geochemical NURE reconnaissance mapsof NewMexico As part of the National Uranium Resource location, a chart of concentration increments Evaluation (NURE), approximately 21,000 and equivalent symbols, a graph of cumustream-sediment samplesand 13,000ground- lative probability and standard deviation from water sampleswere collectedin New Mexico the median, a percent frequency bar graph, f o r u r a n i u m a n d m u l t i - e l e m e n tc h e m i c a l and a summary of basic statistics. analysis.At the request of the New Mexico Increment schemes for the geochemical B u r e a u o f M i n e s a n d M i n e r a l R e s o u r c e s maps (specified by NMBMMR) are intended, (NMBMMR), the U.S. Departmentof Energy as much as possible, to allow maximum rescontracted Bendix Field Engineering Cor- olution of geologically significant geochemporation to producecomputerplots of NURE ical pattems and to permit recognition of both geochemicalreconnaissancemaps for each obvious and subtle geochemical anomalies of the 1" x 2o quadranglesthat cover New that may indicate favorable areas for mineral Mexico-a total of 1,220 maps that present exploration. When employed collectively (i. e., more than 1,000,000bits of data (Fig. 1). all the geochemical data is interpreted) and Eachgeochemicalreconnaissance map in- integrated with geological and geophysical cludes the following information: quadran- data, the NURE geochemical maps can be an gle name, element or other parameterplotted important tool in mineral exploration or for on map (e.g., pH), sample medium (stream mineral-resource assessment. These geosedimentor ground water), analyticallabo- chemical maps also can lead to new insights ratory (LosAlamosor Oak Ridge),a 1:250,000- in regional leologic, stratigraphic, hyd'rolscale map with distinctive svmbols (maxi- ogic, and environmental studies. mum of 15;that indicatethe intrementalconIn addition to detecting uranium provcentration of the element at each sample inces, NURE geochemical maps canbe useful in detecting favorable areas for copper, lead, zinc, nickel, cobalt, chromium, vanadium, manganese, iron, and silver(?) mineralization; also molvbdenum can be detected in southern New-Mexico. Unfortunately, gold, tin, tungsten, and niobium maps are of relatively little value because NURE sampling technioues and analvtical methods were optimized for uranium.-Cuidelinest'orusing NURE Reochemicalreconnaissancemaps of New Mexico iNNaeN4vn Open-file Report 218) is included with map orders or may be purchased before any maps are ordered. Blueline prints of NURE geochemical maps can be purchased from the NMBMMR Information, Resource, and Service Center for $3.00 per map. To order, photocopy Fig. 1; circle which quadrangle and element symbol(s) you want to purchase. (Use a different photocopy for each quadrangle ordered.) Be sure to distinguish the appropriate sample medium (stream sediment or ground water). For each quadrangle there is also a set of sample-location maps that can be purchased for $3.00/map. -RichardChamberlinand VirginiaMcLemore B ,M o . PY , ,Z r WH \SN}NS !)el)')s)zbN\\ X-143l8o)'/ lzl (e1){\\\\3 Rofon G J E X - r 3 (87 8 ) , 3 5 8( 8 r ) 3 Geological NewMerico news Society 4tti G J B X . 2 (I 35t(8t) intl \- \ \ . \ \ \ \ "//A 2r(77)..\\ o ). 2 N{qr{q\t B X -l o 4 ( 7 8 ) , 2 t 5 ( 8 t The spring meeting of the New Mexico GeologicalSocietywill be held on Friday, Aprrl26, 1985,in the Macey Center, New Mexico Tech, Socorro, from 9 to 5. The annual businessmeeting will be held that day from 1 to 2 p.m Symposiaor technical sessionsthat cover many aspectsof New Mexico geology are planned for a morning and aftemoon session.A cocktailparty and banquet will follow the day's activities. Information on registration/ accommodation, and other activities planned for this meeting will be mailed to NMGS members this month. Inquiries should be directedto: G. S. Austin, GeneralChairman, NMBMMR, Campus Station, Socorro, NM 87801;(505)835-5125. \\\\.\ J 8 X - 4 1 5( 8 r ) \ \ \ NSNN i*ii;ii,.b,\ ilo. ro8. A d d i t i o n o lm o p s n o l r e p r e s e n l e db y p o l l e r n s ore listedwithinindividuol quodrongles. R o m o nl e l l e r s : s l r e o m s e d i m e n td o t o m o p s l l o l i c l e l t e r s :g r o u n d woter doto mops M o p s c o m m o ni o o l l q u o d r o n q l e s : S t r e o ms e d i m e n t s -A g , A l ,B o ,8 e ,C o , C e , C o , CCr u, ,F e ,H f , K , L o , L i, M g ,M n ,N o ,N b ,N i , p b , S c , S r , T h ,, T Ui,V , Z n , K / N o , M g / C o , A l / M 9 , Z n/ C u , U / r h Ground woters- U,pH, conduchylly (Cf) A d d i t i o n om l ops S t r e o ms e d i m e n t-s A u , B i , C d , C t , CLsu, , R b , S b , S n , W S l r e o m s e d i m e n l s -B , M o , P , Y , Z r Groun d wole rs - Ag, Al, 8, 8o, Co,Ce,Co,Cr, Cu,Fe,K, Li, Mg, Mn, Mo, No, Nb, Ni, P,Sc,Si,Sr,Th,Tr,V,y, Zn, Zr FIGURE l-Index map for NURE geochemical reconnaissance maps of New Mexico. The "GJBX" number is,the reference to the bpen-file Re-port(s)that conta in(s) the original, tabula ted data for eactr quadra ngle. These are available for examination at NMBMMR. The number in the lower right corner of eich quadrangle represents the laboratory or laboratories responsible for collecting and lnalyzing the samples: 1, Los Alamos National Laboratory; 2, Oak Ridge Gaseous Diffusion Pllnt; 3, both 1 and 2. 1985l{ewMexico Geological lieldconference Society The 1985New Mexico Geological Society fall field conferencewill be held September 26-28 in east-cenhalNew Mexico (Santa Rosa-TucumcariCountry). Emphasis will be on the stratigraphy, sedimentology,and paleontology of Mesozoic rocks and the Ogallala Formation and on the oi-I,gas, and uranium resourcesof upper Paleozoic-Mesozoicrocks. Contributed paperson this areafor the guidebook are welcome.For more information contact the conference organizer: S. Lucas, Departmentof Geology,University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM 87131; telephone: 5051277-1646. Nm MexicoGeologyFebruary1985 77