Mines and prospectsin the Steeple Rock mining district, Grant County Table 104-Metals production fromthe Telegraph mining district, Grant County Table 105-Mines and prospectsin the Telegraph mining district, Grant County Table 106-Chemical analyses of samples fromthe Wild Horse Mesaarea Table 107-Metals production from the White Signal mining district, Grant County Table 108-Mines and prospectsin the White Signal mining district, Grant County Table 109-Mines and prospectsin the Wilcox mining district, Grant County 6 124 127 128 132 136 138 141 143 146 147 151 152 153 154 156 158 161 162 163 168 169 171 172 173 174 176 178 179 185 190 191 192 192 193 195 195 200 20 1 202 204 205 206 211 215 219 220 222 222 225 226 227 23 1 INTRODUCTION The Federal Land Policy and Management Actof 1976 (FLPMA)charges the U. S. Bureau of Land Management (BLM) with the responsibility for preparinga mineral-resource inventov and assessmentfor mineral resources for all of the public lands they manage. In order to meetthis requirement, the BLM requestedthe U. S. Geological Survey (USGS)to prepare a comprehensive reporton the mineral resourcesin the BLM's Mimbres Resource Area, which includes DoM Ana, Luna, Hidalgo,and Grant Countiesin southwestern New MexicoFig. 1). The USGS, in turn, requested the assistance of the s t a f f at the New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources ( N M B M M R ) . This report includes sectionsdescribing the mining historyand geology ofthe mining districts in the Mimbres Resource Area, which will be included in the final USGS report. This report is open-filed by NMBMMR in order to make this information available quicklyto the public. This report also contains some information not includedin the final USGS report. This study is based upon integrationof limited field reconnaissance with published and unpublished reports and geochemical data. More detailed reports are underway and will be availableas NMBMMR county bulletins. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Robert Eveleth,Frank Kottlowski, and Virgil Lueth ( NMBMMR) and Dave Lindsey and Susan Bartschin W i d e r (USGS) reviewedparts of this manuscript and their comments are appreciated. USGS scientists helped the field workand mineral-resource assessmentand some oftheir conclusions are added, especiallyJeny Hassermer, Jim Picktin, and Doug Klein. Robert Myers (Environmental Services, WSMR) authorized accessto the White Sands Missile Rangeand his assistanceis appreciated. In addition, I would like to acknowledge Robert North and many students overthe years who assistedin compiling the production statistics. Daniel Hack and Tim Peace provided technical assistance. David McCraw ( N M B Cartography Department) draftedthe figures. This work is part of ongoing research on mineral resources at N MBCharles Chapin, Directorand State Geologist. MINING HISTORY AND PRODUCTION INTHE MIMBRES RESOURCE AREA Introduction Mining has beenan integral part of the economy ofthe Mimbres Resource Area since pre-historic times. Mining districts are found throughoutin the Mimbres Resource Area (Table 1, Fig. 1)and several world-class ore deposits are found in the region. Unfortunately, financial scams and frauds along with exaggerations of vast mineral wealth have also plagued southwestern New Mexico. Despitethis, the Mimbres Resource Area accounts for most of the copper and zinc production fromNew Mexicoas well as significant amountsof gold, lead, and silver. Total production fromthe Mimbres Resource Areais estimated to amount to 15.7 billion pounds of copper, 100 million ouncesof silver, 1.2 million ounces of gold, 651 million poundsof lead, and 2.8 billion poundsof zinc (Table 2). This accounts for over 90% of the total copper, zinc, and silver production from New Mexico (18481993), 89% ofthe lead, and 46%of the gold production(NMBMMR file data, compiled by V.T. McLemore). Other commodities have been produced as well. TABLE 1-Mining districts of the Mimbres Resource Area. District names modified from File and Northrop (1966), Northrop, 1959), andNorth and McLemore (1986). Type of deposit after North and McLemore (1986,1988) andincludes USGS classificationin parenthesis (Coxand Singer, 1986). DISTRICT (ALIASES) DoiioAno Counw Aden (Patrillo, Black M0""tain) Bear Canyon (Stevens, San AgUStin) BlackMountain'(Kent, Organ) Brickland (Eagle) Doila Ana Mountains I YEAR OF DISCOVERY YEARS OF PRODUCTION COMMODITIES PRODUCED (PRESENT) 1900s 1950s-presenl scoria 1900 early 1900% 1932, 1950s 1883-1900s Cu, Ag, Pb, Ba (F, V, Mo) Rio Grande Rift C u , Au, A& Pb, F (Ba) . . Rio Grande Rifl 1883 1900s 1900 I I present early 1900s 1930s 1914 I I none 1914 volcanic brick clay, silica,limestone Isedimentary A& marble - . (Mn, Pb, volcanic-epitheml(25b,c,d,e) I Cu,Au, I I I IronHill(RobledoMts.) Norihem Franklin Mountains I TYPE OF DEPOSIT I ;In) I Fe, travertine deposits 1 sedimentary iron (340 Ag, Pb,Fe,jamsite, gypsum Rio Grande Rift, volcanic-epithmal(?) limestone, shale (F,Ba) 7 6 YEAROF DISCOVERY PRODUCTION 1915 1918-1951 F, Mn @a, Co, clay) Old Hadley (Graphic) 1880 1880-1929 Tres H m a n a s 1881 1885-1957 Victario (Gage) 1870s 1880-1957 Cu, Pb, ZL I Au, Ag (Ba, U, alunite) Cu,Pb,Zn,Au,&Mn(lJ,W, Ge, Be, F, Fe,travertine) Cu, Pb, Zn,Au, As. W, limestone (Be, U, Fe, F, Mo) DISTRICT(ALIASES) Luna County (C0"t.) Lillle FIoridaMountains COMMODITIES YEARS OF PRODUCED (PRESENT) Rock) TYPE OF DEPOSIT Ria Grande Rifl(7), epithennal manganese (ZSp), fluorite veins (26b) (Black volcanbepithennal (25b,c,d,e) Laramideskam(19418a),Laramidevein (2%) carbonate-hosted Pb-Znreplacement(19% lSa), tungsten-beryllium contactmetasomatic deposits(14a), porphyry Mo- w , 1% ,,<.x 'Black Mountainis now restricted inthis report to include onlyRio Grande Rift deposits inthe Black Mountainarea. No& and McLemore (1986) and McLemore(1994b) included the desmiptionfor Mineral Hill(€"reCambrian veins and replacement deposits) as p a t of the Black Mountain district. However,the gold productionfrom Mineral Hillwas medited to the Organ Mountains district. The veins at Mineral Hill are now classifiedas epithmallmesolhmd veins andare included as p a t ofthe Organ Mountains district. %e Central mining district is not used inthis repon Historically, itrefem to all or p a t of the Bayard, Chloride FlaS Fierro-Hanover, Flemins. Georgetown,Lone Mountain, Piiias Altos, Santa Rita,and Silver City mining districts. 10 TABLE 2-Base- and urecious-metal oroductionin the Mimbres ResourceArea. 12 &estimated data. Small. some. W-uroduction not available. - No data DISTRICT Grant Counw pont.) PERIOD OF PRODUCTION ORE (SHORT TONS) Carpenter(Sw&) 1891-1969 Chloride Flat (Silvercity) 1873-1946 149,000 Copper Flat Cora Miller (200,000) (300) Eureka (Hachita) 1927-1947 1940-1941 1880-1961 Fieno-Hanover 1890-1980s - Fleming 1882-1893 1936-1948 1,436 1866-1975 - Gold Hill Lone Mountain I 1911-1941 REFEENCES COMMENTS I I (310,000) (75,000)300 (60,000-180,000~ 1 I G~Orgetown ZINC LEAD (POUNDS) OUNCES) (TROY (POUNDS) SILVER(TR0Y OUNCES) I I I GOLD COPPER (T'OUNDS) 1 (20,000) - (4,000,000: W W W W W (5,000) (500,000) (I,250,000,000) - 1871-1950 - 1884-1961 Malone - w (450,000> (X0,OOO) (X,OOO,OOO) (<1,000) (100) 54 450 some Some I I I (200) I (300,000) 11,192 (3,858,000) I I I 1,620 6,845 5,686 (3,000) (16,100) (>loo,ooo) (<1,000) 2,800 5,342 1936-1950 18 28,578 some (12,000) (>10,000) (5,000) 1,000 (5,000) 13 some - USBM files;and North M c h o r e , 1986 - North and McLemore, 1986; USBM fde data some North andMcLemore, 1986: I' morelhan$1OO,OOOinAg (Richter and Lame, i983) about$300.000 maduced ORE PRODUCTION OUNCES) (SHORT TONS) COPPER GOLD POUNDS) (l'OLINDS) OUNCES) (TROY SILVER(TR0Y (169,000) (XO0,OOO) RockSteeple 1880-1991 relegraph @ed 1938-1951 W h i l e Signal 1880-1968 . . ' (2,600,000) (X,360,000) (151,000) (3,400,000) (6,000,000) - (5,000,000) 1 1880-1950,1970s I 1 COMMENTS LEAD REPERENCES ZINC POUNDS) 14 (64,000,000) Johnson, 1972:USBM filedata; overbl09million McLemare, andNorth 1986; produced; $4.7 million RichterandLawrence, 1983; pmducedpriorio 1904 OsterbergandMuller, 1994 (Jones, 1904) Trujillo, -and Wunder 1987; North and McLemore,1986; Lang, 1995 (4,000,000) Richterandhwmce, 1983; Carlislemine,iatal criggs andWagner, 1966; produdion about $5 million; additional produdionin USBM file data; Northand total district McLemore, 1986; Tookerand1970s; Vercoutere, 1986;McLemore,produced about $10 million 15 Mining records and, especially, production records are generally poor, particularly for the earliest times; because they have not been preserved through the generations. Miners do not always keep adequate records or advertise their activities. Many of the early recordsare conflicting and scams were andstill are common. Metals production fromthe area sincethe late 1800s is listed by districtin Table 2. Tables 3-8 list production of other commodities fromthe Mimbres ResourceArea. These production figuresare the best data available and were of which are on fileat the NMBMMR obtained froma variety of published and unpublished sources, most However, someof these production figuresare subject to change, as new data are obtained. TABLE 3-Placer gold deposits in the Mimbres Resource Area (modified from Johnson, 1972; McLemore, 1994a). Production is in troy ounces. DlSTRICT YEAR OF GOLD GOLD DISCOVERY Piiias Altos 84 900 1908 Hill 1860 ESTIMATED RECORDED TOTAL PRODUCTION PRODUCTION PRIORTO1902-1991 1902 38,842 REFERENCES LX)CATION 5,995 ESTIMATED GOLD PRODUCTION 50,000 1,700 White Signal and Malone Bayard some 366 some 128 Sylvanite none 109 Gold 7 7 1 Bum0 Mountains Lordsburg 7 1 7 1 1 none 16 T16-17s R13-14WBear Creek,Rich Gulch, Whiskey Gulch Santo Doming0 Gulch, near Mountain Key mine T2OS R14,lGW " G o l d Gulch, Gold Lake Lasky and Wootton (1933), Paige (1911, 1912), Wells and Woonon(1940) Richter and Lawrence (1983) T17-18s R12-13W Lasky(1936a) drainazes near Bayud T28SRlGW "drainages Lasky(1947), from west side ofLink WellsandWootton Hatchet Mountains (1940) 7 T21SRlGW"GoldHill Richterand canyon (Foster) Lawrence(l983) 7 unspecified streams and dry washes 1 arroyos drainingknown Nonhrop (1959) TABLE 4-Known barite and fluorite production from mines in the Mimbres ResourceArea. * Includes . . ennessee, Golden Lily,Rub TABLE 5-Uranium production from mines in the Mmbres Resource Area (McLemore,1983). This includes total ore that was receivedat the buying stations and mills. MINENAME SHORT TONS POUNDS UsOs % U ~ O S POUNDS V205 %V 2 0 ~ ORE Organ DoiiaAna County in Blue Star Cap(Bishops 12 1955 0.04 149 PERIODS OF PRODUCTION 0.06 TABLE 6 4 t h e r production from mines in the Mimbres Resource Area. Location includes section, township, and range. MINE DISTRICT LQCATION PERIOD PRODUCTION OF PRODUCTION REFERENCES DoitaAna County Hembrillo, Redrock Texas Canyon San AndrecitoHembrillo Organ Mountains Potrillo Scoriapits various M0""tlins h n Hill Copiapojmsite mine NorthernFranklin GranrCounty BostonHill, Chloride Chloride Flat Flat Copper Flat Copper Flat sec. 1, 12 1917-1930, 10,000 short tons T22S 1942-1945 R4E 2,602 shorttons ofialc oftalc sec. 34 T22S 1908-1921 small amount ofore containins R4E 1%Bi MexicoNew shorttons 582,000 estimated 1975-1988 Inspector(1950-1982) million. $10worth 1930-1950 unknown amount of 50.55% Fe sec. 8 T26S 1925-1928 several hundredshorttons of R4E jarosite - - - 1931-1937 18 2.7 million short tons Mn-Fe ore (3040% Fe) 10,000shoatonsof55-58%Fe Chidester et al. (1964), FiesimmonrKelly and (1980), McLemare (1994b) Dasch 11965) ~I StateMineS Harrer (1963) Kelly and Dunham(1935) Harrer (1963) Kelly and HmerandKelly(l963) TABLE 7-Tungsten production from the Mimbres Resource Area. Location includes section, township, and TABLE 8-Manganese production from the Mimbres Resource Area, 1883-1958(fromFamham, 1961; DOIT: 1965). MINE ""liar DISTRICT Little Florida Mountains Little Florida Mountains Florida Mountains ORE PRODUCTION GRADE (LONGTONS) %Mn I 12,933 6,593 1,421 I I I GRADE CONCENTRATE PRODUCTION (LONG 21.4 I 19.1 22-30 I %Mn I 19,871 1,522 - I I 45 30-45 - Early mining activities Native Americans werethe first miners in the area and used local sourcesof hematite and clay for pigments and obsidian for arrow heads. Their houses were made of stone, adobe, and clay (Fig. 2). Clay was also used in making pottery. Stone tools were shaped from local deposits of pebbles, jasper, chert,and obsidian. The 19 first commercial mining by Native Americans was to obtain turquoisefor trading and makingornaments. The that simple heatingof the rock was usedto fTee the valued fiequent occurrenceof charcoal at old mines suggests blue-green turquoise. Charcoalis also a necesmy ingredient in both smeltingand working iron and steel (ie. blacksmithing). Native copper was mined at Santa Rita and traded for weapons and impliments. Stone tools were great quantities of minerals; vast deposits were left for undoubtedly wed. But the Native Americans never mined om of Spanish, European, and American miners. L FIGURE :GRock house atthe Gila CliffDwellings~tionalMonument K T .McLemore phoio, 1994). The Spanishfirst entered New Mexicoin 1534 withthe expedition led by Alvar Nunez Cabeza de Vaca and followed in 1539 by Fray Marcos de Niza Francisco Vasques de Coronado led an expedition in 1540 looking for gold (Jones, 1904; Christiansen, 1974). Coronado did not find any gold or silver, but he did find turquoiseand led the way tofuture colonization. Early Spanishmining in New Mexico was centered around the Cemllos and Old Placers districts in Santa Fe County,but some activity occurred in the Mimbres ResourceArea, near Silver City. The Pueblo Revoltin 1692 was in part attributed to Spanish enslaving'the Native Americans into mining; but there is little documentation to suppolt such accounts (Jones, 1904; Northrop, 1959). Probably the earliest mining by the Spanish in the Mimbres ResourceArea was for turquoise in the Burro Mountains and at Santa Rita (Paige, 1922; Gillerman, 1964). However, mining by the Spanish in the Mimbres ResourceArea did not amount to much until ca. 1798, whenan Apache Indian told Col. Manuel Carrasco about the copper depositsat what is to form a partnership and they were now known as Santa Rita. Carrasco interested Francisco Manuel Elguea issued a landgrant, the Santa Rita del Cobre Grant By 1804 Elguea bought out Carrasco and began mining the copper at Santa Rita in earnest. Elguea found a ready market for copper in Mexico City for coinage. Actual production recordsare lacking, but Christiansen (1974) estimates he shipped 200 trains mule annnally, amounting to about 6,000,000 pounds of copper per year.The expedition of Lieutenant Pikein 1807 encounteredmining at or no processing and what processing that was required Santa Rita (Jones, 1904). The ore was shipped with little involved smeltingin simple adobe furnaces.Elguea died in 1809 and miningat Santa Rita diminishedas a result in Mexico, and of increasing costs, difficult transportation, Native Americans uprisings, declining copper demands finally the Mexican Revolutionin 1810. The records are conflictingas to who owned and operated the mines after 1809 and the mines finally closed in 1834. They were still inactive when Kearney's army visited the area in 1846 (Jones, 1904; Milbaner, 1983). 20 .I 0 I m m I 1 I k! m I k! m 7 I first commercial mining by Native Americans wasto obtain turquoise fortrading and making ornaments. The frequent occurrence of charcoal at old mines suggeststhat simple heating of the rock was usedto free the valued blue-green turquoise. Charcoal is also a necessary ingredientin both smelting and working iron and steel (ie. blacksmithing). Native copper was mined at Santa Rita and traded for weapons and impliments. Stone tools were undoubtedly used.But the Native Americans never mined great quantities of minerals; vast deposits wereleft for future generations of Spanish, European, and American miners. ~~~~ ~ ~ ~ - ~~~~ ~ . ~ FIGURE 2”Rock house~atthe Gila CliEDwelliigs National Monument(V. T. McLemore photo, 1994) The Spanishfirst entered New Mexico in 1534 with the expedition ledby Alvar Nunez Cabeza de Vaca led an expedition in 1540 looking and followed in 1539by Fray Marcos de Niza. Francisco Vasques de Coronado for gold (Jones, 1904; Christiansen, 1974). Coronado did not find any gold or silver,but he did find turquoise and the Cerrillos and led the way to future colonization. Early Spanishminingin New Mexico was centered around Old Placers districtsin Santa Fe County, but some activity occurredin the Mimbres Resource Area, near Silver City. The Pueblo Revolt in 1692 wasin part attributed to Spanish enslavingthe Native Americansinto mining; but there is little documentation to supportsuch accounts (Jones, 1904; Northrop, 1959). Probablythe earliest mining by the Spanish in the Mimbres Resource Area was turquoise for in the Burro Mountainsand at Santa Rita amomt (Paige, 1922; GiUerman, 1964). However,miningby the Spanish in the Mimbres Resource Area did not the copper depositsat what is to much until ca. 1798, whenan Apache Indian told Col. Manuel Carrasco about now known as Santa Rita. Carrasco interested Francisco Manuel Elguea to form a partnership and they were issued a landgrant, the Santa Rita del Cobre Grant.By 1804 Elguea bought out Carrasco and began mining the copper at Santa Rita in earnest. Elguea found a ready market for copper in Mexico City for coinage. Actual production recordsare l a c h g , but Christiansen (1974) estimates he shipped 200 mule trains annually, amounting to about 6,000,000 pounds of copper per year. The expedition of Lieutenant Pike in 1807 encounteredmining at that was required Santa Rita (Jones, 1904). The ore was shipped with little or no processing and what processing involved smeltingin simple adobe furnaces. Elguea died in 1809 andmining at Santa Rita diminished as a result of increasing costs, difficult transportation, Native Americans uprisings, declining copper demands in Mexico, and finally the Mexican Revolutionin 1810. The records are conflictingas to who ownedand operated the mines after 1809 and the mines finally closed in 1834. They werestill inactive whenKeamey’s m y visited the area in 1846 (Jones, 1904; Milbauer, 1983). 20 In 1848, New Mexico becamepart of the United Statesas a territoryand the mining industry becamea dominant forcein thestate. Written recordsof mining activity and production werestill rarely preservedand conflicting stories exaggerating mineral wealth in New Mexico are abundant in early accounts. At first,mining was by small groupsof individuals; large mining companies were not formed until the late 1880s. Gold was discovered in the Ortiz Mountains in north-central New Mexicoin 1828 (Jones, 1904; McLemore, 1994a) and drew an estimated 2,000-3,000 miners tothat region. Whenthe gold played outat Ortiz, many of these miners began prospecting throughout New Mexico, especiallyin theMimbres Resource Area. Additional prospectors traveling through the state heading for the gold fieldsin California in the1850s, found New Mexicoto their liking and stayed. Prospectors had already discovered the mineral depositsin the Organ Mountains in the 1830s; the in 1849 (Dunham, 1935; Eveleth, 1983). Placer gold was discovered in Stephenson-Bennett mine was discovered in the district (Milbauer, the Piiios Altos districtin 1860 (Table 3), when morethan 700 miners were working 1983). Mining began in the Fierro-Hanover districtin 1850, Bayard districtin 1858, and Piiios Altos, Fremont, and Steeple Rock districtsin 1860 (Table 1). Mining had resumedat Santa Rita by the late 1850s. But then the All mining in theMimbres Resource Area ceased Civil War eruptedin theeast and the soldiers were needed there. in 1862 with the invasion of New Mexico bythe Confederate forces (Milbauer,1983). The Civil War depletedthe Indian raids; thus many districts number of soldiers in thestate and the mining camps were no longer safe from remained inactiveuntil after the war. Mining after the Civil War The end of the Civil Was brought tremendous changeto mining in New Mexico. Better records were kept in the late 1800s and preserved forthe future. Settlers and prospectors fled the war torn east to start new livesin the west. Soldiers weresent to New Mexicoand Arizona to eliminate interference by Native Americans. The Mimbres Resource Area was one of the last areas in the United Statesto be rid of the threat of Indian attacks and many mining districts were not discovered until 1890-1900 (Table 1). The Federal Mining Act of 1866 established rules and regulations governing prospecting and mining with provisions to obtain private ownership of federal land containing valuable mineral resources. The act was subsequently amended in 1870 and 1872 and in theyears since. The mining act further encouraged mining and prospectingin theMimbres Resource Areaand the mining boom of 1870-1890 began. Many districts beganto open up and production beganas the Indian threat was subdued (Table1). The telegraph and then the railroad improved conditionsin the area as mining continued to flourish. New metallurgical techniques were developed.The cyanide process was perfectedin 1891 and revolutionized gold recovery. Times were excitingfor the miner in the late 1800s as metal prices soared.Large mining companies were formed to develop the larger deposits. The 1870s and 1880s saw growthin mining in many districts.In 1873, M. B. Hayes obtainedthe Santa Rita mineand commenced mining. The mine changed owners several timesfrom 1881 to 1904 (Sully, 1908). The railroad was completedto Lordsburg in 1881, to Hanoverin 1891 and to Santa Rita in 1899 (Sully, 1908; Christiansen, 1974) and made ore production more profitable. Silver was discovered in the Black Hawkdistrict in 1881 and gold was foundin theMalone and GoldHill districts in 1884 (Gillerman, 1964). Fluorite was minedfor smelter flux in the 1880s at the Burro Chief minein the Burro Mountainsdistrict and at the Foster minein the Gila Fluorspar district (Gillerman, 1964; Williams, 1966). Iron ore wasalso mined in thearea and used for smelter flux (Harrer, 1965). in the Chloride Flat Silver became importantin 1870-1880s in many districts. Silver was discovered district in 1871, which produced approximately$4 million worthof silver prior to 1893. The lead-zinc-silver deposits in theCooke’s Peak district yielded approximately $3 million by 1900. Horn silver was found in the Telegraph district in 1882 with assays as high as $300-$500/ton (Northrop, 1959). Georgetown produced$3.5 million worth of silver prior to 1893 (Anderson, 1957). In 1890 the Sherman Silver Act was passed which increased the price and demand for silver. It was short lived. The Sherman SilverAct was repealed in 1893 and most silver minesin the Southwest closed, neverto reopen. A depression resulted and,in some districts, only gold ore was important.The Hanover mines wereidle during most of the 1880s; but in 1891 markets developed foriron and zinc and once again the Hanover minesbegan production. Manganese was produced from the Chloride Flat district in 1883-1907 and was usedin smelters in theSilver City area(Farnham, 1961; Don; 1965). However, by 1900, little activity occurredin themuch of the Mimbres Resource Area. Mining inthe Twentieth Century New mining and milling technologies were developed throughout the twentieth centurythat encouraged exploration and development of many depositsin theMimbres Resource Areathat were ignoredin the 1800s. But booms and busts were the norm for most mining towns in New Mexicoas world warsand financial slumps controlled the metals markets. Demandsfor new commodities suchas manganese, uranium,and barite were seen. In 1904, Daniel C. Jackling openedthe first large, open-pit mineto produce low-grade copper ore (less than 2% Cu) at Bingham Canyon, Utah. Atthe same time, JohnM. Sully arrivedat Santa Rita and recognized the similarity of ore at Santa Rita to that mined at Bingham Canyon. Sully thoroughly explored the area and attempted to obtain backers (Sully,1908). Finally, in 1909 he obtained financial backingand in 1910 production began. The first concentrator mill was erected at Hurley in 1911; flotation concentration was added in 1914 (Hodges, 1931). 4, 6,s). Fluorite was discovered and mined at Fluorite Ridge Other commodities were developed (Tables in 1909 and manganese was producedfrom the Little Florida Mountains in 1918 (Griswold, 1961). Manganese production resumed throughout the Mimhres Resource Areain 1916 for useas smelter flux at Pueblo, Colorado (Dorr, 1965). New Mexico became a state in 1912 and in 1914 World WarI began. Metal prices and production increased as metals were neededfor the war effort. The annnal production of minerals in New Mexico wasan all time high of over $43 million and much of that production came from the Mimbres Resource Area (Table 2). In 1918, World WarI ended and was followed by a depression which closed many mines (Northrop, 1959). Fluorite was produced fromthe Cooke’s Peak district in 1918 and from the Tonuco and Tomgas Mountains districtsin 1919 (Table 4). The Ground Hog minein the Fierro-Hanover district began productionin 1928. In 1930, the price of copper droppedfrom 18 to lessthan 10 cents per pound, but production continuedat the big mines in the 1959). area. Copper was only 5 cents per poundin 1932, forcing most of the copper mines to close (Northrop, Recovery did not occuruntil 1938. On October 6,1942, the World WarII began in 1940 and onceagain a war increased demand for metals. U. S. War Department closed all gold minesin theU. S. Only base metalsand other strategic mineralssuch as tin, tungsten (Table7), manganese (Table8), beryllium, fluorite (Table4), and iron were mined. Exploration for these commodities increased and many mines went into production. The war endedin 1945 as didthe Federal ban on gold mining. Mining in the Mimbres Resource Area continued after the war; boomsand busts in exploration and production continued to be the trend. Drilling in the Piiios Altosarea by the U.S. Mining, Smelting,and Refining Co. in 1948 encountered lead-zinc ore bodies that were recently mined by Cyprus Metals Co. (Osterberg and Muller, 1994). The Federal government initiated incentive buying programs for domestic production of manganese (Agey et al., 1959), tungsten, and uranium in 1951. Tungsten anduranium mines in thearea began production (Tables5,7) and exploration intensified. Terminationof these programsin 1956 (tungsten), 1959 (manganese) and 1965 (uranium) effectively closed these mines for good. Most districtsin the area have seen some exploration since the 1960s as company after company examined the area, lookingfor the missed deposit. But most districts have seen insignificantproduction sincethe 1950s (Table 1,2). Most mining since 1950 has occurred in theSilver Cityarea. Industrial minerals have become more important in the 1970s (Tables 4,6). Today metalmining is occurring in the Silver Cityarea (Chino, Tyrone, Continental mines) and in the is sporadically produced from government stockpiles in Luna Lordsburg and Steeple Rock districts. Manganese County. Industrial minerals, especially scoria and sand and gravel are i m p o d t commodities. Mining Methods The earliest mining methods were crndeand simple. The ore was simplydug out using simple tools. Locally, the rock was brokenup by heating using fire and quenching with water. Mechanized methods of production were not common nntil the 1880s. Although most mineralization found in the early years occurred at thesurface, shafts were the common method of production which connected underground to working drifts, level raises, and haulagedrifts. The Eighty-Five and Bonney minesin theLordsburg districtare the deepest shafts in the Mimbres Resource Area with workings to 1,650 and 2,200 ft deep (Youtz, 1931). Most undergroundmining utilized shrinkageand cut-n-fill techniques. Square-set techniques were used onlyrare onoccasions, becauseof high cost of lumber in southwesternNew Mexico; onlyfour stopes utilized square-set timbering in 11 years of mining at the Eighty-Five mine (Youtz, 193 1). 22 The Silver City area i s well known for the large openpits: SantaRita (Chino), Tyrone, Continental, etc. But mostof the early productionat these and othermines was by undergroundmethods. Open-pit mining began at Santa Ritain 19 10 (Thorne, 193 1) and mining methods, although more refined and safer, are basically the same today as in the past (Hardwick, 1958). Ore Processing The first ore processing techniques were simple, requiring only crude adobe smelters (Christiansen, 1974). Gold was processed using stampm i l l s or arrastra (Fig. 3) mills. In the late 1800s, m i l l s and smelters were built in most major mining districts. ~~ ~~~~ ~ ~ FIGURE G k a s t r a ~ m i lon l display at the WayIt Was Museumin Virginia City, Nevada. Thesem i l l s , pnlled by mules werecommon in southern New Mexico and throughout western United States (V. T. McLemore photo). The Federal Mining Actof 1872 established procedures for patenting a millsite. Many millsites were patented, butthe records are not always clear as to what of kind mill, if any, was establishedor if the mill operated. It is difficult to trace the history of a givenmill,because owners changed andm i l l s were typically dismantledat one site and rebuiltat another site. The early mills were typically associated with a specific mine;in the late 1800s, mills were established in or near a large district and would custom m liore from throughout the Southwest. Selected mills are listed in Table 9. The Demingarea has been the site of numerous millssince 1928 whenthe Peru mill was fust built (Table 9). ASARCO built a mill in Deming in 1949. Both processedlead-zinc ores from the Silver City area. Manganese was concentrated and shipped from a purchasing depotin Deming 1953-1955 (Agey et al., 1959); much of the remaining material has been reprocessed and sold. Deming has abundant groundwater, adequate area for disposalof tailings, andi s accessibile tothe railroad (Griswold, 1961). Today, bothm i l l s in Deming are closed (Fig. 4, Table 9). However,the Hurley and the Playas smelters are active(Fig. 5). In addition, two processing plants arein El Paso: ASARCO’s El Paso smelter (copper) and Phelps Dodge’s El Paso Works (430,000 tpy copper bySX-Ew). 23 ~~ FIGURE 4--cyPrus FIGURE 5-Hurley ~ ~~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~. ~~ m l l i at Deming in 1995, before closure (V. T. McLemore photo) smelter in Grant County, New Mexico in 1995 (V. T. McLemore photo). 24 TABLE 9"Selected active, inactive, and dismantledmills in the Mimbres Resource Area. Somemills were rebuilt or changed owners at the same site,but are included as separate mills. Location includes section, township, and range. Active mills denoted by *. FN-unpublished field notes, V. T. McLemore. " organ MOrn2lI NE1421S4E 32O28'58" 106°30'2" 3-stampmill Au,Ag organ organ orcan MOIlllan NE1421S4E 21 23S4E 11,1422S3E 32'28'58" 32'17'23'' 32O24'9" 106"30'2" 106'32'44'' 106°36'2" cyanidemill adobefurnee Au,Ac mill Pb,Zn SoledadCanyan Stephenson-Bennelt 25 Pb 1888-1890, 1892-1900 1905-1910 uriorio 1854 1908-1911, 1933-1934 - - - - Dunham (1935), Lindgrenet al.(1910,p.210) Dunham(l935) Dunhm(1935) Anderson (1953, Lindgen et al.(1910),NMBMMRfile 26 LZ 28 DISTRICT Lordsburg NAMEOFMlLL &la-NellieBly 23s 19W Bonney Lordsburg 142.3 23s 19W 32O 17'53" Bonney Lordsburg 14,23 23s 19W 32' 17'53" LONGITUDE LATITUDE TYPEOF IDCATION COMMODITIES YEARS MILL OPERATED 108O45'44" 32O19'9" E 11 1924-1931 leaching. a& flatation mill 108°45'39" blastsmelter Cu 1910 108'45'39'' cu mill 1936-1968, Luna County Cdlilo Cooke's peak Cooke's Peak Carizallilo Graphic C2228SllW 3220S8W 31°51'25" 32'31'42'' 107°5T6" 107'40'59'' Faywood 24 20s 9W Lucky32'Cooke's 33' 13" Peak 107' 43' 8" 20 23s 9W 32" 17'2" 107O47'45" Deming MARC0 D&g aCyprusPinasAltos 2023S9W smelter ? &,Au,slag flotationmill 1922-1924 AgPb mill 107'44'44" F 32'33'47" 12-152OS9W 1940s wncemtrator Pb,Zn flotationmill 1949-1987 Zn,&Pb,Cu COMMENTS REFERENCES - NMBMMR file data - NMBMMR file data NMBMMR file data - - - Gates(1985) NMBMMR file dab Elston (1960) NMBMMR file data Griswold (1961), NMBMMR ,(il- A d r -1- Deming Deming Deming ILapurisima PerU 'Southwest American Minerals 107'47'45" 32'17'2" mill Cu,Zn,AgAu ASARCO 12523S9W 132'16'34'' 32°18'10" 2523S9W l107043'28" lflotationmill 1823S9W 107O48'28" flotationmill 107'43'28" 32'16'34" mill 29 IF ZbPb Mn 11931-1954 1928-1961 " Hanon et present I- al. (1994) formerly operated by I Griswold(I961),NMBMMR . .~ file data Griswald(l961) Demingwasthesite 1976-present Ageyetal.(1959),Hattonet for Mn stockpiles al.(1994) during World War11 - TYPES OF DEPOSITS Numerous classifications have been applied to mineral deposits (Jkkstrand, 1984; Guilbert and Park, 1986; Cox and Singer, 1986; Robertsand Sheahan, 1988; Sheahanand Cherry, 1993). In New Mexico, North and McLemore (1986,1988) classifiedthe metal depositsof New Mexicoaccording to age, mineral assemblages, form, alteration, tectonic setting, and perceived origin. This classilication, with a few modifications and additions, is in the Mimbres Resource Area.It is beyond the retained in this paper (Table 10); there are 25 types of deposiu; the reader is referred to Coxand Singer (1986), Northand scope ofthis report to describe each deposit type; McLemore (1986, 1988), McLemore and Lueth (in press) and McLemore (in press a, b) forspecifc details. TABLE 10-Types of deposits in the Mimbres Resource Area, New Mexico (after North and McLemore, 1986, GEOLOGY AND MINERAL OCCURRENCES OF THE MINING DISTRICTS OF DORA ANA COUNTY by VirginiaT.McLemore and David M. Sutphin Introduction the first counties createdin New Mexicoin 1852 and formsthe eastern part Dotia Ana County was one of of the Mimbres Resource Area (Fig.1). It is the only county commemoratinga woman, named afteran aristocratic lady of the 17th century (Julyan, 1986, 1996). Las Cruces, Spanishfor crosses, is the second largest cityin New Indians Mexico and gotits name from a collection of crosses marking burial a ground of people killed by Apache in the 1840s. It lies on El Camino Real,the major trading route from Mexicoto Santa Fe, and is on the Rio Grande. Today, the metropolitan areaof El Paso, Texas,and Jnarez, Mexico, witha combined populationof nearly 2 million lies along the southern county boundary and has a large economic and political impacton the less populated Doiia Ana County. Santa Theresa, south of Las Cruces and west ofEl Paso is an international portof entry. Minerals have been and still are a significant contribution the to economy of Doiia Ana County; although agriculture, constrnction,and light industryare currently economically more important. The White Sands Missile Range formsthe northeastern portionof the county andis withdrawn from mineral entry. Metals production began in the 1830s in the Organ Mountainsat the Stephenson-Bennett mine (Table1;Dunham, 1935). By 1910,all 30 metals mining districts had been discovered and prospected. The majorityof the past metal production has come from the Organ Mountains district, east of Las Cruces (Table2), which is the 6th largest lead producing district in New Mexico (McLemore and Lueth,1995, in press). Current production fromthe county consistsof aggregate (ie. sand and gravel), clay and shale for brick manufacture, scoria, travertine, and minor dimension stone (Hatton et al., 1994). The Eaglemill near El Paso (Brickland) mannfachnes bricks forthe nearby popnltaion centers. Juarez, Mexico, is the home oftwo cement plants,a hydrofluoric acid plant, and a brick plant. Aden district Location and mininghistory Scoria deposits are found in the Aden (Potrillo, Black Mountain) district in the Potrillo Mountainsand adjacent areasin Dofia Ana and Luna Counties,an area encompassing over500 k m 2 (Fig. 1). Aden Cone was to India (Julyan, named bythe railroad companyin the 1880s after Rock of Aden on the sea route from Suez 1996). More than 150 cinder cones occurin this area (Seagerand Mack, 1994) and only a few have been quarried (Table 11). Total productionis unknown, but estimated production from1950-1994 amounted to approximately $10 million (Table12). In the West Potrillo Mountains, Mt. Riley, and Aden Lava Flow Wilderness Study Areas, Kilburn etal. (1988) estimates an inferred resonrceof at least 400 million cubic yards. TABLE 11-Selected scoria (volcanic cinders) deposits in Dofia Ana and Luna Counties.Statns-A, active in 1993 (Hatton etal., 1994); M, prior production;0, occurrence, no knownprodnction. Aspectratio is the ratio of height to basal diameter (Osbum,1979, 1982). Aspect ratios were recalculated using 7% topographic maps. *Within Wilderness Study Area. MRDS-Mineral Resource Data System, U> S> 31 32 TABLE 12-Scoria production in DotIa Ana and Luna Countif:s, 1950-1994 (from New MexicoState Mines Inspector, Annual Reports, 1950-1988). W-withheld (company confidential data). Production after1988 is withheld. * Fiscal yearending June 30. I YEAR I VOLUME I VALUE($) I Scoria deposits Scoria and pumice are pyroclastic deposits formed as volcanic fragments ejectedduring explosive volcanic eruptions. Scoria (volcanic cinder) is red to black to gray, vesicular, basaltic (5040% Si02)volcanic fragments. or mounds of stratified Most scoria deposits occur as loose, poorly consolidated, poor to well sorted cones fragments (Geitgey, 1994; Peterson and Mason,1983; Osburn, 1979,1982; Cima, 1978). The ejected material ranges in size from minor quantities o f volcanic ashor cinder (< 2 mm in diameter), scoria(2-100 mm in diameter), and volcanic bombs (smooth-sided) and blocks (angular fragments) which are greater than 100 mm in diameter. Most volcanic cinder cones contain approximately 75% scoria (Cima,1978; Osburn, 1979,1982). Scoria is not to be confusedwith pumice. Scoriais denser and more coarsely cellular or vesicular than most pumice (Peterson and Mason, 1983). Pumice is light in color ranging from white to gray to pale yellow, pink, or brown and is also vesicularbut of a dacitic to rhyolitic composition(60-70% Si02) (Greitgey, 1994; Harben and Bates, 1984). 33 ! The vesicular natureof scoria resultsin lower density and higher porosity than most rocktlpes. These properties result in commercial useas lightweight aggregates, insulators, absorbents, and abrasives (Geitgey, 1994; Harden and Bates, 1984). Most scoriain New Mexicois used currentlyto mannfacture cinder block and concrete. In the 1950s, scoria was usedin railroad ballastand road aggregate.Scoria is quarried from open pits by digging and ripping with tractors and rippers, stockpiled, and then crushed and screened(Osburn,1982). Some scoria is also currently used as a decorative stonefor landscaping. Usein landscaping depends upon select size and color; reddish-brown color is more popular. Cindersare also usedon highways during winter stormsto improve traction. Other uses include roofing granules and erosion control. Scoria typically has a highercrushing strength than pumice and is more desirablefor certain aggregate uses. Economic considerationsof scoria includethe color, grain size, sorting, density, and consolidation of the scoria. Another property affecting the economics of a depositis the aspect ratio(Osburn, 1979,1982). The aspect ratio is the ratio of the height to average basal diameter of the cinder cone or volcano. The most economic deposits to have thick have aspect ratios between 0.1 and 0.2 (Osburn,1982). Coneswith lower aspect ratios (<0.1) tend lava flows whichare undesirable in mining. Cones with higher aspect ratios p0.2) tend to consist of large amounts of agglutinate (scoria blocks welded together with lava material) and approach spatter cones. The agglutinate deposits requiredrilling and blasting which increases the production costs. Scoria is typically a low-cost commodity andis marketed locally.In Dofia Ana County, most scoria is utilized in theLas Cruces and El Paso areas becauseof the close proximity to the quarries. Scoria resourcesinDofia Ana and Luna Counties are large and should be sufficientto meet local demand of the Aden districtis designated as Wilderness Study in the near future (Austin et al., 1982; Osburn, 1982). Much Areas; however,the active operationsare outside of these restricted areas. Bear Canyon district Location and Mining History The Bear Canyon district, also known as theStevens or San Augustin district,is in the southern San San Nicolas Andres Mountains and extends from Bear Canyon (north of Black Mountain) northward to Little Canyon (north of Goat Mountain). Shafts, adits,and prospect pits occur alongthe foothills (lower contact deposits) and nearthe crest (upper contact deposits)(Table 13, Fig 6). The district was discoveredin 1900 byJ. Bennett (Dunham, 1935; Talmage and Wootton, 1937). Production occurred a few years later. Less than 10,000 pounds of copper, 100 ouncesof silver, and some lead have been produced from the district (Tables1,4; Dunham, 1935; McLemore, 1994b). In 1932,50 short tonsof barite was producedfrom the Stevens mine (Williams, 1966). The district lies entirely witbinthe White Sands Missile Range and is withdrawn from mineral entry. TABLE 13-Mines and prospectsin theBear Canyon district, DofiaAna County, New Mexico,shown in Figure 6. 34 11 30’ - 32-3 I 32-3 TZO! 32”31’3( Figure 6”ines and prospects inthe Bear Canyon district, D o h Ana County, New Mexico. !5’ Geology The Bear Canyon district consists of westward-dipping, Cambrian through Mississippian sedimentary rocks in either fault or unconformable contact with Proterozoic granitic and metamorphic rocks (Dunham, 1935; Bachman and Myers, 1963, 1969). Thrust faults (low angle), locally mineralized, in the southem portionof the range have placed Proterozoic rocks over Ordovician and Cambrian sedimentary rocks 1935; Bachman (Dunham, and Myers, 1969). Younger sedimentary rocks of Pennsylvanian through Tertiary age overlie the rocks westof the district. A series of sills and dikes of presumably Tertiaty age intmde the sedimentary rocks southof Bear Canyon on Quartzite Mountain (Bachman and Myers, 1969; Seager, 1981). These sills are sericitized, quartz-feldspar porphyry. Basaltic, dioritic dikes intrude the sedimentary rocksnorth of Bear Mountainand are higbly altered and weathered (Bachmanand Myers, 1969). Normal faultsare common in the southern portionof the district and locally are mineralized. Mineral Deposits Rio Grande Rift barite-fluorite-galena depositsare found scattered throughoutthe area and are found in limestones and dolomites along the low-angle fault between the Ordovician sedimentary rocks and Proterozoic granite in the foothills (lower contact deposits) and within the Silurian dolomites beneaththe Percha Shale (Devonian) along the crest (upper contact deposits)(Fig.6 ; Dunham, 1935; Williams etal., 1964; Bachmanand Myers, 1969; Smith, 1981; McLemore, 1994b). The deposits consist of predominantly veins, breccia cement, cavity-fillings, and minor irregular replacement deposits along faults, fractures, unconformities, and bedding planes in dolomitic limestone. The Percha Shale and Proterozoic granitic and metamorphic rocks may have acted as an impermeable capfor upward migrating mineralizing fluids. Barite, fluorite, calcite, quartz and are predominant minerals in these deposits. Locally, galena, malachite, and wulfenite are found (C.W. Plumb, unpublished report, Nov. 1925 on file at NMBMMR archives). Assays as high as 2.6 odshort ton Ag, 12.2% Cu and 34.8% Pb have been reported (W.E. Koch, unpublished report, July 1911 file on at NMBMMR archives). Assays of samples collected for this study arein Table 14. These assays are selected samples and do not represent economic grades, but do indicate the presence of local concentrationsof these metalsin the deposits. The deposits along the upper contact nearthe crest are remote and inaccessible and are uneconomical. The deposits alongthe lower contactare uneconomic because they are small and low grade. TABLE 14"chemical analyses of samples collected fromthe lower contactin the Bear Canyon district, October 10, 1993. Analyses bythe NMBMMR Chemical Laboratory (Au, Ag by fire assay; Cu, Pb,Zn,by FAAS after aqua regia digestion; Hg by cold vaporAA) and * by the USGS Chemical Laboratory (by ICP). Black Mountain district Location and MiningHistory The Black Mountain district lies north of the Organ Mountains district in the southern San Andres Mountains and consistsof Black Mountain(Fig. 1). The district, also knownas Kent, Organ, and Gold Camp districts, was discoveredin 1883 byPat Breen. The Mountain Chiefand Black Mountain minesare the only productive minesin the district (Table 15)and produced lessthan $12,000 of copper (<lO,OOO pounds), gold(600 36 ounces), silver (<1,000 ounces),fluorite (1,100 short tons),and some lead from 1883 to the early 1900s (Tables1, 4; Dunham, 1935; Williams, 1966; McAnulty, 1978; McLemore, 1994b). It lies onthe White Sands Missile Range and is closed to public access. TABLE 15-Mines and prospects in the Black Mountain district, Dofia County. Location includes section, township, and range. MINE NAME Bighorn Black Mountain Mountain chief LOCATION 12 21s 4E SEI 21s 4E N W l l 2 1 S 4E COMMODITIES LATITUDE, LONGITUDE 32- 29' 47". Au,Pb 29' 16" 32' 30'25", Cu, A", Ag, Pb, F, Ba 106'29' 5" 32O 29' 56", AU 106'30' 7.1" YEARS OF REFERENCES DEVELOPMENT PRODUCTION none 1883-1900s 500 A adit Dunham (1935) pit M c h o r e (1994b) 1883 Dunham(1935), 60 A shaft Seager Geology Rio Grande Riftbarite-fluorite-galena deposits are found scattered throughout the Black Mountain area and are hosted by Ordovician dolomites and limestones of the El Paso Formation which are in fault contact with Proterozoic granite and metamorphic rocks (Dunham, 1935; Talmage and Wootton, 1937; Seager, 1981). Northand west-trendingfaults cut the rocks. The area lieson a gravity gradient between a gravity high to the north and to the Organ Mountains batholith. a gravity lowto the south which corresponds Mineral Deposits The Mountain Chief mine in NW% sec. 11, T21S, R4Eis on the south sideof Black Mountainand consists of a 6 0 4 shaft and prospect pits. It is an irregular replacement bodyin Fusselman Dolomiteand consists of gold, quartz, calcite, limonite, pyrite, and chlorite (Dunham, 1935). The relatively large amountof gold production reportedis unusual for these types of deposits; unfortunatelythe deposits are remoteand inaccessible and were not examinedduring this study. Two additional, but minor, prospectsare found in the district (Table 15). Irregular replacement bodies of galena were developedalong a vein trending N50°W in Paleozoic dolomiteat the Bighorn deposit. A small barite-galena deposit occurs at the summit of Black Mountainin sec. 1, T21S, R4E (Dunham, 1935). Percha Shale forms a cap the on deposit. None of these depositsare economic. Geochemical anamolies in stream-sediments fromthe area include elevated concentrations of Cu, Pb, Mo, Sb, and Zn,. Brickland (Cerrode Cristo Rey) district Location and mining history The Brickland districtis on the flank of Cerro de Cristo Rey (also known as Cerro de Mnleros)in El Paso County, Texas,and Chihnahna, Mexico southern New Mexicoat the junction between Doiia Ana County, (Fig. 1). Clay and shalefor brick manufacture have been produced from the three states sincethe early 1900s. Plants are located in New Mexicoand Jnarez, Mexico. Limestone has been quarried from the Cretaceous units for for smelter flux by use in cement (Kottlowski, 1962). These materials,along with silica sand also have been used the ASARCO smelter periodically. Geology The clayand shale depositis inthe Mesilla Valley Formation (Cretaceous), which crops outtheoneastern flank of Cerro de Cristo Rey laccolith, a Tertiary andesitic intrusion. The overlying quartz-rich Anapra Sandstone has been mined sporadically for silica flux for the nearby ASARCO smelter and for aggregate. Limestone is found in the Edwards Limestoneand Buda Formation. Mineral deposits The clay and shaleare mined by open pit quarrying, followed by crushing, screening,firing and at 9001000°C (Ntisimanyana, 1990). Limestone was sporadically quarried from the Edwards Limestoneby the Southwestern Portland Cement Co. A sample of the limestone contained 93.5%CaCO,, 2.1% MgCO,, 3.2 SO2, and 0.8% A1203 (Kofflowski, 1962). Another sampleof limestone fromthe younger Buda Formation contained 93.3% CaCO,, 1.3% MgC03, 3.7% Si02, and 0.7% A 1 2 0 3 (Kottlowski, 1962). However, these limestones are iuterbedded with quartz sandstones and shales and would not yield a mineable high-calcium limestone (Kottlowski, 1962). 37 Doiia Ana Mountains district Location and Mining History The Dofia Ana Mountains lie east of DofiaAna and the mineral deposits consistof volcanic-epithermal of copper and approximately vein deposits that were discovered about 1900 (Table 16; Fig. 1). A small amount 1;North and McLemore, 1986).Marble 100 ouncesof gold and 5,000 ounces of silver have been produced (Table and tactite outcrops are locally commonin these mountains, suggestingpotential for Pb-Znand Au skam deposits (Table 16). TABLE 16-Mines and prospects in the Doiia Ana Mountains district, Doiia County. Location includes section, Geology Rocks in theDoM Ana Mountains range in age fromPermian through Recent (Seager et al., 1976). Sedimentaq rocks are theoldest rocksand range in age from Permian through Eocene. The sedimentary rocks have been intruded by an Eocene andesite and an Oligocene monzonite. The emption of the 2,500 ft-thick D o h Ana Rhyolite (ash-flowtuff)initiated cauldera collapse. Age dates of the ash-flow tuffand monzonite porphyryare 33.9i1.3 and 34.6*1.3 Ma (K-k Seager , etal., 1976; NMBMMR age data files). The canldera is approximately by rhyolite flows, ash-flow tuffs, domes, and breccias. Rhyolite and monzonite 7-8 mi in diameter and was filled dikes intrudedthe older rocks. Late Tertiary uplift and westward tilting have exposedthe mountain range (Seager et al., 1976). The area is characterized by a gravityand magnetic high, whichis related to the canldera and U, Th, and K. subsequent intrusions.The area is characterized by elevated radiometric Mineral Deposits The Piedra Blanca prospect consistsof thin quartz veinsalong a 4-ft wide rhyolite dike which strikes N80°W and dips 85"N. The dike intrudes Cleofas Andesite (Seager al., et 1976). Threeshafts 80 ft, 25 ft, and 50 f t deep and several shallow pits, have exposed the deposit (Dunham, 1935; Seager etal., 1976). The vein is less than 2 ft wide and consistsof qnartz, iron oxides, manganese oxides, chlorite, calcite, and pyrite (Dunham, 1935; Farnham, 1961; Seager etal., 1976). Silicificationofthe rhyolite and andesiteis pervasive (Seager etal., 1976). Two separate assaysof a high-grade ore shoot in 1913 indicated 13.5odshort ton Au, 1,835 odsbort ton Ag and 13.6 odshort ton Au, 1,526 odshort ton Ag (Dunham, 1935). Another sample assayed6.6% Mn (F'amham, 1961). Assays of samples collected forthis report are in Table 17. Another occurrence, similar to the Piedra Blanca, is found along a north-trending dike in sec. 15, TZlS, R1E. A 20-ft shaftand pits expose the thinquartz veins containing tracesof pyrite. TABLE 17"Chemical analyses of samples collected fromthe Dofia Ana Mountains district. Analvses bv the . . tion). Similar veins occur in sec. 20, T21S,R2E near Dagger Flat andare exposed bytwo shafts, 50 ft and 25 ft deep, a cutand shallow pit (V. T. McLemore, unpublished field notes May 28, 1995; Seager et al., 1976). Quartz and malachite occur along Eractures in the Cleofas Andesite. Several prospects northwest of Dofia Ana Peak have exposed manganese veins (Table 16). Marble occursin sec. 10and 15, T21S, R1Eand tactite crops outin sec. 15 and 16, T21S, R1E. Marble has been quarried for local use as rip-rap and road fill. The marble varies in color from whiteto pi& but is highly fractured and contains impurities andis not suitablefor use as large blocksof dimension stone. Tracesof iron oxides, pyrite, and chalcopyriteare found, but the metal potentialis low (Table 19). However, one sample assayed 6.12 odshort ton Ag(DMG, Table 16). The tactite consistsof fine-grained garnet andiron oxides with tracesof pyrite. The marble and tactite are similarin appearance to mineralized skams elsewhere in the Mimbres Resource Area. Iron Hill district Location and Mining History The Iron Hill district, alsoknown as the Robledo district,is located in the southwestern Robledo Mountains (Fig. 1). The district was discoveredin the early 1930s;but total productionis unknown. Nearly two dozen pits,shafts, and adits occurin the area exposing sedimentaryiron deposits (Dunham, 1935; Kelley, 1949; Harrer and Kelly, 1963). The Gilliland groupof deposits occurin sec. 2, T22S, R1W and the IronHill deposits Area lies to the north of the district. occur in sec. 16, T22S, R1W. The Robledo Mountains Wilderness Study Geology Ordovician through Permian and Eocene sedimentary rocks are exposed in the Robledo Mountains and are overlain by Tertiary volcanic and sedimentary rocks and Quaternary deposits (Hawleyal., et 1975). The iron deposits are hosted by limestones of the Hueco Formation (Permian)@.E. Kottlowski, personal communication, May 10,1995). Rhyolite sills, dikes, and domes form the northern portionof the range andthe Cedar Hills to the sill betweenRobledo Peak and Lookout Peak has west (Hawley et al., 1975; Seager and Clemons, 1975). The large the northern part of a gravity high been datedas 36.1i1.3 Ma (NMBMMRage data files). The district forms which coincides withthe Doiia Ana Mountains cauldera. Mineral Deposits The Iron Hill deposits consist predominantly of hematite, goethite,and limonite with local concentrations of manganese oxides,gypsum, calcite, quartz, and ocher (Dunham, 1935; Kelley, 1949). The deposits occur as lenticular replacements, breccia cement, and cavity fillings in limestones. Numerous bodies range in size from small replacement podsto massive zones 200ft long and120 ft wide (Dunham, 1935). The deposits both parallel and cut across bedding;the ore is porous and banded with common~ ~ S t a t i ~bouyoidal, ns, and stalactitic textures (Kelley, 1949; HarrerandKelly, 1963). The orgin of these depositsis speculative. Dunham (1935) suggeststhat they were formedas a result of leaching of hematite cement from overlying Permian sedimentary rocksAb0 (thetonque of the Hueco Formation) and precipiatated in voids in the underlying middleHueco limestones. Kelley (1949) suggeststhat these deposits could be formed by meteoric or magmatic watersof varying temperatures. In 1949, Kelley (1949) estimated the indicated reservesat Iron Hill as 5,000 short tonsand the inferred reserves as 15,000 short tons, both with a grade of 50-55% Fe. Despite these reserves,it is d i k e l y that these deposits will be mined in the near future becauseof small tonnage, low grade, poor quality, and inaccessiblity. 39 Travertine occursin thedistrict along the Cedar Hills and other north-trending faults(Hawley et al., 1975; Clemons, 1976); some of the larger deposits are in sec. 23 and 25, T21S, R1W. Banded travertine, known locally as "Radium Springs marble oronyx", occurs as veins and apron-like depositsin sec. 25, T21S, R1W.It is qnanied and used as decorative stone.The active Rainbowpit is in sec. 23, T21S, R1Wand produces 96 cu Wday (Hatton et al., 1994). Additionalpits occur in secs. 23,26,35, T21S, R2W (Clemons, 1976). The travertinevaries in color from pink, orange, lavender, white, brown, and gold. Northern FranklinMountains district Location and MiningHistory The Northern Franklin Mountains district, discovered in 1914, is in the New Mexico portion of the northern Franklin Mountains, which extend southward into Texas (Fig. l).. A small amount of lead and silver were producedfrom a Rio Grande Rift deposit (NMBMMR production data). Several hundred short tonsof jarosite from a possible epithermal deposit and bedded gypsum also have been produced from the area (Table 18). TABLE 18-Mines and prospectsin the Northem Franklin Mountains, DoM Ana County. Location includes section, township,and range. FN-unpublished field notes,V. T. McLemore. LOCATION MINENAME Capiapo NE8 26s 4E Creatonmine NE34,NW35 26s 4E Unknown NE27 26s 4E Caever? NE32,NW33 26s 4E COMMODITIES DEVELOPMENT LATITUDE, LONGITUDE 32- 3' 47", jamsite, Ag, Au, CU 200 A s h e 6 pits 106'32'58'' I 32' 00' 26", gypsum pits REFERENCES Dunham (1935), Kelley and Mathenv(l983),NMBMMR IKelley (1983), FN .. .,and~ Matheny I. NE34 26s 4E I I SE32 25s 4E 31'59'34", ,nrn",".. Pb,Zn,Ag,Ba,F I Ipitr,50&2-1OflshaftS,11Oft IDunham(1935),Kelleyand ... '.73), FN 4/27/95 . .. ~ Geology The northern Franklin Mountains consistof Ordovician through Permian carbonatesand shales (Harbour, 1972; Kelley and Matheny, 1983). These rocks have been folded, probably during the Larimide compressional event. North-trending low-angle and high-angle normal faults offset the Paleozoic rocksin places (Kelleyand Matheny, 1983). Quaternary piedmontand alluvial deposits formthe lower foothills, covering the older rocks. Proterozoic rocksunderlie Paleozoic rocksin Hitt Canyon, just south of the New Mexico-Texasstate line (Harbour, 1972). The rocks are correlated withthe Mundy Breccia and Lanoria Quartzite (Proterozoic) foundin the central and southern Franklin Mountains. In addition, Proterozoicgranite porphyry andgranite are also found in H itt Canyon. These Proterozoic rocks probably underlie the northern Franklin Mountains in New Mexico. Mineral Deposits Veins and replacements of barite, fluorite, lead, calcite, iron oxides, and qnartz occur in dolomitic limestones of the Fusselman Formation, whichare typical of Rio Grande Rift deposits elsewherein New Mexico. Dunham (1935) reportsan assay of 4 odshort ton Ag from one vein in SE% sec. 32, T25S, T4E and that small shipments of argentiferous galena were made. Additional assays are in Table 19.The largest vein is less than 3 ft wide and several hundred feet long. Brecciation and jasperoid are common in thecanyon. Local geochemical anomalies of Pb,Be, Zn,Mo, Sb, Cd, and As occur in the stream sediments. 40 TABLE 19-Chemical analyses of samples collectedfrom the Northern Franklin Mountains district @E%, 32, T25S, R4E). Analyses bythe NMBMMR Chemical Laboratoly (An, Ag by fire assay; .. Cu, . Pb, . Zn bv FAAS after aqua regia digestion). FIELD I LAB I Au I Ag I Cu I Pb I Zn I DESCRE'TION I " I NO. NF1 NE NF4 NO, 579 580 581 (odton) 0.00 0.00 0.00 (od&) 0.00 0.00 0.00 (pp m) (ppm) 54 93 <SO 54007500 <SO 18000 (ppm) 190 86 4flchipsamplealongfaceatendofadit selectsampleofdumpatadit gab sample ofdump of 50 flsh& the contact with Proterozoic granite in Hitt Canyon, Copper is found in Proterozoic Castner Marble near just south of the New Mexico-Texas state line (Harbour, 1972; Deen, 1976; Goodell, 1976). Small, discontinous contact-metasomatic depositsat Hitt Canyon consistsof bornite, pyrite, covellite, chalcopyrite, marcasite, and pyrrhotite (Deen, 1976; Goodell, 1976). A sample assayed 5.84% Cu, O.O16%Pb, and 0.81%Zn (Goodell, 1976). Shallow prospectpits have exposedthe deposits. In addition, iron deposits have replacedthe Castner Limestone (Proterozoic) wherethe limestone has been intrudedby granite, approximately 1.8mi south of the state line. Iron occurs assiderite and rarely exceeds 40% Fe (Harbour, 1972). Similar deposits may occurin Proterozoic rocksthat occur beneaththe northern Franklin Mountains in New Mexico. Jarosite The Copiapojarosite mine is located in the northern Franklin Mountains at Webb Gap (NE% sec. 8, T26S, R4E). Development consistsof a 200ft inclined shaft with four levels and six prospect pits. Several hundred short tons of material were mined in 1925-28 byF. Schneider Co. for use as pigment in paints. The deposit occurs along a north-trending, low-angle, fault zone (NIOoE 4O-5O0E) within the Bishop Cap Member of the Magdalena Group (Pennsylvanian)(Fig.7; Kelley and Matheny, 1983). Atthe shaft, the deposit is 10-15 ft wide foran approximate length of 100-200 ft. The deposit pinches outto the north, a drift at the 100 ft level is only 20 ft long to the north and 100ft long to the south (Dunham,1935). The deposit thins to the south ( 4 0 ft wide). The host limestone strikes N13'W and dips40"W. The deposit consistsof veins and replacement bodies along the fault zone and containsjarosite (red to yellow to orange), limonite, hematite (red to black to brown), gypsum, calcite, and aragonite. Malachitestains are reported coating fracturesat the bottom of the shaft (Dunham, 1935). Jarosite occurs only within the upper 100ft ( N M B M M R file data). Assays of selected samplesare inTable 20. A crude zonation is present. The zone adjacent to the footwall consistsof black to dark brown hematite and limonite and is approximately 1-2ft wide. Jarosite, limonite, and hematite of various colorsform the central zone, which rangesin thickness from 2 to 10 ft. The outer zone, adjacentto the hangingwall consistsof white calcareous to clayey material with zones of hematite and jarosite cutting it. TABLE 20-Assays of samples from the Copiapojarosite prospect, DoM Ana County. Samplesare located on by assay; Cn, Pb, Zn by FAAS Figure 7. Analyses bythe NMBMMR Chemical Laboratory (An, Ag fire after aqua regia digestion; Hg by cold vapor AA) and * by the USGS Chemical Laboratory(by ICPX no data. Plan Map I 35 Y Cross Section Through Inclined Shaft ,:i : :: ,?' I c: I x pit 0 shafl ---- underground workings // ;azled -!-I-. - \ dump / o 0 ,,Pn 30 m 3051 sample numbe 1.2 oz/fonAg chemicalassa: Figure 7-Map of Copiapo jarosite mine, showing underground workings (modified M. from H. Berliner, written communication, 1949) and assaysof surface samples (NMBMMRfile data; samples assayed by NMBMMR chemical laboratory). The originof the deposit is speculative. The mineralogy and crude zonation are suggestive of a supergene origin. The minerals are poorly crystalline to vey-fine grained, whichis consistent with a supergene origin, Snlfnr isotope analysesare required to confirm a supergene origin. It is possible that this deposit overliesepithennal baseor precious-metal deposits,but drilling would be requiredto confirm their presence. The economic potential for future useas paint pigment is probably low, because ofsmall size and far distance frompaint mannfacturers. Additional small, isolated occurrences ofjarosite, limonite, and hematite occur throughout the limestones in sec. 22and 27, T26S, R4E. These occurrences are predominantly fracture coatings and uneconomical. Gypsum and Limestone Gypsum and limestone have been quarried in the northern Franklin Mountains. Gypsum occurs in two beds of the Hueco Formation at Anthony Gap; each bed was over 100 ft thick (Harbour, 1972). The gypsum was quamed mound 1932 for use bythe El Paso Cement Company(Dunham, 1935). Limestone also has been quamed in the New Mexicoand Texas partsof the area, probably for aggregate. Organ Mountains district Location and MiningHistory (Fig. 1) and includes the Mineral The Organ Mountains district is in the Organ Mountains near Organ South Canyon, Soledad Canyon, and Texas Canyon subdistricts. Hill, Bishops Cap, Gold Camp, Modoc, Mineralization was discoveredin the 1830s and perhaps as early as 1797 (Dunham, 1935). Metal production from the district amounts to$2.7 million worthof copper, lead, zinc, silver and gold (Table 2,21). Other mineral 600 short tons of barite; 1,650 short tonsof fluorite; 14 production fromthe Organ Mountains district amounts to pounds of uranium; and 9 pounds ofvanadium (Tables 4,5,6). Bismnth occurs locally; a small amount was produced fromthe Texas Canyon mine (Dasch,1965) and other ore shipments were penalized for bismuth at the smelter.Uranium and barite were producedfrom the Bishops Cap area(Table 4,5; Williams etal., 1964; McLemore, 1983). In addition local occurrences of Fe,Mn, Mo, Sn, Te,and W are reported (Table1). From the 1960s through the early 198Os, several companies have explored the Organ Mountainsfor potential porphyry copper-molybdenum deposits. Kerr-McGee drilled 18 holes in 1963. AMAX drilled 6 holes in 1969; followed bysix more holesin 1970 by Bear Creek. Conoco drilled14 holes in the 1972-1976. More than 60 drill holes have been drilled northeast of Organ, rangingin depth from195 to 3,100 ft (Newcomer and Giordano, 1986). Studies of lithology, alteration assembalges, mineral zoning, and stockwork veining suggestthat a porphyry copper andlor copper-molybdenum deposit may occur in the Organ Mountains district (Fig.8). Drilling has not delineated any ore bodies, but assays rangefrom 0.001 to 0.065% Cu and as highas 0.15% Mo (Newcomer, 1984; Newcomer and Giordano, 1986). The Abandoned Mine Lands Bureau has reclaimed the Stephenson-Bennett, Modoc, Memphis, and several smaller mines in the vicinity of the Memphis mine from1989 to 1994. 43 44 IY34 1955 REPORTED TOTAL 1869-1955 ESTIMAIEDTOTAL 1849-1961 6 67,245 - 4,635,263 7,322.35 4,636,000 11,500 45 5 819,790 820,000 2,000 16,906,293 1,678,056 2,659,176 1,700,000 25,000,000 303 2,700,000 I 106"37'30" @ Black Mountain district +Bear Canyon distri fluorite-barite-zol Black Mountain Quartzite Mountain + t I Cu-Mo zone San Augustin Pass 32"22'30" Organ Peak fluorite-barite zone Soledad Peak + r Mines & Prospects * Disseminatedcopper-molybdenum Zinc-leadskarns 0 Lead-silver skarns & replacements a Gold-silver epithermailmesothermal vei Rio Grande rift fluorite-barite deposits Bishops Cap subdistrict I M Memphismine E Excelsiormine H Hilltopmine BP Black Prince mine ME Merrimac mine Figure &District zoning in the Organ Mountains,Doiia AnaCounty, New Mexico(modified from Dunham, 1935; Seager, 1981). TABLE 22-Mines and prospects in the Organ Mountains mining district. Location includes section,tom&ip, and range. FN-unpublished field notes, V.T. McLemore. WC-written communication. PC -personal communication. NMBMMR file dah-unpublished file data in the NMBMMR archives. GoldCampDolphin 1421S4E Gold Camp H and H Beryl 14,15 21 S 4E 32" 29' 0", 106' 29' 42" 32" 29' 57': 106"30'40" Au, Ag unknown pits UnknOWn vein - bayl, feldspar, topaz none pit none pegmatite - 47 Gold Camp Tennessee (Hidden Treasure, Sedion SW2521S4E 32'21'19", 106'29'31" A&Au,CU,Pb,Zn,F 1945-1949 piis,sh&adits 10,730 shorttom fluorite 25) 48 vein Williams (1966), Sager (1981),FN 10/12/93 49 I I AREA MINENAME I LOCATION I LATITUDE. PRODUCTION .. Augustin 106"34'20" 32'29'4", 106'38'3" 32O 2T 30': 106O34'30" 32'27'30''. 106'33'33'' Augustin 106'34'9'' Augustin Sari unknown NE1721S4E Augustin San Augustin OldTuffNut NE25 21s 3E san Iran Mask NE3021S4E Augustin 106"34'21" 21s 4E Augustin 106' 33' 53" 21s 4E CrestedButk San NE31 Allgutin S2ll Allgustin Corpus Chridi NE33 San Homestake 32O 19':26' pitsPb Ag, Au, 106' 34' 20" 32"27'32", 106'31'43'' 32°26'13'', 1912-Bi Au, A& Pb, 106"35'48" 21s 4E. NE3521S3E Augustin San NE5 22.3 4E GallOWZt" 32O 25' 24". Allgustin I Sa I Gray Eagle " I UnknOWn SE1721S4E Sari Smith(Kitlie SE1821S4E Augustin Delund) Augustin Sari Cowpuncher SE25 21s 3E Excelsior SE25 21s 3E Hand H (Billie SE28 H, Dona Loga) 215 4E Augustin Sari Augustin 1934 I .. 20 Rpit 1 1913,1928,1934 Dunham (1935) 1625,OOOto 1927, <1OOshofltom Au,Ag,Pb $35,000,97 oz Ag A& Pb 1896 180 fl shaft Pb, Cu,A& Au, Zn, 1926 8000flworkings %50,000-60,000 carbonateDunham(1935), including adits, shafls 106'33'28'' Te 32" 25' 55". 106°33'20" 32O 28'00", 106' 32' 52" 32" 28' 43", 106'34'7" 32' 27' 2", 106'34'47" 32O 2T S", 106' 35' 8" Ag, 1924-1935 Cu, Pb 32' 26' 57". 106°31'50" IPb-Znskam I (1943), FN 10/13/93 1 400fladit none Ag Cu, Bi I I pit I 1900s,1943 Cu,A&Au,WTe, BL Pb 191417,1929 Ag, An, Cu, Mo unknown 50 1 carbonatehostedPb-Zn 12/5/89 vein 1 178flshaft I (1943) Dunham (1935), FN Dunham (1935) hostedPbZn,Lindgrenetal. (1910), PbZnsh Seager(l981),Albrinon and Nelson (1943),FN 10/13/93 $30,0OO,upto 102 pegmatite Dunham(1935) oZ/tAg,6%Cu none carbonate- I 1 NW5 22s 4E i Au&n Sari Allgustin S2ll I I 7 shorttom 8% Cu. 1 Cu-Pb-Zu 0.58%Bi 175flshaft $60,000, <500 2/20/94 short tans Pb-Zn Au,A&Cu 2 adits, 265 fl adit unknown I Albridon and Nelson skm carbonatehosted (1943) Dunham (1939, FN vein - Augustin S a Davy King SW3021S4E Au&in S a Augustin Texas BenNevisWg SW3221S4E Bi Soloman, IMaggie Dodd) t Texas Camon SE34 22s 4E 1,7 22s 3E Friend 11,14 22s 3E 32'27'22'', 106'34'34" 32O26'4': 106'33'35" Ag, Au, Pb Ag,Pb,Cu,Zn,Te, 32'21'2", Au,Ag,Pb,Cu,Ba, 1890-1939 106"30'56" Te, Mo,Bi 106"33'44'' mall unknown 250 fl shaft small 2adits UnknOWn vein (1935) Dunham agh (1981) pegmatite Dunham (1939, Seager 4aditjpits 12.7shoritatw veins 10.8 Dunham (1935), Sager 0.3 ozHAu, (198l),Albriltonand 0.64%Cu, O.I%Bi Nelson (1943) 32' 25'Au, 47': A& Pb 1926-1927 pits, aditsshall 1 odt Au, 40.5 odt veins Jeske(1987) 106"35'31" A&. 15.9%Pb 32'24'5". Pb,Cu,Zn,Au,Ag, 1847-1934 extensiveunderground $1,15O,OOOworIh carbonateGlover(1975),Eveleth 106'35'55'' Mo WOrkingS (1983),Seager(1981), hostedPb-Zn ofPb,Zn,Cu,Ag,Au JeJke 11987). FN 1/31/94 32'20'40", Pb, Cu,Zn,A& Au, F 1879-1917 shafts, pits, adits $200,000 ormore, carbonate Dunham (1935), Glover 106°34'47" Jeske(1987), (1975), hostedPb-Zn<2OOOshorttons FN 12/10/93 Ag,Pb 1902-17 Ag 32' 20' 14': F, Ba none pits none fluoritevein (1935), Dunham 106"35'12" Williams (1966) Au, Ag, Pb, F unknown >IO0 ft shaft 2 pits unknown Vein Jeske(1987) carbonate Dunham(1935),Glover 30°20'10", Pb,Cu,Zn,Au,Ag,F priorto1910,1920 lOOfladii,lZ5fl <IOshorttons Pb-Znincline hosted Pb,Zn,Ag (1987), ( 1 9 7 9 Jeske 106'34'50'' Ag Seager(l98l),FN 0% " west side Modoc-Orejon 36229 3E west side Silver Cliff 6,7 23s 4E west side unknown west side Orejon N36 22s 3E N E 1 23S3E ,*,rnm? zs The Organ Mountains form a west-tilted block exposing rocks in ranging age from Proterozoic through Quaternq. The oldest rocksin the area are Proterozoic granitic rocks which are overlain as bymuch as 8,500 ft of Paleozoic sedimentary rocks, mostly of marine origin (Seager,1981). These rocks were deformed during the Laramide compressional event.In the Oligocene, the Organ batholithand volcanic rocks associated with the Organ cauldera were emplaced (Seager,1981; Newcomer and Giordano, 1986; Seager and McCuny, 1988). The Organ batholithis a complex pluton made up of multiple intrusions (Seager,1981; Seager and McCuny,1988); three major phasesare the granite of Granite Peak,Sugarloafpeakquartz monzoniteand Organ Needlequartz syenite. All three phases are relatedto mineral deposits. The Sugarloafpeakquartz monzonite has been dated as 34.4iO.3 Ma C 0 A d 3 ’ A r , hornblende, McLemore et al.,1995). A gravity low coincides with the SugarloafPeak quartz monzonite which may be a result of widespread sericitic alteration. Rhyolite dikes have intruded the Organ batholith locally and also are related to mineralization. Uplift and erosion produced younger sedimentary deposits and the rugged topography characteristicof the OrganMountains. Mineral Deposits Six typesof deposits are distributedin five zonesin the Organ Mountains district (Table l)(Fig. 8; Dunham, 1935; Seager, 1981; Seager and McCuny, 1988). Copper-molybdenum depositsform a core, surrounded by zinc-lead, lead-zinc, gold-silver, and outer fluorite-barite zones (Fig.8). This district-wide zoningis best preserved in the northern OrganMountainswhere disseminated copper and molybdenum occurrences have been of a porphyq copperencountered in drill holes northwestof Organ andmay represent a faulted portion molybdenum deposit (Newcomer and Giordano,1986). A zone of disseminated and vein pyrite occursto the east at San Augustin Passin the Sugarloafpeak quartz monzonite,the last and most volatile-rich phase of the Organ batholith,and is located in the center of the northern part of the district. Silver-bearing pegmatites, datedas 30.8*0.1 Ma ( 4 0 A d 3 9 A r , K-feldspar), occur near 1935; McLemore et al., 1995). CopperSan Augustin Passin the Sugarloaf Peak quartz monzonite (Dunham, breccia deposits occur west of the SugarloafPeak quartz monzonite at the Torpedo and Memphis mines.A transition from disseminated copper and molybdenum to copper skarnsand breccias to zinc-lead skarnsand replacement deposits occurs in carbonates northwestof the Memphis mine andnear the Excelsior minein the northern portionof the district (Lueth,1988). The Homestake and Memphis depositsare zinc-lead skarns. The Menimac mine is predominantly zincreplacements; lead withsilver becomes more dominantto the east. The Hilltop and Black Prince mines are predominantly carbonate-hosted lead-silver deposits. The Stephenson-Bennett is a carbonate-hosted lead-silverand zinc-lead deposit (polymetdlic replacement). Gold and silver epithermal/mesothermal veins occurin the Proterozoic rocksin the Gold Hill area, east of the SugarloafPeak quartz monzonite (Fig. 9). Silver decreasesto the north and barite becomes dominant. The Modoc and Orejon skam andreplacement depositsand may be deposits alongthe west sideof the Organ Mountains are lead-zinc related to a third copper-molybdenum zoneis in the central Organ Mountains nearOrgan Peak (Fig. 10). An outer zone, snrroundingthe Organ Mountains batholith, consists of Rio Grande Rift barite-fluorite-galena deposits, locally with copper, silver, uranium, and vanadium; examples include the Bishops Cap (Fig. 11) and the Ruby mines. Assays of samples collected from the district are in Table 23. 53 DESCRIPTION I I 756 Rockof KinA Silver 0.00 0.00 - 2.76 54.50 I I I - 0.7 Mineral Hill, 5ab sample of dump 56 - 0.5 2500 270 - 43.0 Silver Kin& 4 A chip sample 3000 1500 - 0.2 Silver King, 5abdump sample of 4300 1500 120 2600 380 520 1200 54 Rock of Ages, grab sample of dump a m s s vein I 55 FIGURE 11-Banded calcite, fluorite, and manganese oxides at the Bishops Cap mine, Organ Mountains district (V. T. McLemore photo). Alteration, mineralization, and data from drilling indicateatthat least three porphyry copper-molybdenum systems probably occur in the Organ Mountains, but the potential an foreconomic porphyry depositis low al., 1988). The potential for copper breccia, skam, carbonate-hosted Pb-Zn (Schilling, 1965; Luddington et in the Organ Mountainsis moderate (Luddington replacement, epithedmesothermal vein, and fluorite deposits et al., 1988). Other metals occurinthe district, suchas bismuth (Dasch, 1965), tungsten (Dale and McKinney, 1959), tellurium, tin, and manganese. The Torpedo mine contains an estimated 600,000 short tonsof 4-5% Cu in reserves (SoulB, 1951). The Stephenson-Bennett mine containsan estimated 35,000 shorttons of ore grading2.9 odshort tonAg, 10.55% Pb, and 13% Zn(Jeske, 1987). The Ruby mine containsan estimated 230,000 short tons of 18%fluorspar (Jeske, 1987). Marble the limestone and rhyolite andquam Marble occnrs sporadicallyalong the inlmsive contact between monzonite porphyry northof Organ (Dunham, 1935; Seager, 1981). The marble is typically white and locally contains disseminationsof pyrite, garnet, and epidote. One of the largest depositsis at the W t o p mine wherethe 300 ft of white marble interbedded with unaltered limestone. The economic adit penetrates approximately potential of these marble deposits is probably low becauseof small size, distanceto potential markets,and location within the White SandsMissile Range. Potrillo Mountains district Location and Mining History The Potrill0 Mountains are southeast of Las Cruces and form a continuous ridge m7-8 i l e s long that rises above the Potrillo basalt field (Fig. 1). The district was discovered in 1883, but very little information exists on the early discoveryor prospecting of this isolated region.Dunham (1935) and unpublished reports indicatethat some gold, copper, silver,and possibly lead were produced from the area in the late 1800s and early 1900s, but actual production figures are unknown. Heylman (1986) reports that John Graham discovered a pocket of gold in a Cretaceous quartzitein the northern portionof the East Potrillo Mountains.It is unlikely that total production exceeded a few thousand dollars.Mines and prospects are listed in Table 24 and locatedin Figure 12. 56 10 31 "56 6' T2z TZ8E 31"5: 0 - Shaft # Jasperoids >Adit 7.8802hDnAg 0.45%. 0.84% cu 0.18%. 1.5mPb Assays T2g T29E 31 "4E I 3WI R2W I I I I RZW R ~ W Figure 12-Mines and prospects in the Potrillo Mountains, Do6aAna County, New Mexico. Chemicalanalyses by NMBMMR laboratory. In 1970, the EPM (East Potrillo Mountains)mining claims were filedon the northeastern portionof the range by J. Peter Rogowski and WilliamA. Bowers (Table 24; Jenkins, 1977). Subsequently, several companies including Phelps Dodge Corp., Anaconda Minerals, Cop., and Exxon Minerals, Inc. have examined the area, but no discoveries have been announced. Exxon drilled 10 holes to depths rangingfrom 25 to 465 ft and located several mineralized zones containing high silver values (Gese,1985). There is no current activityin the Potrillo Mountains whichare adjacent to the West Potrillo Mountains and Mt. Riley Wilderness Study Areas. - TABLE 24-Mines and ~prospects in the Potrillo Mountains. Doiia Ana Countv: located in Firmre 12. Location includes section, township,and range. F1-unpublished field notes,?. T. McLemore. MINE NAME LOCATION LATITUDE LONGITUDE COMMODITIES DEVELOPMENT (Sample Number) unknownPOT SW34 27s 31* 54' 50" 107" 2' IS" Ba, Pb, 2% Cu, F, appro%30 fl shaft, pia, 14, IS) 2w np shafts UnknOWn NE328S2W 10" 31O54' 107"1'40" Ba,Pb,Z%Cu,F, approx25Ainclined SeagerandMack(l994), shaft (W shaft) ~~~ ~ REFERENCES SeagerandMack 12/27/93 (199% FN Bowm(l960), Jenkins (1977), 1960 Jenkins 1977 21,22,23) UnknOWn NW3129S 31° 50' 5" 59' 106" 30" 31'50' 35" 106" 59' 25" 1w Marblequany SE25 28S2W A& pitsAu, Ba, Pb, zn probablya travertine FN 11/16/94 caved5Ofldecline Seager Mack and (199% trendingN6S0W, IS00 fl Bowen (1960), Gese (1985), dia quany Dunham(1935), FN 11/16/93 Geology The East Potrillo Mountains consist of approximately 4,400 ft of sedimentary and volcanic rocks ranging in age from Permian through Holocene powers, 1960; Jenkins, 1977; Seager and Mack,1994). Permian and Cretaceous Sedimentary rocks crop out in the East Potrillo Mountains which are surrounded by basaltic flows of Quaternary age. Mt. Riley and Mt. Cox, northwest of the range, consistof fine-grained microporphyritic andesite to rhyodaciteto rhyolite and are probably remnentsof a single viscous lava dome (Millican, 1971; Seager and Mack, 1994). An age determinationof the Mt. Riley rhyoliteis reported as 31.7+1.1 Ma (K-Ar, whole rock, the Love Ranch Formation (Eocene) and volcanic rocksthe of Marvin et al.,1988). Clastic rocks correlated with Rubio Peak Formation (Late Eocene-early Oligocene) cropalong out the flanks of Mt. Riley and Mt.Cox (Seager, 1989). A concealed plutonis indicated by a zone of high seismic velocityat a depth of 2,100 ft. The area is characterized by a large gravity anomaly which is also consistent witha pluton at depth. The mineral deposits occur in the Permian limestone and locally in Cretaceous sandstones exposedin the East Potrillo Mountains. Mineral Deposits in limestones of Permian age, eitherthe Hueco Rio GrandeRift barite-fluorite-galena deposits occur Limestone or the San Andres Formation (Table24; Jenkins, 1977; Seager and Mack,1994). Jasperiod is common in areas of mineralized limestonesand is found throughout sec.34, T27S, R7W and secs. 3,4, 9, 10, TBS, R2W 58 (Fig. 12). Jasperiod occurs as pods of varying sizes along faults, fractures, breccia zones, and bedding planes. The zones are brown to gray to yellow to redand consist of quartz,calcite, barite,iron and manganese oxides, and trace amounts of galena, pyrite, sphalerite, malachite,and cerusite. Locally jarosite is present (Jenkins, 1977). Textures are variable and include brecciation, jigsaw-puzzle, xenomorphic, reticulated, grandar, ribbon-rock (banded), and massive (Jenkins, 1977). Temperaturesof homogenization (corrected for pressure) range from 185O to 238" C (Jenkins, 1977). Geochemicalsampling ofjasperiods exposed at thesurface by various companies, Jenkins (1977), al. (1987), andthis study (Table 25), indicate zones of anomously high values of silver, Gese (1985), Jones et copper, lead, zinc, molybdenum, and other metals. The area is characterizedby anomouslyhigh concentrations of Zn and spotty As, Ba, Co, Mn, and Ti in stream-sediment samples. TABLE 25-Assays of samples collectedfrom the Potrillo Mountains, Dofia Ana County, located in Figure 12. No Au or Bas04 were detectedin any samples. Analyses by the NMBMMR Chemical Laboratory (Au, Ag ta. 20 Pot32 21 Pot33 22 Pot35 31"52' lo", 36000 3.54 107°00'10" 52' 31' lo", 0.00 63000 107°00'10" 319 52' IO", 107°00'10" 0.00 1500 24 26 <O.l - - 81 82 0.19 - 41 26 <0.1 0"~Op - outcrop - - outcrop - Travertine deposits A travertine is found in the southern endof the East Potrillo Mountains (sec. 24, T28S, RZW,Table 24, Fig. 12). It has been describedas a marble, butis probably a fissure-ridge type of travertine deposit that is fault controlled (Barker et al., 1996).The deposit is developed bya small qnany (approximately 300-400ft long and 100 f t wide) and ashort decline (15ft long). Productionis unknown, hut presumedsmall because of the small size of the quarry. A stockpile of travertine mixed with limestoneand calcareous soil remains at the site in 1993. to several centimeters wide). Most travedne occurs as The travertine is white withthin black bands (up small podsor blocks that are fractured and broken. The largest slabs are only a few feet wide. It is recrystallized limestone of the Hueco Formation (Permian; Hoffer, 1976; Seager and Mack, 1994) and occurs alongthe rangebounding fault (Robledo fault of Hoffer, 1976). The host limestone strikes N1O"W and dips25"W. The economic potentialof this occurrence is low under current economic conditions. The deposit is too be used locallyas a decorative small and too fractured to have anymajor potential as dimension stone, hut could stone or as road fill. Rincon district Location and MiningHistory The Rincon district, also known as the Hatch and Woolfer Canyon districts,lies in the southern Caballo Mountains in northern Doaa Ana County (Fig. 1) and was discoveredin theearly 1900s.This district includes a large area of scattered bariteand manganese depositsfrom north of the Doria Ana-SierraCounty line southward to Rincon (Fig. 13). Production fromthe Rincon district amounts to 10,250 short tons of barite and 1,529long tons and prospects are of 2740% Mn (Farnham, 1961; Dorr, 1965; Williams et al., 1964; Filsinger, 1988). Mines listed in Table 26. TABLE 26-Mines and prospects in theRincon district, Doiia Ana Countv. located in F i m e 13. Location 60 1c 10' 32"4: 13' Prospect Pit Shaft Gravel Pit j. Adit 7 Exact Location Unknown Selected Mining Claims District Boundary x Ya 0 I"" **""/// .' ' O 0 T18! T19! 32"4( Figure 13-Mines and prospects in the Rincondistrict, Dofia Ana County, New Mexico. Mountains k v l in - 7 Geology The Rincon district consists of Paleozoic rocksthat were deformedduring the Laramide compressional event (Seager and Hawley, 1973; Seager and Clemons, 1975). These rocks were then overlain by less deformed Teltiary-Quaternary sedimentaryand volcanic rocks. High-angle normal faults have offsetthe rocks andlocalized barite and manganese as veins and replacements in limestones and volcanic rocks. Local rhyolite dikes and sills have intruded thesedimentaq rocks. Mineral Deposits Rio Grande Rift barite-fluorite-galena deposits occur in the Fusselman Dolomite(Silurian), stratigraphically belowthe Percha Shale (Devonian). The Palm Park deposit is the largest (Fig. 14)and consists of calcite, barite,fluorite, and trace amountsof malachite, azurite, pyrite, galena, chalcopyrite, sphalerite, covellite, and quartz (Filsinger, 1988). Assays range from cO.02-0.11% Cu, 0.01-11.5% Pb, and 0-2.9orlshort ton Ag (Filsinger, 1988). Brecciation, banded ore, and veins are common textures. Jasperiodis common throughoutthe district. Manganese and iron oxides are locally pervasive. Fluid inclusion temperatures range from 163’ to 341T (barite, fluorite,quam) and have moderate salinities (4.8-17.0%eq. NaCI), indicating formation by mixing of saline connate-meteoric waters with heated hydrothermal fluids, possibly of a magmatic origin. The Horseshoe and Prickly Pear depositsare smaller, but similar tothe Palm Park deposit.A rhyolite sill intrudesthe Paleozoic sedimentary rocksnorth of the Horseshoe deposit wherejasperiod formed. In one locality, jasperiod contains rhyolite fragments (Filsinger, 1988). These relationships suggest that the barite deposits are probably younger than the rhyolite sill, which is probably mid-Tertiaryin age. Stratigraphic relationshipsat the Morgan mine suggesta Miocene age~forthe manganese deposit (Seager and Hawley, 1973),a similar ageis likely for the barite deposits. ~~ 1 I ~~ FIGURE 14”View looking to the northeast of the upperand lower Pa& Park mine, Rincon district, Doiia Ana Connty (V. T. McLemore photo). Drill data indicatesthat the Palm Park deposit contains 1.5 million short tons of ore grading 27% BaS04 as 50,000 short with a specifuc gravityof 3.07 (Filsinger, 1988). The Horseshoe deposit could contain as much tons of 5 4 0 % BaS04, but in thin deposits (less than 5 ft thick). The Prickly Pear deposit could contain as much as 200,000 short tonsof 5-25% BaS04, but also in thin deposits (lessthan 5 ft thick)(Filsinger, 1988). Thesebarite the demand for deposits are uneconomic at presentand would be mined onlyif petroleum exploration increases 62 barite in drilling muds. However, the high whiteness and brightness of the barite is suitable for certain paintsand fillers and could be produced if these specialized markets were developed nearby. Epithemal manganese deposits are common in the Rincon district. The Blackie (Verlarde,Sheriff)mine is the largest and consists of replacements, veins,and open-space fillings of manganese oxides, calcite, manganiferous calcite,iron oxides, quartz, and, locally, barite. Manganese oxides also form cement in breccias and sandstones. The depositsare hosted by dolomites, dolomitic limestones, and sandstones the of Bat Cave and Cable Canyon Formationsand Upham Dolomite (Ordovician). Assays of samples collected from this area arein Table 27. The area is characterized by elevated concentrations of Ba, Co, Mn, Ti, and local Cu, Pb, and Zn anomalies in stream-sediment samples. These depositsare low tonnage, low grade,and uneconomic. TABLE 27-Chemical analyses of samplesfrom selected minesand prospects in the Rincon district,D o h Ana County. No gold or silver were detected fire by assay. Analyses bythe NMBMMR Chemical Laboratory Travertine Travertine is common in the Rincon districtand surrounding area. Travertine occurs in the Palm Park Formation (Eocene)in the northern Rincon quadrangle (Fig. 13; Seager and Hawley, 1973). The travertine varies in color from white, pink, brown, and gray; is np to 6 ft thick and is banded (Barker et al., 1996). Many other deposits have not been mapped. The deposits are typically small and would meet only local needs as a decorative stone. San Andrecito-Hembrillo district Location and Mining History The San Andrecito-Hembrillo districtis in the San Andres Mountainsin northern DoiiaAna and southern and Hospital Canyons Sierra Counties (Fig.1) and includes the San Andrecito, Deadman, Lost Man, Hembrillo, and the adjacent slopes. Rio Grande Rift barite-fluorite-galena, Precambrian veinand replacement, and talc deposits are found in the district (Table 28; McLemore,1994b). Very little information exists onthe discovery, history, or production of these small deposits. Many mines could not be located in 1993-1994. The Green Crawford and Hembrillo Canyon prospects were worked in the late 1890s or early 1900s. Additional production occurred fromthe Green Crawford during 1920-1930 andfromthe Hembrillo Canyon prospectsin 1914,1915, and1918 the district probably amounts to less than (Anderson, 1957; NMBMMR file data). Total metal production from $10,000 worthof copper (<lO,OOO lbs), lead, and silver ( 4 0 0 02) ( D n n h a m ,1935; NMBMMRfile data). Total talc production from 1920 to 1945 was approximately 12,062 short tons (Fitzsimmons and Kelley, 1980; Chidester et al., 1964). The entire district is within the White Sands Missile Rangeand withdrawn from mineral entry. TABLE 28-Mines and prospects in the San Andrecito-Hembrillo district, Dofia Ana Connty. Location includes . . Chidester et al. Geology The oldest rocks exposed in the San Andrecito-Hembrillo districtare Proterozoic granite, quartz-feldsparmica schist, quartzite, amphibolite, phyllite, and talc schist. The rocks are metamorphosed and foliated with regional strikes of N30-45"W and steep westerly dips. Sedimentary rocks rangingin age from Paleozoic through Cenozoic crop outin the area (Seager, 1994). The total Cambrian to Cretaceous sectionis about 7,200ft (Kotflowski and LeMone, 1994).Rio Grande Rift deposits are found in the Lead Camp Limestone (Pennsylvanian) and along faults in the Bliss Sandstone (Cambrian). Veinand replacement deposits containing base and precious metals and talc deposits occurin the Proterozoic rocks. A Tertiary andesite dike intrudesthe sedimentary rocksat Victorio Peak and contains disseminated pyrite and chalcopyrite (F.E. Kottlowski, oral communication, June 15, 1995). Mineral deposits There are three typesof deposits foundin the San Andrecito-Hembrillo district:Rio Grande Rift, Precambrian vein and replacement and talc deposits (Table 28). The Proterozoic talc deposits the are most extensive, and reserves are still present. The Rio Grande Rift barite-fluorite-galena depositsare small, but all of the reported metal production has come from them. Minor vein andreplacement deposits occuralong faults and adjacent to amphibolite dikesin Proterozoic rocks southof Hembrillo Canyonin Hospital Canyon. Talc deposits occurin Proterozoic granite and metamorphic rocksin Hembrillo Canyonalong the SierraDoiia Ana County line (Chidester et al., 1964; Fitzsimmons and Kelley, 1980). The deposits are lense shapedand measure approximately 100ft long and 8-12 ft wide. A reserve of 6,500 short tonsis reported by Fitzsimmonsand Kelley (1980). Development consistsof adits and pits. The central portionof the talc lenses consists predominantlyof relatively pure talc. The outer part is 2-3 ft wide and consists of talc, carbonate minerals, and chlorite. The talc grades into banded quartz-chlorite phyllite and schist. Foliationis subparallel to foliation of the metamorphic rocks,indicating a Proterozoic age. Rio Grande Riftbarite-fluorite-galena deposits occurin the Lead Camp Limestone (Pennsylvanian)and Ordovician limestones. The most extensive developmentis at the Green Crawford mine(NW% sec. 31, T17S, ME).Prospects were also found in Hospital Canyon R4E) and Hembrillo Canyon prospects (SE% sec. 9, T16S, (SW% sec. 18, T16S, R4E). Additional prospect pits are reported to occur along veins in Lost Man Canyon 868), but these prospects could not be located during this (Dunham, 1935;The MiningWorld, April 23, 1910, p. study. The Green Crawford mineis in San Andrecito Canyonand development consists of two adits, several prospect pits,and shallow shaftson opposite sidesof the canyon (Fig. 15). Thenoah adit is approximately 130ft long with a 30ft winze and a raise. Prospect pits and a shaft also develop portions of the noah vein upslope from the adit. The south adit is less than 70 ft long witha 30 ft raise. Prospect pitsand trenches also expose portions of the south vein. two The deposit consistsof a silicitied zone, lessthan 3 ft wide and 100-300ft long, whicb occur along north-trending faultsthat cut sandstonesof the Bliss Formation (Cambrian) and limestones of the El Paso and Montoya Groups (Ordovician; Seager, 1994). The vein north of the canyon has a strike of N55"E and a dip of 80OE; whereas the vein southof the canyon hasa strike of N25"E and a dip of 87'E. Additional veins may be present in the area but are covered bytalus material. The veins are simple fissure-fillings whicb consist of covellite, chalcocite, chalcopyrite, cuprite, malachite, and azurite in a gangueof qnartz, calcite, iron oxides, and a traceof barite. Chalcanthite coats some walls along the adits. The host rocks have been silicified and replaced byiron oxides adjacentto the veins. A sample of ore reportedly assayed no gold, trace of silver, and 27.93% Cu (Dunham, 1935). Assays of samples (Fig. 15) collectedfor this report are in Table 29. TABLE 29-Chemical analyses of samples fromthe Green Crawford, Hospital Canyon,and Hembrillo Canyon mines. Location of samples from Green Crawford mines in Figure 15. Analyses by the NMBMMR Chemical Laboratory (Cu, Mn by FAAS after aqua regia digestion; Hg by cold vapor AA) and * by Simplified Geologic Sketch Map Of Sec. 31, T.l7S., R.4E. F - dump sample Portal at end of trench 178,000ppmCu -.\\I' :;I _" . North Adit t 30 ft raise 'Fault Plan of South Adit Bliss Formation Om Montoya Group I Figure 15-Simplified geologic sketch and plan map of the Green Crawford mines, Doria Ana County, New Mexico. Brunton and pace survey (10/11/93). Geology simplified from Seager (1994). Chemical assays in Table 29. The Hembrillo Canyon prospectsin Hembrillo Canyon consistof two shafts, 12 and 75-100ft deep, and two shallow prospect pits. The deposits may bepart of the Lot OM-69prospect described by Williams et (1964); al. however, Williams et al.(1964)places the Lot OM49 prospect in sec. 10,T16S, R3E instead of sec. 9.A reconnaissanceof section 10 failed to locate any additional veins or prospects. The Hembrillo Canyon prospects consist of thin veins and small replacement bodies in limestones within a faulted block of Lead Camp Limestone (Pennsylvanian; Seager,1994). The deposit is less than 300 ft long and consistsof galena, barite, quartz, calcite, iron oxides, and possibly tracesof wulfenite. A sampleof the Lot OM-69 prospect reportedly contained 77.8% BaS04, 14.8% SiOn and 0.3% CaC03 (Williams et al.,1964). Samples collected forthis report are in Table 29. The barite-fluorite-galena depositsin theSan Andrecito-Hembrillo district are classified as Rio Grande Rift (formerly sedimentary-hydrothermal) deposits North by and McLemore(1986). Certainly, the deposits in limestone in Hembrillo Canyonare characteristic of Rio Grande Rift deposits. However,the veins at the Green Crawford mine have texturessimilar to epithennal veins, butthere is no indicationof any igneousintrnsive activity. A basaltic to andesitic dike does intrude the Paleozoic sedimentsnorth of the Green Crawford mine, but there is no indicationof any relationship between the two. Therefore,the veins atthe Green Crawfordare classified as avariation of Rio GrandeRift deposits until M e r study. Prospect pits and a 15 ft shaft occursin SW% sec.18,T16S, R4E in Hospital Canyon(V. T. McLemore, unpublished field notes, February19, 1994) along quartz-calcite veinsthat cut Proterozoic amphibolite. Alteration consists of hematite and local sericite. Trace amounts of malachite are present onthe dump. Additional veinsof copper and barite are reported to occnrin the San Andrecito-Hembrillo district, but could notbe located during this study. The Kendrick copper prospectis repoaed to occnr on the east slopeof the mountains betweenSan Andrecito and Deadman Canyons(Dunham, 1935). An adit was reportedly driven along a copper vein in Hospital Canyon (The Mining World, April 23, 1910, p. 868). San AndresCanyon district Location and Mining History The San Andres Canyon districtis in San Andres Canyonin the San Andres Mountains(Fig. 1) and R4E),a Rio GrandeRift barite-fluorite-galena deposit. consists of the San Andres lead deposit (SEXsec. 18, TlSS, in 1900.Development consistsof a 100 ft open cut,550 ft adit with a The deposit was discovered and developed 130 ft drift and a winze, and several shallow pits and shafts punham, 1935;Smith, 1981), but all are caved and inaccessible in 1993. A mill and smelter were erected in 1900 to 1904 and consistedof a crusher, screens, rolls, and 15jigs. Capacity was expected be to 100 tpd. However,the mill and smelter werebnilt before any reserves were delineatedand the entire operation failedwith <10,000 lbs eachof lead and copper production (Table 2; Dunham, 1935). Only the foundations are left. Geology Sedimentary rocksranging in age from Paleozoic through Cenozoic crop out in the area. The total Cambrian to Cretaceous section is about 7,200ft (Kottlowski and LeMone,1994). Rio Grande Rift deposits are found in theFusselman Formation (Silurian). North-trending normal faults cut the sedimentary rocksin places (Bachman and Myers,1969). Mineral Deposits The deposit is a small,irregular replacement bodyin the dolomite of the Fusselman Formation adjacent to a north-trendingfanlt that strikes N15"W and dips steeplyto the west (Dunham, 1935;Bachman and Myers, 1963, 1969;Smith, 1981). The deposit is about 200 ft long and up to 20 ft wide (Dunham,1935) and consists of barite, quartz, minor galena, calcite, fluorite,iron oxides, and clay. Samples collected for this report assayedas high as 2.2 ppm Ag, 170 ppm Cu, 24,000ppmPb, and 31 ppm Zn (SAOlOR-SA012R,USGS laboratories). The deposit is characteristic of Rio GrandeRift deposits elsewherein New Mexico (North and McLemore, 1986;McLemore and Barker, 1985). Tonuco Mountain district Location and mining history is located on the east Tonuco Mountain mining district, alsoknown as theSan Diego Mountain district, side of the Rio Grande, southeastof Rincon and consists of twosmall en echelon uplifts; Tonuco and West Selden Hills (Fig. 1; Seager etal., 1971). Rio GrandeRiftfluorite-barite-galenaveins inProterozoic rocks were discovered in 1900 (Table 26) and from 1919 to 1935,200tons of barite and 7,720tons of fluorite were produced (Table 4;Rothrock et al., 1946;Clippinger, 1949;Williams etal., 1964;McAnulty, 1978). A fluorite mill was erected at theTonuco minein 1922 (L,adoo, 1923). 61 TABLE 30-Mines and prospects in the Tonoco mining district, Doiia Ana County. Location includes section, township, and range. FP-unpublished field notes, V.T. McLemore. NM8"Rfiles-unuublished file data in the New Mexico Bureauof Mines and Mineral Resource archives. Geology Proterozoic granite and sedimentary rocksof the Bliss Sandstone andEl Paso Groupare exposed in the Tonuco block. Morethan 8,000 ft of Tertiary volcanicand sedimentary rocks overliesthe Proterozoic and Paleozoic rocks (Seager et al., 1971). High-angle normal faults have uplifted the block. Mineral Deposits The fluorite-barite veins are typically small (lessthan one foot wide), discontinous, and trend north to northwest. The veins occuralong faults and fracturesin Proterozoic rocks andas open-space fillings in the silicified Hayner Ranch Formation (Miocene). The Beal vein is several hundred feet long, less than 2 ft wide, strikes N25"W,and dips 70"SW. Samples fromtheBeal claims assayed 21.4-38.7% CaFzand 28.1-49.2%BaS04 (NMB"R files). Most of the fluorite has been mined out. The Tonuco vein is 1,000 ft long, lessthan 10 ft wide, strikes N7OoW, and dips 60"SW. A sample assayed 35.7% CaFz and 47.2%BaS04 (NMBMMR files). Both veins that the consist of barite, quartz, calcite, iron and manganese oxides, and fluorite. Stratigraphic relations indicate A barren, Miocene sandstone overlies the vein in the northern veins are probably Miocene (Seager et al., 1971). part of San Diego Mountain. The manganese depositsare small and discontinous. Manganeseand iron oxides and calcite are common to most deposits. The Garcia deposit occurs in fractures trendingN6OoW in sandstone. It is 60 ft long, 3-5ft of 5-10% Mn. The Iron Mask consistsof at least three bodies ranging in wide, and consists of a few hundred tons size from4-10 ft wide and 20-60ft long. Travertine Radioactive travertine occursalong the northwest baseof SanDiego Mountain (Boyd and Wolf, 1953; Seager et al., 1971; Seager, 1975) and was formed by springs during the Pleistocene (Barker et al., 1996). Travertine was quarriedin the Buckle Bar areaof Selden Hills (SE20, SW21, T20S, RlW). Most of it is white in color. Most of these depositsare small and theywould meet only local needsfor decorative stone. Tortugas Mountain district Location and Mining History Tortngas Mountain,also known as "A" Mountain, is located eastof Las Crucesin sec. 23,24, T 23S, R2E (Fig. 1) and the district was discoveredin 1900. Rio Grande Rift deposits ofbarite, fluorite, and manganse occur along the faults in Permian limestonesand dolomites (Dunham, 1935; McAnnlty, 1978; Macer, 1978; Kingand Kelley, 1980). From 1919-1943,20,751 short tonsof fluorite and 100 short tonsof barite were produced (Williams etal. 1964; McAnulty, 1978). Numerous adits, shaftsand pits developedthe veins for a stikelength of 68 1,200 ft and a depthof 286 ft (Dunham, 1935); the New Mexico Abandoned Mine Lands Bureau reclaimed the area in 1990 and the deposits are now inaccesible. Atleast eight drill holes have been drilled south and east of Tortugas Mountain for geothermal resources (Gross and Iceman, 1983). Geology Tortugas Mountain is a west-tilting horst block that consists of silicified and dolomitized Permian limestones and shales and Tertiary to Recent unconsolidated sedimentary rocks (King and Kelley, 1980). Normal faults trending north or N30"W have cutand offset the Permian rocks; many of these faults are mineralized and silicified (Kingand Kelley, 1980). It is estimated that approximately2,000 ft of limestone underlies Tortugas Mountain (Gross andIceman, 1983). Mineral Deposits Numerous faults and fracture zonesin theTodugas Mountains are mineralized by fluorite-calcite veins. The largest fluorite-calcite vein, up to 10 ft thick, occurs alongthe Tortugas fault and has been minedto 530 ft (Rothrock et al., 1946; King and Kelley, 1980). Ore averaged77.4% CaF2, 15.68% CaC03 ,and 6.51% Si02 (Ladoo, 1927). Fluid inclusion analyses indicate formation temperatures of 180' to 1 9 1 T and low salinitiesof less than 2% eq. NaCl (Macer,1978; North and Tuff, 1986), and were probably formed by meteroric hydrothermal fluids. It is unlikely that ore remaining in the pillars underground at theTortngas mine wouldbe sufficient 1980, tonnage to be produced under current ecoqomic conditions (G.B. Griswold, unpublished report, December of Co, La, on file at NMBMMR archives). Tortugas Mountainis characterizedby anomous local concentrations Mn, Mo, Pb, Th,and U in stream-sediment samples. Travertine A smalltravertine deposit occurs on the northern part of the mountain (sec. 23,24, TZE, R23S). The deposit is white to gray and probably only Suitable for local use. 69 GEOLOGY AND MINERAL OCCURRENCES OF THE MINING DISTRICTS OF LUNA COUNTY by Virginia T.McLemore and David M. Sutphin Introduction Luna County was establishedin 1901from the western portionof Doiia Ana County and was named after a prominent politicalfigure of the times, Don Salomon Luna. Deming is the largest city andthe county seat. The southern boundaryis with Chihuahua, Mexico, and Columbus, New Mexicois an international port of entry. Three state parksare found in the county: Rockhound (Little Florida Mountains), Pancho Villa (at Columbus), and City of Rocks (north of Deming). Spanish explorers undoubtedly traveled through Luna County in the early 1700s. However,the first reported exploration did not occur until the 1870swith the discovery ofthe Cooke’s Peak,Florida Mountains, and Victorio districts (Table 1). Total metal production from Luna Connty amonnts to morethan $6.5 million worthof copper, gold, silver, lead,and zinc since 1902 (Table3 1). Two of the state’s largest leadand zinc producing districts are inLuna County;the Cooke’s Peak districtranks 5th in lead production and 9th in zinc production and the Victorio districtranks 7th in lead production (McLemore and Lueth, 1995; in press). Currently, agate, manganese, clay, and sandand gravel are being produced from Luna County (Hatton et al., 1994). Luna County, New Mexico(U. S. Geological Survey, TABLE 3 1-Reported metal production from .~1902-1927 and U. S. Bureau of Mines, 1927-1990; Griswold, 1961).-none reported. YEAR I ORE (SHORTTONS) I COPPER(LBS) I GOLD (OZ) 1 SILVER(0Z) I LEAD (LBS) I ZINC (LBS) I TOTALVALUE($) ~~ 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 28 79 54 76 1,037 3,645 - - 143 200 1 6 4 94 397 380 745 3,722 13,676 250 3,000 6,000 70 20,000 49,100 1,245 7,400 16,700 74,400 256,700 - - 796 2,670 786 1,515 10.908 35,146 1 Camel Mountain-EagleNest Area Location and mining history of The Camel Mountain-Eagle Nest area is located alongthe Doiia Ana-Luna County boundary, west the Potrillo Mountainsin southeastern Luna County (Fig.1, 16). No productionis reported fromthe area; only a few shafts (Table 32) have exposedthe small, discontinous volcanic-epithermal veins and shallow prospect pits and carbonate-hosted Ag-Mn replacement deposits. TABLE 32-Prospects in the Camel Mountain-Eagle Nest area, Luna County, New Mexico (Griswold, 1961; Gese, 1985; V. T. McLemore, unpublished field notes,5/15/93,4/28/95, 5/29/95). Prospects are shownin Figure 16. Location includes section, township,and range. MINE NAME EagleNed LOCATION NW3527S5W CamelMountain NE13 29s 5W Prospen Hill NE9 29s 5W LATITLDE, LONGITUDE 31"55'5", 107' 19'30" 31O47' 15", 107' 17'45" 31° 47' 45", 107' 20' 40" A&Pb,Zn,Ba ROCK TYPE DEVELOPMENT COMMODITIES TYPE OF DEPOSIT 40ftsM volcanio-epithermel rhyolite Au, Ag? 10 fl shaft, 2 pits rhyolite, limestone volcanic-epithermal Zn,Ba,Ag? pits (<IO fl deep) diorite, limestone xenolith carbombhosted AgMnreplacement 71 11 24' 31' E i' T21 T28 8 31"5 T26 T29 31"4 Rf hEW MEXICO MEXICO 1 R5W CHIHUAHUA I R5W R4W Figure 16-Mines and prospects in the Camel Mountain-Eagle Nest district,Luna County, New Mexico. Geology The area consists of several small, isolatedhills ofpoorly exposed igneous rocksthat have intruded Paleozoic and Mesozoic limestone, such as at Prospect Hill.Tertiaryvolcanic and sedimentary rocks form other hills, such as at Camel Mountain (Fig, 17). Two of the more prominent hillsare the Eagle Nest (Fig. 18) and Granite W s , where granite of suspected Proterozoic age is overlainhy Cretaceous-Tertiarysedimentav rocks. Permian sedimentary rocksare exposed at Eagle NestHill. Seismic surveys indicatethe presence of elevated velocity rockswithin 900-1,200 ft of the surface, which could represent carbonate rocks. P o r p h ~ t i candesite to diorite has intruded the Proteozoic(?) granite and Cretaceous-Tertiary sedimentary rocks (Broderick, 1984; Seager hills and Mack, 1990;V. T. McLemore, unpublished field notes, May 29, 1995). Normal faults have uplifted these during Basin and Range extension (Seager, 1989). The hills are surroundedby blow sand and other Recent alluvial deposits which may conceal additional, more economically promising, volcanic-epithermal vein and carbonate-hosted replacement deposits. ~ ~~ ~~~ FIGURE 17-Camel Mountain, looking north A prospect pit is on the top of the east ridgewhich is formed by a rhyolite dike(V. T. McLemore photo). 73 FIGURE 18-Eagle Nest Hill, looking north A prospectpit is near the western crest(V. T. McLemore photo) Mineral deposits The Camel Mountain prospects consist of volcanic-epithermal veinsfilling fault andfracture zones near a rhyolite dike strikiog N70°E (Fig. 17). The veins consist of iron and manganese oxides, calcite, fluorite, and quartz. Two samples assayed0.028 odshort ton Au, no Ag, 7.2-9.6ppm Cu, 33-32 ppm Pb, 350-87 ppm Zn, and <0.20-0.06 ppm Hg (#2485, NMBMMR chemical laboratov). Gese (1985) reports an assay of 0.2 odshort ton Ag, 39 ppmPb, 76 ppm Zn, and 2.1%Mn. The ProspectW prospects consistof small, discontinous carbonate-hosted replacement bodies of quartz, calcite, barite, gehlenite, and clinohumite (Griswold,1961). No metallic sulfides have been found. Gehleniteand clinohumite are rare silicate mineralsvalued as m i n e d specimens (Griswold,1961). Gese (1985) reports a sample assayed55 ppm Zn. A sample collected for this report assayed78 ppm Cu, 110 ppm Pb, 67 ppm Zn and <O.lXppmHg. The Eagle Nest area (Fig.16) is perhaps the most economicallyinteresting area in the district. A volcanic-epithennalvein of quartz, calcite, siderite,iron oxides, pyrite, barite,fluorite, sphalerite, and galena occur along a mafc dike in a fault trending N50"E (Fig. 19; V. T. McLemore, unpublished field notes, May 29, 1995; Broderick, 1984; Gese, 1985). Chloritic and sericitic alteration, locally pervasive, sect adjacent conglomeratic rocks. Gese (1985) reports a dump sample assayed5.7 odshort ton Ag, 4.5% Pb, and 1.6%Zn. 74 FIGURE 19-Vein containing calcite, quartz, siderite, galena, and pyrite striking east-west at Eagle Nest Hill (V. T. McLemore photo). The mineral resource potentialof this area is speculative at best. No production is reported. Geochemical and low; anomalous concentrationsof As, Co, Cr, K, Mn, anomalies in the stream-sediment samples are scattered and Ti occur locally. However,the presence of volcanic and intrusive rocks provides a source of metals and heat for minerd deposits. The lack of exposure of outcrops in the area presents challenges for exploration. Carrizalillo district Location and Mining History The Canizalillo district includesa broad regionin southwestern Luna County that consists of the Canizalillo HiUs, Cedar Mountains, andKlondike HiUs (Fig. 20,Zl). The district alsois known as the Cedar Hills and Stonewall districts. The mineral occurrencesare scattered throughoutall three ranges and consistof volcanic-epithermaland Rio Grande Rift deposits (Table33). The districtwas first prospected in the late 1800s; hut verylittle is known concerning the mininghistory and developement. Numerous pits, shaits, and a few adits occur in the area, but noneare very extensive.Ruins of a smelter occur nearHemanas (22, T28S, R11W). Only a small areais disturbed with verylittle slag, suggestingthat production was probablys m a l l (Gates, 1985). Copper, than 1,000 oz Ag, gold, silver, and lead productionin the late 1800s, 1947-1948, and 1956 has been minor; less less than 100 oz Au, and less than 1,000 pounds eachof copper and lead have been produced from 1946 to 1956. (in 1985), Westmont Recent explorationby various companies, including Canyon Resources, Dome Exploration (in 1989) and FMC Corp. has failed to discover any mineral deposits. The Cedar Mountains Wilderness Study Area occursin the center of the Cedar Mountains. 75 TABLE 33-Mines and prospectsin the Carrizalill' mining district, Luna County, New Mexico, locatedin Figure hip, and range. 30MMODITIES I DEVELOPMENT I I Mountain (Larsch and hmont) UnknOwn(Iq JOhnrO" II II I SE1629SllW I 31'47'4'' INE3328SllW 131'49'46'' S22 28s 11W NW33 28s Hemanas Y II I I TYPE OF I REFERENCES 107'57'46'' 107'57'52'' 31° 51' 1" 107O 57' 31'50'5" 107°58'21" 7" NW28 28s 31'50'48'' 107O58'3" cc,z,AA Hemanas 16.17283 11W 31'52'45'' 107°58'40" Thunder-E 31°52'35" 107°58'41" BakerEggNo. 1 17288 11W unknown unknown Lucky unknown Klondike Hills I SE1628S 12W ISW227S13W 22,2326s 3W 108"4'6" 108°7'59'r 108' 8' 15" I 31'58'58" I 108°8'41" 108'' 8' 54" 32O 1' 47" NE27 26s 13W Unknown I UnknOWn 31'52'15'' 31'58'49" 31' 59' 11" ISE227S 13W 2 27s 13W (NW2726S3W 32' 1'10" 108"9'28" I I I 32'1'12" I 108O9'49" 76 cu 60 fl shaft Rio G r a n d e m cu pit Rio Grande RifI Rupert(1986) -~ Rupert(1986), Thomanand Drew= (1981) (1986) Rupmt I ----- Figure 20”ines District Boundary and prospects in the Carrizalillo mining district, Luna County, New Mexico. )7''55' -fAdit 130) o.wv0.2 Shaft Depth Assays lozlton Au / ozlton Aa) " =- 5 5 Mountains Entire map area is contained within the Carrizalillo mining district. I I 0.411.40.01106~ 28 27 36 12 I 13 Figure 21-Mines and prospects in the Carrizalillo Hills, southern Carrizalillo mining district, Luna County, New Mexico (chemical analyses from Gates, 1985). Geology The Canizalillo Hills and Cedar Mountains consist predominantly of Tertiary calc-alkaline basaltic and andesitic flows, rhyolitic ash-flow tuffs, and volcanic breccias,tuffs, and andesite flows (Griswold,1961; Bromfield and Wruke, 1961; Varnell, 1976; ThormanandDrewes, 1981; Gates, 1985; Seager and Clemons, 1988). Calc-alkaline, peraluminous rhyolite dikesand domes have intrudedthe volcanics. The ash-flow tuffs are outflow sheets from distal calderas.In the southern Cedar Mountains and Klondike Hills, Cambrian-Ordovician throngh Cretaceous sandstones, shales,and limestones are exposed (Griswold, 1961; Varnell, 1976). The Cedar Mountains form a homocline that is offsetby normal faults.Faulting is predominantly northwest, exceptin the vicinity of the rhyolite domes. In the Klondike Hills, Proterozoicgranite dated as 1390 Ma @-SI) is overlain by 1986; Rupert and Clemons, 1990). Cambrian through Cretaceous sedimentary rocks (Rupert, Mineral deposits Small, discontinuous volcanic-epithennalvein and Rio Grande Rift deposits occur scattered throughout the area (Fig. 20,21). Volcanic-epithennal quartz veins and stringers with local galena, chalcopyrite, and sphalerite fill faults and occnr along the contacts of rhyolite and andesite dikesin the Canizalillo Hills. The largest depositis the Calumet mine which accounts for most of the production (Table33); the veins occnr along a rhyolite dike intnding andesiteand contain malachite, limonite, quartz, manganese oxides, and calcite (Griswold, 1961; Gates, 1985). The vein strikes N20”W and dips 6OoW and is less than 3 ft wide. Minor production also occurred fromthe Hermanas minein 1946. Additional calcite veins occur in the area nearthe Johnson Ranch (Table 33). Assays ofveins range as high as 0.18 odshort ton Au, 16.88 odshort ton Ag, and 35,200 ppm Cn (Gates, 1985). Quartz veins and breccia zonesare up to 20 ft wide. Manganese oxides, quartz, calcite, chrysocolla, malachite,and azurite are common. In the Cedar Mountains,the Lucky mine consistsof carbonate-hosted Pb-Zn replacement and vein deposits along a north-east-trending fault in Paleozoic limestone (Griswold,1961). Steeply dipping vein and replacement deposits contain galena, quartz, calcite, and malachite. Jasperiods are common. In the Klondike Hills, localized zones in carbonate rocks belonging the to Hachita Formation (Mississippian) and Hitt Canyon Member ofthe El Paso Formation (Ordovician) are replaced by silica, copper, and lead minerals forming jasperiods, and are especially common along faults (Rupert, 1986). Silicification andargillic alteration is widespread in the limestones, andesites,and rhyolites in the Canizalillo district (Griswold, 1961; Vamell, 1976; Gates, 1985; Seager and Clemons,1988), and may be responsible for a large, regional gravity low. Jasperiods occur as fillings void and replacement depositsin the Paleozoic limestones and locally contain trace amounts of pyrite, galena, barite, and malachite. Argillic alteration is characterized by chlorite, calcite, clays, quartz, and, locally, epidote. Silicificationand potassic metasomatism also are associated with quartz-calcite veins, many of which carry goldand silver. Potassic alterationis characterized by K-feldspar, clays, sericite, chlorite, q m , calcite, andiron oxides (Seagerand Clemons, 1988). Argillic alteration increases in intensity towards many of the veins. Reports of a molybdenum discoveryin the area (Leonard,1982) could not be confirmed, butthe geology, alteration, and geochemistry suggests such a possiblity. Geochemical anomalies in the stream-sediment samples are scatteredand low. Anomalous concentrations of As, Ba, Cd, Co, Cr, La,Mn, Sb, Th, and Y occur in streamsediments from throughout the area. Cooke’s Peak district Location and MiningHistory The Cooke’s Peak district, also known as the Jose district, is the most productive districtin Luna County and is located in the Cooke’s Range in northern Luna County (Fig.1). Cooke’s Peak was named after Captian Philip St. George Cooke, leader of the Morman Battalionthat passed throughthe area in 1846-1847. The district is adjacent to and extendsinto the Cooke’s Range Wilderness Study Area.The eastern groupof deposits are known as the Cooke’s subdistrict andthe prospects on the western sideare known as the Jose subdistrict. The district was discoveredin 1876 and by 1900, approximately $3 million worthof ore was produced from carbonatehosted Pb-Zn replacement and polymetallic vein deposits. Estimated total production from 1876 to 1965 is $4 million worthof lead, zinc, copper, silver, and gold, including >50 million Ibs Pb and 7 lbs Zn (Table 34). The average grade produced from1902 to 1947 was 15.3% Pb, 11.5% Zn, and 2.51 odshort ton Ag (Griswold,1961). In addition, 452 short tons of fluorite and 450 long tonsof 33-46% Mn have been produced from carbonate-hosted deposits (Tables4,8; Rothrock et al., 1946; Elston, 1957; Famham, 1961). Newmont ExplorationLtd. examined the district in the late 1980s and drilled several holes; the results of their exploration programare unknown. TABLE 34-Reported metal production from the Cooke’s Peak district, Luna County (from U.S. Geological Geology Paleozoic through Cretaceous sedimentary rocks unconformably overlie Proterozoic granite in the district (Jicha; 1954); the mineral depositsare predominantly in the Fusselman Dolomite (Silurian), beneath the Percha Shale (Devonian). The sedimentary rocksin the district form a plunging anticline. Cooke’s Peak consistsof has been datedas 38.8*1.4 Ma (biotite, K-Ar; Lo.nng and Loring, 1980); intrusive granodiorite porphyry which dikes radiate outwards from the center. Fracturesin the Cooke’s Peak district parallel some of these dikes, 80 Mineral Deposits The major depositsof the Cooke's Peak districtare carbonate-hosted Pb-Zn replacements and veins (Table 35) and occur along northeast-trending fractures in the Fusselman Dolomite (Silurian) beneath jasperiod bodies and/or the Percha Shale. Locally, the shale is iron-stained and silicified. The jasperiods contain fluorite, calcite, quam, and locally pyrite and cerussite.The ore bodiesrange in shape from irregular, tabularto kidney-shaped (mantos) to pipe-like (chimneys); most bodies are small and less than 100 ft long, 50 ft wide, and as muchas 20 ft thick (Jicha, 1954). They are controlled by faults, fractures, and, locally, anticlinal folds. Veins along faults are common in the western portion of the district and locally wideninto tabular replacement bodies (Elston, 1957). Individual mines rarely produced morethan 2,000 short tons of ore (Table36). The primary oreminerals are galena and sphalerite in a gangueof pyrite, fluorite,and ankerite (Jicha, 1954). Oxide minerals include cerussite, smithsonite, and anglesite. Plumbojarosite was discovered in the district in 1905 (Clarke et al., 1905). Lead typically exceeds zinc and copper in abundance in most minesin the district. However, oreat the Summit mine averaged 16%Pb, 23% Zn,and 1.7odshort ton Ag ( N b B m f i l e data). The upper levels were oxidizedand have been completely mined out. Silicification, known as jasperiods, is prevalent in the district and snrrounds most ore bodies; brecciation and recementation are common. Small pocketsof ore, typically as polymetallic veins, occur in thegranodiorite porphyry and in the Sarten Sandstone (Cretaceous). They contain quartz, pyrite, calcite, chalcopyrite, galena, and sphalerite. Theseveins in size (Jicha, 1954). were generallyhigher grade than thecarbonate-hosted deposits, but much smaller Disseminations of sulfides, typically pyrite and chalcopyrite, are locally presentin the granodiorite. Fluorite and manganeseare common in the district. The Lookout and Section 27 mines were produced for fluorite (Tahle 35). The Ruth wasthe most productive manganese mine. Placer manganese deposits in the southern part of the district were workedin 1959by Q.M. Drunzer (Griswold, 1961). Most explorationin the district concentratedon extending knownore bodies. Much of the Fusselman the Percha Shale and in thevicinity of Dolomite west of the district may have potential, especially beneath jasperiods (Jicha, 1954);drilling is required to assessthe potential. Local Ba,Be, Cr, and Mn anomalies occurin stream-sediment samplesfrom the area. TABLE 35"Mines and prospectsfrom the Cooke's Peak mining district, Luna County, New Mexico. Only mines 81 TABLE 36-Metal production from individual mines in the Cooke's Peak district,LUMCounty, New Mexico (Jicba, 1954;NMBMMRfile data). Jicha (1954) listed some mines under their dais name; those mines are included underthe accepted name usedin Table 35. Location includes section, township and range. 7 82 Florida Mountains district Location and Mining History The Florida Mountains district, discovered in 1876, is located eastof Deming (Fig. 1) and includes only the main Florida Mountains, south of Florida Gap. The district is adjacent to the Florida Mountains Wilderness Study Area. From 1880to 1956,5,000 lbs Cu,4 0 oz Au, 8,000 oz Ag, and >30,000 lbsPb worth approximately $102,000 were produced from carbonate-hosted Pb-Zn replacement and polymetallic vein deposits in thedistrict (Table 37). The Mahoney and Silver Cave mines are the largest metal producers.In addition, 200 short tonsof flnorite and 1,421long tons of 22-30%Mn have been producedfrom epithermal veinsin the area (Tables 4,s; Rothrock et al., 1946; Farnham, 1961). Manganese was mined from veins onthe southeast slopesduring the Government purchasing programin the1950s. U.S. Geological Swey, TABLE 37-Reported metal productionfrom the Florida Mountains, Luna County (from 1902-1927; U.S. Bureau ofMines, 1927-1990; Griswold, 1961).-none reported. YEAR 1934 TOTAL LEAD ORE(SH0RT SILVER GOLDCOPPER (LBS) TONS) 200 I 38 I I (02) - (02) 170 I (LBS) 15,000 I VALUE ($) 681 Geology The Florida Mountains form the northern portion of the Laramide thrust belt as defined by Drewes (1991b) andare along the Texas lineament. Rocksin thearea consist of Paleozoic throngh lower Tertiary sedimentary rocks overlying Proterozoic and Cambrian granite and syenite plutons (Clemons and Brown, 1983; Clemons, 1984). Tertiary rhyolite, diorite,and andesite intrudesthe older lithologies; a rhyolite west of Florida Peak was datedas 29.1+1.3 Ma (feldspar, K-Ar; Clemonsand Brown, 1983). Laramide tilting,thrusting and uplift, followed by Tertiary basin and range uplift have deformed the rocks. The district coincideswith gravity and magnetic highs. Mineral Deposits Carbonate-hosted Pb-Zn replacement deposits occur throughout the district (Table 38). The carbonatehosted depositsare typically in Fusselman Dolomiteand follow fracture and/or fault zones. The deposits occuras fissure veins or manto-replacement bodiesthat contain smithsonite, cerussite, malachite, azurite, barite, quartz, calcite, and local galenaand sphalerite (Griswold, 1961). Lead typically exceeds zinc and copper in abundance. The deposits are typically small, lessthan 5 ft wide and several hundred feet long. Polymetallic veins also occur along fractures and fanlts within Proterozoic granite, Cambrian syenite, and Tertiary agglomerate (Table 38). The Park mine occurs along fault a separatingProterozoic granite and Paleozoic sedimentary rocks. Productionfrom these veinshas been small, but locally, they are higher in grade than the carbonate-hosted Pb-Zn replacement deposits.The veins are typically lessthan 5 ft wide, several hundred feet long, ofvariable dips, and contain qnartz, pyrite, calcite, iron and manganese oxides, chalcopy&e, and local galena, sphalerite, fluorite, and barite. Fluorite occurs as veins, void filllings, and replacements of limestones (Table 38). Breccias and jasperiods are common. Mostof the fluorite veinsand fissures occuralong fanlts and fractures. Fluoriteand quartz data of fluorite are the predominant minerals in a gangueof calcite, clay,and rare barite and pyrite. Fluid inclusion from the Florida Mountains indicates,formation from low temperature (146-194' and C) low salinity (6.2-8.4 eq. wt.% NaC1) fluids, suggesting a meteoric origin (North and Tuff, 1986). The Waddell Atir mine wasfirst prospected in 1910 (Williams etal., 1964), butthere is no reported production. In 1980, Barite Corporation of America drove a 77547 long adit to intersect the vein, but did notfind enough ore to produce. The vein strikes N6OoE and dips55"SE and consists ofbarite, fluorite, galena, calcite,and quartz. It is 5-12 ft wide and 200fi long and occurs in Cambrian syenite. A sample assayed 41% BaS04, 19.7% CaF2, and 1.8%Pb (Williams etal., 1964). Epithermal and carbonate-hosted manganese deposits occur throughout the Florida Monntains. The veins and replacementsare typically small; veinsare generally lessthan 3 ft wide andthe largest replacement depositsat the Birchfield mine are only 8 ft wide. The deposits follow bedding planes which strike northeast. Locally, the deposits form cross cutting pipe-like bodies, i.e. chimneys. The potential for additional barite-fluorite and manganese depositsin the Florida Mountainsis probably good, but not likely to be produced in the near future because of poor market conditions. Additional carbonatehosted Pb-Zn and vein deposits are likely to be found along strike of most deposits.Areas of alluvial cover should also be examined. Anomolous As, Ba, Be, Cd, Cr, Cu, La,Mn, Nb, Pb, Sn, Th,Y, and Zn occur in streamsediment samples from the area. TABLE 38-Mines and prospects in the Florida Mountains, LunaCounty,New Mexico. Location includes section, township, and range. MWE LOCATION LATITUDE, COMMODITIES NAME LONGITUDE Anniveaarv I SW126S I 32O04'23". I 51;' 36'107'8W Bigpocket SE13 26.9 32°2'30", 8W 7" 107'36' Birchfield SE31,SW32 32'05'11", 107O35'34" Mn(San. 25s7w Tex, Birchfield YEARS OF DEVELOPMENT PRODUCTION TYPE OF REFERENCES PRODUCTION DEPOSIT 1970 pits 200 shorttons barite-fluorite McAnaulty 60%fluarite veins (1978) ? pits 8 short tons epithmal epithmal NMBMMRfile NMBMMRfile 25%Mn manganese manganese data data 1942 - 1958 1 longadit, 2 1,420 shorttons carbonate- &wold shafts, pi%, 25%Mn hostedMn (1961), trenches replacement Famham (1961) F Mn Mn Group) zinc I I Bradley SE18 25s (Edna Belle, 107' 7W 2:2 1:!Bear) 32' 05' l l " , smallZn, MR pits Ag1940s 107'34' 18" SW32 25s 7w Birchfield I I G r a n d 7W (Georgia Bell) Lobo SE19 25s 6' 7w W126S 8W Lucky John I prism I SE1226S ~ pits I 2 shallow shalts, small polymetallic adit, carbonate- Griswold hostedPb-Zn (1961) I rePlacement I Griswald vein (1961), Clemons Pb, Ag, Zn A& Cu cu Zn, Pb, A& (Cu) I I I 1903 1930 Ag, Cu (zn) 32' 50", 107' 36' 20" 32" 04'32'', 107'36 44" (Mahoney) I I I 32" 07'37': Pb, 35' 52" 26s 32O3' lo", 7w 10" 107'36' 18 & 19 25s 32'7' lo", 107O36' 10" Copper SW14 Queen late 32'33'30''. 107' 36' 44;' I MRF 107"39' 12" Sunset) 107'38' 15" 1881-1885 I I I Silver Cane 12 26s 8W I Stemon (Alabama, Georgia, S. Carolina, 107' 36' 07" 8W (1916), replacement I 32" 3'20", 107'36' 10" Pb, Ag, Zn ? cu, ap last in 1956 pits I I SW1425S I 32"OT 48", 107'38'33" 84 vein data 1,800 shorttons carbonate- Griswold worth $60,000 hosted Pb-Zn(1961),Darton Brown (1982) unknown carbonateNMBMMRfile hosted Pb-Zn data replacement a shaft small polymetaIlic Griswold vein (1961), Lindgren et al. (1910)~ Clemons (1984) inclinedshaft vertical shaft pit, adit 3 adits and (Waddell Prospect. stir) King (Pacheco, South Side, Wet King) WhiteKing (San-Tex) 8W 107'37' 17" adit NE 23, NW Wet32" 01' 13", 24265: 8W 107"37' 10" Mn World War I 1955 NE31 25s 7W Mn WWII,1950s pit, sh& 32'05'43'', 107O 36' 04" ~ 2 shafts, several pibandtrenches 806 short tom 21%Mn epithmal manganese smalltomage during WWII andin 1950s epilhermal manganese (1966). Williams et al. (1964) Griswold (1961), Famhm (1961) Famham (1961) Fluorite Ridge district Location and Mining History The Fluorite Ridgemining district is located approximately10 mi north-northeastof Deming, southof Cooke's Peak, and is south of the Cooke's Range Wilderness Study Area w i g . 1). The deposits occurin two areas: Lower Campin the southeast andthe Upper Campin the central part of the ridge. The district also includes the hills to the south that contain manganese depositsand Goat Ridgeto the west. The district was discovered in 1907 and production beganin 1909. Three types of deposits occurin the district: Rio GrandeRift barite-fluorite-galena deposits, epithermal fluorite veins, and epithermal manganese veins. has There been no base- or precious-metal productionfrom the district. Fluorite productionfrom 1909 to 1954 was 93,827 short tons of the ore was shipped to (Table 39). The Saddler and Greenleaf mines are the largest fluorite producers. Much Deming. Less than 1,000 shoa short tonsof low-grade manganese orehas been produced fromthe southern part of the district, primarilyfrom the Ruth and Starkey mines (Table 39). TABLE 39-Mines and prospectsfrom the Fluorite Ridgemining district, Luna County, New Mexico. Location Duke of Luxembourg 8W 107°41'47'' NE SE18 32" 23'10", 22s 9W 107O 43' 10" Veins F none lOOflsh& with Greenleaf fluofite veins 85 FN 6/30/95, NMBMMR file data - LATITUDE, BNGITUDE 32' 23' 50", 107' 43' 39" 32' 24' 44': 107"43'39" 2OMMODITIES YEARS OF DEVELOPMEN? PRODUCTIOh PRODUCTION F none 15flpits "One 32'23'36", 107' 42' 24" 1934-1951 II 32O 26' 08", 107'47' 19" 320 25' 50", 107'47' 00" 32' 23' 25", 107'41'47" I I F DEPOSIT 434Ashaftwith levels shallow IIsh*'pits 12,000 short tons fluorite Johnston(l928) prospect pitsand "One -"--I travertine F F Griswold(l961) 41,900 short :omfluorite a1.(1946), McAnulty (1978), Russell (1947a), FN 6/30/95 32' 23' 42". 107O 42'23" 333 shorttens 32'23'46", 107' 42' 46" F,Zn 32' 23' 53 107'43'03 F 32O 23' 57" 107'42'31" F 32*24'38", 107' 43'36" F 32' 24' 49". 107'43' 27" nuorile IPi* cmSsC"ts, Williams McAnully tunnels, 34,283 short ansfluorite 36 short tons deep 50 A apart, 20 fl pit 1943 - 1953 tluorite 400Ashaft,4 levels with short ; ;: 1 I veins I none I 3 surface pits fmm Nnne 1.000to 1.200 A 32' 24' 58", 107°44'08" levels 86 Rolhrock el al. Rio Grande Rothrock et Riftbarite- (194% fluorite Williams al. Geology Fluorite Ridge consists predominantly of granodiorite porphyry, whichis similar tothe intrusive rockin the Cooke's Peak districtthat has been datedas 38.8*1.4 Ma (biotite, K-Ar, Loring and Loring,1980; Clemons, 1982). A dike cuttingthe northern exposure of the porphyry on Fluorite Ridgehas a dateof 37.6A2.0 Ma (whole rock, K-Ar; Clemons, 1982). Griswold (1961) interpretes the Fluorite Ridge granodiorite porphyry to be a separate pluton fromthe Cooke's Peak porphyw,but the age determinationof the cross cutting dike would suggest the two are of a similar age.The porphyry is surrounded by Proterozoicgranite and Cambrian, Permian, Pennyslvanian, Cretaceous, and early Tertiary sedimentary rocks (Clemons, 1982). The entire districtis faulted, and the sedimentary rocks form a dome with the granodiorite porphyryin the center. Mineral Deposits Numerous mines and prospects have developed the veins on Fluorite Ridge (Table 39). Most ofthe fluoriteveins and fissures occur along faults and fractures; the largest veins occur at intersections of fault and fracture zones (Rothrock et al.,1946; Russell, 1947a). One groupof faults strikesN17-27"E and the other group strikes N6"E-N1S0W (Burchard, 1911). The Tip Topand Hilltop Spar deposits occuras fillings in solution cavities in the limestone (Table39; Rothrock et al.,1946) and are typicalof Rio Grande Rift barite-fluorite-galena deposits elsewherein the state (McLemore andBarker, 1985; McLemore and Lueth, 1995, in press). In all deposits, fluoriteand quartz are the predominant mineralsin a gangueof calcite, clay, andrare barite and pyrite. Brecciation, crustification,vug filling, and recementation are common and consistent withan epithermal origin. The veins occur mostly in the granodiorite porphyry, but smaller veins do cut of most the lithologies on Fluorite Ridge. The veins rangein size to as muchas 20 ft wide and 100 ft long (Burchard, 1911; Rothrock et al., 1946). Grades in 1911 ranged from60.9 to 95.6% CaF2 by hand sorting (Burchard,1911); lower grades were shippedin later years with less hand sorting. Temperatures of homogenization in fluid inclusionsof fluorites fromthe district range from170 to 223OC and salitinites are lessthan 10 eq. wt.% NaCl (Hill,1994). Geochemical, fluid inclusion,and stable-isotopic data indicate that the fluorite in the Fluorite Ridge district was formed from low salinity, low temperature meteoric fluids (Hill, 1994). Fluorite in Gila conglomerateand ina basaltic dikeat the Gratton mine, indicates alate Tertiary or early Quaternary age of deposition (Griswold, 1961). Most ofthe veins were never explored at depth and fluorite resources undoubtedly remain. Additional fluorite most likely occurs in the subsurface surroundingthe ridge andin the area betweenthe Greenleaf and Valley mines. Anomalous concentrations of As, Be, Ba, Cd, Cr, C n , Mn, Pb, Th, Ti,and Znoccur in streamsediment samples from the area, suggestingthat the veins should be analyzed for potential base and precious metals, which could occur at depth. Travertine occursat Goat Ridgeand could be quarriedfor local use. Little Florida Mountains district Location and Mining History The Little Florida Mountains are northeast of the Florida Mountains; Florida Gap separates the two ranges pig. 1). Rock Hound StatePark is inthe southwestern part of the range. Two types of deposits occurin (Fig. 27). No the district (also knownas Black Rock):epithennal fluorite veins and epithermal manganese veins precious or base metals have been produced from the district. Fluorite production, mostly from the Spar mine,is estimated as 13,428 short tons(McAnulty, 1978). Manganese productionis reported as 19,527 long tonsof ore and 21,393 long tonsof concentrate (Table8; Farnham, 1961). The Manganese mine was one of the larger manganese minesin the district (DeVaney et al.,1942). Production of manganese ceasedin 1959 when the Federal government endedit's buyingprogram. In 1923, a small mill was erected at the Luna mine for processing manganese, butthe gravity concentration was not efficient and the mill closed. Geology The Little Florida Mountains consists predominantly of interbedded andesite, dacite, ash-flow tuff, rhyolite, and fanglomerate intruded by rhyolite domes and dikes (Lasky, 1940; Clemons, 1982). An ash-flow tuff, near the base of the stratigraphic section has been dated as 37.3+1.4 Ma (biotite, K-Ar, Clemons, 1982). A rhyolite near RockHound StatePark has been datedas 23.6*1.0 Ma (whole rock,K-Ar, Clemons, 1982). Seismic data indicatesthat there is only 600 ft ofvolcanics in the subsurface. Mineral Deposits The depositsin the Little Florida Mountains consist of epithermal fluoriteand manganese veins in fanglomerate and Tertiary volcanic rocks (Table 40). The fanglomerateis interpretated as being 23.6 Ma, similar in age as the rhyolite (Clemons, 1982); therefore mineralizationis younger than 23.6 Ma. Silicificationis common in breccias along faults (called jasperiods by Lasky, 1940). Fluorite and barite occurs in veins along faults with manganeseoxides, calcite, quartz, and rare pyrite and galena (Griswold,1961; McAnulty, 1978). Most veinscan be traced easilyin outcrop by prominent silicified breccias. Local veins are as much as 6 ft thick; most are lessthan 3 ft thick. Brecciation, crustification, and silicification are common and indicative ofan epithermal origin. The ore gradesare estimated as 20-60% CaF2 (Griswold, 1961). Barite is predominant at the Apache mine (sec.SEX 7,T24S, R7W); whereas fluoriteis predominant at the Spar mine (sec.7,8, T24,S R7W). A sample at the Spar (Florida) mine assayed74% BaS04 and 9.5% CaF2 (Williams et al.,1964). The fluorite veinsare typical of Rio Grande Rift deposits elsewhere. The manganese veins occur along faults and fiactnre zones and as breccia cementin the fanglomerate and contain various manganese oxides. Few ore shoots contained more than 60,000 short tonsof ore (Lasky, 1940). Most deposits decreasedin size and grade at 200-400 ft depths and manganiferous calcite becomes more abundant (Famham, 1961). The average gradeis 1520% Mn withvarying amounts of silica, calcite, iron, phosphorus, and barite. Trace amountsof copper, lead, zinc, silver, and arsenic are present locallyin some veins(Lasky, 1940); but can not be recovered economically. Barite and fluorite can be mined in the Little Florida Mountains only if there is a local demand for these commodities. It is unlikely that manganese will be mined again in the Little Florida Mountains, even thongh manganese resources arestill present, becauseof low grades andthin deposits. Lasky (1940) estimated that 550,000-1,000,000 short tonsof manganese ore remainsin reserves, but Famham (1961) estimates remaining reserves are less than 75,000 short tonsof 10-18% Mn. Anomolous concentrationsof As, Ba, Be, Cd, Cr, Cu, La, Mn, Pb, Ti, and Znare foundin stream-sediment samples fromthe area. Rock Hound State Park is one of the few state parksin the United Statesthat allows collectingof rocks and minerals withinthe park boundaries. Visitors from throughoutthe United States collect agates, geodes, and jasper; total production from the park is unknown. 88 TABLE )-Mines and prospects of the Little Florida Mountains mining district, Luna County, New Mexico. . . MINE NAME American no. 29 Claim Apache (North End D"ryea) EEfrella Fierro No. 1 (American No. IS) Fimo No. 2 (American No. 11) Frederick Group Killion Liitle Florida M0""tainS clay deposi Luna (American GrOUP, Killion Mine, Wen mine) Manganese Valley (Pluto) Muller Pluto SPZ (Florida Fluonpar Mine, Duryea Claim) Old Hadley district Location and Mining History as part of the Cooke's Peak district (Griswold, The OldHadley(or Graphic) district, sometimes described 1961), is located eastof the Cooke's Peak districtin northern Luna County(Fig. 1). The districtis adjacent to the 1880 to 1929 is estimated as 150 ounces gold,550 ounces Cooke's Range Wilderness Study Area. Production from 2). ASARCO examinedthe of silver, and minor copper, lead,and zinc from volcanic-epithermal veins (Table district in the late 1980s and drilled at least one hole;the results of their exploration programare unknown. Geology The dominant rockin the district is the Macho andesiteof Tertiary age which is overlain in places bythe Rubio Peak Formation (Tertiary; Jicha, 1954).A latite tuff from the Macho andesiteis dated as 40.7*1.4 Ma (biotite, K-Ar; Loringand Loring, 1980). Numerous faults cutthe andesite. Silicificationand argillic alteration is 89 prominent; acid-sulfate alteration, characterized by alunite and kaolinite, is locally pervasivein Rattlesnake Canyon (Hall, 1978). Mineral Deposits Volcanic-epithermal veins occurin altered Macho andesite in the Old Hadley district (Table 41). The veins are steeply dipping, associated with gypsum and clay alteration,as much as 300 ft long, and typically less than 4 ft wide. Silicificationis prevalent adjacentto the veins. Theveins trend NO-15"W to N55-65"E and parallel faults and fracture zones. They contain chalcopyrtte, galena, sphalerite, and oxidized minerals such as malachite, azurite, chrysocolla, cuprite, and melaconite in a gangue of quartz,barite, pyrite, iron oxides, sericite, chlorite, and other clay minerals (Jicha, 1954). Brecciation, silicification, vug filling, and recementationare common. The veins are similar to those in the Cooke's Peak district, except the Old Hadley veinscontain more gold, barite, andquartz. Anomalous concentrationsof As, Bi, Cd, Mo, Pb,Sn, U, and Zn occurin streamsediment samplesin the area and spotty concentrations of Ag and Sb are found locally. TABLE 41-Mines and prospects in the Old Hadleymining district, Luna County, New Mexico.All of these deposits are volcanic-epithermalvein deuosits. Location includes section, township,and range. FN-V, T.McLemore, un] bl&hed field notes. I LATITUDE LONGITUDE !OMMODITIES DEVELOPMENT PRODUCTION REFERENCES none FN 7/2/95, NMBMMRfile dam unknown FN 7/2/95 none Hall (1978), FN 7/2/95 NMBMMRfile data NW29 20s 32'30'33" 107O 41'08" U, Pb, Cu Raltles"&e NU2 4 2 1 s 32'30'49'' 107°40'28" Au, Ag, Cu Rattlesnake s w 3 2 20s 32'30'55'' 107O 41'00" pits alunite Keystone Group (incl Daylight and Coliseumlades Hadley 32 20s 8W 3231'34" 107'40'59'' Pb, shafts, Ag 29.32 20s 32'31'41'' 107°41'00" Cu, Pb, As. Aush&, Native Silver Gmup ( i n C l . Native Silver, Hub, RockIsland Millsite 29.32 20s 32'31'41'' 107°41'09" 7 iPb,GAg q x & z 32'31'42" 107°40'59" Lindgren el al., NMBMMRfiledata shafts,pits, adits, trenches reclaimed pits, shafts pits, adits, trenches unknown I I pits, adits, 12 shoatam trenchescontaining 57 oz Ag, 2,832 Ibs Cu, 447 Ibs Pb shafts, pits, adits, unknown trenches Jicha(1954), NMBMMR file data NMBMMRfile data Keystone, Native Silver, Daylight, Coliseum Hub, Rocklsland Cappelto" 2922 20s 32'31'49'' 107°41'01" Jumbo 32 20s 8W 32'31'50'' 107"41'01" 32"31'51" Pb, Zn Ag, Au Au 107°40'51" shafts, pits, adits, trenches shafts, pits I 32'31'43'' 107"40'58" Au,Ag 1 ton containing11 IbrPb UnknOW I I 2sh&>100fl deep, pits Jicha (1954), NMBMMRfile data NMBMMRfile data 02 Ag, 361 unknown FN 7/2/95 Tres Hermanas district Location and Mining History The Tres Hermanas districtis located near Columbus,in southern Luna County (Fig. 22), and was discovered in 1881. Total production from the Laramide skarn and Laramide vein deposits in the district is unknown, hutis estimated from 1885-1957 as $600,000 worth of copper, gold, silver, lead,and zinc, including 200,000 lbs Pb and 1 million lbs Zn (Table 42). The Cincinnati, Hancock,and Mahoney mines were activein 1905 (Lindgren et al., 1910)and the Mahoney mine remainedin production until 1920 (Griswold, 1961).In 19061907, ore was shippedto the Mississippi Valley area for smelting (Lindgren, 1909).The results of drilling in the Tres Hermanas Mountainsin theearly 1980sare unknown. 90 TABLE 42 -Reported metal production from the Tres Hermanas district. Luna Countv (from U.S. Geoloeical I .. I ESTIMATED - I I 550 I I 7 4,000 . I 200,000 I 1,000,000 1,000,000 PRODUCTION 18851957 Geology The Tres Hermanas Mountains consist predominantly of a quaaZ monzonite stock, datedas 50.3~t2.6Ma (hornblende, K-Ar; Leonard, 1982) andare surrounded by a thick sequence of predominantly Paleozoic and Cretaceous sedimentary rocksand Tertiaryvolcanic rocks (Balk,1961; Griswold, 1961; Leonard, 1982). Thrust faults are common;in the West Lime Hills, Permian rocks are tlnusted over Lower Cretaceous rocks (Drewes, by quartz monzonite (Homme, 1958; 1991a). Manyof the Paleozoic limestones have been metamorphosed the H o m e and Rosennveig, 1970).A chemical variationwith time from older metalnminous andesites, dacites, and rhyolites to younger alkaline rhyolite and latite occnrs in the calc-alkaline rocksin the Tres Hermanas Mountains (Leonard, 1982). 91 107"45' Q Shaft ---- 20 = District Boundar) r -7" 31"5 T27 T22 31"5 R1( I ,8 19w Figure 22-Mines and prospectsin the Tres Hermanas mining district, Luna County, New Mexico. 107'41 '30' Mineral Deposits Three typesof deposits occurin the Tres Hermanas district (Table 43, Fig. 22): Laramide veinsand of the qnartz Laramide skarn. The age of the mineral depositsis Tertiary; theymost likely formed after intrusion monzonite but prior to intrusion of the basaltic dikes (Griswold, 1961; Doraibabu and Proctor, 1973). of mineralization fromthe quartz monzonite, although locally the Geochemical data are consistent with a source older bedrock may have contributed metals (Doraibabu and Proctor, 1973). Multiple periods of mineralization are liely, because of the variations in mineralization styles and alteration. The most produciive deposits are the Laramide skarns which occur in the Escabosa Limestone (Mississippian) and overlying Pennsylvanian sedimenmy rocks (Table 43). The replacement deposits are tabular to pod-shaped and are controlled by fractures and faults which trend east-west and north-south. Silicificationis common near these deposits (Griswold, 1961). Ore minerals consist predominantly of sphalerite, galena, chalcopyrite, willemite, smithsonite,and other oxidized lead-zinc mineralsin a gangueof calcite, quartz, pyrite, and calc-silicate minerals (Wade, 1913; Homme and Rosenwieg, 1970). Ore at the Mahoney mine averaged 26.7% Pb, 34.5% Zn, and 5.9odsbort ton Ag. Gold assays range as high as 1,500 ppbAu (Griswold et al., 1989). The Mahoney and Lindy Ann mines arethe largest producers (Table 43).Skarns are locally commonin the limestone xenoliths and limestones adjacent to the stock (Table 43). Scheeliteis reported in a tactite near South Peak (Griswold, 1961). Fissure veinsin quartz monzonite contain galena, willemite, smithsonite, and hydrozincite, and samples assayed 29-37% Zn, 11-40% Pb,and 2 odshort ton Ag (Lindgren, 1909). Veins also occur along faults and fractures in Paleozoic sedimentaty clastic rocks,qnartz monzonite, and Tertiary volcanic rocks. The most productive veins, such as the Cincinnati, trend east-west;the north-trending veins have been less productive (Table S, and is 10,000 fi long. Most 43; Doraibabu and Proctor, 1973). The Cincinnati vein strikes N75"E, dips 75-80' veins are less than 4 ft wide. Disseminated pyrite, chalcopyrite, sphalerite,and galena occur sporadically the potential for a porphyry copper and/or copperthroughout the quartz monzonite stock (Table 43), suggesting molybdennm deposit; althoughthe stock is not extensively altered as typical porphyry copper deposits. However, drilling in the stock has failedto reveal any economic concentrations (Griswold, 1961; NMBMMR file data). Most of the mines in the Tres Hermanas districtare shallow; only a few reach depths of 300-500 fi. None of the deposits have been explored at greater depths, especiallyin the Mahoney and Cincinnati mines (Griswold, 1961). Areas of pyrite disseminations need examination,for example secs.26,27, T27S, R9W. Where alluvinm covers the extensions of these depositsis also favorable, but requires drilling. Anomolous concentrationsof As, Ba,Be, Co, Cd, La, Mn, Mo, Pb, Sb,Th, Ti, Y, and Znare foundin stream-sediment samples fromthe area. Marble occurs adjacent to the quartz monzonite snrroundingthe Tres Hermanas Mountains (Griswold, 1961; Leornard, 1982). The marblewas originally Paleozioc,is medium- to coarse-grained,and contains local intercalculated bandsof garnet. The quantity of resources of marble for dimension stoneis unknown. Yellow and white travertine (Mexican onyx) occurs in bands as muchas 5 ft thick in latite on the southern slopesof the Tres Hennanas Mountains (sec. 24, T28S, R9W) and could be minedfor local use. Spumte, a rare pale-grayto purple mineral, is valued by collectors and used as an ornamental stone,and occnrs in a limestone xenolithin quartz monzonite on the east slopeof South Sister Peak (Griswold, 1961). 93 TABLE 43 -Mines and prospects in the Tres Hermanasmining district, LunaCounty,New Mexico, locatedin 94 Victorio district Location and mining history The Victorio district is in central Luna County, westof Deming (Fig. 23) and was discovered in the late 1800s. Production of carbonate-hosted Pb-Zn (Ag, Cu) replacement deposits began about 1880. Most of the early production was fromthe Chance and Jessie mines where $800,000-$1,600,000 worth of lead, zinc, and silver were produced (Jones, 1904; Lindgren etal., 1910). Mining continued until 1957. An estimated 70,000to 130,000 short tons of ore were mined between 1880 and 1957 and yielded approximately $2.3 million worth of lead, zinc, silver, gold, and copper,including 17.5 million lbs Pb and >60,000 lbs Zn (Table 44; McLemore and Lueth, 1995, in press). 95 1c 32'1 2'3C 17' 4' lo Gage $10) t x Prospect Pit 0 Center of Drill Holes 4955 ,' '!I,, sa 8 8 8 8 31 TI 2M 32"IC t I 124s Figure 23-Mines and prospects in thevictorio mining district,Luna County, New Mexico. Beryllium and tungsten contact-metasomatic deposits were discovered in the Victorio Mountainsin the 1900s (Griswold, 1961; Holser, 1953; Dale and McKinney, 1959). In 1942, approximately 20,000short tons of ore containing an average of 1% WO, were produced from the Irish Rose claimand was worth nearly $70,000 (Dale and McKinney, 1959). The ore contained mostly scheelite with some galena, smithsonite, and helvite. In addition, 19.6 short tons of 60% wo, (Hobbs, 1965) were produced fromthe mine. Recent explorationhas been modest. GulfMinerals Resources, Inc. delineated a snbeconomic porphyry Mo-Be-W depositin 1977-1983, northwestof Mine Hill. At a cutoffgrade of 0.02% WO,, resources were estimated as 57,703,000 short tons of 0.129% Mo and 0.142% WO,. Open pit resources were estimatedas 11,900,000 short tons of 0.076% WO, and 0.023% Be (Bell, 1983).In 1987-1988, Cominco AmericanResources examined the district for gold potential,but the results are unknown. Other exploration companies also have examined the district in recent years,but no productionhas occurred since 1957. 97 Most of the workings are on Mine Hill in thesouthern part of the Victorio Mountains (Griswold, 1961). Several shaftsare 276 ft deep and underground workings are extensive (Griswold,1961; V. T. McLemore, unpublished field notes, December 1993). Most of these workings have been closed the by New Mexico Abandoned Mine Lands Bureau in 1994. Geology The oldest rocks exposedin thearea are Ordovician limestones, dolomites,and calcarenites of the ElPaso Limestone, which is about 240 ft thick (Kottlowski, 1960,1963; Thoman and Drewes,1980). The El Paso Limestone unconformably overlies the Bliss Sandstone (Cambrian-Ordovician)in thesubsurface and is conformably overlain by the Montoya Group (Ordovician).In the Victorio Mountains,the Montoya Groupis 300 ft thick and consistsof limestones and dolomites (Kottlowski,1960) in four formations (from oldest to youngest): Cable Canyon Sandstone, Upham Dolomite, Aleman Formation, and Cutter Dolomite (Kottlowski,1960; Thoman and Drewes, 1980). The Fusselman Dolomite (Silurian) lies conformably on theMontoya Groupand consists of 30-710 ft of dolomite, whichis commonly dividedinto four informal units (from oldestto youngest): gray tan member, and upper black member (Kottlowski, 1960). The crest of the member, lower black member, mountains consistsof volcanic rocks; andesite is dated as 41.7+2 Ma (zircon, fission track; Thoman and Drewes, 1980). The Victorio granite is dated as 32.2+1.6 Ma (K-Ar,biotite; Bell,1983) and the granitic porphyry at the Irish Rose mineis dated as 36.3*1.4 ( K - A r ; Bell, 1983). The district is part of the Laramide thrust belt as defined by Drewes (1991b) and is along the Texas lineament. The rocks dip to the north and are offsetby faults. The area is also part of a large gravity anomaly which correspondsto near-surface carbonate rocks. Seismicdata indicates these rocksare within 2,400 ft of the surface. The area is characterized by a slight areomagnetic radiometricU anomaly with low K and Th, whichis characteristic of mineralized carbonate rocks in southwesternNew Mexico. Mineral Deposits Two types of deposits are present in theVictorio Mountains (Table45): carbonate-hosted Pb-Zn replacement andW-Be-Mo vein and tactite deposits (Richterand Lawerence, 1983; Noah and McLemore, 1986). In addition, GulfMineral Resources, Inc. delineateda subeconomic stratiform, pyrometasomatic Mo-W-Be deposit northwest of Mine Hill (Bell, 1983). In addition, limestone was quarried for aggregate. The carbonate-hosted Pb-Zn replacment deposits occur as oxidized replacement and vein deposits within along faults or Ordovician and Silurian dolomites and limestones (Fig.24). The more productive deposits occur fractures that strike N30-65"Eand dip steeply east(Fig. 25). Brecciation, dissolution,and recrystallization of the dolomites are common in thevicinity of the mineral deposits. The faults exhibit both preand post-mineralization movement (Griswold,1961). Ore minerals include galena, smithsonite, cerussite,and anglesite with rare sphalerite and chalcopyrite in a gangue of quartz, calcite, andiron oxides. Lead typically exceeds zinc and copper in abundance. Ore at the Rambler mine averaged12.5%Pb and 3.9% Zn (NMBMMR file data). Gold assays range as high as 5,500 ppb Au (Griswold etal. 1989). Someveins are as much as 900 ft long. Assays of samples collected for this report are in Table 46. as veins and tactites within the Ordovician limestonesand The tungsten-beryllium deposits occur dolomites in the vicinity of rhyolite intrusives. Ore minerals include helvite, wolframite, scheelite, molybdenite, galena, sphalerite, and beryl in a gangue of quartz, calcite, and local grossularite, tremolite, pyroxene, idocrase, and phlogopite (Holser,1953; Warner et al., 1959; Richter and Lawerence, 1983). Gulf Minerals Resources, Inc. drilled71 drill holes northwestof Mine Hill and founda subeconomic MoW-Be deposit at depths rangingfrom 900 to 1,500 ft (Bell, 1983). Ore mineralsinclude molybdenite, powellite, scheelite, beryl, helvite, bismuthinite, and wolframite. The area surroundingMine Hill that is covered byalluvium should be further examined and drilled for additional carbonate-hosted deposits. Anomolous concentrations of Be, Co, Mn, Pb, and Zn are found in streamsediment samplesfrom the area. 98 FIGURE 24-Closeup view of a 3-ft wide veinin limestone at Mine W, Victono miningdistrict. Center of vein consists of calcite, smithsonite, anglesite, cerussite, and iron oxides (V. T. McLemore photo). FIGURE 25-4Fissure vein in limestone at the Parole mine, MineHill, Victorio mining district. Limestoneto the left of the vein is relatively unaltered, whereas the limestone to the right of the vein is replaced byiron and manganese oxides(V. T. McLemore photo). 99 TABLE 45-Mines and prospects in the Victorio mining district, LunaCount located in Figure 23. Location includes section, township, and mnge.FN"V.-T. McLemore, unpub :hed field notes. MINE NAME LOCATION LATITUDE, COMMODITIES DEVELOPMEN? LONGlTUDE Helen Group (Helen and C of SE32 3Z0 10'21", Au,A&CU,Pb 24s 108O 1ZW 05' 51" Josephine Lodes) REFERENCES TYPE OF DEPOSIT carbonate.Griswold(1961), FN hostedPb-Zn2/28/94 shall hosted Pb-Zn replament carbonateGriswold (1961) hosted Pb-Zn replament carbonate- NMBMMRfile data hosted Pb-Zn replament carbonate- Grirwold(l961) hosted Pb-Zn replacment carbonateNMBMMRfile data hosted Pb-Zn replament carbonate- LindgreR et a1 (1910), hostedPb-ZnGriswold(l961), replament NMBMMR file data carbonate- NMBMMRfdedata hostedPb-Zn wlament carbonate- Lindgrenetal. (1910). FN hostedPb-Zn2/28/94 Blackjack C ofNE33 24s 12W 32- 10'39': &Pb,Zn pits sh& 108' 05' 18" + hosted Pb-Zn replament Advance, Independence, E ofNE33 October, and Crackerjack 24s 12W 4 Virginia NE33 24s 12w Armistice NE33 32' 24.9 12w Tip C Top , ofNW33 32' 10'41", 108" 04'36" I Pb, 10'41", 108" 05"' 02" pits shafts, A&Pb,Zn Burke Mine (Jessie, Chance & Jessie) NW33 24s 12w Espermza(Esfrella, El E ofNW33 24s 12W 32O 10'42", 108' 05' 08" Progreso) I N Tipton ofNW33 24s 12W pits hostedPb-Zn A& Pb, Au, Cu, Zn Arizona Florida (Corbett and W p q St.Lauis, Chance) NW33 Parole 32O 10'48''. 108O 05' 20" pits shafts, A&Pb,Zn I shaft A&Pb adit, N ofNW33 24s 12W NU2 33 24s 12w 32O 10'50", 108' 05' 22" 32O 10' 50", 108' 4' 50" a&Pb,Zn 24s pits I 32O 10' 49", 108" 05'28" 12w 300 fl adit A&Pb,Zn shafts, 12w 24s carbonate- Lindgrq et al(1910), hosted Pb-Zn NMBMMRfile data lament hosted Pb-Zn ! Jessie Group (Jessie, NW33 Law4 May) I carbonate- I FN 12/28/93.NMBMMR hosted Pb-Zn file data lament surface only I I 150fladit I Ag 32' 10'41", 108' 04' 41" 32OA&Pb,Zn 10' shafts, 41': 108O05' 18" 32" 10'41", 108' 05' 22" 24s 12W CU,Pb A& Pb, A", CU, Fe 32O 10'52", sh&,shallow Ag Pb, 108' 05' 19" shafts,pits 250 tf 180 ft,: 45 flshafts prospectpits 100 + ?"+ hosted Pb-Zn re lacment data carbonateNMBMMRfile hosted Pb-Zn re lament FN carbonate-Griswold(1961), hostedPb-Zn12/28/94 replaanent I carbonateINMBMMRfiledata hosted Pb-Zn data carbonate. NMBMMRfile hosted Pb-Zn hosted Pb-Zn Thoman &d Dhwes replament (1980),FN 2/29/94 Ogre-Bodepedford3 Prospect) SW29, SE30 24s 12W Section28 prospects (WOK, Bradley,& Wildcat Claims) 32'11'35". NW1/428 24s 12WPb-Zn NMBMMR 2/29/94, hosted10S005' pits 10" 3 2 O 11'2Sq3, 108'06' 18" Pb, W, 2%Be deposits carbon& DaleandMcKinney Pb-Zn (1959), FN 2/29/94 replament numemurprosppect carbonateGrirwold(l961), FN approximately20 hosted Mpits Pb, A& Au, Cu replament data file ~ Table 46-Chemical analyses of samples collected fromthe Victorio district, Luna County.All samples contained <0.50 ppm Mo. Cu, Pb, Zn byFAAS at NMBMMR Chemical laboratories andAu by ICP and Hg by cold 173 174 I VICZOO I 890 42,000 I I 118,000 123,000 1 I 95 15,000 I 1 0.60 0.50 I I 0.35 1.4 I dumpsample,Rover I dump sample atTun@aHillmine GEOLOGY AND MINERAL OCCURRENCES OF THE MINING DISTRICTSOF HIDALGO COUNTY Virginia T. McLemore and David M. Sutphin Introduction Hidalgo County was establishedin 1919 fromthe southwestern part of Grant County(Fig. 1) and was named to commemoratethe Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, which endedthe Mexican Warin 1848 and ceded New Mexico, Arizona,and California tothe United States. It is one of the least populated countiesin New Mexico; Lordsburg is the county seat and largest city. Mining has been important to the economy of Hidalgo County and up until the 1960s, Hidalgo County typically ranked second @ehind Grant County) in base- and precious-metal productionin New Mexico @lston, 1960,1965). McGhee Peakmining district is the 8th largest zincand lead producing districtin New Mexicoand Lordsburg is the 10th largest lead and zinc producing district in the state (McLemore and Lueth, 1995, in press). until arrival of the railroad in Lordsburg in 1880. Prospecting beganin 1870, but no serious production occurred By 1930, all 13 mining districts were discovered (Table 1). Copper-gold veins were mined in the Lordsburg to 1994 exceeds$50 million worthof copper, district for silicafluxin 1990-1994. Total production from 1880 lead, zinc, silver, and gold; most of the production value came from the Lordsburg district (Table47; Elston, 1960, flux (Brockman and Pratt mines) and 1965). Current production includes silica sand and clay for use as smelter (or Playas) smelter was builtin 1979 in the sand and gravel as aggregate (Hatton et al., 1994). The Hidalgo Animas Valleyand is currently producing copper, silver, gold, and sulfuric acid (Table 9; Hatton et al., 1994). TABLE 47-Reported metal production from Hidalgo County, 1920-1957 (fromU.S.Geological Survey, 19021927; U.S. Bureau of Mines, 1927-1990). Production prior to 1920 was includedwith Grant County. Zinc productionis for ore actually produced; zinc was discarded for many years. -none reported. '-estimated. 102 Antelope Wells-Dog Mountains district Location and Mining History The Antelope Wells-Dog Mountains mining district is inthe Alamo Hueco, White,and Dog Mountains along the New Mexico-Mexicoborder in theNew Mexico panhandle (Fig.1). In 1954, T.C. Boyles shipped5.6 long tons of 37.9% Mn from the Rusty Ruthlee mine to Deming (Farnham,1961). Manganeseis widespread in the area as epithermal veins (Table 48, Fig. 26). The only other identified mineral deposits in the district consistof small showingsof uranium which occurin fault breccias. Two exploration pits were dugin 1954, each approximately 10 ft deep, at the Opportunity claims, where there is a small occurrenceof radioactivity. About 2 short tons of ore were milledand results indicatedthat the uranium was intimately associatedwith opal and qnartz and could not be separated (Reiter, 1980). Mineral specimens of radioactive opalare collected at the Opportunity claims. Manganese veins and lenses occur locally throughout the area. At one site, a 6-ft deep prospect pit was dug in travertine, but no depositsof commercial value were identified.The Alamo Hueco Mountains Wilderness Study Area lies north of the district. TABLE 48-Mines and prospects in theAntelope Wells-Dog Mountains mining district Hidalgo Countv. New ~~wnship, and range. 3CK I TYPEOF I REFERENCES Oppoaunityclaims (Nede% Dog Mountains) SE 15 34s 15W 31°20'50", 108~21'00" u rhyolite unknown SE1633S14W 31O25'55". 108' 15'40;' 31' 21' 45", 108' 35'25" 31"21'30", 108935'55'' 31"21'55", 108035'55" 31"28'30", u. Mn mithermal rhvolite Boles 8 34.3 17W Unknown SE 1134s 16W Rusty Ruthlee 17,18343 17W Guano SE35 32s 16W tnO6"J epithmel Mn-U Everhart (196% Zeller (1959), May et ai. (1981), Waltonetal. (1982), McLemore (1983), Rei= (1980) Mn-U 11980) Reiter ~~, ~ \ - ~ (259) MRU hyolite? epithennal Mn-U (25g) Mn,travelline travertine epithmalMn Mn rhyolite, epithmal Mn McLemore (1983), Elston (1960) Reiter(l980) (25g) guano on,, 103 andesite (25g) basalt guano Famham (1961) Elston(1965),Reiter(1980) I m N m 0 r Geology a The Alamo Hueco, White,and Dog Mountains consist of layered mid-Tertiary volcanic rocks overlying conglomerate containing limestoneand sandstone cobbles. The conglomerate resemblesthe Timberlake Fanglomerate of the central Animas Mountains (Zeller, 1959; Zeller and Alper, 1965; Deal et al., 1978; Reiter, in the Animas 1980). Ash-flow tuffs of the Alamo Hueco Mountainsare outflow sheets, primarilary from sources Mountains. Brecciated zones are present in some volcanic units. Sometuffs are interbedded withsedimenmy units that may represent lake beds. Northwest- to north-northwest-trending faults have intensely broken the range. The area borders onthe eastern part of the San Luis cauldera, datedat 23-24 Ma (Deal et al., 1978).The district is associated with a magnetic lowand a general gravity low between two gravity highs. The area coincides with moderate aeroradiometricK, U, and Th anomalies. Mineral Deposits Epithermal veinsof manganese anduraninm have been identifiedin theAlamo Hueco and Dog Mountains (Table48). Analysis of stream sedimentsin the area indicates scattered high anomalies of As, Be, Bi, in thearea. Cd, Cr, C u , K, La, Mn, Mo, Nb, Th, Y, and Zn. Travertine and guano also occur At the Opportunity claims,uranium occurs in a highly fractnredand opalized zoneat theintersection of two normal faults in thevolcanic rocks (Everhart, 1957; McLemore, 1982, 1983). Samples assayed 0.02-0.77% U308(McLemore, 1982, 1983). Mineralized breccia was traced for 450-600 ft to the northwest along strike. Radioactive veinsof opal and quartz approximately 1-2 inches thick surround angnlar clasts of Tertiary rhyolite of the Oak Creek and Gillespie Tuffs. The opal is attractive and collected by mineral dealers. Jasper and opaline quartz veins are found in several majorfault zones in the southern part of the area (Reiter, 1980). Red, brown,and orange jasper veins and pods up toft9long were identifiedat the intersection of two faults in sec. 16, T33S, R14W (Table 48). No analysis has been doneto determine whetherthe veins contain appreciable amountsof uranium. These mineralized areas need to be examined and sampledto determine their mineral-resource potential. Extensive travertine deposits, with manganese, occurin the Bluff Creek Canyon Formation in the southern part of the area (Reiter, 1980). Thereare two travertine beds, each about 3ft thick, separated by tahin sandstone unit. Psilomelane bands up to 1inch thick formthe lowermost parts of the travertinebeds. Prospect pits have developedthe deposit, but production,if any, is unknown. Guano is found in a cave in sec. 16, T33S, R14W (Reiter, 1980). Apache No. 2 district Location and Mining History The Apache No. 2 (Anderson, Hachita)mining district, locatedin the Apache Hillsin easternmost the south is in the Hidalgo County, was discoveredin the late 1870s (Fig. 1,27). The nearby Fremont district to of copper, silver, lead, gold, and zinc have been producedfrom the Sierra Rica. An estimated $107,000 worth Apache No. 2 districtfrom 1880 to 1956, including 1.3 million lbsCu and 300,000 lbsPb (Table 49; Elston, 1965). The chief productsof the district have been copper ore containing gold and silver. Bismuth was recovered from some ore, and some rich silver ore was shipped(Lasband Wootton, 1933). A considerable amount of scheelite occursin theApache deposit (Lasky and Wootton, 1933). TABLE 49-Reported metal production from the Apache No. 2 mining district, Hidalgo County, New Mexico (from U.S. Bureau of Mines, 1927-1990). Mostof the production camefrom the Apache mine. Small quantities of bismuth have also been produced. For years omitted, thereare no reported production figures. -none reported. YEAR OI(E (SHORT COPPER GBs) GOLD (OZ) SILVER (02) 105 LEAD (LW ZINC (LBS) TOTAL VALUE ($1 2' 31 "48'3( F Figure 27-Mines and prospects in the Apache No. 2 mining district, Hidalgo County,New Mexico (modified from Strongin, 1957, and Peterson, 1976). Three major mines,the Apache, Chapo,and Daisy, are located in the district (Fig. 34; Table 50). The Indians who carted ore to Chihuahua for smelting (Strongin,1957). Apache minewas first operated by Chihuahua Robert Anderson operatedthe mine for a numberofyears starting in 1880. Most mining was between1900 and 1908. In the early days,rich silver ore consisted mostly of cerargyrite. Later, oxidized copper ore was shipped containing 3 4 % Cu, 0.03-0.04 odton Au, and 6 odton Ag; the ore wasrich in calcite and was in demand as a smelter flux. From 1915 to 1919, large quantities of silver-copper ore with bismuth in calcite gangue were shipped. From 1927 to 1929, a considerable tonnageof ore averaging1.5% Cu and 1.5 odton Ag was shipped. Additionally, severalcars of ore were shipped averaging12 odton Ag and 10% Pb. Since that time, only relatively small amountsof ore have been shipped. The last known operationof the Daisy mine wasin 1908, when ore was shipped assaying18% Cu, 18 odton Ag, and 0.03-0.14 odton An. Total production fromthe Daisy mineis estimated tobe less than $10,000 (Strongin, 1957). The only production data available for the Chapo mineis that in 1940 some unknown amountof copper-gold ore was shipped (Strongin, 1957). TABLE 50-Mines and prospects in the Apache No2 mining district, Hidalgo in . County, .~New Mexico, located Figure 27. Location includes sfxtion, township, andrange. YEARS OF PRODUCTION TYPE DEVELOPMENT OF REFERENCES PRODUCTION DEPOSIT 1870s - 1956 300,470 flshafts, 50,000 tons ore L i n d p n et al. skm, 7500flofdrifts since 1870 carbonate- (1910), and aosscuts, hosted Pb- Andenon opencut, pits Zn (1957). Dale :OMMODITIES Cu, A& Pb, Zn, An, Bi, W (1959), Str0"gin none C u , Pb, Zn inclinedshaft vertical shaft none 180flsh& several pmspect pits 40 carloads48% Cu 1916-1940 Cu,Pb,&Au none Cu,Pb, Zn, Mo inclinedstope 100 some A long, other shallow workings Cu, Pb, Zn, Ag, MO C u , Pb, Zn, Mo zhMo I Cu,Pb Pb, Zn Pb (1957) carbonate- Petenon hostedPb- (1976), prospect holes Z" SInngin I(1957) I I I 1930.1940s I sh& 150 A deeo. .. 126 tom ore I carbonate- IPeterson 50 A adit averaging 15hosted Pb- (1976); 2O%Pb, 16% Zn strangin Zn, 4-5 oz A& (1957), 1% C" NMBMMRfile data 1950 inclinedshafl60 A 1carloadofPb- carbonate- Strongin Ag ore hostedPb- (1957) deep Zn a few shallow none none carbonate- Stmngh holes hosted Pb- (1957) I none 107 in 1948 - 80 tons Cu-Ag ore 250 Ash& 1948,1949 I Cu.Pb. opencub, shafts no $8,000 Cu-Agmore than 40 A Au ore deep 1860s,1908 (1957) carbonate- Strongin hostedPb- (1957) Zn skm, Strongin carbonate- (1957). hosted Pb- Petenon Zn (1976), NMBMMRfile data carbonate- Peterson hostedPb- (1976), Zn Strongin (1957) carbonate- Petmon hostedPb- (1976). Zn Lindgen et al. I I 3 prospectpits . , ( Z n l none carbonate- Strongin hosted Pb- (1957) I MINE NAME (ALIAS) Queen's Taste (Lead Queen) Summertime Unknown NE26 28s 14W I I SW2828S 14W I 5 29s 14W workingNE of NW33 28s Big Shiner 14W I 3lo5O'08", I I I none Cu,Pb,Zn,Mo I I 31'48'44". 108' 16'49" 31949'48': 108O 16'41" I I Cu,Pb I I Cu, Pb I shaft near VE Day none shaft 108' 16' 50" I I I LATITUDE, COMMODITIES YEARS OF DEVELOPMENT PRODUCTION TYPE OF REFERENCES LONGITUDE PRODUCTION DEPOSIT 3Io50'36", Cu, Pb, ZQ Mo 1930,1931,193 prospectpits and afewtons of carbonate- Peterson 108°14'04'' Pb-Ag ore shafts hosted Pb- (197% 7,1949 LOCATION I none none I I I I I 7pits shallow inclined pits I I I zn I Zn none I carbonate- NMBMMRfile hosted Pb- data I zn none Str0"P.h I(1955 carbonate- Peterson hosted Pb- (1976) I carbonate- Strongin hostedPb- (1957) . . IZn Geology The Apache Hills consistof Tertiary volcanic rocks overlying Cretaceous sedimentaty and rocks Paleozoic limestone (Strongin,1957; Peterson, 1976). The main volcanic rocks belong to the Chap0 Formation, which is dated as 30.66+1.15 Ma (K-feldspar, K-Ar, Deal etal., 1978). These rocks wereintmded by the Apache quartz monzonite porphyry stock datedat 27.1W.63 Ma (K-Ar,feldspar; Peterson, 1976; Deal et al., 1978). Irregular dikes and sillsof monzonite porphyryare present in theCretaceous rocks,and propylitic andsilicic alteration is pexvasive. The district lies within the region of gravity and magnetichighs that form a geophysicaltrend including K and Th and slightly elevated U the Fremont district. The area coincides with a low aeroradiometric aeroradiometric anomaly, which is characteristic of mineralized carbonate rocks in the Mimbres Resource Area. Mineral deposits Three typesof deposits occurin thedistrict: skams, carbonate-hosted Pb-Zn replacementsand polymetallic veins (Table50). Oxidized skarn and carbonate-hosted lead-zinc deposits with copper sulfides occur in strata of Cretaceous U-Bar Limestoneat the contact withthe quartz monzonite. The deposits extendinto the Sierra Ricaof Mexico. Additional copperskarns are associated with monzoniteand rhyolite dikesthat were probably apart of a resurgent magmaof the Apache caldera (Elston et al., 1979; Deal et al.,1978). Mineralization occurred after emplacementof a massive dikeof xenolith-rich rhyolite porphyry along the Apache fault which follows the southwesternmargin of the resurgent quartz monzonite stock (Elston, 1983). A thin but persistent zone of oxidized copperskams extends alongthe contact betweenthe dike and Cretaceous limestone. The rhyolite is younger than, but probably related to, the Apache Hills quartz monzonite stock. Predominant ore minerals include malachite, azurite,and chrysocolla; an ore shipmentin 1914 assayed 1.55% Cu and 2 odton Ag (Wade, 1914). The Apache ore bodyis an irregularly-shaped skam deposit in Cretaceous limestone andis associated with the quartz monzoniteporphye that intruded the limestone (Lindgrenet al., 1910). Ore deposition was controlled by major north-trending structnres. The most prominentof these structuresis the McJSinley fault which hosts the Apache depositon itssoutheast side and is only slightly mineralized with galena, sphalerite, and chalcopyrite. Zones of skam development in the limestone beds formed near the irregular contact with the igneous the same rocks. At the main shaft, the limestone has been recyrstallized to a coarse-grained calcite; nearby, limestone has been alteredto a greenishor brown garnet and calcite. The Apache ore body consisted of large and small stringers, shoots,and pods of ore randomly distributed throughoutthe sediments (Strongin,1957). Most of the material mined consisted of sedimentary rocks cut by sullide-filled fractures that contains little or no calcsilicate minerals. Veins containing andradite garnet, epidote, hematite, fluorite, and chalcopyrite occur locally. Ore minerals include galena, sphalerite, and associated cerargyTitein a gangueof calcite, garnet, limonite,and pyrite. Scheelite, cuproscheelite,and bismutite were identified in dump samplesof recrystallized limestone the Apache mine contained0.05 odton An, 12.7 odton Ag, 21% (Strongin, 1957). The richest ore shipped from Pb, 4% Cu, and 25% Zn (Elston, 1960). Dump ind chip samples collectedin themid-1980s assayedas high as 1.3% Cu, 800 ppmMo, 6.0%Pb, 0.2%Zn, and 5.1 odton Ag (Peterson, 1976). The Daisy mine, a carbonate-hosted Pb-Zn deposit, consists of fissure-filling veinsand replacements in brecciated limestoneand is confined to northeast-trending faults.The veins pinch and swell, but are generally 2-3 ft thick. Stringers of iron and copper minerals occur in thebreccia and replace the limestone adjacent to the faults. The deposits are similar to those at the mines in the Fremont mining district. Chalcopyrite and pyrite occur in 108 I quartz-calcite veins; native bismuth and tenorite have been reported. Oxidized minerals include malachite, azurite, chrysocolla, jarosite, hematite, limonite,and pyrolusite (Strongin, 1957). A sample assayed 0.4% Cu, 22 ppm Mo, 850 ppm Pb, 625 ppm Zn, and 2.1 odton Ag (Peterson, 1976). Quartz veins locally containing lead, silver, and copper cut andesiteof the Last Chance Formation and basalt and rhyolite dikes (Strongin, 1957). Extent of the veins is unknown. Chloritic alterationis common along odton Au, 1.5 theveins. Samples at theChapo mine assayedas high as 2.61% Cu, 5.95% Zn, 4.72% Pb, 0.01 odton Ag, and 0.004% Mo(NMBMMRfile data). A sample from the Luna mine assayed2.0% Cu, 225 ppm Mo, 5.2% Pb, and2.8% Zn; whereas a sample fromthe Snmme~memine assayed 1.1%C y 66 ppmMo, 200 ppm Pb, and 100 ppm Zn (Peterson, 1976). Gold assays fromvarious pits range as high as 910 ppb Au (Griswoldet al., 1989). Very little exploratory workhas been donein this district. Undiscovered ore bodies undoubtly exist, but discovery ofa large deposit would be required to pay for exploration. The favorable areas for exploration would be intersections of the marblized limestone,Indian and McKinley-Chap0 faults, and other north or north-east trending faults (Strongin, 1957; Elston, 1960). Anomalously high concentrations of As, Be, Bi, Cd, Co, Cu, K, La, Mn, Mo, Pb, Sb, Th, U, Y , and Zn occur in stream-sediment samples collected from drainages in the area. Big Hatchet Mountains district Location and Mining History The Big Hatchet Mountainsmining district is in theBig Hatchet Mountainsin southern Hidalgo County is small. The mines (Fig. 28). Only a few prospects have been discovered in thedistrict (Table 51) and production are located in theBig Hatchet State Game Refuge and the Big Hatchet Wilderness Study Area. Prospecting began of gypsum and minor carbonate-hosted Pb-Zn (Ag) in themountains in 1917, and some extensive occnrrences replacement deposits have been discovered. Early production recordsare not available orare ambiguous, but total production from 1920 to 1931is estimated as less than $2,000 (Table 2; Elston, 1965). In 1917, one carloadof zinc was shippedfrom the Sheridan mine, andin 1919 a small lot was shippedfrom the Brock mine (Elston, 1960). Since then, the only known production has been several truck ofloads agricultural-grade gypsum (50%70% CaSO4.2H20)that were producedin the 1950s and 1960s. TABLE 51-Mines. and . prospects in the Big Hatchet Mountainsmining district, Hidalgo County, New Mexico, 109 Figure 28"Mines and prospects inthe Big Hatchet Mountains mining district, Hidalgo County, New Mexico (modified from Drewes,et al., 1988). The Big Hatchet Mountains consist of faulted and tilted Paleozoic limestones and Cretaceous shales and sandstones that show fewsigns of mineralization oralteration (Lindgren et al., 1910; Drewes, 1991b). The rocks in the district consist predominantly of Horqnilla Limestoneand Earp Formation, witha thin,thrusted band of Oligocene andesiteor basaltic-andesite. Outcropsof Colina Limestonerest upon the Earp Formation. Thrust faults occur onthe western sideof the district. Small carbonate-hosted Pb-Zn replacement deposits have been identified along the faults. The district is associated with large gravity and magnetic lows and a low aeroradiometric and K Th and slightly elevatedU aeroradiometric anomaly. Mineral deposits T w o types of mineral deposits have been identified in theBig Hatchet Mountainsmining district, small in Epitaph carbonate-hosted Pb-Zn replacement deposits of presumably Tertiaryage and bedded gypsum deposits gypsum occurs in thefoothills sonthof the Big Dolomite (Permain). Additionally, Lower Cretaceous evaporite Hatchet Mountainsin theHell-To-Finish Formation.The replacement Pb-Zn deposits occur in two areasof the district, at theSheridan minein the northern part of the district, and at theLead Queen mine in thesouthern part (Fig. 35; Table 5 1). Marine gypsum deposits occurin the western part of the district where gypsumhas been qnanied at the Proverbial mine. At the Sheridan and Lead Queen mines, lead-silver-zinc oxide and sulfide minerals occur with calciteand limonite-manganese-stained gouge along bedding planesfaults and in Horqnilla Limestone (PennsylvanianPermian). Smithsonite and galena occuralong afault at the Sheridan mine (Scott, 1986; Drewes et al., 1988). The fault is less than 4 ft wide and was tracedfor 160 ft underground. Samples assayedas high as 0.39% Cd, 16.6% Pb,1.8 odton Ag, and 36.1% Zn (Scott, 1986; Drewes et al., 1988). Silver is associated withthe lead minerals and cadimium is associated with the zinc minerals.The remaining indicated resourcesat the Sheridan mine are estimated as 4,500 short tons of material averaging 3.2% Pb, 0.4 odton Ag, and 2.2% Zn (Scott, 1986; Drewes et al., 1988). Fuaher exploration down dipand along strike could discover additional resources. However, these resourcesare probably low grade, small tonnage, and they are subeconomicat present. The Lead Queen mine contains less calcite, more galena, and greater concentrations of cadmium, lead, as high as silver, and zincthanfound at theSheridan mine (Scott, 1986; Drewes et al., 1988). Samples assayed 0.12% Cd, 0.01% Cu,33.2% Pb, 7.4 odton Ag, and 16.9% Zn. Three mineralized faults at themine were estimated to contain a total of 2,900 short tons of material averaging 0.21% Pb, 01.1 odton Ag, and 0.5% Zn for the (Scott, 1986; Drewes et al., 1988).As with the Sheridan mine,the low grade and small tonnage reported Lead Queen mine makes the deposit subeconomic. However, further exploration downdip and along strike could discover additional resources. Drewes et al. (1988) determinedthat the Big Hatchet Mountainsmining district has a relatively low potential for copper, lead, silver, zinc, uranium, and industrial rock and mineral resources. The area along Sheridan Canyonfault between Mine Canyon Tank and Hell To GetTo Tank was identifiedas a geologicterrane having mineral potential,in part, because of the presence of the Lead Queen, Sheridan,and numerous other prospects. Additional sitesof subeconomic resources were identified in the area as having mineral potential,such as east of Sheridan Canyon fault. These sites occur in the vicinity of several calcite veins. Mostof these veinsare less than 3 ft thick and are typically barrenof metals, but some contain small, local amounts of Ag, As, Ba, Cu, and Zn (Drewes et al., 1988). Geochemical anomalies of As, Cd, Sn, and Ti are scattered in stream-sediments samples in the Big Hatchet Mountains, and selected samples contain anomalously high concentrations of Co,Mn, Nb, and U on thesouth endof the range. At the Proverbial mine, gypsum occurs in an outcrop of Epitaph Dolomite andcan be seen in a quarryas a distorted, dome-like structurehaving an exposed thicknessof approximately30 ft. The deposit contains alarge amount of gypsum, anhydrite,and impurities suchas clay, dolomite, limestone, and shale. Samples from the Proverbial mine contained 60-80% CaSO4.2H20. Gypsum is a low-value, high-tonnage commodity where the location of the deposits andthe distance to market play impomnt roles in whether or not the deposits are developed. The Proverbial minein the Big Hatchet Mountainsis quite distantfrom a marketand precludes development ofthe deposit forthe foreseeable future. Weber and Kottlowski (1959) describes deposits of Permian gypsum exposedat the southwestern edgeof the Big Hatchet Mountains,in sec. 20,21,28, and 29, T31S, R15W. The exposure covers about 23 acres and has a thickness estimated between 200 and 300 ft. The contorted gypsumis interbedded with dolomites.The large 111 thickness was suggested by Weber and Kottlowski (1959) is possibly dueto plastic flowof the gypsum at the base of overthrust sheets. Weber and Kottlowski (1959) reports that outcrops of Lower Cretaceous gypsum are exposed in the foothills southof the Big Hatchet Mountainsin two places. One outcropis in a gully nearthe center of NW% NW% sec. 10, T32S, R15W,and the other is to the north in a gullyin NW% SW% SW% sec. 3, T32S, R15W.At least two bedsof gypsum have been identitied interbedded with red shale, red sandstone, and marine limestone in the uppermost part of the Hell-to-Finish Formationand below the limestones of the U-Bar Formation. Estimated combined maximum thickness of the two bedsis about 60 ft, and they have been traced for approximately one to be of high purity, but again,are too far from a market to of be quarter of a mile. The gypsum deposits appear commercial interest. Brockman district The Brockman district (sec.1, T26S, R17W) consistsof the Brockman silicaquarry, operated by Phelps the Mojado Dodge Corp., near Playasin southern Hidalgo County(Fig. 1). Silica sand has been produced from flux in nearby smelters. Lessthan $1million has been Formation (Cretaceous) sincethe early 1900s for use as produced sincethe early 1900s. Capacityis approximatley 70,000 short tons/year (Austin al., et 1982). Fremont district Location and Mining History The Fremont mining district is located in the northwestern Sierra Rica about 15 mi southeast of Hachita. the United States and It is at the junction of Luna and Hidalgo Counties, andthe international boundary between Mexico formsits southeastern border (Fig. 1) and most known mineral deposits in the district arein Mexico. The district was discoveredin 1860. In the past, the Fremont mining district has produced a small amountof base and precious metals from volcanic-epithermal vein and carbonate-hosted Pb-Zn replacment deposits (McLemore, in press b; McLemore and Lueth, 1995, in press). The district has produced 190,000 lbs Pb, 10,000 oz Ag, 2,000 lbs the International mine (Table Cn, 10 oz Au,and 4,000 lbs Zn (Table 52). Mostof this production bas come from 52) whichis located near the eastern tip of the area. Other minesin the district have hadlittle or no production. TABLE 52-Reported metal production fromthe Fremont mining district, Hidalgoand Luna Connties, New Mexico (fromU.S.Bureau of Mines, 1927-1990). For 1949 and 1950, there are no reported prodcntion Since the discovery of lead, zinc, copper, silver, and gold deposits in 1880, the International mine has produced approximately 879 short tons of ore (Griswold, 1961). The bestore was a 10-shortton shipment grading 40% Pb and $62 per ton silver (at 95 centsper ounce; Lindgren et al., 1910). Between 1910 and 1959, 14 railroad cars of approximate 50 short tons eachand another 129shoa tons were shipped. Additional shipments probably were made, hut not reported. The Napone mine yielded 35 lbs U308 of in 1955 (Table 5). Geology The Fremontmining district is on the edge of the Apache Hills calderaand forms the eastern part of the intermediate zoneof the Cordilleran orogenic belt (Drewes, 1991b). It is characterized by gravityand magnetic highs. The rocks range in age from Paleozoicto Qnaternruy (Strongin, 1957; Peterson, 1976; Griswold, 1961; Drewes, 1991b). Thrust faults are common. Paleozoic carbonate rocks and Cretaceous clastic rocksare overlain hy Tertiary volcanic rocks and intruded quartz by monzonite and monzonite stocks. The main volcanic rocks belong to the Cbapo Formation, whichis dated as 30.66+1.15 Ma (K-feldspar,K-Ar; Deal et al., 1978). The monzonite is dated as 27.03~t0.59Ma (K-AI,feldspar; Peterson, 1976; Deal etal., 1978). Rhyolite, latite, felsite, and lamprophyre dikesare common. The limestones are silicilied and the volcanic rocks exhibitargillic alteration. The area is associated with gravity and magnetic highs. The area is associated with a low aeroradiometricK and Th and slightly elevated U aeroradiometric anomaly. Mineral deposits The deposits in the district are volcanic-epithennal vein and carbonate-hosted Pb-Zn replacement deposits (As, Bi, Cd, Pb,and Sb) are found in stream sediments (Table 53). Only a few localized geochemical anomalies from the area. TABLE 53-Mines and prospectsfrom the Fremont mining districf Hidalgoand Luna Counties, New Mexico. Location includes section, township, and range. OF REFERENCES DEPOSIT volcanic-epithmal LindgreR et al MINE NAME LOCATION LATITUDE LONGITUDE COMMODITIES DEVELOPMENT TYPE (ALIAS) SE25 29s 14W American I IVanadiurnLead Weatherford I .-,, 1 nlrl NE 13 30s 14W 31"45' 15" Cu, & 108°12'40'' shallow pits I I 108"15'30" 31'45'30" Cu,Pb,VSW2729S pits I 31'42'23" cu 108" 12'34" pits I I i 1 9 6 6 FN 12/2/81 Strongin(l957) volcanic-epithmal carbonate-hosted Strongin(l957) Pb-Znreplacement The Napone (or Nutshell) mine, discovered in 1894, yielded several hundred short tons of lead-zinc ore prior to 1949. In 1953,9.23 shoa tons of ore were producedthat contained 35.06 poundsofU308(0.19% G O S ) and 3.69 poundsV205(0.02% V205).The deposit consistsof replacement bodiesand veins along bedding fractures andfaults and is approximately 700ft long. The ore bodiesare en echelon andOCCUT in areas of extensive brecciation and silicification of the limestone. The extent at depth is unknown. Uranium minerals (carnotite, autunite) are sporadically distributedin ore bodies consistingof galena, cerussite, smithsonite, sphalerite, pyrite, chalcopyrite, calcite, siderite, and quartz. One selected sample contained0.13% U~OS and 127 ppm Th (McLemore, 1983) and Mayet al. (1981) reports one assay of O.47%U3O8. Ore assaysrange as high as 45.8%Pb, 30.8%Zn, and 1.03 odton Ag (NMBMMRfile data). The Internationalmine exploits a 4,000-ft long volcanic-epithennal vein in a fault cutting Lower Cretaceous sandstone, shale, and limestone conglomerate. The vein is mineralized for about 2,000 ft; about 1,000 ft of the mineralized vein is inMexico (Griswold, 1961).The vein ranges from1to 10 ft wide on the surface and averages approximately ft4 wide. Near the vein, the beds are contorted, suggestingtearings and left-lateral movement alongthe fault. The vein follows a 5-ftthick band of reddish gritfault gouge that was recemented with silica and calcite (Griswold, 1961). The ore mineralsare galena, sphalerite,and chalcopyrite accompaniedby quartz, calcite, iron oxides, and pyriteas gangue. Gold and silver are present, and oxide mineralsare evident on the outcrop. 113 The Eagle mine consistsof replacement bodiesin limestone and minor veins along fault a striking N5OE (Elston, 1960). The mine producedin the1880s andagain in 1906-1907 and yielded 200 short tonsof argentiferous galenathat averaged 40% Pb and 20 odshort ton Ag (Lindgrenet al., 1910). Galena withquartz and calcite has replaced limestone with little or no recrystallization;iron staining is prevalent at thesurface. Tungsten and bismuth have been reported to sporadically occurin the vein (NMBMMR file data). Numerous other prospectsand mines occurin the area (Table 53). Most are shallow andthe mineral potential at depth is unknown. A core-drling program mightfind additional orein the vein, butthe value of the ore would probably not pay the for cost of exploration, development, mining, and transportation (Griswold, 1961). Griswold (1961) reports that a perlite deposit had been reported in the volcanic hills north of the Sierra Rica, but he was unable to locate and confirm the occurrence. Gillespie district Location and Mining History The Gillespie mining district, also h o w n as the Red Hill district,is located in the Animas Mountains about 30 mi southwest of Hachita and 22 mi southof Playas (Fig. 29). The Cowboy Spring Wilderness Study Area lies southof the district. The district was discoveredin 1880. A minor amountof Au, Ag, Cu, Pb, and Zn, amounting to $100,000, was producedfrom volcanic-epithermal veinsfrom 1880 to 1950 (Table 54; L a s b and Wootton, 1933; Elston, 1965). Mostof the ore was producedfrom the Red Hill mine which was active sporadicallyduring that period. Ore grades for the Red Hill mine between 1905 and 1950 were 0.01 odshortton Au, 4.06 odshort ton Ag, 0.18% Cu, 17.92% Pb,and 0.91% Zn. Workings consistof two inaccessible shaftsand a 400-ft main shaft with two levels having about 1,000 ft of drifts and crosscuts. TABLE 54-Reported metal production from the Gillespie mining district, Hidalgo and Luna Counties, New Mexico (from U. S.Geological Survey, 1902-1927;U.S.Bnreau of Mines, 1927-1990; Elston, 1960). For 114 2o I 36' T 21 22 23 \ / I / / \ \ / I 25 I I f / / / / 7 4 1 6 0 Prospect Pit Shafl 4 Adit x ---- 0 Center of Numerous Drill Holes Approximateboundary of caldera DistrictBoundary " 8 " I ! , 1 i 8 9 12 lNllll Mountains ! " I R18WIR17W Figure 29-Mines and prospects in the Gillespie mining district, HidalgoCounty,New Mexico. The Gillespie deposit was discovered in 1880. Presently, the workings consistsof shafts and numerous pits; the deepest is 100 ft (Zeller and Alper, 1965) Avisit to the district in 1994 indicated that there had been development workat the Gillespie mineas late as 1991 in at least oneof the shafts. No production has been reported forthe Gillespie mine. In 1960, fluorspar was discoveredat the Athena prospectsat the Winkler anticline (known then as the 50-100 ft deep Volcano claims) southeastof the district. Several trenchesand four shallow test shafts were dug, percussion holes were drilled,and extensive sampling and geochemical testing were performed. A resource was as identified of approximately 150,000 short tons of material containing25-35% CaFz, with copper and silver potential byproducts. A mill was erected in sec. 34, T30S, R18W (Fig. 30) and 1,500 short tons fluorite was shipped in the 1970s (Phil Young, local rancher,oral communication, April 19,1994). However, the ore was low grade and difficult to concentrate, so the mill was unsuccessful. Manganese was also produced from several veins (Table 55). Approximately 276 long tons of 22-45% Mn was produced. Tungsten occursin these veins, butthere is no reported production@ale and McKinney, 1959). TABLE 55-Mines and prospectsfrom the Gillespie mining district, Hidalgo County.New Mexico. Location 116 ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~~~ ~~~~ FIGURE 3GPhoto ofthe fluorite miU in 1994, lookingnorth (abandoned) at the Winkler anticline,operatedby the Mining and Milling Corporationof America, 1972-1975(V. T. McLemore photo). Geology Laramide deformation accompanied andesitic and basaltic volcanismand intrusion of intermediate composition stocks; and was followed in the Oligocene by large-scale volcanismand formation of major ash-flow calderas @Iston et al., 1979).The district liesat the junction of the h a s Peak, Geronimo Trail, and Juniper calderas. In some of these calderas, porphyry stocks were intruded into the caldera dnringa resurgent magma pulse. The Juniper cauldera, in the RedHill area, formed35 Ma ago p e a l et al., 1978). In the Juniper caldera, the exposed Animasand Walnut Wells porphyries (Zeller and Alper, 1965) and a quartz monzonite stockthat was located by drilling are evidence of magma resurgence(!%ton et al., 1979). The Animas quartr monzonite was McLemore et ai., 1995). The major structural feature ofthe district emplaced at 34.0 *O. I Ma (4aAr/39Ar, feldspar, is the Winkler anitcline. The area is characterized by low gravity, high magnetic, and low aeroradiometricK, U, and Th. Minerad deposits Mineralization consistsof volcanic-epithermal veins offluorite, gold-silver-lead,and manganese (Table 55). Four types ofveins occur: silver-bearing (Gillespie mine), fluorspar (Winkler anticline deposits), oxidized lead-silver (Red Hill), and manganese (Combined Minerals Corporation mine).SMcation is common nearthe veins. Streamsediment geochemistry anomalies include Ag, As, Be, Co, K, La, Mq Nh, Th, U, Y, and localized Au, Ti, and Sn. The largest minein the districtis the Red Hill mine (Fig. 3 1) where a northwest-trending oxidized leadquartz latite ash-flowtnft The veinstrikes N77"W, dips 75-85"N E , and consists silver vein cuts altered Tertiary mainly of cerussite, minor anglesite,and a small amountof residual galena, locally argentiferous (Zeller and chqsocolla, Alper, 1965; Elston, 1965;V. T. McLemore, unpublished field notes, April 19, 1994). Malachite, smithsonite, sphalerite, and wulfenite are also found (V. T. McLemore, unpublished field notes, April 19, 1994). Quartz and calcite are gangue minerals, with minor fluorite. 117 FIGURE 31-Photo of the Red Hill mine in 1994, GiUespiedistrict. The vein is approximately3ft wide and t h e hanging wall is altered to clay(V. T. McLemore photo). ~ ~~~~ ~~ i. i c ~ ~~ FIGURE 32-Photo ~ ~ ~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . . ~~ of the Gillespie m i n e in 1994, Gillespie district(V. T. McLemore, photo) 118 The Gillespie mine is situated on a small vein that strikes N65"Eand dips 65ONW (Fig. 32). Host rocks are altered Pennsylvanian-Permian Horquilla Limestone and calcareous siltstone of the Earp Formation. Azurite and malachite occur on the dump; linnearite was foundin a vug from a prospect pit. Calcite, quartz, siderite, and minor fluorite are gangue minerals. Silifficationis common. The Winkler anticline fluorspar deposits occuras scattered podsand breccia cementin irregular fluoritejasperoid replacement mantos. Pennsylvanianand Cretaceous limestonesof the Horqnilla Limestoneand U-Bar Formation are the host rocks. Formationof the Winkler anticline produced fracturesin thehost rocksthat allowed hydrothermal solutionsto enter. Dissolution breccia occurs with fluorite filling open-spaces. Jasperoids are common. Clear, white, green, and purple fluorspar were identifiedin a gangue of quartz and calcite. Locally, trace amountsof sulfides occur withthe fluorspar. The Texas LimeCo. drilled several holesin 1970-1971 and delineated estimated reserves of 150,000 short tonsof 25-35 %fluorite (Scott, 1987). The majority of the material remains after production failed. Manganese veins occur scattered thronghout the district (Table55; Zeller and Alper, 1965; V. T. McLemore, unpublished field notes, February 21, 1994). Volcanic rocksand the Animas quartz monzonite typically hostthe veins, which consistof manganese oxides, calcite, barite, fluorite, and rare quartz (Zeller and Alper, 1965). Ore producedfrom the CombinedMinerals Corporation mine contained 40-45% Mn and less than 0.25% combined copper, lead,and zinc. The veins occuralong normal faults that strike N14"E to N21"W, have steep dips,are typically lessthan 3 ft wide and several hundred feet long.The manganese-fluorite veinsat the as much as 1% W03 and 39% Mn, but recoveryof tungsten from manganese oreis Ridge (Hodget) mine contain not yet economically feasible @ale and McKinney,1959; NMBMMR file data). The veins are hosted by rhyolite, less than 2 ft wide in a zoneless than 15 ft wide, and less than 150 ft long @ale and MCKiMey, 1959; Williams, 1966). Granite Gap district Location and Mining History The Granite Gap(or San Simon) mining district is located nearthe southern endof the central Peloncillo Mountains eastof the Arizona-New Mexicostate line and southwestof Lordsburg. Mines southof Blue Mountain lies south of and along Granite Gap are included in the district (Fig. 1). The Granite Gap Wilderness Study Area the district. Depositsin the district werefirst explored in about 1887, but large-scalemining operations did not begin until 1897 when controlof several propertiesof the Granite Gap mines was consolidated (Gilleman, 1958). T w o types of deposits occurin the district: carbonate-hosted Pb-Zn replacementand Laramide skarn deposits. Most production ended in 1915, although small amounts of ore were produced sporadically until 1926 and probably into the 1950s. Most of the production of lead and silver was shipped to Douglas, Arizona; Deming, New Mexico; and El Paso, Texas (Table56). The total value of production until 1906 is estimated as atleast $600,000 in 1954 and 1955, but total production is unknown. (Lindgren et al.,1910). The Crystal mine was being worked Total estimated productionfrom the district amonnts to$1.95 million, including morethan 1.6 million lbsPb and 91,000 oz Ag (Table 56). In addition, 3,000 short tons of 0.5% W03 was produced in 1943. In 1948,s short tons of 6% Sb was produced (Hobbs,1965; Dasch, 1965). TABLE 56-Reported metal production fromthe Granite Gap mining district, Hidalgo County, New Mexico (from U.S. Bureau of Mines, 1927-1990). Some ofthis production may have come from the McGhee Peak Geology The oldest rocksin the district are Proterozoic granite that crops outin a northwest-trending bandin the northern part of the district north, of Preacher Mountain. Muchof the remainder ofthe district consists mainly of Cretaceous and Paleozoic marine sedimentag rocks exposedin fault-bounded blocks. However, large a area in the southernpart of the district, oneither side of Granite Gap, has beenintruded by Granite Gap granite (Cargo, 1959; Armstrong et al., 1978; Gebben, 1978; Richter et al., 1990). The granite is located mostly between Preacher Mountain and Granite Gap faults. Previously, Gillerman (1958) describes this granite as being Proterozoic and part of a fault-bound horst trending east-northeast transversingacross the middle of the mountain rangeat Granite Gap. 40Ar/39Ar age determinationof the Granite Gap plutonindicates emplacement near 33.2 Ma (McLemore et al., 1995). Several dikes,sills, and irregular masses ofTertiary granite porphyry intrude the Granite Gap granite and Cretaceous and Paleozoic rocks in the central Peloncillo Mountains (Fig.33). The area is characterized by magnetic and gravityhighs and high resistivity, whichare consistent withintrusive rocks in the area. Mineral deposits Carbonate-hosted Pb-Zn replacement andskam deposits are present in the Granite Gap miningdistrict and are associated with Tertiary intrusions. The deposits occurin two geographic groups, thosealong the Preacher Mountain fault bounding the northern limit of the Granite Gapgranite (Crystal mine) and those near the Granite Gap fault. Both types of deposits have similar mineralogy and occurprimarily in limestone. Veins depositsin the district are fissure fillings that occur mostlyin limestone, as atthe Granite Gap and Crystal mines.Skam mineralizationis less well developed than at the McGhee Peakdistrict to the north. In the skarns, limestoneis replaced by calc-silicate minerals, mainly garnet, and minor amounts of quartz, calcite, epidote, and wollastonite. to Tertiary igneous Some zonescontain 50-60% andradite garnet (Cargo, 1959). The deposits formed adjacent intrusive rocks. Skam mineralizationwas accompanied bythe introductionof galena, sphalerite, and chalcopyrite (Armstrong et al., 1978). Tungsten is present in several mines (Table57; Dale and McKinney,1959). 10 03' 32'lr R21' I 0 6' 5 Shaft Y Adit Numerous Drill Holes T2G 32"OL Figure 33-Mines and prospects in the Granite Gap mining districts, Hidalgo County, New Mexico (modified from Armstrong, et al., 1978, and Gilleman, 1958). 122 The primary ore mineralsare sphalerite, galena, and chalcopyrite with minor tetrahedrite in a gangueof qnartz, calcite, pyrrhotite, barite, and pyrite. Silver occurs as matildite blebsin galena; assaysof 100-500 ozlton Ag are common (Williams, 1978). Bismuth occurrsin arsenopyrite (Williams, 1978). Scheeliteand molybdenite occur in some mines. At Granite Gap, the sulfides have been almost completely oxidized to limonite and manganese oxides. Jasperiodsare common. Armstrong et al. (1978) found no metamorphismof the highly fractured and thrust-faulted limestone host rocks. It is likely, that skarn deposits developed nearerthe intrusive bodies which werethe main sonrces of heat and possibly of metals, and the carbonate-hosted lead-zinc replacement deposits formedat lower temperaturesfarther from the intrusions (McLemoreand Lueth, 1995,in press). Regional geochemical anomaliesof Be, Mo,Nb, Pb, Th, and U and localized anomaliesof Ag, La,and Sn arefound in stream-sediments samplesfrom the area. Tungsten occurs with the base- and precious-metalsin some mines, especially along the Preacher Mountain fault (Cargo, 1959). Atthe Sunrise mine, scheelite with molybdenum occursin quartz veins in the granite and as disseminationsin thegarnet zone alongthe contact; assaysas high as 0.58% W03 are reported (Dale and McKinney, 1959). Scheelite occurs in small pods and zonesas much as 6 ft wide in tactite at the BakerStandard claims. Assaysas high as 1.2% WOSare reported fromthe Buck Deerclaims p a l e and McKinney, 1959). Kimball district Location and Mining History The Kimball (or Steins Pass) mining district is located in the northern Peloncillo Mountainsalong the Arizona-New Mexicostate line, north of the McGhee Peakmining district (Fig. 1). This district includes mines and prospects northof Steins Pass(I-lo), as well as thosein sec. 16, 17,20, and 21, T24S, R 21W (Elston, 1960). Elston (1960) placesthe Charles minein the McGhee Peak district,but it is a volcanic-epithermalvein deposit similar toother mines in theKimball district and is included in this district in this report. The volcanic-epithemal vein deposits were discovered in the area in 1875,but serious mining did not beginuntil about 1883 (Wellsand Wootton, 1932,1940). Production from 1885 to 1933 was valued at over $500,000,including 400,000 oz Ag, 1,500 oz An, 125,000 lbs Pb, 12,000 lbs and Cu, some zinc (Table 2). Most production was prior to 1910, but development continueduntil at least 1981. Silver wasthe chief product, but a considerable amount of gold was produced. The Volcano silver mine andthe Beck gold mine werethe main producers (Table 58). Some F a m h a m ,1961). manganese was producedfrom the Black Face mineduring World WarI1 ( 123 MIZ I I rocks in the district are volcanic and igneous intrusive rocks, including rhyolite domes and flows, tuffs, and megabreccia. Much ofthe district consistsof tuffof Steins, a light colored, densely welded ash-flow tuff. Richter et al. (1990) define the Steins canlderain this area and the tuffof Steins is related to this cauldera. Lindgren et a]. (1910) describedthe rocks as being quite similarto those in the Steeple Rock district to the north. Some fanlting has occurred, and mineralized epithermalquartz veins have been identitied in silicified brecciatedfault zones in the igneous rocks. Mineral deposits and consist of Volcanic-epithennal veins occnr in late Cretaceous or Tertiary volcanic rocks (Table 58) pyrite, chalcopyrite, galena, sphalerite, argentite, cerargyrite, and native gold (Lindgren et al., 1910; Lasky and Wootton, 1933; Elston, 1960). Mostof the veins are oxidized, but some sulfidesare present. Calcite is prevalent, especially nearthe surface. Stream-sediment geochemical anomalies include Ag, Cn, Pb, Sn, and spotty La and Mn. The Volcanoand Beck minesare the largest minesin the district. The Volcano minesits on the 9,000 ft long northeast-trending Volcano vein, which reaches a width of as much as 45 ft. The vein is brecciated, fissure filling, and silicified and forms a prominent outcrop, because it is resistant to weathering. Ore was foundin a quartz band onthe hanging wall sideof the brecciated zone. Cerargyrite wasthe main ore mineralin the oxidized zone. The Beck mineis situated in the ENE- to WNW-trending Beck vein which extends for 3,000 ft in Tertiary andesitic rocksthat have been cut by prominent dikes of monzonite porphyry (Enders, 1981; Richter and Lawrence, 1983). Argillic alteration is predominant. Ore minerals include cerargyrite, argentite, pyrargyrite, proustite, sphalerite, galena, chalcopyrite, bornite, and chalcocite with calcite, pyrite, clay, and qnartz as gangue as high as 1.05odton An, 25.11 odton Ag, 2.06% Cy (Enders, 1981; Lindgren et al., 1910). Samples assayed ( 4 0 ppm), and mercury (<300 ppb); most assays 0.33% Pb, 0.12%Zn,and low arsenic (<300 ppb), antimony were much lower (Enders, 1981). Metal concentrationsare higher in the upper levelsof the mines, especiallyat the Beck mine (Enders, 1981). The most favorable areas for future exploration arethe eastern extensionof the Beck vein andthe Ester mine area (Enders, 1981). Epithermal manganese veins occnr in rhylite porphyryat the Black Face minein the northern part of the district (Table58; Famham, 1961). The veins are npto 700 ft long, strikesN7OoE, and dips 75"Nto vertical. Lordsburg district Location and MiningHistory and Shakespeare) is located in The Lordsburgmining district (alsoknown as Virginia, Pyramid, Ralston, the northern part of the Pyramid Mountains,just southwest of Lordsburg (Fig. 34). Thefirst mining locations were made in the district in 1870, and some early attempts were made to ship silver ore fromthe Laramide vein deposits. It was notuntil the Southern Pacific Railroad reached Lordsburg in 1880 that mining began in earnest (Huntington, 1947). Between 1904 and 1933, the Lordsburg area produced more than 1.5 million short tons of copper, gold, silver,and lead orevalued at approximately $19.5 million (Table59; Lasky, 1938a). Hnntington (1947) reportsthat ore produced between 1904 and 1935 contained 2.58% Cu, 0.117 odton An, and 2.24 odton of fluorite have been produced from two veins (Thormanand Drewes, Ag. In addition, a few hundred short tons 1978). Total productionhas been over$60 million and includes11million lbs Pband 4.2 million lbs Zn. Reported production from the district aconntsfor more than 96% of total production value reported for Hidaglo for small, intermittent, silica-flux-mining operations. County from 1880 to 1978. The district remains active Placer gold has been reported (Johnson, 1972; McLemore, 1994a) and 3,527 short of fluorite tons were produced. RIOWI R I ~ W Figure 34-Mines and prospects in the Lordsburg mining district, Hidalgo County, New Mexico (modified from Thorman and Drewes,1978). TABLE 59-Reported metal production from the Lordsburg mining district, Hidalgo County,New Mexico (from U. S. Geological Survey, 1902-1927;U. S. Bureau of Mines, 1927-1990; Richter and Lawrence, 1983). For yearsomittea there are no reported production figures.-none reported. YEAR ORE (SHORT COPPER (LBS) GOLD LEAD SILVER (OZ) (OZ) (LBS) ZINC TOTAL (LBS) VALUE ($) Two principal producing mines in the district, the Eighty-five and Bonney mines, are located on the northeast-trending setof faults and has been mined over strikelength a of 4,350 ft and a depthof nearly 2,000 ft (Clark, 1962,1970). The Eighty-five mine wasthe most productive minein the area. The Eighty-five groupof claims produced virmally90% of the ore from1904 to 1935. This production, however,was dependent almost entirely on demand from copper smelters for siliceous-fluxing to reduce ore the melting pointof the copper ore. The mines are paid for the gold and copper content and penalized for zinc. Mining activity was suspended when, in 193 1, this demand ended. The oreat the Eighty-five mine came from the Emerald vein which was mined for a continuons length of about 2,000 ft and to a vertical depthof 1,900 ft and produced approximately 1.4 million short tonsof ore. The average ore fromthis deposit contained2.8% Cu, 1.23 odton Ag, and 0.111 odton Au (Lasky, 1938a). The Bonneyvein was probably the second largest producing vein in the district. Between 1910 and 1940, the Atwood group ofclaims, which includesthe Atwood and Henry Clay mines, produced 36,630 short tonsof ore, containing 3,330 oz Au, 136,364 oz Ag, 706 short tons Cu, and almost 115 short tonsPb (Huntington, 1947). By 1943, the Bonney mine had been developed to a vertical depth1,450 of ft and for 2,000 ft along strike. Minimum width of the stopes was4 ft and the maximum vein width was about 20 ft (Hnntington, 1947). At that time, the Bonney mine wasthe principal producing minein the district having maintained an annual production rateof 3,000 short tons per year for several years (Hnntington,1947). Perlite has been mined from three quarries in the southern part of the district in 1953 and 1954. However, the presence of woahless stony rhyolitewithin the perlite deposits made production uneconomic. Perlite resources were conservatively estimated by Flege (1959) as 30 million cubic yards. Geology Host rocksin the district consistof Lower Cretaceous andesite to basalt flows at least 2,000 ft thick which were intruded by plugsof basalt and rhyolite breccias and plugs of white rhyolite (Fig.34). The volcanics have been intrudedby an irregular, horseshoe-shaped Laramide granodiorite porphyry stock (59.8h4.4 Ma, horndblende, K-Ar, Marvin et al., 1988) (Lasky, 1938a; Thorman and Drewes, 1978; Elston et al., 1979) and related granodiorite porphm or aplite dikes. Plugs and dikesof quartz latite and dikesof white felsite cutthe granodiorite. The volcanics correspond to large gravity and magnetic highs. Five setsof faults occur in the area: northeast, east-west, northwest, east-northeast, and north-south and they are,for the most part, pre-mineralization and acted as channels for ore-forming solutionsas well as sites of mineralization (Lasky, 1938a; Clark, 1962,1970; Jones, 1907). In general, the faults dip vertically. Veins are accompanied by argillic and propylitic alteration (Clark,1962; Agezo and Norman,1994). Mineral deposits Deposits in the district are Laramide baseand precious-metal, fissure-filling veinsin fault and fracture 60; Wells, 1909; Clark, 1962, 1970; zones that transect the contact zoneof the granodiorite porphyry pluton (Table Richter and Lawrence, 1983). The vein deposits are genetically related to the emplacement of the pluton and consist of quartz and pyrite and lesser amounts ofbase-metal sulfides, chiefly chalcopyrite, galena, and sphalerite. District zoningis prevalent (Clark,1970). Fluid inclusion studies indicate that the veins formedat 200->300° C by acidic fluids (pH4.5-6.0; Agezo and Norman, 1994). Gold assaysfromprospectpits range ashigh as 3,100 ppb Au (Griswold et al.,1989). Geochemical anomalies from stream sedimentsin the area are anomalousin Ag, Co, Cr, Cu, Mn, Mo, and Pb, with local anomaliesof Ba, Be,K, Nb, Sn, Th, andY. TABLE 60-Mines and prospects in the Lordsburg mining district, Hidalgo County, New Mexico. Location includes section, township, and range. MINE NAME ( A L I A S ) LOCATION Ada Etta (Mikesell, Summit, Big NE10, Dike, Daisy, Monday, Florence NWll23S May, Sterling, Lone Star, 19w Copper Nuepet 1 and 2) Anita (Tam Group, Old Virginia, E1/2 11 U S Mono, Ontario, Dewey, Queen, 19w McGinty, Lucy, Kathryn) TYPE OF REFERENCES DEVELOPMENT LATRUDE, COMMODITIES LONGlTUDE DEPOSlT 32" 19' 22" Ag, Au, Cu 700 fladit, Pb, Laramide Lasky (1938a), Thoman 1 0 8 O 46' 38" numerous shallow and veins Drewes (1978), Richter shafls and Lawrence (1983) 32" 19' 09" 1089 45' 44" Pb, Cu, Ag, Au, 820 fi shsfi with 5 Laramide Lasky (1938a), Anderson 2" veins levels, shafls, adits (1953, Clark (1970), Flege (1959), T h o m n and Drewes (1978) 128 ~ MINE NAME (ALIAS) Atwood (Atwood-Henry Clay,Yellow Jacket, Bessie, Florence,Sauthern, Valedon, Road, Plumbo, New Year, LOCATION E12, W07 23s 18W 11& 12 23s Claim, Lookout, Flagship) 19w LATlTUDE, COMMODITE DEVELOPMENT TYPE OF LONGmUDE DEPOSlT 32' 19' 06" Cu, Ag, Au, Pb, 750 fl shaft, 6 Laramide 108' 44'22" Z" veins levels, shallow shafls, adits, pits 329 19' 01" 108' 45' 08" Cu, Au, Ag Pb, Z" openouts, pits, shallow shafts, 1 adit I Big Three NU5 U S 19w 32' 16' 57" 108' 44' 46" Pb, Ag, Cu, Zn, shallow pitsand bulldozer cuts Au I Bluebird (Center Nos 1 and 2) Chest, Lone, Teddy, Cachisa, Shoo Fly, Sunrise, Copper Dick, Mulberry, Happy Hooligan, Red NW30 23s 18W 32" 16' 58" 108'44' 11" SE14, N U 3 us 19w 32' 17' 53" 1089 45' 39" r CenNry (Eigthy-Fiva Group) Phaenix Group, Copper Link, Anna Mary) WIR 02 24s 19w SW 12 23s 19w 32' 14' 50" 108" 46' 10" 32" 18' 52" 1089 45' 21" sw11us 32' 19' 04" 108" 46' 19" 19w U 14 23s Negm Mine, Black Sam, Tom Cat, Black Capper) Capper Reef Group (Capper Reef Mine, Copper Reef no. 2 and 3) Jim Crow Mines: Rockford. Playmate, 85, 86, 99, Emerald, Mine, Or0 Fino, Oro Alto, Sunrise, Independence) Fluorite Qroup (&eyer Mines, Fluorite nos. 1 to 12, Diffenderfer Group) Francis Kay Sweet) Pb, Ag, Au, Cu shaft and several prospect pits 4 shafts and several prospect pits, 2,ooO R deep, 8 levels F shaft Pb, W pits 18 shallow shafls and 3 opencuts 32' 18' 16" 108' 45' 47" Cu, Ag, Au, Pb R3S, R19W, 12, 13 NE13 23s 19w 32' 19' 43" 108" 44'4 2 ( C" 32' 18' 23" 108' 44'43" Cu, Ag, Au sw12, NW13 23s 19w 32' 18" 52" 108* 45" 04" Cu, Au, Ag, Pb, 5 shafls, 16 Z" working levels adit, C13 23s 19w 32' 18" 19" 108" 45" 05" Pb, As, Cu, Au 34,35,2,3 32" 15" 17" 108' 46" 58" F 32' 17" 31" 108" 45" 13" Pb, Ag, Cu, Au, c of s 2 24 32' 17' 04" 23s 19W 108' 45' 01" Pb, Ag, Cu, Au, 200 ft shaft and Zn several shallow prospect pits 19w 23s &24S, 700 ft of drifts, 0penC"tS 19w NW24 23s 19w 5W ft shaft with 2" 129 14 shafts, trenches, pits, sdits 10 shallow shafts, 12 small opencuts several shallow shafts and small prospect pits 5 shafts, adit, and numerous shallow prospect pits 2 shafls and several pits REFERENCES ~~ ~ Lindgren et al. (1910), Lasky (1938a), Huntington (1943, Storms (1949), Clark (1970) Laramide Lasky (1938a), Anderson veins (1953, Richter and Lawrence (1983), Nonh and Eveleth (1981) Laramide Clsrk (1970), Thorman and veins Drewes (1978), Elston (1960), Richter and Lawrence (1983) Laramide Jones (1903, Thorman and veins Drewes (1978), Richter and Lswrenca (1983) Laramide Lindgren et al. (1910), veins Lasky (1938a), Flege (1959), Clark (1970), Thorman and Drewes (1978) Fluorite Jones (1903, L a s k y veins (1936b) Laramide Lindgren et al. (1910), veins Lasky (1938a), Clark (1970), Thorman and Drewes (1978) Laramida Clsrk (1970), L a s k y veins (1938a), Thormsn and Drewes (1978), Richter and Lawrence (1983) Laramide Lasky (1938s), Lindgren et veins al. (1910), Thormsn and Drewes (1978), Richter and Lawrence (1983) Laramide Elstan (1960); FN 4/17/94 veins Laramide Clark (1970), Lasky veins (1938a), Thorman and Drewes (1978), Richter and Lawrence (1983) Laramida Lasky (1938a), Clark veins (1970), Jones (1903, Lindren et al. (191O),Youtz (1930, Flege (1959) Larsmida Jones (1903, Clark (1970), Thorman and Drewes veins (1978) Fluorite Rothrock et SI. (1949, veins Fleea (1959). Williams (1966); and Drewes 1978 Laramide Jones (1903, Lindgren et SI. (1910), Clark (1970), veins Thorman and Drewes I F'y MINE NAME (ALIAS) Gerry Boyle Mine) LOCATION C07 23s 18W LATITUDE, COMMODITIES DEVELOPMENT LONGITUDE 32' 19' 12" Cu, Ag, Au,Pbpits 108' 44'07" NlL2 12 23s 19w 32' 19' 23" 108" 45' 09" Gwen King (Bluebird, White Cloud) sw19, NW30 23s 18W 32" 16' 54" 108' 44' 23" Henry Clay (Anvood-Henry Claj Group)) SE12 23s 19w 32' 19' 03" 108" 44' 47" Hobson Claim (pan of the Eighry-Five Mine) Homesteke-Needmore (Homestaka & Needmore extensions nos. 1 and 2) C12 23s 19w s2 19 23s 18W 32" 19' 06" 108" 45' 12" 32' 17' 02" 1080 44' 20" Montan*) Kirk's Perlite Industries Deposit shaft and Cu, Ag, Au, Pb shallow numerous small pits Pb, Ag, Au,Cu 3 shallow s h a b and several prospect pits Cu, Ag, Pb, Zn, 800 ft shaft with 5 AU levels Pb, Ag, Cu, A", F 3 shallow s h a h and several pmsppect pits Last Chance (Last Chance, Clara Sutton) LeitendarfHills Perlite (Kirks Perlite Industries) Lone Star Prospect (Stick-Porter Groups) NW18 25s 18W S25, N36 23s 19W 32'08' 11" Expanded perlite open pit 108" 44' 11" 32' 16' 06" 108" 44' 53" and several pits Misers Chest (Copper Regent, S.W.B., Columbia, Ft. Savage, Little AMie, VirEinia) Nellie Bly (Bmther Gsrdner, Baltimore, Independence, Billy NE23 23s 19w 32" 17' 33" 108' 45' 51" NWO1, NE02 245 19w C S2 14 23s 19w 32' 15' 02" 108' 45' 36" 32" 17' 59" 108' 46' 03" NW SE 24 23s 19W 32' 17' 21" 1080 45' 01" SE23 23s 19w 01,11,1224s 19w 32' 17' 10" 1089 45' 58" 32" 14' 05" 108' 45' 20" NWO1, N!32 24s 19w 32' 15' 10" 108' 45' 32" March, Reynolds Group) Claim, Morningstar) file data Elston 1960 Laramide Laskv (1938a). Clark pits Cu 32' 12' 16" Nw2124s 17W 108' 36' 01" SW18 23s 3Z9 17' 57" 18W Eli2 01 24s 108" 44'53" 19w Lady Mary TYPE OF IREFERENCES (1960), Richter and %mice aggregate pits Not specified shaft and several levels I ~~ Cu, Ag, Au, Pb, 600 ft shaft with Zn 11 levels, opencuts, pits Cu, Ag, Au, Pb, 400 ft shaft with 6 Zn le"& C" 3 shafts Pb, Zn, Cu, Ag, 160 ft shaft and Au several prospect pits C" Perlite shafts pits I Elston (1960) volcanic Fluorite Rothmck et al. (1946), veins Williams (1966), Thorman and Drewes (1978) Larsmide Lindren, et al (1910), LasQ veins (1938a), Anderson (1953, Flege (1959), Clark (1970) Laramide Lindgren et a1.(1910),Clark Jones (1903, LssQ veins (1970), (1938a) Laramide Lasky (1938a), Flege veins (1959), Thorman and Drewes (1978) Laramide Lasky (1938a), Lindgren et veins al. (1910), Clark(1970), Thorman and Drewes (1978) Larsmide Thorman and Drewes (1978) veins volcanic Flega (1959),laster(1956), Richter and Lawrence Cu, Ag, Au, Pb main shaft with 3 levels, several shallow shafts (1970). veins I-" Rosemary-Kingfisher Group SWll4 6,NW1/4 7 23s 18W 19, 18W, 24, 19W 23s r-" 32" 19' 39" 1089 44' 21" 32" 17' 26" 108' 44' 32" Pb, Ag prospect pits end B shallow shaft Zn, Pb, Cu, Ag, 500 ft inclined Au shaft, pits and trenches 130 Weber (1968) ~~~a~ J O ~ (lgon, ~ S and Drewes Larsmide Elston (1960) Laramide Anderson (1953, Clark Thorman and veins (1970), Drewes (1978), Elston LOCATION Section 34 NE34 22s 19w LATEUDE, COMMODEIES DEVELOPMENT TYPE OF REFERENCES DEPOSE LONGITUDE 32' 20' 59" Larsmide Thoman and Drewes Mn, U (?) several pits, vein 108" 47' 23" deepest 10 fl (1978) Silver Bell SE114 02 24s 19W 32" 14' 32" 108' 45' 47" Susia 32' 14' 55" NW11401 Ag, Cu 24s 19W 108' 45' 15" NE 01 24s 32" 14' 57" Ag, Pb, Cu, Au 19W Century, 108* Planet, 44' 53" MINE NAME (ALJAS) Venus (Leitendorf, Viola, Harlem, Winnie) I Waldo (Millsite Group) I Not specified I E2 07 23s 18W 32' 19' 10" 1089 43' 37" shsfl hundred A deep 400 fl shaA with 2,500 fl of drifls and stopes Pb, Zn, Cu, Ag, 3 shafts A" I Laramide Clark (1970), E l a m (1960) veins Laramide shafl several Clark (1970), Elston (1960) veins Laramide Lindgren et al. (1910), veins Lash (1938.4. Clark (1976),'Tho-n and Drewes (1978), Elston (1960) Larsmide L a s e (1938a), Clark veins (1970), Thoman and Drewes (1978). Elston I Tourmaline is a characteristic gangue mineral. Granodiorite and basalt appear to he the most favorable host rocks. At least seven stages of brecciation occurred with six stages of mineralization (Lasky, 1938a). Vein filling occurred along with the faulting, and each reopeningof the vein system is recognized by achange in the character of the mineralization. Only the second stageof mineralization yielded economic deposits. Ore minerals include chalcopyrite, galena, and sphalerite in a gangueof tourmaline, calcite, specularite, barite, sericite, manganosiderite, and fluorite. Oxidation and secondary enrichment occurred at variable depths(L.asky, 1936b). In some places, sulfides were found near the surface; oxidation andleaching were seenat the 1400-foot levelin the Eighty-five mine (Huntington, 1947). in contact with granodiorite, whilethe Bouney, Ore at the Eight-five mine was found chiefly within or Henry Clay, Atwood, and numerous others mines were in basalt (Lasky, 1938a; Clark, 1970). The Bonney vein and is located ahout 1,000ft from strikes for more than 3,000 ft on the surface at N50°E, dips steeply northwest, the granodiorite contact.It averages 5 to 6 ft in width, but reachs a width of as much as 30 ft. At depth, the vein is nearly vertical.The vein reportedly contained approximately2.6% Cn. Drilling showed that the amount of gold and silver decreased rapidly with depth, and the amount of silica gangue decreasedfrom 75% in the upper levelsto 45% at the 15004 level. North of the Lordsburg mining district, approximately 10mi north-northwest of Lordsburg, Raines et al. (1985) used Landsat images to identify a large, anomalously limonitic area in Cenozoic gravels. With additional geochemical and geophysical data,the area was interpretedas being a chemicaltrap that may contain concentrationsof uraninm similar to calcreteuranium deposits. It was thoughtthat groundwater originating in the Burro Mountains with known uranium deposits, drainsthrough the area and is forced nearthe surface by a buried bedrock ridge alongthe western side of the anomaly. Changes in groundwater chemistrymay precipitate uranium along the eastern marginof the anomaly. Fluorite occursin veins in thesouthern part of the district (Williams, 1966; McAnuIty, 1978).The deposits are lenticular, occurin a zone approximately one mile long, are less than 4 ft wide, and consistof fluorite, calcite, and quartz. Production averaged60% CaF2 (Williams, 1966). Fluoritefrom the area (sec. 2, T24S, R19W) of 142-174°C and salinities lessthan 1.4 eq.wt.% NaC1; boiling had fluid inclusion homogenization temperatures of fluids probably did not occur (Elston et al., 1983; Hill, 1994). Commercial depositsof perlite occurin the southern part of the Lordsburg mining district. Perlite crops It is out in a northwest-southeast band nearly two miles long and as much as one half-mile wide (Flege, 1959). typically greenishto dark reddish brown and has a resinous luster.The perlite is banded and cut by stony rhyolite, which lessensits value. Atthe LeintendorfHills perlite mine, perlite occurs in anexposed area of about 1square mi as irregular lenses and seams of devitrified glassand alteration productsin a volcanic domeof sodic rhyolite. McGhee Peak district Location and Mining History The McGhee Peakmining district is located in thecentral part of the Peloncillo Mountainsnorth of Granite Gap (Fig.1) and containsthe abandoned mining camp of McGheeville. Mineralizedskarns were first the mining rights to identitied in the district in 1894, butit was not until 1904that the McGhee family acquired 131 the area @on McGhee, mine owner, oral communication, April 18,1994). Carbonate-hosted Pb-Zn replacement and skarn deposits were mined and yielded 12 million lbs Pb,10 million lbs Zn,85,000 lbs Cu, 100oz Au, and 200,000 oz Ag making this district the leading districtin the county in lead and zinc production (Table 61). Recent drilling has located aporphyq copper depositin thesubsurface in thenorthwestern part of the district (Fig 35). TABLE 61"Mines and urosuectsin the McGhee Peakmining district, Hidalgo County,New Mexico, locatedin 3s. Lo& [includes :tion, townShip, and range. (McGhee proper&, Oronogo and Carbon Hill, Externion LOCATION LATITUDE SE34 24s 21w 32' 10' 11" NW1/4 03 25S21W 32' 10'00" 29, SE30, W28 24s 320 11' 10" 33 24.9.04 25s 21W 32" 10'05" z1w 1 TYPE OF REFERENCES DEPOSIT 108~59'01" Pb, Ag, Zn, Cu, mainsh&w/Z400 carbonateGillerman(1958), Au fl of drifts.short hosted Pb-Zn A r m N o n e et al. adit & sh& replacement, (1978), Adenon skam (1957),Thormi and Drewes (1980), FN 4/18/94 108" 59'31" carbonate- Gilleman (1958), 10 m adit with sholt drifts hosted Pb-Zn Richterand replacement, Lawrence (1983) I skam I I 109' 01' 15" cu 22 drill-holes oxidized NMBMMRiile data (labeled A-U an capper I &PO) porphm 108' 59'55" Pb, Zn, Ag Smallpits,shallow carbonate- I Gilleman (1958), shafts, large hosted Richter and opencut Pb-Zn Lawrence (1983), replacementNMBMMRfiledata Pb, Zn,Cu 2 shafts, w/ short carbonate NMBMMRfile data 108°58'40" driftshosted several Pb-Zn 0pe"CIlts replacement A",Cu,Zn,Pb, carbonateAditElston (1960), 108' 59' 50" hosted Pb-Zn Richter and Ag replacement, Lawence(l983), skam NMBMMRfile data 108O59'52" carbonate- Liidgren et Cu, Ag, Pb, Zn 2 inclined shafts hostedPb-Zn (1910), Gilleman and an adit replacement, (1958), ArmNong el skam al. (1978), Thoman and Drew= (1980) 109"01'30" Cu,Au carbonateLindgren pits et al hosted (1910), Richter and Pb-Zn Lawrence (1983) . . replacement 108' 59' 15" Pb, Zn, a& Au, pits carbonate- FN 4/18/94 CU hosted Pb-Zn replacement prospeas, carbonate3 NMBMMRfile data 109' 01' 23" Pb, Zn, A& Au, 19 hostedc u shafts Pb-Zn replacement 108' 59' 10" Pb, Zn, Ag 15 or 20 pits, 2 carbonate- Gilleman (1958), shallow shafts,2 hosted Elston (1960), adits Pb-Zn Richter and replacement Lawrence (1983) 108' 59' 14" 2 shallow shafts carbonate- Elston (1960) Pb, Zn severalhoned pits Pb-Zn replacement, skam 109~01'01" Pb l5OflsM carbonate. Elston (196% hosted Richterand prospectpits Pb-Zn Lawrence (1983), replacement Lindmen etal. LONGITUDE 'OMMODITIES DEVELOPMENT I I I ~ I I Hamilton and W no 6, Copper Queen) (Sterling Price, south VUginia) NW1/4 11 25s 21w 32' 08' 57" NW1/4 03 25s 21w 32' 09' 45" SW03, SE04 25S21W 32' 09'36" Sl/2 20 24s 21w 32'11'50" SE3 25s 21w 32- 09' 10" 21,28,29,3133 24s 21W 32' 11' 19" SEV4 27 24s 32' 10'55" 21w 10 25s 21W t SilverBell NE114 05 25s 21w 32O 08' 42" 32" 09' 46" al. 132 I MINENAME (ALIAS) Silver Hill i_s JBCATION LATITUDE LONGITUDE I DEPOSIT " NW03 25s 32" 47" 09' 108' 59'40" 5 levels and Drewes (1980). Elston(l960) '~ carbonate- Elston (1960) hosted Pb-Zn replacement " Simonton (Silver Bell, Duke, Happ:I Promise, Silver Saddle, Big Jim, BigBoy, Rody, and T h e Top Cl&S) Stella Maris #I (Copper Queen 7) zlly Pb, Zn, A& Au, C" pits Pb, 2% Ag, Au, shaft 20 m deep " 03,04 25s 32' 09'20" 1 0 8 O 00'30" "-I-- carbonatehostedPb-Zn replacement, s h carbonatehosted Pb-Zn qlacement C" " Sweet's New Year Antimony Prospect (3.4 mi SSW ofRoad Forb) Tenneco Van Ann Group unknown lI25S21W 32'08'18'' 108°58'08" 25s 21W "-t-E1/2 2 25s 32' 09'35" Sb, Pb, Zn 65 fltrench 7 fi openpir, 290 A drill hole Pb, Zn, Ag, Au, CU piis Pb,Zn, A& Au, 11 shaft a- 108O 58' 02" q--" Pb, 2%Ag, Au, shafts, pits, adits unknown Pb, Zn, Ag, A", C" 1 prospect unknown Pb, Zn, Ag, Au, cu 1 prospect Unknown NE3224S 32' 11'00" 109"00'2" cu I Lindgren et al. (1910), Gillman (1958), Richter and Lawrence (1983) NMBMMRfile data carbonate- NMBMMR file data hosted Pb-Zn replacement carbonate- INMBMMRfile data hosted Pb-Zn replacement carbonate- NMBMMRfile data hosted Pb-Zn replacement carbonate- NMBMMRfile data hosted Pb-Zn replacement carbonate- NMBMMRfile data hosted Pb-Zn Of the several mines and prospects in the district, the Carbonate Hill (or McGhee) mine was the largest and most productive,until June 1948, whenfire destroyed the head frame,shaft timbers, and surfacebuildings (Anderson, 1957). Total value of production of the mine was probablygreater than $1.5 million (Gillerman, 1958). Approximately 91% of the value of the reported productionwas from lead and zinc; 9% was from silver. Most recent production was in 1956. Approximately 100,000tons was producedthat averaged 6% Pb,54.5% Zn, and 1-2 odton Ag (Gillerman, 1958; Richter and Lawrence, 1983; Don McGhee, mine owner,oral communication, April 18,1994). Whenvisited in 1994, the head frameof the CarbonateHill mine had deteriorated and was unsafepig. 36). 133 R21W I R20W Figure 35-Mines and prospects in the McGhee Peak mining district, Hidalgo County, New Mexico (modified fromhstrong, et al., 1978). FIG= 3 6 P h o t o of the Carbonate Hill mine and mill,in 1994, looking west, Hidalgo County, (V. T McLemore photo). Geology The central Peloncillo Monntains consist of fault Proterozoic to middle Tertiary extrusive rocks and intrusive igneous rocks and sedimentary rocks overlain by middle Tertiary to younger extrusive volcanic rocks (Armstrong et al., 1978). Paleozoic carbonate rocks and Mesozoic clastic rocks witha large portion of carbonate rocks underlie mostof the mountains. The sedimentary rocks and Proterozoic granite are intruded and metamorphosed hya number of igneous rocks. South of the district, at Granite Gap, Tertiary granite was emplaced at 33.2 Ma (McLemore etal., 1995). Granite porphyry dikes and sills were intruded 29.810.9 to 32.511.0 Ma that are probably (biotite, K-feldspar,K-Ar; Hoggat etal., 1977). Fine-grained porphyritic to felsic rhyolite dikes related tothe granite porphyry were intrudedand were followed by quartz-latite porphyy dikes and sills at 2710.8 to 25.8M.8 Ma (biotite, plagioclase,K-Ar; Hoggat et al., 1977). Dikes andsills ofporphyritic granite, rhyolite, and quartzlatite may be quite extensive, being upwards of 100s of ft thick and up to 3,000 ft long. Although the dikes andsills vary somewhatin composition and texture, theyare quite silicic. The district lies on an elongate gravity high which i s consistentwith the trend of the intrusive rocks. Mineral Deposits in carbonate rocks adjacentto dikes andsills, Many small, lead-zinc-copper-silver deposits occur the northeastern limb of the major anticlinal structure of the mountainrange pig. 35; Table 61). particularly on Deposits proximal to intrusive rocks tend to be characterized by skarns with calc-silicate gangue mineralogy, while more distal deposits tend to he more stratigraphically and structurally controlled are andmore typicalof carbonatehosted replacement deposits. Stream sediments include geochemical anomalies of Ba, Co, Cu, Mn, Mo, and Pb, and locally anomalous Be, Bi, and Cr. The Carbonate W mine contains localskam minerals, suchas epidote, gamer and wollastonite; but most of the ore is sulfide-replacement of permeable beds, particularlyf o s s i o u zones, inPennsylvanianHorqnilla Limestone. Ore minerals include galena, cerussite, argentiferous galena, sphalerite, smithsonite,and chalcopyrite in a gangue of quartz, calcite, and garnet. Ore grade was approximately6% Pb and 5% Zn. Workings consistedof 135 a mainshaft containing about2,400 ft of drifts, a short adit,and several shallow shafts and pits.The main shaft reached a depthof about 600 ft, but the working levels wereat a lesser depth. The Johnny Bnll mine, located about 1.25 miles southwestof the Carbonate Hill mine produced a considerable tonnageof copper ore prior to 1910 (Gillerman, 1958). It was oneof the largest minesin the area at that time. The Johnny Bull mine is a copper skarn deposit in Horquilla Limestone adjacent to the northwesttrending JohnnyBull fault. The deposit is in the contact zone between limestone and a granite porphyry sill, about 1,000 ft west of the sill and has more copperthan the Carbonate Hill deposit. Chalcop~te,azurite, malachite, galena, bornite, and chrysocolla are ore minerals,in a gangueof garnet, calcite,quartz, pyroxene, epidote, and wollastonite. The mine consistsof two inclined sbafts; the deeper of which reachs a depthof 150 ft. The Johnny Bull mine had been reclaimed 1958. by Drilling in the early 1970s and 1990s located a porphyry copper deposit at a depthof 100 ft in the northwestern part of the district (NMBMMRfile data). Cyprus Minerals Corp. hasfiled claims in sec. 30 and 3 1, in most drill holes. T24S, R21W.pyritization and argillic alteration occurs Muir district Location and Mining History The Mnir miningdistrict is located in the southern Pyramid Mountains between the Lordsburg and Rincon districts(Ffig. 1) and these mines and prospects previously have been included in both districts by various geologists. Mineral occurrencesin the district are mostlyfluorite and volcanic-epithermal veinsand have been included in the Lordsburg or Rincon districts hysome geologists. Fire clay occurrencesalso are in the area. Past production and known resources in the Muir miningdistrict are generally small, but the district has not been extensively explored. Approximately100 ounces of silver ore has been produced fromthe Silver Tree mine,and the Doubtful mine (Table62), including 9,175 short tons $40,000-60,000 worth of fluorite has been produced from of fluorspar ore containing about 60% CaF2hetween 1942 and 1953. TABLE 62-Mineral occnrrences of the Muir mining district, Hidalgo County. Location includes section, MINE LOCATION LATITUDE, COMMODITIES NAME JfUIA.3, Allen SE7 25s 32' 8'28'' 108"44'25" 18W Cedar DoubtfUl (Animas, I SE12 25s 18W SE15 25s 19W I 8'20" 108"44'30" 32"7'35" 108'47' 10" YEARSOF &,Pb, none DEVELOPMENT PRODUCTION TYPEOF REFERENCES adit volcanic- Elston (1960); epithermal Elston et al. (1983) volcanic- NMBMMRfile epithemal data fluorite Elston (1960). veins William (1966) none Zn,Sb I Ae.Pb.Zn 32' ~, . F, Mn I none 19405 19511952 Dit I. shafts, adits I none 9,175 t o m $40,000-60,000 I I Geology The district is aligned mostly alongthe northern interior wallof Muir caldera, a deeply eroded Oligocene ash-flow tuffcaldera (Deal et al., 1978). The westernmost part of it is within the Lightning Dock Known Geothermal Resources Area (KGRA) where hot wells (70-115" C)supply greenhouses with hot water and heat. 136 The district lies on both gravity and magnetic highs--the magnetic high is probably caused by felsic a intrusion into the caldera and/orskarn mineralization. Rocks associated withthe Muir cauldera form most of the Pyramid Mountains. Pre-caldera rocks consist of Pennsylvanian and Cretaceous sedimentaq rocks, late Cretaceous and/or early Tertiary basalt and andesite, and Oligocene andesite (Elstonet al., 1983). In general, the volcanic rocksof the Pyramid Mountainsare calcalkaline, with rhyolite ash-flow tnffs, lava flows,and breccias beingthe most abundant rock types ( , 1978; Elston et al., 1983; Elston, 1994). The tuffof Woodhaul Canyonhas been datedas 36.82M.81 Ma (biotite, K-Ar, Deal etal., 1978) and approximates the age of the cauldera. A later group of Oligocene-early Miocene postcaldera ash-flowtnffs and basaltic flowsare designated the Rimrock Mountain group. These tnffs originated beyond the Pyramid Mountains-somefrom the Animas Mountainsto the south and some from nnknown sources. Numerous diorite, monzonite porphyry, andesite, and rhyolite dikes and small stocks intrude the cauldera and older rocks (Elston et al., 1983). One andesite stock has an age date of 29.4+0.7 Ma (whole rock,K-Ar; Elston et al., 1983). Mid-Tertiary geologic structures in the Pyramid Mountainsare dominated bythe Mnir caldera (Deal et al., 1978; Elston et al., 1983; Elston, 1994).The caldera is an elongate structure withits long axis striking northwest roughly parallel the to pre-Tertiary basement structures in the region. It consists of an inner caldera in which a thick fill of ash-flow tuffaccnmulated, bordered by a collapsed caldera wall and three of successive zones ring-fracture felsic domes, flows, and moat deposits outside of the caldera wall. The caldera collapsedin two stages, each associated with a rhyolite ash-flow tuffsheet and ring-fracture domes. Ring-ftachxe zones and the caldera wallare preserved onlyon part of the northeast side. The remainder of the zones are hidden beneath Animas and Playas Valleys. In the F'yramid Mountains, hyrdothermal alteration occurred during collapse of the Muir caldera in Oligocene time and again during Miocene or younger time via hot springsand shallow vein-forming hydrothermal fluids (Elston etal., 1983). The Oligocene alterationis widespread, butis unrelated to present thermal activity. The rhyolite of Jose Placecia Canyon and the tuffof Woodhaul Canyonare intensely argillizedand pyrite is widespread (Elston et al., 1983). Modern geothermal activity be may a relictof widespread fault-controlled hotspring activity overthe last 20 Ma. Fluorine-bearing watersof the Lightning Dock KGRA maybe a late-stage product of the hydrothermal activity. Mineral deposits Veins of several ages and mineral assemblages are scattered throughoutthe district (Fig.45, Table 62). They are fault- and fracture-controlled, occurin thering-fracture zoneof the Mnir cauldera,and are associated with argillic alteration characterizedby chlorite, pyrite, andquartz. Fluorite was foundin drill cuttings at the Cockrell Corp.No. 1Federal wellin sec. 21, T24S, R19W,indicating mineralization of Recent age (Elston et al., 1983). Stream-sediment geochemical anomalies include Ag, Ba, Be, Co, Mo, Pb,Y, and Zn, localizedCd and Nb, K to the west, andCr and U in the northwest. Fluorspar depositsat the Doubtful (Animas) vein,are unrelated to the adjacent porphyry whichis the core of the resurgent domeof the Mnir caldera (Elston, 1994). The deposit occursin a fissurevein that strikes N2O"W and dips 80"SW in fine-grained andesite, interpretedas being 36Ma (Elston, 1994). Green and white, finegrained to coarsely crystalline fluorite is interwoven with finely crystalline white qnartz, manganese oxides,and manganiferous calcite. The fluorite material fills a seriesof nearly vertical veinletsand cements brecciaalong the veins.Average vein thickness is 4 ft, with the maximnm thickness being 10 ft. A grab sample of stockpiled material contained 43.0%CaFz, 28.6% SOz, and 19.5% CaCOs (Williams, 1966). Fluid inclusion studies indicate temperatures of homgenization of 137-349OC with evidenceof boiling; salinities were below 9.47 wt.% eq. NaCl (Elston et al., 1983; Hill, 1994). The age of mineralization is most likely Mioceneor younger (Elston etal., 1983). Volcanic-epithermal veinsat the Silver Tree and Allen mines occurin andesite of Holtkamp Canyon and tuffof Woodhaul Canyon (Elston et al., 1983).The veins consist of pyrite, quartz, galena,and stibnite. Additional volcanic-epithermal veins occur in the area (Table 62) and need to be examined to determine their mineral resource potential. Pratt district The Pram district (sec. 33, T27S,mow) consist of the Pratt shale and clay qnany, south of Pratt in Hidalgo County (Fig.1). The Pennsylvanian shale has been mined sporadically since 1912 for use as refractory material in the nearby copper smelters. Production since 1912is estimated as $150,000-200,000. Current capacity is 1,500 short tondyear. 137 Rincon district Location and Mining History The Rincon (orAnimas)mining districtis located in the northern part of the Animas Mountains and southwest of Animas (Fig. 1)and contains carbonate-hosted Pb-Zn replacement, volcanic-epithermal, in the area in 1880. Production has carbonate-hosted Mn replacement deposits (Table 63). Prospecting began been minorand amounts to approximately $320,000 worthof copper, silver, gold, and lead; including<10,000 lbs Cn and >10,000 oz Ag (Table 2). TABLE 63-Mines and prospects of the Rincon mining district, Hidalgo County. Location includes section, Geology The oldest rocksin the noahern Animas Mountains consist of Proterozoic basementof porphyritic, coarse-grained granite dated at 1,200 Ma (Soul& 1972; Drewes, 1986). Restingnnconfomably onthe granite are Paleozoic marineand Cretaceous clastic sedimentary rocks. Tertiary post-orogenic intrusive and volcanic rocks are the youngest rocksin the district. One of these intrusivesis a quartz monzonite porphyry that has been dated as 34.0i0.1 Ma &-feldspar, 40Ar/39Ar; McLemore et al., 1995). Rhyolite dikes occur in the northern part of the district where they intrude along post-Laramide normal faultsor as linear zones which expanded, thermally metamorphosed, and deformedthe country rock(SoulC, 1972). The areais characterized by gravity and magnetic lows which may be related to regional hydrothermal alteration. Mineral Deposits The Rincon mineis a carbonate-hosted Pb-Zn replacement deposit hosted by light-gray, medium-bedded Horquilla Limestone southeastof a northeast-trending strike-slip fault. The mineralized limestoneis 2-5 ft thick, brecciated and folded, and below a gray to black shale (Elston, 1960). The main workings are along two fault zones that strike N45'W, dip 56"NE and N80°E, dips 56ONW (Elston, 1960). Jasperiod is common. Ore minerals include galena, chalcopyrite, sphalerite,and hemimorphite. The Fredingbloom, Zinc,and White Rose mines occur along a ridgeof Escabrosa Limestone. The ore predominantly occursin replacement depositsat or along faults. Smithsonite and anglesite are dominant minerals 138 at theFredingbloom and Zinc mines, whereas barite, galena, and sphalerite are dominant mineralsat the White Rose mine (Elston, 1960). Clnysocolla is found at the Zinc mine. A sample from the Zinc mine assayed35% Pb and 14% Zn (Elston, 1960). The Cowboy mine is ina volcanic-epithermalvein in theRed Hill rhyolite (notto be confusedwith the Red Hill minein the Gillespie district). Several small quartz veins occur in a zone lessthan 3 ft wide and a few with trace amountsof pyrite and gold occur in the veins tens of feet long. Quartz, iron and manganese oxides (Elston, 1960). Additional carbonate-hosted Pb-Zn replacement and volcanic-epithermal vein deposits are found scattered throughout the district, but none have yieldedlarge amounts of ore (Table63). These depositsare typically small and similarto those described above. Economic potential appears for lowmost of the deposits, but they couldbe indicative of larger deposits at depth. Small carbonate-hosted manganese deposits occur along faults and fractureswithin Paleozoic carbonate rocks at theBlacktop No. 1 claim. A grab sample of ore assayed28.55% Mn, 0.27% Cu, 0.50% Pb, and 0.26% Zn (Elston, 1960). Stream-sediment geochemical anomaliesin thearea include As, Cd, Cu, La, and Th, and local Nb and Pb. Silver Tip district Location and Mining History The Silver Tip mining district is located in thesouthern Peloncillo Mountains, where it straddles the vein Arizona-New Mexicostate line (Fig. 37). The district is named for the Silver Tip mine, a volcanic-epithermal deposit, whichis located in Arizona about 0.3 mi west ofthe Arizona-New Mexico stateline (sec. 25, T22S, R32E, Arizona baseline). The Silver Tip mine consistsof a 240-ft adit and a3 0 4 shaft (Hayes et al., 1983). The mine may have produced, buttotal production is unknown. There is no productionfrom the New Mexicoside of the district. Additional prospects occuralong the Silver Tip vein. In the early 198Os, approximately 90 mining in claims, mostly nearthe Silver Tip mine, were filedand in 1980, geophysical exploration was being conducted Inc.; but no and around the district. In the mid 198Os, a drilling program was conducted by Nicor Industries, reserves were found.North of the district a small abandoned rock quarry remains where rhyolite tuffwas quarried for local use as building stone. Geology The district lies within the Geronimo Trail caldera whichis characterized by a gravity gradientand magnetic high. The Geronimo Trail tuffis dated as 24.2 + 0.5 Ma peal et al., 1978). The caldera marginis delineated by an aeroradiometricTh and U high. The district consistsof Oligocene and younger volcanic rocks that Deal et al. (1978) and Erb (1979) suspected were vented from a nearby volcanic center. Rocks in thedistrict and dacitic lavas. The oldest are rhyolitic ash-flowtuffs, volcanic breccia and epiclastic sedimentary breccias, rhyolite tuffs are 27.1+1.5 Ma (zircon, fission track; Hayes, 1982). The breccias are largely volcanicwith subordinate sedimentruy rocks derived from the volcanic breccia. The dacitic lavas are from Oligocene porphyritic flows and domes. Some tuffaceous sandstone and conglomerate with interlayered tuffof probable Mioceneage occur in thenorthern part of the district and small remnants of Pleistocene or Pliocene olivine basalt cap some of the higher hills (Hayes, 1982; Hayes and Brown,1984). Rhyolite dikesand domes are common in thearea (Emanuel, 1985; McIntyre, 1988). Parallel north-south-trending normalfaults of little displacementcut the volcanic rocks. A structure truncatesthe Geronimo Trail cauldera that McIntyre (1988) interpreted as the Clanton Draw cauldera. The Skelton Canyontuffmarks the beginning of the collapse of this younger cauldera. Mineral Deposits The Silver Tip mine and several nearby prospects are located near the New Mexicopart of the district in an area of argillic and advanced-argillic altered rocks that extends for about 0.5 mi into the New Mexicopart of the district (Emanuel, 1985; McIntyre, 1988). The deposit is in a 1-10 ft thick, 1,500 ft long mineralized fault zone, which is part of the Geronimo Trail canldera ring-fracture zone. Pyrite is common and bromargyrite has been identilied at the Silver Tip mine (Emanuel, 1985). Rock chip samples collected by Nicor Industries, Inc. are typically lowand contain as high as 0.62 ppm An, 8.5 ppm Ag, 225 ppm Cu, 490 ppm Pb, 1350 ppm Zn,and 235 ppm Mo (Emannel, 1985). Argillic and local advanced-argillicalteration and siliciftcation occursalong the fault zones. t There is little additional field evidence of metallic mineralizationin the district. Previous studiesof the area include a 1980 mineral-resource survey of the Bunk Robinson Peakand Whitmire Canyon Roadless Areas of Arizona and New Mexico (Hayes, 1982; Hayeset al., 1983; Watts et al., 1983; Hayes and Brown, 1984) which identifies a zoneof altered rockshaving probable mineral potentialfor Ag, Au, Bi, Mo, Pb, andZn. This zone stretches southand southwest for about 1.5 mi from the southern contactof a dacitic lava flow in the northern part of the district and consistsof argillically altered rocks and anomalous As, Ba, Mo, and Pb in stream-sediment samples (Watts et al., 1983).Many of the mining claims are located alongthis zone. The quartz veins zonestrike N10°W-N15"E, are up to 20 ft thick, and steeply dipping (McIntyre, 1988). Pyrite is locally abundant. a of mostly dominant rhyolitic lava Northwest and east of the district, Hayes et a4.(1983) delineated tract having anomalouslyhigh values of Be,Bi, Mo, and Sn in stream-sediment samples. These anomalies are not indicative of surficial weathering,and may suggest the possibility of mineralization at depth. Other geochemical samples include anomalous Be, Cu, La, Mo, Pb, and Zn and local Bi, Co,Nb, Th, U,and Y. The presence of obsidian layersas much as 8 ft thick in rhyolitic lava suggeststhat perlite resources couldbe present (Hayes et al., 1983). Sylvanite district Location and MiningHistory The Sylvanite mining district is located southof the Eureka mining district in theLittle Hatchet Mountains (Fig. 1). In some reports (Anderson, 1957: Johnson, 1972), the Sylvanite mining district is included with Eureka district to form the Hachita mining district. Laramide skam, Laramide vein,and placer deposits occur inthe district and productionis estimated as approximately$3 15,000, including 2,500 oz Au, 130,000 lbs Cu, and 8,000 lbsPb (Table 64).In the southern portionof the district, 5,632short tons of scheelite-garnet ore grading 0.44% W03 was producedfrom a smallskarn (Dale and McKinney, 1959).A carload of As was produced in 1924 (Dasch, 1965). TABLE 64-Reported metal productionfrom the Sylvanite mining district, Hidalgo County, New Mexico (from U. S. Geological Survey, 1902-1927:U. S. Bureau ofMines. 1927-1990). 650 tons of scheelite-eamet ore was producedgrading 0.44% W03(Dale and McKinney,'l959). For years omitted, there are na' reported - The old mining town of Sylvanite is inthe southwesternpart of the area, approximately12 mi southwest of Hachita. Copper was discovered in several locationsin thearea in the1880s (Lindgren etal., 1910). In 1908, a worker at theWake UpCharlie claims discovered placer gold and tetradymite in a small gulch east of Cottonwood Spring (L.asky, 1947). The tetradymite was misidentifiedas the mineral sylvanite, a gold telluride, which the 141 prospector had seenat Cripple Creek. This led to the naming of the Sylvanite mining camp and to a gold rush (Jones, 190Xa, b; Dinsmore, 1908; Martin, 1908). After discovery,the placers were mined by hand using simple techniques and implements. Dry washers and rockers were employed in concentrating the gold becauseof the shortage of water Cindgren et al., 1910). The placers were not extensive, and by March 1908, they had been largely abandoned. Despite early optimism, the value of the placer gold was not great (Anderson, 1957). Total placer production was estimated to be lessthan 200 oz, worth between $2,000and $3,500 in gold (Table 64). The short duration of the gold rushis reflected in the history of the town of Sylvanite which was established in 1908 and hadan average populationthat year of 500 to 1,000. By 1909, with abandonmentof the placers, the population had droppedto 70. Placer goldcan still be found in some of the arroyos (Johnson, 1972; McLemore, 1994a).An abandoned placer operationin sec.13, T28S, (V. T. McLemore, unpublished field notes, July1, 1995). R16W appears to have been worked recently Once the placers started giving out, prospecting for gold-bearing hard-rock deposits began. Most of the Mining was at such a deposits that had been exploredup to 1937 in the Little Hatchet Mountains were small. small scalethat none of the mines extended much below the water table,and those that did are now flooded. least to the water table. Moreover, at that time, all known shoots of minable size appeared to be mined atout Lasky (1947) describesten different typesof mineral depositsin the area, of which only a relative few A few of these mines produced gold and other metals have accountedfor the total past production (Elston, 1965). over a significant period. A small amountof scheelite was produced from the Eagle Point tungsten claimsin 1943 (650 short tonsof 0.44% WOS;Dale and McKinney, 1959). The last ore shipment reported wasin the early 1950s from the Hornet mine (Anderson, 1957). The Copper Dick deposit was discovered in the 1890s and produced An attempt to ship ore from copper, silver, gold,and lead fromat least 1905 to 1954 from underground mining. an open cutat the Copper Dick mine was not successful. In the 1960s through198Os, several companies have examined the area for potential metal deposits. Exxon Corp. drilledten holes (greaterthan 30,000 ft total) in the 1960s to 1970s. Phelps Dodge, Inc., also examined the area. In 1990, Champion Resources, Inc., drilled 27 holes (12,000 ft)and in 1991 to 1993, Challenger Goldjoint ventured with Champion Resources and drilled 7 additional holes (7,000ft). The results were not encouraging, although drilling did intercept40 ft that assayed 0.06odton Au. Geology The oldest rocksin the district occurat the southern endof the mountains and in isolated hills, where (Lasky, 1947; Zeller, 1970). The Proterozoic porphyritic granite has been cut by northeast-trending aplite dikes younger rocksin the district include Paleozoic and Mesozoic sedimentary rocks and Tertiary volcanics. The sedimentary sequence begins with Bliss Sandstone resting unconformably the upon Proterozoic granite (Zeller, 1970; Lawton et al., 1993). Elsewhere in the Little Hatchet Mountains, massive Permian Horquilla Limestone is the oldest exposed sedimentary formation. Cretaceous sedimenmy formations makeup the bulk of the Little Hatchet Mountains. Early Tertiary Hidalgo Formation consists of volcanic rocksthat rests unconformably upon the older sedimentary formations; a hornblende andesite at the base of the section hasan age dateof 71.44+0.19 Ma (40Ar/39Ar, hornblende; Lawton et al., 1993). The upper part of the volcanic rocksis truncated by thrust a fault. Middle-to-Late Tertiary volcanic rocks consist chiefly of rhyolite and latite pyroclastic rocksand rest with angular unconformityon the older rocks. In the Little Hatchet Mountains, several Laramide-age stocks, dikes, sills and have intrudedthe Cretaceous sedimentary rocks, and the most highly mineralized areasare associated with these intrusions.The quartz monzonite and monzonite in the Sylvanite and Eureka districts is called the Sylvanite quartz monzonite stock (Zeller, 1970),but detailed studiesare needed to determineif there is more than one intrusive phase.North of Hachita Peak, stocks and large sills of diorite form much of the eastern and northern slopes. The andesite contains altered zones. The youngest intusive rock appears be to the granite at Granite Pass, whichhas been dated as 43-48 Ma (zircon, fission track; Zeller, 1970). 40Ar/39Ar dating of K-feldspar yielded aplateau ageof 32.33*0.18 Ma (V. T. McLemore, unpublished age determination). Rhyolite, felsite, and latite dikes have intruded this granite as well as the older intrusive rocks. Mineral Deposits Four types of deposits occur in the district: Laramide veins, Laramide skarns, disseminated pyrite in Tertiary intusive rocks,and gold placers (Table 65). Lasky (1947) describes ten different mineralogical associations: 1) disseminated pyrite in Tertiary intrusiverocks, 2) chalcopyrite skarns (Copper Dick mine), 3) pyrrhotite replacements (Clemmie mine), 4) chalcopyrite-tourmaline veins (Buckhorn mine),5) arsenopyritetonrmaline veins (Creeper mine), 6) tetrahydymite-native gold veins (Gold Hill mine), 7) chalcopyrite-barite 142 veins (Santa Maria mine),8) galena veins (SilverTrail mine), 9) quartz-pyrite-chalcopyrite veinsproken Jug mine), and 10) fluorite-calcite-quam veins. Theyare hosted in Cretaceous sedimentary rocksand Tertiary granitic or mafic intrusive rocks. TABLE 65-Mines and prospects in the Sylvanite mining district, Hidalgo and Grant Counties (from Lindgren et al., 1910; Lasky, 1947; Dale and McKinney,l959; Zeller, 1970; Elston, 1960; Cooper, 1962; Hammarstrom et al., 1988; V. T. McLemore, unpublished field notes, 9/14/93,7/1/95). Location includes section, township, and range. I MINENAMB I LOCATION I LATlTUDE, COMMODWIE-S I YEARS OF I DEVELOPMENT I HOST TYPE OF LONGlTWDI Albert Bader Placer 20,2128s 319 51' 1 9 , Broken Jug NW35 28s I NE 27 28s (Cmmp, Three Snakes Clemmie NElO29S CacN8 314'9' 58", 108'27" 25" I Buckhorn (Wood, Russell , Barney ) 16W C2 29s 16W DEPOSW placer gold Larsmide vein I 31' 50' 39", Au, Ag, C u , Pb, 1880s - 1940 108" 27' 46"Zn, Bi, Te 31" 48'06", W,Mo, As, Cu, Bi 31" 49' 30", Au, Bi, Te, Cu 108'25' 56" Copper Dick 31" 51' 2", 108'27'38'' NE2228S 16W Cottonwood springs Placers 29 28s 16W 31' 50' 00", 108' 29' 26" alluvial I 1908 - 1910 I I I 1905 - 1954 Cu, Ag,Au,Pb Au Abandoned in 1908 Ashaftand an adit Cret Hell-ToFinish Formation I pits 1 Cret Mojada Formatian 150 ft shafts, 20 A I Cret Hell-ToI of driRF I Finish Formation I 100 ft shaft, pit, I Cret Hell-Totrench Finish Formation pits Cenozoic gravels 3 29s 16W I I FOIllUtiO* 1908 - 1941 Au, Ag, Cu, Bi, Te Au,Cu Ag, I adits (265, 165 ft), Cret U Bar 60 fl shaft FODtiO" opencut, trenches, Penn. adit Horquilla Limestone pits, shafts Cret Hell-ToFinish 31' 51' 26", Au,Ag, Cu, Zn, unknown Pb 108'27' 00" Gold Hill (Hardscrabble, Silver Lake, Golden Eagle I I I As, Au, Te, Bi, none CU W,Mo, Pb, Cu, 1943 Ag, Zn olaims Eagle Point Gold Acres I I 1943 I I 3 adits, pits ft shafl Pre 1910 30 Cret Hell-ToFinish Formation Sylvanite quam Green (Little Mildred, Martin) Au, Ag, Cu I Larsmide skam Laramide skarn Laramide skarn Placer gold Larsmide vein Laramide skarn Laramide skarn, placer gold Laramide vein Laramide vein monzonite I 1920, 1935 Laramide vein I stock adit 30"27' 108" I 2 shsllow shafts, Cret Hell-ToFinish Formation Sylvanite Omega 1 and 2) Larsmide vein Laramide vein monzonite Hand Car opencuts, 20 fl I Cu, Ag, Au, Zn 1900s Finish King Solomon Sylvanite quam monzonite I stack I 65 and 90 A deep Cret Hell-Toshafts Formation pits Sylvanite monzonite 143 Laramide vein Laremide skarn Laramide vein MINE NAME LOCATION (ALIAS) Knickerbocker (Quartzite) 27" Little Hatchet (Albert Bader Property, S a m Maria, Faria) Pearl @ h u e CriSto) Ridgewood (Adelina, Monrania) Silver Lake NE15 29s 16W 21 28s 16W sE3 29s 16W SW35 29s 16W sE34 28s 16W 31" 48' 28", 108" 27' 25" 31" 49' 16", 108" 27' 00" Au, Ag 1909 3 adits (60,80, and 90 fl lonp) Au, Cu, Ag 1909 Surface cuts, shaft, 40 fl adit 49' 31" 48", unknown pits Au, Cu Ag, 108' 27 '32" V, Pb, Zn, Cu, Ag Silver Trail SE2128S 16W 31'51' 1 9 , 108' 28' 45" Wake-Uv-Charlie NE34 28s 31"49' 44", Au, Cu, Bi, 108" 28' 07" Te I Yellow Jacket "fIknOW" unknown UnknOW" -1 unknown (Grant 1909 pits, shafl 1908 2 s h a h (60,1W ft deep) .. I I NE24 28s 31' 49' 30", A", Cu, Pb, Ag 108" 28' 10" 25", 14 47' 29s 16W 31" Ag 108' 26' 15" NW3 29s 31' 49' 10". Cu, Ag,A", Zn 108" 27 45" 33.34 29s 31'50' W", Au?*Ag? 108' 27' 40" 52' SW13 28s TYPE OF DEPOSE Laramide vein Laramide sksrn LATRUDE, COMMODITIES YEARS OF DEVELOPMENT HOST LONGITUDE PRODUCTION 31' 47 '25", Ag early 18808 pits Cret Majado 108 Fromation 31"51' 18", Pb, Cu, Ag, A", 3 shafts, 90-100fl Cret Hell-To108' 28' 45" Zn, Mo, V, Ba ,1200 fl of drifts Finish Fonnatian 31' 29, 108' 26' 5" I Au I 1908 shafl none pits unknown sdit none pits unknown I pits Cret U Bar Laramide vein Formation Cret Hell-ToLarsmida Finish sksrn Formation Cret Hell-ToLarsmida Finish skkarn Formation Cret hell-ToLaramido Finish vein FOrm*tiOll Sylvanite Laramide quam vein...vlacer lmonronite gold stock Cret Hell-ToLaramide Finish skarn Cret Majado Laramide FOInlFtio" vein Tertiary diorite Laramide vein Sylvanite disseminsted quam I Cenozoic alluvial gravels placer gold Gold in the district chiefly occnrrs in quartz fissure-veinsin the Sylvanite stockand in the adjacent limestone (Anderson, 1957), althoughthere is excellent potentialfor gold-bearing skarn deposits. The veins typically consistof coarse-grained white quartz cutting and replacing altered host rocks (Lasky, 1947). Tourmaline occursin the altered rocks and actinolite and chlorite occurin pockets in the quartz. Tetradymite may be the most abundant gold-bearing mineral. The veins are typically short, erratic, steeply dipping, pinch and swell, of earliest production and less than 15 ft wide. Many occur near lamprophyre dikes. Samples from somethe reportedly assayed 216-300odton Au @Iartin, 1908). Lasky (193%) believes potential existsin the subsurface for similar deposits between the Sylvanite and Eureka districts. The Eagle Point, Cactus Gronp, and Copper Dick mine are examples of the skarn deposits. A small tungsten skarn occurs in a garnetiferous zonealong the contact between Horquilla Limestone and Tertiary intrusive rocksat the Eagle Point claimsin the southern tip of the area (Fig.38; Dale and McKinney, 1959; V. T. McLemore, unpublished field notes, July 2, 1995). Molybdenumis present, and garnet is a gangue mineral. The contacts between tungsten-copper-lead skarns with the limestone are irregular, but sharp (Fig. 39). Another small molybdenum- and tungsten-bearing skam occurs in a garnetiferous zonein Howells Ridge Formationat the Cactus Group claims@ale andMcKinney, 1959; Hammarstrom et al.,1988; V. T. McLemore, unpublished field notes, September 14, 1993). Scheelite wasthe mineral of economic interestat these deposits. The Copper Dick mine is a copper-garnetskam deposit in at the intersection witha lamprophyre dikein Hell-to-Finish Formation limestone. Calc-silicate skam-type minerals such as epidote, chlorite,and actinolite are in the southern present as gangue minerals. A small bismuth anomaly was discovered by Challenger Resources part of the district, which may be related to lead-zinc and/or gold skarns. 144 ~~ FIGURE 3 C E a g l e Point adit (looking east) with unaltered limestoneto the right and skam to the left, Sylvanite district, HidalgoCounty (V. T. McLemore photo,7/1/95). FIGURE 39-Closeup of W-Cu-Pb s k m at the Eagle Point mine, Sylvanite district, Hidalgo County (v.T, McLemore photo, 7/1/95), 145 The Buckhorn mineis in metamorphosed limestone beds about 500 ft north of the Sylvanite stock. The mine is located at thewest endof a vein outcrop having a general trend of S70"E and dipping 70' to 90° NE (Lasky,1947). The vein averages 4-5ft wide but varies from 1-15 ft, and lies between a lamprophyre dike and and breccia occuralong the vein. Native gold, garnetized bedsof metasediments. In some places, clay gouge silver, chalcopyrite, sphalerite, bismntite,and tellurobismnthiteare ore minerals, andquartz, calcite, tourmaline, limonite, pyrite,and chlorite are gangue minerals. At the Green mine, gold occurs in a pinch and swell-typevein in limestone conglomerateand garnet. Quartz monzonite of Sylvanite stockand dikes are associated igneous rocks.The most abundant metallic ore mineral is tetradymite (Lasky, 1947). Visible goldis recognized, occursas grains and thin streaks in thequartz. The silver-gold ratioat the Green mine was about 1.5-2 times as much silveras gold; muchof the silver occurred in hessite. Chemical analysesof selected samples fromthe Sylvanite mining district are shown in Table 66. TABLE 66"chemical analyses of samples fromthe Sylvanite mining district, Hidalgo County. Samples are representative dump samules.No gold was detected in anv samDles. Analvses bv New Mexico Bureau of Zones of disseminated pyrite occurin themonzonite near Cottonwood Spring.The monzonite is altered to jarosite, iron oxides, and pyrite. Unaltered, pre-ore lamprophyre dikes cut the altered monzonite, suggesting that the alteration is older than the mineralization (Lasky, 1947). Gold placer depositsare found in many of the arroyos draining the lode deposits (Table 66). Panning of most arroyos could yieldfree gold. However, noneof these placer depositsare large enough to be economic. GEOLOGY AND MINERAL OCCURRENCES OF TEE MINING DISTRICTS OF GRANT COUNTY Virginia T.McLemore, David M. Sutphin, Daniel R. Hack, andTim C. Pease Introduction until it was establishedin 1868; it included part of Luna Grant Connty was part of Doria Ana County County until 1909 andall of Hidalgo Countyuntil 1919. It is the largest metal producing county in New Mexico. Several world class deposits lie within its borders. The Chino copper mine at Santa Rita was probablyfirst mined by Native AmericanIndians for ornaments, tools, andtradingpurposes. Since becomingpart of the United States in 1846, Grant County typically led the state in metals production. Table67 shows annual production from 1869 to 1982. TABLE 67-Metals production from Grant County. New Mexicofrom 1869 to 1982 ninderen et al.. 147 PLACER YEAR LODE 1983-1995 TOTAL1869- ORE (SHORT I w I WI 571,025,106 GOLD COPPER(LBS) GOLD 1,927 W W 9,894,038,707 769,638 SILVER LEAD(LBS) - I 5,800 19K? 148 VALUE($) ZlNC(LBS) w I 120,462,893 W W W W 32,388,069 331,621,364 2,195,454,446 4,926,770,758 Many districtsin Grant County account for most of the metals productionin New Mexico. The Chino (Santa Rita district) and Tyrone (Burro Mountains district) mines are the largest porphyry-copper deposits in New Mexico. The Chino mineis also the state’s largest gold producer. The Burro Mountains districtis the 2nd largest silver producingdistrict in New Mexico, whereasthe Bayard districtranks 3rd. The Bayard districtis the 2nd largest silver producing district in the state. The Fierro-Hanover districtranks 3rd in copper production behind Santa Rita and Burro Mountains districts, and it ranks 4th in lead and 1st in zinc production. Otherdistricts also are significant base-and precious-metals producers: Piiios Altos(5th zinc, 6th copper, 10th gold), CopperFlat (6th in zinc), Carpenter (7thin zinc), and Steeple Rock(9th gold, 13th silver). Currently, three metal minesare in production in the county: Chino (SantaRita district), Tyrone (Burro Mountains district),and Continental (Fierro-Hanover district).The Hnrley smelterat Hnrley (Fig. 5) and solventextraction-electrowinning(SX-EW) plants at Tyroneand Santa Rita are operated by Phelps DodgeMining Co. In addition, sandand gravel, limestone,and fire clay alsoare produced from the county (Hatton etal., 1994). Silica flux containing precious metals was produced from the Steeple Rock districtin the early 1990s. Silver Cityis the largest communityin the county. The Gila and Mimbres Rivers cut through Grant County. The Gila Wilderness Area, one of the first areas in theU.S., has been withdrawn from mineral entry since its formation in 1924. Additional acreagehas been addedto the Gila Wilderness Area since then which amounts to 558,065 acres. The Aldo Leopold Wilderness Area was established in the Black Rangein eastern Grant County in 1980; it totals 202,016 acres,including small portionsin Sierra County. Muchof the county is within the Gila National Forest (2,704,724 acres, including large portions in Catron County). The Gila CliffDwellingsNational Park lies just north of the county line in Catron County. Alum Mountain district Location and Mining History The Alum Mountainmining district, also knownas the Gila River, Alungen, and Copperas Creek districts, is located about17 mi east-northeast of the GilaFluorspar mining district (Fig. 1). It was first discovered 1 odton Au and 21 odton Agfromvolcanicin 1892. In 1945,3short tons of ore were produced containing epithermal vein deposits (Table 2). Approximately 1,100 short tons of meerschaum have been produced from three shafts in the area in 1885 (Northrop, 1959;RattC et al., 1979).It is used in manufacturing articles such as cigar of the material was pressedinto tobacco pipes and other holders, pipes, and mouthpieces used by smokers. Some material was usedas an absorbent for nitroglycerine. The best meerschaumis impnrity free and forms in blocks from which pipes can be carved. These maybe very ornate with clay, amber, wood, metals, and other materials added to heightentheir commercial appeal. Lower-grade materialis processed to free it of impurities and pressed or molded into shape (Talmageand Wootton, 1937). Geology The district is situated on Gila Flats, between the northwest-southeast-trending Gila Hot Springs graben to the north and Sapillo graben to the south. The rocks in the district are part of the Oligocene volcanic complexof Alum Mountain(29.7*1.0 Ma; RattC et al., 1979). The volcanic complexof Alum Mountain consists of andesitic flows and breccias, pyroclastic and volcanic rocks and associated smallintrusivebodies. Surrounding the volcanic complex are the slightly youngerlatitic and andesitic lava flows of Gila Flat (29.6 *1.1,29.3*1.1 Ma; K-Ar, biotite, sanidine;Ratte et al., 1979). All of the hydrothermally altered rocks in theCopperas Creek and Alum Mountain areas belongsto the volcanic complexof Alum Mountains (Fig. 40; Ratte et al., 1979). The altered rocksare confined to andesitic and latitic lava flows, flow breccia, and bedded volcaniclastic and pyroclastic rocksthat are cut by smallsilicic rhyolitic and dacitic intrusive bodies. Most of these bodiesare dikes andsills a few meters thick, but there are several larger is more evident,but shallow intrusive or venting bodies. In the southern part of the district, local fracture control activity is also present.The alteration is of a similar age as thehost rocks (30 Ma; RattC et al., 1979; Marvin et al., 1987). RattC et al. (1979) interpretes that these highly argillizedand silicified rockson Alum Mountain represent solfatnric-type alteration commonly associatedwith volcanic vent activity. However, McLemore (1994c, in press b) presents the possibilty that this acid-sulfate alteration maybe indicative of high-&dation gold deposits at depth (Cox and Singer, 1986; Rye et al., 1992). 149 IO - 13'10 T13S T145 -.'. .?. 33'05' I t Pit '1 4s 7 5s Figure 40"ines and prospects in the Alum Mountain miningdistrict, Grant County, New Mexico (modified from Wargo, 1959). are the most abundant alteration products (Hayes, 1907). The Quartz, opal, alunite, alum, and clays district is named for the natural alum minerals that arefound in deposits on Alum Mountain between Sapillo Creek andthe Gila Riverand on both sides of Alum Canyon tothe north. These minerals do not occnras original constituents of the rocks butare alteration products.Rattk et al. (1979) interprets the alteration at Alum Mountain probably to have resulted from hydrothermal solutions given off by a larger intrusion beneaththe volcanic center. Mineral deposits has resulted in widespread solution and Alteration causedby descending or ascending meteoric water redeposition of hydrated-aluminum sulfates, mainly halotrichite and alunogen, and created unusuallylarge deposits 69, of these minerals(RattC and Gaskill, 1975;R a t t C et al., 1979). These deposits have been prospected (Table and a large body of 90million short tons of sodic alunitewith significant quantitiesof microquartz, kaolinite, and iron oxides has been defined. Locally, zones contain30% alunite, with quartzas the other main constituent. In late 1970s, a processin use in the former Soviet Union was being studied as an economic meansof exploiting the alunite deposit (Hall, 1978; Ratti et al., 1979). Locally, goldand silver occurin quartz veins; one sample contained 0.28odton Au and0.36 odton Ag (Rattk et al., 1979). Talmage and Wootton (1937) descrihesthe meerschaum depositsas veins in Tertiary igneous rocks.The meerschaum occursin theveins as impure nodules or in blocks someof which are several feet across (Table 68). In most instances,the meerschaum contains crystalsof quartz or calcite, so that grinding and washing are required. TABLE 68-Mines and prospects in the Alum Mountain mining district, Grant County,New Mexico Location includes section, township, and range. al. 1979 Hall 1978 In the southern part of the district north of Copperas Creekand to the east, is anarea where meerschaum (a common name forthe mineral sepiolite) occursin veins. Sepiolite is a hydrous silicateof magnesia having the composition 2Mg0.3Si02, a specific gravityof2, and a hardnessof 2 to 2.5 (Sterrett, 1908). It is a tough, Snely granular, white mineral.Much of it is so porous that, whendry, it will floatin water. The popular name meerschaum is German for "sea foam," which beliesthis unusual property. Meerschaumis a productof the alteration of magnesian rocksor minerals, generally magnesite or serpentinite. Bayard district Location and Mining History The Bayard (or Central) mining district is between Silver City and Santa Rita (Fig. 1). Some writers, such as Anderson (1957), have included deposits from the Santa Rita, Fierro-Hanover, and Bayard district into the Central mining district. Lasky (1936a),for example, notesthat the Central mining district officially includes the Hanover, Fierro, andSanta Rita subdistricts and claims near the town of Central. This report restrictsthe Bayard district to the immediate vicinityof the town of Bayard (Table 69; Fig. 1); the Central disttict is not usedin this report. The Bayard district was discovered in 1858 and total production is estimated as 110 millionIbs Cu, 24,000 oz Au, 7.5 million oz Ag, 225 million lbs Pb, and 809 million Ibs Zn (Table 2). Laramide veins and placer gold deposits are found in thedistrict. Manganesehas been producedfrom mines on theManhattan and Pleasant View claims. The claims were originally patented in 1903 for lead and zinc and also produced several carloads each of high-grade lead-zinc ore (Famham, 1961). 151 TABLE 69-Mines and prospects of the Bayard mininz district, GrantCounty. _ .New Mexico. Deoosits are Laramidev&ns-Location includes section, township, and range. MINENAME (LIB) LOCATION LATITUDE LONGITUDE COMMODITIES DEVELOPMENT REFERENCES Texas NW0218S13W 32'46'45" 10S009'45" A&Au,Pb,Zn 400Rshaft Three Brothers NW31 17s 12W 32'4T 30" 108'07'30'' Vigil (Link Goat) NE31 17s 1ZW 32" 47' 15" 108'' 07' 15" Pb, ZbPb, Cu, A& A" Zn Lasky(1936a),Lindgren etal. (1910) inclinedshaft 156 LaSky(1936Q Jonesand fl deep with 400 R Hemon (1973) of workings sh& and adits Lasky (1936a) The SanJose claim, which has become part of the Ground Hogmining operation, is one of the oldest mining claims in the area (Lasky, 1936a). It was mined for copper, gold,and silver prior to 1869.The Ground Hog and Lucky Bill claims were located in 1900 afterthe vein had been exposed by stream erosion at the mouth of Lucky Bill Canyonin the northern endof Bayard Canyon. Geology The Bayard districtand the surrounding rocks have been studied extensively because of the mineral wealth that has been produced there for over a hundred years. However,there appears to be no recent s u m m a r y specifically of the geology and mineral productionof the area. Lasky (1936a) provides a bibliography of studies to that time. Jones et al. (1967) updatesthe bibliography and offers a modern lookat the geology of the Santa Rita quadrangle wherethe majority of the district is located. The exposed rocksin the area rangein age from Pennsylvanian to Recent. Rocks of Pennsylvanian and Cretaceous ageare broken byfaults, locally domed and folded by forceful injection of Late Cretaceous-Tertiary 152 magma, and intruded by swarms of dikes trendingin a northeasterly direction (Joneset al., 1967). In the southern part of the area, flat-lying volcanic rocks of Miocene(?)age overliethe older sedimentary rocksand form dissected plateaus. The Pennsylvanian rocks include the Oswaldo Formation, which consists of c h e q limestone, thin beds of shale, and lenses of sandstone, and the Syrena Formation whichis a limy shale and argillaceous limestone. Triassic, Jurassic, and Early Cretaceous beds are absent in the area. Late Cretaceous sedimentary rocks are the Beartooth Quartzite,a fine-grained crossbedded quartzite, and Colorado Formation consisting of a lower black shale member andan upper sandstone member. At least 25 types of intrusive rocks occur in the Santa Rita quadrangle (Jones et al., 1967). The intrusions consist of sills, laccoliths, stocks, dikes, and plugs of Late Cretaceous(?)and Early Tertiary age. The volcanic rocks in the area include flows, dikes, tuffs, and plugs. The Rubio Peak Formation, a thick sequence of flows and tuffs, is overlain by SugarlumpTuff which is inturn overlain by Kneeling Nun Rhyolite Tuff. These latter two units make upthe bnlk of San Jose Mountainin the southern part of the area. Quaternary sediments consistof semi-consolidated gravel deposits, hillside ruble and talus, and sand, gravel, and soil. The Bayard areais near the trough onthe eastern limbof the Pinos Altos-Central syncline.Four periods of faulting have been recognizedin the Bayard area: 1) subsequent tothe intrusion of the sills, along which granodiorite porphyry dikes were later injected, 2) after the injection of the dikes, 3) afterthe expulsion of the volcanic rocks, 4) near the end of the explosive stageof volcanic activity (noneof the faults in the district can be truly labeledas being from this period, butthe Bayard and Ground Hog faults may have originated at this time). All of the faults are normal, and the downthrown sideis generally tothe southeast (Lasky, 1936a). Mineral deposits The Laramide vein deposits in the Bayard districtare chiefly precious-and base-metal fissurefillings and replacement bodiesin faults and fractures. These deposits have been enriched by both supergene and hypogene processes. At the Ground Hog mine, granodiorite dikes have intruded quartz diorite porphyry of the Fort Bayard laccolith, within faulted massesof Colorado shale and alonga fracture zone about200 ft wide. The ore occurs within fracturesand fracture zonesin the granodiorite dikesand their wall rocks (Spencerand Paige, 1935). Hypogene ore-minerals include chalcopyrite, galena, and sphalerite. Supergene minerals include chalcocite pseudomorphs after galena, cermsite, wulfenite, and goslarite. Vanadium as cuprodescloizite has been found underground at the Ground Hog(Lasky, 1930,1936a). At the Ivanhoe and Ninety mines, both now under mine waste dumps the nearChino mines concentrator, ore occursas fissure filling and replacements alonga contact betweena granodiorite porphyry dikeand shaly limestone and qnatz diorite sill of the Colorado Formation. Chalcopyriteis irregularly distributed throughout,and narrow bandsof fine-grained galenaparalleling the fault are associated with sphalerite. Cerussite and pyritic chalcocite are abundant supergene minerals (Lindgren et al., 1910). Veins onthe Manhattan and Pleasant View claims consistsof pyrolusite, wad,and some psilomelane associated with lead-carbonate and lead-zinc sulfides in a fissure zonein quartz diorite porphyry.The fissure ranges from 3 to ft6wide, strikes N30°E, and dips steeply southeast. Assays of samples are in Table 70. The and stringers as much manganese minerals occurin narrow stringers,in bands 2 ft wide, and small irregular veins as a footor more in length (Famham,1961). Most of the shafts have been backiilled by the Abandoned Mine Lands program. TABLE 70-Chemical analyses of samples collected fromthe Manhattan and Peerless claims. Analyzed by NMBMMR Chemical Laboratory(Lynn Brandvold, manager)by FAAS and fireassay for cold 153 The placer regioncovers mostof the drainage areaof the pre-volcanic rocks; even the smallest arroyos and channels have yieldedgold (Lasky,1936a). The most productive placers were north of San Jose Mountainand east of the town of Central. The gold was derived fromthe fissure veinsin the area. Experienced gold panners found gold contentof the sands increased wherethe arroyo crossed a vein,then abruptly declined, onlyto increase again when another vein was crossed &as@, 1936a). Gold dust with a fineness of 0.705 is common, hut nuggets than 1,000 oz of gold has been produced from the placers the size of a small lima bean have been found. Less (McLemore, 1994a; Johnson, 1972). Black Hawk district Location and Mining History 21 mi The Black Hawkor Bnllard Peakmining district is inthe northern Burro Mountains, approximately all of the mines and prospect pits within five miles to the east and south west of Silver City. The district includes of Bullard Peak(Fig. 41). Mining began in the district in 1881 withthe discovery ofthe unique silver-nickelcobalt depositat the Alhambra mine(Gilleman andWhitehread, 1956). Subsequent prospecting soon discovered additional deposits.Mining continued until 1893, when a decline in silver priceand depletion of rich silver ore caused the mines to close.Dnring 1917, the Black Hawk mine was dewatered, but had no recorded production. In 1920, pitchblende (uraninite) was recognized on mine dumps in the area, andin 1949 the area becameof interest as a possible sourceof uranium, nickel, and cobalt. Types of deposits foundin the Black Hawkmining district include: Laramide veins, tungsten placer deposits, and pegmatites. Total metal production from 1881-1960 is estimated as 3,000 lbs Cu, 1,000 oz Au, 1,286,000 oz Ag, and 4,000 lbs Pb (Table 71). In addition, 10,542 short tons of (2.7-71 % WO,) tungsten ore (Richter and Lawrence, 1983; Dale and McJGnney, 1959) and 615 short tons of fluorspar ore have been produced (Williams, 1966; McAnnlty, 1978). I TABLE 71-Metals production from the Black Hawkmining district, Grant County, New Mexico (U.S. Bureau of Mines, 1927-1990; Lindnren et al., 1910). Additional uroduction included with Burro Mountains district. Mstimated. YEAR I ORE(SH0RT I COPPER I GOLD 1 SILVER(O2) . , I LEAD (LBS I TOTALVALUE I ~~ ~I TONS) 1940 1946 TOTAL 1940-1946 ESTIMATED (LBS) 292 67 359 - (OZ) 1,000 1,100 5 9 14 1,000= 2,100 3,000' ($) 4,095 542 4,637 1,28G,000e 200 3,800 4,533 4,000' 3,210 1,323 3,600 1,000,000' T O T A T IPP1.14Cn Geology The oldest rocksin the Black Hawkmining district belong to the Proterozoic Bullard Peak Group, which includes quartzite, amphibolite, migmatite, and various typesof schist and gneiss (Hewitt, 1959; Gillennan, 1964). Intruding these rocksis Proterozoic quartz diorite gneiss, whichis the predominant rockin the area and part of the Burro Mountain batholith that crops out extensivelyto the south and southwest of the area (Gillerman, 1964). The gneiss, which contains 35 ppm Co and 23 ppm Ni (Gerwe and Norman, 1985), is inturn intrnded by Tertiary Twin Peaks monzonite porphryand other rock types. The Twin Peaks monzonite stock also occurs as dikes and irregular massesin the northern portionof the district (Gillerman, 1964). This monzonite contains approximately 20 ppm Coand 11ppm Ni (Gerweand Norman, 1985), is Late Cretaceousin age (72.5 4.7 Ma; Hedlund, to a vein 1985a), andis asociated withthe mineralized veins. A whole-rock sample of altered material adjacent has an age dateof 65.3H.2 Ma (K-Ar; Gerwe, 1986). Metamorphic and igneous rocksare overlain by Cretaceous quaaZite and Tertiary rhyolite in the northern areaof the district (Gilleman, 1964). T w o prominent fault systems trending slightly east of north are the main geologic structuresin the district off, trending ( G i l l e m , 1964). Each fault system consistsof a rather persistentfault from which other faults split to the northeast or northwest. * 154 L I zL I i- 7-l \ \ \ I C 9E LE OE PZ X E2 X 81 PC EL LC, ,PZ.80 L Mineral deposits The unusual nickel-cobalt-silver deposits of the Black Hawkmining district makethe area one of special interest. Although similar deposits are described worldwide (Cobalt and Great Bear Lake in Canada and known deposits have nickelJoachimstahlin the former Czechoslovakia; Gillerman and Whitebread, 1956), few cobalt-silver ore with uranium in carbonate gangue (Gillerman, 1964). In the Black Hawk district, the mineral in the quartz diorite gneiss near bodies of monzonite porphyry. deposits are simple fissure-filling veins mostly Four mineral assembalges occnr: 1) silver-argentite-nrminite-niccolite-rannneisbergite, 2) silverr~eisbergite-gersdorffite-nickelskntterudite, 3) chalcopyrite-tennantite-galena-sphalerite,and 4) acantbitejalpaite-pearceite-covellite(Von Bargen, 1979, 1993). Pitchblende is found with minor pyrite, chalcopyrite, galena, and sphalerite. Otherminerals occnning in these deposits are millerite, erythrite, annabergite, barite, manganocalcite, and various nickeland cobalt sulfarsenidesand arsenides (Gillerman, 1964; Von Bargen, 1979, 1993). Depositsare most plentifulin a 1-mi-wide byas much as 3-mi-long area on the southwest sideof Twin Peak stock (Gillerman, 1964).The veins can be traced for morethan 1,000 ft and have reachedas much as 600 ft vertically. They varyin width from 1to 3ft but may opento as much as 10 ft wide where they cut quartz diorite gneiss. The veins are inconspicuous in outcrop andare recognized by brown-stained, carbonatefilling (Gillerman, 1964). The carbonates, largely calcite, dolomite, siderite,and ankerite, are themost commonvein minerals. U308, Quartz is rare, occurringas a dull yellow-green chertor chalcedony. A dump sampled assayed 0.005% 0.08% Cu, 0.05% Pb, 0.06% Zn, and 0.0052% Ni (McLemore, 1983, #3745). Mineralization occurred about 65.3*1.2 Ma ago and at temperatures of 29O0-41O0C (Gewe,1986). Low salinitiesoffluid inclusions (<2 eq. wt.% NaCl) suggestthat the water in thesystem was meteoric (Gewe, 1986; Gewe and Norman, 1985). Larmide veins consist of native silver, with silver occnring in thecentral part of the vein and nickel- and cobalt-bearing minerals, mostly nickel skutterudite, are on the vein margins (Gillerman, 1968). Uraninite is found mostly in theoutermost zones associated with the nickel- and cobalt-bearing minerals, not with the silver. The carbonate vein-minerals form in a sequence wherethe carbonate species calcite, dolomite, ankerite, and siderite replace one another due to increased carbon dioxidein themineralizing solutions at a constant temperature (Naumov et al., 1971). Kissin (1988) notesthat deposits havingthe five-elementsuite (silver-nickel-cobalt-arsenic-bismuth)in resultingfrom veins suchas those in the Black Hawk area, indicate non-magmatic epigenetic mineralization continental rifting. The deposits formfrom mineralizing solutionsthat are rather oxidized and form where reduction, dilution,and cooling actas major constraints on deposition. The sonrce of the nickel and cobalt in the Black Hawkdistrict was probablyleaching of the Proterozoic quartz diorite gneiss during the Laramide, becauseof its large areal extent. The Proterozoic quartz diorite gneiss has the highest nickeland cobalt concentrationsof the predominant lithologies (Gerweand Norman, 1985; Gewe, 1986; VonBargen, 1979). Gillerman and Whitebread (1956) reportsthat inMay 1952, three1,000 ft diamond drill holes were positioned to intersect the Black Hawk vein.The core was checked for radioactivity, but no anomalous readings were made. In 1982, the Black Hawk mine was being mined on a small scale for silver. Tungsten deposits also occur in the area to the south and eastof Bnllard Peak (Table 72). Scheelite placer and lode deposits have been located by prospectorsusing ultraviolet lamps@ale and McKinney, 1959).The deposits are found near Proterozoic pegmatites and amphibolites ( G i l l e m , 1964; Johnson, 1983).Pure scheelite seams are found associated with pegmatite dikes @ale and McKinney, 1959)or along faults (Gillerman, 1964). Where found associatedwith quartz veins, scheelite commonly occnrs at thevein margin, or as disseminationsin the country rock(Gilleman, 1964). TABLE 72-Mines and prospects in the Black Hawkmining district, Grant County,New Mexico 156 TYPE OF REFERENCES DEPOSIT Laramide 1 Gillman(l964> . . I(1959) vein Laramide Gillman (1964) I I" ** NE21 18s 16W SW28, NW33 18s Missouri Girl Morning star Osmer Silver SE29 18s Pacemaker(Reed) SE35 16W 18s 16W (MoneaUaNo. 2) 108°29'40" Ag 32"42'15" 108'30'46" W 32'42'10" 108929'50" &U 41'45" 32" 108" 27'45" W, Mo 90 A shaft, level 81 55 A 2 2 f l s h a 3 100 fl Cuts, pmSppeR 32"38'35" 108933'20" Tweto (1962), Gillman 40 fl shaft with drift NW2419S 17W RiCRCrraves 32O43' 54" vein 50and30fl shafts, pits W McKinney (1959), Richter 40 A s h a prospect pits Hewin(1959), Gilleman I I Rose Silver King (Hobson) NE2918S 16W NE21 18s 16W 32'42'48'' 32O108* 40" 43' 29' I I I 108"30'39" &Ni,Co,U,Cu, 200flshaftwith4 Au levels 100 fl shaft a g ,u 54" diu, pits 300 A adiq inclined shaft Gillman and h i t e k e a d vein (1956), Gilleman(l964), Hedlund1980 Laramide Gillman (1964),Hedlund vein (1978a), Gilleman and Whitebread (1956),FN 7/23/80 Laramide Gillman(l964), Hedlund vein (1978a), Gillman and Whitebread 1956 Laramide Hedlund(l980) Larmide Hedlund(l980) . , vein Laramide Hedlund (1980) I I Gillman (1964), Hedlund 157 Bound Ranch district Location and Mining History The Bound Ranch (Langford Hills) mining district lies in the southern Burro Mountains, approximately 16 mi south ofthe Tyrone porphyry-copper depositand 4 mi southeast of Gold Hill mining district (Fig. 1).There has been only fluorite and tungsten producedfrom t h i s district, beginningin the early 1900s (Tables4,6). A few of the deposits have been worked for fluorspar and gold, butthe gold content was too low for continued mining I, briefly in the early 1930s, (Table 73). The American mine,for example, initially operated during World War again during World War 11, and sporadically there after, producing 98 short tons of fluorspar orein 1953 1966). The deposit was worked also for gold, but the gold content was low.The (Gilleman, 1964; Williams, Double Strike (Valley Spar)deposit was opened originally as a gold minein the early 192Os, but during World during World WarII and probably War I1 it was minedfor fluorite. The Continental deposit produced fluorspar as of 1951. Total production amounts to 3,230 before. The J A P Ranch and Windmill deposits had not produced short tonsof fluorite and 4,150 short tonsWO, have been produced .fromHillside, Alpha,and Bluebird mines p a l e and McKinney, 1959; Hobbs, 1965). TABLE 73-Mines and prospects ofthe Bound Ranchmining district, Grant County, New Mexico. These deposits are Laramide veins and fluorite veins. Location includes section, township, and LATITUDE LQNGITUDE COMMODITIES DEVELOPMENT PRODUCTION REFERENCES 32'21'56'' 10So22'38" Cu W, 32' 23' 22" 108" 22' 45" SW15 AuF, lOOflsha% pit 32'22'28'' F. Mn Ni 2 shafts. adit Dale and Mdcinney (1959), Gilleman (19641,NMBMMRfde ' &ta 98 shorttons CaF2 Gillerman(l952,1964), Hedlund (1978% NMBMMR file data Gillennanf1964). 3,500 shorttons shafl,pit wo, GreatRepublic, Sunday) t"t7 (Spar) 22s American 32"21'44" 108' 24' I 15" 108°22'21" I F,Au I 3 shafts, p i s Valley, Signal 32' 25' 7'' 23'108" 13" F, Au pits, $hat% I - l(1937) 3 shorlmns CaFz Gillerman(1952,1964), William (1966) Gillman(1964), Rothrocketd. (1946). Williams (1966) 121 shorttons Gillermanf1952.1964). " Ij, none (Valley Spar, I I 50" 1089 24' 59" F shaft oit 31'23'4" 108"26' 12" F shaft pits 6 24' 329 22s15w 6 shorltonsCaFz 22s 16W Grant county NW8 22s 1080 24'48" none trenches shaft, F 32024'27" I J A P Ranch SEZS Langfard Windmill 32°20'45" F 108'22'13'' 32'21'54'' 22.9 NE9 22s I 32°21'36" 108°26'27" 32' 24' 32" cu 108"25'35" I I wo. pit pit none none F,U pits 108' 23' 14" I F none I I none Gilleman (1952,1964), Hedlund (1978% NMBMMRfile data Johnaon(l928). Gillman(1952,1964), Hedlund (1978% NMSMMRfile data and McKinoey I f19591 Gillermanf1952. i964):Hedlund(l<78d),' NMBMMRfile data Hedlund (19780 Gilleman(1952, 196% Hedlund (1978d) Lovering(l956), Gillman (1964). McLemore'(l983) I IWilliams ^... (196% I.^_- .^_.I 13 22s 16W 22 22s 1 5 w 108' 22'40" I 158 F none I pits (1978d) 1 Hedlund I Geology Rocks in the Bound Ranch district consist of Proterozoic granite and include schists and quartzites that are intruded by several dikes of varying compositionsand ages. The most wide-spreadgranite in theBurro Mountains is predominantly a grayish-orange, medium-grained variety containing high percentage a of quartz and potassium feldspar, minor albite,and minor biotite. The potassium feldsparis orthoclase or microcline, or both. Large poikilitic orthoclase phenocrysts containing inclusions of quartz, albite, biotite, and accessory minerals are locally present. Sphene, apatite,and magnetite are common accessory minerals; zircon, rutile, and tourmaline are locally present. Within the district, lenses of Proterozoic schist, amphibolite, quartzite and other metamorphic rocks are common in the granite as are Proterozoic aplite, pegmatite, and diabase dikes. Northeast-trending faultsare common in thedistrict. These faults are commonly marked by mineralized zones. Mineral depositsin the Bound Ranch district consist mainly of fluorite fissure-filling veins that occur along faults in theProterozoic granite. Mineral deposits Mineral deposits in theBound Ranch districtare chiefly fluorspar stringers and veins in Proterozoic granite (Table 73; Johnston, 1928; Rothrock et al.,1946; Gillerman, 1951,1968). Fluorite is predominately green or purple, butit may be also white, yellow,or violet (Gillerman,195 1). The fluorite characteristically occurs as massive texture, but columnar or granular texturesare locally common. Cubeand octahedronforms are most common crystal forms, but at the American, Double Strike, and JAP Ranch depositsin thedistrict, the dodecahedron modifyingthe cube formis common. At the Double Strike deposits cubesof fluorite modified by dodecahedrons, tetrahedrons,and bexoctahedrons have been found (Gillerman, 1951). Two or three stagesof mineralization occurredin thevicinity of the Burro Mountainswith violet fluorite usually representing the last with the fluorite stage (Rothrock et al.,1946; Gillerman, 1951). Quartz is the most common mineral associated with minor amountsof calcite, pyrite, cbrysocolla, turquoise, malachite, hematite, limonite, native gold, silver, manganese oxide, halloysite, autunite, and uranophane. The Double Strike, Windmill, American, Continental, and JAP Ranch deposits were localized along, or are near, the Malone fault and are mineralogically similar (Gillerman,1951). The American, Continental,and Double Strike deposits have been mined for both fluorite and gold and have numerous sbafts, pits, and trenches. The JAP Ranch and Windmill depositsare small and have been explored by shallow workings. At the Continental deposit, fluorite occurs intermittently along a prominent fault over about3,200 ft in veins associated with silicifiedfault gouge and breccia (Rothrock et al.,1946; Gillerman, 195 1). The fault trends of Proterozoic schistand approximately tothe north and dips 60" to 85' E and cuts Proterozoic gneiss, lenses quartzite, and middle Tertiary volcanic rocks. Fluorite is found in both the Proterozoic rocks and the volcanics, so mineralization post datesthe middle Tertiary. Atthe deposit, fluoriteis commonly clear greenor yellow-green coarsely crystalline cubes having etched crystal faces. The only mineral associated with fluorite is quartz, although scheelite is present in a quartzvein about 600 ft to the west ofthe fluorsparvein. The American deposit occurs as veins and breccia zones along faults that splay from the southwestern side of Malone fault within Proterozoicgranite (Rothrock, et al., 1947; Gillerman, 1951). Pegmatite, aplite, diabase, and rhyolite dikesintrude the granite. Fluorite is most abundant within approximately 300 ft of the Malone fault and is not foundfarther than 700 ft from the fault. The veins are as much as 3 ft wide, and the breccia zonesup to 30 ft wide. Fluorite occurs as almost pure coarsely crystalline green fluorite in veins and as a cementing material, with quartz, of the breccia material between veins. A 2-foot chip sampletaken from a cut45 feet northeast of the main shaft assayed 47.0% CaF2 (Williams, 1966). At the Double Strike deposit, fluorite occurs in three silicified breccia zones that range from 1 to 4 ft wide in faulted Proterozoicgranite (Rothrock et al.,1946; Gillerman, 1951). As at the American deposit,the fluorite of occurs as veins cutting the silicified fault gouge or as part of the breccia. At the Double Strike deposit two types fluorite are present; purpleand dark-green, coarsely crystallinefluorite was deposited beforepale green and white fluorite having excellent crystalform. At the JAP Ranch deposit,fluorite occurs sparinglyin a fissure veinlet system.The deposit consistsof pods and veinlets in a northeast-trendingfault. Veinlets range from a few inchesto 12 inches thick and crop out for a length of 80 ft. The fluorite is pale greenand well crystallizedas cubes and dodecahedrons (Williams,1966). Two to four miles southwestof Malone fault,are the Bounds, Fence Line, Grandview, and Grant County deposits (Table73; Rothrock et al.,1946; Gillerman, 1951). These depositsare small andare similar to each other. At the Bounds deposit, coarsely crystalline green fluorite occurs in a vein 1 to 2 ft wide in granite that can be traced for 300 ft on the surface. Smaller veins outcrop nearby.At the Grandview deposit, avein of clear green, 159 : of disseminated fluorite occurin a highly coarsely crystallinefluorite 2 fi wide and a 1to 2 foot wide zone brecciated fracture zone in granite (Williams, 1966). The Fence Line andGrant County deposits occur along the At the Grant County deposits,four same mineralized zone separated by a wide valley filled with Recent gravels. in several trenches. subparallel veins have been exposed Less than 2 miles sonthof the Grandview deposits,lies the Langford depositthat is economically unimportant, butis of interest becauseof the uranium minerals associated withthe fluorite. Fluorite at the Langford depositis ingranite in a silicified breccia zoneft5wide and striking N15'W and dipping 62ONE (Gilleman, 1951). Mineralization consistsof dark purple, fine-grained fluorite occurring as encmstations andas veinlets lessthan one-inch thick between breccia fragments. Uranium minerals occur in thebreccia zone concentrated in the vicinity of the dark purple fluorite and possibly within it (Gillerman, 1951). Scheelite and wolframite occur scattered throughout narrow quartz veins in several deposits (Table 73). of 3.3 shorttons of 60% WOSis reported fromthe Hillside and Alpha Grades were typically low, but one shipment mines (Hobbs, 1965). Garnet, epidote, hornblende, calcite, and quartz are found withthe scheelite at the Alpha mine (Gillerman, 1964). Burro Mountains district Location and Mining History of the Big Burro and Little Bumo Mountains (Fig. 1). The Burro Mountains mining district includes parts Copper minerals were first discovered in the district aboutGOO A.D. when Native AmericanIndians mined turquoise for jewelry and trade, but it was notuntil the early 1860sthat mining claims werefiled. In about 1880 and 1881, extensive prospecting in western Grant County resulted in finding gold, silver, lead, and copper deposits. Mining began in thedistrict shortly after discovery, and mining of rich silver ore continned until 1885. In 1885, a stamp mill that was erected onthe Gila River,and in 1903 aleaching plant was constructed near the mill (Hewitt, 1959).The Tyrone ore body was mined by nnmerous underground operations the from 1870suntil 1909 when Phelps Dodge Mining Co. consolidated 150mining companies that operated in the area at thetime. It was notuntil 1921 when underground mining ceased. During this time several high-gradeareas averaging 2-3% Cu were mined out.From 1948 tothe 1950s, adrillingprogram was employed to define the Tyrone orebody. Overburden strippingbegan in 1967, and open pit mining commenced in 1969, and a 272-year old underground mine was consumed by the pit. In 1990-1992, additional reserves were located. Currently, Tyrone uses solvent extraction-electrowinning (SX-EW) technology to produce 148 to 150 million poundsof copper cathodesper year. During its history, mining at Tyrone has gone from underground to open pit, and from sulfide concentration to heap leaching. Advancesin bio-leaching technology, would open huge tonnage of ore to ftnther copper recovery (Bruce Kennedy, Phelps Dodge Mining Co., oral comm., April 1994). Approximately 300 million short tons of ore grading 0.81% Cu were processedby the concentrator at Tyrone from 1969 to1992 (Table 75). Approximately 425 millionshort tons of ore grading 0.35% Cu have been leached(R. J. Stegen, Phelps DodgeMining Co., written communication, October 3, 1994). In addition, silverand gold were recoveredfrom 1903 to 1992. Reserves are estimated as 230.2 million short tons of leach oregrading 0.35% Cu (RobertM.North, Phelps Dodge Mining Co., written communication, October, 1995). While Tyroneis the largest producer,it is not the only producing mine in the district (Table 76). Total production from the district amounts to more than 5.24 billion lbs Cu, 50,000 Au, oz 10 million oz Ag, 200,000 lbs Pb, and300,000 lbs Zn (Table 74).The Contact minehas had significant production (Gillerman, 1964). The 225-ft deep Contact shaft wassunk on the Contact vein hoping to find gold in silver, butit was workedin 1939 for base metals; 150 short tons of ore were shippedthat year. In 1942 mining resumed, and between 1942 and1944,2,121 short tonsof ore containing 6-7% combined and Pb Zn, 2 odton Ag, 0.02- 0.03 odton An and 0.25% Cu were shipped. In 1943, the Contact mine was Mn were shipped. Tnrquiosehas been worked for manganese and 140 short tons of ore averaging 20% produced from the district (Zalinski, 1907)as well as 172,539 short tons of fluorite and 30 lbsU308. TABLE 74-Metals production from the Burro Mountains (Tyrone)mining district, GrantCounty, New Mexico (U. S.Geological Survey, 1902-1927; U.S.Bureau ofMines, 1927-1990). Includes 161 ORE (SHORTCOPPER GOLD (LBS) (OZ) ESTIMATF,D TOTAL 19671992 ( k " e mine) ESTIMATED TOTAL 1871- - 315,700,000 5,068,200,000 318,000,000 - - LEAD (LBS) - - ZINC TOTAL VALUE (LBS) - ($) W W - W I I I - SILVER(0Z) 5,240,000,000 >50,000 >10,000,000 >200,000 >300,000 >2,000,000,000 TABLE 75-Copper production from the Tyrone mine,Burro Mountains (Kolesar, 1982;U.S. Bureau of Mines, 1927-1990). 1914-1921 productionby underground methods. 1967-1992 pro duction by 162 TABLE 76-Mines and prospects iI te Burro Mountains mining MINENAME LOCATION LA'ITITJDE LONGITUDE COMMODITIES DEVELOPMEW AceHigb E28 18s 15W district, Grant ~unty,New Mexico. TYPEOF 1 REFERENCES DEPOSIT Austin- 3Z042'50" 45" 23' 108' NE35 19s 32O36'49" F 108' 21' 30" A& Zn,Pb, CU 108'27' 34" Cu. Ag, Au,Mo, U (Frankie, Bull Aldorado Beasely (National and Mayflower) Beaumont It-" N18 19s 15W32O39'28" pits 145 fl shaR 5 shafts,pitsand opencuts 3 shafts, 160,110 108" 25' Mo Cu, 45" SO fl I I E13 19s 16W 1 Bismuth Lode 19s (Alexander, Jacobs 19s 16W 32939'15" 32ONE27 37' 108°26'30" Ag, Mo, Pb shaft, shallow pits 108°28' 48" Bi 70 fl shaft, pits, shallow shafts vein (1978% Richter'ind Lawemce (1983). FN 7/22/80 Laramide Gilleman (196% Hedlund veins (1978e), Paige(l911), Richter and Lawrence 1983 Laramide Gilleman (196% Pram veins(1967), Richter and Lawrence pits Richter and Lawrence (1983), Gillman(l964), Hedlund 198% Laramide Gillman (196% Hedlund vein (1978e), Paige (1911), Schilling(l964) 108O 22' 45" 290flshaft LaramideLindgren shaft, adit OPEilCUts 44" 108O 26'45" shafts and shallow Mo Cu, I I Laramide vein et al(1910), Paige I Burrochief Fluorspar Burro Mountains (Amre, Elizabeth Pocket, Turquoise) California Gulch SE15 19s 15W 32°38'58" 108' vetiical 22' 43" NEl6,NW 15 19s 15W 32' 39' 15" 108'33'33" I workings and large openpits NE of NE 17 19s 15W 32" 39' 35" CaSinO W2 19s 15W 32O 41' 02" 108"22' 16" Ag, Au C0"M W2 19s 15W 32O 41' 01" 108O 22' 07" Cu,Pb, Zn, MD, A& Au CopperKing W15 19s Rotkock et a1(19461. fluorite 108'24'25'' andtrenches, (1983j pits shoa adit, shallow pits, shafts shafts, adits,pits 32' 39' 15"15" 108'23' cu 400fishaP~ 32' 38' 14" 27" 108O 23' cu 32* 37'00" 108' 21' 00" CU sh&,trmches, pits shafts 32' 37' 45" 108* 28' 15" ZRAu 77flsha pits Laramide Gillman (1964),Hedlund 108" 22' 09" Pb, Zn 2 shafts hamide Lawrence 1983 Richter and Lawrence (1983) 108' 28' 00" F pits 108' 22' 55" Ag 108'23'48" Cu, Ag 3 adits, shaft, 0pe"C"t 108' 18'00" Kaolin pits fluorite Gillman (1952), Williams veins Laramide Gillman (196% Hedlund vein 1978e Pornhvrv Gilleman (1964).Hedlund &Mo(1978e), "i"t..;".d Lawrence 1983 volcanic Patterson andHolmes(1977) 15w Copper M0""tain Emma and SW16 19s 15W SW25,NW36 19s 15W NW26 19s 16W surprise Foster Zinc (Badger) (Woodward) Gardnff I C26 19s 16W 32"37'30" 163 shafts vein 198% LaramideGillerman(1964) I MINENAME (ALIAS) Lone Pine C0ppPer Neglected Nellie Blv OakGrave LOCATION LONGITUDE COMMODITIES DEVELOPMENT TYPE I 19S.15W 32O 32'42" NE25 20s 16W SW16 19s 32'38'56" 15W IE3619SlSWI 32O36'40" I Ohio and Little Rack Oilcenter Tool Osmer Gold (Shammck, L A W E 1 SEI7 19s 15W I 21 18S15W (1911) I I 32' 39' 07" I 32O44'00" 108°24' 18" 108°20'33" C" I I F Cu, F 108O24' 42" I 108°24'00" adit Cu,Au, Pb, 2%Bi 314fladiS 3 sh&, pits 108O 26'32" U I I 100fladit Ipit 3 m deep 225 ft sh& inclined shaft, open pit pits 1- 2223 19s 16W 32O 38'30" 108O 28' 15" Au, As, Bi, Cu pits, 5 sh& NE33 19s 16W N11 19s 15W 32O36'52" 108'29'46'' A& Au,Ph, Cu 16Oflshafl NW16 19.7 15W 32O39'30" 108°24'15" CU S22719S 16W 32O37'7.2" 108'28'43'' F SE24 19s 32'38'05'' I I I OF REFERENCES DEPOSIT Laramide Gillerman(l964) I vein Laramide Gilleman (196% Hedlund vein (1978e) Laramide Richter and Lawrence 11983). , vein Hedlund (19852) fluorite I Gilleman (1952), William vein (1966) Lar-de Gillman (1964). Hedlund vein (1978% Richter and Lawrence (1983) Laramide Butler et al. (1962) . . vein I Laramide Gilleman (196% Richter and vein Lawrence (1983) I I, . SilverDollar SilverKinp Mrstery SouthemStar Spar Hill Tall Pine I 16W I I 1820s 16W I Thompson canyon (Brock) Tullockand 13,18 19s Bostoniq Tall 14W,15W Pine Tunuco 2818s 15W 32"40'30" Au, Cu 108°21'45" 32"34'10" I 1 108°26'57" 108e32'05" cu I 1 Perlite Laramide vein Laramide vein epithemal Mn shaft adit 3 adits and opencut fluorite veim 50 fish& pits andtrenchpits 1- (pits I 1 vein Perlite W16 19s 15w . I. I 1 G i l l e m (1964), BaUman (1960) 32'39'45'' cu 108°20'30" 3 shallow shafts vein 32'42'55'' u, C" 108'23'45'' 32O39'30" 108°24'00" Cu, Au 367 i? adit vein 164 Gillman (196% Richter and Laramide Lawrence (1983) FN 9/23/82. McLemore Laramide pits vein Two-Best-hThree (1978),Hddlund&78e) Gillman (1964). Hedlund (1978e) Gillman 11964). Hedlund (1978e) Gillman (1964), Granger andBauer(1951),Hedlund (1985a) Gillman(l964), Williams (1966), Hedlund(l978e), McAnulty(l978) Richter andLawence (1983) . . Laramide (1983) Gillerman(l964). Hedlund Laramide (1978e), Richtmand Lawrence (1983), Hedlund (198Sa) Geology The Little Burro Mountains are located onthe northeast sideof the Mangas Valley. Theyare an isolated fault block along the west range of hills 18 mi long and1to 2 mi wide that trend northwestalong a northeast tilted side of the northwest-trending Mangas fault. These mountains consist of Proterozoic granite and Cretaceous sedimentary rocks intruded by andesitic and rhyolitic rocks overlain by Tertiary volcanic flows (Kolesaar, 1970,1982; DuHamel et al., 1995).The Big Burro Mountains are southwest of Mangas Valleyand consist of Proterozoic granite of the Burro Mountains batholith, which is emplaced into a series of schists, amphibolites, and quartzites of the Bullard Peak series. The granite has been intruded by Proterozoic diabase dikesand contains rhyolite dikes and plugs, and dikes and plugsofvarious rock typesand the Tyrone stock, a quartz monzodiorite porphyry laccolith datedas 52.8i1.2 to 56.6+1.6 Ma @uHamel et al., 1995). The exposed part ofthe laccolith is elliptical in shape and is 6 mi long by 4 mi wide (Kolesaar, 1982). Gila Conglomerateand Recent sands gravels fill Mangas Valley. The Burro Mountain granite, which comprises about of90% the batholith is the major component ofthe Big Burro Mountains. It is typically a medium-to coarse-grained equigrannlargranite with locally porphyritic occurrences. The color, texture, mineral and chemical composition,fracturing and jointing, and degree of weathering and alteration are quite variable( G i l l e m , 1970). Tyrone stockand smaller plugs and dikes of varying texture, composition, and age intrude the Burro Mountain batholith.The largest part of Tyrone stockis made up ofquartz monzodiorite (Hedlund, 1985a), which is a medium light-gray, medium-grained massive quartz monzodiorite (Hedlund, 1978a, c). The remainder of the stock is mostly very light-grayto light brownish-gray quartz monzonite porphm, pinkish-gray aplite,andvery as much as 35 m wide. Paleozoic strata and Mesozoic rocks are light-gray Porphyritic quaaZ monzonite dikes largely absent, except for some minor Mesozoic in units the Little Burro Mountains (Hedlund, 19S5a) Gillerman (1970) notesthat structural features are most important in localizing the ore bodies, lithology being of secondary importance. Northeast-trending faults, fractures, and shear zones arethe prominent structures in the area in and around the district. Five major fanlts have been recognized Osmer, Bismuth-Foster-Beaumont, Austin-Amazon, Burro Chief, and Sprouse-Copeland. Other major faults, such as the Mangas and Walnut Creek faults, trend northwesterly. Mangas fault is an eastern boundaryfault for the Big Burro mountain block, while the Walnut Creek fault lies within the block. Someof the faults have been intruded by rhyolite and quartz of the dikes. monzodiorite porphyrydikes, and subsequentmovement alongthe faults has caused brecciation Mineral depositsin the district are dominated by the Tyrone porphyry-copper deposit, but deposits of precious and base metal, fluorite, uranium, clay, and dimension stone also occur in the district (Gillerman, 1964; Ricter and Lawrence, 1983; Hedlund, 1985a). Mineral Deposits Mineral depositsin the Little Burro Mountains part of the district are divided geographically by deposit type. Depositsin the central part of the Little Burro Mountains contain gold, silver, copper,and lead, zinc in fractures and faultsand consist of gold, galena, sphalerite, chalcopyrite, pyrite, probably argentite, and their oxidation products. Pyrolusiteand psilomelane are common and one deposit,the Contact mine, was mined for manganese in 1943 @amham, 1961). Proterozoicskarns containing scheelitecanbe foundat the contact zonesof the Burro Mountaingranite with hornblendic schistsof the Bullard Peak Series (Hedlund, 1985a). Deposits of fluorite, uranium, clay,and dimension stone occur also in the Little Burro Mountains. Numerous minesand prospects occurin the district (Table76; Gillerman, 1964; Hedlund, 1985a). Those of the Bostonian and Montezuma groupsof claims in theeastern part of the district are typical of copper deposits in the southern part of the mountains. The host rocks forthe numerous shafts, pits, and adits are Early Tertiary monzonite porphyryand quartz monzonite porphyry (possibly part of the Tyrone Stock) whichhas been intensely altered. Laramide veins strike generally northeast and are vertical to steeply dipping.The veins are quite narrow and can be traced for no morethan a few hundred feet. Some of the deeper shafts in the area have beensunk along be found there. Quartz-molybdeniteveins (pyrite and or close to Mangas fault in hope that mineralization was to chalcopyrite) occurat the northwest margin of the Tyrone Stock,and quartz-specularite veins occur at the eastern end of the Stock (Hedhmd, 1985a). Some ofthe veins have siliceous and ferruginous cappings owing to extensive oxidation,but where erosionis rapid, the veins are relatively unoxidized. One groupof gold-silver-base metals deposits in the central Little Burro Mountainsis the Contact group of claims (Gillerman,1964). These workings exploit quartz-filledfissure veins along north-northeast-trending faults. Development at the group consistsof the Contact and Virtue shafts,and the Virtue tunnel,all along the Contact vein. The Contact vein strikes N60" E and dips 70' SE at the Virtue shaft and strikes N20' E and dips 75" SE at the Contact shaft. It is 5-6 ft wide. The ratio of gold to silver at theContact minein 1944 was 4 to 1, and chalcopyrite, and in 1960 it remained little changed at 3.5 to 1. The vein consists of quartz with minor pyrite and abundant psilomelane, pyrolusite, argentiferous galena, and sphalerite. The vein lies along the contact between granite and andesite, and silicified fracturesare seen alongthe vein. A sample fromthe Austin-Amazon mine assayed no gold,0.64 ozlton Ag, 7.4% Cu and 0.003% U308(McLemore, 1983, #3745). By far the most i m p o h t deposit in the district in terms of production is the Tyrone porphyry copper deposit. The Tyrone ore body is a chalcocite blanket developed over the Tyrone stock (Kolesaar, 1970,1982; DnHamel et al.,1995). At the Tyrone mine,most of the stock is a porphyritic quartz monzodiorite with abundant quartz, oligoclase,and sporadic chloritized biotite (Kolesaar, 1970, 1982), with the mineralized portion exhibiting pronounced potassic metasomatismand sericitic alteration. Fine-grainedquartz monzonite dikesintrude the stock and the surrounding Proterozoic granite.The main ore body consists of a supergeneblanket containing erratic chalcocite mineralization varying from a few feet to over 300 ft thick. Two main episodesof supergene enrichment a weak, but younger supergene event (DnHamel et occurred at 43.64-46.73 Ma and at 19.12 Ma, followed by third al., 1995; Cook, 1993, 1994). The ore in theoxidized zone consists of predominantly chrysocolla (varying from sky blue to black). Other ore minerals, suchas malachite, azurite, cuprite, tenorite, native copper, turquoise, minor torbernite, and autunite, occnrin kaolinized areas. Most of the minerals occuras disseminations and fracture fillings in the Stock, and to a limited extentin the Proterozoic granite (Hedlund, 1985a). The supergene cap consists of chalcocite and minor covellite. These minerals replace primary pyrite, chalcopyrite, and sphalerite. Trace molybdenite and bornite, with pyrite, chalcopyrfte, sphalerite, and galena are hypogene minerals. Fluoriteis found locally,and alunite is common in white veinlets. Overall,the ore is low grade,but within the mined areaare several high-grade areas that averaged 2-3% Cu. Within the ore body, breccia ore bodies occur that were describedas intrusivebreccias by Paige (1922) by DnHamel et al.(1995). They consistof fragments of granite and quartz monzonite and hydrothermal breccias porphyry and are 200-400 ft in diameter. The matrix of the breccia was finer grained breccia,and the breccia was itselffractured, with some ore mineralsas partial matrix to fragments. The breccias are low in grade, but contain excellent supergene mineralization (DnHamel et al., 1995). Breccia pipesare found withinthe Tyrone stockand also withinthe granite country rockpedlund, 1985a). Caprock Mountain district Location and Mining History The Caprock Mountainmining district is about 20 mi north-northwestof Lordsburg along the boundary between Grantand Hidalgo Counties(Fig. 42) and was discoveredin 1917. The district lies just south of the Gila River onthe northern and southernflanks of Caprock Mountain.The Gila Lower Box Wilderness Study Arealies northwest of the district. Epithermal manganeseand fluorite veins in the short tons of manganese oreduring World WarI and were district (Table 77) produced a few hundred In the 1950s, the mines reopened during the World War11, producing additional limited production. produced intermittentlyfrom shallow pits and shafts.In 1959, six men were employed and mined approximately30 short tons of ore daily fromthe CliffRoy mine @amham, 1961). Hand-sorted ore and concentrates were sold to buyers in Deming or Socorro. Total production from the district is 1,148 long tons of 21-36% Mn and 3,339 long tons of concentrate oregrading 33-35% Mn (Famham,1961; Don, 1965). 166 X Quaternary Tertiary Prospect Pit 0 0 Qa-lluvium QTg-Gila 0 Shaft eolian and Grow ----- District Boundary Cretaceous mposi15 TliEocensquanrmonrannes Tuau-iawer Miocene basalicande~ites Tuai-dpper Oligoceneanaesitesana basaltic andesiies T l r p lower 01,giocenesilicic pyroclaslic r o c k Tla- 10werTeniaryandes;tesand basaltic 0 1 I 1 . 2 Ma'or Faults m J w *hem i"fsmrd, dances Kuun~ifferentialed K D ~ - u per Cretaceous formation and Beanooth Quamle Proterozoic - 0 - 3 mi 2 3 tY andesites 4km I 4 Figure 42-Mines and prospects in the Caprock Mountain mining district, Hidalgo and Grant Counties, New Mexico (modified from Gillerman, 1964, and 0.J. Anderson, unpublished state geologic map, 1995). ~ TABLE 77-Mines and prospectsin the Caprock mining district, Grantand Hidalgo Counites, locatedin Geology The oldest rocksin the area are Oligocene basaltic breccias and porphyritic basalt and andesite flows of the Cliffvolcanic center. Miocene volcanic-conglomerate of the Gila Formation overlie the volcanic rocksand consists of a lower memberof consolidated coarse conglomerate (the host rock at the CliffRoy and Ward Mines) and a poorly consolidated upper member of thin sandstones interbedded with basalt and andesite flows; the basalt may beas young as Quatemaq pradhanand Singh, 1960). These sandstones constitutethe hanging wall of the vein at the Consolation mine, with basaltic andesite forming the footwall. Quaternary terrace gravels predominate to the northwest and southeastof the district, and minor Miocene and Oligocene rhyolite intrusives are found approximately mile a southwest (Drewes et al., 1985). At the Consolationvein,the basaltic andesiteforming the footwall has been datedas 20.9+0.5 Ma (Elston, 1973, 1983). Major structuresin theCaprock Mountain district trend N45'W, and many of the well-defined faults and fracture zones with ore-bearing veinsare parallel to this, most notablyat the Consolation mine. Other veins trend N27"W, N30°W, and N35"W, with steep dips. The magnitude of displacements alongthe faults andthe direction of motion are mostly unknown. The district coincideswith a magneticand graviw saddle. Mineral Deposits The epithermal manganese and fluorite deposits occur along steeply dippingfault and fracture zones, chieflyin the volcanic Gila Conglomerate(Fig. 41; Farnham, 1961). However,Pradhan and Singh (1960) statedthat the veins did not show any particular preference for any typeof host rock. At the largest deposit, the ClifFRoy,the veins are 2-8 ft wide, strikes N9'W, steeply dipping, andthe ore grades upward into banded travertine. The ore minerals, chiefly psilomelane with minor pyrolusite, occur in disconnected, lenticular shoots ranging from a fewtens of feet to 100ft in length. In the ore shoots,the manganese minerals occur as irregular strands, bunches, and coatings surroundingthe volcanic breccias ftagments. Chalcedony, manganiferous calcite, and minor gypsumare gangue minerals. Muchof the psilomelane contains small inclusionsof milky chalcedony. A sample assayed 45% Mn, 3% SiOz, and 0.15%P (Wells, 1918). The Consolation mine yielded approximately 10,000 long tons of 8-10% Mn during the 1950s (Gillerman, 1964; Ryan, 1985; Richter and Lawrence, 1983; Richter et al., 1988). The deposit occursin a fault trending N45"W for 120 ft and is 8-14 ft wide. Argillicalteration and iron basaltic andesite along 168 staining occur at the Consolation mine as well as at the Black Bob, where soft a argillized brecciated basalt is the host rock (Gillerman, 1964;Pradhan and Singh, 1960). The other depositsare similar inform and composition tothe CliffRoy, but are smaller in size. Locally, fluoriteis common (Table 77). Geochemical anomaliesin stream-sediment samples include Ag, Co, Cu, Mn, and Y and spa@ La, Sn, Th, and Ti.It is unlikely that any of these deposits willbe mined in the near future for manganese, because theyare small tonnage, low grade, and inaccessible. Carpenter District Location and Mining History The Carpenter (or Swartz, Schwartz) mining district occurs onthe western slopeof the Mimbres of Mimbres (Fig. 43). The area is Mountains about6 mi southwestof Kingston and about 10.5 mi east mountainous and rugged. In the 188Os, mineralization was discovered cropping at outthe Royal John property in the district (Sonlb, 1950), and the district has been the site of a moderate amountof base-metals productionfrom low-grade deposits (Table2). The first recorded mining venture in the area was in 1906-07 at the Royal John mine, butthat attempt was unsuccessful (Harley, 1934). The mine and mill were operatedagain from 1928to 1930 by ASARCO and then by Albert Owen ofthe Black RangeMining Company. Production npto 1934 was estimated as 15,000 shoa tons ore (Harley, 1934). In 1943 and 1944, the U. S. Geological S w e y and the U. S. Bureau of Mines conducted geological studies and undeaook diamond drilling to determine the extent of mineralization in the area. The U. S. Bureau of Mines continuedto examine the Royal John mine through 1948 and proposed additional development to increase reserves of low-grade lead-zinc ore. At least five mines in the Grant County portionof the district have produced zinc, lead, and copper ores with minor amounts of silver and traces of gold. The Royal John mine is the district's largest producer having reported sporadic productionfrom 1916 until,at least, 1969. Other minesin the district operated for shorter periods, chieflythe years during and shortly after World WarII. Total production from1891 to 1969 was approximately 12.5 million pounds Zn, 6 million poundsPb, 310,000 lbsCu, 60,000-180,000 oz Ag, and 300 oz Au (Table 78). Average ore grade was 7.95% Zn, 3.9%Pb, 1.1odton Ag, and 0.12% Cu (Table 78). TABLE 78-Metals production from the Carpenter mining district, Grant County,New Mexico (U. S. Bureau ofMines, 1927-1990. Hedlnnd 198% , 169 C I 325 x 32’51 Prospect Pit 0 Shaft y Adii DistrictBoundary ----- 0 Silicatedlimestone and dolomite 0 1 km Figure 43”ines and prospects in the Carpenter mining district, Grant County, NewMexico (modified from Hedlund, 1977). Geology The area lies within a horst of Paleozoic sedimentary rock between the north-trending and somewhat parallel Mimbresfault on the west andthe Owens fault on the east. West of the Grandview mine,the Paleozoic in the range, sedimentruy rocksare intruded by a mass of granite porphyry (Lindgren et al., 1910). At other places of igneous rocks near flows of andesites and rhyolites coverthe sedimentary units. Soul6 (1950) reports three types and Tertiary intrusive andesite.The the Royal John mine: Cretaceous andesite agglomerate, Tertiary volcanics, dominant structural feature in thedistrict is a gently west-dipping homocline in thecentral and southern part of the district. Near the Grandview mine, thereis a north striking doubly-plunging anticline with a coreof Proterozoic granite (Hedlund, 198%). A number of somewhat parallel faults cut the horst in the vicinity of the Royal John mine. Of these, the Discovery and Sunshine faults have been important economically with ore bodies occurring near them. Mineral depositsin the district are base-metal skarn and carbonate-hosted Pb-Zn replacement deposits in thePaleozoic carbonate rocks. Mineral deposits The geology ofthe mineral deposits withinthe Carpenter mining district has been described by Lindgren et al. (1910), Harley (1934),andHedlnnd (1977a, 198%). Ericksen et al. (1970) summarizes informationfrom those reports. Hill (1946) and Soul6 (1950) snmmarizesU. S. Bureau of Mines investigationsin thedistrict. Mine production is in Table 79 andlist of mines and prospects is in Table 80. The ore deposits consist chiefly of small and low-grade skarn and replacement depositsin theMontoya Dolomite, and are clearly relatedto rhyolitic plutonsof Oligocene age (34.8H.2 Ma, Hedlund, 1977b). Mostof the veins are fault controlled, andthe skarns containing bedded-replacement depositsare well developedin the upper silicated cherty beds of El Paso limestone (Hedlund, 198%). At the Royal John mine, replacement ore bodies are within a horst bounded bythe Owens and Grandview faults, whichstrike N1Oo-25"W. They are at the top of the cherty thin-bedded memberof the Montoya Dolomite,are as much as 1 2 4 thick, and extend as far as 300 ft west ofthe Discovery fault (Soul&, 1950; Hedlund,198%). In another typeof ore deposit, mineralization extends downalong the faults into the cherty thin-beddedmember of the Montoya Dolomite andthroughout the lower massive limestone member beneath. Galena and sphalerite are the principal ore minerals andare associated with quartz, calcite, chalcopyrite,and pyrite. Skam-typeminerals such as abundant garnet, epidote, chlorite,and magnetite occur locally in the altered limestone. The beryllium mineral, helvite, was first discovered at the Grandview mine (Weissenborn, 1948).At the Royal John mine, dark-brownto black sphalerite wasthe main economic mineralwith lesser quantitiesof galena. None of the calc-silicate skarn minerals were notedat theRoyal John mine, although extensive silicificationis present (Soul&, 1950). At the Mineral Mountain mine, carbonate-hosted replacement deposits extend for about 30ft along marmoritized and cherty limestone beds of the Lake Valley limestone. Mineralized faults, striking chiefly N30"W and N30°E,and dike margins contain minor galena, sphalerite, and pyrite (Hedlund, 1985b). theAt Columbia mine, sullides closely associated with tactite in El Paso Limestoneare cut by a 105 ft thick rhyolite dike, which is the probable heat source (Hedlund, 1977a). - TABLE 79"Reported production fromindividual minesin the Camenter 79-Reoorted Droduction Carpenter minine mining district, districtGrant Grant Countv. County, New Mexico M&ico &ill, (Hill, 1946; 1946; Hedlund, Hedlund, 198%). MINE ORE YEARS ".,"\ (SHORT (SHORT COPPER (LBS) GOLD (OZ) _ I SILVER ZINC (LBS) LEAD (LBS) (OZ) IUIYO, Royal John Columbia I 80Grandview 1916-1949 I I TOTAL 1924 1943-1944 TOTAL 1938 1938-1944 TOTAL Mineral Mountain I I 31,322 18,270 1,780 1956-1969 33,102 18,270 1,709 6,480 1,375 I 3,084 I 6,480 - 18,869 18,949 46 1924 << 1*1 9.4 - 9.4 - 92,999 92,999 3,282 1.71 - I n2, 171 15.34 15.34 23 1 *cc ,7" 41,378 3,899 45,277 2,307 1,603 I 3,910 I 13,963 13,963 220 C127" 1,913,257 206,500 2,119,757 207,627 64,000 271,627 35,662 1,722,828 3,254,085 1,758,490 6,800 I I 3,160,526 363,200 3,523,726 369,888 266,000 635,888 39,862 3,214,223 - TABLE 80"ines and prospects of the Carpenter mining district, Grant County,New Mexico, locatedin > 42. Location includes section, township, and range. c MINE NAME LOCATION LATlTIDE LONGITUDE COMMODITIES DEVELOPMENT TYPE OF REFERENCES DEPOSIT 32' 50' 47" Acklim 107O 4T 07" Zn,Cu, Pb, Ag carbon&& adit hosted Pb-Zn Hedlund (1977a) Columbia (Fairview Group, Tee1 Pro ert Grandview (Tee1 Group) MeGee Mineral Mountain Rabb Canyon m0OllStO"e pegmati(RattlP.S"ake, unsurveyed Royal John (Grand Central) W9 17s 9W 32O 53' 12" 107O 50'43" Moonstone 3 trenches and 1 Cut 32' 50'27'' 107O 47'06" Zn, Pb, A& Cu, Au 3 adits, 3 large OpellC"lS, numemusshallow cuts and short adits unknownadit unsurveyed 32" 49' 25" replacement al. (15?IO), Hldlund(1977a) Gem Kelley and Branson (1947, (moonstone) Cater (1977) carbonateLindgren et al. (1910), hostedPb-Zn Harley(1934), Hill (1946), replacement Soul&(1950), Hedlund (1977a) 107" 45' 58" carbonateadit Zn Pb, hosted Pb-Zn replacemmt - Chloride Flat district Location and Mining History The Chloride Flat mining district is located 1.5 mi west northwestof Silver City(Fig. 1). In some designations, the Chloride Flat mining district is considered the Silver Cityor Boston Hill district (File and Northtop, 1966). Silver wasfirst discovered in the area in 1871, but active mining did not beginfor some years. The major silver-producing years were 1873 to 1893; subsequentlymining was abandoned because of the low price of silver (Lindgren et al.,1910). Some additional silver production occurred as late as 1937 (Richter and Lawrence, 1983). Total production is estimated as 20,000 lbs Cu, 200 oz Au, 4 million oz Ag, and 500,000 lbs Pb (Table 81). The deposits are carbonate-hosted Ag"n replacment deposits. The ore was valued for its fluxing qualities which permitted mining of low-grade material (Hernon, 1949). Although the district is better known for its silver ore,2.7 million short tons of manganiferous-ironore containing 12% Mn and 30-40% Fe were producedthrough 1962 (Tables 6 , s ;Harrer, 1965), most of t h i s from the Boston Hill mines.The early mining history of the Chloride Flat mining district, and the history and development of Silver Cityas a whole, was influenced by the 1871 discovery and subsequent development of rich silver deposits in the vicinity of the Chloride Flat mines (Entwiste, 1944). In this area supergene silverore accounted for the bulk of production, witha small tonnageof manganiferous iron.The similarity of ores in thedistrict to those of the neighboring silver districts caused considerable prospecting for but silver, very little was discovered. 172 TABLE 81-Metals production from the Chloride Flat mining district, Grant County, New Mexico(U.S. Geology The Chloride Flat district consistsof a sequenceof northeast-dipping Paleozoic sedimentary rocks, mostly limestone and shale, restingon Proterozoicgranite (Lindgren et al., 1910). The rocks strike N35"W and dip25" NE and have beencut by dikes and sillsof gray porphyry which Liudgren et al. (1910) classified as granodiorite porphyry or quartz monzonite porphyry.The porphyry commonly cutsPercha Shale or Cretaceous shale (Colorado Formation). Oxidized silverand manganiferons-iron replacement andvein mineralization are related genetically to the porphyry intrusionwith ore bodies having formed in Fusselman Dolomiteat thecontact withPercha Shale not far from the dikes. The rocks in thevicinty of the Boston Hill mines consist mostly of LowerPaleozoic sedimentary rocks and Cretaceous shales. Alarge roughly circularmass of quartz monzonite porphyry and porphyry dikes have invaded the sedimentary rocks along the east side of the area. The igneous rocks showslight to intense hydrothermal alteration. Alarge fault separates the Cretaceous a felsic intrusion occursin places betweenthe porphyry and the rocks fromthe Lower Paleozoic rocks, and Paleozoic rocks. Mineral Deposits The mineral depositsin the Chloride Flat district consistof cabonate-hosted Ag"n deposits of oxidized silver veins and replacements, generally associated with lead and manganese minerals (Table 82). The deposits formas irregular supergene-enriched bodies localized among a 3,000-ft-long zone of fractures, joints, and bedding plains in Fnsselman Dolomite immediately beneath Percha Shale. Most of the faults are downthrown on the eastern side.As with several other districtsin this study, the location of the ore bodiesjust below the shale is attrihuted to the comparatively imperviousshale collecting and conhning hydrothermal solutionsin theupper part of the Fusselman Dolomite. In the ore bodies, muchof the limestone has been altered, butother than silicification, the limestone showsno evidence of calcsilicate skam development (Richterand Lawrence, 1983). Hernon (1949) notesthat the ore bodies lie between dolomite wallsthat are altered to calcite. 173 TABLE 82-Mines and prospects of the Chloride Flat mining district, Grant County, New Mexico. Ion includes section, township, and range LOCATION LATIRIDE LONGITUDE C:OMMODlTlES DEVELOPMENT DEPOSlT Squeeze, Grmd 17s 14W Center, Maty Belle Cunningham (1974), shafts, prospect (Baltic, Bell, Providencia, 76, Silver Cross, Cunningham (1974), (Silver Spot, Legal Tender, Iron spike, Adonis, California, Atlas and Luck pits, open cuts, trenches, and shaflsup to 150 A Mn, Fe (Comanche, Raven, Noah hundreds ofopen pits up 10 320 A Kelley (1949) PiL Silver Pick Second Value, replament L two periods of recrystallization. For one The overlying Lake Valley Formation had undergone period, temperaturesof 335 to 380 "C were determined; for the other period temperatures ranged between of temperatures were related to local Late Cretaceous-Tertiary igneous 165 to 260 "C. The upper range intrusions (Young, 1982). Limestonethat has not been altered, has been replaced by metalic minerals that are represented by quartz, galena, argentite,and various oxidized compounds of lead and silver, and hematite, pyrolusite, magnetite,and limonite (Lindgren et al., 1910). Cerarmte is the principal silver mineral along with native silverand argentite. Embolite, pearcite, argentiferous galena, and native silver are also present (Hernon, 1949). Bromyrite (silver bromide) and silver iodide were reported (Lindgren et al., 1910). Most of the silver was probably derived from primary argentite (Entwistle, 1944). Leadvalues were so low as to beof little value. The principal occurrences of manganiferous iron ore at Chloride Flat are along a steeply dipping north-trending fracture zone that cuts the Fusselman Dolomite (Kelley, 1949; Farnham, 1961). The ore bodies are exposed for2,000 ft along strike. They rangefrom 50 to 250 ft long and from 30 to 60 ft wide. Several open cuts have been dug to exploitthe bodies. The ore is a mixtureof hematite and pyrolusite with some magnetiteand limonite (Entwistle, 1944; Kelley, 1949). Mestitite, along with specularite, by hydrothermal solutions beneath the Percha Shale. These magnetite, and some sulfides were deposited were oxidized and concentrated to manganiferous iron ores by supergene processes above the water table. Kelley (1949) notesthat at Chloride Flat the manganiferous-iron deposits were not as large as those at Boston Hill or were relatively less important as sources of manganiferous-iron becauseof their high silver content. Calcite, quartz, and baritein small amountsare the gangue minerals. Mineralization occurs along steeply dipping fault and fracture zones that cut the carbonate beds. The manganiferousiron ore at Boston Hill is an intimate mixtureof hematite and pyrolusite with some magnetite and limonite ( F a r n h a m ,1961). The colorof the ore ranges from reddish brown to black. Gangue consistsof small amountsof calcite, quartz, and barite. The brownto grayish-brown ironmagnesium carbonate mineral mesitite is the primary hypogene mineral in the area and the oxidation of mesitite by meteoric waters was responsible for the supergene mineralizationthat was mined (Entwistle, 1944). Only the deepest mine workingsin the area penetratedthe mesitite bodies. The ore mined from 1937 to 1944 assayed12-13%Mn and 35-41%Fe. The ore is found in irregular bodieslocalized along along steeply dipping fault and fracture zones replacing gently dipping beds of El Paso andMontoya dolomites, which crop out on the eastern halfof the area, and Fusselman dolomites, which coverthe western half andare overlain by Percha shale(Farnham, 174 I 1961). The north side of the mining area is bounded by the Boston Hill fault, which strikes N60"E and dips 7 0 ° W or greater. Copper Flat district Location and Mining History Copper Flat mining district is located near Bayard about two miles west-southwestof Hanover (Fig.1)and was first prospected for copper in thelate 18OOs, and mostof the shafts weresunk at that time (Mullenand Storms, 1948). A small amountof iron was producedfrom surface deposits between1931 and 1937. In 1940, an extensive exploration program began which led to base- and precious-metal production between 1942 and 1947. From1931 to 1937, 10,000short tons of iron ore were mined from surface exposures. Between 1942 and 1947, ore containing approximately 27,000short tons Zn was mined from underground workings, along with some Cu,An,Pb, and Ag (Richter and Lawrence, 1983). Total production from the lead-zinc, copper, andiron skams (18a, 19a) in the district is unknown. Iron production from the magnetite mine was intermittent with data available for only two years, 193 1 and 1937. Approximately 10,000 short tonsof 5558% Fe is reported as being produced fromthe district. The iron ore had an average compositionof 57.6% Fe, 13.3% SiO,,0.5% Zn, and 0.047% P (Kelley, 1949). Silica content was considered moderately high. Reserves were estimated be to several tens of thousands of tons of material containing 50-55% Fe (Kelley, 1949). Geology The district is centered aroundthe two small closely spaced outcrops of the Copper Flat stock, whichare hypabyssal igneous plugs of intermediate compositionthat have intrndedthe Lake Valley Limestone and Oswaldo Formation countq rocks (Kelley, 1949). Spencerand Paige (1935) describesthe geology of the district and contains a cross-section that shows the two plugs connectingat relatively shallow depth. Copper Flat stock, whichis approximately 2,000ft long and 1,000-1,200 ft wide (Jones et al., 1967), consists of granodiorite andis approximately onthe axis of the Fort Bayard anticline.In the vicinity of the is imposed upon a broad fold.The stock appearsto have intrudedthe intrusions, a slight domal structure surroundingrocks of the Oswaldo Formation without deforming them; althongh locally, arethey disturbed nearthe contact andin some placesdip toward the intrusive (Kelley, 1949).The contact aureole aroundthe stock is 100700 ft wide and consistsof an inner zone of garnet containing principally magnetite and suliides and an outer zone of marble (Spencerand Paige, 1935). The larger plug is about 900ft by 1,800 ft,and the smaller, northern one is about 400ft by 1,300 ft. The larger plug is made up of light-gray, fine-grained granodiorite porphm in which small phenoctystsof biotite, quartz, and colorless glassy feldsparare the only visible minerals (Spencer and Paige, 1935). A dike-like bodyof what is probably alater intrusion is seen nearthe center of the larger plug. In the smaller plug,the granodiorite is much like that of the larger one but it lacks quartz phenoctysts and has a slightly coarser texture. Mineral deposits Mineral depositsin thedistrict consistof Laramide skams and polymetallic replacements in Paleozoic carbonate rocks alongthe margins of the stock (Table 83).Two mines in thedistrict, CopperFlat mine, primarily a zinc producer, and Copper Flat magnetite mine,an iron skam, are the major deposits.The Copper Flat mine is located onthe south and east margin of Copperflat stock where polymetallic materialization has replaced Pennsylvanian Oswaldo Formation.The magnetite deposit occurs on the northwest side of the stock. A prominent replacement zonein Oswaldo Formation surrounds the pluton. In this zone, sphaleriteand magnetite bodies have been locatedand exploited. The magnetite is generally found associated with sphalerite, but high-grade magnetite bodies having no sphalerite have been found (Mullen and Storms, 1948). The iron deposits have been mined on the northwest sideof Copper Flat stock. Zinc mining has occurred on the south and east margin of the stock. 175 TABLE 83-Mines and prospects of the Copper Flat mining district, Grant County, New Mexico. Location includess tion, township,and range. I MlNENAME I LOCATION LATlTUDE LONGITUDE COMMODlTIES DEVELOPMENT TYPE OF DEPOSIT (ALIAS) I Copper Flat Magnetite I S19 17s 12% 32' 48' 30" 108O 07 15" I Copper Flat (Cumberland, Congo, Sumpter, h v r a R, copper Carbonate, Lhe, Copper Glance, 32' 48'24" Fe, Mn I 108' 0 7 20" 17s 12W REFERENCES openpit217A long by 67 A wide Laramide Kelley(1949), skam Harrer and Kelly I(1963) I I Zn, Cu, Pb,A& 400 Ash& 2-300 Laramide Spencer and Paige Au Ashafts. shallow skam (1935). Mullen and shafts, open pits Stok(1948), Andenon (1957), Hemon et al. (1964) The Copper Flat mine occnrsin limestones and shales of LowerMississippian and Upper and Middle Pennsylvanian agethat are intruded by CopperFlat stock. Around the periphery of the stock, Oswaldo Formation was foldedas a resultof outward-directed hydrostatic pressure from the forcefnl intrusion of magma. Subsequent alteration has produced silicatesand marble from the original sedimentary rocks. A prominent replacement zone in Oswaldo Formation surroundsthe pluton. In this zone, sphaleriteand magnetite bodies have been located and exploited. The ore consistsof sphalerite, chalcopyrite,and galena in magnetite gangue. The magnetite is generally found associated with sphalerite, but high-grade magnetitehaving bodiesno sphalerite have been found (Mullen and Storms, 1948). In 1948, workings atthe Copper Flat mine consistedof a 400 ft shaft, two 300 ft shafts, several shallow shafts,and numerous small openpits (Mdlen and Storms, 1948). The Copper Flat magnetite mine, which occurs in Oswaldo Formation on the northwestern margin of the smaller granodiorite plug, exploited high-grade magnetite bodies having no sphalerite. The ore is principally hematite with some magnetite and pyrolusite (Kelley,1949). It is regularly bandedwith thin layers of white, lightpink, and gray gangue consisting of kaolin, calcite,and serpentinous material. Limoniteis abundant as a resultof weathering, and malachite disseminations and coatings are common. Some garnet was reportedalong the edges of the ore body. A few barren or low-grade areas were discovered in theore body. The main massiveore bed was about 20 ft thick, and another medium-grade(3040% Fe) bed of bandedore and silicate at least 10 ft thick overlies the main ore bed. Ore was produced from an open pit approximately 220 ft long by 70 ftwide (Richter and Lawrence, 1983). Cora Miller district Location and Mining History The Cora Miller mining district is located northeastof the Telegraph districtin the Mangas Creekarea of the noahernBurro Mountains(Fig.44). The district includesthe Cora Miller mine (volcanic-epithermalvein deposit) and a few epithermal manganese deposits, along the south side of Mangas Creek.The silver mine was of high-grade silver ore from fissure veins (Lindgren et worked in the 1880s and produced a considerable amount the mine has been al., 1910; Gillerman, 1964). Copper, gold, and lead were presentin the silver ore. Since then, virtually abandoned. The mine workings consistof a 175-ft shaft inclined at 85", an upper adit at thelevel of the shaft collar, a loweradit at a depthof 75 ft, and a working levelat 175 ft (Gillerman, 1964). Numerous open cuts, shallow shafts,and stopes exploredthe vein for 800 ft. Shallow workings at the mine site may have produced manganese in 1920 and in 1940-1942 (Wargo, 1959; Farnham, 1961). Total productionis not known. Geology tuffwith interbedded andesite The rocks in thedistrict are Tertiary rhyolites, flow breccias, and welded and latite porphyry, and thin sandstone and conglomerate beds (Fig.44). The mine is along the northern ringfracture zone of the Schoolhouse Mountain caldera(Fimell, 1987). 176 3252'3 "_ x Prospect Pit 0 Shaft DistrictBoundary c-7 Altered Area TI4 TI 5 Adit <2 FracturedZone 101 Quaternary gravels Stage 3 gravels Gamma formation Vitrophyre member Breccia member Red Rhyolite member Porphyry member Grey Rhyolite member Pink Rhyolite member ITmN( Vitrophyre member Sandstone and breccia member Grey andesite member White tuff member Ifmh/ Brown breccia member lTdal Brown tuff breccia member Acid and intermediate dikes lTail Andesite a 32'5 1 km Figure %Mines and prospects i n the Cora Miller mining district, Grant County,New Mexico (modified from Wargo, 1959). I y Mineral deposits At the Cora Miller mine, silver occurs in a volcanic-epithermal quartz fissure vein that strikes N70-75"E in Tertiary rhyolite ash-flow tuff. East of the mine the vein dips beneaththe floodplain alluviumof Mangas Creek. The vein ranges in width from 4 to 5 ft at themine, but narrows to less than a foot at the furthermost prospect pit. Gilleman (1964) notes that a small crossfault cuts the vein about 180 ft west of the shaft and a small offset was seen in the adit about 70 ft east of the shaft. No information is available onthe minerals that were mined; quartz is the principal gangue mineraland malachite and goldare found in dump samples. Wargo (1959) describes manganese-bearing vein deposits also occurin a breccia zone in shallow workings at the mine. Crushed breccia fragments withinthe fracture zone have been cemented and partially replaced by black manganese oxides. Vein quartz is present along portions of the vein. Eureka district Location and Mining History The Eureka mining district occursin the northern part of the Little Hatchet Mountains(Fig. 1). Mining in old turquoisepits are activities in the Little Hatchet Mountains began in 1871. However, stone tools found evidence of much earlier activity. Legend has it that the district was named "Eureka" when these old Native American mining tools were found.The American, Hornet,and King claims in thedistrict were located in 18771878 at the same time when the Sylvanite districtin the southern part of the mountains was prospected.The of the Hachita district, which is no longerin use. Eureka and Sylvanite mining districts were originally subdistricts The earliest mining was at theHornet mine;but, Apache Indians were hostileto mining and prospecting and madethings difficult. By late 1878, when the U.S.Army visitedthe district, only20 people resided there. Protection afforded by the army allowedthe miners to return, and in 1881, ore shipmentsfrom the American mine at both the American and Hornet mines, but neither were being recorded.In the early 188Os, smelters were built smelter operatedfor very long due to technical difficulties. In 1885, a dropin the price of silver causedmining activities to subside until 1902, when the railroad connectedthe smelter townsof Douglas, Arizona, andEl Paso, Texas, and stimulated production.The total value of ore producedto 1906 was not morethan $500,000 (Lindgren et al., 1910). Total estimatedproduction from the Laramide veinsis approximately $1.59 million, including 2.9 million lbs Pb,1.7 million lbsZn, 500,000 lbs Cu, 5,000 oounces Au, and 450,000 ounces Ag (Table84). TABLE 84-Production from the Eureka mining district. Grant Countv. New MexicoCU. S. Bureau of 178 Geology In the district, the mountains consistof Cretaceous sedimenmy and early Tertiary volcanic rocks intruded by Tertiary stocks, dikes, and sills. The oldest rocks in the district are Cretaceous sedimentary rocks consisting of thin bedded limestone, dolomite,and shale. Between Howells Ridgeand Old Hachita,the Hidalgo Volcanicsof early Tertiary age crop out. These rocks consist of altered andesiteand andesite breccia with a few sedimentary units consisting of andesite detrital sediments.A hornblende andesite nearthe base of the section hasan age date of 71.44+0.19 Ma ~ A d 3 ' A r , hornblende; Lawton etal., 1993). South and west of Old Hachita,the Hidalgo Volcanics have been intruded by the'sylvanite quartz monzonite stock and diorite. In the Little Hatchet Mountains, several Laramide stocks, dikes, and sills have intrudedthe Cretaceous sedimentaq rocks, and the most highly mineralized areasare associated with these intrusive rocks. The quartz monzoniteand monzonite in the Sylvanite and Eureka districtsis called the Sylvanite quartz monzonite stock (Zeller, 1970), but detailed studies are needed to determine if there is more than one intrusive phase. Mineral deposits Mineral depositsin the Enreka district consist of Laramide veinsin limestone and monzonite, Laramide skarns and replacementsin metamorphosed limestone along the edge of the intrusive rocks, turquoise deposits, and disseminated quartz-specularite deposits (Table 85). Lasky (1947) divides the mineral depositsinto seven types based on mineralogy: 1) disseminated pyritein Tertiary intrusive rocks,2) quartz-specularite deposits (sec.2, 11, TZSS, R16W), 3) lead-zinc skarns and replacements (Hornet), 4) arsenopyrite-lead-zinc veins (American, Miss Pickel), 5) manganosiderite-galena veins,6) manganosiderite-tetrahedrite-galenaveins (King 400, Silver King, Howard), and 7) quartz-pytite-chalcopyriteveins (Copper King, Stiles). TABLE 85-Mines and prospectsin the Eureka mining district, Grant County (from Sterrett, 1911; Lindgren et al.,1910;Lasky, 1947; Zeller, 1970;V. T. McLemore, unpublished field notes,July 1-2, 1995; NMBMMR file data . 119 unknown(Hill 5758) unknown tuquiase pit ww 16W 2,11 28s 16W NE2 28s 16W 128s 16W Fe none 31' 54' OO", 108' 26' 15" Cu, turquoise unknown 31'53'45". 108O 25' 35" Pb,Zn,Ag, V, Cu 3lo53'O0", 108' 27'40" unknown Pits? pit shaft Sylvanite quam monzonitestock Tatiary ash-flow tuff CretUBar Formation disseminated Laramide vein, disseminated Laramide Skam - Ore depositsat the American mine occnralong a vein in metamorphosed limestonenear the contact with a monzonite stock (Lasky, 1947).The limestone has been metamorphosed to marble and garnet. The vein strikes N50"E and dips 58"to 75"NW and can be traced in outcrop for about 1,000ft before either end plunges beneath arroyo gravels. In the mine, the vein varies from2 to 20 ft wide. Mineralized vein material contains galena, sphalerite, pyrite, arsenopyrite, and a trace of chalcopyrite. Gangue material includes manganosiderite, calcite, and sericite. One exampleof an ore depositthat formed in the district without developing calc-silicate, skarn-type mineralization occursat the Hornet mine.The Hornet minewas oneof the earliest mining locations in the Little Hatchet Mountainsand for a whileit was the site of the greatest mining activity in the mountain range. The host rocks at the mine include limestone, Hidalgo Volcanics, and an irregular diorite sill that intmdes the contact between the limestone andthe volcanic rocks. Oreat the mine consistedof three types: 1) lead carbonate ore 25 odton Ag; 2) galena orethat was evenricher in silver; and stained blackby manganese oxides and averaging 3) zinc carbonate ore also rich in silver. The grade of material shipped between 1905 and 1927 was approximately 22odton Ag, 3.5% Zn, lessthan 1% Pb, and 0.05% Cu. Gangue was almost entirely coarsegrained calcite; pyrite occurred in unoxidized material. Turquoise deposits were rediscovered about 1885 and worked intermittentlyfor 25 yearsor more. Total production is unknown. Blue and green turquoise is found in veins in altered trachyte, andesite, and ash-flow tuf€ (Fig. 45,46). Some bands were np to 7 ft wide (Sterrett, 1911);but most are smaller (Fig. 46). Impurities include jarosite, sericite,iron oxides, pyrite, and clay(Lasky,1947; V.T. McLemore, July 1, 1995). Zones of disseminated pyrite occurin themonzonite in the district. The monzonite is altered to and replaced byjarosite, iron oxides, and pyrite. Unaltered, pre-ore lamprophyre dikes cut the altered monzonite in the Sylvanite districtto the south, suggestingthat the alteration is older than the mineralization (Lasky, 1947). A zoneof disseminated quartz-specularite occurrs in sec. 2 and 11, T28S, R16Win the anticline of diorite and andesite breccia(Lasky, 1947). Iron was produced and usedin the Hornet and American smelters.The rock is locally completely sericitizedand replaced by quartz, sericite, and specularite. 180 FIG- 4S"Turquoise pit in sec. 2, TZXS, R16W, Eureka district, Grant Connty (V. T. McLemore photo, 7/1/95). '1 F'IGURE 4&Turquoise vein with iron oxides (3 cm thick) in ash-flow tuf€ at Turquoise pit in sec. 2,TZSS, R16W, Eureka district, Grant County (V. T. McLemore photo, 7/1/95). 181 Fierro-Hanover District Location and Mining History The Fierro-Hanover mining district is approximately 12 miles east-northeastof Silver City (Fig.1)and was discoveredin 1850. From 1890to 198Os, 1.25 billion lbs Cu, >50,000 oz Au, >5 million oz Ag, >52 million Zn were produced (Table 2).In addition, morethan 3,600,000 short tons of iron ore lbs Pb, and 1.21 billion lbs was mined intermittently fromthe district from 1891to 1945 (Hillesland et al., 1994, 1995; Hemon, 1949) and approximately 670long tons of ore containing 18.9-25.9%Mn was producedfrom the Lost Treasure, Gold Quartz, Hamlett, and Old Claim mines (Richterand Lawerence, 1983; Farnham, 1961). Iron deposits in the Fierro-Hanover district were identifiedin the early yearsof copper developmentin the Fierro, Hanover,and Santa Rita areas (Kelley, 1949). Early accounts of mining in thearea mention lodestone cliffs and large high-grade magnetite outcrops.During the 1880s and 189Os, iron ores from the Fierro and used flux for nearby smelters Hanover areas were usedfor smelter fluxes. Some iron-ore float may have been as even beforethe 1880s. In 1891, the railroad to Hanover was completed and iron ores for fluxing were shippedto copper smeltersas far away as Socorro andEl Paso. Supported mostly by productionform the Fierro-Hanover mines, in 1889 and 1893 New Mexico ranked16th and 24th respectively among States producing iron ore. In 1899, the railroad was completedto Fierro. The years of greatest production were the years 1916 to 193 1when annual production reached a maximum of 200,000 short tons, and the ore was shippedto Pueblo, Colorado (Hemon, 1949). Early in the mining history of the district, six major iron mines were operating. Large-scale iron mining ceased in 1931, but small amountsof ore were producedin 1936 and 1937 and again in 1942to 1945. The and 7.28% SO2. average iron grade of the concentrates of near surface ores was 51.0% Fe, 13.38% MgO, During World WarI, the first manganese ore, about 275 longt tons, was shipped (Famham, 1961). of ore containing 22.2 to 25.9%Mn were Production resumeddnring World War11, and another 248 longt tons shipped to Deming. Most of that ore was minedfrom the veins on the Lost TreasureNo. 2 claim. During the 1950s, mining again was undertaken. Dnringthat time, 51 long tons averaging 18.9%Mn of sorted ore were Mn from the Lost TreasureNo. 2 shipped fromthe Gold Quartz claim and about 70long tons containing 20% vein. Mining was from open cuts and from underground. Much of the ore producedfrom the Lost Treasurevein was mined froman ore bodynear the southwest endof the vein's outcrop(Farnbam,1961). These workings were idle in 1959. From 1967to 1994, the Continental copper mine produced over 22,000,000 short tons ore containing 1.00-1.16% Cu and 0.41% Pb. Cnrrent reserves include 10,300,000 short tons of 0.92% Cu (open-pit), 3,600,000 shoa tons of 2.3% Cu (underground),and 80,000,000 short tons of 0.38% Cu as acid leachable chalcocite and (Hillesland et al., 1994, 1995). In addition, reserves include 20%iron as magnetite, 0.4% Zn, and minor gold silver. Preliminary leach tests by Cobre Mining show 8045% recovery. Reserves at Hanover Mountainare estimated as 80 millionshort tons of 0.38% copper (Hillesland et al., 1995). Geology The district is centered aroundthe Hanover-Fierro pluton, a north-trending elongate, discordant intrusion. The pluton consistsof light gray, fine- to coarse-grain granodiorite porphyry. The sedimentary country rocks are intruded by the pluton and by quartz diorite sills, granodiorite and quartz monzonite dikes, and post-ore latite dikes. Spencer and Paige (1935)first suggested that the pluton was laccolithicin part. Schmitt (1939) showed that pushing aside of folding strata by the intrusive was accompanied by thrust faulting upon whichthe older strata were emplaced. Aldrich (1974) determined that the Hanover-Fierro plutonhas a funnel-shaped cross section,and summarized the events that occurred as the granodiorite was forcibly injected among the older rocks. of Hanover-Fierro stock, which was The district lies on the folded limestone and dolomite margin intruded through a restricted Proterozoic channelthen andexpanded by both laccolithic bulging and pushing aside the overlying sedimentary rocks south of Barringer fault (Kelley, 1949). The intrusive is chiefly concordant and expanded outwardand upward probablyas a result of intrusion to shallow depth in well bedded rocks. Swarmsof granodiorite porphyry dikes were intruded fluids and were injected along fractures, faults, and disturbed zones in and around the Tertiary stock which provided permeable channels that concentrated and directed the flow of mineralizingfluids (Hemon and Jones, 1968). The Barringer fault is a major fault and cuts the Continenal deposit (Fig. 47). Mineral depositsin thedistrict consist of the porphyry-copper relatedskams, iron (magnetite) skams, lesser zinc-leadskams, and polymetallic veins and replacements that formed as a direct resultof the intrusion of 182 E81 Calcareous siltstone 0 0 0 0 0 Silty limestone Impure limestone Shale 0 nGarnet skarn 0 0 0 0 Limestone Generalized metal zonation . Wollastonite skarn Garnet-cpx skarn Clinopyroxene skarn r""JMarble Bi-chl-epi hornfels =Granite Unaltered host rocks Ore 0 Figure &Generalized mineralization patterns in Laramide skarn deposits in southern New Mexico (modifiedfrom Lueth, 1984; McLemore and Lueth, in press). Garnet forms nearest to the stock in the purer limestonesof the Lake Valley and Oswaldo Formations. Garnet-clinopyroxene forms adjacent to the stock in the argillaceous carbonate rocks. A hornsfel typicallyforms at the parting shale in the Oswaldo Formation. Wollastoniteand marble typicallyforms the outer zones. Chalcopyrite typicallyoccurs in the garnet zone and sphalerite occurs in the clinopyroxene zone and at the contact between the skarn and marble. Ore zones are generalized. ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~~~ ~ ~~~ ~~~~~~ FIGURE 49-Chalcopyrite in skam at the Continental pit, Fierro-Hanover district, Grant County (V. T. McLemore photo, 4/94). Most of the copper reservesat the Continental minea e in the Syrena and upper par(of the Lake Valley limestones north of the Barringer fault. Chalcopyrite is the chief oremineral, with minor magnetiteand iron-rich sphalerite erratically distributedat the gamet marble interface (Eillesland et al., 1994, 1995). Ore bodies are associated with the garnet-magnetite skarn, downdip of the Bariuger fault. Supergene coppermineralization west of the main pit within the Colorado Formationis associated with the HanoverMountain porphyry. Hydrothermal fluids from the Hanover-Fierro stockmigrated updip in adjacent sedimentsand were damed againestthe Barringer fault, forming the copper skarns and replacement bodiesOUlesland et al., 1995). TABLE 86-Mines and prospects of the Fierro-Hanover district, Grant County, New Mexico. Location 185 LAnT[IDE LONGITUDE 32' 49' 02" 108O05' 22" ZOMMODITES DEVELOPMEN: DEPOSIT 17s 12W (1935), Andeaon(l957), Hemon and Jones (1968), Jonesand Hemon (1964), NMBMMRfile data 32'49' 06" -"- 108' 03' 53" NW23 17s t "Hamlet NW114 02 17s 12W 32'51'45'' 108°03'30" 1 Hanover Mountain SW03, SE04 17s 12W 32'51'15" 108O 04'45" Zn, Pb, Ag 2 shafts, 2 adits 800Rofdrifting Fe,Mn shallowpits and trenches CU (Gilchrist Tunnel) 32'47'49'' 32°50'20" I Zn, Pb, C u , Ag shaft 108"04'28" Cu,Zn, Au, Ag, shaft 120 A deep 32'50'33" I 108"04'19" Fe Fe, 2%Pb Fe I Mine, Jim Thayer, Gibhaa, Nonpareil) NW27 17s 17s 12W -I" 32'48'29" ZR Pb, C u , A& Au, Fe 108- 04'36" Group (HodgesDowell. Fierro Man anese Mabel 2 shafts 300 fl deep, tunnel, opencuts inclined adit with 3 levels, several large open pits (1935), Kelley (1949), Anderson (1957),Harrer 2-625 Avertical shafts, 3 levels Fe surface Mn open cuts and shafts 80 R deep Us Ag 17s 12W SE11403 17s 12W SE17 17s etal., (1967), Storms shall 135 A deep cuts lolymetallL veins Laramide Skam Fe Zn, Pb, Cu,Ag, Au, W Chief, Fighting Live Oak, Midnight, UnknOWn lolymetallic I Lindgren et al(1910) opencut and sh& open Fe MountainHome , eplacement 17s 12W Co erBonam Magnetite Soencer and Paise (1935), Harrer and Kelly (1963), Jones (1904), . MO I Jones etal. (1967), and Kelly (1963) tunnels, shafts, surface workings 108°06'11" I Laramide NE114 17 17s 12w Mn surface only 6 adits, 2 deep shafts,stopes, shallow shafts, w k e s , raises, small pits pit Laramide skam Lanunide skam carbonate Jones and Hemon (1973) hosted Mn eplacemenl 186 and McKinney (1959), Sdunin(1935) Group, Nugent, Come by Chance Valtaire, 6-8-1, (Pewaubic, Result, Walpool, Eclips) Philadelphia LOCATIOP LATITUDE DNGITUDE SI12 22 178 12w NE35, NW36 16s 12W SE ofNE21 17s 12w 32' 48'33'' 108°04'21 32O 52'40" 108' 02'45" NWZZ 17s 12w I benches and 32O 48' 34" 108' 05' 00" WlIZ 22 17s 12w C28 17s 12w S1/2 15 17s 12w SEI14 21 17s 12W 32O 49' 07" 108°04'29" 108" 04' 43" 32* 48' 05" 108'05'28'' 32' 49'40" 108'04' 19" 32'48'51'' 108'05' 00" SE09 NE16 17s 12W 320 49'45" 108 04'45" NU2 21 17s 32'49' 15" 108O 05'30" 32' 52' 18" 108'03'37" I Harrer and Kellv (1963). 32O 50' 14" 108' 04' 26" 108' 03' 15 32' 48' 47" 108' 04' 46" 32'50'35'' 108' 04'30" 32O 50'32" 108°05'28" 32O 50' 02" 108' 04' 56" Lawrence shaft and adits 330 Rmain shaft extensive underground workins and 0 encuts opencuts and tunnels Fe, Cu, Zn Zn, Pb, Cu,Ag 200 fivertical shaft, inclined shaft several small shafts, an adit and Kelly (1963) etal. (1967), NMBMMR file data i1 I Laramide tunnels 32O 53' 05" 1 Schmitt (1939). ra:F'9)jHm andKelle 1963 Sdunin LaramidePaige(1908). skam LaramideRichterand I Flet& March no3, Jack McGee, San Pedro, Minerva, SE09 NE16 17s 1ZW REFERENCES I file data extensive 32' 49' 00" S10N15 17s 12W C26 16s 12w sw11422 17.5 12W sw114 10 17s 12W E2,SE 3,4,9 17s 12W I shaft wl 2 working levels workings on 5 levels SE34 SW31 16s 12W Republic (Union, Republic, Mother, Eastem copper King. Hartburn, Old Fe TYPEOF DEPOSIT Laramide hosted Mn 12w (Modoc,Ansan S, Zuniga Mines, part of Hanover Mt, Sinks Shaft Gibhart, W . :OMMODITIES DEVELOPMEN? I numemu$ open pits andmts, ulg acceSSthIough Union Hill& Republic I 187 andKelley (1963) olymetallic - Laramide Lindgrenetal. (1910) olymetallic Lindgren et al. (1910) veins C u , Fe, Ag, Au,extensive Zn, Pb underground work& being replaced by large openpit Fe, Cu,Zn, Pb, A& Au I Kelley (1949), Hmer (1963). NMBMMR KniPin (1930), Spencer and Paige (1935), Kelley (1949), Andenon(l957) The iron deposits are along the sides of the pluton generallyat the contact or a short distance from it. The ore bodies are lenticular masses having an average thicknessof about 30ft,but ranging in thickness from a few feet to over 200ft. They rangein length from 100ft to 1,000ft (Hernon, 1949). The ore bodies maybe solid masses or contain zonesof waste composed of limestone or wollastonite. Ore bodies are known to form in various stratigraphic positions from Bliss Sandstone to Fusselman Dolomite, but most of the higher gradeiron deposits are in El Paso limestone (Kelley, 1949).This appears to he becauseof the close proximityof the intrusive to the limestone, less silicationof the limestone beds,and greater susceptibilityof the El Paso limestoneto replacement by iron-bearing fluids. In several places, Bliss Sandstone lies between the pluton andEl Paso Limestone, butthe more siliceous sandstone was not as readily replacedas the limestone. The minerals in the iron deposits include predominant magnetite, subordinate specularite, and minor chalmersite, pyrite, chalcopyrite, sphalerite, and sporadic molybdenite. Magnetite is altered to martite at or near the surface. Gangne minerals include nnreplaced host rock, serpentine, and apatite (Hernon, 1949). Normal 0.6% Cn, and at some sites leaching and redeposition of copper has occurred at nnoxidized iron ores contain about the contact betweenthe iron ore and the intrusive. The Pewabic mine, on the eastern part of the Hanover lobeof the hover-Fierro pluton, exploits pod-like sphalerite ore bodies, essentially uncontaminated by lead or copper, that were localizedby the intersection of a thrust fault with nearly vertical post-silicate northeast fault zones (Sclnnitt, 1939). They are as much as 40 ft in the southwest marginof the Hanover-Fierro stock, diameter and600 ft long. At the Empire Zinc mine, around blankets as thick as 135 ft and upright tabular bodiesas much as 1,000 x 120 x 30 ft replace Lake Valley limestone along granodiorite dikes (Spencer andPaige, 1935). Ore from 1905to 1969 averaged 8.75% Zn.At the Shingle Canyon mines (also owned by Cohre), Zn-Pbskarn occurs in limy mudstoneand limestone-pebble conglomerateof the Permian Ah0 Formation in the footwall of the Barringer Fault, northeast of the stock (Anderson, 1957; Hernon et al., 1964). In 1939 to 1945, ore averaged 10.91% Zn, 3.25%Pb,and 0.11% Cu. The Lost Treasure andGold Quartz groups are the major source of manganesein the district. The deposit consists of replacement manganese bodies and lenticular fissure fillings in gently dipping Pennsylvanian ft apart strikingN55-60' E. The Lost Magdalena Group limestonesalong two subparallel faults about 1,000 Treasure No. 2 vein rangesin width from 2to 5 ft and can be traced alongstrike for 800 ft. In places, ore minerals have replacedthe gently dipping limestone beds adjacent to the vein. The mineralized beds range fromto23 ft thick and extend outward about ft3 into the hanging wall of the vein. The Gold Quartz vein is traceable for 2,000 ft and variesfrom 2 to 6 ft in width. Pyrolusite and wadare the chief manganese minerals. Gangue mineralsare abundant iron oxides, manganiferous calcite,and qnartz (Farnham, 1961). skarn depositwhere limestoneof the Magdalena The Hamlett claims contains a small iron-manganese Group has been contact metamorphosed. Manganiferous iron ore consistingof magnetite, hematite,and in various-size lenses along fractnres and in irregular masses scattered over and area manganese oxides occurs several hundred feet square (Farnham,1961). The larger massesare several feet wideand a few tensof feet long. Epidote, garnet, and pyroxene are alterationproducts. Fleming district Location and Mining History The Fleming (or Bear Mountain) mining district is 6 mi northwestof Silver Cityon the slopes of Bear and Treasure Mountains where fluorspar, iron, manganese, and as silver Laramide veins have been identified (Fig. 50). Location and name of the district come from the old silver-mining camp called Fleming John after W. Fleming, a prospector, that was as active asthe Apaches would permit from about 1882 to 1893 (Lindgren et al., 1910) and sporadically thereafter. At the Old Man mine, whichfirst produced in the 1880sto 1893 and then produced sporadically until at least 1949, oneore chamber contained about $40,000 worth of silver. In all, about $250,000 worth of silver wereproduced in the district from 1882 to 1905 (Table 87).In 1937,222 lhs of Pb were produced. About $300,000 worthof ore had been produced in the district by that time consistingof 1,000 ounces Au, 300,000 ounces Ag, 10,013 lbs Zn, 450 lhsCu, and 465 lbsPb (Table 87;Lash and Wootton, 1933). In addition, a totalof about 232 short tons of fluorspar were produced (Williams, 1966). From 1916 to 1959, the district's manganese deposits produced 1,860 ton of ore containing about 30% Mn and 20 ton of concentrate containing 45.8% Mn (Farnham,1961). As of 1957, the district had not been active in recent years (Anderson, 1957). 188 32 51 T17, 32'47'3 x Prospect Pit a Shaft r Pit ."" Adit R Open Mine District Boundary Ma'or Faults (da8!wdwnereinfemd, 0 Qgs Quaternary gravel and sand Tgt Tertiary gravel sand and tuff Trl Tertiaryrhyoliteandlatite Ks Cretaceous Colorado Shale and BeartoothQuartzit6 PsPaleozoicsedimenraryrocksincluding:Fierro Limestone, Percha Shale, Fusselman and Montoya Dolomites, El Paso Limestone, Cambrian Bliss Sandstone pCgs Precambriangranitesyeniteandporphyries 2 km Figure 5 k M i n e s and prospectsin the Flemingmining district, GrantCounty, N e w Mexico (modifiedfrom Paige, 1916). TABLE 87-Metals production from the Fleming mining district, Grant County,New Mexico (US. Geology is reddishThe country rockin the vicinity of the Fleming Camp mine on Treasure Mountain gray or reddish-brown Beartooth quartzite, and, in many locations, is brecciated or a conglomerate with 1910; Hernon, 1949). Here, the angular pebbles. It is underlain by Fusselman dolomite (Lindgren et al., ore occurredin irregular pockets in beds of quartzite, andthe quartzite nearthe old stopesis traversed by numerous drusy veinlets of quartz with occasional finely-disseminated pyrite. Bear Mountain Ridge, which hosts the Bear Mountain group mines, trends north-northwest and is composed mainlyof sedimentary rocks, but north-striking Proterozoic granite and gneiss is exposed in an upthrust strip along the middle crestof the ridge. The crest in the southern part of the ridge is formed by east-dipping sediments overlying the granite, and west-dipping strata forms the crest of the ridge in the northern part of the ridge (Lindgen et al., 1910) Mineral deposits The deposits foundin the district are listed in Table 88. Silver-bearing polymetallic veins occur at Fleming Campas irregular oxidized bodiesin Cretaceous BearfootQ m i t e which overlies Fusselman Dolomite (Richter and Lawrence, 1983). Cerargyrite, native silver, and argentiteare the chief ore minerals. Gold, copper, and lead minerals are reported and have been minor byproducts of silver mining. Gangue mineralsare quartz, limonite, and pyrite. At the Pauline mine near Fleming Camp, silver-hearing minerals occurin a quartz fissure vein in Proterozoic granite (Richter and Lawrence, 1983). Fluorite occurs in thedistrict as a fissure fillings and cementing brecciafragments in El Paso Limestone. At the Ash Spring Canyon deposit, for example, the breccia zoneis 3 to 6 ft wide in a vertical fault striking N65" E (Williams, 1966: Rothrock et al.,1946). Fluorite partly replacesthe limestone wall rock. The vein is traceable for100 ft on the surface beforepinching out at both ends. The fluorite is light green and mediumto coarsely crystalline. A grab sample of stockpiled material contained26.3% CaF2, 66.3% SiOz, and less than 1%Bas04 and CaC03 (Williams, 1966). Stockpiled ore fromthe Cottonwood Canyon prospect assayed52.1% CaFz, 46.4% SiOz, 0.5% CaCOs, and less than 0.1% BaS04 (Williams, 1966). At the San Cristobal deposit,fluorite fills fissures in a pegmatite (footwall)-granite(hanging wall) contact zone. The vein trends N36'W and dips73'SW (Williams, 1966). A sampleof hand-sorted stockpiled ore contained92.1% C a F 2 with minorBaS04. in northern Grant Countyin theSilver City Discontinuous oolitic ironstone deposits crop out extensively Range and the Pinos Altos Mountains where they are isolated nearthe base of the Bliss Sandstone. In the district, 13 ft of basal deposits of this type occurin Ash Spring Canyon, where2 ft of oolitic hematite overlies conglomeratic sandstonethat rests upon pinkgranite (Kelley, 1949). Nowhere are theoutcrops very continuous. A sampleofthe hematite bed contained35.9% Fe, 0.30% P, 1.21% CaO, and 40.2% SOz. Replacement manganese depositsoccw in the district. For example, the Bear Mountain groupof claims consists of irregular lenses of manganese orethat has replaced several beds of Oswaldo Formation limestone. or more steeplydipping Manganiferous material crops out in a 400 ft by 250 ft area whichis crossed by two fracture zones with which the replacement depositsare associated. The fracture zones strike about N25"E and in some placesare mineralized. However, mostof the mineralization occursin the limestone beds adjacent to the fracture zones. In some places,the limestone contains superimposed beds of ore having a thickness of as much as 60 ft. The chief manganese mineralsare pyrolusite and wad. Psilomelane couldbe found nearthe surface. Calcite is the principal gangue mineral (Famham,1961). 190 161 TABLE 89-Mines and prospects in the Georgetown mining district, Grant County,New Mexico. These mines and prospectsare carbonate-hosted silver (manganese, lead) deposits. From Jones et al. (1967), Richter and Lawrence (1983), NMBMMRfile data, and V. T. McLemore, unpublished . . Geology The sedimentary rocksin thedistrict are Paleozoic in age and dip west-southwest at shallow angles (Jones et al., 1967). Several northeast-trendingfaults cut the Paleozoic sedimentary rocks. Near vettical, altered porphyry dikes, cut the limestones and shales. 40Ar/39Ar dating of K-feldspar from a porphyry dike indicates an isochron age of 71*2 Ma (V. T. McLemore,unpublished isochron age determination). The eastward limitof the district is restricted by the large northwest-trending Mimbresfault which has brought semi-consolidated gravel deposits in contact with withthe Paleozoic sedimentary rocks (Hemon et al., 1964). Mineral depositsin the district consistof silver-bearingveins and replacementsin Fusselman Dolomite directly below Percha Shale. They are similar in mineralogy and stratigraphic positionto silver depositsin several other districts,such as Chloride Flat in theSilver City area.The district coincides with a slightly anomously high aeroradiometricU anomaly and low K and Th, which is characteristic of mineralized carbonate rocks in the southwesternNew Mexico. Mineral deposits The carbonate-hosted Ag-Mn replacement deposits consist of irregular, oxidized bodies in Fusselman Dolomite beneaththe Percha Shale (Table 89; Richter and Lawrence, 1983). The deposits occurin beds dipping the dikes, and vuggy in places. Most ore bodies 10' to 20" S . The host limestone was silicified, especially near occur in the vicinity of the porphyry dikes. Someof the ore bodiesare localized near contacts with granodiorite porphyry. The ore was most valued for its cerargyrite content; native silver, argentite, smithsonite, bromyrite, and vanadinite were alsopresent (Laskyand Wootton, 1933; NMBMMRfile data). Some pyragryrite, galena, the primary ore pockets of cerussite and other silver mineralswere discovered. Argentiferous galena was probably prior to oxidation. Ore shipments contained as much as 320 odton Ag, 18.3% Pb, and 33.6% Zn; most shipments were lowerin grade (NMBMMR file data). Assays of samples collected forthis report are in Table 90. Vanadium is present in the dumps, as much as 0.7% V (Larsh, 1911). Early reports indicatethat the miners hadlittle knowledge of geologic relationships and did not examine faults for offsetsof ore shoots. Detailed geologic mapping of the surface and nndegronnd workingsis needed to evaluate the mineral-resource potential. 192 Gila Fluorspar district Location and MiningHistory The Gila Fluorspar (Brock Canyon) mining district is located in Gila River Canyon and the adjacent 5 mi up riverfrom the town of Gila (Fig. 1). Only fluoritehas been northern Piiios Altos Mountains about produced fromthis district; no base-or precious-metals occurin econoic concentrations. In the 188Os, the Foster in New Mexico. Output was used as a flux in the lead-silver mine hadthe first recorded fluorspar production smelters in Silver C i t y (Gilleman, 1964). Several fluorite minesin the district operated during World War I, in the 1920s, and during World War 11, and afluorspar mill was operatedat Gila during the 1940s. In 1944, average daily mine production was 50 short tonsof fluorspar, most of which was fromthe Clum mine. The government fluorspar program was terminated at the end of World War I1 and mining ceased exceptfor occasional small shipments. Fluorspar mining came to a haltin 1955, and exceptfor a short revivalin 1959, the district remained dormant at least until 1964 (Gillerman, 1964). Bythe 1970s, rising prices had stimulated new exploration, andthe is recorded for 8 of the 13 mines and prospects in Clnm mine was reopened@am& et al., 1979). Some production the district (Williams, 1966).The Clum mine produced about 29,000 short tons averaging 52% CaF2, and the for the district amountedto 47,586 short Foster mine produced approximately 4,000 short tons. Total production 91,4). tons; mostof this production wasfrom the Clum and Foster mines (Table New Mexico (from TABLE 91-Mines and prospects of the Gila Fluorspar mining districf Grant County, Rothfock et al., 1946, Gillerman, 1968; Russell, 1947b; Williams, 1966). Location includes section, township,and range. Geology The rocks are in the volcanic complexof Brock Canyon, which consists of altered and unaltered latitic and latitic lava flows, volcanic breccias, and possible intrusive rocks unconformably overlain by silicic ash-flow tuffs on the north and Gila Conglomerate onthe south. Age dates of lavas nearthe Clum mine range from 30.2+5.3 to 32.743.1 Ma(K-Ar,biotite; zircon, fission track; Rattk et al., 1979). Near the center of the district, the than 1,000 Et of intensely altered lava Gila Riverhas deeply dissectedthe volcanic sequence and exposed more flows and tuffs of the volcanic complexon both sidesof the river. In the area, the rocks are altered to clays and 193 sericite with intense silicification (Le. acid-sulfate alteration; McLemore, in press b) and pyritization relatedto fault or fractnre control. In some fracture zones, bleaching and alteration ofbiotite has changed dark gray trachytic latiteand andesite to light a gray or buff color. The diversity of lava flows, breccias, volcaniclastic rocks, and intense localizedalteration suggeststhat the Brock Canyon volcanic center was exposedat the mouth of Gila large quartz-fluorite-calcite fissureRiver Canyon (Ratt6 et al., 1979). At the volcanic center, several small to filling veins cut both altered and unaltered rocks. The veins are younger than the altered rocksof the volcanic center and may indicate greater mineralization at depth. Mineral Deposits The volcanic-epitbermalfluorite vein deposits in the district occurin normal fanltsand fissures in the volcanic rocks (Table 90). Generally, the faults and fissures strike fromlittle a east of north to northwest and dip steeply to the east or west (Gillerman, 1964; Backer, 1974; McOwen, 1993). TheFoster vein strikes N45OE. Many of the faults are brecciated, withfluorite occurring as fissure filling, interstitial slling between breccia fragments, and replacements of brecciafragments and in some placesthe wall rock (Rothrock et al., 1946; Russell, 194%; McAnnlty, 1978; Gillerman, 1964; Ratte et al., 1979). Qnartz is commonly associatedwith the fluorite. Siliication and argillic alteration of the host rockare common. Fluid inclusion studies indicate that the veins were fluids (0.7-5.0 eq. wt??NaCl), typicalof epithermal veins (Backer, formed at 160-242" C and were low salinity 1974; Hill, 1994). Three distinct texturesof fluorspar oreare reported 1) coarsely crystalline, clear, translucent to transparent, massive green fissure-filling fluorite with minor qnartz; 2) fine- to medium-grainedfluorite with inclusions of breccia and varying amounts of quartz; and3) translucent to opaque, microcrystalline, white, red, gray, green, brown, orlight blue fluoritewith tiny quartz grains distributed thronghontand locally banded. The latter two textures containas much as 30% silica and are unsuited for metallurgical grade. The coarse-grained fluorite, however,has been shippedas metallurgical grade. Barite and pyriteare present locally. At the Clnm mine,fissure veins are developed alongfaults in Tertiary andesite and latite of the volcanic complex of Brock Canyon. Fluorite occursin two veins occupyingfault zones (McAnnlty,1978). The Clnm vein strikes N5"W and dips 70- 8O"SW. The East vein strikes N25- 33'E and dips 8O"SW. The width of the mineralized fault zones averages about 3 ft, but locally may reachas much as 100 ft. The East vein is similar to the Clum vein but smaller. Finely crystalline white or red fluoriteis present. Some coarse, green fluoriteis found in veinlets. The workings consistedof a 3 0 0 4 shaft with lateral developments of greater than 1,000 ft (Williams, 1966). T w o grab samples of stockpiled ore averaged61.9% CaFz, 23.5% SOz, 1.0% CaC03, and 7.4% rare-earth McAnulty (1978) speculatesthat appreciablefluorite remains at theClnm depositsin known and oxides (Rz03). be lowered to 25-30%, several undiscovered veinsand suggests that ifthe cut-off grade for minable ore could thousand short tons of ore couldbe mined. The other mines and prospects are similar, but mostare smaller. Local samples contained low gold and silver assays(Ratte et al., 1979). Stream-sediment samplesin thearea contain elevated concentrationsof Ag, Ba, Co, Cu, Mn, Nb, Pb, Y, and Zn (Ratt6 et al., 1979). The intense alteration, geochemical anomalies, and occurrence of veins suggeststhat this district could gradeinto precious metal veinsat depth. Gold Hill district Location and Mining History The Gold Hill mining district, also known as Camp Bobcat,is located in thewestern Burro Mountians approximately 12 mi northeastof Lordsburg, in Grant and Hidalgo Counties(Fig. 1). As with several of the mining districts in this study, the Gold Hill district bas a historyof intermittent and somewhat desultory mining. Gold was discoveredin the area in 1884 at the Gold Chief claim and a stamp mill was erected in 1886 (Gillerman, 1964). By the 189Os, many small mines were active, and mining had reachedits peak whenthe mining town of Gold Hill had a populationof 500 people. By 1900 the shallow, free-milling oxidized ore was almost exhausted and production wasin steep decline. Shortly after1900, Frank Cline acquiredthe rights to several of the better mines in the district and mined themuntil his death in 1940. From 1920 to 1926, several hundred shorttons of high-grade silver ore were mined.It was during the 1920s that the Co-op mine produced morethan $100,000 in silver (Richter and Lawrence,1983). From 1932 to 1940, a revival in gold mining resulted in $18,934 worth of goldbeing produced. Mining was limitedto the oxidized zone above the water table. 1952 and 1955; but, the amount Prospecting and development of the larger pegmatites occurred between and concentration of the rare-& minerals was so low that mining soon ceased. The same deposits also were again too low, and the mines were abandoned.In 1954, mined as a source of mica; but the grade and tonnage were 194 the Bluebird goldmine was rehabilitatedduring explorationfor tungsten. From 1956 to 1960, development work was undertakenat theNever Fail mine @ichter and Lawrence, 1983). Total production from the district amountsto 6,845 lbsCu, 1,620 oz Au,and some silverand lead amounting to more than $100,000 (Table 92). Prior to 1944,3,000 short tons of ore averaging50% CaF2were produced at the Bluebird mine,and from 1944 to 1949 the mine again was worked intermittentlywith minor production. Approximately 500 short tons of beryl was produced fromthe Grandview mine( G s t t s , 1965). TABLE 92-Metals production fromthe Gold Hill mining district, Grant and Hidalgo (U. S. Bureau of Geology The hills are a northwest-trending range predominantly of Proterozoic Burro Mountains Granite (1550 Ma; Hedlund, 1978b) andare surroundedby Quaternary alluvial fans on the west end and by Tertiary volcanic rocks onthe east side (Beardand Brookins, 1988). The oldest rocksin thedistrict form the Bullard Peak Groupof Hewitt (1959) and consistof migmatite, quartz-biotite gneiss, hornblende gneiss, and amphibolite. This intrusive episode wastrailed by a pervasive retrograde event in which the more mafc rocks, like the diorite, were chloritized, sericitized,and epidotized. Proterozoic diabase dikes and plugs were subsequently intruded. These rocks are fractured and intrudedby basaltic, rhyolite. and felsic dikes. Some dikes consists of white to very light gray rhyolite, which locally, contain disseminated and highly oxidized pyrite grains. The Gold Hill mining district occursat the junction of northwest-trending structural elements, indicated by diabase dikestrending N3OoW,by pegmatites, andan east-northeast-trendiugfracture zone (Gillerman, 1964; Hedlund, 1978b; Beard, 1987).The Co-Op-McWhorter fault strikes N70°E in the area. The Co-op mine is situated wherethe fault intersectsthe pegmatites. The area coincides withan aeroradiometricTh high. Mineral Deposits The mineral depositsin thedistrict are Laramide veins, fluorite veins, gold placers, and pegmatites (Table 93). The veins are mostly gold-bearingquam veins, but silverand base metalsare major constituents locally. Fluorite veins occur on the eastern sideof Gold Hill. In the northern part of the area the pegmatites contain rare-earth-element-bearing minerals. Geochemical anomalies in streamsediment samples include Ag, Be, Co, Cu, Mn, Mo, Pb, and Zn. TABLE 93-Mines and prospectsof the Gold Hill mining district, Grant and Hidalgo Counties, New . . 19s 196 197 The Laramide veins are of two types: gold-bearing qnam veins and silver-base-metal veins, Goldbearing quartz veins are themost numerous depositsand the sites of nearly all mining operations. The gold placers formedfrom the weathering of gold-bearing quartz veins and occur in Holocene gravelsin Gold Hill Canyon. The gold-hearing quartz veins are simple hydrothermal fracture-fillingsin Proterozoic granite or commonly along Proterozoic hornblende gneiss-granite contacts( G i l l e m , 1964). Mineralization probably occurred in the Late Cretaceous or early Tertiary.The veins have banded drusy textnres indicative of shallow to moderate emplacement. Theyare irregular and narrow and widen every few feet.Widths range from a few inches to 10 ft and can be traced foras much as 300 ft (Gillerman, 1964; Beard, 1987;NMBMMR file data). Almost all of the gold-bearing veins are localized in mafic rocks. They commonlyare along the contact with of the mafic rocks, be it a basic dike, biotite schist, or amphibolite, and granite or granite gneiss. Little is known about the character of the primary ore that was mined. Galena, sphalerite,and possible rnby silveralong with limonite and pyrite occuron mine dumps in the district. Minor amounts of scheelite and wolframite are found at the Bluebird mine, on the north side of Engineer Canyon in secs. 6and 7, T22S, R16W (Hedlund, 1978b).At the Reservation mine, the host rockis mostly hornblendeand mica schist with garnet gneiss nearby; andesite occurs locallyin contact with the vein. The vein varies from 4 to 6 ft in width. In many of the stopes the ore contained1-3 odton Au. An equal amount of silver was foundin some veins. The silver-base metalveins occur chieflyin the southern and eastern parts of the district. They consistof primary argentiferous galena, pyrite,and sphalerite in calcite and quartz gangue (Gillerman, 1964). Cerussite, native silver,and limonite are in the oxidized parts of the vein. At the Co-opmine, the highest silver values are associated with galena and pyrite in the sulfide zoneand with cemssite and limonite in the oxidized zone. A negligible amount of gold is present. but are generally low. The average value of the ore ranged Gold gradesof the ore were widely variable, from $15 to $40 perton, with some orebeing valued ashigh as $125 per ton (Lindgren et al., 1910). Values cited by Gillerman (1964) for production in the 1930s, when gold was worth $35 an ounce, showthat ore shipments for the Grant and Hidalgo Countyparts of the district averaged $15.41and $25.41 a ton, respectively. ' The rare-& element pegmatites in the district occur in Burro Mountains granite (McLemore et al., 1988a,b). They vary in size from pods a fewinches across to lens-shaped bodies several hundred feet long and almost as wide (Fig. 51). Two veins 2 ft wide and 46 ft long have been located.Minerals in the pegmatites include quartz, microcline, albite, muscovite, biotite, magnetite, garnet, fluorite, and rare-earth-bearing minerals, such as allanite, euxenite, samarkite,and cyrtolite (Fig. 52). Thorium, niobium, tantalum,and beryllium are present. One of the veins contains 0.05 to 0.72% Th. The pegmatites are zoned with coarse quartz at thecore with small segregations of microcline (Gillerman, 1964). Surroundingthe core is a qnartz-peahite zone with muscovite and biotite. The next zone outis a quartz-albite-muscovite or quartz-albite-microcline zone.The outermost zone is quartz-microcline. At the South pegmatite, massivegreen fluorite occurs in the quartz-albite-muscovite zone. At the Bluehird depositon the northeast sideof GoldHill in the NE% sec. 22and NW% sec. 23, T.21 S., R. 16 W., fluorite occurs in stringers and veins 1inch to 2ft wide, within a brecciaand sheeted zone 2to 8 ft wide in Proterozoic granite. Fluorite is present as lenses 30 to 50 ft wide for 3,000 ft along the zone whichstrikes N85"W to N75"E and dips 70- 8O"N. Coarsely crystalline massesof white, green, violet,and purple fluorite occur associated with quartz and silicified granite wallrock. Limonite is present as are calcite, pyriteand possibly some gold (Gillerman, 1964). 198 FIGURE 51-Feldspar photo). in the White Top pegmatite, Gold Hill mining districf Grant County (V. T. McLemore ~~~~ ~~ ~~ FIGURE St-Microlite and smarskite in feldspar at the South pegmatite,Grant County (V. T. McLemore photo). 199 Lone Mountain Mining District Location and Mining History Lone Mountainmining district consistsof low hills about 7 mi southeastof Silver City(Fig. 1). The district was discoveredin 1871by Frank Bisbee, for whom the historic Arizona copper-mining town took its name. Once rich silver ore was identified, a mill was erectedmining and and milling continued for two or three years until the ore ran out andthe mines wereshut down (Lindgren etal., 1910; Pratt, 1967). Except for a small amount of manganiferous iron production during World WarI, the area was dormantuntil 1920, when other silver discoveries were made,and from 1921to 1923, whenmining was again active. It was during this latter period, that lead was producedalong with silver. Theselater discoveries continued tobe worked sporadicallyin the late In 1930s to 1950 (Table04; Pratt, 1967). Since then to at least 1967, no additional silver has been produced. 1942,30 short tons of manganese ore averaging 39.5% Mn were produced (Famham, 1961). From 1950 to 1955, another 800 short tons of sorted ore averaging 29.1% Mn was shipped tothe government purchasing depotin Deming. As of 1967, the silver and manganese deposits were mostly minedand out nearly all of the shafts are caved or unsafe (Pratt, 1967). Total mineral production for the Lone Mountain mining district is shown in Table 93. Mineral depositsin thedistrict consistof carbonate-hosted Ag-Mh deposits. Someof the deposits were mined for silver before turning to manganese production. TABLE 94-Metals production from the Lone Mountainmining district, Grant County, New Mexico (U. S. Bureau ofMines, 1927-1990). YEAR ORE (SHORT COPPER GOLD (02) SILVER (02) LEAD (LBS) TOTALVALUE ($) Geology that have had small-scale mineral Geologically,the district has much in common with other local districts production. Lone Mountain consists of northeast-dipping Paleozoic, and Mesozoic sedimentary rocks, primarily limestone and dolomite,that were lifted up along fault a on the southwest (Lindgren et al., 1910). They rise about in thearea range 500 ft above the surrounding plain of Quaternary conglomerate, colluvium, and alluvium. Rocks from Proterozoicto Recent. Proterozoicgranite crops outat the western baseof Lone Mountain(Pratt,1967). The granite is overlain by about 4,000ft of sedimentary rocks. From bottom to top, the sedimentary formationsare the Bliss Sandstone,El Paso Dolomite, Montoya Group, Fusselman Dolomite, Percha Shale, Lake Valley Limestone, Magdalena Group,Ab0 (7) Formation, Beartooth Quartzite,and Colorado Formation.On the eastern flankof Lone Mountain,the Cameron Creek laccolith,an upper Cretaceous to Lower Tertiary biotite-qum latite, was probably the intrusion suggested by Lindgrenet al. (1910) as being related to the mineralization in thearea. Pratt (1967), however, found no evidence that the mineralization was spatially or genetically related to the intrusive bodies recognizedin his study. There are several dikesin the district. They range in composition from quartz an inferred length of as muchas 3/4 mi. Mostof the latite to basalt. Most are only a few feet wide, but a few have dikes filled already existing fractures or created new ones as they were emplaced. Mineral deposits in main crosscutting fracturesin carbonate rocks (Pratt, Most of the silver and manganese deposits occur 1967). Some brecciation occnrs along the fractures, and limestone has been locally silicified (Lindgren al., et 1910). The ore bodies did not indicatethe strict stratigraphic control foundin many silver deposits in theregion. In the Lone Mountain area,the silver depositsare scattered throughoutthe Fusselman Dolomite, and one vein reaches downinto the Upham Dolomite and Aleman Formation. Table lists 95 some of the mineral occnrrencesin the Lone Mountain district. Cerargyrite wasthe most common ore mineral, but curved bundles of native silver wire were the richest ore (Lindgren etal., 1910). Argentite was reported as a primary ore mineral, and native copper was reported (Pratt, 1967). Limonite was plentiful as an oxidation productof pyrite. Other minerals seenin fractures or on the mine dumps includequartz, calcite, dolomite, and small amountsof anglesite, cerussite, willemite,and malachite (Pratt, 1967). The mineralized veins were a narrow 2 to 5 ft with ore veins nearly 8 ft thick. The veins were not rich silver (T-indgren et al., 1910). very persistent,but, the ore they did contain was in TABLE 95-Mines an rospects of the Lone Mou1ntain mining district, Grant County, New Mexico. Location inch s section, mship, an( m e . I MINE NAME I JDCATIOI LATITVDE DNGITUDE :OMMODITIES DEVELOPMENT DEPOSIT Ben Hur (Rubie, Mayflower) C 3 5 18s 32' 41'46" 108°09'27" (1967), NMBMMRfile 320 43' 44" 108' 12'50" Manganese (Tom Lyons, Sweet Home, Corlirr, El camao. Joe. I 1 Lone Mountain (Monarch, Home Hillt&jTicket. ' Mineral Ym replacement N27 18s 32' 4305" ' 108°10'36" 13w NW29, NE30 18s 320 S27, N34 18s 13W 320 SW35 18s 32' 43' 11" than 100 fl deep 108O 13'04" opencuts and benches, 2 shallow (Causland Monarch (New York, Good Hope) 42' 21" 108' 10'35" several shallow prospect pits 41' 55"108" 09'35" and open cuts hosted Ag- Pratt (1967) findsthat distinction betweenthe district's silver deposits and its manganese depositsis only as a conveniencein organizing the data and not on geologic criteria. This in is,part, becausethe ore bodies have been mined outand such informationis not available,and because some ofthe same minesthat produced silver during the early mining period later produced manganese. as irregular disconnected pod-like bodies along fracture zones that cut beds and Manganese deposits occur replace Lake Valley Limestone just beneath the basal shale member of the Oswaldo Limestoneof Magdalena Group ( F a m h q 1961). The fractures are almost vertical and strikes north. The ore bodies rangeto as much as 60 8 long and 1 to 6 ft wide. Some fractures containedtwo or moreore bodies separated by tens of feet of nnmineralized or sparsely mineralized material. Most of the ore runs along the fractures, butin some placesthe adjacent limestone beds have been replaced. The chief ore minerals are pyrolusite andIron wad. oxides, jasper, and blackand white calciteare the principal gangue minerals. According Pratt to (1967), the manganese resources are not exhausted but are unpromising. That report does suggest one small area favorable for prospecting forsmall manganese ore bodies. The manganese deposits could be utilized a low-grade iron resource. The deposits are described as irregular massesof manganiferous hematitein shattered limestone onthe flanks of Lone Mountain. The ore consists of hematite and pyrolusite with some wad, magnetite, calcite,and jasper. Ore fromthe Mineral Mountain group contained about35% Fe and 15%Mn (Harrer and Kelly, 1963). Concentration of detrital or placer magneticiron oxides occursas cobbles in stream beds (Pratt, 1967). The materialis derived from Gila Conglomerate but the ultimate source was magnetite in iron skarn deposits adjacent to Hanover-Fierro stock. Geophysical methods could be to used discover such concentrations in paleochannels. 201 Malone District Location and Mining History The Malone mining district lies in the southwesternpart of the Burro Mountains along the Malone fault (Fig. 1). John B. Malone discovered goldin the area in 1884 after years of placer-gold mining in nearby Gold Gulch and Thompson Canyon (Gillerman, 1964). Production prior to 1925 amounted to approximately $250,000 in gold and alittle silver, most before 1900.In 1904, while gravelsin many of the local gulches were being worked for placer gold, additional hard-rock discoveries were just madewest of the old Malone mine.Total to no morethan $50,000. In the 1930s, renewedinterest in the area led to new production after 1925 amounted mining ventures and extensions to some older workings. Fromthe 1940s, until at least 1964,mining has been intermittent. In 1961, Albert A. Leach of Lordsburg owned 13 unpatented claims covering most of the district (Gillerman, 1964). Total production from Laramide veins and placer gold deposits in the district amountsto approximately 12,000 oz Au, more than 10,000 oz Ag, 408short tons of fluorite, and minor amounts of copper, lead and zinc. Mines and prospects are in Table 96. TABLE 96-Mines and prospects of the Malone mininn - district,Grant Countv, _ .New Mexico. Location includes section, bwnshiu, and range. MINENAME Brock Perlite ~OlllpSOll can on Gold Gulch Placm LOCATION LATITTIDE LONGITUDE COMMODITIES DEVELOPMENT TYPE OF DEPOSIT NW8 20s 32' 34' 09" 108' 31' 56" perlite pits Perlite S17, E20, w212os 32'33'30'' 10S030'45" Au, Ag several opencuts placer 32' 34' 09" 108"29' 55" A& Cu 80 A shall, 40 A adit hamide REFERENCES Austinetal. (1982) vein Gillman(l964), Johnson (1972), Hedlund (1980), J o n s (1904), NMBMMR file data Richter and Lawrence (1983) LongLonBrother NE23 19s Malone 19,20,29,30 (Principal, 20s 16W Hillmd, Patanka, Barranca, Fujima, Paracutin, Barria, Lor Ancienos, Moody N8 20s Pitman C ofN19 20s 16W Unknown(Little cookie #1? Unknown @aTorUranium claims? 18 20s 16W SE30 20s Geology The rocks in thedistrict consistof ProterozoicBurro Mountain granite, mostly coarseto mediumgrained granite, onthe southern sideof the Malone fault and Tertiary rhyolitetuffs, perlite, and agglomerate onthe northern sideof the fault. The Malone fault strikesN20"W and dips 70"NE,and marks the western edgeof Knight Peak graben. Numerous fractures cut the granite adjacent to the fault, butthe fault is not mineralized (Gillerman, 1964). The fractures trend mostly N45-85"W, with the exception of the Patanka vein which strikes N35"Eand dips steeplyto the southeast. The granite adjacent to the veins shows evidenceof sericitic, kaolinitic,and hematitic alteration. 202 Mineral deposits Fractures cuttingthe Burro Mountaingranite adjacent tothe Malone fault are mineralized upto 1,000 ft a few locations. The fractures are filled with goldaway, and granite between the fractures was mineralized at bearing quartz and pyrite veins with minor chalcopyrite, argentiferous galena, and sphalerite ( G i l l e m , 1964). to be The gold is extremely fine grained and can only be detected by chemical analysis. Mineralization appears rather shallow, as none of the mines in the area are greater than 100 ft deep (Table 95). The shaft at the Malone mine, which was responsible for most of the district production in the 1880s and 189Os, is near the granite-rhyolite contact on the Esmeralda. At the Hillcrest vein, 1,800 feet the to north, a 100f t shaft leadsto drifts that follow along the vein, which strikes N85”W, and dips almost vertically. Shafts, pits, and adits explore the Barranca vein, which strikes N4OoW and dips 70°NE, offsettingthe Malone fault. At this location, the footwall is granite and the hanging wall is rhyolite ( G i l l e m , 1964). Northern Cooke’s Range district Location and Mining History The Northern Cooke’s Range mining district liesat thenorthern end of the Cooke’s Range nearthe southeasterntip of Grant Countyalong the Luna County line (Fig. 1; Jicha, 1954).Mining in theNorthern Cooke’s Range district was on a small scale.The area is honeycombed with many small pits, adits, and stopes that have ft high with a25 ft long since been abandoned (Table 97). The largest stope reported by Elston (1957) was 15 only by 15 ft plan view. Minor silverand lead along with fluorite has been producedfrom carbonate-hosted lead-zinc, fluorite veins,and KOGrande Rift barite-fluorite-galena deposits. Fluorite mining at theWhite Eagle mine probably beganprior to 1918 (Elston, 1957).It was operated by four different lesseesfrom 1933 to 1945. Production upto this point was estimatedat 17,000 short tons of ore drilling program from Aprilto (Rothrock etal., 1946) The U. S. Bureau of Mines conducted a limited diamond June of 1945, intersecting veinsthat assayed as much as 79.6% CaFz(Moms, 1974a). The Ozark-Mahoning Co. of Tulsa, OK leased the properly in 1950 and shipped approximately 12,300 short tons of ore averaging 61.7% CaF2in 1953 and 1954. Southwest Fluorspar Co. of Deming leasedthe propem from 1969to 1972 and shipped about 5,500 shorttons of ore. Total production from the White Eagle mine was approximately 62,300 short tons of ore, and from the Linda Vista and WagonTire mines totalled about 1,500 short tons (Moms, 1974%b). Geology on the northeast by The range is a series of northwest-trendinghills with lowto moderate relief, bounded the N20°W striking Sarten fault and onthe southwest byan inferred fault of similar orientation (Moms, 1974q b). In the district, the oldest rocks exposedare Proterozoic in age and consist mainlyof coarse, pink-to-gray,quartzmicrocline-biotite granite and granite gneiss @Iston, 1957). These rocksare cut by quartz-microcline pegmatites and Tertiary(7) rhyolite dikes, outcropping over about three-fourths of the Northern Cooke’s Range (Moms, 1974a). North of the district, the granite gneiss grades into hornblende-chlorite schist.The Proterozoic rocksare highly fractured and altered, paaicularly in near fluorite mineralization, biotite and orthoclase being chloritized and sericitized, respectively. The Cooke’s Range fault, which is the eastern rangefault of the Cooke’s Range, approximately bisects the district. Elston (1957) hypothesizedthat the fault probably splitsinto several branches beneath Tertiary and Quaternary gravelsto the north. A hypothetical westernrange border fault is beneath Quaternary alluvium on the western side of the Cooke’s Range. In the district, the Cooke’s Range fault branches and rejoinsforming a fault block of Paleozoic rocks.East of the fault block TertiarySanta Fe fanglomeratesand Quaternary alluviumare the predominant surficial rocks; west of the fault block, Proterozoic rocks are predominant or are overlain by Tertiary White Eagle rhyolite. The rhyolite consistsof porphyritic rhyolite flows, sills, and dikes andis confined to the northern endof the Cooke’s Range. Sedimentary rocks outcrop only in a small portionof the Northern Cooke’s Range(Moms, 1974a). In the fault block, Fusselman limestone, Percha shale and Lake Valley limestoneare exposed. These rocksare highly shattered,but mineralization andsilicfication seem to be confinedto the top of the Fusselman limestone where rising mineralizing solutions may have confronted barrier a in thename of impermeable Percha shale. 203 TABLE 97"ines and prospectsin theNorthern Cooke's Rangemining district, Grant County, New Mineral deposits Deposits in the district consistof carbonate-hosted Pb-Zn replacement, fluorite veins, and Rio Grande Rift barite-fluorite-galena deposits (Table 97). Fluorite bas three methodsof occurrence: steeply dipping veins in andesite cutting Proterozoic rocks;as fracture fillings in narrow, siliceous veinsin monzonite and andesite flows (Moms, 1974b); andas replacement, monto bodiesin carbonate rocks. Mineralizationis probably mid-Tertiaryin t by post-mineral age. At the bottom levelsof the White Eagle mine, the vein bas been offset approximately f35 faulting (Williams, 1966). Replacement fluorite occurs in a manto-likeform in gently dipping andesite at the Linda Vista mine (Moms, 1974a). Silicification, argillization, chloritization,and sericitization are present in the Northern Cooke's Range district, and probably an were important factor in the deposition of fluorite (Moms, fault breccias in Tertiary volcanic 1974a). At the Linda Vista mine,ore occurs in small, irregular veins occupying rocsks. At the Defense prospect,halfa mile southeastof the Linda Vista, siliceousfluorite occurs in stringers and pockets in Proterozoic granite (Rothrock et al., 1946) Silver as cerargyrite had been mined in the district; sulfidesare rare, with minor occurrences of galena (Morris, 1974b). Oxidizessuch as cerussite, smithsonite, hemimorphite, and iron and manganese oxides and hydroxides were identifiedin old workings (Elston, 1957). Piiios Altosdistrict Location and Mining History The Piiios Altosmining district is located in thePinos Altos Mountains about 8 mi northeast of Silver City (Fig. 1). Placer gold was discovered there in 1860. Later that same year,the Pacific vein was the first lode et al., 1910). discovered in the district. Within two years, 30 mines were being worked by 300 men (Lindgren Mining continned as disruptions, suchas the Civil War and plundering by Apaches, would allow. During World of zinc ore containing sphalerite, chalcopyrite, and galena War I, Piiios Altos contributed a considerable tonnage (Waldschmidt and Lloyd, 1949).The Pacific mine wasthe largest producer in the area having atotal production to 1905 of over $1 million Cindgren etal., 1910). By 1940, roughly7.5 to 12% ofthe area's pastproductionvalue was accountedfor by placer gold, andthe district had yielded overtotal a of $8 million worthof gold, silver, copper, lead,and zinc (Wellsand Wootton, 1940). The skam that is now referred toas theCyprus Piiios Altos mine was discoveredthe byU. S. Mining, Smelting, and Refining Co in 1948. Exxon Minerals drilled 213 holesin the early 1970s, and Boliden Minerals drilled 135 more holes and drove 7,950 ft of development in 1982, estimating reserves at 1,015,979 short tons of 4.96% Cn, 2.54% Zn, 3.482 odshort ton Ag, and 0.024odshort ton Au. Cyprus Metals took overin 1987, and began operationof the mine in a joint venture with St. CloudMining Co (Osterbergand Muller, 1994). The joint venture endedin 1989, andCypms continued until 1995. Production to date is 661,238 short tons of ore, containing 56,886,468 lb Cu, 18,515 oz Au, 1,805,180 oz Ag, and 31,210 lb Zn. Production fromthe entire district is estimated as 59.5 million lbsCu, 169,000 ozAu, 2.6 million oz Ag, 6 million lbs Pb and 64 million lbs Zn (Table 98, 99). Someiron ore was also produced. 204 (U. TABLE 98-Metals uroduction from the Piiios Altos minina district Grant Countv. New Mexico S. Geological survey, 1902-1927;U.S. Bureau of Miies, 1927-1990; Osterberg and Muller,. 1994). I YEAR I ORE 1 COPPER I GOLDLODE 1 GOLD I SILVER I LEAD I ZINC I TOTAL 205 I and prospects in the Pifios Altos mining district. Grant Countv. New Mexico. * C W € ny active, ui expectec I close late 1995. - TABLE 99-Mines MlNENAME _ I LOCATIO) LATITUDE DNGITLDE COMMODITIES DEVELOPMENT 32°50'42" 108' 14' 10" 32°51'24" 108' 14'20" Asiatic, Golden NE12 17s 14W SEOl 17s 14W 32' 52'05" Ooalouras SE32 16s 13W SE3116S 13W Arizona (pershing adit) Altos (Exxon, Atlantic Giant) I Zn, Cu,Pb.Au, maximum depth 01 32' 52' 09" Au,& 108' 12'25" adits -"I-108' 13' 29" Au, a& Pb, Zn, 108' 15' 04" Zn,Pb,Cu, I 1 6 s W30 13W, SE25 14W 320 53' 15" 10S9 14' 10" 33,04 16SJ7S 13w,13w SE30 16s 13W SE06 17s 13W 32' 52' 03" 108' 11' 51" A", Ag, Zn, Cu, Pb 2 shafts, about 700 A deep Laramide vein Liidgren(l910), Lasky and Waotlon (1933), Andeaan(l957), Cunningham (1974),Soul& (1948) McKnigbt and Fellows (1978), Finnel(1976), Osterberg and Muller (1994) Lindrenetal. (1910), Paige (1911). Jonesetal. (1970) 32' 53' 00" 108O 13' 10" 3sh& Laramide NMBMMRfiles Ag, Au I extitemive Fe, As, Sb underground a d surface workings 108' 13' 15" 32' 52' 26" 108' 11' 05" A", Ag, Pb,Cu 320 52' 24" C of S6 17s 13W 32' 51' 09" NW36 16s 14W C ofNl2 17s 14W N E 1 17s 32' 52' 10" 14W NE31 16s 13W SW06 17s 13W rMountain Key (Wild Bill, Lock Laramide skam vein 465 fl shaft with 5 levels, prospect pits 400 A inclined shaft 108O 13' 15" A", A& Cu, Pb SOOflsh& 2 300 3Z052'40" 108' 15' 05" Cu,Zn, Ag, Bi trench and adit 320 50'55" 108' 14'33" Z n ,Pb,Cu,Au, 218 A inched sh& aditX.50 A long, caved adit 200Ashaftwith & 32' 52'40" Laramide vein 7 108D14'00" Au,Ag,Cu,Zn, Pb 108' 13'25" A", Ag, Cu I C06 17s 13W shafts,pits and Cu,Zn, Pb, Ag, 32'51'35" 1E35, SW3f 16s 14W 2 adits, shallow trenches Au, Ag, Cu, Pb, Zn A", Ag, Cu Manka, Florida, Mina G r a d e 4 shallow sh& LaramideLindgren et al. (1910), vein Paige (1911). Anderson (1957, Jonesetal.(1970) Jxamide Jones et al. (1970) vein LaramideLindgren etal. (1910), vein Paige (1911),Jones etal. (1970) 32'51'58'' 13W Altos) 2 shafts, adit, A", Ag,Cu, Zn, 35,36;01,02 16S,17S 14W E33 16s (Mogul, Mina Grande, Juniper) 1225 A shaft 32O 51' 03" 108' 13' 43" 32'51'25'' 108' 13' 40"Cu,Zn,Au,Ag, Cu,Zn, Au, Ag, Pb Pb 17s:NW6 32' 51'52" 13W.NEl 14W NE1 17s 32O 5 1 45" 108' 14'20" 14W I drifls 250 Ashaft 500 Ashaft and tunnel connected withMogul workings 300 fl s h e connected with Mina -de workin LarnmideLindgren et al. (1910), LaramideLindgren et al. (1910), vein Paige(l911) Laramide Lindgrenetal. (1910), (1911), Jones etal. vein Paige Au, A& Zn, Cu, adits, Pb 206 s h e tunnels, some surface LaramidePaige(1911) vein TYPE OF DEPOSIT REFERENCES Paige(1911),Bush(1915), Anderson (1957), . . Jones et I al. (1970) b i d e Schilling(l964) I Blood (1916). loner et I I I I I al. I Geology In the district, Late Cretaceous andesitic volcanic rocks rest unconfonnably on Cretaceous clastic rocks of the Beartooth Quartzite and Colorado Formation or Paleozoic carbonate rocksof the mgdalena Group. Within the area, the sedimentary and volcanic rocks have been intruded by Pifios Altos stock, a medium grained, multiphase quam monzonite. The stockis part of the about 70 Ma Piiios Altos intrusive complex which consists of the stock and variety of mafic to intermediate intrusions on its periphery (McKnight and Fellows, 1978). The mineral deposits in the area lie within Piilos Altos stock in orthe sedimentary and volcanic rocksin close proximity to the stock. The sedimentary units are carbonate rich at the base and siliciclastic at the top (Osterberg and Muller, 1994). of the northwest- and northeast-trending faults is characteristicof porphyry The braided structural pattern systems (McKnight and Fellows,1978). Northeast-trending dikesas fissure veins indicate northwest-southeast extension. Many of the fissure veins are mineralized and are exposed in the stock and the host rocks. East-west trending faults cross the northeast trending normal faults, dividing the district into several structural blocks (Osterberg and Muller,1994). Mineral deposits The lode mineral deposits in the district consistof Laramide veinsin intrusive rocksand lead-zinc skarns with a lesser amount of copper skarns in the limestones. Replacementand skarn deposits in Magdalena Group limestones were responsible for most of the district's past production (McKnight and Fellows, 1978). The most prolific minein the past, for example,was the Cleveland mine which produced zinc, lead, copper, silver, and gold from a polymetallic replacement deposit, west of Pifios Altos stock. Mines and prospects are in Table 99. Chavez (1991) shows the paragenetic sequencesof mineral depositionof base-metal and precious-metal vein and replacement depositsin the district. Early pyrite and pyrite-marcasite were followed by the initial episodes of copper depositionas chalcopyrite. Zinc was deposited as sphalerite succeedingthe chalcopyrite. Another episodeof copper mineralizationas chalcocite, bornite, and chalcopyrite was accompanied by silver deposition as possibly stromeyeriteand native silver,and by bismuth. Skarns at the Cyprus Pi5os Altos mine(Fig. 53) occur in altered LakeValley, Oswaldo, and Syrena Formations and in Beartooth Quartzite,all overlain by the Colorado Formationand capped by Cretaceous-Tertiary andesites and andesitc epiclastic breccias. The intrusive bodyis quartz monzoniteand diorite. The central portion of the mine is occupied bya breccia body with diffuse and poorly defined margins, the central portion containing an intrusive matrixof diorite. Quartz monzonite fragments are not found in the breccia but quartz monzonite dikes and sills cutthe breccia and its silica-pyrite alteration. Economic mineralization is predominantly chalcopyrite and bornite with minor chalcocite, covellite, native Cu, wittichenite, sphalerite, galena, arsenopyrite, native Ag, and others (Fig. 54). Gangue minerals include quartz, kaolinite-sericite, calcite, magnetite, hematite, goethite, and limonite (Osterbergand Muller, 1994). 207 Alteration and mineralization wasa continuous processconsisting of thermal-metamorphic, metasomatic, and retrograde stages.During the thermal metamorphism stage,the alteration depended on the composition of the original host rocks (McKnightand Fellows, 1978). The pure limestonesand dolomites were simply recrystallized. If silica was available, wollastonite was formed. In argillaceous and silty limestones, a variety of calc-silicate skarn minerals were formed. Siltstones, mudstones, and shales were altered avariety to of hornfels. The metasomatic stage produced a lesser variety of skarn minerals. Andradite, quartz, and calcite makeup most of the rock. in lesser amounts. Garnet replaces Magnetite, pyrite, specularite,diopside, and base-metal sulfides occur limestone bedsin mass. Sn!.fides occur sporadically throughout the garnetized zones, and some sphalerite occurs in marble outsidethe skarn. Minerals produced during the retrograde stageof alteration are usually hydrous phases such as chlorite, clay, actinolite, talc, and sericite.The paragenetic sequence for the Cyprus Piiios Altos deposit showsthat calc-silicate minerals formed early followed by iron oxides and a varietyof copper, zinc, silver, lead, and bismuth sulfides. At the Lady Katherine mine, north of the Cleveland mine, fissure veins containing chalcopyrite and minor sphalerite occurwith pyrite in Magdalena Group limestone that has been alteredto the skarn-assemblage minerals garnet, diopside, actinolite, and calcite (McKnight and Fellows, 1978). Northeast of the Lady Katherine mine, the Exxon prospectis another skarn deposit associatedwith Piiios Altos stock. McKnight and Fellows (1978) describes resultsof exploration at theprospect wheredrilling has located copper-zinc-silver sulfide mineralization in altered Magdalena Group, Lake Valley Limestone, and in Lower Paleozoic formations. The Pacific mine is an example of one ofthe area's polymetallic fissure-vein deposits.The fissure veins cut fine-gained diorite porphyry and extend for over 4,000 ft at N6O"E. On average, vein width is about 2.5ft but may reach 10 to 12 ft. The vein consists of quartz, with calcite, barite and rhodochrositewith pyrite, chalcopyrite, galena, and sphalerite. Pyrite and chalcopyrite are generally more abundantthan galena and sphalerite. The diorite porphyry wall rocks are altered to mostly chloriteand sericite for 1or 2 inches away from the vein . Gold is associated withthe pyrite, but the galena is not argentiferous. Between Sycamore and Bear Creeks in thePiiios Altos Mountains oolitic hematite deposits in Bliss Sandstone are exposed fora length of over 8,000 ft. The basal, oolitic-hematite-bearingpart of the Bliss Sandstone in Sycamore Canyon contained12beds totalin about 45ft thick (Harrer and Kelly, 1963). Gold placer deposits covered an area of about 1.5m i 2 inBear Creek, Rich,Whisky, and Santo Domingo Gulches (Johnson, 1972).The richest partsof the placers were probably worked in outthefirst few years after discovery, but they have been worked practically every year since. The gold was derived from eroded outcrops of oxidized base metal-gold-silverveins and replacementsin the area (Johnson, 1972). Placermining was hampered by an intermittent water supplyas most productionwas done ona small scale by individuals using pans, rockers, and sluices. In 1935 and from 1939to 1942, Bear Creek and Santo Domingo Gulches were dredged. Heavy snmmer rains, occasionally would rework the gravels and reconcentrate the gold (Wells and Wootton, 1940). Assays ofplacer gravels found that they containas much as 40% heavy mineral sands containing t83% magnetite, 3% garnet, 8% hematite, and $9.30 in Auperton (at $20.67 per oz Au). Ricolite district Location and Mining History The Ricolite mining district straddlesthe Gila Riverwith the bulk of the district north of the river, extending up to Smith Canyon andTank Draw and includes afew fluorite and manganese mines and prospects on the south bankof the river (Table 100).It includes the Ash Creek Canyon(or Ricolite Gulch) ricolite deposit located about five miles north-northwest of Redrock (Fig.55). Ricolite is a banded, light to dark green talcserpentinite usedfor ornamental stoneand in building interiors (Gillerman, 1964). McMackin (1979) describes ricolite collected in the district as a mixtureof serpentine talc and small chlorite flakes. Ricolite and massive serpentine werefirst qnanied in Ash Creek Canyonthe 1880sfor use as an ornamental stone and in building and Wootton, interiors. In about 1888,a shipment was sentto Chicago where was used for wainscoting (Talmage 1937). Shipments totaling 90 shoa tons were madein 1946 (Benjovsky, 1946). McMackin (1979) gives details of modem collecting of ricolite for lapidary pieces. short tons Fluorite production south of the Gila Riverhas been significant.The Hope prospect shipped 74 offluorite ore in 1942, and the Great Eagle mine shipped 15,215 short tonsof ore from 1911to 1944. Allied Chemical calculated 1975 reserves at 195,324,000 short tons oreat 43.1% CaF2 (McAnnlty, 1978). Manganese production was localized in the northwest comerof the district. At the Black Eagle mine, 36 long tons of ore with 24.9% contained manganese were produced in 1942, and 405 long tons of ore averaging 19S%Mnwereproducedfrom 1953 to 1954(Famham,1961). 209 108'4230' 108'40' I I Td 32'473 *, I TT TI 8 3204 32042'3 t x Quaternary Prospect Pit Quaternary 0 Shaft Q - alluvium OTg - Gila Conglomerate aal ) Adit -Tertiary Tertiary Freeporl Sulphur Company Drillholes ----- DistrictBoundary Faults / Ma'or Td - Dalil Formation Tertiary - Cretaceous TKr TKai Cretaceous - intrdsivernyOl,te - intrusive andesite - COioradoShals Kc KD - BeanoolhQuaNi% Precambrian (daskdwnere InferrsdJ pCbm - Burro Mountain Granite Ern - Metadiabase 0 Figure 55- 1NT pCac " A s n CreekSerieS Mines and prospectsof the Ricolite mining district, Grant County, New Mexico (modified from Gillerman, 1964). Geology of Proterozoic granite and diabase in which tabular The rocks in the vicinity of Ash Creek Canyon consist xenoliths of talc serpentinite occurs associatedwith serpentine marble and massive serpentinite (Kottlowski, 1965). Prior to the metamorphism, the Ash Creek rocks were layered sedimentaq rocks consisting of siliceous dolomite with minor argillaceous limestonethat may have formedon a stablecontinental shelf mewitt, 1959). or three periods of Metamorphism of the sediments began with low-grade regional metamorphism followed by two thermal metamorphism influencedby intrusion of anorthosite, diabase,or granite. Hewitt (1959) presents evidence that thediabase wasthe more effectiveagent of thermal metamorphism. Formation of the talc or serpentine was dependent upon the magnesium contentof the original sedimentary rocksand was caused by hydrothe& reaction of quartz and dolomite ( G i l l e m , 1964). Locally, talc predominates over serpentine.The talc-richvariety is light cream in color and occurs in bands as much as severalfeet thick. Pods of relatively pure talc were thought by Kottlowski (1965)to be too small to be mined economically. TABLE 100-Mines and prospects of the Ricolite mining district, Grant County, New Mexico, locatedin Figurc ;5. Location includes ction, township,and range. LOCATION LATITUDE UlNGlTUDE COMMODITIES DEVELOPMENT I 108'43' 03" 108O 42' 40" 108' 40'35" 10S944'08" XJ" N17 18s 32' SE9 18s 32-44'55'' NW16 18s 32'44'51'' 1080 43' 29" 51" 44' T" 108' 42' 32" L_ 108'42'46" 15.22 18s 1 32O44'00" 108"41'25" 108'42' 17" TYPE OF REFERENCES DEPOSIT Mamesite I nits I sedimentarv I Gillerman(1964) magnesite F.Mn I 4 - 5 fl cut, 2 -3 fl I fluoriteveins I Williams(1966) deep 20 fl pit fluoriteveins Williams (1966), F,Mn HewiIt(1959), Gillman (1964), McAnulty(l978), shallow fluorite veins Williams (196% F,Mn explorationpit, 20 Gillman (1964), Richter andLawrenee fl pit (1983) Magnesite pits hydrothermal Gillman (1964), magnesite Hewitt (1959).Richter and Lawrence (1983) Fe pits iron G i l l m a n (1964), Richter andLawrence (1983) marble, ricolite numemus small metamorphic Talmage and Woonon open pits (1937), Gillman (1964). Hedlund il980y F, u 80 fl shaft, pits fluorite veins O'Neill and Thiede (1982),HewiII(1959) pits - I MR F 108' 53" 44' Ti" NE21 18s 32O44'01" NE9 18s 32O45'25" NEZZ. W23 32O 43'35" 108°42'01" F, U,Th 108'42' 17" 1- I I I 75 flinched adit, several shallow pits, small opencuts shallowtrench diamond 4 drill . , I I epithmal Mn Famham (1961), Richter and (1983) . . Lawrence fluorite veins Richter and Lawrence (1983), Hedlund (1980), HewiIt(1959) oossible Gillerman(1964) Rothrocketal. (1946 18S18W 211 Mineral deposits The ricolite occurs in xenoliths in Proterozoic metamorphic graniteand metadiabase (Hewitt, 1959; Benjovsky, 1946). Fractures may be filled with calcite or q m , and cross-fiber veinsof asbestifom serpentine, chrysotile, are present (Kottlowski, 1965).It has been valued because of its striking color, its peculiar banded and mottled texture, andthe ease with whichit is carved or polished (Hewitf 1959). It has found limited usefor jewelry, bookends, paperweights, and other small lapidary objects, such as beads, pen stands, and bola ties.Good quality specimens will hold a good polish,its butsoftness limits its use. Ricolite occursin the steeply dipping tabular xenolithsof serpentine-carbonate rocksof the Ash Creek Group (Hewitt, 1959).The xenoliths are composed of several varietiesof hornfels and serpentinite.The largest xenolithis about one mile long with smaller xenoliths scattered nearby. Hewitt (1959) describes the ricolite as fine-grained talc serpentinite that has it ranges in color from undisturbed banding similar to that of finely bedded sedimentary rocks. Most commonly, light green yellowto very darkgreen, but shadesof red, yellow, blue, and brown occur locally. The bands range from 0.1mm to about 5 cmin thichesswith the average being lessthan 1cm. Chlorite, calcite, and quartz occur in the serpentinite, and mottled and massive canary-yellow serpentine is associated withthe ricolite (Gillerman, 1968). The productive fluorite deposits to the south of the Gila River are characterized by colorless to dark-green fluorite; most contain chert(Table 100). Different styleof mineralization are found. At the White Eagle mine,the stratabound fluorite layers alternate with chert layers in a near trending vertical shear zone.the AtHope prospect, a pit exposes vein a of fluorite and chert breccia (Hewitt, 1959). North of the Gila River and near Tank Draw, fluorite occursin shattered and brecciated shear zonesin Proterozoic granite at the Blue Eagle and Jackpot prospects (Gilleman, 1964; Williams, 1966).At prospects locatedin section 22,just east of Blue Eagle, narrow fluoriteveins occurin Proterozoic granite along Tertiary rhyolite dikes that strike N40-50"W.At the southeast comer of the district onthe southern bankof the Gila River,the Great Eagle mine is inProterozoic granite on a shear zone 30 to 40 feet that strikes N3O-4O0Wand dips nearly vertically (Hewitt, 1959). Proterozoic granite contacts Tertiary volcanic rocks and Gila conglomerate in the northwest comerof the district at the Black Eagle manganese mine. The deposit is along a major faultthat strikes N15"W and dips 70"SW (Gilleman, 1964). Extensively kaolinized microcline is found in the granite enclosedby the vein, as well as in the granite footwall (Hewitt, 1959). At the Black Eagle minein Tank Draw, manganese as pyrolusite, psilomelane, manganiferous calcite,and wad occurs as veins and podsalong a northweststrikingfault in a veinup to 8 ft thick @amham, 1961). Atthe Simpson prospect northeastof the Great Eagle mine, psilomelaneand pyrolusite occur with fluorite as nodules and in veins (Gillerman, 1964). Minor porphyry copper exploration was conducted by Freeport Sulphur Company in 1960 northof Ash Creek Canyon. Four holesup to 1,302 feet deep did not intersect sulphides, except for minor pyriteand oxidized pyrite in two of the holes, nor was evidence of hypogene mineralization found (Gilleman, 1964). A small magnetite deposit is locatedjust north of the ricolite prospects. Magnetiterich bands 1to 2ft across occurin serpentine in xenxoliths of metamorphosed rockin Proterozoic granite. Magnetite locally constitutes 90%of the rock, but the deposit is small and inaccessible (Kelley, 1949; Gilleman, 1964). In Smith Canyon approximately a mile west of the ricolite prospects, replacement-type magnesite-quartzdolomite bedsin dolomite occuras lenses as much as 60 ft wide by75 ft thick. There wasno production at this location. At Blue Eagle Fluorspar mine, approximately a mile northwest of the Great Eagle mine, radioactive fluorspar veins trend north-northwest in Proterozoic granite and diabase. Radioactivity is about twicethe background count, and uranium and thorium are believed to bethe radioactive elements present. There was no production at this location (NMEMMRfiledata; Hewitt, 1959). San Francisco district Location and Mining History The San Francisco prospects district lies in northwestern Grant County, extends northward a few miles into Catron County, and comes within approximately three milestheofArizona-New Mexico boundary(Fig. 1). Only the southern part is in the Mimbres Resource Area. The district was part of a mineral-resource assessment of the San Francisco Wilderness Study area and contiguous roadless in area Arizona and New Mexico(RattC et al., 1982b). Much of this discussion comes from that research. The Grant Countypart of the district was determined by R a t t C et al. (1982b)and RattC and Lane (1984)as having indicators, suchas associated veins and altered rocks, and a geologic setting conducive for the formation of mineral deposits. 212 The district maybe the least-mined districtin the Mimbres Resource Area. Therehas been practically no mining in thearea in or around the district. As of 1980, there were no mining or patented mine claimsin the district, but Ratt6 et al. (1982b) cites evidence of past prospecting activity, such as claim postsand prospect pits. Geology The district and the surrounding area consists chiefly of the Potholes Country graben area and of volcanic rocks, mainly andesiteand basalt lava flows and lesserrhyolite flowsand pyroclastic rocksof middle Tertiary age. The volcanic sequenceis capped by Gila Conglomerate, which consists of fanglomerate and conglomerate.The Potholes Country graben runs roughly northwest-southeast through the center of the district and is bounded by northwest-trending faults.The main graben blockis approximately two miles wideand is estimated to be downthe dropped 600-800 ft (Ratte et al., 1982b). Nearthe southern edgeof the graben sits a major rhyolite vent where of Miocene age was extruded and intruded. The rhyolite is a high silica Rhyolite of the Potholes Country graben and high potassium seriesof lava flows, plugs, and pyroclastic rocks. Mineral deposits Along the San Francisco Riverin Arizona goldhas been producedfrom placer deposits (North and McLemore, 1986)and a few prospects have been locatedthe onnorthern side of the river in Catron County. There, quartz veinsas much as 15 to 30 ft wide occur withinand peripheral to the Potholes Country graben, Anomalous Mn, Ag, An, Cu, Mo, Be, W, Sb, Ba, and B values have been found in the vein material in rhyolite intrusive rocksand may be indicative of mineralization at depth (Ratte et al., 1982b). Locally, the rocks have been hydrothermally altered especially around extrusive vents where manganeseiron andoxides coat fracturesand where the rhyolite has been bleached and silicified. Silicified zones in similar rhyolite in adjacent areasare anomalous in gold and silver(Ratt6 and Lane, 1984). The silica, potassium, rubidium and strontium, and niobium content of the rhyolite is suggestive of that associated with molybdenum, tin, and tungsten mineralization. Ratt6 et al. (1982b) determinedthat the district had a low-to-moderate potential epithennal for precionsand base-metal mineralization.The potential for base-metal veinsand replacement deposits orfor porphyry copper deposits, however, could not be determined butis possible everywherein the district beneath the Late Cenozoic t h i s is the presence of major porphyry copper deposits in Late volcanic rocks. The best evidence cited for Cretaceous toEarly Tertiary intmsive rocks only about15 miles southwestof the district and the presence of preTertiary rocksin exploratoly drill holes a few miles to the north. Santa Rita district Mining History andLocation The Chino copper depositin the Santa Rita districtis the largest mineral producer in thestudy area andis located eastof Hurley, New Mexico(Fig. 56). The Chino copper deposit was initially discovered by Native Americans who used it as a source of copperfor implements and weapons. Mining by the Spanish in theMimbres area did not amount to much until ca. 1798, whenan Apache Indian told Col. Manuel Carrasco about the copper depositsat what is now known asSanta Rita. Carrasco interested Francisco Manuel Elguea to form apartnership and they were issuedland a grant, the Santa Rita del Cobre Grant. By 1804 Elgnea bought out Carrasco and began mining the copper at Santa Rita in earnest. Elguea found a ready market for copper in Mexico City. Raids byIndians and depletion of high-grade ore kept mining at a small scale. Atthat time, there was no process for economically extracting copperfrom the underlying low-grade sulfide ore. In the 188Os, attempts were made to use more modemmining and processing methodsat the deposit. In 1881, a stamp mill and a smelter were built, and in 1883 the first diamond-drill holes were drilled for exploration. High transportation costs brought about the failure of this mining venture. In 1899, the Santa RitaMining Co. bought the property and expandedthe underground workingsto explore for more ore, butit never foundthe main ore body. In 1904, John M. Sully arrivedat Santa Rita and recognized the similarity of ore at Santa Rita to that mined at Bingham Canyon. Sully thoroughly explored the area and attemptedto obtain backers (Sully, 1908). In 1908, the Chino Copper Co. was formed and took overthe Santa Rita Mining Co. Finally, in 1909 he obtained additional financial backing and in 1910 production began.The first concentrator mill was erected at Hurley in 1911; flotation concentration was added in 1914 (Hodges, 1931).That effort and those that followed have been successful at large-scale, high volume. 213 1cW07' 32"4!3 ' r r 108"Ol' T X T18: t 32"4F' i 5 U F x Prospectpit Shaft I R12WIRilW Figure 56"ines and prospects in the Santa Ritamining district, Grant County, New Mexico. Most of these mines are either mined out by the open pit or are buried by the current mine tailings. The mine has produced morethan 9.08 billion lbsCu, 500,000 oz Au, and 5.36 million oz Agplus some molybdenum andiron ore from 1911 to 1993 (Table 2,3, 6, 101; Long, 1995). In 1993, 108,568,000 short tonsof 0.73% Cu were produced (Giancola,1994). In 1995, reserves were estimatedas 315.4 million short tons of concentrator oregrading 0.67% Cu and720.5 million shorttons of leach oregrading 0.24% Cu (Robert North, 1995). Some iron ore was producedin 1943-1944. Phelps Dodge Corp., written communication, October Geology The district is in anarea of Basin and Range structure, lying near a northwest-trendingrange of Paleozoic and Mesozoic sediments and Tertiary volcanics that die out tothe north under a coverof Cenozoic volcanics and sediments (Roseand Baltosser, 1966). This range is horst bounded onthe northeast by the northwest-trending Mimbres fault and onthe southwest byan inferred northwest-trendiugfault lying under alluvinm. Within this horst, the Paleozoic and Mesozoic sediments are exposed in an west trending belt 25 miles long and up to 10 miles wide, and a broad shallow syncline is present. The Tertiary volcanics cover the older rocksto the north and south, and Cretaceous rocks outcrop in the central part of the range, with lower Paleozoic units exposed in the northeast and west fringes. These features chiefly result from Basin and Range fanlting, and erosion from the Late Tertiary to present. See Roseand Baltosser (1966) for more information on geology the of ore body. Emplacement of the Santa Rita stock occurredin late Cretaceous or early Tertiary time; age determinations of the stock range from 55-56 Ma (Schwartz, 1959; McDowell, 1971; Robert North, Phelps Dodge Corp. written communication, October1994). It was followedby intense hydrothermal alteration, sulfide concentration, supergene enrichment, and dike intrusion. The stock consistsof a granodioriteto quartz monzonite porphyry having phenoctystsof slightly greenish striated feldspar and less regularly distributed prisms and flakes of biotite. The granodiorite porphm is similar to that in Hanover-Fierro and Copper Flat stocks. The HanoverFierro and Santa Rita stocks maybe derived fromsimilar sources. Dikes of granodiorite porphyry invaded the stock and surrounding rocks during mineralization. The rocks around the stock were notably altered by hydrothermal solutionsthat made their way downpaths created by 215 fractures in the stock asthe magma cooled. Fracturing, hydrothermal alteration, intrusionof dikes, and deposition of ore may be regarded as episodes of extended magmatic activity. Mineralizationis directly related tothe amount of fracturing and alteration. The granodiorite dikes were subsquently followed by intrusion of quartz monzonite and finally latite to quartz latite dikes. These later dikes contain only supergene mineralization and are younger than the hypogene mineralization. Mineral deposits The largest porphyry-copper depositin New Mexicois at Santa Rita, the Chino mine where copper sulfides occurin the upper, highly fractured granodiorite stock and adjacent sedimentary rocks (Fig. 56,57). Several periodsof supergene enrichment have further concentrated the ore (Cook 1994). Adjacent copperskarns are becoming increasingly more important economically. Potassic, phyllic, a r m c , and propylitic alterationzones are present, butare not everywhere concentric (Nielsen, 1968, 1970). ” ~~ ~ ~~. .~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ FIGURE 57”santa Rita pic looking southfrom overlook, Grant County(V. T. McLemore photo,May 1995). Much of the ore formed in the sedimentary rocks adjacent to the granodiorite intrusion. This is especially and Colorado true on the east sideof the ore body whereAb0 Formation limestone, Beartooth Formation quartzite, Formation shaleall were mineralized. Hydrothermal alteration destroyed many of the distinguishing characteristics of the granodiorite andthe host rocks,both sedimentary and igneous. The skarns in contact on the noahwest and southeast sidesare locally attributedto the stock underlyingthe sediment (Paul Novotny, Phelps Dodge Mining Co., written communication, 1994).The barren WhimW breccia is located at the cupola of the is barren of metals p a d intrusive andis bounded on all sides by potasically altered granodiorite stock, and Novotny, Phelps DodgeMining Co., written communication, 1994;Rose and Baltosser, 1966). ores in Early productionfrom the Santa Rita deposit was largely from disseminated supergene chalcocite the granodiorite stock dioriticsills, and Colorado Formation shales with production from chalcocite-pyrite skamtype ore becoming more importantas production advancedinto the Oswaldo and Syrena Formations (Nielsen, 1968, 1970). Supergene minerals are chalcocite, chysocolla, covellite, cuprite, native copper, malachite, and azurite. Primary miueralsin the porphyqore bodies are chalcocite, bornite, and molybdenite, while those in the 216 replacement bodiesare chalcopyrite and magnetite. The decrease of copper gradethrough time is apparent. In 1912, the grade was over 2% copper; in 1925, it was averaging 1.5%;in 1948 the grade was lessthan 1% (Gibson 1980the copper grade wasjust 0.81%. and Trujillo, 1966; Wunder and Trujillo, 1987);inand Steeple Rock district Mining History and Location The Steeple Rockmining district is located in the Summit Mountainsin Grant Connty, New Mexico and Greenlee County, Arizona (Fig. 58). The district includesthe Carlisle, Duncan, TwinPeaks, Hells Hole, Bitter Creek, and Goat Camp Springs subdistricts. The earliest reportof exploration in the Steeple Rock district was in 1860 whenthe military dispatched troops from Ft. Thomas (near Duncan, Arizona) toassist miners in thearea from interference by Apache Indians. Production began in 1880 when a 20-stamp amalgamating mill was erectedat theCarlisle mine.By 1886, the mill was enlargedto 60 stamps. Mostof the mines were located and under development by 1897. Production prior to 1904 is uncertain. The Carlisle mine was the largest producerand most of the production prior to 1904, about 112,000 short tons, is attributed to the Carlisle mine. Many of the mines closedin the early 1900s. In 1933, the price of goldrose from $20.67 to $35 per ounceand many of the mines in the district were re-examinedfor gold potential. From 1934 to 1942, total production from the district amountedto 1million oz Ag (Griggs and Wagner, 1966); most of this production came about 30,000 oz Au and over from the East Camp mines. In 1942, the Federal government closedall silver and gold minesand only base-metal mines were allowed to operate. Production after 1947 was minor and sporadic (Table An 102). estimated $10 million worth of gold, silver, copper, lead, and zinc have been produced from the district since 1880 (Table 102, 103). In addition, ahout 11,000short tons of fluorite and 2,000long tons of ore containing 74,500 lhs of manganese were produced (McLemore, 1993; McAnulty, 1978; Griggs and Wagner, 1966; Famham et al., 1961). In the 1970s, 198Os, and 1990s explorationfor gold in the district intensifledand resulted in drilling and some production, mainlyfor silica flu.Queenstake Resources, Ltd. estimated reserves at the Jim Crow, Imperial, and GoldKing veins as 155,535 short tons of ore averaging 0.11odton Au and 3.45 odton Ag (Queenstake Resources,Ltd., press release, April2, 1987). In the late 1980s and early199Os, Biron Bay Resources Ltd., in joint venture with Nova Gold Ltd., drilled along the Summit vein and estimated reservesas 1,450,000 short tons of ore grading 0.179 odton Au and 10.26odton Ag (Petroleum of these deposits have been mined. and Mining Review, May 1992, p. 2). None Geology The district lies on the southern edgeof the Mogollon-Datil volcanic field (late EoceneOligocene), on the northern edge of the Burro uplift, andnear the intersection of the northwest-trending Texas and northeast-trending Morenci lineaments (Fig. 58; McLemore, 1993). Rocks exposedin the Steeple Rock district consist of a complex sequenceof Oligocene to Miocene (34-27 Ma) andesite, basaltic andesite, and dacitic lavas interbedded with andesitic to dacitic tuffs, sandstones, volcanic breccias,and rhyolite ash-flowtuffs. These rocks were subsequently intruded by rhyolite plugs, dikes,and domes (33and 28-17 Ma). Faulting and tilting of the volcanic rocksin the district produced a series of half-grabens and horsts with a district-wide, regional northwest strike of foliation and bedding planesthat dip northeast (Griggs and Wagner, 1966; Powers, 1976;BiggerM, 1974; McLemore, 1993). Rhyolite dikes, plugs, and domes were emplaced along some of these faults and then locally Cut by youngerfaults. Most faults in the district are high-angle normal faults and are well exposed because they are filled withquartz veins country rock. Somefaults exhibit oblique-slip movementas evidenced by and/or silicified, brecciated slickenslides and offsetting dikes or veins (Griggs and Wagner, 1966; McLemore, 1993). 217 TABLE 102-Production from the Steeple Rock district,Grant County, New Mexico and Greenlee County, ~ ~ O n W a ” . R f i l e s ; U. S. Geological Survey, 1902-1927;U. S. Bureau of Mines, 1927-1990; 219 T B L E 103-Mines and prospectsin the Steeple Rock mining district and adjacent area, New Mexico and Arizona. From Griggs and Wagner (1966), Briggs (1981,1982), Hedlund (1990a,b, 1993), McAnulty (1978), McLernore (1993) and unpublished reports (NMBMMRfile data). Type of in deposit: Base-metalveins * Silver-gold veins CopperveinsFluoriteManganeseNot ' I 220 Mineral Deposits The mineralization in theSteeple Rock district occurs as volcanic-epithermal precious- and basemetal fissure veins along faults (#25b,c,d,g). Five typesof deposits occurin the district (Fig. 58; Table 103; McLemore, 1993): (1) base with precious metals, (2) precious metals,(3) copper-silver, (4) fluorite, may occurin and ( 5 ) manganese. A sixth type of deposit, high sulfidation (quartz-alunite) gold deposits, has occurred (McLemore, 1993). District-wide zoningof areas of acid-sulfate alteration; but no production the fissure veinsis present. The base-metal veins, with significant amonnts of goldand silver, occnr only along the Carlisle fault and may represent the center of the district. Outward from the base-metal veins, precious-metal veins occur along northwest- and north-trending fanlts. Locally, these veins grade vertically downward to trace amounts of base-metal sulfides. Some precious-metal veins grade vertically upward to copper-silver veins without any gold. Fluorite and manganese veins occur along the fringe or outer margins of the district (McLemore, 1993). The epithermal veinsare low-sulfidation (quartz(<5 eq. wt. % NaCl), slightly acidic adularia) veins, structurally controlled, and deposited by low salinity 240" and 325'C at relatively shallow depths (360-1300 m; to neutral pH fluids at temperatures between McLernore, 1993; McLemore and Clark, 1993). Several areas of acid-solfate alteration whichare cut byepithemal veins andare superimposed and surroundedby argjllic to chloritic alteration have been mapped in the district by McLemore(1993). in a magmatic-hydrothermal environmentas evidence These areas of acid-sulfate alteration were formed by mineral, chemical, and temperature zonation, preserved textures, sulfur isotopic data, and age of gold. Therefore, determinations (McLemore,1993). Some areas contain anomalous concentrations these areas need to be examined for the potential of high-sulfidation (quartz-alunite) gold deposits, Telegraph district Mining historyand production The Telegraph mining district is located in thenorthern Big Burro Mountains (Fig.1) and contains a diverse range of mineral deposits (Table 104, 105). Small Laramidevein and volcanic-epithermal depositsof precious- and base-metals, fluorite, manganese,uraninrn, and other commodities have been discovered and mined in thedistrict. Total known production amounts to 1,700 lbs Cu,1 oz Au, 1,350 oz Ag, 37,800 lbs Pb,minor Zn, 220 long tons of manganese ore, and16,603 short tonsof fluorite Fable 104,105). In addition, stratabonnd uranium deposits occurin theWild Horse Mesa area. 221 TABLE 104-Metals production from the Telegraph mining district, Grant County,New Mexico (v. S. TABLE 105-Mines an d:prospects of the.Telegraph mining district, Grant County,New Mexico. . Location incluc i section, township, and range. MINENAMELOCATION LATI'IWDE LONGITUDE COMMODITIES IDEVELOPMEN1 REFERENCES DEPOSIT Bariteprosped NW7 18s BariteNo. 2 NE18 18s 16W NW22 16s BlackTower Cloverleaf Fluorspar (Blackmoor) SW3 18s 108'35'38'' 32"46'06" 18s NW15 Hard Pan P 32' 46' 50" 108' 38' 40" Ag 32' 50'00" 108"35'00" F 32°44'44" lOS"35'27" Pb,Zn,Cu 10 A deep prospec pit, 50 A shaft (1964), Williams (1966), Hewitt (1959). Gillman sh& lOOAsh& adits shaftandthree adits NMBMMRfile data NW16 18s 16s SW22 Hillside volcanicepithemal I(1983) I Famham(l961) Williams (1966), Mchulty (1978), Hedlund (1980), NMBMMRfile data flumite veins Richter and Lawrence (1983) volcanic- Hewitt(1959), Gilleman epithemal (196% Hedlund (1980) volcanicGillman (196% epithemal Gillman and Whitebread (1956) volcanicGilman(196% ONeill epithmal and Thiede (1982) fluorite veins 18s 17W I Jackoot I C718S 24 18W 18s 2 (Yukon V O h l b Gilman(1968), FN epithemal 8/20/94 volcanic- 17W Winslow Gillman (1964) epithmal epihmal Mu Famham (1961), Richter and Lawrence(l983) Gm"P (Lone volcanicepithmal No. 1 222 Gillman (1964), ONeill andThiede (1982), FN 8/20/94 MINE NAME LOCATION LATITUDE (ALIAS) PrinceAlbert E2 18s 17W 32-46'11'' No. 2 Purple Rack N22 18s mine 18W RamblingRuby E2 18s 17W I 108°34'54" 32' 43' 40" F,U (1964) Gillman f1964). FN 2 shallow shafts, 2 adits 200 fl volcanicJones (1904), Liidgren et errithmal al. f1910). Hewitt(l9591 Gilim&(l964) volcanic- O'NeillandThiede(1982), epithemal G i l l m a n (1964) 32'45'40'' 108"33'30" Mo,Pb,Sb, W, ZnU U, Au SW1718S 17W C1 18s 32O44'20" 108°37'38" cu 32'45'55'' ~~~~~~~~ F, Mn, Ag 108'34'45" "n!UlOwD ~ I I 32'45'25" prospect ~~ volcanic- ,. Gillermanfl964>.Williams (1966). FN 8/19/94 FN 8/18/80, Gillman volcanic- NE10 18s 17W NWl218S 17W unknownCu O'NeilI and Thiede (1982), Gilleman (196% FN 8/20/94 Gillman (1952), Hewia (1959), EIston(1960), Dits. shaft trenches Union Hill property) volcanicepithemal REFERENCES F, U,Cu 108"33'45" SW32 17s 17W Claims WF Claims (Aiel10 strippin& o u b p , shallow pit 65 A inclined shall, 108fl vesical shaft adit TYPE OF DEPOSIT volcanicepithemal epithemal Telegraph (Tecumeh) 32' 46' 43" bulldozer U, W, Th,fluorite adits, shafts, pits 108' 41'25" 32"46'11" I U 108°33'46" 32'45'56'' SE3 18s 17W Purple Heatt LONGlTLDE COMMODITIES DEVELOPMENT 108' 37' 28" cu 108O33'45" . 180fladit,cuts, drilling no workings0 " b p only volcanicepithmal FN 8/5/82 2 pits epithemal- Richter and Lawrence 20 A shaft 15 fl eoithemal- Vein I, (1983) FN 8/21/94 Of the several small mines and prospects in the district, the Telegraph mine is the best known. By 1905, the small Telegraph ore bodyhad been depleted and the mining camp abandoned (Lindgrenet al., 1910). No record of the mineralogy or production from the Telegraph mine has been located (Hewitt, 1959). The Purple Heart mine in the Wild Horse Mesaarea produced 1,288short tons of fluorite ore from 1947 to 1953, and the Hummingbird mine produced 615short tons of fluorite ore in the same period (Williams, 1966). Minor manganese production occurred in the district, the Black Tower claim producing 205 long tons of ore with 41-42% contained manganese from 1954 1957. to The Hillside mine produced 15 long tons of ore with 24.6% contained manganesefrom 1952 to 1953. The Slate Creekmine produced 10short tons of ore containing 0.36 ounces of gold, 100 ounces ofsilver, 40 poundsof copper, and 2,103 pounds of lead in 1941 (NMBMMRfile data). Geology The northern Burro Mountains are composed mostly of granite, quartz diorite, and associated Proterozoic igneous rocksof the Burro Mountain batholith. Cretaceous sedimentary and volcanic rocks overliethe Proterozoic rocks in the northern part of the district. Gila Conglomerateand Recent gravelsfill the valleys. Gillerman (1964, 1970) describesthe quartz diorite that crops out extensively in the northern part of the Big Burro Mountains as white to pinkish-gray, coarse-grained, porphyritic,with a distinct foliated strncture.It weathers tan and forms generally rounded outcropswith a knobby surface due feldspar to phenocrysts. The southern boundary of School House Mountain cauldera occursin the northern part of the district (Wahl, 1980). Radial and ring-fracture faults are common and control much of the mineralization. Mineral deposits The abandoned Telegraphmine is located in an area where Beartooth quartzite is in fault contact with Burro Mountain granite by northwest-wending faults (Hewitt, 1959). The faults cut both quartzite and granite. A mineralized fissure vein strikes N28'E and dips 64"SEand is less than one foot thick where it crops outon thetop of a nearbyhill. At the entrance to the adit, the vein was probably lessthan three feet thick. In the adit, granite host rock is silicified and stained by iron and manganese oxides. Limonitestained quartz is common, and small 223 nodules and veinlets of manganese oxidesand botryoidal masses of psilomelane are observed in silicified granite and quartz-veinmaterial (Hewitt, 1959). Lindgren et aP. (1910) speculatesthat minnte black speckswithin the vein probably carriedthe silver, but Hewitt (1959) foundno silver in the vein material. At Lead Mountainin the northern part of the district, two abandoned lead mines are found on a vein in a 5- to 10-ft-thick mineralizedshear zone that strikes N30- 35"E and dips 58- 65'SE in Burro Mountains granite (Hewitt, 1959). Feldsparwithin the granite has been intensely alteredto kaolinite up to 25 ft on both sides of the vein, and the altered granite contains quartz veinlets and minute pyrite cubes(Gillermaq 1964). Samples of the mine dump yielded columnarquartz and galena in lenses and as disseminatedgrains. Material on the dump was stained by chrysocolla, iroq and manganese oxides(Hewitt, 1959). In Slate Creek Canyon, coarse galena, and minor amounts of sphalerite, bornite,and chalcopyrite have been foundin a breccia zone in Beartooth quartzite along a fault striking N62"E and dipping 68"NW. Veins of ~mlky to pale amethystquartz up to 1foot thick cutlhe quartzite, and quartz coats the breccia blocksand lines cavities between blocks. Hewitt (1959) speculated that exploration may yieldlarger bodies of galena beneaththe quartzite. Copper as malachite, chrysocolla,and tenorite was mined in the early 1900sat the Jennie minesin North Copper Canyon. Theminerals coat the granite footwall andfill narrow fractures near a fault contact of granite and metadiabase that strikes N60"E and dips 65"SE (Gillerman, 1964). Manganese at theBlack Tower mine four m i l e s south of Cliff occursin a fracture zone in tuff and rhyolite (Gillerman, 1964). In the Wild Horse Mesa area, volcanic-epithermal veins contain pyrite, quartz, sericite, gold, nranium, copper, and silver. Fluorite veins predominant (Fig. 59; Table 105). Sibtication is common (Fig. 88). Assays from these veinsare in Table 106. The veins follow faults forming ring-fractures and radial fractures from the Schoolhouse Mountain cauldera. At the Purple Heart mine, westof Wild Horse Mesa,fluorite occurs in two slightly radioactiveveins striking N34-47"W as fracture W g and crustiform masseson granite fragments in a fault breccia zone (Hewitt,1959). A sample assayed 0.3odshort ton Au and 1,265 ppmMo (NMBMMR file data). Uranium occurs asveins along shear zones cutting the Proterozoic granite and Cretaceous Beartooth Quartzite, asveins and replacements along the unconformity betweenthe Proterozoic granite and Cretaceous Beartooth Quartzite,and within fluorite veins cutting the Proterozoicgranite. Other miuor radioactive occurrences are found throughoutthe district, butthere has been no production. Assays range from 0.009% to 0.59%U~OS.A sample from the Prince Albert # l claim near Wild Horse Mesa assayed 0.09%U30Sand trace gold (NMBMMR file data). FKURE 59-Jimmy Reed fluorite mine, lookingwest; Wild Horse Mesa area. Telegraphdistricf Grant County (V. T. McLemore photo, 9/94). 224 ~~ FIGURE GO-Silification along a fault in the Wild Horse Mesa area, Telegraphdistrict, Grant County (V. T. McLemore photo,9194). TABLE 106"Cbemical analyses of samples from Wild Horse Mesa area,Telegraph district. Analyzed hy Bondar-Clegg and Co. Ltd. (Au by fire assay; Ag, Cu, Pb, Zn, Mo by FAAS; As, Sb by INAA; 225 White Signal district Location and Mining History The White Signal mining district is located approximately15 miles southof Silver City on US180 (Fig. 1). The district includes almostall of T20S, R14 and 15W.and a small areain the southeastern part of R16W (Gillennan, 1953,1964). The White Signal mining district encompassesthe southeastern part of the Burro Mountainsand the isolated hills and plains south and southeast of the mountains. Mining in the district beganin the 1870’s or 1880’s. Types of deposits foundin the White Signal district include; Laramide veins, gold placer deposits, and pegmatites. From these deposits,the district has produced fluorspar, urannim, radinm, gold, silver, lead, bismuth, turquoise, garnet, and ocher (Tables 4, 5,6). From 1880-1968,total estimated metal production amounted to 26,000 lbs Cu, 2,500 oz Ag, and $80,000 (Table 107). In addition, 1,700 ozAu and 10 lbs of garnet 2,200 lbs Pb worth approximately have been produced from placer gold deposits (Johnson, 1972; McLemore, 1994a). No deposit has been than 100 ft deep (Gilleman, 1964). explored to adepth greater than 260 ft; average workings extend less TABLE 107-Metals production from the White Signal - mining - district. Grant Countv. New Mexico (USBM Mineral Yearbooks). I. YEAR LEAD SILVER GOLD ORE LODE GOLD COPPER (SHORT (LBS) TONS) (02) PLACER (02) (LBS) TOTAL VALUE($) Geology The rocks of the White Signal mining district range in age from Proterozoicto Tertiary andare dominated by igneous intrusive rocks. The Proterozoic granite of the Burro Mountain pluton is the predominant country rock in thearea (Gillennan, 1964). Pegmatites commonly intrude the granite in the eastern portion of the district. The oldest rocksin the area are the quartz-biotite and hornblende schists of in the Burro Mountains granite. Proterozoic diabase the Bnllard Peak Series, which occur as xenoliths dikes are found throughoutthe area, butare most numerousin the south and western portions of the district and are associated with uranium veins (Gilleman, 1964). The dikes are as much as 50 ft wide and can be traced for morethan a mile. Occasionally, they widen into irregular bodies. In many of the outcropping dikes, diabase has been altered to masses of chlorite, iron oxides, epidote,and clays. The is found in the northwestern portionsof the Cretaceous-Tertiary Tyronequartz monzonite porphry stock area and has an age date of 56.2*1.7 Ma (McDowell, 1971; Hedlund, 1978f, 1985a).Quartz monzonite dikes related to the Tyrone stockare common in the northern portion of the district. Plugs and dikes of Tertiary rhyoliteare also common throughoutthe district; manyare associated withthe gold-uranium veins, whereas others cutthe veins (Gillennan, 1964; Hedlund,197Xd,e,f,g). The rhyolites have age dates between 41.9*3.0 and 49.5h2.8Ma (Hedlund, 1985a). and northwest. Many of the diabase dikes, Faults in the district strike principally east-northeast as well as rhyolite andquartz monzonite dikes, have intrudedalong fault planes. This indicates that the faults may have developedduring Proterozoic times(Gilleman, 1964). The more conspicuousfaults 226 (Blue Jay, Uncle Sam,and Walnut Creek) range from a mile to several miles in length. Mineralization and alterationof rock types typically occurs at the intersections of faults, dikes,and fractures. Mineral Deposits Laramide vein deposits typically occnr in brecciated fault zones, as fissure-fillings along fractures, andin mineralized zones occnringat the intersections of faults, fractures, and dikes (Table 108). The veins generally trend in the same east-northeast and northwest directions as the faults and appear to be relatedto the rhyolite intrusions dated as 40-50 Ma (Hedlund, 1985a). Because of the localized nature of these depositsat fault-dike intersections, they are usually discontinuous and small. Veins can rarely be traced morethan 500 ft (Gilleman, 1964). The veins are variable in mineralogy; simple quartz-pyritegold, quartz-molybedenite,and more complex veins are common in the district (Hedlund, 1985a). The veins locally contain gold, native silver, argentite, chalcopyrite, sphalerite, galena, bismuthinite, and uraninite (Gillerman, 1964; Hedlnnd, 1985a). Assays as much as 15,300 Au ppbare reported in recent studies (O'Neilland Thiede, 1982; Hedlund, 1985a). Fluorite veins appear to be youngerthan the polymetallic veins. Silicification is common. TABLE 108-Mines and I)rosuects in the White Signal district. Grant Counm. New Mexico. Deoosits are Laramide vei :,h e i s otherwise describz, Locationincludessection, township,and range. I I, I ILOCATIOK MINE ~ ~~~ ~ LATITUDE LONGITUDE DEVELOPMENT GEOLOGY COMMODITIES REFERENCES 32' 32' 40" 108' 22' 50" pits U,Cu,Au granite - Hole puecein-the-HoIiole Zshafts(65A veinalong deep), trench, pitsdiabase dike 32"33'28" 108°23'50" Lindsey, Denver) 32°36'00" I 108"21'20" (Black Cat) Bisbee 32'32'45'' 108922'50" 267.05: 15W 32' 32' 40" 108* 22' 25" SE2720S 32'32'00" 108°22'35" 32"31'40" 108'22'5'' 32"32'30" 32'32' 35" 32'32'35" 32' 32' 40" Blue Jay I I 108°22'50" 108' 22'30" 108O 22'45" 108O 21' 50" Raven, Janet r" Bouncing Bet 24 20s 15W CalamiN SE23 20s U, Cu,AuAnderson(1980), Oneill andThiede (1982), M c h o r e (1983), Gilleman(l9641 FN I7112180 2OOflsh&, vein cut fault U, Au, Cu,Bi, Ag O'Neill and Thiede (1982), inclined diabase shaft, and pits McLemore (1983, dike Hedlund (197811)'~ U, C u , Au O'Neill and Thiede (1982), 30Ash&trench, latitedike pit McLemore(l983) caved shaft, pits veins along U, C u , Au McLemore (1983),O'Neill Blue Jay fault (1982), Thiede and Hedlund f1978hl Gille&(196kj 80-90 flshafts, granite U, Cu, McLemore Au (1983), O'Neill lOOAadit (1982), Thiede and Hedlund (1978113, Gillem&(l964) 5flpit along veins U,Cu, Au McLemnre (1983), (1978h), Hedlund dike rhyolite F'N 8/6/82 pit fillings in Mn Richter and Lawrence 1granite I(1983) pits, shafts ffiult in Ag, Pb I Richter and Lawrence granite (1983) pits, shaft granite U,Cu,Au pits, trenches, veim along U,Cu,AuMcLemore(1983), h g e r shaft, drillholes Blue Jay fault et al. (1952), Gillman (0-50 fl) deep (1964). Gilleman and Lovering (1956);FN I I I I I I I 7l12180- . 32O33' 10" 108°20'30" 2 shafts, pits, dikediabase trenches veinalong U, C u , Au 32'33'30" 108°25'30" pit granite U, Cu,Au 108"21'30" BlueJayfault U,Cu,Au 32'32'55" trenches, Zshafts(1OOfl deep), 227 ,I ~ ~ ' McLemare(1983), O'Neill and Thiede (1982), Gilleman (196% F'N 8120180 O'Neill and Thiede (1982), Mclemore (1983) McLemore(l983), Andenon(l980) LOCATIOb (Utab Anne, LATlTUDE LONGITUDE DEVELOPMENT GEOLOGY COMMODITIES REFERENCES SE22 20s 15w level, 18 turquoise NE25 20s 15w Combination NE23 20s 15w Copeland 820s 15W Glance NE23 20s 15w Edmonds Edwards lIPaddvfad Eugenie hevoss star, Floyd Collins (Leach, Aaiminas mine #3 Gold Lake SW27 20s 15w c3420s 15w 17 20s 15w 32O33'30" I 11l8~21'25" I I I I 130%6Oflsh& pits veinsaid altered diabase dike granite I I 108°21'25" 32'33'00'' I I 22' 50" 32' 32' 00" 108" 22' 35" 23, NE26 20s 15w I &pis; U, Cu, Au I I I 85flsh&lrench, veincuv; cut pit (1982). Thiedeand dike rhyolite I 150 A, 30 ft sh& 29" 32" 31'108' I McLemore Au U, Cu, granitepits I granite I granite Pb, Zn,Cu, Au pit granite U,Cu, Au I Thiede and Ipits szo 20s I between granite and diabase dike placer gold U, Cu, Au I (Lone Jack, Good Luck, Sprouse, SW24 20s 15w pits, adits 8,9,17 20s 15w McLemore (1983), O'Neill 1/27/95 FN McLemore (1983), O'Neill andThiede (1982), Gillman (1964) McLemore (1983). O'Neill and Thiede (1982), I~ i 1 1 m m ( i 9 6 4 j McLemore (1983), O'Neill andThiede(l982), Gilleman(l964), Andenon(l980), FN ~~~ ~~~ I AU diabase dike U, C u , Au pegmatite U, Cu, AU granite veinalong diabase dike U,Cu, Au I I120s 15w McLemore (1983), O'Neill and Thiede (1982). I Gilleman(i964j (1983) ~ drill holes 1720 20s 15w 8/20/80 I Gillman(i964j. Cu, Au pits, trenches (1982). I Gillman(l964):.FN I with water, drifts, W22,EZl 20s 15w I C u , Au, U shaft diabase dike 14W Golden Eagle NE14 20s 15w HighNoon McLemore (1983). O'Neill 35 A glory hole I Dagger Point U,Cu, Au along contad drifts on70 A U,Au granite U, Au granile veinsin diabase McLemore UAu ,Cu, (1983). I ~ ~ , , Gilleman (1964). HiIpert (1963, FN 7/12/80 Gilleman (1964) M c h o r e (1983), O'Neill and Thiede (1982), Hedlund (1978h), Gillman(l964), FN 7/12/80 McLemore(1983),O'Neill andThiede(1982), Hedlund(1978g), Gilleman (1964) - McLemore (1983), O'Neill and Tbiede (1982), Hedlund(l978h). Gillman(l964) Gillman(l968) 14 18s 15W (BlackHawk, Blue BirchJ and K, Little 15,22 20s 15w 32O33'31" 1OSo22'44" Zsh&,Zpits (1982), Thiede and (1983) O'Neill Hedlund (1978g), Gillman (1964) Little Cookie L820S 15W Lone Jack L420S 15W 32' 33' 12" 108O21' 00" pits granite U, Cu, Au pits granite U, Cu, Au 228 McLemoreO'Neill (1983), and Thiede (1982), Hedlund (19789) McLemore (1983). O'Neill MINE NAME (.4LAIS) Merry Widou LOCATIOb LATITUDE c 2 2 20s 320 33' 10" 15w Monarch level, pits, wenches 19 20s 1 5 u 32.3 32'50" Moneymaker SW1920S 15w Mose T i m e t NE21 21s 14W Nan= 24 20s 1 5 u New Years 22 20s 15u Gifl Paymaster (Old P.%paSter, Silver, AML 5-546-7) Pegmatites (AML 3) shafts pits 32' 32' 50" 320 33'10" 32' 33' 8" U,Cu,Au U,Cu, A", Bi co&d 32' 32' 50" NW28 20s 15W 32'32'30" Red Bird 22,23,26 20s 15w 320 33'00" Red Dodson E14 20s 15w 320 34'5" E14 20s 15W . SE23 20s 15W 320 33' 12" ralcacite [AML 10) swz5 20s 32' 32' 40" runnel Site Fdna May, AML 9) Valley [Tullock Anomaly 8) 15w SE23,24 20s 15w Book) 260 fi), pits "I108O 21' 40" 120 Ash&, pits 229 - Au Ae- U,Cu, Au sw25 20s 15W [Paddflard, Albenine, Ianet D, 50-100flshaft 15 vein A adit (SOflshaffs I veins in 250 fl adit with 20,40 flwinzes Wisconsin EritZe, 108°21'45" 15w SEl5 20s 14W 16 20s 15W Richter and Lawrence (1983) McLemare (1983), O W d l and Thiede (1982), Hedlund (1978g), Gilleman (1964), FN 7/25/80 U, Cu, Au McLemore (1983), ONeill andThiede(l982), Hedlund (1978g), Gillman(l964) 1, Cu, Au, Bi, Ag M c h o r e (1983), Hedlund (1978h), Gillman (1964), FN 7/12/80 U, Cu,Au McLemore (1983), ONeill and Tbiede (1982), Hedlund (1978g), Gilleman (1964) U, Cu, Au Richter and Lzwrence (1983) U, Cu, Au McLemore (1983), ONeill and Thiede (1982), Hedlund (1978g), Gillman(l964). U, Cu, 320 34' 15" 23.24 20s Gillman (1968) McLemore (1983), ONeill andThiede (1982), Hedlund (1978g), Gillemm(1964) i, C u , Au, Pb, Ag McLemore (1983), ONeill andThiede (1982), Hedlund (1978g), Gilleman (1964) by US flshaft pits Saddle Mountain Shamrock rimmm rhyolite dike U, Cu, Au, Pb, fluorite barite, Pb, Ag 21,28 20s 15w RedHill and Thiede (1982), Hedlundfl978r), I IRichter and Lawrence I(1983) I McLemore (1983), ONeill and Thiede (1982), Hedlund (1978g), G i l l m a n (1964). FN 1/27/95 andThiede (1982), Hedlund (1978g), I Gilleman (1964). FN 7/21/80 diabase dikes andThiede (1982), Hedlund (1978g), Gillemk(l984) and Thiede (1982), The uraninm deposits in the area occur withinthe zone wherethe diabase has been oxidized, as concentrations of secondary uranium phosphates, or as disseminationsin altered granite and dike rocks or coated withuranium phosphates ( G i l l e m , 1964). These deposits consistof closely spaced fractures filled usually 1 mm thick or less. Antunite andtorbemite are theuranium-bearing minerals. Theyare associated with gold, copper, and silver in the oxidized zone. Belowthe oxidized zone,the primary ore minerals,such as native gold, chalcopyrite, argentiferous galena, and specular hematite, are not of suflicient abundance to exploit under 230 present economic conditions. Bismuth minerals have been reported in some deposits (Gillennan, 1964). Mostof the deposits in thearea, withthe exception of the Floyd Collinsand Inez mines, werefirst mined for baseand precious-metals. or lenses occurin Bnrro Mountaingranite in thewestern part Rare earth-element-bearing pegmatitic pods of the area. These depositsare similar to those found a few miles to the south-southwest in theGold Hillmining district (McLemoreet al., 1988a,b). AUanite, enxenite, samarskite, and cyrtoliteare the rare earthelementbearing minerals present. Several of the streams anddry washes in the Burro Mountains have reported placer gold deposits. is not specifically According to Johnson (1972), the origin of placer goldin Thompson's Canyon and Gold Gulch known, but it probably is derived from gold-bearing veins that occur in theadjacent mountains. In the Gold Lake area, placer gold originated from veinlets in a smallgranite knob whichis mounded by alluvium. Garnet was also produced fromthis area (Gillennan, 1964). Johnson (1972) reportsthat gold placers were worked in Thompson's Canyonand Gold Gulchin 1884 and possibly earlier. The amount of this early productionis unknown. Most of the district's placermining in this century took placein the 1930s. Wilcox district Location and Mining History The Wilcox (Seventy-four)mining district is located in northwest Grant Countyand extends northwestward into Catron County (Fig. 1). Only about one third of the district is in Grant County. In the past, the district has beenthe site of active mining and exploration, butlittle production. Approximately 1,500mining claims have been staked in the district sinceits discovety in 1879 (Ratte etal., 1979). The majority of these have been in theCatron Countypart of the district; but numerous claims, prospect pits, shafts, and adits are located in Grant County (Table 109; Fig. 61). This part of New Mexico wasso inaccessiblethat early production was transported to the mill by pack train (Rothrock et al., 1946).At least 10,603 short tons fluorite, 17 oz Ag, <IO0 oz this district (Tables2,4; Ratte et al., gold, some copper,and 5 short tons of tellurium ore have been produced from 1979). It is not known whatpart of this production came from Grant County. In 1942,2tons of ore containing17 oz Ag and some gold and copper were produced from the district. TABLE 109-Mines and prospectsof the Wilcox mining district, Grant County,New Mexico. Location 23 1 108'50' I R19W 108%5 R18W 108'40' R17W 108'35' R16W Geology Rocks in the district are part of the Datil-Mogollon volcanic field which overlies several thousand of feet Mesozoic and Paleozoic sedimentary rocks. Proterozoic basement rocks underlie the sedimentary nnits unless they have been replaced by batholithic intrusions which are proposed to underlie muchof the Tertiary volcanic field (Elston etal., 1976; Rattd et al., 1979).The rocks in the district are almost entirelyof middle to late Tertiary age volcanic rocks except where they are overlain by younger conglomeratesor are coveredby snrlicial sandand gravel deposits (Ratteet al., 1979). In the Grant Countypart of the district, the oldest volcanic formation is the Cooney quartz latite tuf€of al.,et1987). Overlyingthe tuff are younger pre-Bnrsum Oligocene age (32+ 1.5 Ma, Bikerman, 1972; Marvin caldera rocksof Miocene and Oligocene age (Elston, 1994). These rocks consist of the andesite and basaltic lava flows and flow breccias. Younger rhyolite flows and domes of Miocene and Oligocene agethat consist of mainly flow-banded spheruliticto porphyritic rhyoliteand associated pyroclasticand volcaniclastic rocks rest upon the younger pre-caldera rocksin the southern tip of the district (Rattd et al., 1979). The volcanic rocksof the Datil volcanic field may cover mineral deposits in the Mesozoic and Paleozoic sedimentary rocks or deeper in the volcanic blanket. Mineral Deposits The Wilcoxmining district liesalong a line of northwest-trending faults occurring along the western edge of the Datil Volcanic field between Seventyfour and Sheridan Mountains and are related tothe Bnrsnm caldera (Elston, 1994). Mineral depositsin the part of the district in the study area are volcanic-epithennal fluorite (*nu) and Seventyfonr Mountains. and quartz veins in mineralized faultsin the volcanic rocks between Haystack Epithermal manganese and barite can also be found. Brecciation and banded texturesare common. Assays from the entire district rangeas high as 1.3 odton Au, 16.16 odton Ag, 7.05% Cu, 9.01%Zn (Ratte et al., 1979). In as much as 3,500 ppm Te (Ratte et al., 1979). the Little Dry, Pine, and Sacaton Creek areas, samples assayed Mineralization in most of the district is controlled by north- and northwest-trending fractures zones, by rhyolitic intrusionsin the ring-fmcture zoneof Bursum caldera, andby northeast-trending fracturesin the resurgent domeof the Bursum caldera (Ratte al., et 1979). The veinsare widely scatteredin the Wilcox district (Ratte al., et 1979) and relatively little subsurface exploration has occurred. Regional alteration consists of kaolinite, chlorite,and silicification. Local areasof acidsulfate alteration with alunite occnrs in the district and has been datedas 31-33 Ma (Marvin etal., 1987). The in the subsurface. silicification and argillic and acid-sulfate alteration suggest potential exists for extensive deposits Furthermore, the structural positionof the Datil volcanic field is located nearthe intersection of major regional et al., 1979). tectonic trends,and near major depositsof precious and base metals, iron, manganese (Ratte The majorityof the mineral depositsin the Grant Countypart of Wilcox mining district are small fissnrefilling fluorite veins.At the Margie Ann mine, for example, a 150-ft long adit was driven along a northwesttrending fault. A high-grade copper-bearing quartz is vein exposed along the east wallof the adit and a sample was taken across a small lens containing copper, silver, and gold (Ratteal., et 1979). It assayed 0.04odton Au, 3.66 odton Ag, 7.05% Cu, and minorPb, Bi, Mo, and W. At the Seventyfonr Mountain prospect, narrow fluorite striking N12"W and veins are in Cooney Quartz LatiteTuffadjacent tothe footwall of a 30-ft-wide rhyolite dike dipping 84"W, and in a crossfaultthat offsets the dike (Williams,l966). The vein adjacent the to dike consistsof 6 inches of high-grade fluorspar and6 inches of brecciated material containing some fluorspar. Total traceable length of the vein is approximately 100ft. A sample contained 56.77% fluorite (Ratteal., et 1979). At the Rainbow prospect,three narrow fissure veins occnr in rhyolite and andesite. They contain fluorsparin coarsely crystalline fissure-filling material.All three veins crop out on a very steep mountain slope within 100 ft of each other. The veins strike S3S0W to S1O"E and dip 8O"W. Samples across two ofthe veins contain55 and 78.9% C a F 2 (Williams, 1966). At the Gold Spar mine,a breccia zone1to 10ft wide has fluorite, calcite, and quartz as fracture fillings. High grade veinsare from 12 inchesto 5 feet in width, andare exposed for a maximumof 500 ft (Gillerman, 1964). Ore soldto the mill at Silver City assayed 74.0% CaF2 (Williams, 1966). 233 REFERENCES Abramson, B. S., 1981, The mineralizingfluids responsible forskarn and ore formationat the Continental mine, Fierro, New Mexico, in light of REE analyses and fluid inclusion studies: M.S. thesis, Socorro, New Mexico Institute Mining of and Technology, 143 pp. Agey, W.W., Batty, J. V., Knutson, E. G., and Hanson,G.M., 1959, Operations of manganese-ore' purchasing depotsat Deming, New Mexico and Wende, Arizona: U. S. Bureau of Mines, Report of Investigations"5462, 18 pp. Agezo, F. L. and Norman, D. 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