B-1241 (Cl) Projections for Planning Purposes Only Not to be Used without Updating after February 13, 1995 Date Stage of Production Type Product Name of Number We i g h t of per Units Prod. Head Cash 1Landlord Break NonShare Even Cash Prod. ======== ================ ===== ================ ========= ============= ============= = ==:== : 0 9 / 2 0 / 9 5 HARVEST 0 9 / 2 0 / 9 5 HARVEST Date Stage of A A Type of SORGHUM DEFICIENCY PMT. 70.0000 51.0000 SORGHUM Input Name Number of Units Production .0000 .0000 Cash NonCash C c Fixed Landl.3rd or :Share Va r i . Input ======== ================ ===== ========================= ============= ===== ===== =:======== 11/10/94 11/20/94 12/15/94 02/15/95 03/05/95 03/10/95 03/13/95 03/13/95 03/20/95 04/15/95 05/10/95 05/20/95 05/20/95 05/20/95 05/20/95 05/25/95 05/31/95 06/15/95 07/15/95 08/15/95 09/01/95 09/01/95 09/20/95 09/20/95 09/20/95 C1.36 PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST HARVEST HARVEST M M M M M M E G 0 M M M E E E M M O 0 0 E E G G K SHREDDING DISCING CHISELING DISCING FLOATING BEDDING FERTILIZER (N) FERTILIZER APPL. IRRIGATION CULTIVATING ROD WEEDING PLANT AND SPRAY SEED HERBICIDE INSECTICIDE FURROW OPENING PICKUP TRUCK IRRIGATION IRRIGATION IRRIGATION SET ASIDE SET ASIDE CUSTOM HARVEST CUSTOM HAULING CASH-RENT OFFSET OFFSET ANH3 ANH3 FURROW ROLLING SORGHUM SORGHUMI SORGHUM 3/4 TON FURROW FURROW FURROW CORN F CORN V SORGHUMI SORGHUMI SORGHUMF 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 .5000 1.0000 170.0000 1.0000 6.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 6.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 20.0000 6.0000 4.0000 4.0000 .0526 .0526 70.0000 70.0000 1.0000 c c V V c c c V V V c c c c F V V V F .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 Information presented is prepared solely as a general guide and is not intended to recognise or predict the com and returns from any one particular farm or ranch operation These projections were collected and developed by staff members of the Teats Agricultural Extension Service and approved for publication. 00 00 B-1241 (Cl) Projections for Planning Purposes Only Not to be Used without Updating after February 13, 1995 Cont. Sorghum, Sprinkler Irrigated, (Natural Gas) Texas Panhandle District (1) 1995 Projected Costs and Returns per Acre GROSS INCOME Description DEFICIENCY PMT. SORGHUM SORGHUM Quantity 51.000 70.000 Unit cwt. cwt. $ / Unit 0.2500 4.1300 PREHARVEST HERBICIDE FERTILIZER (N) FERTILIZER (P) FERTILIZER APPL. FERTILIZER APPL. SEED INSECTICIDE SET ASIDE Fuel & Lube - Machinery - Irrigation Repairs - Machinery - Irrigation Labor - Machinery - Irrigation Quantity 1.000 170.000 20.000 1.000 1.000 6.000 1.000 0.052 1.712 0.800 Unit acre lb. lb. acre acre lb. acre acre Acre Acre Acre Acre Hour Hour $ / Unit 12.000 .120 .105 6.000 3.000 .840 8.000 7.290 7.001 6.961 12.75 289.10 To t a l 12.00 20.40 2.10 6.00 3.00 5.04 8.00 0.38 5.91 20.87 2.16 4.30 11 . 9 8 5.57 107.71 Total PREHARVEST Interest - Positive Cash HARVEST CUSTOM HARVEST CUSTOM HAULING Yo u r Estimate 301.85 Total GROSS Income VARIABLE COST Description To t a l -259.609 Dol. 0.050 -12.98 70.000 70.000 cwt. cwt. .250 .250 17.50 17.50 35.00 Total HARVEST Total VARIABLE COST 129.73 GROSS INCOME minus VARIABLE COST 172.12 FIXED COST Description SET ASIDE CORN F Machinery and Equipment Irrigation Land Unit acre Acre Acre Acre To t a l 2.78 22.14 40.96 40.00 Total FIXED Cost 105.88 Total of ALL Cost 235.62 NET PROJECTED RETURNS 66.23 Information presented is prepared solely as a general guide and is not intended to recognise or predict the casts and returns from any one particular farm or ranch operation These projections were collected and developed by staff members of the Texas Agricultural Extension Service and approved far publication C1.37 B-1241 (Cl) Projections for Planning Purposes Only Not to be Used without Updating after February 13, 1995 Date Stage of Production Type Product Name of \h e i g h t Number of Prod. per Units Head Casli NonCash Share Even Prod. =■■ ======== ================ ===== ================ ========= ============= ============== ===:= A A 0 9 / 2 0 / 9 4 HARVEST 0 9 / 2 0 / 9 4 HARVEST Date Stage of Production 01/10/95 01/20/95 03/10/95 03/20/95 03/20/95 05/10/95 05/15/95 05/15/95 05/15/95 05/15/95 05/15/95 05/20/95 06/15/95 06/15/95 06/15/95 06/30/95 07/15/95 08/15/95 09/01/95 09/01/95 09/20/95 09/20/95 09/20/95 C1.38 PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST HARVEST HARVEST Type of SORGHUM DEFICIENCY PMT. Input Name Number of Units Input M M M M E M E E G 0 G E M O E M O 0 E E G G K 70.0000 51.0000 SORGHUM SHREDDING CHISELING DISCING DISC & SPRAY HERBICIDE ROD WEEDING FERTILIZER (N) FERTILIZER (P) FERTILIZER APPL. IRRIGATION FERTILIZER APPL. SEED CULTIVATING IRRIGATION INSECTICIDE PICKUP TRUCK IRRIGATION IRRIGATION SET ASIDE SET ASIDE CUSTOM HARVEST CUSTOM HAULING CASH-RENT OFFSET SORGHUM ANH3 ANH3 DRY SORGHUM 8 ROW SORGHUM 3/4 TON CORN V CORN F SORGHUMI SORGHUMI SORGHUMS 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 170.0000 20.0000 1.0000 3.0000 1.0000 6.0000 1.0000 3.0000 1.0000 20.0000 3.2500 3.2500 .0526 .0526 70.0000 70.0000 1.0000 .0000 .0000 Cash NonCash C C Fixed Landl<3rd or :Share Va r i . C V C C C V V V C C V V C V C C C C V F V V F .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 Information presented is prepared solely as a general guide and is not intended to recognise or predict the com and returns from any one particular farm or ranch operation. These projections were collected and developed by staff members of the Texas Agricultural Extension Service and approved for publication .00 ,00 B-1241 (CD Projections for Planning Purposes Only Not to be Used without Updating after February 13, 1995 Rotation: Wheat-Fallow-Wheat: Conv Till Wheat Bud. Texas Panhandle District (1) 1995 Projected Costs and Returns per Acre GROSS INCOME Description DEFICIENCY PMT. WHEAT GRAZING DRYLAND WHEAT Quantity Unit $ / Unit 20.000 bu. 105.000 days 20.000 bu. 0.6800 0.1440 3.2700 Total GROSS Income VARIABLE COST Description PREHARVEST SEED FALLOW LAND Fuel & Lube - Machinery Repairs - Machinery Labor - Machinery Quantity Unit $ / Unit 0.500 bu. 1.000 acre Acre Acre 1.280 Hour 13.60 15.12 65.40 13.500 10.730 7.000 To t a l 6.75 10.73 4.50 1.75 8.96 32.69 15.039 Dol. 0.090 1.35 1.000 20.000 acre 12.000 .100 12.00 2.00 bu. 14.00 Total HARVEST Total VARIABLE COST 48.05 GROSS INCOME minus VARIABLE COST 46.07 FIXED COST Description FALLOW LAND CON FIXD Machinery and Equipment Land Total FIXED Cost Yo u r Estimate 94.12 Total PREHARVEST Interest - OC Borrowed HARVEST CUSTOM HARVEST CUSTOM HAULING To t a l Unit acre Acre Acre To t a l 26.20 15.02 20.00 61.22 Total of ALL Cost 109.26 NET PROJECTED RETURNS -15.14 Information presented is prepared solely as a general guide and is not intended to recognize or predict the com and returns from any one particular farm or ranch operation. These projections were collectedanddeveloped by staffmembers ofthe Texas Agricultural Extension Service and approved for publication C1.59 B-1241 (Cl) Projections for Planning Purposes Only Not to be Used without Updating after February 13, 1995 Date Stage of Production Type Product Name of Prod. 1Weight Number of per Head Units C a s h L a n d l ord Break NonShare Even Cash Prod. ======== ================ ===== ========================== ============= ====,========= ===== ========= ===== A A A A A A 12/15/94 01/15/95 02/15/95 03/15/95 0 5 / 2 0 / 9 5 HARVEST 05/20/95 HARVEST Date Stage of Type of GRAZING GRAZING GRAZING GRAZING WHEAT DEFICIENCY PMT. DRYLAND DRYLAND DRYLAND DRYLAND WHEAT Input Name 31.0000 31.0000 28.0000 15.0000 20.0000 20.0000 Number of Units .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 Cash NonCash N N N N C C .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 Fixed Landlord or Share Va r i . Production Input ======== ================ ===== ========================== =:============ ===== ===== ========= 06/15/94 08/01/94 08/15/94 09/01/94 09/20/94 09/20/94 12/31/94 05/02/95 05/02/95 05/20/95 05/20/95 05/20/95 C1.60 PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST HARVEST HARVEST M M M M M E M E E G G K FIELD CULTIVATOR BLADE PLOWING FIELD CULTIVATOR ROD WEEDING DRILLING SEED PICKUP TRUCK FALLOW LAND FALLOW LAND CUSTOM HARVEST CUSTOM HAULING CASH-RENT 2 DRILLS WHEAT 3/4 TON CON VAR CON FIXD WHEATD WHEAT WHEATDS 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 .5000 20.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 20.0000 1.0000 C V c c c c V F V V F .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 Information presented is prepared solely as a general guide and is not intended lo recognise or predict the com aid returns from any one particular form or ranch operation These projections were collected and developed by staff members of the Texas Agricultural Extension Service and approved for publication N N N N N N B-1241 (Cl) Projections for Planning Purposes Only Not to be Used without Updating after February 13, 1995 Continuous Wheat, Dryland Texas Panhandle District (1) 1995 Projected Costs and Returns per Acre GROSS INCOME Description DEFICIENCY PMT. WHEAT GRAZING DRYLAND WHEAT Quantity 12.600 105.000 15.000 Unit bu. days bu. $ / Unit 0.6800 0.1440 3.2700 PREHARVEST SEED SET ASIDE Fuel & Lube - Machinery Repairs - Machinery Labor - Machinery Quantity 0.500 1.178 Unit bu. acre Acre Acre Hour $ / Unit 13.500 7.790 7.000 8.57 15.12 49.05 To t a l 6.75 0.00 3.92 1.58 8.24 20.49 Total PREHARVEST Interest - OC Borrowed HARVEST CUSTOM HARVEST CUSTOM HAULING 12.027 Dol. 0.090 1.08 1.000 15.000 acre bu. 12.000 .100 12.00 1.50 13.50 Total HARVEST Total VARIABLE COST 35.07 GROSS INCOME minus VARIABLE COST 37.67 FIXED COST Description Machinery and Equipment Land Unit Acre Acre To t a l 13.15 20.00 Total FIXED Cost 33.15 Total of ALL Cost 68.22 NET PROJECTED RETURNS Yo u r Estimate 72.74 Total GROSS Income VARIABLE COST Description To t a l 4.51 Information presented is prepared solely as a general guide and is not intended to recognize or predict the com and returns from any one particular farm or ranch operation. These projections were collected and developed by staff members of the Texas Agricultural Extension Service and approvedfor publication C1.49 B-1241 (Cl) Projections for Planning Purposes Only Not to be Used without Updating after February 13, 1995 Date Stage of Production 12/30/94 01/15/95 02/15/95 03/15/95 05/20/95 HARVEST 05/20/95 HARVEST Date 06/15/94 08/15/94 09/10/94 09/20/94 09/20/94 12/31/94 05/02/95 05/02/95 05/20/95 05/20/95 05/20/95 C1.50 Stage of Production PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST HARVEST HARVEST Product Name Type of Prod. A A A A A A GRAZING GRAZING GRAZING GRAZING WHEAT DEFICIENCY PMT. Type of Input M M M M E M E E G G K DRYLAND DRYLAND DRYLAND DRYLAND WHEAT Input Name BLADE PLOWING FIELD CULTIVATOR FIELD CULTIVATOR DRILLING 2 DRILLS SEED W H E AT PICKUP TRUCK 3/4 TON SET ASIDE DRYCON V SET ASIDE DRYCON F CUSTOM HARVEST WHEATD CUSTOM HAULING WHEAT C A S H - R E N T W H E AT D S Number of Units 31.0000 31.0000 28.0000 15.0000 15.0000 12.6000 We i g h t per Head Cash NonCash Landlord Break Share Even Prod. ========== ===== ======== ===== .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 N N N N C C Number Cash Fixed Landlord of Nonor Share Units Cash Va r i . 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 .5000 20.0000 .0000 .0000 1.0000 15.0000 1.0000 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 Information presented is prepared solely as a general guide and is not intended to recognise or predict the com and re turns from ary one particular farm or ranch operation. These projections were collected and developed by staff members of the Texas Agricultural Extension Service aui approved for publication .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 N N N N N N B-1241 (CD Projections for Planning Purposes Only Not to be Used without Updating after February 13, 1995 Wheat, Dryland (Sandy Soils) Te x a s S o u t h P l a i n s D i s t r i c t ( 2 ) 1995 Projected Costs and Returns per Acre GROSS INCOME Description DEFICIENCY PMT. WHEAT GRAZING DRYLAND WHEAT Quantity 12.600 105.000 15.000 Unit bu. days bu. $ / Unit 0.6800 0.1440 3.2700 PREHARVEST FERTILIZER (N) FERTILIZER (P) FERTILIZER APPL. SEED SET ASIDE LAND INSECTICIDE+APPL Fuel & Lube - Machinery Repairs - Machinery Labor - Machinery Total PREHARVEST HARVEST CUSTOM HARVEST CUSTOM HAULING Quantity 30.000 10.000 1.000 0.700 0.500 1.420 Unit lb. lb. acre bu. acre acre Acre Acre Hour $ / Unit .075 .105 3.000 13.500 17.820 10.000 7.000 8.57 15.12 49.05 To t a l 2.25 1.05 3.00 9.45 0.00 5.00 4.57 1.70 9.94 36.96 1.000 15.000 acre bu. 12.000 .100 12.00 1.50 13.50 Total HARVEST Interest Interest Yo u r Estimate 72.74 Total GROSS Income VARIABLE COST Description To t a l - OC Borrowed - Positive Cash 20.118 -0.253 Dol. Dol. 0.090 0.050 1.81 -0.01 Total VARIABLE COST 52.26 GROSS INCOME minus VARIABLE COST 20.48 FIXED COST Description Machinery and Equipment Land Unit Acre Acre To t a l 19.38 20.00 Total FIXED Cost 39.38 Total of ALL Cost 91.64 NET PROJECTED RETURNS -18.90 Information presented is prepared solely as a general guide and is not intended lo recognize or predict the com andreturns from any one pariiculaform or ranch operation. These projections were collected and developed by staff members of the Texas Agricultural Extension Service and approved for publication C1.51 B-1241 (Cl) Projections for Planning Purposes Only Not to be Used without Updating after February 13, 1995 Date Stage of Production 12/15/94 01/15/95 02/15/95 03/15/95 05/20/95 05/20/95 Date Stage of C1.52 PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST HARVEST HARVEST Product Name of Type of GRAZING GRAZING GRAZING GRAZING WHEAT DEFICIENCY PMT. of DRYLAND DRYLAND DRYLAND DRYLAND per Input Name Number of Units DISCING DISCING FERTILIZER (N) FERTILIZER (P) FERTILIZER APPL. DISCING DRILLING SEED PICKUP TRUCK SET ASIDE LAND SET ASIDE LAND INSECTICIDE+APPL CUSTOM HARVEST CUSTOM HAULING CASH-RENT TANDEM TANDEM DRY DRY TANDEM 2 DRILLS WHEAT 3/4 TON WHEATV WHEATF WHEAT WHEATD WHEAT WHEATDS Head .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 31.0000 31.0000 28.0000 15.0000 15.0000 12.6000 WHEAT Input M M E E G M M E M E E G G G K 1 Weight Number Units Prod. A A A A A A GRAZING GRAZING GRAZING GRAZING HARVEST HARVEST Production 08/10/94 09/10/94 09/15/94 09/15/94 09/20/94 09/20/94 10/01/94 10/01/94 01/31/95 01/31/95 01/31/95 04/01/95 05/20/95 05/20/95 05/31/95 Type 1.0000 1.0000 30.0000 10.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 .7000 20.0000 .0000 .0000 .5000 1.0000 15.0000 1.0000 Cash NonCash Cash Landlord Break NonShare Even Cash Prod. N N N N C C 33.00 33.00 33.00 33.00 33.00 33.00 Fixed Landlord or Share Va r i . C C C V V V C V C C C C C C V F V V V F ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 33,.00 .00 Information presented is prepared solely as a general guide and is not intended lo recognise or predict the com and returns from any one particular farm or ranch operation These projections were collectedanddevelopedby staffmembersofthe Texas Agricultural pension Service and approved for publication N N N N N N B-1241 (Cl) Projections for Planning Purposes Only Not to be Used without Updating after February 13. 1995 Wheat, Sprinkler Irrigated (Sandy Soils) Te x a s S o u t h P l a i n s D i s t r i c t ( 2 ) 1995 Projected Costs and Returns per Acre GROSS INCOME Description DEFICIENCY PMT. WHEAT G R A Z I N G W H E AT I WHEAT Quantity 51.000 120.000 60.000 Unit bu. days bu. $ / Unit 0.6800 0.3500 3.2700 PREHARVEST FERTILIZER (N) FERTILIZER (P) FERTILIZER APPL. FERTILIZER APPL. SEED INSECTICIDE+APPL SET ASIDE LAND Fuel & Lube - Machinery - Irrigation Repairs - Machinery - Irrigation Labor - Machinery - Irrigation Total PREHARVEST HARVEST CUSTOM HARVEST CUSTOM HAULING Quantity 100.000 25.000 1.000 1.000 1.500 1.500 1.928 0.480 Unit lb. lb. acre acre bu. acre acre Acre Acre Acre Acre Hour Hour $ / Unit .120 .105 3.000 6.000 13.500 10.000 17.820 7.000 6.965 34.68 42.00 196.20 To t a l 12.00 2.62 3.00 6.00 20.25 15.00 0.00 4.62 12.52 1.75 2.58 13.49 3.34 97.18 1.000 60.000 acre bu. 15.000 .100 15.00 6.00 21.00 Total HARVEST Interest - OC Borrowed Interest - Positive Cash Yo u r Estimate 272.88 Total GROSS Income VARIABLE COST Description To t a l 54.988 -1.375 Dol. Dol. 0.090 0.050 4.95 -0.07 Total VARIABLE COST 123.06 GROSS INCOME minus VARIABLE COST 149.82 FIXED COST Description Machinery and Equipment Irrigation Land Total FIXED Cost Total of ALL Cost NET PROJECTED RETURNS Unit Acre Acre Acre To t a l 20.83 24.58 40.00 85.41 208.46 64.42 Information presented is prepared solely as a general guide and is not intended to recognize or predict the comandreturns from anyone pariiculafarm orranch operation These projections were collected and developed by staff members of the Texas Agricultural Extension Service and approved far publication C1.53 B-1241 (Cl) Projections for Planning Purposes Only Not to be Used without Updating after February 13, 1995 Date Stage of Type Product Name of Prod. Number Weight of per Head Units C a s h L a n d l o r d Break NonShare Even Cash Prod. Production ======== ================ ===== ================:========= ============== ====:========= ====== ======== ===== 12/15/94 01/15/95 02/15/95 03/15/95 05/20/95 05/20/95 Date A A A A A A GRAZING GRAZING GRAZING GRAZING HARVEST HARVEST Stage of Production 08/10/94 09/05/94 09/10/94 09/10/94 09/10/94 09/10/94 09/20/94 09/20/94 09/25/94 10/25/94 12/10/94 01/31/95 01/31/95 03/01/95 03/15/95 04/01/95 04/01/95 04/01/95 04/10/95 05/20/95 05/20/95 05/31/95 C1.54 PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST HARVEST HARVEST Type of Input M M E E G G M E O O 0 M G O 0 E E O O G G K GRAZING GRAZING GRAZING GRAZING WHEAT DEFICIENCY PMT. WHEATI WHEATI WHEATI WHEATI 30.0000 30.0000 30.0000 30.0000 60.0000 51.0000 WHEAT Input Name Number of Units .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 Cash NonCash N N N N C C 33.00 33.00 33.00 33.00 33.00 33.00 Fixed Landlord or Share Va r i . ================!========= ============== ==== = ===== ========== 1.0000 ,00 DISCING TANDEM TANDEM 1.0000 .00 DISCING V 33,.00 FERTILIZER (N) ANH3 100.0000 C c V 33,.00 FERTILIZER (P) 25.0000 1.0000 c V .00 FERTILIZER APPL. DRY 1.0000 c V .00 FERTILIZER APPL. ANH3 .00 DRILLING 1 DRILL 1.0000 WHEAT 1.5000 c V .00 SEED .00 IRRIGATION 1.5000 1.0000 .00 IRRIGATION .00 IRRIGATION 1.0000 .00 PICKUP TRUCK 3/4 TON 35.0000 1.5000 c V .00 INSECTICIDE+APPL WHEAT .00 1.0000 IRRIGATION 1.0000 .00 IRRIGATION WHEATV .0000 c V .00 SET ASIDE LAND WHEATF .0000 c F .00 SET ASIDE LAND .00 IRRIGATION 1.0000 1.0000 .00 IRRIGATION WHEATI 1.0000 c V .00 CUSTOM HARVEST V 33 .00 CUSTOM HAULING WHEAT 60.0000 c 1.0000 c F .00 CASH-RENT WHEATI Information presented is prepared solely as a general guide and is not intended to recognise or predict the com and returns from any one pariicula farm or ranch operation. These projections were collected and developed by staff members of the Texas Agricultural Extension Service and approved for publication N N N N N N B-1241 (Cl) Projections for Planning Purposes Only Not to be Used without Updating after February 13. 1995 Continuous Wheat, Furrow Irrigated, (Natural Gas) Texas Panhandle District (1) 1995 Projected Costs and Returns per Acre GROSS INCOME Description DEFICIENCY PMT. WHEAT GRAZING IRRIG. WHEAT Quantity 51.000 120.000 70.000 Unit bu. days bu. S / Unit 0.6800 0.3600 3.2700 PREHARVEST FERTILIZER (N) FERTILIZER APPL. INSECTICIDE SEED SET ASIDE Fuel & Lube - Machinery - Irrigation Repairs - Machinery - Irrigation Labor - Machinery - Irrigation Quantity 170.000 1.000 1.000 1.250 1.005 2.530 Unit lb. acre acre bu. acre Acre Acre Acre Acre Hour Hour $ / Unit .120 6.000 7.500 13.500 7.290 7.001 6.893 34.68 43.20 228.90 To t a l 20.40 6.00 7.50 16.87 0.00 5.42 27.63 3.48 12.16 7.04 17.44 123.95 Total PREHARVEST Interest - OC Borrowed HARVEST HARVEST & HAUL Your Estimate 306.78 Total GROSS Income VARIABLE COST Description To t a l 94.647 Dol. 70.000 bu. 0.090 8.52 .450 31.50 31.50 Total HARVEST Total VARIABLE COST 163.96 GROSS INCOME minus VARIABLE COST 142.82 FIXED COST Description Machinery and Equipment Irrigation Land Unit Acre Acre Acre To t a l 19.98 50.56 40.00 Total FIXED Cost 110.54 Total of ALL Cost 274.50 NET PROJECTED RETURNS 32.28 Information presented is preparedsolely as a general guide and is not intended to recognize or predict the com and returns from any one particulafarm or ranch aperatiim These projections were collected and developed by staff members of the Texas Agricultural Extension Service and approved far publication C1.55 B-1241 (Cl) Projections for Planning Purposes Only Not to be Used without Updating after February 13, 1995 Date Stage of Production Type of Prod. P r o d u c t N ame ======== ================ ===== ========================= A A A A A A A 11/15/94 12/15/94 01/15/95 02/15/95 03/15/95 0 6 / 2 0 / 9 5 HARVEST 0 6 / 2 0 / 9 5 HARVEST Date Stage of Production 07/15/94 07/25/94 08/05/94 08/10/94 08/12/94 08/12/94 08/15/94 08/20/94 08/20/94 08/25/94 08/25/94 09/15/94 11 / 1 5 / 9 4 02/15/95 04/10/95 05/02/95 05/02/95 05/05/95 06/15/95 06/20/95 06/20/95 C1.56 PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST HARVEST Type of GRAZING GRAZING GRAZING GRAZING GRAZING WHEAT DEFICIENCY PMT. IRRIG. IRRIG. IRRIG. IRRIG. IRRIG. WHEAT Input Name Input M M M M E G M M E M E 0 0 0 0 E E 0 M G K BLADE PLOWING FLOATING CHISELING DISCING FERTILIZER (N) FERTILIZER APPL. BEDDING ROD WEEDING INSECTICIDE DRILLING SEED IRRIGATION IRRIGATION IRRIGATION IRRIGATION SET ASIDE SET ASIDE IRRIGATION DISCING HARVEST & HAUL CASH-RENT OFFSET ANH3 ANH3 WHEAT 2 DRILLS WHEAT FURROW FURROW FURROW FURROW IRRGRN V IRRGRN F FURROW OFFSET WHEATI WHEATF Number of Units Weight per Head 15.0000 30.0000 30.0000 30.0000 15.0000 70.0000 51.0000 Number of Units Cash Landlord Break Non- Share Even Cash Prod. OOOO OOOO OOOO OOOO .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 oooo oooo oooo Cash Fixed Landlord Non- or Share C a s h Va r i . 1.0000 .5000 1.0000 1.0000 170.0000 0000 0000 0000 oooo oooo ,2500 OOOO OOOO oooo oooo .0000 .0000 3.0000 1.0000 70.0000 1.0000 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 Information presentedis preparedsolely as a generalguide andis not intendedto recognize or pndict the com and returmfrom any one particular farm iirraKhoperaliim. These projections were collected and developed by staff members of the Texas Agricultural Extension Service and approved for publication. B-1241 (Cl) Projections for Planning Purposes Only Not to be Used without Updating after February 13, 1995 Cont. Wheat, Sprinkler Irrigated, (Natural Gas) Texas Panhandle District (1) 1995 Projected Costs and Returns per Acre GROSS INCOME Description DEFICIENCY PMT. WHEAT GRAZING IRRIG. WHEAT Quantity Unit $ / Unit 51.000 bu. 120.000 days 70.000 bu. 0.6800 0.3600 3.2700 PREHARVEST FERTILIZER (N) FERTILIZER (P) FERTILIZER APPL. FERTILIZER APPL. INSECTICIDE SEED SET ASIDE Fuel & Lube - Machinery - Irrigation Repairs - Machinery - Irrigation Labor - Machinery - Irrigation Quantity 170,.000 20..000 1,.000 1..000 1,.000 1,.250 1,.315 0,.928 Unit $ / Unit lb. lb. 120 105 000 000 500 13.500 7.290 acre acre acre bu. acre Acre Acre Acre Acre Hour Hour 7.000 6.963 Total PREHARVEST Interest - OC Borrowed HARVEST HARVEST & HAUL 34.68 43.20 228.90 To t a l 20.40 2.10 6.00 3.00 7.50 16.87 0.00 4.34 24.21 2.04 4.98 9.21 6.46 107.12 81.152 Dol. 0.090 7.30 70.000 bu. .450 31.50 Total HARVEST 31.50 Total VARIABLE COST 145.92 GROSS INCOME minus VARIABLE COST 160.86 FIXED COST Description Machinery and Equipment Irrigation Land Unit Acre Acre Acre To t a l 16.41 47.51 40.00 Total FIXED Cost 103.92 Total of ALL Cost 249.84 NET PROJECTED RETURNS Your Estimate 306.78 Total GROSS Income VARIABLE COST Description To t a l 56.94 Information presented is prepared solely as a general guide and is not intended lo recognize or predict the costs and re turns from any one particular farm or ranch operation These projections were collected and developed by staff members of the Texas Agricultural Extension Service and approved for publication. C1.57 B-1241 (Cl) Projections for Planning Purtposes Only Not to be Used without Updating after■February 13. 1995 Date Stage of Production Type Product Name of Prod. Number Weight of per Units Head Casli L a n d l o r d Break NonShare Even Casli Prod. ======== ================ ===== ========================= ============== ============= ===:== ========= ===== A A A A A A A 11/15/94 12/15/94 01/15/95 02/15/95 03/15/95 0 6 / 2 0 / 9 5 HARVEST 0 6 / 2 0 / 9 5 HARVEST Date Stage of Production 08/05/94 08/10/94 08/18/94 08/18/94 08/18/94 08/18/94 08/20/94 08/20/94 08/25/94 08/25/94 09/15/94 11/15/94 11 / 3 0 / 9 4 12/15/94 03/10/95 04/10/95 05/02/95 05/02/95 05/05/95 06/15/95 06/20/95 06/20/95 C1.58 PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST HARVEST Type Of GRAZING GRAZING GRAZING GRAZING GRAZING WHEAT DEFICIENCY PMT. IRRIG. IRRIG. IRRIG. IRRIG. IRRIG. WHEAT Input Name Number of Units Input M M E E G G M E M E O O M O O O E E O M G K 15.0000 30.0000 30.0000 30.0000 15.0000 70.0000 51.0000 CHISELING DISCING FERTILIZER (N) FERTILIZER (P) FERTILIZER APPL. FERTILIZER APPL. ROD WEEDING INSECTICIDE DRILLING SEED IRRIGATION IRRIGATION PICKUP TRUCK IRRIGATION IRRIGATION IRRIGATION SET ASIDE SET ASIDE IRRIGATION DISCING HARVEST & HAUL CASH-RENT OFFSET ANH3 ANH3 DRY WHEAT 2 DRILLS WHEAT 3/4 TON IRRGRN V IRRGRN F OFFSET WHEATI WHEATI 1.0000 I.-jOO 170.0000 20.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.2500 3.0000 2.0000 20.0000 1.5000 2.0000 3.0000 .0000 .0000 3.0000 1.0000 70.0000 1.0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 Cash NonCash N N N N N C C Fixed Landlord or Share Va r i . C C C C V V V V C V C V C C V F C V F .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 Information presented is prepared solely as a general guide and is not intended to recognise or predict the com and returns from any one particular farm or ranch operation. These projections were collected and developed by staff members of the Texas Agricultural Extension Service and approved for publication .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 N N N N N N N B-1241 (Cb Projections for Planning Purposes Only Not to be Used without Updating after February 13, 1995 Rotation: Wheat-Fallow-Wheat: Conv Till Fallow Bud Texas Panhandle District (1) 1995 Projected Costs and Returns per Acre GROSS INCOME Description Quantity Unit $ / Unit To t a l Unit To t a l Yo u r Estimate -WARNING- No gross receipts VARIABLE COST Description Fuel & Lube - Machinery Repairs - Machinery Labor - Machinery Interest - OC Borrowed Quantity 0.654 7.867 Acre Acre Hour Dol. - 11 . 8 0 GROSS INCOME minus VARIABLE COST Machinery and Equipment Land 7.000 0.090 4.76 1.75 4.58 0.71 11.80 Total VARIABLE COST FIXED COST Description $ / Unit Unit Acre Acre To t a l 12.01 20.00 Total FIXED Cost 32.01 Total of ALL Cost 43.80 NET PROJECTED RETURNS -43.80 Information presumed is prepared solely as a general guide and is not intended to recognise or predict the cam and returns from any one pariicula farm or ranch operation. These projections were collected and developed by staff members of the Texas Agricultural Extension Service and approved for publication CI.61 B-1241 (Cl) Projections for Planning Purposes Only Not to be Used without Updating after February 13, 1995 Date Stage of Production Type Product Name of Prod Number of Units Weight Cash Landlord 3reak per NonShare Even Head Cash Prod. -WARNING- No valid Receipts records Date Stage of Type Input Name Number Cash Fixed L a n d l o r d of Nonor Share Units Cash V a r i . Production Input ======== ================ ===== ========================== ============== ===== ===== ======== M BLADE PLOWING 1.0000 .00 06/15/94 .00 07/15/94 M CHISELING 1.0000 M BLADE PLOWING 1.0000 .00 08/15/94 M FIELD CULTIVATOR 1.0000 .00 09/10/94 03/16/95 M FIELD CULTIVATOR 1.0000 .00 M FIELD CULTIVATOR 1.0000 .00 05/16/95 F .00 K CASH-RENT WHEATDS 1.0000 C 05/31/95 C1.62 of Information presented is prepared solely as a general guide and is not intended to recognise or predict the com aid returns from any one particular farm or ranch operation. These projections were collected aid developed by staff members of the Texas Agricultural Extension Service aid approvedfar publication. B-1241 <C1) Projections for Planning Purposes Only Not to be Used without Updating after February 13, 1995 Rotation: Wheat-Fallow-Wheat: Min Till Wheat Bud. Texas Panhandle District (1) 1995 Projected Costs and Returns per Acre GROSS INCOME Description DEFICIENCY PMT. WHEAT GRAZING DRYLAND WHEAT Quantity 20.000 105.000 20.000 Unit bu. days bu. $ / Unit 0.6800 0.1440 3.2700 Total GROSS Income VARIABLE COST Description PREHARVEST SEED FALLOW LAND Fuel & Lube - Machinery Repairs - Machinery Labor - Machinery Quantity 0.500 1.000 1.062 Unit bu. acre Acre Acre Hour 13.60 15.12 65.40 $ / Unit 13.500 21.510 7.000 To t a l 6.75 21.51 2.85 1.14 7.43 39.68 11.892 Dol. 0.090 1.07 1.000 20.000 acre bu. 12.000 .100 12.00 2.00 14.00 Total HARVEST Total VARIABLE COST 54.75 GROSS INCOME minus VARIABLE COST 39.37 FIXED COST Description FALLOW LAND MIN FIXD Machinery and Equipment Land Total FIXED Cost Yo u r Estimate 94.12 Total PREHARVEST Interest - OC Borrowed HARVEST CUSTOM HARVEST CUSTOM HAULING To t a l Unit acre Acre Acre To t a l 19.80 10.92 20.00 50.72 Total of ALL Cost 105.47 NET PROJECTED RETURNS - 11 . 3 5 Information presented is prepared solely as a general guide and is not intended to recognize or predict the com and returns from any one pariicula farm or ranch operation. These projections were collected and developed by staff members of the Texas Agricultural Extension Service and improved far publication. C1.63 B-1241 (Cl) Projections for Planning Purposes Only Not to be Used without Updating after February 13, 1995 Date Stage of Production Type Product Name Number We i g h t of of Prod. per Units Head Cash Landlord Break NonShare Even Cash Prod. ======== ================ ===== ========================== ============== ============= ===== ========= ===== A A A A A A 12/15/93 01/15/94 02/15/94 03/15/94 0 5 / 2 0 / 9 4 HARVEST 05/20/94 HARVEST Date Stage of Production Type of GRAZING GRAZING GRAZING GRAZING WHEAT DEFICIENCY PMT. DRYLAND DRYLAND DRYLAND DRYLAND WHEAT C1.64 PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST HARVEST HARVEST Number Input Name of Units Input ======== ================ ===== =================3 = = = = = = = = 07/15/93 09/01/93 09/20/93 09/20/93 12/31/93 05/02/94 05/02/94 05/20/94 05/20/94 05/20/94 31.0000 31.0000 28.0000 15.0000 20.0000 20.0000 M M M E M E E G G K FIELD CULTIVATOR ROD WEEDING DRILLING SEED PICKUP TRUCK FALLOW LAND FALLOW LAND CUSTOM HARVEST CUSTOM HAULING CASH-RENT 2 DRILLS WHEAT 3/4 TON MIN VAR MIN FIXD WHEATD WHEAT WHEATDS == .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 Cash NonCash N N N N C C Fixed Landlord or Share Va r i . ============ ===== ===== ==_======= 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 .5000 20.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 20.0000 1.0000 c V c c c c V F V V F .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 Information presented is prepared solely as a general guide and is not intended to recognize or predict the com and returns from any one particular farm or ranch operation These projections were collected and developed by staff members of the Texas Agricultural Extension Service and approved far publication .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 N N N N N N B-1241 (CI) Projections for Planning Purposes Only Not to be Used without Updating after February 13, 1995 Rotation: Wheat-Fallow-Wheat: Min Till Fallow Bud. Texas Panhandle District (1) 1995 Projected Costs and Returns per Acre GROSS INCOME Description Quantity Unit $ / Unit To t a l Unit To t a l Yo u r Estimate -WARNING- No gross receipts VARIABLE COST Description HERBICIDE & APPL HERBICIDE & APPL Fuel & Lube - Machinery Repairs - Machinery Labor - Machinery Interest - OC Borrowed Quantity 1.000 1.000 0.263 5.601 acre acre Acre Acre Hour Dol. 7.000 0.090 12.00 12.00 2.00 0.79 1.84 0.50 -29.13 GROSS INCOME minus VARIABLE COST Machinery and Equipment Land 12.000 12.000 29.13 Total VARIABLE COST FIXED COST Description $ / Unit Unit Acre Acre To t a l 5.12 20.00 Total FIXED Cost 25.12 Total of ALL Cost 54.26 NET PROJECTED RETURNS -54.26 Information presented is prepared solely as a general guide and is not intended lo recognize or predict the com and returns from any one pariicula farm or ranch operation These projections were collected and developed by staff members of the Texas Agricultural Extension Service and approved for publication C1.65 B-1241 (Cl) Projections for Planning Purposes Only Not to be Used without Updating after February 13. 1995 Date Stage of Production Type of Prod. Product Name Number of Units Weight per Head Cash NonCash Landlord Break Share Even Prod. -WARNING- No valid Receipts records Date 06/13/94 08/13/94 03/14/95 04/30/95 04/30/95 C1.66 Stage of Production Type of Input M M E E K Input Name BLADE PLOWING BLADE PLOWING HERBICIDE & APPL R0T#1 HERBICIDE S APPL R0T#2 C A S H - R E N T W H E AT D S Number of Units Cash NonCash Fixed Landlord or Share Va r i . !=========== ===== ===== ======== .00 1.0000 1.0000 .00 V .00 1.0000 C 1.0000 c V .00 1.0000 c F .00 Information presented is prepared solely as a general guide and is not intended to recognize or predict the com and returns from any one pariicula farm or ranch operation These projections were collected aid developed by staff members of the Texas Agricultural Extension Service and approved for publication. B-1241 (Cl) Projections for Planning Purposes Only Not to be Used without Updating after February 13, 1995 Rotation: Sorghum-Fallow-Wheat: Min Till Fallow Texas Panhandle District (1) 1995 Projected Costs and Returns per Acre GROSS INCOME Description Quantity Unit $ / Unit To t a l Unit ==== acre acre Acre Acre Hour Dol. To t a l Your Estimate -WARNING- No gross receipts VARIABLE COST Description HERBICIDE & APPL HERBICIDE & APPL Fuel & Lube - Machinery Repairs - Machinery Labor - Machinery Interest - OC Borrowed Quantity =========== 1.000 1.000 0.191 6.627 7.000 0.090 12.00 12.00 1.33 0.62 1.33 0.60 -27.88 GROSS INCOME minus VARIABLE COST Machinery and Equipment Land 12.000 12.000 27.88 Total VARIABLE COST FIXED COST Description $ / Unit Unit Acre Acre To t a l 3.90 20.00 Total FIXED Cost 23.90 Total of ALL Cost 51.78 NET PROJECTED RETURNS -51.78 Information presented is prepared solely as a general guide and is not intended lo recognise or predict the costs and re turns from any one particular form or raiKh operation. These projections were collected and developed by staff members of the Texas Agricultural Extension Service and improved for publication. CI.67 Projections for Planning Purposes Only B-1241 (Cl) Not to be Used without Updating after February 13, 1995 Date S t Stage age of T y p eType P r o d u c t of Production Name Prod Number We i g h t of per Units Head Cash NonCash Landlord Break Share Even Prod. -WARNING- No valid Receipts records Date Stage of Production 03/15/95 04/01/95 05/01/95 07/15/95 07/15/95 Type of Input Name of Units Input M E E M K Number DISCING OFFSET HERBICIDE & APPL ROT#l HERBICIDE & APPL ROT#2 FIELD CULTIVATOR C A S H - R E N T W H E AT D S 1. OOOO 1.,0000 1..0000 1.,0000 1.,0000 Cash NonCash Fixed Landlord or Share Va r i . C C V V C F .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 Information presented is prepared solely as a general guide and is not intended to recognise or predict the com aid returns from ary one pariicula farm or ranch operation C1.68 These projections were collectedanddevelopedby staffmembers ofthe TexasAgriculturalExtension Service aidapprovedfor publication B-1241 (Cl) Projections for Planning Purposes Only Not to be Used without Updating after February 13. 1995 R o t a t i o n : W h e a t - F a l l o w - S o r g h u m : M i n Ti l l F a l l o w Texas Panhandle District (1) 1995 Projected Costs and Returns per Acre GROSS INCOME Description Quantity Unit $ / Unit To t a l Quantity Unit $ / Unit To t a l Yo u r Estimate -WARNING- No gross receipts VARIABLE COST Description HERBICIDE & APPL Fuel & Lube - Machinery Repairs - Machinery Labor - Machinery Interest - OC Borrowed 1.000 0.322 5.559 acre Acre Acre Hour Dol. -18.10 GROSS INCOME minus VARIABLE COST Machinery and Equipment Land 7.000 0.090 12.00 2.33 1.01 2.25 0.50 18.10 Total VARIABLE COST FIXED COST Description 12.000 Unit Acre Acre To t a l 6.46 20.00 Total FIXED Cost 26.46 Total of ALL Cost 44.56 NET PROJECTED RETURNS -44.56 Information presented is prepared solely as a general guide and is not intended to recognize or predict the com and returns from any one pariicula farm or ranch operation Ihese projections were collected and developed by staff members of the Texas Agricultural Extension Service and approved for publication C1.69 B-1241 (Cl) Projections for Planning Purposes Only Not to be Used without Updating after February 13, 1995 Date Stage of Production Type Product Name of Prod Number of Units Weight Cash Landlord Break per NonShare Even Head Cash Prod. -WARNING- No valid Receipts records Date Stage of Production 06/29/94 08/13/94 09/13/94 03/31/95 04/30/95 C1.70 Type of Input Name of Units Input M M M E K Number DISCING OFFSET BLADE PLOWING FIELD CULTIVATOR HERBICIDE & APPL ROT#2 C A S H - R E N T W H E AT D S 1.,0000 1.,0000 1.,0000 1..0000 1.,0000 Cash NonCash C C Fixed L a n d l o r d or Share Va r i . V F .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 Information presented is prepared solely as a general guide and is not intended to recognise or predict the cam andretumsfrom any one pariicula farm or ranch operation These projections were collected and developed by staff members of the Texas Agricultural Extension Service and approved for publication. B-1241 (Cl) Projections for Planning Purposes Only Not to be Used without Updating after February 13, 1995 Rotation: Wheat-Fallow-Sorghum: No Till Fallow Texas Panhandle District (1) 1995 Projected Costs and Returns per Acre GROSS INCOME Description Quantity Unit $ / Unit To t a l Unit ==== acre acre acre Dol. To t a l =========== 15.00 12.00 12.00 1.89 Your Estimate -WARNING- No gross receipts VARIABLE COST Description HERBICIDE & APPL HERBICIDE & APPL HERBICIDE & APPL Interest - OC Borrowed Quantity :========== 1.000 1.000 1.000 21.049 -40.89 GROSS INCOME minus VARIABLE COST Land 15.000 12.000 12.000 0.090 40.89 Total VARIABLE COST FIXED COST Description $ / Unit === ======== Unit Acre To t a l 20.00 Total FIXED Cost 20.00 Total of ALL Cost 60.89 NET PROJECTED RETURNS -60.89 Information presented is prepared solely as a general guide and is not intended to recognise or predict the com and returns from any one particular farm or ranch operation. These projections were collected and developed by staff members of the Texas Agricultural Extension Service and approved for publication C1.71