lusulinids Status ol G.E.Needham's 14 in NMBMMR Bulletin described In 1937, the State Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources(now the New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources; NMBMMR) published Bulletin 14, SomeNew Resources, Bureau of Mines andMineral Socorro, NM87801 Paleontologist, NewMexico byDonald L. Wolberg, MexicoFusulinidae, bv C. E. Needham. This significantpublication was based on 58 collections that Needham made from 26 local- TABLE 1-Needham's list of type specimens. The USNM numbers have been added for those specimens ities in 1933 and 1934. He described 29 located currently in the National Museum (shaded area). fusulinid taxa, including 1.5new speciesand List of type specimens of Fusulinidae from the Pennsylvanian two new subspeciesof Pennsylvanianand and Permian of New Mexico representing the following Permianage.The Needham specimenswere publication: C. E. Needham. Some New Mexico assigned NMBMMR paleontology catalog Fusulinidae: New Mexico School of Mines, Bull. 14, 1937. numbers,and for some yearsrequeststo examine Needham'scolleitions hive been reNumber of spec on U.5. Natioml slide oi in container 'rr' IUSNM,lriiintErr ceived by NMBMMR staff. These requests came from paleontologistsin academicin- Fusulina nouamexicana n sp P 18 6 SoconoMt N M. 2 (slide) P 1.8.7 stitutions and private industry. Effortsto locatethe Needhammaterialin our collections P188 Fusulina nouamexicana n sp 2 (slide) were unsuccessful,and we were not able to P189 find documentationshowing that part or all P1810 2 (slide) of the collectionshad been transferred.In- Fusulina noaamexicnna n sp quiries to academicinstifutions that may have P1811 Fusulina noaamexicana n. sp 2 (slide) receivedthe specimenswere unsuccessful. P 1.872 Finally, we contacted Frederick J. Collier, Hermosa fm vial CollectionsManager, Department of Paleo- Fusulina pattoni n. sp ArchuletaCo, Colo. P 15 0 3 chips biology of the U.S. National Museum of NatP 15 I Hermosa fm 2 (slide) ural History (USNM), a member of the P 1.52 Archuleta Co., Colo SmithsonianInstitution. The collectionsand P 15 3 Hermosa fm. 1 (slide) Archuleta Co., Colo archivesof the National Museum provided P154 1 (slide) a partial solution to our problem. P155 1 (slide) In 1938,C. E. Needham wrote Lloyd G. P156 2 (slide) Henbest,of the USNM, the following letter P1.57 1 (slide) (copy supplied by F. J. Collier): P 15 1 Lower Magdalena fm Fusulinasocorroensls n sp 1 (slide) With the approvalof Pres.E.H Wells, Socono Mts. N. M. New Mexico Schoolof Mines, I have shipped by parcel post the type specimens of Fusulinidaedescribedin mv reoort on "Some New Mexico Fusulinidie,"' New Mexico School of Mines, Bulletin 14, 1937.These are to be deposited permanently in the United StatesNational Museum on the following two conditions: (1) The Museum will lend me the types for my own personal and temporary use upon requestfrom me, and (2) the Museum will fulfill its promise made through you with the official approval of Dr. C.E. Resser,Curator of InvertebratePaleontology,to supply the New MexicoSchool of Mines within a reasonablelength of time with a set of the larger Foraminifera from the Ocala limestone, Eocene,in the southeasternUnited States I understand you will furnish these EoceneForaminifera from the collectionsof the U.S. GeologicalSurvey through the Museum. I will appreciate your transferring the types, a list of which is attached hereto [see Table 1], to the proper Museum authority for accessioning. Pleaserequest the Museum to acknowledge the deirosit and the conditions herein stated. Verv sincerelvvours, C.El Needhain'Isigned] Table 1 lists the fusulinids published in Bulletin 14 that are now held by the USNM and includes Needham's types, the specimen numbers used in Bulletin 14, and the newer USNM numbers provided by F. J. Collier (shaded portion of table). However, not all the material described in Bulletin 14 was transferred to the USNM by Needham. Table 2lists fusulinid material described in Bulletin 14 that is still missing. February 7986 New MexicoGeology 1 (slide) 1 (slide) 1 (slide) P1.62 P153 P 1 81 1 (slide) P782 P tfl Fusulinataosensis n sp Pseudoschwagerira morsein sp " " " ? 2 (slide) P184 1 (slide) P 50 1 2 (slide) 1 (slide) 2 (slide) P502 P 50.3 P 50.4 P 50.5 2 (vial) 101121iei&,er' P10 2 (slide) 2 (slide) 2 (dide) 2 (slide) 101121,at,&,ft' i 101121iir & ri ,i P15 P118 P119 P 1.24 3 (vial) 1 (slide) 2 (slide) 2 (slide) 2 (slide) 1 (slide) 1 (slide) 2 (slide) :,',,',:': 7nLI79:,:f 1011itb,,,r'l r' 1-Q11,1.9,g,:.r r:', :r''r' f,i19',h, i 1-'0. 10u19'i, I i 101119 i ' t[]r t$,a::r: :.:, d i&'ie, 10111q, P100 P19 P111 P 172 P113 P't.1.7 P 1.20 P 1.21 1r}r121 b',&,9' 101121:'h'& d', Lower Magdalena 8-9 miles east of Taos, New Mex.ico Hueco ls Oro Grande, New Mexico Schwagerina emacia ta v at Schwaguinajarillaensisn sp " " " continued on the following page In Needham's list to Henbest (Table 1), This specimen was not located, but the F. several specimensof Fusulinapattoni n.sp. socorroensis collectionat the USNM included are listed; however, P 15.0,a vial with three an unlisted specimen, P 18.3, which is inchips, could not be located. P 15.0 was not cluded as a syntype in Bulletin A (p. 23). included as a catalogedspecimenin Bulletin Needhamsent the U.S. National Museum 14 (pp. 26-27), nor is P 15.2 listed in the specimensof Triticiteslcellyensis,PZT.I,P2'l-,. publication. Similarly, the Henbest list in- P2'1..3, andP21.4.Bulletin 14lists thesespeccludesP 16.2,a slide of Fusulinasocorroensis.imens, found near Kelly in the Magdalena Number of spec. on slide or in container U.S. National Musum (USNM) numbers Collector's No. Source khwagerinathompsonin. sp 2 (vial) 1 (slide) 2 (slide) 2 (slide) P 32 000 Hueco ls near Hueco P 32 9 Tanks, El PasoCo , Tex P3210 P321L Triticitescuchilloensr's n. sp 2 (slide) P 26 1. 2 (slide) P252 2 in vial P 3.0 4 (slide) 1 (slide) 2 (slide) 2 (slide) P 3.1 P32 P33 P34 2 (slide) P81 2 (slide) 1 (slide) 2 (slide) P82 P83 P84 5 (vial) P 11.0 2 (slide) 3 (slide) P't1.2 P 1.1. 4 Triticiteskellymsisn. sp 2 (slide) 1 (slide) 2 (slide) 2 (slide) ^l P 21 P212 P213 P214 Triticitx rhodesin sp 1 (box) P 31 0 Triticites n. sp. fresrulensis Triticitesgallowayin sp. Ttitirito< ima>onci< n en Triticitesoentricosus var sacTamentoensis n var Middle Magdalena Cuchillo Mts Sierra Co , New Mexico Top of Magdalena fm FresnalCanyon, Otero Co, New Mexico U MagdalenalmLaLtz Canyon, Otero Co , N M Top Magdalenafm JemezSprings, N Mex Upper Magdalena; Kelly, N M Upper Magdalena,Rhodes Canyon, Socono Co, N M 1 (slide) 1 (slide) 101122'a : 101122 b 2 (vial) 1011114&b : Ps0 ' 101'111 t')z d 10f1!1c & e P53 Up. Magdalena, Co., N Mexico 1 0 1 1 1 4 c & e . : . P' .23 1. ',,,,"; 101114f P232 b 1O11.14 P233 101114 a,&d, P234 Magdalena fm Barton, Santa Fe County, New Mexico 1 (slide) 2 (slide) 2 (slide) 1 (slide) 1 (slide) 2 (slide) P 3 11 P 3 13 Name WedekindelI ina excent r ica Triticitesnebraskensis Trit icites aent r icosus Collectols number P382,P39 2 P 482 P37r,P372 P150,P152 P162 P 37 L, P 37.2, P227 P223,P224,P226, P227 P333 Triticiteskellyensis Triticitessp. A Triticitesrhodesi P 9.3, P20,P2.7,P24 P 1 1 . 0P , 1 18 P203 P372 Schwaguinaemaciata P1000,P1.23 Schwageinahuecoensis P 32.7,P 32.8 Pseudoschwagerinn f usuli noides P 32.0,P 32 4, P 32.s, P 32 6 P 32 00, P 32 1.,P 32.2 P 13 0, P 1.31.,P 1.3.2, P 1 33 , P 1 3 . 4 Pseudoschwageriwuddeni Polydiexodituguadalupensis Reference Needham, C. E , 1937, Some New Mexico Fusulinidae: New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources, Bulletin 14, 88 pp ! La Luz, Otero continued frompage9 views and suggestionsby Sam Thompson, III, and Roy Foster. References TABLE 2-Specimens that were illustrated in Bulletin 14 that are still lost Stalfellaatokensis(?) Oznwainellasp. Fusulinaeuryteines Fusulinapattoni Fusulinasocorroensis Wedekindellinqeuthysepta Mountains, as "cotypes" of the new species (p. 36). P 21..3,P 21..4,P. 11.00,and P 11.8, all of which were illustrated in Bulletin 14, were found at a locality near Iemez Springs in the JemezMountains. However, P 11.00 and P 11.8were not sent to the U.S. National Museum (Table2). Cotypes olTriticites rhodesiarelisted in Bulletin 14 (p. 45) as including numbers P 31.0, P 31.1,P 3I.2, and P 31.3;however,Needham only sent P 31..0,P 31,.I,and P 31..3to the USNM. Polydiexodina guadalupensis was a new speciesdescribedin Bulletin 14 (pp. 58-59)with cotypeslisted as P 13.0,P L3.7,P 73.2,P 13.3, and P 13.4. P 13.0,P 13.3,and P 13.4were illustrated in the text. However, none of these specimensare shown on Needham's list to Henbest (Table1). The rediscoveryof a portion of Needham's fusulinid collections is encouraging. We are very grateful to F. J. Collier for his efforts to locate the U.S. National Museum holdings and for providing copies of related correspondence. It is not impossible that the remaining specimens are in collections elsewhereand may yet be retrieved. We urge any readersof this articlewith knowledgeof Needham'scollectionsto contactus. Source Lower Magdalena Fm., Kingston, NM Valle de Ojo de la Parida, Socono Co., NM Sangre de Cristo Mts ; 15-20 mi east of Taos, NM Hermosa Fm , Archuleta Co., CO Lower Magdalena Fm., Socono Mts., Wand, NM Montezuma Hot Springs, San Miguel Co , NM Tijeras Canyon, east of Albuquerque, NM Tijeras Canyon North end of Siena Los Pinos. 6 mi southeast of Scholle,SocorroCo.. NM Cedro Canyon, Manzano Mts Alamogordo, NM JemezSprings in femez Mts , NM Coyote Hills, Socono Co , NM Upper Magdalena Fm, Rhodes Canyon, Socorro Co., NM Jarilla Mts , about 4 mi north of Orogrande, Otero Co, NM About 2 ni northeast of Hueco Tanks, El PasoCo . TX Near Hueco Tanks, El PasoCo., TX Near Hueco Tanks,El PasoCo, TX Guadalupe Point, TX Clemons, R E , 1982a,Geology of Florida Gap quadrangle, Luna County, New Mexico: New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources,Geologic Map 52 Clenons, R E , 1982b,Geology of MassacrePeak quadrangle, Luna County, New Mexico: New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources,Geologic Map 51. Clemons, R. E., 1984, Geology of Capitol Dome quadrangle, Luna County, New Mexico: New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources,Geologic Map 56 Clemons,R E , 1985,Geology of South Peakquadrangle, Luna County, New Mexico: New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources,Geologic Map 59, scale1:24,000 Clemons, R. E , in press, Geology o{ the Florida Mountains, southwest New Mexico: New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources,Memoir 43, in press. Clemons,R E, and Brown, G. A, 1984,Geologyof Gym Peak quadrangle, Luna County, New Mexico: New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources,Geologic Map 58, scale 1:24,000 Elston, W E , 1.957,Geology and mineral resources of Dwyer quadrangle, Grant, Luna, and Siena Counties, New Mexico: New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources,Bulletin 38, 86 pp Elston, W. E., 1958, Buno uplift, northeastern limit of sedimentary basin of southwestern New Mexico and southeasternArizona: American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Bulletin, v. 42, pp 251.3-2517. Jicha,H. L.,1954, Geology and mineral deposits of Lake Valley quadrangle, Grant, Luna, and Siena Counties, New Mexico:New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources,Bulletin 37, 93 pp. Thorman, C H , and Drewes, H , 1,979,Geologic map of parts of the Grandmother Mountain East and Grandmother Mountain West quadrangles, Lum County, New Mexico: U S. Geological Suruey, Miscellaneous Field Studies Map MF-1088, scale 1:24,000 n New Mexia Geology Februty 1.986 11