in NewMexico investigations anddatasources Geotechnical NM87801 Resources, Socorro, andMineral D.Johnpeer, Engineering Geol0gist, NewMexico Bureau o1Mines byGary Introduction Developmentin New Mexicohas generallytakenplaceon building sites with stable soil conditions. However, as the population has grown, more and more structures are being constructedin areas characterizedby unstable soil conditions. Problemswith unstable areascan often be anticipatedby reviewing readily availablemaps and reports. With the aid of engineering geologistsand civil engineers,marginally unstable conditions can often be rendered stable and safe. This article provides information about common techniques and tests that may be used to identify potential problems with building sites. It also identifies sourceswhere additional geotechnicalinformation can be obtained. The objectiveof this report is to provide generaltechnicalguidancethat can be used during the preliminary or feasibility stageof a project. Description of site-specific tests and studies that are recommendedbefore or during construction are beyond the scopeof this report. New Mexico building codesdo not require rigorous geotechnical investigations for all building sites. Fortunately, however, many lending agenciesrequire at least minimal testing of foundation materials.Also, many homeownersand developersindependentlyseek geotechnicaldata before beginning construction.The major causes of structuralfailure describedbelow can be identified from relatively simple field and laboratory tests or observations.The extent of a testingprogram for a particularprojectdependson both the available funding and the geologicsetting.Most of the physicaltestsdescribed herein apply to relatively small, low-costconstructionprojectssuch as a single family dwelling in a relatively simple geologic setting. The testsare most effectivewhen consideredbeforecontructionhas been started. The physical properties of the geologic materials (soil or rock) determinewhether or not structureswill perform as they were designed.Suchproperties can vary depending on the geologicsetting and the degreeof human modification.Among the causesfor foundation failure are collapsiblesoils, excessiveground-water withdrawal, debris flows, rock dissolution, soil liquefaction, expansive soils and compressiblesoils. Other less common causessuch as rockfallsand lindslides also occur periodically. As used in this report, soll is defined as the naturally occurring superficialdepositsoverlying bedrock (InternationalConferenceof Building Officials,1982),and rockis defined as material that cannot be drilled with an earth auger and requires specialtechniquesor equipment (such as blasting or rock-corebarrels)to excavate. Typical foundation problems in New Mexico Structuresbuilt on geologicallyyoung mudflow depositsmay become damagedif the soils beneath consolidateand settle (because of lawn watering, poorly maintained and leaky utilities, or other causes).Thesesoilsarereferredto as collapsible.Alternatively,structures built on soils containing certain clays may become damaged due to wetting and the subsequentexpansionof the clay minerals. Structurescan also be damagedif they are bqilt on weatheredrock. Commonly, this latter type of damage results from differential soil settlement,due in part to the weight of the structure. Excessively wetted soilsbeneatha structure can be substantiallyweakened,which may result in loss of their bearing capacity.A number of geologicor man-induced processescan cause differential soil settlement.Another major causeis withdrawal of ground #ater and subsequent lowering of the water table. Rock falls, rock topples, and rock slides are of concernin areas where strucfuresare built along mountain flanks. Earth movement of this type can occurin responseto intenserainfall, ground shaking from earthquakes,or even sonic booms. Of even greater concern, in areasthat flank mountain fronts, is potential damagefrom debris flows. The most common causeof the flows is inteise, short-duration rainfall,but they have alsobeen causedby failure of manmade embankmentsdesign6dto retard or stop runoif. February '1,985 NewMexicoGeology There are several other potential problems with building sites. Areas underlain by solublerock such as limestoneare likely to contain cavernousvoids at shallow depths (karst topography). Houses and roadshavebeen damagedby the suddencollapseof overburden into such features.Damage can also arise from the use of concrete aggregatecontaining certain deleteriousmaterials;chert and obsidian are known to slowly but adverselyreact with concrete,which leadsto crackingand weakening of the concrete.This phenomenon is known as alkali reactivity. Another notable problem is related to carbonatecementationof soil. Near-surfacecarbonate(caliche)may causeexcavationdifficulties.This problem is especiallycostly when a contractor'schargesincreasegreatly becauseof "changed conditions." Finally, structures may be damaged by liquefaction of the underlying soils. Liquefaction is the transformation of a granular material, such as sandy soil, into a liquid state becauseof sudden increasein pore pressure;liquefied soil losesall its strength and can no longer support the load of a building. It occursmost commonly in saturatedsandy soils that become subjectedto ground shaking from earthquakes.In New Mexico, such soils are known to flank sectionsof the Rio Grande, but they may also exist in placeswhere ground water is very shallow. Rock and soil classificationsystems A simple, yet very useful, rock classificationsystemand two common soil classificationsystemsare discussedbecausethese systems enablegeotechniciansto transmit meaningful technicaldata about a potential building site to builders, homeowners/or engineers. Unified Rock ClassificationSystem Although most urban development in New Mexico is on soil, situationsarise periodically where one wishes to build a structure partially or wholly on rock. One problem is that design engineers may becomeconfusedby technicaldata collectedby nonengineers (e.g.,geologists).To circumventthis problem, the Unified RockClassificationSystem (URCS)was developedin 1959to bridge the gap betweenthe traditional geologicand engineeringdescriptionsof the same material. It was first used during the construction of major flood control dams built by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.Becausethe URCS is so applicableto constructionprojects,it is summarized in Table1. The URCSprovides a way to clarify terminology when classifying rock for civil engineering purposes: slight emphasis is placed on naming a rock and greatemphasisis placedon describingimportant physical properties of rock material. The physical rock properties describedare: 1) degree of weathering, 2) estimated strength, 3) discontinuities,and 4) unit weight or density (Table1). By establishing limiting values for these physical properties, the URCSprovides a meansof transmitting reliable,meaningful data. In addition, it gives useful estimatesof compressivestrength, permeability,and shearstrength-three important properties of rock masses. To estimate the degree of weathering, one simply uses a hand lens and finger pressure to observe rock color and resistanceto fracture. Strength is estimated by striking a sample with a hammer. The characterof the impact mark gives an indication of unconfined compressivestrength. The development of discontinuities (directional weaknesses),which affect the excavatability of a rock mass, are determined by observing the visible rock features, obvious fractures, alignment of mineral grains, and by striking the rock with a hammer and observing the nature of the fractures. Unit weight or density, one of the more useful geotechnicalproperties, can be estimated in the field by weighing a sample of rock in air and then reweighing it while it is submerged in water. The unit weight is the weight in air divided by the weight loss when submerged.In general, the higher the unit weight of a rock the more suitableit is for constructionpurposes (Table1). TABLE l-Generalized Williamson, 1984). Unified Rock Classification System (URCS; after URCS synbol c Degree of weathering Microfresh Visually fresh Stained and oxidized Partly decomposed Completely decomposed Estimated strength Lab remolding potential Reaction to impact of l-lb hammer Rebounds >15,000psi Pits 15,0008,000psi Dents 8,0003,000psi Craters 3,0001,000psi Moldable <1,000 psi Discontinuities Solid rock with very low permeability Random Prefened orientation Latent planes of separation lOp". pf"n"r, may transmit water Nonlntersectlng Intersecting Unit weight or density Very dense >2 44glcm3 >160 pcf Dense 2 55-2.40 glcm1 160-150pcf Mediun dense 2 40-2 25 gl cm3 150-140pcf V"ry Light 2 25-2 10 glcm3 140-130pcf light '|.0 <2 glcm3 <130 pcf General engineering characteristics Typical material 6(J g) Suitability for foundations Suitability for concrete aggregate Fresh crystalline rock suitable Requires blasting Low Good--excellent Most rocks suitable Requires blasting Low-good Low-good Sandstone suitable May require blasting Low-good Marginal Shale May not be suitable Rippable Low-good Low-good Probably suitable Easy U !! Excavatability Suitability for fill Adobe 'tgrus" collapsewhen wet and commonly occur on flatter slopes,which are more susceptibleto sheetwashflooding. Favorableattributes of silty soils are that they drain well yet retain enough water and fertilizer for crops to flourish, and they are relatively easy to excavate. Clayeysoils,in the top portion of the USDA chart, are soft, sticky, and weak when wet and very hard and strong,when dry. These characteristicsmake their identification relatively easy; however, becauseclayey soils are nearly impermeable,drainageis poor and septic tanks do not function well. On steep slopes these soils are prone to soil creep and landslides. Unified Soil Classification System The Unified Soil ClassificationSystem (USCS)is utilized extensively by engineering geologists when classifying soil for use at building sites.The systemis basedon Atterberg limits and particlesize analyses (Fig. 2). Atterberg limits define the water-content boundariesbetween the liquid and plastic states(liquid limit) and between the plastic and semisolid states (plastic limit) of soil (explainedbelow). In this system,soilsare either coarsegrainedor fine grained. Coarse-grainedmaterial is divisible into gravel and sand and further divisible into eight groups basedon grading, plasticity index, or Atterberglimits. Fine-grainedmaterialis divisibleinto silts and clays,which are further divisible into six groups basedon plasticity index and liquid limit. A final division is made for highly organicsoils such as peat and muck (Fig. 2). With few exceptions,any soil canbe identified tentativelyin the field and later identified more preciselyin the laboratory using simple equipment. In this manner, one can rapidly classify a soil and generally assessits foundation suitability. Clayey soils with high plasticity (Fig. 2, CH) may be susceptible to expansionbecauseof high clay content.Thesesoilsare commonly associated with areasof soil creepor landslides.They are not suitable for septic tanks becausethey drain very slowly. Clayey soils with lower plasticity indices (Fig. 2, CL) are slightly more suitable for foundations, but they should be avoided if possible becausethey are likely to contain expansiveclays and are also consideredunsuitable for septic tanks. Specialattention should be given to exp e c t e d e n g i n e e r i n g p e r f o r m a n c eo f t h i s c l a s so f s o i l s b e f o r e construction. Organic soils (Fig. 2, OL and OH) commonly occur in marshy areas.Becauseof their high organiccontent they can be expectedto U.S. Departmentof Agriculture soil classificationsystem 6o "o @o?%%oo do % to Percenl sond FIGURE l-U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) textural classification chart (from Soil Conservation Service, 1975,7987). Nal Mexico Geology February 7986 Group symbols Maiordivisions Clean gravels GW gravels, gravelWell-graded sandmixtures, littleor no lines GP graded gravels Poorly or gravel-sand mixtures, little or nofines GM gravel-sand-silt Siltygravels, mixtures UU gravels, gravel-sandClayey claymixtures SW Well-graded sands,gravelly sands,littleor nolines SP Poodygraded or gravelly sands,littleor no fines SM Siltysands, sand-silt mixtures (Litle or nofines) Gravels (Nlore than50% of coarsefraction s largerthanNo 4 sievesize) Gravels with fines Coarsegrained s0ils amount of f nes) ([/lorethan50% ol themater a is largerthanNo 200s evesize) Typical names Clean sands (Ltle or nofrnes) Sands (More than50% 01coarsefraclion s smalletthan No 4 sievesze) Sands with fines (Appreciab e amounl oi I nes) Siltsandclays (Liqud mit s /essthan50) Fine-g rained s0rls (lvorethan50% 01materiais snallerlhanNa 200srevesize) Siltsandclays Clayey sands,sand-clay mixtures ML Inorganic siltsandveryline sands,rockflour,siltyor clayey finesandsor clayey siltswithslightplasticity CL Inorganic claysof lowto plasticity, gravelly medium clays,sandyclays,silty clays,leanclays OL 0rganic siltsandorganic silty claysot lowplasticity MH lnorganic silts,micaceous or diatomaceous linesandy or siltysoils,elastic silts CH Inorganic claysol high plasticity, fatclays OH organic claysof medium to highplasticity, organic silts PI Peatandotherhighlyorganic s0rls lLerd tnl s greatetthan5A) Highlyorganic soils compressconsiderably.Usually, costly measuresmust be employed to render these soils suitablefor construction. Silty soils of high plasticity (Fig. 2, MH) must be examinedon a case-by-case basisbecausethere may be problems similar to the finer grained soils describedabove.However, in placeswhere they have been built upon, they seem generally suitable for smaller structures such as single family dwellings. Silty soils with low plasticity (Fig. 2, ML) are more suitable for foundations than any of the soils discussedso far in this section becausethey drain better and are easierto excavate.However, these soilsare susceptibleto liquefactionwhen saturated.In the arid and semi-arid environments of much of New Mexico this problem is not great, exceptperhaps along the floodplains of perennial rivers and around the edgesof reservoirsand lakes.Also, thesesoilsare related to a family of soils in New Mexico that could be collapsible. Soils that are pdtentially collapsiblerequire additional field and laboratory testing to confirm how they will perform after construction and human modification (johnpeer et al., 1985). The coarse-grainedsandsand gravels(Fig.2, upper portion) represent,with someexceptions,soilsmost desirablefor building foundations. The coarse-grainedsoils generally have good drainage characteristics,stand well during excavationsfor pipelines, electric utilities, etc., and compactwell when backfilled.Where foundation materialis usually hauled conditionsare not suitable,coarse-grained in to improve the site conditions. However, poorly graded sand can liquefy and some sandy soils are known to be collapsible;many of these soils are thought to have been deposited as debris flows in the recent geologicpast. Common physical tests on soils Simple physical tests are used routinely to supply information about the suitability of a site for the intended use. There are a number of field testsand studiesthat canbe conductedto provide evaluations of site conditions.Theserangefrom complexgeophysicaltestsusing boreholedevicesto simple testsusing only a hand lens. The following discussionis concernedonly with simple teststhat are conducted routinely in the laboratory.The USCSclassificationsystem (Fig. 2) is used in the test descriptions. Particle-size distribution Particle-sizedistribution is a common means of identifying the particle-sizegroups that a soil contains. The test is conducted by sieving material through a stack of mesh sieves(Fig 3). Material that Parlicle-size limits Sand Gravel Siltor clay Cobbles Fine N0 200 lMediumCoarse No 40 N0 10 No 4 Fine Boulders Coarse 3/4inches 3 inches l2 inches US standard sieve size FIGURE 2-Modified Unified Soil Classification System (USCS). Soils that have characteristics of two groups are designatedby combinationsof group symbols. t6 February 7986 New Mexico Geology FIGURE 3-Mesh sieves used for determining particle-size distribution. Bouloers 4 6 rO 20 40 60 too 200 Ego or othered uniform soil oou 7-^ o50 950 E40 can o^^ o oto oilur I,OOO roo ro I ot ool o,ool G r o i nd i o m e t e ri n m m FIGURE4-Grain-size chart showingparticle-sizedistributioncurvesfor four typesof soil (from Sowers,1979). FIGURE S-Device used for determining the liquid limit of a soil. Atterberg limits Atterberg limits_arethe liquid limit, plastic limit, and plasticity index of a material. The liquid limit is determinedby filling a smail bowl with wetted soil in a liquid-limit device (Fig. 5). A groove is made through the soil with a speciallycalibratedtool thaimakes a l.-cm-widegroove through the centerof the sample.The liquid{imit deviceis designedto drop the sample a standarddistance-untilthe groove closes.The moisture content is varied until it takes25 drops to closethe groove, and the moisture content or liquid limit is then determined by oven drying the sample. The plastic limit is determined by rolling a long thread of soil into a standard diameter of l/a inch (Fig. 6). The moisture content at the point the soil begins to crumble is the plastic limit. The numerical differencebetwein the Clay mineralogy manner. Two.typq? of.clay,.either expansiveor nonexpansive,commonly occur in soils. A main objective for studying chy mineralogy is tb determine the dominant type of clay or the relative abundince of FIGURE6-Method of determiningthe plasticlimit of a soil. eachtype. Smectiteand vermiculiteare claysthat can expand when they becomemoist. If expansiveclays are used in foundation material they may later dry and leave large desiccationcracksas the clays shrink. Mica and chlorite are generally nonexpansiveclays, but they can weather to becomeexpansiveclays.Kaolinite is an end product of the weathering processand as such does not expand. The pressuresproduced by some expansiveclays are tremendous; if not properly designedfor, they can differentiallyraiseand destroy a foundation. In general, when placing a foundation on soils containing expansiveclays,the footings should extendbelow the depth of annual moisture change. In addition, proven landscapetechniqueshavebeendesignedthat provide for drainageof surfacewater before it can soak in. Concretefoundations, substantiallystrengthened with rebar, can withstand the pressuresthat could arise fiom building on either expansiveclaysor collapsiblesoils.The advice of expertsis highly recommendedwhen constructionis anticipatedon soils containingexpansiveclays. Data Sources In the quest for geotechnicaldata the professionalas well as the homeowner is often perplexed. Frequently much time and money are expendedsearchingfor information, only to find that with the proper "lead" it could have been obtainedmuch earlierand perhaps at a considerablecost savings.Actually, the body of existing data that pertains to most sites is remarkably large. The types cf data concernedwith engineeringgeologystudiesgenerallyfall within six categories:topography, geology, geophysics,remote sensing, hy- New Mexico Geology Febrtary 1,986 t7 data sources for New Mexico. *See reference list for TABLE 2-Geotechnical full citation. Data source number Type of Geotechnical Geotechnical data-general Topography Geophysics Geology Data Remote sensing Hydrology Climatology ^. 7 2 3 X XXX XX 5 *6X XX XX 7 8 9 10 11 72X 13 Y X X X XXXXI XXX x 9. EROSData Center User ServicesSection U.S. GeologicalSurvey Sioux Falls, SD 57198 (605) 594-6571 Federal Emergency Management Agency National Flood Insurance Program 500 C Street, SW Washington, DC 20472 Q04 e6-2500 general (202)646- 4600publications Geological Society of Amenca Engineering Geology Divisron 3300PenrosePlace PO. Box 9140 Boulder, CO 80301 (303)447-8850 15 X X X XX XX XXXXX XX l6 77 18 19x 20 2IX 22 23X 24 25 26 27X 28X 29 30x 31 *32 XXX X XXX XX XX XXXX X XX X X JJ 34 35 36 37 38X *39 40x 47 42X *43 M 45 12. GEOREF American Geological Institute 4220King Street Alexandria, VA 22302 (800) 336-4764 X XXX X XXXX XXXX XX X X X X Y X XX XX X 46X 47X 48X 49X x X X 50x X X XX Aerial Photography Field Office USDA-ASCS, P.O. Box 30010 Salt Lake City, UT 84130-0010 (801)524-58s6 2. American Society of Civil Engineers United Engineering Center 345 E. 47th Street New York, NY 10017-2398 (202) 705-7497 3 . American Society of Photogrammetry 210 Little Falls Street Falls Church, VA 22046-4398 (703) 534-6677 4 . Berquistet al., 1981* 5 . Consulting Engineers Council of New Mexico P.O. Box 3642 Albuquerque, NM 87190 (505) 242-s700 6 . Dodd et al., 1985* 7- Environmental Evaluation Group 320 Marry Street, P.O. Box 968 Santa Fe, NM 87504-0968 (50s) 827-8280 Environmental Improvement Division P.O. Box 968 Santa Fe, NM 87504-0958 (s05) 9M-0020 February 7986 New MexicoGeology 13. Hydrologic Information Unit U.S. GeologicalSurveY 419 National Center 1221SunriseValleYDrive Reston,YA22092 (703) 860-6867 14. Dr. Kenneth Kunkel State Climatologist New Mexico State UniversitY Las Cruces,NM 88003 (505) 646-3007 NOAA/NESDIS 3300Whitehaven Street, NW Washington, DC20235 (202)634-7722 21. New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology Socorro, NM 87801 (sos)835-5420 22. New Mexico Geographic Information Advisory Committee c/o TechnologyApplication Center 2500Central, SE University of New Menco Albuquerque, NM 87131 (505)277-3622 23. New Mexico Geological Society Campus Station Socorro, NM 87801 (505)835-5420 24. New Mexico Water Resources ResearchInstitute PO. Box 3167 (lew Mexico State University Las Cruces, NM 88003-3167 (505)646-4337 25. Nuclear RegulatorY Commission RegionalOffice (Region4) blI PlazaDrive, Suite 1000 Arlington, TX 76017 (817)860-8100 25. Petroleum Information Log Service 500 North Baird Street 15. National Archives and Records PO. Box 1356 Service Midland, TX79702 Cartographic Archives Division (9r5) 682-059r General ServicesAdministration Washington, DC 20408 27. Noel M. Rosenburg Executive Director 16. National Cartographic Associationof Engineering Information Center Geologists U.S. GeologicalSurveY P.O. Box 1068 507 National Center Brentwood, TN 37027 Reston, VA22092 (615) 377-3578 (703) 860-604s 17. National Geodetic Information Center, OAJC18 National Oceanicand AtmosPheric Administration Rockville, MD 20852 (301)443-8631 18. National Oceanicand Atmospheric Administration National GeoPhYsicalData Center Mail Stop E/CG-1 325 Broadway Boulder, CO 80302 (303)497-6607 28. Soil ConservationService Education and Publications Ofc. U.S. Department of Agriculture P.O. Box 2890 Washington, DC 20013 (202)477-5973 -orSoil Conservation Servrce 517 Gold Ave., SW, Room 3301 Albuquerque, NM 87102 (505)766-j277 29. State Engineer Office 101 Bataan Memorial Building Santa Fe, NM 87503 (505)927-61,40 19. National TechnicalInformation 30. Office of SurfaceMining Service Office of Public Affairs U.S. Departmentof Commerce U.S. Departmentof the Interior 5285Port Royal Road Washington, DC 20240 Springfield,VA2276I (202) 343-4719 (703) 487-46s0 20. NEDRES Progam Office Assessmentand Information ServicesCenter 31. TechnologyApplication Center 2500Central, SE University of New Mexico [? Albuquerque,NM 87131 (505)277-3622 32. Trautmannand Kulhawy, 1983* 33 U.S Army Corps of Engineers AlbuquerqueDistrict P.O. Box 1580 Albuquerque,NM 87103 (s05) 766-2732 34 U S. Bureauof Land Management P.O. Box 1t149 SantaFe, NM 87501 (s05)988-6316 Denver, CO 80225 (303) 234-4404 37 U S Departmentof Energy AlbuquerqueOperationsOffice P.O. Box 5400 Albuquerque,NM 87115 (s0s)846-3118 42. University Microfilms International 300 North Zeeb Road Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (800)s21-3042 38 U S Departmentof the Interior Bureauof Reclamation Engineeringand Research Center Denver, CO 80225-0007 43 Ward et al., 1981* 39. U S. Geological Survey, 7979* 35. U.S. Bureauof Mines Building 20 Denver FederalCenter Denver, CO 80225 (303)236-04s0 40 U.S. GeologicalSurvey Branchof Distribution Box 25286,Federal Center Denver, CO 80225 (303)236-7477 36 U.S. Departmentof Commerce National Oceanicand AtmosphericAdministration National Climatic Data Center FederalBuilding Arvada, CO 80003 (303)431-0831 Asheville, NC 28801-2696 (704)259-0682 41. U.S. GeologicalSurvey PhotographicLibrary Room 2274, Building 25 Denver FederalCenter drology, and climatology. The main sources for these data are libraries, federal agencies, and state agencies. Affordable computerized database systems can also provide rapid access to specific types of studies within all six categories. The data sources listed in Table 2 are the general sources one might consult during the preliminary or feasibility phase of a project. Ti.ey are intended to serve as guides for those seeking engineering geology data. Site-specific data are not included here because such data genelally require both surface and subsurface investigations by a qualified geotechnical engineer or engineering geologist. Although many of the data are highly technical, many are easily understood by the layman. Some of the data sources were taken from Trautmann and Kulhawy (1983), and additional specific sources are given for New Mexico. Summary In New Mexico, structural damage has occurred from a number ACKNOWLEDGMENTS-ThiS report was prepared under the sponsorship of the New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resouices. It was technically reviewed by Cathy Aimone, Danny Bobrow, David 48. New Mexico StateHighway Deoartment GeotechnicalSection 44 Water ResourcesDivision P.O. Box 1149 U.S. GeologicalSurvey SantaFe, NM 87504 505 Marquette Ave., NW, Rm. 720 (505)982-0955 Albuquerque,NM 87102 (505\ 766-2246 49. Energy and Minerals n^-^-t*^'^r ucPar rrrlsrl( 45 WATSTORE/NAWDEX Mining and Minerals Division U.S GeologicalSurvey 525 Camino de Los Marquez 421 National Center SantaFe, NM 87501 Reston,V422092 (505)827-5970 (703)860-6031NAWDEX (703) 860-6877WATSTORE 50 U.S. ForestService 46 American Institute of 517Gold Ave., SW Albuquerque,NM 87102 ProfessionalGeologrsts (505) 842-3292 7828VanceDrive, Ste 103 Love, and Robert L. McNeill. It was edited by Deborah Shaw and typed by Lynne McNeil. Mark Hemingway prepared most of Table 2 and also reviewed the report. References W E,Tinsle.v, E J,Yordy,L, andMiller,R, L,1981,Worldwidedirectory Berquist, of national earth-science agencies and related international organizations: U S, Geological Survey, Circular 834, 87 pp. Dodd, K , Fuller, H K , and Clarke, P F, 1985, Guide to obtaining USGS information: U S Geological Survey, Circular 900 (USGS, 604 South Pickett Street, Alexandria, VA 22304-40s8), 35 pp International Conference of Building Officials, 1982, Uniform building code: International Conference of Building Officials, Washington, DC, 780 pp Johnpeer, G D, Love, D W., Hawley, J W, Bobrow, D J, Hemingway, M,, and report: New Reimers, R F, 1985, El Llano and vicinity geotechnical study-final Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources, Open-file Report 225, 4 v , 578 pp Soil Conservation Service, 1,975, Soll taxonomy: U S Department of Agriculture, Agriculture Handbook No 436, 754 pp Soil Conservation Service, 1981, Examination and description of soils in the field; in Conseruation Service, U S Soil survey manual: U S Department of AgricultureSoil Government Printing Office, Washington, DC, chapter 4 Sowers, G F, 1979, Iniroductory soil mechanics-geotechnical engineering; Macmillan Publishing Company Inc , New York, New York, 621 pp Trautmann, C H,, and Kulhawy, F H, 1983, Data sources for engineering geologic studies: Bulletin of the Association of Engineering Ceologists, v XX, no 4, pp 439 454 U S Geological Suvey, 7979, Scientific and technical, spatial, and bibliographic data bases of the U S Geological Suruey: U S Geological Survey, Circular 817, 180 pp Ward, D C, Wheeler, M W, and Bier, R A, Jr,, 1981, Geological reference sourcesa subject and regional bibliography of publications and maps in the geological sciences: Scarecrow Press, Metuchen, NJ, 2nd ed , 350 pp Williamson, D. A, ,1,984, Unified Rock Classification System: Bulletin of the Association tr of Engineering Ceologists, v. XXI, no. 3, pp.345-354. Paleontologists andltfineralogists $ociety ol Economic proiects upcoming March G7, 1986 SEPM short course "Modern and ancient deep sea fan sedimentation," in Calgary, Alberta. April T-9, 1986 SEPM short course "Platform margin and deep water carbonates," in Calgary. Alberta. May 8-9, 1986 SEPM short course "Relationship of organic matter and mineral diagenesis,"in Houston, Texas, May 11-14, 1985 SEPM field seminar "The description and depositional analysis of marine carhnates-a field techniques workshop," in Little Rock. Arkansas. For more information or to register for any of the above courses, contact: Joni C. Merkel, Soci,etyof Economic Paleontologistsand Mineralogists, P.O. Box 4756,Tulsa, Oklahoma 74159-0756,(918\ 743-2498. 47. ConstructionIndustries Division BataanMemorialBuilding SantaFe, NM 87503 (505) 827-625r news Society NewMexico Geological The New Mexico Geological Society will hold its annual spring meeting on Friday, Aprll 4, 1986, in the Macey Center on the campus of New Mexico Tech in Socorro, from 9 to 5. This meeting, which is intended to disseminate the results of recent research on the geology of New Mexico, will include four sessions: mineral fuels (oil, gas, coal, and uranium), ground watet sedimentary geology, and a general session. A cocktail parW and banquet will conclude the day's activities. Information on'registration, atcommodations, and other activities planned for this meeting will be mailed to NMGS members in February. Inquiries should be directed to: Ron Broadhead or Dave Love, General Chairt ren, NMBMMR, Campus Station, Socorro, NM 87801; (505) 835-5202 or 835-5146. New Mexico Geology February L986