NMBMMR Open-file Report 430 Petrographic analysis of Upper Paleozoic rocks in southern Luna County R. E. Clemons 1 PETROGRAPHIC ANALYSIS OF UPPER LUNA PALEOZOIC IN ROCKS SOUTHERN COUNTY Russell E. Clemons Department of Geological Sciences, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, New Mexico 88003 INTRODUCTION Outcrops sparse. of upper Relatively Paleozoic little has rocks been in southern published on Luna their County occurrences and there have been only three reports with some detailed petrographic data (Wilson, 1989, Buck and Clemons, 1991; Clemons, in press). Two 2-inch cores drilled during mineral exploration in the West Lime Hills 1, 2) provide (Figs. 684-ft sections of upper Paleozoic rocks in that area. and 1494-ft sample A small knoll (Fig.2) consists of about75 ft of previously undescribed Lower Permian rocks. Two additional recently reported outcrops of 2) are at Eagle Nest Permian rocks in southern Luna County (Fig. 1990) and “Georget1 hill (N$ sec. 3 , T29S, R5W), (Seager and Mack, 7 mi south of Eagle Nest. The purpose of thistoreport provide is petrographic descriptions of these rocks and correlate them with other upper Paleozoic rocks in and near southern Luna County. Hopefully, data provided here will enhance the understanding of depositional conditions across the Florida-Moyotes theOrograndeandPedregosaBasins(Fig.3A),duringLate Pennsylvanian and Early Permian times. Uplift, between a N I " " L a x II, ,.- Y,RedMtn I 1 1 1 r I 0 10 m i 5 0 l 1 I 10 k m 5 I I I I I I Ti' T POL Ranch 0 ' +? +* I I I SKWo I SR W , 0 I I M E X I C O " " " " " \ e 1 GH I L" " " " " " M E X I C O 1 I FIGURE 2-Localities of cores and sections includedin this study. EN, Eagle Nest; GH, Georgehill; GP, Gym Peak; GWLH-1, G W - 1 core; GWLH-3, GWLH-3 core;SK, small knoll; SKW, Skelly No.1ANew Mexico C well; SRW, SunRay Mid-Continent No. 1New Mexico Fed. R weU. W I Cores drilled 1981-1982 in by Gulf Mineral GWLH-1(TD 2314 ft) and GWLH-3 2309 (TD ft) holes Resources were from examined the and a general description of each is in Appendix A. Samples were chosen from fossiliferous zones in the and'at cores depths needed to represent all megascopically distinctive lithologies in the .cores. Petrographic thin sections were prepared from 67 GWLH-1 core samples and 40 GWLH-3 core samples. Stratigraphic sections 3.5 mi northwest of were measured and sampled at the small knoll West Lime (29 thin Hills sections), southeast flank Gym of Peak in the southeastern Florida Mountains (29 thin sections), at Eagle Nest (17 thin sections) , and I1Georgeg1 hill (8 thin sections) . Permian strata in the northeastern Tres Hermanas Mountains were measured, sampled, and thin sectioned but contact metamorphism destroyed most ofthe original textures and prevents identification 190. thin ofbioclasts.Petrographicanalyses'weremadeon sections. REGIONAL GEOLOGY PennsylvanianandPermianrocksinsouth-centraland southwestern New Mexico have received much attention due primari to presence of oil and gas reservoirs in these age strata in southeastern New Mexico. Pennsylvanian strata range in age from Morrowan (?) to Virgilian and were deposited unconformably on Precambrian to Upper Mississippian rocks. The PennsylvanianPermian boundary is gradational in many areas; elsewhere Permian, Cretaceous and Tertiary rocks are erosionally unconformable. on Pennsylvanian strata (Kottlowski, 19.63, 1965). Pennnnsylvanian rocks (if ever present) apparently were eroded from the Florida Mountains area during Early Permian. Erosion during early and middle Mesozoic time probably stripped Pennsylvanian and Permian rocks the Burro from Uplift southwestern New Mexico in 1963; Mack and Clemons, 1960a, 1960b, (Kottlowski, . 1988). . Outcrops of Pennsylvanian-Permian strata are scattered in south-central and southwestern New Mexico and mapping units use workers have varied greatly over the years. Ranges in southcentralNewMexicocontainexposuresofPennsylvanianbeds deposited in the Orogrande Basin; ranges in southwestern part of the state have exposures Pedregosa Basin (Fig.3A). and from New Pennsylvanian to'rocks to in Arizona possess Pennsylvanian strata deposited in the Stratigraphic nomenclature for Permian rocks southeastern Mexico of southwestern whereas locally these New Mexico age named assigned or names rocks by has in been ad south-centra correlation 4). the east and north (Fig. During the past several decades many workers have compiled data about southwestern Lower New Permian-Pennsylvanian Mexico. rocks (1965) described Zeller in south-central. about8,000 ft and of 1, 4) that were these strata in the Big Hatchet Mountains (Fig. deposited in the Pedregosa Basin. Additional studies of some of these rocks have been made by Ross (1973), Thompson and Sacka (1981) and Neely (1982). Diaz and Navarro (1964), Wilson and others (1969), and Holland (1980) measured and described7,000 ft of similar Lower Permian-Pennsylvanian rocks exposed in Sierra (previously named Sierra de Palomas) that were also deposited in thePedregosaBasin(Fig. 1). KottlowskiandFoster (1962) reported 525 ft of Hueco Limestone and 560 ft of Pennsylvanian A .-E Lo' 0 0 . E Y 0 Lo 0 L 0 -0 0 I I W N O Z I U V I I Big Hatchet Mountains Series Guadalupian z 1 1 I ILeonardian r: Ls IConcha Ls Sierra A1ta Concha Cooke's Range Virgilian CI I z Missourian 6 J Desmoinesian Atokan z 1 Sherrer Ss Epitaph Dol Epitaph Dol Colina Colina Ls Earp Fm Abo Fm Hueco Ls/ Abo Fm Hueco Gp Bursum Fm Missourian Desmoinesian Atokan Morrowan Fm Panther Seep dagdalena GP Abo Fm Bursum Sacramento Mountains San Andres Fm Yeso Fm Hueco Ls/ Ab0 Fm San Andres Fm Yeso Fm Bursum Fm Panther Bar B Fm Fm Abo Fm/ Hueco Fm Bursum Fm Holder Fm Seep Fm Bishop Cap Fm Berino Fm Nakaye Fm Lead Camp Fm Sandia Fm La Tuna Fm Red House Fm W b Southern San Andres Mtns ~ Horquilla Ls Caballo Mountains San Andres Fm Yeso Fm Virgilian Horquilla Ls Franklin Mountains Ls Bursum Fm 4 Robledo Mountains FIGURE 4-Stratigraphic chart of Permian-Pmylvmian rocks in south-central and Southwestern New Mexico. Beeman Fm Gobbler Fm limestone and sandstone in the Tres Hermanas Mountains, northeast of Sierra Alta; 14 mi a notably thinner section and one containing more clastic material deposited along the northeast margin the of the Pedregosa Florida-Moyotes 10 mi Another Basin. Uplift, in the to the northeast, southeastern Florida on Mountains, about 335 ft of Hueco Formation were. deposited on. Mississippian Farther north, in the .Cookers rocks (Clemons and Brown, 1983). (1954) reported Range, Jicha ft. of Upper Pennsylvanian 183 limestone resting on Mississippian beds and overlain bya thin Lower near Ab0 section. Permian Silver City, Jones Thirty miles northwest of and (1967) othersdescribed 810 ft Cookels of Peak, Lower Pennsylvanian limestone overlain by165 ft of Lower PermianAb0 redbeds. East of the late Paleozoic Florida-Moyotes Uplift lay the north-trending Orogrande Basin between Las Cruces and ALamogordo (Fig. 3A).. Excellent exposures of about 5,400 ft of Lower Permian and Pennsylvanian strata in the Sacramento Mountains have been, extensively studied and interpreted as having been deposited along 1961; Toomey and the eastern edge of the Orogrande Basin (Pray, others, 1977; Wilson, 1967; Otte, 1959; Bachman and Myers, 1975; Benne, 1975; Van Wagoner, Schoderbek, 1991), 5,300 ft and 1977; Schoderbek and Chafetz, in others,1956) and 4,800 ft the in San the Andres Franklin 1988; Mountains Mountains (Kottlowski (Harbour, 1972; Jordan, 1971;.Jordan and Wilson, 1971) are interpreted to have been sections deposited in.theOrogrande about2,600 ft Basin. thickin,the. Dofia Permian-Pennsylvanian Ana Mountains (Mack 1976; Goerger, 1993). and Robledo others, 1988; Seager and others, and Mountains (Seager and others, in press; Roepke, 1984) and a Lower Permian 1,000 ft about section thick in the East Portillo Mountains (Seager and Mack, 1986, in press) represent deposits along the western edge of the Orogrande Basin. Kottlowski (1958) described a "triangular area between the Robledo Mountains, Cooke's Peak and Tres Hermanas Mountains, and probably adjoining areas" as the late Paleozoic Florida islands. This area, County, covering overlies southwestern part of the DoAa Ana County Florida-Moyotes and Uplift eastern where Luna Permian- Pennsylvanian strata are thin or absent. No exposures of these rocks are known between distance of. 47 mi. Only the Robledo Mountains and Cooke's a Range, two small outcrops (Eagle Nest and 40 mi between the East Portillo and "Georgett hill) occur in the Tres Hermanas Mountains' gas data section exploration has Mountains been of wells and it mi to is 43another Permian-Pennsylvanian have reported been about drilled late the rocks. in Paleozoic Big Several this rocks Hatchet oil region but penetrated. Cities ServiceNo. 1 Gov.-Corralitos A well, drilled about1 0 mi 1) in 1971, penetrated 776 ft west of the Robledo Mountains (Fig. of Yeso-Abo section and578 ft of Pennsylvanian strata (Thompson and Bieberman, i975). 'The Sunray Mid-Continent No. 1 New Mexico hill in Federal R well (Fig. 2) 'drilled 2 mi north of rtGeorgell southeastern Luna County in 1962, penetrated about 3,000 ft of interbedded Paleozoic dolostone, limestone, silty limestone and dolostone, shale, and sandstone but no diagnostic ages were determined. 3 mi The No. 1-A New Skelly and MexicoC well (Fig: 2) , drilled west of the Sunray well 1964, in penetrated 500 ft of lower little The Paleozoic rocks, overlain by Tertiary volcanic rocks (Kottlowski Wilson (1987, 1989) (and Wilson and Jordan, and others, 1969). 1988) have correlated Lower and Middle Pennsylvanian strata and depositional environments in the Orogrande and Pedregosa Basins. The Lower Permian (Fig. 3B) across described by siliciclastic-carbonate south-central Mack and and transitional southwestern New zone Mexico has bee (1986). James PETROGRAPHY Small Knoll A limestone knoll less than 20 ft high and 200 ft l'ong parallel to strike of bedding is SW2. in sec. 13, T27S, RlOW, 3.5 mi northwest of West Lime Hills.. The outcrop consists 7 5 ft ofof medium - to,dark-gray,medium-bedded, bioclastic, grain supported limestone. Megascopic fossils include gastropods, brachiopods, echinoderms in a few and beds. algae. Twenty 5 ft.intervals, and Large nine at dark-brown samples any change chert were nodules are present collected at a maxjmum in orcolor texture within of that interval'. Petrographic analysis showed relatively little change in depositional environments throughout the section. Dominant bioclasts include tubular foraminifera, Globivalvulina, Tuberitina, gastropods, ostracods and phylloid and dasycladacian algae (Figs. 5, 6). exposed Stromatolites (Fig. section. andbafflestone Red algae 6A) are common at the base of the (Fig. 6J) is abundant in are boundstone at 40 and 65 ft.Minorbioclastsinclude 6D). echinoderms, bryozoa, brachiopods and fusulinids (Fig. bioclasts the encrusted by tubular foraminifera Most or less abunda 12 m 'Et 0 a 0 a, 2 bo m m rl b m e - base A 2 A 5 C 10 t 15 S 20 S E U 0 N E e - P 0 P. 0 .ti m U U 0 m V rl m U 0 m .rl F: .rl m m U u4 0 5 f E U 0 m u4 - U m M - A t t V 0 $U V m m U .rl0 rl rock SMF name 0 P - t S - C gackestone 20 t 3oundstone 20 ?ackstone 19 :rainstone 18 A C C A C S A C S S >ackstone 19 S A A t C rudstone 19 25 S C A C C >ackstone 19 28 t E S C C vackestone 19 30 C A S S >ackstone 19 :rainstone 18 lackstone 19 34 S t t S A S S C S 39 S S t S A 40 A t C t S 43 t S S t C 45 C C S C 47 S t 50 C 53 t 55 A 57 A 58 S C S t S loundstone -9 A t C 'udstone .9 C C S S .udstone 9 S S C S A 'loatstone .9 S A C S A 'loatstone .9 t t A S S ;rainstone .8 t s C S S A loatstone 9 A C S C S ackstone 9 C A S S C ackstone 9 A S S C oundstone 9 ackstone 9 afflestone 7 afflestone 7 S 60 S 62 A S C C C C 64 A S t C t S 65 A t t S S t A ~~ FIGURE 5"ochem compositions thin of sectionsof smallknoll samples.A, abundant;C, common; S, scarce;t, trace;SMF, standard microfacies from Wilson (1975). ! 13 FIGURE &(continued) 66 c 68 t 70 C 172 i 75 c c s s s t s rudstone t 9 grainstone 18 grainstone 9 grainstone 18 packstone 9 14 FIGURE &Photomicrographs of representative limestonesamples of small knoll 3.5 mi northwest of West LimeHills. FIGURE 6A-Stromatolite at base of section; plane light,bar = 0.2 mm. FIGURE 6ELMicritized and coated foraminifera in grainstone 10 ft above base; plane light, bar = 0.1 mm. FIGURE &-Tubular and Globivulvulinaforaminifera (F) and coated algalplate in packstone 34 ft above base;plane light, bar = 0.2 nun. FIGURE 6D-Neomorphosed fusulinid and bryozoa (2) fragments in packstone 45 ft above base; plane light, bar = 0.2 nun. 16 FIGURE 6E"Globivulvulina (F), echinoderm (E), gastropod (G) in packstone 45 A above base;plane light, bar = 0.2 mm. FIGURE 6F"Tuberitina (T)and ostracod (0)in grainstones 33 A above base;plane light, bar= 0.1 mm. 17 FIGURE 6GEncmsting foraminifera (F) in packstone 57 ft above base; plane light, bar= 0.2 mm. FIGURE 6H-Dasycladacian algae (D),gastropod (G), and ostracod(0)fragments in packstone 62 ft above base; plane light, bar= 0.2 mm. 18 FIGURE 6I-Foraminifera (F)in micrite between red algae (R) fragments 64 ft above base; plane light, bar= 0.1 mm. FIGURE 6J-Red algae bafflestone 65 ft above base; plane light, bar= 0.2 mm. 19 FIGURE 6K-Two 0.1 nun. GlobivuZvuZim in grainstone 66 ft above base;plane light, bar = FIGURE 6L-Intraclast grainstone 72 ft above base;plane light, bar = 0.2 nun. 20 coated by algae (Fig. 6G). The small knoll section is composed primarily and of grainstones Depositional circulation facies environments on a marine (Mark packstones. varied platform Brown, written between atoshallow, commun., shallow, open 1984; restricted marine Buck lagoonal 1991). and Clemons, The abundant tubular foraminifera can occur in bioherms, normal marine and salinity lagoonal and Stromatolite environments. oxygen levels boundstone and They thus (Fig. 6A) present can are at tolerate seen the variations through base the and near in section. the top of this section indicatea shallow, restricted environment. This facies grades upward into a restricted lagoonal environment dominated by gastropods, tubular foraminifera and ostracods. The open marine lagoonal facies is recognized by the greatest dive of bioclasts, containing echinoderms, bryozoans and phylloid and dasycladacianalgae.Thedasycladacianalgae(Epimastopora?) indicate low energy, and . (Buck and Clemons, 1991) section is to the similar very shallow . 3 and 5 m depths, 3between The abundance of gastropods in this lagoonal facies of the Leonardian Colina Formation. The abundant tubular foraminifera are also typical of the Wolfcampian to Colina Hueco lagoonal Formation. facies, The indicates fauna, this asaswell similarity small knoll to be section to part of the Wolfcampian or Leonardian and probably equivalent Colina Formation. GWLH-1 Core The GWLH-1 core was drilledSW+ insec. 19. T27S, R9W1.7 mi ft southeast of the small knoll. there is another small 50hill, high, about midway between the two sites that consists of medium- 21 bedded dolostone massive black resting (depositionaly or in limestone. correlated to known Neither of stratigraphic fault contact) these two rock but may be units upon units have be Epitaph-Colina equivalents.MegascopicfossilsintheGWLH-1coreinclude gastropods,brachiopods,echinoderms,bryozoa,fusulinidsand rugose corals(?). Generalized lithology of the core section is in Appendix A-1. Lower Permian rocks were intersected a at depth of 820 ft and the 1,494 ft of core to TD 2,314 ft is interpreted and 1,800 ft Permian-Pennsylvanian strata. Breccia zones 1,585 at may indicate. presence of small faults; laminations and bedding appear to be near horizontal except near these breccia zones. The core between 820 and 1,000 ft is interbedded shale and laminated lime mudstone; a few Petrographic wackestones analysis of mostly bioturbated with only laminated zones.' and the packstones !thin sections occur show below the 940 rock a couple of thin, undisturbed Dominant bioclasts 1,000 and 1,500 ft between are brachiopods, echinoderms, foraminifera, gastropods and ostracods (Fig. 7). Echinoderms appear to be chiefly'echinoids. Fusulinids are common in 5 thin zones between 1,198-1,300 ft. Charles Ross (Written commun, (Skinnerella) at 1994): 1,198 identified a species of Parafusulina ft depth a species and of Chalaroschwaserina 8) at 1,224 ft depth. Algae is common at several horizons (Fig. and bryozoa are common between 950-1,090 and 1,415-1,430 ft. Bioclasts are generally small, abraded fragments and many have micritized rims. The 305 ft section between 1,500-1,805 ft is dominantly finely laminated lime mudstone with minor interbedded shale and siltstone. Oncoids (Fig. 9B) are abundant at 1,714 ft. ft is 22 FIGURE 7"Photomicrographs of GWLH-1 core thin sections. FIGURE 7A"Echinoderm (E)and trilobite (T) fragments in floatstone at 944 ft; crossed nicols, bar = 0.2 mm. FIGURE %Brachiopod spine (S), echinoderm (E), and abundant unidentified neomorphosed bioclastsat 983 ft; plane light, bar = 0.2 mm. 23 FIGURE 7C-Echinodem (E)and bryozoa (Z) in silty lime mudstone at 1,065 ft; plane light,bar = 0.2 nun. FIGURE 7D-Brachiopod spines (S) and valves (V) in wackestone at 1,086 ft; plane light, bar = 0.2 mm. 24 FIGURE E-Laminated packstone with echinoderm and ostracod valves 1,088 at ft;plane light,bar = 0.2 mm. FIGURE 7F"Fusulinid in rudstone at 1,224 ft; plane light, bar = 0.2 mm. 25 FIGURE 7G"Globular foraminifera (F), ostracod (0),and gastropod (G) fragments in packstone at 1,216 ft; plane light, bar = 0.2 mm. FIGURE 7H-Fusulinid and globular foraminifera (F) in packstone at 1,293 fi; plane light, bar = 0.2 mm. 26 FIGURE 7I"Fusulinid in packstone at 1,300 ft; plane light, bar = 0.2 mm. FIGURE 7J-Encrusting foraminifera in bindstone at 1,362 ft; plane light, bar = 0.2 mm. 27 FIGURE X-Dasycladacian algae in packstone at 1,412 ft;plane light, bar = 0.2 mm. 28 m e U m V core 0 .rl c m m h 0 depth m m M (ft) r( 0 U 0 N 0 h d m $4 0 U m D D - " V 0 $4 m w .rl E .rl V 0 0 0 'c1 h U m 0 n a 3U U m rcI - - E c U - 0 s 950 C S S S 954 S C C 983 s U m m M m 0 - .rl rock m a name m - - A floatstone .9 S wackestone 9 s C wackestone 9 A t S packstone 9 S rudstone 9 t floatstone 9 S packstone 9 t lime :mudstone9 t lime mudstone 9 C wackestone 9 A packstone 9 A A wackestone 9 A A rudstone 9 A C packstone 9 t t A wackestone 9 A floatstone 9 wackestone 9 packstone 9 rudstone 9 packstone 9 1003 C C C C 1005 C C S C 1021 t C s t C t s S 1065 0 .rl 944 1060 'c1 C C C 1086 A C C 1088 C s A 1198 S 1199 C t t t t S 1216 C t S 1224 s s C 1229 s s C t A t 1232 S C C A t t 1236 S t C A S t 1237 C C S A S S C t 5 t A C S packstone 9 C A S A C packstone 9 5 A S s bindstone 7 C C C t packstone 9 1241 S C 1293 s 1300 t A C S C I 1362 1396 ! C S t S C .- FIGURE 8-Allochem compositions of G W H - 1 core thinsections.A, abundant;C, common. ,s, scarce; t, trace;SMF, standard microfacies Wilson from (1975). 29 FIGURE %-[continued) 1412 A 1414 1418 t S 1419 C C A A C A S packstone 9 rudstone 19 S C C A A C packstone 9 A S s A S t rudstone 9 S A C C packstone 9 t packstone 9 1420 t 1421 A S s S S A 1422 C C C t s C t wackestone 9 1427 A C C C t S rudstone 9 1428 C A A s S packstone 9 s S A S packstone 9 S packstone .9 1448 C A 1500 C 1551 lime mudston, .9 1601 t lime mudston, .9 1700 S lime mudston, .9 C lime mudston,!2 A siltstone 1714 A 1750 .- 1790 lime mudston< .9 1802 lime mudston, .9 C t t A C t t S A 1807 C A 1808 C 1824 C t s 1852 t t packstone 9 t packstone 9 packstone 9 t C lime mudston1 .9 s wackestone .9 1862 S A C 1865 C A C S t packstone 9 1868 S A A t packstone 9 1872 s C t C wackestone .9 1875 t A t C wackestone .9 1876 s A t S Lackestone .9 I 30 FIGURE &(continued) 1878 A A wackestone 9 1882 S S wackestone 19 1883 S S wackestone 19 1886 A A rudstone 12 1888 C A rudstone 12 1890 C A packstone 10 1900 t t lime mudstone 1927 S A lime mudstone 12 1948 2013 lime mudstone S A t t 8 9 grainstone 12 2073 A grainstone 12 2100 A grainstone 12 2150 A grainstone 12 C lime mudstone 2190 t 9 31 FIGURE 9-Photomicrographs of GWH-1 core thin sections. FIGURE 9A-Red algae (R) and gastropod (G) bioclasts in packstone at 1,421 ft; plane light, bar = 0.2 mm. FIGURE 9B-Gncoids in lime mudstoneat 1,714 ft; plane light, bar = 0.2 nun. 32 FIGURE 9C”Bryozoa ( Z ) and echinoderm (E) bioclasts in packstone at 1,807 ft; plane light, bar = 0.2 mm. FIGURE 9D-Bryozoa bar = 0.2 mm. (Z) in laminated silty wackestone at 1,872 ft; plane light, 33 FIGURE 9E-Brachiopod (B), echinoderm (E), and bryozoa (2)bioclasts in packstone; plane light, bar = 0.2 mm. FIGURE 9F-Echinoderm (E) and bryozoa (Z) bioclasts in grainstone at 1,927 ft; plane light, bar = 0.2 mm. 34 Dominantbioclasts 1,900 ft are in the packstones small, abraded . echinoderms(Fig. and wackestones fragments of between 1,805- brachiopods, bryozoa and Quartzsiltisintermittentlycommon 9) throughout this95 ft of section. Echinoderm-bryozoa grainstones (Fig. 9E) and two thin lime mudstones comprise the section between 1,900-2,190 ft. The lower124 ft of core is massive white marble to TD of 2,314 ft. Depositional with the with constant core environments winnowing section for were the represents predominantly lower shallow, or restricted protected intermittent 400 ft shelf-edge in the core. open-circulation shelf lagoons shoal Upward, shelf facies and.minor influxes of siliciclastic sediments. The fusulinids (Fig. 7F, H, I) at 1,199, 1,224, 1,293 and 1,300 ft are Early Permian forms so this part of the section is probably Colina or possibly Earp Formationequivalents.Thelowerpartofthecoremaybe Wolfcampian Horquilla Formation. GWLH-3 Core 1 mi The GWLH-3 core was drilled in SWi, sec. 30, T27S, R9W 1.5 mi north of West Lime Hills. Apparently south of GWLH-1 and there is a northwest-trending the southwest intersected TD downthrown between GWLH-1 because the and GWLH-3 with Tertiary/Permian cont 800 ft lower in GWLH-3. Lower Permian rocks were is about to block fault of ata depth 2,309 ft of1,625 ft is in interpreted GWLH-3 to and be the Lower 684 ft Permian of core strata ba upon lithologic and faunal, similarities and proximity to GWLH-1. Megascopic fossils include gastropods, brachiopods and 2,281Breccia zonesat 1,712-1,726, 2,159-2,176, 2,272-2,279 and echinoderms 35 2,283 ft intervals may be faults. Laminations and bedding are nearly horizontal except near the breccia zones. lithologic description of the core general A From 1,625in A-2. Appendix is 1,805 ft the core is mostly lime mudstone, s.andy mudstone and siltstone. Packstones and wackestones domina the rest of the %I core with 2,000 ft and interbedded dolostone and siltstone below 2,160 ft. siltstone 1,885- between common Dominant bioclasts are echinoderms and gastropods (Fig. 10B, C, G) with foraminifera (globular, tubular, encrusting, uniserial and Tuberitina) common between1,800-2,000 ft (Fig. lOC, D, 11). Ostracodsarescarce,butpresentthroughoutthesection. Brachiopods (Fig.10B, E) and present below 1,790 ft. bryozoa (Fig. 10H) are intermittently A sponge fragment (Fig.10F) occurs with peloids, gastropods, echinoderms and trace amounts of trilobites, foraminifera, 'bryozoa and brachipods at ft and sponge 2,133 spicules (Fig. 101) are abundant at2,305 ft. Depositional environments were predominantly restrictedmarine shelf lagoons and bays, indicated by the gastropod-foraminiferaechinoid-ostracod fauna in the lime mudstones and wackestones. Intermittently there was some open circulation on the shelf dur wbichthefewgrainstonesandbioturbatedpackstoneswere deposited. Minor influxes of silt and sand at the base, upper middle, and depositional upper site parts was of the relatively 11) (Fig. probably core near the indicate the shoreline. Gym Peak About 430 ft of Lower Permian rocks are well exposed in southeastern Florida Mountains,16 mi northeast of the West Lime the 36 FIGURE 10-Photomicrographs of GWLH-3 core thin sections. FIGURE 10A-Ooid grainstone at 1,635 ft; plane light, bar = 0.2 nun. FIGURE 10E”Echinoderm (E) and brachiopod (E)bioclasts in packstone at 1,792 ft; plane light, bar = 0.2 nun. 37 FIGURE 10C-Echinoderm (E), foraminifera (F), bryozoa (Z), and gastropod (G) bioclasts in rudstone at 1,830 ft; plane light, bar = 0.2 mm. FIGURE 10D-Foraminifera in grainstone at 2,002 ft; plane light, bar = 0.2 mm. 38 FIGURE 10E-Whole brachiopod (B) and echinoderm (E) columna1in wackestone at 2,039 ft;plane light, bar = 0.2 mm. FIGURE IOF-Sponge fragment in rudstone at 2,135 ft;plane light, bar = 0.2 mm. 39 FIGURE 10GPeloids and gastropod fragments in rudstone at 2,133 ft; plane light, bar = 0.2 mm. FIGURE 10H-Echinodenn (E), bryozoa (Z), and brachiopod (B) bioclasts in wackestone at 2,255 ft; plane light, bar = 0.2 mm. 40 FIGURE 101-Encrusting algae on gastropod (G) and brachiopod (B) fragments; small white fragments are sponge spicules in packstone at 2,305 ft; plane light, bar = 0.2 mm. 41 m core depth (ft) 6 'ct 0 R 0 : M rl .d f U m $4 m P -- &- m m 0 N 0 c P - '0 rl m &- 0 0 .rl 5 $4 m ru .rl c U 0 fi $4 m +J $4 .rl m $4 0 a 0 m m QJ %I M - - 1635 m 0 0 +I m a .rl0 rock m a name rl 0 - t 1750 t 1791 t 1792 A S A t A 15 t Lime mudstone 19 t Lime mudstone 19 t Lime mudstone 19 S lackstone 1798 1801 t 1807 1830 1864 t 1952 t t S A A t S S 1999 S C 2002 t S 2006 S S 2025 t t A t t S 2027 C - :rainstone S 1680 SMF 9 Lime mudstone 19 Lime mudstone 19 C grainstone 18 S A C S A S t :udstone 9 C C S )ackstone 9 C S rackestone 19 )ackstone 19 :rainstone 18 rackestone 19 )ackstone 9 iloatstone 19 A A A C S A A C t 2029 s C S vackestone 19 2030 S s S rackestone 19 s S rackestone 19 s A rackestone 9 S S' rackestone 9 2033 2038 S 2039 S t t S 2043 2091 2133 A t t C S t A A Lme mudstonf :9 rackestone 19 xdstone 19 FIGURE11-AUochem compositions ofGWLH-3 core thin sections. A, abundant; C, common; s, scarce; t, trace; SMF, standard microfacies from Wilson (1975). 42 FIGURE Il-(continued) I 2154 2190 t A 2254 S A wackestone 19 t C grainstone 12 S packstone 9 2255 s C C packstone 9 2263 s C C packstone 9 2305 C t packstone 19 A 43 Hills. Darton (1916, 1917) included this Permian limestone south (1953) assigned the name of Gym Peak in his Gym Limestone. Bogart Hueco to these rocks based on gastropod 'fauna that he thought lithologic similarity a study and of to be very similar to the Wolfcampian Hueco Limestone, but Jordan (1971) stated that the Permian-age strata resembled more closely Colina Limestone in Sierra Alta and Big Hatchet Mountains. Clemons and Brown(1983) referred to these strata as Hueco Limestone. Total thickness of theHuecohereisdifficulttodetermineduetofault complications. a minimum. A thickness of 430 ft is considered The southeastern Florida Mountains' Permian strata 1 mi disconformably overlie Mississippian Rancheria Formation southeast of Gym Peak and are angularly overlain by the early Tertiary Lobo Formation., The Hueco (Colina) Formation consists of thin-, mediumand massive-bedded, dark-gray wackestones, packstones, and minor grainstones. Chert development to a few scattered brown nodules. Abundant large (up to is 8 restricted cm) bellerophonid gastropods are common. Scattered high-spired gastropods, solitary corals, brachiopods, and echinoid fragments are also common throughout. Thin section examination reveals bioturbatedmaterial(Fig. 12) withabundantfragmentsof gastropods, echinoderms, (probably echinoids), ostracods, peloids, and foraminifera (Globivalvulina, Tuberitina, paleotextularids, tubular and neomorphosed . fusulinids) The and algae (Fig. 12B, C, fusulinids 30 and 250 ft occur (Fig. above F, H) are abundant the 12E, G) are base. severely Dasycladacian in, some zones. Minor and bryozoa amounts of trilobite, brachiopod, sponge (Fig. I)12D, 44 FIGURE12-Photomicrographs Florida Mountains. of LowerPermianrocks in the Southeastern FIGURE 12A-Whole and collapsed ostracods in wackestone at 25 ft; plane light, bar = 0.2 mm. FIGURE 12B”Dasycladacian algae @) and encrusted echinoderm (E) and gastropod (G) bioclasts in grainstone at 39 ft; plane light, bar = 0.2 mm. 45 FIGURE 12C”Dasycladacian algae (D) and echinoderm (E) bioclasts in packstone at 154 ft; plane light, bar= 0.2 mm. FIGURE 12-Sponge fragment in wackestone at 164 ft;plane light, bar = 0.2 nun. 46 FIGURE 12E--Fusulinid, dasycladacian algae (D) and gastropod (G) bioclasts in packstone at 231 ft; plane light, bar = 0.2 mm. FIGURE 12F-Dasycladacian algae (D), gastropod (G), and echinoderm (E) bioclasts in packstone at 231 ft; plane light, bar = 0.2 mm. 47 FIGURE 12GFusulinid (F), bryozoa (Z), and gastropod (G) bioclasts in packstone at 250 ft; plane light, bar = 0.2 mm. FIGURE 1W-Dasycladacian algae (D), globular foraminifera(F), and gastropod (G) bioclasts in packstone at 278 ft;plane light, bar = 0.2 mm. 48 FIGURE121-Large sponge fragment (top half of photo), echinoderm (E) and ostracod (0)bioclasts in packstone at 308 ft;plane light, bar= 0.2 mm. FIGURE l2J-Peloids (I?),globular foraminiferap),and gastropod (G) bioclasts in packstone at 308 ft; plane light, bar= 0.2 nun. 49 (Fig. 12G) fragments interfingers with occur intermittently. limestone near the Reddish-brown top of the siltstone faulted section. Bioturbated foraminiferal wackestones, packstones and grainstones(Fig. 13) characteristicoftheHueco(Colina) Limestone southeast of Gym Peak are considered typical shallowshelffacies.Presenceofabundantgastropods,echinoderms 12, 13) in some (probably echinoids), ostracods, and peloids (Fig. dark-gray beds indicates possible lagoonal conditions at times. Dasycladacian algae indicate very shallow marine water. The strat probably represent shallow-subtidal deposits. Influx of silt and fine sand probably indicates near-shore marine conditions and possibly represents regression of the shoreline during times of deposition (Clemons, in press). No new evidence on the age of the Hueco (Colina) strata Gym atPeak was Eagle Eagle Nest southeast and 820 the ft of during the Florida hills Lower Mountains. northwest Permian this of strata The the crest ridge thrust over mi 17 of are Eagle Nest composed Lower of ridge about Cretaceous (Seager and Mack, 1 9 9 0 ; Schuster, 1991). Permian section consists of ft of thick-bedded, dark-gray 325 study. Nest is in southeastern Luna County about small of discovered rocks The lower part of the limestones. Abundant chert nodules occur in several horizons. Megascopic fossils include large planispiral gastropods, solitary rugose corals, branching corals (75 ft above base), coild and orthoconic nautiloids. Seventeen samples for petrographic study were collected at that might be 20-50 ft intervalsto represent present in the apparently any variations uniform lithologic se rt rt rt r t r t trilobite sponge s p i c u l e silt peloid ostracod intraclast gastropod foraminifera echinoderm I c' o r a l bryozoa brachiopod algae thickness (ft) 51 FIGURE 13-(continued) 288 A t 308 s s 326 A 335 L I s C t S t packstone 19 t packstone 19 packstone 19 wackestone 19 52 ~ Seager and Mack (1990) described the upper part of the Permian section, exposed in of 328 ft of light small - hills north of - to medium-gray, thin Eagle Nest, as consisti to medium-bedded, cherty, dolomitic limestone. They correlated the lower limestone section to the Colinaor upper Hueco Formations. No petrography was done on A brief the upper dolomitic section in this study. petrographic analysis showed no change in deposition environments throughout the section. Small, abraded echinoderm bioclasts (Fig. 14E,H, I) are dominant, followed by Climacammina i (Fig. ,F)Globivalvulina 14A, globular foraminifera, (Fig. 14B), brachiopods I, K) and bryozoa (Fig. 14G). Tuberitina, (Fig. 14E,I), uniserial and ostracods F,(Fig. Trace amounts of small trilobite fragments (Fig. 14H, J) are present in most thin sections (Fig. ~ Even though megascopic corals and gastropods are present 15). throughout the525 ft section, coral bioclasts were only seen in 7 5 ft and gastropod bioclasts in the thin sections of the lower upper 200 ft (Fig. 15). The shelf basal silty or bay. lagoon lime mudstone Depositional probably a represents restricted environment of the overlying 500 ft of strata was shallow, open circulation, marine shelf as evidenced by the consistent bioturbated bioclastic wackestones an packstones., Diversity of organisms, relatively few peloids, and absence of algae or micritized rims.support the open circulation environment interpretation. Megascopic and microscopic lithology of this I believe the section the Colina is Eagle Formation unlike Nest and any of limestone agree the other section with is sections best in this correlated (1990) Seager andthat Mackthe w 53 FIGURE 14-Photomicrographs of Lower Permian rocks at Eagle Nest. FIGURE 14A"CZimacammina? in wackestone at 20 ft; plane light, bar = 0.1 mm. FIGURE 14B--GlobivalvuZina? in wackestone at 20 ft; plane light, bar = 0.1 mm. 54 FIGURE 14C-Transverse section of branching coral in wackestone at 75 ft;plane light, bar = 0.2 mm. FIGURE 14I)-Paleotextularid and globular foraminifera in wackestone at 75 ft; plane light, bar = 0.2 mm. 55 FIGURE 14E-Echinoderm (E) and brachiopod (B) bioclasts in packstone at 110 ft; plane light, bar = 0.2 mm. FIGURE 14F-Climucumrnim?, globular foraminifera (F) ,and ostracod (0)valve in wackestone at 285 ft; plane light, bar= 0.2 mm. 56 FIGURE 14GBryozoa (Z) and foraminifera in wackestone at 340 ft; plane light, bar = 0.2 mm. FIGURE 14H-Echinoderm (E) and trilobite (T) bioclasts in packstone at 380 ft; plane light, bar = 0.2 mm. 57 FIGURE 141-Echinoderm (E), brachiopod (B), and ostracod (0)bioclasts in packstone at 410 ft; plane light, bar = 0.2 mm. u), FIGURE 14J-Trilobite echinoderm (E), and foraminifera (F) in laminated packstone at 460 ft; plane light, bar = 0.2 mm. 58 FIGURE 14K"Ostracod (0)and foraminifera (F) in laminated packstone at 460 ft; plane light, bar = 0.2 mm. 59 m m $. rn rn ;z Y W u- .A 5 - “2 Em d 2 52 .d 5m u0 - 44. 0 p. 0 .d 5m m P 0 4 N 0 h m u U U - - - P n 0 0 43 a a, 0 0 u u m R 0 0 P ‘rl $. U l.4 rn rn m M - U 0 - 0 rl 0 a e 0 rock .rl u name U - lime A base MF rl mudstonc 9 wackestone 9 wackestone 9 wackestone 9 t S A C t S S C C C C C S A S S t packstone 9 110 A A S packstone 9 145 C A t t t packstone 9 195 A S A t S t packstone 9 230 S t A S S t packstone 9 255 t A C S t packstone 9 285 S S C A C t wackestone 9 340 S S A S S C t wackestone 9 380 S C A t t S t packstone 9 410 C S A t S t packstone 9 460 C S C C S t packstone 9 510 S C A t S S wackestone 9 C C S t packstone 9 20 S 35 C 75 S 100 525 C C S t S A C ~ FIGURE 15-Allochem compositions of thin sectionsfrom Eagle Nest. A, abundant;C,common;s, scarce;t, trace;SMF, standard microfacies from Wilson (1975). overlying, dolomitic rocks are probably Epitaph equivalents. frGeorgerf Hill An R5W, 7 mi hill unnamed is composed south mostly of of Nest, N f , sec. in 3 , T29S, Eagle fossiliferous Hueco Limestone by clastic Cretaceous beds (Kottlowski and others, 1969). S. Geological George on Survey top of topographic map I refer to this so hill shows a signal this - hill. About 100 ft of dark-gray, medium The U. station section overlain as named "George" to massive-bedded limestone is exposed in the north slope of the hill. Megascopic fossils include large planispiral gastropods, solitary corals, and cephalopods. Abundant large, dark-gray chert nodules occur at several horizons. Seven samples were collected .from 95 ft of section at 10-20 ft intervals in order to include all possible representative lithologies. Petrographic analysis showed a rather uniform depositional environment for the95 ft of strata. Dominant bioclasts include echinoderms, Tuberitina, paleotexularid, globular and tubular foraminifera, gastropods and ostracods. Dasycladacian algae (Fig. 16A) is common in the upper half of the section. Small fragments of brachiopods, corals, and trilobites are scarce and a few fragments of poorly preserved fusulinids (Fig. 16B) occur only in one from thin the section. top of Six the of the exposed samples are section a slightly is grainstones a sample and silty packstone (Fig. 17). Depositional environment appears to be shallow shelf with mostly restricted marine.shoals. Dasycladacian algae throughout the section indicates nearby, low energy, very shallow water 61 FIGURE 16A”Photomicrograph of DasycladaciG algae (D) and peloids in grainstone at 80 ft; plane light, bar = 0.2 mm. FIGURE 16B”Fhotomicrograph of fusulinid fragments and peloids in grainstone at 80 A in ”George” hill section; plane light, bar= 0.2 mm. 62 m a m w rn rn a,-. K U YLk u.V I m m 3 5 m - base S rl 35 0 N 0 h h rl .rl K .rl m 0 0 U e - 0 U m E m h V u u rcI - " . . 'D .rl 0 U rn rl m rock SMF name 0 a - t C C A rains tone 16 t C S A rainstone 16 C S A rainstone 16 50 60 S S S A rainstone 16 70 S C t C rainstone 16 80 A A S A rainstone 16 95 C t C A sckstone 16 t FIGURE 17"AUochem compositions of thin sections from scarce; t, trace; SMF,standard microfacies from Wilson (1975). "George" hill. A,abundant; C,common; s, 63 depths. Essentially all the bioclasts are small, abraded fragments and many have micritized rims. The echinoderms are probably mostly echinoids which along with the gastropods and peloids typify a lagoonal facies. SUMMARY Fauna represented by bioclasts.is typical of Lower PermianUpper Pennsylvanian rocks contains five zones of to the east and west. GWLH-1 core fusulinids (Fig. 18) between 1,198-,1300 Leonardian. Sparse ft depths that include Parafusulina ISkinnerellal and Chalaroschwacrerina that are early fusulinids in the small knoll, Gym Peak and t*Georgelt hill sections are poorly preserved but also are probably early Leonardian or Wolfcampian. Early Leonardian conodonts have been reported from dolostones (probably Epitaph) capping the ridge in West Lime Hills (Thompson 1982). All sections, except "George8* hill, contain a generally 300 ft (1,500-1,800 diverse fauna. However, GWLH-1 core has about ft depth) of unfossiliferous section and below 1,800 ft the s is more silty and bioclasts limited to brachiopods, bryozoa and echinodens. Peloids are abundant in Gym knoll, Peak and small the llGeorgel* hill sections and at 1,200-1,400 ft depths in GWLH-1 core. They are sparse in Eagle Nest and GWLH-3 sections. Silty limestones are common in the .GWLH-1 and GWLH-3 cores; interbedded siltstones cores. No silt was recognized but siltstones overlie Florida .and a few sandstones in the are other interbedded four studied in the sections, tihe limestone section in the southeast Mountains. Algae is abundant in the small knoll and Gym Peak sections; sparse Nest in the section. GWLH-1 and GWLH-3 cores and not observed in t 65 FIGURE18A-Purufisulina (Skinnerella) at FIGURE 18B-Chaluroschwugm'nu at 1,224 ft 1,198 ft depth in GWLH-1 core; x10 (photo depth in GWLH-1 core; x10 (photo providprovided by W. E.King). ed by W. E. King). FIGURE 18C-Chaluroschwugerinu at 1,224 ft depth in GWLH-1 core; x10 (photo provided by W. E. King). 66 Southeast Luna County lies on the northeastern shelf of the PedregosaBasin(Figs. stratigraphic the nomenclature following 3A) 1, tentative so recommendusingthe I developed in correlations the are Pedregosa Basin. suggested: 1. Small knoll section (75 ft) is Colina Limestone. 2. Upper part of (1,494 ft) section Paleozoic Thus in GWLH-1 core is probably Colina Formation: lower part is probably Horquilla or possibly Earp Formation. Pa1eozoi.c section (684 ft) in GWLH-3 core is probably 3. Colina or Earp Formation. Gym Peak section 4. ft)maybeHorquilla(with (335 or Colina Limestone. overlying Earp siltstones) (525 ft) section 5. Eagle Nest 6. l1Georget1hillsection is (95 probably Colina Limestone. ft)isprobablyColina Limestone. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The New financial and , Mexico support Charles E. Bureau for this Chapin, of Mines and I thank study. Drs. f o r their Directors, Mineral Resources provi Frank E. Kottlowski continued support of my geologic projects in southern New Mexico. Special thanks are extended to Ben the two cores Donegan and and Leonard information Mineral about the Resources West Lime for providi Hills area Charles A. Ross for fusulinid information. Mark Brown assisted by doing helped thefirst 'study in choosing of the small knoll section core,samples for thin and Pete sections. Sanders 67 REFERENCES 1975, The Lead Camp Bachman, G.O. and Myers, D.A., Limestone an( d its correlatives in south-central New Mexico: New Mexico 26, pp. 105-108. Geological Society Guidebook Benne, R.E.,1975, The stratigraphy of SacramentoMountains,NewMexico the lower Gobbler (MA thesis) : Formation, Norman, 141 pp. University of Oklahoma, 1953, The Hueco (Gym) Limestone, Luna County, New Bogart, L.E., of New Mexico, Mexico (MS thesis): Albuquerque, University 91 Buck, PP. B.J., and setting basin, Clemons, R.E., 1991, Depositional ofa Lower Permian southwestern New and stratigraphic in the southern (abs.): New limestone Mexico 13, p. 61. Mexico Mimbres Geology, i Clemons, R.E. , in press, Geology of the Florida Mountains, Luna County, New Mexico: New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources, Memoir43. 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Abundant mudstone and shaleas well subrounded as limestone conglomerates. very angular to clasts in basal 150 820 7s "5. --- probable top of Lower Permian - Interbedded light to medium-gray limestone and shale: mostly laminated: some mottled medium-dark gray shale; laminated light-gray lio at910-912 ft. siltstone 930 6. Interbedded dark-gray shale, laminated limestone, and limestone with - to light medium-gray shale at1 , 1 7 3 - 1 , 1 8 5 ft. 255 ' 1,185 7. - Medium to dark-gray limestone and 1 , 3 0 0 ft; at 1 , 1 9 8 ,1 , 2 2 4 ,1 , 2 4 1 ,1 , 2 9 3 poorly 1,213 cemented, (fusulinids coarse 208sandstone 1 , at and 1 , 2 2 0 - 1 , 2 2 3 ft; 2-ft medium-gray siltstone bedat 1 , 3 7 7 ft; 2-ft breccia zone at 1 , 5 8 3 - 1 , 5 8 5 ft. 420 1,605 8. Medium - to dark-gray bedded to laminated, some mottled limestone; few medium-to at 1 , 6 1 5 - 1 , 6 2 0 ,1 , 7 5 7 - 1 , 7 6 2 ft, 1,692 limestone ft, pebble breccia thick-bedded dark-gray thin zones, shale zones and 1 , 9 1 6 - 1 , 9 2 0 conglomerate 1 ,at 690- zone cement 1 , 7 9 9 - 1 , 8 0 1 ft. mostly with white spar 315 1,920 76 9. Medium - to dark-gray limestone: thin medium-bedded'with - to some dark-gray, thin bedded limestone. 129 2,049 10. White marble; some recognizable crinoid fragments: dark-gray, thin-bedded limestone/marble at 2,190 ft. 265 2,314 General no1. APPENDIX A-2 Description of GWLH-3 Alluvium, Core unit total thick depth (ft) (ft) 91 91 2. Interbedded, fine-grained and conglomeratic rocks. volcaniclastic 200 3. Pale-red, calcareous siltstone. 221 421 4. Grayish-red-purple, biotite-hornblende latite. 22 443 5. Pale-red, porous, muddy very-fine sandstone and limestone-chert siltstone pebble with minor conglomerate. 70 513 6. Light-gray chert pebble-cobble conglomerate with siliceous, grayishorange-pink, muddy matrix. 339 852 7. Interbedded conglomerate medium-gray with chert calcareous, pebble muddy matrix; limestone clasts 1,400-1,405; sandstone and siltstone clasts 1,435-1,440 ft;light-brownish-grayanddark-grayish-red 78 calceous siltstone, grayish-red, and calcareous - lightto granular medium-gray and medium sandstone. 588 l;440 8. Interbedded light-gray calcareous siltstone and medium-gray breccia limestone with75 ft of and coarse siltstone sandy limestone conglomerate pebble base. at 185 1,625 "9. probable top of Lower --- Permian Medium-gray lime mudstone and ooid grainstone. 11 1,636 10. Interbedded, pinkish-gray, conglomeratic sandy mudstone (1,636-1,655 ft), mediumto dark-gray brecciated (1,655-1,697 ft), lime mudstone light-gray marble and breccia (1,712-1,726 ft), dark-gray lime mudstone (1,726-1,744 ft) , and light-gray, calcareous siltstone (1,744-1,749 ft). 113 1,749 11. Interbedded dark-gray lime mudstone(1,7491,823 ft), olive-green shale(1,823-1,828 ft), laminated, mottled (1,828-1,884 ft) 1,856 ft) . dark-gray/black limestone with shaly zone at (1,836135 1,884 12. Mottled light/medium-gray, laminated dolostone. 42 1,926 13. Medium - to dark-gray, limestone. 38 1,964 14. Interbedded olive-green siltstone and very-fine sandstone, laminated grayishyellow-green mudstone and greenish-gray dolostone. 41 2,005 15. Mottled dark-gray/black limestone. 154 2,159 16. Limestone breccia with coarse white spar filling pores. 17 , 2 176. 17. Interbedded dark-gray limestone and light stone - to medium-gray, calcareous silt- withbreccia zones at 2,272- 2,279 and 2,281-2,283 ft. 133 2,309