Analysis of Energy Use and Carbon Emissions from Automobile Manufacturing by Sumant S. Raykar B.E in Mechanical Engineering, University of Pune, 2009 M.Eng in Manufacturing, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2011 Submitted to the Department of Mechanical Engineering in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Science ARCHIVES at the MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOLGY MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY JUL 3 0 2015 June 2015 LIBRAR IES 0 Massachusetts Institute of Technology. All Rights Reserved. Signature redacted Signature of Author.................. Sumant S. Raykar Department of Mechanical Engineering May 18, 2015 Certified By ............................ Signature redacted V Timothy G. Gutowski Professor of Mechanical Engineering Thesis Supervisor Accepted By ....................... Signature redacted...... David E. Hardt Ralph E. and Eloise F. Cross Professor of Mechanical Engineering Department of Mechanical Engineering 1 This page left blank intentionally. 2 Analysis of Energy Use and Carbon Emissions from Automobile Manufacturing by Sumant S. Raykar Submitted to the Department of Mechanical Engineering on May 18, 2015 in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering Abstract In this thesis, we study the energy use and emissions arising from automobile manufacturing. The automobile manufacturing sector is the 11th largest industrial sector globally in terms of energy use and emissions. The IPCC has set targets for reduction in emissions so that the average concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere does not exceed dangerous levels. The materials production sectors have achieved significant reduction in energy use in the last few decades. Progress in the production and assembly of components has been harder to prove. Base load energy use continues to be a high fraction of energy use at manufacturing facilities. We study the energy use and emissions reported by automobile companies in voluntary disclosures to the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP), and in their sustainability reports. A model of a typical global vehicle assembly plant is created by using data published in literature. We find a good fit of this data with the CDP data. A certain fraction of parts manufacturing is included inhouse. Then, a simple thermodynamic model of the factory is developed. This shows that air exchange causes a significant heating and cooling load at factories. Internal heat gains contribute to the cooling load. We then test various emissions reduction scenarios to see their effectiveness in reducing energy use or emissions. We find that most of the reduction in emissions intensity in the last few years is likely due to the economies of scale effect, in spite of significant emissionreduction efforts by some companies. We predict a trend towards higher manufacturing energy consumption due to use of low weight, high energy intensity materials in order to reduce use phase emissions. At some point, manufacturing emissions might become as significant as use phase emissions. Even if emissions intensity of manufacturing can be decreased, increased demand means that absolute emissions will continue to grow. Right now, it does not appear that this sector is on a pathway towards meeting climate change goals. 3 Thesis Supervisor: Timothy G. Gutowski Professor of Mechanical Engineering 4 Acknowledgements This thesis is the culmination of an unusual, eventful, long-winded journey, and it could not have been possible without the encouragement, strength and companionship provided by so many people. I extend my gratitude to my advisor, Prof. Gutowski, for being a great educator and a great mentor. He provided numerous opportunities, and showed immense faith in me which drove me to do my best. I learned a lot about research and teaching from him, and these lessons and his kindness will always be cherished. Equally cherished will be the memories with Prof. Gutowski's research group, Environmentally Benign Manufacturing, which I called home for almost two years. I will be forever grateful to Michael Lloyd for his friendship at a time when I was lonely and not my own self. Dan Cooper and Katie Rossie energized the lab, and we all went from being office-mates to friends because of their ability to connect people so effectively. Dan's advice on matters work and otherwise was always on point. And Katie has been a good friend, a gracious host and a charming story-teller. Sheng Jiang, my comrade-in-arms in spending late nights at the office, going swimming or sailing, and sharing life stories, has been a great friend. And I will fondly remember the times spent in the office and outside with Marta Baldi, Gero Corman, Michael Hausmann, Anne Raymond and Mathias Schmieder. Thanks go especially to Mathias with whom I worked on this project, and who is a wonderful collaborator. I would also like to thank Karuna Mohindra, David Rodriguera and Carissa Leal in the Laboratory for Manufacturing and Productivity. Also, thanks to Leslie Regan at the MIT Mechanical Engineering Graduate Office, and the 5 International Students Office who kept me out of trouble and provided terrific support. This extends to Prof. David Hardt as well to whom I have gone often over the last five years seeking direction and counsel. This thesis benefited from the work done by my peers in the MIT class 2.813/2.83 Energy, Materials and Manufacturing in the spring 2014 term in gathering data from various automobile companies. Thanks again to Katie for motivating the class project and my own thesis in the first place. MIT presents lot of challenges, and often these challenges lie not in the realm of research, but in overcoming fear, doubt, stress and periods of crippling hopelessness. Alexandra Prior helped me get over these challenges, and in the process made me a more reflective and considerate person, more aware of my weaknesses and ways to overcome them. When I experience doubt or confusion, I remember her advice, and it always gets me through. I cannot thank her enough. I also thank Cassandra Donnelly, who I wish I had met earlier, because every day that I know her has been better than the last. She kept me going through the thesis-writing process, and always puts a smile on my face. I would be remiss not to mention my mother and father, my sister, her husband and their two beautiful boys, who provide immense happiness and strength. They are all an inspiration to me. Thanks also go to my school and college friends from Pune, and my current roommates Kit and Kat. Finally, thanks to all the wonderful people and resources at MIT - the Sailing Pavilion, the Z-Center, the libraries and the Thirsty Ear Pub. And thank you to everyone else who I may have missed mentioning here, but who made this journey possible. 6 Contents C hapter 1: Introduction................................................................................ 15 1.1 State of the global automobile industry.................................. 15 1.2 M otivation ............................................................................... 17 1.3 Problem Statem ent .................................................................. 27 1.4 Thesis Structure ...................................................................... 28 Chapter 2: Literature Review ...................................................................... 30 Chapter 3: Analysis of CDP Reports ........................................................... 36 3.1 Introduction to the CDP .......................................................... 36 3.3 C D P Q uestionnaire.................................................................. 38 3.4 D ata A nalysis........................................................................... 41 Chapter 4: Case Studies of Component Production and Vehicle Assembly 62 4.1 Engine Manufacturing Plant Energy Use .............................. 62 4.2 Regression Models for Renault Factory Emissions................ 67 Chapter 5: Surrogate Global Assembly Plant Model.................................. 73 5.1 A ssem bly plant m odel.............................................................. 73 5.2 Assembly plant and the automobile supply chain.................. 80 Chapter 6: Thermodynamic model and evaluation of emission reduction a ctiv itie s ........................................................................................................ 91 6.1 Basic therm odynam ic m odel ................................................... 6.2 Scenario A nalysis..................................................................... Chapter 7: Modern Vehicles - Materials, Manufacturing and Use ........... 91 112 136 7.1 An LCA of the Tesla Model S .................................................. 136 7.2 An eco-audit of the Volkswagen XL1...................................... 152 7 Chapter 8: Conclusions and Future Work................................................... 157 8 .1 C on clu sion s .............................................................................. 157 8.2 F uture W ork............................................................................. 162 Referen ces ..................................................................................................... 16 4 Appendix A: Energy Use for Vehicle Manufacturing in Literature ........... 174 Appendix B: Renault Factory-Level Data ................................................... 177 Appendix C: Material Content of the Vehicle Modeled .............................. 180 Appendix D: Solar Radiation on Flat-Plate Collectors in Detroit .............. 182 Appendix E: Assumed Bill-of-Materials for the Volkswagen XL1 ............. 183 8 List of Figures Figure 1.1: Global C02 emissions from fossil fuel combustion by sector, ... . 2 0 1 1 ........................................................................................................... 18 Figure 1.2: Global industrial (a) primary energy use and (b) CO 2 em issions by end-use sector, 2005............................................................... 20 Figure 1.3: Primary energy use in the U.S manufacturing sector, 2006 ... 21 Figure 1.4: Non-process energy use in U.S manufacturing, 2006.............. 22 Figure 3.1: Total number of responses for the Climate Change and Supply C hain program s ............................................................................... 38 Figure 3.2: Global production numbers from 2008-2012 for eleven a u tom ak ers ................................................................................................... 43 Figure 3.3: Absolute Scope 1+2 emissions from 2008-2012 for eleven au tom ak ers ................................................................................................... 44 Figure 3.4: Scope 1+2 emissions per vehicle for eleven automakers ......... 45 Figure 3.5: Scope 1+2 emissions intensity over the years for eleven automakers plotted against their global production numbers ................... 48 Figure 3.6: Scope 1+2 and Scope 3.1 emissions per vehicle for eleven autom akers, 20 12 ......................................................................................... 51 Figure 3.7: Use phase emissions in grams C02 per km for eighteen companies shown against the 2012 CAFE and NEDC standards, 2012.... 53 Figure 3.8: Use phase emissions for U.S fleets, and emissions standards for different regions, in NEDC gram C02 per km ...................................... 54 Figure 3.9: Use phase emissions for European fleets, and emissions standards for different regions, in NEDC gram CO 2 per km ..................... 55 Figure 3.10: Average of manufacturing and use phase emissions for five autom akers in 20 12 ...................................................................................... 56 Figure 3.11: Purchased electricity per vehicle for eleven automakers, 2 0 12 ........................................................................................................... 9 ... . 5 7 59 Figure 3.12: Fuel use (MJ per vehicle) for eleven automakers, 2012 ........ Figure 3.13: Emissions intensity of purchased electricity in kg CO 2 per k W h, 2 0 12 .................................................................................................... . 60 Figure 3.14: Emissions intensity for fuel use, in kg CO 2 per MJ, 2012..... 61 Figure 4.1: Scaled electricity use vs. scaled engine production.................. 63 Figure 4.2: Scaled natural gas use vs. scaled engine production ............... 64 Figure 4.3: Total natural gas use vs. mean monthly temperature ............ 65 Figure 5.1: Sketch of the surrogate factory, its emissions and products ... 77 Figure 5.2: Scope 1, Scope 2 and Scope 1+2 emissions for fifteen autom akers, 20 12 ......................................................................................... 79 Figure 5.3: Comparison of Sullivan's VMA model to literature ................. 84 Figure 5.4: Sankey diagram of energy used per vehicle at the factory...... 86 Figure 5.5: Calculated in-house energy compared to reported energy use by auto com panies, 2012 .............................................................................. 87 Figure 5.6: Calculated Scope 1+2 emissions compared with reported 2012 Scope 1+2 em issions ............................................................................ 88 Figure 5.7: Calculated Scope 1+2 and Scope 3.1 emissions compared with values reported to the CDP by five companies............................................ 89 Figure 6.1: A histogram of employees at some U.S plants ......................... 104 Figure 6.2: Carbon intensities of the U.S and Japanese electric grids over th e y ears ............................................................................................... 12 5 Figure 7.1: Schematic of the operations covered under the GREET model 140 Figure 7.2: Vehicle cycle primary energy use for various vehicles, GJ per v ehicle ........................................................................................................... 14 5 Figure 7.3: Lifecycle primary energy use for various vehicles, MJ per km 146 Figure 7.4: Vehicle cycle CO 2 emissions for various vehicles, metric tons p er v ehicle ..................................................................................................... 14 7 Figure 7.5: Life-cycle CO2e emissions, gram per km .................................. 148 Figure 7.6: Model S Life-cycle emissions over 50 states and D.C, gram C O 2e p er k m ................................................................................................. 149 Figure 7.7: Tesla Model S compared to other vehicles from Ashby for use phase energy and CO 2 em issions................................................................. 151 10 Figure 7.8: Lifetime manufacturing and use phase emissions for the M odel S in th e U .S ........................................................................................ 152 Figure 7.9: V olksw agen XL1 ........................................................................ 153 Figure 7.10: Estimated lifetime energy use for the XL1 ............................ 155 Figure 7.11: Estimated lifetime CO 2 emissions for the XL1 ...................... 155 Figure 8.1: Tailpipe emissions: historical and proposed targets for variou s cou n tries .......................................................................................... 158 Figure 8.2: Pathways for manufacturing and use phase emissions till 2 0 5 0 ............................................................................................................... 16 0 11 List of Tables Table 4.1: Results of regression analysis for scaled electricity and scaled natural gas use vs. scaled production and temperature ............................. 65 Table 4.2: Average values of the plant variables in the Renault model .... 67 Table 4.3: Scope 1 emissions intensity regression results.......................... 70 Table 4.4: Scope 2 emissions intensity regression results .......................... 70 Table 4.5: Scope 2 emissions intensity regression results.......................... 71 Table 4.6: Scope 2 emissions intensity regression results.......................... 71 Table 5.1: Activities performed at the surrogate assembly plant .............. 74 Table 5.2: Emissions per vehicle from natural gas and electricity use...... 76 Table 5.3: Comparison of the CDP data to Sullivan's data for emissions in te n sity ........................................................................................................ 77 Table 5.4: Materials and vehicle manufacturing results from Sullivan (19 9 8) ........................................................................................................... . 80 Table 5.5: Vertical integration at Chrysler, Ford and G.M in the late 1 9 9 0s . ............................................................................................................ 80 Table 5.6: Energy use and emissions for the entire automobile manufacturing cycle based on Sullivan's data............................................ 82 Table 5.7: Estimated energy required for in-house operations in an assem b ly p lant.............................................................................................. 85 Table 5.8: Estimated emissions from in-house operations in an assembly p la n t .............................................................................................................. 85 Table 6.1: Detroit heating and cooling Fahrenheit degree days for 2014.. 92 Table 6.2: O utdoor air flow rates ................................................................. 94 Table 6.3: Sensible heating and cooling loads for a year ............................ 95 Table 6.4: Latent heating and cooling loads for a year............................... 97 Table 6.5: Air exchange heating and cooling loads ..................................... 98 12 Table 6.6: Average sol-air temperatures for external surfaces for the w inter and sum m er season .......................................................................... 100 Table 6.7: Heating and cooling loads across different external surfaces ... 102 Table 6.8: Net process equipment heat release ........................................... 106 Table 6.9: Summary of the internal heat gains on a per vehicle basis ...... 107 Table 6.10: Heating load, energy requirement and CO 2 emissions............ 109 Table 6.11: Cooling load, energy requirement and CO2 emissions............ 109 Table 6.12: Comparison of our model to literature ..................................... 110 Table 6.13: Energy use at the surrogate plant in Detroit .......................... 113 Table 6.14: CO 2 emissions from the surrogate plant in Detroit ................. 113 Table 6.15: Winter heating loads in the base case and the warmer winter 119 case due to air exchange............................................................................... Table 6.16: Winter heating loads in the base case and the warmer winter 120 case due to conduction through external surfaces ...................................... Table 6.17: Summer cooling loads in the base case and the less humid sum m er case due to air exchange ................................................................ 121 Table 6.18: Maserati energy and emissions data, 2010-2013..................... 122 Table 6.19: Comparing emissions from purchased electricity for vehicle assem bly in Japan and the U S ................................................................... 123 Table 6.20: Aggregate production, Scope 1+2 emissions and emissions intensity of eleven companies from 2008 to 2012 ....................................... 131 Table 6.21: Estimates of the impact of scenarios on emissions.................. 134 Table 6.22: Change in CO 2 emitted per vehicle for a change in production volume and capacity, given that all else remains the same ....................... 135 Table 7.1: Assumptions for the Model S with lightweight and conventional m aterials................................................................................. 142 Table 7.2: Results for the Tesla Model S vehicle cycle................................ 143 Table 8.1: Manufacturing and use phase emissions comparison between average European vehicle and the Volkswagen XL1.................................. 159 13 14 Chapter 1: Introduction In this section, we introduce the topic of automobile manufacturing, its impact on the environment in terms of fossil fuel depletion and carbon emissions, and why this sector of the global economy deserves closer attention if we are to meet global C02 emissions reduction targets. 1.1 State of the global automobile industry Global vehicle production has seen tremendous growth in the last two decades. Assembly of cars and light trucks rose to 83 million vehicles in 2013 from 45 million vehicles in 1990 [1]. This rapid growth in the late 1990s and early 2000s was interrupted by the global recession of 2008-09 in which demand fell dramatically. Since then, the industry has consolidated and has exceeded pre-recession production volumes. However, the effects of the recession are still being felt by the industry. European factories are underutilized, with an average utilization rate 15% points lower than what it was in 2000 [2]. In North America, several production facilities were closed, and entire product divisions (like General Motors' Pontiac and Saturn) were dissolved. In 2009, Chrysler and GM filed for bankruptcy protection with the U.S government to allow them to restructure [3] [4]. In 2009, U.S automobile 15 utilization dropped down to 60% and China displaced the U.S as the top automobile producer in the world. China has maintained the top spot since then, but U.S automobile manufacturing has made a strong recovery and utilization rates reached 90% in 2013. Most of the growth in automobile capacity and production in the last few years has happened in China, South Korea, India, Brazil and Mexico [5]. The type of vehicles being manufactured is also changing. In 2012, small vehicles accounted for about 30% of global vehicle sales or about 24 million vehicles, and they are expected to reach 30 million vehicles by 2020. Most of this growth is driven by the markets of developing countries [2]. Carmakers are also responding to legislation mandating minimum fuel economy standards in many countries. The New European Driving Cycle (NEDC) standard for European vehicles has set the target at 95 grams CO 2 per km for the year 2025. In the US, the Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) standards originally set a target of 99 grams CO 2 per km for the year 2025. However, calculated CAFE standards have been reworked and are now based on vehicle footprint. Thus, each automaker has its own target based on the composition of its fleet. A fine is imposed if the fleet does not meet the prescribed standards. Carmakers have started using lightweight materials in vehicles to increase fuel efficiency. Aluminum, plastics and composites are increasingly used in cars, replacing conventional steel. Often, the low-weight material used as a replacement for steel has a higher material production energy and carbon footprint. However, the savings in energy and emissions which happen over the vehicle use phase are more than enough to offset this higher impact. Hybrid vehicles, electric vehicles, and alternative fuel technologies are also being developed to reduce tailpipe emissions. 16 1.2 Motivation Brief introduction to climate change The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) was established by the United Nations in 1988 to study climate change - its causes, potential effects, and mitigation strategies. The IPCC's most recent assessment report, published in 2014, warned that the concentration of greenhouse gases (GHG) in the atmosphere had exceeded levels measured or estimated for as far back as 800,000 years. The report warned that the rate of increase of GHG concentration had not been witnessed in the past 20,000 years. The three (N 2 0). A most certain conclusion is that anthropogenic emissions of CO 2 - main GHGs are carbon dioxide (C0 2 ), methane (CH 4) and nitrous oxide from fossil fuel burning and land use change - are the main cause of the increase in its concentration in the atmosphere [6, p. 467]. When CO 2 is present in the atmosphere, it absorbs long-wave radiation emitted from the earth's surface thereby causing global warming. The IPCC reports that most of the increase in CO 2 concentration in the atmosphere has happened due to fossil fuel burning. Over the period 2002-2011, annual emissions from fossil fuel burning and cement production averaged (8.3 0.7) Gt of carbon [6, p. 486]. From 2005 to 2011, the CO 2 concentration in the atmosphere increased by (11.66 0.13) ppm. The 2011 global average CO 2 concentration was (390 +- 0.28) ppm [7, p. 166]. The IPCC also reports that the first decade of the 21st century was the warmest on record [7, p. 161]. The global warming potential (GWP) of various GHGs over a certain time period can be expressed in terms of how much CO 2 would add the same amount of energy to the atmosphere. As an example, consider methane. The 17 GWP potential of methane 20 years after its emissions is 86 whereas after 100 years it is 28 [8, p. 714]. The GWP of a compound depends among other things on its lifetime in the atmosphere, how much radiative forcing it causes, its stability and reactions with other compounds in the atmosphere. Energy use in industry Global industrial use of fossil fuels is the largest contributor to CO 2 emissions. Figure 1.1 shows how CO 2 emissions from fossil fuel burning broke down by end-use sector. o Residential and Other o Industrial o Transportation 23% 38% Total: 31,342 rnillion tons Figure 1.1: Global CO 2 emissions from fossil fuel combustion by sector, 2011 In 2011, industrial emissions accounted for almost 39% of total CO 2 emissions. This was followed by emissions from transportation at almost 23%. Of the total transportation emissions, about 72% were from road transport. The category "Other" includes commercial services, public services, agricultural activities among others [9, p. 11]. 18 Total industrial emissions in 2010 amounted to 13.1 GT CO 2 out of which 5.3 GT were from direct energy-related emissions, 5.2 GT were indirect emissions from the generation of electricity and heat, 2.6 GT were from process emissions, and the rest were from waste. Total emissions of greenhouse gases in 2010 consisted largely of CO 2 (85%) and methane (8.6%) [10]. Globally, industrial energy use (and CO 2 emissions) is dominated by a few sectors - iron and steel, chemicals and petrochemicals, cement, paper, pulp and print, and food and tobacco. These sectors account for 70% of global energy use [11, pp. 476-477]. Their high energy use is attributable to the energy-intensive processes in these industries. Automobile manufacturing falls under the broader sector of transportation equipment. This sector ranks 11th globally in terms of energy use and CO 2 emissions. In 2005, it used 1,423 PJ of primary energy, and emitted 49 million metric tons of CO 2 [11, p. 481]. Figure 1.2 shows the major manufacturing sectors by energy use and CO 2 emissions. Food and Paper, pulp and print tbcO Non-ferrous 5% metals 6% Machinery 30% 4% Textile and leatheMining 2% and quarryin Construction 2% 1%/ Transport equipment ood and 19 1% (a) Paper, pulp and rintV z 3% Non-ferrous metals 2% d Food to cco 4% Textile and inery leather M 2% 1% Mining and quarrying onstruction 1% 1% Transport equipment 1% Wood and wood products 0% (b) Figure 1.2: Global industrial (a) primary energy use and (b) CO 2 emissions by end-use sector, 2005 In 2006, the transportation equipment sector was the 6th largest in the U.S in terms of annual primary energy use at 904 TBtu [12, p. 17]. It produced 53 million metric tons of C02-equivalent (CO2e) emissions of which 15 million metric tons were generated on-site [12, p. 37]. Figure 1.3 shows the energy consumption breakdown by sector for the United States. Of the total transportation equipment sector, 8% is due to passenger vehicles and light truck manufacturing (North American Industry Classification System sectors 336111 and 336112). Note that this does not include heavy duty truck manufacturing Nevertheless, or the motor vehicle parts manufacturing sectors. we can draw important lessons by studying automobile assembly, about which sufficient data is available, that can then be applied to the transport equipment sector in general. 20 Computers, electronics and electrical eq. Textiles 2% Cement Glass 2% 2% Foundri Machinery 2% Alumina and aluminum Fabricated metals Plastics 4% 4% Transportation equipment 5% Figure 1.3: Primary energy use in the U.S manufacturing sector, 2006 In the materials production industries, energy costs can be significant, around 20% of the total costs in the steel industry [13, p. 22]. The non-process load (for example, heating, ventilation and air-conditioning (HVAC)) is small compared to the process load [13, p. 17]. Since energy costs are high, these industries have made notable improvements in their processes and reduced their energy footprint. For example, in the U.S, the steel industry has reduced energy intensity by 60% over two-and-a-half decades going back from 2006 [13, p. 19]. The U.S cement industry reduced energy intensity by 30% in the period from 1970 to 1999 [14, p. 10]. Gutowski et al studied energy use for some of the most energy consuming materials - steel, cement, aluminum, paper and plastics - and found that energy use for these materials could not be halved by 2050, as demand for these materials doubles [15]. This puts additional pressure on other sectors of manufacturing, as well as on residential and transportation sectors to do better than a 50% reduction. 21 Process energy needs do not always dominate non-process energy needs. As we move down the supply chain i.e., away from materials production, nonprocess energy requirements get more significant. While transportation equipment ranks 6th in terms of overall energy use, it ranks 3rd in terms of energy use for non-process needs, at 196 TBtu, only behind the forest products and chemicals sectors [12, p. 31]. This is shown in Figure 1.4 below. In 2006, the U.S automobile and light truck sectors consumed 44.3 TJ of primary energy to meet HVAC needs [16]. Alumina and aluminum 1% Glass 2% Cement 1% ~ Foundries 2% Textiles 3% Petroleum refining 4% Iron and steel 5% Plastics 5% Fabricated metals 6% Computers, electronics and electrical equipment 7% Machinery 6% Figure 1.4: Non-process energy use in U.S manufacturing, 2006 The residential sector is a major end-use contributor to CO 2 emissions from fossil fuel burning, as seen in Figure 1.1 above. A residence uses energy for HVAC, water heating, lighting and appliances. To minimize residential energy needs, the concept of passive houses was developed. Careful attention is given to the building construction, exposure to the elements, air flow, employing energy-efficient lighting and appliances and heat recovery techniques. The use of renewable energy sources is emphasized. The passive house standard requires heating demand to be less than 15 kWh per square 22 meter of treated floor area, total primary energy demand to be less than 120 kWh and air infiltration to be less than 0.6 air exchanges per hour. Thousands of passive houses have been built so far, most of them in Europe. Even conventional residences in cold-climate countries have made notable improvements in reducing heating energy intensity in the past few decades. Harvey [17] presents a summary these improvements. The same level of attention to heating and cooling loads, and air exchange rates has not been seen in factories. In 2006, the automobile and light truck manufacturing sectors of the U.S economy purchased $886 million of energy, about half of which was spent on purchasing electricity, 43% on natural gas, and the rest on other fuels [16]. According to Galitsky et al [18], about 11% to 20% of electricity use is for HVAC needs, and half of fossil fuel is used for space heating. The heating load in an automobile assembly plant is estimated to be about 555 to 860 kWh per square meter of floor area' [16] [19] [20]. Paint shop air handling requirements are the most stringent. A few examples of factories incorporating passive house concepts are the SurTec factory [21] and a factory which builds components for passive houses [22]. However, these are small factories. One noteworthy example is the Daimler vehicle assembly plant in Rastatt, Germany. This plant has a floor area of 539,000 m 2 and it makes Mercedes Benz A- and B-class cars. Daimler reports that this plant has eliminated conventional heating and air conditioning systems. They utilize groundwater heat by means of a heat pump, and recover factory waste heat to maintain comfortable operating conditions year round [23]. The Kaya identity 1 To estimate this, we assume that the factory floor area is 250,000 production is 250,000 vehicles. 23 M2, and annual The IPCC presents emissions pathways or scenarios for various levels of CO2e concentrations in the atmosphere predicted for the year 2100, and the reduction in absolute emissions needed to meet that limit. To limit CO2e concentration in the atmosphere between 430-480 ppm by the year 2100, CO2e emissions in 2050 would have to be reduced by 41% to 72% compared to emissions in the year 2000, or 78-118% lower in 2100 compared to 2000 levels [24, p. 431]. We can use these emission pathways to allocate an emission reduction target for different sectors. Grimes-Casey et al [25] did this for U.S automobile use-phase emissions. We can use the Kaya identity (also known as the IPAT equation) to determine how energy-efficient automobile production needs to be, even as it grows over the next few decades, in order to meet its emissions target. The IPAT identity relates the environmental impact (1) to causative factors like population (P), affluence (A), consumption (C), and technology (T). We write, I=PxAx Cx T. For small changes in each factor, we can write the per cent change as, AI I AP P AA A AC C AT T Writing the equation this way helps to identify which controls we can operate to avoid a certain impact. For example, reducing consumption of a certain resource might require a political or social action, whereas reducing the intensity of consumption might require a technological effort. Note that written this way the equation assumes that the parameters on the right side are independent of each other. Here, we use the IPAT equation in different ways to see how global economic growth poses increasing challenges in reducing energy use and emissions. We 24 consider the global average economic growth as well as that of the United States economy and how motor vehicle production fits into overall growth. We use C02-only pathways since data on CO 2 emissions per dollar of GDP or per unit kg oil-equivalent of energy used are readily available. In the IPCC's fourth assessment report (AR4), the most stringent target of a CO 2 concentration of 350-400 ppm in 2100 required reducing global C02 emissions in 2050 by 50-85% compared to 2000 levels [26]. Assuming a compounded annual rate, this would require an annual decrease of 1.38 to - 3.72% a year. In the IPAT differential equation, we have, A/I= -0.0138 to 0.0372. Instead of using the term population literally, we use it here to mean global value-added in terms of dollar value. We use the world and U.S average gross domestic product (GDP) figures, calculated by the purchasing power parity (PPP) method and presented for a constant 2011 international dollar [27]. From 1990 to 2013, world GDP grew at 3.37% and U.S GDP grew at 2.48% annually. For representing the affluence and consumption term, we use energy use in terms of kg of oil equivalent per $1,000 of GDP, with GDP defined the same way as above. World average energy use defined this way decreased at 1.37% year-on-year (YOY) from 1990 through 2010 while U.S energy use decreased at 1.76% YOY [27]. The technology term is represented by the carbon intensity of fuel use (kg CO 2 per MJ of energy). This is calculated based on World Bank data on CO 2 use per 2011 international dollar of GDP and the energy use term we used above. World carbon intensity increased from 1990 to 2010 at a rate of 0.14% a year whereas the U.S carbon intensity decreased at 0.07% over the same period. 25 Entering the values of AP/P, AA/A and ATIT in the IPAT equation, we get, AI/I = 2.14% for the world, and AI/ = 0.63% for the U.S. Thus, over the past few years, global and U.S emissions have not been on the pathways prescribed by the IPCC. Meeting the targets would still be possible after this initial overshoot if future emissions could be reduced at drastic rates. For the second case study, we look at the global picture and separate automobile manufacturing from global output, which is different from global GDP. According to the United Nations Industrial Development Organization, global manufacturing output in 2008 totaled $32 trillion out of which, motor vehicles output was $2.7 trillion [28]. From 2000 through 2008, global manufacturing output grew at 9.35% a year, whereas the share of motor vehicle manufacturing fell at 2.66% a year. Now, we consider the IPCC AR4 target of reducing emissions at 1.38% to 3.72% a year. To achieve this, motor vehicle manufacturing would have to improve its energy efficiency (defined as energy use per dollar of sector output) at 7.72% to 10% a year, every year till 2050, if growth continued at the same rate. We can see that allocating the IPCC target to motor vehicle production presents a steep challenge for the industry. Determining efficacy of emission reduction activities In the past few years, companies, bowing to societal, regulatory or investor pressures, have businesses. The begun disclosing the environmental CDP is a successful example impact of companies of their sharing information about their operations. In their CDP reports, companies describe their operations, the nature of risks and opportunities they expect from climate change, the management structure and incentives they have in place to reduce their environmental footprint, and actual data on their energy use, emissions, and savings from these impacts due to the implementation of 26 emission reduction projects. However, often it is not easy to discern the actual benefit of these emission reduction activities, whether these can be replicated elsewhere, and whether they make a significant dent in emissions. For example, automobile manufacturing companies may claim that they planted trees on a site adjacent to their factory to offset their direct and indirect emissions. Or an assembly plant may replace existing lighting by energy-efficient light bulbs, and claim that this reduced their CO 2 emissions. To really understand the effect of such activities in a factory and to determine if there are any unintended side-effects, we need a model of a factory which operates like a typical global automobile factory so we can determine typical energy loads, and test various scenarios. Such a model can make it possible to compare and prioritize emission reduction activities. 1.3 Problem Statement The goal of this thesis is to develop a model of a typical global automotive assembly plant to predict its direct and indirect energy usage and CO 2 emissions. There have been surprisingly few studies on energy use in automobile manufacturing. The most comprehensive ones published over the past few years rely on data going back several decades. Nonetheless, we use this data as a starting point to construct our model. We validate the model by comparing the data to more recent data published voluntarily by automobile companies to the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) and in their sustainability reports. The CDP data on emissions are more detailed than the energy data. So we estimate CO 2 emissions from the energy model and compare it with the CDP data. The ultimate utility of such a model would be in determining the impact of emissions reduction activities, or the effect of outside factors, like weather or 27 the carbon intensity of the electric grid, on factory emissions. To achieve this, we construct a simple bottom-up thermodynamic model of the automobile factory. We estimate the magnitude of heat loss in the winter (or gains in the summer) due to air exchange, transmission through walls, and other sources of heat drains (or gains). We can then evaluate scenarios like the effect of a warm winter on the heating load of a factory, the effect of moving a plant from one location to another, or installing more efficient lighting in the factory, to estimate their impact. This thesis will also present several case studies of automobile manufacturing which illustrate important concepts like the heat-replacement effect in a factory to the move towards lightweight but more energy-intensive materials. We also show how publically available data, including the CDP data, can be used to build linear regression emissions models of major OEM factories. We can identify which factors are significant and how a company can operate different technology levers to reduce the carbon footprint of its factory. 1.4 Thesis Structure This thesis is structured as follows. In Chapter two, we review existing literature on energy use in automobile manufacturing. Chapter three contains an introduction to the Carbon Disclosure Project and an analysis of automakers reports. Chapter four contains case studies of a component manufacturer and a vehicle assembler for whom we have some factory-level data. In Chapter five, we develop a model of a typical assembly plant. We also determine the level of vertical integration at such a plant. In Chapter six, we develop an energy model to determine the energy needed for heating and cooling activities in the factory. We then test the impact of various emission reduction activities. In Chapter seven, we present studies of the Tesla Model 28 S and the Volkswagen XL1 which represent a dramatic shift from conventional vehicles. Chapter eight concludes the thesis with our evaluation about the future of energy use in automobile manufacturing and use, and whether climate change targets can be achieved. 29 Chapter 2: Literature Review Literature on automobile production broadly falls into the following mutually non-exclusive categories: 1. Automobile lifecycle assessment (LCA) studies, 2. Plant-level energy use surveys, 3. Bottom-up models of automobile production, 4. Aggregate motor vehicle production (sector-level or company-level) data. Automobile lifecycle assessment (LCA) studies Automobile LCAs are the most common studies on the topic. LCA studies have been done for different kinds of vehicles - fictional, generic vehicles (Sullivan 1998 [29]), to conventional gasoline vehicles (Schuckert et al's Polo LCA [30]), to LCAs of hybrid and electric vehicles (Hawkins 2012 and Hawkins 2013 [31] [32]). The materials production and use phases of the automobile lifecycle are perhaps the best understood. Vehicle component production and final assembly are harder to analyze. This is because a typical 30 automobile consists of several hundred sub-assemblies and components, manufactured by a vast supply chain. So, actual data on component production or even vehicle assembly is difficult to gather. Nonetheless, Sullivan et al (1998) attempted to narrow down a 20,000 part vehicle into 644 components, and got data on energy use for some of the major components of an automobile. They also obtained actual energy data from assembly plants. Their results for energy use were 94 GJ per vehicle for materials production, and 39 GJ per vehicle for vehicle manufacture. The CO 2 emissions were 4.4 tons C02 per vehicle from materials production, and 2.5 tons C02 per vehicle from vehicle manufacturing. A different approach to LCA is the Economic Input-Output environmental LCA (EIOLCA) as used by Hendrickson et al [33]. It relies on economic interactions between various sectors of an economy. Various products can be analyzed for their environmental impact if its producer or purchaser price is known. For example, Samaras and Meisterling [34] used this model to determine the impact of a Toyota Corolla whose producer price they estimated to be $13,500. They use the 1997 producer price model and give a value of 102 GJ of primary energy use, out of which 22 GJ is electricity use, 26 GJ is coal use, 43 GJ is natural gas use, and 8.5 metric tons of CO2e associated with vehicle production. Note that this includes the entire automobile supply chain. If we use only CO 2 (not CO2e), the result is 7.2 metric tons of CO 2 . The EIOLCA results tend to be higher compared to typical LCA estimates. This is partly because of the aggregate nature of the data, but also because EIOLCA includes lot more activities than a typical LCA. We often consider the EIOLCA estimate to be an upper bound. Plant level energy use surveys 31 Boyd et al [35] collected and analyzed three years of data from 35 assembly plants in the U.S to construct an Energy Star Energy Performance Indicator. They focused only on body weld, painting and final assembly activities, and presented electricity use and fuel use data. The mean value of electricity use per vehicle was 6.9 GJ per vehicle, and fuel use per vehicle was 4.8 GJ per vehicle. They found a strong correlation between energy use and parameters like vehicle wheelbase, weather conditions, and utilization. In this thesis, we will use a similar approach to construct a regression model for emissions from factories. Galitsky et al [18] reviewed published data to get some rough estimates of electricity use in vehicle assembly plants, and a simple breakdown of fuel use in the factory. They quote a value of 9.2 GJ per vehicle of electricity use. Using the MECS data, they estimate fuel use for automobile production to be 6.8 GJ per vehicle. Their work is cited by others who attempt to construct bottom-up models of assembly plants. Bottom-up models of automobile production One of the earliest efforts to construct a bottom-up energy use model of automobile assembly was by Brown et al in 1985 [36]. Their analysis was based on by sector-level surveys like the Annual Survey of Manufacturers (ASM). They developed process flow diagrams for "Motor Vehicles and Car Bodies" as well as "Motor Vehicles Parts and Accessories" sectors under the old Standard Industrial Classification (SIC). Visits to two factories for each sector informed this process. They present mass, heat and energy flow diagrams normalized by weight of the vehicle. Their estimates for production energy use are electricity use of 31 GJ per vehicle, and fuel use of 25 GJ per vehicle. These values are much greater than other sources. This approach suffers from two problems: the data are highly aggregated, and it is difficult 32 to support the argument that automobile assembly energy use has a strong correlation to vehicle weight. The most comprehensive model of energy use in automobile manufacturing is developed by Sullivan et al [20], and called the VMA (part manufacturing and vehicle assembly) model. They were able to account for 92.5% of a vehicle's weight by considering the major materials and transformation processes. They found value from literature for each material-transformation pairing. When data on a certain material was not available, they represent the material by a "surrogate" material. Most importantly, they use data from Galitsky et al to represent the base load energy in an assembly plant - for heating, HVAC, lighting and compressed air. However, similar data for plants making components is hard to find. Their estimates for automobile energy use and emissions are 13.8 GJ and 852 kg CO 2. Including material transformation, the estimates are 32 GJ and 1.9 tons C02. However, they used a high value of carbon intensity of the electric grid, about 0.77 kg CO 2 per kWh. So the CO 2 estimate might be on the high side. The Argonne National Laboratory's "Greenhouse gases, Regulated Emissions, and Energy Use in Transportation (GREET)" model combines data on vehicle assembly from Boyd with data on unit processes like stamping from other sources. For vehicle assembly, they cite Sullivan's VMA model. Their model is fairly easy to use and can compare different types of vehicles' lifecycles. The assembly data is common to all vehicles, so the differences lie mostly in materials and use phases [37]. Aggregate motor vehicle production (sector level or company level) data 33 For U.S sector-level information on energy use, we refer to the Manufacturers Energy Consumption Survey (MECS) published by the U.S Energy Information Administration. The survey, conducted approximately every four years, goes back to 1985. In the more recent survey from 2006, over 15,000 establishments, representing some of the largest companies by payroll, were included. The survey is mandatory and it collects information on energy consumed by end use, region, and fuel type. For automobile manufacturing, we look at sectors 3361111 Automobile Manufacturing, and 336112 Light Truck Manufacturing, under the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS). manufacturing is For some included, sectors, data on Canadian but the auto sectors only and Mexican consider U.S manufacturing. In 2006, the two sectors combined consumed 80 trillion BTU of energy (this includes net electricity and is not primary energy). We get automobile production data from other sources, and we estimate that the fuel use per vehicle produced was 5,060 MJ, and electricity use was 8,174 MJ per vehicle (primary energy) [16]. Company-level emissions information can be obtained from the CDP and sustainability reports. The CDP observes the Greenhouse Gases Protocol in defining sources of emissions. Scope 1 emissions or direct emissions are those arising from use of fuels on-site. Scope 2 emissions or indirect emissions are from purchased fuels and electricity. Scope 3 emissions are also indirect emissions but arising from business activities like emissions associated with purchased goods, business travel, use of sold products etc. Companies also may report division-level or company-level energy use by fuel source. However, these are not further split by end-use and it is difficult to analyze these numbers meaningfully. We discuss CDP reports in detail in Chapter 3. Other literature on automobile production 34 The existence of a base load component and a variable component to equipment or factory energy use has been shown before [38]. Bolin [39] investigated energy use in an engine production facility and found a similar pattern of energy use. We extend Bolin's analysis for the engine production plant, discovering unintended consequences of increased production, and utilize the observations of base loads and process loads in constructing a model of a typical automobile assembly plant. While models of automobile assembly plants have been developed before, it has been difficult to make comparisons between plants, accounting for variables like utilization, vehicle type, and weather conditions. Moreover, a comparison of the models with recent factory data has been missing. Finally, analysis of emission reduction activities has not received enough attention. This is in part because robust thermodynamic models of assembly plants have not been constructed. In this research, we address these deficiencies. A more in-depth look at assembly plant thermodynamics and an exergy analysis of automobile plants is being undertaken by Schmieder [40]. A summary of the references mentioned here, and a breakdown of the energy use they provide by end-use is given in Appendix A. 35 Chapter 3: Analysis of CDP Reports In this chapter, we give an introduction to the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) and then study disclosures made by select automakers in the past few years. Some trends on emissions and energy use become apparent. In chapter 5, we will use the CDP data to test our assembly plant model. This chapter is based on work done by Eaton and Raykar for the MIT class 2.83 in the spring of 2014 [41]. We also benefited from data compiled by students in that class for several automobile companies. 3.1 Introduction to the CDP The CDP is a London-based non-profit whose mission is to "transform the global economic system to prevent dangerous climate change and value our natural resources by putting relevant information at the heart of business, investment, and policy decisions" [42]. In order to advance its mission, the CDP provides "the only global system for companies and cities to measure, disclose, manage and share vital environmental information" [43]. The CDP issues questionnaires for climate 36 change, water and forest impacts, goals, risks, and opportunities. In order to motivate company participation, the CDP uses the backing of institutional investors [43]. The CDP is known for its fast growth and high participation rate. Figure 3.1 shows the increase in total responses for the sum of the Climate Change and Supply Chain (starting in 2008) programs. For the first three years, only the Financial Times' Global 500 list of companies received questionnaires. Participation quickly grew to over 70% (and was 81% in 2013) [44] [45]. After 2007, the response rate dropped and remained relatively flat thereafter. However, in each of these years significantly more companies were targeted [44]. In general, a public participation rate tends to increase the year after being targeted. Companies have been increasing participation in other ways as well. For example, from 2011 to 2013 the number of Global 500 companies reporting emissions verification doubled to 71% [45]. Of course, it has not been a steady path towards increased disclosure. Most companies continue to not report Scope 3 emissions (besides business travel). And in a particularly striking case, the percentage of U.S firms reporting Scope 1 emissions 5000 - dropped from 82% in 2009 to 25% in 2010 [44]. 4000 --------------------- 0C CL -- - - - - - - - - ----1000 M) ---------------------- --- - (IC) 2 0 00 NT o>N (1)C0 -- (O cr 020303 2--4-2----2----2--7-2----2----201o 0820921 20620 200 200 2003 37 2 11-2-12 0121 Figure 3.1: Total number of responses for the Climate Change and Supply Chain programs 3.3 CDP Questionnaire The CDP questionnaire is divided into three main modules: Introduction, Management, Risks and Opportunities, and Emissions. The introductory module asks for general description of the organization, the year for which the data is being reported, the list of countries for which data will be provided, and the currency in which financial information will be reported. Here we will only focus on the Emissions module. Emissions Reporting Sections 7 to 14 of the questionnaire deal with emissions reporting. A few questions deserve special mention. Section 7.2 asks for the methodology or protocol being used to collect Scope 1 and 2 emissions data. Scope 1 emissions are the emissions arising from consumption of fuel on-site. The on-site energy is supplied by burning fuels, usually natural gas, on the factory premises. Scope 2 emissions are arising from purchased and consumed energy, often electricity. Section 7.3 asks for a reference used to determine Global Warming Potentials (GWP) of different emissions. Section 8.1 deals with how boundaries are drawn by the company to determine Scope 1 and 2 emissions. Companies typically use Financial Control or Operational Control boundaries. Sections 8.2 and 8.3 are where the Scope 1 and 2 emissions will be entered. Section 8.6 asks to report the status and standards used for verification of emissions reporting. The CDP accepts several standard of emissions verification, including the California Mandatory GHG Reporting Regulations standard, the Climate Registry's General Verification Protocol and the ISO 14064-3 standard. 38 In sections 9 (and 10), Scope 1 (and Scope 2) emissions can be reported on per country and by business division or facility-wise basis. Section 11 deals with the use of direct and indirect energy. In section 11.1, companies can report what fraction their energy costs are of their operational costs. Section 11.2 asks for a breakdown of electricity, fuel, steam, heating and cooling energies in MWh. The type of fuel use is elaborated in section 11.3. In section 12.1, the reasons for changes in emissions values are listed. These could be due to emission reduction activities, mergers, divestments, changes in boundaries, changes in methodologies or other reasons. In sections 12.2 and 12.3, emissions are reported on a per unit revenue, and per full time equivalent employee basis. Automobile companies also often choose to report emissions on a per vehicle basis in section 12.4. Note that carbon removal efforts (say, by planting trees) are not to be included in section 12.1. These efforts can be reported as additional information, but section 12.1 only deals with emission reduction efforts. In section 14, Scope 3 emissions are documented. Scope 3 emissions are segmented into 15 categories, including purchased goods and services, business travel and use of sold products. The flexibility of the CDP questionnaire allows companies to use various methods to determine these emissions. Of particular interest from an automobile manufacturing perspective is the purchased goods and services section (called Scope 3.1). An automobile is assembled from hundreds of sub-assemblies which in turn may have several hundred parts. Auto companies source these components from hundreds of suppliers. This makes it challenging to actually measure CO 2 emissions from part manufacturing. Thus, companies typically use Life-Cycle Assessment (LCA) to get an estimate of the Scope 3.1 emissions. In 2013, BMW, Daimler, Nissan, Renault and Volkswagen reported using LCA software to determine 39 Scope 3.1 emissions. Since companies usually know the material content and processing steps involved in making the car components, this can lead to a reasonably good estimate. Some companies also participate in the CDP's Supply Chain Program which applies the emissions reporting questionnaire to the upstream supply chain. General Motors (GM) is one such company, requesting its suppliers to document and report their emissions. As was said before, this is a challenging activity, and in 2013, GM reported that its estimate covered only 10% of its suppliers. Several studies have shown that the use of sold products constitute the significant fraction of lifecycle emissions from an automobile. Burnham et al report that over a lifetime of an internal combustion engine vehicle, vehicle operation constitutes 73% of CO 2 emissions, the fuel production and distribution constitutes 16%, and the vehicle, and the vehicle manufacturing (from raw material extraction to final assembly) constitutes 11%. Regulations in several countries also require companies to make efforts to reduce the emissions from combustion of fuel by the vehicles. Companies typically report the use of sold products emission value by determining the well-to-tank emissions which relate to the production and distribution of gasoline or diesel, and the tank-to-wheel emissions for the fleet of vehicles sold in the preceding year. AU section Automakers are asked to provide additional information about their sales across different vehicle platforms and engine types in different regions, emissions from those vehicles (in gram CO 2 per km or gram C02 per mile) and the deployment of clean technologies in the vehicles. Sales-weighted CO 2 emissions for different regions and vehicle segments are reported in sections AU2.3 and AU2.4 40 Section AU3.1 (a-h) offers choices of different clean technologies and companies can report what fraction of their fleet implements that technology. For I.C engine vehicles, the technologies include turbocharger downsizing, exhaust recovery and Flexfuel among other options. For hybrid vehicles, choices include start and stop regenerative braking, full hybrid or plug-in hybrid. Sustainability Reports Many automobile companies have begun publishing sustainability reports in recent years. Often, companies extend their corporate social responsibility (CSR) reports to add environmental management data, describing how their design and manufacturing processes incorporate environmental-friendly thinking. We rely on sustainability reports to fill in gaps when data from CDP reports is incomplete. 3.4 Data Analysis This section contains the analysis of the data gathered from CDP reports. In some cases, data was drawn from sustainability reports of the company. For example, if a company disclosed information to the CDP but did not make it public (for example, Volkswagen in 2012), or if an error was observed in a CDP report but the sustainability report seemed to have the right number, the sustainability report number was chosen. And in cases where a company did not report data to the CDP (for example, Fiat and Ford in 2008) but disclosed that information in their sustainability reports, that data was used. The CDP has restricted access to the 2010 CDP reports, but it has published summary of the data, which along with sustainability reports was used to populate the 2010 numbers. 41 Of the companies studied over the course of the MIT class, the eleven companies studied here have the most complete data - geographically and over time. Usually, the parent company discloses information of all its divisions and subsidiaries and so we see some consolidation in the numbers. For example, Audi's and Lamborghini's numbers are published by Volkswagen, and Fiat's results include data for Chrysler (from 2011) and Maserati. Figure 3.2 shows the annual global production of eleven automobile companies from 2008 to 2012 [46]. With the exception of Hyundai and Fiat, all companies reduced production in response to the global recession which struck in 2008-09. Since 2009, companies have largely returned to their prerecession production levels, and in some cases exceeded those levels. The smallest automaker in terms of production numbers studied here is BMW with 2 million vehicles, and the largest is Toyota with 10.1 million vehicles produced in 2012. We notice some other large shifts in this plot. Fiat's production numbers increase by more than 2 million after it formed an alliance with the Chrysler group. And the effect of the 2011 Fukushima earthquake in Japan and the floods in Thailand on Honda, Toyota, and to some extent Nissan is evident. 42 12 c 10 -o-BMW - GM - Renault --- Daimler --Honda -e- Toyota --------------- -- - - -+Fiat -+-Ford -Hyundai -0-Nissan o Volkswagen - -------- - -- - - --- - - --------- C 0 -0 00 0 2008 2009 2010 Production Year 2011 2012 Figure 3.2: Global production numbers from 2008-2012 for eleven automakers Figure 3.3 shows the absolute emissions reported by auto companies from 2008 onwards [47] [23] [48] [49] [50] [51] [52] [53] [54] [55] [56]. There are a few missing data points: Renault's 2009 absolute emissions could not be found from their CDP or sustainability reports. GM's emissions data are available from the year 2010. Daimler's numbers are reported only from the year 2010 onwards because prior to that they did not disclose information to the CDP, and it is not possible to separate Daimler's passenger vehicle data from that of their trucks and heavy commercial vehicles. 43 10 C S o C -e- BMW -e- Daimler --- GM - Renault --Honda -0-Toyota -- 0 -Fiat Hyundai o Volkswagen -+- Ford -e- Nissan 0 8 ------- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - 0 2 ---- - - - ----- --- C LU 0 00 0 - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0 0 U) 0. 0IF 0 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Production Year Figure 3.3: Absolute Scope 1+2 emissions from 2008-2012 for eleven automakers Comparing Figure 3.2 and Figure 3.3 we notice some outliers. Toyota's reported emissions stayed almost constant from 2009 even though their production volume went from 7.2 million to 10 million in that time period. BMW, Daimler and Fiat reported a decrease in absolute emissions from 2011 to 2012 though their production volumes increased over that time frame. These companies attribute this reduction -- BMW (5.1%), Daimler (6.4%) and Fiat (4.2%) -- to emissions reduction activities. Along the same lines, Ford's absolute emissions fell by 3.2% from 2010 to 2011 although its production volumes increased by 3.1%. Ford attributes this to emissions reduction activities, particularly to the implementation of "Three Wet" painting technology which it claims reduces CO 2 emissions by 40%. The boundaries of this project are not clear from Ford's CDP report. Meanwhile, Honda's absolute emissions increased from 2008 to 2009 although their production 44 volume decreased. No reason was found for this behavior. Other noticeable shifts are Fiat's absolute emissions almost doubling with its acquisition of Chrysler. Toyota's production was affected in 2011 due to the Fukushima earthquake and the Thai floods but their emissions increased from 2010 to 2011, which could be attributed to the change in electric grid sourcing in the aftermath of the 2011 earthquake. The company's operations bounced back in 2012. While Toyota's production increased by 2 million (or 25%), their absolute emissions increased only by 2,000 metric tons (or 0.028%). Because of this, Toyota's emissions intensity decreased by 20%. This is seen in Figure 3.4. In sections 4 and 5, we attempt to explain this effect. S 1.6 -e | -- BMW GM Renault + -e-- Daimler Honda Toyota -- o Fiat Hyundai Volkswagen -9- ==O= Ford Nissan Average 0 0 +7% p.a 1.2 C-) -3.2% p.a -2.3% p.a -3.7% p.a -==-5.73% p.a -6.2% p.a -1.7% p.a -7.2% p.a -5.7% p.a E a) 0.8 C*%j 0L 0 0.4 -4.5% p.a U) 0.0 2008 2009 2010 Production Year 2011 2012 Figure 3.4: Scope 1+2 emissions per vehicle for eleven automakers Figure 3.4 shows the Scope 1+2 emissions on a per vehicle basis for the eleven automakers. The per cent change in emissions from the first available data point to the 2012 intensity is also shown. The overall trend is towards 45 decreasing intensity of emissions for most automakers. In their reports, companies attribute this to emissions reduction activities, changes in production output and change in boundaries among other reasons. The major exception here is Honda whose emissions trend upwards since 2008. The impact of the 2008-09 recession, the Japan earthquakes and Thai floods on Honda, and to some extent on Toyota is striking. Each company moved up and down on emissions intensity from 2008 to 2009, and then from 2010 to 2011 as their operations - and those of their suppliers - were affected. We can plot the emissions intensity data over the years against production volume to obtain curves along which companies move as their production output changes. This is shown in Figure 3.5. There, the Scope 1+2 emissions intensity is plotted against annual production for the years 2008-2012. As discussed earlier, some data points are missing. Linear fits are done and the trend lines are shown for each automaker. As expected, we see a decrease in the emissions intensity with increase in the production volumes. But companies seem to move along different slopes. For example, the per cent decrease of emissions for BMW is markedly higher than, say, Volkswagen. At lower production volumes, the spread of the emissions intensity goes from 0.39 metric tons CO2e per vehicle for Renault to 1.28 metric tons CO2e per vehicle for Daimler, a factor of 3.3. The spread is narrower at higher volumes. For example, Volkswagen's emissions intensity of 1.31 metric tons CO2e per vehicle is only 1.8 times Toyota's 0.72 metric tons CO2e per vehicle. We suspect this very wide divergence at low production volume is due to the degree of outsourcing done by companies. Our hypothesis is that Daimler retains more manufacturing than Renault. Other contributing factors could be vehicle size, local temperature and climate, and regional differences in carbon intensity of electric grids. We can also see the effect of the 2011 Japan earthquakes on Nissan. Nissan's 46 emissions intensity increased from 0.68 in 2010 to 0.72 metric tons CO2e per vehicle in 2011. 47 1.6 1.44 0(2011) Daimler Honda 1.28 0) E 1.359 (2009) 1.31 (2010) 1.2 E 1.20 1.20 (2012 (2012) Volkswagein q 1.070 (2009) 6 (2011) (2009) 1.11 06Fat 0 _ 0.8 06 R0 0.47 04 Renault (2010) ( 1 0 )( (20) 0 )0 0 (2012 )2010 0.39 0.4 2009) (2010) 0.56 0.4!W 0.39 (2012) (2011) Toyota 10 3 0.72 (2012) 0.55 Hyundai 0.0111 12 0.92 1 (.61Hy86 (04 0.620 0.1M208)6 (2012) C, 1 ( 0.6 (2 0.0 02) 2)Ty83 8) 0 201(.0 20 0) 00(09) 0.2) (20 120280(2008) . (21. 111. 1.01 2(0 (:(2009) 1.03 o0 20 (2011) 0.98 Ford ( (2010) 4 6 5 7 8 9 10 Global Vehicle Production in Millions Figure 3.5: Scope 1+2 emissions intensity over the years for eleven automakers plotted against their global production numbers 48 So far, we have only looked at a company's in-house operations and its Scope 1+2 emissions. These figures may differ for companies depending on the level of capacity utilization and outsourcing. Therefore, factoring in Scope 3.1 emissions might enable better comparisons between companies. The raw material extraction and primary material processing have been shown to be the more energy (and carbon) intensive processes [37], accounting for as much as 75% of the vehicle manufacturing cycle. The Scope 1+2 and Scope 3.1 emissions are shown in Figure 3.6. BMW, Daimler, Honda, Nissan, Renault and Volkswagen report that they perform life-cycle analyses (LCA) to estimate their Scope 3.1 emissions. Honda's numbers include motorcycles and power equipment and it was not possible to isolate the automobile manufacturing emissions from the aggregate. GM reports that its Scope 3.1 emissions are 10% of the actual emissions. Hyundai estimated its Scope 3.1 emissions by using a carbon footprint of ten of its models and using their sales data. However, only a fraction of its total Scope 3.1 emissions are reported. None of the other companies studied here report Scope 3.1 emissions. We provide three values from literature to relate to the CDP data. Ashby [57] lists the material content of a 1,361 kg conventional I.C engine vehicle. We used this material content information and Ashby's material properties tables to determine the CO 2 emissions associated with material production and component manufacturing. In addition to this, we need to consider the emissions associated with vehicle assembly. These estimates were taken from Sullivan's [20] vehicle part manufacturing and assembly (VMA) model. Sullivan's work yields a value of 889 kg CO 2 emitted per vehicle. The total CO 2 emissions for vehicle manufacture estimated this way are 5.4 tons CO 2 per vehicle. Also, Sullivan et al [29] present a lifecycle analysis of a "generic vehicle" of mass 1,532 kg. Their estimate is 7 tons CO 2 per vehicle. Finally, 49 Samaras and Meisterling [34] use the Economic Input-Output LCA (EIOLCA) model to determine CO2e emissions from vehicle production. The vehicle they consider is the Toyota Corolla. They quote a value of 8.5 metric tons of C02e per vehicle. 50 12 EScope 3.1 perveh. mScope 1+2 perveh. *: Incomplete data A: Scope 3.1 not reported 10 EIOLCA CN Scope 1+2+3.1 C0 2e = 8.5 I--, a) Sullivan 1998 Scope 1+2+3.1 C02 a = 7 C,, 0 Ashby Eco-Audit and Sullivan 2010 VMA model Scope 1+2+3.1 C02 = 5.4 E C,, I 0 C,, E 0, * 2 - 0 A 0 * A A I- BMW Daimler Fiat Ford GM Honda Hyundai Nissan Renault Toyota Figure 3.6: Scope 1+2 and Scope 3.1 emissions per vehicle for eleven automakers, 2012 51 Volkswagen Use of sold products (Scope 3.11) We recognize that the largest portion of an automobile's life-cycle emissions is from its use phase. Sullivan (1998) estimated the use phase emissions of a generic gasoline vehicle to be 51 tons or about 86% of the lifecycle emissions [29]. More recently, Burnham et al developed a model which put the well-topump emissions for gasoline at 47 grams CO 2 per km, and the tailpipe emissions at 234 grams CO 2 per km for a gasoline vehicle with a fuel economy of 24.8 mpg, over a lifetime of 160,000 km [37]. By this estimate, the use phase emissions for a gasoline vehicle over its lifetime are about 45 tons. Companies often invest in materials, processes and technologies which draw more energy at the manufacturing phase to reduce the use phase impact of a vehicle. This section provides some comparison between the use phase emissions reported by companies. In CDP reports and elsewhere, companies report the gram CO 2 per km (or gram C02 per mile) metric of their vehicle fleet over a certain assumed vehicle lifetime. This number depends on the composition of the fleet, the driving conditions and laws in different countries, the test cycles under which the measurement is made, and the assumed vehicle lifetime. The reported fleet average emissions in gram CO 2 per km for eighteen companies for the year 2012 are shown in Figure 3.7 below. Note that some companies report global fleet averages whereas others report emissions only for certain markets. The New European Driving Cycle (NEDC) 2012 standard is converted to the U.S Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) standard using the method published by the International Council on Clean Transportation [60]. With the exception of Lamborghini and Maserati, all other fleet average emissions fall between the European and the U.S standards. 52 Ann 370 -CAFE NEDC 2012: 121 gCO2 per km - -- - - ---------- ~ - - 300 -- - ---- -- -- - --- - 0 0 C" 2012: 263 gCO2 per km 0 C,) 204 199 - - - - -- --~ ~ - - -7- - - -- - 163 169 - 200 164 164 C) 145 140 0 134 130 137 126 100 0 CL co L0 C C ccZ C) C 0 0 0) Cu S C: 0 Of 0) LL Cu c > -$--~ Cu C Cu 0 Cu C Cu 0 C CU . 2 =3 c"' F- C,) Cu - 0 E CD CU -j Figure 3.7: Use phase emissions in grams C02 per km for eighteen companies shown against the 2012 CAFE and NEDC standards, 2012 We now want to see the changes in fleet average emissions and standards over the years. We selected data for the U.S and European markets. All tailpipe emissions are reported in terms of NEDC gram CO 2 per km. For companies which instead reported a miles per gallon or equivalent fuel efficiency metric, we converted that number into the equivalent NEDC gram CO 2 per km value by using the guidelines published by the United Nations [59]. The data set is sparser than before because companies have not 53 completely disclosed the fleet efficiency values for all markets. We also sourced the emissions regulations in place or proposed by a select few countries and converted these to a gram CO 2 per km value. The data set is plotted in Figure 3.8 and Figure 3.9. The Japanese target for tank-to-wheels emissions for the year 2020 is 105 gram CO 2 per km, and the European target for the year 2022 is 95 gram CO 2 per km. In the U.S, the proposed target for tank-to-pump emissions was 99 gram CO 2 per km by the year 2025. However, CAFE standards have been reworked and are now calculated based on vehicle footprint. Thus, each automaker has its own target based on the composition of its fleet. This makes a direct comparison with other standards difficult. E 300 ---- BMW -4 Ford -E CO e- Honda - NEDC -- - Japan GM -- 4--Nissan Toyota ---- o Fiat --- c- US -Australia CAFE - ------- - - --R - 00-- - -------------------------------- 200 - (5) -o- -- 190 z 1 --- -- -- -- -060 a) 06iZ~ > 0L95 0 Zo E 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 2020 2022 2024 Year Figure 3.8: Use phase emissions for U.S fleets, and emissions standards for different regions, in NEDC gram C02 per km 54 300 BMW Fiat -4-- GM -- p-- Renault ------0 --- -o --- E o E us -- + -Australia CAFE 0 -- Daimler Ford Honda Volkswagen -NEDC -Japan 00 0 1(M C99 _1 -- - - - - - - - - - - - ------- ---------------- ---- _--- -- -- -- 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 2020 2022 2024 Year Figure 3.9: Use phase emissions for European fleets, and emissions standards for different regions, in NEDC gram CO2 per km We now contrast the vehicle manufacturing emissions with the use phase emissions by taking the average of the emissions reported by BMW, Daimler, Nissan, Renault and Volkswagen. We choose these companies because we have their Scope 1, Scope 2, Scope 3.1 and Scope 3.11 values for the year 2012. The average tailpipe emission reported by these companies is 141 gram CO 2 per km. We assume a vehicle lifetime of 150,000 km over ten years since BMW, Daimler, Renault and Volkswagen assume this as the vehicle lifetime usage. The averaged lifecycle emissions per vehicle are shown in Figure 3.10. The manufacturing emissions amount to 6 tons per vehicle while the use phase emissions are 21 tons or 78% of the total. The graph also shows values 55 from literature for vehicle manufacturing emissions, and the emissions if the vehicle fuel economy equaled European or CAFE standards. a) 45 * 2012 Average Scope 3.11 emissions per vehicle a) * 2012 Average Scope 3.1 emissions per vehicle a) At CAFE 2012 limit: 39.4 tons 132012 Average Scope 1+2 emissions per vehicle C 0 a) E 30 C 0 Co a) IEDC 2012 t: 18.3 tons 0 15 T EIOLCA: 8.5 tons y + Sullivan: 5.4 tons 0 Use Phase Manufacturing Figure 3.10: Average of manufacturing and use phase emissions for five automakers in 2012 The trend of use phase emissions reduction and increase in manufacturing emissions is discussed in Chapter 8. Energy use and intensity of energy of manufacturing In questions 11.1 through 11.4 of the CDP questionnaire, companies report their annual energy usage on a company-wide basis. Companies disclose their purchased and consumed electricity, consumed fuel, heat, steam and cooling energy in units of MWh. Figure 3.11 shows the purchased electricity per 56 vehicle calculated using the 2012 CDP energy data and the production numbers available from 3,000 -Sullivan - U) 2010 Assembly kWh per veh. Sullivan 2010 Processing and Assembly kWh per veh. *entire Daimler group C) 2,000 I- C') 1,532 i 2012 Average: 1198 ~__ ------- --- - - -- ---- C (ID - - 1,000 kWh per veh. - - -- a Mt 00 (0 - * (V)L 04C 0 COI..1 C! Ln Figure 3.11: Purchased electricity per vehicle for eleven automakers, 2012 Also shown in Figure 3.11 are the values from Sullivan for electricity use per vehicle for assembly only (684 kWh) and the electricity use per vehicle for material transformation, machining and assembly i.e., the VMA cycle (1,532 kWh). We observe that Hyundai's purchased electricity figure is the smallest, well below the average. We could not find a reasonably explanation for this apparent self-sufficiency of electricity. Daimler reports aggregate energy use for all its divisions which include trucks and heavy commercial vehicle manufacturing. Consequently, we could not calculate the purchased electricity use per passenger vehicle, and instead report here the purchased electricity per automobile that Daimler manufactured. 57 Except for Daimler, all companies fall between the two values from Sullivan. This seems reasonable since the level of outsourcing and therefore the electricity use directed towards pre-assembly processes will vary from company to company. We hypothesize that companies retain final vehicle assembly and some aspects of component or sub-assembly manufacturing. Daimler as the outlier can be explained this way since trucks and heavy commercial vehicle manufacturing would require more electricity than the average passenger car. We repeat the above exercise for fuel consumption. The fuel consumption in terms of MJ per vehicle is shown in Figure 3.12. We also show the values from Sullivan for natural gas use for assembly alone, and for the VMA cycle. Note that Volkswagen reports fuel use data only for a few of its German plants. So its fuel use intensity reported in Figure 3.12 is lower than what might be expected. In this plot, only Daimler group's fuel use per vehicle exceeds the assembly-only fuel use per vehicle number estimated by Sullivan. Most companies fall well below this lower bound. In Sullivan's model, the natural gas use for assembly supplies the paint shop and heating needs of the factory. We cannot explain why companies' fuel use is significantly less than Sullivan's numbers. 58 a -- a) 9 12,000 Sullivan 2010 Assembly MJ per veh. -- 16,000 Sullivan 2010 Processing and Assembly MJ per veh. *entire Daimler group 3, - --------------- -- C =3 %4- ------ - - - ---- - 8,000 5,499 4,000 - - - - -- - 2012 Average: 4 ereh -3,899_MJ U- 0 Figure 3.12: Fuel use (MJ per vehicle) for eleven automakers, 2012 We can evaluate how consistent the emissions and energy reporting are by using the CDP data to go back and calculate the emissions factor for purchased electricity and the consumed fuel. We expect the calculation to reflect global electric grid emission factors, and emissions factors of the fuels used by companies, of which natural gas use is predominant. We divide the Scope 1 emissions by the fuel use, and the Scope 2 emissions by purchased electricity. Figure 3.13 shows the C02 emissions per kWh of purchased electricity for the carmakers. 59 1.2 --US Q. China 2011 kg C02 per kWh 2011 kg C02 per kWh *entire Daimler group 0 c,4 0.8 0.76 -------------- (N 0.50 Figur-- 0 Thure ---- E-s- --- ts--- -f- p-r-hased 13Emissions intensity ofprhsed Wt iper kh, a triaker i kg C per kWh. This is in line with the global average grid intensity. The IEA reports a world average intensity of 0.536 kg C02 per kWh for 2011. Renault's emissions intensity is very low. This could be explained by the geographical location of its production plants. Renault's major production facilities are located in countries with very low emissions factors, for example, France (0.061 kg C02 per kWh), Spain (0.291 kg CO2 per kWh) and Brazil (0.068 kg C02 per kWh) among others. The emissions intensity for fuel use is plotted in Figure 3.14. The emissions intensity of anthracite coal (0.098 kg per MJ) and natural gas (0.05 kg C2 per MJ) are also shown for comparison [57]. We see most companies fall between the two bounds set by anthracite coal and natural gas. However, again, Toyota and Hyundai are outliers because of their low reported energy 60 use values. Volkswagen also has emissions intensity higher than coal, but this is because Volkswagen's fuel use is reported only for a few of its German factories. Therefore, its emissions intensity is inflated. BMW's fuel emissions intensity is less than that of natural gas, although the bulk of BMW's fuel supply is derived from natural gas. 0.4 CN *entire Daimler group 0 0 C) -., (N Coal kg C02 per MJ Natural Gas kg C02 per MJ 0.3 I- 0.2 I- 0.098 0.0502 CD0 - 0.1 (C CD iL1i 65 0 <((\ CL) C) "I 6* o oi 0) Mv 6 0O 04 '0 VIO -.\O Figure 3.14: Emissions intensity for fuel use, in kg CO 2 per MJ, 2012 Conclusion In this chapter, we studied the emissions and energy use reported by automakers to the CDP. We found several trends in the reported values over the years. In chapter 5, we will use these values to benchmark our model. 61 Chapter 4: Case Studies of Component Production and Vehicle Assembly In this chapter, we analyze energy use by a manufacturer of large engines. Following the work of Bolin [39], we correlate electricity and natural gas use to production and weather conditions. We discover an interesting consequence of the increase in production on natural gas use. The second case study deals with data reported to the CDP by Renault. We build regression models to correlate plant-level emissions reported by Renault with variables like average heating and cooling degree days, factory utilization, vertical integration and average wheelbase which are found from other, often public, sources. 4.1 Engine Manufacturing Plant Energy Use In this section, we discuss the effect of seasonal weather conditions and production volumes on the electricity and fuel use at a Cummins engine manufacturing plant. The plant manufactures engines for heavy trucks, construction equipment as well as stationary power equipment. Machining of 62 the cylinder head, cylinder block, crankshaft and camshafts is done in the machine shop, and the painting and final assembly is performed at the same facility. The data in this section has been anonymized and scaled to protect confidential business information. Figure 4.1 and Figure 4.2 show the scaled electricity use plotted against the scaled production data over two years and the scaled natural gas use plotted against the scaled production data over one year. _0 2.0 CU C, 0 0 a') 0 0 1.5 o R = 0.64 000 0 -- 0------ 0- 1.0 0.5 nn 0 1 3 2 Engines Produced, Scaled 4 Figure 4.1: Scaled electricity use vs. scaled engine production 63 5 3 o aI)0 01 0 E su0 0 z ' 0o 0 ----0--------------------------- 0 I I 1.0 1.5 1- 0.5 0.0 2.0 2.5 3.0 Engines Produced, Scaled Figure 4.2: Scaled natural gas use vs. scaled engine production While the electricity use appears to scale linearly with production, the natural gas use does not. Figure 4.3 shows the natural gas consumption plotted against the mean monthly temperature over a year at the site. The correlation is stronger here, indicating the weather conditions and concomitant heating and cooling loads have a larger impact on natural gas use which is used for powering heating and HVAC units. We build regression models for the scaled electricity use and natural gas use with the scaled production and mean monthly temperature as the independent variables. The results of these are shown in Table 4.1. All the 2 variables are significant at 99% or more. The R -adjusted value for the electricity model is 0.81 and that for the natural gas use model is 0.86. 64 3 cu~ a) C, 0 February January, 0 March Min. production (5s volume CU 49 2 0 April December?- 0.74 '..R2 Yearend z November, Max. production volume 0June 1 O May 0 0 ' ------------------------------- - August September -October July 0 10 20 40 30 50 60 70 80 Mean Temperature (OF) Figure 4.3: Total natural gas use vs. mean monthly temperature Table 4.1: Results of regression analysis for scaled electricity and scaled natural gas use vs. scaled production and temperature Coefficient t-Statistic p-value 0.8 11.7 IE-10 Scaled Production 0.15 7.6 1E-07 Temperature 0.005 4.8 8E-05 Intercept 3.86 13.73 2E-07 Scaled Production -0.48 -3.53 6E-03 Temperature -0.02 -6.46 1E-04 Scaled Electricity Use Intercept Scaled Natural Gas Use We can predict the scaled electricity use by the equation, Scaled Electricity Use = 0.8 + 0.15 x Production + 0.005 x Temperature. 65 And the scaled natural gas use can be predicted using, Scaled Natural Gas Use = 3.86 - 0.48 x Production - 0.02 x Temperature. In both models, we notice a strong significance of the intercept or the base load energy component. Electricity use increases with production output and with temperature. This seems reasonable since all process activities in the factory use electricity. And cooling, ventilation and air conditioning systems also use electricity, the use of which increases in the summer months. The natural gas use is negatively correlated with temperature. This is because a warmer winter means less fuel use for factory heating. An interesting observation is the negative correlation of natural gas use with production output. Natural gas is used for process activities (for example, painting) as well as for non-process activities, like factory heating. This suggests that the so-called heat-replacement effect might be at play here. Production activities tend to generate waste heat which raises indoor temperature and reduces the heating load. This is an unintended consequence of increased activity in the factory. Thus, improvement in IAL*_ 1-___ __-1 -1I1- _ L1- - - efP P1I .' equipMenIt ur lighting efficiency would have the eiect of reducing the waste heat, and therefore increasing the fuel consumed for heating. In chapter 6, we develop a model to be able to determine improvements offer a net benefit. 66 whether such efficiency 4.2 Regression Models for Renault Factory Emissions In this section, we construct regression models for Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions reported by Renault in its CDP reports. Recall that Scope 1 emissions are those arising from fuel consumption on site, and Scope 2 emissions are those from purchased and consumed energy carriers. Renault is chosen since they report emissions on a per plant basis, for four years: 2008, 2010, 2011 and 2012. We can independently find data on weather conditions, production and capacity numbers, and the type of vehicles being manufactured at each plant location. While Renault reports emissions of over forty plants, not all plant data can be used. This is because we do not always have reliable weather data for each site; or accurate production and capacity data might be missing; or the plant may manufacture products other than cars and light trucks. So we select ten plants for which we have four years of emission data. Thus, we have forty data points. The average values of the variables are given in Table 4.2 below. The complete data set is presented in Appendix B. Table 4.2: Average values of the plant variables in the Renault model Variable Value Unit Annual scope 1 emissions 24,874 metric tons CO2e Annual scope 2 emissions Annual HDD Annual CDD Electric grid intensity Annual assembly Annual capacity Plant utilization Wheelbase Vertical integration 23,176 3,952 702 0.313 146,201 202,847 72.6 2,636 1.4 metric tons CO2e F-day F-day kg CO 2 per kWh 67 units units percent millimeters Variables and data sources Scope 1 and 2 emissions Scope 1 and Scope 2 definitions were discussed earlier. These are obtained from Renault's CDP reports for the years 2008, 2010, 2011 and 2012 [54]. The 2009 year data was not available on CDP's website and so it could not be included. The emissions are C02-equivalent, not CO 2 . The GHGs included in Scope 1 emissions are C0 2, CH4 , N 2 0 and HFCs. Carbon dioxide is by far the most dominant GHG, about ten times higher than the second highest GHG. Annual degree days The weather conditions at each plant site are represented by heating and cooling degree days. Weather conditions influence heating and cooling loads in factories. Boyd [35] makes the distinction between air-conditioning and air-tempering. In their survey, Boyd found that all plants conditioned the air i.e., controlled the humidity, but few plants cooled the air. Boyd says that few plants in North America temper the air. The data are sourced from the website [60] which presents annual Fahrenheit-days calculated at a base temperature of 65 F. Often, heating and cooling degree days (HDD and CDD) for the exact plant location are not available so we use the nearest weather station data. Electric grid intensity Average annual grid intensity data is obtained from the IEA's 2013 report [61]. Grid data for the 2012 calendar year was not available in this report and so it was taken from Renault's CDP reports. It is worth mentioning here that the world average intensity during this time was about 0.53 kg CO 2 per kWh whereas Renault's average for the plants considered here is 0.31 kg CO 2 per 68 kWh. Most of the plants studied here are in countries like France and Spain which have low carbon intensity grids. Production, capacity and utilization Car and light truck assembly and capacity data was obtained from Pricewaterhouse Coopers' Autofacts database [1]. The utilization is calculated for each plant for each year by dividing annual assembly by and annual production capacity. Wheelbase Vehicle wheelbase is the distance between the front and rear axles. Boyd found that assembly energy use was correlated to the vehicle surface area, not weight. This is possibly because of increased energy expenditure on welding, assembly and painting. So, vehicle wheelbase is used as a proxy for the surface area. The vehicle models manufactured at each site and the model year is known from the Autofacts database. We can find the vehicle wheelbase of each model from public sources on the internet. For each plant, we then calculate a production-weighted vehicle wheelbase. Vertical integration The plants studied here have varying levels of vertical integration. For example, some plants only perform body weld, chassis assembly, paint and final assembly, whereas others might have casting and machining operations. To account for this, we introduce an ordinal variable, ranging from 1 to 3. A value of 1 implies only final assembly, with possible body shop processes. A value of 2 is assigned to a plant if, in addition to plant 1 tasks, it also performs powertrain production and assembly. A value of 3 is assigned to plants that manufacture components in addition to tasks that a 2-rated plant does. The level of vertical integration is obtained based on public sources, often from Renault's website for each plant. 69 Analysis We build regression models for Scope 1 emissions per vehicle (tons CO2e per vehicle) and Scope 2 emissions per vehicle (tons CO2e per vehicle). The results for Scope 1 and 2 emissions intensity are shown in Table 4.3 and Table 4.4. Table 4.3: Scope 1 emissions intensity regression results Coefficients t-statistic p-value -0.693 -1.94 0.060 Avg. CDD 2.3E-05 1.54 0.132 Avg. HDD 1.5E-05 4.02 3E-04 Utilization -0.233 -5.23 8E-06 Vertical integration -0.034 -2.94 5E-06 3.8E-04 2.95 5E-06 Intercept Wheelbase Table 4.4: Scope 2 emissions intensity regression results Coefficients t-statistic p-value Intercept 0.278 0.89 0.375 Avg. CDD 2E-05 1.12 0.271 Avg. HDD 6E-06 1.89 0.067 Grid intensity 0.534 9.47 6E-11 Utilization -0.182 -4.57 6E-05 Vertical integration -0.023 -2.23 0.032 Wheelbase (mm) -6E-05 -0.52 0.601 For Scope 1 emissions intensity, except the cooling degree days, all factors are significant at more than 99.9%. The CDD non-significance is reasonable 70 since typically fossil fuels are not used for factory space conditioning. The coefficient for vertical integration is negative which is counter-intuitive. With greater vertical integration, we would expect higher emissions per vehicle because more activities are being in-house. The model is significant with an adjusted-R 2 value of 71%. For Scope 2 emissions intensity, the model has several variables which are significant at less than 95%. We drop the wheelbase variable which is the least significant and re-run the analysis. The results are presented in Table 4.5 below. Table 4.5: Scope 2 emissions intensity regression results Coefficients t-statistic p-value Intercept 0.115 4.36 1E-04 Avg. CDD 2E-05 1.08 0.288 Avg. HDD 6E-06 1.84 0.075 Grid intensity 0.532 9.56 4E-11 Utilization -0.172 -5.04 2E-05 Vertical integration -0.023 -2.22 0.033 We see higher significance of the variables now. The weather parameters, CDD and HDD, still seem not very significant. If we remove those too, we get a model in the variables grid intensity, utilization and vertical integration. Table 4.6: Scope 2 emissions intensity regression results Coefficients t-statistic p-value Intercept 0.127 5.03 1E-05 Grid intensity 0.566 17.1 0 Utilization -0.16 -4.7 3E-05 Vertical integration -0.01 -1.8 0.08 71 Again, we see that vertical integration is negatively correlated with emissions, which is counter-intuitive. However, it is only significant at 92%. Grid intensity is highly significant as is utilization. With these models, we can characterize Renault's plants. Knowing factors like average HDD and CDD, grid intensities, vehicle wheelbase and factory utilization, we can closely predict the emissions intensity at any plant. It also reveals where the most effective controls lie for reducing emissions. For example, a company can reduce its Scope 2 intensity by buying certain percentage of its electricity from renewable sources. Closer attention to air exchanges, heat losses and gains through factory walls, roofs and ceilings, and effectively using waste heat would reduce the effect adverse weather conditions have on on-site energy use. Similarly, a model such as this reveals how emissions intensity depends on seemingly peripheral factors. As we will see in chapter 6, a plant may look like it is improving on emissions, say, by increasing its utilization. However, while the emissions intensity might decrease with higher utilization, absolute emissions might still grow. Controlling for extraneous factors like utilization and weather conditions is important when comparing emissions reduction activities. Conclusion In this chapter, we studied energy use and emissions from component manufacturing and vehicle assembly. We find that automobile factories can be modeled like unit processes. Knowing which factors contribute to emissions, we can precisely control factory emissions, much like optimizing unit processes. 72 Chapter 5: Surrogate Global Assembly Plant Model In this chapter, we develop a model of a globally representative assembly plant. We use Sullivan's VMA model and we benchmark it to the CDP reports. We then determine the level of vertical integration in the factory, and develop a model for the automobile supply chain. 5.1 Assembly plant model In this section, we develop a simple model to represent an average global automobile assembly plant. We take advantage of two observations: 1. The average Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions from the eleven companies with complete data closely matches the CO 2 emissions from the Sullivan report on automobile manufacturing, and 2. Factory CO 2 emissions and energy use can be roughly segmented into fixed (also called base load) and variable components. This approach reveals an energy-"economies of scale" effect. That is, when a plant is operated below capacity, the energy use and CO 2 73 emissions per vehicle are much larger than when it is operated at higher volumes. Most notably, we see this for Maserati as reported by Fiat in their 2013 sustainability report. Maserati's addition of a plant in 2013 saw its Scope 1 emissions increase from 1,138 tons for one plant to 15,776 tons for the two plants. Its Scope 2 emissions increased from 1,975 tons to 26,145 tons. Let the company have N factories which are identical in all respects. We assume that the factory only does vehicle assembly and painting. Sullivan [20] presents a model for the vehicle component manufacturing and assembly (VMA) phase of automobile manufacturing. The processes performed in the factory and the fixed components are listed in Table 5.1 by drawing upon Sullivan's VMA model. Table 5.1: Activities performed at the surrogate assembly plant Type of activity Activities Base load Lighting, heating, HVAC, compressed air Process Painting, welding, material handling Sullivan assumes some in-house material transformation and machining processes and quotes a figure of 2,227 kg C02 per vehicle for the VMA phase. We looked at some of the largest automobile assembly plants in the U.S to assume a suitable factory area and annual production volume for the surrogate factory. The average throughput per unit area of the factory for the large automobile assembly plants was found to be 0.94 [62]. Based on this data, we assume an annual production volume of 250,000 vehicles and a factory floor area of 250,000 m 2 for the surrogate factory. The volume is measured at two shifts running eight hours with 250 working days a year. 74 Let us denote annual emissions from an assembly plant by c. These emissions can be split into base load and process emissions as follows: d b + ki ... (5.1) Where, b represents the base load emissions (kg CO 2 per plant per year) which are independent of the production volume, but depend on conditions which affect things like heating, cooling, lighting requirements of the factory; i) represents the annual production volume of the plant; and k is a process parameter (kg C02 per vehicle) which depends on the type of processes being performed at the factory, vehicle parameters (example, wheelbase, weight, material content), and the fuel(s) used for these processes. Let V be the company's annual output from these factories. That is, V = Nv ... (5.2) Then, at the company level, we can write equation (5.1) as: C = Nb+ kV ... (5.3) On a per-vehicle basis, we can write, Nb C~- . -. +k V V Let CB= Nb/V be the base load emissions per vehicle, and Op ... (5.4) k be the process emissions per vehicle. That is, S= OB 75 +P ... (5.5) For our model, we assume that only vehicle assembly is being done in-house. Activities like HVAC, lighting, heating and compressed air supply constitute base load processes. We assume that these activities stay on and draw energy regardless of the status of production. Using Sullivan's numbers, we get the emissions listed in Table 5.2. Table 5.2: Emissions per vehicle from natural gas and electricity use Base load Process Total Emissions (kg CO 2 per vehicle) Scope 1 emissions Scope 2 emissions (from natural gas use) (from electricity use) 195 317 150 212 345 530 513 362 875 The emissions resulting from natural gas constitute Scope 1 emissions, and the emissions from purchased electricity constitute Scope 2 emissions. From Table 5.2, we have CB = 513 kg and Op = 362 kg. Annually, the surrogate factory contributes to 86,372 tons of CO 2 from natural gas combustion, and 132,525 tons C02 from purchased electricity. The total annual CO 2 emissions from the plant therefore amount to 218,897 tons The surrogate assembly plant, its energy inputs and products are depicted in a sketch in Figure 5.1. 76 86,372 tons C02 On-site Natural Gas Automobile Assembly Plant Floor Area = 250,000 m2 132,525 tons C02 250,000 Vehicles Produced Each Year Electric Utility Figure 5.1: Sketch of the surrogate factory, its emissions and products From the CDP data in Chapter 3, in general, we saw an absolute emissions increase with the production rate. We plot the 2012 Scope 1, Scope 2, and Scope 1+2 emissions for fifteen manufacturers against their production rate and we get the chart seen in Figure 5.2. We get a reasonably good fit for all the three plots, but especially for the Scope 1+2 linear models. From Figure 5.2 and Table 5.2, we can compare the emissions intensity determined from the CDP data and what Sullivan estimated for a generic vehicle. The slopes of the linear fits for Scope 1, Scope 2 and Scope 1+2 emissions intensity are shown alongside Sullivan's natural gas, electricity and total emissions in Table 5.3. Table 5.3: Comparison of the CDP data to Sullivan's data for emissions intensity Scope 1 Scope 2 Scope 1+2 From CDP 326 514 839 kg CO 2 per vehicle From Sullivan's report data 345 530 875 77 The Scope 1+2 emissions reported to the CDP are within 4.2% of Sullivan's numbers. Part of the reason that Sullivan's number is higher could be the higher emission factor that Sullivan uses for the U.S grid (0.77 kg CO 2 per kWh). Sullivan's estimate of Scope 1+2 emissions intensity would equal the CDP Scope 1 plus 2 emissions intensity for a grid intensity of 0.72 kg CO 2 per kWh. For this grid intensity, the Scope 1 intensity is 0.345 ton CO 2 per vehicle and the Scope 2 intensity is 0.493 ton CO 2 per vehicle. The average grid intensity for the thirteen states where U.S automobile manufacturing is concentrated is 0.67 kg CO 2 per kWh delivered. 78 L. C').1~M _0 0) L C ff 0 (D '.. o >.C: a) AScopel1 a)C 0 Cl) 0 o L > = emissions -32 .37 0.J 0) *~Scope 1+2 CD Cl) Cl) emissions E --------------------- 5---------------------------------------------------------------5 7 7 7 0.55 3 ------ --------- y0.5123x + 95820R 2 =0.875 0.29 R7 --------------------------------7------------- -- 648 A A ------- ------ Global Annual Production in Millions Figure 5.2: Scope 1, Scope 2 and Scope 1+2 emissions for fifteen automakers, 2012 79 5.2 Assembly plant and the automobile supply chain The automobile production supply chain extends from material mining, refining and production, to final assembly of the vehicle. As mentioned in Chapter 2, Sullivan et al (1998) did an LCA of a 1,532 kg generic vehicle and presented results for energy use and CO 2 emissions. Their results are shown in Table 5.4 below. Table 5.4: Materials and vehicle manufacturing results from Sullivan (1998) Energy use (MJ) CO 2 (kg) Materials production 94,460 4,440 . 39,217 2,562 Total production 133,677 7,002 Note that manufacturing includes production of parts, sub-assemblies and final assembly. We see that 70% of the energy use and 63% of the emissions for the production of automobiles is attributable to materials production. Schuckert et al studied the Volkswagen Polo in 1997 and published an LCA analysis. Their estimate for total energy of production was 62,000 MJ per vehicle and the associated emissions were 3,700 kg CO 2 . The estimate is lower because of the smaller dimensions and weight (1,040 kg) of the car. Also, base load energy and emissions do not seem to have been included in this study. For companies, the level of vertical integration is an important strategic decision. In the late 1990s, the estimate for in-house component production was as shown in Table 5.5 below [63]. Table 5.5: Vertical integration at Chrysler, Ford and G.M in the late 1990s. Component Automatic transmissions Axles for rear-wheel-drive Chrysler 100% 50 Ford General Motors 65% 100% 70 30 Axles for front-wheel-drive Body panel stampings and assemblies Brakes (excluding antilock type) 0 73a 0 50 66a 0 Cylinder blocks and foundry products 50b 100 82 0 65 70a 0 0 0 50 Suspensions a Minimum estimate. b Maximum estimate. (Reproduced from The New York Times) 80 50 100 100 0 0 100 100 Engines Fuel-injection systems Glass Heating/cooling systems Lighting systems Seat tracks and fasteners Steering gears 100 90a 100 100 98 100 0 100 100 100 100 100 In the previous section, we only included welding, painting and final assembly activities in the factory boundaries. Assembly plants will typically do these operations. Some plants also do upstream operations in the same facility. Galitsky et al present a list of vehicle manufacturing plants in the U.S in the year 2000. While the U.S auto industry has seen a lot of reorganization since 2000 with many plants being shut down, we assume that most plants are operating the same way now as they did then. Most plants perform assembly and painting activities, and some do stamping, but very few do machining or casting. We can empirically determine the stamping percentage done in-house as a percentage of total stamping. We use the SGAP model developed in section 5.1 and we can determine what percent of stamping done in-house would give us the average Scope 1+2 emissions for a year, say, 2012. To do this, we need to adjust the numbers we used in the SGAP model. As mentioned in section 5.1, Sullivan seemed to use a high value of electric grid intensity of about 0.77 kg CO 2 per kWh. So we scale down the Scope 2 emissions by applying the 81 world average grid intensity of 0.536 kg CO 2 per kWh in 2011 [63]. We also assume that all other energy is derived from natural gas with an intensity of 0.055 kg CO 2 per MJ [59]. In their 2010 work, Sullivan et al provided details about the energy use and emissions associated with the manufacturing phase mentioned above i.e., processing metals, polymers and glass for use in vehicle assembly. Processes like casting, forging, stamping, machining employed for different materials were studied. We build on Sullivan's results for energy and emissions from vehicle assembly as shown in Table 5.6 below. The materials production numbers are calculated using Sullivan's vehicle inventory data and Ashby's material profiles. The details are provided in Appendix C. A clear distinction is made in material transformation and the vehicle assembly stages. The base load energy and emissions for material transformation are assumed to be equal to those for vehicle assembly, following Sullivan's lead [64]. Table 5.6: Energy use and emissions for the entire automobile manufacturing cycle based on Sullivan's data Stage Base load energy MJ/veh From Fuels From Electricity Process energy MJ/veh From Fuels From Electricity Material Production Total energy MJ/veh 69,204 Material Transformation 3,10 3,5 11,315 7,717 25,476 Vehicle Assembly 3,110 3,335 2,664 4,493 13,602 Total 108,282 82 Process emissions kg CO2/veh Base load emissions kg CO2/veh Stage From Fuels From Electricity From Fuels From Electricity Material Production Total emissions kg CO2/veh 3,876 Material Transformation 171 166 622 383 1,342 Vehicle Assembly 171 166 147 223 706 5,924 Total We compare these values with Sullivan (1998) and Schuckert et al. Figure 5.3 illustrates the spread of values reported in literature. 160,000 Sullivan et al 1998 LCA of a Generic U.S. Sedan (1,532 kg) 133,677 MJ/vehicle 120,000 ---------------------------------------- ------------------------------- 80,000 I---------------------------- S huckert et al 1997 Volkswagen Plo LCA (1 ,040 kg) 6 ,000 MJ/vehicle ------------------------------ 40,000 F------------------------------ 108,282 0 Total MJ per vehicle 83 8,000 Sullivan et al 1998 LCA of a Generic U.S. Sedan (1,532 kg) 7,002 kg C02 per vehicle 6,000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4,000 ----------- ~-~~-----------~~~~ --.. S We---aTI99 Vol swagen Polo LCA - -~~ (1,(40 kg) 3,7 0 kg C02 per vehicle --------------------------- 2,000 ----------------------------- 5,924 0 Total kg C02 per vehicle Figure 5.3: Comparison of Sullivan's VMA model to literature In 2012, the average CO 2 emissions intensity for the eleven automakers whose CDP reports we studied was 795 kg per vehicle. The breakdown of average Scope 1 and 2 emissions intensity was 266 kg per vehicle and 529 kg and per vehicle. We assume that all energy needs for stamping are met by electricity. Knowing the energy intensity of stamping per kilogram of output, and the amount of stamped material used in cars, we need to determine what fraction of stamping will raise the vehicle assembly emissions shown above equal to 706 kg to be equal to 795 kg. A simple calculation shows that 61% of total stamping needs to be done in the same assembly plant for our model to match the 2012 average CDP Scope 1+2 emissions intensity. We can verify this stamping percent result by comparing it to Sullivan's bottom-up model. We assume that a plant would stamp only the major body 84 panels, the ones which are galvanized. From Sullivan's materials inventory for his vehicle, we find that 22.7% of the curb weight is stamped galvanized steel. The total percentage of the vehicle weight assumed to be stamped steel is 37.9% according to Sullivan. So, exactly 60% of the stamped steel content might be assumed to be done in-house. This compares well with our empirical estimate above. The final energy and emissions results for our model are given in Table 5.7 and Table 5.8 below. Table 5.7: Estimated energy required for in-house operations in an assembly plant Machining Painting Welding Material Handling Process Sum Sum Electricity MJ/veh (Primary Energy) 3,110 - - 3,110 3,335 3,335 3,110 1,380 4,715 1,380 7,825 2,664 - 1,792 1,503 920 1,792 2,664 5,774 4,905 9,620 690 - Base load Heating HVAC and Lighting Compressed Air Base load Sum Process Stamping Total MJ/veh Natural Gas MJ/veh (Primary Energy) 4,167 920 690 7,569 15,394 Table 5.8: Estimated emissions from in-house operations in an assembly plant Scope 1 Emissions kg CO2/veh 85 Scope 2 Emissions kg C02/veh Total kg C02/veh Machining Painting Welding Material Handling Process Sum Sum 171 - 166 166 171 69 235 69 406 147 - 89 75 46 89 222 46 34 34 147 318 243 477 390 795 171 - Base load Heating HVAC and Lighting Compressed Air Base load Sum Process Stamping The energy use per vehicle can be shown as a Sankey diagram to highlight the relative magnitudes of the requirements of different processes. The width of the bands is proportional to the energy use. Figure 5.4 below shows the metered energy use at the factory level. Heating Metered Natural Gas 5774 MJ Painting Stamping Welding Material Handling Metered Electricity Compressed Air Lighting 3207 MJ Ventilation and Air-conditioning Electricity [MJ] Natural Gas [MJ] Figure 5.4: Sankey diagram of energy used per vehicle at the factory 86 We compare our estimate to the eight auto companies for whom reliable data is available from the CDP. Figure 5.5 shows the primary energy comparison. a, 40,000 2012 CDP Average Energy Use: 18,572 MJ per vehicle a) 30,000 C LU CU E - - 20,000 - - -- --- ----- Calculated in- - ~~--h6U eenergy use:- 15,394 MJ/vehicle C) CN 10,000 - -- LO C L----- 1. LO) 0 BMW Daimler Fiat Ford 0 GM PU' Honda Nissan Renault Figure 5.5: Calculated in-house energy compared to reported energy use by auto companies, 2012 The estimated in-house energy use is 17% lower than the 2012 average of the energy use reported by these companies. This is because the energy use reported by companies is aggregated over all factories and business divisions. Energy use for non-manufacturing operations would also be reported here. Also, Daimler's reporting includes divisions other than their passenger car division. If we do not include Daimler, the 2012 average energy use intensity is 16,675 MJ per vehicle, and our estimate is within 8% of this value. For a more direct comparison, we compare our calculated emissions to the 2012 reported emissions. This is shown in Figure 5.6 below. Since we fit our model to this data, on average we get the same result for Scope 1+2 emissions 87 intensity. Differences in emissions intensities can be attributed to different vehicle types, differences in grid efficiencies, among other reasons. 1,600 - 1,200 [ - - - -- - - ---- ----- - 2012 CDP 2012 CDP Calculated Calculated --- Scope 1 Emissions Scope 2 Emissions Scope 1 Emissions Scope 1+2 Emissions --------- a) a)80 795 CL80 (N 0 0 0) 400 ---qC0q _1 -~~ ---N - ------- 0 IN 0 40 Figure 5.6: Calculated Scope 1+2 emissions compared with reported 2012 Scope 1+2 emissions Finally, from the CDP data, we have data on Scope 3.1 emissions for six auto companies for 2012. The companies are BMW, Daimler, Nissan, Renault and Volkswagen. In Figure 5.7, we compare our model for Scope 1+2 and Scope 3.1 emissions intensity with the reported emissions. The Scope 1+2 intensity for these companies is close to the average we used to determine our in-house stamping percentage. So these numbers match up well. The Scope 3.1 emissions estimate is also fairly close, up to 2% of the reported emissions. One reason for this could be that we do not include the emissions associated 88 with components assembly. Another reason could be differences in electric grid intensities, since we assumed world average grid intensity in our model. 8,000 L 0 Scope 3.1 0, 0 MScope 1+2 0) 0 0) U) LU 6,000 (> (D 4,000 CU) Cu 2,000 I 0 2012 CDP Average of 5 companies Calculated Figure 5.7: Calculated Scope 1+2 and Scope 3.1 emissions compared with values reported to the CDP by five companies Conclusions In this chapter, we built and extended the global assembly plant model to include some amount of stamping. Our model matches well with data reported by auto companies to the CDP. Supply chain energy use is complicated because of the vast network of suppliers required for each car. Our model does not have reliable figures for supply chain overhead energy use. Reliable data on component assembly is also missing. It can be difficult to determine this because the production of sub-assemblies 89 does not necessarily scale with the masses of the components. A detailed study of the supply chain energy use, both base load and process, is needed. 90 Chapter 6: Thermodynamic model and evaluation of emission reduction activities In this chapter, we build a model to evaluate heating and cooling loads in a factory by focusing on some of the more important heat transfer phenomena. We combine this model with our basic factory model developed earlier to evaluate how different emission reduction activities affect total factory energy requirements. We also consider the effect of environmental conditions as well as operational decisions on factory energy use. 6.1 Basic thermodynamic model We base our surrogate factory in Detroit, Michigan. Historical weather and solar radiation data are obtained for Detroit. The Fahrenheit heating and 91 cooling degree days, determined for a base temperature of 65 F, for Detroit in 2014 are shown in Table 4.1 below [60]. Table 6.1: Detroit heating and cooling Fahrenheit degree days for 2014 January February March April May June July August September October November December HDD 1430 1240 1106 469 162 5 2 3 99 330 815 935 CDD 0 0 0 0 66 213 210 247 79 1 0 0 Based on this table, we divide the year in a heating and a cooling season. We assume only a heating load in a heating season and a cooling load in the cooling season. The heating season for 2014 is considered to be January through May and then September through December. The cooling season is therefore the months June through August. We consider three mechanisms which cause heating or cooling loads. These are air exchange, transmission through walls, roof and floor, and internal heat gains from people, equipment and lighting. These mechanisms occur in both seasons. We describe how we determine heat loss or gain for each mechanism and then determine the per vehicle fuel or electricity use. We also consider the energy needed to move air by means of fans. We do not partition these shops into separate zones. That is, no difference in temperature, humidity or ventilation parameters is assumed between these 92 zones. This is a modeling simplification. We recognize that often these zones can be in different buildings with separate air control systems, or they might be adjacent and exchange heat with each other. Furthermore, we only consider loads during the first and second shifts, which are assumed to be the only operational shifts. Air exchange In a factory, air is circulated to maintain ergonomic conditions. Unlike most commercial or residential buildings, a factory has bays to allow material entry and exit. Since outside air might constantly enter and leave the system, it may constitute a significant thermal load on the ventilation system. Sensible heating and cooling loads The sensible load is associated with controlling the temperature of air. Latent loads are those associated with controlling the humidity of air. We use the degree day methodology to determine the sensible heating loads on a monthly basis. The degree days are calculated on a daily basis and added for each month. This is a reasonable resolution for us since we do not expect HVAC control systems to react to daily changes in temperature. We expect to get a reasonable average estimate of heating and cooling loads. We calculate the sensible heating load, Qs Qs, by using the following expression: = (air flow rate) x (specific heat) x (degree-days) A ventilation guide has been developed for automobile factory HVAC by industry professionals in which some data on about six plants is available [65]. An important variable is the rate at which air is exchanged with the 93 surroundings. This depends on the shop within a factory, whether it is a body shop, paint shop or a final assembly shop. Values are presented for the air flow in cubic meters per hour per square meter of factory floor area. For the summer season, this depends on whether the plant is tempered. Usually plants will condition the air, i.e., control for humidity. Some plants temper the air i.e., the also cool the air in the summer. Tempered plants have lower air flow rates. Table 6.2 shows some of the air flow rates given in the ventilation guide. Table 6.2: Outdoor air flow rates 40 36.5-73 42 - 15 40 - 18 23-32 18.3 23 40 36.5-73 - 25 23-32 - 25 11-23 29.3 15.8 38 23.7 38 - Body shops Ford General Motors Toyota, KY Daimler, Germany Daimler, Ontario Paint shops Ford Toyota, KY Assembly Shop Ford General Motors Toyota, KY Daimler, Germany - Plant Outdoor air flow rate (m 3 /h per m 2 of floor area) Winter Summer Non-tempered Tempered system system 18 23-32 22 23 (Reproduced from the Ventilation guide) We will assume that our surrogate plant has a tempered system. We assume an average air flow rate of 25 m 3 per hour per m 2 for both the seasons. 94 Degree days were presented in Table 6.1 above. These are in Fahrenheit days added up for month. We can write the sensible load for each month by using the following expression: Qs = pa x f x A x wr x Cp x DD x d,,. Where, QS =sensible heating or cooling load each month, MJ, pa density of air = 1.2 kg/M 3 of air, , f = air flow rate = 25 m 3/h/m 2 , A = factory floor area = 250,000 M 2 = working hours in a month. We assume 250 working days a year divided equally over twelve months. We assume two work shifts of eight hours duration each. So Wni = 333 hours a month. Wni Cp = specific heat of air = 1.005 kJ/kg-K = 0.558 x 10-3 MJ/kg-F, DD = heating or cooling degree days, F-days/month, dni = month/days, assumed to be 1/30 for simplicity. The results for sensible heating load for both seasons are shown in Table 6.3 below. Note again that we assume no overlap of heating and cooling loads in a month. In reality, for Detroit, the months of May and September might have small cooling loads. Table 6.3: Sensible heating and cooling loads for a year Month January February March Sensible Heat Load (MJ) 69,304,248 60,095,991 53,601,747 95 Sensible Cooling Load (MJ) Sensible Heat Load (MJ) 22,729,855 7,851,251 - - Sensible Cooling Load (MJ) 10,322,940 10,177,547 11,970,734 - - - 4,797,986 15,993,288 39,498,574 45,314,316 319,187,257 - Month April May June July August September October November December Total 32,471,221 Latent heating and cooling loads In addition to its temperature, the moisture content of air has to be controlled. We use the following equation from the ASHRAE Handbook [68, p. 18.13] to determine the latent load, Qi, for each month: Qi = f x Dh x (Win - Wo) Where, Q1 = latent heat load, MJ, , Dh = latent heat of evaporation = 3,010 kJ/m 3 Win = Wo desired indoor humidity ratio, kg of water/kg of air, outdoor air humidity ratio, kg of water/kg of air. Relative humidity (RH) of air is the ratio of the mole fraction of water in the given sample of air to the mole fraction of water in saturated air sample at the same temperature and pressure [66, p. 1.8]. The ASHRAE handbook 96 suggests keeping the relative humidity between 30 to 60% [66, pp. 18.30,9.12]. We assume the inside desired RH to be 50%. The relative humidity can be converted to the humidity ratio at a known temperature using the following equation [66, p. 1.8]: WO = W"' 1 + (1 - #)W 8t,/0.62945 x W 8 Where, Wst,P = humidity ratio of moist saturated air at the same temperature and pressure. # = relative humidity. For a factory inside temperature of 18 0 C, Wst,p is 1.2 x 10-2, and 50% RH translates to a humidity ratio of 6.4 x 10-3. We then determine the value of Wst,p at median summer (i.e., June through August) and winter (i.e., September through May) temperatures. For Detroit, based on the data from 2010 to 2014, the median temperature in the winter is 2'C whereas it is 280 C in the summer. We assume an atmospheric pressure of 101 kPa. For these values, Wst,p is 4.3 x 10-3 in the winter and 2.4 x 10-2 in the summer. We use the formula above to convert the 5-years of relative humidity data for Detroit, available from, to humidity ratio. The median relative humidity in winters is 2.2 x 10-3 and it is 2.1 x 10-2 in the summer. We use these values for 0 in the two seasons as a simplification. The results for 2014 are shown in Table 6.4 below. Table 6.4: Latent heating and cooling loads for a year Latent Heat Load (MJ) 238,682,961 Latent Cooling Load (MJ) 274,114,013 97 So, the total heating and cooling loads due to air exchange are as shown in Table 6.5 below: Table 6.5: Air exchange heating and cooling loads Sensible + Latent Load, MJ Winter Summer 557,870,217 306,585,234 2,231 1,226 Air exchange load, MJ/vehicle Heat transfer through walls, roof and floor Conduction of heat through the external surfaces of the factory building is the other mechanism we model. Walls and roof The heat exchange across a surface can be written by the general equation given below: Qt = U x A x AT. Where, U is the overall heat transfer coefficient, W/m 2/K, , A is the surface area, M 2 A-T is tue temperature difference across the surface which causes t exchange, K. 98 heeau In the equation above, U depends on the construction of the surface as well as inside and outside air conditions. The U-values can range from 0.22 to 3.12 W/m 2 -K. We assume the wall and roof have an insulated steel frame construction. The U-value for this surface is 0.86 W/m 2 -K [68, p. 27.4]. The equation above is used in the ASHRAE handbook for determining heat gain by using the conduction time-series method. Note that ASHRAE [66, p. 18.23] does not consider solar heat gain for design considerations in the winter. We adapt their heat gain equation for the winter to determine the heat loss in the summer. Also, our calculations are on a monthly basis and we do not consider time-series effects. That is, heat gain (or loss) during one day does not affect heat (or cooling) loads the following day. We use the sol-air temperature method to model convection and radiation at the walls and roofs. The sol-air temperature is the temperature which in the absence of radiation would cause the same heat exchange at the surface as would occur due to convection, global incident radiation [66, p. 18.22] and radiant heat exchange with the sky and surroundings. In the equation above, in the winter, AT= (Tin - Tsoi), and in the summer AT = (Tsol - Tin), where Tsoi is the sol-air temperature. The sol-air temperature for each above-ground surface is given by: T1 = To + EAR ho ho Where, To is the outside air temperature, 'C, a is the absorptance of a surface to solar radiation, , Et is the total solar radiation incident on a surface, W/m 2 99 ho is the heat transfer coefficient for convection and long-wave radiation, W/m 2/K, e is the hemispherical emittance of a surface, AR is the difference between long-wave radiation incident on a surface from the sky and surroundings and the radiation emitted by a black body at . outdoor air temperature, W/m 2 For each day of the month, we know the outside air temperature for Detroit. The value of a/ho is typically taken to be 0.026 for light-colored surfaces [66, p. 18.23]. To determine Et, for simplicity, we use monthly average incident radiation on a building which is provided by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) [67]. We assume the roof to be perfectly horizontal and the walls to be perfectly vertical. Note that there is one value of Et for the roof for each month, but the incident radiation on each wall depends significantly on its orientation (also known as the surface azimuth). South-facing surfaces receive more radiation than north-facing ones. NREL provides incident radiation data based on surface orientations. We assume that the factory has a square layout and is oriented perfectly north-south. So we determine Tsol for the roof and Tsoi for each wall on a monthly basis. For horizontal surfaces like roofs, ASHRAE suggests using e = 1 and AR = 63 W/m 2 , and using eAR = 0 for vertical surfaces like walls. The sol-air temperatures for the five surfaces for each season were estimated and the seasonal averages are shown in Table 6.6 below. The actual average air temperatures for Detroit in 2014 were about 10C in the winter and 27 0 C in the summer. Table 6.6: Average sol-air temperatures for external surfaces for the winter and summer season 100 Average sol-air Average sol-air temperature in temperature in the winter (0 C) the summer (0 C) 0.58 29.95 2 29.32 East Wall 3.01 31.04 South Wall 3.97 30.47 West Wall 2.96 30.97 Surface Roof North Wall Floor The heat transfer across the floor is relatively simpler to determine since there is no solar radiation effect, and the ground temperature stays relatively stable through the year. ASHRAE suggests the following expression for heat loss through the slab perimeter [66, p. 18.31]: Qip =p X F X (Tin - Tgr) Where, Qp is the heat loss through the slab perimeter, W, p is the factory perimeter which is (500 x 4) = 2000 m. Fp is the heat loss coefficient per meter of slab perimeter, W/m-K. Its value depends on the type of wall construction. We assume a poured concrete wall with duct near perimeter for which is a value of 3.67 W/m-K is provided by ASHRAE. Tgr is the ground temperature. The ground temperature remains fairly steady throughout the year. We consider the heat loss to the floor for the winter 101 season only. In the summer, this would be a cooling load credit, but we ignore this for now. The minimum ground temperature, used to get a conservative estimate, is determined by the following expression: Tr = Tr - A Where, Tg, is the mean ground temperature, 'C. We estimate this to be equal to the annual average air temperature as suggested by ASHRAE. The annual average air temperature for Detroit for the last 5 years is 10.5'C. A is the ground surface temperature amplitude. This depends on the geographic location of the site. The ASHRAE handbook provides a map of values for the United States [66, p. 18.30]. For Detroit, the amplitude is about 12 K. All the variables in the equation above to calculate floor heat loss are assumed to stay constant for the nine months of the winter season. The estimates for heat loss and gains across different external surfaces for the heating and cooling seasons are summarized in Table 6.7 below: Table 6.7: Heating and cooling loads across different external surfaces Heating load in the winter (MJ) Cooling load in the 60,350,081 13,270,004 North Wall 1,111,218 East Wall 1,048,187 250,857 290,192 983,830 277,258 1,050,956 288,637 Surface Roof South Wall West Wall 102 summer (MJ) Floor 1,573,813 Total 66,118,085 14,376,948 Therefore, the heating and cooling loads on a per vehicle basis are 264 MJ per vehicle and 57 MJ per vehicle. Compared to the heating and cooling loads due to air exchange in Table 6.5, these are an order of magnitude smaller. Internal heat gains We now consider heat generated inside the factory by human activity, equipment and lighting. Heat gain from human activity ASHRAE has collected data on the rate at which heat and moisture are released by human beings in various states of activity. For the category "Heavy machine work, lifting" in a factory, the sensible heat generation rate is 185 W and the latent heat generation rate is 285 W [66, p. 18.4]. Since the data are in units of power, we can calculate the heat gain in each working shift on a per vehicle basis by using the following expression: Qih = (heat generation rate) x (number of operators in the factory) x (working hours per day) / (vehicles produced per day). We have some data on number of people employed in factories. In the U.S., AutoAlliance [68], a group representing major automobile manufacturers, presents data on about 40 factories. The spread of the data on number of people employed is shown in the histogram in Figure 6.1 below. 103 10 - ----- ------- --- --- - - - - - - - - ----- - -- - - 8 6 6C) 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 5500 6000 6500 7000 Number of employees at each plant Figure 6.1: A histogram of employees at some U.S plants Note that this figure may include staff and support service employees. We assume a conservative figure of 3,000 employees, who are performing actual operational tasks, divided equally in two shifts. Recall that we assume 250 working days in a year and a production rate of 250,000 vehicles. Each day has two shifts. So a factory produces 500 vehicles per shift. Using the expression above and substituting the values, we get a sensible heat load of 64 MJ per vehicle and a latent heat load of 98 MJ per vehicle. Heat gain from lighting From Galitsky et al, we have a range on how much electricity is consumed for lighting in assembly plants. The range is 130-140 kWh per vehicle. We 104 assume that 250,000 vehicles are produced in a year, and that the factory floor area is 250,000 M 2 . So, we can say the lighting power density (LPD) is around 130 kWh per m 2 -year. Assuming 250 working days and 16 working hours a day, we get a power density of 32.5 W/m 2 . This is higher than the standard of 13.2 W/M 2 quoted by ASHRAE for manufacturing establishments with bays higher than 25 feet but lower than 50 feet. We use the 32.5 W/m 2 LPD in the equations provided by ASHRAE [66, p. 18.4] to determine heat gain from lighting: q11 W x Ful x Fsa Where, qu is the heat gain, W, W is the light wattage, W, Fua is the lighting use factor. It is the ratio of the actual to installed wattage. It is assumed to be equal to one for commercial applications. We assume the same here. Fsa is the special allowance factor which is the ratio of power used by the fixture to the rated power consumption of the lamp. For ballasts of sodiumvapor lamps, this value is 1.1 which will be our assumption. In addition, we need to determine how much sensible heat actually goes to the conditioned space, and how much to the roof. This is determined by the space fraction ratio. ASHRAE provides this value for different kinds of light fixtures. We assume a "recessed fluorescent luminaire with lens" which has an average space fraction of 0.45. 105 Finally, we assume that 80% of the electricity consumption is during the two operational shifts. The rest is assigned to the third shift when aisles and docks or areas under maintenance are illuminated. We ignore the thermal loads associated with the third shift and so we do not calculate the third shift heat gain from lighting. The rate of heat gain from lighting is calculated to be: qil = 32.5 (W/m 2 ) x 1 x 1 x 0.45 X 250,000 m 2 = 4,021,875 Watts. Considering only the two production shifts and daily production, we therefore get a lighting heat gain per vehicle of 185 MJ per vehicle. Note that this estimate is likely on the high side since we assume that the entire factory floor area of 250,000 m 2 is illuminated at the same intensity. Heat gain from equipment From the Ventilation Guide mentioned earlier, we have some data on the net heat released by process equipment in automobile assembly shops. We reproduce that data below in Table 6.8. Table 6.8: Net process equipment heat release Net process equipment heat release (W/m 2 ) Plant Body shops Ford Daimler, Ontario Paint shops Ford Assembly Shop Ford 32 50 28 29 (Reproduced from the ventilation guide) 106 The German standard VDI 3802 suggests that the value is between 25-45 W/m 2 of assembly floor area. We take the average of the three Ford values in Table 6.8. We further assume that of the total floor area of 250,000 M 2 , 80% is for equipment. We consider two shifts of production each day when this heat gain occurs. For three months of the summer season, this leads to 26,700,000 MJ of heat released. This constitutes a cooling load which spread over the annual production volume of 250,000 vehicles means a cooling load of 107 MJ per vehicle. The heating load is simply three times this number since the heating season is taken to be nine months. A summary of the internal heat gains is presented in Table 6.9 below. Table 6.9: Summary of the internal heat gains on a per vehicle basis Heat source Heat gain (MJ per vehicle) Human activity 162 Lighting 185 Equipment 342 Total 690 Total heating and cooling loads Finally, we can add up the heating loads minus the internal heat gains and the cooling loads and see how our model compares with literature. Note that the values given in literature are usually metered fuel or electricity. To get to that stage, we need to consider how fuel and electricity are utilized to meet heating and cooling requirements. We assume the fuel burned is natural gas which is the fuel predominantly reported to be used by companies in CDP reports as well as in the MECS. 107 Natural gas is combusted, and a boiler generates steam which goes towards meeting the heating requirement of the factory. We assume a boiler efficiency of 80%. Furthermore, we assume that production of natural gas is 91% efficient. That is, the primary energy associated with fuel use is 10% higher than the actual fuel requirement [69, p. 259]. So a heating load of 1 MJ per vehicle translates into 1.34 MJ of primary energy requirement per vehicle. For the cooling system, we assume a "Large Commercial Packaged AirConditioning and Heating Equipment (Water-Cooled, Evaporatively-Cooled, and Water-Source) A/C". The efficiency of air conditioning equipment is defined in the U.S by the Energy Efficiency Ratio (EER). The EER is a ratio of the cooling effect (in BTU) to the input electric energy (in Wh). The relationship between EER and the coefficient of performance (COP) is: EER = COP x 3.41. The EER ranges from 9-13 BTU/Wh [70]. For the chosen system, the EER is 11. We assume the efficiency of electricity generation to be 33%. We convert the cooling load calculated earlier to the electrical energy requirement (primary energy) by using the following formula: Electricity needed [MJ/veh] = Cooling load [MJ/veh] x 1/1055.87 [MMBTU/MJ] x 106 [BTU/MMBTU] x 1/EER [Wh/BTU] x 1/1000 [kWh/Wh] x 10.8 [MJ primary energy/kWh]. That is, a cooling load of 1 MJ per vehicle translates to a primary energy requirement of 0.93 MJ per vehicle. We present the final results in Table 6.10 and Table 6.11. We include the CO 2 emissions calculation assuming average natural gas intensity of 0.055 kg CO 2 per MJ consumed, and the average grid intensity for Michigan from 2011 of 0.667 kg CO 2 per kWh [71]. 108 Table 6.10: Heating load, energy requirement and CO 2 emissions Load Heating load Air exchange Loss through walls, MJ/veh Fuel needed kg C02/veh MJ/veh 2,231 3,069 153 264 363 18 -690 -949 -47 1,806 2,485 124 roof and floor Internal heat gains Table 6.11: Cooling load, energy requirement and C02 emissions Cooling load Air exchange Cooling load MJ/veh Electricity needed kg C02/veh MJ/veh 1,055 981 61 58 53 3 690 641 40 1,973 1,835 113 Gain through walls, roof and floor Internal heat gains Ventilation electricity load 109 Finally, we need to consider the electricity required to move the outdoor air and the air within the factory. We assume that 60% of the air in the factory is recirculated. The air flow rates considered in the air exchange rate section are 40% of the total air flow rate. Recall that we assumed outdoor air flow rates of 25 m 3/h/m 2 in summer and winter. Considering the recirculated air, the amount of air being moved is therefore 62.5 m 3/h/m 2 . Assuming a factory height of 10 meters, this means 6.2 air exchanges are done each hour. We assume roof mounted fans which have a maximum air flow rate capacity of 52,000 m 3 per hour, and the power rating is 11 kW [74]. For our air flow requirements, we need 300 such fans in the factory. Considering two operational shifts a day over 250 days, this translates into an energy requirement of 190 MJ per vehicle of electricity. That is, the primary energy requirement is 571 MJ per vehicle. This energy is then added to the electricity used for cooling. Discussion The pivotal attempt at estimating factory heating and cooling loads was by Galitsky et al. They used the industry average data from MECS 1994 to make their estimates. Galitsky et al also cite studies going back several decades on how fuel use and electricity use is divided between base load and process activities. Sullivan in turn used Galitsky's data in his VMA model. We compare our model to Sullivan's model and to more recent MECS data from the years 2006 and 2010. Table 6.12: Comparison of our model to literature Model/Source Fuel for Electricity 110 CO 2 CO 2 heating for HVAC emissions emissions (MJ/veh) (MJ/veh) from (a) from (b) (a) (b) (kg/veh) (kg/veh) 2,485 2,406 124 149 Sullivan (2010) 3,110 1,840 195 113 MECS 2006 2,250 1,690 MECS 2010 1,910 1,660 Basic thermodynamic model Our model estimates are higher than the MECS 2006 and 2010 values for both heating and cooling. They are lower than Sullivan's heating estimate and higher than their cooling estimate. The MECS data for 2010 might be skewed since the U.S economy was still recovering from the recession, and automobile production, utilization and operations are not representative of normal years. So the MECS 2006 data can be considered more representative. The Sullivan paper uses data from several sources, many of them going back a few decades. The fuel use for heating data is attributed to Galitsky who in turn consider MECS data from 1994. Galitsky cites Leven et al [73] who did a survey of several German automobile assembly plants and found an even split in the fuel use for painting and factory heating. The MECS 1994 data quoted by Galitsky puts the total fuel use in the factory at 6,863 MJ per vehicle. We calculate this value from the 2006 and 2010 MECS data and we estimate it to be 5,254 MJ per vehicle or 6,093 MJ per vehicle. That is, it seems like fuel use in the factory on a per vehicle basis seems to have declined over the interval 1994-2010. If we revise Sullivan's estimate by 111 using the 2006 MECS data and assuming a 50-50 split between paint shop use and heating use of fuel, our estimate of fuel use for heating is within 7%. For electricity use for HVAC, too, Sullivan cites Galitsky who in turn cites Price and Ross (1989) [74]. Price and Ross state that about 20% of electricity use, of a total of 2,240 kWh, is for space conditioning and ventilation. Galitsky et al apply a 15% fraction to an electricity use estimate of 1030 kWh per vehicle from Leven. Thus the range could be from 1,668 to 3,628 MJ per vehicle for HVAC. This is a wide range and it doubtless depends on factory geographic location, choice of air conditioning systems (tempered vs. nontempered) and efficiency of factory equipment. Our estimate falls between these two bounds. We conclude that this is a reasonably accurate model, in terms of both energy use and CO 2 emissions. Further work, studying energy loss or gains by other mechanisms such as heat transfer through windows and heat gain by material, and dividing the factory into separate zones, is currently being undertaken [40]. At this point, we have enough confidence to be able to determine how emission reduction activities might impact factory energy use and emissions. 6.2 Scenario Analysis In this section, we use the model developed in earlier sections in order to test the efficacy of various emission reduction activities. Many of these activities were reported in automakers' CDP reports. Wherever possible, we cite the source of those claims and the impact that was claimed. We then use our model to see how our model predicts the impact of energy use and emissions, 112 and we try to identify which activities truly make a difference. Other scenarios tested here deal with issues like starting a new factory, the effect of improving electric grid intensity, or how economies of scale might affect emissions intensity. The results are summarized in Table 6.21 at the end of this section. We assume that our factory is based in Detroit. Therefore, the supply chain model developed in section 5.2 has to be updated to reflect the higher carbon intensity of the electric grid. The energy and CO 2 summary for the plant are given in Table 6.13 and Table 6.14 below. We use these values when we present changes in factory energy use or emissions due to emission reduction activities. Table 6.13: Energy use at the surrogate plant in Detroit Natural Gas MJ/veh (Primary Energy) Machining Painting Welding Material Handling Process Sum Sum Total MJ/veh 2,485 2,485 2,485 2,664 - 4,074 4,074 1,380 5,454 1,380 7,939 1,792 1,503 920 1,792 - Base load Heating HVAC and Lighting Compressed Air Base load Sum Process Stamping Electricity MJ/veh (Primary Energy) 4,167 920 690 2,664 5,149 4,905 10,359 690 7,569 15,508 Table 6.14: CO 2 emissions from the surrogate plant in Detroit 113 Scope 1 Emissions kg CO2/veh Scope 2 Emissions kg CO2/veh 124 - 124 252 252 Base load Heating HVAC and Lighting Total kg CO2/veh Compressed Air - 85 85 Base load Sum Process Stamping 124 337 461 Painting Welding Material Handling Process Sum Sum 147 - 93 57 240 57 43 43 147 271 303 640 450 910 -ii 111 Planting Trees Several companies report tree-planting activities in their sustainability reports and press releases. GM reports planting 1,800 trees and 1,500 bushes at its CAMI assembly plant in Ingersoll, Ontario [75]. Toyota reported planting 11,000 seedlings at various Japanese plants [76]. We assume that a company plants a temperate forest equaling the factory floor in area adjacent to the factory on its site. Recall from our surrogate model that the area of the factory floor is 250,000 M 2 . Plants absorb atmospheric CO 2 in the photosynthesis reaction to produce sugar molecules. Net primary productivity (NPP) is amount of CO 2 absorbed by plants minus the CO 2 which plants release when they process the sugar molecules. The NPP of a temperate forest can vary significantly depending on its composition. From the Oak Ridge National Laboratory Distributed Active Archive Center, we have NPP values ranging from 0.3 kg-C/m 2/year to 2.57 114 kg-C/m 2/year [77]. We assume a value of 1.131 kg-C/m 2/year which was reported for a young forest [78]. Then, the factory tree plantation effort can fix 282,750 kg carbon every year, which translates to 1037 tons C02 every year. For the surrogate factory located in Detroit, the annual are 227,611 tons. Thus, the tree plantation would fix 0.46% of the annual CO 2 emissions from the plant. Note that as the trees mature, the net primary productivity decreases. So we expect this effort to make a progressively smaller impact over time. Installing photovoltaic panels on the roof In its 2012 CDP report, GM reported that its Baltimore plant, which manufactures transmission components, installed about 7,690 m 2 of PV panels on its roof. The rated capacity of the panels is 1.2 MW and they generated 955 MWh of electricity from June to December 2011. On its website, GM says that the panels supply about 9% of their annual energy requirements [79]. Daimler also reports that 45,000 m 2 of roof area at various plants is being used for electricity generation by PV cells. We now model PV panel installations on the factory roof. NREL reports 30year averages of incident solar radiation for most major U.S cities [80]. The maximum, minimum and average values are reported on a monthly basis for various configurations of collectors. We use the average values for Detroit, MI. We assume flat-plate collectors facing true south, at a fixed tilt of 15 degrees minus the latitude. Then, the annual average incident solar radiation on such a panel at Detroit is 4.3 kWh per m 2 per day or 179 W/m 2 . Monthly 115 incident radiation values for various tilts for flat-plate collectors are provided in Appendix D. The NREL National Center for Photovoltaics reports photovoltaic panel efficiencies ranging from 8.6% to 46% depending on cell design [81]. Note that these are efficiencies of best available technologies, not necessarily of panels in actual use. We expect these latter to be lower. We assume an efficiency of 20% for the panel. Next, we assume the company installs PV arrays on its factory roof i.e., on an area of 250,000 M 2 . It is assumed that there is no shading of the panels and no snow or other material collects on the panels. Then, based on incident radiation and cell efficiency data, we estimate that 280 TJ of electricity would be generated annually. From the surrogate model, we estimated annual primary energy consumption of 3.8 PJ. So, the PV output under these conditions is about 7.2% of the annual energy consumption of the factory. The maximum amount of electricity is generated in July (34 TJ) and the least is in December (10 TJ). Suppose this PV output partially replaces electricity consumption. We know the carbon intensity of the Michigan grid is 0.667 kg C02 per kWh. Given that 280 TJ or 77,795 MWh of energy is provided by PV, it means PV would reduce the factory's Scope 2 emissions by 51,889 tons each year. This would mean a 23% reduction in the annual emissions from the factory. Note that these results depend strongly on location, panel area, panel efficiency and maintenance, but otherwise are quite aggressive. Installing more efficient lighting 116 In its 2013 CDP report, Fiat reports installing energy-efficient lighting as part of broader efforts to reduce energy consumption. Ford also reports replacing older lighting with high efficiency "T8 and T5H" fluorescent lights. Energy requirement for lighting is contributes to half of the base load electricity use. Light fixtures generate heat in addition to light. Also, some lighting technologies are more efficient than others. We study how a 50% improvement in lighting efficiency might affect factory energy requirements. Recall from the thermodynamic model that lighting constitutes a heating gain, which reduces the fuel requirement for heating in the heating season, but increases the electricity requirement in the cooling season. We need to evaluate whether the net effect of this efficiency improvement is positive. Suppose the existing lighting system requires W1 energy and has an efficiency qi. We replace the entire system with a more efficient system which requires less energy, W2, because it has an efficiency q2 > q]. Since the amount of illumination is the same, we write, Wi Il = If 712= 1.5qi, W2 = 2/3Wi. W2 12. According to Galitsky et al, lighting and cooling loads contribute equally to the electricity base load. So from the SGAP model from Chapter 5, the electricity needed for lighting is 154 kWh per vehicle and the resulting emissions are 103 kg CO 2 . Due to the 50% efficiency improvement, the new electricity requirement and emissions are 102.9 kWh and 68.6 kg. Note that all light is eventually converted into heat. The efficiency improvement reduces the heat gain by 33% on a per vehicle basis, or by 61.8 MJ per vehicle. The total reduction in electricity use is therefore the, 117 Reduction in electricity use = Savings from lighting + Savings from HVAC kWh MJ MJ primary energy x 3 x 3.6 = (154 - 102.9) veh kWh MJ electricity + MJ cooling load veh 613 MJ per vehicle. 6 1 .8 0 93 MJ primary energy MJ cooling load This is a 15% reduction in the electricity use for lighting and cooling. The reduction in emissions is the same, amounting to 38 kg CO 2 per vehicle. The reduction of heating gain of 61.8 MJ per vehicle applies for the heating season. To supply this additional heat, we would need an additional 85 MJ per vehicle of fuel after considering the boiler efficiency. This causes an additional 4.2 kg per vehicle of CO 2 emissions. The net effect is therefore a decrease in primary energy requirement by 471 MJ per vehicle and a decrease in emissions of 33.6 kg CO 2 per vehicle. Thus, the energy use is reduced by 3.4% and the emissions by 3.7%. So, even after considering the internal heat gain of the lights, this measure reduces save energy and emissions. Favorable weather conditions Renault, in its 2013 CDP report, reports that adverse weather conditions in Europe caused a 3.6% increase in Scope 1+2 emissions from 2011 to 2012. On the other hand, GM, in its 2013 CDP report, says that their Scope 1+2 emissions decreased by 1% in 2012 due to fewer heating degree days. We now model favorable weather conditions in the summer and winter and how they affect factory energy use. 118 Case I: Average winter temperature is 10 F higher An increase in the outside temperature in winter would reduce the heat loss across the walls and roof. Also, the air being exchanged every hour is warmer and does not need to be heated to the same extent. We determine these effects separately. We assume that for each day of the winter month is warmer by 10 F. This is a large temperature shift. But we assume this to get a sense of scale of how factory energy and emissions change. Effect on air exchange heat loss Recall from section 6.1 that we determined the air exchange rate by using the degree day method. Since each winter day is 10 F (or 5.44 C) warmer, the HDD in each month are reduced by (10 x no. of days in that month). We assume that the latent heat load is unaffected. The effects of this change are shown in Table 6.15 below. Table 6.15: Winter heating loads in the base case and the warmer winter case due to air exchange Base Case Warmer Winter Case Sensible heat load (MJ) 319,187,257 203,793,261 Latent heat load (MJ) 238,682,961 238,682,961 Total heating (MJ) 557,870,217 442,476,221 2,231 1,770 Total heating load (MJ/vehicle) Effect on transmission heat loss 119 Recall that we used the sol-air temperature method to determine the heat transfer through walls and the roof. The sol-air temperature changes linearly with change in outside temperature. Thus, the AT term can simply be scaled as required to determine the new heat loss. The heat loss through the floor is assumed to stay constant since ground temperatures are relatively stable throughout the year. The results are shown in Table 6.16 below. Table 6.16: Winter heating loads in the base case and the warmer winter case due to conduction through external surfaces Base Case Warmer Winter Case 4,194,190 2,846,790 60,350,081 42,949,736 1,573,813 1,573,813 66,118,084 47,370,339 267 189 Heat loss through walls (MJ) Heat loss through the roof (MJ) Heat loss through the floor (MJ) Total heating load (MJ) Total heating load (MJ/ vehicle) In the base case, the total heating load is 1,806 MJ per vehicle after subtracting the internal heat gains of 690 MJ per vehicle. In the warmer winter case, the heating load is 1,270 MJ per vehicle. The CO 2 emissions decrease from 124 kg per vehicle to 87 kg per vehicle. This reduces overall factory energy use by 4.3% and CO 2 emissions by 4.1%. Case II: Average outside relative humidity in the summer is 10 percentage points lower 120 In the basic thermodynamic model, the median humidity in the summer months of Detroit was 0.021 kg/kg of air which translated to 88% relative humidity (RH). Recall that the indoor desired RH is 50%. We compare how energy use changes if outside RH is 78% for the whole summer. This corresponds to a humidity ratio of 0.0187 kg/kg of air. This should reduce the air exchange latent heat load. In section 6.1, we saw that the latent heat load is calculated by a formula which involves a difference in outside humidity ratio and inside desired humidity ratio. We simply scale the original latent heat load by the lower difference in humidity ratios. The air temperature is assumed to stay the same. Table 6.17: Summer cooling loads in the base case and the less humid summer case due to air exchange Base Case Less Humid Summer 32,471,221 32,471,221 Latent cooling load (MJ) 274,114,013 231,596,342 Total cooling load (MJ) 306,585,234 264,067,563 1,226 1056 Sensible cooling load (MJ) Total cooling load (MJ/vehicle) The latent heat load decreases by 15% and the total cooling load by 13.9%. The effect on total factory energy use and emissions is lower - a 3% decrease in energy use and a 1% decrease in C02 emissions. New factory started 121 In 2013, the luxury vehicle brand Maserati inaugurated a new plant in Grugliasco, Italy. This plant and their plant in Modena, Italy produce the Maserati Quattroporte and Maserati Ghibli models. In 2013, Fiat, which owns the Maserati brand, reported energy use and emissions data for these plants in its sustainability report [82]. The effect on energy and emissions of the new plant starting operations is noticeable. Table 6.18 shows the absolute and per vehicle energy use and emissions from 2010 through 2013. Table 6.18: Maserati energy and emissions data, 2010-2013 Year Fuel Purchased Scope 1 Scope 2 Cars Scope 1 Scope 2 Use Electricity emissions emissions Produced intensity intensity (GJ) (GJ) (tons) (tons) (tons/veh) (tons/veh) 2010 29,027 27,596 1,548 3,213 6,033 0.26 0.53 2011 21957 26751 1,232 2,262 6,231 0.20 0.36 2012 20,278 25,936 1,138 1,975 6,204 0.18 0.32 2013 280,846 160,019 15,776 26,145 15,993 0.99 1.63 Natural gas use went up almost 14 times while electricity use went up 6 times from 2012 to 2013. Maserati's installed capacity increased from 10,000 in 2012 to 35,503 in 2013. But their utilization decreased from 62% to 45%. If Maserati could restore its utilization to pre-2013 levels, even then its energy intensity would be three times more what it was before 2013. Even a 100% utilization rate does not bring its energy intensity to pre-2013 levels. We suspect this could be due to high base load energy use, but also perhaps a change in operational details like doing more operations in-house. We could not find any explanation for this drastic increase in energy use. Effect of the carbon intensity of the electric grid 122 Automakers purchase electricity from the regional grid. Changes in the fuel sources and efficiency of the grid affect emissions reported by companies. For example, in the aftermath of the Fukushima disaster in Japan, Honda and Nissan both reported increased Scope 2 emissions due to reduction in nuclear energy input to the grid. Honda reported a 4.8% increase whereas Nissan reported a 9.5% increase, from 2011 to 2012. One operational decision a company might make is to move a factory to another country. Let us consider the hypothetical case of a company moving one plant from Japan to the U.S. Assuming the HVAC and process needs are the same, we expect the fuel consumption to stay the same. However, the Japanese and U.S electric grids have markedly different compositions of energy sources. From the IEA data set, we know that the Japanese grid emits 0.41 kg CO 2 per kWh delivered whereas the U.S grid is at 0.5 kg CO 2 per kWh. From the surrogate model, we estimated the annual electricity consumption of the factory to be 226.5 GWh. Thus the Japanese factory electricity use would generate 99,748 tons CO 2 a year compared to 120,369 tons CO 2 for the American grid. When we consider natural gas emissions of 70,793 tons, the absolute CO 2 emissions change by 12% with this factory move. The comparison on a per vehicle basis using the Michigan grid intensity is shown in Table 6.19. On a per vehicle basis, a U.S plant is 12.3% more carbon intensive. Table 6.19: Comparing emissions from purchased electricity for vehicle assembly in Japan and the U.S kg C02 per vehicle Japan 123 U.S Emissions from electricity use for Base load activities 210 253 Process activities 189 228 Base load activities 124 124 Process activities 147 147 Total 670 752 Emissions from natural gas use for The carbon intensity of a grid is dynamic. Sourcing data from the IEA which is plotted in Figure 6.2, we see a gradual improvement in the U.S electric grid, and a worsening of the Japanese grid over the years. According to IEA data, the Japanese grid intensity increased from 0.418 kg CO 2 per kWh in 2010 to 0.497 kg CO 2 per kWh in 2011, whereas the U.S grid improved and its intensity decreased to 0.503 kg CO 2 per kWh [61]. 0.7 --- U.S -*-Japan t5 a) 0.582 0.59 * 0.593 0 0.579 0.577 0.574 04 a) CL 0.552 056 N) 0.5170.522 0) 0 ED - - ---- - - - - - -------- 0.5 -d 0.435 0 0.412 0.446 0.429 0.431 0 04 --- 0.503 - --0.497 .540.44 046 .1 0.402 0.3 1990 1995 2000 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 20102011 Year 124 Figure 6.2: Carbon intensities of the U.S and Japanese electric grids over the years Let us think about the grid intensity as a variable which increases or decreases at a certain annual rate. From 2007 to 2011, the world average carbon intensity of the grid decreased at 0.46% a year. From the data shown in Figure 6.2, the U.S grid intensity fell at 1.74% per year while the Japanese grid intensity rose at 1.36% per year. We want to examine how this affects the carbon intensity of automobile manufacturing. Recall from equation 5.3 that the annual emissions from a factory can be written as: C = Nb+ kV ... (6.1) Let us inspect b and k. The baseline emissions from a plant result from burning fossil fuels on site and from the purchase of electricity, both of which go towards powering baseline activities like lighting, heating, HVAC and supplying compressed air. Thus, we can write: b=f x e+(pe)bxg ... (6.2) Where, fb is a vector of energy input in MJ of fossil fuel combustion per plant on site which powers base load processes; e is the vector of emission factors for each fuel in kg CO 2 per MJ; (pe)b is the electricity purchased in kWh per plant for base load needs; and g is the intensity of the grid in kg CO 2 per kWh where the factory draws electricity from. 125 Companies typically report their fuel and electricity purchases in CDP reports. Emissions factors for fuels are widely published (see: IPCC Second Assessment Report), and carbon intensity of electricity grids of various regions of the world are well documented. Similarly, for k, we can write, f k x e+ (pe) xg (6.3) Where, fp is a vector of energy input in MJ per vehicle of fossil fuel combustion by the factory on site which powers assembly processes; and (pe)p is the electricity purchased in kWh per vehicle for process needs. From our notation of CB = Nb/V as the base load emissions per vehicle, and Cp = k as the process emissions per vehicle, we can write, N CB = . ( bo X e -+(Xpe +... f x) Xo (6.4) And, Cp =k - fT x e + (pe)p x g ... (6.5) No-growth scenario Let us now consider small improvements in the electricity grid over the years, and its impact on base load emissions and overall emissions for the surrogate factory. We assume that fossil fuel use, emissions factors and electricity use 126 do not change. This is the no-growth scenario. Thus, the only variable in the expressions for b and k is the term g. Thus, we can write, Ab = A9(Pe)b ... (6.6) Ak = Ag(pe)p ... (6.7) ... (6.8) ... (6.9) And, Recall that - C-. o V - Nb . V +k Therefore, AC=ANbW 1'+ N Nb V V2 AC - N ANbV' + -- Ag(pe)b V - This becomes, Nb NbAV +Ag(pe), V2 ...(10 (6.10) We divide equation (6.10) by equation (6.8) and replace CB and Cp by their equivalents from equations (6.4) and (6.5) to write: N AC 0 ANbV 1 + - Ag(pe)b V Nb V NT . (fb x e+(pe)b x g)+ f' AV+ Ag(p>P XeC+(pe)p x g ... (6.11) Now, if a company's capacity and production volumes do not change, then AN 0 and AV = 0. Then, the above equation becomes, 127 N A ((fb Ag(pe)b + Ag(pe)p + (PC)b X g) + x +... f, p) (6.12) Or, AC (fb+ + .(P)b +(Pe)p) C e NN 9 EV C N (Pe)b +(Pe)P) Ag _ + V ... (6.13) Rearranging the terms, we get, Ag AC _g 1+-f +i 1+ N A + ... (6.14) The multiplier of the term e/g in the denominator is a ratio of fuel consumed in MJ per vehicle to the electricity use in kWh per vehicle. Recall from earlier sections that the natural gas consumption is (2,258 + 2664) = 4922 MJ, and the electricity consumed is 959 kWh. So the ratio is 5.13. Therefore, we get, Ag ... C (6.15) 1+5.13- 9 Furthermore, we assume that e is a scalar because the factory only uses natural gas. And we use e = 0.055 kg CO 2 per MJ, and g = 0.536 kg CO 2 per kWh for the world average grid intensity. Therefore, 128 AC Ag = -0.65 C ... (6.16) g Now, we can use the U.S and Japanese grid improvements to determine their effect on carbon intensity. Substituting the values in equation (6.16) under the no-growth scenario the per vehicle carbon intensity would decrease annually by 1.1% for a carmaker in the U.S, while for a Japanese carmaker it would increase annually by 0.89%. "Economies of scale" effect We can now use estimates of base load and process emissions on a per vehicle basis to understand how economies of scale affect carbon intensity per vehicle produced. From equation 6.1, we can differentiate C with respect to N, b, k and V. We assume these parameters are independent of each other. For infinitesimal changes in these parameters we can estimate the change in emissions intensity. A partial differentiation of equation 6.1 gives: ANb- 1 + NAb V-- - Nb . 2 + Ak V , AC Or, AC= ANN CB+ N Ab- b AV- C - b V Dividing both sides by equation (6.8), we get, 129 V B+ Ak, bAV N AC C 0 CB~-P CB +CP ... (6.17) From OICA global production data [83], we calculate the rate of growth of production volumes. From 2009 to 2012, global car production increased at a rate of 9.7%, from 47.9 million in 2009 to 63 million in 2012. An estimate of growth of production capacity is available from the Worldwatch Institute [84]. They quote a growth in production capacity from 95 million in 2012 to an estimated 100 million in 2016. This means that production capacity is growing at a rate of 1.3% every year. In our model, the number of company factories, N, is a proxy for production capacity. On average, we can say for each company, AN/N = 0.013. Let us now formulate a business-as-usual scenario. In this scenario, the company does not carry out any emissions reduction activities. Thus, Ab/b and Ak are both zero. From equation (6.17), we get, CB SCB A + CP ... (6.18) Substituting the values of CB, CP, AN/N and AV/Vfrom 2009 to 2012 we get, AC C _ 461 461+449 (0.013 - 0.097) = -0.043. ... (6.19) Thus, if companies simply keep increasing their production output without increasing installed capacities at the same rate, and without investing in emissions reduction activities, they can reduce the carbon intensity of their 130 operations at a rate of 4.3%. Hyundai and Daimler disclose in their 2013 CDP reports that production increases contribute to some extent to decrease in emissions intensity. The same effect is observed in the opposite direction in the case of Renault which attributes increase in emissions intensity in part to a drop in production level from 2011 to 2012. We term this the production elasticity of carbon. We now compare our model to aggregated data of the eleven companies whose CDP reports we studied in Chapter 3. The aggregate production and CDP data are summarized in Table 6.20. Note that not all companies reported emissions in 2008 and 2009. So the production total in those years does not include the production output of those companies. Table 6.20: Aggregate production, Scope 1+2 emissions and emissions intensity of eleven companies from 2008 to 2012 Year 2010 2011 2012 Aggregate global production (units) 48,606,385 52,291,784 58,452,808 Aggregate Scope 1+2 emissions (metric tons) 43,450,887 45,943,772 47,388,961 Scope 1+2 emissions per vehicle 0.89 0.88 0.81 Thus, we see that from 2010 to 2012, the emissions intensity declined at a rate of 4.8% a year. Our model predicts a 4.3% decrease in emissions. Thus, we suspect that most of the reduction in emissions intensity is due to the economies of scale effect. The change in emissions intensity under the business-as-usual scenario is very sensitive to the ratio of the base load emissions intensity to the aggregate emissions intensity. If CB is zero or if it is negligible compared to 131 Cp then the emissions intensity will stay constant under the business-asusual scenario. On the other hand, if Op is zero or if CB significantly dominates the emissions intensity, then for the assumed values of AN/Nand AV/V, we get, AC - -(0.013 0.097) -=-0.084. Thus, we estimate 8.4% is the limit of the business-as-usual scenario. As long as capacity growth is outpaced by growth in production volume, it is beneficial to have the base load emissions dominate and process emissions minimal. However, as in the case of Maserati discussed earlier, we see large shifts when capacity becomes saturated, new plants are needed and when the new plants are under-utilized. Business-as-usual and improving grid intensity Rearranging the terms from equation (6.11), we get, N( AN, A V C - - Ng eN g YV Aq , :AV7 V/-A. + )+ ~(Pe)b fC () ++fT +(.(pe)b + (pe), P -- Vg - N g (Pe-)p T V ... (6.20) This is the general form of the linearized equation for change in carbon intensity of vehicle assembly. Now, in addition to the economies of scale effect, we want to consider the effect of decreasing grid intensity. This is the business as usual scenario. From Vital Signs, we have AN/N= 1.3% and AV/V= 9.7%. Let us assume the grid improves at a rate of 1% every year. 132 That is, Ag/g= -0.01. The term V/N is the production volume of one plant and it equals 250,000. So for the surrogate factory, b = (461 x 250,000) kg C02 for the plant, fbT= (2,258 x 250,000) MJ per plant, fpT= 2,664 MJ per vehicle, (pe)b = (505 x 250,000) kWh per plant, (pe)p = 454 kWh per vehicle, e 0.055 kg C02 per MJ for natural gas consumed, g 0.5 kg CO 2 per kWh. Then from equation (6.20) we get, 0.013 250,000 C x 461 x 250,000 - 0.01 x 505 x 250,000 0.5 005( 0.5 1 2258 x 250, 000 + 2664) 250,000 - + 0.097 x 461 x 250, 000 0.01 x 250, 000 x 454) 250,000 505 x 250, 000 + 454) Or, AC -87 C1500- -0.058. That is, under a business-as-usual scenario with a grid which improves steadily at 1% per year, the carbon intensity of vehicle assembly decreases at 5.8% per year. / Note that equation (6.20) decomposes to the original linear model when A = 0. If we use g = 0.667 kg C02 per kWh for Michigan, we get the same result for AC/C = 4.3% annual decrease. 133 Summary of emission reduction activities The estimated impact of emissions reduction activities is shown in Table 6.21. Note that these changes would have to be implemented for every factory in order to obtain the magnitude of improvement estimated by the company in their CDP reports. If only a fraction of plants implement the changes, the improvement will consequently be a fraction of the estimates for the whole company. Table 6.21: Estimates of the impact of scenarios on emissions Scenario Capturing CO 2 by planting 250,000 m 2 of trees Changein Change in factory CO 2 emissions in factory emissions in tons percent -1,037 -0.5% -51,889 -23% -8,400 -3.7% -9,250 -4.1% -2442 -1% Installing 250,000 m 2 of 20% efficient PV arrays Installing 50% more efficient lighting Lower heating load due to 10 F warmer winter Lower cooling load due to 10% points lower summer humidity Moving a factory from Japan to the U.S (effect of the grid) 134 Table 6.22: Change in CO 2 emitted per vehicle for a change in production volume and capacity, given that all else remains the same Annual percentage Annual percentage Annual percentage change in change in change in C02 per production volume production capacity vehicle 10% 1% -4.5% 135 Chapter 7: Modern Vehicles - Materials, Manufacturing and Use In this chapter, we study vehicles which have gained attention in recent years for demonstrating impressive energy efficiency in their use phase. We attempt to investigate the whole production supply chain associated with these cars, and compare them with conventional vehicles. We see remarkable changes in how energy use is spread over the vehicle lifetime, with use phase energy use declining and materials production energy on the rise. 7.1 An LCA of the Tesla Model S Tesla Motors, Inc. is a U.S automobile company founded in 2003. The company manufactures electric vehicles and electric vehicle powertrain components. The company is headquartered in Palo Alto, California. Tesla conducts vehicle component manufacture and assembly operations at its 136 factory in Fremont, California. It also has a manufacturing facility and parts warehouse in Tilburg, Netherlands to supply vehicles to markets in the European Union. In 2008, the company launched its first production vehicle, the Tesla Roadster. The Roadster was in production till January 2012, having sold 2,500 units. The company currently produces the Model S sedan which has sold 25,000 units in North America and Europe as of December 2013. The company has unveiled a new SUV-minivan crossover, the Model X, which it expects to deliver beginning the spring of 2015. Tesla has also announced its intention to develop a low price-point, high-volume model to be in production by 2017 [85]. Model S Specifications The Model S is the only Tesla model currently in production. This model is available in two battery pack options, 60kWh and 85kWh, which have an effective base price of $62,400 and $72,400 in the United States. The company also offers an 85kWh "performance" variant for an effective price of $85,900. The prices are obtained after applying the $7,500 federal tax credit for the purchase of alternative fuel vehicles [85]. The curb weight of the Model S is 4,647.3 lbs [86]. The 60kWh model has a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) 5-Cycle Certified Range [87] of 208 miles with a rated power of 302 HP. The EPA 5-cycle range for the 85 kWh model is 265 miles, with a rated power of 362 HP [88]. The EPA has certified the 60 kWh model to have a fuel efficiency of 95 Miles per Gallon Equivalent (MPGe), and 89 MPGe for the 85 kWh model [87]. This is based 137 on the assumption that one gallon of gasoline delivers 33.7 kWh of energy. The MPGe is a wall-to-wheels measure of fuel economy. That is, it does not consider the losses which take place in generating electricity. According to EPA tests, the 60 kWh model battery requires 10 hours to charge at 240 volts, whereas the 85 kWh model requires 12 hours at 240 volts [89]. Environmental Reporting To date, Tesla Motors has not published a sustainability report. The company has also not responded to requests from the Carbon Disclosure Project to disclose the emissions from its business activities. Furthermore, no emissions reports were found for Tesla's Netherlands operations. The EPA provides an online tool which can be used to estimate the use phase C02 emissions from vehicles. The estimate includes tailpipe emissions and the emissions associated with the production and distribution of fuel, averaged over 26 U.S. regions. The Model S has zero tailpipe emissions since it is an all-electric vehicle. As per EPA estimates, the 60 kWh model emits 230 grams C02 per mile, and the 85 kWh model emits 250 grams CO 2 per mile. In contrast, the EPA estimates that an average gasoline vehicle emits 480 grams CO 2 per mile, and the plug-in hybrid vehicle (PHEV) Toyota Prius emits 220 grams CO 2 per mile drive [89]. Note that use-phase emissions differ widely depending on the carbon intensity of the electric grid. As per the U.S Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) eGrid data [90], Wyoming has the most carbon intensive grid with 0.94 kg C02 emitted per kWh of generated electricity, whereas Vermont is the least carbon intense with only 0.0013 kg CO 2 emitted per kWh of generated electricity. The U.S average is 0.5 kg CO 2 per kWh generated. Since the U.S grid can be quite carbon 138 intensive in certain regions, the PHEV Prius seems to be cleaner in usephase than the Model S. We know that use-phase emissions dominate the life-cycle emissions for an automobile. Burnham et al report that for a certain lifetime of an I.C Engine vehicle, vehicle operation constitutes 73% of CO 2 emissions, the fuel production and distribution constitutes 16%, and the vehicle, and the vehicle manufacturing (from raw material extraction to final assembly) constitutes 10.7% [37]. The distribution changes for hybrid electric vehicles (HEV) with 70% CO2 emissions coming from the use phase, and the remaining i.e., 30% divided equally between fuel production (and distribution) and vehicle manufacturing. Sullivan reports that the component manufacturing and vehicle assembly accounts for about 4% of the lifecycle impact (energy and C0 2 ) of a vehicle [20]. A life-cycle analysis (LCA) of the Tesla Model S is not found in literature. The main roadblock seems to be the accurate estimation of the Model S material content. We make some assumptions about material content and get upper and lower limits on life-cycle emissions for the Model S. Model S LCA Model Assumptions We use the Argonne National Laboratory's Greenhouse Gases, Regulated Emissions, and Energy Use in Transportation Model (GREET) to perform the LCA of the Model S. The GREET model consists of two main modules - the fuel cycle (GREET1) and the vehicle cycle (GREET2). A schematic of the model as depicted on the GREET website is reproduced in Figure 7.1 [91]. 139 The GREET1 model - also known as the fuel cycle model - includes the production and distribution of fuels and the generation of electricity. The GREET2 model - also known as the vehicle cycle - covers the production of raw material, component manufacturing and assembly, use phase impacts (derived in part from GREET1) as well as disposal and recycling of the materials. The results are reported for the vehicle cycle for the following processes - component manufacturing, assembly, disposal and recycling (ADR), batteries and fluids. VEHICLE CYCLE IGREET 2 S As m de f WELL TO PUMP Figure 7.1: Schematic of the operations covered under the GREET model Analysis of the vehicle cycle requires the following inputs: 140 1. Vehicle Type - options are passenger cars, sports utility vehicles, and pick-up trucks - and powertrain system - whether I.C engine, HEV, PHEV, all-Electric Vehicle (EV) or Fuel Cell Vehicle (FCV). 2. Curb Weight of the vehicle. 3. Weight of battery, its specific energy (Wh/kg), and chemistry - whether Ni-MH or Lithium ion - and replacements over the life time. 4. Weight of vehicle fluids, and replacements over lifetime. 5. Weights of vehicle components - like powertrain, transmission, chassis, motors and generators, electronic systems, body, and glass - in percentages. 6. Estimated number of tire replacements over the lifetime of the vehicle. 7. Vehicle lifetime Miles Traveled (VMT) The model provides default values for different kind of vehicles. It also uses data from Sullivan (2010) for vehicle assembly processes like painting and welding, as well as overhead impact for assembly and component manufacturing. Since the precise material composition of the Model S is not known, we consider two scenarios. In the first scenario - called the Model S (lightweight EV) -- the Model S is assumed to have high aluminum and carbon fiber reinforced plastic (CFRP) content and low steel content in its body and chassis for the same weight of the car. In the second scenario - called the Model S (conventional EV), we assume that the Model S has the material composition of the "conventional materials" EV default in GREET2. The relevant values for both scenarios are listed in Table 7.1. 141 Table 7.1: Assumptions for the Model S with lightweight and conventional materials Parameter 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Tesla Model S Tesla Model S - lightweight - conventional EV 4,647 1,302 Li-ion 85 89 EV 4,647 1,302 Li-ion 85 89 Vehicle Weight Battery Weight Battery Chemistry Battery Energy Fuel Economy Number of battery replacements over the 0 vehicle lifetime 7. Tire replacements over 3 vehicle lifetime 8. Vehicle body material composition 0 Comment pounds [88] pounds [94] kWh [88] MPGe GREET2 default values 3 GREET2 i. Steel 10.3% 68% default value ii. Wrought Aluminum 42.6% 6.6% iii. CFRP iv. Average plastic 23.8% 9. Vehicle chassis material composition 14.3% i. Steel 0.7% 0% 18% 84% ii. Cast Iron 9.2% 6.9% iii. Wrought Aluminum 22% 0% iv. Cast Aluminum 10.VMT 34.7% 1% 160,000 160,000 142 GREET2 default value GREET2 default value miles Wherever a reference is not indicated for the material content values, the default values were modified for the lightweight Model S so that the steel content was replaced by aluminum. For simplicity, only the major materials are listed here. Burnham et al [37] describe the assumptions made in the GREET2 model in detail. Model S LCA Results Based on these assumptions, GREET2 presents the manufacturing and lifecycle energy use and emissions. Table 2 shows the results for the vehicle cycle. We discuss the energy and C02 impacts in detail below. Table 7.2: Results for the Tesla Model S vehicle cycle Tesla Model S lightweight EV conventional EV 132,910 82,387 ii. ADR 16,438 16,438 iii. Batteries 42,637 42,820 iv. Fluids 2,954 2,954 Total Primary Energy 194,939 144,598 8.15 5.72 ii. ADR 1.08 1.08 iii. Batteries 2.54 2.55 iv. Fluids 0.1 0.1 - Tesla Model S - Paramete rl Units 1. Primary Energy i. Components MJ per vehicle 2. CO 2 emissions i. Components Metric 143 tons per vehicle Total CO Tota C022 11.9 11.9 9.48 9.48 Primary energy consumption We find a wide range for the primary energy consumption for component manufacturing for the two scenarios due to the assumptions of material content made for the lightweight and conventional Model S. Sullivan et al (1998) conducted an LCA study on a generic 1,532 kg I.C engine car and reported a value of 134 GJ for the material production, component manufacture and vehicle assembly. The Model S energy estimates do not bracket this value, most likely due to the high energy intensity materials assumed to be present in the vehicle, along with the added intensity of battery manufacturing. The Model S results are plotted for the default vehicles in GREET2 for comparison and to gauge if the model performs adequately. The default vehicles are comparable in weight and differ mainly in powertrain systems, material composition and battery weights and chemistries. The vehicle-cycle energy use is shown in Figure 7.2. In all cases, component manufacture dominates the energy use, constituting as much as 82% of total energy for FCVs. Note that the ICEV primary energy is 103 GJ per vehicle which is on the low side compared to Sullivan's 1998 estimate of 134 GJ. The disparity seems largely to come from differences in assumptions of replacement of components and fluids. The ADR figure is the same for all vehicles - 16,438 MJ per vehicle -- based on data from Sullivan et al [20]. Sullivan's value for the component manufacturing and assembly phase is 13,602 MJ. This does not include material transformations and machining. The ADR number is higher since it 144 includes paint production in addition to impacts of disposal and recycling. We observe that battery manufacturing constitutes a significant portion of the vehicle cycle for the electric Model S which has a large Li-ion battery. 250 al) o Fluids [ Batteries o Components *ADR 0 a) D150 CD a) 3 C: LU 100 50 133 82 133 1 82 Model S Model S (lightweight) (conventional) - -11- 177 1141 FCV PHEV 78 781 HEV 74 ICEV Vehicles Figure 7.2: Vehicle cycle primary energy use for various vehicles, GJ per vehicle We now look at the entire vehicle lifecycle, adding the inputs from the GREET1 model and compare the same set of vehicles as before. The comparison is shown in Figure 7.3. Now we see that the Model S outperforms all other vehicles. Due to its high reported range of 265 miles, the Model S requires less energy per km driven. We observe that the vehicle cycle constitutes between 21 to 31% of the lifecycle energy. Note that this value depends on the assumed vehicle lifetime of 160,000 miles. The energy efficiency of electric vehicles becomes apparent over longer lifetimes which 145 compensates for the energy intensive component and battery manufacturing processes. 5.0 oVehicle Operation oVehicle Cycle oWell-To-Pump 4.0 E ----- - - ------ - - ------- ---- - -- - ---- a) C W 2.0 0.76 1.0 --- 0.85 -- 0.70 0.5 ------ ------ 1.53 - -- 23.22 2.02 -- - 2.30 - 0.44 i.Q1.21 - 3.0 ------ 0.40 0.42 .207 1.Z250.1 0.0 Model S Model S PHEV FCV HEV ICEV (lightweight) (conventional) Vehicles Figure 7.3: Lifecycle primary energy use for various vehicles, MJ per km C02 emissions The vehicle cycle C02 emissions are shown in Figure 7.4. The emissions are reported as the sum of Scope 1, Scope 2 and Scope 3 emissions in metric tons CO 2 per vehicle. The ADR emissions minus the disposal emissions are counted as Scope 1+2. Some values for these emissions from literature are shown on the graph. These references were discussed in Chapter 3. Ashby's Eco-Audit combined 146 with Sullivan's VMA model gives a value of 5.41 tons CO 2 per vehicle. Sullivan (1998) estimated 7 tons CO 2 per vehicle from the material production and vehicle manufacturing phases. The EIOLCA estimate is 8.5 tons CO2e. Our estimates of the Model S exceed even the EIOLCA value. This 12 , is attributable again to the high energy intensity of the components used. o Scope 1+2+3.1 EIOLCA 0 8 Sullivan, 1998 0. CI 0 As by Eco- Audt E cn C: 0 4 - --- 97 71 6 E U) 11. 9.2 8.8 7.2 7.1 6.5 Model S FCV PHEV HEV ICEV 0 Model S (lightweight) (conventional) Vehicles Figure 7.4: Vehicle cycle C02 emissions for various vehicles, metric tons per vehicle The emissions for the entire life-cycle of the vehicle in terms of grams CO 2 per km are shown in Figure 7.5. As was observed for energy use, the Model S performs better over a long lifetime since its tailpipe emissions are zero. Note that this data is based on a U.S average and in some states it might be better to drive a PHEV than an all-electric vehicle. For example, in Figure 7.6 we observe the lifecycle emissions associated with driving a Model S in the 50 147 states and District of Columbia. In states where coal and oil constitute a large fraction of the energy source for electricity generation, driving an EV would produce more emissions than a PHEV. 400 1 1 aVehicle Operation oVehicle Cycle oWell-To-Pump P 300 CD 0 U, In 200 E ----- - - - -- -- ------- 0 0 a) -5 100 0 Model S Model S (lightweight) (conventional) PHEV FCV HEV Vehicles Figure 7.5: Life-cycle CO2e emissions, gram per km 148 ICEV 300 (N 0 4- 0 - ------------------------------------- -- - ---------- - - - - - E 2 50 E U> -- -- - - - - -- - - -- - - ---- -- --- - - - - - - - ------ --- -- - -- - - -0 - 2 0- 100 5 0 -- - - - -- -- - - 1 0- - -- - ------ 0 e- z2DUzore- Q2OZ2220 L<ZM-<2a<< 2z> OWzzozo2o- States Figure 7.6: Model S Life-cycle emissions over 50 states and D.C, gram CO2e per km - - 50 For a final comparison, we plot the Tesla Model S LCA estimates on Ashby's graphs [57, pp. 145-146] as shown in Figure 7.7. Considering its weight, the Tesla Model S does better than comparable vehicles in terms of energy use per km. When we factor in CO 2 emissions, the Model S falls right on the trajectory of most popular vehicles. However, we also notice that its energy intensive manufacturing processes and all-electric drive drawing upon the U.S grid make it a fairly carbon-intensive vehicle. - 10 Gasoline, LPG, and hybrid-engine cars * V 4d Rover2 Land 0 Land Rover 6Bentley Discovery V6 Rolls-Royce 6.75 V12 Audi A6 Jeep Cherokee 4.0 -D Maybach 5.5 V12 M b0 Alpha Romeo 2.5, Mitsubishi Saab 9-3 2.0 Shogun 3.5 0 Vauxhall Astra 1.6 c-m E 5 0 A . Fiat Bravo 1 E Citroen Saxa 1.4 C 0 Fiat 1.1 2) a) Ford Galaxy 2.3 0 O BMW 318 Ci 2 Tesla Model S Skoda Fabia 1.2 Smart 0.7 , - 2., Vauxhall Corsa 1r Toyota Pnus Suzuki Alto 1.1 Toot' i o Gasoline * LPG o Hybrid 1 600 (A) 4 MFA' 11 1000 1500 Unladen weight, kg (a) 2000 2500 3000 3500 500 Gasoline, LPG, and hybrid-engine cars Range Rover 4.0 A N JM Jeep - 400 Ferrari 360 Spider I/ Maserati 4.2 V8 aserati 4.24. Bentley Continental 6.0 Chrokee 4 J -Volkswagen Phaeton 6.0 Toyota Land Cruiser 4.2MrcdsBnML5 Mercedes.Benz MOW5 Chrysler Voyager 2.4 0 0oO \ rr aay.2.8 Ford Galaxy - 300 Audi A4 3.0 Honda NSX 3.2 0 , Renault Megane 2.0 0, 200 - 0 Ferrari 360 Modena resla MOCersaxo 1.4 Smart 0.7 Toyota Prus , Volvo S60 LPG Nissan Primera 1.8 LPG Gasoline: CO 2 = 68 x Energy 0 Hybrid: C02 = 68 x Energy 0 LPG: C02 = 46 x Energy (C02 in g/km, energy in MJ/km) ,0 - 100 Volvo V70 LPG 0 0- MFA 1T 0 (A) 1 2 3 4 5 Energy consumption, MJ/km 6 7 8 (b) Figure 7.7: Tesla Model S compared to other vehicles from Ashby for use phase energy and CO 2 emissions Finally, the manufacturing and use phase lifetime emissions are shown in Figure 7.8 below. The use phase emissions assuming a U.S average grid are shown as the column and the upper and lower limits, depending on the carbon intensities of states are shown as well. Vermont has a very low carbon intensity of the grid and its use phase emissions are of the same order as the manufacturing of fluids. The grid for the District of Columbia, on the other hand, is quite carbon intensive and the use phase emissions would be 3.8 times the manufacturing emissions. 151 50 0 Assembly and Recycling o Batteries * Fluids - -- --- - - - - D.C use phase: 44 tons - 40 * Component 0 U.S average 30 20 0.1 2.5 10 Ve mont use phase: 1 0 Manufacturing emissions 0.1 tons Use phase emissions Figure 7.8: Lifetime manufacturing and use phase emissions for the Model S in the U.S 7.2 An eco-audit of the Volkswagen XL1 Introduction The Volkswagen XL1 is a diesel-powered plug-in hybrid vehicle unveiled by Volkswagen in 2011. Volkswagen demonstrated that the car, a two-seater, could achieve a fuel economy of about 283 miles per U.S gallon (MPG). Its certified fuel economy under the NEDC cycle is 260 MPG. This impressive feat is achieved by reducing the vehicle mass, reducing the drag resistance, and greater transmission control. The car has a curb weight of 795 kg and a cross-sectional area of 1.5 M 2 . The top speed of the vehicle is limited 152 electronically to 99 miles per hour. The vehicle is being produced on a limited basis at Osnabruck, Germany, and went on sale with a sticker price of 111,000 [93]. Figure 7.9 below shows the XL1 [94]. Figure 7.9: Volkswagen XL1 Specifications Volkswagen has reduced the weight of the XL1 by reducing its size and attempting to maximize the use of low-weight materials. Of the total vehicle weight of 795 kg, only 23% or 184 kg is iron or steel [95]. The body weight is 230 kg, largely made of carbon fiber reinforced plastic (CFRP). The rest of the weight is for the engine and battery (227 kg), the transmission system (153 kg), the electrical system (105 kg) and rest of equipment (80 kg). The vehicle body design is streamlined to achieve a drag coefficient of 0.189. This is achieved by removing projections from the surface like rearview mirrors which are instead replaced by cameras. The external dimensions of the car are 3,888 mm x 1,665 mm x 1,153 mm (length x width x height). The car has an 800 cc, 35 kW diesel engine and an electric motor with a rated power of 20 kW. The 5.5 kWh lithium-ion battery can by charged by plugging the car to a wall socket and by the engine during lean loads. The rated fuel 153 consumption is 0.9 liter per 100 km or 260 miles per gallon. The car can be powered solely by energy stored in the battery for a range of up to 50 km. Modeling the lifecycle of the XL1 We now attempt to quantify the energy use and emissions over the lifecycle of the XL1. We do not have a detailed bill-of-materials for the car although some data on the main materials - CFRP and iron and steel - are available. Ashby presents the material content for a lightweight material car weighing 836 kg [57, p. 212]. We use this bill-of-material whenever data on the XL1 is unavailable. Note that Ashby does not include the impact of manufacturing the battery or vehicle fluids. The battery on the XL1 is smaller than those typically seen on PHEV sedans or all-electric cars, and we do not include it for this analysis. The assumed bill-of-materials is shown in Appendix E. Average material production and processing energies are taken from chapter 15 of Ashby. These are intended to provide an approximate measure of the material and component production energy use and emissions. For vehicle assembly, we use Sullivan's data. For determining use phase emissions, we use the rated fuel efficiency for the XL1 of 260 miles per gallon. The energy intensity of diesel is 38 MJ per liter and the carbon intensity is 3.1 kg CO 2 per liter. We assume a vehicle lifetime of 160,000 km. Maintenance and repair are not considered here. The energy and emissions estimates over the lifetime of the vehicle are shown in Figure 7.10 and Figure 7.11 below. 154 160,000 127,604 120,000 -------------- t-- -------------------------------------103,863 80,000 -- -------------- --------------------------------- - C -- -------- -------------------------------- - 40,000 - 54,720 w 10,140 13,602 Manufacturing Assembly 0Materials Total manufacturing Use phase Figure 7.10: Estimated lifetime energy use for the XL1 12,000 10,748 9,072 U>) 8,000 ----------------- .------------------------------------- 0) U> 0 E 4,000 --------- ------------------------------------ 787 889 Manufacturing Assembly - 4,464 0 Materials Total Use phase manufacturing Figure 7.11: Estimated lifetime C02 emissions for the XL1 155 We notice that the energy use and emissions for manufacturing exceed those estimated for the vehicle use phase over a lifetime of 160,000 km. This is not the case for conventional vehicles. In Sullivan (1998), use phase emissions for a conventional gasoline-engine powered sedan by a factor of 6. In Figure 3.10, the ratio of use phase to manufacturing emissions for five companies was 3.6:1. For plug-in hybrid vehicles or for electric vehicles, the energy use for manufacturing is exceeded by the use phase emissions only after a certain miles have been driven, which is typically significantly smaller than the vehicle lifetime. For the Volkswagen XL1, we see that in the quest for fuel economy and reducing tailpipe emissions, more energy has to be expended in the manufacturing phases. However, even then, the XL1 is remarkably efficient. The total lifetime energy use estimate above is about 182 GJ and the emissions amount to 15 tons. The vehicle Sullivan modeled in 1998 used 954 GJ of energy and emitted 58 tons C0 2 , over 85% of it in the use phase. The significance of this trend towards high-intensity manufacturing is discussed in the concluding chapter. 156 material and Chapter 8: Conclusions and Future Work In this chapter, we summarize our findings and present the way forward for the automobile manufacturing industry. We predict the challenges in meeting climate change goals, and effective ways of reducing emissions. Finally, tasks which need more attention are highlighted. 8.1 Conclusions Meeting climate change goals For present-day vehicles, the use phase of a vehicle contributes most, often as high as 86% - to its lifecycle emissions. As discussed in Chapter 1, the transportation sector contributes almost a quarter of all fossil fuel emissions. In many countries, fuel economy and greenhouse gas regulations have been enacted to reduce this large impact. Figure 8.1 shows the trends for emissions on a gram CO 2 per kilometer basis till the early 2010s and the proposed or enacted targets for the next decade (reproduced from ICCT) [58]. 157 280 --- US 'EU Japan -e-China India 260 E 240 0 , 220 c 1 200 2C. 180180 (0 (E 120 68 0o2 0 --04%e undestu8 ies 1r7 natdtag 80 60 performance 20521 lines: historical 8:Solid r 000 F4h nDashed lines: enacted targets Dotted lines: proposed targets or 20 ga targets under study 0 1 2010 2005 2000 01 2015 022 2020 2025 Figure 8.1: Tailpipe emissions: historical and proposed targets for various countries Of the countries shown here, the US has the second-most stringent reduction rate for light-duty vehicles, after China, requiring a 4.2% annual reduction till 2025. This would reduce emissions intensity by 43% over the 2012 level of 207 gram Of C02 per km to the 2025 target of 118 gram CO 2 per km. The fuel economy would go from 33 MPG in 2012 to 50 MPG in 2025, a 3.9% annual increase, 52% overall. Grimes-Casey et al [25] constructed emission pathways to achieve 450 ppm CO 2 concentration in the atmosphere. They translated those into requirements for US light-duty vehicles, which came to about 25 MPG by 2025 and 136 MPG by 2050. Thus, the standards till 2025 would meet the target. The 2050 goal requires a 665% improvement in fuel economy 158 compared to 2007 levels i.e., 4.8% annually after accounting for growth in demand (in terms of vehicle miles travelled) and fuel-mix scenarios. These improvements in fuel efficiency are being driven to a large extent by light-weighting of cars. This requires materials with high strength-to-weight ratios, and often these tend to require higher material production energy. In the Table 8.1 below, we show an example of this dynamic. We show the 2012 average Scope 1+2+3.1 emissions and use phase emissions for five companies: BMW, Daimler, Renault, Nissan and Volkswagen. We saw this data earlier in Chapter 3, but it is adjusted to show the use phase emissions for a lifetime of 160,000 km. Also shown are the same values estimated for the Volkswagen XL1. The average miles per gallon fuel economy is shown for both data points, using carbon intensity of gasoline from Ashby. Table 8.1: Manufacturing and use phase emissions comparison between average European vehicle and the Volkswagen XL1 Emissions in kg for 2012 average European car Volkswagen XL1 (Scope 1+2+3.1) 5,953 10,748 Lifetime use phase 22,400 4,464 Total 28,500 15,212 Manufacturing Suppose that the Volkswagen XL1 represents a typical car in the year 2050. In fact the annual per cent decrease in use phase emissions required from 2012 to achieve the XL1's emissions in 2050 is 4.2%, which is equal to the CAFE requirement till 2025 and close to the requirement estimated by Grimes-Casey et al for 2050. We notice that to achieve the XL1's high fuel economy, the manufacturing emissions had to increase. The increase, on an 159 annual basis would be 1.5%. The total emissions therefore decrease at a lower rate, at 1.6% a year. The reduction in absolute emissions is 47%. It is straightforward to determine the point at which manufacturing emissions will cross the use phase emissions for a vehicle. Figure 8.2 is a plot of the manufacturing, use phase and total emissions for the data set shown in Table 8.1 above. According to these numbers, around the year 2034, manufacturing emissions will exceed use phase emissions, if they continue to change at the predicted rate. Thus, more attention should be given to manufacturing emissions in order to make a bigger impact on overall emissions. Note that the manufacturing and use phase emissions reported here are lower than the global average. So the annual percent change required for use phase would be higher, and that for manufacturing would be lower. 30,000 -.- Mfg. Emissions -o--Use Phase Emissions -*-Total Emissions U, C (0 20,000 -n --- - - - - - - ------------- -- - ---- ------------------ ------ U) -1.64% a year (DJ 0 E 10,000 -- - -- -- - - --- --- +1.57% a year - --- I -4.16% a year 0 Year Figure 8.2: Pathways for manufacturing and use phase emissions till 2050 160 From our analysis of automakers' CDP reports, we found that Scope 1+2 emissions per vehicle were decreasing at a rate of about 4.8% a year for the last five years. However, we suspect most of this, around 4.3%, is due to the economies of scale effect. We do not have enough data on Scope 3.1 emissions to conclude if outsourcing has contributed to increased emissions. We do see for BMW, Daimler and Renault that their Scope 1+2 emissions per vehicle decreased at 5.3% a year whereas their Scope 3.1 emissions per vehicle increased only at 0.12% from around 2008-2009 to 2012. For these companies, Scope 1+2+3.1 emissions per vehicle have decreased at 0.57% a year. For BMW, Daimler, Nissan, Renault and Volkswagen, Scope 1+2 emissions per vehicle have decreased at 2.1% a year whereas Scope 3.1 emissions per vehicle have increased at 1.5% a year. For these companies, Scope 1+2+3.1 emissions per vehicle have increased at 0.62% a year. From CDP reports, we see that absolute Scope 1+2 emissions have increased at a rate of 4.4% a year from 2010 to 2012. If emissions increase at this rate, they will have increased by 467% of their 2010 levels by 2050. For the companies we studied, emissions intensity has decreased slowly in the last few years. Meanwhile, we can expect production volumes to increase as developing countries reach the same standards of living as developed countries. Also, automobile manufacturing might get more energy intensive in order to save on use phase emissions. To meet overall goals, it seems that use phase emissions targets would have to be even more stringent in order to make up for the increase in absolute emissions from vehicle manufacturing. Effectiveness of emission reduction activities 161 In Chapter 6, we saw the impact of emission reduction activities. Installing 50% more energy efficient lighting would reduce factory emissions by 3.7%. However, this would be a one-time benefit, not a year on year improvement. The same applies to PV panel installation. It displaces 7.2% of primary energy use most of which is currently obtained from fossil fuels. The 23% reduction in emissions would also not be a cumulative benefit. The improvement in utilization provides cumulative benefits. We estimate that if production volume outpaces capacity growth by 9% year after year, emissions intensity would keep on decreasing at 4.5% a year. However, absolute emissions would still increase. Persistent efforts at improving efficiency of processes and base load activities are required. 8.2 Future Work This work focused on automobile assembly plants, with the assumption that other than some stamping work, welding, painting and assembly activities, all other work is done upstream in the supply chain. The biggest impact of energy and emissions happens here, primarily in the production of materials. However, the material transformation part of the supply chain has not received as much attention. We suspect that base load emissions constitute as significant a portion of total emissions if not more as they do for automobile assembly. However, we were not able to find a comprehensive study modeling this part of the supply chain. The complexity of the supply chain inhibits this. But perhaps with better data communication and storage technologies this challenge could be overcome. We believe the energy savings potential in the supply chain to be substantial, and as is the case for 162 assembly, it can be an important area for cost reduction, without compromising on quality or output. We constructed a basic thermodynamic model of the factory, focusing on energy flows. A model with a higher resolution would enable analysis of individual shops and highlight opportunities for efficiency. Moreover, an exergy analysis would lead to better understanding of process efficiencies, and a shift away from using high energy quality fuels like electricity or fossil fuels for low energy quality tasks like heating. The potential here for identifying efficiency improvements is tremendous. To some extent, this has been studied for residential and commercial buildings. It would be as effective and worthwhile at automobile assembly plants. 163 References [1] PricewaterhouseCoopers, "Autofacts 2014 Q3 Release". [2] M. &. 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Table A.1: Energy use for vehicle manufacturing quoted in literature Energy Use (GJ per vehicle) Authors and Year Brown et al, 1985 [36] Included manufacturing steps Title of Publication Energy Analysis of 108 Industrial Processes Fuel Electricity Total 31 24.8 55.8 Gray Iron Foundry, Motor Vehicle Parts and Accessories, Motor Vehicles and Car Bodies 8.2 15.1 Engine and Parts Manufacture, Vehicle Body Production, Chassis, Painting, Assembly Energy Efficiency Galitsky et al, 2008 [18] Improvement and Cost Saving Opportunities for the Vehicle Assembly Industry 6.8 Pressing, Welding, Coating, Resin molding, Plating, Body Kobayashi, 1997 [96] assembly, Casting, Forging, Car Life Cycle e Car ifeCy Inventory Assessment Schuckert et al, 1997 [30] Life Cycle Inventories New experiences to save environmental loads and costs Sullivan et al, 2010 [20] Energy-Consumption and Carbon-Emission Analysis of Vehicle and Component 19.9 Heat treatment, Machining, Parts assembly, Power source and other, also parts manufacturers 5.5 7.3 24.1 Press shop, Car cassing, Paint shop, Assembly, Plastic parts, Engine, Gearbox 12.8 Material transformation, machining, assembly and base load Energy Use (GJ per vehicle) Authors and Year Title of Publication Included manufacturing steps Fuel Electricity Total 5.8 7.5 13.3 Body weld, paint and assembly 39.2 Part and sub-assembly manufacturing, vehicle assembly All fuel and electricity use of 7 companies: BMW, Fiat, Ford, GM, Honda, Nissan, Renault. Manufacturing Boyd, 2005 [35] Sullivan et al, 1998 [29] Development of a Performance-based Industrial Energy Efficiency Indicator for Automobile Assembly Plants Life Cycle Inventory of a Generic U.S. Family Sedan Overview of Results USCAR AMP Project Carbon Disclosure Project, 2013 U.S EIA Manufacturers Energy Consumption Survey 1994 [97] 4.2 12.3 16.5 6.6 7.9 14.6 2006 [16] 5 7.8 12.9 2010 [19] 6 8.9 14.9 176 Industry-wide fuel use and electricity use data. Production data taken from PWC Autofacts Appendix B: Renault Factory-Level Data The Renault plant level data used in section 4.2 is given in Table B.1. Table B.1: Plant-level data for Renault for 2008, 2010, 2011 and 2012 Year Plant Scope 1 Emissions (tons) Scope 2 Emissions (tons) Avg. HDD (F-days) Avg. CDD (F-days) 2008 Bursa 31,225 74,951 3088 2008 Casablanca 7,106 14,936 2008 Douai 43,997 2008 Envigado 2008 Flins 2008 Moscow 2008 Vertical integration Avg. Wheelbase (mm) 1373 Grid intensity (kg C02 per kWh) 0.511 2 2575 1575 1242 0.787 1 2659 6,948 5005 119 0.072 1 2685 4,616 3,756 670 5 0.107 1 2557 30,427 5,249 4774 224 0.072 2 2575 8,964 23,807 7880 177 0.426 1 2634 Palencia 33,820 36,323 4807 287 0.327 1 2559 2008 2008 2008 2010 2010 Pusan Sandouville Santa Isabel Bursa Casablanca 29,329 30,655 15,160 32,353 6,486 42,197 5,939 19,992 65,226 17,791 3861 4810 1442 47 3 1 2672 2765 1622 2809 1234 1382 1487 1546 0.487 0.072 0.369 0.460 0.687 1 2 1 2633 2580 2661 2010 2010 Douai Envigado 56,245 4,064 9,647 1,342 5841 658 185 92 0.077 0.176 1 1 2697 2575 2010 Flins 29,500 7,452 5416 293 0.077 2 2575 2010 Moscow 19,694 18,259 8977 756 0.412 1 2634 2010 Palencia 38,025 26,149 5262 373 0.237 1 2575 2010 Pusan 39,129 62,417 4053 1461 0.534 3 2690 2010 Sandouville 26,944 6,335 5496 48 0.077 1 2762 2010 20,062 19,921 1955 1407 0.366 1 2584 2011 2011 Santa Isabel Bursa Casablanca 36,011 8,845 65,709 20,540 3644 1599 1363 1631 0.472 0.729 2 1 2578 2652 2011 Douai 43,515 8,691 4491 115 0.061 1 2696 Table B.1: Plant-level data for Renault for 2008, 2010, 2011 and 2012 Vertical integration Avg. Wheelbase (mm) 41 Grid intensity (kg C02 per kWh) 0.108 1 2576 4070 8438 4424 221 415 353 0.061 0.437 0.291 2 1 1 2575 2635 2569 60,867 6,029 .19,035 62,024 4095 4314 1597 3184.0 1254 70 1416 1716 0.545 0.061 0.390 0.480 3 1 1 2 2706 2762 2620 2592 9,688 37,613 17,830 8,092 1979 0.638 0.090 1 2647 5208 1530 149 1 2697 Envigado 6,240 3,242 850 8 0.175 1 2621 2012 Flins 36,659 8,776 4747 253 0.090 2 2565 2012 Moscow 31,416 25,526 8874 219 0.317 1 2649 5038 412 0.299 1 2580 1354 89 0.498 0.090 3 1 2695 2766 1540 0.355 1 2630 Scope 1 Emissions (tons) Scope 2 Emissions (tons) Avg. HDD (F-days) Avg. CDD (F-days) Envigado 4,665 1,518 941 2011 2011 2011 Flins Moscow Palencia 20,322 28,600 28,972 7,548 24,193 23,786 2011 2011 2011 2012 Pusan Sandouville Santa Isabel Bursa 34,480 20,477 18,828 32,874 2012 2012 Casablanca Douai 2012 Year Plant 2011 2012 Palencia 27,555 18,892 2012 Pusan 52,086 2012 Sandouville 26,315 16,185 5,862 4217 5003 2012 Santa Isabel 17,907 18,195 1581 179 Appendix C: Material Content of the Vehicle Modeled Here we present the details on the material content of the vehicle used in all models. The material content of the vehicle was taken from Sullivan's VMA model. The material energy and emissions data is taken from Ashby. Table C.1 presents energy and emissions data for the material production phase. Table C.1: Material composition of the vehicle, and energy and emissions calculations Primary Production Primary CO 2 Primary Energy weight Energy MJ/kg kg/kg MJ/veh Carbon Steel 54% 32 2 26,277 1,478 Iron 11% 17 2 2,735 241 Aluminum 6% 149 9 14,381 863 Brass 1% 59 4 542 34 Lead 1% 27 2 331 25 Copper 1% 59 4 1,085 68 Glass 3% 11 1 450 32 HDPE 2% 81 3 2,234 76 Rubber 7% 118 7 13,377 748 Polyurethane 3% 48 2 1,923 84 Polyvinyl Chloride 0% 59 3 181 8 Polypropylene 5% 79 3 5,688 220 69,204 3,876 % of Curb Material Group Total 92.5% C02 kg/veh Appendix D: Solar Radiation on FlatPlate Collectors in Detroit The monthly averages of incident solar radiation (W/m 2 ) for flat-plate collectors at Detroit, used in section 6.2, are given in Table D.1. These are provided by NREL for various fixed tilt angles in degrees with reference to the latitude. Table D.1: Incident solar radiation in W/m 2 for Detroit for various tilt angles Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Year average 0 67 104 142 192 233 258 254 221 171 117 71 54 158 Tilt (degrees) Lat - 15 Lat Lat + 15 100 138 171 208 238 254 254 233 200 154 100 79 179 113 150 175 204 225 233 233 225 200 163 108 88 175 117 154 171 188 200 204 204 204 192 163 108 92 167 90 108 138 133 125 117 113 117 129 138 133 96 83 121 Appendix E: Assumed Bill-of-Materials for the Volkswagen XL1 Table E.1 presents the bill-of-materials used to make estimates of material and manufacturing energy and emissions for the Volkswagen XL1 in section 7.2. Table E.1: Bill-of-materials assumed for the Volkswagen XL1 Material type Mass (kg) Carbon steel Stainless steel Cast iron Wrought aluminum (10% recycled content) Cast aluminum (35% recycled content) Copper/Brass Magnesium Glass Thermoplastic polymers (PU,PVC) Thermosetting polymers(Polyester) Rubber CFRP 161 4 20 55 124 49 4 36 71 44 18 169 22 3.3E-03 1.8E-01 GFRP Platinum, catalyst (Table 6.2) Electronics, emission control etc. 20 Other (proxy material: Polycarbonate) 795 Total 183 184