Overseas Healthcare Content Report February 2013 Produced By The NHS Choices Reporting Team CH.NHSChoices-Reporting@nhs.net NHS Choices Policy Report Overseas Healthcare Dashboard Page 1 Tag Cloud Showing Top Overseas Healthcare Related Searches Overall Choices Site Visits 30.0M 24.5M 25.0M 20.0M 13.8M 15.0M 10.0M 5.0M 0.0 Overseas Healthcare Page Visits 1,200,000 1,000,000 800,000 600,000 400,000 200,000 0 Overall Site Visits Overseas Healthcare Page Visits % of NHS Choices Traffic made up by Overseas Healthcare content Feb-12 13.8M 579003 4.19% Mar-12 14.6M 656465 4.49% Apr-12 14.3M 709047 4.96% May-12 15.9M 928723 5.85% Jun-12 15.6M 1031293 6.61% Jul-12 16.0M 1129441 7.05% Aug-12 16.0M 1081335 6.77% Sep-12 16.4M 793991 4.84% Oct-12 19.8M 718432 3.64% Nov-12 19.8M 632491 3.19% Dec-12 19.3M 512036 2.65% Jan-13 27.3M 924043 3.38% Feb-13 24.5M 872978 3.56% From February 2012 to February 2013 visits to content relating to overseas healthcare have increased by 51%. Visits were at their highest between the months of June to August, with peak visits of 1.1 million being recorded during July 2012. The summer months were also when the percentage of NHS Choices traffic made up by overseas healthcare content was at its highest. At its highest, during July 2012, this percentage was 7%. The months with the highest number of visits to information relating to overseas health, correspond with the peak holiday period, when most overseas holiday travel occurs. The three main content areas responsible for overseas healthcare visits are ‘treatments and conditions’, ‘NHS England’ and ‘common health questions’. The NHS England area is home to ‘healthcare abroad’ content, which includes the popularly visited page about the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC). Visits to information about insect bites were the most popular overseas healthcare-related treatment and condition topic over the year period. Other well visited topics included malaria and travel immunisations. The most watched overseas healthcare video between February 2012 and February 2013 was ‘deep vein thrombosis (DVT)’ which consistently had in excess of 1,000 starts per month. The most starts of the DVT video were recorded in January 2013 when they reached 1,864, with starts in October and November 2012 and February 2013 not too far behind. Perhaps this suggests that this video is most popular when passengers are travelling further afield to reach the sunshine! NHS Choices Policy Report Overseas Healthcare Dashboard Page 2 Breakdown of Visitor Traffic to Overseas Healthcare Related Content Websites Receiving Traffic From Overseas Healthcare Search Terms CHQ 0.0% Livewell Stay Sure 0.4% 9.5% Planner 3.3% 0.0% 0.0% secure-online-application.com Post Of fice Services Wikipedia Mobile - English Tools 42.8% Wikipedia Treatments and Conditions Compare the Market Video www.nhs-e111-ehic.org.uk Carers Direct InsureAndGo News and Others NHS Choices 43.5% Campaign MoneySupermarket.com NHS England 0% 0.0% Change4Life 0.0% 5% 10% 15% % Of Traffic 0.0% 0.6% Breakdown of Visitor Traffic to Overseas Healthcare Related Content by Month = Top Overseas Healthcare Search Terms 1.20M cholera 1.0M rabies e111 800K malaria 600K ehic 400K meningitis travel 200K holiday 0 Feb-12 Mar-12 Apr-12 May-12 Jun-12 Jul-12 Aug-12 Sep-12 Oct-12 Nov-12 Dec-12 Jan-13 CHQ Livewell Planner Services Tools Treatments and Conditions Video Carers Direct News and Others Campaign NHS England Change4Life Feb-13 european health insurance card travel insurance 0% 10% 20% % of Searches 30% 40% NHS Choices Policy Report Overseas Healthcare Dashboard Page 3 Change in Popular Search Terms Within The Overseas Healthcare Policy Area Overseas Healthcare Search Terms Not Driving Traffic To NHS Choices holiday travel polio eea gap year e111 sunburn ti cks altitude sickness ty phoid fever japanese encephalitis travel vaccinations ehic ehic application hepatitis a rabies cholera malaria european health insurance card travel insurance eu directive european economic area tropical diseases studying abroad dengue ticks eea gap year travel holiday 5.0% 4.0% 3.0% 2.0% 1.0% 0.0% -1.0% -2.0% -3.0% 0.0% 2.0% 4.0% 6.0% 8.0% % Of Searches % Change The above chart shows the search terms within the portfolio with the highest % change of search term clicks (against the total search term clicks in the portfolio) between the two 4 week reporting periods. The above chart shows the top 10 search terms (within the portfolio) that NHS Choices received no search term clicks from (all the traffic went elsewhere), the terms are ranked by the clicks for that particular term as a % of the total search term clicks in the portfolio. It can be used as an indication of potential traffic that could have been generated.