Curriculum Vitæ

Curriculum Vitæ
Born 14 December 1969 in Lausanne, Switzerland
Swedish citizen
French and german (mother tongues), english
Professional address
Fédération Denis Poisson
Bâtiment de Mathématiques, Route de Chartres
Université d’Orléans, BP 6759
F-45067 Orléans Cedex 2
Education and career
• 2004: Habilitation in Mathematics, University of Toulon, “Equations différentielles
stochastiques singulièrement perturbées”.
Referees: Gérard Ben Arous, Anton Bovier, Lawrence E. Thomas.
Jury: Jean-François Le Gall, Etienne Pardoux, Pierre Picco, Claude-Alain Pillet.
• 1998: PhD at Institut de Physique Théorique, ETH Lausanne, “Adiabatic Dynamical
Systems and Hysteresis”.
Adviser: Hervé Kunz.
Referees: Jean-Philippe Ansermet, Serge Aubry, Oscar E. Lanford III.
• 1993: Diploma in Physics at ETH Lausanne.
Diploma thesis: “Billiards magnétiques”. Direction: Hervé Kunz.
• 1988–1993: Physics studies at ETH Lausanne.
Positions held
• Since September 2007: Full professor (Professeur des universités), University of Orléans.
Member of MAPMO (CNRS, UMR 7349, Fédération Denis Poisson).
• September 2001 – August 2007: Assistant professor (Maı̂tre de Conférence), Mathematics department, University of Toulon. Member of CPT (CNRS, UMR 6207).
• October 2000 – September 2001: Postdoc with teaching, Departement Mathematik,
ETH Zürich.
• April – September 2000: TMR fellow at Weierstraß-Institut für Angewandte Analysis
und Stochastik (WIAS), Berlin.
• April 1999 – March 2000: Postdoc, Swiss National Fund, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta.
• September 1998 – March 1999: TMR fellow at Weierstraß-Institut für Angewandte
Analysis und Stochastik (WIAS), Berlin.
• 1994 – 1998: Assistant at Institut de Physique Théorique, ETH Lausanne.
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“Prix des doctorats 1999” of ETH Lausanne.
Funded projects
• Local correspondent for ANR project MANDy, Mathematical Analysis of Neuronal
Dynamics, Budget for Orléans: 25’000.– Euro (September 2009 – August 2012)
• Principal investigator of research project “ACI Jeunes Chercheurs, Modélisation stochastique de systèmes hors équilibre”, French Ministry of Research, Budget: 70’000.–
Euro (August 2004 – April 2008).
Invited stays (> 1 week), Sabbaticals
• December 2015: 1 week stay at University of Warwick.
• February – August 2015: Sabbatical (Chercheur délégué au CNRS), at MAPMO,
Orléans (UMR 7349).
• March 2015: 2 weeks stay at TU Vienna.
• One-month stays at CRC 701, Universität Bielefeld (’07, ’08, ’09, ’10, ’11, ’12, ’13,
• One-month stays at the Weierstraß-Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik
(WIAS), Berlin (2001, ’02, ’03, ’04, ’05, ’06).
• March – September 2006: Sabbatical (Chercheur délégué au CNRS), at Centre de
Physique Théorique Marseille-Luminy (CPT, UMR 6207).
• March – September 2005: Sabbatical (Chercheur délégué au CNRS), WIAS Berlin
and CPT Marseille.
• April 1999: Invited stay with Jacques Laskar, Bureau des Longitudes, Paris.
Peer review activities
Referee for Alea, Annales Faculté Toulouse, Annales Institut Henri Poincaré, Annals of
Probability, Chaos, Comm. Nonlinear Science Numerical Simul., Discrete Contin. Dyn.
Syst. A, Electron. J. Differential Equations, Inverse Problems, J. Computational Dynamics, J. Dynam. Diff. Eq., J. Mathematical Biology, J. Mathematical Neuroscience, J. Nonlinear Science, J. Phys. A, J. Theoretical Probability, Mathematics Computers Simulation,
New J. Phys., Nonlinear Analysis, Nonlinearity, Physica A, Physica D, Physical Biology,
Probability Theory Related Fields, SIAM J. Appl. Dynamical Systems (SIADS), SIAM
J. Appl. Math. (SIAP), SIAM J. Scient. Comp. (SISC), Stochastic Process. Appl., Syst.
Contr. Letters.
I have also reviewed grant proposals for ANR (France), NSF (United States) and NWO
Curriculum Vitæ – Nils Berglund
List of publications
[30] N. Berglund, B. Gentz, Noise-Induced Phenomena in Slow–Fast Dynamical Systems.
A Sample-Paths Approach (Springer, Probability and its Applications, 276+xiv
pages, 2005)
Refereed papers
[29] N. Berglund, C. Kuehn, Regularity structures and renormalisation of FitzHughNagumo SPDEs in three space dimensions, Preprint (2015), arxiv/1504.02953,
51 pages, to appear in Electronic J. Probability.
[28] N. Berglund, S. Dutercq, Interface dynamics of a metastable mass-conserving spatially extended diffusion, J. Statistical Physics 162:334–370 (2016).
[27] N. Berglund, Noise-induced phase slips, log-periodic oscillations, and the Gumbel
distribution, Preprint (2014), arxiv/1403.7393, 32 pages, to appear in Markov
Processes Related Fields.
[26] N. Berglund, B. Gentz, C. Kuehn, From random Poincaré maps to stochastic mixedmode-oscillation patterns , J. Dynamics Differential Equations 27:83–136 (2015).
[25] N. Berglund, S. Dutercq, The Eyring-Kramers law for Markovian jump processes
with symmetries, J. Theoretical Probability Online first:1–40 (2015).
[24] N. Berglund, B. Gentz, On the noise-induced passage through an unstable periodic
orbit II: General case, SIAM J. Math. Anal. 46:310–352 (2014).
[23] N. Berglund, B. Gentz, Sharp estimates for metastable lifetimes in parabolic SPDEs:
Kramers’ law and beyond, Electronic J. Probability 18:no. 24,1–58 (2013).
[22] N. Berglund, Kramers’ law: Validity, derivations and generalisations, Markov Processes Relat. Fields 19:459–490 (2013).
[21] N. Berglund, D. Landon, Mixed-mode oscillations and interspike interval statistics
in the stochastic FitzHugh–Nagumo model, Nonlinearity 252:2303–2335 (2012).
[20] N. Berglund, B. Gentz, C. Kuehn, Hunting French Ducks in a Noisy Environment,
J. Differential Equations 252:4786–4841 (2012).
[19] N. Berglund, B. Gentz, The Eyring-Kramers law for potentials with nonquadratic
saddles, Markov Processes Relat. Fields 16:549–598 (2010).
[18] N. Berglund, B. Gentz, Anomalous behavior of the Kramers rate at bifurcations in
classical field theories, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 42:052001 (9 pages) (2009).
[17] J.-P. Aguilar, N. Berglund, The effect of classical noise on a quantum two-level
system, J. Math. Phys. 49:102102 (23 pages) (2008).
[16] N. Berglund, B. Fernandez, B. Gentz, Metastability in interacting nonlinear stochastic differential equations I: From weak coupling to synchronisation, Nonlinearity
20:2551–2581 (2007).
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[15] N. Berglund, B. Fernandez, B. Gentz, Metastability in interacting nonlinear stochastic differential equations II: Large-N regime, Nonlinearity 20:2583–2614 (2007).
[14] N. Berglund, B. Gentz, Universality of first-passage- and residence-time distributions
in nonadiabatic stochastic resonance, Europhys. Lett. 70:1–7 (2005).
[13] N. Berglund, B. Gentz, On the noise-induced passage through an unstable periodic
orbit I: Two-level model, J. Statist. Phys. 114:1577–1618 (2004).
[12] N. Berglund, B. Gentz, Geometric singular perturbation theory for stochastic differential equations, J. Differential equations 191:1–54 (2003).
[11] N. Berglund, B. Gentz, Metastability in simple climate models: Pathwise analysis of
slowly driven Langevin equations, Stoch. Dyn. 2:327–356 (2002).
[10] N. Berglund, B. Gentz, Beyond the Fokker–Planck equation: Pathwise control of
noisy bistable systems, J. Phys. A 35:2057–2091 (2002).
[9] N. Berglund, B. Gentz, The effect of additive noise on dynamical hysteresis, Nonlinearity 15:605–632 (2002).
[8] N. Berglund, B. Gentz, A sample-paths approach to noise-induced synchronization:
Stochastic resonance in a double-well potential, Ann. Appl. Probab. 12:1419–1470
[7] N. Berglund, B. Gentz, Pathwise description of dynamic pitchfork bifurcations with
additive noise, Probab. Theory Related Fields 122:341–388 (2002).
[6] N. Berglund, T. Uzer, The averaged dynamics of the hydrogen atom in crossed electric
and magnetic fields as a perturbed Kepler problem, Found. Phys. 31:283–326 (2001).
[5] N. Berglund, Control of dynamic Hopf bifurcations, Nonlinearity 13:225–248 (2000).
[4] N. Berglund, H. Kunz, Memory Effects and Scaling Laws in Slowly Driven Systems,
J. Phys. A 32:15–39 (1999).
[3] N. Berglund, H. Kunz, Chaotic Hysteresis in an Adiabatically Oscillating Double
Well, Phys. Rev. Letters 78:1691–1694 (1997).
[2] N. Berglund, A. Hansen, E.H. Hauge, J. Piasecki, Can a Local Repulsive Potential
Trap an Electron?, Phys. Rev. Letters 77:2149–2153 (1996).
[1] N. Berglund, H. Kunz, Integrability and Ergodicity of Classical Billiards in a Magnetic Field, J. Stat. Phys. 83:81–126 (1996).
Book chapters
[31] N. Berglund, B. Gentz, Stochastic dynamic bifurcations and excitability, in C. Laing,
G. Lord (Eds.), Stochastic Methods in Neuroscience (Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2009)
[32] N. Berglund, Bifurcations, scaling laws and hysteresis in singularly perturbed systems, in B. Fiedler, K. Gröger, J. Sprekels (Eds.), Equadiff ’99 (World Scientific,
Singapore, 2000)
Curriculum Vitæ – Nils Berglund
[33] N. Berglund, K.R. Schneider, Control of dynamic bifurcations, in D. Aeyels, F.
Lamnabhi-Lagarrigue, A. van der Schaft (Eds.), Stability and Stabilization of Nonlinear Systems (Lecture Notes in Contr. and Inform. Sciences 246, Springer, Berlin,
[34] N. Berglund, Stochastic dynamical systems in neuroscience, Oberwolfach Reports
8:2290–2293 (2011). Proceedings of the miniworkshop Dynamics of Stochastic Systems and their Approximation, Oberwolfach, Germany, August 2011.
[35] N. Berglund, Dynamic bifurcations: hysteresis, scaling laws and feedback control,
Prog. Theor. Phys. Suppl. 139:325–336 (2000). Proceedings of the conference “Let’s
face chaos through nonlinear dynamics”, Maribor, Slovenia, June/July 1999.
[36] N. Berglund, Classical Billiards in a Magnetic Field and a Potential, Nonlinear
Phenomena in Complex Systems 3:61–70 (2000). Proceedings of the conference
“Let’s face chaos through nonlinear dynamics”, Maribor, Slovenia, June/July 1996.
[37] N. Berglund, On the Reduction of Adiabatic Dynamical Systems near Equilibrium
Curves (1998). Proceedings of the conference “Celestial Mechanics, Separatrix Splitting, Diffusion”, Aussois, France, June 1998.
Diploma thesis, Phd thesis, habilitation thesis
[38] N. Berglund, Equations différentielles stochastiques singulièrement perturbées,
Habilitation , University of Toulon (2004).
[39] N. Berglund, Adiabatic Dynamical Systems and Hysteresis,
Phd thesis 1800, ETH Lausanne (1998).
[40] N. Berglund, Billards magnétiques, Diploma thesis, ETH Lausanne (1993).
[41] Probabiliser, Images des Mathématiques, CNRS, 2015
[42] Des canards dans mes neurones, Images des Mathématiques, CNRS, 2015
[43] Mathématiques du quotidien, Fête de la Science, Octobre 2014
[44] Qu’est-ce qu’une Équation aux Dérives Partielles Stochastique ?, Images des Mathématiques, CNRS, 2014
[45] Mathématiques et biologie, Centre Galois, 2014
[46] Le climat et ses aléas, Microscoop CNRS, Hors-série 22, 2013
[47] Notre univers est-il irréversible ?, Images des Mathématiques, CNRS, 2013
[48] Hasard et glaciations, Mathématiques de la Planète Terre, 2013
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[49] La probabilité d’extinction d’une espèce menacée, Images des Mathématiques, CNRS,
[50] Rangez-moi ces bouquins !, Images des Mathématiques, CNRS, 2012
[51] Probabilités et physique statistique, Centre Galois, 2011
[52] Récréation mathématique : La suite de Fibonacci, USTV, 2005
Lecture notes
• 2007-2016: University of Orléans (lectures):
Master of mathematics, 2nd year: Martingales and stochastic calculus
Master of mathematics, 2nd year: Stochastic processes
Master of mathematics, 2nd year: Preparation to French “Agrégation” exams
Master of mathematics, 2nd year: Financial mathematics
Master of mathematics, 1st year: Probability theory
Master of mathematics, 1st year: Financial mathematics
Master of economics, 1st year: Data analysis
Master of economics, 1st year: Qualitative data analysis
Bachelor of economics, 3rd year: Linear optimisation
Bachelor of mathematics, 3rd year: Probability and statistics
• 2001-2007: University of Toulon:
– Lectures:
Master of mathematics, 2nd year: Mathematical physics
Master of mathematics, 1st year: Probability theory
Master of mathematics, 1st year: Mathematical physics
Bachelor of economics, 3rd year: Probability
Engineering school, 3rd year: Stochastic processes
Engineering school, 2nd year: Financial mathematics
Bachelor in mathematics/computer science, 1st year: Algebra
Bachelor in physics, 1st year: Matrices
– Exercise classes:
∗ Master in mathematics, 1st year: Algebra
∗ Bachelor in economics, 3rd year: Probability
∗ Bachelor in mathematics/computer science, 2nd year: Analysis, geometry,
∗ Bachelor in biology, 2nd year: Probability and statistics
∗ Bachelor in biology, 1st year: Calculus
• 2000-2001: ETH Zürich (lectures):
– Geometrische Theorie dynamischer Systeme
– Störungstheorie dynamischer Systeme
• 1994-1998: ETH Lausanne (exercise classes):
– General mechanics
Curriculum Vitæ – Nils Berglund
– General relativity and cosmology
– Nonlinear phenomena and chaos
– Electrodynamics
Thesis supervision
• PhD students:
Manon Baudel (since 2014)
Sébastien Dutercq (2011–2015)
Damien Landon (2008–2012)
Jean-Philippe Aguilar (2005–2008)
• Diploma students:
Sébastien Dutercq (2011)
Kanal Hun (2009)
Damien Landon (2008)
Antoine Loyer (2005, in collaboration with Barbara Gentz, Berlin)
Jean-Philippe Aguilar (2005)
Evelyne Vas (2004, in collaboration with Emmanuel Buffet, Dublin)
Habilitation committee
• Jonathan Touboul (Collège de France, June 2015)
Doctoral committees
Christophe Poquet (Université Paris Diderot, October 2013): reviewer
Julian Tugaut (Université Nancy 1, July 2010): reviewer
Bénédicte Aguer (Université Lille 1, June 2010): reviewer
Guillaume Voisin (Orléans, December 2009): president of jury
Laurent Marin (Orléans, November 2009)
Research interests
• Probability theory: Stochastic differential equations, stochastic partial differential
equations, stochastic exit problem, metastability, large deviations, potential theory,
regularity structures
• Dynamical Systems: Singular perturbation theory, dynamic bifurcations, mixedmode oscillations, spatially extended systems, Hamiltonian systems, symplectic maps
• Applications: Statistical physics, classical and quantum open systems, neuroscience, climate models
My research interests mainly lie at the intersection of different fields, such as probability
theory and dynamical systems. These intersections lead to interesting new approaches
and results. For instance, with Barbara Gentz I have developed new methods for the
quantitative analysis of stochastic differential equations with several timescales, based on
a combination of stochastic analysis and singular perturbation theory.
My current research projects mainly deal with the following themes:
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• Metastability in spatially extended systems: Characterisation of metastable
transitions (transition time, optimal transition path) in systems of coupled oscillators
and stochastic partial differential equations. These problems require the extension
of known results to infinite-dimensional situations and situations with bifurcations.
• Applications in the neurosciences: The creation of action potentials (“spiking”)
in neurons is often modeled by slow–fast ordinary and stochastic differential equations. A particularly interesting feature is the phenomenon of excitability, in which
small deterministic or stochastic perturbations can trigger spikes. The distribution
of interspike time intervals is still poorly understood in irreversible cases.
International collaborations
• Hervé Kunz (Lausanne), Alex Hansen, Eivind Hauge (Trondheim), Jaroslav Piasecki
(Warschau): Billiards.
• Hervé Kunz (Lausanne): adiabatic dynamical systems.
• Klaus Schneider (Berlin): control theory.
• Turgay Uzer (Atlanta): Hamiltonian systems.
• Barbara Gentz (Berlin/Bielefeld): stochastic differential equations.
• Bastien Fernandez (Marseille): spatially extended systems.
• Christian Kuehn (Vienna): fast–slow dynamical systems, regularity structures.
• Giacomo Di Gesù (Paris), Hendrik Weber (Warwick): stochastic partial differential
These collaborations have been partly funded by the Swiss National Fund, the European Union (TMR Project), the Forschungsinstitut Mathematik (FIM) at ETH Zürich, the
European Science Foundation (ESF), and the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG).
• Since 2014: Responsible for communication committee - Mathematics, University of
• 2014: External member of appointment committee, University of Poitiers.
• 2013: External member of appointment committee, University of Tours.
• Since 2012: President of appointment committee, mathematics, Orléans.
• 2010: External member of appointment committee, University of Poitiers.
• 2010: External member of appointment committee, University Paris 7.
• Since 2009: Elected member of appointment committee, mathematics, Orléans.
• Since 2008: Elected member of institute committee, MAPMO–CNRS.
• Since 2008: Member of thesis committee Orléans–Tours.
• 2004-2007: Member of appointment committee, mathematics, University of Toulon.
• 2005-2007: External member of appointment committee, mathematics, University AixMarseille I.
• 2005-2007: Nominated member of institute committee, CPT-CNRS.
• 2004-2007: Responsible for teaching attribution, department of mathematics, University of Toulon.
Curriculum Vitæ – Nils Berglund
Organisation of seminars and conferences
• “Journées de Probabilités 2013”, Orléans (June 2013).
• “Third meeting of the GDR Quantum Dynamics”, Orléans (February 2011).
• “Fourth Workshop on Random Dynamical Systems”, Bielefeld (November 2010), with
Barbara Gentz.
• Conference “Stochastic Models in Neuroscience”, CIRM, Marseille-Luminy (January
2010), with Simona Mancini and Michèle Thieullen (Paris 6).
• Responsible for institute seminar, MAPMO (since 2008), with Simona Mancini and
Aurélien Alvarez (since 2011), and Luc Hillairet (since 2013).
• Conference “Maths and billiards” (Orléans, March 2008), with Stéphane Cordier
(Orléans) and Emmanuel Lesigne (Tours).
• Closing meeting of the ACI Jeunes Chercheurs “Modélisation stochastique de systèmes
hors équilibre” (Orléans, February 2008).
• “Journées de Probabilités 2007”(La Londe, September 2007), with K. Bahlali, Y.
Lacroix (Toulon), P. Picco (Marseille).
• Minisymposium “Recent developments in the stochastic exit problem” at the international conference ICIAM07 (Zürich, July 2007), with Samuel Herrmann (Nancy).
• International conference QMath9 (Giens, September 2004), with J. Asch, J.-M. Barbaroux, J.-M. Combes, J.-M. Ghez (Toulon), A. Joye (Grenoble).
• Colloquium “Equations Différentielles Stochastiques”, University of Toulon (2003),
with K. Bahlali, P. Briet (Toulon), P. Picco (Marseille).
• “Séminaire de Dynamique Quantique et Classique”, CPT (2002).
Talks and conferences (since 1999)
Some slides are available at
Invited talks at conferences
• 2.2.2016. “Computational statistics and molecular simulation”, Paris, Sharp estimates on metastable lifetimes for one- and two-dimensional AllenCahn SPDEs (Invitation: Arnaud Guyader, Tony Lelièvre, Gabriel Stoltz).
• 5.11.2015. “8th Workshop on random dynamical systems”, Bielefeld, Regularity structures and renormalisation of FitzHugh–Nagumo SPDEs in three space dimensions (Invitation: Barbara Gentz, Peter Imkeller).
• 8.7.2015. “Equadiff 2015”, Lyon, On FitzHugh–Nagumo SDEs and SPDEs (Invitation: Hans Crauel, Ale Jan Homburg).
• 16.6.2015. ENS Lyon, “Statistical mechanics and computation of large deviation rate
functions”, Metastability in systems of coupled multistable SDE (Invitation: Freddy
• 20.3.2015. Paris, Institut des Systèmes Complexes, ANR project meeting, A toolbox to quantify effects of noise on slow-fast dynamical systems (Invitation: Mathieu
• 12.12.2014. “7th Workshop on random dynamical systems”, Bielefeld, Extreme-value
theory and the stochastic exit problem (Invitation: Barbara Gentz).
• 18.11.2014. “Multi-scale models, slow-fast differential equations, averaging in ecology”, Centre Bernoulli, Lausanne, Noise-induced transitions in slowfast dynamical
systems (Invitation: Mathieu Desroches).
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• 28.7.2014. “37th Conference on Stochastic Processes and their Applications”, Buenos
Aires, Some rigorous results on interspike interval distributions in stochastic neuron
models (Invitation: Jonathan Touboul).
• 8.7.2014. “10th AIMS Conference on Dynamical Systems, Differential Equations and
Applications”, Madrid, A group-theoretic approach to metastability in networks of
interacting SDEs (Invitation: Georgi Medvedev).
• 28.1.2014. “Inhomogeneous Random Systems”, Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris, Noiseinduced phase slips, log-periodic oscillations and the Gumbel distribution (Invitation:
Giambattista Giacomin).
• 31.10.2013. “6th Workshop on random dynamical systems”, Bielefeld, From random Poincaré maps to stochastic mixed-mode-oscillation patterns (Invitation: Barbara
• 6.6.2013. “Workshop on Slow-Fast Dynamics: Theory, Numerics, Application to Life
and Earth Sciences”, CRM, Barcelona, Random Poincaré maps and noise-induced
mixed-mode-oscillation patterns (Invitation: Mathieu Desroches).
• 8.2.2013. “5ème Rencontre du GDR Dynamique Quantique”, Lille, Irreversible diffusions and non-selfadjoint operators: Results and open problems (Invitation: Stephan
De Bièvre, Gabriel Rivière).
• 5.10.2012. “5th Workshop on Random Dynamical Systems”, Bielefeld, Some applications of quasistationary distributions to random Poincaré maps (Invitation: Barbara
• 5.7.2012. “Random models in neuroscience”, Université Paris 6, Some results on
interspike interval statistics in conductance-based models for neuron action potentials
(Invitation: Michèle Thieullen).
• 21.3.2012. “Critical Transitions in Complex Systems”, Imperial College London,
Sample-path behaviour of noisy systems near critical transitions (Invitation: Jeroen
Lamb, Greg Pavliotis, Martin Rasmussen).
• 12.12.2011. EPSRC Symposium Workshop “Multiscale Systems: Theory and Applications”, Warwick Mathematics Institute, Canards, mixed-mode oscillations and
interspike distributions in stochastic systems (Invitation: Martin Hairer, Greg Pavliotis, Andrew Stuart).
• 2.11.2011. “Stochastic Dynamics in Mathematics, Physics and Engineering”, ZiF,
Bielefeld, Does noise create or suppress mixed-mode oscillations? (Invitation: Barbara
Gentz, Max-Olivier Hongler, Peter Reimann).
• 22.8.2011. “Dynamics of Stochastic Systems and their Approximation”, Mathematisches Forschungszentrum Oberwolfach, Stochastic dynamical systems in neuroscience
(Invitation: Evelyn Buckwar, Barbara Gentz, Erika Hausenblas).
• 21.7.2011. ICIAM 2011, Vancouver, On the Interspike Time Statistics in the Stochastic FitzHugh–Nagumo Equation (Invitation: Jinqiao Duan, Barbara Gentz).
• 26.1.2011. “Inhomogeneous Random Systems”, Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris, The
Kramers law: Validity, derivations and generalizations (Invitation: Christian Maes).
• 2.12.2010. “Open quantum systems”, Institut Fourier, Grenoble, Metastability in a
class of parabolic SPDEs (Invitation: Alain Joye).
• 19.11.2009. 3rd Workshop “Random Dynamical Systems”, Universität Bielefeld,
Metastability for Ginzburg-Landau-type SPDEs with space-time white noise (Invitation: Barbara Gentz).
• 14.5.2009. “Deterministic and Stochastic Modeling in Computational Neuroscience
and Other Biological Topics”, CRM, Barcelona, Stochastic models for excitable systems
(Invitation: Antony Guillamon).
Curriculum Vitæ – Nils Berglund
• 12.3.2009. “Journées Systèmes Ouverts”, Institut Fourier, Grenoble, Metastability
for the Ginzburg–Landau equation with space-time noise (Invitation: Alain Joye).
• 18.11.2008. 2nd Workshop “Random Dynamical Systems”, Universität Bielefeld,
Metastability in systems with bifurcations (Invitation: Barbara Gentz).
• 19.6.2008. Workshop “Applications of spatio-temporal dynamical systems in biology”, Laboratoire Dieudonné, Nice, Metastability in a system of coupled nonlinear
diffusions (Invitation: Elisabeth Pécou).
• 30.11.2007. Workshop “Random Dynamical Systems”, Universität Bielefeld, Metastable lifetimes and optimal transition paths in spatially extended systems (Invitation:
Barbara Gentz).
• 23.2.2007. Workshop “Multiscale Analysis and Computations in Stochastic Differential Equation Modelling 2007”, University of Sussex, Noise-induced phenomena in
slow–fast dynamical systems (Invitation: Greg Pavliotis).
• 12.10.2006. Conference “Chaos and Complex Systems”, Novacella, Desynchronisation of coupled bistable oscillators perturbed by additive noise (Invitation: Marco Robnik).
• 27.6.2006. AIMS conference “Dynamical Systems and Differential Equations”, Poitiers, Metastability and stochastic resonance in slow–fast systems with noise (Invitation: Jianzhong Su).
• 9.6.2005. Stochastic Partial Differential Equations and Climatology, ZIF, Universität
Bielefeld, Geometric singular perturbation theory for stochastic differential equations
(Invitation: Friedrich Götze, Yuri Kondratiev, Michael Röckner).
• 31.5.2005. Period of Concentration, Stochastic climate models, Max-Planck Institut,
Leipzig, Geometric singular perturbation theory applied to stochastic climate models
(Invitation: Peter Imkeller).
• 19.5.2005. Period of Concentration, Metastability, ageing, and anomalous diffusion,
Max-Planck Institute, Leipzig, Metastability in irreversible diffusion processes and
stochastic resonance (Invitation: Anton Bovier).
• 22.6.2004. Coupled Map Lattices 2004 , Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris, Special session
on effect of noise on synchronization (Invitation: Bastien Fernandez).
• 28.4.2004. European Geophysical Union meeting (EGU04), Nice, Universal properties
of noise-induced transitions (Invitation: Daniel Scherzer).
• 31.5.2003. 4th European Advanced Studies Conference, Novacella, On the noiseinduced passage through an unstable periodic orbit (Invitation: Marko Robnik).
Invited talks at seminars
• 17.12.2015. TU Darmstadt, Oberseminar Stochastik, Synchronisation, noise-induced
phase slips and the Gumbel distribution (Invitation: Volker Betz).
• 9.12.2015. Warwick, Probability Seminar, An Eyring–Kramers formula for onedimensional parabolic SPDEs with space-time white noise (Invitation: Hendrik Weber).
• 13.11.2015. Strasbourg, Séminaire de Calcul stochastique, Structures de régularité
et renormalisation d’EDPS de FitzHugh–Nagumo (Invitation: Nicolas Juillet).
• 26.3.2015. Le Havre, Séminaire du LMAH, Phénomènes induits par le bruit dans les
systèmes dynamiques lent–rapides (Invitation: Benjamin Ambrosio).
• 12.3.2015. LMA Poitiers, Séminaire de probabilités, statistique et applications, Distribution de spikes pour des modèles stochastiques de neurones et chaı̂nes de Markov
à espace continu (Invitation: Hermine Biermé).
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• 4.3.2015. TU Vienna, Institute for Analysis und Scientific Computing, An Eyring–
Kramers formula for parabolic SPDEs with space-time white noise (Invitation: Christian Kuehn).
• 5.12.2014. LMPT Tours, Séminaire de probabilités et théorie ergodique, Distribution
de spikes pour des modèles stochastiques de neurones et chaı̂nes de Markov à espace
continu (Invitation: Kilian Raschel).
• 16.4.2014. Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Synchronization, noise-induced phase slips and
extreme-value theory (Invitation: Christof Külske).
• 13.3.2014. Évry, Séminaire de Probabilités et mathématiques financières, Problme de
sortie stochastique travers une orbite instable (Invitation: Dasha Loukinaova).
• 9.12.2013. IRMAR, Université de Rennes, Séminaire de Probabilités, Chaı̂nes de
Markov à espace continu, distributions quasi-stationnaires, et diffusions irréversibles
(Invitation: Jean-Christophe Breton).
• 1.2.2013. Rhein-Main Kolloquium Stochastik, Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, Quantifying neuronal spiking patterns using continuous-space Markov chains (Invitation:
Reinhard Höpfner).
• 2.11.2012. Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, Quantifying the effect of noise on
neuronal spiking patterns (Invitation: Sébastien Loisel, Gabriel Lord).
• 7.2.2012. Séminaire de Probabilités, Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse, Oscillations multimodales et chasse aux canards stochastiques (Invitation: Clément Pellegrini).
• 5.5.2011. Groupe de travail modélisation, LPMA, Paris 6, Oscillations multimodales
dans les équations différentielles stochastiques (Invitation: Gianbattista Giacomin).
• 15.3.2011. Groupe de travail Neuromathématiques et modèles de perception, IHP,
Paris, Geometric singular perturbation theory for stochastic differential equations with
applications to neuroscience (Invitation: Alessandro Sarti).
• 14.3.2011. Groupe de travail mathématiques et neurosciences, IHP, Paris, Chasse aux
canards en environnement bruité (Invitation: Michèle Thieullen).
• 11.2.2011. Laboratoire Dieudonné, Nice, Chasse aux canards en environnement bruité
(Invitation: Jean-Marc Gambaudo, Bruno Marcos).
• 18.1.2011. Institut du Fer à Moulin, Paris, Quantifying the effect of noise on oscillatory patterns (Invitation: Jacques Droulez).
• 12.11.2010. Séminaire de probabilités, EPF Lausanne, Metastability in a class of
parabolic SPDEs (Invitation: Charles Pfister).
• 18.6.2010. IGK-Seminar, Bielefeld, Stochastic differential equations in neuroscience
(Invitation: Sven Wiesinger).
• 1.4.2010. Groupe de travail systèmes dynamiques, LJLL, Paris 6, Systèmes lentsrapides perturbés par un bruit — Applications dans les neurosciences (Invitation:
Jean-Pierre Françoise, Alain Haraux).
• 26.6.2009. Journée en l’honneur d’Hervé Kunz, EPF Lausanne, Métastabilité dans des
équations de Ginzburg–Landau avec bruit blanc spatiotemporel (Invitation: Vincenzo
• 27.11.2008. Groupe de Travail Modélisation de l’Evolution du Vivant, Ecole Polytechnique, Paris/Palaiseau, Equations différentielles stochastiques lentes–rapides (Invitation: Sylvie Méléard).
• 27.10.2008. Theoretical Physics Seminar, KU Leuven, Kramers rate theory at bifurcations (Invitation: Christian Maes).
• 24.6.2008. Séminaire de physique mathématique, Lille, L’effet d’un bruit classique
sur un système quantique à deux niveaux (Invitation: Stephan de Bièvre).
Curriculum Vitæ – Nils Berglund
• 27.5.2008. Séminaire de probabilités, Paris 6 & 7, Métastabilité dans un système de
diffusions couplées (Invitation: Jean Bertoin).
• 10.3.2008. Séminaire de probabilités Nord-Ouest, Angers, Métastabilité dans un système de diffusions couplées (Invitation: Loı̈c Chaumont).
• 13.6.2007. Seminar on Stochastic Analysis, University of Warwick, Metastability in
a chain of coupled nonlinear diffusions (Invitation: Martin Hairer).
• 18.4.2007. Berliner Kolloquium Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie, WIAS Berlin, Metastability in a chain of coupled nonlinear diffusions (Invitation: Anton Bovier).
• 2.4.2007. Séminaire de Probabilités, Université Rennes 1, Metastabilité dans un système de diffusions non-linéaires couplées (Invitation: Ying Hu, Florent Malrieu).
• 10.1.2007. Oberseminar Math. Statistik & Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie, Universität
Bielefeld, Metastability in a system of interacting nonlinear diffusions (Invitation:
Barbara Gentz).
• 7.12.2006. Séminaire de probabilités, Nancy, Synchronisation de diffusions couplées
(Invitation: Samy Tindel).
• 15.11.2006. Seminar on Stochastic processes, Zürich, Metastability in a system of
interacting diffusions (Invitation: Erwin Bolthausen).
• 10.3.2006. Séminaire de probabilités, LATP Marseille, Synchronisation de diffusions
couplées (Invitation: Laurent Miclo).
• 18.11.2003. Institut Fourier, Grenoble, Passage sous l’effet d’un bruit à travers une
orbite périodique instable (Invitation: Alain Joye).
• 29.10.2003. WIAS Berlin, On the noise-induced passage through an unstable periodic
orbit (Invitation: Barbara Gentz).
• 8.11.2002. LATP, Marseille, Théorie géométrique des perturbations singulières pour
équations différentielles stochastiques (Invitation: Yvan Velenik).
• 26.6.2002. Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Geometric singular perturbation theory
for stochastic differential equations (Invitation: Peter Imkeller).
• 8.5.2001. EPFL, Résonance stochastique et hystérèse (Invitation: Charles Pfister).
• 21.3.2001. CPT Marseille, Résonance stochastique et synchronisation induite par
bruit (Invitation: Claude-Alain Pillet).
• 14.11.2000. Institut Fourier, Grenoble, L’effet de bruit additif sur les bifurcations
dynamiques (Invitation: Alain Joye).
• 18.10.2000. WIAS Berlin, Dynamic pitchfork bifurcations with additive noise (Invitation: Barbara Gentz).
• 5.9.2000. Universität Augsburg, The effect of additive noise on dynamic pitchfork
bifurcations (Invitation: Fritz Colonius).
• 23.9.1999. University of Victoria, BC, Hysteresis and scaling laws in dynamic bifurcations (Invitation: Florin Diacu).
• 6.5.1999. Bureau des Longitudes, Paris, Bifurcations dynamiques (Invitation: Jacques Laskar).
• 24.2.1999. Universität Augsburg, Control of dynamic Hopf bifurcations (Invitation:
Fritz Colonius).
• November 2015. Nice, Laboratoire Dieudonné, 2 lecture, Modèles neuronaux et
structures de régularité (Invitation: François Delarue).
• October 2011. CIRM, Marseille Luminy, 5 lectures, Bifurcations in stochastic systems with multiple timescales (Invitation: Olivier Faugeras).
February 23, 2016
• April 2011. IGK, Bielefeld, 5 lectures, Stochastic differential equations with multiple
timescales (Invitation: Barbara Gentz).
Talks at local seminars
• 6.2015. Tours, Séminaire tournant de probabilités et statistiques, Théorie des valeurs
extrêmes et problème de sortie stochastique.
• 4.2015. Séminaire du MAPMO, Orléans, Introduction aux EDPS et aux structures de
• 2.2013. Groupe de travail probabilités, Orléans, Markov loops, paths and fields I-III .
• 14.12.2010. Evaluation AERES, Orléans, Quantifying the effect of noise on oscillatory patterns.
• 10/12.2008. Groupe de travail de probabilités, Orléans, Métastablité.
• 15.11.2007. Journée de la Fédération Denis Poisson, Orléans, EDS lentes-rapides,
métastablité et résonance stochastique.
• 2/3.2007. Groupe de travail Systèmes Ouverts, CPT Marseille, Grandes déviations
et processus d’exclusion I-III .
• 10.11.2006. Open Systems Days, Marseille, Métastabilité dans une chaı̂ne classique
• 17.11.2003. Colloquium Equations Différentielles Stochastiques, Université de Toulon, Modèles climatiques stochastiques.
• 14.11.2003. Séminaire de Travail en Physique Mathématique, CPT Marseille, L’évasion stochastique à travers une orbite périodique instable.
• 2.10.2003. Colloquium Equations Différentielles Stochastiques, Université de Toulon,
Mouvement Brownien, intégration stochastique.
• 13.6.2003. Séminaire de Travail en Physique Mathématique, CPT Marseille, Equations différentielles stochastiques singulièrement perturbées.
• 6.12.2002. Séminaire de Travail en Physique Mathématique, CPT Marseille, Equations différentielles singulièrement perturbées.
• 25.1.2002. Colloquium du Groupe 3, CPT Marseille, Atome d’hydrogène en champs
• 6.6.2001. Seminar on Stochastic Processes, ETH/Universität Zürich, Stochastic resonance and hysteresis.
• 30.11.2000. Talks in Mathematical Physics, ETH Zürich, Slowly time-dependent systems with additive noise: delay and resonance phenomena.
• 10.12.1999. Séminaire de Physique Théorique, EPFL, Atome d’hydrogène en champs
• 11.1999. Physics Colloquia, Georgia Tech, Adiabatic Dynamical Systems and Hysteresis.
Other talks at conferences
• 27.5.2015. Journées de Probabilités, Toulouse: Structures de régularité et renormalisation dEDPS de FitzHugh–Nagumo.
• 27.5.2014. Journées de Probabilités, CIRM, Marseille: Théorie des valeurs extrêmes
et problème de sortie stochastique.
• 9.6.2009. Journées de Probabilités, Poitiers: Métastabilité dans des EDPS du type
• 4.9.2008. Journées de Probabilités, Lille: Métastabilité et loi de Kramers pour les
diffusions dans des potentiels à selles non-quadratiques.
Curriculum Vitæ – Nils Berglund
• 4.6.2007. CCT07, Marseille: Metastability in interacting nonlinear stochastic differential equations.
• 20.9.2006. Journées de Probabilités, CIRM, Marseille: Synchronisation dans les diffusions couplées.
• 5.9.2005. Journées de Probabilités, Nancy: Distribution des temps de résidence pour
la résonance stochastique.
• 13.9.2004. QMath9, Giens: On the stochastic exit problem — irreversible case.
• 8.9.2004. Journées de Probabilités, CIRM, Marseille: Le problème de sortie d’une
diffusion d’un domaine borné par une orbite périodique instable: Au-delà des grandes
• 6.7.2002. Let’s face chaos through nonlinear dynamics, Maribor: Stochastic resonance: Some new results.
• 5.6.2000. Second Nonlinear Control Network (NCN) Workshop, Paris: Effect of noise
and open loop control on dynamic bifurcations.
• 2.8.1999. Equadiff’99, Berlin: Bifurcations, scaling laws and hysteresis in singularly
perturbed systems.
• 30.6.1999. Let’s face chaos through nonlinear dynamics, Maribor: Dynamic bifurcations: hysteresis, scaling laws, and feedback control .
• 15.3.1999. Nonlinear Control Network (NCN) Workshop “Stability and Stabilization”, Ghent: Effect of noise and open loop control on dynamic bifurcations.
Other participation in conferences
3–5.6.2015. Journées en l’honneur de Marc Yor, Paris.
2–6.2.2015. 7ème Rencontre du GDR Dynamique Quantique, Nantes.
27–28.1.2015. Inhomogeneous Random Systems, Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris.
5–7.2.2014. 6ème Rencontre du GDR Dynamique Quantique, Roscoff.
15–17.7.2013. Stochastics and Real World Models, IGK, Bielefeld.
22–23.1.2013. Inhomogeneous Random Systems, Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris.
18–22.6.2012. Journées de Probabilités, Roscoff.
8–10.2.2012. 4ème Rencontre du GDR Dynamique Quantique, IMT Toulouse.
24–25.1.2012. Inhomogeneous Random Systems, Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris.
3–6.8.2011. Limit theorems in Probability, Statistics and Number Theory, Bielefeld.
20–24.6.2011. Journées de Probabilités, Nancy.
25–27.11.2010. Quantum dynamics, CIRM, Marseille.
14–16.10.2010. Workshop on Probabilistic Techniques in Statistical Mechanics, Berlin.
24–26.3.2010. Second meeting of the GDR “Quantum Dynamics”, Dijon.
26–27.1.2010. Inhomogeneous Random Systems, Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris.
1–8.6.2008. Hyperbolic dynamical systems, Erwin Schödinger Insitute, Wien.
22–23.1.2008. Inhomogeneous Random Systems, Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris.
5–9.11.2007. Entropy, turbulence and transport, Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris.
9–13.7.2007. ICIAM 07, Zürich.
23–24.1.2007. Inhomogeneous Random Systems, Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris.
15–19.1.2007. Vth Meeting of the GDRE Mathematics and Quantum Physics, CIRM,
4–29.7.2005. Mathematical Statistical Physics, Les Houches.
16–19.3.2005. Workshop random spatial models from physics and biology, Berlin.
18–23.4.2004. Equilibrium and Dynamics of Spin Glasses, Ascona.
3–28.3.2003. Statistical Mechanics and Probability Theory, CIRM, Marseille.
February 23, 2016
• 27–31.5.2002. Aspects Mathématiques des Systèmes Aléatoires et de la Mécanique
Statistique, CIRM, Marseille.
• 9–11.7.2001. Workshop on stochastic climate models, Chorin.
• 2–7.7.2001. Stochastic analysis, Berlin.
• 11–17.3.2001. Stochastics in the sciences, Oberwolfach.
• 5–9.7.1999. ICIAM 99, Edinburgh.
• 5.10.2014. Fête de la Science, Orléans: Mathématiques du Quotidien.
• 20.6.2014, 27.6.2014, 19.6.2015 and 26.6.2015. Centre Galois, Orléans: Mathématiques
et Biologie.
• 22.6.2011, 29.6.2011 and 28.6.2013. Centre Galois, Orléans: Probabilités et Physique
Curriculum Vitæ – Nils Berglund
Description of Research Activities
Past Research Activities
Hamiltonian Systems
With Hervé Kunz, as well as Alex Hansen, Eivind Hauge and Jarek Piasecki, I have
analysed dynamical systems of the billiard type. These systems are described by symplectic
maps of the plane, which can display a great variety of behaviours, from integrable to
In particular, we have used methods from perturbation theory (Kolmogorov–Arnold–
Moser theory, Nekhoroshev theory) to describe the dynamics of billiards in magnetic
fields [BK96] and in electromagnetic fields [BHHP96, Ber00b].
With Turgay Uzer, I have studied the dynamics of atoms in electromagnetic fields,
using methods of Celestial Mechanics (Delaunay variables, averaging) [BU01].
Singular perturbation theory
With Hervé Kunz, I have studied slow–fast ordinary differential equations, and systems
with slowly time-dependent parameters. These are described by singularly perturbed
equation of the form
εẋ = f (x, t) ,
x ∈ Rn
where ε is a small parameter.
Using methods from analytic and geometric singular perturbation theory [Fen79], we
have analysed in particular the following aspects:
• The dynamics in a neighbourhood of equilibrium branches t 7→ x? (t), f (x? (t), t) = 0.
Fenichel’s geometrical theory shows the existence of invariant manifolds of the form
x = x̄(t, ε), x̄(t, ε) = x? (t) + O(ε). We have shown, in particular, that these manifolds
can be approximated by asymptotic expansion with exponential accuracy.
• The assumptions for the existence of invariant manifolds break down in the vicinity of bifurcation points, that is in points (x? (t0 ), t0 ) in which the Jacobian matrix
∂x f (x? (t0 ), t0 ) admits eigenvalues with vanishing real part. One speaks in this case of
a dynamic bifurcation. We have developed a method allowing to determine the scaling
behaviour of solutions in a neighbourhood of these points, in a very general setting,
using the bifurcation point’s Newton polygon [BK99, Ber01, Ber98, Ber00d, Ber00a].
This method also allows to describe the scaling behaviour of hysteresis cycles [Ber01].
• In a mechanical system, we have proved the existence of chaotic hysteresis, which can
be described by geometrical methods [BK97].
With Klaus Schneider, I have applied these methods to problems of feedback control
of dynamic bifurcations [Ber00c, BS99].
Slow–fast stochastic differential equations
With Barbara Gentz, I have studied the pathwise behaviour of solutions of stochastic
differential equations with two time scales, of the form
dxt = f (xt , yt , ε)dt + √ F (xt , yt , ε)dWt ,
dyt = g(xt , yt , ε)dt + σ G(xt , yt , ε)dWt ,
x ∈ Rn ,
y ∈ Rm ,
February 23, 2016
where ε, σ and σ 0 are small parameters. Such equations describe systems with fast and
slow variables, perturbed by random noise. They play an important rôle in applications in
Physics (e.g. hysteresis in ferromagnets, Josephson junctions), in Climatology (models of
the thermohaline circulation, Ice Ages), and biology (neural dynamics, generic regulatory
The monograph [BG06] describes a new, constructive method for the quantitative
description of the sample-path behaviour of such equations. This approach combines
methods from singular perturbation theory (Fenichel’s geometric theory [Fen79], asymptotic expansions) with methods from stochastic analysis (large deviations [FW98], the exit
problem, properties of martingales). A large part of the book is dedicated to applications
of this approach to concrete problems from Physics, Climatology and Biology.
The main steps of our approach are the following:
• A slow manifold of the systems is a set of the form {(x? (y), y) ∈ R n+m : f (x? (y), y) =
0, y ∈ D0 }. It is stable if all eigenvalues of the Jacobian matrix ∂x f (x? (y), y) have
negative real parts, bounded away from zero, for all y ∈ D0 . In this case one constructs
a neighbourhood B(h) of the manifold, where h measures the size of the neighbourhood,
such that an estimate of the form
C− (t, ε) e−κ− h /2σ 6 P x (y0 ),y0 τB(h) < t 6 C+ (t, ε) e−κ+ h /2σ
holds for the first-exit time τB (h) of paths from B(h). This implies that paths are
likely to spend exponentially long time spans in B(h), as long as h is chosen somewhat
larger than σ.
• In case the slow manifold in unstable, one can show that sample paths typically leave
a vicinity of the manifold in a time of order ε|log σ|.
• The slow manifold admits bifurcation points whenever eigenvalues of the Jacobian
matrix ∂x f (x? (y), y) have a vanishing real part at some y ∈ D0 . In such cases, the
slow manifold can fold back on itself, or split into several manifolds. The analysis of
such cases proceeds in two steps. First, one reduces the problem to a lower-dimensional
one by projection on the centre manifold. Next one carries out a local analysis of the
reduced dynamics. Using informations on the deterministic dynamics, partitions of
the time interval, and the strong Markov property, one can describe the behaviour of
typical paths. Depending on the situations, paths choose to follow one of the new slow
manifolds, our jump to a remote manifold.
In addition to the general theory [BG03], we have described in particular the following
phenomena and applications:
• Dynamic bifurcations with noise: Pitchfork bifurcation [BG02d], saddle–node [BG02b]
and Hopf bifurcation [BG06, Chapter 5]. A remarkable fact is that the noise can
facilitate transitions between manifolds, so that these can happen earlier as in the
deterministic case.
• Stochastic resonance: [BG02e, BG04, BG05, BG14]. This phenomenon appears when
a deterministic periodic perturbation is combined with the noise, yielding almost periodic transitions between stable manifolds, which would be impossible in the absence
of noise. The analysis of the distribution of waiting times between transitions required
an extension of the classical Wentzell–Freidlin theory [FW98] to systems with periodic
• Hysteresis: Effect of noise on scaling laws of the area of hysteresis loops [BG02b].
• Models from Physics: In particular from Solid State Physics [BG02a].
• Climate models: Models of Ice Ages and the Gulf Stream [BG02c].
Curriculum Vitæ – Nils Berglund
• Application in Biology: Models of neurons, such as the Hodgkin–Huxley equations, in
which noise is responsible for the phenomenon of excitability [BG06, Chapter 6].
• Quantum dynamics: The effect of classical noise on certain quantum systems has been
studied in the PhD thesis of Jean-Philippe Aguilar [AB08].
Effect of noise on spatially extended systems
With Barbara Gentz and Bastien Fernandez I have examined spatially extended systems
with stochastic perturbations, in the framework of the research project “Modélisation
stochastique de phénomènes hors équilibre” (supported by the French Ministry of Research
by a contract of 70’000 Euros). Such systems model in particular the influence of different
heat reservoirs, which influence transport properties through physical systems [EPRB99].
In [BFG07a, BFG07b], we examine the dynamics of a chain of bistable coupled units,
described by a diffusion on R Z /N Z of the form
dxσi (t) = f (xσi (t))dt +
γ σ
xi+1 (t) − 2xσi (t) + xσi−1 (t) dt + σdWi (t) .
Here bistability is created by the form of f , e.g. the choice f (x) = x − x3 causes the
system to hesitate between values +1 and −1. On the other hand, the coupling term with
nearest neighbours compels the units to cooperate, yielding a tendency of local systems
to synchronise. The system has two fundamental states, given by I + = (1, 1, . . . , 1) and
I − = −I + . The noise triggers transitions between these fundamental states, and possibly
other existing metastable states.
With the help of Wentzell–Freidlin theory, we were able to prove the following:
• At weak coupling γ, the system has 2N local (metastable) equilibrium states. Transitions between these states are similar to those of an Ising model with Glauber dynamics, indeed they occur through the growth of a droplet of one phase within the phase
with opposite sign [dH04].
• At strong coupling (of the order N 2 ), by contrast, the system synchronises: Only the
two metastable equilibrium states I ± are left. During transitions between these two
metastable states, the elements of the chain keep the same position in their respective
local potential with high probability.
• The most interesting apect is the transition between these two regimes, which involves
a sequence of symmetry-breaking bifurcations. The description of these bifurcations
involves the so-called equivariant bifurcation theory, which takes the system’s symmetries into account. In particular in the limit of large chain length N , we were able
to determine the bifurcation diagram with the help of the theory of symplectic maps,
allowing for a precise determination of the time scales and the geometry of transition
In all these regimes, Wentzell–Freidlin theory yields the expected transition time between metastable states on the level of large deviations. Results by Bovier and coworkers [BEGK04, BGK05] allow to go beyond Wentzell–Freidlin exponential asymptotics, and
to determine prefactors of metastable transition times (by proving the so-called Kramers
formula, see for instance [Ber13]).
February 23, 2016
Current and planned research activities
We continue our work on metastability in systems of coupled stochastic differential equations. As the particular system described above depends on parameters, it undergoes
bifurcations whenever the determinant of the Hessian of the potential vanishes. The
classical Kramers formula fails in these cases, since it would predict vanishing or diverging transition times. We have extended the Kramers formula to situations with bifurcations [BG10, BG09a], by taking into account the effect of higher-order terms of the
potential at critical points.
Another extension of the Kramers formula is to the infinite-dimensional case of stochastic partial differential equations. In [BG13], we have obtained sharp estimates on expected
transition times for a class of one-dimensional parabolic equations of the form
dut (x) = ∆ut (x) − U 0 (ut (x)) dt + 2ε dW (t, x) .
This result uses spectral Galerkin approximations of the system, and required a control of
capacities with error bounds uniform in the dimension.
Another pecularity of the above models is that they are invariant under a group of
symmetries, so that the classical Kramers formula for expected transition times does not
apply. The PhD thesis of Sébastien Dutercq addresses the description of these systems,
in particular by deriving a corrected Kramers formula taking the symmetries into account [BD15]. These results have been applied in particular to a variant of the system
studied in [BFG07a, BFG07b], in which the sum of coordinates is constrained to remain
equal to zero. For weak coupling, one then obtains a Kawasaki-type dynamics, with an
explicit expression for the spectral gap [BD16].
Several models for action-potential generation in neurons, such as the Hodgkin–Huxley,
FitzHugh–Nagumo and Morris–Lecar equations involve systems of slow–fast differential
equations. For appropriate parameter values, these systems display the phenomenon of
excitability: They admit a stable equilibrium point, which, however, is such that small
deterministic or random perturbations cause the system to make a big excursion in phase
space, corresponding to a spike. An important question is to determine the statistics of interspike intervals. In certain, effectively one-dimensional cases, the interspike distribution
is close to an exponential one [BG09b]. In multidimensional cases, however, one numerically observes different distributions, involving for instance clusters of spikes [MVE08]. A
major difficulty in the mathematical analysis of these equations stems from the fact that
they are far from being reversible.
Building on methods in [BG06], we have started developing a mathematical description of the effect of noise on excitable systems. This work is part of the ANR project
MANDy, Mathematical Analysis of Neuronal Dynamics (principal investigator: Michèle
Thieullen, University Paris 6). The PhD thesis of Damien Landon addresses the problem of characterising the interspike distribution for the FitzHugh–Nagumo model [Lan12].
Using properties of substochastic Markov chains and quasistationary distributions, we
have been able to describe this distribution in the regime where the excitable stationary
point is a focus. In particular, we have proved that the distribution is asymptotically
geometric [BL12].
Curriculum Vitæ – Nils Berglund
An interesting feature of three-dimensional models is that they can produce mixedmode oscillations, which are patterns alternating large- and small-amplitude oscillations
(see [DGK+ 12] for a review). In collaboration with Barbara Gentz and Christian Kuehn
(Vienna), we have started a systematic study of the effect of noise on mixed-mode oscillations in these systems. First results in [BGK12] quantify the effect of noise on masking
small-amplitude oscillations, and on decreasing the number of small oscillations between
spikes. This description has been extended to the global dynamics, using an analysis of
Poincaré sections for the stochastic system [BGK15].
The thesis of Manon Baudel is concerned with a formalisation of the theory of random
Poincaré maps, and in particular with the spectral theory of these processes.
Regularity structures
With Christian Kuehn (Vienna), I have recently started applying Martin Hairer’s theory
of regularity structures [Hai14] to coupled SPDE–ODE systems of the form
∂t u = ∆u + f (u, v) + ξ ,
∂t v = g(u, v) ,
where u and v are functions of time t > 0 and x ∈ Td , the torus in dimension d ∈ {2, 3},
and ξ denotes space-time white noise. For a cubic nonlinearity f and a linear g, we were
able to show [BK15] local existence of solutions for this highly singular system, by adapting
the theory in [Hai14]. This includes the case of the FitzHugh–Nagumo equation describing
a large population of diffusively coupled neurons. It is of course desirable to obtain more
quantitative results, for instance on the appearance of spiral waves in this kind of system.
February 23, 2016
Jean-Philippe Aguilar and Nils Berglund, The effect of classical noise on a quantum
two-level system, Journal of Mathematical Physics 49 (2008), 102102 (23 pages).
Nils Berglund and Sébastien Dutercq, The Eyring–Kramers law for Markovian jump
processes with symmetries, Journal of Theoretical Probability Online First (2015),
, Interface dynamics of a metastable mass-conserving spatially extended diffusion, Journal of Statistical Physics 162 (2016), 334–370.
[BEGK04] Anton Bovier, Michael Eckhoff, Véronique Gayrard, and Markus Klein, Metastability
in reversible diffusion processes. I. Sharp asymptotics for capacities and exit times, J.
Eur. Math. Soc. (JEMS) 6 (2004), no. 4, 399–424.
Nils Berglund, On the reduction of adiabatic dynamical systems near equilibrium curves,
Preprint mp-arc/98-574. Proceedings of the international workshop Celestial Mechanics, Separatrix Splitting, Diffusion, Aussois, France, 1998.
, Bifurcations, scaling laws and hysteresis in singularly perturbed systems, International Conference on Differential Equations, Vol. 1, 2 (Berlin, 1999), World Sci.
Publishing, River Edge, NJ, 2000, pp. 79–81.
, Classical billiards in a magnetic field and a potential, Nonlinear Phenom.
Complex Syst. 3 (2000), no. 1, 61–70.
, Control of dynamic Hopf bifurcations, Nonlinearity 13 (2000), no. 1, 225–248.
, Dynamic bifurcations: hysteresis, scaling laws and feedback control, Prog.
Theor. Phys. Suppl. 139 (2000), 325–336.
N. Berglund, Perturbation theory of dynamical systems, ETH Zuerich lecture notes,
Nils Berglund, Kramers’ law: Validity, derivations and generalisations, Markov Process. Related Fields 19 (2013), no. 3, 459–490.
[BFG07a] Nils Berglund, Bastien Fernandez, and Barbara Gentz, Metastability in interacting
nonlinear stochastic differential equations: I. From weak coupling to synchronization,
Nonlinearity 20 (2007), no. 11, 2551–2581.
, Metastability in interacting nonlinear stochastic differential equations II:
Large-N behaviour, Nonlinearity 20 (2007), no. 11, 2583–2614.
Nils Berglund and Barbara Gentz, Beyond the Fokker–Planck equation: Pathwise control of noisy bistable systems, J. Phys. A 35 (2002), no. 9, 2057–2091.
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