r 19000300 TEXAS RIO GRANDE VALLEY FOREWORD r The enterprise budgets for the Rio Grande Valley are bared on yields as shown on form 19000600. Differentiation of farm size between management levels was particularly difficult due to different tenure patterns, climatic conditions and soil resources across the four-county area. In addition, dryland farms are considerably larger than irrigated farms. Taking these fac tors into consideration, it was decided to base costs for a typical farm on 500 acres and a high level farm at 900 acres. Little difference was determined in machin ery complement between management levels. However, the high level operator generally has more 6-row equipment and implement size is more directly related to tractor size. Much, if not most, of the difference in yields and overall management is a function of timing and doing things right rather than a difference in land, farm size, machinery complement, etc. The citrus budgets are based on two primary assumption: (1) The most typical grove in the Rio Grande Valley is a small grove containing both young trees (planted since the 1962 freeze) and old partially freeze-damaged trees, oper ated under grove care by someone ether than the owner. (2) The more productive groves are those which have not received any significant freeze damage and were cither developed by the owner or purchased as young groves by the owner. These may be either owner-operated or under grove care. For the sake of time and space the budgets of these groves (from planting to bearing) are based on owner-operator costs only. These budgets are not intended to indicate that good groves are owner-operated and poor groves are under grove care company manage ment. Citrus budgets were developed for establish ment, development and mature bearing groves for orange and grapefruit. Early and late oranges are combined by means of a weighted average. Vegetable budgets are based upon an average harvested yield over time and a price received as shown footnoted at the bottom of each budget. The period used to determine prices is based on trends in price rather than using an across the board average of "x" numbers of years. The primary source of irrigation water in the valley area is water sold by irrigation dis tricts delivered to the farm. Water cost varies by district but an estimate of $2.50 per irrigation (in addition to flat rate and taxes) is used in all budgets. There are some irrigation wells along the Rio Grande River and in some other isolated areas, but well costs are not included. Taxes are quite variable across the four county area, depending upon county, school district, drainage district, irrigation district, etc. However, taxes are held constant across the area. O N I O N S , I R R I G AT E D , R I O G R A N D E VA L L E Y 1 9 1 4 0 11 2 Estimated Costs And Returns Per Acre Of Onions, High Level Management Value or Price or Cost Unit Quantity Cost/Unit Item 1. Gross Receipts, From Production: Onions 2. Variable Costs: Pre-Harvest: Seed Fertilizer (100-100-0) Herbicide Insecticide Insecticide Application Fungicide Fungicide Application Machinery Tractor (1) Tractor (2) Tractor (3) Tractor (4) Tractor Labor I r r i g a t i o n Wa t e r Irrigation Equipment Irrigation Labor Other Hand Labor Pickup Truck Interest on Operating Capital Sub-Total, Pre-Harvest Harvest: Harvesting Packing Selling Sub-Total, Harvest // bag lb acre acre acre acre acre acre acre hour hour hour hour hour appli acre hour hour acre $ 2.10 1/ 12.50 20.00 13.50 3.00 .85 8.00 1.85 2.53 1.01 .76 .74 .54 1.75 2.50 1.50 1.30 1.30 1.39 $ .08 bag bag bag .45 .80 .21 450 2.5 1 1 1 3 1 4 1 1.07 .66 1.35 1.00 5.09 5 1 7.5 10 1 69.10 450 450 450 $202.50 360.00 94.50 $657.00 $144.27 3. Income Above Variable Costs 6. Net Returns $ 31.25 20.00 13.50 3.00 2.55 8.00 7.20 2.53 1.08 .50 1.00 .54 8.91 12.50 1.50 9.75 13.00 1.39 5.53 $143.73 $800.73 Total Variable Costs 4. Fixed Costs: Machinery Tractor (1) Tractor (2) Tractor (3) Tractor (4) Irrigation Equipment Land (Net Rent-1/5) 2/ Pickup Truck Total Fixed Costs 5 . To t a l C o s t s $945.00 acre hour hour hour hour acre acre acre 3.87 1.58 1.57 1.25 1.05 6.50 52.49 .99 1 1.07 .66 1.35 1.00 1 1 1 $ 3.87 1.69 1.04 1.69 1.05 6.50 52.49 .99 $ 69.32 $870.05 $ 74.95 1/ 1969-71 Seasons Average Price, 1970 Texas Vegetable Statistics, Texas Crop and Livestock Reporting Service; Texas Fruit and Vegetable Marketing News. 2/ One-fifth of (Gross Income minus Harvest Costs) less 1/5 of fertilizer and insecticide. Di.vtLopto by Extension Economists-Management, TAES, TAMU. New, 1972 ( .M.|K-.;.iivc Extension Work in Agriculture and Home Economics, Texas A&M University and the United Stales Department of AKiiiuliiiir <<MijKraiing. Distributed in furtherance of Uie Acts of Congress or May 8, 1914, as amended, and June SO. 1914. AECO 6 O N I O N S , I R R I G AT E D , R I O G R A N D E VA L L E Y 1 9 1 4 0 111 Estimated Costs, And Requirements Per Acre Of Onions, High Level Management Operation Labor Fuel, Oil, __.. I t e m n ~ + ~ T i m e s n r t „ , . a T r a c t o r o r T. „ ^ „ F i x e d c o s t s No. Date Over H™" Mach. Hrs. Lub., Rep. Per Acre (1) Per Acre Shred 3,14 Jul-Sep 1 .21 .17 $ .16 $ .31 Disc 1,10 Jul-Sep 1 .25 .20 .21 .48 Moldboard Plow 1,5 Jul-Sep .5 .25 .20 .55 .48 Chisel Plow 1,6 Jul-Sep .5 .21 .17 .17 .17 Disc 1,11 Jul-Sep 2 .31 .25 .25 .35 Float 1,15 Jul-Sep 1 .31 .25 .17 .40 Bed 2,8 Jul-Sep 1 .15 .12 .07 .07 Fertilize 3 Jul-Sep 1 .25 .20 - - Re-Bed 2,8 Jul-Sep 1 .15 .12 .07 .07 Run Middles 3,13 Jul-Sep 1 .16 .13 .11 .17 Plant 2,16 Sep,Nov 1 .31 .25 .19 .32 /*s^\ Spray Herbicide 2,17 Sep,Nov 1 .21 .17 .10 .13 Cultivate 3,13 Oct-Feb 2 .31 .25 .22 .34 Side Dress Fertilize 3 Oct-Feb 3 .75 .60 - - Make Ditches 4,18 Sep-Apr 5 .63 .50 .13 .29 Level Ditches 4,18 Sep-Apr 5 .63 .50 .13 .29 5.09 4.08 $2.53 $3.87 7.50 5.00 1.50 $6.50 — — - To t a l Irrigate Hand Labor ■/,—% 23 Sep-Apr 5 10.0 (1) Labor hours calculated at 1.25 times tractor hours except where noted by *. Developed by Extension Economists-Management, TAES, TAWJ. Cooperative Extension Work in Agriculture and Home Economics, Texas A&M University and the United States Department of Agriculture cooperating. Distributed in furtherance of the Acts of Congress of May 8. 1914. as amended, and June 30. 1914. AECO 6 O N I O N S , I R R I G AT E D . R I O G R A N D E VA L L E Y 1 9 1 4 0 1 2 2 Estimated Costs And Returns Per Acre Of Onions, Typical Management /~N Item 1. Gross Receipts, From Production: Onions 50// ^PN 2. Variable Costs: Pre-Harvest: Seed Fertilizer (80-80-0) Herbicide Insecticide Insecticide Application Fungicide Fungicide Application Machinery Tractor (1) Tractor (2) Tractor (4) Tractor Labor I r r i g a t i o n Wa t e r Irrigation Equipment Irrigation Labor Other Hand Labor Pickup Truck Interest on Operating Capital Sub-Total, Pre-Harvest Harvest: Harvesting Packing Selling Sub-Total, Harvest Total Variable Costs Unit Price or Cost/Unit bag $ 2.10 1/ lb acre acre acre acre acre acre acre hour hour hour hour appli acre hour hour acre $ 12.50 16.00 10.00 3.00 .85 8.00 1.80 2.39 .93 .76 .50 1.75 2.50 1.32 1.30 1.30 2.00 .085 bag bag bag .45 .80 .21 Quantity 300 2.5 1 1 1 3 1 4 1 1.68 1.44 1.08 5.24 4 1 6 10 1 63.44 300 300 300 $630.00 $ 31.25 16.00 10.00 3.00 2.55 8.00 7.20 2.39 1.56 1.09 .54 9.17 10.00 1.32 7.80 13.00 2.00 5.39 $132.26 $135.00 240.00 63.00 $438.00 $570.26 $ 59.74 3. Income Above Variable Costs 4. Fixed Costs: Machinery Tractor (1) Tractor (2) Tractor (4) Irrigation Equipment Land (Net Rent-1/5) 2/ Pickup Truck Total Fixed Costs Value or Cost acre hour hour hour acre acre acre 4.49 1.94 1.60 1.30 5.36 34.09 1.58 1 1. 68 1. 44 1. 08 1 1 1 $ 4.49 3.26 2.30 1.40 5.36 34.09 1.58 $ 52.48 5. Total Costs $622.74 6. Net Returns $ 7.26 _/ 1969-70 Seasons Average Price, 1970 Texas Vegetable Statistics, Texas Crop and Livestock Reporting Service; Texas Fruit and Vegetable Marketing News. _/ One-fifth of (Gross Income minus Harvest Costs) less 1/5 of fertilizer and insecticide. Ui.vti.opto by Extension Economists-Management, TAES, TAMU. New, 1972 i--.,K..aii*«. Extension Work in Agriculture and Home Economics. Texas A&M University and the United Stales Dcpartmc^To! A«"" "• ««1*raimg. D.stnbuled ,n furtherance of die AcU of Congress of May 8. 1914. as amended, and June SO. ?0I4. AECO 6 ONIONS, IRRIGATED. RIO GRANDE VALLEY 19140121 Eatimated Cos.ts., And Requirements Per Acre Of Onions, Typical Management Operation b oa cr t o r o rF uT e .l . ' B a O Item Date T_ l m_e,s. H o u rLs a Tr ' iFl i.x e d c /o*s ~ t st j 1\ No. Date Over H™" Mach. Hrs. Lub., Rep. Per Acre / Per Acre Shred 4,29 Jul-Sep 1 .36 .28 $ .15 $ .25 Disc 1,27 Jul-Sep 1 .31 .25 .14 .32 Moldboard Plow 1,25 Jul-Sep .5 .31 .25 .36 .51 Chisel Plow 1,26 Jul-Sep .5 .41 .33 .33 .21 Disc 2,28 Jul-Sep 2 .50 .40 .22 .52 Float 1,15 Jul-Sep 1 .31 .25 .21 .43 Bed 2,8 Jul-Sep 1 .15 .12 .08 .08 Fertilize 1 Jul-Sep 1 .25 .20 - - Re-Bed 2,8 Jul-Sep 1 .15 .12 .08 .08 Run Middles 2,13 Jul-Sep 1 .16 .13 .10 .16 Plant 2,16 Sep-Nov 1 .31 .25 .12 .66 ^%. Spray Herbicide 2,17 Sep-Nov 1 .21 .17 .12 .25 Cultivate 2,13 Oct-Feb 2 .31 .25 .20 .32 Side Dress Fertilize 1 Oct-Feb 2 .50 .40 - - Make Ditches 4,18 Sep-Apr 4 .50 .40 .14 .35 Level Ditches 4,18 Sep-Apr 4 .50 .40 .14 .35 5.24 4.20 $2.39 $4.49 6.0* 4.0 1.32 $5.36 Total Irrigate 24 Sep-Apr 4 Hand Labor 10.0 __, _ (1) Labor hours calculated at 1.25 times tractor hours except where noted by *. * Labor hours - 1.5 x Machine hours. Developed by Extension Economists-Management TAES, TAMU. AECO 6 Item FORAGE SORGHUM FOR SILAGE. IRRIGATED. RIO GRANDE VALLEY 19090122 Estimated Costs And Returns Per Acre Of Forage Sorghum For Silage, Typical Management Price or Value or Cost Unit Cost/Unit Quantity 1. Gross Receipts, From Production: Sorghum Silage ton $ 4.00 17 $ 68.00 .22 18 1 1 $ 3.96 15.20 1.95 1.05 2. Variable Costs: Pre-Harvest: Seed Fertilizer (100-40-0) Machinery Tractor (1) Tractor (2) Tractor (4) Tractor Labor Irrigation Water Irrigation Equipment Irrigation Labor Pickup Truck Interest on Operating Capital Sub-Total, Pre-Harvest lb acre acre hour hour hour hour app 11 acre hour acre $ 15.20 1.95 .93 .76 .50 1.75 2.50 1.00 1.30 2.00 .085 1.13 1.10 .84 .44 .88 3.11 3 1 6 1 23.59 5.44 7.50 1.00 7.80 2.00 2.01 $ 49.19 Harves t: Sold in Field Total Variable Costs $ 49.19 3. Income Above Variable Costs $ 18.81 4. Fixed Costs: Machinery Tractor (1) Tractor (2) Tractor (4) Irrigation Equipment Land (Net Rent-1/4) 1/ Pickup Truck acre hour hour hour acre acre acre 3.30 1.94 1.60 1.10 4.02 13.20 1.58 1 1. 13 1. 10 «88 1 1 1 $ 3.30 2.19 1.76 1.14 4.02 13.20 1.58 Total Fixed Costs $ 27.19 5. Total Costs $ 76.38 6. Net Returns ($ 8.38) 1/ Landlord pays 1/4 of fertilizer, insecticide, and harvest. Ui.vti.oHEu by Extension Economists-Manaqement, TAES, TAMU. New, 1972 ( i«.|Hi;iiiv»- Extension Work in Agriculture and Home Economics, Texas A&M University and the United States Department of AkihiiIiiim' cooperating. Distributed in furtherance of the Acts of Congress of May 8, 1914. as amended, and June 30. 1914. AECO 6 FORAGE SORGHUM FOR SILAGE, IRRIGATED, RIO GRANDE VALLEY 19090121 Estimated Costs, And Requirements Per Acre Of Sorghum Silage, Typical Management Operation Item No. ,_ __ Times Date Over Labor Hours (1) Tr a c t o r o r Mach. Hrs. Fuel, Oil, Lub., Rep. Per Acre Fixed costs Per Acre Shred Stalks 4,29 Jul-Sep 1 .36 .28 $ .15 $ .25 Disc 1,27 Jul-Sep 1 .31 .25 .14 .32 Moldboard Plow 1,25 Aug-Oct .5 .31 .25 .36 .51 Chisel Plow 1,26 Aug-Oct .5 .41 .33 .23 .21 Disc 2,28 Sep-Nov 2 .50 .40 .22 .52 Bed 2,8 Dec 1 .15 .12 .08 .08 Fertilize 1 Dec-Jan 1 .25 .20 - - Re-Bed 2,8 Dec-Jan 1 .15 .12 .08 .08 Rolling Cultivate 1,7 Feb 1 .13 .10 .12 .12 Plant 2,9 Feb 1.25 .26 .21 .15 .37 Cultivate 2,13 Mar-Apr 2 .31 .25 .20 .32 Make Ditches 4,18 Mar-May 3 .38 .30 .11 .26 Level Ditches 4,18 Mar-May 3 .38 .30 .11 .26 3.90 3.11 $1.95 $3.30 6.00* 3.00 1.00 $4.02 To t a l Irrigate 25 Mar-May 3 (1) Labor hours calculated at 1.25 times tractor hours except where noted by *. * Labor hours = 2 x Machine hours. Developed by Extension Economists-Management,, TAES, TAMU. Cooperative Extension Work in Agriculture and Home Economics. Texas A&M University and the United States Department of Agriculture cooperaUng. Distributed in furtherance of the Acts of Congress of May 8. 1914. as amended, and June SO. 1914. AECO 6 FRESH SPRING TOMATOES. IRRIGATED. RIO GRANDE VALLEY 19216112 Estimated Costs And Returns Per Acre Of Fresh Spring Tomatoes, High Level Management Item Unit Price or Va l u e or Cost /Unit Quantity Cost 1. Gross Receipts, From Production: Tomatoes 40# lug $ 4.50 1/ 200 $900.00 2. Variable Costs: Pre-Harvest: Seed Fertilizer (60-80-0) Herbicide Insecticide Insecticide Application Fungicide Fungicide Application Machinery Tractor (1) Tractor (2) Tractor (3) Tractor (4) Tractor Labor I r r i g a t i o n Wa t e r Irrigation Equipment Irrigation Labor Other Hand Labor Pickup Truck Interest on Operating Capital Sub-Total, Pre-Harvest Harvest: Hand Harvest & Haul Packing Selling Sub-Total, Harvest Total Variable Costs lb acre acre acre acre acre acre acre hour hour hour hour hour appli acre hour hour acre $ lug lug lug 15.00 13.60 7.00 8.00 1.00 6.00 2.00 2.91 1.01 .76 .74 .54 1.75 2.50 .90 1.30 1.30 1.39 .08 1.20 1.30 .25 1.5 1 1 1 4 1 4 1 1.07 .89 .77 .60 Fixed Costs: Machinery Tractor (1) Tractor (2) Tractor (3) Tractor (4) Irrigation Equipment Land (Net Rent-1/5) 2/ Pickup Truck Total Fixed Costs 5. 6. J f f ^ N —1/ ' 2/ .68 .57 .32 4.17 3 1 4.5 5 1 52.05 200 200 200 7.30 7.50 .90 5.85 6.50 1.39 4.16 $108.26 $240.00 260.00 50.00 $550.00 $658.26 3. Income Above Variable Costs 4. $ 22.50 13.60 7.00 8.00 4.00 6.00 8.00 2.91 1.08 $241.74 acre hour hour hour hour acre acre acre 4.18 1.58 1.57 1.25 1.05 3.90 64.88 .99 1 1.,07 ,89 *,77 ,60 1 1 1 4 4 $ 4.18 1.69 1.40 .96 .63 3.90 64.88 .99 $ 78.63 Total Costs $736.89 Net Returns $163.11 1968-70 Seasons Average Prices, 1970 Texas Vegetable Statistics, Texas Crop and Livestock Reporting Service. One-fifth of (Gross Income minus Harvest Costs) less 1/5 of fertilizer and insecticide. 0i.vei.oim.u_ by Extension^Economists-Management, TAES, TAMU. New, 1972 AECO 6 FRESH SPRING TOMATOES, IRRIGATED, RIO GRANDE VALLEY 19216111 Estimated Costs, And Requirements Per Acre Of Fresh Spring Tomatoes, High Level Management Operation Labor __ Fuel, Oil, „__ _ I t e m ! _ « - _ _ . T i m e s H r t „ _ . 0 T r a c t o r o r T. - ^ F i x e d c o s t s No. Date Over H°^s Mach. Hrs. L^.,Rep. Per Acre (1) Per Acre Shred 3,14 Jul-Sep 1 _21 .17 $ .16 $ .31 Disc 1,10 Jul-Sep 1 .25 .20 .21 .48 Moldboard Plow 1,5 Aug-Oct .5 .25 .20 .55 .48 Chisel Plow 1,6 Aug-Oct .5 .21 .17 .17 .17 Disc 1,11 Aug-Oct 2 .31 .25 .25 .35 Float 1,15 Aug-Oct 1 .31 .25 .17 .40 Bed 2,8 Nov-Dec 1 .15 .12 .07 .07 Fertilize 3 Nov-Dec 1 .25 .20 Re-Bed 2,8 Nov-Dec 1 .15 .12 .07 .07 Spray & Incorporate Herbicide 2,12 &17 Nov-Dec 1 .25 .20 .40 .64 Plant 2,16 Jan-Feb 1 .31 .25 .19 .32 Cultivate 3,7 Jan-Mar 1 .13 .10 .10 .10 Side Dress Fertilizer 3 Jan-Mar 1 .25 .20 Cultivate 3,7 Jan-Mar 1 .13 .10 .10 .10 Spray & Incorporate Herbicide 2,7 &17 Jan-Mar 1 .25 .20 .31 .35 Make Ditches 4,18 Jan-May 3 .38 .30 .08 .17 Level Ditches 4,18 Jan-May 3 .38 .30 .08 .17 4.17 3.33 $2.91 $4.18 .90 3.90 To t a l Irrigate 23 Jan-May 3 Hand Labor 4.50* 5.00 3.00 - (1) Labor hours calculated at 1.25 times tractor hours except where noted by *. * L a b o r h o u r s = 1.5 x Machine hours. Developed by Extension Economists-Management, TAES, TAMU. Cooperative Extension Work in Agriculture and Home Economics, Texas A&M University and the United States Department of Agriculture cooperating. Distributed in furtherance of the Acts of Congress of May 8. 1914. as amended, and June SO. 1914. AECO 6 ^S Jf\ FRESH SPRING TOMATOES, IRRIGATED, RIO GRANDE VALLEY 19216122 Estimated Costs And Returns Per Acre Of Fresh Spring Tomatoes, Typical Management Unit Item 1. Gross Receipts, From Production: Tomatoes 40# lug Variable Costs: Pre-Harvest: Seed Fertilizer (60-80-0) Herbicide Insecticide Insecticide Application Fungicide Fungicide Application Machinery Tractor (1) Tractor (2) Tractor (4) Tractor Labor Irrigation Water Irrigation Equipment Irrigation Labor Other Hand Labor Pickup Truck Interest on Operating Capital Sub-Total, Pre-Harvest Harvest: Hand Harvest & Hawl Packing Selling Sub-Total, Harvest Total Variable Costs lb acre acre acre acre acre acre acre hour hour hour hour appli acre hour hour acre $ lub lub lub Price of Cost/Unit $ 4.50 ly 15.00 13.60 6.00 8.00 1.00 6.00 2.00 2.71 .93 .76 .50 1.75 2.50 1.00 1.30 1.30 2.00 .085 Quantity 150 $675.00 1.5 1 1 1 4 1 4 1 1.48 1.44 .88 4.76 3.00 1 4.50 5 1 52.45 $ 22.50 13.60 6.00 8.00 4.00 6.00 8.00 2.71 1.38 1.09 .44 8.33 7.50 1.00 5.85 6.50 2.00 4.46. $109.3*V 1.20 1.30 .25 150 150 150 $180.00 195.00 37.50 $412.50 $521.85 3. Income Above Variable Costs 4. Fixed Costs: Machinery Tractor (1) Tractor (2) Tractor (4) Irrigation Equipment Land (Net Rent-1/5) 2/ Pickup Truck Total Fixed Costs Value or Cost $153.15 acre hour hour hour acre acre acre 4.55 1.94 1.60 1.30 4.02 47.38 1.58 1 1.48 1.44 .88 1 1 1 $ 4.55 2.87 2.30 1.14 4.02 47.38 1.58 $ 63.84 5. Total Costs $585.69 6. Net Returns $ 89.31 1/ 1968-70 Seasons Average Prices, 1970 Texas Vegetable Statistics, Texas Crop and Livestock Reporting Service. _/ One-fifth of (Gross Income minus Harvest Costs) less 1/5 of fertilizer and insecticide. Di.v_lup_u by Extension Economists-Management, TAES, TAMU. New, 1972 CiN>|H-.;.iivf Extension Work in Agriculture and Home Economics. Texas A&M University and the United Stales Department of Ak'hiiIiiiu- (ooperafitig. Distributed in furtherance of the Acts of Congress of May 8, 1914. as amended, and June SO. 1914. AECO 6 FRESH SPRING TOMATOES, IRRIGATED, RIO GRANDE VALLEY 19216121 Estimated Costa, And Requirements Per Acre Of Fresh Spring Tomatoes, Typical Management Operation '"•^ipi Labor ___ Fuel* Oil, Item na#._ Times Hn..r« Tractor or - . j. Fixed costs No. Date Over H™*8 Mach. Hrs. L«b-» ^P- Per Acre (1) Per Acre Shred 4,29 Jul-Sep 1 .36 .28 $ .15 $ .25 Disc 1,27 Jul-Sep 1 .31 .25 .14 .32 Moldboard Plow 1,25 Aug-Oct .5 .31 .25 .36 .51 Chisel Plow 1,26 Aug-Oct .5 .41 .33 .33 .21 Disc 2,28 Aug-Oct 2 .50 .40 .22 .52 Float 1,15 Aug-Oct 1 .31 .25 .21 .43 Bed 2,8 Nov-Dec 1 .15 .12 .08 .08 Fertilizer 1 Nov-Dec 1 .25 .20 - - Re-Bed 2,8 Nov-Dec 1 .15 .12 .08 .08 Spray & Incorporate Herbicide 2,7 &17 Nov-Dec 1 .25 .20 .38 .54 ?lant 2,16 Jan-Feb 1 .31 .25 .12 .66 Cultivate 2,7 Jan-Mar 1 .13 .10 .12 .12 Side Dress Fertilize 1 Jan-Mar 1 .25 .20 - - Cultivate 2,7 Jan-Mar 2 .31 .25 .30 .31 Make Ditches 4,18 Jan-May 3 .38 .30 .11 .26 Level Ditches 4,18 Jan-May 3 .38 .30 .11 .26 4.76 3.80 $2.71 $4.55 4.5* 3.0 $1.00 $4.02 5.0 — — - To t a l Irrigate 24 Jan-May 3 Hand Labor (1) Labor hours calculated at 1.25 times tractor hours except where noted by *, * Labor hours = 1.5 x Machine hours. Developed by Extension Economists-Management, TAES, TAMU. Cooperative Extension Work in Agriculture and Home Economics, Texas A&M University and the United States Department of Agriculture cooperating. Distributed in furtherance of the Acts of Congress of May 8. 1914, as amended, and June SO, 1914. AECO 6 CITRUS ESTABLISHMENT. 1ST YEAR, IRRIGATED. RIO GRANDE VALLEY Estimated Costs And Returns Per Acre Of Citrus Establishment, 1st Year, High Level Management Item Unit Price or Cost/Unit 19156112 Quantity Value or Cost 1. No Income 2. Variable Costs: Pre-Harvest: Fertilizer (14.5-0-0) Trees Herbicides Machinery Tr a c t o r Tractor Labor Irrigation Equipment Irrigation Labor I r r i g a t i o n Wa t e r Custom Services: Land Preparation Tank Watering Banking & Unbanking Hand Labor Pickup Truck Miscellaneous Interest on Op. Cap. Subtotal, Pre-Harvest acre tree acre acre hour hour acre hour acre $ 1.74 1.90 9.00 acre tree tree hour acre acre 15.00 $ .63 .52 1.75 .40 1.30 5.00 .06 .10 1.30 4.17 5.00 .08 1 116 1 1 1. 68 2. 09 1 2 1 $ 1.74 220.40 9.00 1 15.00 69.60 11.60 13.00 4.17 5.00 14.51 $377.18 1160 1/ 116 10 1 1 181. 34 .63 .87 3.66 .40 2.60 5.00 Harvest: None Total Variable Costs $377.18 3. No Income Above Variable Costs 4. Fixed Costs: Machinery Tr a c t o r Irrigation Equipment Pickup Truck Land Charge Taxes acre hour acre acre $ acre Total Fixed Costs 5 . To t a l C o s t s 6. Net Returns (Costs) 1.57 1.27 6.08 2.97 .06 18.00 1 2.09 1 1 600 1 $ 1.57 2.65 6.08 2.97 36.00 18.00 $ 67.27 $444.45 ($444.45) ifF*^1/ 116 trees watered 10 times. (Ji.vei.oheu by Extension Economists-Management, TAES, TAMU. New, 1972 ( .M.jH.ativ, Extension Work in Agriculture and Home Economics. Texas A&M University and the United Stale. Dcparttnc^rol AK...ul.,.., -,,„,„, l„»,r,buu,l in furtherance of the Acu of Congress of May 8.'1914. as amenSd and juTio,V5l4 AECO 6 U-.TKU5 -.STABL. SHMENT, 1ST Y]EAR, IRRIGATED, RIO GRANDE VALI, E Y 1 9 1 5 6 111 Estimated Costs And Requirements Per Acre of Citrus Establishment, 1st Year, High Level Management Operation Item No. D u aact ee Ti Om v eers Labor Fuel, Oil, H°"" ._c„.°-rs! Lub. Rep. (1) Per Acre Fixed costs Per Acre Deep Break Aug-Sep 1 Custom @ $7.00 per acre Disc Aug-Sep 2 Custom @ $2.00 per acre per time over Float Aug-Sep 2 Custom @ $2.00 per acre per time over Spray pre— emerge 1,5 Sep 1 .31 Disc 1,3 Sep 2 .71 Oct 1 Custom @ $1.90 per tree Plant trees (includes trees ) Disc 1,3 Oct-Sep 3 Strip Irrigate Ta n k I r r i g a t e 9 May-Aug 2 Nov-Sep 10 2.00* $ .57 1.07 2.09 To t a l .25 2.00 $ .24 .19 .53 .28 .80 $ .63 $ 1.57 $ .40 $ 6.08 .86 1.68 .16 Contract @ $.06 per tree per time over '/"ts% Bank and Unbank Trees Nov-Feb 1 Contract @ $.10 per tree Hand Labor Oct-Sep - 10 - - (1) Labor hours calculated at 1.25 times tractor hours except where noted by * * Lahor hours = Machine houra. >*—\ Developed by Extension Economists-Management,, TAES, TAMU. Cooperative Extension Work in Agriculture and Home Economics. Texas A&M University and the United States Department of Agriculture cooperating. Distributed in furtherance of the Acts of Congress of May 8. 1914, as amended, and June SO. 1914. AECO 6 CITRUS ESTABLISHMENT. 2ND YEAR- IRRIGATED. RIO GRANDE VALLEY 19256112 Estimated Costs And Returns Per Acre Of Citrus Establishment, 2nd Year, High Level Management Itcm Unit C■ot s t_/ _U. n iPt r i c e oQr ~ > _ -t i. t y. . . V a lCu oe s to r 1. No Income 2. Variable Costs: Pre-Harvest: Fertilizer (29-0-0) Herbicides Insecticides Machinery Tr a c t o r Tractor Labor Irrigation Equipment Irrigation Labor Irrigation Water 1/ Hand Labor Tree Replacement Pickup Truck Mis cellaneous Interest on Op. Cap. Subtotal, Pre-Harvest acre acre acre acre hour hour acre hour acre hour acre acre acre $ $ 3.48 20.00 15.80 2.94 .52 1.75 1.00 1.30 17.50 1.30 3.00 4.17 5.00 .08 1 1 1 1 5. 29 7. 71 1 6. 25 1 19 1 1 1 60. 93 $ 3.48 20.00 15.80 2.94 2.75 13.49 1.00 8.13 17.50 24.60 3.00 4.17 5.00 4.87 $126.73 3. No Income Above Variable Costs To t a l 4. Va r i a b l e Fixed Costs: Machinery Tr a c t o r Irrigation Equipment Pickup Truck Land Charge Interest on Investment 2/ Taxes Costs acre hour acre acre $ $ acre 4.65 1.27 15.20 2.97 .06 .10 18.00 $126.73 1 4.79 1 1 600 444.45 1 $ 4.65 6.08 15.20 2.97 36.00 44.45 18.00 Total Fixed Costs $127.35 5. Total Costs $254.08 6. Net Returns (Costs) ($254.08) 1/ 5 irrigations @ $2.50 plus $5.00 for water purchased from another landowner. 2/ Interest on money spent in previous years; includes small risk factor. D t . v t L o i ' E o b y E x t e n s i o n E c o n o m i s t s - M a n a g e m e n t , TA E S , TA M U . N e w, 1 9 7 2 <:.w.|H-i;iiivr Extension Work in Agriculture and Home Economics. Texas A&M University and the United States Department of AkmuiIii.u- <ooperaiii.g. Distributed in furtherance of die Arts of Congress of May 8. 1914. as amended, and June SO, 1914. AECO 6 CITRUS ESTABLISHMENT-, 2ND YEAR, IRRIGATED, MO GRANDE VALLEY Estimated Costs , And Requirements Per Acre o f C i t r u s Establishment, 2nd Year, High Level Management Labor Hours (1) Fuel, Oil, 19256111 Fixed costs Per Acre Item No. Date Times Over Disc 1,3 Mar 1 .36 .29 $ .10 $ .27 Make Borders 1,4 Mar 1 .63 .50 .06 .43 Spray Herbicide 1,5 Mar 1 .63 .50 .31 .47 Spot Spray Herbicide 1,5 May 1 .50* .25 .13 .24 Spray Herbicide 1,5 Aug 1 .63 .50 .31 .47 Shred 1/2 Area 1,6 Mar-Oct 6 2.46 2.00 .64 1.56 Spot Spray Herbicide 1,5 Sep 1 .50* .25 .13 .24 Spray Insecticide 1,2 Apr, Oct 2 2.00* 1.00 1.26 1.94 7.71 5.29 $ 2.94 $ 5.62 6.25 5.00 1.00 15.20 Operation „__».°_._! f-J^ Per Acre /-^%k To t a l Irrigate Hand Labor 9 Feb-■Nov 5 Annual 19.00 - - - (1) Labor hours calculated at 1.25 times tractor hours except where noted by *. * Labor hours = 2 x Machine hours. /^~\ Oeveloped by Extension Economists-Management, TAES, TAMU. Cooperative Extension Work in Agriculture and Home Economics, Texas A&M University and the United States Department of Agriculture cooperating. Distributed in furtherance of the Acts of Congress of May 8. 1914, as amended, and June SO, 1914. AECO 6 GRAPEFRUIT ESTABLISHMENT, 3RD YEAR, IRRIGATED, RIO GRANDE VALLEY 19356112 Estimated Costs And Returns Per Acre Of Grapefruit Establishment, 3rd Year, High Level Management Jf~*\ Item 1. Gross receipts, from production: Grapefruit Unit Price or Cost/Unit ton $ 37.73 Quantity Va l u e o r Cost $ 37.73 2 . Va r i a b l e C o s t s : Pre-Harvest: Fertilizer (58-0-0) Herbicides Insecticides Machinery. Tractor Tr a c t o r L a b o r Irrigation Equipment Irrigation Labor Irrigation Water If Hand Labor Tree Replacement P i c k u p Tr u c k Miscellaneous Interest on Op. Cap. Subtotal, Pre-Harvest acre acre acre acre hour hour acre hour acre hour acre acre acre $ 6.96 20.00 24.00 2.83 .52 1.75 1.00 1.30 17.50 1.30 3.00 4.17 5.00 .08 1 1 1 1 4. 5 6. 71 1 5. 0 1 19 1 1 1 64. 82 $ 6.96 20.00 24.00 2.83 2.34 11 . 7 4 1.00 6.50 17.50 24.60 3.00 4.17 5.00 5.19 $134.83 Harves t: None 2/ To t a l Va r i a b l e C o s t s $134.83 3 . I n c o m e A b o v e Va r i a b l e C o s t s 4. Fixed Costs: Machinery Tractor Irrigation Equipment P i c k u p Tr u c k Land Charge { Interest on Investment 3/ Taxes To t a l F i x e d C o s t s 5 . To t a l C o s t s 6. Net Returns (Costs) ($ 97.10) acre hour acre acre $ $ acre 4.90 1.27 15.20 2.97 .06 .10 18.00 1 4.5 1 1 600 698.53 1 $ 4.90 5.72 15.20 2.97 36.00 69.85 18.00 $152.64 $287.47 ($249.74) 1 / 5 i r r i g a t i o n s < _ $ 2 . 5 0 p l u s 5 . 0 0 f o r w a t e r p u r c h a s e d f r o m a n o t h e r l a n d o w n e r. 2/ Crop sold on tree. _ / I n t e r e s t o n m o n e y s p e n t i n p r e v i o u s y e a r s ; i n c l u d e s s m a l l r i s k f a c t o r. D c v e l o p e o b y E x t e n s i o n E c o n o m i s t s - M a n a g e m e n t , TA E S , TA M U . N e w, 1 9 7 2 AECO 6 GRAPEFRUIT ESTABLISHMENT, 3RD YEAR, IRRIGATED, RIO GRANDE VALLEY 19356111 Estimated Costs And Requirements Per Acre Of Grapefruit Establishment, 3rd Year, High Level Management Operation iL_ _ad u bor Fuel, Oil, ___, Item n__..-_. Times „_____, ±vm t orrs .o r- "L" u• > b R veeer rBH, H "<to^ ujMr sa cTr h .a cH ^ _e fp«. F p iex re dA cc roes t s N o . D a t e OlO (1) Per Acre Spray Herbicide 1,5 Mar,Aug 2 1.25 1.0 $ .62 $ .94 Shred 1/2 Area 1,6 Mar-Oct 6 2.46 2.0 .64 1.56 Spot Spray Herbicide 1,5 Mar,0ct 2 1.00* .5 .31 .47 Spray Insecticide 1,2 Apr-Oct 1 2.00* 1.0 1.26 1.93 6.71 4.5 $ 2.83 $ 4.90 5.00 4.0 1.00 15.20 _ _ To t a l Irrigate Feb-Nov 5 Hand Labor Annual 19.00 _ (1) Labor hours calculated at 1.25 times tractor hours except where noted by * * Labor hours » 2 x Machine hours. Developed by Extension Economists-Management, TAES, TAMU. Cooperative Extension Work in Agriculture and Home Economics, Texas A&M University and the United States Department of Agriculture cooperating. Distributed in furtherance of the Acts of Congress of May 8, 1914, as amended, and June SO, 1914. AECO 6 GRAPEFRUIT ESTABLISHMENT. 4TH YEAR, IRRIGATED. RIO GRANDE VALLEY 19456112 Estimated Costs And Returns Per Acre Of Grapefruit Establishment, 4th Year, High Level Management Item 1. Gross receipts, from production: Grapefruit Unit Price or Cost/Unit ton $ 37.73 Quantity Value or Cost 2.5 $ 94.33 1 1 1 1 $ 10.44 20.00 32.00 4.72 3.33 17.87 1.00 8.13 17.50 24.60 3.00 4.17 5.00 6.07 $157.83 2. Variable Costs: Pre-Harvest: Fertilizer (87-0-0) Herbicides Insecticides MachineryTr a c t o r Tractor Labor Irrigation Equipment Irrigation Labor I r r i g a t i o n Wa t e r I f Hand Labor Tree Replacement Pickup Truck Mis cellaneous Interest on Op. Cap. Subtotal, Pre-Harvest acre acre acre acre hour hour acre hour acre hour acre acre acre $ 10.44 20.00 32.00 4.72 .52 1.75 1.00 1.30 17.50 1.30 3.00 4.17 5.00 .08 6.40 10.21 1 6.25 1 19.0 1 1 1 75.88 Harvest: None 2/ Total Variable Costs $157.83 3. Income Above Variable Costs 4. Fixed Costs: Machinery Tr a c t o r Irrigation Equipment Pickup Truck Land Charge Interest on Investment 3/ Taxes Total Fixed Costs 5 . To t a l C o s t s 6. Net Returns (Costs) ($ 63.50) acre hour acre acre $ $ acre 7.80 1.27 15.20 2.97 .06 .10 18.00 1 6.40 1 1 600 948.27 1 $ 7.80 8.13 15.20 2.97 36.00 94.83 18.00 $182.93 $340.76 ($246.43) 1/ 5 irrigations <_ $2.50 plus $5.00 for water purchased from another landowner. 2/ Crop sold on tree. 31 Interest on money spent in previous years; includes small risk factor. Developeo by Extension Economists-Management, TAES, TAMU. New, 1972 (..•operative Extension Work in Agriculture and Home Economics. Texas A&M University and the United States Department of AK..n.li..rc <o.,pc.a„ng. D.stribuled in furtherance of the Acts of Congress of May 8. 1914. as amended and June 30 1914 AECO 6 GRAPEFRUIT ESTABLISHMENT. 4TH YEAR. IRRIGATED. RIO GRANDE VALLEY 19456111 Estimated Costs And Requirements Per Acre Of Grapefruit Establishment, 4th Year, High Level Management Labor Fuel, Oil, /*="%, ™ " ? s H o u r s * r a £ t o £ o r L u b . R e p F i x e d c osts 1 Over . . Mach. Hrs, -**"•» «-bi»» pOT.Per a_-i-_» Acre Per Acre Operation Item No. Spray Herbicide 1,5 Mar,Aug 2 1.25 1.00 $ .62 $ .94 Spot Spray Herbicide 1,5 Mar,Oct 2 1.00* .50 .31 .47 Shred 1/2 Area 1,6 Mar-Oct 6 2.46 2.00 .64 1.56 Spray Insecticide 1,2 Apr-Oct 2.5 5.00* 2.50 3.15 4.83 Fertilize 1 Jan-Feb 1 .5 .40 Date Total Irrigate 9 Feb-Nov 5 Hand Labor - Annual 10.21 6.40 6.25 5.0 19.00 «_» $ 4.72 $ 7.80 1.00 15.20 _ /-—% (1) Labor hours calculated at 1.25 times tractor hours except where noted by * * Labor hours = 2 x Machine hours. Developed by Extension Economists-Management, TAES, TAMU. Cooperative Extension Work in Apiculture and Home Economics, Texas A&M Univeraity and the United States Department of Agriculture cooperating. Distributed in furtherance of the Acts of Congress of May 8. 1914. as amended, and June S0?1914. AECO 6 GRAPEFRUIT, DEVELOPED GROVE, IRRIGATED. RIO GRANDE VALLEY 19105112 Estimated Costs And Returns Per Acre Of Grapefruit, Developed Grove, High Level Management Item Unit _ 1. Gross receipts, from production: Grapefruit ton i , . .„ . . $ P .r _i c_e o r Q nu a .n. t. i t yV a l u e o r Cost/Unit Cost 37.73 20 $754.60 2. Variable Costs: Pre-Harvest: Fertilizer (116-0-0) Herbicides Insecticides Machinery Tractor Tractor Labor Irrigation Equipment Irrigation Water 2/ Irrigation Labor Hand Labor Pickup Truck Tree Replacement Miscellaneous Interest on Op. Cap. Subtotal, acre acre acre acre hour hour acre acre hour hour acre acre acre 13.92 20.00 32.00 4.72 .52 1.75 1.00 17.50 1.30 1.30 4.17 3.00 5.00 .08 $ 1 1 1 1 6.4 10.21 1 1 6.25 10.0 1 1 1 71.82 $ 13.92 20.00 32.00 4.72 3.33 17.87 1.00 17.50 8.13 13.00 4.17 3.00 5.00 5.75 Pre-Harvest $149.39 Harvest: None 1/ To t a l 3. Va r i a b l e Income Above Costs Va r i a b l e $149.39 Costs $605.21 4. Fixed Costs: Machinery acre 7.80 1 $ Tractor hour 1.27 6.4 Irrigation Equipment acre 15.20 1 Pickup Truck acre 2.97 1 Land Charge $ .06 600 Interest on Investment 3/ $ .10 597.35 4/ Depreciation on Grove $ .05 11 9 4 . 7 0 Ta x e s acre 18.00 1 To t a l Fixed 5. To t a l 6. Net ll 2/ 3/ 4/ Costs 7.80 8.13 15.20 2.97 36.00 59.74 59.73 18.00 $207.57 Costs $356.96 Returns $397.64 Crop sold on tree. 5 irrigations @ $2.50 plus $5.00 for water purchased from another landowner. Interest on money spent in previous years; includes small risk factor. Average of 1/2 of total over life of grove. Developeo_by Extension Economists-Management, TAES, TAMU. dinpeialive Extension Work in Agriculture and Home Economics. Texas A&M University and the United States Department of AkikiiIiiiic cooperating. Distributed in furtherance of the Acts of Congress of May 8. 1914, as amended, and June 30. 1914. AECO 6 GRAPEFRUIT, DEVELOPED GROVE, IRRIGATED, RIO GRANDE VALLEY Estimated Costs And Returns Per Acre Of Grapefruit, Developed Grove, High Level Management Operation IN Se om . 19105111 Labor m Fuel, Oil, Ti m e s H r t l . - . 0 Tr a c t o r o r , . R . _ F i x e d c o s t s DO a tvee O r ^v8e r .HHo°u?.r" M a c h . H r s . I * * - . * * P - P e r A c r e (1) Per Acre Spray Herbicide 1,5 Mar,Aug 2 1.25 1.0 Shred 1/2 Area 1,6 Mar-Oct 6 2.46 Spot Spray Herbicide 1,5 Mar,Oct 2 Spray Insecticide 1,2 Apr-Oct 2.5 Fertilize 1 Jan-Feb 1 To t a l .62 $ .94 2.0 .64 1.56 1.00* .5 .31 .47 5.00* 2.5 3.15 4.83 — — $ .50 .4 10.21 6.4 $ 4.72 $ 7.80 15.20 Irrigate 9 Feb-Nov 5 6.25 5.0 1.00 Hand Labor _ Annual 1.0 — — — /-"^ (1) Labor hours calculated at 1.25 times tractor hours except where noted by * Labor hours = 2 x Machine hours. Developed by Extension Economists-Management,, TAES, TAMU. Cooperative Extension Work in Agriculture and Home Economics, Texas A&M University and the United States Department of Agriculture cooperating. Distributed in furtherance of the Acts of Congress of May 8, 1914, as amended, and June 30, 1914. AECO 6 ORANGES ESTABLISHMENT, 3RD YEAR, IRRIGATED, RIO GRANDE VALLEY 19556112 Estimated Costs And Returns Per Acre Of Oranges Establishment, 3rd Year, High Level Management Jf"^ Item Gross receipts, from production: Oranges Unit Price or Cost/Unit ton $ 29.26 Quantity .7 Value or Cost $ 20.48 Variable Costs: Pre-Harvest: Fertilizer (58-0-0) Herbicides Insecticides Machinery Tr a c t o r Tractor Labor Irrigation Equipment Irrigation Labor Irrigation Water 1/ Hand Labor Tree Replacement Pickup Truck Miscellaneous Interest on Op. Cap. Subtotal, Pre-Harvest acre acre acre acre hour hour acre hour acre hour acre acre acre $ 6.96 20.00 24.00 2.83 .52 1.75 1.00 1.30 17.50 1.30 3.00 4.17 5.00 .08 1 1 1 1 4. 5 6. 71 1 5. 0 1 19 1 1 1 64. 82 j ^ \ $ 6.96 20.00 24.00 2.83 2.34 11.74 1.00 6.50 17.50 24.60 3.00 4.17 5.00 5.19 $134.83 Harvest: None 2/ Total Variable Costs 3. Income Above Variable Costs 4. Fixed Costs: Machinery Tr a c t o r Irrigation Equipment Pickup Truck Land Charge Interest on Investment 3/ Taxes $134.83 ($114.35) acre hour acre acre $ $ acre 4.90 1.27 15.20 2.97 .06 .10 18.00 1 4.5 1 1 600 698.53 1 $ 4.90 5.72 15.20 2.97 36.00 69.85 18.00 Total Fixed Costs $152.64 5. Total Costs $287.47 6. Net Returns (Costs) ($266.99) ll 5 irrigations @ $2.50 plus $5.00 for water purchased from another landowner. 2/ Crop sold on tree. 3/ Interest on money spent in previous years; includes small risk factor. Developed by Extension Economists-Management, TAES, TAMU. New, 1972 Cooperative Extension Work in Agriculture and Home Economics. Texas A&M University and the United States Department of Agiii-uliuie cooperating. Distributed in furtherance of the Acts of Congress of May 8, 1914. as amended, and June 30, 1914. AECO 6 ORANGES ESTABLISHMENT, 3RD YEAR, IRRIGATED, RIO GRANDE VALLEY Estimated Costs, And Requirements Per Acre Of Oranges Establishment, 3rd Year, High Level Management Operation 19556111 Labor Fuel, Oil, I t e m _Date * - _ . . _ _ . T i m eHours s _ . T r a c t o r o r -Lub., . ' „Rep. __' Fixed costs Per Acre Mach. Hrs. Over No. Per Acre (1) Spray Herbicide 1,5 Mar-Aug 2 1.25 1.0 $ .62 $ .94 Shred 1/2 Area 1,6 Mar-Oct 6 2.46 2.0 .64 1.56 Spot Spray Herbicide 1.00* .5 .31 .47 2.00* 1.0 1.26 1.93 4.5 $ 2.83 $ 4.90 4.0 $ 1.00 $15.20 1,6 May-Oct 2 Spray Insecticide 1,2 Apr-Oct 1 To t a l 6.71 Irrigate Feb-Nov 5 Hand Labor Annual 5.0 19.0 (1) Labor hours calculated at 1.25 times tractor hours except where noted by * Labor hours = 2 x machine hours. Oeveloped by Extension Economists-Management,, TAES, TAMU. Cooperative Extension Work in Agriculture and Home Econo-odcs, Texas A&M University and the United States Department of Agriculture cooperating. Distributed in furtherance of the Acts of Congress of May 8. 1914, as amended, and June 50. 1914. AECO 6 ^~% ORANGES ESTABLISHMENT, 4TH YEAR, IRRIGATED, RIO GRANDE VALLEY 19656112 Estimated Costs And Returns Per Acre Of Oranges Establishment, 4th Year, High Level Management Unit 1. Gross receipts, from production: Oranges ton $ P r i c e o r ~ _ _ . _ _ Va l u e o r Cost/Unit Qu"tity Cos. 29.26 1.2 $ 3 5 . 11 1 1 1 1 $ 10.44 20.00 32.00 4.72 3.33 17.87 1.00 8.13 17.50 24.60 3.00 4.17 5.00 6.07 $157.83 2 . Va r i a b l e C o s t s : JSPN. Pre-Harvest: Fertilizer (87-0-0) Herbicides Insecticides Machinery Tr a c t o r Tractor Labor Irrigation Equipment Irrigation Labor Irrigation Water 1/ Hand Labor Tree Replacement Pickup Truck Mis cellaneous Interest on Op. Cap. Subtotal, acre acre acre acre hour hour acre hour acre hour acre acre acre $ 10.44 20.00 32.00 4.72 .52 1.75 1.00 1.30 17.50 1.30 3.00 4.17 5.00 .08 6.40 10.21 1 6.25 1 19.0 1 1 1 75.88 Pre-Harvest Harvest: None 2/ Total Variable Costs $157.83 3. Income Above Variable Costs 4. Fixed Costs: Machinery Tr a c t o r Irrigation Equipment Pickup Truck Land Charge Interest on Investment 3j Taxes Total Fixed Costs 5 . To t a l C o s t s 6. Net Returns (Costs) ($122.72) acre hour acre acre $ $ acre 7.80 1.27 15.20 2.97 .06 .10 18.00 1 6.40 1 1 600 965.52 1 $ 7.80 8.13 15.20 2.97 36.00 96.55 18.00 $184.65 $342.48 ($307.37) 1/ 5 irrigations @ $2.50 plus $5.00 for water purchased from another landowner. 2/ Crop sold on tree. 3J Interest on money spent in previous years; includes small risk factor. D e v e l o p h o b y E x t e n s i o n E c o n o m i s t s - M a n a g e m e n t , TA E S , TA M U . N e w, 1 9 7 2 Coopcoiivc Extension Work in Agriculture and Home Economics, Texas A&M University and the United Stales Department of A^ii<iiltinc cooperating. Distributed in furtherance of the Acts of Congress of May 8, 1914, as amended, and June 30, 1914. AECO 6 ORANGES ESTABLISHMENT, 4TH YEAR, IRRIGATED, RIO GRANDE VALLEY 19656111 Estimated Costs, And Requirements Per Acre Of Oranges Establishment, 4th Year, High Level Management Labor , , _. , Fuel, Oil, Times HrtllY.0 Tractor or T . R<an Fixed costs Item Date Operation Over U°?" Mach. Hrs. L^.,Rep. Per Acre No. (1) Per Acre Spray Herbicide 1,5 Mar-Aug 2 1.25 Spot Spray Herbicide 1.00 $ .62 $ .94 .50 .31 .47 1,5 Mar-Oct 2 1.00* Shred 1/2 Area 1,6 Mar-Oct 6 2.46 2.00 .64 1.56 Spray Insecticide 1,2 Apr-Oct 2. 5.00* 2.50 3.15 4.83 Fertilize Jan-Feb 1 .50 .40 — — 10.21 6.40 $ 4.72 $ 7.80 6.25 5.0 $ 1.00 $15.20 1 Total Irrigate Feb-Nov 5 Hand Labor Annual /^~5% 19.0 '-~% (1) Labor hours calculated at 1.25 times tractor hours except where noted by * * Labor hours = 2 x machine hours. Developed by Extension Economists-Management, TAES, TAMU. Cooperative Extension Work in Agriculture and Home Economics. Texas A&M University and the United States Department of Agriculture cooperating. Distributed in furtherance of the Acts of Congress of May 8. 1914, as amended, and June 30, 1914. AECO 6 19145112 ORANGES, DEVELOPED GROVE, IRRIGATED, RIO GRANDE VALLEY Estimated Costs And Returns Per Acre Of Oranges, Developed Grove, High Level Management ^ \ Item 1. Gross receipts, from production: Oranges Unit Price or Cost/Unit Quantity Value or Cost ton $ 29.26 12 $351.12 2. Variable Costs: Pre-Harvest: F e r t i l i z e r ( 11 6 - 0 - 0 ) Herbicides Insecticides Machinery Tr a c t o r Tractor Labor Irrigation Equipment Irrigation Water 1/ Irrigation Labor Hand Labor Pickup Truck Tree Replacement Miscellaneous Interest on Op. Cap. Subtotal, Pre-Harvest acre acre acre acre hour hour acre acre hour hour acre acre acre $ 13.92 20.00 32.00 4.72 .52 1 1 1 1 6.4 1.75 1.00 17.50 1.30 1.30 4.17 3.00 5.00 10.21 .08 71.82 1 1 6.25 10.0 1 1 1 $ 13.92 20.00 32.00 4.72 3.33 17.87 1.00 17.50 8.13 13.00 4.17 3.00 5.00 5.75 $149.39 Harvest: None 2/ Total Variable Costs $149.39 3. Income Above Variable Costs $201.76 4. Fixed Costs: Machinery Tr a c t o r Irrigation Equipment Pickup Truck Land Charge Interest on Investment 3/ Depreciation on Grove Taxes acre hour acre acre $ $ $ acre 7.80 1.27 15.20 2.97 .06 .10 .05 18.00 1 $ 7.80 6.4 8.13 1 15.20 1 2.97 600 36.00 636.45 4 / 6 3 . 6 5 1272.89 63.65 1 S 18.00 Total Fixed Costs $215.40 5. Total Costs $364.79 6. Net Returns (Costs) _/ 2/ 3/ 4/ ($ 13.67) 5 irrigations (_ $2.50 plus $5.00 for water purchased from another landowner. Crop sold on tree. Interest on money spent in previous years; includes small risk factor. Average of 1/2 of total over life of grove. Develophd by Extension Economists-Management, TAES, TAMU. New, 1972 (•>o|Ki.iiivc Kxicnsion Work in Agriculture and Home Economics, Texas A&M University and the United States Department of Anii< nilinr (oojH'iiitini;. Distributed in furtherance of the Acts of Congress of May 8, 1914, as amended, and June 30, 1014. AECO fi ORANGES. DEVELOPED GROVE. IRRIGATED. RIO GRANDE VALLEY Estimated Costs, And Requirements Per Acre Of Oranges, Developed Grove, High Level Management Operation Labor -, Fuel, Oil, lN * £om. DOavt ee r ™ M ^ 8a cHh o. u rHs r sT .x r a* c" "t o* •r » o r * "L ff »e Fpi ex re d Accor se t s (1) Per Acre Spray Herbicide 1,5 Mar-Aug 2 1.25 1.00 Shred 1/2 Area 1,6 Mar-Oct 6 2.46 Spot Spray Herbicide 1,5 Mar-Oct 2 Spray Insecticide 1,2 Apr-Oct 2.5 Fertilize Jan-Feb 1 1 To t a l Irrigate Hand Labor 19145111 9 .62 $ .94 2.00 .64 1.56 1.00* .50 .31 .47 5.00* 2.50 3.15 4.83 $ __. .50 .40 10.21 6.40 $ 4.72 $ 7.80 5.00 $ 1.00 $15.20 Feb-Nov 5 6.25 Annual 1 10.00 _, (1) Labor hours calculated at 1.25 times tractor hours except where noted by * * Labor hours - 2 x machine hours. Developeo by Extension Economists-Management,, TAES, TAMU. Cooperative Extension Workjn Agriculture and Home Economics. Texas A&M University and the United States Department of Agriculture cooperating. Distributed in furtherance of the Acts of Congress of May 8. 1914. as amended, ami June Su"wM. AECO 6 CITRUS ESTABLISHMENT. 1ST YEAR, IRRIGATED. RIO GRANDE VALLEY 19156122 Estimated Costs And Returns Per Acre Of Citrus Establishment, 1st Year, Typical Management Item Unit Price or Cost/Unit Quantity Value or Cost 1. No Income 2. Variable Costs: Pre-Harvest: Fertilizer (14.5-0-0) Trees Machinery Tr a c t o r Tractor Labor Custom Services: Land Preparation Tank Watering Bank & Unbank Hand Labor Pickup Truck Miscellaneous Interest on Op. Cap. Subtotal, Pre-Harvest acre tree acre hour hour 1.74 1.90 .76 .52 1.75 acre tree tree hour acre acre 15.00 .06 .10 1.30 4.17 5.00 .085 116 1 .1 2.31 2.89 1 1160 1/ 116 15 1 1 177.02 $ 1.74 220.40 .76 1.20 5.06 15.00 69.60 11.60 19.50 4.17 5.00 15.03 $369.07 Harvest: None Total Variable Costs $369.07 3. No Income Above Variable Costs 4. Fixed Costs: Machinery Tr a c t o r Pickup Truck Land Charge Taxes acre hour acre $ acre 2.14 1.27 2.97 .06 18.00 Total Fixed Costs 1 2. 31 1 600 1 $ 2.14 2.93 2.97 36.00 18.00 $ 62.04 5 . To t a l C o s t s $431.11 6. Net Returns (Costs) ($431.11) 11 116 trees watered 10 times. Ui.vu.oi'1-.d dy Extension^Economists-Management, TAES, TAMU. ,. - __ New, 1972 AECO fi CITRUS ESTABLISHMENT. 1ST YEAR, IRRIGATED, RIO GRANDE VALLEY 19156121 Estimated Costs And Requirements Per Acre of Citrus Establishment, 1st Year, Typical Management Operation Labor Fuel, Oil, s*\ XNSoe.m ODvaet er ^, i„m. e sM aH c h T r. a cHt or rs . o r * «L *u «b • » R «e -p *. • F ipx ee d r cAocsrt es ^' (1) Per Acre Deep Break Aug-Sep 1 Custom @ $7.00 per acre Disc Aug-Sep 2 Custom @ $2.00 per acre per time over Float Aug-Sep 2 Custom @ $2.00 per acre per time over Sep 2 .83 Oct 1 Custom @ $1.90 per tree Disc 1,3 Plant Trees (includes trees) Disc 1,3 Oct-Sep 5 Total 2.06 2.89 .66 $ 1.65 2.31 .22 $ .54 $ .76 .61 1.53 $ 2.14 Tank Irrigate Nov-Sep 10 Contract @ $.06 per tree per time over Bank and Unbank Nov-Feb 1 Contract @ $.10 per tree Hand Labor Oct-Sep 15.00 (1) Labor hours calculated at 1.25 times tractor hours except where noted by * * Lahor hours « 2 x Machine hours. Developed by Extension Economists-Management,. TAES, TAMU. Cooperative Extension Work in Agriculture and Home Economics, Texas A&M University and the United States Department of Agriculture cooperating. Distributed in furtherance of the Acts of Congress of May 8, 1914, as amended, and June 30, 1914. AECO 6 19256122 CITRUS ESTABLISHMENT. 2ND YEAR, IRRIGATED, RIO GRANDE VALLEY Estimated Costs And Returns Per Acre Of Citrus Establishment, 2nd Year, Typical Management item Unit Price or Cost/Unit Quantity $ 3.48 7.90 2.92 1 1 1 Value or Cost 1. No Income 2. Variable Costs: Pre-Harvest: Fertilizer (29-0-0) Insecticide Machinery Tr a c t o r Tractor Labor Irrigation Equipment Irrigation Labor Irrigation Water 1/ Hand Labor Pickup Truck Miscellaneous Interest on Op. Cap. Subtotal, Pre-Harvest acre acre acre hour hour acre hour acre hour acre acre $ .52 1.75 1.50 1.30 7.50 1.30 4.17 5.00 .085 $ 3.48 7.90 2.92 2.94 14.02 1.50 15.60 7.50 31.10 4.17 5.00 4.OP $100.23 5.65 8.01 1 12.0 1 24 1 1 48.07 Harvest: None Total Variable Costs $100.23 3. No Income Above Variable Costs Fixed Costs: Machinery Tractor Irrigation Equipment Pickup Truck Land Charge Interest on Investment 2/ Taxes 4. acre hour acre acre $ $ acre 5.65 1.27 6.90 2.97 .06 .10 18.00 1 $ 5.65 7.18 6.90 2.97 36.00 43.11 18.00 5.65 1 1 600 431.11 1 Total Fixed Costs $119.81 5. Total Costs $220.04 6. Net Returns (Costs) ($220.04) 1/ 3 irrigations @ $2.50. 2/ Interest on money spent in previous years, Includes small risk factor. Ui.velopeo_ by Extension Economists-Management, TAES, TAMU. New, 1972 < .M.|M-.:.iiv«- Extension Work in Agriculture and Home Economics, Texas A&M University and the United States Department of Ag.Milium- <ooper.uiiig. Distributed in furtherance of the Acts of Congress of May 8, 1914. as amended, and June 30. 1914. AECO fi CITRUS ESTABLISHMENT, 2ND YEAR, IRRIGATED, RIO GRANDE VALLEY Estimated Costs, And Requirements Per Acre Of Citrus Establishment, 2nd Year, Typical Management Operation 19256121 Labor Fuel, Oil, T i m e s_._._.__. . . T r a cTractor t o r o r orT .» _. ' _ «__' » rx*cu _u »i Item _-.-___ Times D a t e o l T r H . u e M i c h . H r s . ^ . ^ P Fixed e r A ccosts re No. Per Acre (1) Disc 1,3 Mar-Nov 5 2.06 1.65 $ .54 $ 1.53 Border 1,7 Feb-Nov 4 1.25 1.00 .31 .43 Level Borders 1,4 Feb-Nov 4 1.25 1.00 .12 .86 Tree Hoe 1,8 Feb-Nov 4 1.25 1.00 .69 .90 Spray Insecticide 1,2 Apr-Oct 1.0 2.00* 1.00 1.26 1.93 8.01 5.65 $ 2.92 $ 5.65 Feb-Nov 3 12.00* 6.0 $1.50 $ 6.90 annual 24.0 To t a l Irrigate Hand Labor 10 (1) Labor hours calculated at 1.25 times tractor hours except where noted by * * Labor hours = 2 x Machine hours. Developed by Extension Economists-Management, TAES, TAMU. Cooperative Extension Work in Agriculture and Home Economics, Texas A&M University and the United States Department of Agriculture cooperating. Distributed in furtherance of the Acts of Congress of May 8, 1914, as amended, and June SO, 1914. AECO 6 GRAPEFRUIT ESTABLISHMENT. 3RD YEAR, IRRIGATED. RIO GRANDE VALLEY 19356122 Estimated Costs And Returns Per Acre Of Grapefruit Establishment, 3rd Year, Typical Management I loin 1. Gross receipts, from production: Grapefruit Unit Price or Cost/Unit ton Quantity Value or Cost None 2. Variable Costs: Pre-Harvest: Fertilizer (58-0-0) Insecticide Machinery Tr a c t o r . Tractor Labor Irrigation Equipment Irrigation Labor Irrigation Water 1/ Hand Labor Pickup Truck Miscellaneous Interest on Op. Cap. Subtotal, Pre-Harvest acre acre acre hour hour acre hour acre hour acre acre $ $ 6.96 16.00 4.18 .52 1.75 1.50 1.30 7.50 1.30 4.17 5.00 .085 1 1 1 6.65 9.81 1 12.00 1 24.0 1 1 56.32 $ 6.96 16.00 4.18 3.46 17.17 1.50 15.60 7.50 31.10 4.17 5.00 4.79 $117.43 Harvest: None Total Variable Costs $117.43 3. No Income Above Variable Costs 4. Fixed Costs: Machinery Tr a c t o r Irrigation Equipment Pickup Truck Land Charge Interest on Investment 2/ Taxes acre hour acre acre $ $ acre 7.58 1.27 6.90 2.97 .06 .10 18.00 1 6.65 1 1 600 651.15 1 Total Fixed Costs 5 . To t a l C o s t s 6. Net Returns (Costs) ^IPN $ 7.58 8.45 6.90 2.97 36.00 65.12 18.00 $145.02 $262.45 ($262.45) ll 3 irrigations @ $2.50. 2/ Interest on money spent in previous years, includes small risk factor. U l v e l o p e d b y . E x t e n s ^ o n J c o n o m i s t s - M a n a g e m e n t , TA E S , TA M U . N e w, 1 9 7 2 AECO r> GRAPEFRUIT ESTABLISHMENT, 3RD YEAR, IRRIGATED, RIO GRANDE VALLEY 19356121 Estimated Costs, And Requirements Per Acre Of Grapefruit Establishment, 3rd Year, Typical Management Labor Fuel, Oil, _,. ..4 Item na.0 Times urt,lt.a Tractor or .. «_,_ Fixed costs Operation No Date 0yer Hours u^. Hr8. Lub., Rep. Per Acre (1) Per Acre Disc 1,3 Border Mar-Nov 1,7 5 2.06 Feb-Nov Level Borders Tree Hoe 1,8 1,4 Apr-Oct To t a l 9.81 6.65 Feb-Nov Hand Labor 3 Annual $ 1.25 Feb-Nov 1,2 10 4 Feb-Nov Spray Insecticide Irrigate 1.65 4 4 .54 1.00 1.25 1.00 1.25 2 $ 12.00* 24.0 2.00 4.18 6.00 $ - 1.53 .31 .43 .12 1.00 4.00* $ .69 .86 .90 2.52 3.86 $ 7.58 1.50 $ 6.90 - (1) Labor hours calculated at 1.25 times tractor hours except where noted by * * Labor hours = 2 x Machine hours. Oevelopeo by Extension Economists-Management, TAES, TAMU. Cooperative Extension Work in Agriculture and Home Economics, Texas A&M University and the United States Department of Agriculture cooperating. Distributed in furtherance of the Acts of Congress of May 8, 1914, as amended, and June SO. 1914. AECO 6 GRAPEFRUIT ESTABLISHMENT, 4TH YEAR, IRRIGATED, RIO GRANDE VALLEY Estimated Costs And Returns Per Acre Of Grapefruit Establishment, 4th Year, Typical Management Item 1. Gross receipts, from production: Grapefruit Unit Price or Cost/Unit ton $ 34.30 Quantity 19456122 Value or Cost 1.25 $ 42.88 2. Variable Costs: Pre-Harvest: Fertilizer (87-0-0) Insecticide Machinery Tr a c t o r Tractor Labor Irrigation Equipment Irrigation Labor Irrigation Water 1/ Hand Labor Pickup Truck Miscellaneous Interest on Op. Cap. Subtotal ,Pre-Harvest acre acre acre hour hour acre hour acre hour acre acre $ 10.44 44.00 6.07 .52 1.75 1.50 1.30 7.50 1.30 4.17 5.00 .085 1 1 1 8.55 13.31 1 12.00 1 24.0 1 1 76.56 $ 10.44 44.00 6.07 4.45 23.29 1.50 15.60 7.50 31.10 4.17 5.00 6.51 $159.63 Harvest: None 2/ Total Variable Costs 3. Income Above Variable Costs 4. Fixed Costs: Machinery Tr a c t o r Irrigation Equipment Pickup Truck Land Charge Interest on Investment 3/ Taxes $159.63 ($116.75) acre hour acre acre $ $ acre 10.48 1.27 6.90 2.97 .06 .10 18.00 1 8.15 1 1 600 913.60 1 $ 10.48 10.35 6.90 2.97 36.00 91.36 18.00 Total Fixed Costs $176.06 5. Total Costs $335.69 6. Net Returns (Costs) ($292.81) 1/ 5 irrigations @ $2.50 plus $5.00 for water purchased from another landowner. _/ Crop sold on tree. 3/ Interest on money spent in previous years; includes small risk factor. Developed by Extension Economists-Management, TAES, TAMU. New, 1972 Cooperative Extension Work in Agriculture and Home Economics, Texas A&M University and the United States Department of Apiculture cooperating. Distributed in furtherance of the Acts of Congress of May 8, 1914, as amended, and June 30, 1914. AECO 6 GRAPEFRUIT ESTABLISHMENT, 4~H YEAR, IRRIGATED. RIO GRANDE VALLEY 19456121 Estimated Costs, And Requirements Per Acre Of Grapefruit Establishment, 4th Year, Typical Management Operation Labor Fuel, Oil, Item *xD a..t eTimes u#v ___„ Tractor or T . ^ e r H o u r s ^ h H r 8 L u b . , RR___ e p . PFixed e r A ccosts re No. (1) Per Acre .54 $ 1.53 1.00 .31 .43 1.25 1.00 .12 .86 Feb-Nov 4 1.25 1.00 .69 .90 1,2 Apr-Oct 3. 5 7.00* 3.50 4.41 6.76 1 Jan-Feb 1. 0 .50 .40 — - 13.31 8.55 $ 6.07 $:10.48 Feb-Nov 3 12.00* 6.00 $ 1.50 $ 6.90 Annual 24.00 Disc 1,3 Mar-Nov 5 2.06 1.65 Border 1,7 Feb-Nov 4 1.25 Level Borders 1,4 Feb-Nov 4 Tree Hoe 1,8 Spray Insecticide Fertilize To t a l Irrigate Hand Labor 10 $ X~tK y-~\ (1) Labor hours calculated at 1.25 times tractor hours except where noted by * * Labor hours = 2 x Machine hours. Developed by Extension Economists-Management^ TAES, TAMU. Cooperative Extension Work in Agriculture and Home Economics, Texas A&M University and the United States Department of Agriculture cooperating. Distributed in furtherance of the Acts of Congress of May 8, 1914, as amended, and June SO. 1914. AECO 6 19105122 GRAPEFRUIT, DEVELOPED GROVE, IRRIGATED, RIO GRANDE VALLEY Estimated Costs And Returns Per Acre Of Grapefruit, Developed Grove, Typical Management LLem Gross receipts, from production: Grapefruit Unit Price or Cost/Unit Quantity Value or Cost ton $ 34.30 16 $548.80 13.92 44.00 6.07 1 1 1 $ 13.92 44.00 6.07 4.45 23.29 1.50 15.60 7.50 19.50 4.17 5.00 6.16 Variable Costs: Pre-Harvest: F e r t i l i z e r ( 11 6 - 0 - 0 ) Insecticide Machinery Tractor ■ Tractor Labor Irrigation Equipment Irrigation Labor Irrigation Water 1/ Hand Labor Pickup Truck Miscellanous Interest on Op. Cap. Subtotal, Pre-Harvest acre acre acre hour hour acre hour acre hour acre acre $ .52 1.75 1.50 1.30 7.50 1.30 4.17 5.00 .085 8.55 13.31 1 12.00 1 15.00 1 1 72.50 $151.16 Harvest: None 2/ Total Variable Costs $151.16 3. Income Above Variable Costs $397.64 4. Fixed Costs: Machinery Tr a c t o r Irrigation Equipment Pickup Truck Land Charge Interest on Investment _/ Depreciation on Grove Taxes acre hour acre acre $ $ $ acre 10.48 1.27 6.90 2.97 .06 .10 .05 18.00 1 $ 10.48 8.15 10.35 1 6.90 1 2.97 600 36.00 603.21 4/ 60.32 1206.41 60.32 1 18.00 Total Fixed Costs $205.34 5. Total Costs $356.50 6. Net Returns $192.30 1/ 2/ _/ 4/ 5 irrigations @ $2.50 plus $5.00 for water purchased from another landowner. Crop sold in tree. Interest on money spent in previous years; includes small risk factor. Average of 1/2 of total over life of grove. Developed by Extension Economists-Management, TAES, TAMU. New, 1972 Cooperative Extension Work in Agriculture and Home Economics, Texas A&M University and the United Stales Department of Agri'mliine cooperating. Distributed in furtherance of the Acts of Congress of May 8, 1914, as amended, and June 30, 1014. AECO G GRAPEFRUIT. DEVELOPED GROVE, IRRIGATED, RIO GRANDE VALLEY Estimated Costs And Returns Per Acre Of Grapefruit, Developed Grove, Typical Management 19105121 Operation Labor Fuel, Oil, ^ rN So em a tvee rJ i "m eMsa cHh .T rHa rcst .o r u o u b " *R* e¥ •F ipxeerd ^ccor se t s , ^D O * *r u L- > (1) Per Acre Disc 1,3 Mar-Nov 5 2.06 1.65 $ .54 $ 1-53 Border 1,7 Feb-Nov 4 1.00 1.00 .31 .43 Level Borders 1,4 Feb-Nov 4 1.00 1.00 .12 .86 Tree 1,8 Feb-Nov 4 1.00 1.00 .69 .90 1,2 Apr-Oct 3.5 7.00* 3.50 4.41 6.76 Jan-Feb 1.0 .50 .40 13.51 8.55 $ 6.07 $10.48 Feb-Nov 3 12.00* 6.00 $ 1.50 $ 6.90 Annual 15.00 Hoe Spray Insecticide Fertilize 1 To t a l Irrigate Hand Labor 10 (1) Labor hours calculated at 1.25 times tractor hours except where noted by * * Labor hours = 2 x Machine hours.. Developeo by Extension Economists-Management, TAES, TAMU. Cooperative Extension Work in Agriculture and Home Economics, Texas A&M University and the United States Department of Agriculture cooperating. Distributed in furtherance of the Acts of Congress of May 8. 1914. as amended, and June SO. 1914. AECO 6 ORANGES ESTABLISHMENT. 3RD YEAR, IRRIGATED. RIO GRANDE VALLEY Estimated Costs And Returns Per Acre Of Oranges Establishment, 3rd Year, Typical Management Item 1. Gross receipts, from production: Oranges Unit Price or Cost/Unit ton 19556122 Quantity Value or Cost None 2. Variable Costs: Pre-Harves t: Fertilizer (58-0-0) Insecticide Machinery Tr a c t o r Tractor Labor Irrigation Equipment Irrigation Labor Irrigation Water 11 Hand Labor Pickup Truck Mis cellaneous Interest on Op. Cap. Subtotal, Pre-Harvest acre acre acre hour hour acre hour acre hour acre acre $ $ 6.96 16.00 4.18 .52 1.75 1.50 1.30 7.50 1.30 4.17 5.00 .085 1 1 1 6.65 9.81 1 12.00 1 24.0 1 1 56.32 $ 6.96 16.00 4.18 3.46 17.17 1.50 15.60 7.50 31.10 4.17 5.00 4.79 $117.43 Harvest: None Total Variable Costs $117.43 3. No Income Above Variable Costs 4. Fixed Costs: Machinery Tr a c t o r Irrigation Equipment Pickup Truck Land Charge Interest on Investment 2/ Taxes acre hour acre acre $ $ acre 7.58 1.27 6.90 2.97 .06 .10 18.00 1 6.65 1 1 600 651.15 1 Total Fixed Costs $ 7.58 8.45 6.90 2.97 36.00 65.12 18.00 $145.02 5 . To t a l C o s t s $262.45 6. Net Returns (Costs) ($262.45) 1/ 3 irrigation @ $2.50. 2/ Interest on money spent in previous years; includes small risk factor. Developed^by Extension Economists-Management, TAES, TAMU. New. 1972 Cooperative Extension Work in Agriculture and Home Economics, Texas A&M University and the United States Department of A«" ",c «'»pc'-u..g. Distributed in furtherance of the Acts of Congress ot May 8, 1914, as amended, and June 30. 1914. AECO 6 ORANGES ESTABLISHMENT. 3RD YEAR, IRRIGATED. RIO GRANDE VALLEY 19556121 Estimated Costs, And Requirements Per Acre Of Oranges Establishment, 3rd Year, Typical Management Labor Fuel, Oil, __,, Item T i m e sHour u 3T r a c t o r o r T , „ F i x e d c o s t s Date Operation No. Over Mach. Hrs. lj"D,»*ep# Per Acre Per Acre (1) Disc 1,3 Mar-Nov 5 2.06 1.65 Border 1,7 Feb-Nov 4 1.25 Level Borders 1,4 Feb-Nov 4 Tree 1,8 Feb-Nov Spray Insecticide 1,2 Apr-Oct Hoe .54 $ 1.53 1.00 .31 .43 1.25 1.00 .12 .86 4 1.25 1.00 .69 .90 2 4.00* 2.00 2.52 3.86 9.81 6.65 $ 4.18 $ 7.58 Feb-Nov 3 12.00* 6.00 $ 1.50 $ 6.90 Annual 24.0 To t a l Irrigate Hand Labor 10 $ (1) Labor hours calculated at 1.25 times tractor hours except where noted by * * Labor hours = 2 x machine hours. Developed by Extension Economists-Management, TAES, TAMU. Cooperative Extension Work in Agriculture and Home Economics, Texas A&M University and the United States Department of Agriculture cooperating. Distributed in furtherance of the Acts of Congress of May 8, 1914, as amended, and June 80, 1914. AECO 6 ORANGES ESTABLISHMENT, 4TH YEAR, IRRIGATED, RIO GRANDE VALLEY Estimated Costs And Returns Per Acre Of Oranges Establishment, 4th Year, Typical Management 1 Letn 1. Gross receipts, from production: Oranges Unit Price or Cost/Unit ton $ 26.60 19656122 Quantity Value or Cost $ 21.28 2. Variable Costs: Pre-Harvest: Fertilizer (87-0-0) Insecticide Machinery Tr a c t o r Tractor Labor Irrigation Equipment Irrigation Labor Irrigation Water 1/ Hand Labor Pickup Truck Mis cell aneous Interest on Op. Cap. Subtotal, Pre-Harvest acre acre acre hour hour acre hour acre hour acre acre $ 10.44 44.00 6.07 .52 1.75 1.50 1.30 7.50 1.30 4.17 5.00 .085 1 1 1 8.55 13.31 1 12.00 1 24.0 1 1 76.56 $ 10.44 44.00 6.07 4.45 23.29 1.50 15.60 7.50 31.10 4.17 5.00 6.51 $159.63 Harvest: None 2/ Total Variable Costs 3. Income Above Variable Costs 4. Fixed Costs: Machinery Tr a c t o r Irrigation Equipment Pickup Truck Land Charge Interest on Investment 3/ Taxes $159.63 ($138.35) acre hour acre acre $ $ acre 10.48 1.27 6.90 2.97 .06 .10 18.00 1 8.15 1 1 600 913.60 1 $ 10.48 10.35 6.90 2.97 36.00 91.36 18.00 Total Fixed Costs $176.06 5. Total Costs $335.69 6. Net Returns (Costs) ($314.41) 1/ 3 irrigations @ $2.50. 2/ Crop sold on tree. 3J Interest on money spent in previous years; includes small risk factor. Developed by Extension Economists-Management, TAES, TAMU. New, 1972 Cooperative Extension Work in Agriculture and Home Economics, Texas A&M University and the United States Department of AKiiiult.nc cooperating. Distributed in furtherance of the Acts of Congress of May 8, 1914, as amended, and June 30, 1914. AECO f> ORANGES ESTABLISHMENT, 4TH YEAR, IRRIGATED, RIO GRANDE VALLEY 19656121 Estimated Costs, And Requirements Per Acre Of Oranges E s t a b l i s h m e n t , 4 t h Ye a r, Ty p i c a l M a n a g e m e n t Labor ___ ,F u e l , , O i l , _ . . Item ^D a_t eT i O mvees r _H, _™- ." -M . -a cThr a. c H t or rs . o rL uTb .,f RPeop„ . FPi xeer d Accor e sts Operation No. (1) Per Acre Disc 1,3 Mar-Nov 5 2.06 1.65 $ .54 $ 1.53 Border 1,7 Feb-Nov 4 1.25 1.00 .31 .43 Level Borders 1,4 Feb-Nov 4 1.25 1.00 .12 .86 Tree 1,8 Feb-Nov 4 1.25 1.00 .69 .90 Spray Insecticide 1,2 Apr-Oct 3, 7.00* 3.50 4.41 6.76 Fertilize Jan-Feb 1 .50 .40 13.31 8.55 $ 6.07 $10.48 12.00* 6.00 $ 1.50 $ 6.90 Hoe 1 To t a l Irrigate Hand Labor 10 Feb-Nov 3 Annual — 24.00 (1) Labor hours calculated at 1.25 times tractor hours except where noted by * Labor hours = 2 x machine hours. Developed by Extension Economists-Management, TAES, TAMU. Cooperative Extension Work in Agriculture and Home Economics. Texas A&M University and the United States Department of Agriculture cooperating. Distributed in furtherance of the Acts of Congress of May 8, 1914, as amended, and June 80, 1914. AECO 6 ^~\ ORANGES, DEVELOPED GROVE, IRRIGATED. RIO GRANDE VALLEY Estimated Costs And Returns Per Acre Of Oranges, Developed Grove, Typical Management Item Unit Price or Cost/Unit ton $ 26.60 1. Gross receipts, from production: Oranges 19145122 Quantity Value or Cost $239.40 2. Variable Costs: Pre-Harvest: F e r t i l i z e r ( 11 6 - 0 - 0 ) Insecticide Machinery Tr a c t o r Tractor Labor Irrigation Equipment Irrigation Labor Irrigation Water 1/ Hand Labor Pickup Truck Miscellaneous Interest on Op. Cap. Subtotal, Pre-Harvest acre acre acre hour hour acre hour acre hour acre acre $ 13.92 44.00 6.07 .52 1.75 1.50 1.30 7.50 1.30 4 ."17 5.00 .085 1 1 1 8.55 13.31 1 12.00 1 15.00 1 1 72.50 $ 13.92 44.00 6.07 4.45 23.29 1.50 15.60 7.50 19.50 4.17 5.00 6.16 $151.16 Harvest: None 2/ Total Variable Costs $151.16 3. Income Above Variable Costs 4. Fixed Costs: Machinery Tr a c t o r Irrigation Equipment Pickup Truck Land Charge Interest on Investment 3/ Depreciation on Grove Taxes $ 88.24 acre hour acre acre $ $ $ acre 10.48 1.27 6.90 2.97 .06 .10 .05 18.00 1 $ 10.48 10.35 1 6.90 1 2.97 600 36.00 614.00 4 / 6 1 . 4 0 1228.01 61.40 1 18.00 8.15 Total Fixed Costs $207.50 5 . To t a l C o s t s $358.66 6. Net Returns (Costs) ($119.26) 1/ 3 irrigations @ $2.50. /^n 2/ Crop sold on tree. I 3/ Interest on money spent in previous years; includes small risk factor. 4/ Average of 1/2 of total over life of grove. Developed hy Extension Economists-Management, TAES, TAMU. /■ - . _ _ • 1 * . • . . . . . _ ■ ■ I I . , , _ I . _ . — - = ^ = ^ ^ New, 1972 ^ AECO G ORANGES, DEVELOPED GROVE, IRRIGATED. RIO GRANDE VALLEY 19145121 Estimated Costs, And Requirements Per Acre Of Oranges, Developed Grove, Typical Management Labor Fuel, Oil, Item n„^^ Times U/...^__ Tractor or . . - „ Fixed costs Operation No. Date Over H™" Mach. Hrs. L"b •'AReP' Per Acre (1) Per Acre Disc 1,3 Mar-Nov 5 2.06 1.65 $ .54 $ 1.53 Border 1,7 Feb-Nov 4 1.00 1.00 .31 .43 Level Borders 1,4 Feb-Nov 4 1.00 1.00 .12 .86 Tree Feb-Nov 4 1.00 1.00 .69 .90 Spray Insecticide 1,2 Apr-Oct 3.5 7.00* 3.50 4.41 6.76 Fertilize Jan-Feb 1 .50 .40 13.31 8.55 $ 6.07 $10.48 10 Feb-Nov 3 12.00* 6.00 $ 1.50 $ 6.90 Hoe 1,8 1 Total Irrigate Hand Labor Annual 15.00 (1) Labor hours calculated at 1.25 times tractor hours except where noted by * * Labor hours - 2 x machine hours. Developed by Extension Economists-Management,. TAES, TAMU. Cooperative Extension Work in Agriculture and Home Economics. Texas A&M University and the United States Department of Agriculture cooperating. Distributed in furtherance of the Acts of Congress of May 8. 1914. as amended, and June SO, 1914. AECO 6 '*^!v GRAPEFRUIT, PURCHASED MATURE GROVE, IRRIGATED, RIO GRANDE VALLEY 19105132 Estimated Costs And Returns Per Acre Of Grapefruit, Purchased Mature Grove, Typical Management Item 1. Gross receipts, from production: Grapefruit Unit Price or Cost/Unit Quantity Value or Cost ton $ 34.30 11 $388.30 2. Variable Costs: Pre-Harvest: Grove Care Charge F e r t i l i z e r ( 11 6 - 0 - 0 ) Herbicide Insecticide Insecticide Application I r r i g a t i o n Wa t e r Irrigation Equipment Interest on Op. Cap. Subtotal, Pre-Harvest Harvest: Selling Charge $ 10.00 13.92 18.00 44.00 10.00 2.50 1.50 .06 12 1 1 1 3.5 3 1 119.96 $120.00 13.92 18.00 44.00 35.00 7.50 1.50 7.20 $247.12 $ .03 388.30 $ 11.65 mo. acre acre acre acre irri. acre Total Variable Costs $258.77 3. Income Above Variable Costs $129.53 4. Fixed Costs: Irrigation Equipment ll Land Charge Interest on Investment Depreciation on Grove Taxes acre $ $ $ acre 6.90 .06 .10 .05 18.00 1 600.00 300.00 600.00 1 $ 6.90 36.00 30.00 30.00 18.00 Total Fixed Costs $120.90 5. Total Costs $379.67 6. Net Returns $ 8.63 ll Includes interest and depreciation. 2/ Interest charged on 1/2 of total investment to represent average amount over life of grove. Developed by Extension Economists-Management, TAES, TAMU. New, 1972 Coopeiative Extension Work in Agriculture and Home Economics, Texas A&M University and the United States Department of Apiculture cooperating. Distributed in furtherance of the Acts of Congress of May 8, 1914, as amended, and June 30, 1914. AECO f> ORANGES, PURCHASED MATURE GROVE, IRRIGATED, RIO GRANDE VALLEY Estimated Costs And Returns Per Acre Of Oranges, Purchased Mature Grove, Typical Management 1 Lem 1. Gross receipts, from production: Oranges Unit Price or Cost/Unit ton $ 26.60 mo. 10.00 13.92 18.00 44.00 10.00 2.50 1.50 Quantity 19145132 _— ^~\ Value Cost $212.80 2. Variable Costs: Pre-Harvest: Grove Care Charge F e r t i l i z e r ( 11 6 - 0 - 0 ) Herbicide Insecticide Insecticide Application I r r i g a t i o n Wa t e r Irrigation Equipment Interest on Op. Cap. Subtotal, Pre-Harvest Harvest: Selling Charge $ .06 12 1 1 1 3. 5 3 1 119. 96 $ .03 212. 80 acre acre acre acre irri. acre 3. Income Above Variable Costs Total Fixed Costs 5 . To t a l C o s t s 6. Net Returns (Costs) $ 6.38 $253.50 Total Variable Costs 4. Fixed Costs: Irrigation Equipment ll Land Charge Interest on Investment _/ Depreciation on Grove Taxes $120.00 13.92 18.00 44.00 35.00 7.50 1.50 7.20 $247.12 ($ 40.70) acre $ $ $ acre 6.90 .06 .10 .05 18.00 1 600 300 600 1 $ 6.90 36.00 30.00 30.00 18.00 $120.90 $374.40 ($161.60) 1/ Includes interest and depreciation. 2/ Interest charged on 1/2 of total investment to represent average amount over life of grove. D e v e l o p e d b y E x t e n s i o n E c o n o m i s t s - M a n a g e m e n t , TA E S , TA M U . N e w, 1 9 7 2 Cooperative Extension Work in Agriculture and Home Economics, Texas A&M University and the United States Department of A^tii ..It.ne cooperating. Distributed in furtherance of the Acts of Congress of May 8, 1914, as amended, and June 30, 1914. AECO 6 Item FORAGE SORGHUM FOR SILAGE, IRRIGATED, RIO GRANDE VALLEY Estimated Costs And Returns Per Acre Of Forage Sorghum For Silage, High Level Management Price or Unit Quantity Cost/Unit Gross Receipts, From Production: Sorghum Silage ton 19090112 Value or Cost $ 4.00 20 $ 80.00 .22 18 1 1 $ 3.96 22.80 2.19 Variable Costs: Pre-Harvest: Seed Fertilizer (150-60-0) Machinery Tractor (1) Tractor (2) Tractor (3) Tractor (4) Tractor Labor I r r i g a t i o n Wa t e r Irrigation Equipment Irrigation Labor Pickup Truck Interest on Operating Capital Sub-Total, Pre-Harvest lb acre acre hour hour hour hour hour appli acre hour acre $ 22.80 2.19 1.01 .82 .81 .57 .60 .83 .62 .42 .32 3.50 6.13 7.50 .76 .74 .54 1.75 2.50 .90 1.30 1.39 .08 3 1 4.5 1 26.46 .90 5.85 1.39 2.12 $ 55.03 Harvest: Sold in Field Total Variable Costs $ 55.03 3. Income Above Variable Costs $ 24.97 4. Fixed Costs: Machinery Tractor (1) Tractor (2) Tractor (3) Tractor (4) Irrigation Equipment Land (Net Rent-1/4) 1/ Pickup Truck acre hour hour hour hour acre acre acre 2.97 1.58 1.57 1.25 1.05 3.90 14.30 .99 1 1 1 1 .82 .81 .57 .60 $ 2.97 1.30 1.27 .71 .63 3.90 14.30 .99 Total Fixed Costs $ 26.07 5. Total Costs $ 81.10 6. Net Returns ($ 1.10) 1/ Landlord pays for 1/4 of fertilizer, insecticide, and harvest. Developed by Extension Economists-Management, TAES, TAMU. New, 1972 (onpeiative Extension Work in Agriculture and Home Economics, Texas A&M University and the United States Department of AKiiiulti.ie cooperating. Distributed in furtherance of the Acts of Congress of May 8, 1914, as amended, and June SO, 1914. AECO 6 FORAGE SORGHUM FOR SILAGE, IRRIGATED, RIO GRANDE VALLEY 19090111 Estimated Costs, And Requirements Per Acre Of Sorghum Silage, High Level Management Labor Fuel, Oil, z*-% Operation _! -e «r Ho»r a--- ub..^. F-Arrr9 Shred Stalks 3,14 Jul-Sep 1 .21 .17 .16 $ .31 Disc 1,10 Jul-Sep 1 .25 .20 .21 .48 Moldboard Plow 1,5 Aug-Oct . 5 .25 .20 .55 .48 Chisel Plow 1,6 Aug-Oct . 5 .21 .17 .17 .17 Disc 1 , 11 Sep-Nov 2 .31 .25 .25 .35 Bed 2,8 Dec 1 .15 .12 .07 .07 Fertilize 3 Dec-Jan 1 .25 .20 Re-Bed 2,8 Dec-Jan 1 .15 .12 .07 .07 Rolling Cultivate 2,7 Feb .13 .10 .10 .10 Plant 2,9 Feb .26 .21 .15 .16 Cultivate 2,13 Mar 1 .16 .13 .11 .16 Side Dress Fertilize 3 Apr 1 .25 .20 Cultivate 2,13 Apr 1 .16 .13 .11 .16 Make Ditches 4,18 Mar-May 3 .38 .30 .12 .23 Level Ditches 4,18 Mar-May 3 .38 .30 .12 .23 3.50 2.80 $2.19 $2.97 4.5* 3.00 $ .90 $3.90 1 1.25 To t a l Irrigate 23 Mar-May 3 (1) Labor hours calculated at 1.25 times tractor hours except where noted by *. * Labor hours = 1.5 x Machine hours. Developed by Extension Economists-Management,, TAES, TAMU. Cooperative Extension Work in Agriculture and Home Economics. Texas A&M University and the United States Department of Agriculture cooperating. Distributed in furtherance of the Acts of Congress of May 8, 1914, as amended, and June 30, 1914. AECO o GRAIN SORGHUM, DRYLAND, RIO GRANDE VALLEY 19095222 Estimated Costs And Returns Per Acre Of Grain Sorghum, Typical Management Item 1. Gross receipts, from production: Grain Sorghum Unit Price or Cost/Unit cwt. $ 2.00 25 lb. .25 acre acre acre acre acre acre hour hour hour hour acre 2.40 2.00 1.00 2.00 6 1 Quantity Value or Cost $ 50.00 2. Variable Costs: Pre-Harvest: Seed Fertilizer (20-0-0) Herbicide Herbicide Application Insecticide Insecticide Application Machinery Tractor (1) Tractor (2) Tractor (4) Tractor Labor Pickup Truck Interest on Op. Cap. Subtotal, Pre-Harvest Harvest: Combine & Haul (custom) $ cwt. .85 1.54 1 $ .5 .5 .33 .33 .93 .76 .50 1.10 1.75 2.00 .085 2.73 .25 8.19 25 1.54 1.02 .42 .27 4.78 2.00 .70 $ 17.08 $ Total Variable Costs 6.25 $ 23.33 3. Income Above Variable Costs 4. Fixed Costs: Machinery Tractor (1) Tractor (2) Tractor (4) Land (Net Rent-1/4) 1/ Pickup Truck .50 .67 .28 .55 .53 1 1.50 2.40 1.00 $ 26.67 acre hour hour Jiour acre acre 2.62 1.94 1.60 1.30 10.10 1.58 Total Fixed Costs 1 $ 1.10 1 1 .55 .53 2.62 2.13 .88 .69 10.10 1.58 $ 18.00 5 . To t a l C o s t s $ 41.33 6. Net Returns $ 8.67 1/ Landlord pays 1/4 of fertilizer, insecticide, and harvest. Ulvelopeo by Extension Economists-Management, TAES, TAMU. New, 1972 roo,H-,,.,ve Extension Work in Agriculture and Home Economics, Texas A&M University and the United States Department of AK„M..„„e cooperating. Distributed in furtherance of the Act, of Congress of May 8. 1914.Ts amended and June 30. S.4 AECO 6 GRAIN SORGHUM, DRYLAND, RIO GRANDE VALLEY 19095221 Estimated Costs, And Requirements Per Acre Of Grain Sorghum, Typical Management Operation Labor Fuel, Oil, I t e m n a f . _ Ti m e s H r t l l T. a Tr a c t o r o r Ti i K ~ _ F i x e d c o s t s No. Date Over H°^8 Mach. Hrs. L«b.,Rep. Per Acre (1) Per Acre Shred 4,29 Jul-Sep 1 Moldboard Plow 1,25 Jul-Sep Disc 1,27 Till .36 .28 $ .15 $ .25 .31 .25 .36 .51 Jul-Sep 1 .31 .25 .14 .32 1,30 Oct-Nov 1 .25 .20 .15 .31 Disc 1,27 Dec-Jan 1 .25 .20 .11 .26 Bed 2,8 Dec-Jan 1 .15 .12 .08 .08 Fertilize 1 Dec-Jan 1 .25 .20 Re-Bed 2,8 Dec-Jan 1 .15 .12 .08 .08 Rolling Cultivate 2,7 Feb .13 .10 .12 .12 Plant 2,9 Feb-Mar 1. 25 .26 .21 .15 .37 Cultivate 4,13 Mar-May 2 .31 .25 .20 .32 2.73 2.18 $1.54 $2.62 To t a l •5 1 (1) Labor hours calculated at 1.25 times tractor hours except where noted by Developed by Extension Economists-Management, TAES, TAMU. Cooperative Extension Work in Agriculture and Home Economics, Texas A&M University and the United States Department of Agriculture cooperating. Distributed in furtherance of the Acts of Congress of May 8, 1914. as amended, and June SO. 1914. AECO 6 /~%