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Department of Mechanical Engineering Certifiedby....... May 7, 2004 . ... . . . - -.-- h Matthew . . . -a J. Laltlg ig Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Biological Engineering Thesis Supervisor Accepted by.......... ....... ........- ...................... Ernest G. Cra-vallho Chlairmtn, Undergraduate Thesis Connnittee MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY OCT 2 8 2004 L B AR..i , . I C -6 I'$. ,1.AR,00F Anttibody-Antigeti Assay De,,,ign for Conlbined Optical Twezers ad Fluorescence })I Submitted to lie Depart nwt I Mlechanic;al Etlgineering on l\Iay 7. '2004, i prtial fulfillment of the re(liiiremen-ts fo tle degree of Bachelor 4t'Science in M[ecllanical Eng(ineering Abstract The re:ent development in combined optical trapping and fluorescence technology lpomises to enable unbinding force st cli's f receptor-liganld interactions, whose specificity play a crucial role in the function of many biological systems. This thesis tocuses on the development of assay designs for the study of antibody-anltigen binding interactions llsing combined optical trappillg and single mnoleculefluorescence. The assavs ,:reate the necessary linkage geometry between the antibody-anitigen system un(der study to an optically trapped b)eadl.enabling force probing of the antibodyantigen b-inding interaction. In particular. two tether materials and fluorophores were stl(ied: polyethylene glvc(-ol(PEG) with Cy-2. and (lsDNA with fluorescein. \We (deilnolistratetether formtion in the dsDNA-fluorescein anitibody-antigen linkage systeinmwith preliminary optical trapping Ldata. Thesis Supervisor: Matthew .J. Lang Title: Assistant Professor of Mechanical l Engineering and Biological Engineering Acknowledgments I would ike t(, hanik PrOfessm, Matthew J. Lang fr his supervision thr(llghout p)roject a( i( assays. itrdoBra f training inc ill the miuch needed skills to I)epl)are my I xoul( also like to thank all the other throlghout this neibl)ers of the lab for guiding me my work on this p)r ).ect. In addit ion. I would( like t tank Mom and(lDad for their unwavering support for my education. I would not have gotten this far without them. Contents 1 Introduction 1.1 Ligand-Recelp)tol Interaction .............. 1.2 Optical Trapping and Fluorescence 1.3 Linkage Design .................... . ..... 11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Materials and Methods 2.1 Polyethlyene 11 12 13 19 Glycol Linkage .............. . . . . . . . . . 19 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . 19 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20) 2.1.1 Bead Preparation 2.1.2 Bead-PEG 2.1.3 PEG-Biotin to Streptavidin-Cy2 Conjugation Conjugation Reaction . . . . . . . . . 20) 2.2 DNA Tethers . .. ... .. ... . ... .. .. .... . . . . . . . . 21 2.3 U V vis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 3 Results 25 3.1 BSA Blocking Agent 3.2 DNA tethers . . .. 4 Discussion 4.1 BSA concentration . 4.2 Tether Length . . . . 4.3 Conclusion . . . . . . ........................... ........................... ........................... ......... ........... I..... ........................... A DNA Tether Protocol A.1 Maiterials ...... 725 27 31 31 :31 32 35 .......................... I 35. A.2 I'twedun . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . () List of Figures 1-1 Th( experimental setup ......................... .......... . 13 1-2 Setup of optics for combined optical trapl)ilng and fluorescence detecti(ol[1] .................................... 14 1-3 A schematic of the variable components of the linkage system 1-4 Experimental flow chart . .... . 15 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 2-1 Schematic of Cy2-PEG-bead complex ......................... . 19 2-2 Diagram of a, flow cell contructed out of a standard microscope slide, 2-3 etched coverslip, and double-sided sticky tape .............. 21 Schemnatic of DNA linkage system ..................... 22 2-4 Gel of PCR p)roduclllts used to make DNA-bead complexes....... . 23 . 24 2-5 Plot of avidin bead (0.52imndiameter) con(centlrationand percent transmittance at 500 nnm ...................................... 2-6 Plot of absorbance as a function of avidin bead (0.52pmndiameter) concentration as dletermined by the Beer-Lambert Law ......... 24 3-1 A plot of bead position response in voltage, as the stage is translated in the x-axis across the center of the bead ................ 29 3-2 A plot of bead position response in voltage, as the stage is translated in the y-axis across the center of the bead ...................... . 29 3-3 Exampt)leof data profile collected from a bea(l stuck to the surface of the slide................................... 1-1 Diagram of a tethered bead. (Not (lrawnllto scale.) ........... 30 32 8 List of Tables 3.1 Study of bead binding to suilface of (()verslil) with varying (oncentlations of BSA coverage ill the flow channel and no BSA pre-incubated with the bead ........................................... 3.2 (i Bead binding study with varying conlcelltration of BSA incubated with beads and a fixed 2 mg/ml BSA inl flow channel .. . . . . . . . . . . . ' 3.3 Bead binding study with fixed BSA-bead incubation of 2 mg/mL BSA and varying concentration in flow cell................. () . 2....... 27 [() Chapter 1 Introduction This thesis project aims to develop preliminary assays that create the necessary geometry needed to study antibody-antigen binding interaction in combined optical trapping and fluorescence studies. Type types of linkages, DNA and polyethylene glycol (PEG), were tested along with two types of fluorophores, Cy2 and fluoresceill. 1.1 Ligand-Receptor Interaction Recept(:)or-ligandinteractions an(l their specificity play a crucial role in tlie finin(tio(l of many biological systems. For example, information transfer in a cell is aclhieve(1 by the binding of receptors to ligands. There are a wide variety of receptor-ligan( interactiolns sch as antil)bO(dyV-antigenbinding and hormnone-membrane p)rotein )ind- ing. Growth factors utilize receptor-ligand interactions to regulate (ell reproduc(tion and differentiation. Somnetypes of viruses begin attacking cells by binding to carbohydrates on the host cell's surface. The ability to study the miechlanicsof single receptor-ligand bonds opens the door to understanding the nature of' aln hiological systems. To this (late, however, mIost optical tweezers studies on bin(lding iteract ions have fo,:used on nicleotides and miuch remains to be developed for protein iternitions. 11 1.2 Optical Trapping anl Fluorescence ltsedl opt i \\, ti t(,frei', i lI tral)pinig (also knmwll as ) i(al tw (/,zers ,L'laser taI))ing) ivolved ill certain atil)()(l-an ti'i pressll ( from a tightly focusedt I ser 1 (I a l)eacidwith a (liameter between iite'aeti(ms. Optic-al tilaipsuse radlian t. Itap i ) rt icles. The las(r i fo(utse (I ).5 to '2tII. alol is Lse t() Il'asilt'e I.1 to l()OpNrange with one nanoineter t(1 res{olve force' i the 1('s,,ltioii. The ultimate goal of the assay design is t() create ainex)erilnental setiup suitable for -olnll)inedoptical trapping and single-miolecile fluorescence studies of ligand-receptor interactions. I the past, the two methodls 4f monitoring protein (confornmationusing fluorescence and probing the protein withl an external force have )eell separated in time andl space. However, recent advances in instrunientation have developed a miethod of combining single-molecule fluorescence and optical trapping. In single-fluorophore detection, a molecule is usually illuminated by a laser, and the resulting emitted fluorescence is collected by an objective lens. The objective lens is of a high numerical aperture and is coupled to (letectors such as a cooled charge-coupled device (CCD), an image-intensified camera, avalanche p)hotodiode, or a I)llphotoilllultiI)lier tube. It has been d(emolstrated b)yLang et al.[1] that with careful {)tical esign and an appropriate choice of fluorophores. combillel otical trapping aniidsingle-molecule fluorescence can be used to measure forces andclsinmtltaneously monitorthe molecular conformation. Combined single-molecule force and fluorescence ineasurenments have been used to study the force required to split, a short length of' DNA alid has also been used to observe the turnover of ATP by niyosinl[2]. This technology has much potential applied to the study of ligand-receptor interactions. This thesis aims to take a first step at develo)pingassays for studying ligand-receptors at the single molecule level with a optical trap. The main instrumentation used to test the tethers was a Nikon. Eclipse TE2000-U micrIoscope modified with a three-axis piezo stage that could be controlled bv Labview to nmove at nlailonieter scale increments and a dete(tion branch with a position sensing detector. Trap)ping of the inicrospliere was (lone usilng a l()64ln 1) I (liode laser at 9 .\Il)s (,I G6n111\V . la(l d( if,'tecti )11lasel. (it ; u icriosIph'JI' I ( ilgulne1- l)1 :,lation Mlld beId movemienit was (let('(tl sinigle lloleculc flluescen- ( (Al, 1asCliStal('c (ct it, iv xx IIl' m ,sinig 7)14i11I I t ; il,"i, , ';1u xvs (lone using A( ) ). i'l;tit ye to Il( (letectioll laser. \Vhil' t) . as illusti t{[ iii the' opt lit, i Figure 1-2 was lot ar t >)(al)le to create linkag(s i;>nvc• t('sted ill this plm)j('ct,the IltiIInt,' goal of te t hat canllbe use(l in SIF. M.1rcury Lamp PSD dt-ction branch pi ezo stage Figure 1-1: The experiieltal 1.3 setup. Linkage Design The goal of this )project is to develop a generalized linkage systeni as part of a coM)inecd (o)ptical tweezers a(l fluorescence assay to 13) fl'ilitate the stud(ly of antil)o(ldy- bid U qkr . , I F- a ., -... .. I...I11-1 - . I 'kI I :I;:S,> 1 , ' . C_ i i I Zxty y :x / a_=se i :*J' ': 1, ,tl1 )1 p , .. ... H .. ........... Iaser .... . .. ... . .... . ... .. Figure 1-2: Setup of optics for combined optical trapping and fluorescence detec- tionil]. antigen binding. While optical tweezers provide the technology needed to study receptor-ligand mechanics at the single molecule level. further development of the actual chemistry that links the teclhnology to te l)il(dilg sstem itself is a. lmajor hurdle that must be surmountecd. This particular I)roject is aimed at (leveloping an assay that links an antigen-a ntibody system to an optically trapped microsphere for force probing. Most antibody-antigen interactions are amenable to study using such a generalized linkage systeni because the structures coIlnmon to all antibodies can l)e exploited in constructing the ssteml. The composition and length of te tether linking the antigen to the ead will )beientical for each of the (lifferent antigens. The only conmp)onentthat must be clha.ngedis the chemistry that links te antigen to 11 tlie ttlIer to m((oiiiii(lflt( 1-3). t lifierenIt stlI( t lI's vari ouMs Iate tl alntil)((lv is i(lvpl i ohili ( l I V lloI corresponding leI )e( 'ifiC ),iti ng td, -s sIufI I ( (. ianltig'('niS atta(-ched to a mnlicrosphere by a tether. tion is r)lobedlv atpl))vilg a '()l e using the ol)ticall fluoro)ph()resserve( a.s cence. Visualization lv single i I(e a.! Hlie bindinlg ilt I c, 1. vwhile tlli, (lill . tapt(l ialkers tOl)visualizing the ssteni xlli llile hive is si, Sirl( '- c- .ILt mle('ulle l,I uinoleculefluorescence serves as la )od ceck linkage component of the systcim has been disrupted after a u)inding f xvIi( h exler(nlil{,t. -' \"m icrosphere Force \ anticen i/ tether .' antibody \ \- optical trap - __fluorophores ? ........ surface-modified glass coverslip ? Figure 1-3: A schemnatic of the variable components of the linkage system. The design criteria for this assay include a strong linkage suital)le for applying fotrce and enablling the high-throughlput visualization of liganld-receptor binding with sinle molecule fluorescence (SMIF). which will allow its to see which interaction has >been severed. During the force prolbing experiment, it is crucial that the receptor-ligandc bond is the attachment. whi(ch I)reaks when force is applied. The other linkages it I lhe systenm must therefore b)e robst. These linkages mnust also be straightforwamdl n1d easy to construct, thereby streamlining the experimental process for rapid probing of molecular biomechanics. Relevant issues that miust be addressed include determoinlation of the suitable material, size a(d surface chem-istry of the lnicrospheres. x)loration of the tether imaterial an( length. and tpe materials used in this study amId l)iocompatible of fluorophores used. The tether are p)olyetlhylenleglycol (PEG). which is water slIlile and (IsDN.\. Different fhllorophores were consiclered and chl (i.s(i 15 1,, I()I Il tlheir o l,'; lIt 1l (~,1vail;ibilitN- \V'ious I' t [,)i 1t l 1)()s ', )t develop)inlg Stoke's straigltfi s, il. 11(1 ltil) ';- l(t aI11(deli; (I,,con jlal- protoco((l. l( ratios of ead( tr(, tetlher were tested to find the (,tftimal sult.(face(overage of lbe.als e for the lkati tl w'Il11acteristics, 11ililg ssteim. and the timing of indli, i(llal stel)s il tihe linking c(-edhi'c were (m(liltni1 e(1. A v;ariety of miethods will 1 . il)od-antigell sst,'i pxl)loredfr attlhing the (1 glass cover slips and subsequ ittlv linking t 1heantigen to microsphere that can 1e op)tically trapped. ,(opient Upon complhtii g (d'ev iteractions of the linkage system, tlt a tibodv-antigen binding can he teste I b)ypulling on the microsphere aitad mneasuring the force re- (quiredto break the iteraition with a procedure as outline l iII Figure 1-4. The linkage fluorescence technology assay developed is a crucial step in using optical tweezers land to study ligand-receptor unbinding forces. Once the linkages are constructed, multiple exl)eriments can )bec(ilctecd lby repeating the experiment on the samneglass slide. In order to make accurate force and position measurements, the position and force sensing of the optical tweezers mnustbe calibrated. Since this technology allows for performing multiple unbinlding experiments on one glass slide covered with multiple tethered beads, a rapi(l ivestigation of these questions ciin be accomplished. While this project f(c ses primarily on antibody-antigen systems, it can be further developed to explore oth'er types of receptor-ligand intera(ctions. The variable nature of this experimnenta! phenomena. syste'l will allow us to explore a plethora of interesting biological The investigation teums will elucidlate the pysical of the forces involved in sch mechanisms lphenomenla. 1G underlying antibody-anltigen ana.ny important sys- biological Experiment K Aessay ale; 5 5a '?|er P:oter"i LiiXa!;e =-. :' Fitnd Tether Sy stem .. I .. N N- I. I · . ...... -K Calibrate " Position Sensing X Center our detector - o r v......... -- - ......... _ Ftuorescerce on Apply Force I Record Breakagej -T . - - _. ... I Calibrate stiff ness I Fr E p. r . t. f w Figure 1-4: Experiment a] flow chart. I- II. Find n new tether )) Fn 18 Chapter 2 Materials and Methods Polyethlyene Glycol Linkage 2.1 A preliminary assay for a PEG linkage was developed using Cy2 conjllgate(d Streptavidin (Rockland), amine-surface mod(lified0.5pn polystyrene bead (Bangs). and heterofinctionalized Biotin-PEG-NHS 500() (Nektar Therapeutics)(Figure 2-1). I Cy2 Streptavidin Amine modified PS bead Biotin-PEG-NHS fr+' *," f ' 11i a /. 0 w Figure 2-1: Schematic of Cy2-PEG-beacl compI)lex. The following protocol was ldevelope(lto (create the cy2-biotin-PEG-bead coin- plexes. Bead Stock Concentration: 2.1.1 2.1 e-9M1 (Bangs, 0).52/tin diameter, 0.5g, 10 e( solids) Bead Preparation 1. Alake 1/30 dilutions of beals (.45e-11I\I) ddH20 (1/1)0 dilution), then take 3/,p 1!) )bydilution 10pL stock with 901/iL o (1/10 dilution) andl (lilute with 70p/L {(IH-:'i). 2. \\asli 1)eads. S)ill into pellet witl centrifuge f 0 app~o'.ximzately 41~/1of supernaltant 1llffer (Boralte !)Hil'r. 1.8.5). 2.1.2 minutes t R)I.Reinove alnd replace with an equal vo)uiti, of reaction Repeat 2 more times. Bead-PEG Conjugation Reaction 1. Prepare Biotin-PEG-NHS. Stock concentration (2e-4M at 10p.L. 20/L, 501iL aliquots). Add 90/iL ddH20 to 10/tL aliquot gives 2e-5M Biotin-PEG-NHS. 2. Add lO100Lof above 2e-5Nl Biotin-PEG-NHS to equal volume of prepared beacls(wvith reaction buffer). 3. Allow to react overnight. (couple of hours may be ok) 4. Quench reaction. Add 100,L reaction sample to 100,L PBS (pH.7.4) and 20,uL BSA (5mg/mL). 5. Spin lown at 10K for 6in. Remove supernatant, replace with PBS and 5mg/mL BSA. Repeat again to wash out excess Biotin-PEG-NHS in super- natant. 2.1.3 PEG-Biotin to Streptavidin-Cy2 Conjugation 1. Incubate tethered b)eads in BSA. Spin down, remove 80,uL supernatant, 70/IL PBS and 1L aidd 5img/mL BSA. (incubated overnight, but an hour miay just be neede(l) 2. Cy2 aliquots in freezer. 10/tL aliquot addcl90uL ddH20 3. Add 50uL tethcrel 4. (1.85e-6M Cy2). beals to t(),uLprepared (lye abl)ove. Incubate for 30 minutes. aslh by) spinning at 10()Kfor Giii, rel)lacing sllupernatant with PBS. 20 I )ie( (5 II(I\' ( ( s we'l (.()1st ln'te(l r sta)Il( I l( lass llli('-I (,s o'IeTsli( eI \it IlItw o Žl1( ( ,liII'-si(le( sticky ta)e se)arate(l h)Na)pr()xillatelv ) lunIs(i(l t) l)(mnlld thel ('(I,('s of te flow channel. A glass cove(rsli) is then adh(ered on tol) of the flow channe l (Fil'ie 2-2 ). etched - coverslip - flow chtaulel I t \V /__ I glass slide tape Figure 2-2: Diagram of a flow cell contructed out of a stalndard microscope slide, etched (:oversli), and double-sided sticky tape. Glass coverslips were etched by immersing in KOH and sonicating for 5 minutes. The etching p)rocess remnovesany chemicals on the surface of the coverslip that may have ben left' as residue during manufacturing and provides a clean surface with low bha(kgroumndfluorescence. The glass coverslips were then rinsed with ethainol and milli)oem water and(l(ried in an oven for at least, 15 mninutes. 2.2 DNA Tethers An anti--floies(ein antibody-antigen system was chosen for this tether b)ecallse of' the availal)ility o(f'DNA primers conjugated to fluorescein. In this assay, tethers linking dsDNA to an anti-fluorescein antibody and a 0.5/pm avidin-mnodifiedpolystyrene head were created. (Figure 2-3)See Appendix A for protocol details. The DNA was nmade 1)y PCR(Stratagene Robocycler Gradient 96): Taq DNA polyilerase kit (Invitrogen, 10342020). M13mnp8l plasmicl (Bayou Biola)s. P-105). an( frward and reverse priners conjiugated to fluorescein ad (NIX-G Biote(clh).The first primer had forescein 21 conjugated biotin rest)e(tively to the ' end(lwithl the ~:treptaviJ Jiitllu t), ,;'d ,. Fc.orce DNA liker f~~~~itw anti-fluorescei n antibody . ., biotirn ...f (.(( surface-modified a'Hff glass coverslip Figure 2-3: Sclhenmatic of DNA linkage s t i m. following sequence: 5'-TTG AAA TAC CGA CCG TGT GA-:3' The second primer had biotin conjugated to the 5' end and lhadthe following sequence: 5'-TAT TGC GTT TCC TCG GTT TC-3' The block temperatures 48 degrees: elongate, set were: supermelt, 94 degrees: melt. 94 (legrees: anneal, 72 degrees; final extension. 72 degrees. PCtI p)roducts were pllrified with a QiaQuick Purifcation Kit (Qiagen, 27104). P('R products were run on an agarose gel and viewed with a UV viewer(FluorChenl 900( - Alpha inotech) to check the approximate length of DNA. (Figure 2-4) The DNA used for the tether is 1010 base pairs, approximately 300nm. All DNA (lilutionlls were( lnmad(le with TE Buffer (pH 8.5) to perserve the fluorescence of fluorescein. This protocol was adapted fromnKeir Nelnian's protocol on linking anti-DIG antil)o(ldy to dsDNA. Bead-DNA complexes were mnade by icul)atillg 1001l of 20pM DNA withl 10()0il of GOpMl)eads for at least four hours. Tbe tethers were then niade bv flowing 25,uL of 2(hng,/iiil oclonal atibody (lolecular Probes. ati-fiuorescein/Oieg)}i '22 anti-fllores(cein mnon- Green, mouse lgG2a, Fi,;vlr 2-4: Gel of PCR lII(nLo( [onai t)ciatur' !i.,(edto malakeDNA-beacl (ol1)lexes. plod(-t> 4-4-20) into the flow (cllanitl anld allowing it, to i(ulbate h) more than 4 minutes. the'i ri]s('t out by flowing 500OOLof `xa(e'ssantibodY not a(lllere(l to the glass is nd 2()(}IL of 2.()mg/mL BSA 2lig//mL BSA is flowed in to coat any exposed surflces. The it room temn- The BSA is incbate(d for 20 minutes. ec{(.ad-DNA complexes are thet flo)we(linto the chanber (0/iL) and allowed to incull)ite for 20 minutes. Afterwards, aiv unbound bead(lsare flushe(l out with 400,uL of ()0.2nlg/mL BSA. A final flow of 200t/L of 2.0mg/mL BSA is flowed in if deemed lle'essar'y. 2.3 UV vis UV' visil)le spectroscopy was used to (leterinine the concentration pr(odutct. It was also used to dletermine the concentration Thle relationship between the o)ti(cal asorbance of DNA in the PCR. of avidin b)eads. rea(ding and the (oncentration of l)beads i solution was calculated by measuring a series of l)ead cncentrations and using the Beer-Lambert equation. .4 whe:e A is absorbance, Ebc (2.1) is the wavelength-dependenlt molar alsorpltivity coeffi- cient. 1) is )pathlength, and c is aalyNte concentratiolln. This Beer-Lamibert relationship w-asused to determine the concenltration of beads afte twv were modified to have Streptavidin conjugated to the suif'ace. 2) f i- .1 - I LU. LI 100.0 0.0 60.0 '%.. - 40.0 -t~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ %., II 20.0 111 0.0 10 100 1000 Bead Concentration [M1 Figure 2-5: Plot of avidin bead (0.52mli diameter) concentration and percent transinittance at 500 nmn. I I -- U -0.1 -0.2 -0.3 -0.4 8 -0.6 -0.68 -0.9 -1 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 Bead Concenbtraion Figure 2-6: Plot of absorbance as a function of avidin bead (0.52irn diameter) concentration as determined )y the Beer-Lambl)ertLaw. Chapter 3 Results The l)olyethylene glycol linkage assay came across difficulties 1)ecause the beoa(l-PEG complexes frequently adhered to the sides of the plastic containers, preventing the beads from being spun down i the centrifilge and washed. WVhileaddition of BSA blocking agents were able to decrease the amount of beads adhered to the sides of the container, it was deemed necessary to mlove on with work on the DNA tetheis. \\Whilethe DNA tethering assay also came across the issue of sticky b)cals, the addition of BSA seemed to alleviate the problem, but its optimal conicentration had to be dleterniiiiled. The tethlers were spotted by viewing the flow cell in the microscope ald watching for jiggling motion. This type of motion indicated that te bedl was attachedl to the surface, but still able to freely float in solution within a certain radius. indicating possible formation of a DNA tether. illovemellIt, Based on the calculated ra(lins of it was possible to visnallv pick ouit possible tethers and test the tethers using a Labviewv progranm. 3.1 BSA Blocking Agent OUr initial observations of the beads under the microscope revealed that many beads were actually stuck onIto the surface of the coverslip instead of freely floatilg tethere(l. ,Ve hyll)othesized that te coll(centration of blocking agent i te )bovineseruli albumnin(BSA), nee(led to )e optimized. an(d pr tocol. B i, ill'1111 ,a its teWltIf -( t ) ilii-ie- 5 ii<'ll )teilI prpmII Ing/inlI (21)() /I. fto\-(,(l imlt the channel 't ' tl e of BSA 't 1f 'is. as ,i locking oi ,sefI bhlckilng :,it a nd incul)atd ilmajority of t l m nicroslelre, , Vi:g foulil tl,' \\' )ilcl I(, ilrfa('ti'. proto(t I.;.\}SlA I ( 1 t giniilly b)eelnusedl lse(d tttl (4,ol at te ; , w w((falise l itilal c(om l('ttratiol ;Iss;lvx' of 3 1,,: 2()mnimites). I (,wcver, w ltl - t ill stiuck. I' was iin optiilliZd(lthroulgh exlperilments to del ,t nine the ( )llc('ntrati( ll coinLt(',ittrattil that b)est prcve('ts; the tleats 'fromsticking. ofvariables il ott of the assay to sinplif v the 1_nnibt('of' First DNA wPastken the system. Flow cells were constructed three li-f(lrent cone(iitrations as shown i Figire 2-2 and incilb)ated with of BSA fr 20 minuttes. 1i{/tL of Streptvidinl-co at(d microsplheres were then flowed into the channel and inc.iu)ated for 20 minttes. the flow chlmel was flowed with 400 ,L of 0.2 mg/il Finally, BSA and another 200 /L of the variable BSA (oncientcation. The slides were then viewe(l under the mi('croscope'and 12 field of views w-ere observed, counting the number of stuck beads in each. (Table 3-1) BSA[mg/ml] Stuck Beads 0.2 2 20 95 72 20 Table 3.1: Stuly of bead(lbindillg to surface of covers]iip with varying (oll(celntratiolis of BSA coverage in the flow channel and no BSA pre-incnbated with the bead. While it was foun( inl this study that a concentration of 20 mg/nl fewest nulmber of 1,ie(ls stuck onl the sturface, it was noted that tlhat was much higher thatn mentioned in the literature[4]. BSA ha(d the oncentratioll It was hypotlhesize(l that te 20 mg/mlL BSA hald f'ewer number of beads stuck because there was a large enoughl concentration of BSA to fully (coat the surface of the glass slide and also coat the surface of the beads. decreasing the bead surface avwilable to nonspe(ifically bind to the glass su'fiee. For this reason, the next study used a, fixed flow cell BSA concentration of 2.() nig/nli and varied the col(entrait ion of BSA incubated with the nlicrosp)lheres p)ritr to tflowing into the flow channel. (Tabl)ie 3-2) BSA[mg/ml] Sttuck Beads 0.2 295:; 2 41( 20 83 i liditlg Neail stu(ly with varying ci-nceutl ation Tabtle ,.2: beads :Inl i tixed 2 m /nlmlBSA in flow chainel. Th nation of 2.0 mg/minL BSA on the mnicrospheres i comn)i- on(eltration i(llmted f BSA iicnul)at (d witli ithl the 2.) ing/nml BSA flowed into the flow- channel resuilted in te numbelr of heads stuck. least of B3SA \Ve then did a final stldy fixing the concentration arying the concentration o)f1SA incubate!l (1, the microspheres at 2.0 mg/mL and flowed ont(o the surface. (Table 3-3) BSA[mg/ml] Stuck Beads 0.2 52 2 41 20 16 Table 3.3: Bead binding study with fixed BSA-bead incubation of 2 ing/mL BSA and varying c(enltration in flow cell. While the al)ove results show that the 20 mg/mnLof BSA flowed ito te (chlanel resulte in t e fewest number of beads stuck to the surface, it is a ten-fold manitude higher thll Not,: he concentration BA prior to is(. specified in the Keir Neiuman protocol. ,eeds to be prepared fresh on, a weeAly basis and it needs to bt filtered If tle BA is to be uised wnth a fluorescent be dega.,,s(d tulth o.dditions,, of beta-mercaptolethanol molecule, t also eeds to to help protect the flnorecs:enr1,(e of the /.nooph'orh . 0iygqi i the solution is highly 'reactiveand may damaye florescent molecules. 3.2 DNA tethers After varyiuY the c(tcentration DNA complexes. of BSA incutlmated (on the coverslip and on tl, hea(d- it was (leterminedl that conventration 27 aroundl 2mg/ml ilnmue the h(''(I lest I)N:\ St i( 1\- (1 a(d the t e' ,l wer' Sll do Fl()w cell, ('. v'itW'\\-( itiler \\ re (l' the i(IOt 1li - '1,,. II ( d lCeltIlt io)ll of 'Vs ' t'If pinIl))Oilt'd 1)v c'\v I)yviewing the Inicfrosph('res ()i te surface f the (over:-] ) 11:(l)i king out b)ea(ds titi were sl-1 that ppaentlv movin d it st'Ved i Olne l('atiOI. t thermalll llotioll I)lt li 1lt'v'(l A\labview pro?,raii was 1s( to test out te p)ossille t('e bebhived like a microsphere tethered to the ghlass surface. t'l ' (Itto the surfatce t,( S( ' if they indee(l i thle Lahview prograin, thl(' iezo stage scans a distance across the nhicr spherlt ald i [>ohfi('(it the movement of te bead relative to the detection laser is recorded. (Figues :s3-1.3-2) As the stage morved far enolugh away such that the DNA tether is xteo{e'(I to its full length, the bead will begin to e dragged in the direction of the stage mnovemelt. As the stage lmoves under the center of the inicrosphere, the DNA linkage is dillowe(lto freely miove and the microsphere can be -visualized as jiggling cldueto th(lrnlal motion. Notice the tethered bead has a portion of no motion of the bead(l whichl is seen as a flat region in the plot. In the case of a bead that is adhered to the surface of the (overslilp, the scanning of the piezo stage creates a data. profile with no flat region i the enter because the bead moves with the piezo stage throughout the scan. (Figirie 3-3) 28 . 0-I > 4 .0 3.0 0 to c 3. 0 2}.0 ·1.0 - + I'X 0.0 0 0 -1 .0 -2.0 - ._ --3.0 'Cl -4.0 - 'n mt (D s -5.0 -6.0 - 36500 :37000 37500- 3800- 38500 39000 39500 40000 4500 Stage Posifon [nm] Figure 3-1: A 1)1()tof bead position response ill voltage, as the stage is tranlslated il the x-axis across te center ()oftle b)ead. 3 A.... ..... . .............................................................. I E 2.01.0 0 1C 9 0.0- lftp -1.0 - 0 -2.90 - . -3.0 - j i i i 'i -4-5.0 ;-; i I I I Ii i ,I , 9000 1000 00FJ I, '1 1000 1000 0 1:-; 00 Stage Position [nm] Figure 3-2: A plot of bead position response in voltage, as the stage is translated il the y-axis cross te center of tlte bead. ,1 I--_ 4. - E ... s ^ c S .. - m i a- 1.0 1].i 1.0 0.0 - a.0 ; -.,. U M -3.0 46500 l I I I I 47000 47500 48000 46500 i 49000 Stage Position [nm] Figure 3-3: Example of (lata pr()file(collected from a bead stuck to the surface of the slide. 3() Chapter 4 Discussion There emains much work to be done to optimize the assay (lesigns. ()ther tether materials can be studied, and other types of blocking agents such as casein. gelatin, silane agents, or hydrogels can be used. 4.1 BSA concentration It was ound fom this project that te concentration of BSA needed to keep the microsphleres from nonspecifieally adhering to the surface of the coverslip changes with the components under st udy. A BSA concentration that is too low allows uncovered glass surface to be exp)osed, allowing the microspheres to adhere to the glass. On the otherlhand, too mluch BSA mav cause BSA protein to lver within the flow cell interfering with the tether formation aind also increases stickiness of the mnicrosphere. An optimal concentrationI needs t be found by testing the syste 4.2 using different concenitrations of BSA. Tether Length The DNA lusedl to construct the DNA tethers is 1010 bp long, which apl)proxiLnatelv equlls 300()nm. The diameter of the polstree fo)rmtion, b)eadlsis 00nn. Knowing this in- it is p)ssil)le to a))pproximate the (distance a bead (an freely travel when :31 t ,I II, I O (II,I,(,I 1" t I [! x I c1V2 -/2 Figlnc -1-1: Diagrami of actethered bead. (Not drawn to scale.) The length c i the al)ove figure is the distance the bead is allowed to reelv move. r is the radius of the bead, x is the length of the tether material and is the angle between the surface of the coverslip and the tether. Approximating the length of the DNA tether as 3Wnm and assuming the bead is touching the surface of the coverslip, we c(an let r = 250nm, x -- 300nm and calculate a value for c. This gives cv 63 degrees and d -- 980nnt. The length d. which the microsphere is allowed to freely move within is extracted from the tether testing (data l)y measuring the peak to peak distance o the curve. From the data is Figure 3-1, the peak to peak distance is 2,500nrn. This is over a factor of two times longer than expected. It may indicate that the DNA is eing stretched during the experiment. 4.3 Conclusion It is shown in the project that tethers were formed for an fluorescein antibody-antigen systen with a DNA tether linked to a polystyrene bead through a biotin-streptavi(lin bond. The preliminary data has shown that the length of the tethers can be extractedl. The assay as not et b)een ol)tinize(d to increase the aount of tethers per flow cell. A goo(l point for future stud(ly is to stludy the antilbody coverage on the surfaice and its effect on the minmler of tethers formeed. 32 lWhile simle molecule finoresemece t' ,l (all )l1, ib' ; goo1 ) lt ]o(,1 . t ;ilt l-hlorcs(ceil IaIlti)ody indi( lt'( hv .)() itpO atit'l >( lwtsl to filnl binding. thr SOuilce t I , Ia . s- t iat t( :11t t }1)il TlliS I llilx )1\( (, intl)(l(hieS t ), I ;ll Ilf( tI e S ill{ 'tII tit iS knownl to qillncl a. problem t llit () not quench for SMF. the l tle fliloleseell(e so it would fluorescene. 34 Appendix A DNA Tether Protocol Protocol is adapte(l fron iKeir Nemian's p)rotoc( fr making flow cells for fluores'(ence unlbindi ng ex)perinmelnt s. A.1 Materials * Flow Cell (with etched coverslil)s) * 2'0pM DNA comp)lexes(made fromlfluoiescein and biotin conjugated priiners(MWG Biotech)) * 60pM avi(lin-oated 50()niln polystyrene * PBT* (l()0OnMIPhosphate hl)(ids (Bangs) Buffer, pH 7.5, ().1% Tween) 1860/,uL 1IM NaH 9 Po4; 81401 L 1Ii Na2HPo4: ()OliL (lH2(): 1)0)/IltTween; Filter with 0.2mli filter * 20mg/rnL Anti-fluorescein(imake fresh dilution daily) (lolecular Probes: antifluorescein/Oregonl anti-fluorescein Green. mouse IgG, monoclonal 4-4-20) 20/,IL 20011ng/mnL in PBS (frozen aliqu(lllots):180/tL PBT* * 2.0ing/mnL BSA(niake fresh weekly) Filter with ().2pm filter * 0.2mg/miL BSA Filter witll (}.2tm filt(er * 2 O)ni L PBS2A( \ ('c.i-((t)(ha 2,li1lte(l il (dE12,) A.2 jl'' aet'1viug ;)(iI, '3I flurescel('(') I t-1uicapto ethan WS:-\ Procedure 1. ILcubat, beads .1d D)NA (oi)lexes for 3 hours at 4 degrees Celsius. cltough for severa.l sli(les. using 40/tL of milix for ech Make Sli(le. Bead:DNA Mix 100/z 2pM DNA complexes 100/J,L 6OpMNbeads 2. Spin down beads at 10K for 6 minutes. Remove supernatant and replace with 2.0mg/nmL BSA. Allow to incubate for at least 20 minutes. A 200,L pipette tip attached to tubing, a filter flask, and vacuum line is used to assist flow through of solution for more consistent flow rates. 3. Flow in 25,uL of anti-florescein into each flow cell and incubate for one hour at roonmtemperature. 4. Flow in 500L of ().1lmg/nmL BSA. 5. Flow in 200tiL of 2.0mng/mL BSA. Incubate for 20 minutes at room temperature. 6. Sonicate any bead--DNA coniplexes that have been sitting around for a few days. (add ice to cup sonicator for sonicate for 2 milnuttesat 40%) 7. Flow in 400/iL of bead-DNA complexes. Incubate for 20 minutes. 8. Flow in 400/iL of 0.2mng/mlI BSA. 9. Flow in 200/t of 2.Omg/mnL (degassedBSA. Add small pools of BSA on the sides of the flow cell to prevent the flow cells from drying up and place in huniidity chamber (I used ol p1j)i)ette (containerswith a little water in them and placed slides on a raised plftfornl insi(dle(ontainer.) 3(i Tethers will last one to two dlays. 1 Bibliography [1] Matthew J. Lang Cowtu)led optical trajpl/.qy]and J. Biol.. vol. 2, p. [21 Ni. I. Wallace 6 siqhl -molecule fluorescel(e (2003). Combimncd single-molcculec forc( ad fluorescence measure- ments for biology.. Biol., vol. 2, p. 4 (2003). [3] A. Ishijima Simultancous observation of im(ivi(lual ATPase and mnechanical events by a single myosin molecule duringqinteraction with actin Cell, vol.92, pp.161-171 (1998). [4 Bernard P. Chan Effect of Streptavidin RGD Mutant on the Adhesion of Endothelial Cells Biotechnol. Prog., 20, 566-575)(2004). 37