TEXAS ROLLING PLAINS DISTRICT 3 —H-4-r—h-l-H~ —f++-H i, i, i,..j.. -JiliTTF;; Knox ■ Dickens • King —r Baylor Archer Kent J Stonewall Haskell Throck. I Jones mnrtnn J-—" Young B-124KC03) TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXTENSION SERVICE . THE TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY SYSTEM Z e r l e L . C a r p e n t e r , D i r e c t o r C o l l e g e S t a t i o n , Te x a s r TEXAS CROP ENTERPRISE BUDGETS TEXAS ROLLING PLAINS DISTRICT Projected for 1992 f j Data collected and submitted by Stanley Bevers -J E d u c a t i o n a l p r o g r a m s c o n d u c t e d b y t h e Te x a s A g r i c u l t u r a l E x t e n s i o n S e r v i c e s e r v e p e o p l e o f a l l a g e s r e g a r d l e s s o f s o c i o economic level, race, color, sex, religion or national origin. C o o p e r a t i v e E x t e n s i o n W o r k i n A g r i c u l t u r e a n d H o m e E c o n o m i c s . T h e Te x a s A S M U n i v e r s i t y S y s t e m a n d t h e U n i t e d S t a t e s Department of Agriculture cooperating. Distributed in furtherance of the Acts of Congress of May 8, 1914, as amended, and June 30, 1914. ISO - 12-81, New " > ■ ■ > > VB-124KC03) Projections for Planning Purposes Only Not to be Used without Updating after October 24, 1992 COTTON, DRYLAND (SOLID 40" ROWS) Te x a s R o l l i n g P l a i n s D i s t r i c t ( 3 ) 1992 Projected Costs and Returns per Acre GROSS INCOME Description Quantity COTTON LINT COTTONSEED DEFICIENCY PMT. COTTON 300.000 0.240 300.000 Unit $ / lb. ton lb. Unit 0.5400 75.0000 0.1500 PREHARVEST HERBICIDE FERTILIZER (N) FERTILIZER APPL. SEED INSECTICIDE INSECTICIDE APPL CROP INSURANCE Fuel & Lube - Machinery Repairs - Machinery Labor Machinery Total PREHARVEST HARVEST GIN, BAGS, TIES STRIPPING Quantity 1,. 5 0 0 30.. 0 0 0 1.. 0 0 0 12.. 0 0 0 1,. 0 0 0 1,. 0 0 0 1.. 0 0 0 1,. 6 9 2 Unit pint lb. acre lb. lb. acre acre Acre Acre Hour $ / Unit 3.650 .200 2. 150 .400 6.250 3.000 4.500 6.001 162.00 18.00 45.00 To t a l 5.47 6.00 2.15 4.80 6.25 3.00 4.50 9.91 3.16 10. 15 55.40 300.. 0 0 0 300 . 0 0 0 lb. lb. . 130 ,070 Total HARVEST Interest - OC Borrowed Your Estimate 225.00 Total GROSS Income VA R I A B L E C O S T D e s c r i p t i o n To t a l 39.00 21.00 60.00 29.. 4 0 8 Dol . 0. 120 3.53 Total VARIABLE COST 118.93 GROSS INCOME minus VARIABLE COST 106.07 FIXED COST Description Unit Acre Acre Machinery and Equipment Land To t a l 23.79 26.56 Total FIXED Cost 50.35 Total of ALL Cost 169.28 NET PROJECTED RETURNS 55.72 Information presented Is prepared solely as a general guide and Is not Intended to recognise or predict the costs and returns from any one particular farm or ranch operation. These projections were collected and developed by staff members of the Texas Agricultural Extension Service and approved for publication. C3.13 Projections for Planning Purposes Only Not to be Used without Updating after October 24, 1992, DATE STAGE O F PRODUCTION 11/20/92 HARVEST 11/20/92 HARVEST 11/20/92 HARVEST DATE 1 2 / 11 / 9 1 12/16/91 12/21/91 03/10/92 03/20/92 03/20/92 05/15/92 05/15/92 05/26/92 05/26/92 05/31/92 06/05/92 06/10/92 06/20/92 06/30/92 06/30/92 07/15/92 08/15/92 10/06/92 11 / 1 0 / 9 2 11 / 2 0 / 9 2 11 / 2 0 / 9 2 11 / 3 0 / 9 2 STAGE OF PRODUCTION PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST HARVEST HARVEST TYPE O F PRODUCT NAHE NUHBER OF UNITS PROD A COTTON LINT A COTTONSEED A DEFICIENCY PMT. TYPE OF INPUT COTTON INPUT NAHE SHREDDING DISCING-TANDEH PLOHING DISCING-TANDEH HERBICIDE CHISEL/SPRAY FERTILIZER (N) FERTILIZER APPL. LISTING PLANTING PICKUP TRUCK SEED CULTIVATING SAND FIGHTING INSECTICIDE INSECTICIDE APPL CULTIVATING DISCING-TANDEH DISCING-TANDEH CROP INSURANCE GIN, BAGS, TIES STRIPPING LAND CHARGE 300.0000 .2400 300.0000 HEIGHT PER HEAD CASH NON CASH B-124KC03) LANDLORD BREAK SHARE EVEN PROD. .0000 C .0000 C .0000 C 25.00 25.00 25.00 NUHBER CASH FIXED LANDLORD OF NONOR SHARE U N I T S C A S H VA R I . 21 FT 21 FT COTTON 25 FT 3/4 TON COTTON 9 ROH COTTON 9 ROH 21 FT 21 FT COTTON CUSTOH COTTOND 1.0000 1.0000 .3000 1.0000 1.5000 .0000 30.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 11.6670 12.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 .0625 .0625 1.0000 300.0000 300.0000 1.0625 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 25.00 25.00 .00 .00 .00 25.00 25.00 25.00 .00 Information presented is prepared solely as a general guide and is not Intended to recognise or predict the costs and returns from any one particular farm or ranch operation. These projections were collected and developed by staff members of the Texas Agricultural extension Service and approved for publication. C3.14 B-124KC03) Projections for Planning Purposes Only Not to be Used without Updating after October 24, 1992, COTTON, DRYLAND, NARROW ROW Te x a s R o l l i n g P l a i n s D i s t r i c t ( 3 ) 1992 Projected Costs and Returns per Acre GROSS INCOME Description COTTON LINT COTTONSEED DEFICIENCY PMT. COTTON Quantity 300.000 0.240 300.000 Unit lb. ton lb. $ / Unit 0.5400 75.OOOO 0.1500 PREHARVEST HERBICIDE FERTILIZER (N) FERTILIZER APPL. SEED INSECTICIDE INSECTICIDE APPL CROP INSURANCE Fuel & Lube - Machinery Repairs - Machinery Labor Machinery Total PREHARVEST HARVEST GIN, BAGS, TIES STRIPPING Quantity : = ssb = = = = = s 1.500 30.000 1.000 12.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.347 Unit csss pint lb. acre lb. lb. acre acre Acre Acre Hour $ / Unit 3.650 .200 2.150 .400 6.250 3.000 4.500 6.001 162.00 18.00 45.00 To t a l 5.47 6.00 2.15 4.80 6.25 3.00 4.50 7.34 2.78 8.09 50.38 300.000 300.000 lb. lb. .130 .070 Total HARVEST Interest - OC Borrowed Your Estimate 225.00 Total GROSS Income VA R I A B L E C O S T D e s c r i p t i o n To t a l 39.OO 21.00 60.00 27.368 Dol . 0.120 3.28 Total VARIABLE COST 113.66 GROSS INCOME minus VARIABLE COST 111.34 FIXED COST Description Unit Acre Acre Machinery and Equipment Land To t a l F I X E D C o s t - To t a l 19.52 26.56 46.08 159.74 To t a l o f A L L C o s t 65.26 NET PROJECTED RETURNS Information presented is prepared solely as a general guide and is not intended to recognise or predict the costs and returns from any one particular farm or ranch operation. These projections were collected and developed by staff members of the Texas Agricultural Extension Service and approved for publication. C3.15 Projections for Planning Purposes Only Not to be Used without Updating after October 24, 1992, DATE STAGE TYPE OF O F O F PROD. UNITS PRODUCTION 11/20/92 HARVEST 11/20/92 HARVEST 11/20/92 HARVEST DATE A A A STAGE TYPE OF OF PRODUCTION INPUT 12/11/91 PREHARVEST 12/21/91 PREHARVEST 03/10/92 PREHARVEST 03/20/92 PREHARVEST 03/20/92 PREHARVEST 05/15/92 PREHARVEST 0 5 / 1 5 / 9 2 PREHARVEST 0 5 / 1 9 / 9 2 PREHARVEST 0 5 / 2 3 / 9 2 PREHARVEST 05/23/92 PREHARVEST 05/31/92 PREHARVEST 06/30/92 PREHARVEST 06/30/92 PREHARVEST 07/24/92 PREHARVEST 10/06/92 PREHARVEST 11 / 1 0 / 9 2 PREHARVEST 11 / 2 0 / 9 2 HARVEST 11 / 2 0 / 9 2 HARVEST 11 / 3 0 / 9 2 H H H H E E G H H E H E G H H E E G K PRODUCT NAHE COTTON LINT DEFICIENCY PMT. COTTONSEED 300.0000 300.0000 .2400 COTTON INPUT NAME NUHBER O F UNITS SHREDDING DISCING-TANDEH DISCING-TANDEH CHISEL/SPRAY HERBICIDE FERTILIZER (N) FERTILIZER APPL. LISTING PLANTING SEED PICKUP TRUCK INSECTICIDE INSECTICIDE APPL DISCING-TANDEH DISCING-TANDEH CROP INSURANCE GIN, BAGS, TIES STRIPPING LAND CHARGE 1EIGHT H PER HEAD 1 NUMBER 21 FT 21 FT 25 FT COTTON COTTON 3/4 TON COTTON 21 FT 21 FT COTTON CUSTOH COTTOND 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.5000 30.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 12.0000 11.6670 1.0000 1.0000 .0625 .0625 1.0000 300.0000 300.0000 1.0625 .0000 .0000 .0000 CASH NON CASH B-124KC03) CASH LANDLORD BREAK NON SHARE EVEN CASH PROD. C C C 25.00 25.00 25.00 N N N FIXED LANDLORD OR !SHARE VARI. C C C V V V C V C C V V C C C V V V F .00 .00 .00 .00 25.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 25.00 25.00 .00 .00 .00 25.00 .00 .00 Information presented is prepared solely as a general guide and Is not intended to recognise or predict the costs and returns from any one particular farm or ranch operation. These projections were collected and developed by staff members of the Texas Agricultural Extension Service and approved for publication. C3.16 B-1241(C03) Projections for Planning Purposes Only Not to be Used without Updating after October 24, 1992, COTTON, DRYLAND, (2X2 PLANTING PATTERN) Te x a s R o l l i n g P l a i n s D i s t r i c t ( 3 ) 1992 Projected Costs and Returns per Acre GROSS INCOME Description COTTON LINT COTTONSEED DEFICIENCY PMT. COTTON Quantity Unit $ / Unit 250.000 lb. 0.200 ton 250.000 lb. 0.5400 75.0000 0.1500 Total GROSS Income Your Estimate cscscsss: 135.00 15.00 37.50 187.50 VARIABLE COST Description PREHARVEST HERBICIDE SEED FERTILIZER (N) FERTILIZER APPL. INSECTICIDE APPL INSECTICIDE CROP INSURANCE Fuel & Lube - Machinery Repairs - Machinery Labor - Machinery Total PREHARVEST HARVEST GIN, BAGS, TIES STRIPPING Quantity 1,.500 8 .000 30 .000 1,.000 1,.000 1 .000 1 .000 1 .884 Unit $ / Unit pint lb. lb. acre acre lb. acre Acre Acre Hour 3.650 .400 .200 2.150 3.000 6.250 4.500 6.002 To t a l 5.47 3.20 6.00 2.15 3. 00 6. 25 4. 50 12, 12 4, 06 11.31 58.07 250 .000 250 .000 lb. lb. 130 .070 Total HARVEST Interest To t a l 32.50 17.50 50.00 OC Borrowed 32.005 Dol Total VARIABLE COST 0.120 3.84 111.91 GROSS INCOME minus VARIABLE COST 75.59 FIXED COST Description Unit Acre Acre Machinery and Equipment Land To t a l 27.91 26.56 Total FIXED Cost 54.47 Total of ALL Cost 166.38 NET PROJECTED RETURNS 21. 12 Information presented Is prepared solely as a general guide and is not Intended to recognise or predict the costs and returns from any one particular farm or ranch operation. These projections were collected and developed by staff members of the Texas Agricultural Extension service and approved for publication. C3.17 Projections for Planning Purposes Only Not to be Used without Updating after October 24, 1992, DATE STAGE OF PRODUCTION 11/20/92 HARVEST 11/20/92 HARVEST 11/20/92 HARVEST DATE 12/li/91 12/21/91 0 1 / 11 / 9 2 03/15/92 03/15/92 03/20/92 04/15/92 05/10/92 05/10/92 05/15/92 05/15/92 05/31/92 06/15/92 06/15/92 06/20/92 06/27/92 06/30/92 07/30/92 08/06/92 10/06/92 11 / 1 5 / 9 2 11 / 2 0 / 9 2 11 / 2 0 / 9 2 11 / 3 0 / 9 2 STAGE OF PRODUCTION PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST HARVEST HARVEST TYPE OF PRODUCT NAHE NUHBER OF UNITS PROD. A COTTON LINT A DEFICIENCY PHT. A COTTONSEED TYPE OF INPUT H H H E H H H E H E G M G E H H H H H H E E G K INPUT NAHE SHREDDING DISCING-TANDEH PLOHING HERBICIDE CHISEL/SPRAY DISCING-TANDEH LISTING SEED PLANTING FERTILIZER (N) FERTILIZER APPL. PICKUP TRUCK INSECTICIDE APPL INSECTICIDE CULTIVATING DISCING-TANDEH CULTIVATING CULTIVATING DISCING-TANDEH DISCING-TANDEH CROP INSURANCE GIN, BAGS, TIES STRIPPING LAND CHARGE 250.0000 250.0000 .2000 COTTON B-124KC03) HEIGHT CASH LANDLORD BREAK PER NON- SHARE EVEN HEAD CASH PROD. .0000 C .0000 C .0000 C /"^f!v 25.00 N 25.00 N 25.00 N NUMBER CASH FIXED LANDLORD OF NONOR SHARE U N I T S C A S H VA R I . 21 FT COTTON 25 FT 21 FT COTTON 3/4 TON COTTON 9 ROH 21 FT 9 ROH 9 ROH 21 FT 21 FT COTTON CUSTOH COTTOND 1.0000 1.0000 .3000 1.5000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 8.0000 1.0000 30.0000 1.0000 11 . 6 6 7 0 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 .0625 1.0000 1.0000 .0625 .0625 1.0000 250.0000 250.0000 1.0625 .00 .00 .00 C V .00 .00 .00 .00 C V .00 .00 C V .00 C V .00 .00 C V 25.00 C V 25.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 C V 25.00 C V 25.00 C V 25.00 F .00 /•**•*% Information presented Is prepared solely as a general guide and is not Intended to recognise or predict the costs and returns from any one particular farm or ranch operation. These projections were collected and developed by staff members of the Texas Agricultural Extension Service and approved for publication. C3.18 B-1241(C03) Projections for Planning Purposes Only Not to be Used without Updating after October 24, 1992. COTTON, DRYLAND(2X1 PLANTING) CONSERVATION TILLAGE Te x a s R o l l i n g P l a i n s D i s t r i c t ( 3 ) 1992 Projected Costs and Returns per Acre GROSS INCOME Description COTTON LINT COTTONSEED DEFICIENCY PMT. COTTON Quantity 280.000 0.227 280.000 Unit lb. ton lb. $ / Unit 0.5400 75.OOOO 0.1500 PREHARVEST F E RT I L I Z E R ( N ) F E RT I L I Z E R ( P ) FERTILIZER APPL. SEED SURFLAN AERIAL APPL. ROUNDUP HIRED SPOT SPRAY INSECTICIDE INSECTICIDE APPL CROP INSURANCE Fuel & Lube - Machinery Repairs - Machinery Labor Machinery Total PREHARVEST HARVEST STRIPPING GIN, BAGS, TIES Quantity 30.000 20.000 1.000 10.000 2.000 1.000 0.500 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.904 Unit lb. lb. acre lb. lb. acre gal . acre lb. acre acre Acre Acre Hour $ / Unit .200 .230 3.500 .400 11.500 3.000 61.220 4.000 6.250 3.000 4.500 * 6.001 280.000 280.000 To t a l 6.00 4.60 3.50 4.00 23.00 3.00 30.61 4.00 6.25 3.00 4.50 2.71 1.26 5.42 .070 .130 19.60 36.40 56.00 42.578 Dol . 0.120 5. 11 162.96 Total VARIABLE COST j0m^\ 151.20 17.03 42.00 101.85 lb. lb. Total HARVEST Interest - OC Borrowed Yo u r Estimate 210.23 Total GROSS Income VA R I A B L E C O S T D e s c r i p t i o n To t a l 47.26 GROSS INCOME minus VARIABLE COST FIXED COST Description Unit Acre Acre Machinery and Equipment Land To t a l 9.29 26.56 35.85 To t a l F I X E D C o s t To t a l o f A L L C o s t 198.81 11.41 NET PROJECTED RETURNS Information presented is prepared solely as a general guide and is not intended to recognise or predict the costs and returns from any one particular farm or ranch operation. These projections were collected and developed by staff members of the Texas Agricultural extension Service and approved for publication. C3.19 Projections for Planning Purposes Only Not to be Used without Updating after October 24, 1992. D AT E S TA G E OF PRODUCTION 11/20/92 HARVEST 11/20/92 HARVEST 11/20/92 HARVEST D AT E TYPE PRODUCTION 01/16/92 PREHARVEST 04/10/92 PREHARVEST 04/10/92 PREHARVEST 04/10/92 PREHARVEST 05/10/92 PREHARVEST 05/10/92 PREHARVEST 05/20/92 PREHARVEST 05/20/92 PREHARVEST 07/15/92 PREHARVEST 07/15/92 PREHARVEST 07/15/92 PREHARVEST 07/31/92 PREHARVEST 09/15/92 PREHARVEST 09/15/92 PREHARVEST 11/05/92 PREHARVEST 11/20/92 HARVEST 11/20/92 HARVEST 11 / 3 0 / 9 2 HEIGHT PER PROD. UNITS HEAD A A OF NUMBER OF A S TA G E PRODUCT NAHE OF TYPE COTTON LINT COTTONSEED DEFICIENCY PMT. COTTON INPUT NAHE NUMBER OF OF UNITS INPUT H E E G H E E G H E G H E G E G E K 280.0000 .2270 280.0000 CHISELING FERTILIZER (N) FERTILIZER (P) FERTILIZER APPL. PLANTING SEED SURFLAN AERIAL APPL. HONDA ROUNDUP HIRED SPOT SPRAY PICKUP TRUCK INSECTICIDE INSECTICIDE APPL CROP INSURANCE STRIPPING GIN, BAGS, TIES LAND CHARGE 25 FT DUAL CT COTTON A-TV 3/4 TON COTTON COTTON CUSTOH COTTOND 1.0000 30.0000 20.0000 1.0000 1.0000 10.0000 2.0000 1.0000 4.1666 .5000 1.0000 11.6667 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 280.0000 280.0000 1.0625 .0000 .0000 .0000 B-1241(C03) CASH LANDLORD BREi NON SHARE EVEI CASH PROI C C C 25.00 N 25.00 N 25.00 N CASH FIXED LANDLORD NON OR !SHARE CASH VARI. C C C V V V C c c V V V c c V V c c c c c c V V V V V F .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 25.00 .00 25.00 .00 /•**«% Information presented Is prepared solely as a general guide and is not intended to recognise or predict the costs and returns from any one particular farm or ranch operation. These projections were oollooted and developed by staff members of the Texas Agricultural Extension Service and approved for publication. C3.20 B-124KC03) Projections for Planning Purposes Only Not to be Used without Updating after October 24, 1992, COTTON, IRRIGATED Te x a s R o l l i n g P l a i n s D i s t r i c t ( 3 ) 1992 Projected Costs and Returns per Acre GROSS INCOME Description COT-TON LINT COTTONSEED DEFICIENCY PMT. COTTON Quantity 600.000 0.487 600.000 Unit lb. ton lb. $ / Unit 0.5400 75.OOOO 0.1500 Total GROSS Income VARIABLE COST Description PREHARVEST HERBICIDE FERTILIZER (N) FERTILIZER APPL. FERTILIZER (P) SEED FERTILIZER (N) FERTILIZER (P) FERTILIZER APPL. INSECTICIDE INSECTICIDE APPL INSECTICIDE INSECTICIDE APPL INSECTICIDE INSECTICIDE APPL INSECTICIDE INSECTICIDE APPL CROP INSURANCE Fuel & Lube Machinery Irrigation Repairs Machinery Irrigation Labor Machinery Irrigation Total PREHARVEST HARVEST GIN, BAGS, TIES STRIPPING Yo u r Estimate 324.00 36.50 90.00 450.50 Quantity 1.500 75.000 1.000 40.000 14.000 30.000 30.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 2.281 0.560 Unit pint lb. acre lb. lb. lb. lb. acre lb. acre lb. acre lb. acre lb. acre acre Acre Acre Acre Acre Hour Hour $ / Unit 3.650 .200 3.500 .230 .400 .200 .230 3.500 6.250 3.000 6.250 3.000 6.250 3.000 6.250 3.000 4.500 6.001 6.000 To t a l 5.47 15.00 3.50 9.20 5.60 6.00 6.90 3.50 6.25 3.00 6.25 3.00 6.25 3.00 6.25 3.00 4.50 11.03 21. 12 3.73 12.72 13.69 3.36 162.32 600.000 600.000 lb. lb. . 130 .070 Total HARVEST Interest - OC Borrowed To t a l 78.00 42.00 120.00 86.590 Dol. 0.120 10.39 Total VARIABLE COST 292.72 GROSS INCOME minus VARIABLE COST 157.78 FIXED COST Description Unit To t a l SCCB Acre Acre Acre Machinery and Equipment Irrigation Land 28.07 49.02 42.50 Total FIXED Cost 119.59 Total of ALL Cost 412.30 NET PROJECTED RETURNS 38.19 Information presented is prepared solely as a general guide and is not intended to recognise or predict the costs and returns from any one particular farm or ranch operation. These projections wore collected and developed by staff members of the Texas Agricultural Extension Service and approved for publication. C3.21 Projections for Planning Purposes Only Not to be Used without Updating after October 24, D AT E S TA G E OF PRODUCTION 11/20/92 HARVEST 11/20/92 HARVEST 11/20/92 HARVEST D AT E S TA G E OF PRODUCTION 01/11/92 PREHARVEST 01/16/92 PREHARVEST 02/16/92 PREHARVEST 03/01/92 PREHARVEST 03/15/92 PREHARVEST 03/15/92 PREHARVEST 03/15/92 PREHARVEST 03/30/92 PREHARVEST 04/10/92 PREHARVEST 04/15/92 PREHARVEST 05/10/92 PREHARVEST 05/10/92 PREHARVEST 05/31/92 PREHARVEST 06/24/92 PREHARVEST 06/24/92 PREHARVEST 06/24/92 PREHARVEST 06/25/92 PREHARVEST 07/10/92 PREHARVEST 07/10/92 PREHARVEST 07/15/92 PREHARVEST 07/20/92 PREHARVEST 08/08/92 PREHARVEST 08/10/92 PREHARVEST 08/10/92 PREHARVEST 08/20/92 PREHARVEST 08/20/92 PREHARVEST 08/20/92 PREHARVEST 08/30/92 PREHARVEST 08/30/92 PREHARVEST 11/10/92 PREHARVEST 11/20/92 HARVEST 11/20/92 HARVEST 11 / 3 0 / 9 2 TYPE PRODUCT NAHE HEIGHT NUMBER OF OF PER PROD. UNITS HEAD A A A TYPE OF COTTON LINT COTTONSEED DEFICIENCY PMT. COTTON NUMBER INPUT NAHE OF UNITS INPUT H M E H E G E H H 0 E H H E E G H E G H 0 H E G 0 E G E G E E G K 600.0000 .4866 600.0000 SHREDDING DISCING-TANDEH HERBICIDE CHISEL/SPRAY FERTILIZER (N) FERTILIZER APPL. FERTILIZER (P) CHISELING LISTING IRRIGATION SEED PLANTING PICKUP TRUCK FERTILIZER (N) FERTILIZER (P) FERTILIZER APPL. CULTIVATING INSECTICIDE INSECTICIDE APPL CULTIVATING IRRIGATION DISCING-TANDEH INSECTICIDE INSECTICIDE APPL IRRIGATION INSECTICIDE INSECTICIDE APPL INSECTICIDE INSECTICIDE APPL CROP INSURANCE GIN, BAGS, TIES STRIPPING LAND CHARGE 21 FT COTTON 25 FT DUAL 25 FT COTTON 3/4 TON DUAL 9 ROH COTTON 9 ROH 21 FT COTTON COTTON COTTON COTTON CUSTOH COTTONI 1.0000 1.0000 1.5000 1.0000 75.0000 1.0000 40.0000 1.0000 1.0000 6.0000 14.0000 1.0000 30.3000 30.0000 30.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 4.0000 .0625 1.0000 1.0000 4.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 600.0000 600.0000 1.0625 .0000 .0000 .0000 CASH NON CASH CASH LANDLORD BREAK NON SHARE EVEN ~ CASH PROD. C C C 25.00 25.00 25.00 N N N FIXED LANDLORD OR !SHARE VARI. .00 .00 .00 .00 C V C C C V V V C V C C C V V V 25.00 25.00 25.00 C C V V 25.00 25.00 C C V V 25.00 25.00 C C C C C V V V V V V V F 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 c c B-1241(C03) 1992. 25.00 25.00 25.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 Information presented Is prepared solely as a general guide and Is not Intended to recognise or predict the costs and returns from any one particular farm or ranch operation. These projections were collected and developed by staff members of the Texas Agricultural Extension Service and approved for publication. C3.22 B-1241(C03) Projections for Planning Purposes Only Not to be Used without Updating after October 24, 1992. GUAR, DRYLAND Te x a s R o l l i n g P l a i n s D i s t r i c t ( 3 ) 1992 Projected Costs and Returns per Acre GROSS INCOME Description Unit Quantity 7.000 GUAR $ / Unit cwt. 13.0000 Unit Quantity PREHARVEST HERBICIDE SEED MISCELLANEOUS Fuel & Lube - Machinery Repairs - Machinery Labor - Machinery 1.500 8.000 1.000 1.676 Total PREHARVEST HARVEST CUSTOM HARVEST CUSTOM HAULING $ / Unit pint lb. acre Acre Acre Hour 3.650 .300 1.000 6.001 91.00 To t a l 5.47 2.40 1.00 7.52 2.54 10.06 29.00 1.000 7.000 acre cwt. 12.000 .250 Total HARVEST 12.00 1.75 13.75 Interest - OC Borrowed 12.021 Dol . 0. 120 Total VARIABLE COST 1.44 44. 19 B r e a k - E v e n P r i c e , To t a l V a r i a b l e C Coos st t $ 6 .31 peT c w t . o f G U A l?f GROSS INCOME minus VARIABLE COST 46.81 FIXED COST Description Unit Acre Acre Machinery and Equipment Land Total FIXED Cost B r e a k - E v e n P r i c e , To t a l C o s t $ Yo u r Estimate 91.00 Total GROSS Income VARIABLE COST Description To t a l To t a l 19. 18 25.00 44. 18 12.62 per cw t . o f GUAR 88.37 Total of ALL Cost NET PROJECTED RETURNS 2.63 Information presented Is prepared solely as a general guide and Is not Intended to recognise or predict the cost! and returns from any one particular farm or ranch operation. These projections were collected and developed by staff members of the Texas Agricultural Extension Service and approved for publication. C3.23 Projections for Planning Purposes Only Not to be Used without Updating after October 24, 1992. DATE STAGE OF PRODUCTION TYPE S TA G E OF PRODUCTION 05/05/92 PREHARVEST 05/15/92 PREHARVEST 05/15/92 PREHARVEST 06/05/92 PREHARVEST 06/05/92 PREHARVEST 06/15/92 PREHARVEST 06/30/92 PREHARVEST 07/15/92 PREHARVEST 07/15/92 PREHARVEST 09/20/92 HARVEST 09/20/92 HARVEST 09/30/92 NAHE NUHBER O F UNITS PROD. 10/15/92 HARVEST D AT E PRODUCT OF TYPE OF INPUT NAHE NUMBER O F INPUT H HEIGHT CASH LANDLORD BREAK PER NON- SHARE EVEN HEAD CASH PROD. 7.0000 GUAR UNITS DISCING-TANDEH E HERBICIDE H CHISEL/SPRAY H PLANTING E SEED H CULTIVATING H PICKUP TRUCK E MISCELLANEOUS H CULTIVATING G CUSTOM HARVEST G CUSTOH HAULING K LAND CHARGE 21 FT GUAR 25 FT GUAR 9 ROH 3/4 TON GUAR 9 ROH GUAR GUAR GUAR DRY 1.0000 1.5000 1.0000 1.0000 8.0000 1.0000 28.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 7.0000 1.0000 B-1241(C03) 33.00 .0000 CASH FIXED LANDLORD NON O R SHARE CASH VARI. C C V V C V C V C C V V F c .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 33.00 33.00 .00 Information presented is prepared solely as a general guide and is not Intended to recognise or predict the cost! and returns from any one particular farm or ranch operation. These projections were collected and developed by staff members of the Texas Agricultural Extonsion Service and approved for publication. C3.24 B-1241(C03) Projections for Planning Purposes Only Not to be Used without Updating after October 24, 1992. GUAR, IRRIGATED Te x a s R o l l i n g P l a i n s D i s t r i c t ( 3 ) 1992 Projected Costs and Returns per Acre GROSS INCOME Description Unit Quantity sssssssss GUAR S S S S 15.000 $ Unit To t a l ==::=/ :======= = ========== cwt. 13.0000 Total GROSS Income VARIABLE COST Description PREHARVEST HERBICIDE SEED MISCELLANEOUS Fuel & Lube - Machinery - Irrigation Repairs - M i naet iroyn - aI cr rhi g Labor - Unit Quantity ========== ==== 1.500 8.000 1.000 $ / Unit ==: ======= : = i 3.650 .300 1.000 pint lb. acre Acre Acre Acre Acre Hour Hour Hour 2.618 2.000 0.400 Total PREHARVEST HARVEST CUSTOM HARVEST CUSTOM HAULING 6.001 6.000 6.000 1.000 15.000 acre cwt. 12.000 .250 • 5.47 2.40 1.00 10.86 15.09 3.94 9.09 15.71 12.00 2.40 30.961 12.00 3.75 15.75 Dol . 0.120 Total VARIABLE COST 3.72 97.42 B r e a k - E v e n P r i c e , To t a l V a r i a b l e C:oos st t $ 6 .49 per CIVt . of GUAR GROSS INCOME minus VARIABLE COST 97.58 FIXED COST Description Unit ==== Acre Acre Acre Machinery and Equipment Irrigation Land Total FIXED Cost B r e a k - E v e n P r i c e , To t a l C o s t $ To t a l ========== 77.96 Total HARVEST J0^\ sssssssss 195.00 195.00 Machinery - Other - Irrigation Interest - OC Borrowed Your Estimate To t a l 29..70 35,.01 25,.00 89.71 12.47 per cwt. of GUAR Total of ALL Cost 187, 13 NET PROJECTED RETURNS 7, 87 Information presented is prepared solely as a general guide and is not intended to recognise or predict the costs and returns from any one particular farm or ranch operation. These projections were collected and developed by staff members of the Texas Agricultural Extension Service and approved for publication. C3.25 Projections for Planning Purposes Only B-1241(C03) Not to be Used without Updating after October 24, 1992. DATE STAGE TYPE OF OF PRODUCTION NUMBER OF UNITS PROD 10/20/92 HARVEST DATE PRODUCT NAHE GUAR STAGE TYPE INPUT NAHE NUHBER OF OF PRODUCTION INPUT UNITS H H H H E H 0 H H E H E H 0 G G K .0000 15.0000 OF 01/11/92 PREHARVEST 01/16/92 PREHARVEST 04/25/92 PREHARVEST 0 4 / 3 0 / 9 2 PREHARVEST 0 5 / 1 5 / 9 2 PREHARVEST 0 5 / 1 5 / 9 2 PREHARVEST 05/30/92 PREHARVEST 0 6 / 0 1 / 9 2 PREHARVEST 0 6 / 1 0 / 9 2 PREHARVEST 0 6 / 1 0 / 9 2 PREHARVEST 06/25/92 PREHARVEST 0 7 / 1 5 / 9 2 PREHARVEST 08/10/92 PREHARVEST 0 8 / 2 0 / 9 2 PREHARVEST 10/20/92 HARVEST 10/20/92 HARVEST 10/31/92 HEIGHT CASH LANDLORD BREAK PER NON- SHARE EVEN HEAD CASH PROD. DISCING-TANDEH CHISELING DISCING-TANDEH PICKUP TRUCK HERBICIDE CHISEL/SPRAY IRRIGATION OPERATOR LABOR PLANTING SEED CULTIVATING MISCELLANEOUS CULTIVATING IRRIGATION CUSTOH HARVEST CUSTOH HAULING LAND CHARGE 21 FT 25 FT 21 FT 3/4 TON GUAR 25 FT GUAR 9 ROH GUAR 9 ROH GUAR GUAR GUAR IRR 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 46.6000 1.5000 1.0000 6.0000 2.0000 1.0000 8.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 4.0000 1.0000 15.0000 1.0000 CASH NON CASH C Z*5^^ 33.00 FIXED LANDLORD O R SHARE VARI. C C V V C V C- V C V C C C V V F .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 33.00 33.00 .00 ,^-*:>^ Information presented is prepared solely as a general guide and is not Intended to recognise or predict the costs and returns from any one particular farm or ranch operation. Those projections were collected and developed by staff members of the Texas Agricultural Extension Service and approved for publication. C3.26 Projections for Planning Purposes Only Not to be Used without Updating after October 24 B-1241(C03) 1992, SORGHUM, DRYLAND Te x a s R o l l i n g P l a i n s D i s t r i c t ( 3 ) 1992 Projected Costs and Returns per Acre GROSS INCOME Description DEFICIENCY PMT. SORGHUM SORGHUM Quantity 25.000 25.000 Unit cwt. cwt. $ / Unit 0.8200 4.2000 PREHARVEST FERTILIZER (N) FERTILIZER (P) FERTILIZER APPL. SEED MISCELLANEOUS CROP INSURANCE Fuel & Lube - Machinery Repairs - Machinery Labor - Machinery Total PREHARVEST HARVEST CUSTOM HARVEST CUSTOM HAULING Quantity 40.000 20.000 1.000 3.000 1.000 1.000 2.776 Unit lb. lb. acre lb. acre acre Acre Acre Hour $ / Unit .200 .230 3.500 .600 1.000 3.000 6.001 20.50105.00 To t a l 8.00 4.60 3.50 1.80 1.00 3.00 11.17 3.46 16.66 53. 19 1.000 25.000 acre cwt. 12.000 .250 Total HARVEST Interest - OC Borrowed Your Estimate 125.50 Total GROSS Income VARIABLE COST Description To t a l 12.00 6.25 18.25 39.017 Dol . 0. 120 4.68 Total VARIABLE COST 76.12 GROSS INCOME minus VARIABLE COST 49.38 FIXED COST Description Unit Machinery and Equipment Land Acre Acre Total FIXED Cost To t a l 30.29 20.00 50.29 Total of ALL Cost 126.42 NET PROJECTED RETURNS -0.92 Information presented is prepared solely as a general guide and is not intended to recognise or predict the costs and returns from any one particular farm or ranch operation. These projections were collected and developed by staff members of the Texas Agricultural Extension Service and approved for publication. C3.27 Projections for Planning Purposes Only Not to be Used without Updating after October 24, 1992. DATE • STAGE TYPE OF OF PRODUCTION 12/20/92 HARVEST 12/20/92 HARVEST DATE 12/16/91 0 1 / 11 / 9 2 02/16/92 04/15/92 04/20/92 04/20/92 04/20/92 04/30/92 05/10/92 05/10/92 05/15/92 06/20/92 06/30/92 07/15/92 08/15/92 10/10/92 10/20/92 10/20/92 10/31/92 PRODUCT NAME OF PROD. A A UNITS SORGHUH DEFICIENCY PMT. 25.0000 25.0000 SORGHUM STAGE TYPE OF OF OF PRODUCTION INPUT UNITS PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST HARVEST HARVEST H H H M E E G H H E H H M E M E G G K 1HEIGHT PER 1HEAD NUMBER INPUT NAHE SHREDDING DISCING-TANDEH CHISELING LISTING FERTILIZER (N) FERTILIZER (P) FERTILIZER APPL . PICKUP TRUCK PLANTING SEED DISCING-TANDEH CULTIVATING DISCING-TANDEH HISCELLANEOUS CULTIVATING CROP INSURANCE CUSTOH HARVEST CUSTOH HAULING LAND CHARGE NUMBER 21 FT 25 FT DUAL 3/4 TON SORGHUM 21 FT 9 ROH 21 FT SORGHUH 9 ROH SORGHUH SORGHUH SORGHUM SORGHUMD 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 40.0000 20.0000 1.0000 46.6000 1.0000 3.0000 .1000 1.0000 .1000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 25.0000 1.0000 CASH LANDLORD BREAK NON SHARE EVEN CASH PROD. .0000 C .0000 C CASH NON CASH B-1241(C03) 33.00 N 33.00 N FIXED LANDLORD O R SHARE VARI. C C C V V V C V C V C C C C V V V V .00 .00 .00 .00 33.00 33.00 33.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 33.00 33.00 33.00 .00 Information presented Is prepared solely as a general guide and is not intended to recognise or predict the costs and returns from any one particular farm or ranch operation. These projections were collected and developed by staff members of the Texas Agricultural Extension Service and approved for publication. C3.28 B-124KC03) Projections for Planning Purposes Only Not to be Used without Updating after October 24, 1992. SORGHUM, IRRIGATED Te x a s R o l l i n g P l a i n s D i s t r i c t ( 3 ) 1992 Projected Costs and Returns per Acre j0^\ GROSS INCOME Description DEFICIENCY PMT. SORGHUM SORGHUM Quantity 50.000 50.000 Unit cwt. cwt. S / Unit 0.8200 4.2000 PREHARVEST FERTILIZER (N) FERTILIZER (P) FERTILIZER APPL. SEED INSECTICIDE INSECTICIDE APPL MISCELLANEOUS CROP INSURANCE Fuel & Lube - Machinery Irrigation Repairs Machinery Irrigation Labor Machinery Irrigation Total PREHARVEST HARVEST CUSTOM HARVEST CUSTOM HAULING Quantity 120.000 20.000 1.000 6.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 3.121 0.560 Unit lb. lb. acre lb. acre acre acre acre Acre Acre Acre Acre Hour Hour $ / Unit .200 .230 3.500 .600 6.250 3.000 1.000 3.000 6.001 6.000 1.000 50.000 acre cwt. To t a l 24.00 4.60 3.50 3.60 6.25 3.00 1.00 3.00 11.79 21.12 3.60 12.72 18.73 3.36 12.000 .250 12.00 12.50 24.50 56.119 Dol . Total VARIABLE COST JP*\ 41.00 210.00 120.27 Total HARVEST Interest - OC Borrowed Your Estimate 251.00 Total GROSS Income VARIABLE COST Description To t a l 0.120 6.73 151.51 GROSS INCOME minus VARIABLE COST 99.49 FIXED COST Description Unit Acre Acre Acre Machinery and Equipment Irrigation Land To t a l 32.85 49.02 27.75 Total FIXED Cost 109.62 Total of ALL Cost 261.12 NET PROJECTED RETURNS -10.12 Jflp"\ Information presented is prepared solely as a general guide and is not intended to recognise or predict the costs and returns from any one particular farm or ranch operation. These projections were collected and developed by staff membors of the Texas Agricultural Extension Service and approved for publication. C3.29 Projections for Planning Purposes Only Not to be Used without Updating after October 24, 1992, DATE STAGE OF PRODUCTION O F STAGE OF PRODUCTION mnamns 02/16/92 PREHARVEST 03/10/92 PREHARVEST 03/15/92 PREHARVEST 04/15/92 PREHARVEST 04/20/92 PREHARVEST 04/20/92 PREHARVEST 04/20/92 PREHARVEST 04/25/92 PREHARVEST 04/30/92 PREHARVEST 06/05/92 PREHARVEST 06/05/92 PREHARVEST 06/10/92 PREHARVEST 06/25/92 PREHARVEST 06/30/92 PREHARVEST 06/30/92 PREHARVEST 06/30/92 PREHARVEST 07/15/92 PREHARVEST 07/20/92 PREHARVEST 07/25/92 PREHARVEST 08/20/92 PREHARVEST 10/15/92 PREHARVEST 10/20/92 HARVEST 10/20/92 HARVEST 10/31/92 PRODUCT NAHE NUMBER TYPE O F 1HEIGHT OF PROD. A A 10/20/92 HARVEST 10/20/92 HARVEST DATE TYPE PER UNITS SORGHUH DEFICIENCY PMT. 50.0000 50.0000 SORGHUH INPUT NAHE NUMBER O F INPUT 1HEAD UNITS B-124KC03) CASH LANDLORD BREAK NON- SHARE EVEN CASH PROD. BBSSt] .0000 .0000 C C 33.00 33.00 N N CASH FIXED LANDLORD NON O R SHARE CASH VARI. i n n n s o a o cncon p BBB8BPOCBB8ton*n pan raj BSSBSCmSBSBBS BBBOE BBHBB mi pprjam H H H H E E G 0 M M E H M E G H E 0 H 0 E G G K SHREDDING DISCING-TANDEH CHISELING LISTING FERTILIZER (N) FERTILIZER (P) FERTILIZER APPL. IRRIGATION PICKUP TRUCK PLANTING SEED DISCING-TANDEH CULTIVATING INSECTICIDE INSECTICIDE APPL DISCING-TANDEH HISCELLANEOUS IRRIGATION CULTIVATING IRRIGATION CROP INSURANCE CUSTOH HARVEST CUSTOH HAULING LAND CHARGE 21 FT 25 FT DUAL 3/4 TON SORGHUM 21 FT 9 ROH SORGHUM 21 FT SORGHUH 9 ROH SORGHUM SORGHUM SORGHUM SORGHUMI 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 120.0000 20.0000 1.0000 6.0000 56.0000 1.0000 6.0000 .1000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 .1000 1.0000 4.0000 1.0000 4.0000 1.0000 1.0000 50.0000 1.1100 c c c V V V c V c c c V V c c c c V V V F V .00 .00 .00 .00 33.00 33.00 33.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 33.00 33.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 33.00 33.00 33.00 .00 Information presented Is prepared solely as a general guide and is not intended to recognise or predict the costs and returns from any one particular farm or ranch operation. These projections were collected and developed by staff members of the Texas Agricultural Extension Service and approved for publication. C3.30 B-1241(C03) Projections for Planning Purposes Only Not to be Used without Updating after October 24, 1992. SORGHUM, DRYLAND, CONSERVATION TILLAGE Te x a s R o l l i n g P l a i n s D i s t r i c t ( 3 ) 1992 Projected Costs and Returns per Acre y^v GROSS INCOME Description DEFICIENCY PMT. SORGHUM SORGHUM Quantity 25.000 25.000 Unit Unit cwt. cwt. 0.8200 4.2000 PREHARVEST FERTILIZER (N) FERTILIZER (P) FERTILIZER APPL. SEED INSECTICIDE INSECTICIDE APPL ROUNDUP HIRED SPOT SPRAY MISCELLANEOUS CROP INSURANCE Fuel & Lube - Machinery Repairs - Machinery Labor - Machinery Total PREHARVEST HARVEST CUSTOM HARVEST CUSTOM HAULING Quantity :========== Unit = === 40.000 20.000 1.000 3.000 1.000 1.000 0.250 1.000 1.000 1.000 lb. lb. acre lb. acre acre gal . acre acre acre Acre Acre Hour 1.518 $ / Unit .200 .230 3.500 .600 6.250 3.000 61.220 4.000 1.000 3.000 6.000 20.50 105.00 To t a l 8.00 4.60 3.50 1.80 6.25 3.00 15.30 4.00 1.00 3.00 4.27 1.34 9.11 65. 17 1.000 25.000 acre cwt. 12.000 .250 Total HARVEST Interest - OC Borrowed Yo u r Estimate 125.50 Total GROSS Income VARIABLE COST Description To t a l 12.00 6.25 18.25 25.229 Dol. 0.120 3.03 Total VARIABLE COST 86.45 GROSS INCOME minus VARIABLE COST 39.05 FIXED COST Description Unit Acre Acre Machinery and Equipment Land To t a l 13.74 20.00 Total FIXED Cost 33.74 Total of ALL Cost 120.19 NET PROJECTED RETURNS 5.31 Information presented is prepared solely as a general guide and is not intended to recognise or predict the costs and returns from any one particular farm or ranch operation. These projections were collected and developed by staff members of the Texas Agricultural Extension Service and approved for publication. C3.31 Projections for Planning Purposes Only Not to be Used without Updating after October 24, 1992. DATE STAGE OF PRODUCTION TYPE OF PROD. PRODUCT NAME NUMBER OF UNITS B-124KC03) HEIGHT CASH LANDLORD BREAK PER NON- SHARE EVEN HEAD CASH PROD. SBSJBB DCaaC tBCSESCSSEtS 10/21/92 HARVEST 10/21/92 HARVEST DATE 11/17/91 04/11/92 04/11/92 04/11/92 06/11/92 06/11/92 06/11/92 06/11/92 06/16/92 06/16/92 07/01/92 07/16/92 10/06/92 10/21/92 10/21/92 10/31/92 STAGE OF PRODUCTION PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST PREHARVEST HARVEST HARVEST A A TYPE OF INPUT SORGHUH DEFICIENCY PMT. SORGHUM INPUT NAHE CHISELING FERTILIZER (N) FERTILIZER (P) FERTILIZER APPL. SEED PLANTING INSECTICIDE INSECTICIDE APPL ROUNDUP HIRED SPOT SPRAY PICKUP TRUCK MISCELLANEOUS CROP INSURANCE CUSTOH HARVEST CUSTOH HAULING LAND CHARGE 25.0000 25.0000 .0000 .0000 33.00 33.00 NUHBER CASH FIXED LANDLORD OF NON- OR SHARE U N I T S C A S H VA R I . 25 FT DUAL SORGHUM SORGHUM 3/4 TON SORGHUM SORGHUM SORGHUM SORGHUM SORGHUMD 1.0000 40.0000 20.0000 1.0000 3.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 .2500 1.0000 35.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 25.0000 1.0000 Information presented is prepared solely as a general guide and is not intended to recognise or predict the costs and returns from any one particular farm or ranch operation. These projections were collected and developed by staff members of the Texas Agricultural Extension Service and approved for publication. C3.32 Projections for Planning Purposes Only Not to be Used without Updating after October 24 B-124KC03) 1992. WHEAT, DRYLAND Te x a s R o l l i n g P l a i n s D i s t r i c t ( 3 ) 1992 Projected Costs and Returns per Acre GROSS INCOME Description :======: DEFICIENCY PMT. WHEAT PA S T U R E W H E AT WHEAT Quantity 20.000 65.000 20.000 Unit bu. lb/g bu. $ / Unit 0.6500 0.3000 3.4600 Total GROSS Income VARIABLE COST Description PREHARVEST MISCELLANEOUS FERTILIZER (N) SEED CROP INSURANCE INSECTICIDE INSECTICIDE APPL Fuel & Lube - Machinery Repairs - Machinery Labor - Machinery Total PREHARVEST HARVEST CUSTOM HARVEST CUSTOM HAULING Your Estimate 13.00 19.50 69.20 101.70 Quantity 1.000 60.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.437 Unit acre lb. bu. acre acre acre Acre Acre Hour $ / Unit 1.000 .090 8.250 3.000 6.250 3.000 6.001 To t a l 1.00 5.40 8.25 3.00 6.25 3.00 5.76 2.81 8.62 44. 10 1.000 20.000 acre bu. 11.000 .110 Total HARVEST Interest - OC Borrowed To t a l 11.00 2.20 13.20 26.599 Dol . 0. 120 3. 19 Total VARIABLE COST 60.49 GROSS INCOME minus VARIABLE COST 41.21 FIXED COST Description Unit SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS Acre Acre Machinery and Equipment Land To t a l 19.02 26.25 SSSC====C== Total FIXED Cost 45.27 Total of ALL Cost 105.76 NET PROJECTED RETURNS -4.06 Information presented is-prepared solely as a general guide and is not Intended to recognise or predict the costs and returns from any one particular farm or ranch operation. These projections were collected and developed by staff members of the Texas Agricultural Extension Service and approved for publication. C3.33