T.OF TEriT. DEC 2 1G6 INVESTIGATION OF A POSSIBLE TEST OF T INVARIANCE by RICARD EVERETT PALMER SUBMTITED IN PARTIAL FULFILINENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE at the MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY June, 1966 Signature redacted Signature of Author Department of Physics May 20, 1966 Signature redacted Certified by Signature redacted Thesis Supervisor Signature redacted Accepted by al Chairman, Departm Committee rn Thesdt ABSTRACT Inelastic electron-proton scattering may provide a test of time reversal invariance. The practicality of an experiment using an unpolarized target was studied for energies of 20 BeV. The dominance of background appears to make the experiment unfeasible at the present time. Tyger! Tyger! burning bright In the forest of the night, Nhat immortal hand or eye Dare frame thy fearful symmetry? ... William Blake Table of Contents I. II. Introduction ................. *............ .*................ Inelastic Electron-Proton Scattering as a Test of T t Invariance ........ *....*................*...... III. IV. 5 7 Estimate of the Final Baryon Resonance ...................... 10 Estimates of Counting Rates 13 Chance Coincidence Rates .............................. 21 Measurement of the Final Baryon Polarization 28 VII. Which Resonance to Pick ........................ 32 VIII. Interference Backgrounds ................................. 34 V. VI. IX . Conclusion ............................................... Appendices Tables Acknowledgements Notes and References 00 00 0 0 0 0 0 35 5 INTRODUCTION The validity of symmetry invariances plays a significant role in modern research. As the problems before the physicist become more and more complex, he needs a unifying system of principles that will bind together and clarify the laws of Nature. It is hoped that symmetry invariances will become such a system of principles. With the advent of high energy particle accelerators, symmetry invariances have been invaluable in the prediction and explanation of nuclear and elementary particle processes. Their great value is that they limit the number of possible interaction terms; those which violate symmetry invariance can be discarded, if these symmetry laws are found to be valid in general. Of course, processes which do violate symmetry invariance must be resorted to in cases in which symmetry invariant solutions are unable to explain adequately experimental observations, but at least, the physicist has had some guiding principle in his work. Before the discovery of the violation of parity, of symmetry invariance had remained virtually unknown. the validity Their theoretical attractiveness and the absence of contrary evidence had resulted in. an almost intuitive acceptance of symmetry invariances as natural laws. The observation of the two-pion K20 decay has questioned the validity of time reversal as a universal invariant. It is now generally accepted that the K4 does indeed violate time reversal invariance, but the exact nature of the interaction which violates this symmetry is still in doubt. relative size of the branching ratio of the The 42 two-pion decay to 6 0 the branching ratio of the K two-pion decay is ~ =/7r. 1 decay conserves time reversal invariance. o The K1 This suggests that the violation of time reversal invariance by the 42 decay is attributable to the electromagnetic interaction. A number of experiments have been proposed by T.D. Lee3 to test this conjecture. A high energy electron accelerator such as the Stanford Linear Accelerator (SIAC) is ideally suited to experiments of this type. The purpose of this paper is to investigate one of these experiments, inelastic electron-proton scattering with an unpolarized target, to see if it is feasible to be performed at SIAC. The theory in the next section is the work of N. Christ and Lee.3 Using this theory we estimate the magnitude of the effect to be measured, namely, the polarization of the final baryon produced from the decay of N* resonant states. Approximations to counting rates and running times have also been made. Experimental limitations, such as chance rates and polarization of the background, are discussed, and a final evaluation of this :experiment is given. 7 INEIASTIC EIECTRON-PROTON SCATTERING AS A TEST OF T INVARIANCE There is good evidence that the strong interaction Ht is separately invariant under the space inversion Pst, the time reversal Tst, and the charge conjugation C s. The subscript st denotes that these symmetry operators are defined by the strong interaction alone. There is also good evidence that the electro- magnetic interaction H operator CS T StP St is invariant under Pst and under the triple At the same time there is little evidence that H7 is separately invariant under C does violate C and T or no and T t . If H invariance, then the relative size m/7r of the branching ratio of KS two-pion decay to the branching ratio 00 of K1 two pion decay, which conserves T and Cst, could be . satisfactorily explained by the virtual effect of HY2 Since H and C T P commutes with P and with C ttPt, and since P are defined to commute with H 2 , then one can make the identifications: P 2' = P st CTP = C T P st st st Y777 H can violate C T7 A and TSt invariance, if C A cs and, similarly, st The total electromagnetic current by definition. If we decompose and the baryonic current C C j changes sign under C ju into the leptonic current + 0, where: JBC .1 = gB st u st U KBC st u st then a violation of C =+KB u and T non-vanishing value of KB. invariance would correspond to a Since both P and C T P are con- 8 served, a violation of Cst invariance requires a simultaneous invariance. violation of T Inelastic electron proton scattering provides an excellent opportunity to test the conservation of Cst and T t by H7, because while the particles interact electromagnetically, there is also a baryonic current between the ground state proton and the N* resonant states. In this paper inelastic electron-proton scattering with an unpolarized target will be considered. The cross section for the reaction e + p -. e + N*, in the onephoton exchange approximation, is: 2 2 220 de = 4'x: k' ((q )"kw'M) 22 e(w'-kklcose-2m )W (~os 1 dk'd(cose) x + (ww'+kk'coso4m2 )W2 + (Min(k_))(w 2 ,2 W where the symbols have the following definitions: C: = fine structure constant k,w = incident electron momentum, energy k',w' = scattered electron momentum, energy 2 q = four-momentum transfer squared M = mass of resonance m = mass of proton m = mass of electron p O = scattering angle of electron S = polarization vector of target nucleon and where W 1, W 2 , and VT V2 2 q and M alone. 3 are real and dimensionless functions of Since the term S *(k-_ x k') changes sign under ;-in time reversal, this interaction violates time reversal, unless W The recoil baryon from the N* decay (N* -+wr + N) will have perpendicular to the scattering plane a polarization of: <S,> = + 2(21 + ).<c- = 0. 9 where I is the orbital angular momentum of the N* decay product respectively. 1 nd J* The spin vector of the resonance is given by <J > = If p 1 = J ' (7r + N) and the + and the - signs are for 2 1( kxk t)( 2_w ,2) -2 1*)1+J ~ 1 *3 and p * are the parities of the proton and of the N*, respectively, then A and ' A are given by: 2(wwI-kk'cose-2m )w + (wwt+kkcose. -el )W2 ppN* exp(i7r(JP-N*)) W4,9like the other W's, depends on the non-leptonic matrix elements. If the polarization of the final baryon is non-zero, then either W 3 or W and C or both are non-zero, which implies a breakdown in Tst 4t invariance. The object of a test of T t and C invariance by inelastic electron-proton scattering with an unpolarized target would be to try to measure such a polarization. 10 ESTIMATE OF THE FINAL BARYON POIARIZATION W and W. are related by the inequality W2 2 1* (q2 /l)W> For incident electron energies of the order of 20 BeV., 0. 2 (within a factor of a few), and for the sake of simplicity, we will set W1 = W2 = 1. Lee 4 argues that the time reversal non- invariant terms are of the order of cc/7r smaller, in order to explain the oberved branching ratio of the mode. Thus, we will set W3 = W4 = c/7r. 4 two-pion decay The polarization <Sg does not depend on the absolute sizes of the W's, only upon their relative sizes. Using the above approximations we have estimated the final baryon polarization predicted by Lee's theory. Figures 1. and 2. show the predicted polarization for the 1.236 BeV. and the 1.518 BeV. resonance for k = 20 BeV. U- Figure 1. , ... .... .... - ..... --- Prdite Polarizati fte F l Byon frthe 1.236 B V. Resonance k = 0BV 0.8 049 0.7 0.6 04 o.4 O~ 0.2 0.1 10 20 3o 40 5o 6o 7o 8o go loo io 120 130 140 150 166"""17o 18o Figure 2. Prdited Polar eon o the ial 4 4 12 Baryon for the 1.518 BeV, Resonanee I 049 *4 4' 095 0.7 o4 0.1 E) (deg.) 10 20 30 4o 50 6o 70 8090 100 110)120 1C301 15 620. 13 ESTIMA.TES OF COUNTING RATES We have assumed the Breit-Wigner shape of the baryon resonance: F(M) dM = dM (M-M )a+f/4 where r is the full-width of the resonance at half-maximum. The normalization A can be found from: 0o f F(M) dM = 1 m +m p p which integrates to give: A T' (r + tan"1(M -M -m r/ 2 As a first approximation, we have taken the distribution of the final baryon to be isotropic in the N* rest frame. a phase-space density for the final baryon of: 2 N(0M) = 1 L F(M) t? (EIM + 2 5 This results in (see appendix 2.) 2 )-l where M = mass of N* m p = mass of proton m = mass of pion P = momentum of final baryon in N* rest frame E = energy of final baryon in N* rest frame P = momentum of final baryon in lab frame E = energy of final baryon in lab frame 0 = scattering angle of final baryon in lab frame The final baryon will be detected in coincidence with the scattered electron. The coincidence rate N c can be calculated by integrating the electron cross section times the final baryon phase-space density over the resolutions of the electron and the proton spectrometers. 14 The eectroproduction cross section in the single (virtual) photon approximation is:6 a ,K) ,K)at + 2(Eq ,K)a m2 )/2m is the lab momentum of the virtual photon. p p the P's are defined by: where K = (P? 47 q2k s -cla 4,21) rs cot 2 (0/2) (Xk' + P 1 +(k-k )/q cot?_(0/2)_ 2 For small electron scattering angles q 2kk'(l-cose) is small, and the virtual photon is similar to a real photon, for which a. = 0. As a first approximation, we have neglected the scalar term. The transverse cross section is equal to: 7 aw = (q / *(0))l GR2(q) a(K,0) where G' (q) is the proton isoscalar magnetic form factor and a(K,0) MV is the photoproduction cross section. 2 ( 2 ) has been numerically and is found to be (p. -pn)/2 (1 + q 2/.72) fitted by Hand, c G 2 (in BeV.2 ), where pP and pn are the proton and neutron magnetic moments, respectively. Measurements at the Cambridge Electron Accelerator indicate that 1 = 2 gives good agreement with Hand's expression for the electroproduction cross section. 2M-mp ) (q /q (0)) 2 = 1 + When 1 = 2, we have: The coincidence rate can be calculated from: 2 Nc=(const.) ffaK) 2 2 NE,M) The limits of integration are determined by the resolutions of the electron and the proton spectrometers, both of which have angular and momentum acceptances. The cross section is constant 15 to within a few percent over the limits of the integral, and in calculating N C we have multiplied the central value of the integrand times the angular and momentum acceptances of the two spectrometers. The constant takes into account the incident intensity and the length and density of the target. using values of 2 x 1013 sec.* Our calculations have been made for the average incident intensity, 20 cm. for the target length, and .07 gm./cm. 3 for the density of liquid hydrogen. In the direction of the N*, there will be two final baryon peaks, one for forward emission of the final baryon in the direction of the N*, the other for backward emission in the direction of the N* (see figure 3.). 2 For values of q in which this paper is interested, the backward emitted final baryon is folded into the forward direction in the lab frame. Figures 4.-7. show the predicted true coincidence rates for forward emission and backward emission of the final baryon for the 1.236 BeV. resonance and for the 1.518 BeV. resonance. Because both protons and neutrons are produced from the decay of the N*, the measurable coincidence rates will be reduced by the fraction of protons produced, which is determined by the ClebschGordan coefficients in the matrix elements of the decay, since only protons are detected by the spectrometer. Non-resonant states are produced as well as N* resonances for a given K, but out of ignorance, we have assumed that only resonant states are produced by the inelastic electron-proton scattering. in the vicinity of the resonance. over the width of the resonance. This is a good approximation aO(K,0) is taken to be constant Figure 3. Inelastic Electron-Proton Scattering e + P - e + IT* o + p 0 P w b Pfe Figure 4. w 17 4 1 I (sec. ) True Rates and Chance Rates 1.236 BeV. Resonance Forward Emitted Final Baryon (these are average rates) 10 10 10 9 .108 .107 .106 -105 10 103 101 1 10-2 10-- True Rate 10-3 - 104 10-5 -Chance Rate 106 107 108 109 1 2 3 . 5 6 7 8 9 e (deg.) 10 11 22 13 14 15 16 17 Figure 5. 18 (sec. ) True Rates and Chance Rates 1.236 BeV. Resonance Backward Emitted Final Baryon (these are average rates) 1010 109 108 106 10~ 105 101 10 3 10 10 10T 10 1 10-2 .10-3 -True Rate 10"05 - 10-6 Chance Rate - 410 - %10 -109 1 1168 901 112 13 14 1516 213 e (deg.) r( 19 Figure 6. True Rates and Chance Rates (sec. -) 1-518 BeV. Resonance Forward Emitted Final Baryon (these are average rates) 108 10 107 106 103 10~ 10 103 10 10-2 10- - True Rate 10 10-1 10 - Chance Rate 10 510 1011 10-10 10"ll 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 e (dei.) 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 20 Figure 7. Is 6 True Rates and Chance Rates ) (sec.~ 1.518 BeV. Resonance Backward Emitted Final Baryon (these are average rates) 10 a 101 10 10-2 10-3 40 - True Rate -10-5 '10 -1 .107 10 R10 - Chance Rate 41 20 a -9 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 a 9 (deg.) 10 11 12 13 1 5 16 17 21 CHANCE COINCIDENCE PATES A chance coincidence occurs when two uncorrelated particles enter the spectrometers within, the resolving time of the coincidence circuit. 0 They may come from two different N* -+ p + r decays, or from a different process, such as elastic radiative tails br the production of protons from non-resonant states or of neutrons from resonant states. These chance coincidence produce a background from which it is necessary to extract useful information about the true coincidences. In this particular experiment an asymmetry would be measured, and if the uncertainties in the background are as large or larger than the asymmetry, valid measurement cannot be made. Ideally, it a is hoped that the chance coincidence rates will be much smaller than the true coincidence rates. The electron singles counting rate is calculated by integrating the electron cross section over the limits of the electron spectrometer: 2 N e JJ 2 a(e,,K) (const.)dk'do e nek' 2 S (const .)a 2 , 2 ,(3'i K) bodk' heA As before, the constant takes into account the incident intensity, the length of the target, and the density of liquid hydrogen. We will assume that only electrons from one resonance will be detected; electrons from the production of other resonances with the proper momentum and direction to be detected will be neglected. This is probably a good approximation, if the acceptances of the spectrometer are small, since the electron is constrained in k' 22 and e, because it sees a two-body scattering. Using this approximation that only one resonance contributes to the counting rates, the average proton singles rate is: (see appendix 3.) 2 (nt.)AArj N pp p ,K) eBC ea N(,M) M d(cose)dM 1+k (-cose) m 1, To be consistent with calculations elsewhere in the paper, we have assumed that only protons are produced from the decay of the N*. The final baryon has more freedom than the electron, however, since the N* decays into two particles. Protons from other resonances will thus be able to enter the proton spectrometer. To account for this we have arbitrarily multiplied the proton counting rate above by a factor of 10 in our calculations. Figures 9. and 10. show N p for the first two resonances. The chance coincidence rate is given by: N ~NeN (2T)D where 2T is the total resolving time of the coincidence circuit and D is the duty cycle (defined to be greater than one) of the machine. Using the above approximations for N was calculated, N and Np the chance rate N being numerically integrated on an IBM 7044 computer. p The resolutions used were as follows: M = = .13 mst. .65 mst. AP = + 2% (P) &' =+.8% (k' ) for the 1.236 BeV. peak Ak' =+1% (k') for the 1.518 BeV. peak 2T = 5 nsec. D = 106 /720 The values for Ak' will be explained later in this section. chance rates are compared to the true rates in figures 4.-7. The It 23 e decreases, the chance coincidences become as can be seen that as large as and rapidly dominate the true coincidences. Another contribution to N the elastic scattering peak. e and N p is the radiative tail of A computer program is currently being developed at M.I.T. to calculate the radiative corrections for the electron singles rate. Corrections for the proton singles rate have been calculated for momenta very close to the elastic peak,9 but the inelastic peaks are far below the elastic peak in momentum at the same proton scattering angle VN* (or $ radiative corrections to N more general solution. p ) (see tables. 4--5.), and from the elastic peak will require a Furthermore, corrections to N p and to N e for the 1.518 BeV. resonance and higher resonances will also require radiative corrections from inelastic peaks of the lower resonances. Figure 11. shows the locus of the elastic peak positions and of the inelastic peak positions of the first two resonances .in the focal plane of the electron spectrometer. For a given inelastic peak the full momentum resolution of the spectrometer of + 2% does not exi-ude the other peaks. Hence, we have used in our calculations improved resolutions of + .8% for the 1.236 BeV. peak and + 1% for the 1.518 BeV. peak. of the central pea These acceptances include most 0 and exclude the other peaks. It may prove necessary to improve the angular acceptances as well in order to isolate the peaks in the electron spectrometer, so that hopefully only small corrections due to radiative tails will have to be made for contributions from the other peaks. Corrections to Np from the elastic radiative tail may be quite serious, because the inelastic peaks for the same 0N* have 24 momenta much less than the position of the elastic peak, and for momenta far below the elastic peak, radiative corrections to the elastic cross section grow enormously with decreasing momentum. Another contributing factor to Ne, and hence to the chance rate, is the Dalitz decay of the 7r 0 into 7 + e-+ e+. of the e 0 in the r rest frame is calculated in appendix 5. for constant matrix elements. This spectrum, transformed into the lab frame, can be integrated over the T cross section to find the contribution to Ne from Dalitz electrons. of the 7T The spectrum Insufficient knowledge cross section for energies ~ 20 BeV. prevents such a calculation, until more is known of the 7P cross section. T 's wdull enter the spectrometer as well as protons, and a means of distinguishing between pions and protons must be developed to remove this ambiguity. Otherwise, the contribution to N p from pions wouE have to be accounted for in calculating chance rates. This would probably be a significant correction. 25 vigure Q - 103 . 14 I 11-1 i . . . . . 11 - 4 .. I 1.24 S BeV. Reso ance Proton.Sin les Counting Rates (sec.') (hse are average rates) ~ Fia ay 101 ---- { -- --- A- rwr Jmitte +++ + +++++++++4............ ++++ +++ +++ .. . ... ..... ~~ . ... n~ 6 (de4.) 2 3 4 5 lo 9 1 11 12 13 14. 15 26 Figure 10. _ . ... ....... ......... ..... .... ...... ... .... .......... .. .. .~F _..........- . ...... ...... ....- . d k..... .......... 7 _ I 8 $eV. Resoi ance 4 Jimoutiii Rte rates). sizeare ave Led (se. ...... I.. ackw4 Emil ted Fina1 3ryon 101A Rmi -F. . - IW - I - Pnrwn.rA - - .. I- 1nnaX Baryo E) (deg.) 10 1 2 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 27 Figure 11. ak. Le Pe of I Pek in 20 BeV. =202 Be*V. 2k 19 Elatic Peak 17 1.236 Bev. Peak 1.-518 BeV.- Peak 17 15 13 11 1 (deg.) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 28 MRASUREMENT OF THE FINAL BARYON POIARIZATION The polarization of the final baryon can be detected by elastically scattering a second time from a carbon analyzer. Scattering to the left and to the right are associated with opposite orientations of angular momentum with respect to k x k', and spin-orbit coupling in the elastic scattering from the carbon will produce an asymmetry- in the scattering cross section, if the polarization of the final baryon in the direction of k x k' is non-zero. The asymmetry parameter c is defined by: C = (R-L)/(R+L) where R and L represent scattering to the right and to the left with respect to the plane formed by k' and k x k' from the carbon analyzer. If the direction cosines of the scattered proton are not the right or into the left hemisphere, e is given by: where a is the analyzing power of the carbon target. (see appendix The standard deviation in the measurement of a can be shown to equal:l A 1 1 (1-a )2 (N) 2 0 where N is the number of observed events and e 0 is the mean measured value. will neglect it. Since in most cases a 0 is much less than 1, we If 6 is the percentage error A/e, then the number of required events is: N2 N =(7r/2ca'<> and the total running time for the experiment is: S= N/Nc = (7r/2<y6<_ >) 2 /N . measured, but only whether the proton scattered from the carbon into 29 A literature search was done to study the behavior of the analyzing power a as a function of the kinetic energy of the final baryon. References 2.-II. summarize the results in the kinetic energy range from 180 MeV. to 1 BeV. for both carbon and hydrogen as analyzers. Little is known for kinetic energies greater than 1 BeV., and for these energies we have extrapolated the data for energies less than 1 BeV. In the case of carbon, a peaks sharply at a kinetic energy of about 200 MeV. and decreases at higher energies because of the increasing effect of inelastic proton-carbon scattering, for which there is no spin-orbit coupling term. The analyzing paer of carbon was averaged over the elastic differential cross section for a given kinetic energy, and the points were crudely fitted by: a(x) (.42) e(x-.2)2/.03 ~ 4 x .- x/ 4 + .0001 where x is the kinetic energy of the final baryon from the initial inelastic scattering. Figure 8. shows cy as a function of kinetic energy of the final baryon. Using this approximation for a, the total running times have been estimated for forward emission and for backward emission of the final baryon for the first two resonances. The results are summarized in table 6. It has been tacitly assumed that all of the protons from the inelastic scattering will be detected. If narrow gap spark chambers, in which are sandwiched many radiation lengths of carbon sheets, are used, then this is a fairly good assumption. Thus, we have taken the efficiency of the spark chambers to be 100% in our calculations. 30 By referring to table 6., one can see that the estimated running times are well above the limits of practicality. be reduced, however. They can Theycan be decreased by a factor of 2 by using a 40 cm. long target, instead of a 20 cm. long target, for which the calculations in this paper have been made. Also, the protons can be detected by the 1.6 BeV. spectrometer available at SIAC, instead of the 8 BeV. spectrometer. The larger angular acceptance bf the smaller spectrometer will increase the counting rates by a factor of --9. Finally, the energy resolution of the incident beam can be increased from .1% to 1%, to reduce the running times by another factor of ~10. The net improvement in the running time will thus be a reduction of the order of 180. Unfortunately, at these increased counting rates chance rates will become far more significant than beftre, and this alone will most likely make the experiment unfeasible. One possible solution to this apparent impasse is to decrease the accuracy to which e is measured. A 30% measurement will take l/9 as long as a 10% measurement, without having to increase the counting rates. This seems to be the only way to minimize the effects of chance rates and at the same time perform the experiment in a reasonable length of time. Figure 8. owe ofCaronin p- Scattering rsim 14 . ... .. I.. .. . 09J 05 0 K Kietic Energy of Proeton (BeY.) 32 WHICH RESONANCE TO PICK The 1.236 BeV. resonance is preferable to the 1.518 BeV. resonance in this experiment in two respects. First, the lower counting rates and the smaller final baryon polarization in the higher resonance make the running times for the 1.518 BeV. peak of the order of ten times longer than the corresponding running" times for the 1.236 BeV. peak. Second, radiative corrections must be made for contributions to the 1.518 BeV. peak from both the 1.236 BeV. peak and from the elastic peak, whereas radiative corrections for contributions to the 1.236 BeV. peak must be made only for the elastic peak. However, there is also a strong argument in favor of choosing the 1.518 BeV. resonance in order to test T invariance. A transition to the 1.518 BeV. resonance conserves isotopic spin, while a transition to the 1.236 BeV. resonance requires a AI = 1. If the time reversal non-invariant term K conserves isotopic spin, then no effect at all will be observed for the 1.236 BeV. resonance, even if KB u / 0. Lee's claims that one can determine whether or not K1u conserves isotopic spin by looking for an asymmetry in the 6 + have attempted to measure w 4 r + 7T + 7 decay. Flatte et al. such an asymmetry, predicted to be of the order of o/w by Lee, but poor statistics gave the inconclusive result of e = .11 + .09 (66% confidence). No valid conclusions could be made from this measurement, so that it is not yet determined whether K conserves isotopic spin. At the present time the experiment seems more feasible for the 1.236 BeV. resonance. If a null result were observed for this 33 resonance, then one could await better results from measurements of the three-pion w 0 decay asymmetry, before deciding to repeat the experiment for the 1.518 BeV. resonance. 34 ERENCE BACKGROUNDS INT An important background to the final baryon polarization arises from interference terms between continuum (i.e. non-resonant) final states with the N*, as well as interference terms between the various continuum states themselves. produce a correlation between S reversal invariance. These interference terms can and k x kt without violating time By averaging over the N* resonance peak, interference terms due to states of different 1 can be subtracted out, but interference terms due to states of different isotopic spin must still be accounted for, before a test of T t invariance can be made from this experiment. Such a correction may prove impossible at the present time. A similar experiment (also proposed by Lee) to be performed 2.7 at Harvard University has the advantage that these interference terms do not have to be subtracted out. In this experiment a polarized solid target will be used, and an asymmetry in the initial inelastic scattering will be measured. It is estimated that e = .7% + .06% for an incident electron energy of twenty hours running time. 6 BeV. in The major disadvantages of this experiment are radiative damage to the solid target, and only a 2.5% polarizing efficiency for the target. However, improved technology will diminish these limitations, and it may prove more :8 desirous to repeat this experiment at SIAC energies, perform the experiment discussed in this paper. than to 35 CONCLUSION The test of T by inelastic electron-proton scattering from an unpolarized target appears to be unfeasible at this time. The predicted asymmetry in a second, elastic scattering from a carbon analyzer would be too small to be extracted from a probable asymmetry in the background arising from interference terms between the resonant and non-resonant states, which would produce a polarization without violating T invariance. Also, chance rates from reactions other than e + p -+ e + N*(-+ p + 7?0) would dominate true coincidences between the electron and final proton from N* decay for any reasonable counting rate. will most probably make it for a valid test of T These limitations necessary to look to other experiments invariance. 36 APPEDICES 37 Appendix 1. Here we shall derive the kinematical equations for inelastic electron-proton scattering to produce an N* of mass M. of the electron has been neglected. The mass Definitions of symbols can be found in the text. i) Given k end 0, what are k,P *' conservation of energy: conservation of momentum: ? k + m kt + (1?-+. )2 k = k'cose + P cos4 0 = ktsine - P sinN* N* N* (1) (2) (3) Moving k'co9E in (2) to the left side, squaring (2) and (3), and then adding (2) + (3), we get: +k,2 -2kk'cosE (4) Moving k' to the left side of (1), squaring (1), and then substituting (4) into (1), we get: p- (M - m ))/(mP + k(l-cose)) (5) From (3) we get: =sn(k'sinG $~~N* =sn ( PN*(6) Equations (5), (4), and (6) determine k', P *, and of k and ii) in terms e. Given PN* and k, what are Pf, k', and 0? By using the method to obtain (4), we can similarly show: k-2 =2 + - N* 2kPN*cos N* (7) Moving k' to the left side of (1) and squaring (1), we get: k +m p +kt- 2kk' - 2k'm p + 2km p = N* (8) + Substituting (7) into (8), we get: 2 2p p N 38 Make the following definitions: ai= -2 p +a a2=k + m a3 = kCosN* (10) SquarjI~ng (10), again substituting (7), and solving the quadratic equation for PN*, we get 2 2 l3 2aa (aa a3 - aa3) + ((a 2a3 - ala 3) - (ak2 - al)(a2- a3))2 2 2 2- a3 - PN* ~~ 22 2 2 (11) Also, from (3), we have: N*s inIN* -L e=sin (2 (*) Equations (11), (7), and (32) determine k', P *, and e in terms of k and $N* Note that PN* has two physically possible solutions for the same value of "N** To adapt these equations to elastic kinematics, we can simply replace M by m p k'l i elP In this case equation (5) reduces to: I(m + k(1 - cosE)) (13) and equation (11) reduces to: 2km cos (N*m, k) P el p =l 2 k(1c N 2 p +2km p+m (14) 21 39 Appendix 2. In this section we will derive the phase-space density of the is isotropically distributed in the final baryon, assuming that it N* rest frame. A + / F(M) dM The total kinetic energy of the decay products p + 7T is: T = M-m- dT = 1 The total energy of the proton in the N* rest frame is: -m/ M+ S=mp + m +m+T w p The momentum of the proton in the N* rest frame is: 2 1 !21El 2)2 'dx Y = P, P11 =(E Therefore, we find that: dM = (dM/dT)(dT/dE,) (d /dP ) dP1 1 and: 2F(M) B (E M -1)1 The transformation to the lab frame is performed by : d AdP = dJbdP 1 The final result is: .b ONC) M+ - )2=1 WF(M), dA-dP -, 2(9M)2 drt, dP \EMim.-m ipr&ix 3. The singles counti:S rate for detecting protons can be calculated by integrating the electroproduction cross section times the phase-space density of the final baryon over all electron momenta and angles that can produce a final baryon with the proper momentum and direction to be accepted into the proton spectrometer and over the acceptances of the proton spectrometer itself: 2 D= (constv-.)Jj 2 2 0 le k' braP d,dk Cd The transformation of the integral over k' to an integral over M is performed by: dk N dM. K and k' are related by: 2 k- k'= + K 2m p K + - (l-coso). m p Therefore, 1 + L-(l-coso) p 1 = e 1.+ 1-cose) p From the expression for K .dK n -(-m ), we get: M T14 The azimuthal angle is constrained by 0,M, and by the momentum and direction specified by the proton spectrometer. over y is weighted by 6( y be done directly. y(e,-,,)) Thus, the distribution and the integral over p can We have assumed a flat distribution over the acceptances haf and AP of the proton spectrometer in our calculations. The final result for the singles counting rate for the proton is: 41 2 (17( C.), P 2 2 .l 11(70,M) Md(coSO)dM 2. + k1-cos) p The limits of the inte-ral are constrained by the requireent that the Maxmnr value and the mininm value of the momentum of the final baryon that can be produced for a given 0 and M contain P. The extra degree of freedom in cp allows the direction to conform to 0, when the oimentum of the final baryon for a given 0 and M is P. Apper.dix 4. For a given protcon poariz"tion < 2> and a given carbon analyzing power a the differential cross section for elastic proton-carbon scattering is: a (0) (1 + <S,>z(O)cosT) If cp is the azimuthal projection of the elastically scattered 0 arbitrarily set proton on a plane perpendicular to k', with c to lie along k x k', then I is defined to be p on this plane. - It is the projection of the nornal to the elastic scattering plane along the direction cp = 0. 91/ I' sine de do R af27 T 0-a 0 (0) (9 + <S.(e)cos) Let (k' into page) R L sine de N <1 M> R 7 a (e) (w +a2<S.>) sine de 7 + 2a<S ?) F(e), where F(e) Similarly, L) 0 sine de d 9 =fa(G) S(7r - (c + 2c<S 4<Sg) F(e). ) sine de fJ a ()sine de. 4)3 The asymmetry parc-to, c is defined to be (R-L)/(R+L). Using the above expressions for R and L, we find that: 2 This is the asymmetry parameter when the direction cosines of the elastically scattered proton are not measured, but only whether it scattered into the left or into the right hemisphere, which are separated by the plane formed by k' and k x k'. 414 Appendix 5. The decay of the 7Tr into a 7-ray and an e+ e + pair will yield electrons that will cont'ibute to the singles rate in the electron spectrometer. The addition to the chance coincidence rate from the Dalitz electron will be negligible for small values of K, but its effects become rapidly more important as K gets large. momentum spectrum of the e The determined by kinematical relationships can be found by assuming that the matrix elements of the decay are constant. The spectrum will be isotropic in the 77P rest frame, for which the following calculations have been made. The density of states for a decay producing three particles is: d Z where e and 2 2 6 (2rahc)6 2 3'-012 d%0Ud0 dnA. dpl0 2dp 2 (E-ey - * - 36N 3N are the energy and momentum of the particles and E and P are the total energy and momentum of the system. 7J* In the rest frame E is the mass of the pion and P is zero. Let particles 1, 2, and 3 be the electron, the 7-ray, and the positron, respectively. Therefore, m = m3 = me and r 0. The phase-space density of the electron can be found by integrating over 2 2 d (-) -= cep d 4 ~ E 2dlT ~ 2 2e 3p (cose 2 P (m7rdpd(, r(-61 )+e 22p2 plcos 2 Cos2 The three decay particles must be coplanar in order to conserve momentum: e e+ e2 e3 30 45 From conservation o- cr L -y ad -=antum we have the relationships: consetvatiah o-' enery: C3 conservation off ricrZnturi: mi -'' 2 p1 +P2 cose 2 =p p2 sinG 2 3 cos0 3 p 3 sine 3 . Using the methods in appendix 1. we get: 2 2 2 2 P1 hP12cosG2 + P2 = p3 = C3 - m3 Using the conservation of energy relationship above, we get: P 2 2 2 2 p+ 2pp2 cose2 + p2 2 + c2 - 2y, - 2y2 + 2Cic2 -7r 2 + 2e Using m = i 3 23 Because e 1+2ml, - 2m e 62 get: 2 2 2 and = 2plp2 cose 2 + 2, 62 1 2 2 .5rr - Zprel pcosO2 + m 2 = 0,9 p2 = e2 and two powers of p2 can be cancelled: owe r s2s o,, =dd p2(au m - e + plcose 2 2 7 2 =(5%r - r, 21) 2 2 J cP2 PjfjO0 -r1- .5r--mrei pIcoseP+rr-el (p cose 2 + m e)w3(Cose2) We will drop the leading terms in front of the integral and restore them at the end. We will make the following definitions: u p cose 2 e n - 6 2 12 2 M=.5(e + e1). Then, the integral reduces to: 57pp1 m2 + eu 2 + e) (u (1p +l) 3 ( -3{ (2 2 2 2 2 ) d2 &111 ddE) Restoring the leading terms to the expression and absorbing all the constants into a nw constant, we get: d ( ) = c p (.5: -e ) (e+pli) 3 (e-pl)- 3 adan The constant was evaluated by integraying over 47r and then numerically integrating over the limits of p1 on an I4 7044 ccmputer. The lower limit of p is 0; te upper limit is determined by e 1<.55r to keep egO. branching ratio for 7r The result was set equal to /80, -+ 7 the + e-+ e , which yielded a value of 2.66 (c /BeV.5),for c'. Thus, the final result for the phase-space density for the Dalitz electron is d-N 4 5 d2($) = 2. 6 6(c /BeV. )(.5mwr~ 1) 2 -3 -3 2 (e+p)-3(e-p_)-3da x{p'j(2e2 +e')+3e2 (e 2 +el)j Figure 12. shows the momentum spectrum- for the Dalitz electron. The mass of the electron, although small, prevents the peak from diverging at p1 s 67.3 MeV. Mcm n I Spetr + of Dat Elcto fo - est. Fme -r K. .. .... J +L aki S. fi dte Ca 4-3 -t I I Momentu of e10 10 20 30 40 50 20 30 40 50 6o 60 (Mev./c) 70 80 80 9C 100 90 100 TABLES 4.9 Tables 1.-3. list the kinematics for the 1.236 BeV. resonance, the 1,518 BeV. resonance, and for elastic scattering. The symbols are defined as follows: k = incident electron momentum (BeV./c) e = angle through which electron is scattered (deg.) k' = momentum of scattered electron (BeV./c) 2 /c 2 ) 2 = four-momentum transfer squared (BeV. PN = momentum of resonance (BeV./c) P = momentum of final baryon emitted in forward direction (BeV./c) be = momentum of final baryon emitted in backward direction (BeV./c) PN* = scattering angle of resonance (deg.) Pp= momentum of elastically scattered proton (BeV./c) scattering angle of elastically scattered proton (deg.) $= p 50 Table 1. Kinematics for the 1.236 BeV. Resonance k 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.o 20.0 e 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.o 6.5 7.o 7.5 8.0 8.5 9.0 9.5 10.0 10.5 11.0 11.5 12.0 12.5 13.0 13.5 14.o 14.5 15.0 19.59 19.51 19.40 19.26 19.08 18.90 18.68 18.44 18.18 17.90 17.60 17.29 16.96 16.62 16.28 16.21 15.57 15.21 14.85 14.48 14.12 13.76 13.41 13.06 12.71 12.37 12.03 11.71 11.39 2' qN* P Pfe P be 0.12 0.27 0.47 0.73 1.05 1.41 1.8 2.27 2.77 3.30 3.86 4.44 5.06 5.69 6.34 7.00 7.67 8.34 9.42 9.70 10.38 11.05 11.72 12.38 13.07 13.67 14.30 14.91 15-52 0.535 0.673 0.&85 1.002 1.199 1.4i4 1.648 1.899 2.166 2.448 2.745 3.055 3.376 3.707 4.047 4.393 4.744 5.099 5.456 5.814 6.171 6.527 6.879 7.229 7.574 7.913 8.247 8.575 8.896 9.210 0.165 0.287 0.423 0.568 0.720 0.881 1.049 1.225 1.408 1.599 1.796 1.999 2.208 2.120 2.636 2.854 3.075 3.296 3.517 3.738 3.957 4.175 4.390 4.60e 4.811 5.016 5.218 5.415 5.6o8 0.711 0.911 1.129 1.356 1.617 1.884 2.168 2.466 2.777 3.101 3.437 3.781 4.134 4.493 4.858 5.225 5.595 5.965 6.334 6.7c2 7.067 7.428 7.784 8.134 8.479 8.818 9.149 9.473 0 N* 39.71 45.94 48.04 48.09 47.09 45.55 43.76 41.88 39.99 38.15 36.38 34.71 33.14 31.66 30.28 28.99 27.78 26.66 25.61 24.63 23.71 22.85 22.05 21.29 20.58 19.91 19.28 18.69 18.12 51 Table 2. Kinematics for the 1.518 BeV. Resonance N* fe be N* 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 19.18 19.10 18.99 18.86 18.69 18.51 18.29 18.05 17.80 O.J2 0.26 o.46 0.72 1.02 1.38 1.78 2.23 2.71 0.890 1.034 1.124 1.422 1.652 1.902 2.168 2.452 2.750 1.139 1.262 1.417 1.601 1.808 2.036 2.284 2.550 2.832 0.083 0.159 0.251 0.353 o.462 0.576 o.696 0.819 o.947 22.10 28.92 33.09 35.35 36.32 36.45 36.04 35.29 34.34 20.0 5.5 17.52 3.23 3.061 3.128 1.078 33.27 20.0 20.0 20.0 6.0 6.5 7.0 17.23 16.92 16.60 3.78 4.35 4.95 3.384 3.718 4.061 3.438 3.76o 4.091 1.212 1.349 1.489 32.15 31.01 29.89 20.0 7.5 16.27 5.57 4.411 4.430 1.631 28.79 20.0 20.0 20.0 8.o 8.5 9.0 15.94 15.59 15.24 6.20 6.85 7.50 4.767 5.128 5.491 4.776 5.128 5.48 1.774 1.918 2.063 27.72 26.71 25.73 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 9.5 14.89 8.17 5.856 5.839 2.208 24.81 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 10.0 10.5 11.o 11.5 12.0 14.53 14.18 13.83 13.47 13.13 8.83 9.50 i0.16 10.82 11.47 6.222 6.586 6.948 7.308 7.663 6.196 6.553 6.908 7.260 7.609 2.353 2.497 2.640 2.781 2.921 23.94 23.10 22.31 21,57 20.86 20.0 32.5 12.78 12.12 8.014 7.953 3.058 20.20 20.0 13.0 12.44 12.76 8.359 8.292 3.194 19.56 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 13.5 14.0 14.5 15.0 32.11 11.78 13.38 14.oo 14.60 15.19 8.698 9.030 9.356 9.674 8.625 8.952 9.272 9.585 3.326 3.457 3.584 3.708 18.96 18.40 18.86 17.35 11.46 11.15 52 Table 3. Kinematics for Elastic Scattering k 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20,0 20.0 20.0 20.0 k' 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5.'. 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.5 9.0 9.5 10.0 10.5 11.0 11.5 22.0 22.5 13.0 13.5 14.0 14.5 15.0 19.94 19.85 19.74 19.60 19.43 19.24 19.01 18.77 18.50 18.21 17.91 17.59 17.26 16.92 16.56 16.21 15.84 15.48 15.11 14.74 14.37 14.01 13.64 13.28 22.93 32.59 22.25 11.91 11.58 pp 0.12 0.27 0.48 0.75 1.07 1.44 1.85 2.31 2.82 3.35 3.92 4.52 5.15 5.79 6.45 7.12 7.80 8.49 9.18 9.87 10.56 11.25 11.93 22.60 13.26 13.91 14.55 15.18 15.79 0.354 0.541 0.739 0.591 1.178 1.1121 1.681 1.958 2.251 2.559 2.881 3.214 3.559 3.932 4.273 4.639 5.009 5.381 5.755 6.128 6.500 6.868 7.234 7.594 7.949 8.299 8.642 8.978 9.306 p 78.97 73.71 68.72 64.04 59.70 55.71 52.07 48.75 45.74 43.01 40.53 38.28 36.23 34.36 32.65 31.09 29.65 28.34 27.12 26.oo 24.95 23.99 23.09 22.25 21.47 20.74 20.05 19.40 18.80 53 Tables 4.-5. list the kinematics for elastically scattered protons scattered into the angle ,* * The momenta of forward emitted and om inelastic scattering are also listed backward emitted protons for comparison. We have let k = 20 BeV., as elsewhere in the are defined in Tables 1.-3. The other , and P , P paper. de~ned as 0llows: symbols ae P = momentum of elastically scattered proton (BeV./c) k = momentum of elastically scattered electron (BeV./c) four-momentum trxnsfer squared for elastic scattering (BeV.'/c 2 = angle through which electron is elastically scattered (deg.) ) = G 54 Table 4. Elastic Scattering Kinematics for Protons Scattered into 8 BeV. Hodoscope (compared to 1.236 BeV. Peaks) N* 39-71 45.94 48.04 48.09 47.09 45-55 43.76 41.88 39.99 38.15 36.38 34.71 33.14 31.66 30.28 28.99 27.78 26.66 25.61 24.63 23.71 22.85 22.05 21.29 20.58 19.91 19.28 18.68 18.12 fe o.673 0.&5 1.002 1.199 1.414 1.648 1.899 2.166 2.448 2.745 3.055 3.376 3.707 4.047 4.393 4.744 5.099 5.456 5.814 6.171 6.526 6.879 7.229 7.573 7.913 8.247 8.574 8.896 9.210 be 0.165 0.287 0.423 0.568 0.720 0.881 1.049 1.225 1.408 1.599 1.796 1.999 2.207 2.420 2.636 2.854 3.074 3.296 3.517 3.737 3-957 4.174 4.390 4.602 4.811 5.016 5.218 5.415 5.608 el el el el 2.997 2.231 2.024 2.019 2.115 2.271 2.470 2.700 2.957 3.235 3.531 3.842 4.166 4.501 4.844 5.194 5.548 5.905 6.263 6.622 6.070 7.334 7.686 8.033 8.376 8.713 9.043 9.367 9.684 17.80 18.52 18.71 18.71 18.62 18.48 18.30 18.08 17.84 17.57 17.28 16.98 16.67 16.34 16.oo 15.66 15.31 14.96 14.61 14.25 13.90 13.54 13.20 12.85 12.51 12.18 11.85 11-52 11.21 4.13 2.78 2.43 2.42 2.58 2.85 3.20 3.60 4.06 4.56 5.10 5.66 6.25 6.87 7.50 8.14 8.80 9.46 10.12 10.79 11.45 12.11 12.77 13.42 14.05 14.68 15.30 15.90 16.50 6.18 4.97 4.61 4.61 4.77 5.03 5.36 5.72 6.12 6.53 6.96 7.4o 7.85 8.31 8.78 9.25 9.72 10.20 10.68 11.17 11.65 12.14 12.63 13.12 13.61 14.10 14.60 15.09 15.59 55 Table 5. Elastic Scattering Kinematics for Protons Scattered into 8 BeV. Hodoscope (compared to 1.518 BeV. Peaks) N* 4) fe PP be kt' el 2e el el 22.10 28.92 33.09 35.35 36.32 36.45 36.04 35.29 34.34 33.27 32.15 31.01 29.89 28.79 27.72 26.71 25.73 24.81 23.93 23.10 22.31 21.57 1.139 1.262 1.417 1.601 1.808 2.036 2.284 2.550 2.831 3.128 3.438 3.760 4.091 4.430 4.776 5.128 5.482 5.839 6.196 6-553 6.908 7.260 0.083 0.159 0.251 0.353 0.462 0.576 o.696 0.819 0.947 1.078 1.212 1.349 1.489 1.631 1.774 1.918 2.063 2.208 2.353 2.497 2.640 2.781 7.660 5.212 4.176 3.719 3.541 3.518 3.592 3.730 3.916 4.137 4.386 4.658 4.947 5.251 5.566 5.889 6.219 6.554 6.891 7.229 7.567 7.903 13.22 15.64 16.66 17.10 17.27 17.30 17.23 17.09 16.91 16.70 16.45 16.19 15-90 15.60 15-29 14.97 14.65 14.31 13.98 13.65 13.31 12.98 12.72 8.18 6.27 5.44 5.11 5.07 5.21 5.46 5.80 6.20 6.66 7.16 7.69 8.25 8.83 9.43 10.04 10.66 11.29 11.92 12.55 13.17 20.86 7.609 2.921 8.237 12.65 13.79 13.41 20.20 19.56 18.98 18.40 17.86 17-35 7.953 8.292 8.625 8.952 9.272 9-585 3.058 3.194 3.326 3.457 3-583 3.708 8.567 8.893 9.213 9.528 9.837 10.140 12.32 12.00 11.68 11.36 11.06 10.76 14.41 15.02 15.62 16.20 16.78 17.35 13.89 14-37 14.86 15.35 15.83 16.33 12.59 9.27 7.87 7.23 6.98 6.94 7.05 7.24 7.51 7.81 8.16 8.53 8.92 9.33 9.75 10.18 10.62 11.07 11.53 11.99 12.46 12.93 56 Table 6. lists the predicted running times based on a 10% measurement of E for forward emission and for backward emission for the first two resonances. Corrections have not been made for chance rates nor for radiative tails. Entries have been omitted in the cases where the final baryon has a kinetic energy greater than 1.6 BeV., for which the validity of the approximation to the analyzing power of carbon is doubtful. These running times can most likely be reduced by a factor of 1/180 (see text). 57 Table 6. Predicted Running Times (hours) 1.236 BeV. Resonance 1.518 BeV. Resonance 0 fortard backward 1.0 3.7x10 3 9.6x10 1.5 2.5 3.9x103 8.xO3 1 .3x10 4 3.0 3.5 2.0 4.0 4-5 5.0-- backward 1.4x10 1 3 .0xj106 5.5x10 8.6x1014 1-7x10 5 1.5x10 5 2.6x1io4 3 -x105 2.1x10 1.6x10)4 7.3x10 5 3.9x10 8.8x10 4 2 .4x10 1.9x10 1.5x106 5 -lxl 4 5.7x106 1.2x106 2-4x,05 7.8x101 1.6x10 6 1.2X1-05 3 -lx10 6 7 ' forward 2.6x109 2 .1x08 2.9x107 58 ACKNOWEDGEME1I2S The author wishes to thank Professors Jerome I. Friedman and Henry W. Kendall for their immeasurable assistance and kind patience in acting as my thesis supervisors. I would also like to express my deep appreciation for the willingness and attentiveness of G. Hartmann, M. Sogard, and J. Elias, who gave much of their time in helping me. M. Breidenbach and D. Freeman are to be thanked for their perceptive criticism. Notes and References 1. Wh, C.S., Ambler, E., Hayward, R.W., Hoppes, D.D., Hudson, R.P., Phys. Rev., 2Q5, :113,(1957). 2. Christenson, J.H., Cronin, J.W., Fitch, V.L., Turlay, R., Phys. Rev. Letters, 13, 243, (196. 3. Christ, N., Lee, T.D., Phys. Rev., 1U.1 1310, (1966). 4. Lee, T.D., Wolfenstein, L., Phys. Rev., 28, 1490, (1965). 5. Actuaily, this may not be a very good approximation. BeV. resonance, for example, is in a 1 = 1 state.. The 1,236 .29, 1834, (1963). 6. Hand, L.N., Phys. Rev., T. Proposals for Initial Electron Scattering Experiments wing the SIAC Spectrmeter Facilities, Proposal Number 4b, January, 1966. 8. Proposals for Initial Electron Scattering Experiments using the SIAC Spectrmeter Facilities, Proposal Number ha, January, 1966. 9. Meister, N., Yennie, D.R., Phys. Rev., J30, 1210, (1963). 10. The peaks are about this wide in momentum at a given electron scattering angle. See reference 7. 11. Orear, J., Notes on Statistics for Physicists, Lawrence Radiation Iab, August, 1958. 12. Batty, C.J., Goldsack, S.J., Proc. Phys. Soc., ,1, 1'; (1957): 970 MeV. for carbon. 13. Mescheriakov, M.G., Nureshev, S.B., Stoletov, G.D., Soviet Physics, JETP, 6, 28 (1958): summary for bydrogen. 3, 580, (1961): mari kinetic energies 14. Batty, C.J., Nuc. Phys., for carbon. 15. Brown, G.E., Proc. Phys. Soc., AL0,,361, (1957): 16. Bareyre, P., Detoeuf, J.F., Smith, L.W., Tripp, R.D., Il Nuovo Cimento, 2.Q, 1049, (1961): maximum polarization vs. energy for carbon and for hydrogen. 17. Wolfenstein, L., Ann. Rev. Nuc. Sci., .6, 43, (1956): good theoretical article, also gives polarization for marr energies for hydrogen. .BeV. for hydrogen. 18. Venter, R.H., Frahn, W.E., Ann. Phys., .27j 385, (1964): 183 NeV. for carbon. 19. Heiberg, E., Phys. Rev., .1_6, 1271, (1957): 424 and 220 MeV. for carbon. 60 20. Chamberlain, 0., Pettengill, G., Segre, E., Wiegand, C., Phys. Rev., , 1348, (1954): 300 MeV. for hydrogen. 21. Chamberlain, 0., Garrison, J.D., Phys. Rev., ., 170 and 260 MeV. for hydrogen. 1349, (1954): 22. IcManigal, P.G. Eand, D., Kaplan, S.., Moyer, B.J., Phys. Rev., -3,. 620, (196t): 723 MeV. for carbon and hydrogen. 23. A measurement for Beryllium at 1.16 BeV. suggests that the curve falls more rapidly at large kinetic energies. See reference 16. 24. The increase in the uncertainty in the asymmetry measurement that would result from this increase in the uncertainty in k would have to be studied. 25. lee, T -D., PIvs. Rev., Q32, B1415, (1965). 26. Flatte, S.M., Huwe, D.O., Murray, J.J., Button-Shafer, J., Solmits, F.T., Stevenson, M.L., Wohl, C., Phys. Rev. Letters, 1., 1095, (1965). 27. Wilson, R., CFA Project Proposals, January, 1966. 28. The asymmetry parameter goes roughly as.7k 2 , because of the presence of Is x It in the time reversal non-invariant term. i Kinematics, W.A. Benjamin, Inc., New 29. Hagedorn, R., York, 194, p.43. 30. Williams, W.S.C., A Introduction to Elemertary Particles, Academic Press, New York, 1961, p. 373.