New MexicoBureau of Mines Open-File PHASE-I11 and Mineral Report 282 RECHARGE STUDY AT THE NAVAJO MINE-IMPACT OF MINING ON RECHARGE bY William J. Stone Senior Hydrogeologist November 1987 Resources CONTENTS Paqe Introduction Overview of Recharge Background of Study Problems and Purpose Regional setting 1 1 7 7 8 Isotope Study Methods Hole 1: Custer Depression Hole 2: Pinto Depression Hole 3: North Barber Depression Recovery of Reclaimed Areas 9 10 11 Impact of Mining on Recharge Local Recharge Areal Extent of Settings Areal and Regional Recharge 26 26 27 30 Discussion 31 and Conclusions 15 15 19 Acknowledgments 32 References 33 Cited Figures 1 Location of Navajo Mine and sampling holes. 2 Premining landscape settings, mine area1 3 Premining landscape settings] mine area2 4 Example of post-mining landscape settings. 5 Chloride profile, Custer depression 6 Stable-isotope/tritium profiles, Custer depression 7 Oxygen-l8/deuterium plot, Custer depression 8 Chloride profile, Pinto depression 9 Stable-isotope/tritium profiles] Pinto depression 10 Oxygen-l8/deuterium plot, Pinto depression 11 Chloride profile, North Barber depression 12 Isotope profiles] North Barber depression 13 Oxygen-l8/deuterium plot, North Barber depression 14 Stable-isotope/tritium profiles, Yazzie depression 15 Oxygen-l8/deuterium plot, Yazzie depression 16 Frequency of occurrence of local recharge values 2 4 5 6 12 13 14 16 17 18 20 21 22 24 25 28 Tables 1 2 3 Summary of local recharge values, Phase I11 23 Local recharge values, all settings at Navajo Mine26 Volumetric recharge at Navajo Mine 29 Appendices A Isotopedata B Brief field descriptions of samples C Summary of premining landscapes 36 40 44 INTRODUCTION Surface mining regulations call for protection of the hydrologic balance ofa mine area. More specifically, they require This restoration of ground-water recharge through reclamation. isa tall order as it assumes several things: 1) that recharge pre- can and recharge indeed be post-mining rate can measured, 2) that will have both that a desired data, 3 )and recharge be mines achieved by customizing reclamation practices. Nonetheless, efforts have been made over the paqt three years undisturbed to learn and as reclaimed much as areas possible at of BHP-Utah’s recharge Navajo in Mine, San Juan County, New Mexico (Figure 1). This is the third and final report on those conducted recharge studies by the Bureau. OVERVIEW OF RECHARGE Recharge is an important but elusive part of the hydrologic cycle. Water that infiltrates into arid-land soils is subjsct to rapid evaporation and transpiration back to the atmosphere. Most water escaping the root zone eventually reaches the water table, where it is added to (recharges) the saturated zone. This assumes vertical movement under piston-flow conditions. Thst is, for every slug of water that enters the top of the soil-watl-r column, an equal slug moves downward. However, low permeability horizons or cause (siltyor clayey overlying beds) material may to become become temporarily saturated, saturated resulting in lateral flow. Such flow may also occur without impeding layers in response to topography (McCord and Stephens, 1987). Recharge has been shown to vary with landscape setting 4 i 8 I' .. . (Allison and others, 1985; Stone, 1986~). Each setting isa unique combination of geology, landuse, soils, topography, and vegetation. Premining (undisturbed) settings differ from postmining (reclaimed) settings (Figures2, 3, 4). evaluate impact of mining, recharge In order to under both conditions must compared. Recharge may be addressed in different ways. For example, it may be associated expressed in witha point flux, associated Also, recharge with may terms a velocity-style of ina given the be setting,or as a volumetric area viewed valueor rate, at or by more one settings. covered three different scales: local, areal, and regional. Local recharge is the rate of deep percolation fora given setting as or estimated measured ata point. It may bea single observationor the average of se-reral such measurements. Areal recharge is the volumetric flux for the entire extent in the study region a given of setting (local recharge times area). Regional recharge is merely sum the of all of the areal recharge fluxes in the study region. Average recharge isa velocity-style recharge by In these the total studies, value area local of obtained the recharge by study has dividing regional region. been determined b:r the chloride mass-balance method. Chloride is useful because ita is conservative natural tracer. Details of the method are giv'sn in the Phase-I and-11 reports (Stone, 1984 and 1986). however, it is based on the premise Briefly, advanced by Allison and Hughes (1978) and others, that average annual precipitation (P) times the total annual chloride content of precipitation (Clp) should equal the annual recharge rate (R) times the average J be - 0 1nri Figure 2- Premining landscape settings, mine erea 1. i I : ' I .. . ., 'I I . I . !.\ , :I 3 . 1 '' 11. - 0 1 mi _. Figure 3 - .- Premining landscape settings,mine area 2. I \ 0 / \ (ave. 2%) 0 Otherreclaimed -N settings (ave. 98%) I . 1979 year revegetated "____.. .-.-. . . . _" Figure 4 -_ -. - Example ". . - . .. of post-mining landscape settings. chloride content of soil water (Clsw). Shown mathematically, this is PClp = RClsw. Rewritten for recharge it becomes R = - (ClP/ClSW) P. BACKGROUND OF STUDY The evaluationof recharge at the Navajo Mine was I was conducted to test the accomplished in three phases. Phase applicability recharge to preliminary settings of the chloride conditions estimates (three in of mass-balance northwest local undisturbed New recharge and two method Mexico for of and major reclaimed) determining to obtain landscape recognized at the mine. Phase I1 was an expanded study of local recharge in reclaimed settings. Phase 111, that reported on here, focu-jed on areal on and regional recharge volumes and the net impact of mining recharge. PROBLEMS AND PURPOSE The chloride mass-balance method gives reasonable rech3rge estimates in undisturbed settings (Allison and Hughes, 1978), but to my knowledge, it had not been applied to reclaimed settings prior to the Phase-I study. Even more chloride vs depth pr,2files for reclaimed ground were obtained in the Phase-I1(S'ostudy ne, 1986a). Examination of these profiles reveals that all are one of three basic types. Some show large variation in chloride content, Others suggesting have equilibrium uniformly low had chloride not yet values, been in regained. some cases a above deep peak (flushing bulge?). Still others are characterizeda by shallow peak undisturbed above lower settings. 7 values at depth, as in profiles from These observations raise two important questions. Which profile type represents equilibrium conditions and is a good thus source of local recharge values? How can this equilibrium be tested? The Phase-I1 study suggested natural isotopes may a be useful means of testing these In order to get impact at profiles. of mining on recharge, pre- and post-mining regional recharge fluxes must be compared. This requires local recharge rates, as discussed above, and arealextent values. Several questions arise as to areal extent. What was the distribution of premining landscape settings? What will be the distribution of post-mining settings? How can their areas be approximated without exhaustive surveys? 1) to further The purposes of this study were, therefore, evaluate chloride mass-balance results for reclaimed ground by 2) to determine areal extents fo- the means of natural isotopes, 3 ) to calculate volumetric recharl-Je major landscape settings, to assess impact of fluxes for each of these settings,4 ) and mining on recharge at the Navajo REGIONAL The Navajo Mine lies Mine. SETTING in the northwestern part of the structural featureknown as the San Juan Basin, a Laramide (Late Cretaceous-Early Tertiary) depression at the easternofedge the Colorado Plateau. More specifically, it is situated just east of the Hogback Platform from Mountain the Monocline central San which Juan separates Basin in the northwestern Mexico. Coal is strip-mined from a the Fruitland Four Formation Corxers New (Cretaceous) which lies at the surface in this area. The Fruitland is 2 0 0 - 3 0 0 ft generally thick and consists of interbedded sandy shale, carbonaceous shale, clayey sandstoye, coal, and sandstone (Stone and others, 1983). Data collected at the mine (Utah International 1981) Inc., indicate the climate is arid with an average annual rainfall of 5.7 inches, based on the period 1962-1980. Greatest precipitation Average occurs annual class-A nearly 10 times The in the reclaimed the period August through October. rate55.9 is inches pan-evaporation or rainfall. areas studied in Phase I11 were regraded or revegetated during the period 1975 to 1979. Water added during irrigation generally did not exceed 6 inches/year. The see3 mix most commonly applied for revegetation includes alkali sacaton, galleta, globe mallow, Indian rice grass, saltbush, and san'l dropseed. The average rooting depth is probably <2 ft. The mine area is tributaries (Figure 1). tributaries are drained site and San Juan River and its ephemeral. recharge one the The San Juan is perennial, but the ISOTOPE Chloride by values reclaimed STUDY from depression one undisturbed upland flat checked the stable were by isotopes oxygen-18 (0-18) and deuterium (D), as well as tritium (T), in the Phase-I1 study. Stable isotopes confirmed the chloride reclaimed recharge site rate was not in the yet in undisturbed site, but suggestt..-d equilibrium, 6 yrs after revegetation. A major task of the Phase-I11 study was to 9 the resample of three the of three the basic Phase-I1 ch1,oride sites, each profile characterized by one for were types. METHODS Sample preparation and analysis methods isotopes the same as in the Phase-I1 study (Stone, 1986). Samples were taken as by coring chloride. were caps large auger rig, in the cas? of No water, mud, or air were introduced during drilling. Samples The with a hollow-stem placed were zip-top covered 500 ml sealed with plastic bags, sunlight to minimize Soil in water widemouth plastic and tape, bags plastic bottles. bottles were stored were out placed of in dir?ct evaporation. was extracted by solvent distillation using toluene, as described by Snell and Biffen (1964). Samples were analyzed commercially (Environmental Isotope Laboratory, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada). Data are A. given in Appendix Concentration vs depth profiles 0-18 and vs deuterium plots were made by hand. Regressions and correlation coefficients 0-18/D slope of 8 . 1961). were determined aon hand-held values for precipitation calculator. plot along a line havinga This is called the meteoric water line (Craig, In arid settings, 018/D data plot aon line below and diagonal to the meteoric line (slopes5 of or less). The decrease in slope shallow part of results the from profile less because negative of values enrichment in the (evaporat,ion). Displacement of deuterium from the meteoric line (D) provides recharge (R) using a proportionality (Allison and others,1983). 10 constant (k): R=(k/D) 'I2 HOLE 1: CUSTER DEPRESSION This site Hole 1 was was drilled chosen to test approximately 10 an ft erratic due chloride east profile. of 16 Hole in the Phase-I1 study. More specifically, it lies in a depression just south of Ramp6 in the Custer area. It was located southwest of a large rock pile and southwesta Forest of Service experimental plot sign. Although profile is the area quite variable, of is given hole the Oxygen-18 and suggesting in chloride equilibrium Total depth was56 ft. been regained (Figure5). log reclaimed 1975, in the was has not y?-t A brief field Appendix B. deuterium profiles parallel each other qlite well, except for the deepest point (Figure 6). The hard drilling that caused heating the sampling water Stable-isotope diagonal to (Figure 7 ) . the in to 56 ft halted at may be the sample and have resu1te"l altering points plot on an meteoric line having a slope its evaporation of in isotopic line below approximately 6 Regression analysis givesa good correlation coefficient (r = 0.88). Deuterium displacement givesa recharge rate of0.04 in/yr; chloride gave0.03 in/yr for the same site (Hole 16, Phase 11). Although results of the two methods agree quite well, appropriate the for deuterium this displacement method may not be profile. Tritium results look quite erratic (Figure 6). This may be due well to as or movement inequilibrium liquid phase in 11 of these water arid (and T) in the conditions. vapor as mskeup. and 'I 'I ""1 Chloride (mg/t) 0 500 1000 I 1500 -2000 I c '", 5 a 4c V D 60 II" . 80 . . -.. -, Figure 5 .. U - NV It 1b Chloride profile, Custer depression (hole NV I1 16). O l I I I 1 1 . v) m . NV .Y HOLE 2: PINTO DEPRESSION This site was chosen as an example of the undisturbed-type chloride profile. Hole 2 was drilled approximately 20 ft northeast of Hole19 of the Phase-I1 study. More specifically, it lies and in a depression east of a radio north of the a deep above road the chloride areas (Figure8). cut tower. Like Hole 1, it was reclaimed in 1975/1976. however, open profile looks like By contra-;t, those of undisturbsd Total depth was25 ft; a log appears in Appendix B. At first glance 0-18,andD profiles don’t seem to parallel 9). each other very well (Figure However, closer examination reveals are that only two points not in agreement 10 (those at and 5 4 ft, respectively). Points plot on an evaporation approximately 4 (Figure 10). linea slope with of Regression analysis showsa high degree of correlation(r = 0.94). Deuterium displacement gives a recharge rate of0.06 in/yr. Chloride gives a value of 0.0% . in/yr Interestingly, the tritium vs depth plot resembles the chloride profile (Figures8 and 9) and may be reasonable. The implication is that this profile is in 10 yrs after equilibrium, reclamation. HOLE 3 : NORTH BARBER DEPRESSION This site was chosen to evaluate the flushed profile. Hole 3 was drilled approximately 25 ft southwest of Hole 24 of the Phase-I1 study. More specifically, it lies ainlarge depr?ssion 15 Chloride (mg/L) Moirlure (rn'/ml) 0.4 . 0.6 1000 1so0 E 20 2 40J Figure 8 1 - Chloride.profile, Pinto ._ NVll'o depression (hole NV I1 19). * 11' 7 4 Y Y . - " 0 I . . . . ., 0 (7 .. .. 60”, . . . . . NV I 1 19 80- . h 8 \ 100- 0 w .... . 0’ m - . . . 120- 140 . 1 -20 1 1 1 ~ 1 -1 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 -1 0 1 1 -5 1 1 1 0 ..”. -~o‘8(o/oo) - .. .. . ” - Figure 10 Oxygen-l8/deuterium plot, Pinto depression (h71e N V I1 19). . . . (the second one north of 2 Ramp in the The area was reclaimed 1 in 979. a possible flushing North Barber area). The chloride profile shows bulge aatdepth 3 5 ft approximately of (Figure 11). Total depth was6 0 ft; a log is given in Appendix B. The 0-18/D profiles track a bulge at depth (Figure 12). each other very well and als-, show The stable-isotope bulge is It may be that curiously 1 0 ft deeper than the chloride bulge. sampling for chloride profile. In isotopes the0-18/D missed plot the small (Figure1 3 ) points upper peak seen describea line in the below but nearly parallel to the meteoric line. The slope is approximately 6 . Regression analysis gives a high correlation coefficient (r = 0 . 9 3 ) . Recharge based on deuterium displazement is 0.05 in/yr. Chloride gave a recharge rate of0 . 1 6 in/yr. The tritium profile is erratic. Vapor-phase movement may be responsible. RECOVERY The OFRECLAIMED AREAS chloride and stable-isotope profiles suggest that all I11 are in equilibrium. The times three sites restudied in Phase of reclamation indicate that moisture and solute profiles are re- established between6 and 1 0 yrs after revegetation. This is based on the equilibrium sites reclaimed1 0 yrs behavior previously of stable isotopes for (Holes 1 and 2 ) and 1 of 2 sites reclaimed 6 years previously (Hole3 ) . Another hole ( 2 8 of 6 yrs previously, was the Phase-I1 study), also reclaimed characterized by erratic stable-isotope/depth 19 profiles (Figlre all 0 - 20 Moisiure 0.2 0 (rn3/rn3) 0.4 I ’ . 0.6 0 Chloride (rng/L) 500 1000 1500 2000 I - . -. s_ 5u 40- a 60- 80 - Figure 11 - Chlorideprofile,NorthBarberdepression (tole NV 11 24). i a I a a a a a c S t Ol ... . n -. I ~ .. 20, NV It . 40 . .. 24 ' / 60 . h z 8 . . 80 .. 100 120 T 140 - . Figure 13 -'Oxygen-l8/deuterium plot, North Barber (hole NV I1 24). depression ! Y 14). Slope of the evaporation line for these data 3 . 3 and is the correlation coefficient is only 0.54 (Figure 15). The flushing bulge seen in 3Hole and others is appareltly more a matter of active recharge than nonequilibrium. Periodic flooding of such depressions by and others, 1985; Stone, 1984a, b). North Barber Great care drilling had rig Local depressions depression to be was taken during sampling. recharge values obtained in the clayey get the for just field the see 2. Table Chloride Type D e p r e sRsei oc n l aP im r oefdi l e 1 (11 1975 variable 2 (11 3 ( I 1 24) II 28 i n Phase 111. Summary of l o c a lr e c h a r g ev a l u e sf o rr e c l a i m e dd e p r e s s i o n ss t u d i e d Year Hole No. NorthBarber Yazzie vehicle Phase I11 are summarized in Table 1. F o r other rates 1979 flushing 1979 variable/flushing(?) Rcl (in/yr) 2 RDd ( i n / y r ) 3 0.03 0.04 0.04 0.06 0.16 0.05 0.36 #A4 numbersprecededby "II"a r eP h a s e - I 1h o l e numbers Rcl = rechargebasedonchloridemass-balancemethod R D d = rechargebasedondeuteriumdisplacement; may n o t b e a p p l i c a b l e t o t h e s e p r o f i l e s NA = n o t a p p l i c a b l e ; s t a b l e i s o t o p e s do n o t t r a c k one another 23 was reclaimed median is 0.095 in/yr; the mean is 0 . 0 8 in/yr. area (Allison bottom in/yr. The Table 1. 19) not stuck evaluated recharge On the several occasio7s the visited, to enhances 0.03-0.16 Values (based on chloride) range from reclaimed 16)' runon soft. and 2 0 s ' q -0 0 h 0 i 0 8 I 1 v).I I F 0 N 0 9 t o + m 0. I rg- 5 i Y I I 1 I ' I I l ( l 1 tu N 4 N cd M L v1 tu rl 0 !-I a .I . .. I i -1'00 1 I I I I I I - -5 -10 ." I 6 018 1 I 1 I 1 0 (O/OO) - Figure 15 Oxygen-l8/deuterium plot, Yazzie depression (hole NV I1 2 8 ) . u4 J '. ' '.i i Table 2 . Local recharge rates for Navajo Mine landscape settings. specific values. Range 2 (inlyr) No. of sites Setting ( 0 . 0 3(7) ) UNDISTURBED badlands 31 upland flat 3 valley terrace 1 -0.05 flat0.23 0.01- Ranking 5 by recharge 0.002-0.01 0.006 0.006 5 0.02 0.035 0.03 4 0.09 0.09 2 (0.25) (0.09) 0.09 (0.01 9 depression Mean4 (inlyr) ( 0 . 0 4 6 )( 0 . 0 0 2 - 0 . 0 9 ) (22) RECLAIMED Median3 (inlyr) See Stone (1984 and 1986) for -0.49) 0 . 0 3 - 0.16 0.49 0.26 13 1 0.12 0.04 3 1 . includes valley bottom site of Phase-I study as in badlands recharge values based on mean (not median) C l s u median = (range12) + low value mean = totallnumber o f values I = highest; 5 = louest IMPACT OF MINING ON RECHARGE The the ultimate Navajo capacity Mine due to objective was to mining, of the Bureau’s recharge determine the net change especially the impact of in studies at recharge depression2 in reclaimed areas. This change may be assessed by comparing premining and postmining recharge values. For example, local recharge rates may give an indication of change. Better ye?, the total volume of water recharged before and after mining (reclamation) can be compared. LOCAL RECHARGE The first step in calculating 26 volumetric recharge is t-, determine local recharge rates. Values were obtained in Phxses I and I1 of this study (Stone, 1984b and 1986a) and the isoto?e work in PhaseI11 shows that such values are usable. Local recharge rates summarized in for settings recognized at Navajo Mine are Table 2. Local recharge ranges from 0.002 in/yr (Bitsui badland: valley) to 0.49 in/yr (Doby depression). The frequency of occurrence of local recharge values is shown in Figure16. The 0.10 in/yr. The most comonly vast majority of values fall below obtained value is0.02 in/yr (five sites). Three valuess h x e 0.01, 0.03, and 0.05 in/yr (four sites the next most common slot: each). Values of 0.04 and 0.10 in/yr occurred at three sites each. The values of <0.01, 0.07, 0.08, 0.09, 0.34, and 0.49 in/yr were obtained at one site each. Some values were not obtained at any site: 0.06, 0.12-0.34, and 0.35-0.49 in/yr. Local whereas, recharge that in 0.09 in/yr. Based settings would in undisturbed reclaimed areas areas averages 0.03 in/yr, averages three times that or on decreasing orderof local recharge rate, be ranked as reclaimed depression, valley terrace, reclaimed flat, undisturbed upland flat, and badlands (Table 2). AREAL EXTENTOF SETTINGS The next determination step of the in calculating areal extent volumetric of various recharge landscape is thz settings in the study region. This may be accomplished through the use of field studies, aerial photographs, topographic maps, soils maps, geologic maps, or some combination of these tools. Differe?t methods should give similar results. Stone (1985a) found t’lat 27 Y 0 ... 0 R&&& Figure 16 - (in/yr) Frequency of occurrence of l o c a l recharge values. Table 3. Summary of pre- and postmining recharge rates and fluxes at Naval0 ~ i n e (Stone, 1987). Recharge range (inlyr) setting (sites) Median recharge (inlyr) Mean recharge' (inlyr) Volumetric recharge (sc-ftlyr) Area (ac) ~-~"~~""""""_____________________~~~~~". UNDISTURBED (7) (0.002-0.09) (0.046) 0.002-0.01 0.02 -0.05 badlands (3) upland flat (3) valley terrace (1)HA (0.03) 0.006 0.03 0.006 0.035 0.09 HA (16.05) (8,821) 4,240 4,090 491 2.12 10.23 3.7 Mean regional recharge = 0.02 in/yr 2 UNDISTURBEDAREA REDUCEDTOMATCH RECLAIMEDAREANA NA (22) depression (9) flat (13) (0.01 -0.49) (0.25) 0.03 -0.49 0.26 0.01 0.12-0.23 RECLAIMED 0.02 2,881 4.9 (0.09) 0.16 (2,881) 68 2,813 (10.05) 0.04 0.68 9.37 Mean regional recharge = 0.04 inlyr2 (30.88) RECLAIMEDAREA EXPANDEDTOMATCH UNDISTURBEDAREA depression flat NA NA 0.16 0.04 NA NA 176 8.645 2.35 28.53 Mean regional recharge = 0.04 inlyr U I T H O U TD E P R E S S I O N S NA I N RECLAIMEDAREA 8,821 HA 0.04 2 29.40 ___________"""-______________________""""""~~~~""""""" 1 slrnple . arithmetic average weighted by acreage (volumetric recharge dividedby area) areal extents, and thus volumetric recharge results, based a on geologic map map of the In this were same very and Premining acreages to those obtained a soils from area. study, premining comparable it was post-mining were necessary to determine settings based on by soils areal different maps 1977 (Keetch and others,1980; see Appendix C). extent of methods. made 1953 between and Boundaries 2 and between settings were determined and digitized (Figures 3). Areas were determined by a digital planimeter (Table 3). Areal extentof post-mining settings was based on the latest aerial photographs (1:6,000) and field checking. This covered 29 only areas in which mining had occurred: 1 and 2. floors were delineated on photos by Depression means a lox of mirror stereoscope. Depressions larger than0.15 acres (6500 ft2) were located in this way. Smaller ones escaped detection. Outlines of depression maps and floors areal were extents transferred1 to inch-to-500 determined by ft mine means a digital of planimeter (Figure 4). The size and location of each depression was then verified in the field. Areal extents of postminin7 settings are AREAL AND given REGIONAL For a given local in recharge Table 3. RECHARGE setting, rate areal and its recharge areal is extent, the in product of similar its units. Local recharge is converted to ft/yr (divided by 12) and acreage . is converted to ft2 (multiplied by 43,560) Multiplying thzse gives a value This of calculation ft3/yr; is division made for by both 43,560 gives premining and acre-ft/yr. post-mining settings. As shown in Table 3, premining areal recharge in areas 1 and 2 ranges from 2 ac-ft/yr to 10 ac-ft/yr. Upland flats accomt for the greatest premining recharge ( 6 4 % ) and badlan-ls volume contribute the least (13%). The valley/terrace setting is intermediate Recharge Table 3. with 23% volumes of for the recharge. reclaimed settings are also given in However, the acreage is less than that of the undisturbed area. More specifically, 67% of the area is still taken up by open pits, ramps, roads, etc., features wo~ld that not be present at end of mining. Recharge volumes cannot b'z 30 compared and postmining areas Areas acreage impact may to of are be that cannot be assessed unless pre- and identical. made of mining equal the in two reclaimed ways: reducing undisturbed analyzed o r increasing ground reclaimed acreage to that of the undisturbed ground. In ths first case, recharge volume is calculated using recharge rate and an area 2,881 of ac (Table 3). premining volume 4.9 of ac-ft/yr recharge as the mean regional This givesa compared to a post- mining recharge volume of 10.05 ac/ft/yr. The difference is an increase of5 ac-ft or 105%. is calculated for the using settings, In the second case, recharge volume the respective based on the recharge observation rates that and acreaJes depressions account for only 2% of the reclaimed ground. This gives a postmining 30.88 ac-ft/yr (2.35 ac-ft/yr for depressioys and of value 28.53 ac-ft/yr f o r other reclaimed settings). This represe’lts an increase recharge with mining and 15 ac-ft reclamation of o r As recharge is higher in depressions and they are no 108%. longer be in being determined constructed, a more by calculating realistic recharge impact volumes of mining can without depressions. This gives 29 ac-ft/yr, o r an increase of only 83% (Table 3). DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS In all cases, mining and reclamation appear to increas? recharge. Those scenarios involving depressions suggest re7harge is approximately doubled. With no depressions the indicate83 9-22% less. The increase in recharl~e increase in recharge is with mining and reclamation 31 is attributed to better infiltration capacity of the spoil improved vegetative recharge in as well cover, depressions as enhanced due to the blow sand availability ponding of used of for water runoff, top soi for and ofaddition supplementary water during irrigation. Although the latter is short-lived, An the other increase in conditions recharge at prevail. Navajo Mine should not be detrimental to the water resources of the region. As one parameter of the hydrologic budget changes, others also change to maintain the balance. In the case of an increase in recharge, the expected response would abedecrease in runoff. This is not unfavorable at Navajo Mine as the mine plan calls for zero runoff. A further consequence would be enhanced ground-water flow toward discharge areas. The amount of increase would be minimal, equaling Results the rate of presented here are increased believed recharge. to be realistic an3 representative. Additionally, this is the first time, to my knowledge, that impact of mining on recharge has been addressed or documented to this extent. This study should servea model as for such studies at other surface coal mines. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Funding for sampling, isotope analyses, and recharge calculations was provided a bycontract with BHP-Utah International Inc. Mapping and determination of areal exte-ks of landscape settings was done by Dr. Bruce A. Buchanan (Department of Crop and Soil Science, New Mexico State University) and B. Korsmo (graduate research assistant, New Mexico State University). Sterling Grogan (manager of environmental quality), 32 Thomas and Orlando Estrada (senior environmental specialist), BHPUtah/Navajo Mine, provided valuable assistance during the work. Darla Curtis (undergraduate student, New Mexico Tech) assisted in the laboratory. REFERENCES CITED Allison, C. B., Barnes, C. J., Hughes, M. W., and Leaney, F. W. J., 1983, Effect of climate and vegetation on oxygen-18 and deuterium profiles in soils: International Atomic Energy Agency, Report SM-270120, p. 105-121. Allison, G. B., and Hughes,M. W., 1978, The use of environTenta1 chloride and tritium to estimate total recharge to an unconfined aquifer: Australian Journal of Soil Researcl, v. 16, p. 181-195. Allison, G. B., Stone, W. J., and Hughes, M.W., 1985, Rechwge through karst indicated by and dune natural elementsa semiarid of isotopes and landscap? chloride: as Journal of Hydrology, v. 76, p . 1-25. Buchanan, B. A., and Korsmo, T. B.,1987, Distribution and extent of pre-mine and post-mine landscapes on the Navajo Min?-, Mexico: unpublished report to BHP-Utah International Inc., 12 p. Craig, H., 1961, Isotopic V. 133, p variations . 1702. 33 in meteoric water: Science, New Keetch, C. W., Ruiz, J. E., Parham, T. L., Bulloch, H. E., Anderson, T. J., King, D., Seagraves, C., Boyer, J., Kossie, A., Roybal, M.W., and Childs, S., Juan County, New 1980, Soil survey of San Mexico--eastern part: Soil Conservation Service, 173 pp. McCord, 3. T., and Stephens, D. B., 1987, Lateral moisture flow beneath a sandy hillslope without an apparent impeding layer: Hydrological Processes, v.1, p.225-238. Snell, F. D., and Biffen,F. 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Utah International Inc., 1981, Permit application for Navajo Mine, v. 1, chpt. 15. 35 and APPENDIX A ISOTOPE DATA 36 Hole 1 Custer Depression (ft) Sample Depth * Vol. (ml) 018 (o/oo) D(O/OO) T (TU) 1 0.5 35 - 3.03 - 51.6 51+/-8 2 1 35 - 6.48 - 74.7 50+/-7 3 1.5 25 NES * NES NES 4 2 23 -14.63 -108.5 22+/-8 5 2.5 45 -12.46 - <6+/-8 6 3 2 NES NES NES 7 5 45 NES NES NES 8 6 43 -17.3 8 -123.7 <6+/-8 9 7 36 -13 .78 -112.5 <6+/-7 10 8 25 -17.44 -132.8 <6+/-7 11 10 34 -14.73 -125.5 34+/-8 12 15 35 - -111.1 13 20 50 -11.67 -112.9 <6+/-7 14 25 45 - 9.94 -104.4 19+/-7 15 30 43 - 9.70 -100.6 9+/-8 16 35 30 -12.83 -108.8 18+/-8 17 40 32 NES NES <6+/-7 18 45 32 87.9 2 1+/-7 19 51 NES NES 20 56 70.0 <6+/-7 - NES = lab reported not enough 37 8.24 - NES 1 38 9.70 sample 9.80 - 97.6 9+/-8 Hole 2 Sample Depth (ft) Vol. P i n t o Depression (ml) 018 (o/oo) D(o/oo) T (Tu) - 66.2 38+/-8 81.8 7+/-7 87.5 13+/-8 21 1 43 22 2 35 23 3 32 - 24 5 42 -10.87 -100.1 ll+/-7 25 6 48 -12.58 -103.8 12+/-8 26 7 38 -13.54 -107.5 21+/-7 27 10 27 -14.17 -101.5 <6+/-7 28 15 22 -13.80 -106.7 <6+/-7 29 20 35 -14.21 -123.1 <6+/-7 30 25 33 -14.77 -123.5 <6+/-8 38 1.29 5.60 8.22 - Hole 3 North Barber Depression Sample Depth (ft) Vol. (ml) 31 0.5 37 32 1 26 - 33 1.5 46 - 34 2 46 - 35 2.5 37 -12.80 36 3 35 - 37 5 45 38 6 39 D(o/oo) T (TU) 37.7 41+/-7 51.6 20+/-8 6.64 - 62.1 <6+/-7 8.72 - 67.1 36+/-8 - 80.2 <ti+/-? 83.3 61+/-7 -12.94 -116.1 <6+/-7 38 -12.54 - 97.6 70+/-8 7 42 -12.89 -101.0 6+/-7 40 10 35 NES NES 8+/-7 41 15 42 -11.70 -104.2 <6+/-7 42 20 28 NES NES 7+/-7 43 25 26 NES NES 49+/-9 44 30 21 NES NES 42+/-8 45 35 27 -13.17 -111.8 <6+/-7 46 40 29 -13.51 -109.5 <6+/-7 47 45 49 <6+/-8 50 35 - 80.9 48 - 60.0 19+/-8 49 55 70 NES 35+/-9 50 60 70 72.0 7+/-8 51 65 27 39 0 1 8 (o/oo) 3.23 3.90 9.39 9.06 7.38 NES - 6.95 NES - NES 54+/-8 APPENDIX B BRIEF FIELD 40 DESCRIPTIONOF SAMPLES Hole 1 Custer Depression Drilled 10 ft due Sample No. east of hole 16 of Phase-I1 study. General Lithology (ft) Depth Spoil green - light gray claystone sandstone and some 1-6 0.5-3 7-10 3-8 Spoil - sandstone as above with carbonaceous shale, coaly spoil at base. 8-10 Spoil gray spoil. 11 - carbonaceous shale/coaly 10-75 Spoil - upper 6" carbonacems shale, rest sandstone as above. 15 25-30 Spoil - as above except carbonaceous shale. 16 30-35 spoil - mostly shale. 17 35-40 12-14 Spoil - lower 18 19 20 green lover 1 ft carbo7aceous coaly spoil in upp?r half gray claystone. 40-45 spoil - green claystone as some sandstone at base 45-50 Hard zone- no sample. 50-51 Spoil - 51-55 Hard zone- no sample. 55-56 Spoil - carbonaceou? 41 half; above; hard, white sandstone mostly sandstone. Hole 2 Drilled 20 ft Pinto Depression northeastof hole 19 of Phase-I1 study. Sample No. General Lithology (ft) Depth 21, 22, 23 0-4 Spoil - yellow claystone 24,25, 4-14 Spoil - half - tophalfyellowsand;lower claystone as above. 28 29 26, 27 15-19Spoil 19-21Spoil 30 Fruitland 24-25 42 and green green claystone as above - upper 6" spoil;restFruitland Fm(?)-moist, very carbonaceous dark shale Hard zone 21-24 sand - nosample. Fm(?) above. as gra Hole 3 NorthBarberDepression Drilled 25 f t southwest of hole Sample No. 24 ofPhase-I1study. Depth ( f t ) Lithology General ~~~~~ - 3 1-3 6 0-3 Spoil c l a y e y ,c a r b o n a c e o x 37-39 3-8 Spoil 40, 41 8-13 Spoil a s above,moist:gray sandstone a t b a s e mudstone a s above, but dark green - - 13-23 Spoil a s above, but w i t h b i t s of hard carbonaceous mudstone 44 23-28 s p o i l a s above w i t h f i s s i l e carbonaceous s i l t s t o n e 45 28-33 S p o i l - dark gray carbonac?-ous claystone 46, 47 33-48 S p o i l - carbonaceousshaleand claystone 48 48-53 S p o i l - l o o s e ,v e r yc o a l y ; blocks 49 53-58 Spoil base 50 58-63 S p o i l - carbonaceousclaystone/ mudstone 42-43 cable problem: dropped rod 43 - loose, clayey: no f u r t h e r sampling some hard v e ~ 7w e t near APPENDIX C SUMMARY OF PREMINING LANDSCAPES (modified from Buchanan and Korsmo, 1987) 44 Setting Badlands U p l a n dF l a t s Description Associated SoiS l eries b aur p r el ad n ni sdessp e bh c yteemdFear rabl Pmesertsasrbaa nehrsydae i lom al sks,s, , F m ) e xi sp o sMeodn i e r c o u h eb reed r o( F c kr u i t l a n d o r c o v e r e d by v e r yt h i ns o i l s p l a t e a u sm , e s a s h, i g ht e r r a c e s a, n d a l l u v i a lf a n su n d e r l a i nb yF r u i t l a n d F m a n dc a p p e d b y a l l u v i a la n d / o re o l i a n d e p o s i t ss ;o i l s ma bt hyei cm k ;ocsot m p l e Dxo a k s e t t i n gw i t hg r e a t e s tv a r i e t yo fs o i l types Valley/Terre ap ce h e m es rt ar el a m - c h a nf nl oeaol nr d s a s s o c i a t e df l o o d p l a i n sa n dt e r r a c e s ; c o n s i s to fa l l u v i u m ;s o i l sa r ey o u n g b u tt y p i c a l l yt h i c k 45 Avalon Blackston Elan-ot Farb Huerfano Mayq'leen Monierco Muff Notal Persayo Shepqard Ship-ock Stumble Uffeqs BeebFruitland Glenton Stumble Turley Youn3ston