Research Paper Also available as TILEC DP 2011-037 | 07 Jan Boone | Christoph Schottmüller 2011 Health insurance without single crossing: why healthy people have high coverage Health Insurane without Single Crossing: why healthy people have high overage ∗ † Jan Boone and Christoph Shottmüller July 7, 2011 Abstrat Standard insurane models predit that people with high (health) risks have high insurane overage. It is empirially doumented that people with high inome have lower health risks and are better insured. We show that inome dierenes between risk types lead to a violation of single rossing in the standard insurane model. If insurers have some market power, this an explain the empirially observed outome. This observation has also poliy impliations: While risk adjustment is traditionally viewed as an intervention whih inreases eieny and raises the utility of low health agents, we show that with a violation of single rossing a trade o between eieny and solidarity emerges. Keywords: health insurane, single rossing, risk adjustment JEL lassiation: D82, I11 ∗ We gratefully aknowledge nanial support from the Duth National Siene Foundation (VICI 453.07.003) † Boone: Department of Eonomis, University of Tilburg, P.O. Box 90153, 5000 LE, Tilburg, The Netherlands; Tile, CentER and CEPR, email: Shottmüller: Department of Eonomis, Tile and CentER, Tilburg University, email: 1 1. Introdution A well doumented problem in health insurane markets with voluntary insurane (like the US) is 1 Standard insurane models (inspired that people either have no insurane at all or are underinsured. by the seminal work of Rothshild and Stiglitz (1976) (RS) and Stiglitz (1977)) predit that healthy people have less than perfet insurane or in the extreme no insurane at all. However, both popular aounts like Cohn (2007) and aademi work like Shoen, Collins, Kriss, and Doty (2008) show that 2 We people with low health status are overrepresented in the group of uninsured and underinsured. develop a model to explain why sik people end up with little or no insurane. We do this by adding two empirial observations (disussed below) to the RS model: (i) riher people tend to be healthier and (ii) health is a normal good. Tehnially speaking, introduing the latter two eets an lead to a violation of single rossing in the model. Another indiation that the standard RS framework (with single rossing) does not apture reality well is the following. The empirial literature that is based on RS does not unambiguously show that asymmetri information plays a role in health insurane markets. One would expet people to be better informed about their health risks than their insurers think for example of preonditions, medial history of parents and other family members or life style. However, some papers, like for example Cardon and Hendel (2001) or Dowd, Feldman, Cassou, and Finh (1991), do not nd evidene of asymmetri information while others do, e.g. Bajari, Hong, and Khwaja (2006) or Munkin and Trivedi (2010). The test for asymmetri information employed in these papers is the so alled positive orrelation test, i.e. testing whether riskier types buy more overage. We show that the RS model with a violation of single rossing is apable of explaining why healthy people have better insurane (in equilibrium) than people with a low health status. In partiular the positive orrelation property no longer holds if single rossing is violated. Consequently, testing for this positive orrelation an no longer be viewed as a test for asymmetri information. As mentioned, we use two well doumented stylized fats to motivate this violation of single rossing in the market for health insurane. First, riher people fae lower health risks, see for example Frijters, Haisken-DeNew, and Shields (2005), Gravelle and Sutton (2009) or Munkin and Trivedi (2010). 1 Potential explanations for this In empirial studies, underinsurane is dened using indiators of nanial risk. To illustrate, one denition of underinsurane used by Shoen, Collins, Kriss, and Doty (2008) is out-of-poket medial expenses for are amounted to 10 perent of inome or more. In our theoretial model, underinsurane refers to less than soially optimal/eient insurane. 2 In the words of Shoen, Collins, Kriss, and Doty (2008, pp. w303): underinsurane rates were higher among adults with health problems than among healthier adults. 2 orrelation between inome and health inlude the following. High inome people are better eduated and hene know the importane of healthy food, exerise et. Healthy food options tend to be more expensive and therefore better aordable to high inome people. Or (with ausality running in the other diretion) healthy people are more produtive and therefore earn higher inomes. Aording to standard insurane models, this would imply that rih people buy less generous health insurane (ompared to poor people). However, riher people have more generous health insurane, for example, in the form of lower dedutibles or higher overage. Evidene for this an be found in Munkin and Trivedi (2010), Finkelstein and MGarry (2006), Kuttner (1999) or DeNavas-Walt, Protor, and Smith (2008) where the extreme form of underinsurane is emphasized: Low inome itizens are more likely to have no health insurane at all. The seond stylized fat is that health is a normal good. The eet of inome on treatment hoie is well doumented in the medial literature. The main emphasis in this literature is that patients with low inome annot aord treatment even if they have a presription by their dotor. Piette, Heisler, and Wagner (2004b, p. 384) for instane report that from a sample of hronially ill diabetes patients A total of 19% of respondents reported utting bak on mediation use in the prior year due to ost [. . . ℄. Moreover, 28% reported forgoing food or other essentials to pay mediation osts. By extrapolating from their sample to the US population Piette, Heisler, and Wagner (2004a, p. 1786) onlude that 2.9 million of the 14.1 million Amerian adults with asthma (20%) may be utting bak on their asthma mediation beause of ost pressures. They also doument for a number of hronial onditions that people from low inome groups are muh more likely to report foregoing presribed treatment due to osts. 3 Further examples an, for instane, be found in Goldman, Joye, and Zheng (2007). For the eet of insurane overage on treatment hoie, Shoen, Collins, Kriss, and Doty (2008, pp. w305) report that [b℄ased on a omposite aess indiator that inluded going without at least one of four needed medial are servies, more than half of the underinsured and two-thirds of the uninsured reported ost-related aess problems. A similar piture emerges in the international omparison by Shoen, Osborn, Squires, Doty, Pierson, and Applebaum (2010). 4 Hene, low inome people with high opayments will tend to forego treatment or hoose heaper treatment options. Single rossing means that people with higher health risks have a higher willingness to pay for 3 For most hroni diseases people with inome less than $ 20000 are roughly 2 (5) times more likely to forego presribed treatment due to osts than people with an inome between $ 20000 and $ 40000 (more than $ 60000); see table 3 in Piette, Heisler, and Wagner (2004a) for details. 4 Li and Trivedi (2010) also show that marginal utility of health insurane overage is inuened by both inome and risk fators. 3 marginally inreasing overage, e.g. reduing opayments. If this property holds for all possible overage levels, a given indierene urve of a high risk type an ross a given indierene urve of a low risk type at most one. To see why the stylized fats above an lead to a violation of single rossing, onsider the following. At full overage (indemnity insurane that pays for all medial osts) high risk (low health) types will tend to spend more on treatments than low risk types. Hene a small redution in overage, leads to a bigger loss in utility for high risk types. Now onsider health insurane with low overage where the insured faes substantial opayments. Beause health is a normal good, it is possible that the rih-healthy type spends more on treatment than the low inome, low health type. In that ase, a small hange in overage has a bigger eet on the utility of the healthy type than of the low health agent. The healthy type will therefore have a higher willingness to pay for a marginal inrease in overage than the low health type. This violates single rossing. We show that in insurane models without single rossing higher health risks are not neessarily assoiated with more overage while this predition is inevitable with single rossing. Not only leads this to preditions that are loser to empirial observations (as doumented above), it also has lear poliy impliations. We illustrate this with risk adjustment. Risk adjustment is used by the sponsor (government or employer) of a health insurane sheme to redue expeted ost dierenes between types. Based on observable harateristis (like age, gender 5 the health insurer is subsidized (taxed/subsidized less) for ustomers with high (low) expeted et.) osts. This is used in a number of ountries like Australia, Canada, Germany, Ireland (until 2008), The Netherlands, South Afria and the USA (see Ellis (2007) and Armstrong, Paolui, MLeod, and Van de Ven (2010)) in both mandatory state insurane and voluntary private insurane. The two main goals of risk adjustment are eieny and fairness (or solidarity); see Van de Ven and Ellis (2000) for an overview of the literature on risk adjustment and the way it is used in pratie. Indeed, in the standard RS model, these two goals go in hand in hand. Starting from zero risk adjustment, inreasing the subsidy to the high risk onsumer inreases both eieny and the utility of people with low health status. Hene the sponsor of the health insurane sheme does not need to hoose between these two objetives. As we show below, this is no longer the ase with a violation of single rossing. In partiular, when single rossing is violated, risk adjustment will either inrease eieny (by reduing o-payments for high risk types) or inrease the utility of high risk types; but not both. Hene when designing the risk adjustment sheme, the sponsor needs to be expliit whether the goal is eieny or solidarity. In other words, with a violation of single rossing there is a trade o between eieny and equity. 5 Clearly, observable harateristis are not a perfet preditor of risk type. Glazer and MGuire (2000) show how the imperfetion of the signals should be taken into aount when designing the risk adjustment sheme. 4 The literature on violations of single rossing is relatively sare. There are three papers analyzing perfetly ompetitive insurane markets with 2×2 types: People dier in two dimensions and both dimensions an either take a high or a low value. In Smart (2000) the two dimensions are risk and risk aversion. Netzer and Sheuer (2010) model an additional labor supply deision and the two dimensions are produtivity and risk. Wambah (2000) models both wealth and risk. All papers have a pooling result, i.e. if single rossing does not hold two of the four types an be pooled. Our paper ontributes by deviating from the perfet ompetition assumption. We show that under imperfet ompetition types annot only be pooled but high risk types might get even less overage in equilibrium than low risk types. Jullien, Salanie, and Salanie (2007) take a dierent approah to answer the question why high risk types might have lower overage in general insurane markets. They use a model where types dier in risk aversion and single rossing is satised. Hene, types with higher risk aversion will have more overage in equilibrium. At the same time more risk averse agents might engage more in preventive behavior. If types are still separated in equilibrium and risk aversion dierenes remain the driving fore, high risk aversion types will exhibit less risk (due to prevention) and higher overage. Similar lines of reasoning an be found in Hemenway (1990) and De Meza and Webb (2001). Sine risk in the health setor is exogenously dierent for dierent persons (e.g. due to genetis), we follow RS and take a dierent starting point than Jullien, Salanie, and Salanie (2007). We assume risk dierenes instead of risk aversion dierenes. The result that high risk people have low overage is in our paper not the result of low risk aversion. The driving fore is the violation of single rossing aused by empirially doumented inome dierenes between high risks and low risks. Finally, our paper is related to the industrial eonomis literature on non-linear priing in oligopoly (see, for instane, Armstrong and Vikers (2001), Stole (1995) and Stole (2007)). This literature fouses on the welfare eets of non-linear priing in imperfetly ompetitive markets. Our ontribution to this literature is to do omparative stati analysis with respet to risk adjustment. In other words, our paper has positive (testable) impliations for non-linear priing in oligopoly. Moreover, whereas the insurane papers mentioned above fous on either perfet ompetition or monopoly, we atually analyze all three ases: perfet ompetition, monopoly and oligopoly. As one would expet, the assumptions on the ompetitive situation matter for the results. In the following setion, the model is introdued and illustrated with an example. Then equilibrium in monopoly and oligopoly is derived. Thereafter we introdue risk adjustment and show the trade o between eieny and solidarity in ase single rossing is violated. We onlude with the impliations of our model for so alled advantageous seletion. Proofs are relegated to the appendix. 5 2. Insurane model This setion introdues a general model of health insurane that allows us to onsider both the ase where single rossing (SC) is satised and the ase where it is not satised (NSC). The setion onludes with a model where SC is not satised beause of inome dierenes between onsumer types. Whereas the RS model predits that people with high expeted health are expenditures have generous overage in their insurane, we allow for the ase that these people annot aord suh generous insurane. Following RS, we onsider an agent with utility funtion 6 or generosity of her insurane ontrat, θ ∈ {θ l , θ h } with θh > θl > 0 u(q, p, θ) where q ∈ [0, 1] p ≥ 0 denotes the prie of insurane (insurane denotes the type of onsumer. q h = q l = 1; sense of higher expeted osts (in ase denotes overage 7 Higher θ premium) and denotes a higher risk in the see below). This ould, for instane, be the ase due to hroni illness or higher risk due to a geneti preondition. We make the following assumptions on the utility funtion. Assumption 1 0. The utility funtion We dene the indierene urve u(q, p, θ) is ontinuous p(q, u, θ) and dierentiable. It satises uq > 0, up < as follows: u(q, p(q, u, θ), θ) ≡ u We assume that these indierene urves p(q, u, θ) (1) are dierentiable in q and u with pq = −uq /up > 0, pu = 1/up < 0. Further, the rossing at q=1 satises: pq (1, uh , θ h ) > pq (1, ul , θ l ) for all ul ≥ ūl = u(0, 0, θ l ), uh ≥ ūh = u(0, 0, θ h ). In words, utility For given type θ u is inreasing in overage and utility level yield the same utility. u, q and dereasing in the premium the indierene urve Beause higher q requires a lower prie. Thus, raising Apart from literal overage where 1/(1 + dedutible). u 1−q p(q, u, θ) leads to higher utility, Hene, indierene urves are upward sloping in 6 (C1) (q, p) p p paid for insurane. maps out ombinations (q, p) that inreases to keep utility onstant. spae (pq > 0). Inreasing shifts an indierene urve downwards (pu denotes the agent's opayments q u (for given q) < 0). ould, for example, be interpreted as Note that in models without moral hazard both parameters are similar in the sense that high risk types dislike o-payments and dedutibles more relative to low risk types. 7 We follow RS and muh of the risk adjustment literature in assuming that there are only two types. For an analysis of a violation of single rossing with a ontinuum of types θ, 6 see Araujo and Moreira (2010) and Shottmüller (2011). k ∈ {h, l} Type buys insurane if it leads to a higher utility than her outside option outside option is given by the empty insurane ontrat: This q = p = 0. q = 1 a marginal redution in q should be ompensated by a bigger derease in p for θ h ompared At to ūk . θl. This reets the fat that the θh type faes higher expeted health are expenditures. At q = 1, i.e. at full overage, other fators like willingness to pay for treatment (whih ould be dierent for dierent types) play no role. In this sense, this assumption denes what higher higher θ means: at q = 1, types fae higher expeted osts. With the same idea we assume that expeted osts for the insurer of a ontrat with all θ uh ≥ ūh , ul ≥ ūl . q=1 is higher for the u Intuitively, θh than for the θl type: c(1, uh , θ h ) > c(1, ul , θ l ) for should not matter for health are onsumption at full overage and the high risk type will use the insurane more. To allow for inome eets (for instane, in treatment hoie; see below) the ost funtion depends on u. However, we assume two regularity onditions. Assumption 2 For eah type • cu (q, uk , θ k ) ≥ 0 for k ∈ {h, l} and q ∈ [0, 1] we assume that uk ≥ ūk , • c(1, uk , θ k ) = c(1, ũk , θ k ), for uk , ũk ≥ ūk . In words, as the inome of the agent inreases (whih eteris paribus leads to higher utility), the agent has more money to spend on treatment. As the insurer pays a fration q ≥ 0 of these treatments, this leads to (weakly) higher osts for the insurer. Seond, osts at full overage (q in utility. Intuitively, if q = 1 uk ≥ ūk .8 Beause of (C1), the single rossing ondition reads 9 pq (q, uh , θ h ) > pq (q, ul , θ l ) > 0 uh ≥ ūh , ul ≥ ūl suh that an indierene urve of type do not vary treatments are for free for the agent and there is no reason to forgo treatments, irrespetive of the level of and = 1) θh for all p(q, uh , θ h ) = p(q, ul , θ l ). q ∈ [0, 1] The intuition is the following. intersets with an indierene urve of type Then (SC) implies that the slope of the θh (SC) θl Suppose in some point (p, q). indierene urve will be higher. It follows that these two indierene urves an interset only one. We onsider both the ase where (SC) is satised and the ase where it is violated (denoted by NSC). In both the SC and NSC ases, we maintain the assumption that level (EI) for eah type 8 q = 1 is the eient insurane θ ∈ {θ l , θ h }. By assumption 3 full overage is soially desirable. Hene we do not onsider the ase where insurane leads to ineieny by induing over-onsumption of treatments. 9 This is also alled sorting, onstant sign or Spene-Mirrlees ondition (Fudenberg and Tirole (1991, pp. 259)). 7 Assumption 3 For a given utility level uk , welfare (and therefore prots) are maximized at full ov- erage, i.e. max p(q, uk , θ k ) − c(q, uk , θ k ) (EI) q∈[0,1] is maximized by q=1 for eah k ∈ {h, l} and uk ≥ ūk . This basially means that the insurane motive, i.e. transferring risk from a risk averse agent to a risk neutral insurer, is not overruled by other onsiderations. To illustrate, we do not assume that the low inome agent's preferene for health/treatment is so low that foregoing insurane would be soially optimal. Put dierently, we assume that full insurane is soially desirable. Underinsuranewith no insurane as extreme aseresults therefore not from rst best but from informational distortions and prie disrimination motives. Our motivation for making this assumption is twofold. First, this assumption simply normalizes the soially eient insurane level in the same way as in RS. Hene, we only deviate from the RS set up by allowing for both SC and NSC. Seond, we want to argue that under realisti assumptions, θh types have less than full insurane. If the optimal insurane level is atually below one, than this result would follow rather trivially. 10 We show that with the The literature on insurane models onsiders mostly perfet ompetition. assumptions made so far, perfet ompetition implies market power on the insurane side is needed to get qh = 1 q h < 1. (even if (SC) is not satised). Hene, Following the RS denition of the perfet ompetition equilibrium, we require that (i) eah oered ontrat makes nonnegative prots and (ii) given the equilibrium ontrats there is no other ontrat yielding positive prots. Proposition 1 If an equilibrium exists under perfet ompetition then q h = 1. As is well known, existene of equilibrium in the RS framework is not guaranteed. Equilibrium does not exist if the only possible (separating) equilibrium is broken by a pooling ontrat. If the fration of θh type agents in the population is high enough, then suh a deviation to a pooling ontrat is not protable and an equilibrium exists. If an equilibrium exists, it has q h = 1. The proposition shows that even with violations of single rossing, high risk types will get (weakly) higher overage than low risk types. Hene we need to deviate from perfet ompetition to get qh < ql . This proposition is in some sense reminisent of Wambah (2000), Smart (2000) and Netzer and Sheuer (2010): these papers analyze perfetly ompetitive insurane markets and a reverse order, i.e. riskier types have less overage, is impossible in these papers. 10 See Jak (2006) and Olivella and Vera-Hernández (2007) for exeptions using a Hotelling model to formalize market power on the insurer side of the market. These papers assume that (SC) is satised and hene nd eient insurane for the θh type. 8 Corollary 1 Whenever qh < ql is observed, insurers have market power. Although previous models of insurane markets assume perfet ompetition, reent researh for the US (see Dafny (2010)) shows that health insurers do have market power. More generally, in most ountries where health insurane is provided by private ompanies, these rms tend to be big (due to eonomies of sale in risk diversiation). Hene one would expet them to have some market power. In order to analyse the ontrats oered by insurers with market power, we expliitly introdue the inentive ompatibility (IC) onstraints for eah type p(q l , ul , θ l ) ≥ p(q l , uh , θ h ) (ICh ) p(q h , uh , θ h ) ≥ p(q h , ul , θ l ) The rst onstraint implies that the ontrat intended for θh (weakly) lower indierene urve for That is, the inequality implies (ICl ) θh (q h , p(q h , uh , θ h ))) (i.e. than the ontrat that is meant for the u(q h , ph , θ h ) ≥ u(q l , pl , θ h ) Similarly, the seond inequality implies that where θl type pi = p(q i , ui , θ i ) lies on a (q l , p(q l , ul , θ l )). i ∈ {h, l}. with u(q l , pl , θ l ) ≥ u(q h , ph , θ l ). Irrespetive of the mode of ompetition and whether (SC) holds, we have the following result that we use below. Lemma 1 sheme At least one type has full overage. If the types are separated under the optimal ontrat (q l , pl ), (q h , ph ) with q l 6= q h , then at most one inentive onstraint binds. We onlude this setion with a model where SC is violated due to dierenes in inome between types. The idea of the model is that for q < 1 people have to nane part of the osts of treatment out of their own poket and low inome agents may deide to hoose heaper treatment or forgo treatment altogether. This eet is doumented in the medial literature, see for example Piette, Heisler, and Wagner (2004b), Piette, Heisler, and Wagner (2004a) or Goldman, Joye, and Zheng (2007). In partiular, we assume that a type (density) funtion F (s|θ)(f (s|θ)). no treatment. Lower health states worse health than the low s θl We take s set H(s) where is ompat and s=1 H(s) s ∈ [0, 1] as the state in whih the agent is healthy and needs θh then for the s<1 θl F (s|θ h ) > F (s|θ l ) for eah for eah s ∈ h0, 1i. she an inrease her health by treatment h ∈ H(s) lead to higher health states than not falling ill. If and eah H(s) 9 θh type has In words, type. denotes the set of possible treatments in state s+h ≤ 1 with distribution orrespond to worse health. The assumption that the One an agent reeives a health shok s + h, onsumer faes health shok type an now be stated as states are more likely for the health level θ s ∈ [0, 1]. s. h ∈ H(s) to We assume that the That is, treatment annot is a singleton, the onsumer has no treatment hoie. If the set q < 1, H(s) has more than one element, low inome onsumers with partial insurane, i.e. may deide to hoose heaper treatment than if they have full insurane, i.e. h̄(s) = max{h ∈ H(s)} as the best possible treatment and assume that This means that a less aited agent (high an agent who is more seriously ill (low Let w(θ) s). s < 1) If We dene is non-inreasing in s. annot inrease his health by treatment more than 0 ∈ H(s), denote the wealth (or inome) of a type u(q, p, θ) = h̄(s) q = 1. θ an agent an forgo treatment altogether. agent. Then we write 1 Z {v(w(θ) − p − (1 − q)h(s, q, θ), s + h(s, q, θ))}dF (s|θ) 0 where h(s, q, θ) (2) is dened as: h(s, q, θ) = arg max v(w(θ) − p − (1 − q)h, s + h) h∈H(s) where v(y, h) is the utility funtion of an agent whih depends on onsumption of other goods (y ) and health (h). We assume that vhy ≥ 0. v(y, h) satises vy , vh > 0, vyy , vhh < 0 and that health is a normal good: That is, utility inreases in both health and onsumption of other goods at a dereasing rate. As inome inreases, people's preferene for health inreases as well. Further, we assume that inome and health status are negatively orrelated: w(θ h ) ≤ w(θ l ). This negative orrelation is empirially doumented, for example, in Frijters, Haisken-DeNew, and Shields (2005), Gravelle and Sutton (2009) or Munkin and Trivedi (2010). Using this notation we an write c(q, u, θ) = q Z 1 h(s, q, θ)dF (s|θ) (3) 0 The rst order ondition for an interior solution h(s, q, θ) ∈ H(s) an be written as (1 − q)vy (w(θ) − p − (1 − q)h(s, q, θ), s + h(s, q, θ)) = vh (w(θ) − p − (1 − q)h(s, q, θ), s + h(s, q, θ)) (4) To see the impliations of this model for single rossing, onsider the slope of the indierene urves in (q, p)-spae: uq pq (q, u, θ) = − = up In words, the slope on state s pq R1 0 vy (w(θ) − p − (1 − q)h(s, q, θ), s + h(s, q, θ))h(s, q, θ)dF (s|θ) R1 0 vy (w(θ) − p − (1 − q)h(s, q, θ), s + h(s, q, θ))dF (s|θ) equals the weighted average of treatment h(s, q, θ) over the states vy (w(θ) − p − (1 − q)h(s, q, θ), s + h(s, q, θ))f (s|θ) R1 0 vy (w(θ) − p − (1 − q)h(s, q, θ), s + h(s, q, θ))dF (s|θ) (where the weights integrate to 1). 10 s (5) with weight (6) s + h̄(s) = 1 To illustrate (C1) assume that (treatment makes a patient healthy again), 11 then it is routine to verify that R1 0 pq (1, u, θ) = vy (w(θ) − p, 1)h̄(s)dF (s|θ) = R1 0 vy (w(θ) − p, 1)dF (s|θ) where the last equality follows from the fat that h(s, 1, θ) = h̄(s) that for both types. If treatment is free (q is high) ompared to θl. 1 (1 − s)dF (s|θ) 0 vy (w(θ) − p, 1) is onstant in s. = 1) θh (h̄(s)). The stohasti dominane assumption implies that h̄(s) = 1 − s Z Note that we use here eah agent uses the highest treatment puts more weight on low s states (where Hene under these assumptions, ondition (C1) is satised. (SC) is satised if there are no wealth dierenes between types, i.e. w(θ h ) = w(θ l ), and H(s) satises some regularity ondition. The idea is that without wealth dierenes, (4) yields for both types the same optimal treatment. Put dierently, h(s, q, θ) is independent of θ. If patients hoose θh more treatment in worse health states, single rossing will be satised: due to stohasti dominane, s states with high h(s). types have higher weight (6) on low types for all q ∈ [0, 1]. s is onvex for eah Treatment h(s, q, θ) and non-inreasing in Hene pq in (5) is higher for is indeed non-inreasing in s.12 s if H(s) θh than for is well behaved: θl H(s) It then follows from equation (4) using the impliit funtion theorem that (−(1 − q)2 vyy + 2(1 − q)vyh − vhh ) Hene from the assumptions on v it follows that dh = vhh − (1 − q)vyh ds h(s, q, θ) (7) is non-inreasing in s. As H(s) is non- inreasing, this also holds true for boundary solutions where the impliit funtion theorem annot be used. However, if w(θ h ) < w(θ l ) then q <1 an imply that h(s, q, θ h ) < h(s, q, θ l ). This follows from equation (4), sine −(1 − q)vyy + vhy dh = >0 dw −(1 − q)2 vyy + 2(1 − q)vyh − vhh Hene, if h(s, q, θ l ) ∈ H(s) In words, sine a fration θh is an interior maximum, the 1−q type tends to hoose lower treatment Alternatively, we an assume that h̄′ (s) ∈ h−1, 0i suh that θl type (as health is a normal good). Sine s + h̄(s) is inreasing in ill, treatment does not bring bak full health. Then a suient ondition for (C1) is that ′ h̄ (s) = 0, h̄(s2 ) ≤ h̄(s1 ) then for pq (1, ·) would be the same for both types. s1 ≤ s2 ). vyyh ≥ 0 12 We say that the set exists ′ h ∈ H(s1 ) guarantees that vy ′ h̄ (s) < 0 s. In words, if an agent falls vyyh ≥ 0: Suppose it were the ase will now put more weight on low states (as is inreasing less in l s for the high type. Hene, putting more h vy is low aets the θ type less than the θ type. Consequently, (C1) is satised. H(s) is non-inreasing in s if for eah s1 , s2 with s1 ≤ s2 we have that for eah h ∈ H(s2 ) weight on low states where suh that ′ h ≥ h. h. of the treatment ost has to be paid by the insured, a low inome patient may hoose heaper treatment than the riher 11 θh (8) As a speial ase this inludes the possibility that ′ h (s) < 0. 11 H(s) = h(s) there is a singleton, with he does not utilize the insurane as muh as the (rih) low risk type, type willingness to pay for insurane overage (for q q θh has a lower marginal lose to zero). However, for high levels of overage, i.e. lose to 1, wealth dierenes matter less in the treatment hoie beause the patient does not have to pay (muh) for the treatment. Consequently, although (C1) is satised with w(θ h ) < w(θ l ), (SC) an be violated. h ∈ H(s) Hene, this model where agents dier in inome and treatment hoie is endogenous an generate the violation of (SC) mentioned above. In the next setion, we give a numerial example where (SC) is indeed violated. 3. Example As an example of an utility funtion that satises the assumptions (C1) and (EI) above and violates (SC), onsider the following mean-variane utility set up. There are two states of the world: of falling ill is denoted by F h = 0.07 > 0.05 = F l . 13 An agent either falls ill or stays healthy. F h (F l < F h ) for type θ h (θ l ). The probability In the numerial example, we hoose One an agent falls ill, the set of possible treatments is denoted by The utility of an agent of type i = h, l with treatment hoie h ∈ {h, h̄} H = {h, h̄}. is written as: u(q, p, θ i ) = F i (v(h, θ i ) − (1 − q)h) + (1 − F i )v(1, θ i ) − p − 12 r i F i (1 where v(h, θ i ) denotes the utility for type i i − F )(v(1, θ ) − v(h, θ ) + (1 − q)h) i = h, l of having health h and ri > 0 risk aversion. Hene an agent's utility is given by the expeted utility minus u denotes the degree of 1 i 2 r times the variane in the agent's utility. This is a simple way to apture that the agent is risk averse. Along an indierene urve where (9) 2 i 14 is xed, we nd the following slope: dp = F i h(q, θ i ) + r i F i (1 − F i )(v(1, θ i ) − v(h(q, θ i ), θ i ) + (1 − q)h(q, θ i ))h(q, θ i ) dq 13 For the Python ode used to generate this example, see: . 14 When an agent of type i buys a produt at prie p that gives utility v , utility of inome for agent i α (10) i. First, overall utility an be written as an dier. Low inome types are then modelled to have high an write i v − αp formalization with where α = 1. α i α there are two ways to apture the marginal i v−αp where v is the same for eah type i ; high marginal utility of inome. Alternatively, one is the same for all types. Then low inome types have low vi . We have hosen the latter The assumption that treatment is a normal good is then implemented by assuming that v(h̄, θh ) − v(h, θh ) < v(h̄, θl ) − v(h, θl ). 12 and where h(q, θ i ) h is the solution for solving max v(h, θ i ) − (1 − q)h h∈{h,h̄} In words, one an agent falls ill, she deides whih treatment to hoose based on the benet and the out-of-poket expenses v(h, θ i ) (1 − q)h. With the parameter values that we onsider below, it is the ase that r h F h (1 − F h )(v(1, θ h ) − v(h̄, θ h ))h̄ = r l F l (1 − F l )(v(1, θ l ) − v(h̄, θ l ))h̄ In words, at dp/dq q=1 (where both types hoose the highest treatment type equal θh h̄ = 0.6, h = 0.2 v(1, θ h ) = 0.9, v(h̄, θ h ) = 0.7, v(h, θ h ) = 0.45 1.1, v(h̄, θ l ) = 0.9, v(h, θ l ) = 0.5. the θl θl and the assoiated utilities for the and similarly for the type hooses h̄ even if θl q=0 for low values of the value for q q. suh that the In partiular, for θh θl type as q q=0 type ompared θh type. Sine q > 0). This does not aet treatment hoie and higher we have θh type hooses h̄ v(h̄, θ h ) − h̄ < v(h, θ h ) − h. type is indierent between treatment h̄ and if q =1 Let q̃ h(q, θ h ) = h̄. θh Then inreasing overage hene (EI) is satised for q > q̃ . q h: (12) type, we proeed in two steps. First, onsider q > q̃ redues the variane in utility for the risk averse Now onsider q < q̃ suh that h(q, θ h ) = h. but denote v(h̄, θ h ) − (1 − q̃)h̄ = v(h, θ h ) − (1 − q̃)h To verify that (EI) is satised for the θh v(1, θ l ) = type: (and the inequality is strit for leads to more insurane (provided by a risk neutral insurer). The h θl type is willing to spend more on treatment than the implies that ondition (EI) is satised for the prefers F h h̄ > F l h̄. Hene, having high health is more important for the type. This implies that 0.9 − 0.6 ≥ 0.5 − 0.2 q the variane terms in the slope (equation (10)) are equalized. Hene assumption (C1) is satised beause For the numerial example we assume to the h̄) (11) θh suh that type and In order to satisfy (EI), it must be the ase that prots (prie minus expeted osts) when oering full overage are higher than prots when oering a partial overage ontrat yielding the same utility. This an be written as: F h (v(h̄, θ h ) − h̄) + (1 − F h )v(1, θ h ) − uh − 12 r h F h (1 − F h )(v(1, θ h ) − v(h̄, θ h )2 ≥ F h (v(h, θ h ) − h) + (1 − F h )v(1, θ h ) − uh − 21 r h F h (1 − F h )(v(1, θ h ) − v(h, θ h ) + (1 − q)h)2 Note that the right hand side of this inequality inreases in example, we hoose satised for all 15 rh q ≤ q̃ Given this value of q and hene is highest at q̃ . suh that the inequality holds with equality at and hene (EI) is satised. rh , rl is hosen to satisfy equation (11). 13 q = q̃ .15 In our numerial This implies that it is With the parameter values above, it is routine to verify that (SC) is violated. Figure 1 below shows two indierene urves for the indierene urve for the θl θl type (in red) and one for the type is steeper than for the type buys the expensive treatment the θh type happens at q̃ where the while the θh θh type (in blue). Indeed, for type buys h. θl type swithes from the heap to the more expensive treatment. θh are worth more to the fat, the gure shows that for q > q̃ , the indierene urve for the θl the The kink in the indierene urve for q > q̃ the q < q̃ type. This is due to the fat that the for Hene small inreases in q h̄ θh θh type than small inreases in θh q < q̃ . In type is steeper than the one for type. This is the violation in single rossing. Hene in a simple mean-variane utility framework, it is straightforward and intuitive to generate a violation of (SC). 4. Insurane market monopoly This setion derives a simple result in a monopoly setting within the general redued form framework of setion 2. The motivation for analyzing the monopoly ase is proposition 1: An equilibrium with qh < ql an only exist if insurane ompanies have market power. Although the extreme ase of a monopoly is not very realisti, it allows to derive a lear ut result and gives some intuition for the more realisti ase of an oligopoly whih will be analyzed in the following setion. Proposition 2 highest The type with the highest willingness to pay for full overage, i.e. the type p(1, ūk , θ k ), obtains a full overage ontrat in an insurane monopoly. θk with Either his inentive ompatibility or his individual rationality onstraint is binding (or both). The other type's individual rationality onstraint is binding. Let θk denote the type with the highest willingness to pay for full overage. It follows from the proposition that θk obtains a ontrat (q, p) = (1, pk ) outome is now pinned down by the hoie of onstraints are binding. If pk = p(1, ū−k , θ −k ), separates the types and In this ase, type pk . θ −k both types are pooled. θ −k If for some pk ≤ p(1, ūk , θ k ). pk = p(1, ūk , θ k ), then both individual rationality might be exluded, i.e. If The monopoly θ −k gets the ontrat pk ∈ hp(1, ū−k , θ −k ), p(1, ūk , θ k )i, (0, 0). the equilibrium gets an insurane ontrat with partial overage. The optimal level of is determined by the share of θk pk types in the population. A diret impliation of proposition 2 is that high risk types will always have full overage if single rossing is satised. To see this, note that the indierene urve orresponding to individual rationality onstraint) goes through the origin 14 (p, q) = (0, 0) ūk (that is the for both types. With (SC) the indierene urve of the high risk type is steeper and lies therefore above the individual rationality onstraint of the low risk type for all overage levels. Without single rossing this is no longer the ase. Figure 1 shows indeed that in our numerial example the low risk type has a higher willingness to pay for full overage than the high risk type. Therefore, a monopolist will give full overage to low risk types in our example. separated, we nd that If the types are q h < q l = 1. 5. Insurane market oligopoly This setion haraterizes equilibrium in a duopoly insurane market. Again the general redued form model introdued in setion 2 is used. We illustrate with the example from setion 3 that equilibria with qh < ql exist if single rossing is violated. There are three reasons why we hoose to onsider an oligopoly insurane market. First, proposition 1 shows that with perfet ompetition it is impossible to have q h < 1. Seond, as mentioned above, assuming a monopoly market is not very realisti. We are not aware of a ountry where health insurane is provided privately by a monopolist. Third, in ountries like Germany or the Netherlands, insurane is mandatory and the government runs a risk adjustment sheme. The next setion analyzes the eets of risk adjustment on eieny and solidarity. If there is mandatory insurane, risk adjustment has no eet on the outome at all in ase of monopoly. The reason is that the monopolist serves all types and hene risk adjustment is a lump sum transfer for a monopolist insurer. As we show below, risk adjustment (even if the whole market is served, as with mandatory insurane) does aet the market outome in ase of oligopoly. The demand share of insurer [0, 1]. j ∈ {a, b}'s produt on market i ∈ {h, l} is written as D(uij , ui−j ) ∈ This funtion is the same for both types. That is, agents only dier in expeted health are osts and inome, not in their preferenes over insurers. 16 We make the following natural assumption on demand. Assumption 4 D1 (uij , ui−j ) > 0, D2 (uij , ui−j ) < 0 An insurer gains market share if it oers onsumers higher utility and loses market share if its opponent oers higher utility. Let 16 φ ∈ [0, 1] denote the share of θh See Bijlsma, Boone, and Zwart (2011) for an analysis where 15 θh types in the population. and θl have dierent demand elastiities. When insurer b hooses uhb , qbh , ulb , qbl , the maximization problem for insurer a an be written as max φD(uh , uhb )(p(q h , uh , θ h ) − c(q h , uh , θ h )) uh ,q h ,ul ,q l + (1 − φ)D(ul , ulb )(p(q l , ul , θ l ) − c(q l , ul , θ l )) l l l l h (Puh ,ul ) b h b + µh (p(q , u , θ ) − p(q , u , θ )) + µl (p(q h , uh , θ h ) − p(q h , ul , θ l )) We fous on a symmetri pure strategy equilibrium of this problem where ulb = ul , qah = qbh = q h (Puh ,ul ) with b b uhb = uh and and qal = qbl = q l . ulb = ul . That is, (uh , q h , ul , q l ) We assume that problem is haraterized by the rst order onditions for uha = uhb = uh , ula = is a solution to (Puh ,ul ) (Puh ,ul ): problem is onave suh that a solution q h , q l , uh , ul :17 ∂p(q h , uh , θ h ) ∂p(q h , ul , θ l ) ∂(p(q h , uh , θ h ) − c(q h , uh , θ h )) + µ ( − )=0 l ∂q h ∂q h ∂q h ∂(p(q l , ul , θ l ) − c(q l , ul , θ l )) ∂p(q l , ul , θ l ) ∂p(q l , uh , θ h ) (1 − φ)D(ul , ul ) + µ ( − )=0 h ∂q l ∂q l ∂q l ∂(p(q h , uh , θ h ) − c(q h , uh , θ h )) φD1 (uh , uh )(p(q h , uh , θ h ) − c(q h , uh , θ h )) + φD1 (uh , uh ) ∂uh ∂p(q l , uh , θ h ) ∂p(q h , uh , θ h ) −µh + µ =0 l ∂uh ∂uh ∂(p(q l , ul , θ l ) − c(q l , ul , θ l )) (1 − φ)D1 (ul , ul )(p(q l , ul , θ l ) − c(q l , ul , θ l )) + (1 − φ)D(ul , ul ) ∂ul l l l ∂p(q , u , θ ) ∂p(q l , uh , θ l ) +µh − µ =0 l ∂ul ∂ul φD(uh , uh ) (13) (14) (15) (16) It follows from lemma 1 together with the assumption that (Puh ,ul ) is onave that in any separating b b equilibrium, exatly one IC onstraint is binding. Hene either µh > 0 µ = 0 l or µh = 0 µ > 0 l and p(q l , ul , θ l ) = p(q l , uh , θ h ) (17) h h h and p(q , u , θ ) ≥ p(q h , ul , θ l ) and p(q l , ul , θ l ) ≥ p(q l , uh , θ h ) and p(q h , uh , θ h ) = p(q h , ul , θ l ) (18) We dene the following three ases as solutions to equations (13)-(16): h l l (H) (uh H , qH , uH , qH ) h l l (L) (uh L , q L , uL , q L ) 17 solves (13)-(16) with solves (13)-(16) with µh > 0, µl = 0, µh = 0, µl > 0 and The onavity assumption an be stated in terms of the bordered Hessian of problem (Puh ,ul ). However, it is more b b onveniently stated after some more notation is introdued. This is done in equations (30) and (33) below. 16 h l l (P) (uh P , q P , uP , q P ) solves (13)-(16) with µh = µl = 0. It is straightforward to verify that in ase of pooling (P) we have are interested in the ase where q h 6= q l q < 1. However, we (as this is the relevant ase in pratie). Further, below we onsider the role of risk adjustment to enhane eieny. for one type we have qPh = qPl = 1. This is only relevant for the ase where Hene we will ignore the pooling ase from here onwards and fous on separating equilibria (H) and (L). The following proposition derives suient onditions for an (H) and (L) equilibrium. Proposition 3 With single rossing, solution (H) is a symmetri equilibrium and we have qh = 1 > ql . If single rossing is not satised and • the solution h , ul , q l ) (uhH , qH H H p(1, uhH , θ h ) under (H) above satises p(1, ulH , θ l ) − = 1 Z (pq (q, uhH , θ h ) − pq (q, ulH , θ l ))dq ≥ 0 l qH then this solution is a symmetri equilibrium and we have • the solution (uhL , qLh , ulL , qLl ) p(1, ulL , θ l ) (19) qh = 1 > ql under (L) above satises − p(1, uhL , θ h ) = Z 1 h qL (pq (q, ulL , θ l ) − pq (q, uhL , θ h ))dq ≥ 0 then this solution is a symmetri equilibrium and we have (20) ql = 1 > qh. The ondition (19) [(20)℄ in the (H) [(L)℄ outome makes sure that (ICl ) [(ICh )℄ is satised as well. If (SC) is satised, equation (ICl ) is automatially satised for the following reason. Beause of inentive ompatibility, the two equilibrium indierene urves have to ross somewhere. Under (SC) the high type's indierene urve is steeper there (and onsequently above the low type's urve for slightly higher q ). By (SC) there is no other intersetion and therefore the high type's indierene urve is above the low type's also at the for θh q q = 1. Hene ondition (19) is satised. Without single rossing, indierene urve is less steep than the θl indierene urve for low q and the other way around lose to 1. In that ase, we need to hek expliitly in the solution whether the IC onstraint that was ignored is indeed satised. To prove existene of the (H) and (L) equilibria in an oligopoly framework, it is suient to give an example for eah. The existene of (H) equilibria in oligopoly is already established in the literature through models satisfying the single rossing assumption, see for example Olivella and Vera-Hernández (2007). Here we give an example using the utility setup of setion 3 to demonstrate existene of a (L) equilibrium with oligopoly. Reall from proposition 1 that there is no (L) equilibrium with perfet ompetition. 17 Example On the supply side we assume that there are two insurers loated at the end (ont.) points 0 and 1 of a Hotelling line. Agents are uniformly distributed over the at position x ∈ [0, 1] inurs transportation ost insurer oers a menu of ontrats θh type, the seond for the θl xt ((1 − x)t) {(q h , ph ), (q l , pl ), (0, 0)} [0, 1] interval. An agent when buying from insurer a (b). Eah where the rst ontrat is intended for the type and the third ontrat denotes the agent's outside option of not buying insurane at all (whih will not be used in equilibrium). We will show that it is straightforward to nd examples with a (L) equilibrium. The easiest way to do this is to nd parameter values suh that the individual rationality (IR) urve (that is, the indierene urve p(q, ū, θ)) for the θl type lies everywhere above the IR urve for the θh type. As shown in gure 1 this is the ase for the parameter values hosen in setion 3. Clearly the Hotelling equilibrium ontrats have to lie on or below the relevant IR urves. φ = 0. First, assume that θl In words, there are only (beause of assumption 3) and the Hotelling equilibrium prie on the This ontrat is denoted θ l 's ontrat lies below φ = 0) in the gure) and θ l -market (1, pl ) ontrat: ulhotel. = u(1, pl , θ l ). Contrat is dened by the intersetion of indierene urve θ h 's equals in gure 1 for the parameter values in setion 3 and IR urve it is, indeed, the equilibrium outome. Let level assoiated with the by anyone as (1, pl ) ql = 1 types. Then it is routine to verify that IR urve. This is the best ontrat on θ h 's ulhotel. (q h , ph ) pl = F l h̄ + t.18 t = 0.018. denote As this θ l 's utility (although not bought p(q, ulhotel. , θ l ) (dashed urve θ l 's IR urve that satises inentive ompatibility onstraint. φ Now inrease ql = 1 > qh. slightly to φ > 0 (but small). For this to be an equilibrium we need that the indierene urve for the lies above the indierene urve for the for the θh urve at θ l 's indierene q = 1. small hanges in above θh type at h h type (p(q, uhotel , θ )) annot lie above equilibrium is that IR We laim that this results in a (L) equilibrium with θ h 's IR φ urve q = 1. θ h 's θl type at q=1 Note that the equilibrium indierene urve IR urve. Hene a suient ondition for a (L) p(q, ulhotel. , θ l ) at the new Hotelling equilibrium lies above θ h 's We formally show that this is the ase in lemma 3 in the appendix. Intuitively, will lead to small hanges in the indierene urve urve at q=1 in ase φ = 0, it will be above θ h 's IR p(q, ulhotel. , θ l ). As this urve is urve for small positive values of φ. Hene a straightforward way to generate (L) equilibria is to nd examples where the for the and θl φ>0 type lies above the IR onstraint for the θh type for eah q ∈ h0, 1]. IR onstraint Then there exist t>0 suh that the example has an (L) equilibrium. Having proved the existene of a (L) equilibrium, we move to the poliy impliations of suh an 18 Reall that in a Hotelling model with onstant marginal osts instane, Tirole (1988, pp. 280). 18 c, the equilibrium prie is given by c + t. See, for 0.07 h p(q, ū h , ) l l p(q, ū , l l (1,p ) ) p(q,uhotel., l ) p 0.00 h (q 0.0 h ,p 0.2 ) 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 q Figure 1: Example with parameter values in setion 3 and t = 0.018 equilibrium. 6. Risk adjustment Above we have shown that an equilibrium an exist where θh types have less than full insurane. This is in line with the empirial ndings mentioned in the introdution where people with low inome and low health status have less generous insurane than people with high inome and good health. In this setion, we show what the poliy impliations are of an equilibrium with q h < 1. In partiular, risk adjustment is often presented as a win-win poliy: Starting from a separating equilibrium it inreases both the utility of people with bad health (solidarity with those unluky enough to be born this way) 19 and it inreases equilibrium overage (eieny). That is, when it omes to risk adjustment, there is no trade o between eieny and distributional objetives for the government. The papers and ountry poliies surveyed in Van de Ven and Ellis (2000) see risk adjustment as serving both eieny and fairness or solidarity. We show below that under a 19 The underlying assumption is that the θh type was born with, say a hroni disease like diabetes. Hene θh 's high expeted health are osts are exogenously given. Then fairness or solidarity onsiderations an lead the planner to give a higher weight than λ to the θh type in the objetive funtion. Alternatively, high health are osts an be endogenous due to, for example, smoking behavior, food habits, drug use et. See Van de Ven and Ellis (2000) for a disussion of the limits to solidarity due to suh moral hazard eets. 19 20 However, in the NSC relatively mild assumption, this result holds in an oligopoly model with SC. ase, the same assumption implies that there is a trade o between eieny and solidarity. In that qh ase it is not possible for risk adjustment to inrease both ase (with q h < 1), and uh . Hene in the empirially relevant the sponsor has to hoose expliitly whether the goal is eieny or solidarity. Risk adjustment annot promote both goals. We model risk adjustment as follows. The sponsor, say the government, of the health insurane sheme pays an insurer ρh (ρl ) for eah of its ustomers that are of type government an perfetly observe eah ustomer's type. In ase (H), we write the prots of insurer a θ h (θ l ). We assume that the 21 as follows: Π(uha , ula , ρ, uhb , ulb ) = φD(uha , uhb )(π(uha , θ h ) + ρh ) + (1 − φ)D(ula , ulb )(π(ula , uha , θ l ) + ρl ) where we use the following denition of the funtions prot margins on the θh and θl π (21) (with a slight abuse of notation) apturing the markets resp.: π(uh , θ h ) = p(1, uh , θ h ) − c(1, uh , θ h ) (22) π(ul , uh , θ l ) = p(q l (ul , uh ), ul , θ l ) − c(q l (ul , uh ), ul , θ l ) with q l (ul , uh ) the value of q l that solves equation (ICh ) with equality. If (SC) is satised, dierentiating the binding (ICh ) yields dq l pq (q l , ul , θ l ) − pq (q l , uh , θ h ) = −pu (q l , ul , θ l ) dul and hene dq l <0 dul (23) sine the left hand side is negative by (SC) and the right hand side is positive by assumption 1 (pu < 0). Using a similar derivation, one an show in this ase that dq l >0 duh In words, inreasing Inreasing 20 21 ul uh (24) relaxes the (ICh ) onstraint thereby allowing for higher does the opposite and hene leads to lower ql (for given ql (for given ul ). uh ). Selden (1998) makes this point using a model with perfet ompetition where single rossing holds. This assumption is usually justied by assuming that the government has (ex post) more information than the insurer ex ante. Hene the insurer is not able to (expliitly) selet risks ex ante but the government an perfetly risk adjust ex post. Alternatively, the insurer has the relevant information but is prevented by law to at upon this information. To illustrate, in the Netherlands an insurer annot refuse a ustomer who wants to buy a ertain insurane ontrat. As mentioned, Glazer and MGuire (2000) show how optimal risk adjustment an work with imperfet signals of ustomers' types. In the latter ase, the government annot perfetly observe eah ustomer's type. 20 In ase (L) we have: Π̃(uha , ula , ρ, uhb , ulb ) = φD(uha , uhb )(π̃(uha , ula , θ h ) + ρh ) + (1 − φ)D(ula , ulb )(π̃(ula , θ l ) + ρl ) where we use the following denition of the funtions (25) π̃ : π̃(ul , θ l ) = p(1, ul , θ l ) − c(1, ul , θ l ) (26) h l h h h l h h h h l h h π̃(u , u , θ ) = p(q (u , u ), u , θ ) − c(q (u , u ), u , θ ) with q h (uh , ul ) being the value of urve is steeper than the θh qh that solves equation (ICl ) with equality. indierene urve at qh, If the θl indierene we nd with a similar derivation as above that dq h <0 duh dq h >0 dul In this ase, raising Let Πi ul (27) qh relaxes the (ICl ) onstraint and hene allows for higher denote the derivative of Π with respet to its i-th argument. (for given uh ). Then for the (H) ase, a symmetri equilibrium (fousing on an interior maximum) is haraterized by Π1 = Π2 = 0 whih we write as φD1 (uh , uh )(π(uh , θ h ) + ρh ) + φD(uh , uh )π1 (uh , θ h ) + (1 − φ)D(ul , ul )π2 (ul , uh , θ l ) = 0 (1 − φ) D1 (ul , ul )(π(ul , uh , θ l ) + ρl ) + D(ul , ul )π1 (ul , uh , θ l ) = 0 (28) (29) together with the seond order onditions: Π11 < 0, Π22 < 0 (30) Π11 Π22 − Π212 > 0 The interpretation of the rst order ondition with respet to inreasing uha slightly, insurer earns the margin π h + ρh . leads to lower prots (π1 the rm an raise ql a On the inframargin, however, inreasing < 0). Finally, there is the eet of The rst order ondition with respet to θl (equation (28)) is as follows. inreases the demand for its produt on the and still satisfy (ICh ). Hene marginal eets on the uha ul uh uh uh on the θh By market on whih it (or equivalently reduing ph ) θl uh , market. By inreasing aets the prots on the θl market. (equation (29)) only features the marginal and infra- market. In the (L) ase, we have Π̃1 = Π̃2 = 0 whih we write as φD1 (uh , uh )(π̃(uh , ul , θ h ) + ρh ) + φD(uh , uh )π̃1 (uh , ul , θ h ) = 0 (1 − φ) D1 (ul , ul )(π̃(ul , θ l ) + ρl ) + D(ul , ul )π̃1 (ul , θ l ) + φD(uh , uh )π̃2 (uha , ula , θ h ) = 0 21 (31) (32) together with the seond order onditions: Π̃11 < 0, Π̃22 < 0 (33) Π̃11 Π̃22 − Π̃212 > 0 The interpretation of the rst order onditions with respet to equilibrium. The only dierene is that in this ase ul uh and ul is the same as in the (H) has the additional eet on the θh market via the (ICl ) onstraint. We use the following assumption that we disuss below. Assumption 5 Assume that both markets are fully overed: D(uij , ui−j ) + D(ui−j , uij ) = 1 for i = h, l. Consider hanges in risk adjustment with a xed budget: φ dρh = dρ, dρl = − 1−φ dρ suh that φdρh + (1 − φ)dρl = 0 Then we assume that in symmetri equilibrium uh (ρ), ul (ρ) (34) it is the ase that duh (ρ) dul (ρ) <0 dρ dρ (35) Health insurane is a produt of whih one buys one unit or zero. In fat, it is often not allowed to buy more than one insurane ontrat due to moral hazard problems (see Pauly (1974)). We follow the literature on ompetition with prie disrimination and assume that both markets are fully overed (this is alled full sale ompetition by Shmidt-Mohr and Villas-Boas (1999) and pure ompetition by Stole (1995)). When risk adjustment is implemented at the ountry level, it usually goes hand in hand with mandatory insurane (e.g. as in the Netherlands). Indeed, if insurane would not be mandatory, a ross subsidy (due to risk adjustment) may indue the net payers to forgo insurane thereby reduing the eieny of the insurane market. If risk adjustment is organized at the rm level (as, for instane, in the US with big employers) the sheme is usually so attrative (due to tax breaks) that the assumption of full sale ompetition is not an unreasonable one. The advantage of making this assumption is that the budget onstraint for hanges in risk adjustment an simply be written as (34). Assumption (35) states that if an inrease in assumption: as less for θl ρh ρ l raises uh , then it dereases ul . inreases (ρ dereases) one expets insurers to ompete more for types) and hene uh inreases (u This is a natural θh types (ompete l dereases). We are espeially interested here in the (L) 22 equilibrium. Lemma 4 in the appendix veries that for the example above this assumption is indeed 22 satised. We further motivate this assumption in two ways. The rst is to assume that the planner hoosing ρ has an objetive funtion f (uh (ρ), ul (ρ)) that is inreasing in both solution to this optimization problem with respet to f1 hene ρ uh and ul (i.e. A is haraterized by duh (ρ) dul (ρ) + f2 =0 dρ dρ duh (ρ) dul (ρ) and have opposite signs. In words, the planner hooses a value of dρ dρ insurane on the Pareto frontier in f1 , f2 > 0). (uh , ul ) spae. Put dierently, if a hange in ρ ρ that plaes the an raise the utility of both types, the planner exhausts suh possibilities. Then, at the margin, there is trade o between uh and ul . The seond way to motivate inequality (35) is in terms of equilibrium seletion. assumption 5 rules out that there exists another equilibrium lose by in whih both In partiular, uh and ul are lower. Lemma 2 Assume that D1 (u, u) Let uh , ul is independent from the level of u denote a symmetri equilibrium. Dene the following set Bε (uh , ul ) = q ũh < uh , ũl < ul | (uh − ũh )2 + (ul − ũl )2 < ε If assumption 5 holds, then for ε > 0 small enough, the set Bε (uh , ul ) (36) does not ontain another symmetri equilibrium. The assumption implies that in symmetri equilibrium the slope of a rm's demand funtion is not aeted by the level of u. This assumption is satised in the Hotelling example that we use in this paper. The lemma exludes the possibility that lose to the symmetri equilibrium another equilibrium with lower values for both uh and ul . uh , ul there would be Clearly, suh an equilibrium would be more protable for both insurers beause a rst order Taylor expansion implies that Π(ũh , ũl , ρ, ũh , ũl ) = Π(uh , ul , ρ, uh , ul ) + (Π1 (uh , ul , ρ, uh , ul ) + Π4 (uh , ul , ρ, uh , ul ))(ũh − uh ) + (Π2 (uh , ul , ρ, uh , ul ) + Π5 (uh , ul , ρ, uh , ul ))(ũl − ul ) = Π(uh , ul , ρ, uh , ul ) − Π4 (uh , ul , ρ, uh , ul )(uh − ũh ) − Π5 (uh , ul , ρ, uh , ul )(ul − ũl ) > Π(uh , ul , ρ, uh , ul ) 22 The proof of lemma 4 is given after the proof of lemma 2 below to avoid dupliation. That is, we rst derive some general results in the ontext of lemma 2 and then apply these to the example in lemma 4. 23 ũh,l for lose enough to Π4 , Π5 < 0. uh,l ; Π1 = Π2 = 0 where we have used the stationarity onditions And similarly for prot funtion Π̃. and In this sense, assumption 5 rules out a loal multipliity of equilibria leading to a oordination problem between insurane providers. Now we an show the following. Proposition 4 Let uh , ul denote the utility levels for type p(q, uh , θ h ) that the indierene urves between uh and p(q, ul , θ l ) θh, θl in a symmetri equilibrium. Assume have one point of intersetion. Then the relation and eieny is as follows: • if q h = 1, a hange in ρ whih raises ql also inreases • if q l = 1, a hange in ρ whih raises qh redues uh ; uh . The assumption that the indierene urves orresponding to the equilibrium values of one is by denition satised if (SC) holds. uh , ul ross SC implies that any indierene urves ross at most one. In the NSC ase, we need a bit more struture. In gure 1 the assumption is satised. In fat, the following reasoning shows that a model with more than one intersetion point will not be very intuitive. that In the (L) equilibrium, (20) implies that pq (1, ul , θ l ) < pq (1, uh , θ h ). pq (q h , uh , θ h ). pq (q, uh , θ h ) p(1, ul , θ l ) > p(1, uh , θ h ). Hene, at the rst intersetion point (at for q < qh. Hene, in the ase where θl q lose to zero, the low inome θh qh = 1 deides to put relatively more weight on the in suh a way that both uh and 23 we nd that (at the margin) solidarity (with the unluky l ql θh type (i.e. f1 f (uh , ul ) θh type) above: if the planner inreases relatively to f2 ), she will hange inrease. However, if single rossing is violated and we have q h < 1, then it is not possible to raise both uh In other words, in this ase there is a trade o between solidarity and eieny. The violation of (SC) is vital to get this result: At steeper than the slope of the indierene urve of 23 pq (q, ul , θ l ) < type deides to spend more on type. This does not seem very reasonable. and eieny (q ) go hand in hand. In terms of the objetive funtion qh. pq (q h , ul , θ l ) > As the slope is related to the treatment hoie in our model with inome treatment than the high inome and we have To generate another intersetion point, we need again a swith in slopes dierenes, this would imply that for ρ qh) Further, (C1) implies θh. (ph , q h ) the slope of one intersetion point and then strengthen assumption 3 to read that in an (H) equilibrium and q. indierene urve is qh (eieny) is valued Therefore, an inrease in Another way to put more struture on outomes in the NSC ase is the following. rms will hoose the intersetion point with highest θ l 's k k One an allow for more than k p(q, u , θ ) − c(q, u , θk ) It is routine to verify that this gives pq (q h , ul , θl ) > pq (q h , uh , θh ) is inreasing in l h h q. Then l pq (q , u , θ ) > pq (q , ul , θl ) in an (L) equilibrium. Under this assumption, the results in proposition 4 hold as well. 24 1 A B p q > 0 0 0 Figure 2: higher by the θl 1 q A hange in risk adjustment whih inreases type. Consequently, the utility of θh q. qh an only be inreased if is redued as otherwise inentive ompatibility fails. Figure 2 illustrates this graphially. The lines and θh A and B denote parts of indierene urves of a type. The intersetion of these lines gives the overage q of the type that has less than full overage. Given assumption (35), a hange in risk adjustment that inreases downwards and the urve of the determines θh ql . B urve upwards. In the (H) equilibrium, the (steeper) type. The B urve is the indierene urve of the Hene inreasing ql and uh qh A θh A has to shift the A urve urve is the indierene type. The point of intersetion urve is the indierene urve of the then requires that the indierene urve utility for the θl q go hand in hand. However, in the (L) equilibrium the steeper reasing θl B for the θh θl type. In- type shifts upwards. That is, the type falls. 7. Conlusion Standard insurane models, e.g. Rothshild and Stiglitz (1976) or Stiglitz (1977), predit higher overage for agents with higher risks. We show that this predition no longer holds if single rossing is violated and rms have market power. In the health are setor agents with higher inome have lower risks and more insurane. Put dierently, the preditions of the standard insurane model with single rossing are ontradited by 25 the data. We show that the negative orrelation between inome and risk an ause a violation of single rossing. With a violation of single rossing, the empirial ndings in the health literature an be reoniled with a standard insurane model. We show the poliy impliation of suh a violation of single rossing for risk adjustment. The traditional insurane model (with single rossing) views risk adjustment as a measure inreasing eieny as well as solidarity, i.e. overage levels are loser to rst best and low health agents are better o. Without single rossing there is a trade o between these two poliy goals. This implies that the sponsor of the health insurane sheme has to be expliit about the goals of risk adjustment. From an empirial point of view, our paper asts doubt on the positive orrelation test: Given our result that separating equilibria exist in whih agents with higher risk have less overage (negative orrelation), it is evident that the results of suh a test have to be interpreted with are. In partiular suh a test annot be used to test for the presene of asymmetri information when single rossing is violated. We onlude with a disussion of advantageous seletion. This an be modeled by assuming that people dier in their preferenes for risks. If high risk individuals are less risk averse than low risk people, it an happen that onsumers who are willing to pay the most for health insurane are people with low expeted health are osts. Hene oering health insurane with high overage is espeially attrative for agents with low expeted osts: advantageous seletion. The impliation of some ad- vantageous seletion models is that poliies that stimulate insurane overage are welfare reduing. 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We start with the proof of the seond statement. onstraints were binding, i.e. θh Denote by yields higher prots than is stritly preferred by with stritly positive prots and demand. Consequently, Proof of lemma 1 θh (1, p(1, uh , θ h ) − ε) also attrats θ l positive as those are better risks. Therefore, (q h , ph ) in equilibrium. The ontrat Suppose both inentive are both indierent between the two ontrats. First, look at Call the utility levels of the two types under the equilibrium ontrats Now take the indierene urves orresponding to these utility levels and all them and dene ι = arg maxk∈{l,h} p(1, uk , θ k ). will inrease prots by assumption 3. By the denition of qk = 1 Seond, take the ase where and q −k < 1 Changing ι, θ ι 's menu point to ul p(q, ul , θ l ) (1, p(1, uι , θ ι )) this hange is also inentive ompatible. for some k ∈ h, l and suppose again that both inentive onstraints were binding. But aording to assumption 3 pooling on the ontrat of θk would lead to higher prots. Hene, at most one inentive onstraint is binding. qι = 1 follows from the argument in the rst step and therefore at least one type has to have full Q.E.D. overage. Proof of proposition 2 overage. Suppose that Dene qι < 1 and therefore individual rationality onstraint of the denition of ι. ι = arg maxk∈{h,l} p(1, ūk , θ k ). θι qκ = 1 with pι by pooling both types on θ κ 's annot be binding as otherwise rationality onstraint of θκ θι Note that the θκ by has to be binding as the will be binding. q ι = 1, q ι < 1. (q, p) = (1, p(1, ūκ , θ κ )) and the individual If the types are separated, the inentive ompatibility pooling on θ ι 's ontrat would lead to higher prots by assumption 3 if the inentive onstraint was binding. As inreasing θι, κ 6= ι. would misrepresent as ontrat. This ontradits the optimality of annot bind: Sine bility onstraint of θι and otherwise. By assumption 3, the monopolist ould ahieve a higher prot If both types are pooled, the optimal ontrat will be θκ κ ∈ {h, l} But then the inentive ompatibility onstraint of monopolist ould inrease onstraint of By lemma 1, one type has full the individual rationality onstraint of θκ pκ relaxes the inentive ompati- has to bind: Otherwise, inreasing pκ would inrease prots. Last note that inreasing pι would be feasible and inrease prots if neither the inentive ompat- 31 ibility nor the individual rationality onstraint of Proof of proposition 3 θι Q.E.D. was binding. With single rossing, the solution (H) also satises (ICl ) beause (SC) implies that p(1, uhH , θ h ) − p(1, ulH , θ l ) = Z 1 l qH (pq (q, uhH , θ h ) − pq (q, ulH , θ l ) > 0 (37) By the onavity assumption on problem (Puh ,ul ), the solution (H) is a symmetri equilibrium. b b If single rossing is not satised, we need to hek that (ICl ) in ase (H) ((ICh ) in ase (L)) is Q.E.D. satised. Using an equation similar to (37) this is the assumption given in eah ase. Lemma 3 In the example depited in gure 1 (L) equilibria exist for Proof of lemma 3 φ > 0. We start with two straightforward observations. First, for the unique equilibrium illustrated in gure 1: By assumption 3 ql = 1 φ=0 the game has is optimal and then the game is a standard Hotelling game with exogenous loation. Seond, an equilibrium will exist for eah positive φ. This follows immediately from the existene theorem in Gliksberg (1952). Now take a sequene of where φ = φn , 25 ulj n. by ul e.g. the sequene θl {1/n}n=1,2,... . that are oered by rm ula n. subsequene of ulb n ulb n j ∈ {a, b} With a slight abuse of notation we denote the elements of this subse- as well and ontinue to work with this subsequene only. To eah equilibrium value In the game is hosen from a losed and bounded interval (see footnote 24), there is a on- verging subsequene of ula n 0, onverging to denote expeted equilibrium utilities of type Sine quene by φn > 0 24 (assoiated with the game where beause we an nd a subsequene ul φ = φn ). orresponds an Again there will be a onverging is taken from a losed and bounded interval. hb la lb ha hb la lb (uha n , un , un , un , qn , qn , qn , qn ) ula n Continuing in this way of equilibria onverging to some values (ũha , ũhb , ũla , ũlb , q̃ ha , q̃ hb , q̃ la , q̃ lb ). (ũha , ũhb , ũla , ũlb , q̃ ha , q̃ hb , q̃ la , q̃ lb ) To prove the lemma it is suient to show that for φ = 0. for φ>0 From the uniqueness of the equilibrium for where But then qh ulj is arbitrarily lose to qh = 1 24 and θh where ul0 θl is the unique equilibrium utility of it is an (L) equilibrium): Type θl φ = 0. ould ahieve the inentive ompatibility onstraint of It is evident from gure 1 that partial insurane is possible for θl θh is violated if types and it is The highest relevant utility level is the utility resulting if an agent gets full overage for free. The individual rationality onstraint gives a minimum utility level. Consequently, the ation spae is ompat (this is obvious for prot funtions are ontinuous, the theorem applies. 25 for in a ontrat with full overage where the individual rationality holds (see gure 1), i.e. ul ≈ ul0 . φ = 0, it will then follow that there are equilibria ul0 has to be stritly less than 1 (i.e. a disretely higher utility than onstraint of ul0 is an equilibrium If there are several equilibria, one an hoose an arbitrary one. 32 q ∈ [0, 1]). As routine to hek that these partial insurane ontrats are protable. Consequently, 0 < qnhj < 1 for n high enough. The last step showing that (ũha , ũhb , ũla , ũlb , q̃ ha , q̃ hb , q̃ la , q̃ lb ) is an equilibrium for φ = 0 follows Fudenberg and Tirole (1991, pp. 30) and is only skethed: Suppose, it was not an equilibrium. Then there is a deviation yielding a stritly higher prot for one rm. By the ontinuity of the prot funtion, however, this deviation would also inrease prots for hb la lb ha hb la lb (uha n , un , un , un , qn , qn , qn , qn ) lose enough to hb la lb ha hb la lb (ũha , ũhb , ũla , ũlb , q̃ ha , q̃ hb , q̃ la , q̃ lb ) ontraditing that (uha n , un , un , un , qn , qn , qn , qn ) is an equilibrium under Π, φ = φn . Q.E.D. Proof of lemma 2 To see what assumption 5 implies in terms of derivatives of the prot funtion we dene the matrix A (and analogously A= Ã) as Π11 + Π14 Π12 + Π15 Π12 + Π24 Π22 + Π25 (38) This allows us to linearize equations (28) and (29) as follows (and similarly for equations (31) and (32) with Ã) A duh dul =0 Then it is straightforward to verify that Π24 = 0 Π15 < 0 (39) Π̃15 = 0 Π̃24 < 0 Inverting matrix A gives A−1 1 Π22 + Π25 −(Π12 + Π15 ) = ∆ −Π12 Π11 + Π14 (40) where ∆ ≡ (Π11 + Π14 )(Π22 + Π25 ) − Π12 (Π12 + Π15 ) (41) Hene, we nd duh dρ with dul dρ = A−1 Π13 = φD1 (uh , uh ) > 0, Π23 = −φD1 (ul , ul ) < 0. dent of u, −Π13 −Π23 (42) Using the assumption that D1 (u, u) is indepen- we write −(Π22 + Π25 ) − (Π12 + Π15 ) duh = 12 φ D1 (uh , uh ) dρ ∆ 33 (43) Similarly, we have dul Π12 + Π11 + Π14 = 12 φ D1 (uh , uh ) dρ ∆ Assumption 5 that duh /dρ and dul /dρ (44) have opposite signs an be written as sign(Π11 + Π14 + Π21 + Π24 ) = sign(Π12 + Π15 + Π22 + Π25 ) (45) Suppose by ontradition that suh a seond symmetri equilibrium would exist. δh = uh − ũh , δl = ul − ũl where a rst order Taylor expansion of δh , δl > 0 Π1 , Π2 are small sine by assumption We write (ũh , ũl ) ∈ Bε (uh , ul ). Using resp. we nd Π1 (uh − δh , ul − δl , ρ, uh − δh , ul − δl ) = Π1 (uh , ul , ρ, uh , ul ) + (Π11 (uh , ul , ρ, uh , ul ) + Π14 (uh , ul , ρ, uh , ul ))δh + (Π12 (uh , ul , ρ, uh , ul ) + Π15 (uh , ul , ρ, uh , ul ))δl Π2 (uh − δh , ul − δl , ρ, uh − δh , ul − δl ) = Π2 (uh , ul , ρ, uh , ul ) + (Π21 (uh , ul , ρ, uh , ul ) + Π24 (uh , ul , ρ, uh , ul ))δh + (Π22 (uh , ul , ρ, uh , ul ) + Π25 (uh , ul , ρ, uh , ul ))δl Adding both equations and using the assumption that both (uh , ul ) and (ũh , ũl ) are an equilibrium, we nd that δh (Π11 + Π14 + Π21 + Π24 ) + δl (Π12 + Π15 + Π22 + Π25 ) = 0 However, it follows from equation (45) above that the expression sign as (Π12 + Π15 + Π22 + Π25 ). Together with Similar argument an be given in ase of Lemma 4 δh , δl > 0 (46) (Π11 + Π14 + Π21 + Π24 ) has the same this leads to a ontradition. Π̃. Q.E.D. Consider the example with mean-variane utility and Hotelling ompetition. Then ondition (35) is satised in (L) equilibrium. Proof of lemma 4 tributed on the line With Hotelling ompetition, [0, 1].26 Hene D1 (u, u) = 1 as onsumers are uniformly dis- D1 (u, u) is independent of u and we an use equation (45). Following equation (45), we need to show that sign(Π̃11 + Π̃14 + Π̃21 + Π̃24 ) = sign(Π̃12 + Π̃22 + Π̃25 ) (47) In our example, the equilibrium indierene urves at their point of intersetion an be written as p(q h , ul , θ l ) = F l (v(h̄, θ l ) − (1 − q h )h̄) + (1 − F l )v(1, θ l ) − ul − 21 r l F l (1 − F l )(v(1, θ l ) − v(h̄, θ l + (1 − q h )h̄)2 p(q h , uh , θ h ) = F h (v(h, θ h ) − (1 − q h )h) + (1 − F h )v(1, θ h ) − uh − 21 r h F h (1 − F h )(v(1, θ h ) − v(h, θ h ) + (1 − q h )h)2 26 More generally, if onsumers are distributed with symmetri density funtion g( 12 ) is independent of u. 34 g on [0, 1], it is also true that D1 (u, u) = Further, q h (uh , ul ) is dened as p(q h (uh , ul ), uh , θ h ) ≡ p(q h (uh , ul ), ul , θ l ) (48) From these observations it follows that pu (q, u, θ) = −1 pqu (q, u, θ) = 0 dq h (uh , ul ) dq h (uh , ul ) = − <0 duh dul d2 q h (uh , ul ) d2 q h (uh , ul ) = − (duh )2 duh dul Using this we an write φ (p(q h (uha , ula ), uha , θ h ) − q h (uha , ula )hF h + ρh ) 2t h h l uha − uhb h h l h h h dq (ua , ua ) 1 +φ 2 + −1 (pq (q (ua , ua ), ua , θ ) − hF ) 2t duha ula − ulb 1 l l l l 1 = (1 − φ) (p(1, ua , θ ) − F h̄ + ρ ) − 2 + 2t 2t h h u − ub dq h (uha , ula ) (pq (q h (uha , ula ), uha , θ h ) − hF h ) +φ 21 + a 2t dula Π̃1 = Π̃2 Now it is routine to verify that Π̃11 + Π̃12 + Π̃14 = − with Π̃24 < 0 φ 2t 1 + (pq (q h , uh , θ h ) − hF h ) dq h (uh , ul ) dul <0 from equation (39). Moreover Π̃12 + Π̃22 + Π̃25 = − φ dq h (uh , ul ) 1 − φ (pq (q h , uh , θ h ) − hF h ) − 2t duh 2t whih we will shown to be negative in every (L) equilibrium. Suppose this were not the ase, then φ(pq (q h , uh , θ h ) − hF h ) ≥ −(1 − φ) where duh dq h (uh ,ul ) <0 is the amount uh hanges if qh pl uh inreasing qh θh ul onstant. types when marginally inreasing qh x. The right hand side of (49) denotes the marginal loss in prots if one redues suh that a marginal inrease of pu (q, u, θ) = −1 (49) is inreased marginally while keeping The left hand side of (49) denotes the additional prots from while keeping duh dq h (uh , ul ) qh with xed uh is inentive ompatible for the for both types, the neessary redution in keeping uh xed and adjusting pl pl is given by duh θl − dqh (uh ,ul ) > 0. types: As But then to keep inentive ompatibility is a protable deviation whenever (49) holds. It is stritly protable as the derease in 35 pl will attrat additional ustomers from the ompeting insurer. This ontradits that the original situation is an equilibrium and therefore (49) annot hold. Q.E.D. Hene equation (47) has to be satised in every (L) equilibrium. Proof of proposition 4 point of intersetion (at pq (q l , ul , θ l ). uh ql ) If q h = 1 and given that the equilibrium indierene urves have only one and are ontinuous, equations (19) and (C1) imply that It follows then from equations (23) and (24) that a hange in while reduing ul . Given assumption 5, the other possibility is that then equations (23) and (24) imply that Similarly, if ql = 1 ql and a fall in inreases while uh ql raises falls. But falls. Hene the latter ase an be ruled out. q h ), equations (20) and (C1) imply that follows then from equation (27) that a hange in ul whih inreases and given that the equilibrium indierene urves are ontinuous and only have one point of intersetion (at in ul ρ pq (q l , uh , θ h ) > ρ whih raises q h uh . pq (q h , ul , θ l ) > pq (q h , uh , θ h ). It must be aompanied by an inrease Q.E.D. 36