Empirical Evidence for HO Trade Models: Sources & Types of Trade Data

FREC 410
International Ag. Trade & Marketing
Empirical Evidence
for HO Trade Models:
Leontief’s Paradox
Dr. Titus Awokuse
Importance of Empirical Testing
Sources & Types of Trade Data
„ Econometric models are used to test the
validity of international trade theories
… Statistical analysis of economic data to test
validity of theoretical relationships between
„ However, different econometric studies
reach _________________________
Types of Trade Data
… Exports
and Imports
… Prices
… Exchange
… Domestic & International
… Print
… Electronic (Websites) – CDROM, Tape, etc
Given available data, there are no consensus on
the methods for deciding which conclusion is
H-O Model: Empirical Evidence
The Leontief Paradox (LP)
Leontief (1953) study of US trade patterns:
„ First attempt to test validity of H-O Model
„ Examined the actual ___________________
of US imports
„ Does data provide empirical support of the
patterns of trade predicted by HO models?
More emphasis on testing of economic theories
… Ricardian and H-O models have faced scrutiny
… greater emphasis on H-O models
Empirical data on trade patterns NOT
consistent with H-O ___________________
… Does
factor-abundant country export the given
… Does factor-scarce country import the given
What did Leontief do?
What is the Leontief Paradox?
Result: paradoxical conclusion on US trade
… US
was most K-abundant nation in the world
… Exported
L-intensive goods
… Imported
______________ goods
… This
result is known as: Leontief Paradox
He used 1947 input-output table of US economy
Aggregated industries into _____________
But only 38 industries produced traded goods
Other 12 industries produced non-traded goods
Aggregated factors into 2 categories: K and L
He estimated the K and L requirements to produce:
… One
million dollars worth of typical exportable
and ______________________
Explanations for LP
The Leontief Paradox (LP)
1. Higher Efficiency of US Workers:
His Findings / Results:
… Leontief
(1956) repeated test with 1951 data:
US imports were 6% more K-intensive than exports
Baldwin (1971) used 1962 US trade data:
„ Results similar to Leontief’s
„ US imports were 27% more K-intensive than _______
said: US labor was __________________
… Given
similar K/L ratio among nations, higher US worker
efficiency attributed to superior economic organization
and _______________________________
… Most
economists disagree because:
„ If superior organization increased L productivity, it
should have raised K too
„ So, K/L should have remain unchanged
Trade patterns of other countries:
… Leontief
Japan: consistent with HO
Canada: NOT
India: consistent
East Germany: ______________
Explanations for LP
Explanations for LP
2. Inclusion of Human Capital:
… Human
… It’s
3. Role of Natural Resources:
K is created by education
… Leontief’s
similar to investment in _________________
… There
two ways to include human K:
„ Divide L by skill groups: US is abundant in skilled L
„ Add human K to physical K (I.e. K = Kp + Kh)
… Paradox
… US
resolved when human K is included
… Only
production function is oversimplified
two factors included: K and L
… Ignored
role of natural ___________________
… Some
imports are natural resource-intensive:
aluminum, gold, diamond, coffee, oil
exports goods using skilled L intensively, and imports
goods using its ____________factor (unskilled L)
Explanations for LP
Explanations for LP
5. Distortions in Trade:
4. Demand Bias:
Trade restrictions could contribute to the paradox
Why? L-intensive goods are often ______________
„ Paradox may result:
… K-abundant
nation can import K-intensive goods if
domestic demand is biased to K-intensive goods
… Abundant factor will become scarce if demand bias
outweighs the effect of the existing abundance in K
… Little
… if
empirical evidence to support this hypothesis
imports of L-intensive goods were restricted
… But,
Houthakker (1957) found demand patterns between
imports of K-intensive goods were unrestricted
This explanation is not as plausible because:
… Tariffs
tend to reduce trade volumes,
but not reverse commodity _________________
… Import
tariff cannot induce a country to export goods
that intensively use its scarce factor
Explanations for LP
Implications of Empirical Testing
6. Misspecification of H-O Tests:
Two-fold impact of Testing Trade Theories:
Leamer (1980) arguments:
… Leontief’s
approach of comparing K/L ratio in X and M
is not appropriate IF a country exports BOTH Kintensive and L-intensive goods
… He suggested an alternative conceptual formulation
… K/L ratio in net X is compared to that in consumption
and production
By adopting this approach, __________________
Others suggested alternative tests using a logit
Evidence _________________ and increase
our level of confidence in using the models for
policy analysis
Testing results in progress in economic
… influenced
the reformulation and improvement of
current and alternative models
… Stimulates the development of _________________