March 1983 LIDS-P-1289 Presented at Johns Hopkins Conference, March 1983 LINEAR ESTIMATION OF TWO-POINT BOUNDARY VALUE PROCESSES by C.S. Draper Lab. M.I.T. Laboratory for Information and Decision Systems ABSTRACT We consider estimation of an nxl vector noncausal stochastic process governed by the linear x(t) = A(t)x(t) + B(t)u(t) with boundary two-point condition with two-point boundary condition 0 noncausal estimation problem and following the methodolocy introduced in [6], we augment the to with the methodology introcess be estimated complementary model and invert the combined system to obtain a differential realization of the smoother. 2. LINEAR STOCHASTIC TWO-POINT BOUNDARY VALUE PROCESS (TPBVP) T v = V x(O) + V x(T) where u is an mxl white input noise with covariance parameter Q(t) and v is an nxl zero mean Gaussion boundary value with nonsingular covariancev uncorrelated m with u on [OT]. Estimation of processes satisfying models of this type was first suggested by Krener [1]. 1. Bernard C. Levy Alan S Willsky Milton B. Adams INTRODUCTION The now classical solutions to linear filtering and smoothing problems for one-dimensional (l-D), nonstationary, causal processes are dis' ^ cussed in the review paper by Kailath [2]. Notable in the derivations of these solutions is the use of the Markovian nature of the models for these 1-D processes. However, in as much as stochastic processes in higher dimensions (random fields) are typically noncausal and consequently are not Markovian in the usual sense, their estimators cannot be derived through a direct extension of these 1-D derivations. Thus, linear estimation-problems for noncausal processes require estipationp roblems for noncausal processes require new approaches, and a natural foirst step is to solve the estimation problem for 1-D noncausal processes. The General Solution governed by an nth order linear stochastic differential equation together with a specified two-point boundary condition. Accordingly, the process will be referred to as a linear stochastic two-point boundary value process or TPBVP. In describing the model we employ the white noise formalism for representing linear stochastic differential equations. Let u(t) be a mxl white noise process with covariance parameter white noise process with covariance parameter Q(t). Let v be a nxl random vector, independent of u(t), with covariance matrix The nxl of u(t), with covariance matrix E . The nxl v boundary value process x(t) is governed on the boundary value process x(t) is governed on the O T It will be assumed that A and B are continuous on O,T] and that all random variables are zero-mean. It is instructive to derive one form of the . Withthis as motivation, Krener [3] introgeneral solution for (1) as the approach we take duced anoncausal class of linear 1- dynamic in this derivation will be used later. The form duced a class of linear noncausal 1-D dynamic models. In his study of these models, Krener of the solution which we obtain differs from the usual Green's function solution (e.g. see [1 ]). has developed results on controllability, obserLet ¢(t,s) be the transition matrix associated vability and minimality and has solved a deterministic linear control with problem. A(t). Inaddition, If x(O) were known, then x(t) could ministic linear control problem. In addition, he has posed the fixed-interval linear smoothing be represented in the variation-of-constants problem for these systems and has derived interform gral equations for both the weighting pattern and O the error covariance for the optimal smoother. Working directly with these equations he has had where t) is the solution of la) with where x (t) is the solution of (la) with x (0) =0: some success in obtaining a dynamic realization of the smoother for a special "stationary-cyclic"sbsusds 2b (t,s)b(s)u(s)ds x (t)= f class of these processes [4]. In this paper we solve the estimation problem for Krener's 1-D noncausal models through a generalization of the complementary models approach to linear estimation which was first introduced by Weinert and Desai [5]. In particular, we present a procedure for finding the complementary modelwhich is appropriate for the 1-D Substituting from (2a) at t = T into the boundary condition (lb), we can write T T v = V x (t) = [V + V T(T,O)]x(O) . (3a) For a well-posed problem, there will be a unique x(O) for a given v and u on [O,T]. Thus The reason for our choice of subscripts f and b, well-posedness requires that ihe nxn matrix 0 F = V T + VT (T,O) be nonsingular. for x(O) as (3b) With F invertible, we can solve -fo T x(O) = F v - V x (T) . - V-1 VTX O t x (t) = D (t O)x (0) f(t) = (tO)xf(O) + X Ct) f(t) (7a) x + xb(t) (7b) and OI(t) The noncausal nature of the TPBVP x(t) is clearly displayed if we correlate the value of x at t = 0 with future values of the input u: E{x(O)u'(t)} = -F- V If x(O) and xb(T) were known, then we could solve for xf(t) and xb(t) as (3c) Substituting x(O) into (2a) gives the general solution for (la,b) as x(t) =PD(tO)F~v denoting forward and backward respectively, will become apparent blow. (T,t)B(t)Q(t) t [O,T] (5) b(t =(4)(t,T)xb(T) where xf0(t) is governed by (6b) with xf(0) = 0 where Xf t) is governed by (6b) with Xf(O) = 0 and xx° (t) is governed by (7b) with (T) = 0. Following a derivation similar to that used to obtain the general solution in (4), it can be shown that Thus, the n order model in (1) is not Markovian, and consequently Kalman filtering and associated smoothing technqiues are not directly applicable. xf(t) f(t,O) xb(t) ) x b ( xf(t) - v where the transformation matrix T(t) is chosen so that 1) the dynamics of the system model in (1) become decoupledl: O T [VV +V +VbF fb b( x(t) = [Volb (TJ (t) Tl ) b 0 + VbOb(O,T)]. bb (9) (10) . The covariance of x(t) P (t) = E{x(t)x'(t)} x can be derived from (4) as F -a P (t) = P (t) + m(t,0)F F-1' '(tO ) 1 When there is no risk of confusion we will often omit explicit reference to the independent variable, i.e. A(t) + A. T Covariance of the TPBVP x(t) 0 (6c) V As we will see, the two-filter form of the general solution in (8) is the foundation for the implementation of the estimator that we develop later in this paper. The term two-filter is used to signify that the numerical solution of (8) requires the integration of a forward process xf0 and a backward process xb [xf (T) T f[f (T,) f The TPBVP x is recovered from (8) by inverting (6a): (6b) [f] and 2) Af is exponentially stable in the forward direction and A_ is exponentially stable in the backward direction. For time-invariant systems this is always possible by assigning those modes associated with eigenvalues greater than or equal to zero to Af and those less than zero to Ab. For time-varying dynamics, it may be difficult to determine the dynamics and boundary conditions for a transformation T(t) which transforms the system dynamics into this form. However, for the systems of interest to us later in this paper we can overcome this difficulty by invoking results obtained previously for smoothing solutions for causal processes. The boundary condition for the transformed process will be written as j xb(t) b where Ff X(0) (8) b 1'6'~~b~~~~~t)'] v =[ Iv - vfxf(T) t (6a) [ ] rx [l: [L %J[%J -fb 1 Below, as an alternative to (4), we present a second form for the general solution of (1) which leads to a numerically stable implementation. Consider the equivalent process obtained by transforming x as f(L )1 = T(t)x(t) 0 . (t,T) = (11) TO [(v + V P (t, (t)F-lVTPO(t) - T' (T)V ] (t)VT' F- ''(t,0) (12a) where P (t) is the covariance of x (t) satisfying x *O = P = Ap0 AP + P A' + BQB' ; P(0) = (12b) X X X X with r(t), u(t) and v with covariance matrix Ib. Define a qx2n matrix W partitioned into qxn blocks as q blocks as W = [W An additional expression for P can be derived from the two-filter form of the general solution (equation (8)). However, this expression is somewhat complex, and we will wait until a later publication to present it in the context of the study of the estimation error covariance [7]. 0 T] W . (17a) The boundary observation is the qxl random vector: Yb = Wxb + rb (17b) Define an nx2n matrix V as Green's Identity T V = [V In establishing the solution to our estimation problem we will make use of Green's Identity for the differential operator: L:D(L) + R(L) ; (Lx) (t) = x(t) - A(t)x(t) (18a) so that the boundary condition in (lb) can be written as (13) where D(L) is the space of once continuously differentiable nxl vector functions on [0,T] and R(L) is the Hilbert space of square integrable nxl vector functions on (OT]. Let E be a 2nx2n matrix partitioned into nxn blocks with: V ] v = Vxb (18b) We will assume that the rows of W and the rows of V are linearly independent (8]. The fixed-interval smoothing problem is to find the linear minimum variance estimate of the noncausal TPBVP x(t), t £ [0,T], given the complete observation set Y: E = 0 I (14a) and define the 2nxl vector 4. Xb=xO) (1=4b) (1) [x(T)J t (L A)(t) = -X(t) - A'(t)X(t) Y = {Yb, y(t) . (14c) N> + L 2[,T0 <x, L X> +<xb, L[O,T] L E b> 2 where Xb takes a form similar to xb in (14b). 3. PROBLEM STATEMENT The fixed-interval smoothing problem for the noncausal process x(t) defined earlier is stated as follows. Let r(t) be a pxl white noise process uncorrelated with v and u(t) and with continuous covariance parameter R(t). Let C(t) be a pxn matrix whose elements are continuous on [0,T]. The observations of x(t) are given by the pxl vector stochastic process: y(t) = C(t)x(t) + r(t) (16) In addition, we assume that there may be available a boundary observation Yb defined as follows. Let rb be a qxl random vector uncorrelated . (19) Our approach to the solution of the estimation problem is based on an application of the method of complementary models introduced by Weinert and Desai [ ] in deriving the smoother for causal stochastic processes. A brief discussion of the basis for this approach follows. Define the underlying process i as rv (20) r n (15) [0,T]} SOLUTION TO THE ESTIMATION PROBLEM Given these definitions, the Green's Identity for L on the interval [0,T] is obtained directly by integration by parts, yielding = <Lx, . t The complementary process Z = {Z, }Z is orthogonal to the observations Y fy, yb b }and when combined with the observations, they span the space spanned by i. In particular, we can express the observations Y and the process to be estimated x as linear mapping of the underlying process Y[H I] (21a) Yb A =M y and x=M x 5 . (21b) 4 given by =Zb Z (22a) = [-I : H*] Z; M is a linear mapping of where H* is the Hilbert adjoint operator of H g z (1) the orthogonality condition which satisfies: Z LY, i.e. ] E [z'(t), J Y b = (23a) (23b) g; Y= +NN Z y z (23c) Y-1 where the partitions of M are M Given M , the final step in determining the estimator isZto augment M and M as in (23b) invert. This step caX be siMplified if we first determine an internal differential realization for Z in a form similar to that for Y. Then, following [ 5 ] the internal differential realizations for Y and Z can be augmented and inverted in a straightforward manner. From (25b) we see that an internal differential realization for Z implies an internal realization for H*. To obtain such a realization, start with the inner product identity for Hilbert adjoints [] H* (26 Ln Given (23a) and (23c), the linear minimum variance estimate of E given Y is , the projection of (23c) into Span (Y). Since is a linear mapping of i, the linear minimum variance estimate of x is Mx (H) (H) is an arbitrary element in the range o H, R(H), and of is an arbitrary element in [vU the domain of H, D(H). Employing H' =C v (24a) It is straight-forward to show that the estimation error is the minimum variance estimate given Z: v where Y = M M Y x y (25b) H-1 = z] EYy -u The [M] Aand =MC g g Rr = Z = is invertible so that 5 can be written as = + in (21a) and E is the integral operator whose kernel is the correlation function of the From the definition of underlying process i. the underlying process fr our problem the underlying process for our problem Z 0 b and (2) the complementation condition: augmented mapping M defined by r~ (25a) (27a) Wxb and defining [A ,1` H*" fiUX1(27b) =M x x i z y =M x Nz y z Here we have expressed the error as a linear mapping of the underlying process I, and the estimation error variance is therefore a linear function of the variance of E. For the above construction to be useful we need to know the mapping M in (22b) and the inverse of the augmented map M in (23b). In [ 8] it is proved that the orthogonality and complementation conditions are satisfied by M z where H (26) <x .e. H* = , O I can be rewritten as C*u,> + <X, + <x b' W*v> > b H 0 (27c) I <Lx, (28a) 5 Applying Green's identity to replace <Lx, X> in [x(0)T) r 0 (28a) gives - <X, [C*u> BQB [A 14 = tWcl (T) (31b) (T)J where is a matrix such that p-V~l rV= T (0) L A]> = <Xb, [EEb + V*YIb - W*vX]> (28b) Now if W () C R C ] -A' (29a) V0fIT-1V0 '1 0 V- is invertiable, we can define VT' -:O l1V -WAl? (P') = VXC (29b) E V and EXXA and W' 0' -10 v b - - - - - -0 - - - - v V° '1VT -- I (31d) W + WTlb +w + W Ewl0 : Then it is shown in [8] that the map T= = H* (30a) [ b th has an internal differential realization with interval process X satisfying L = C'u, (30b) with boundary condition [d = L0 =V r vx [ Ib ] rTpi (30c) X FB'X =ii II (30d) Lb [WkEb] LW'bJ WRb and that this choice of internal realization satisfies the inner product identity (28b) with both left and right hand sides identically zero. Augmenting Z defined by (25b) and- H* given by (30) with the internal differential realization for Y and inverting as in [ 6] and projecting the solution onto the span of Y (see (23)) we find [ 8] that an internal differential realization of the estimator is given by the 2nth order system: [=] x Hamiltonian Diagonalization 0considerations 1.1 = _ _R with two-point boundary condition (31a) The solution of the 2n order boundary value process in (31) could be implemented by either of the two forms of the general solution derived earlier. However, by considering the "time"-invariant case we can anticipate that there may be numerical instabilities associated with the first of those methods. In the timeinvariant case the eiqenvalues of the 2nx2n Hamiltonian matrix Y defined in (la) are symmetric about the imaginary axis [ 9 ], i.e. there are n eigenvalues in each of the left and right half planes. Thus, for the time-invariant case, the right half plane eigenvalues will result in numerical instabilities for the unidirectional implementation suggested by (4). This stability problem can be avoided in general by transforming the smoother dynamics into the stable forward/ backward form in (8). To achieve this second form, we need a transformation which diagonalizes the dynamics of P. into two nxn blocks, one stable in the forward direction and the other backwards stable. Since the dynamics of our smoother as represented by tf are identical to those of the smoother for causal processes as originally derived by Bryson and Frazier [10], any transformation which results in a two-filter smoother for causal processes will also diagonalize our smoother. However, choosing a diagonalizing transformation for our problem requires special not encountered'in the causal case. First, because the two-point boundary condition provides incomplete information for both the initial and final values of the process, we will choose a transformation which corresponds to a two-filter solution for causal processes with both filters in information form. Second, it is important to choose the boundary conditions properly for the Riccati differential equations which govern the time-varying elements of the diagonalizing transformation. Our choice of diagonalizing transformation and corresponding boundary conditions makes it possible to formulate a numerically stable two-filter form for our smoother which is remarkably similar to twofilter smoothers for causal processes. Define the time-varying transformation T(t) as the 2nx2n matrix partitioned in nxn blocks as T(t) = [f - (32a) eb (t) = then carrying out the calculation in (33a), it can be shown that H is diagonalized with diagonal blocks q Hf = -[A' (34e) - bBQB] (34f) (34f) and (-A' b Thus the dynamics of qf and qb are decoupled and are given by f = Hfqf + C'R a 1 y (35a) y (35b) and qb = Let the transformed process be denoted by |qf(t) C'R bqb If we assume for time-invariant dynamics that {A,B} is stabilizable and that {A,C} is ^x(t) = T(t) q(t) = (32b) q (t(t) Lb Also define 'iq = TT efBQB'] + (33a) + THT detectable and for time-varying dynamics that {A,B} is uniformly completely controllable and {A,C} is uniformly completely reconstructable, then the invertibility of P in (34b) is guaranteed if both 8 (0) and 8 (Ty are nonnegative f b definite [ 9]. Furthermore, these conditions guarantee that 6 and eb and their derivatives are bounded and that Hf and Hfbare forward and backward stable respectively. Under the transformation (32a), the boundary condition (31b) becomes and = G TG (33b) q so that the dynamics of the transformed process can be written as] [0 O' II-1 W b Yb H + q] q Gy = (t) _8 t I b b _ _ _ _ _ _ ) f(t f _s Vq = V _(t) V _ q =V T x( (T) Of(0) = V-0 -1 b(t)] , and if we choose the dynamics for 6f and (36b) ( (36c) . To simplify the expressions for the boundary value coefficient matrices in (36b) and (36c), choose the following nonnegative definite initial and final conditions for the Riccati equations (34c) and (34e): where V + w + f fBQB'6f - C'R- C b a as EBQB'b b bb b (37a) and (T)= V Then defining e = 6bA + A'6b- W (37a) (34c) and -b 0' (34b) T' -1 T -0f = efA + A'6 (0 q ) b(T) and 0OP(t) bt P (t) = [ef(t) + s f v + q Lq where If we use the following form for the inverse of T: T- qf(T) (33c) . q I 1 ]T) [ f(O) (36a) wT' = qr-i) 0 + C (34d) b C'R ~~~~~ e T + T' -i T T . (37b) (37b) as the following nxn matrix: + = vT' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'c lD CWT'b (38) vb it can be shown that the boundary value coefficient matrices can be written as .O)8P 0fb (O 1 [ I qVfcPs() [ w qf(t) _ ) = (t)Ffb v0b bv ] ( (39a) 0 0cPs (O)qb (0) and ~~el~P~ (T) P (T) c s [VT e s ~The : q V I V (39b) . f . b Since the dynamics of qf and qb are decoupled, the only coupling between the two enters through the boundary condition. By our choice of initial and final conditions for the Riccati equations, we have been able to display this coupling solely as a function of the matrix 0 . inverting T(t) in (32b) so that we obtain ^(t) = P (t)[qf(t) + qb(t)] . (40) two-filter solution for %and q is formulated (35a) and (35b) re ecte overned b y (35a) and (35b) respectivery with boundary conditions: q° (0) = 0 and $q (T) = 0. Define Ff q band Ffb and f fb as the 2nx2n matrices fb a f (TO f(T,0) f + b T b (41 ) (41a) 1 I + 0'P = (T)(f(TO ) . e'P (T) a s(T)(Df( c s c - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - cP (0) I + cPs ()P (C,T and f(t,O) Ofb(t)= : ~(38) 0 -L- -- (41b) SMOOTHING ERROR From (24b) we see that the smoothing error is the solution of the augmented and inverted system projected onto the span of the complementary process Z. By expressing the complementary process as a linear function of the underlying process and employing the internal differential realization of the inverted system it can be shown [8], that the smoothing error has the same Hamiltonian dynamics so the smoother (31a) and that the boundary condition for the smoothing error can be written in terms of VO and V in . vx (31d) and (31e). As a consequence, the same diagonalizing transformation (32a) can be used to write the error as a linear combination of a forward stable process and backward stable pro-cess. From this representation it can be shown [8] that the error covariance can be expressed 8 in terms of Of, b and 6c in (34c), (34d) and plus the solution of one additional matrix Riccati equation. fb 6. Then the two-filter solution for qCt) is given by (41c) Lq(t) computational complexity of the noncausal smoother implementation suggested by (41) is nearly the same as that of the two-filter smoothers for causal processes such as the Mayne-Fraser form [11,121. We note, however, that before qf and q can be evaluated for any t S [O,T], bot qf and qb must be computed and stored along with P and Q for the entire ins fb terval EO,T]. Thus, the required storage exceeds that of the smoother for causal processes. Indeed, the Mayne-Fraser solution and ours differ significantly in one aspect. That is, for our smoother the contribution of the forward filter to the smoothed estimate at some point t depends not only on past observations, as does the MayneFraser solution, but also on future observations through the term through the term Oc'P,(T)qf0(T) in (14). A similar statement applies tor the backward filter contribution. 5. Following (8), an explicit expression for the Ffb Yb ecPs(V] E[ _[ { b, CONCLUSIONS An internal differential realization of the fixed-interval smoother for an nth order noncausal two-point boundary value stochastic process (TPBVP) has been shown to have the same 2nth order Hamiltonian dynamics as the fixed-interval smoother for causal processes. The simplicity of this two-filter form is achieved by employing an information form for the diagonalizing transformation with carefully chosen boundary conditions for the differential equations governing its elements. The significant difference between our two-filter implementation and that for causal processes is that in the noncausal case the smoothed estimate at a given point in the interval is a noncausal function of each of the forward and backward processes (see (40) and (41c)). In closing we note that differential realizations for estimators of both discrete and continuous parameter multidimensional stochasticems," processes can be formulated as well by the method of complementary models. The solutions to these multidimensional estimators and problems associated with their implementation are addressed in [8]. [10] Bryson, A.E. and Frazier, M., "Smoothing for Linear and Nonlinear Dynamic Systems," TDR 63-119, Aero. Sys. Div., WrightPatterson AFB, pp. 353-364, 1964. [11] Fraser, D.C., "A New Technique for Optimal Smoothing of Data," Ph.D. Dissertation, Dept. of Aero. and Astro., MIT, 1967. [12] Mayne, D.Q., "A Solution of the Smoothing Problem for Linear Dynamical Systems," Automatica, V. 4, pp. 73-92, 1966. Automatica, V. 4, pp. 73-92, 1966. Acknowledgements: The work of M.B. Adams was supported by a Draper Fellowship, and the work of A.S. Willsky and B. C. Levy was supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant ECS-8012668. REFERENCES [1] Krener, A.J., "Acausal Linear Systems," Proceedings 18th IEEE CDC, Ft. Lauderdale, 1979. [2] Kailath, T. , "A View of Three Decades of Linear Filtering Theory," IEEE Trans. Inf. Th., IT-20, No. 2, pp. 146-181, Mar. 1974. [3] Krener, A.J., "Boundary Value Linear Systems," Asterique, V. 75-76, pp. 149-165, 1980. [4] Krener, A.J., "Smoothing of Stationary Cyclic Processes," Proceedings, Conference on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems, Santa Monica, CA, 1981. [5] Weinert, H.L. and Desai, U.B., "On Complementary Models and Fixed-Interval Smoothing," IEEE Trans. Aut. Cont., V. AC-26, Aug. 1981. 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