West Virginia Department of Education Application for Elementary/Middle Alternative Education Pilot Project Program Overview In July 2010, the West Virginia Legislature amended West Virginia Code §18-2-6 to establish up to five alternative education pilot projects at the elementary and middle school level. The West Virginia Department of Education (WVDE) established an Elementary/Middle Alternative Education Pilot Committee made up of teachers, school administrators, teacher organization representatives and WVDE personnel to define the pilot program objectives and expectations and to create the pilot application and selection process. Funding of Pilot Program The legislature appropriated $1,000,000 for the Elementary/Middle Alternative Education Pilot Project in the FY11 budget for distribution during the 2010-2011 school year. It is anticipated that this same level of funding will be requested each year to support up to five county proposals for at least five years with an annual budget range of $100,000 to $300,000 per site. However, annual funding is contingent upon legislative appropriation each year. Program Criteria For the purposes of this application, elementary and middle school alternative education for disruptive students must address at least the following: Procedures to document student disruptive behavior patterns that lead to eligibility for alternative education services. Placement procedures that consider individual student academic, behavioral and social needs when designing individualized interventions and supports to help disruptive students be successful. Procedures that assure disruptive students access to equitable and appropriate academic and behavioral services. Provision of comprehensive services that may vary in structure, duration and intensity to meet a continuum of student needs. Provisions for long-term placements (exceeding 10 school days) that outline procedures for identification, review, and parent permission and/or appeal. Posted October 1, 2010 Page 1 West Virginia Department of Education Application for Elementary/Middle Alternative Education Pilot Project Resources Applicants may refer to the original legislation by visiting the West Virginia Legislature site at http://www.legis.state.wv.us/Bill_Text_HTML/2010_SESSIONS/2X/Bills/hb210%20intr.htm to gain a better understanding of the requirements set forth by the bill. Applicants may also refer to the National Alternative Education Association’s publication Exemplary Practices in Alternative Education: Indicators of Quality Programming to garner ideas on what quality indicators should be in place in exemplary alternative education programs. A copy can be downloaded at http://www.thenaea.com/Exemplary_Practices_in_Alternative_Education/. If you have questions about the pilot application and/or the selection process, please contact Shelly Stalnaker, Coordinator of Alternative Education, Office of Healthy Schools, WVDE at shestaln@access.k12.wv.us or 304.558.8830. Directions for Submission Please complete the following sections and submit your final proposal in a PDF document via e-mail. All submission must be typed in 12 point font; double spaced and must be received no later than 4:00 p.m. on November 15, 2010 to be considered for funding. No late applications will be accepted. Proposals must be sent to shestaln@access.k12.wv.us with a copy sent to nproctor@access.k12.wv.us. Estimated date for notification to applicants is December 15, 2010. Posted October 1, 2010 Page 2 Section 1-Contact Information County: Application Contact Name & Title: Contact’s phone: Contact’s address: Contact’s e-mail: Names and titles of planning team members: Name Title Signature Project abstract (brief summary): Superintendent’s Signature: ___________________________________ Date:________________ Posted October 1, 2010 Page 3 Section 2-Proposed Sites The pilot project may include one or more schools (elementary and/or middle schools) within a county proposal. Please provide the following information for each school that will be included in the county’s proposal. Additional pages may be copied and pasted if necessary. School Name: Principal: Current Enrollment/Grade Configuration: Provide a summary of 2009-10 LSIC Disciplinary Report that was provided to the County Board of Education as required by W.Va. Code §18-5 A-2. This summary should identify the school’s major concerns and needs regarding student behavior and disciplinary issues: Provide a summary of current practices and programs in place to address student behavior and disciplinary issues: Posted October 1, 2010 Page 4 Section 3-Mission, Purpose, Leadership, Climate and Culture (15 points) Objectives Activities Personnel Projected Budget Develop objectives in the rows below that address the questions listed below with project specific details. Develop activities for each objective. Indicate the new and/or existing (name and title) personnel that will be responsible for the objective. Indicate budget requirements for the objective including formulas used to derive totals in budget sections (e.g. 3 subs @ $143/day=total) How will the proposed project connect with existing school climate efforts to address student behavior issues? Who will have oversight of the proposed project and what roles and responsibilities will various staff have in project implementation? How will each student served by the project have an individual student plan to effectively match student needs with program services/ interventions and to monitor student progress? Posted October 1, 2010 Page 5 Section 4-Staffing and Professional Development (25 points) Objectives Activities Personnel Projected Budget Develop objectives that address the questions listed below with project specific details. Develop activities for each objective. Indicate the new and/or existing (name and title) personnel that will be responsible for the objective. Indicate budget requirements for the objective including formulas used to derive totals in budget sections (e.g. 3 subs @ $143/day=total) How will the project be staffed? What is the professional development plan for the project? Posted October 1, 2010 Page 6 Section 5-Curriculum and Instruction, Student Assessment and Transitional Planning & Support (30 points) Objectives Activities Personnel Projected Budget Develop objectives that address the questions listed below with project specific details. Develop activities for each objective. Indicate the new and/or existing (name and title) personnel that will be responsible for the objective. Indicate budget requirements for the objective including formulas used to derive totals in budget sections (e.g. 3 subs @ $143/day=total) How will the project ensure delivery of a high quality curriculum with a dual focus on improving both academic and behavioral outcomes? How will student assessments be used to monitor student progress and guide curriculum and instructional improvements? How will the project transition students from preentry to post-exist to assure that all existing and needed services are properly coordinated? Posted October 1, 2010 Page 7 Section 6- Parent/Guardian Involvement and Collaboration (15 points) Objectives Activities Personnel Projected Budget Develop objectives that address the questions listed below with project specific details. Develop activities for each objective. Indicate the new and/or existing (name and title) personnel that will be responsible for the objective. Indicate budget requirements for the objective including formulas used to derive totals in budget sections (e.g. 3 subs @ $143/day=total) How will the proposed project actively recruit parent/guardian involvement to support student progress? How will the proposed project include community partners to improve services and supports to students and their families? 8 Section 7-Program Evaluation (15 points) The Elementary/Middle Alternative Education Pilot Project will be evaluated by the WVDE. Specific indicators of progress will be monitored across each funded pilot site and evaluation results will be reported to policy makers and to the public. Submission of an application indicates the agreement of the County Boards of Education to do the following: Collect data in a manner consistent with pilot evaluation parameters determined by the WVDE Present key findings of the pilot project to the Legislature, State Board of Education, other educators, etc. In addition to the uniform evaluation conducted by the WVDE, each pilot site is expected to monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of their project for continuous improvement throughout the project period. Please identify indicators that will be monitored by project staff including the data source, collection timeline and process for incorporating findings to improve program services. Site Specific Program Evaluation Project Success Indicators Data Source Collection Timeline 9 Plan for Driving Improvement Section 8-Budget The Elementary/Middle School Alternative Education Pilot allocation for FY 2011 is $1,000,000. State code specifies that up to 5 pilots shall be awarded these funds to develop and evaluate effective elementary/middle school alternative education programs. Awards will be granted to county boards of education for proposals that address one or more schools within their county. Applicants are to prepare proposals and accompanying budgets for three school years. The budget should support the activities described in the above application. Major item requests must be supported with activities within in the application. The budget range for each county proposal is $100,000 to $300,000 for each of the three years. Because the proposed projects will not be funded until December 2010, the operating costs for year one will not be for a full school year. Applicants should consider the following as they develop the Year One Budget: 1) more funds may be allocated to program planning and professional development in year one and 2) counties will be able to carry over each year of Elementary/Middle Alternative Education Pilot funding for one additional year. FY 2011 Expenditure Amount Requested In-Kind (Optional) Professional Salaries Fringe Benefits Equipment Supplies Professional Development Travel Contracts/Consultants Other Total 10 Total FY 2012 Expenditure Amount Requested In-Kind (Optional) Professional Salaries Fringe Benefits Equipment Supplies Professional Development Travel Contracts/Consultants Other Total 11 Total FY 2013 Expenditure Amount Requested In-Kind (Optional) Professional Salaries Fringe Benefits Equipment Supplies Professional Development Travel Contracts/Consultants Other Total 12 Total