WATEH WASTE IN CITIES AnD ~W~NS OF P~lENTION. by THESIS COUHs:m I. ?~ass8.(.:hv.setts Insti 1908. tute of Technology INDEX~ Part I" Part II. PAGE. Importance and Significance of the Problem of Water Waste and its Preventlon. 1 Water Waste and Prevention in European Cities. 6 Part III. General Aspect of the Problem in k~erlcan Cities. Part IV. 26 Water Waste and its Prevention in New York City. 28 Water Waste and its Prevention in Boston, Hass. 40 Water Waste and its Prevention in Chicago. 69 Part VII. Water Waste and its Prevention in the Smaller American Cities. 72 Part V. Part VI. Part VIII. The Effect of Meters on Consu.mption. 105 Part IX. General Conclusions. 135 Part X. Correspondence showing most Recent Data 140 ~-_._-_. _ ...- .._._-------- PART I. The problem o~ Waste and its Prevention in City Water Supply Systems is by no means a new one. On the contrary, this problem originated with the city water supply and grew as the cities grew, but, like other municipal problems, it long escaped attention and eluded scientific study and treatment until the enormous cost or further in- creasing city water systems or the impossibility of securing more water sheds, made it imperative to conserve the already existing water supplyFrom the time of the Romans and their great aqueducts, Which undoubtedly leaked and most certainly wasted great quantities the beginning or water by evaporation, down to of the last century, waste in water supply systems was ignored or considered unpreventable. By this time, cities had become so large, so densely populated and in such close proximity to one another that the problem of supplying their inhabitants with water began to assume hitherto un3uspacted importance. Cities litigated with neigh- boring cities for the possession of the surrounding water sheds and it was only after they had exllausted every available source of supply obtainable at reason- able exp9nse that the problem of suppressing waste and using their available supplies to the best advantage was seriously considered. problem of water waste, embracing ~~9 as it does every phase or the science of supplying densely populated areas with sufficient water at mlni~R~ cost is a broad SUbject and is influenced by many different factors. In fact, as it is a problem which deals primarily with humanity it is at the outset one of great uncertainty. However, since it possesses three distinct phases: human, mechanical, and natural, all the difficulties with Which to be contented fall under the following three heads: (1) Difficulties in determining what is il- legitimate use of water taken directly from the supply pipes. By illegitimate use wilful waste is understood_ (2) Difficulties in collecting and correctly interpreting the collected data. (3) Difficulties arising from human and mechan- ical inefficiency. 3. In regard to the first, waste avoidable or unavoidable begins with evaporation trom the reservoir and continues through leaky joints as the water passes through the pipes and pumps of tlie system until it reaches the last house, where perhaps it escapes to the sewer through a tap left running continually to keep the house pipes from freezing- All losses in a system cannot be charac- terized as "waste" and just what should be considered as the illegitimate use of water is a much controverted SUbject among writers on "water wasten• Some assert that inasmuch as Americans use about twice the quantity of water in flushing toilet room appurtenances that Europeans do, that such ex- cess constitutes waste on the part of the former and also that careless running of drinking fountains and flushing sewers with drinkable water are also sources or waste. Others even go farther and claim, that when a watering cart is allowed to overflow at a standpipe and then by its slow locomotion floods the street instead of sprinkling it, water is being wasted~ j]1 • S1~naI;6a.;r • 4. Conc9rnlng the second, the amount of water used by a cOl~~unity is very often estimated from the records of the pumps. Pump records are no good unless the slippage of the pump is accurately known and considered. Per c~ita consumption is u.~certain since the number of resident and nonresident users of water is almost impossible to determine. The presence of large consumers metered or unmetered as factories, breweries, and other manufacturing places produces various effects. effect may be a large nper The capita" consumption or a small "per capita" consumption according to the number of factories and magnitude of the factory class of people. The amount of water used for fires is sometimes definite and sometimes very indefinite. Changes taking place in the classes of people and number or large consumers of water must be taken into consideration When drawing conclusions from data collected in a municipality. Great care should also be shown in determining correctly really the waste 1s due. to what In respect to the third, no matter how good a mechanical means may be, it will not contlnue eff~cientlY to perform its duty unless kept in perfect .adjustment diligently. ad because of lack of care. Meters have fa1l- It is found that after a rew years they become almost useless unless clean- ed. An efficient inspection is probably the most intellieant mea~s of checking waste but the trouble is this: how can the inspectors be made efficient unless political inspection is eliminated? In spite of the manifest uncertainties involved in any quantitative calculation of water waste, many engineers have taken the results of a single satisfactory test or set of tests and have concluded that the system of prevention there used was the best and have urged its adoption in any or all cities without regard to local conditions. Realizing the futility of reco~~ending any method of preventing waste for unknown local conditions, ~e have I not attempted to draw any conclusions, exbept of the most general nature as to the best system of waste prevention. In our review of the literature on Water Waste and its Prevention we shal1 first briefly take up the problem and the way it has been met in European cities and then in a more lengthy digest cover its treatment in the leading American citiese 6. PART II. WATER WASTE Al~ PREVENTION IN EUROPEAJT CITIES. Liverpoo~!_ Liverpool about 1873 began an investigation to reduce the consumption of water. it the magnitude In order to lim- of the problem and to make the de- tection of waste more efficient 1~. Deacon, then borough engineer, invented a waste water meter and combining this -with a certain system of inspection created ~nat has ever since been known as the "Deacon System of Detection." The following useful informa- tion was obtained mainly from his report Nov. 11, 1873 entitled "Report of the BorOUgh Water Engineer as to Prevention of Waste of Water, Restoration of Consta~t Service, and Water Waste Meters." For experimental purposes fourteen districts were put under investigation. In each district, first a fair average of the consumption under the intermittent system and under the constant service system was obtained by placing a meter, to be described, later, on the main pipe and taking readings at 6 A. M. and 6 P. M. and thrOUghout the night. After obtaining a general idea of the district consumption, house to house inspection began by Water Waste Inspectors. 7. Day inspectors ascertained the number of inhabitants and inspected the plumbing. With the waste confined to no narrower limits than a district the work of the inspectors as far as detecting leaks was concerned was uneconomical and night inspection was introduced. First, all evidences of leaks in the street pipes were followed up, all stopcocks eXisting within the houses were placed outside on the service pipe connecting with the street pipe. The night inspectors at twelve o'clock on a fine night sound each stopcock, partly closing it, in order to contract the passage and increase the noise. If the inmates have retired, and a flow of water is heard, the stopcock is closed, and its number and the time are accurately recorded. At this sams instant the district meter registers the reduction in the flow of water, and the time at Which it takes place. Should running water from taps be heard the inhabitants of the house may be awakened, the house entered, and the exact cause of the flow located, or early the following'morning while one in- spector is within the house another opens the stopcock outside and the source of waste is found. Should the waste be concealed sounding with the teeth at the taps and other fittings will generally discover a leak in the bUl~led pipes. The inspector takes measures to see 8. that the waste is remedied in the best possible manner. The ni&1t sounding can be done by very few men, the following day inspection and repair may take more men but is still economical. The repair is charged toJor made by/the owner of the house or establishment in which the waste occurs. A test for the condition of pipes is conducted as follows:Some portion of the district is isolated from the remainder by a valve, and all water flowing into it is passed through the district meter. the fittings in this portion are sealed. All The stop- cocks are then closed one by one, the time being noted, waste in the pipes of any premises is thus discovered and measured. A summary of the defects in the.four- teen districts under investigation is as fo1Iows:- es issued for defects. Simple repair~ by. I~~ectors •. . BaliWater Pipes. To- Cocks. Ball- Water Pipes. cocks. Closets, tal. cocks. q1osets, etc. 5 535 etc. 1,232 2,665 58 253 Total 55 28 Grand Total 394 3,076 --~~.~.~~~-~~~~~~----~---~~--~-~--~----~-~---~~-----~-~-~--~C\",a. Tests for leaks in public pipes~conducted thus: By closing stopcocks entirely any flow through the main or branches on which the closed stopcocks are situated must be due to lew,age. Sounding may often locate the leak. Sewer examinations on dry nights may lead to discoveries of large isolated leaks. above laa The description of the Deacon System;the re- sults obtained will now be given and also some idea of the amount of repair undertwten. At an early stage of the i~vestigation 695 defects were found in the streets or street connections against 812 defects inside houses. The street defects were due to old pipe, the house defects mainly to single valves in cisterns and taps for flushing closets. Eighty thousand. five hundred eighty-one feet of new lead pipe were laid. laid deeper and made heavier. pipe repairs were made. to make the system tight. The new pipe was A great many stand- Everything possible was done The consumption in a cer- tain boarding-house was cut from 70 gallons per head per day to 12 gallons. places was checked. Waste in offices and public Under the intermittent system 20 gallons per capita per day were us.ed, under the constant supply system 34 gallons, but under the latter system plus the detection system the "per capita" consumption was only 13 gallons. sBvedo Thus nearly one-l1alf was The principal sources of waste were found to be lew{ages in main pipes and leakage in private pipes and fittings, the latter the greatest of the two. Too light 10. pipe for ordinary pressure, cistern and taps of faulty construction, and non regulating water closet apparatus were found everywhere. The richer class of people found to use more water than the poorer class. was Having seen mlat the system accomplished the water waste meter deserves some attention. Mr. Deacon 1n the above report presented seven properties of his mete~ some of which ares(1) Meter cost, qne-fifth the price of piston meters. (2) It shows by line on diagram kind of waste: constant leakage or sudden draUght due to tap opened and left runn1ng. (3) The diagrams may be run for one week and will indicate for a district of 1000 - 2000 persons the closing and opening of every separate tap. (4) It is equally sensitive for high and low velocities. To further understand the meter, following is an account taken from Reports of Boston Water Works 1877 J.882. The meter indicates the rate of flow at any given time and whether the discharge 1s due to steadily flowing waste or intermittent and ordinary use. cons 1st s, a8,;,,-seen'~-f<rom- ..accompan.¥,.ing-,d.1agPam, It of a hollow J.1. cone having its s~B1l end upward, and containing a disk of composition, of same diameter as the small end of the cone. A vertical spindle, attached to the up- per surface of this disk, is suspended by a Germansilver wir'e, which passes, VI8..telJ-tig1.!.t, through a small hole in the top of the chamber over a pulley, The weight is so adjusted and supports a weight. as to retain the disk at the top of the cone when the Water drawn through the meter water 1s at rest. presses the disk downward toward the bottom of the cone and its position therefore depends upon the amount of water passing through the meter. By means of a pencil attached to the wire the motions of the disk are recorded on a drum Which revolves by clockwork A once in twentY-four hours. prQseYl-feCI. (0.+\2'( l~ Tbe-acoompanylng. dia- P(\r\ \.l gramAshows how the meter records the rate of flow and how the different sources of consumption tected from it. can be de- Further on will be given a report of Mr. Brackett for the City of Boston, U. S. on Deacon Mater Experiments. Mr •. George F. Deacon in 1873 had substituted constant service in fourteen districts of Liverpool and reduced the consumption per day from 19.59.per to 13.32 gallons per capita capita. He outlined his policy in 1873 as followS1 to divide Liverpool into 300 waste water districts and put one waste water meter on each district, to leave diagrams on for a week at a time, to remove fifty diagrams each day and have them brought to the office, to look these diagrams over carefully and take steps to follow up immediately any indications of waste. Returning to recent years it appears that this policy has been pursued. The city was divided in two hundred and twelve districts, the water to each district passing through a Deacon meter placed in a convenient place under the sideWalk. Forty to fifty diagrams are brOUght into the office each morning and inspected; the night of the same day investigations are made in the districts showing unreasonable sumption. con- The following day notices are given to the owners of places wasting water by inspectors, after they have received information from the night inspectors, detailing the cause ~f the waste discovered by them in the place indicated by the night inspectors. Later on two re3xaminers are sent into the district to see if the necessary repairs have been properly made. In the year 1901 the per capita consumption was 31 gallons. Eighteen of this included domestic, hotel, pUblic house, warehouse, office, and shop consumptio~ and all waste due to leaks in public and private pipes in the city. intermittent. All the supply was constant, none of it ,In 1902, 37428 defects were discovered as foJ.~ows: 556 in city pipes, 5662 in private pipes, 16334 in draw off cocks, screw down cocks, plug cocks, and stand, pipes, the balance of defects were in valves, ball-cocks To discover these de- and other plumbing. facts 200,000 inspect10nswere made. This gives a good idea of What European plumbing and waste inspection means., As recent as the year 1903 the Deacon System was still working efficiently. mains are all T connections The connections to or screwed connections depending on the size of service pipe. on the water system is done by the city. ~l the work Fixtures must pass inspection and test of city engineer before installation. Though there are about 2000 private service. meters attached, their use is not advised by the city. Liverpool consumption accomplished metering since 1873 has kept the per capita down to a remarkably it without going;to all private services. of detection and prevention have worked these wonders low figure and has the enormous expense of A wall devised system and an honest inspection for Liverpool. (N.B. The gallons above are British Imperial gallonso To get U. S. gallons multiply by 6/5) 14. GLASGOW. The city of Glasgow, so often referred to as a model of efficient municipal government, supplies water to a population Of 1,051,000, which has a daily consumption of 72 million U. S. gallons, or 65 U. S. gallons per cap1 ta. lons are used 1'01" Of this 41 U. S. (34 Imp.) gal- domestic purposes and 24 U. S.(20 Imp.) gallons for trade requirements. The water used for trade purposes 1s generally metered, so that after deducting the 24 gallons per capita metered from the total per capita, 65 gallons, the remainder) 41 gallon~ represents not only the water used for domestic purposes but also the amount wasted. Some of the domestic services are metered but only at the request of the consumer' and such metering is not encouraged. The total number of meters in use, including those on trade services, is about 4000 and, strange as it may seem to Americans, the meters are never tampered with, the city seal placed on each being sufficient to deter the water takers from meddling with them. water is unrestricted The use of at all hours and at all times and question of waste is entirely solved by (1) Good material, good pl~~bing and tested flt- tings~ both inside and outside the houses. (Ia) All taps in the street mains not over 1ft in dia~eter are screweq in instead of being driven in to 15. avoid the possibility and wasting water. of splitting main or becoming loose When a tap larger than 1" diameter is required the main 1s cut and a T is put in. (2) Proper and honest inspection. (3) By district metering to detect leaks in the mains. (3a) In 1885 experiments with district meters reduced an average oonsumption of 59.2 Imperial gallons (71 U. S. gallons) per day to 26.6 Imperial gallons (31.9 U. S. gallons) per day and the night rates from 45.0 Imperial gallons (54 U. S. gallons) to 10.8 Imperial gallons' (13 U. S. gallons). M.A.NCHEST~!._ There are 1,'100,000 dependent on the Manchaster Corporation for a supply of water. The per . , capita rate is 29 Imperial gall.ons (about 35 U. s. gallons) per day of which 16 Imperial gallons (about 19 U. S. gallons) is used for domestic purposes and 13 Imperial gallons (about 16 U. S. gallons) uses. fOl" trade A system for detecting leaks in the street mains was found unnecessary as the so11 is a heavy clay and leaks in the mains soon show at the surface of the street. All plumbing fixtures are tested and stamped before use and regularly stallation in the houses. inspected after in- stopcocks are put on al~ 16. supply pipes outside the houses so the supply can readily be shut off without tearing up street and pavement and also to give the night inspector the means of applying a stethescope to the valve of the supply pipe of any unoccup1ed house anddeterminlng if water. is running through that pipe, i.e. if the house fixtures are leaking. As in Glasgow the use of meters 1s not encouraged and only 7000 have been installed. BIRIfiNGI!!~.:M. With a total population supplied of 800,000 the per capita consumption of Birmingham is less than 24 Imperial gallons (about 29 E. S. gallons) pe!l day. Leakage and wastage is satisfactorily controlled by house to house inspections made once every six months and no system of detecting leaks in the street mains is in use. LONDON. t. The water works of London are now owned by the city but are the property tions, which, under municipal to a total population of eight corpora- supervision of 6,850,700. Imperial gallons (roughlY 250,400,000 supply water In 1900~ 212,048,629 U. S.gallons) 17. were supplied to a popu1anion of 6,100,000 giving an average per capita per day of 34! Imperial gallons. (41.4 U. S. gallons). The various corporations have different per capita rates of consumption and in 1903 these varied from 30.6 Imperial gallons (36.7 U. S. gallons) to 46.35 .Imperia1 gallons (55.7 U. S. gallons). All the companies give practically 10a;b con- stant supply and with.;sllgh:texception the daily per capita rate of consumption increases as the number of parsons supplied decreases. The reason for Lon- don's small per capita consumption as compared with that of large American cities like New York, Boston, and Chicago lsnot eVident, for even granting that Londoners naturally use less water than Americans, that bath tUbs, laundry tubs and fixtures are fewer in private residences in London, and that flush tanks are much smaller, yet enormous quantities of water fa. are used in cleaning the streets of London, whics, if the results obtained are to be taken as a criterion, the quantity so used in American cities is relatively small. The means employed to detect and prevent waste are:- 180 (1) Night inspection of all valves. (2) Use of the Deacon Waste Detecting Meter System. PARIS. The per capita consu.mption of the City of Paris is 60 U. S. gallons per day, 20 of which 1s used for domestic purposes and the rest for public use, etc. and includes waste. Leakage in the houses is controlled by the metering all services and leakage from the mains is minimized by placing them in the sewers where they can readily be inspected. Here, also, large quantities of water are used in str.eet cleaning. COLOGNE. In 1901 the per capita consumption was 33 U. S. gallons per dayo A relatively small quantity of water 1s used forprivate.purposes as the sanitary system in general use is primitive. Another cause for the low per capita rate for tr~s city may be inferred from the following statement made by Johnson. 1w. C. O. "The four days I was in Cologne, eating at u different hotels and restalrants, I saw but one person drimt water." Meters are extensiyely used and the city uses a great deal of water on its streets and for its parks, fountains and other matters. 19. BERLI~r. Berlin, in 1903, had an even lower per capita rate of consumption than Cologne, 29 U. So gallons per capita per day being the average rate. The explanation of this low rate lies in the fact that Ber1in is underlaid with a water bearing stratu~ of gravel so that by digging down any place in the city for a few feet, the manufacturers, brewers, etc'. can obtain an abundance of water for trade uses for which no payment to the city need be made. It is estimated that about 10'U. S. gallons per capita per day are obtained from this source. There 1s no system of night inspection or of detecting leakage in the mains, ,the water officials disposing of the 1atter question by saying "The mai~s are not supposed to leakt" 20. Tables 5, 6, and 7 are taken from nWaste of Water in New York and its Reduction by Meters and Inspection" by James H. Fuertes, C. E. and give in condensed form certain statistics in regard to the amount of water used in the smaller German cities. However, the amount of water used and wasted in German and American hardly be compared/especiallY cities can quantitatively. A German city covers less area for the same population American than an city and this crowding together of a large num- ber of people forces many to live in flats or apartments rather than in separate house's. This minimizes the number or fixtures, the total length of main and service pipes and renders house to house inspection easy. relatively The comparative rarity of wash stands, laundry tUbs, and other hOllsehold conveniences, or rather necess- ities according to our standards of living, is also an important'factor these cities. in causing a low per capita rate for But quoting Mr. Fuertes "even where the demand is small as measured by our standards, place and 1s sensitive to remedial measures as great a proportion as in our American Table 5 gives statistics cities Where practically waste takes in almost cities." for several of the larger all the services are metered and where a very low per capita rate obtains. 21. Table 7 gives statistics for practically unmetered cities of ~bout the same size as those in table 5. It will be noted that in nearly every case the per capita consumption is larger than those of table 5 but not enou.gh so to make it at all c.ertain that metering has any influence upon the amount of water required. This is more conclusively shown by table 6 Where cities of approximatelY the sama Size, one with lOQ% metered services, the other unmetered have practically the same per capita consQ~ption per day. From these three tables 1~. Fuertes concludes "that careful inspections for wastage, maintained systematically without relaxation, with the enforcement of penalties for serious infractions of the regulations of the water departments, are nearly as efficacious as meters in restricting wastage and have the s~ne resvlt: viz., to prevent waste, but not use.n Mr. Fuertes also points out that occasional inspections are necessary even With 10q% of the services metered. In general in German cities Where extensive metering has been employed the wastage has been reduced by from 3~ to 6~ While the rate of per capita consumption has but little variation as compared with its wide range of fluctuation in unmetered cities. 22. Detailed study of the accompanying descr1ptionof tables and a the methods of waste prevention employed in the separate cities is not within the scope of this thesis but it should be noted that the German municipalities m~~e every effort to account for as much of the water supplied to their inhabitants as possible and with ~o end inviaw, subdivide the total consumption into three ~ . classes or heads (1) consumers alone; (2) public uses; (3) plant, so that a glance at the tabulated data for a number of years is sufficient to decide in what part of the system waste is probably occurring and where preventitive measures would be most efficacious. In Ameri- can cities, on the contrary, confused/,unreliable data is co~non, the waste difficult to locate, and the results of any method of prevention adopted uncertain. The data on water waste and its prevention in European cities was obtained from the following sources. "Water Supply and Prevention of Waste in Leading European Cities", a report to the Merchants' Association of New York in 1903 by l~. C. O. Johnson; "Water Waste Prevention" by l~. Henry C. Meyer 1885; "Waste of Water in New York and its Reduction by Meters and Inspection", a report to the Merchants' Association of New York, June 1906, by James H. Fuertes, C. E.; nReport of the Borough Water Engineer of Luverpoo1 as to the Prevention of Waste of Water, Restoration of Constant Service and Waste Water Meters." 23. TABLE NO. 5~."" are German Cities in which all Consumers Metered. Per Capita per Day in Gallons. City. Per cent. Supply Metered. ConsunlCOll- Public Popua.aYear ers Plant. Total. Uses. Referr.ed tion. Total.surners Alone. Alone 4 to. 90 100 1.9 76 100 1.6 2.4 61 100 10.1 1.1 1.5 10.5 3.0 -14.3 9.5 3.4 1.4 67 99 14.5 9.3 1.5 3.7 74 100 13000 15.1 10.4 0.3 4.4 1897 39500 15.8 9.8 3.3 2.7 Charlot tenburg 1896 350000 16.1 Griez 1899 23000 7.6 6.9 0.7 Q,uedlinburg 1896 22000 8".2 5.•7 0.6 Gotha 1899 316:710 10.3 6.3 Potsdam 1896 55849 12.7 Erfurt. 1896 78167 13.5 Eisenach 1899 33886 Weimar 1897 Rudolstadt 1899 Bamburg 7!7 100 100 47 78 85 Offenbach 1900 50500 17.1 9.1 Mainz 1900 80000 17.2 Berlin: 1896 18.2 Calmar 1900 40000 18.8 Stettih 1896 140000 20.0 18.6 Hannover 1896 246000 21.2 15.7 171918"3 100 100 3.1 4.9 10.3 3.6, 3.3 75 100 14.9 1.6 1.7 82 100 8:.6 1.7 1.2 0.2 76 2.0 3.5 76 8';.5 (1) .... 100 100 24. Per Capita per Day! in Gallons. 'City. Per cent. Supply Metered. Year PopulaPublic ConConsumReferned tion. Total.sumers Uses. Plant. Total. ers to. Alone. Alone. 1900 25200 21.2 . 16.1 3.4 1.7 90 100 Heide1b'erg 1899 38000 21.4 14.4 6.4 0.6 66 100 Stralstmd 1896 30105 21.4 13.0 1.6 6.8 60 100 Darmstadt 1900 70000 21.4 18.8 0.5 2.1 88 100 Wiannheim 1900 .120800 22.5 16.7~ 2.4 3.4 74 100 Ereslau 1896 370000 23.2 17.4 1.8 4.0 7(8 100 :Magdeburg 1896 224235 : 24.8 20.0 1.1 3.7 86 100 Strassburg 1900 117500 27.2 13.3 11.2 2.7 49 32000 28.8 24.2 2.6 2,0 88 Giessen Worms 1900 (2) 'lOa 100 25. -_ ...-..... e 1 t Y _-_ .... TABLE NO. e Year referred to. Population. per cap. can. gals. per day. % total % consu.pply SUJners meter- supply ed. :met el~ed. Frankfort o .:M. Eisenach 1895 1899 59049 33886 14.3 14.3 43 67 99 Kiel Darmstadt 1896 1900 86000 70000 21.9 21.4 10 88 100 Danzig 1895 1900 120000 120800 23.7 22.5 44 Mannheim 74 100 Bremen l~gdeburg 1900 1896 167000 224235 25.7 24.8 28 86 J.OO Bernberg Worms 1900 1900 :.. 34500 32000 27.5 28.8 8 88 J.OO _._-...-. e 1 t -- Y TABLE NO. 7 Yeav Popu- Per capita consumption % Supreferred lagallons R~~ day. Total ConPub- Plant.ply to. tiona metersurners lic ad. alone. uses. 18.2 2.4 1.3 10 K1eJ. 1896 86200 21.9 Bremen 1900 167000 25.7 Bernberg 1900 34500 27.5 23.7 3.3 KarlsrUhe 1899 95000 32.0 28.5 3.5 Dessau 1900 50000 33.0 17 Regensbul~g 1897 47400 34.9 18 Metz 1900 54517 35.7 13.0 6.6 16.1 12 ll'B.rZbur g 1897 71000 56.6 34.5 18.7 3.4 6 Augsburg 1895 81900 63.8 56.0 7.8 L-abeck 1900 73093 82.8 28 0.5 8 30 1 9 26. PART III. GENERAL ASPECTS OF THE PROBLEM OF WATER WASTE AUD ITS PRE\J~NTION IN ~mRICAN CITIES. The Problem of Water Waste and its Prevention has not been studied by the individual Americwl cities until it was brought to the attention of their Water Departments in one of three ways, i.e. By an excessively (1) high per capita rate of consumption. By an increase (2) a corresponding (3) in the cost of pumpag~ without increase in population or manufactures. . By a shortage in the supply. The first step toward reducing leakage and wastage in almost every case, was the establishing of house to house inspection of a system to locate leaks and to collect data on the cause of waste. The amount of lew{age and wastage so found/together with the data obtainable from the waste reduction work of other cities of the same class/~ormed the amount of reduction the basis for an estimate of of waste,)f possible } or desir- able, of attainment. The next step was the choosing of a system of waste prevention to accomplish which could reasonably be expected the desired amount of waste reduction. and installing it. 27. Three general methods are in use. 1. Inspection. 2. Inspection and metering of wasteful consumers. 3. Metering. In some cities combinations of the above methods are in use. The sources of waste in American cities were found to be. 1. Le~~y mains, services, flush tanks and fix- tures. 2. Surreptitious cOlmections and by-passes around meters. 3. Illegitimate use of water by leaving taps open to prevent pipes freeZing in winter and to obtain cool drinking water in summer. 28. PART IV. WATER WASTE AlID ITS }TEW YORK PREVENTION IN CITY. In 1876 the first attempts were made to check the waste o~ water in New York by the method of house-to-house inspection. This was followed in 1877 by the abrogation of the contract to supply water for shipping and building purposes and later metering and throttling the mains were tried as a remedy. In 1885, the per capita consumption was 75 gallons per day or nearly three times the rate then prevailing in the English cities of Liverpool and Manchester. It was estimated that, even alloWing for the differant standards of living in the two countries, 40 gallons per oapita per day were wasted in New York and of this, 25 gallons represented the preventable waste. With this end in view, house-to-house inspection was again resorted to in 1887 and 192,277 day inspections and 9,275 night examinations of house drains were made. The resUlts of these inspections showed that the greator proportion of the waste was confined to about lq% of the water t~{ers and that if this waste could be checked the number of consumers could be increased 4~ without increasing the supply. By 1903 the total amount ot water supplied to New York and Brooluyn was in round numbers 400~ millions of gallons per day and waste had reached such large proportions, variously estimated at 1/3 to 2/3 the ~nount supplied, that unless some method could be round to reduce it, the city would be forced to still further increase its supply system. Again inspection was decided upon, and was carried out with the aid of Pitometers. Tne Pitometer Waste Detecting System, with the exception of the measuring instrument employed, is very similar to the Deacon Waste Detecting System. The city was divided into typical districts, each con- taining about the same class of consumers, and measurements of the night flows in each district-were made. The measurements were made by passing all the water used in one district through a single main to which a Pitometer was attached. At the sa~e time a complete inspection of the district was made for lew{y fixtures and the mains and services ware tested by cutting down the area supplied, a block at a time, by means of sidewalk cocks on the services and noting the amount consmned by the remainder of the district as recorded by the Pitometer. The character and statistics per- taining to the various districts are given on the accompanying blue print. '" \\iASTE INVESTIGATION-l\~ANI~AT1'AN Typical Distrids llfdtrctl alld 15 ?H IX. 'TADLE I~ApPE~IHX. AND ~1TlIIi BJ{ONX-I903. S:tmmaky dA Results of Jfeasltrt?lI!(fl!~. 'c, =_:7=t~~C~=:_~~==:c~~= I . 'I" , Td.l! , ;-;l1ed.ll Metered Usc'\ III :rhi; Di,trkt. -~ i >-~-,~ .....,.~--; '-- X.4°'j I,VS ',.03 Ii .. ,.,I F I': 4;. ! Iz8 ".Yl .... .., ... I '. '" I I 37 I 'J"; (().4 ,,0;8 5; 94.S f,3iS S4 j f,'HI) 4"i) ,los" :,15 \ I 1 I 35 I ! \ j' I, i 2,)5 ! 1 l)~.5 <)~" I i ';'/ .:J4 3CJt I H . I I ! 89"" 'J.o<J4 I t}5~-,) : 751 I , l 1 i 4,z:H S'lf '11 I I ! 1 91 S7~ I I I ~ , ~ ~Illcll fru.;tur¥ and railroad k;,; .,at 0" m,"~"r<,t ba"i~ het\,'.~ell ill~;;':Ctiolls • ..IS t<1 ;II~;;-;:::.t kak.ll7,~ or vther connections requinng 1llt:(<:C:::. :l9 91 'fallkal;e in Vi~ltict. 3l~ Beforejgoing on to a mora detailed discussion of the difficulties of checking waste by this method, _ and the actual results obtained in the case of New York, adescriptlon of the Pitometer will be given. This instrument works on the well known principle of Pitot's Tube and consists in fact of a pair of Pitot Tubes which can be inserted in the street main through an ordinary 1 inch corporation cock. The pressure within these tubes is communlctaed to a glass U-tube and recol~dad photographically ments. by appropriate attach- The corporation cock for introducing the tubes can be quickly attached to a water main under pressure by the ordinary service tapping machine. The tubes are of brass, !" outside diameter, and 3/161 inside dla~eter with an orifice at the end in diameter. i" One tube of the pair points directly up stream and the other directly down stream. The veloc- ity of the water in the street main, impinging against the up stream tUbe, tends to increase the pressure in that .branch of the Pitometer, while it also tends to decrease tne pressure in the brancll turned down stream, and the difference in pressure in the two tUbes, being proportional to the square of the velocity, serves to meas'~e this velocity, the coefficient of the instrumant having been previously determined. Tests have shown the actual velocity to be very nearly 80% of the theoretical velocity corresponding to these differences of head between the tubes. Since with a small velocity this difference of head if measured by a water column would be inconveniently sma11 for precise and rapid observations, the ingenious expedient is adopted of connecting the two Pltot Tubes by short upward sloping rubber tubes to the two branches of a glass U-tube partially with a liquid heavier than water. filled Carbon tetra- chloride of about specific gravity 1.5 is commonly used and is diluted to::-aspecific gravity of 1.25 by gasolene or some other hydrocarbon. the rUbber connecting The water from tubes pressing on top of this, forces the line of demarcation between the two 'liquids up or down according to the pressure, and if liqUid of specific gravity 1.25 is used, 1t multiplies the range of motion to four times what it would be if water and air were used in the glass tubes for measuring the pressu.re. The difficulties experienced in ,the Pito- meter Surveys made at New York were briefly these. (1) It was found very hard to entirely isolate any district from the remainder Old connections of the system. existed between districts which were not discovered until after the tests were made. Valves were old, out of order and lew{y and in some cases 'ware discharging a good-sized stream into a neighboring sewar. In some cases mains running out of a district could not be closed without lowering the pressure below the safe pressure in the district. (2) surreptitious connections to the main, and meters by-passed often made the Pitometer readings unreliable in measuring waste. (3) The general prevalence of large house taw~s with either leaky ball cocks, no ball cock at all, or overflows directly connected to the sewers often made the night rate excessively high while as a matter of fact the water in may instances instead of being wasted, was refilling house tanks drawn low by the day's consumption. (4) The almost universal absence of curb stop cocks lnade it difficult to shut off separate house services. (5) The existence of houses having double ser- vices affected the results obtained. In spite of these difficulties the results obtained by this Pitomater Survey were very satisfact- ory. Every effort was made to isolate each dis- trict as completely as possible and as the pressure inside the district was commonly less after isolation than that in the adjoining territory, any flow through open mains would be into the isolated district and so make the measu~ementB of consumption obtained there too small and also have the effeot of smoothing out the small variations of the curve of hourly consumption. The work done and the results obtained are given in detail on the blue print already referred to and it 1s not necessary to discuss them further except to point out tha~ wastage and leakage was found to exist in every district examined and that the greatest amount so found was not among the poorer classes of people. For comparison with the data obtained at New York, Tabla 27, nWater Works Statistics of the Large Cities of the United States for the Year 1902" is given. From 1903 to 1906 nothing appears to have been done to check wastage. In the latter year the following facts were advanced to show the necessity of i~~ediate action in checking water waste in the city. (1) Manhattan and the Bronx were not only using more water daily than could be safely depended upon from the Croton and Bronx water sheds, with the present storage, but were actually using within about 1~ of 37. account for every surners. In the smaller fort 1s made never drop of water to reduce possible of the water large distribution from the mains where every account for more than aq% (See Table 12, page 97 water) and in a supplied The remaining and services ASsuming ef- it is like that o~ New York, system for. to the con- to a minimum the mains. tieD of measurement. 2~ prob- could represents and the uncertain- that 79% of the water could. be account ed for, Mr. Fuel'tea makes supplied the following sumption average the wastage than 75% of the amount ever be accounted leakage systems of unaccounted-for for percentages ably not more supply to accurately entering furnished estimate should as to What have been of 284,000,000 the per capita In that year an in 1903. gallons con- per day was supplied to Manr..attan and the Bronx. 25% of this could not be accounted under the above assumption, or From tests 15% would ture lew{age, or Amount for public per capi ta for be lost by fix- uses Total per day, is en estimate n 11,000,000 n 82,000,000 217,000,000 n 284,000,000 " @ 37 Total 67,000,000 gals. 43,900,000 at 5 gals. Amou~t for trade purposes gallons per capita Remainder, 71,000,000 supplied gallons or 30.2 gallons of the domestic " per capita consumption if 3B. all leakage and unnecessary wastage could be stopped. The amounts used for trade purposes were the results obtained from tests and may be assumed approximately correct. As the percentage of unaccounted-for from 1894 to 1904 varied from 3~ supplied, Whereas from the to 4~ water of the amount above estimate it should not be much over 25%, the obvious conclusion was that there was considerable domestic wastage Which could be effectively controlled. There was leakage in the mains, of course, but it has been found that such lew{s are sme.ll in size, large in numbers, hard to 10cute, and that it takes years of work to accomplish any appreciable reduction in the wastage by stopping leal{s in the mains alone. Three methods were e.d"lanc ad ~or controlling this domestic leakage and wastage. (1) house-to-house inspaction; (2) inspection in conjunction With partial metering; (3) universal metering. Mr. ~~ertes, in his report, recommends universe1 metering as the best remedy, quoting the experiences of metered cities, and the advantages of metering, to support this opinion. These arguments will not he given here as so far as we know no action has been taken on bis report to date. Several let- tors have been sent to New York asking for data on the present aspects of waste prevention in the city but no answers have been received. The sou~ceB of our data on Waste and its Prevention in New York, were the following books and rcports:Water Waste in Connection with the Water Supply or New York and Brooklyn, by John A. Cole C.E. Appendix IX, Water Waste Investigations in New York City, 1903, by Wm. H. Burr, Rudolph Hering, and Jor~ R. Freeman. Water Waste Prevention, Henry C. Meyer, 1885. Repollt of Commission of Public Works for 1887. Waste of Water in New York and its Reduction by Meters and Inspection, 1906, by James H. Fuertes, C. E. PART V. WATER WASTE AND PREVE}ITION IN BOSTON, Y~SS. Boston, previous to 1881, recognizing that enormous quantities of water were daily being wasted began "inspection". Inspection of the houses brought to light a great many causes of waste but inspection was, as in Liverpool, not an economical means of prevention. After legislation authorizing more efficient steps for prevention, Boston in 1881 purchased three Deacon Meters, Installed them and instituted the Deacon System of Detcct1on, already fUlly described under Liverpool, in the Charlestown District. First, the meters were tested for accuracy and sensitiveness with the result that they were found to be very sensitive and sufficiently accurate to record a flow of one hundred gallons per hour (the Bame meter wOlud register 12,000 gallons per hour or 288,000 gallons per day). The same method that was pursued in Liverpool was followed out in Charlestown. The sections were so selected as to incl~de portions of the district devoted exclusively to business purposes and to combine . in senarate section.s different classes of dwellings • Thus sections 3, 4, 5, 9, and 10 embrace the wealthier class of population, While sections 1, 2, 7, 8, and 12 were peopled almost entirely by mechanics and laborers. 41. The first meter was set May 4, 1881, the second and .third set on the 14th and 27th respectively. Inspection began May loth and lasted until November 18th. On Novem- ber 25th one mete~ was run to record the flow caused by faucets left running to prevent freezing of fixtures. Number 'Estimated Number PopuJ.aof p erGons per Section. tion. stopof co c:{. Gallons Before -.P~.E- he~..9--'pe.;,_.~aR. After 2 or 3 Per- centage inspecinspections. of retion duction. Tot/al. IfI-i:;ht ToteJ.. Night On oii-"-"- rate rate To- Night per per tel.Rate. 24 hrs. 24 ---------_._-----------...;.- hI'S. ]. 2,810 53.5 39.1 26.4 10.6 50.7 72.9 34.1 13.7 34.4 64.9 47.8 22.3 30.~ 47.2 3,675 9.1 52. 39. 2 2,170 8.1 49.9 33.1 3 2,030 4 1,880 5 1,790 6 1,875 7 2,54{) 8 2,400 9 2,150 1. & 1A 71.8 6.8 10 60. 44.6 55.2 31.9 of;. 40.8 52,3 11 2,800 12 2,300 --_._'"_ _._.~ _-Averages .. ..•.. - 37.9 18.5 ~l.l 54.7 42. This table shows the results accomplished:- the per capita consumption during the day was reduced from 58.5 to 37.7 gallon~ - n saving of 20.8 gallons or 35.~; the per capita consumption per twenty-four hours, night rate was reduced from 37.5 to 15.8 gallons - caving 5~; and the total saving for the entire district amounted to 450,000 gallons per 24 hours which represented a saving of $32,850 per year. Water supplied to the whole Mystic system, which included the Charlestown District, was about ten gallons per head per day more than that delivered to the Charlestown District. This amount was estimated to be due to drafts for manufacturing fountains, and trade purposes, dr1~~lng etc. The resu~ts show that the wealthier class of the population used 8.7 gallons per day per person more than the poorer class. The sources of waste were found to be:- (1) Defective services and fittings on the premises of the water takers. (2) Defective mains and services on the premises of the city. (3) Wilful waste. The following table enumerates the sources of waste discovered. 43. V1 -'; ~M"': _.-.- _~..-ot ~ 1 & 1A _ ;,; ...,_ _ 42 47 5 1 2 16 20 2 J. 3 12 14 2 5 4 5 17 3 6 5 J.O 35 ]. 5 6 8 32 2 2 1 7 8 38 6 2 2 8 30 36 11 1 4 9 J.2 19 7 2 10 9 20 1 4 11 13 12 2 1 4 J 1 1 2 _ .. e-t .. 17 ]. 5 ]. 1 _ - .1 _ __ ... 125 1 48 8 43 5 37 15 66 13 1 12 - 6 2 2 _ 2 68 6 8 71 2 13 99 3 9 53 J. 4 7J9 2 5 2 24 120 2 -~24~.~1°-2,.-4~-.--:"4----O794 TOTALS From this table most of the defects it appears fall under divisions (1) and (3); they number about seven hundred and fifty one and caused a waste of about 4000 gallons per hour. The rest of the defects fall under division (2) and number 43 and wasted about 300 gallons per hour. This investigation therefore did not meet expect- a.tions since it did not show a great street lea]{age. 44. The cold weather inspections gave results as shown below: Ga11<?.p...s_.'p_~r_..Head per Population of section 2,810 ___ -..:S;;:;..~ction I. Total Before inspection May 1881 53.5 39.1 After three inspections, December 1881 26.4 10.6 Dec. 29, 1881 27.6 Jan. 4, 1882 61.5 Jan. 22, 1882 35.8 20.5 Jan. 23, 1882 58. 61.5 Jan. 24, 1882 82. Jan. 25, 1882 about 100. Day:. Night Rate. 88.9 On January 25th the daily waste was 70 gallons and the night rate 80 gallons per head;more than 2/3 of whole consumption was wasted that the services might be kept from freezing. The section was one where the class of waste would naturally have been large; the houses were without furnace heat, the pipes so arranged that they could not be drained, and the tenants, realizing that the water might be shut off by the frost, took the only ~ethod left them to retain their supply -- wasted the water. It was found on comparing diagrams for Decem- ber, 1881 and January, 1882 that for the 22nd the rate from nocn until 8 P. M. was about the same. But from 8 to 10 P. M. on the December one a decrease of 1000 46. gallons per hour took place While the January one showed an increase of 2,500 per hour. This was explained be- cause the weather turned cold on January 22nd and the consumers toward ten o'clock, on going to bed, turned on the faucets to prevent freezing, while in December it continued warm. The December diagram for January 23rd Day showed an increase of 4300 gallons per hour while the January one showed only 1700 gallons increase thus proving that a great proportion of the waste occurred in the night. This inspection cost $1,323.35, $1,511.08 the meters and the water saved amounted to 450,000 gallons per day. Relative to the diagr~ accompanying these facts may be said that it shows the condition in July 1881, two months after the Deacon System was installed, and the condition in November When the inspection was discontinued, except that to discover freezing. The drop in the number of gallons per day 1s qUite apparent. In- spection continued until 1895; the curve for 1893 is shown; still down Where it should be. Then the system was more or less discontinued and in 1903 as seen the consumpt1pn had again reached qUite a high figure. This alone proves that inspection must be kept up and it must be efficient. 47. Believing that the per capita consumption of Boston could be reduced from 95 to 60 gallons per capita by the checking of waste, the Water Board further extended the use of the Deacon System of Waste Detection duri~i the year 1884. The result can be seen by a brief con- Gideration of the accompanying table showing the monthly , per capita rate of consumption for Sudbury, Cochituate, and Mystic Water for the first 8 months of the years 1882, 1883 and 1884. The average reduction was 2~ the Cochituate consumption and l~ tion. in in the Mystic consump- This represents a total daily reduction of 9,586,538 gallons or as the actual cost of water to the city 1s $1.25. per lOOO gallons, a total saving of $1200 per day to the city. 48. -EUDBURY AND COCHITUATE WORKS. MO:N:TB..! 1882 1883 1884 January 92.9 97.8 88.4 102.2 92.0 67.5 March 94.1 95.8 65.0 April 88.6 85.8 58.8 }.~ay 82.3 89.8 64.6 June 94.8 93.5 71.2 July 88.5 102.4 68.9 August 97.3 103.2 67.7 January 97.3 92.2 February 89.6 72.9 March 89.8 72.7 April 71.5 60.1 May 73.1 66.4 Ju.ne 80.0 71.5 July 84.5 72.1 Augv.st 83.9 69.5 February Gallons pel') capita P01' MYSTIC WOHKS dc.:t- • Compal 1ng the rates of consumption of 1882, and 1884, 1 the following facts should be noted. Average consumption in gallons per capita per day with inspection in 1882------------------- 89 The same in 1883 without inspection 92 1/2 The same in 1884. Deacon System and inspec tion -- 69 In other words, by the use of the Deacon System with 1n- spectlon, the per capita rate of consumption in 1884 was 20 gallons less than in 1882, when inspection alone was relied upon to check waste, and 23 1/2 gallons less than in 1883 When the inspection system was either entirely discontinued or in the hands of politicians. The dimin- ished consumption in 1884 greatly reduced the cost of pumping, the saving in coal at the Highland pumping stat1onalone for the first 8 months being 3~ of the cost in the corresponding period of 1883. The per capita consumption of Boston at the end of 1884 was still high, 69 gallons per capita per day, and the attention of the Board was called to Providence, a city with the same industries and class of people as Boston but which had a very low per capita consumption, 36 gallons per day. It was also pointed out that Provi- denc~ lnetered 5Q% of its consumers while Boston with its 10q% greater per capita consumption metered only l~. This low per capita consumption ,in Providence seemed to be due to metering and lead the Boston Water Board to formU1ate the following policy in its report for 1884. "FIRST:- To put recording meters on all manufactur1es, b~ewer1eB, stores, business establishments, hotels, tene- ment houses, and all other places where a large quantity of water is used or Where waste prevails. "SECONDs- To establish Deacon Waste Detection in the residential portions of the territory supplied with water, making specific districts and doing the Vlork in conjunction w~th house to house inspection. DTHIRD:- To begin the putting in of side-walk stop cocks at once, adopting the Church Stop Cock as the best complement to the Deacon, if further trials continue to prove its excellence." This policy was put into effect and an inspection bureau was maintained for 10 years, but the inspections decreased in diligence largely due to changes in adm1nistrnt.1on and to that increase of .ngraft" and corrupt practices in municipal government which under the present administration of Mayor Hibbard have been so completely exposed and in part remedied. From 1895 to 1904 little attempt was made to reduce waste and the daily per capita consumption considerably thu~. ill~Btrating increased the soundness of the opinion expressed by the Water Board of 1884 nthat continuous, systematic inspection the prevention is an essential element in of wanton waste now so prevalent in all large cOI~lun1ties.n In 1904 the Metropolitan report on the Measurement, supp~1ed to the Metropolitan and Sewage Board made a Consumption and Waste of Water Water District and the follow- ing 1s a digest of the data contained in this report. 51. Water supplied to the Metropolitan water district 1s used for three purposes: (1) Domest~_c;,; (2) Manufacturing, Mec4~~c~, Ce~efv~ and Trade; (3) Public. study shows that 60 gallons per inhabitant per day is sufficient for all necessary and legitimate uses and, since the per capita consumption of Boston was 119 gallons, it seemed that 1/2 the supply was lost by leakage or improper uses. There are two causes of loss or unnecessary use. (1) Leaks from broken mains and service pipes and defective joints which being underground remain undiscovered for a length of time dependent on the character of sub(2) And larger loss occuring'on premises due stratum. to leakages from defective plumbing and improper fixtures allowed to exist. Continuous streams are often run in winter to prevent pipes from freezing and in summer to supply cool water to drink. There are two remedies for thisz (1) metering; (2) measuring supply and fixing water rates accordingly. ----~~~~~-~----~---~-~-~---~------~~-~----------~---~---- CITIES AHD TOmrS WHERE METERING HAS BEEN REMEDY FOR WASTE. ADOPTED AS A BEUfONT all services metered. per capita 47 gallons. MILTON n It n n n 44 n WATER'rO\\'U 89.5% n n n n 49 n l.iALDEN 63.4% n It n n 47 n 52. The remainder of the cities and towns of the distr1ct have an average per capita of 116 gallons. There are 18 cities and towns supplied by the Metropolitan Water Works, with an aggregate population of 897,000 and covering an area of 142.7 square miles. The water supplied to this area is measured by 49 Ventt~i meters each of which consists of two truncated cones of cast iron with a throat diameter 1/4 to 1/2 that at the larger ends. Small pipes are connected at the throat and upstream end which register differences of pressure. As the difference of pressure in these pipes 1s directly proportional to the amount of water flOWing through the meter, the quantity passing 1s indicated by the height of a column of mercury which is raised or lowered by differonce of pressure in the pipes above mentioned. By suit- able means the instrument can be made to register flow o.l'\d through 1t automatically bttt so far as ~ '119 larow-1 t has been used for waste reduction work like the Deacon Me'ter though from tests on pumpage it has an accuracy of abo'U t Z'/o. Sa. (J,. Measurements oil' Q 51 ,.0 m of the consumption of the district from the Venturi records and as computed by the displacement of the pump plungers, principally by the latter method are 2 l/~ higher than those obtained from the records of the various cities and towns of the district. -------------.,;;.......--------------------------------~---:--------...., r. Oicr(f am #0. .9 INCH VENTURI METROPOLITAN METER. WATER 18 INCH THROAT. AND SEWERAGE '..;8 BOARD. : 5fa 5(Bosfon) Boy/slon 51({rid Hsher Ave, Srr-'oki/tle :~oooooooS.H.5' BUILDERS IRON INCH' VENTURI METROPOLITAN 40 coo METER. WATER 18 INCH BUILDERS'IRON 35000 FOUNDRY COO PROVIDENCE. R. I PROVIDENCE. 30000000 BOARD 000 FOUNDRY " 35000000 THROAT. AND SEWERAGE R. I • 30 l'OO 000 I 2S 000 000 GALLONS I: PER OA'( (1/ '" . jvU'Vee, Break tJflll.5 (L(lCa/) \ 25000 ({ao GAllONS PER DA'( I I II I .I II I I II II I ! I . 1 1'j ,l2A.M1 3 2 20 4 iNCH 5 VENTURI .. 4500000 ".000 N L S.•SIt? 24 11 12rM.1 WATER AND 2 INCH THF.OAT. SEWERACE 20 INCH BOA 9 VENTURI METER. WATER AND e 6~ INCH I ,. I 10 11 THR-QAT SEWERAGE BOARD, ..;.:.!l=oc~o=00.c;..!) _ BUILDERS IRON FOUNDRY 4 COO 000 PROVIDEN( PROVIDENCE, • R. " Po. I :3 500 000 GAllONS Sept 10. Break in Local 5vsfet!! . PER OAV ~3:..::0:..::00:..::0:..::00:....:G::::..:A:.::;LL::.;:O:.:.:.NS;::;...:....:PE::;.;R_:0:.;.::..~y _--.; 2500000 '2000000 2CCOC)<'OI t' I I I I 1~00l00) I I fli , I • 111111 llilitl 1l1J11I1I!llilllll 3 4 ~------- '50ltJ~-+l-1 -+--! III I! I! I I III I11!~~I, IHh'~I~~I~I~I!~.~1 .J ! I I ! II i I T~l'!~ !~~~~~~~~~ II I I I : I i i I ! IJ d I I i I i 1II1" i \I! I Idlll!!! II iI.flll 1!11 I. II I i III i' ! I I I I i 8 i ooc 2 7 6 METROPOLITAN 2 ~oocoo 1 000 345 BUILDERS IRON FaUN DR.Y 1S00<00 r " 6h 10 I !i I 111 4500000 coo 3000000 METER 9 . :) 500000 , 8 no. (jrledfo.I11_/f,_I.J-.CI_11_5_f_a_fld_, _(i_o~v_/e_rr;_(o_;j_3_A_v._e METROPOLITAN ') coo oCt) 7 6 IIII I 5 6 7 I /I I: I Iii!.! a ./1 9 10 I , I I I'i'llf,' i 11 _ J I I 11 i i I 12P.M.l 2 3 4 5 6 7 j I I 9 10 <1 I Ii I II ! II 11 12 54. The average per capita of the cities and towns of the District 1s given in the accompanying tabla. It will be noted .that the rate of per capita consumption in the different towns and cities varies widely which is explained to some extent by the different class of waterE takers in each.~xcept in the 5 larger cities, Where manufactur1ng and trade use is co~siderable, it is safe to assl1me, accord1n~ to 1~. Brackett, that where the capitan consumption excess 1s wasted. ttper is more than 60 gallons per" day, the The leakage and wastage in the system is estimated to be not less than 50,000 gallons per day. AVERAGE PER CAPITA CONSm.~TION OF METROPOLITAN OF BOSTON. DISTRICT ~----------~-~~----------------------------~---~-~-------~-~~~~._~ City, or Town. JUly.August. September. October. November. -------~~---~------------------- Boston .... -.---------- DecembEr ~-------------~-~~~- 128 125 128 128 128 141 So~el~\.r111e 88 79 83 79 77 85 Melden 51 48 51 47 43 44 Chelsea 93 89 88 88 89 115 Evel"ett 77 77 80 78 82 92 Q,uinc~- 99 89 88 84 83 91 Medford 81 75 84 78 75 78 Mslpose 105 100 103 10J. 95 93 ReVt.)l~e 67 66 62 53 52 62 Wo.terto'lin 53 50 51 48 45 44 Arlington 82 65 51 56 54 57 Newton 46 45 49 43 44 36 Wlnt:r~op 100 102 93 80 75 84 Stoneham rl6 79 72 69 70 74 Swam.pscott 94 94 83 74 67 65 Belmont 43 47 52 50 46 44 Lexington 74 78 88 65 50 52 62 58 III 37 109 31 J.09 Nahant AVERAGE 83 112 lOa-- 39 120 5G. For comparison with the foregoing table of per capita consmnptlons in the Metropo~ltan cities and towns, the following table of per capita consumptions in American cities where all or a large percentage of the water used is metered, is introduced. ~nis shows that undoubtedly the Metropolitan District does waste water but affords no sure indication to what extent or just where waste may be assumed to exist. The domestic per capita con- sumption of the District as shown in the case of the four which are practically all metered, given in table A, is not excessive but that it is so low may be due entirei ly to the fact that they are metered and so it is not a criterion of the domestic consumption of the district as a whole. In considering the question of domestic consumption it is interesting to observe that from data collected in Boston the greatest use or waste of water does not obtain in the cheapest class of houses. On the contrary just the opposite is true, jUdging by results obtained where water is supplied by meter. the more water used and wasted. The higher the rental In the various wards of Boston the per capita consumption was 24.8 gallons per day with rentals of $12 to $16 per month and increased gradually and fairly uniformly to 44.4 gallons with rentals of $150 and upwards. I I' 5'? TABLE OF PER CAPITA CONSIDI'PTIONIIiTCITIES WHERE ALL OR A LARGE PERC:FThTTAGE OF THE WATER USED IS :METERED FOR 1902. - - -- -- - -- •.- - - - - - - ...--- . . C I T Y - - - -- -.-~I:j:CONS -PER -CltPIT1t -PEn-DAY- -- of s"Ulr~--m>1il:~sManUply meter- tic. fnctToed. ures & tal. Trade. --- ..... - ... --_ .. _----------_ .. _ .. ~ Estimated Consumers ------~--~.~~-~-----~--~-~-~-~-Brockton 37800 90.0 1.3.2 6.5 21.8 :::I 107650 . 96.0 1.5~Q~ 5.2 22.2 = 35400 86.0 23'~1; 4.6 34.0 = 7690 100.0 25~4';. ~.J. 2605 Woonsocket, R.I. 54474 86.7 J.l~6;~ 10.5 22.1 100.0 25.6 o.~ 25.7 94.5 J.6.1. ~7.8 36.3 Fall River Newton Ware Wellesley 5147 WOl'cest,er 119330 :::I ~ Includes water for Public Purposes. -----~_._------------_._-------_.---_.~~ DOMESTIC PER CAPITA CONSD1WTION WHICH ARE PRACTICALLY IN THE llETROPOLITAN CITIES ENTIRELY METERED. TABLE_A!_ .............. 190~ • 1902. Belmont J.7.7 17.1. Malden 19.6 20.0 Milton J.6.8 19.3 Watertown 15.3 14.8 OI T Y ' - Diagr.a~' showing Consumption of ..vVaterinthe' , dUring . Citvaf Malden I each ~our of the day I ,Aug, 4, 1903 a~d.JCtn 5, 1904- .. TemperatUl~e 1s another factor in considering waste for any pa~tlcular period of time. domestic The accompany- ing blue prints show both the continuous waste and its relation oliothe amount used to lreep pipes from freezing on January 5, 1904 in Boston, Chelsea, and Malden. The rates for August 4, 1903 are shown. ply is practically 1snot. fully metered. The Malden sup- ~le Chelsea supply The cities are of nearly the same size and even granting that Chelsea should legitimately water for trade purposes, use more etc. than Malden, it is very evident that there 1s excessive wastage in Chelsea and it is logical to assume that metering would check it relatively as much as in Malden. Passing t.o the second sub-division water in the Metropolitan of uses of Water District, viz. Manufactur- ing rold Trade Uses, the following per capita metered consumption was obtained for the cities and towns of the District. Boston 24.90 Q,uincy 6.72 SOJ;1ervilla 13.98 Medford 3.87 Chelsea. 12.38 1J!elrose 1.54 Revere 1..88 Watertown 4.27 Malden Everett 3.93 18.61 Arlington 6.11 :Milton 4.69 Winthrop 0.17 Stoneham 3.34 Belmont 5.06 Lexington 2.52 Nahant 1.58 62. Unmetered water used for trade purposes was estimated at 5 gallons per capita for Boston and 2 or 3 gallons per capita in the other cities and towns of the District. The following table shows the metered amount so used in other cities and the per cent. which 1s metered. ---------~~-~-~-~-~-~-~---~-------~--~--------~--~-~-~-~~ PER CAPITA CONSm\~TION OF I,mTERED WATER FOR TRADE PURPOSES IN VARIOUS CITIES. C I T Y-----~Metered. . -- Gallons per capita (metered) • 6.03 29.90 6.4~ 23.30 Baltimore, Md. 2.17 25.20 Buffalo, N. Y. 2.04 46.00 Pittsburg, Pa. 1.09 ~6.40 Detroit, ~ch. 9.24 42.70 Chicago, Ill. 2.18 18.30 Philadelphia 0.59 12.20 Boston . st. LOUis, Mo. The water used for Public Purposes comprises that used for (1) Public BUildings; (2) Public Fountains; (3) Sprinkling streets; (4) Flushing water pipes and sewers; (5) For extinguishing fires. In 1902 the amount of water used in Boston for the above was:-- 63. For Public BUildings 3.78 gallons For Public Fountains att. 1.0 For Sprinkling 2.13 gallons per capita per day For Flushing and Fire Extinguishing TOTAL, 12345 gallons or per capita per day gallons per capita per day 0.20 gallons per capita per day - .... _--- 7.1l gallons per capita per day For the purpose of an approximate determination of the amount of water actually wasted in the district, the quantity 1eg~timatelY used in the district was esti'mated as follows: For Domestic Uses For Manufacturing 25 gallons per capita per day and trade 23.5 gallons per capita per day For Public Use 7.0 gallons TOTAL per capita per day 55.5 gallons per capita per day 120 gallons per capita per day was consumed by the Metro- pOlitan District in 1904. The legitimate per capita consmnpt1on was estimated as abpve, about 60 gallons. Mr. Brackett therefore concluded that 1/2 the water supplied was wasted and the accompanying blue print shows the proportion of waste among the cities and towns of the District. Evidence, and to some extent, proof of this waste was found in the large average night rata per capita, 77 gallons. The night rata also varied in the different districts containing the same class of people and it was " significant that the lowest night rates prevailed in the metered districts. For illustration take towns of the same class with but little ~~ter used for trade purposes, as ~lton, Watertown, Belmont, Malden, Medford, Melrose, Winthrop and the high service districts of Chelsea. In the first four the average per capita night rate was 18 gallons. In the rest the average per capita night rate was 58.3 gallons. According the difference was unquestionably £actorles to Mr. Brackett waste. With large and business interests the legitimate night rate might well be large but, as has already been pointed out, such was not the case with the cities mentioned above. As has been stated the cause of this waste is due to lee~ages from mains and service pipes in t~e public streets and from pipes and fixtures on the premises of the water takers. From the data below for the towns of Milton and Belmont where the supply 1s measured by Venturi meters and all service pipes are also metered it would appear that the leaks in the street main were a relatively large proportion C I T Y MILTON, April,May,June n July,Aug.,Sept. BELMONT !'!arch 15 to May 15. BELMONT May 15 to Sept. 15 of the whole. De1ivUnac- Unacared to Metered. cou.nt- count"l:,he Town. ad ad for. for %. Gals. per day pel" m:rI:a of pipe unace't Gallons 325100 328000 216100 108800 J.99100 128900 33.5 39.3 3110 3680 171500 135300 66200 38.6 3710 230500 145000 85500 37.1 4780 for. In other cities leakage per mile of pipe varies ~rom 3450 gallons to 23000 gallons. Opportunities for leakage in the pipes of a supply system are almost unlimited. The main causes may be classified as follows: (1) Pipes broken due to settlement. (2) Those due to deterioration of the material the pipe is made of. (3) Bad joints. (4) stop cocks on house services. (5) Blow-off valves. While the Deacon System was in operation in Boston several broken 4ft and aft pipes were found, in some instances wasting 24000 gallons per day and in one case 100000 gallons per day. Another instance illustrating the magnitude of street le~{s occurred in Stoneham. For the first six months of 1902, 800000 gallons per day were supplied to the town. Investigation in the mains with no surface indication. showed 4 leal{s After repair the consumption fell to 330000 gallons per day, showing 470000 gallons per day had been wasted there alone. Careless manipUlation of blow off cocks likewise leads to waste, in one case in Boston, .amounting to 3,000,000 gallons. per day. The total lew{age of the mains of the District, from tests which have been made, seems to be equivalent to 16.5 to 25 gallons per capita per day. 67. Waste from the pipes and. fixtures on the premises of the water taker is'due either to defective plmnbing or to allowing water to run continuously either negligently or wilfully. from open fixtures One of the most fruit- ful Gources of waste is in the ball cocks controlling the flow of water into tanks supplying water closets and other fixtures. Each fixture waste: in itself is usually small but thousands of them make almost as large a total as the waste from the mains. Another portion of the wasta is that caused JY ~eav1ng faucets running to prevent the pipes from freezing in the winter and to obtain cool drilll{ingwater in the summer. There has always bean a larger use of water in the Metropolitan District in winter than in summer. This use 1s not legitimate does not occur to any and it is significant that it- great extent in cities where the services are metered. Having decided that water was being wasted in the Metropolitan District the question naturally arose as to Whether it was worth while checking such waste or not. Anticipating this, Mr. Brackett prepared an esti- mate the essential featl~es of which are given to show .,., the importance of the Waste prevention of Boston. problem to the City 68. Quantity of water needed in the Metropolitan District in the Future. ___ .__ Year. - __ 'Jio.:. ... __ ..... __ .......... __ .. .. __ ....... Waste unchecked. Gals. per cap~'-1n:etered gals. per ~ ,.. ....... __ ........ ... Waste Checked. Gals. per cap. Metered Gals. per day. day. 1910 134 152 80 90 1915 144 J.81 85 107 1920 154 219 90 128 1925 164 262 95 150 1930 174 310 100 115 Present 'conditions obtaining an addition to the water supply will be needed by 1913. -- ,..-- - _ Source. This may be obtained from:- _ .. _--- --- -_ _---_ -Estimated yield. Million ea110ns per day. , \ _ ----_ Total yield from all sources. Million Bals. per da"v. Assabet River 28 201 Upper Ware River 71 272 200 472 Upper Ware and Swift Rivers _---~ Estimated cost of new works required within the next 25 years if waste 1s unchecked will be at least $32,000,000. assmning districts remain constituted as at present. Data taken from Boston Water Board Reports from the year 1880 to date. 69. PART VI. I 'VATER WASTE MTD ITS PREVENTION IN CHICAGO. I, No systematic attempts have been made to reduce wastage in Chicago except occasional inspections and a few observations on the day and night flows in the street mains. The magnitude of the problem can be seen from the accompanying blue print showing the total yearly pumpage of the city and also from the statement that nNo city in the world is or ever has been, supplied with so great a quantity of water per day as is being pumped into the distribution system in Chicago to-day." The following facts were obtained from a re- port by_John Ericson, City Engineer (1901 - 1902). (1) Growth of the city and the addition of in- dependent water supplies made it impossible to develop an ideal system. (2) The present water supply is inadequate. (3) Contemplated improvements completed in 1919 will onl~T provide for an increase of 400~'OOO in popula .. tion. (4) More additions and extensions will have to be provided for in 1907 and 1916. (6) Probable lea~age and wastage of water is about I. 70. (6) The metering of about 40% of the taps would undoubtedly reduce this waste, postpone future additions and extensions and be a great saving to the city. ~f--H-H-rr , . ,+.:rl-t ~ • 'r .: ~ ~ -6.- ., ".-t- I , .' +: " ,.. • I ,I': .L- " , '-~- ~ , 'I -H ,: "J , :L _ po 1+, .,, -!+ ..,.. . + -rr T 1 ... !, , ~.~~b7hL} ~l -~~ '" ' +++ \-' "j-t', 'r- ',1"1 • II . r - 72. PART VII. WASTE PH}l]"ENTIO~r I~T THE SMALLER AMERICAN CITIES. The sources of our data on Waste Prevention in the, Smaller American Cities were:(1) 'Waste ot Water in New York and its Reduction by Metering and Inspectionft• Report or 1906 by James H. Fuertes C.E. (2) Letters received in reply to lists ot questions sent to the Water Department in various cities. A digest of Mr. Fuertes data and conclusions will first be given. ASBURY PARK, NEW JERSEY. Asbu.ry Park is a typical. Atlantic Coast sum- mer rssort Whose bUSy season is from June first to September 15th. The water supply was severely taxed to supply sufficient water during this bUSy season and in August 1899 there was such a Shortage in the supply that it became 1mperat~ve to take some remedial measures. decided on the system The Water Department of metering every consumer as the best way of reducing waste, and by July 1, 1901 every service was metered. This reduced the consumption 2q%. No restrictions were placed upon the use of water 'and house-to-house inspections were not resorted to, as there has been an 73. abundance of water since the services were metered. 200,000 gallons per day were used for street sprink- ling after the services were metered or more than tWice the amount allowed before. manufacturing but about 1~ No water 1s used for of the total amount supplied is used for street sprinkling, filter washing, etc. ATLANTA, GA. To remedy low pressure in 1884, one third of the consumers were metered, the meters being owned by the water takers. and by 1897 practically In 1885 general metering began all the consumers were metered. The results of this metering were -- (1) A reduction of the consumption from about 200 gallons per capita per day to about 85 gallons per capita per day. (2) Waste successfully checked for the last 17 years ~~d with metering will probably continue. (3) Almost constant rate of consumption in spite of the city's rapid growth in population, manufacturing interests and commercial importance. (4) Per capita consumption was not reduced to the exceedingly low figures obtaining in many Eur~pean and a few American cities, i.e. metering did not curtail legitimate use. 74. ATLAI~IC CITY, N. J. Like Asbury Park, Atlantic City is subjoct to wide variations in population, the winter popUlation being about 28,000 and the summer, between 100,000 and 150,000. Shortage of water during the summer season lead to the adoption of the meter system and by 1896 about half the services were metered. House-to-bouse inspection was also used and many leaks were discovered by this means. The first year the two systems were in use, the wastage was reduced 5q% with 7~ of the services metered. For a number of years there was no material increase in the consumption but since 1903 there has been an upwfU~d tendency due to ftincreased popUlation, greater numbers of fixtures in use and higher standards of living.ft CL~lELANDt OHIO. Domestic service began to be metered in Cleveland in 1901. In that year the annual pumpage was increasing at about the rate of 44% or nearly twice as fast as the rate at 1ncrease in popUlation. The number of metered bUildings, factories, hotels, apart.mont houses and large stores was increasing at a someWhat lesser rate and it was deemed expedient to check the waste by metering domestic consumers. The I ; , + . _.:....J.. ""- ~-J....!-*"""~~ ,M ij I II results of this policy can be seon from the accompanying curve or in use. per capita consumption and number of meters It will be noted that the per capita con- sumption decreases as the number of meters in use increases. DETROIT, MICH. In 1888 the average per capita consumption of Detroit was 210~ gallons per day. By l89~ ftby persistent and careful inspection, enforcement of the water re~l~ations and placing meters on wasteful con- sumers" it had been reduced to 136 gallons per capita per day with only 5400 meters in use, a reduction of 35% while the population in the same time had increased 3~. After ~897 the metered quantity of water used for manufacturing and trade purposes increased and the metered domestic consumption decreased, the net resu~t being an increase, until in 1905 the per capita consumption was as large as in 1899 when the wastage was only partially checked. The explanation advanced was that the inspection had become lax, and that the meters had been removed from the services of some of the wasteful consumers. th1s~ as the real reason. 1~. Fuertes does not regard He says "The temptation is very strong to accept this explanation. It 1s a fact, however, that the rate of consumption in Detroit has been 77. increasing from some legitimate undetermined cause, as the increase of metered consumption in 1899 over 1898 was greater than the increase in the unmetered consumption, While the capacity of the meters in use in 1899 was practically the same as in l898.ft However this may be, there is pretty conclusive evidence to show that metering reduced the domestic consumption. In 35 residences the following rates of consumption were found in gallons per capita. Paying by the assessment plan 106 Paying by metered amount 45 The estimated value of the water saved during the time between 1897 and 1905 was five times the cost of maintaining the Meter and Inspection Bureau. FALL RIVER, With ~ }/T.ASS. of the services metered and 6000 consumers, the per capita consumption of Fall River in 1874 was 84 1/2 gallons per day. Meters were gradually added until in 1879, when 5~ of the services had been metered, the per capita consumption had dropped to 35.6 gallons per day, a reduction of 5~. With 6~ of the services metered (1882) the per capita consumption was 45.9 gallons per day and With 7Q% metered (1887) the per capita was 28.89 gallons per day. Between 1887 and 1902 the per capita consumption remained between 30 and 40 gallons per day. This is probably due to the close watch which the Water Board has always kept over consumers to prevent as much waste and surreptitious use as possible. The results show that for the last 28 years the per capita consumption has been kept below one half the rate prevailing before the introduction of the meter system. The lowest per capita rate was obtained with 7q% of the services metered and it is thought that the increase since that time was due to growth of pop~lation, and manufacturing. Two points well worth noticing in the study of water waste in Fall River are (1) Meters reduced waste not use; (2) Even with the most rigid inspection and practically uniLversal- ..~' metering, 1/6 of the water pumped is still unaccounted for. A curve showing the relation between the per capita consumption and the percentage of metered services is shown under the discussion of meters, Pagell~. HARRISBURG, PA. In 1888 a rigid house-to-house inspection to locate leaks was made in Harrisburg and additional meters were put on large consumers. Metering of domestic ,. services was voluntary, the consumer choosing the kind of meter and the city only reserving the right to test any consumer's meter and charge all ~epairs to the waterte~er. From 1888 to 1899 the per capita con- sumption only varied 5 or 6 gallons from 122 gallons. This large rate is due to the amount used for trade and m~~ufacturing purposes which is 5~ supply, public uses' taking only 5 or Progressive introduction of the total 4%. of meters reduced the domestic per capita consumption from 89 to 55 gallons per day, the curtailment of waste being sufficient to supply the gradually increasing demands of manufacturing which had grown from 33 to 65 gallons per day in the same length of time. Since 1899 the amount used for trade purpose has increased as the city grew. The main point to be noted is that by metering of the domestic services, the domestic 6~ wastage has been cut down by about 30 ga11o~s per capita per day. . HARTFORD, CONn. In 1900 a house-to-hoUBe inspection system was inaugurated with a corps of 10 inspectors. The results of this inspection indicated that about 1/3 ~ of the water supplied was waste~and the univerSal mater- 80. 1ng of' ser',lc as was adopted as a remedy. The night rate of per capita consumption as measured by Venturi meters dl~opped from 87 1899 to 55 gallons'per gallons per day in February, day in February, 1902. In 1897 and 1898 the average per capita was 110 gallons per. day and in 1904 and 1905 had dropped to 62 gallons per day, a reduction of 48 gallons per capita per day, by metering. Tests on the mains gave a leakage of about 40,000 gallons per mlleper day showing that most of the wast~ ago and leakage was in the service pipe~ LAWRENCE, MASS. In 1894 the Water Board of Lawrence recommendcd metering as a means of reducing the water waste occurring in that city. Their recommendation was not acted upon until 1902 When wastage had become so apparent that all services were ordered metered. reduced the consumption about 2~. This The average per capita consumption in 1903 and 1904 was 42 gallons per day while that in 1900 and 1902 the average consumption per capita was 53 and 54 gallons per day. 1904 5~ 8~ In of the total purnpage passed through meters, of the services having meters attached. In the same year the average daily amount Bupplied to the city was less than in 1905 although the popUlation had practically doubled. II 8l. mated to be wasted. A curve showing the relation, between the per capita consumption and the percentage of meters' in use will be found on page 1/8. per cap1taconsumptlon there 8.1'39 The low is explained by the fact that a large number of inhabitants per fixture, 1.e. there are a large number of tenement' houses. LOWELL, lULSS. In 1899 one~half the services in Lowell were metered and still only 25% of the total consumption was accounted for by meter. per capita consumption 'In 1900 the highest of recent years obtained, 83 gallons per day, and of this probably 30 gallons per day was wasted. The following year the policy of metering wastefuJ. consumers was adopt,ed. Wh1J.e meter- 1ng was optional, waste was not much reduced even with 5~ of the services metered. When the most wasteful consumers were forced to put in meters the effect was G/o felt at once althOugh only J.O~ of all the consumers were directly concerned. The saving thus affected was . about 35% of the entire sup~ly for the city. JJ1l is shown the curves of per capita con- On page cumpt10n and percentage to 1906 of services metered from 1886 0 MADISON, WIS. The installation of meters began in Madison in 1887-8. By 1897, 9Q% of the services were metered and the amount per consumer was less than one half that used in 1887-8 When 116 gallons per consumer per day From 1897 to 1904, when 9~ were used. of the ser- vices were metered this rate of consumption was reduced to 14 to 21 gallons per metered consumer per day,' the total pet' capita consumption gallons per day. being from 44 to 71 This shows there 1s a large amount of water unaccounted tor, part of which 1S used for spr1rutling streets, schools, fountains, flushing sewers, etc. MILWAUKEE, WIS. In 1887 ~lwaukee had a per capita consumption of 113 gallons per day and to reduce this the metering of factories, and places of business was begun. caused a reduction of 4q% over the consumption previous year. This of the Since then the consumption per service has been reduced 6~ and the per capita consumption 2~. 83. 7~Of the services, including practically factories, railroads, all of the etc. and some of the domestic consumers, are metered and in 1904 the per capita consumption had been reduced to 89 gallons per day. In considering the reduction of waste obtain- ed by metering all water for trade purposes it must be observed that 7Q% of the consumers using 5q% of the entire supply are rai1way~, manufacturing and business concerns so that 45 gallons per capita per day represants the amount used for domestic and public purposes per day. . :NEWARK, N. J. In ~e99 tLev€ was an inspection made to discover the wasteful consumers of Newark water and these were metered. consumption ent 4~ This reduced the per capita to 94 gallons per day in 1904 and at pres- of tIle services ccn:.:prI_y1r...g 'bJ.~lS are metered. From the ac~ pr1nt showing the consumption and meter curves from 1893 - 1903, ,it will be seen that voluntary metering had but little effect until 4116 meters were placadon the services of wasteful consumers (about 10% of. the total number of consumers) selected by inspection. This reduced wastage to the extent of 3,000,000 gallons per day or 11% of the supply. This I 85. advantage was held until 1903 the consumption increasing slightly with the population. In 1904 there was a 1eu~ge increase due to three causes: (1) Severe winter - water wasted to prevent pipes from freezing. (2) Dry summer. Excessive quantity of water used in sprl11kling streets, washing sidewalks, pavements, etc. (3) The increase of waste among the 48% of consUlll- ers whose services were unmetered. Rlcm.~Olm, VA. Prior to 1897 the reservoir was often drawn down and occasionally nearly emptied during the winter months by the use of large quantities of water to keep the pipes from freezing. :Meters began to be put in in 1897 and soon effectively checked this source of waste. By 1906, 7~ of the domestic, and 4~ of the total services were metered. Meters have not been used long enou~l to obtain any reliable data on .their effect on the 'per capita consumption but curves for the consumption and percentage of metering are given on page J 17 • PROVIDENCE, R. I. Meters have been used in Providence since 1872 and the percentage of metered services has gradually increased as shown by the curves on page from 4~ in 1877 t9 8~ in 1904. the popu~ation increased 10~ consumption 17~ I .4 During this time and the average per capita or from 24 gallons per day to 67 gallons per day in spite of metering. The result of a special inspection in 1892 to determine if possible the causes of wastage, showed that the high rate of consumption then obtaining to be due to (1) Leakage resulting from the electrolysis of the mainso (2) wastage in hydraulic elevators. (3) Large quantities of water used for trade purpose. At present 10q% of the services are metered and a low per capita consumption, about 50 gallons per day, obtains. ST. LOUIS, IIiO. In 1880 house-to-house inspection to locate 1ealtS anc1 undue wastage, was made in system has been maintained lsvigorous st. Louis and the since then. At times it and efficient and at other times 1s just the opposl\a. .Results obtained by this system show 87. that about 34 houses out of a hundred were wasting water and in 6~ of the houses wasting water, such waste was due to defective plumbing. Meters were only sparinglY introduced even though the house-to-house .inspections at times were onerous to the water takers. SPRINGFIELD, MASS. Springfield has a high per capita consumption in spite of the fact that 37i% of the services are metered. A bureau of inspection 1s maintained which inspects the unmetered services and from the very meagre data available, considerable wast~ge 1s found and checked in this way. SYRACUSE, N. Y. Comparison of the consumption and number of meters 1894 and 1904 shows in a general way the effect of meteringo 1894 1904 CONSUMPTION per service, gals. per day 2210 747 Number of meters in use 1246 11059 Previous to 1894 the water supply was inadequate and data then obtained 1s of no value for comparison with other cities. At present, one half of the water supplied is sold by measure and 7~ of the 88, domestic services are metered. Water for trade uses and that used by wasteful consumers is metered, yet the per capita consumption remains high, 108 gallons per day. This may be due in part to the unusually ~arge amount of water used for public purposes, watering trough, fountains, etc., and to the large number of hydraulic elevators and motors in use. TAIDTTOH, MASS. Since 1898 all water for trade purposes and from 35 to 4Q% been metered. of the domestic consumption has No very positive conclusions can be drawn from the data available but the following facts are of importance. (1) to 4~ In 1904 the unaccounted-for water amounted of the entire supply. (2) There is still considerable wastage of water; how much 1s hard to determine but probably not less than 20% of the supply. WELLESLEY, Practically for manufacturing MASS. no water 1s used in Wellesley purposes and the domestic consumption is the only one necessary to consider. By the meter- ing of all services this has been reduced by 30 or possibly 4Q% of the quantity pumped before the usa of meters. The 'L~accounted-for water still averaged, in 1901 to 1904, 43% of the amount supplied. AllOWing 15% for the slippage of pumps, and 5% for the under registration of meters would give a domestic per capita constunptlon of 28 gallons per day or a total of 45 gallons per day, leaving 14 gallons per day or 31% of the total per ca.pitato covel" the water used fOl')fires, flushing mains and leakage. Lea~age from the mains, from tests made in 1897, seems to be of small consequeuee. WEST ORAJTGE, N. J. The water supply of West Orange is in the hands of a corporation buying and selling its water entirely by meters. Per capita consumption not available but with a pressure data is of 401 to 1101 on the 30 miles of pipe in the system, the company cannot ace o1).nt for more.~than 80% of the water supplied to their system even With the most rigid inspection to locate lea'tcs. YO~1KERS, N. Y. All water pumped and sold in Yonkers is measured by meters. Without correcting page of pumps the domestic consumption for the slipis about 20 gallons per capita per day and the unaccounted is about twice that amount. for water It is thOU~lt that prob- ably not over 80% could be accounted for in any event. The c'xrves for per capita constunption and percentage of metered se~llce from 1890 to 1905 are shown on Page I' 6 • Table No. 12, prepared by ~~. Fuertes, 1s ~Q~4L introducedA~ unaccounted 97 to show the relative percentages for water in German and American Which have a large percentage od. of cities of their services meter- The~ Gel~!!lan ci ties seem to have a sma.ller aver- ago percontage of rinaccounted-for water than do the American but the reason for this is not apparent without a detailed study of the metering system generally prevalent in the Ger~an cities. From the foregoing data, Mr. Fuertes draws the following general conclusionf. nIt has been the universal experience of every city in the United states that wastage and lewtage can not be satisfactorily the use of meters on practically controlled without every service, do- mostic, manufacturing, commercial and pUblic." In drawing this conclusion he assumes but-'~ two methods of checking waste: (1) Frequent house-tohouse inspection With exa~inatlons (2) Selling water by measurement of the street mains. (metering). This leaves out of account the method of inspact10n in conjunction with the metering of wasteful consumers but he concludes that if this system 1s in operation for a considerable time practically all the services will be metered and such cases might be considered under method (2). To further emphasize the truth of his conclusion, Mr. Fuertes groups the cities studied in four classes, characterized as follows:CLASS A. nCities selling water on assessment or frontage rates and in which waste reductions have been acc~nplished by house-to-house inspections, meter- ing wasteful consumers, or combinations of these methods, and in Which When these results have been relaxed, the good results obtained have ~een subsequently lost." CLASS B. ftClties in which a considerable portion of the services are metered, effecting some improvement, but in Which wastage and lew{age are not yet entirely under control." CLASS c. ftCities in which wasta reduction has been successful and in which the good results secured have been permanently maintalned.ft CLASS D. "Cities in which water has been sold by measure for-a good many years and in which wastage and leakage have been and are now under as perfect control as practicable of attainment." Tables I, II, III and IV give statistics for the four groups and in the main seem to justify Mr. Fttertes' conclusions. 93. TABLE I - CLASS A. C i t Y • Newark Year referred to. Average daily consumption per capita. Percenta.ge of aorvicos Years elapsed metered. 1898 J.13.0 10.0 n 190J. 94.0 32.0 3 n 1904 105.0 42.0 3 1889 210.0 0.6 n 1897 J.36.0 18.0 8 n 1905 181.0 27.0 8 Boston J.883 91.5 It 1884 68.0 1 " 1892 95.0 8 n 1896 101.0 4 It J.900 J.13.0 Detroit J.l.8 4 94. - CLASS B. ~~-~~---~~~~~-~~~-~--~~--~~-----~~~~--~~~-~~~--~~-~~-~~--~~~ Year re- Av. daily Percent- Number Number TABLE II tarred to. City. per cap. consv.m:D- It 1901 n 1904 tion in ga' 1on8. ++ 136 ++ 174 ++ 138 1899 1904 Cleveland ichmond tI Springfield n 1891 age of of inhab1- Metered tants per Services. service. of yaax's elapsed 6 7.5 10 49 7.5 3 126 30 5.8 41 6.1 1893 129 ++ 117 ++ 17 5.3 1899 J.13 20 5.0 6 36 5.1 4 37 7.0 1 44 7.9 72 7.3 38 9.7 45 5.6 5 ++ It 1903 216 ++ t1 1904 130 + yracuse n 1898 1904 81102 6 ++ aunton 1898 48 ++ tI 1904 64 6 ---~~~~~~~~-----~--~---~--~-----~~-~----~-----~~-~~----~--~- + Extraordinarily large number of watering troughS nd fountains in use in Syracuse. + Per consumer. TABLE III - CLASS C. C 1 t y. ___ Year refenred Av.da11y consulnp- Percentage of to. tion in gallons metered duction services. was ._._.__ ..".~._. u~er=--.:::d~a"'u..,i'.;.. Asbury Park, N.J. 1900 n n 1884 225.0 30 1888 91.0 100 n " Conn. n Lawrence, Mass. n Lowell, Mass. n Madison, Wis. It It It It It It Wellesley, Mass. Permanent. 4 Permanent. 2 Perma.nent. 84.5 8 67 10 Pel"nanent. 1891 18~)7 60.0 189~) llO.O 6 1904 70.0 94 1892 87.0 39 1904 42.0 87 1900 83.0 52 1903 51.0 65 6 1885 129.0 1898 '~50.0 92 1472.0+ 1023.0 799.0 4 18 25 41. 814.0 58 614.0 66 POUghkeepsie,N.Y. 1876 n 71. 1884 Harr1sburg,Pa. Hartford, 1874 _ 52 1898 Fall Rivel",Mass. --.;;;;.S-:;;'3-.:c_';..;;.;.r.-;a...;;d~.~ 100 At1ailtlc CltY,N.J.1896 n Results. 50 1901 Atlanta, Ga. Time in which ra- 1884 1886 1889 1892 1894 1890 1895 857.0 98.0 58.0 + per sel~vlce ::.5 Pernanent. 13 Per!!lanent. Probably Per!~an3nt • 0.5 Pel"'nanent. 18 18 Permanent. 100 Permanent. - - -- ~ ,..,.-,-- ,'- ............... C 1 t Y • IV - CLASS D. - .._ ... - -.. -.....TABLE _ ..... - - ....-- .... - ........ .. - ... - _ ..- _ ......... - ..... - .. - - -.. ,.. ~ '"- Year re- Av.da11y ferred conswnp. to. per cap. No. o-t years elapsed. Percentage of' Services Metered. ----~~-~_._-~~--~----~-~~~ .._-----~~~~~~--~~~~-------_ .... _-~~--~~~ 1888 91 AtJ.anta " Fall River " Harrisburg n },[adison n M11waukee n Pou.g..1.1~eeJ?8i9 n n n n Providence n n n Wellesley n Yonlters u n 1904 1884 1902 1897 1904 1896 1904 1898 1904 76 33 40 60 65 67 16 All All 18 95 7J. 8 28::>9 799+ 8J.4 614 1892 1894 1899 1905 18~)l l8D~;k 89 6 51 1904 78 1902 1904 89 94 23 9 4 -+ pel" sel~vlce. 65 .79 96 61 80 41 3 2 5 6 635 586 lOaO 1£3~.~5 60 7 75 63 64 67 58 55 1900 1004 67 58 66 80 86 63 69 83 86 100 100 98 96 100 $17, TABLE Ho. 12. Unaccounted for Water. Per Cent. lfetered. City. Brockton Boston, Year. Total per Capi ta per Day. CIa's. ~. Per Cent. 79 1898 31.1 10.9 35 80 1899 33.4 11.5 .35 81 1900 33.2 10.8 32 83 1901 33.2 10.1 30 90 1902 36.0 12.0 33 90 1903 37.1 12.0 32 91 1904 36.9 13.3 26 1880 86.0 29.0 34 1892 95.0 32.0 34 96.0 20.0 21 lfass. Cleveland 49 1904 Englewood 100 1888 93 1899 36.2 8.5 23 94 1900 36.4 7.9 22 95 1901 33.9 6.6 20 95 1902 40.5 8.7 21 100 1884 308.0'* 148.0 48 100 1885 238.0* 81.0 34 100 1886 256.0* 101.0 39 100 1887 313.0* 131.0 42 100 1888 (tyr. ) 446.0* 173.0 39 Fall River Hackensack Hartford, Harrisburg Ct. 99 52 1904 62.0 24.0 39 1891 122.0 54.0 44 (1) TABLE No. 12, cont. Unaccounted for Water. City. Per Cent. J!letered. Harrisburg Year. Total per Capi t"a per Day. G-Q Is. Q;:tr& • Per Cent. 1892 122.0 44.0 36 1893 121.0 44.0 36 l,tanufac- 1894 108.0 36.0 33 turing 1895 119.0 40.0 34 2/3 1896 107.0 30.0 28 1897 107.0 25.0 23 1898 122.0 28.0 25 1899 122.0 22.0 18 1900 133;0 25.0 19 1901 135.0 20.0 15 1902 134.0 20.0 15 1903 143.0 30.0 21 1904 146.0 30.0 21 84 1902 54.0 23.0 42 86 1903 42.0 12.0 29 87 1904 42.0 12.0 29 lIi1waukee 79 1904 89.0 14.0 16 Ridgefield 100 1886 175.0* 62.0 35 100 1887 133.0 * 10 .. 0 8 100 1888 (tyr.) 181.0 * 24.0 12 All Domestic. Lawrence Madison 89 1897 44.0 17.0 39 92 1898 40.0 13.0 32 (2) TABLE No. 12, cant. Unaccounted for 'Vater. City. ]:1:adison Per Cent. Metered. Year. Total per Capita per. Day. ern I~ ~. Per Cent. 92 1899 42.0 15.0 36 94 1900 43.0 15.0 35 95 1901 50.0 17.0 34 95 1902 46.0 12.0 26 96 1903 56.0 22.0 39 96 1904 71.0 37.0 52 Syracuse 72 1904 108.3 20.0 19 Taunton 38 1898 48.6 14.3 29 40 1899 53.7 .15.2 28 41 1900 62.0 23.7. 38 42 1901 65.0 24.9 38 43 1902 54.0 15.3 28 45 1903 54.0 13.4 25 45 1904 64.0 24.8 39 Ware 100 1902 44.0 17.0 39 '\'le11esley 100 1901 48.0 20.6 43 100 1902 50.0 22.1 44 100 1903 55.0 23.2 42 100 1904 55.0 23.5 43 100 1905 Woonsocket 87 1902 29.0 7.0 24 Vforcester 95 1902 68.0 29.0 42 W. Orange (3) 20 I lO(). TABLE No, 12, cont. Unaccounted for Vlater, City, Yonkers Per Cent. Metered. Year. Total per Capita per Day, G-(\, ~. ~ Per Cent-, 98 1900 78.0 37,6 48 94 1901 84,0 41,4 49 94 1902 89.0 40.0 45 99 1903 88,0 37.0 42 100 1904 94,0 40.5 43 71 1895 15.3 2.0 13 73 1896 15,3 2.4 16 78 1897 15,8 2.7 17 100 1895 18,0 0.9 5 100 1896 18.2 1.6 9 99 1895 14.3 1.5 11 99 1896 15.2 1.5 10 99 1897 14.3 1.1 9 99 1898 13.2 1,3 10 99 -1899 14,3 1.4 9 100 1894 15.8 2.2 14 100 1895 24.3 2.9 12 100 1896 21,2 3,4 16 100 1898 14.3 4.2 29 100 1899 15.1 4.4 29 Stra1sund 100 1896 21.4 6.9 32 Bres1au 100 1889 19.5 3,5 18 100 1890 20.3 3.7 18 Bamberg Berlin Eisenach Hannover Rudo1stadt (4) J))l.• TABLE No. 12, conti Unaccounted for tvater. City, Bres1au Darmstadt Gotha Per Cent. lIetered. Year. Total per Capi t-a per Day. Ga ~.Is .. Per Cent. 100 1891 20.1 3.8 19 100 1892 21.7 5.0 23 100 1893 21.9 4~6 21 100 1894 22.2 4.6 21 100 1895 21.7 4.4 20 100 1896 23.2 3.9 17 100 1890 100 1891 13.5 1.6 11 100 1892 14.8 1.7 16 100 1893 18.0 2.9 16 100 1894 19.8 3.2 21 100 1895 17.4 2.4 13 100 1896 19,5 3.1 16 100 1897 20.3 3.5 17 100 1898 20.3 2.0 10 100 1899 21.4 2.2. 10 100 1900 21.4 2.2 10 100 1890 15.0 4.0 26 1891 13.2 3.3 25 11.3 3.1 28 12 \ All 1892 100 1893 9.8 2.7 28 1894 12.7 3.6 29 1895 12.7 3.6 30 (5 ) TABLE City, Gotha lfagdeburg lfainz Mannheim Per Cent. Metered. no. 12, cant. Unaccounted for Water. Year. Total per Capita per Day. Go Is. ~. Per Cent. All 1896 9,0 2.5 28 100 1897 11.6 2.6 26 1898 14.0 3.5 25 1899 10.3 2.3 22 1891 23.5 3.0 13 1892 23.8 2.8 11 1893 25.6 3.6 14 1894 26.4 4.6 17 1895 23.0 3,5 15 1896 24.8 3.8 15 1895 10.3 1.0 9 1896 11,9 0.6 5 189? 12.1 0.9 7 1898 12.4 0.8 6 1900 17.2 3.3 19 1892 18.2 2.7 15 1893 20.6 2.9 14 1894 18.5 2.4 13 1895 19.8 2.5 13 1896 20.1 1.9 10 1897 20.8 .2.2 10 1898 22.2 2.0 9 (6) 103. TABLE No. 12, cant. Unaccounted for Water. City. Per Cent. l'letered. Mannheim Potsdam Q,ued1iilburg All 100 Strassburg Year. T.otal per Capi ta per Day. G~ Is. ~. Per Cent. 1899 22,7 2.7 12 1900 22.5. 3.4 15 1882 4.5 0.9 19 1892 17.2 1.7 10 1893 17.4 2.8 16 1894 18.5 2.1 11 1895 14.5 0.9 6 1896 12.7 1.6 12 1888 4.8 0,6 12 1889 5.5 0.9 16 1891 7.4 1.0 14 1892 10.0 3.3 33 1893 10.0 2.7 27 1894 7.4 1.3 17 1895 7,6 1,5 20 1896 8.2 1,8 22 1896 21.1 2.2 10 1897 19.0 2.0 10 1898 21,1 2.2 10 1899 23.7 2.4 10 1900 27.2 2.8 10 (7) 104. TABLE Ho. 12, cont. Unaccounted for Water. City. Weimar Worms Per Cent. Metered. Year. Total per Capi ta per Day. G-cil& ~. Per Cent. 1890 13.7 2.7 20 1891 14.2 2.0 14 1892 15.0 3.2 21 1893 16.6 2.4 15 1894 16.9 3.5 21 1895 14.2 2.2 15 1896 14.5 2.5 17 189? 14.5 3.8 26 189? 21.1 2.3 11 1898 25.3 3.6 14 1899 27.2 2.2 8 1900 28.8 2.0 7 *Consumption per water taker not per capita. Allowance made for slippage of pumps and under registration of meters in practically all of above cities. (8) 105. PART VIII. THE EFFECT OF nffiTERSON THE CONSIDAPTION OF WATER. Until recently it has been assumed that meters were not only the best means of selling wate~ but also the qUickest and most lasting means of producing a low per capita consumption. ~~. Brackett has already pointed out tUlton, Malden, Belmont, Providenco, Brockton and Fall River as examples of What metering can accomplish. strange to observe but nevertheless true, these towns and cities along with some, others as for instance Pittsburg, Cleveland, and Newark, are always in the foreground While many others also largely metered have up to recently never appeared in print. Mr. James H. Fuertes u~tlmately came to the conclusion after investigating waste and prevention in New York, that a large quantity 1s wasted in various ways and that the maximum reduction Which can be expected by the general use of meters is 15 gallons per person per day. In the average unmetered city consumption, 75 - 100 gallons per person per day, Where there are no unusual conditions the maximum reduction Which could be obtained would probably be 15 gallons. On Marcll 13th, 1907, 1.~. W. S. Johnson read a paper before the meeting of the New England Water Works Association in Which he tried to prove that high consumption does not lOG. neceRs8~11y mean wastefulness on the part of the con- s~~ar, and that it cannot, in all cases at least, be reduced to a low figure. The following diagrams have been classified for a purpose into Classes A and B. Those under A are 1~. Johnson's and were presented by him to show that meters have not proved their supposed value in a great many places -- the places for which the diagra~s are dra\Yn are typical of large groups of cities and towns. sat those of A. Those under B are presented to off- Since the discussion of these di~- grrons leads to a consideration of other features of the problem a review, with remarks, of meter tests immediately follows this account. Now to proceed with this matter logically ~ the advantages, apparent or real to be proved, and the disadvantages are as noted:- Advantage~1 (a) A consumer will pay for all the water he uses Whether he wastes it or not. (b) He will not waste any more than he can help if he has to pay for all of it. (e) The consumers therefore become the inspectors and the city is relieved of that expense. l 10'7. Disad.v~ntages: (a) High consumption mayor may not be checked since large consumers in manufacturing pursuits will continue to be large consumers. (b) Small consumers may be independent (c) The city very lil{ely has to pay and allow their fOl"' the meters, their installation and meter readings. (d) Meters do not help the le~{ages in street mains and illicit use connections - these must still be found by district meters, and inspection. (e) Meters reqUire considerable care to preserve the accuracy and sensitiveness, SUCll as it iSt that they poss- ess when new. (r) If the consumer discovers that his water bill does not increase much when he begins to use water more freely after the moral effect of measurement ? has worn off a little ) he will soon be using water as generously as he did before the meter was attached. In order to compare the effect of metering in different places let now be considered the factors which must be kept constantly in mind both to draw correct conclusions from data at hand and to take account of when lOR .. new data. collecting These factors of pumps supplying appear to be:- (1) Slippage (2) Extent of main pipe lines and their condition. (3) Character (4) Use of water for public purposes. (5) Existence of and changes Effect for purposes. of introduction These are the important markedly in water suppljr. or entrance of large consumption manufacturing (6) the town or city. different of sewers. factors which would explain very effects in various places knovm and 1010wn with some degree were they of accuracy. all the. present data based But what is almost upon? Great stress has always been laid on "per capitan consumption and no mention and. pel") cent. of metelled has l)een made of the factors that nper capitan consumption depends~ uncertainty envelops service on which A great mist of (1), (2), (4) and very small attention has been paid to (3), (5), and (6). some data has been collected conclusion by can then be arrived success and failure of meters kind of data, the s~ne factors and a ccmparison therefore, Mr. Johnson. at. fi1'e are On (6) This Dlagram~ showing the based on the same left out of account, though fair to both classes, mayor may not show anything. 1w. Clemens Herschel characterized the above by saying that nWe are limping along with leaden feet in the distant w~~e of uncertain and obsolescent statistics", his statement should be apparent. and the truth of Still we must go ahead on the assumption that in a large collection of neglect of the factors previously enumer- statlst~cs atcd in all cases creates, probably, a fair basis for comparison of units, representative of units. of large groups Because it might happen that some one should be unfortunate enough to select towns cities in which uruOlown and to him (2) wasted much water and (5) had taken place, thus sltowing a failure of meters vnlen co-ordinated with nper capita consumption", the following letter was sent out to places for which some of Mr. Johnson's curves are drawn and to date on- ly the city of Lawrence has replied. Engineer in oharge of Water Supply, City of, etc. Dear Slr:In relation to the problem of Water Waste in Cities and Means of Prevention, which we are 1nvestigat1ng, can you find time to inform us of the proportion of total supply used for other than domestic purposes, whether or not this proportion has been nearly constant for the past ten years; and how large a factory class of people (employees) you supply. Tharu:1nb you in advance, I am etc. --------_.~~~-~~-~-~-----~~~--~---~-----~~--~--------~~From answers to this letter some idea might have been formed on the error if any in lw. Johnson's curves, but since the oracles r~fused to speak with but one exception the results of 1~. Johnson and others will now be taken up on the assumption made on the preceding page with the exception of Lawrence. Passing directly to the curves of Class A, we will first consider figure 1. Cities outside of New England in which in 1895 the per cent. of metered services was over 25 show an increase of 14 gallons per person per day in ten years either because the meters becrone inefficient and the consumers discovered the fact or some unusually large uses of water for other than domestic purposes had arisen in the towns and cities. It is highly probable that in so large a group of cities as used in making the diagram a very considerable portion of the 14 gallons increase is due to failul.e of meters either through their own defects I 14<J .,/ ~ Cl /3, k,QS Iou/s. I"" ~ /21: e/~ lIt. (2$ p'; t/. .~ ~"" I~'1\• ~;~ ~~ '77/ Tn d"'': ~1"pA: I,HII/'/ rtwh/. Ff fA ~H": ~o/J ~~n ceH vEn I?/O'n~" V / V tA".7J ~ -- G!A..:) I-- ~/~ cus ~ns.l. ~erP .. ~~tI 1"" /06 n" .gr. ~) ~ Q ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I'. r- ),. ..-Jr 1-- - .<; "- ..... / PJ'M £./1'1 ~~ 'rf/B~ \;" - -. ( / " l/ e/;I; ~. ........ I~:I~' 1110 ~ 2~~; ~ I~ ..... "'\)\ "( " Bd r" I .. .... l( .. ~ .... tiftA __v H"h.lt (I ~v -- ~ " ~m 'rJ!:!' _ k( " rem ""rj~~H1? v ~rl'tj ?'o IY~II bO .f() "'-"..... - !41/A' w-Ii, -,/,1 "" ~ .. ~ -, .. .-=.. :--" V ,..' #;J. i.<:1 1-~;.r 4D 2s' ~/r/ ",s I IrlYhl rkl'lt ~ ~7'r .-t?d ,ry/ ;"/t'.$ J I/S I; U"tJQ lr~ or: 'SI1JII>" 'I1J1..1f tl ~ p(1J' ,,), ? " ~~ -- ~1U1 ~m ~-J. l:sen lcq.s (1/'1; SQIr. if~Wi "S p.-- kd ) J V -- ~ .-~-f"" ,/ ~.,. ~.( I';" J.oYh CA".!lox Ik,,~ 'M ~E.9.f- ~ ca 10 J ~ I I 112~ in supel~r1sion. Where the meters were continuously attached (b, figure 1) we see the moral and mechanical effect of fresh new meters produced a drop of one gallon per capita. Now manufacturing and other purposes may have also arisen in these cities but still there 1s the reduction. It can be concluded therefore that most of the foregoing 14 gallons increase was due to the above noted reason. Again it may be noted that New England cities and t9wns in Which the percentage of metered services has increased more thWl 25% (see figure 1, d) show an increase of 11 gallons which is opposite to (b). It would not seem reasonable to as- sume tllat all of (b) remained in the same condition While the majority of (d) were unfortunate enough to start up manufactul les and large consumption. l A 6 gal- lon increase is shown by (e) against a much larger increase shown by (e). It seems safe to conclude that places represented by (b) and (e) were mUch benefited by the introduction of meters while in those places represented by (e) and (d) meters have not been successfUl. Looking for a moment at this table presented as table ~ in 1~. Johnson's account, the effect of an introduction of a large nUmber of meters Within a short period is shown. The immediate effect is a reduction 113. Incroase in per- 1890 -- 1905 1900 -- 1905 No.- of---increase ccntuge of meter- No. ----rncr'easein ConsuJnp. Ge.ls. places. 1n coned services. of sump. GaIn places. per person per day. pel' pel'S on per day. Less than 10 27 36 95 7 33 ]. J.O 25 25 J.O 25_ 50 . J.6 9 J.1 J.4 More than 50 J.2 - 4 6 -J.7 in the quantity of water used but while the introduction of more than 25% of metel'ed services wi thin five years reduces the consumption, the introduction of the same number in a period of 15 years does not prevent an increase in the consumption. It thus seems that a certain amount of waste has been cllecked but the conGumption increased. The figures 2 - 7 inclusive in: consumption show the increase in thoroughly metered cities and it 1s. very substantial. Provided meters are a good means of checking waste this increase may be called the normal increase in the consumption With' all reasonable precautlo~s'taken against waste. Consequently figures 2 - 7 shoW an increasing consumption in sp1te of metel:ls. 114. Fig,3 00 eo ,. ll5. /0 0 0'0 . /VI ],).6. - - 20 I 80, I.00 " l'ji I ,L~G ",' ~, ~JZ) ~ ~ ~'2<J '-., I~ ; ~ '~ f(! y 0 /V - ~ 'Vi< w io"" -r~ ($ ~ /' ~ I ._' I" II ..,. t" - l'7 I'tr • .'""""- - "..I 'f .- .-: .,/ I - -- ~ ~ I tI , I I I ~) ~t2~ ~ I ~ ~ ...... - Y~ ~~ ~; -c I I " 0 0) , I I ~ rv ~'f t1:H ~t 0 g .~ ~J i. 117. 118. /d 0 Bp .... ~ 1/ ~~ - , : 1--' 6 't-o liA 0 '\) ~, ~ .~~ 'F t~'1 J3 \:) \) ~ .r ryt .t ~( £ ~ l~_g • Figure (9) Rlcltmond, Va. shows well the lmmediate effect of meters on an abnormally large con- A great reduction takes place, low con- sumption. sumption continues for a few years and then the conGumption creeps up proving tbat metering alone without care and inspection 1s not lasting. Figures (8) and (10) Neeffilam and Attleboro, show decidedly that the wholesale introduction meters failed to even check the consumption of for more than a year. Some truth there" may be in What Mr. Johnson said about Reading, Lowell, and Lawrence in reeard to change in water supply from bad to good. He claimed that a dirty water supply lead to high consumption. Reading (fig. 11) really does seem to show a rapid decline in constunption for some reason before meters were genere~ly introduced. It is probably fair in tp~s case to give the true reason for the diminished consumptionas a good filtered water supp1y introduced abou.t a year before the general introduction of meters. But the futv.re alone will show Whether or not the meters will keep the cu~ve of consumption low. A great dlf- rarenes of opinion exists about Lowell's change in water suppl~r. l~. Robert J. Thomas, Supt. of the ~ I,! ; 120. Water Works of Lowell, ing was optional, but in 1900, hence that before large per capita So in 1908 Lowell In relation consm!~t1on had the lowest a new supply did not fall as in Lowell, reascn was not correct. supply of Lawrence Concerning very likely The answer received lw. from Lawrence 1904, 1905 and 1906. ..-:_ ,.-.' ...- __ METERED. Do- Tot81 lilas-incl. tic. mfg. 1904 17.2 26.3 .-r_ Mr. hence Johnson in regard The following out Johnson's in water is again v~ong. to the problem of the Water Table gives Board data for Per capita per day consumption. .. .. _ ~ __ NOT METERED. Domestic Sf,reat,Flre, metered Sewer and un- and not metered consumel"S. _ .. __ Total metered, note metared, not 1nc~.and mf[;. Manuf'B. etc. _ % metel~etl 17.2 80.5 12.'7% 24.2 21.2 12.3% or 35.8 81.0 services. 1906 16. 25.5 20. J.l. eJb at SeryiC9s. _ _ of metered servlC6B. of sSl"vic as. 1905 .15.3 for of water but the the change was in the form of three annual reports to the City Council. consumption W~. Thomas pointed to Yonkers, that it also had obtained -_ consumption; after driven due. 17 years. _ 1900 meter- well-water had been introduced, to was done by the city andAthis the reduction was metering really made a point 81.6 ... I I I, I From this table the domestic consumption 1s onl~l about 16 gallons per person per day while the non-metered which includes assessment takers, sewer flush1ng, fire purposes, and street sprinkling is about 20 gallons per c~ita ~ per day, provlnr conclusively have accomplished consumption, that meters very good results on the domestic thus showing that about half the consumpt:ton cannot be altered at all by house meters. Many thanlcs are due to the Lawrence Water Board for keeping such good statistics. It is careful records like these m11ch will solve the problem of success or failure of meters. Looking now at what Mr. Johnson said about what met.ers can be expected to accomplish we find very good statistics on amount of water used to prevent freezing of services, amounts used in factories and amounts used in residential towns. Comparing Fall Rive!' and Needham, Mr. Johncon shows by. a tabla that in Needham, a strictly resi- dential town, the high consumption 1s due to the pres- once of a large number of firs;t,class residences, in Fall River the ~ow consumption of a 1uajority of residenc8 and is due to the presence of the poorer class. natural differences cannot be overcome by meters. These 122. In regard to Brockton very little water' 1s used in the shoe shops; in Fall River the water ~sed by -the factories 1s obtained from independent Mr. sources. Johnson's statement that the results obtained in North Attleboro and Reading due to favorable natural and mechanical features cannot be obtained in Norwood, Taunton and Watertown by further metering 1s unquestion- a.bly true. A table was shown by him to prove that almost half the water drawn from sources of supply is unaccounted for by meters and it did show this fact, but the meters were really accomplishing good results as far as they were concerned. In th!s same trend pa.9ll the following recant memorandaAof 1'2.4 , the Boston Water Works is introduced to show great leakage in street mains. The question seems to be whlcll saving 1s the greatest - street leakage or house waste? Of course the only efficient way to prevent waste is to look to both street and house and to continually follow up a well settled plan. Now consider the curves of Class B. Newark, N. J. has already been described but here it is well to nota that the diagram shows this fact, 1.a. that meters. When set in SUfficient number with care reduce the cons.... unpt ion. The diagram for Cleveland, Ohio shows 123. the same fa.ct. That for Pittsburg, Penn. shows tha.t meters do reduce the consmnption. In the above cases, however, it should be noted that the final consumption is still qUi te high. Figure 17 is drawn to show that the consumption of water: in cities With over 5q% of services metered is reasonably low. The average line decreases 8 gallons in the eleven years, but does not include the effect of the two erratic lines at the top or the diagroon. This diagram was presented by Mr. Morris Knowles, in his remarks on Mr. Johnson's account. The average line does seem to refute Figure 1, but f'ttrtherillvestigation diagrffin might show tha.t tl10 01 ties of 17 are favo~able to low consumption. however, another factor of great importance, acc~racy and durability There ls, vlz. the of meters. Mr. Joh-~ W. Hill presented a paper before the American Society of Civil Engineers extensive tests on small meters. in lSg9 giving These tests throw some li~1t on l~. Johnson's curves and confront us with the diffiCUlty of bU1lding a meter which will be suf- ficiently accurate to register all the water passing the service Whether just flowing or rushing at full velocity. M e;»l Of G\ "t1 d ~ ri:~1a S+oYI11ateY \f'f 0 S Daily cr Night Average Rate. Bri. H. S. Pop. 7600 Cons~unption. Aug. 1908 Before inspection 1,232,900 800,000 956,800 621,700 Oct. 1906 After inspection (22%) Charlestown L.S. Pop. 39,000 Sept. 1906 Before Novo 2906 After inspection inspection In spite of unsatisfactory 7,206,400 4,919,400 5,975,200 3,880,000 (21%) inspection. BELLE'V'""uE TA1ITC WASTE. The only section of the City in which any systeme.tic inspection for waste has been done in the last 8 years was the section supplied 'from Bellevue Tank in 1906. In July the daily average consumption 757,300 gallons and the corresponding this section being practically gallons, the population was night rate, (in all waste) was 549,000 being 4000. The territory was tested by a Deacon Meter ~~d a proper inspection carried out, with the result that the daily average consumption in Nov. was 458,800 gallons with a nl~~t rate of 218,900 savl~~ of 300,000 gallons daily. gallons, making a J.25. The fo1loulng leaks were detected on services or pipes outside of residences. 12ft joint on Corey st. galJ.ons daily wasting 108,000 " 33,600 " 38,400 " 5/8" service on Hemlocl~ St. 5/8" s61"vlca on Bellevue st. It ---------:L90,000 " " " " Of the 300,000 gallons saved daily, 180,000 gallons or 6q% was on leaks outside never have been stopped by ~eterlng remainder 120,000 gallons and which would houses, while the or 4q% would have been regis- tered on meters and either repaired or paid for. fY EWARt';) N. J. Cl. B. 14- '~I(t't p~~~-i-ak ~'!t.IU~d...(~ P' ~ l\l -~ ,~ c \ , ~ , ~ ~ 0 I~ ~\ ,\) ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 .~ ..... ~ " ,~ 1/ *i ) \ ,~ "", \ .. \.. , I ~ .... "- ,~ ~ ~ ,,1.4 , ~ \ ~\ ~ V ('t) ~ ~ '> ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ 187. REDVC-r,of'/ of PER-CAPITA COr<SV~PT)Ol'( ~METERIr<6 CLEVE-LAND ~ PlI;}' " ~ c ." ~~ - OHIO- u/ D ~ ~ 0 .<: \~~ . \ ~~, ~~ -.i; ~ ~ ~ ~I_ " L.--- ~ r'--~ " I~ I--- ~ ~ L---- ~ S --- t::::> --I' ( ~ 1 ---- :jlt1M! ..~O -- Cl ~e " "- \ , ~ ~ .... \ \ ---0 L.----- , :.::.;,:;;- \ ~., ~ <::::-- "" [\ ~~ ..L\' ~ c::::==- ~ ~ L----- ~ ~ t-.~ ~ l> V ') r-.., ~ ~ r--. () I:> ~, \1)1 ~ ~ , :, , I I ~ Q\ " \:) ~ " IClj~ 17(' IJ ,~v ~ [,1"- f\ If, I, n ,.,. ~~ f\.at; If "'- ('""II ~I" , -'I ~ V I- l." ~ 1e.!::1 l"".o' lj- ~. ~)~~ V I~t 1\ 'J 2 II r-.~ I .. j M rJ:> I\.. ~ \ r.:::. ,) I~ e !Y ~,E., (J',lA. _01/ V V J 'J \ 1\ .~ 1\ lor' /1 /0 ~ /{JO!J ~ f' l:::-FFE" c.Toi .W()R~ l~ ,90 6 JYl ETe-(?\ lYe; (;l'\(b 8~'OFORD D'STRICT rrrrs(3 /6° 1"" ar tr 150~ /9(/ 11: 7 -.t ~ If,VESTI8Nn01'( VR~ ~ ?A. ,11Vclte1I/v \V V / FLucTlJATJDN"S J~ f%RVsrITI'l WATEf<)~C/Tl£~w1h PE RCE"]YT (') U~Eo{hARG!f r- M ET~ RE TJ S E. RY'I c€.~ Mr. Hill investigated the precision of registry with widely varying rates of delivery and investigated the loss of pressure by passing different quantities of water tl~ough meters. in a given length of time. The Meters tested were: x the Worthington x Union rotary and ColQ~bia x Crown x Hersey and Hersey disk Lambert z Trident disc z Niagara z Pittsburg z Standard disc ~ = PlstOt1 Z:o. DlSc. Columbia z Nas:h. Columbia (a velocity or Infel~entlal meter). The meters ware connected with 3/4ft service pipe ~~d pressure. varied from 85 - 106 pounds. The cO!l~itiom as far as possible wel--e such as the meter in actual use is sUbjected to. The l--es1;]. ts of the tests are as follows: 130. Rotary and Pittsburg rather poor and most of the meters not register dj.d enough. The Hersey meter would not work when orifice became less than 1/8ft and dischal"ga 172.58 per hour. Table of results. Cu. ft. meter. By Tank. Ratio 10.59 1.333 1.3460 -1.0087 J.0.68 1.000 1.1953 -1.1953 J.1.24 1.667 1.6690 -1.004 10.98 2.000 J..9943 + .9972 10.80 1.333 :1..391.0 -1.0446 :1.0.99 1.000 l.2600 -J..2600 10.95 1.000 1.1.63~5 -J..1.633 .833 J•• 8749 -2.292l ll.l5 1.667 1.8779 ...1.]~20. lJ .• BB ~.OOO l.3278 -l.5278 l~~. 62 1 .. 333 J..6048 -3..2062 45.65 2,,000 2.~535 -J..0758 45.l7 :1.000 1.2J.J.0 -J..2~Ll0 Gallons per hour. Disk 10... 99 132.. Comparison of errors of Registry. No. ERR tests. Max. Meter. Order of 0 R Min. Average Test. -------~~~~~-~---~~-~-~---~-~~~-~----~~-~---~-~-~~-~--~-~ PISTON Worthington 18 +10.32 +0.67 +2.08 Crown J.5 - 9.45 -3.77 -6.28 10 Hersey 10 3.64 +0.53 ... 2.15 1 Empire 23 ... 0.86 +0.23 -0.~8 :L6 -3.6.34 +0033 -2.32 2 Union Rotary DISK :METERS Nash 15 - -0.04 -0.38 4 Hersey 5 15 9 13 - 0.75 .J.5 + J..31 -0.25 +0.22 Trident 15 .. 4.27 -0.04 -0.75 6 Trident 6 -20.~3 -O.O~ -6.88 7 Trident 6 -14.05 -1.32 -5.70 8 P:Lt.t, S.O'U.i;"g 8 lIoco6.37 -0.66 -19 a 50 3 Pi ttshD.rg 11 -:L0.?'1 -0.60 11- Niagal')a 13 -24:.68 -0.37 -.-.4.77 12 Niagapa, 1.5 -17.10 -0.32 -2.56 16 S t and.&U"ll 14 - +2.119 -0.,35 l'7 Lambert 11 -lry.4:2 0040.84 -5.ll 14 Columbia 19 +66.3l. -0.78 ~------~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~~ 7.lA -3.05 INFERENTIAL Certain. meters - ~ accurate for ordinary rates I ot dra.ft. ware incapable of measur1ng smaller discharges and these smaller discharges more nearly resemble the 138. leakage in domestic plumbing and therefore should be measu~ed. If meters approximate to 5% accuracy they do as much as can be expected. Concerning Mr. Hill's tables all meters were tested When discharge was low 240 - 250 gallons per day were about 10 - 3q% out, Which me~~s that supposing you want to check waste between 1 - 4 A. M. by reading meter" the amount Which can pass th~ugh unmeasured is ~en gallons. In fact the percentage of error is great enough to allow a meter to pass without registry 40 gallons in 24 hours. Some assert that a meter 1s safe to use until error is ~. This passes more than 40 gallons par 24 hours. At the house taps a greatly reduced pressure exists due to loss of head in passing through meter. Diso vibration can ba observed for vary small flows Which tha meter will not register. This table gives rates of flow at Which meters begin to register after 4 months use. Cu. ft. ner sec. Galls. per min. Union Rotary .00051 0.23 Crown .00068 0.51 Hersey Rotary .00126 0.57 Trident .00047 0.21 Thomson .00047 0.21 Played out. --~~---~.~~~~~~~-~~-~~~-~~~~~--~~--~~~~~~~~~~~~ From above in an hour .23 X 60 = 12 - 14 gallons un- Hersey Disc registered wh1ch would allow considerable waste. The foll?wing statements have been made James H. Harlow: athat on account of freezing 0. u \\ 0"'"' flaws water meters don~' register 7~ of amount of water used by consumers, and a meter which will register small flows must be found.' Mr. W. C. Hawley stated that Rotary Crown and Hersey t~~es when stopped pass from 60 - 75% of amount they pass when running. Unless inspection or reading takes place quite often a meter may be stopped for qUite a While undiscovered. When a con- a~~er 1s paying for metered water he escapes of the meter stops registering but continues to pass water. Disc meters have been found to be better, st~11 erit wears them in such a way that anything less than a 118ft stream 500 - 4000 gallons per 24 hours may pass without being registered. 1~. Kittchling thinks house waste due to 1eaks W\\\ \'\~)\ WOn-4, be registered by meters. He says that meters do not register 5q% of 72 gallons in 24 hours. l~. Rafter of Rochester thinks the question of metering 1s still open. From the above remarks it appears that 1~. Johnson's curves may tell great truths and the reasons are that meters are not sufficiently sensitive and are l34. very likely to get out of adjustment, i.e. cease registering. Because if meters do not register all the time the per capita consumption curve will be high. In conclusion then of the effect of meters on consv~ptlon it may be said that there is right on both sides but the question of the good resulting from meters is still open. .tef m~.'t~lngall problem. However, improvements in meters and services will solve the domes tic CD nsumptlon PAR'!' IX. COHCLUSIOnS. Before giving our conclusions on UWater Waste in Cities and Means of Prevention", we wish to repeat the statement made in the earlier part of this thesis, 1.e. Realizing the futility of recommend- ing any method of preventing wasta for unknown looal conditions, we have not attempted to draw any conclusions save of the most general nature. From a study of all available data on this SUbject, law{ag~ and wastage may be divided into two general. classes: I.. Lea!ts in the mains and service pipes out- side of' houses. II. Wastage inside buildings. The amount of wastage in the mains and ser- vice pipes outs1de of houses (I) 1s dependent ons(A) Length ot P1pes. (B) Number of valves and connections and their condition and efficiency. (e) Character of joints and mains. 1. Method of making joints and connections and worlonanship. 2. (D) Degree of corrosion of pipes. Number of illicit water twcers. l3A~ The a~ount of wastage in bUildings (II) is dependent upon (A) Use to Which buildings are put, - manufaot- uring, hotels, residences, tenements, stores, offices and public bUildings. (B) Number and kind of fixtures. 1. Effect of tanks, overflows into sewers, leaky ball-cocks, etc. (e) Condition of fixtures and plumbing. (D) Type of pl~~bing (modern, well designed, etc.) (E) Character of Occupants. (F) Wilful waste by Inhabitants. The above we consider as a statement of the essential factors in the problem, but it is difficult if not impossible, even in any particular case, to estimate quantitatively the amount of wastage chargeable to each of the two oauses. In general, under normal conditions it may be said that the wastage and lewtage in the buildlnBs 1s greater than lew{age alone from the mains. Some of our data seemed to show that this was not true but upon going further into the details it was found in each case that either one of the mains was broken or a 1arge valve open, or the water used in spr1ru{11ng streets and flushing sewers was charged unaccounted-for water, to the street mains. as 137~ The wastage in the street mains and service pipes outside of the houses either consists of a large number of small leaks, in the aggregate making a large total, perhaps, but difficult of detection and suppression without the expenditure of a large amount of time and money, or to a relatively small number of open blow off valves, etc. and in the latter case the suppression of negligence on the part of the city employees will also suppress the wastage. The leakage in the bUildings 1s usually not difficult of detec~ion as it is above ground but the wastage cannot always be so readily located. to~~ Wastage. and leakage in the bUildings is theraboth ~ ~ in amoUL~t and in ~ase of detection, greater than the leakage from the mains and service pipes in the ~at • The best method to be used in checking lew{age and wastage 1s dependent solely on the comploteness of waste reduction desirable. This is deter- minad by the value to the city of the wasted water Q\ and in general ~he 1atter item 1s proport1on~ to the cost of obtaining water and of operating and ma1nta1ning the supp1y system. Ass'~ing our conc1usion,that the greater part of the wastage 1s inside the bUildings, to be true, and that this wastage When prevented or 1argaly checked gives t~e required total waste reduction, the following methods may be adopted if legislative action and local conditions permit. I. II. III. Inspection alone. Metering. Combinations of the above and the Deacon System. Assuming it is deemed advisable to reduce wastage and leakage to the lowest possible figure, the following methods may be used. I. II. III. Deacon Waste Detecting System. Petometer Waste D~tecting System. Either (I) or (II) or some similar system, with universal metering, metering wasteful consumers, separate inspection, stamping of fittings and inspection of plmnbingjor any or all of them, either alone or in combination with others. The above methods of waste reduction are not, of course, the only ones which might be used but they are the methods employed with more or less success in the cities studied. Which system will prove the best under the same conditions it is almost impossible to say for no city has, so far as we know, ever installed two different systems, each for a period of years, and compared results. If such a thing had been done, it 1s doubtful if the results would show anything very con- elusively/due to changing conditions, and to discrep- ancies, confusion and lack of uniformity mant or data. Nevertheless of arrange- the tendency towards accuracy in water waste statistics is growing and as the problem becomes more clearly defined, the conclusions drawn from the data obtained will be more correct and the problem, as a whole, will be ultimately ly solved. . completa- CORR}1JSPO~iDRUCE SHOWING MOST RECE1TT DATA. PART X. Cone~~pt1on of wntar. (a) .General por C01'1td consumption. (b) Domestic eons~p~1on. ( e) Publ! c consurrpt :ton. i. o. PountQ1ns and Public Eul~dlnBo; Fl.t1.sh1r~ sa?1arc; StrOQlt epr lnlt1.ing_ 2. Q;'J.ent1t:,1' s. ~~D~tlty wastod duo to houso aofoots suoh aSI ',tlc,;te,!' '11.oated due to d.o!'isetB in stroet broal~a and fixtures 4. lJroana 5. Sf. ot atl.e~t 'lTln1n law~G. dat(}ctl~r; Per eo~t, of metored houso quo.l~.ty or water' o.... lvpl.1ed., t:othod dolivored to t:\6 01 ty lJU..'"!lP ,.;'h~t effoct 7. fOl""r,t- cont~ol11n8 .laa!tQgo and \.VtlGtonge in housos. (e) 6. of dorsa tlva malns. Is thore (\rl1.n:the::, 8&l""'11008. of :-ac,rrdln8 B!!1ott.'1.t. by pU1:lp or nat.ol"; if by 'has s11ppcg31) any rn.<;trlcoCJ. d1f~oronce in pOl" caplta in d!rre~Qnt ports ot city dus to class 11tl'biting said pe.rt? connumpt1on or people in- COpy. -14.-;-.- .. Office of the Engineer Commissioner of the District of Columbia. Washington, D. e., May 12, 1908. Dear 81rs:I have the honor to sUbmit the accompanying blue-print in answer to your communication Ultimo. As, Washington of the 30th is not a manUfacturing it is safe to assume that 9~ city, of the minimum night rate is waste. The method employed in the detection and prevention of the underground waste is by means of the Cole Fladd Pitometer, and briefly, is as follows: A nu~ber of squares are isolated and fed through.a single main on Which a pitometer is set and photographic records showing the consumption and rate of consumption obtained. In a resldentla1 section, the rate of flow at the dead of night is used as a criterion, and'unless tho per capita consumption is found abnormal, districts Where there is no night consumption are of necessity normal. Where a night consumption 1s found, its sources are traced, by segregating squares one after the other, until the total consumption is accounted for. House to house inspection of the troublesome squares is made, and With the help of the aquaphone, l4B. not only leaking fixtures, but underground the sel~vlce pipes are detected. breaks 1n Where this inspection does not eliminate the trouble, the source of waste 1s located directly with the pitometer. The waste thus prevented in the period from October 12th last, to the 2nd instant, amount to 2,751,550 gallons per day, and the sources of waste were as follow: Broken main, blow-off found partly open, and derective joints, Broken services, including defective wiped joint"s in modern lead s el~v1ces, Bad 1ew{ing fixtures, repairs to which was demanded immediately, Total, 766,700 1,756,850 228,000. 2,751,550 Besides this, notices ot over 2,000 leaking fixtures were forwarded to the proper Division for repairs. It has not been possible to differentiate be- tween the waste due to 1ew(1ng fixtures and fixtures left running, or careless waste; on account of the long time necessary to have these repairs made. The breaks in services were, with one exception, in black iron pipes; While in lead services, the trOUble, With the only exception noted above, was due to defective wiped joints. The amount of waste due to leaking fixtures and fixtures carelessly left open, has been about equal to the underground waste; although the ratio between the two varies greatly according acter of the residences. to the char- In the metered district all waste, with the exception of that found in municipal and government bUildings, was due to underground leaks. Another source of waste characteristic our city 1s found in the municipal bUildings, which being unmetered, of and governme-nt and the mains and fixtuxtes, not under our supervision; are always to be fruitful sour'cas of waste. The following 1s a table showing the savings resulting from investigation t10ned bUildings: of the supply of the rnenGallons pel" day. U. S. Navy Yard u. 2,004,000 . S. Soldiers Home 175,000 U •.5. state, War and Navy Building 126,000 Washington Asylum ~l5,000 Three Public Schools 103, 509-_~. Total. 2,523,500 Very respectfully, (Signed) OCTAVIUS C. SMITH, in charge of Pitometer Surveys. 144, COpy. City of Rochester, Department of Engineering. Rochester, N. Y., May 12th, 1908. l45s In the year 1902 I prepared a statement for }~yor Rodenbeck in which I estimated the percentage water used for various purposes, and unaccounted of for. The total use was estimated at 13,800,000 gallons per dayo Of this amount 4,813,700 gallons per day, or 3~ passed through meters. There was estimated as used for public purposes and rebates to charitable institutions and not paid for 1,500,000 gallons per day, or 11%; used and wasted, unmetered, 3,243,900 gallons, or 23%; leakage in reservoirs and mains, estimated at 1,500,000 gallons, or 11%, leaving a balance of supply unaccounted for of 2Q%. I presume that a considerable portion of this 2q% was wasted through leaky services. I believe that a similar estimate made at the present time would show considerably less of the supply unaccounted for. I regret very much that we are unable to give any satisfactory figure as to where the waste occu.rs. Very truly yours, (Signed) E. A. FISHER, City Engineer. 7C#lfil**e'u'w ~l_Q"~•• Q.~~~.. = em 111 mrr ,- iIIUlJlllUll1J iil ---~--_._.-- 1l.~t~~~.~~;L~;J,~;i~,~£t1~:ki::;~:~t~:1:~;::;~t~;L!;{,~,~ ;:':,ij,:_:".;,.: ..•~•.... _"," , ,': ,, . COpY. Memphis Artesian Water Department, Memphis, Tenn., May 7, 1908. Deal~ Slr:Your letter of April 30th, addressed to the City Engineer, has been referred to us for answer. Our records have not been kept in such a way as to show the percentage of decrease in the pumpage according to the installation of meters. In fact, this would be a difficult record to definitely work out, for the reason that neters are installed gradually and at tIle same time new consumers are being added daily on the flat rate basis. The meter is the only effective method of preventing waste within our knowledge, as it makes the consumer the inspector, and he will accordingly watch his water in the same manner as he would his coal pile or flour barrel. This does not mean that he would use less water than sufficient for sanitary purposes, any more than it would mean he would fail to build a fire or ent less for economy. On the other hand, it 1s a principle recognized by all right thinking people that mater1~1 fUrnished should be paid for at equitable rates. In 1903 When the City bought the Water Works the consumption With about 12,000 customers, 1500 of l48~ which were metered, was an average of slightly more than 13,000,000 gallons. The Commission appointed at that time was soon educated to the fact that a large percentage of water pumped was wasted, and they placed within eighteen months about 1500 accordingly meters. The meters, and the moral. effect, together With the fear that those found wasting would be next metered, caused the consumption to decrease to about 11,000,000 gallons, Which meant 2,000,000 less in 1905 than in 1903. About that time it was decided to dis- continue metering for a vmile, and gradually the consmnption increased, until in 1907 it had again reached 15,000,000 gallons. Recently the propriety ~f add- ing meters has been again discussed, and in fact, during the last year something like 1,000 have been .installed, with the result that during the last few months we have pumped 1,000,000 gallons less than dur- ing the corresponding months of a year previous, notWithstanding an increase of 1,000 ~aps. Our taps now number 16,000. last month was 11,000,000, The consumption which is nearly 2,000,000 gallons .less tr~n the average for 1903 with an increase of 4,000 taps, and total nwnber of meters noVi in use about 4,000. These figures are given as general results Which may enable you to arrive at the information you seek. We have experimented fait~~ullY with the house to house inspection for waste and leaks, but find that oft repeated visits are objected to, and the results are qUite unsatisfactory for the reason that the benefit derived is temporary. Yours truJ.y, (Signed) LA~{CE SI~~SON. Gen. Supt. COpy. City of Baltimore, Water Department. :May 2nd, 1908. Dear Slr:Yours of the 30th instant, on the sUbject of water w8.ste and 1ts prevention, is at hand. In this city we have never made any systematic survey to determine the amount of water wasted or how it is wasted. There is no evidence that there is any excessive usa of water here. The total consumption in this city amounts to about 120 gallons per capita a day. Of this quantity a large percentage, between one third and one fourth, 1s used for flushing mains, washing down streets and gutters, and flushing out sewers, and water is used for these purposes very liberally, because we have more water than we can consume and it costs no more to make liberal use of it here for p~bllc purposes than to waste it at the impounding reservoirs over the dams or through drain gates. Meter measurement of the consumption in hundreds of dwelling houses 1n this city shows an average daily per capita consumption of about only 35 gallons, Which we do not regard as indicating any excessive waste of water. We have le~{s from mains in streets, of course, but the s011 hare is such that the leaks appear on the surface and are promptly located am stopped. There are many miles of old 2-inch, 3-inch, and 4-inch pipe, laid years ago, and much old pipe of this kind has been cut out of service. We believe it is much more economical and effective to eliminate leakage by cutting all this old pipe out of service than it would be to make systematic surveys of the city to locate waste from leaks. Yours truly, (Signed) ALFRED M. QUICK, Water Engineer. COpy. Department of Public Works, Chicago. Bureau of Engineering. May 6th, 1908. Dear S1r:I beg to reply to yours of May 4th as follows: 1. Consumption of water. (a) 204 gallons per capita, based on pump record- er l og1fltration and 1907 population. (b) Being compiled. (e) Being compiled. t 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Small. Being compiled. Pitometer surveys. By house to bouse inspections. Water taken from Lake Michigan. Method of recording - by pu~p register and few large meters. Yes. - Figures being compiled. I am enclosing you a print showing pump- age from eight large pumping stations. there are two s~aller pumping stations. Besides these A little study of this will shoW you the magnitude of our problem from your standpoint. Regretting that I cannot answer some of you~ questions more definitely, I am Yours truly, (Signed) T. C. PHILLIPS, Engineer, Water Surveys. 317 City Hall. COpy. Department of Public Works, George R. stearns, Director. BUREAU OF WATER. 790 City Hall, Broad and Market streets, Philadelphia, May 13, 1908. Dear S1r:Referring to yours of the 30th ult. requesting information relative to the sUbject of "water waste in cities and means of prevention", I would the matter has been one of considerable state that concern to the former and present officials of the Water Department, and the question of water meters has been discussed pro and con by the newspapers and the pub11c for the last decade. The reason the sUbject has been so much dis- cussed 1s on account of the high consumption it being approximately of water, 200 gallons per capita per day which indicates that there must be considerable waste. There is, however, some doubt as to the accuracy of this estimate of the consumption which is based on "plunger displacement" with an allowance for slip, and just whether or not the amount allowed for slip is as high as 1t should be 1s a question. In the newer and recently constructed stations, the quantity of water pumped is measured by pitometers q~tity pumping and in the f1ltered water districts the is measured by floating weirs and it is probable that the quantity thus measured 1s reasonably accurate. In these districts, where there is no question as to the quantity supplied, we find still a very high consumption. a During 1906 and 1907 large corps of in- spectors were employed in making house to house inspection. It is extremely difficult to state What benefit, of any, derived to the city and while no doubt there is considerable leakage due to defect.ive house attachments, it was thOUght that .the expense of detecting the leaks was greater than the cost of the water thereby saved, and the inspection was discontinued. Of course the.Bureau maintains a permanent corps of inspectol?S whose dut¥':it is to see that there is no flagrrolt abuse by consumers of the water supply. The City cannot install meters at this time as Cou-~cils have passed ordinances prohibiting installation. further There are at present about 1726 water meters in use. Some reasons may be advanced to account for the relative high consumption of water in this city. The city covers a vast area as compared with other large cities and is very much less congested. The total length of water pipe in use at the present time aggregates 1579 miles connecting approximately 15,000 fire hydrants and about 300,000 house attachments. a great many small lewm There are, no dOUbt, in such a great length of .pipe Which are not apparent but the total may be considerable. .• -, ;-r- ,),) .. With reference to your question whether waste 1s mostly due to defects in streets or within houses and places of business, it is difficult to answer. Our investigations have shown that in the manufacturing districts and business sections, the con- sumption is probably not more than it should be while in the residential districts, it has been found to be extremely high per capita. Very truly yours, (Signed) FRED C. DUlrLAP, Chief of Bureau.