Projections for Planning Purposes Only Not to be Used without Updating after April 8, 1989. 0 ^ B-1241(L08) SHEEP PRODUCTION C e n t r a l Te x a s D i s t r i c t ( 8 ) 1989 Projected Costs and Returns per Animal Unit (5 ewes) SBSSBSSSBSBBSSBBBSBSBBSSSSSBBBSSSSSBSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSBBSSSSBSSBSESSSSSBBSSSSBSSS PRODUCTION Description Quantity Unit $ / Unit Return EWES CULL 0.85Hd 100.000 lb. 0.3600 30.60 LAMBS 4.OOHd 70.000 lb. 0.6000 168.00 WOOL 42.500 lb. 1.1000 46.75 To t a l GROSS Your Estimate SBSSSSBSBSS Income 245.35 SSSBBBBSBSBSSSSBSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSBSBSSSSBSSBSSSBBBS OPERATING INPUT or CUSTOM OPERATION Description Input Use Unit $ / MISCELLANEOUS SHEEP 1.000 head P R E D ATO R CONTROL 1.480 head PROTEIN SUPPL. 2.250 cwt. SALES COMMISSIONSHEEP 4.850 head S A LT & MINERALS 0.600 cwt. V E T. MEDICINE SHEEP 10.000 head SHEARING 5.000 head Fuel Lube Repa1r Unit 10.000 0.350 10.500 1.350 17.000 0.700 1.500 Cost 10.00 0.52 23.63 6.55 10.20 7.00 7.50 2.00 0.20 0.60 SSESSBSSSSS Total OPERATING INPUT and CUSTOM OPERATION Costs 68. 19 SBSSBBSSSBSSSSBSSBSSSSSSSSSBBSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS: ================ SSSSSSSSSSSSBSSSSSSSSSSSBSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSBSSSSSSSBSS: SSSSSSSSS Residual returns to capital, ownership l a b o r, l a n d , m a n a g e m e n t , a n d p r o fi t C A P I TA L I N V E S T M E N T D e s c r i p t i o n Q u a n t i t y Invested Interest IT Borrowed 425.031 Interest OC Borrowed 86.421 Interest OC Earned -1.141 177.16 Unit Rate of Return Dol. Dol. Dol. Cost 44.63 9.07 -0.06 0.105 0.105 0.053 SSSSSSSBSSS To t a l C A P I TA L INVESTMENT R e s i d u a l r e t u r n s t o o w n e r s h i p , l a b o r, land, management, Costs and 53.64 p r o fi t 123.52 sssassssssssssssssssssssssssscsssssssssssssssssssssssssssscsssssssssssssssssss O W N E R S H I P C O S T D e s c r i p t i o n ( D e p r e c i a t i o n , Ta x e s , a n d I n s u r a n c e ) C o s t Machinery and Equipment 9.38 Livestock 18.83 To t a l OWNERSHIP =========== Costs 28.21 ============================================================================== Residual returns to labor, SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSBSSSSSBSSSS: land, LABOR COST Description Machinery Other management, Input Use and Equipment 9.240 Hr. To t a l returns to p r o fi t 1.333 Average Cost Rate Hr. 5.000 6.67 5.000 46.20 =========== Costs land, 95.31 Unit LABOR Residual and management, 52.87 and p r o fi t 42.44 SSSBSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSBSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSBSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS LAND COST Description PASTURE RENT SHEEP Annual Lease Input Use 14.000 Unit Acre Total LAND Costs Rate Return of 6.000 Cost 84.00 84.00 Residual returns to management and profit -41.56 SSSSBBSBBSSSSSSSSSSS: -WARNING- No Management Cost Specified SSSSSSBSSSSSSSSSSSSSBBSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS: R e s i d u a l r e t u r n s t o p r o fi t SSBSSSS8BB8SSBSBSSBSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS To t a l P r o j e c t e d C o s t o f P r o d u c t i o n :======================= -41.56 SSSSSSSSSSSSBSSSSSSSSSSS 286.91 100% lamb crop, 1 ram per 33 ewes, 3% death loss, Finewool ewes and crossbred lambs. 20 % replacement. Information presented is prepared solely as a general guide and Is not intended to recognise or predict the costs and returns from any one particular farm or ranch operation. These projections were collected and developed by staff members of the Texas Agricultural Extension Service and approved for publication. L8.15 B-124KL08) Projections for Planning Purposes Only Not to be Used without Updating after April 8, 1989. Sheep Production C e n t r a l Te x a s D i s t r i c t ( 8 ) 1989 Projected Costs and Returns per Animal Unit (5 ewes) GROSS INCOME EWES LAMBS WOOL Description Quantity Unit CULL 0.85Hd 100.000 4.OOHd 70.000 lb. 42.500 lb. To t a l GROSS VA R I A B L E COST $ / lb. 0.3600 0.6000 1.1000 Income Description Interest Earned Interest OC Borrowed LIVESTOCK LABOR •MISCELLANEOUS SHEEP PICKUP TRUCK 3/4 TON P R E D ATO R CONTROL PROTEIN SUPPL. SALES COMMISSIONSHEEP S A LT & MINERALS SHEARING V E T. MEDICINE SHEEP To t a l VA R I A B L E COST GROSS INCOME minus VARIABLE COST Unit To t a l Yo u r Estimate 30.60 168.00 46.75 SSSSSSSSSSS 245.35 To t a l -0.06 9.07 46.20 10.00 9.47 0.52 23.63 6.55 10.20 7.50 7.00 SSSSSSSSSSS 130.07 115.28 FIXED COST Description Unit Acre Machinery and Equipment Livestock Land Acre To t a l 15.69 57.15 84.00 Total FIXED Cost 156.84 Total of ALL Cost 286.91 NET PROJECTED RETURNS -41.56 ■^% 100% lamb crop, 1 ram per 33 ewes, 3% death loss, Finewool ewes and crossbred lambs. 20 % replacement. ■**^%k Information presented is prepared solely as a general guide and is not intended to recognise or predict the costs and returns from any one particular farm or ranch operation. These projections were collected and developed by staff members of the Texas Agricultural Extension Service and approved for publication. L8.16 LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS REPORT April 8. 1989 Livestock Name BREEDING HEIFERS BULL DAIRY B U L L C A LV E S D A I R Y CULL COWS BEEF CULL COWS DAIRY DOES EWES CULL FEEDER PIGS FEEDER STEERS HEIFER CALVES HEIFER CALVES DAIRY KID GOATS LAMBS MARKET HOGS MILK MOHAIR A D U LT MOHAIR KID STEER CALVES WOOL Price per Unit 650.0000 850.0000 75.0000 52.0000 52.OOOO .2300 .3600 70.0000 86.OOOO 87.0000 80.0000 40.0000 .6000 46.OOOO 12.4000 4.4000 5.9500 96.OOOO 1.1000 Unit of Mes. head head head cwt. cwt. lb. lb. cwt. cwt. cwt. head head lb. cwt. cwt. lb. lb. cwt. lb. Weight per Unit .0000 .0000 .0000 100.0000 100.0000 1.oooo 1.oooo 100.0000 100.0000 100.0000 .0000 .0000 1.0000 100.0000 100.0000 1.0000 1.0000 100.0000 1.oooo Cash Flow Row 24 26 24 26 26 24 26 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 27 27 27 24 27 r r Information presented is prepared solely as a general and returns from any one particular farm or ranch opei s t a f f m e m b e r s o f t h e Te x a s A g r i c u l t u r a l E x t e n s i o n S e n ide and is not intended to recognize or predict the costs ion. These projections were collected and developed by a and approved for publication. L8.21