New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources Open-file Report 132 DRILL HOLE AND TESTING DATA COMPILED FOR HYDROGEOLOGIC STUDY OF ANIMAS VALLEY, HIDALGO COUNTY, NEW MEXICO Keith M. O'Brien Hydrologist and William J. Stone Hydrogeologist March 1982 CONTENTS Page Introduction Problem and purpose of Purpose of this report The Animas Valley Sources of Data 1 1 1 3 4 study Stratigraphic Data Cuttings and Geophysical Logs Spatial Correlation of Subsurface Deposits 6 6 10 Petrographic Data Texture of Units Lithology of.Units 17 Aquifer 18 Test Data References Cited Figure 1 Location of Study Area 2 Location of Cross-section A-A' 3 Location of Petroleum Wells 4 Summary of Mechanical Analyses Appendix A B C D E 14 14 20 2 11 12 15 Description of Cuttings From T-1 and T-2 25 Drillers Logs of Wells in Animas Valley 34 Petroleum Logsof Wells in Animas Valley 66 Particle Size Analyses 72 (in pocket) Geophysical Bore-hole Logs From T-1 and T-2 Plate 1 Cross-section A-A' (in pocket) INTRODUCTION The Animas Valley is a closed basin located Hidalgo County, southwest New Mexico (fig. 1). approximately 80 mi long, lying between in western The valley is the Mexican border and to 12 mi US highway 70. The width of the valley varies 6from along its Problem length. and The purpose central of part study of the valley is an important area for irrigated agriculture (Lansford and others, 1980) and is the site the Lightning Dock Known Geothermal Resource Area (fig. Although an understanding of the hydrogeology of the valley 1). is of important of the area's to both the geothermal agricultural resources, economy the water and the resources development of the entire area had not been studied in detail since 1957 (Reeder, 1957). The Animas Valley is also an excellent examplea closed of alluvial basin. For these reasons the present study was initiated as partof the U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resource Division's Southwest Alluvial Basin Regional Aquifer System Analysis. The work is being funded under contract with the U.S. Geological Survey (WRD) , Albuquerque. Purpose of this Basic released data report compiled ina series information compiled of for Bureau may be the Animas Open-file available Valley study reports so that for use are being the prior to completion of the final project report. This report (OF-132) the e. ." *--7-"l 2 r"""""" I I ~ I I i I j I I I ! ji I I .:*io: Figure 1 Location of S t u d y Area 3 gives the drill hole and testing data. Bureau OF-130 gives the basic water-level data, OF-133 the final The Animas The data, will give OF-131 the gives the hydrologic basic model, water-quality and OF-134 will be report the on project. Valley Animas Valley lies in the Mexican Highlands section of the Basin and Range physiographic province. It is bounded on the west by the Peloncillo Mountains and 1). Mountains and the Pyramid Mountains (fig. boundary is marked of US 70. byan extensive eolian on the east by the The northern dune field just south The southern boundary lies across the international boundary in Mexico. The climate of the Animas Valley is arid to semiarid (Cox, 1973). Precipitation generally averages 10 inches in the valley of data and 22 inches in the higher mountains. Based on 30 years 5.71 inches (1931-1960), precipitation at Lordsburg falls below and exceeds 13.84 inches one year in ten. Rainfall is greatest in late summer and early fall; ofhalf the average annual precipitation occurs in July through September. Animas Creek, which risesin northerly the southern toa point just Peloncillo south of Mountains the town of and flows Animas, is the only perennial stream in the study area. Alluvial fans along the west and east The valley margins Peloncillo are Mountains sources consist of of ephemeral various flow. sedimentary and volcanic rocks. Approximately 5,000 ft of Paleozoic strata, approximately 2,500 ft of Cretaceous strata, and an undetermined 4 thickness area of north Cretaceous of the and ghost Tertiary town of volcanic Steins rocks and occur in south Pass of the Cowboy . (Gillerman, 1958) The These Animas include Mountains consist approximately 3,500 mainly of ft Paleozoic of sedimentary rocks. limestone, dolostone, sandstone,cand shale and 10,000-15,000 ft of Cretaceous sandstone and shale (Soule, 197.2). The Pyramid Mountains consist a of variety of volcanic and plutonic igneous rocks (Flege, 1959). The northern part consists of basalt intruded by granodiorite. The central part is characterized by pyroclastic volcanics and lesser amounts of rhyolite, rhyolitic welded tuff, and basalt. The southern part is dominated by andesite with lesser amounts of rhyolite and basalt of two Quaternary lakes: Lake The valley was the site Cloverdale in the south (Schwennesen, 1918) and Lake Animas in t north (Fleischhauer and Stone, 1981). The valley is filled with bolson and lacustrine Geologic maps deposits of undetermined and geophysical surveys thickness. confirm the basin-and- is a graben and the range structure of the area. The valley bounding ranges are horsts. Complex folding and faulting is apparent within the intervening basin Sources data of Lithologic mountain as data blocks and presumably occurs in the well. used in this report were either generated as part of the project, or compiled from published sources, the files of the Deming office of the New Mexico State Engineer, or the 5 petroleum library at the New MexicoBureau of Mines and Mineral Resources. Published sources include Schwennesen(1918), Reeder (1957), Kottlowski and others (1969), Thompson and others (1978), Deal and others (1978), Elston and others (1979), and Thompson (1981). 6 STRATIGRAPHIC Subsurface compiled data from either existing DATA collected sources as were part utilized of to the project define or stratigrap relakionships in the Animas Valley. The New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources drilling crew completed two drill 6. The holes were sampled 5 atfoot holes in T22S, RZOW, section intervals and logged by the geophysical of group theU.S. Geophysical Survey, Albuquerque. Numerous well logs submitted by water well well as logs from drillers petroleum the to well the State logs, petroleum Engineers cuttings library at and the office in geophysical New Deming, as borehole Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources were analyzed. A geologic cross-section based on these Cuttings and well Geophysical Description Mexico A. Bureau logs of of was 1). (Plate Logs cuttings Mines constructed and from the Mineral holes drilled Resources is by given the in New Append The description of cuttings includes type, grain composikion, color, particle size, roundness, sorting, cementation and accessory minerals. The samples from the holes drilled by the rotary drill B) in rig were compared with borehole geophysical logs (Appendix order to determine tops of lithologic units. Samples from test hole 1 (T-1) and test hole 2 (T-2) reflect the type of deposition which occurs in topographically closed 1). Test hole 1, basins of the Basin and Range province (figure located in T22S, R20W, section 6 , SW%, NE%, NE% was drilled and was sampled from0 to 415 feet. The air rotary drilling method 7 used for the first 80 feet,.after which drilling mud was added. The sampling interval was 5 feet. Description of the samples is given in The foot A. Appendix initial60 feet intervals of drilling T-1 in encountered 5 to 10 of sediments ranging from silt to coarse sand. Samples for the next 65 feet (60 to 125 ft) are predominantly clay. Water-bearing sediments present in the next 95 feet (125 to 220 ft) consist ofa 35 foot interval of sand and gravel, a 40 foot interval of very fine sand a and 20 foot interval of sand and gravel. Pebbly clays are found from 220 to 240 feet. The 175 foot interval from Geophysical 240 bore-hole diameter fluctuations Attempts to fill 415 logs feet for consists test 1hole are of silty difficult clay. to The caliper log shows extreme bore-hole interpret (Appendix B). Spontaneous to from the the drill bit borelr.hole.wibh potential and resistivity size 5 1/8ofinches. water logs were began unsuccessful. recording at the raised groundwater level of 134 feet. The drill hole, which was to 191 feet. Bore-hole diameter initially 415 feet deep, collapsed fluctuations between 134 to 191 feet caused problems with the interpretation of these logs. The gamma, bulk density and neutron logs are also affected by large bore-hole diameter fluctuations, but not by bore-hole dewatering. Sand and clay layers are discernable on the neutron log 0 to 53 feet, and silty clay between is found from 53 to 130 feet. Sand and gravel with layers of fine sand are present on the neutron log between 144 to 191 Detritas fronl volcanic source rocks cause .sands to have l o g shows the presence higher radioactivity than clays. The gamma fe of sand andsilt between0 to 60 feet, of clay with some sand feet,a washed out zone between 125140 tofeet between 60 to 125 and silty predominantly sand and gravel awith few 2 to 4 foot'intervals 140 to 191 feet. between silt Test T-1 in hole2 (T-2) is located 50 feet east of T22S, R20W, section6, SW%, NE%, NE%. Samples were collected between 50 to 55 feet and at 5 foot intervals from 80 to 363 feet. The total depth ofT-2 was 363 feet. Samples between0 to 80 feet are assumed to be analogous to samples collected from T-1. Test hole 2 was drilled with drilling mud from the land surface to th total depth. Since drilling mud was not used in T-1 for the initi 80 feet, samples from T-1 in that interval are. not intermixed with drilling'mud. Description of the samples is given in Appendix A. A sample feet of T-1, of gravel, was taken which at was not present in the80 initial 5 the foot interval between 50 to 55 feet. From 80 to 135 feet, sediments ranging from fine gravel to silt are present. A 5 foot interval of very coarse to fine sand to silt are exists between 135to 140 feet. Gravel to fine sand found in the 30 foot interval from140 to 170 feet. Sand, ranging from very coarse to fine, is present between 170 to 215 feet. A 10 foot layer of very fine sand and silt exists from 215 to 225 feet. Medium sand along with fine to very fine sand is found from 363 feet, clay is predominant in the 225 to 255 feet. From 225 to samples. Geophysical bore-hole logs for tops of lithologic changes (AppendixB). test 2hole aid in determining The caliper log for T-2 68 feet, is relatively consistent except for the initial which are 9 washed out. Spontaneous potential and resistivity logs are available from the land surface since the bore-hole was successfully filled with water. Caving of the bore hole filled the 7 3 feet. hole 2to drill Geophysical logs show alternating layers of sand and silt in the initial46 feet. An 18 foot zone rich in gravel and sand.exists between 46 to 64 feet. From 6 4 to 130 feet, there isa 66 foot interval of fine gravel to silt. Very coarse sand is indicated for 10 feet between1 3 0 to 140 feet. Alternating layers of sand 1 4 0 to 1 5 6 feet. and silt are shown between A clean 1 5 foot of medium sand exists between 1 5 6 to 171 feet. From171 zone to2 0 1 feet, very fine sand to silt is encountered. Very fine sand to clay is present between 201to 2 2 0 feet. Medium to fine sand is found between 220 to 2 5 0 feet. Clay and silt are indicated for the remainder Comparison of of the log 250 to 2 7 3 feet). (between geophysical bore-hole logs with cuttings indicate a lag time for cuttings to reach the land surface. Coarse foot interval between 1 3 5 to sand appears in cuttings for 5 the 140 feet. Geophysical logs indicate coarse sand from 130 to 140 feet. In general, a 5 foot lag time exists for cuttings to reach the land surface. Another is that observation cuttings from in comparing one horizon the tend two to subsurface be mixed methods with from another horizon. For example, cuttings show a mixture of gravel, sand and silt between 3the 0 foot interval from 1 4 0 to 1 7 0 feet, whereas geophysical logs indicate a medium 1 5 6 to 171 feet. the 30 foot interval from sand within cuttin The temperature log for of 1.4OC per 100 feet (2.6'F T-2 yields a temperature gradient per 100.feet). The minimum was encountered ata depth of 64 temperature of 16.6OC(61.8'F) feet. The maximum temperature of 19.6"C (67.2OF) was indicated at 272 feet (Appendix B). Spatial An Correlation attempt was of Subsurface made to Deposits understand the spatial correlation o sediments in the subsurface.A northwest-southeast lineof section A-A' was constructed down the center of the Animas Valley (figure 2). Well logs reported by water well drillers were compiled from the State Engineer's exploration were office collected in from Deming, the and New well Mexico logs from Bureau petrole of Mines Mineral Resources. Representative water well logs were chosen on the basisof distribution and depth. They are given in Appendix C. Location of water well logs used in cross section A-A' is shown on figure2. Description of samples from petroleum wells is given in AppendixD. Location of petroleum wells is shown in figure 3. Wells to to closest the line of the line section of section and in used the were orthogonally projected constructionof cross-section A-A' (plate 1). The description of samples from wells is simplified into fou categories. Descriptions of sand, sand and gravel, and gravel are grouped together asa single unit. Sand, silt, gravel and clay; gravelly clay; and conglomerate form another unit. The third unit is comprised of sandy clay and clay. Rhyolite, limestone and andesite are grouped to form the fourth unit. The distribution of these A-A' . units in the subsurface is shown cross-section on1 in plate I I I i ! I i I I 1 I Ij ! ! I ! i I I j ! Figure 2 Location of wells used in geologic cross-section A-d. L . ' . 2 Figure 3 Location of petroleum wells for which subsurface data were available. IJ Inspection of cross section A-A' shows an absence of spatial correlation of sediments in the subsurface. Schwennesen (1918) noted the lack of sediment correlation between wells. Anastomosing deposition of sediments creates a wedge-shaped cross-sectional view of different types of deposits. Hence, units present in one well pinch other out wells Clay at in short the layers, distances from the well and do not appe proximity. which were hoped to be easily correlated, are present in practically all of the well logs. However, the tops of the clay horizons in one well can not be correlated with the to of clay horizons in other wells. It was thought that lakes throughout surfaces the that geologic could be past would correlated create over large large stable distances sedimentatio through the inspection of subsurface data. Subsurface data indicate the existence of several lakes during the geologic past, but determining the horizontal extent of these lakes by correlating of'clay tops horizons is not possible. The discontinuous deposition of clay at different elevations exhibits in both the subsurface confined and creates a water-bearing unconfined system conditions. that PETROGRAPHIC A total of seven T-2 were chosen to samples DATA from investigate the the well cuttings T-1 and of textural and lithologic characteristics of sediments from the lower Animas Valley. The 5 foot intervals analyzed were from 210 to 215 feet and 2 1 5 to 220 feet inT-1, and from 135 to 140 feet, 1 5 0 to 155 feet, 1 7 0 to 1 7 5 feet, 180 to 185 feet Texture of The and2 0 5 to 210 feet inT-2. Units seven samples were sieved8 inch in diameterU.S. Standard sieves. If samples, which weighed between.209.4 g and 7 1 . 3 g, contained any gravel ( > 2 . 0 mm), they were initially sieved by hand through d -l@ ( 2 screen. The remainder of each sample mm) was sieved through5 sieves. The mesh sizes of the 5 sieves were , 04 (1.0 mm) 1@ ( 0 . 5 sample percentage , 2 @( 0 . 2 5 mm), 3@ ( 0 . 1 2 5 mm), and 4@ The sieve stack was placeda in Rotap for 15 minutes. ( 0 . 0 6 2 5 mm). The mm) retained on each of the total of the sample sieves weight was weighed, calculated as and the shown in Appendix D. The resultsof the figure 4. If weight percentage differencesin sorting Grain the analysis are summarized in This plot of grain size on the logarithmic scale versus cumulative the mechanical size and on grain of a sample is determined curve is on the found the right by arithmetic size of its side of the the scale illustrates seven samples. position on the graph. graph,it indicates the predominance of large grain sizes. Conversely, curves found on the left side indicate the predominance of small grain sizes. 16 Sorting is shown by the steepness of the curve. Curves with steep slopes slopes indicate indicate poor good sorting, whereas curves with gentle sorting. Figure 4 shows two separate groups of curves. Curves for samples 3 , 4 and 5 have smaller grain sizes and slightly poorer sorting than the curves for samples 1, 2, 6 and 7. and 5 have a median grain size in the Curves 3 , 4 range fine (.19sand mm). of Curves 1, 2, 6 and 7 have a median grain size in the range of coarse sand (.88 mm). Curves 1, 2 and 7 have steeper slopes and therefore better sor$ing than3 , 4 , 5 and 6. weight-percentage column in Inspection of the D points Appendix out that the grain size distribution is fairly equal for curves 3 , 4 and 5 whereas curves 1, 2, 6 and 7 have a more restricted grain-size distribution. Furthermore, the cumulative percent column in Appendix .D shows that for curves 3 , 4 and 5, only 6 5 % of the total weight of the samples are greater than the fine sand fraction, 1, 2, 6 and 7, 95% of the total weight of the while for curves samples The the greater shape of majorityof the The in are texture determining the the grains grains of the than fine sand varies being fraction. from angular sub-angular non-indurated water-bearing sediments to rounded to sub-rounded. is an important wit factor characteristics of a deposit. Ideally, a rounded, well-sorted, large-grained sediment would provide a desirable water-bearing deposit. However, such deposits are difficult to locate and are not present in many geologic environments. The samples chosen for mechanical analysis in this study are representative of the range of sediments that may serve a s w a t e r - b e a r i n g d e p o s i t s i n t h e l o w e r Animas V a l l e y . The r a n g e of water-bearing sediments encountered 1 and 2 i n c l u d e s a n d a n d g r a v e l , f i n e gravel t o f i n e s a n d , v e r y coarse to very fine sand, predominantly t o silt. i n test h o l e s medium s a n d , . a n d f i n e s a n d F i g u r e 4 summarizes t h er e s u l t so ft h em e c h a n i c a l analyses and indicates b e a r i n gd e p o s i t . whichsamplesapproach the ideal water- None o ft h es a m p l e sa r ew e l l - s o r t e do r rounded,butcurves well- 1, 2 and 7 are b e t t e r y s o r t e d a n d p o s s e s s l a r g e r grainsizesthantheothercurvesinfigure 4. Hence, i n t h e development of a water supply, one should seek out these zones of predominantly sand and gravel. L i t h o l o g y of U n i t s The m a j o r r o c k t y p e r e c o g n i z e d i n t h e c u t t i n g s f r o m T-2 is v o l c a n i cr o c k . The NorthernPyramidMountains, T - 1 and as well as t h e P e l o n c i l l o Mountains consist primarily of Cretaceous and Tertiary volcanic flows test holes. and p y r o c l a s t i c s i n t h e v i c i n i t y The v o l c a n i cr o c k sp r e s e n t of t h e i n t h e samplesfrom the AQUIFER TEST DATA The d r i l l i n g p h a s e of t h e p r o j e c t w a s designed t o complete Animas Valley.Observation t h r e e 1 0 0 0 f o o th o l e sa c r o s st h el o w e r wells, which would have been placed near the 1000 f o o t h o l e s , i n a q u i f e r tests t o d e t e r m i n e r e p r e s e n t a t i v e would have been used values €or t h e t r a n s m i s s i v i t y and s t o r a g e c o e f f i c i e n t s o f t h e l o w e r Animas Valleyaquifersystem. However, d r i l l i n g problems c r e a t e d of t h e s i d e w a l l o f t h e d r i l l h o l e s c a u s e d by continuous caving termination of the drilling phase. Test h o l e 2 w a s reamed w i t h a 6% i n c h d r i l l b i t , PVC c a s i n g p e r f o r a t e d and 4 i n c h from 120 t o 280 f e e t was set i n t h e h o l e . The p e r f o r a t i o n scheme from 1 2 0 t o 280 feet was t o a l t e r n a t e 20 foot sections ofperforated PVC w i t h 2 0 f o o t s e c t i o n s The s p i r a l s were s e p a r a t e d i n c h (3.175 mm) hand d r i l l e dh o l e s . by a d i s t a n c e o f 1 2 i n c h e s , and i n d i v i d u a l l / 8 were s e p a r a t e d by a d i s t a n c e o f The f e a s i b i l i t y o f 2 inches. well was t e s t e d by pumping T-2 w i t h a 2 i n c hd i a m e t e rs u b m e r s i b l e pump. The pumping c a p a c i t y o f t h e submersible pump was 5 g a l l o n sp e rm i n u t e .A f t e r 10.5 m i n u t e s , t h e r e w a s no observable Since a l a r g e rc a p a c i t y casing, a s u i t a b l e a q u i fer pumping f o r drawdown i n t h e o b s e r v a t i o n pump would n o t f i t i n t o a 4 i n c h stress c o u l d n o t b e e c o n o m i c a l l y a p p l i e d ,a n dt h ea q u i f e rt e s t i n g to locate existing inch drill holes a pump test u s i n g T-2 as t h e pumping well and T-1 as t h e o b s e r v a t i o n well. of s p i r a l i n g 1/8 The p e r f o r a t i o n sc o n s i s t e d u n p e r f o r a t e d PVC. of program was c a n c e l l e d .A t t e m p t s wells w i t h l a r g e c a p a c i t y pumps i n the lower 19 Animas V a l l e y ( n o r t h of I n t e r s t a t e 1 0 ) for the purpose of aquifer t e s t i n g were unsuccessful. 20 REFERENCES Armstrong, A X . , Silberman, M.L;, Todd, V.R., and Carter, R.B., 1978, Hoggatt, W.C., Geology of central P e l o n c i l l o Mountains, HidalgoCounty, New Mexico: N e w Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources, C i r c . 158, 1 9 p . , 4 figs., Cox, D . N . , 2 tables, 1 map, s c a l e 1 : 2 4 , 0 0 0 N e w Mexico: 1973, S o i l Survey of HidalgoCounty, U.S. Dept. of A g r i c u l t u r e , S o i l C o n s e r v a t i o n S e r v i c e a n d F o r e s t S e r v i c e , i n c o o p e r a t i o n w i t h N e w Mexico A g r i c u l t u r a l E x p e r i m e n t .. Station, 90 p. Davis, S . N . , and DeVJiest, R . J . , 1 9 6 6 , Hydrogeology: John Wi1F.y and Sons, I n c . , Deal, E.G., E l s t o n , W.E., Damon, P.E., a n dS h a f i q u l l a h , Guidebook29th Peterson, S.L.., Reiter, D . E . , M., volcanic N e w Mexico G e o l o g i c a lS o c i e t y FieldConference,p. 219-229 1 9 6 0 , Reconnaissanceofgroundwater,inPlayasValley, HidalgoCounty, TechnicalReport New Mexico: New Mexico S t a t e Engineer 15, 4 0 p. D r e w e s , H.,and Thorman, C . 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Reeder, H.O., 1957, Ground Water in Animas Valley, Hidalgo County, 11, New Mexico: New Mexico State Engineer Technical Report 101 p., 6 tables, 39 figs., pls. 4 Schwennesen, A.T., 1918, Ground Water in the Animas, Playas, Hachita, and San Luis Basins, New Mexico: U.S. Geological Survey, Water-Supply Paper 4 2 2 , 152 p., 3 tables, 17 figs., 9 pls. 23 Smith, C., 1978, Geophysics, Geology and Geothermal Leasing Status of the Lightning New Mexico Geological DockKGRA, Animas Society, Valley, New Mexico: Guidebook 29th field conference, p . 343-348, 1 table, 10 figs. Soule, J.M., 1972, Structural geologyof Northern Part ofAnimas Mountains, Hidalgo County, New Mexico: New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources, Circ. 125,p.,158 figs. Stone, W . J . , Mexico and Mizell, N.H.,1977, Geotherlual resources of New - a survey of work to date: New Mexico Bureau of 73, 117 p. .Minesand Mineral Resources, Open-file Report Stone, W.J., Mizell, N.H., and Hawley,J.W., 1979, Availability of geological U.S. and Geological geophysical Survey's data for Southwestern the eastern ofhalf the Alluvial Basins Regional Aquifer Study: New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources, Open-file Report 109, 80 p. Summers, W.K., Mexico 1976, Catalog of thermal waters in New Mexico: New Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources, Hydrologic Rept. 4, 80 p. Thompson, Sam,111, 1981, Analyses of petroleum source and reservoir rocks in southwestern New Mexico: New Mexico Energy Research and Development 'Institute, 120 p. Thompson, Sam, 111, Tovar R., J . C . , and Conley, J.N., 1978, O i l and gas exploration wells in the Pedregosa Basin: New Mexico Geological Society, Guidebook 29th field conference, p - 33134 2 Thorman, C.H., and Drewes, H.,1978, Geologic Map of the Gary and U.S. Lordsburg Quadrangles, Hidalgo County, New Mexico: 24 Geological 1:24,000 SurveyMiscellaneous Investigations Map 1-1151, L3 Appendix A Description of Well CuttingsFrom T1, T2 (Township 225, Range 20W, Section 6) Explanation: qtz = quartz, vol. = volcanics, Is = limestone, Pred. = predominantly. Color is given in accordance withThe Rock Color Loam = equal particles. Chart Committee. proportionsof clay, silt and sand 26 GEOLOGIC WELL Lo; NEW MEXICO BUREAU OF MINES AND MIhTRAL RESOURCES . h i m a s ValleyProject Location: Well started: . ~~~~l~~ =h Well Number: T-2 April26, 1981 Well finished:May Samples describedby: 9, 1981 Total depth of well: 363 feet Depth to water level: 142 feet Depth (type, grainconpsition, color, particle size, roundness, sorting, cenentation, accessory minerals) I + vol. grains/ 5 YR 6/4/ pebbles ‘Gravel to medium sand/qtz >25mm/ sub-angular to rounded/poor sorting/calcite cement Not sampled t vel. grains/lO YR 7/4 to 5 YR Very coarse sand-siltjqtz anguior to sub-rounded/poor sorting/calcitc cement a5 6/h/> 4mm . Fine gravel-silt/qtz,vel. , Is grains/lO YR 7/4/pebbles > 15 mm/sub-angular to rJb-rounded/poor sorting/calcite cement/limonite staining ~ Very coarse sand-silt/qtzt vol. grains/lO YR ‘/$/pebbles > 3 mm/sub-angular to sub-rounded/poor sorting/calcite cement sub-rounded/poor sortinq/calcite cement 7 < llmm/sub-angular to sub-roundel Gravel-silt/ls, qtz, vel. g?ains/lO YR /4/ :-I 105 115 110 20 i poor sorting/calcite cement Very coarse sand-silt/ls, qtz, vol. grains/ 10 YR 7/4/ < 3mm/sub-angular to sub-rounded/fair sorting/calcite cement ‘Fine gravel-silt/qtz, vol.,Is grains/ 10 YR 7/4/ < 5mm/sub-angular so rounded/fair sorting/calcite cement Very coarse sand-silt/qtz, val.,Is grains/ 10 YR 7/4/ < 7mm/sub-angular to rounded/poor sorting/calcire cement Coarse sand-silt/lO YR 7/4/pebbles< 5mm/anuular to sub-rounded/ fair sortinq/calcite cement Coarse sand-silt/qtz, V O ~ . , Is grains/ 10 YR 7/4/ < 2mm/sub-anqular to sub-rounded/fair sorting/calcite cement Coarse sand-silt/qtz, vol.,Is grains/ 10 YR 7/4/ < 2mm/sub-anqular to 135 sub-rounded/fair sorting/calcite cement Very ccarse-fine sand/qtz grains/ 5 YR 7/4/ < 4mm/sub-angular to rounded/poor sorting/calcite cement 27 GEOMGIC WELL lnxI NE% M E X C IO BUREAU O f MINES AND M I N E R A L RESOURCES A n b a s Valley Project Samples described Location: Well started: by: . April 26, Well finished: May 1981 1981 9, Douqlas &&h Well Number: T-2 Total depth of well: 363 feet Depth to water level: 142 feet Depth (type, grain composition, color, particle size, roundness, sorting, c&,?lentation, accessory minerals) 14- 145 YR Fine qravel-silt/qtz, rhy. qrains/lO - Fine gravel-silt/qtz poor - grains/lO YR '/4/ sorting/calcite cement sub-rounded/poor sorting/calcite cement - Fine qravel-silt/atz, VOl.arains/lO YR 7/4/ < 6mm/sub-anqular to sub-zounded/poor - 150 sortina/calcite cement Fine gravel-silt/qtz grains/lOYR 7/4/ Very coarse sand-silt/qtz, Vol. fragments/lO YR 7/4/ < 2mm/angular to - - sub-rounded/poor sorting/calcite cement - 175 130 - Fine snnd silt/rnlcite to Very fine sand-silt/someqtz pebbles to lOmm, calcite, vol. fraaments/ 10 YR '/4/angular to sub-rounded/moderate sortinq/calcite cement Very coarse-very fine sand/qtz, calcife-nodules, v o l . fraqments/lO YR 7/4/ sub-angular to sub-rounded/poor sorting/calcite cement Is, vol. fragments/lO YR 7/4/angular to Very coarse-very fine sand/qtz, rounded/poor sorting/calcite cement Coarse sand w/gravel-fine sand/ls, qtz, vol. fragments/lO YR 7/4/pebbles > Gmm/moderate sorting/sub-angular to sub-rounded/calcite cement/ MnO dendriteson pebbles Coarse sandy gravel-fine sand/calcite nodules, qtz, fragmentdl0 vol. YR pebbles > 5 mm/sub-angular to sub-rounded/moderate sorting/ i calcite cement Predominantly medium sand w/coarse to fine sand/calcite nodules, qtz. V O l . 1 J nnrhllp9 q+7. VOl. fmgmmLs,/ln V u 7bA/an"-r sub-rounded/moderate sortinq/calcite cement I 205 < 5mm/anqular to sub-rounded/ poor sorting/calcite cement 155- 21 03 05- < 5mm/angular to sub-rounded/ Fine gravel-fine sandjqtz,Vola fragments/lO YR '/4/ < lOmm/angular to 155 170 6mm/angular to sub-rounded/ poor sorting/calcite cement - 150 7/4L< ' fragments/lO YR '/4/coarse rounded/calcite cement sand to 2 mm/poor sorting/sub-angular to 7/4, - GEOLOGIC WELL Ixx; e 28 , . NEW M E X I C O BUREAU OF MINES AND M I N E R A L RESOURCES h i m a s ValleyProject Samples described by: ' Douglas Heath - Location: 77 7n.G 377n Well Number: Well started: Auril 26, 1981 Total depth of well: 363 9,1981 Depth to water level: 142 feet Well finished:May ion Depth feet Thickness (type, grain composition, color, particle size, roundness, sorting, ceTentation, accessory minerals) 20 2 Pred. medium sand w/coarse to fine sand/ls, qtz, vel. fragments/lO YR '/4/ 210 - 215 - sand to 2mm/poor sorting/sub-angular to roundedicalcite cement Pred. fine sand w/coarse to viry fine sand/calcite nodules, qtz, vel. 7 fraqments/lO YR /4/sand to 2 mm/noor sort.inq/sub-anqular tp sub-rounded/ d l L L Le L r i l l r r r L Very fine sandto silt w/coarse-fine sand/calcite nodules, qtz, vol. fraqs/ 10 YR 7/4/pebbles > 5mm/poor sorting/sub-angular to sub-rounded/calcit& Very fine sand to silt w/coarse to fine sand/calcite nodules, qtz, v o l . frag! 10 Y;i 7/4/some pebbles > lOmm/poor sorting/sub-angular to sub-rounded/ calcite cement VR 7,4, Medium sand w/verv coarse to very fine sand/atz, fraoments/lO qrains < ?.mm/poor sortinq/sub-anqular to sub-rounded/colcite cement Pred. medium-fine sand w/fine qravel and clay/ls, qtz, vol. fraqments/5 YR 7/ grains < 5mm/poor sorting/sub-angular to sub-rounded/calcite cement 235 Pred. medium-fine sand w/coarse sand and clay/ls, qtz, vol. fragrnents/5 YR 7/ grains < 3mm/poor sorting/sub-angular to sub-rounded/calcite cement 240 Very fine sand-clay w/?ebbles/ls, qtz, vol. fragments/5 YR 7/2/pebbles <: lonu poor sorting/angular to sub-rounded/calcitn cement 245 ~~~ 'Fine sand-clay w/very coarse sand/ls,- vol. qtz, fragments/5 YR 7/2/grains i 250 < 2mm/poor sorting/angular to sub-rounded/calcite cement 1 Fine sand-clay w/very coarse sand/ls, qtz, VOX. fragments/5 YR 7/2/gYains 25q < 2mm/poor sortinq/anqular to sub-rounded/cnlcite cement Pred. clay w/fine sand/qtz,v o l . fragments/5 YR '/2/qrains < .25mm/ moderate sorting/sub-angular to sub-rounded/calcitecement Pred. clay w/fine sand/qtz, "01. fragments/5 Y R 7/2/grains < .25mm/ moderate sorting/sub-angular to sub-rounded/calcitecement 265 270 { 275 J . ' Clay-silt-very fine sand/qtz, vol. fragments/5 YR 7/2/grains < .125mm/ moderate sorting/sub-angular to sub-rounded/calcite cement Clay-silt-pebbles/qtz, vol. fragments/5 YR 7/2/pehbles< 5mm/poor sorting/ I sub-angular to sub-rounded/calcite cement on 29 GEOLLXIC WELL LOG NEW MEXICO BUREAU OF MINES AND MINERAL mimas Valley Project Location: Well finished: by: Samples described ' Well Number: Well started: April 26, Depth RESOURCES Douglas Heath T-2 Total depth of well: 363 feet Depth to water level: feet 142 1981 May 9, 1981 Thickness (type, grain composition,color, particle size, roundness,sorting, cementation, accessoryminerals) Clay-silt-oebbles/qtz, vol. fraqments/lO YR 7/2/pebbles < 4mm/poOr sortins/ 50 sub-anqular to sub-rounded/calcite cement Clay-silt-very fine sand/qtz, hol. fragments/lO YR '/Z/grains 85 90 < .125mm/ moderate sorting/sub-angularto sub-rounded/calcite cement Clay-silt-pebbles/qtz; v o l . fragments/lO YR 7/2/grains < 4mm/poor sorting/ sub-angular to sub-rounded/calcite cement Clay-silt-minor pebbles/qtz,vol. fragments/lO YR 7/2/ < 4mm/pOOr sortins/ 95 sub-F.,ngular to sub-rounded/calcite cement Clay-silt-medium sancl/qtz, vol. fragments/lO YR 7/2/ < lmm/moderate sorting/ oc sub-angular to sub-rounded/calcite cement Clay-silt-fine sand/qtz, vol. fragmentdl0 YR 7/2/ < .l.Xmm/moderate sorting/ 05 sub-angilar to sub-rounded/calcite cement Clay-silt-medium sand/qtz, vol. fraqments/lO YR 7/2/ < .5mni/sub-anoular 1c 15 ' to sub-rounded/calcite cement Clay-silt-very fine sand/qtz, vol. fragments/lO YR 7/2/ < .125mm/moderate sorting/sub-angular to sub-rounded/calcite cement 'Clay-silt-coarse sand/qtz, vol. fragmSnts/lO YR 7/2/ < lmm/poor Sorting/ 2c sub-anqular to sub-rounded/calcite cement Clay-silt-pebbles/qtz, vol. fragments/lO YR 7/2/ < 5mm/poor sortins/ .2E .3( sub-angular to rounded/calcite cement Clay-si1.t-medium sand/qtz,vol.. fragmentdl0 YR 7/ 2 / < .5mm/moderate sorting/sub-angular to sub-rounded/calcite cement Clay-silt-medium sand/qtz, s s , Vol. fragmentdl0 YR 7/2/ < .5mm/moderate 131 sorting/sub-angular to sub-rounded/calcite cement YR 7 / 2 / < ,25mm/moderate sorting/ Clay-silt-fine sand/qtz, vol. fragments/lO sub-angular to sub-rounded/calcite cement !4( Clay-silt-fine sand/qtz,vol. fragments/lO YR sub-angular tosub-rounded/calcite'cement '/2/ < .25m?/mO'i€Xate sorting/ 30 GEOLKGIC WELL UX; NEW MEXICO BUREAU OF MINES AND MINERAL RESOURCES Animas ValleyProject Location: . Well started: Depth 4-; 350 - 355 360 :E3 - - - - - - - - 1. describedby: Douulas Well Number: April 26, 1981 Total depth of well: 363 feet Depth to water level: 142 feet 9, 1981 Thickness - Samples Well finished:May on . . Heath T-2 ' (type, grain composition, color, particlesize, roundness, sorting, cenentation, accessory minerals) Clav-silt-verv fine sand/ls.gtz, VOl. fraqments/lO YR 7/2/ < .125mm/ moderate sorting/sub-angular to sub-rounded/calcite cement Clay-silt-medium sand/qtz, ss,' v o l . fragments/lO YR 7/2/ < .5mm/poor sorting/sub-angular to sub-rounded/calcite cement: Clay-silt-medium sandjqtz,ss, vol.. fragments/lO' YR7/2/ < .55mm/ poor .sorting/sub-angular to sub-rounded/calcite cement Clay-silt-medium sand/qtz, vol. fragments/lO YR '/2/ < .5mm/pOOr sortjnq/sub-anuular to sub-rounded/calcite cement G E O W I C WELL NEW MEXICO BUREAU OF MINES ANDMIh'ERAL Animas Valley Project Location: Well started: . e RESOURCES . Samples described by: Jim Boyle Well Number: T-1 April 6, 1981 Total depth of well: 415 feet Depth to water level: 143 feet Well finished: April24, 1981 Well elevation: 4,159 feet (msl) ion Depth LDC - Thickness (type, grain composition, color, particle size, rounrbess, sorting, cementation, accessory minerals) Silty loam/qtz, Is, vol. fraqments/lO YR 5/3/grains < .OSmm/sub-rounded/ poor sortinq/calcite cement Sandy loam/qtz, vol. fragmentsj5 YR '/3/grains< lmm/sub-angular/poor sorting/calcite cement/biotite accessory Silty loam/qtz grainsjl0 YR 5/3/grains < .05mm/sub-angular/moderate sorting/calcite cement/biotite accessory Sandy loam/qtz, Is, "01. fragments/5 YR '/3/grains < .5mm/sub-rounded/ poor sorting/calcite cement Silty loam/qtz, Is, VOI . fraqmentsp5 YR 4/4/grains< .05mm/sub-rounded/ moderate sortinq/calcite cement Silty loam/qtz, Is, "01. fragments/5 YR 4/4/grains < .05inm/sub-rounded/ poor sorting/calcite cement Sandy loam/a_tz, vol. fragments/5 YR 5/3/grains< .5mm/sub-angular/ . poor sorting/minor calcite cement Sandy bam/qtz, vel. fragments/5 YR '/3/grains < .5mm/sub-angular/ poor sorting/minor calcite cement / fraoments/5'YR 3/4/qrains < .05mm/sub-r u e d / moderate sortina/minor calcite cement Sandy lo_aI/qtz, vol,fraqments/5 YR 3/3/qrains < .lmm/sub-anaular/ poor soEtinq/calcite cement/biotite accessroy Sandy loam/qtz, Is, vol. fragments/5 YR 3/3/grains < .lmm/sub-angular/ poor sorting/ calcite cement Clay-silty loam/gtz, Is, vol. fragments/5 YR 4/3/grains < .05mm/sub-rounded/ poor sorting/calcite cement Clay loam/ls grains/5YR '/4/grains < .002mm/good sorting Clay loam/ls grains/5 YR '/3/grains < .002 mm/good sorting/calcite cement Clay loam/ls, qtz grains/5 YR >/3/grains < .002mm/good sorting/ calcite cement LDt G E O L ( K 1 C XELL NDJ M E X I C O BUREAU OF M I N E S AND M I N E R A L Animas Valley Project . April 6, 1981 ' Well finished:April24, 32 9 .I RESOURCES .6.322 Location: Well started: e 1981 Samples described by: Jim Boyle Well Number: T-1 Total depth of well: 415 feet Depth to water level: 143 feet Depth (type, ?rain composition, color, particle size, roundness, sorting, cementation, accessory minerals) 8 7 - Clay loam/qtz, 1s Grains (24mm)/5 YR 5/3/arains < .002mm/poor sorting/ calcite cement 90 95 - Clay loam/ls, qtz, vol. fragments . poor sorting/calcite cement -25 - -30 - Clay loam/ls, qtz, vol. fragments ' (< 8mm)/5 YR 5/3/grains < .002mm/ (< 8mm)/5 YR 5/3/grains < .002mm/ poor korting/calcite cement/manganese on IS fragments Loam/qtz, Is, vol. fragments/5 YR "/3/grains < .5mm/sub-rounded/ fair sorting Is granules/5 YR 4/3/sub-angular to sub-rounded/ Coarse sandy loam/qtz, - 3 5- -40 -55 -60 - "1 r. 00 :I 230 -I 240 -I grains < 2.Omm/poor sorting/calcite cement Coarse loamv sand/qtz,Is granules/5 YR '/j/sub-angular grains < 2.0mm/poor sortinn/calcite cement Pebbly loamy sand/qtz,Is, vol. pebbles (< to sub-rounded/ - 8mm)/sand grainse1-2m/ sub-angular to sub-rounded/poor sortiny/calcite cement/manganeseon 1s Coarse loamy sand/qtz, vol. pebbles (< 4mm)/5 YR '/3/sand grains .5-lmm/ sub-angular to sub-rounded/poor sorting/calcite cement Loamy sand/atz, Is, vol. pebbles (< 4k)/5 YR 3/4/sand arains < .l m m f sub-anqular to sub-rounded/rroderate sortinq/calcite cement Loamy sand/qtz pebbles(< 4mm), Is, vol. fraqments/5 YR 4/2/sand srains . < .lmm/sub-anyular/poor sortiny/calcite cement Pebbly loamy sand/qtz,v o l . pebbles (< 8mm)/5 YR 4/2/sub-angular to sub-rounded/poor sorting/minor calcite cement Pebbly loamy sand/qtz, vol.pebbles (< 16mm)/5 YR '/Z/sub-angular to sub-rounded/poor sorting/minor calcite cement Pebbly clays/qtz, vol. pebbles (< 8mm)/5 YR 6/4; 5 Y 5/3/sub-angular -1 to sub-rounded/good sorting/calcite cement Pebbly clays/few qtz pebbles(< 4mm)/5 YR 6/4; 5 Y 5/3/sub-angular to sub-rounded/good sorting/calcite cement 3 (type, grain composition, color,particle size, roundness, sorting, canentation, accessory minerals) Silty-clay loam/qtz, Is pebbles (< 4mm)/5 YR 6/4; 5 Y 5/3/sub-anqular to sub-rounded/moderate sorting/calcite cement Silty-clay loam/fine sand(< .kmm)/5 YR 6/4; 5 Y calcite cement Siltv-cl-r and 5 Y '/3/moderate sortins/ atz aranules/verv fine sand( < .lmm)/5 YR 6/4 . 5/3/moderate sortinq/calcite cement Silty clay loam/qtz, vol. pebbles(< 4mm)/5 YR 6/4; 5 Y 5/3/sub-anqular to st.b-rounded/poor sortinq/calcite cement Silty-clay loam/qtz, Is, vol. pebbles (< 4mm)/5 YR 6/4; 5 Y 5/3/sub- ansular to sub-rounded/aoor sortins/calcite cement Silty clay loam/qtz, vol. pebbles (< 4mm)/5 YR '14; 5 Y s/3/ fine sand (< .5mm)/sub-anqular to sub-rounded/poor sorting/calcite cement Silty-clay loam/qtz,vol. fragments/5 YR 6/4; 5 Y fine sand '/3/ (< .5mm)/sub-angular to sub-rounded/moderate sorting/calcite cement Silty-clay lsam/qtz,vol. pebbles (< 4mm)/5 YR '14; 5 Y '/3/ fine sand < .5mm/sub-angular to sub-rounded/fair sorting/calcite cement silty-clay loam/qtz,vol. fraqments/5'YR (< 6/4; 5 Y '/3/ fine sand. .5mm)/sub-angular to sub-rounded/fair sorting/calcite cement Silty-clay loam/qtz, vol. fragments/5 YR 6/4; 5 Y 5/3/sub-angul& to sub-rounded/moderate sortinq/calcite cement Silty-clay loam/qtz, vol. fragments/5 (< YR 6/4; 5 y '/3/ - 5 4 )/sub-angular to sub-rounded/moderate Silty-clay loam/qtz, vol. pebbles (< sorting/calcite 5 4m)/ 5 YR 6/4; 5 Y /3/ sand (< .5mm)/sub-angular to sub-rounded/calcite cement silty clay/5YR 614; 5 ~5/3/calcite fine sand cement cement fine APPENDIX B Drillers' l o g s of wells i n Animas Valley,Hidalgo County, New Mexico (Thickness and depth values i n f e e t ) Description Depth From Well Location Well Elevation 4,155 top soil 0 5 clay , - - clay 120 sand and gravel 130 clay 140 - 50 sand and gravel 90 5 5 50 45 90 40 120 30 130 10 140 10 150 10 4,158 soil 0 10 clay 10 20 sand 30 10 clay 40 10 sand and gravel 50 10 clay 60 2 0 15 Well Location Well Elevation soil 4,160 sand gravel and ' - sandy c l a y Well Location Well Elevation Thickness To 15 10 clay 25 20 sand 45 13 clay 58 5 35 D r i l l e r s ' logs of wells i n Animas Valley,HidalgoCounty, (Thickness and depth values i n feet) Description Depth New Mexico Thickness . To Well Location Well Elevation 4,190 soil 4 4 c l a y and gravel 43 39 gravel 45 2 blue clay 86 41 tight gravel with water 106 20 blue clay ,122 16 g r a v e l and water 126 4 blueclay 129 3 136 7 c l a y and gravel 142 6 sand rock 150 8 t r a p rock and water 36 s Vallev. Hi~dalnnC n n n t v . New Maltirn Thickness 172 60 - 190 - 0 4 60 70 76 77 92 93 113 170 4 4 56 70 10 76 6 77 1 92 15 93 1 113 20 170 57 172 2 190 18 206 16 216 10 233 17 2 34 - 252 252 - 253 1 260 7 261 1 268 7 276 8 300 24 206 216 233 268 - 276 - 253 260 261 234 1 18 37 Drillers' logs of wells i n Animas Valley,Hidalgo County, New Mexico (Thickness and depth values i n f e e t ) Description Well Location Well Elevation To 4,180 gray clay and gravel 0 - 60 60 gray volcanic tuff 119 - gravel 130 - 137 7 red rhyolite 137 - 485 348 gravel 485 489 4 red rhyolite 489 500 11 raendd e s i t e 500 507 7 gray clay 507 564 57 gray clay 564 591 27 red clay 591 615 24 brown c l a y 6 15 620 5 grave 1 620 621 1 brown c l a y 621 626 5 gravel 626 627 1 brown c l a y 627 630 3 gravel 630 631 1 gray clay 631 639 8 gravel 639 640 1 red clay 640 643 3 5 5 28 23 65 37 sand,gravel, gray clay . Thickness Depth From Well Location Well Elevation and water and gravel 60 62 4,165 soil 0 w/gravel claygray 5 graveland sand 28 - - - - 62 2 119 57 130 11 38 Drillers' logs of wells i n Animas Valley,Hidalgo County, New Mexico i n feet) (Thickness and depth values Description From Well Location Well Elevation 0 clay 15 sand 22 clay 30 sand - 22 30 7 8 35 5 35 100 65 0 - 100 4,170 sandy c l a y 85 - clay 88 - 0 sandy c l a y 5 sandy c l a y and gravel 20 sand, gravel 40 Well Location 15 - soil Well Elevation 15 4,165 f i n e sand and gravel mixed w i t h c l a y Well Location Well Elevation To 4,165 sand Well Location' Well Elevation Thickness Depth and c l a y 4,175 soil 0 clay 3 sandy c l a y sandy clay, gravel 42 105 - 5 5 a0 15 40 20 85 45 88 3 90 2 3 3 42 39 105 63 150 45 39 Drillers' logs of wells i n h i m a s Valley, Hidalgo County, (Thicknessanddepthvalues i n feet) Description Depth From Well Location Well E l e v a t i o n New Mexico Thickness To 4,177 soil 0 - 5 5 sand and gravel 5 - 10 10 - 5 11 1 sand and gravel 11 - 30 19 gray clay 30 - 40 10 red clay . 40 - 48 8 sand and gravel 48 65 17 clay 65 66 - gravel 66 - 75 9 sandandgravel 75 - 125 50 soil 0 - 3 3 gravelandsand 3 - 12 9 clay and gravel 12 40 28 brown c l a y a n d s a n d 40 60 20 sand and gravel 60 - 75 15 clay,sandandgravel 75 - 105 30 brown c l a y a n d s a n d 105 brown c l a y clay Well L o c a t i o n Well E l e v a t i o n 1 4,180 120 15 120 - 125 5 sand and gravel 125 - 132 7 yellow clay 132 171 39 blueclay 171 191 20 sand and clay 191 210 19 gravel a n d c l a y 210 228 18 gravel and clay 228 250 22 red c l a y 250 490 240 - 40 Drillers' l o g s of wells i n Animas Valley,HidalgoCounty, (Thickness and depth values i n feet) Description Depth New Mexico Thickness To Well Location Well Elevation 4,205 3 3 brown c l a y 50 47 brown c l a y ,g r a v e l 93 43 soil 7 7 clay 25 18 sand and gravel 48 13 clay 120 72 sand and gravel 150 30 soil Well Location Well Elevation '. Well Location Well Elevation 4,205 4,205 bedrock @ 85' Well Location Well Elevation 4,205 bedrock (3 87' Well Location Well Elevation 4,183 5 5 5 - 55 50 sand, gravel and clay 55 - 75 20 sandy s h a l e 75 - 125 50 125 - 205 80 soil 0 sandy s h a l e sand,gravel, and c l a y Drillers' logs of wells i n Animas Valley,Hidalgo County, New Mexico (Thickness and depth values in feet) Description Depth From Well Location Well Elevation 4,190 gravel 36 clay 42 - grave 1 61 - not available 73 gravel 90 clay 96 sand and gravel with c l a y s t r e a k s Well Location Well Elevation - 100 4,200 15 - clay 25 - gravel and sand 40 clay 68 gravel and sand 85 soil 0 clay 5 gravel and sand ' 0 clay Thickness To 15 - 36 36 42 6 61 19 73 12 90 17 96 6 100 4 180 80 5 5 10 , 25 10 40 15 68 28 85 17 105 20 145 40 152 7 clay gravel 105 red clay 145 - c l a y and gravel 152 - 163 11 blue clay 163 - 170 7 42 Drillers' logs of wells i n mimas Valley, Hidalgo County,.New Mexico (Thickness and depth values i n feet) Description well Location Well Elevation Thickness Depth From To 4,195 gravel 25 25 25 - 50 25 50 - 80 30 120 40 140 20 145 5 190 45 2co 10 250 50 0 gravel and sand clay sand, gravel, sand and gravel 80 - clay 120 sand and gravel 140 c l a y and gravel 145 sand and gravel 190 clay 200 - blue clay 250 - 400 150 soil 0 - 4 4 clay,sand,gravel 4 - 84 80 sand and gravel 84 - 89 5 clay 89 - 110 21 128 18 170 42 190 20 281 91 Well Location Well Elevation 4,195 sand and gravel 110 c l a y , sand and gravel 128 sand and gravel 170 - blue clay 190 - 43 Drillers' l o g s of wells i n Animas Valley,Hidalgocounty, New Mexico (Thickness and d e p t h v a l u e s i n f e e t ) Description From Well Location Well Elevation 4 I 195 Depth - sandy c l a y 15 - sand and gravel 75 - top s o i l 0 gravel 8 sand,clay,gravel 105 sand a n d gravel 120 sand,clay 130 and gravel c l a y and gravel 165 sandy shale 200 blue clay 250 Well Iiocation Well Elevation Thickness To - 8 8 15 7 75 60 105 30 120 15 130 10 165 35 200 35 250 50 400 150 4,199 5 5 5 - 15 10 sand and gravel 15 - 24 9 sandy clay 24 - 79 54 sand 79 - 85 6 sandy c l a y 85 - 110 35 soil 0 clay 125 15 145 20 145 - 255 110 sand 255 - 265 10 sandy c l a y 265 475 2 10 conglomerate 475 - 510 35 sandy clay 5 10 - 600 90 sand and gravel 110 sandy c l a y 125 sandy clay 44 Drillers' logsof wells in Animas Valley, Hidalgo County, (Thickness and depth values in feet) New Depth Description From TO 0 2 2 2 12 10 clay 12 32 20 gravel 32 40 8 gravel and sand 40 90 50 red 90 95 5 95 165 70 green clay 165 228 63 buff clay 228 238 10 238 255 17 buff clay 255 275 20 gravel 275 280 5 gray gravel 280 340 60 gray conglomerate 340 350 10 Well Location well Elevation 4,215 soil sand and gravel clay gray clay gravel and clay WellLocation25.20.20.444 Well Elevation 4,226 0 - 104 104 gravel 104 - 124 20 clay 124 - 230 106 gravel 230 290 60 c2 ay 290 292 2 wavailable - Mexico 45 Drillers' l o g s of wells i n Animas Valley, Hidalgo County, New Mexico (Thickness and depth values i n f e e t ) Description Depth From Well Location Well Elevation , 4,220 soil 0 grave 1 6 clay 38 50 gravel 50 56 clay 56 gravel 72 gravel 76 clay 85 gravel 90 gravel 98 clay 115 gravel 125 clay 140 coarse gravel 150 blueclay 157 Well Location Well Elevation -. 6 6 - 38 32 - 90 12 6 72 16 76 4 85 9 - - 5 98 8 115 17 125 10 140 15 150 10 157 7 208 51 6 6 18 12 63 45 124 61 190 66 215 25 225 10 265 40 300 35 4,223 soil 0 gravel 6 - gravel 124 red clay 190 grave 1 215 red clay 225 - gray clay 265 - 18 red clay gray clay Thickness To and gravel 63 46 Drillers' logs of wells i n Animas Valley,Hidalgo County, New Mexico (Thickness and depth values in feet) Description Depth From Well Location Well Elevation 4,215 soil 0 - 8 8 sandy c l a y 8 - 26 18 gray clay 26 - 40 14 sandy c l a y 40 - 59 19 sand and gravel 59 76 17 brown clay 76 91 15 sand and gravel 91 139 48 182 43 230 48 260 30 395 135 sandy c l a y 139 sand and gravel : 230 blueclay 260 4,225 .. - . - - 3 3 3 - 5 2 5 - 35 30 50 15 75 25 100 25 115 15 122 7 128 6 soil 0 sand clay - sand and gravel 35 clay 50 sand 75 clay 100 sand 115 clay 122 - gravel 128 - 136 8 clay 136 - 145 9 gravel 145 - 152 7 185 33 220 35 325 105 sandy c l a y , some gravelstreaks 185 - brown and b l u e c l a y 220 - sandy c l a y - 182 sandy c l a y and gravel WellLocation Well Elevation - Thickness TO 2 15 47 Drillers' logs of wells i n Anbas Valley,Hidalgo County, New Mexico (Thickness and depth values i n f e e t ) Description Well Location Well Elevation Thickness Depth From TO 4,230. sandy c l a y and gravel 14 sand and gravel 22 - sandy c l a y and gravel 28 - clay 70 sand 100 clay 108 sand and gravel ' 112 clay 118 sand and graval 126 clay 135 sand and gravel 140 clay 160 blue bentonite 212 conglomerate 259 clay 510 sandy c l a y and gravel sand End gravel . 0 8 - - 8 8 14 6 22 8 28 6 70 42 100 30 108 8 112 4 118 6 126 8 135 9 140 5 160 20 212 52 259 47 510 251 514 4 48 Drillers' logs of wells i n himas Valley,HidalgoCounty, ( T h i c k n e s s a n d d e p t h values i n f e e t ) D eThickness scription New Mexico Depth From TO 4,225 Well L o c a t i o n Well Elevation 0 12 12 clay 12 14 2 sand and gravel 14 40 clay 40 44 4 44 55 11 sand and gravel 55 82 27 clay a2 86 4 sandandgravel 86 105 19 105 116 11 sand 116 12G 4 unavailable 120 2G6 86 redclayandsand 206 252 46 tan clay 252 280 28 gray clay 280 436 156 sandygravel 436 495 59 conglomerate 495 636 141 636 751 115 soil 0 6 6 clay 6 50 44 50 160 110 gravel 160 250 90 brown c l a y 250 5 00 250 conglomerate 500 750 250 surface s o i l sand and gravel sand and gravel gravelly clay and Well L o c a t i o n Well E l e v a t i o n : gravel ' 26 4,230 clay with gravel streaks 4Y Drillers' logsof wells in Animas Valley, Hidalgo County, (Thickness and depth values in feet) Description Thickness Depth From Well Location 25.20.27-412 Well Elevation 4,225 gravel and sand To 0 - 65 65 clay 65 - 80 15 gravel 80 95 15 clay 95 - 102 7 102 - 121 19 121 127 6 135 8 i42 7 150 8 150 - 168 18 168 - 177 9 clay 177 200 23 gravel, sand 200 - 205 5 clay 205 - 230 25 280 50 425 145 636 211 713 77 gravel . clay gravel 127 clay 135 sand and gravel: clay sand and gravel 142 230 blue clay tan sandy clay 280 and gravel 425 sand clay - New 636 - Mexico 50 Drillers' logs of wells i n Animas Valley,HidalgoCounty, i n feet) (Thickness and depth values Description Depth From Well Location Well Elevation , L New Mexico Thickness To 4,230 soil 0 6 6 sand and gravel 6 30 24 c l a y and gravel 30 50 20 brown c l a y 50 70 20 gravel 70 90 20 brown c l a y 90 101 11 gravel 101 130 29 brown c l a y 130 180 50 gravel 180 200 20 brown c l a y 200 270 70 sandand 270 320 50 green clay 320 407 87 brown c l a y 407 425 18 clay 425 442 17 gravel and c l a y 442 480 38 s t r e a k s of gravel and c l a y 480 550 70 gravel 550 570 20 s t r e a k s of gravel and c l a y 5 70 685 115 clay 51 Drillers' logs of wells i n Animas Valley,Hidalgo County, New Mexico i n feet) (Thickness and depth values Description Depth From Well Location Well Elevation Thickness TO 4,230 soil 0 2 2 c l a y and g r a v e l 2 77 75 gravel 77 105 28 gravel 105 107 2 red clay 107 131 24 gravel 131 134 3 red clay 134 168 34 brown sand 168 170 2 red clay 170 281 gray clay 281 284 3 red clay 2 84 340 44 blue clay 340 376 36 red clay 376 407 31 gray clay 407 428 21 red clay 428 480 52 blueclay 480 482 2 r e d c l a y and gravel 482 610 128 sand and c l a y 610 628 18 andesite 628 630 2 c l a y and gravel 630 634 4 red clay 634 7 14 80 red conglomerate 714 774 60 gravel 774 779 5 gray clay 779 733 4 gravel 783 787 4 gray clay 787 799 12 gravel 799 813 14 g r a v e l and c l a y 813 886 73 graysand 886 900 14 111 52 Drillers' logsof Wells inAnhas Valley, Hidalgo County, (Thickness and depth values in feet) Description Depth FrOm New Mexico Thickness To Well Location Well Elevation 4,235 3 3 3 - 50 47 clay 50 - 70 20 grave1 70 - 150 80 soil 0 gravel and sand blue clay 380 - conglomerate 480 - streaks of WellLocation gravel and clay 150 380 230 480 100 710 230 8 8 11 3 16 5 31 15 120 89 126 6 206 80 378 172 . Weil Elevation 4,340 soii 0 red clay 8 - 393 15 393 - 610 220 fine sand 610 - 615 5 clay, sand and gravel 615 625 10 clay 625 680 55 695 15 780 65 970 2 10 980 10 gravel 11 brown clay 16 red 31 brown conglomerate clay 120 red conFlomerate loose 126 red 206 brown clay sand clay clay and and 378 gravel gravel 695 clay sand clay 680 andgravel. 780 70 9 - 53 Drillers' logs of wells i n himas Valley, Hidarlgo County, New Mexico (Thickness and depth values i n feet) Description Depth From Thickness TO Well Location . Well Elevation 4,250 soil 0 4 4 gravel 4 17 13 c l a y and gravel 17 70 53 sand and gravel 70 96 26 sand and gravel 96 100 4 sandy c l a y and gravel 100 120 20 red and blue clay, some gravel 120 195 75 red sand and gravel 195 270 75 red clay 270 325 55 yellow clay 325 335 10 r e d c l a y and gravel 335 363 28 sand and gravel 363 370 7 c l a y and gravel 370 409 39 gravel 4 09 440 31 r e d c l a y and gravel 440 485 45 sand and gravel 485 521 36 brown c l a y 521 528 7 sand and gravel 528 603 75 54 Drillers' logs of wells i n Animas Valley,HidalgoCounty, (Thickness and depth values i n feet) Description Depth From Well Location Well Elevation New Mexico Thickness To 4,245 soil 0 5 5 sandy c l a y 5 12 7 gravel 12 30 18 sand and gravel 30 55 25 clay 55 60 5 sand and gravel 60 68 8 clay 68 92 23 sand and gravel 92 110 18 c l a y , sandy 110 123 13 sand and gravel 123 130 7 sandy c l a y 130 170 40 conglomerate 170 205 35 sandy c l a y 205 248 43 clay 248 279 31 sand and gravel 279 281 2 brown c l a y 281 320 39 blueclay 320 380 60 brown sandy c l a y 380 410 30 sand and gravel 410 4 15 5 f i n e sand 415 430 15 gravel 430 443 13 clay 443 450 7 largegravel 450 460 10 clay 460 580 1 20 conglomerate 5 80 595 15 clay 595 600 5 sand and gravel 600 605 5. conglomerate 605 6 12 7 clay 612 631 19 55 Drillers' l o g s of wells i n himas Valley, Hidalgo County, (Thickness and d e p t h v a l u e s i n f e e t ) Description Thickness Depth To From Well L o c a t i o n Well E l e v a t i o n 4,240 New Mexico 0 - 5 5 10 5 - clay 10 - 17 7 gravel 17 27 27 47 10 clay - gravel 47 51 4 clay 51 72 72 76 21 gravel clay 76 82 6 gravel 82 90 90 93 8 clay gravel 93 - 118 25 121 3 126 5 142 16 150 8 160 10 165 5 220 55 235 15 500 265 soil gravel clay 118 gravel 121 clay 126 . gravel 142 tan clay 150 sand and gravel 1 60 tan clay 165 sand and gravel 220 - conglomerate 235 - - 5 20 4 3 56 Drillers' logsof wells in Animas Valley, Hidalgo County, New Mexico (Thickness and depth values in feet) Description Depth From 26.20.8-443 WellLocation Well Elevation 4,250 unavailable To 0 150 15 0 15 0 170 20 170 175 5 tan clay sand and tan clay 175 310 135 sandstone 310 320 10 tan 320 350 30 fine sand 350 355 5 tan 355 455 100 gravel 455 465 10 conglomerate 465 500 35 4 4 18 14 43 25 49 6 gravel clay clay Well Location Well Elevation 4,255 soil 0 grave1 4 tan, red clay 18 sand, silt, gravel 43 gravel 49 sand,. silt, gravel 56 56 - - 7 142 86 154 12 212 58 2 12 - 280 68 blue clay 280 - 308 28 brown, red clay 308 - 454 146 sand, silt, gravel 454 - 481 27 sand 481 - 494 13 - 513 19 520 7 610 90 grave1 142 sand 154 sandy clay sand, silt, gravel 94 4 gravel 513 sand, silt, gravel 520 - 57 Drillers' logsof wells in Animas Valley, Hidalgo County, New Mexico (Thickness and depth values in feet) Description Thickness To 0 5 5 5 41 36 41 48 7 48 70 22 70 95 25 95 205 110 205 225 20 225 260 35 clay and gravel: 260 275 15 sand 2 75 300 conglomerate 300 325 25 clay-rich 325 285 60 gravel 385 390 5 conglomerate 390 560 170 gravel 560 580 20 conglomerate 580 610 30 hard 610 700 90 Well Location 26.20.14- 343 well Elevation 4,290 soil sand and gravel clay sand and gravel clay sand and gravel clay sand , Depth From and and gravel gravel conglomerate conglomerate . 25 Drillers' l o g s of wells i n Animas Valley, Hidalgo County, New Mexico (Thicknessanddepthvaluesin feet) DThickness escription Depth ~ From Well L o c a t i o n Well E l e v a t i o n . . 4,280 soil 0 clay 5 sand 35 brown c l a y 55 sand 105 streaks of clay and gravel 119 gravel 205 s t r e a k s of c l a y a n d gravel , gravel 215 390 s t r e a k s of c l a y a n d g r a v e l 400 gravel 475 To - 5 5 35 30 55 20 105 50 119 14 205 86 2 15 10 390 175 400 10 475 75 490 15 501 11 490 - soil 0 - 5 5 light red gravel 5 - 40 35 conglomerate 40 - 351 311 conglomerate. 35 1 -. 607 256 0 - 30 30 30 - 150 120 150 - 450 300 450 - 500 50 streaks of clay Well L o c a t i o n Well E l e v a t i o n and g r a v e l 4,308 Well Location Well E l e v a t i o n 4,260 brown fill conglomerate c l a y ,s a n da n d gravel conglomerate . . . .- 59 Drillers' logs of wells i n Animas Valley,HidalgoCounty, (Thickness and depth values i n feet) Description Thickness Depth To From 4,420 Well L o c a t i o n Well E l e v a t i o n 0 - 360 360 b a d l yf r a c t u r e ds i l t s t o n e s , shales 360 - 460 100 sshi latlset o n e s , limestones highly fractured 460 - 701 241 90 90 120 30 g r a v eglrsa,nbiot eu l d e r s Well L o c a t i o n Well E l e v a t i o n 4,475 S i l t ,s a n da n dg r a v e l . New Mexico sandandconglomerate 0 90 - 280 160 280 - 400 120 350 - 700 350 0 - 20 20 178 158 178 - 300 122 sandyclay 0 - 8 8 l o o s eg r a v e l 8 - 18 10 s i l t , sandand gravel rhyolite tuff 120 Well Location Well E l e v a t i o n4 , 4 2 5 reddish rhyolite Well-Location Well E l e v a t i o n4 , 4 0 1 sandyclay shale,hardclay largegravelandsand 20 Well L o c a t i o n Well E l e v a t i o n4 , 4 0 1 sticky clay 35 sandy clay 100 - p e a gravel w i t h s t r e a k s of s a n d y c l a y a n d s a n d 130 - clay and some gravel 18 35 17 100 65 130 30 300 170 60 Drillers' logs of wells i n Animas Valley,Hidalgo County, New Mexico (Thickness and depth values i n f e e t ) Description Depth From Well Location Well Elevation Thickness To 4,416 stony clay 23 - red clay 40 - 110 70 sandy gray clay 110 - 128 18 sandy gray clay w/gravel 128 - 150 22 gravel 150 154 4 sandy c l a y 154 166 12 heavy gravel 1 66 168 2 c l a y w/sand and ,gravel 168 245 77 hard clay 245 256 11 gravel w/clay s t r a t a s 256 clay,conglomerates clean hard conglomerates sandy s o i l 0 - 23 23 40 17 300 44 300 - 620 320 620 - 750 130 soil 0 - 3 3 gravel,sand 3 - 6 3 gray clay 6 - 31 25 gravel 31 - 43 12 red clay 43 87 44 rocks and gravel 87 128 41 gravel,rocks,clay 128 142 14 c l a y and gravel 142 152 10 sand and gravel 152 157 5 largegravel 157 166 9 g r a v e l andsand 166 201 35 g r a v e l w/clay 201 - 215 14 c l a y and g r a v e l , sand 2 15 - 303 88 clay,conglomerate 303 - 620 317 clean hard conglomerate 620 - 750 130 Well Location well Elevation 4,422 Drillers' l o g s of wells i n Animas Valley, Hidalgo County, New Mexico (Thickness and depth values i n f e e t ) Description Thickness Depth From To 4,475 Well Location Well Elevation soil 0 - 2 2 brown clay,gravel 2 8 6 c a l i c h e and conglomerate 8 - 55 47 brown c l a y and gravel 55 - 65 10 gravel 65 90 25 brown c l a y and gravel 90 158 68 215 57 218 3 red rhyolite 158 r e d sandy c l a y 215 - 218 - 248 30 redrhyolite 248 - 320 72 brown clay and gravel 320 323 3 red clay 323 342 19 350 8 35 7 7 .brown c l a y and gravel brown sandy clay 342 brown c l a y and gravel 350 brown c l a y and boulders 357 brown r h y o l i t e 359 - soil 0 - 3 3 conglomerate 3 - 96 93 350 254 370 20 512 142 520 8 and gravel Well Location Well Elevation 359 2 400 41 4,338 conglomerate w/rhyolite 96 s h e l l y conglomerate 350 r h y o l i t e ,g r a n i t e 370 malpais,hard 512 - ' 62 Drillers' logs of w e l l s i n Animas Valley,Hidalgo County, New Mexico (Thickness and d e p t h v a l u e s i n f e e t ) Description Depth From Well Location Well Elevation Thickness To 4,344 soil 0 8 a sand 8 29 21 malpais 29 53 24 clay 53 78 25 sandy c l a y 78 80 2 clay 80 128 48 sand and gravel 128 130 2 clay 130 200 70 0 33 33 clay 33 44 11 clay and malpais boulders 44 70 26 clay 70 87 17 soft streak of clay a7 90 3 clay 90 110 20 sandy c l a y 110 122 12 sand and gravel 122 140 18 gravel 140 255 115 conglomerate 255 600 345 Well Location Well Elevation 4,377 malpais 63 D r i l l ers' logs of wells i n Animas Valley,Hidalgo County, New Mexico (Thickness and depth values i n feet) Description Depth From Well Location Well Elevation Thickness TO 4,400 soil 0 - 2 2 limey clay 2 .- 100 98 quartzite boulder 100 - 105 5 limestonechert 105 - 180 75 red andesite 180 - 218 38 red a n d e s i t e 218 305 87 gray shale 205 - 307 2 red rhyolite 307 - 405 98 0 - 15 15 gravel 15 - 50 35 clay 50 c l a y and boulders 70 Well Location Well Elevation 4,510 surface gravel 240 c l a y and gravel 250 conglomerate and clay 290 sand and gravel 625 hard conglomerate 645 conglomerate 700 70 - - - 20 240 170 250 10 290 40 625 335 645 20 700 55 800 100 64 Drillers' logs of wells i n Animas valley, Hidalgo County, New Mexico (Thickness and depth values i n f e e t ) Description Depth 4,500 Well Location Well Elevation clay w/gravel 138 gravel and sand 2 15 r e d c l a y and gravel 227 gravel and sand 387 conglomerate 394 - red clay 517 - conglomerate 5 36 0 gray gravel gravel and sand red clay Thickness To From : and small gravel Well Location Well Elevation 719 - 0 - 709 . 138 138 215 77 227 12 387 160 394 7 517 123 536 19 709 173 719 10 735 16 12 12 30 18 55 25 180 125 240 60 435 195 485 50 495 10 505 10 700 195 4,525 surface gravel .12 sand and gravel 30 clay 55 sandy clay 180 sand and pea gravel 240 large gravel 435 clay 485 gravel 495 conglomerates 505 - 65 Drillers' logs of wells i n Animas Valley,Hidalgo County, New Mexico (Thickness and depth values i n f e e t ) Description Depth From well Location Well Elevation Thickness TO 28.19-27.314 4,575 brown sand 0 9 9 sand,graveland.boulders 9 142 133 r e d c l a y and gravel 142 272 130 r e d conglomerate 272 277 5 c l a y and gravel 277 573 296 conglomerate 573 600 27 c l a y and gravel 600 6 72 72 gravel 672 676 4 red clay 676 720 44 r e d c l a y and gravel '720 833 113 gray clay 833 892 59 r e d c l a y a n d gravel 892 931 39 gravel 931 944 13 r e d c l a y and gravel 944 LOO0 56 0 400 400 400 520 120 8 8 600 592 Well Location well Elevation and gravel 4,800 conglomerate and f i l l whiterock Well Location Well Elevation 4,875 black clay w/gravel 0 conglomerate w/clay 8 - 0 66 APPENDIX C wells i n Animas Valley,HidalgoCounty, i n feet) (Thickness and depth values P e t r O k U m logs of From Well Location Well Name Well Elevation Thickness Depth Description New Mexico To Lonu and Gossum S t a t e #1 4,180 feet Sand and brown mud Brownmud Sand, brown s h a l e Sand and gravel Gravel,sandandshale Sand, brown s h a l e Sandy brown s h a l e Water and gravel Gray s h a l e Gravel and blue shale Blue s h a l e Brown s h a l e Blue s h a l e Brown s h a l e Sand and water Hard sand Hard sand Sand and g r a v e l Gray s h a l e Red s h a l e Sand and gravel Shale and gravel Sand and s h a l e Sand and gravel Red s h a l e Shale and gravel Lime and g r a v e l L i m e , hard Red rock Lime, hard Red rock Dark s h a l e Sandy s h a l e Sand and water Shale,dark Sand and water Red s h a l e P e n c i ls h a l e Sand and water Red s h a l e Red sand Red s h a l e Red s h a l e - 0 20 60 90 95 100 140 180 206 243 252 289 311 368 430 472 490 5 12 618 765 793 900 925 957 1,030 1,050 1,080 1,115 1,120 1,125 1,150 1,155 1,170 1,180 1,190 1,195 1,250 1,261 1,280 1,287 1,297 1,310 1,325 20 60 90 95 100 140 180 206 243 252 289 311 368 430 472 490 512 618 765 793 900 925 957 1,030 1,050 1,080 1,115 1,120 1,125 1,150 1,155 1,170 1,180 1,190 1,195 1,250 1,261 1,280 1,287 1,297 1,310 1,325 1,350 20 40 30 5 5 40 40 26 37 9 37 22 57 62 42 18 22 106 147 28 107 25 32 73 20 30 35 5 5 25 5 15 10 10 5 55 11 17 7 10 13 15 25 67 Petroleum logs of wells i n Animas Valley,Hidalgo County, New Mexico (Thickness and depth values i n feet) Description Depth From Thickness To Well Location Well Name Long and Gossum S t a t e #1 Well Elevation4,180feet Brown s h a l e Sandy s h a l e Red s h a l e Sand and s h a l e Sand and s h a l e , r e d 1,350 1,370 1,410 1,440 1,460 1,370 1,410 1,440 1,460 1,495 20 40 30 20 35 Petroleum logsof wells in Animas Valley, Hidalgo County, (Thickness and depth values in feet) New Mexico Depth Description From Well Location Well Name Phillips Owens Well Elevation 4,180 feet To Thickness State #1 Lime and sand 0 Brown shale 15 Sand 68 Brown shale 69 Gravel, coarse 73 Brown shale 78 Gravel, round 85 93 Brown sandy shale Gravel 130 Gray shale 136 165 Sand and gravel, water Gray sandy shale 180 Sand and gravel 215 233 -Lightgray shale Blue shale 238 253 Gray sandy shale Blue shale 265 274 Brown shale Blue lime and shale 318 Brown shale and sand 380 405 Sand and gravel, water Brown shale 428 Sand 433 453 Sand and gravel Brown shale and layers of 525 sand and gravel 628 Gray sandy shale Brown sandy shale and gravel685 Light brown shale 710 Light gray sand 790 Red gumbo 848 852 Hard red shale 864 Brown sand Brown shale and black sand 906 935 Black sand and fine Brown shale and some lime 937 950 Reddish brown shale Reddish brown rock 982 998 Hard gray sand Pink clay 1003 Gray lime 1004 Gray, brown lime 1006 1026 Reddish brown lime 1046 Red rock 1060 Red sand 1092 Sand 15 68 69 73 78 85 93 130 136 165 180 215 233 238 253 265 274 318 380 405 428 433 453 525 628 685 710 790 848 852 864 906 935 937 950 982 998 1003 1004 1006 1026 1046 1060 1092 1124 15 53 1 4 5 7 8 37 6 29 15 35 18 5 15 12 9 44 62 25 23 5 20 72 103 57 25 80 58 4 12 42 29 2 13 32 16 5 1 2 20 20 14 32 32 Petroleum logs Description of wells in Animas valley, Hidalgo County, (Thickness and depth values in feet) From Well Location Well Name Phillips Owens Well Elevation 4,180 feet Depth New Mexico To Thickness 1330 1350 1364 1366 1367 1369 1371 1390 1400 1405 1406 1407 1410 1413 1428 206 20 14 2 1431 3 1436 1438 5 2 State #1 1124 Gray sand 1330 Red sand 1350 Red shale 1364 Dark shale 1366 Reddish brown shale 1367 Gray shale 1369 Gray to pink lime 1371 Gray, white lime 1390 Blue to gray shale 1400 Lime 1405 Brown sand 1406 Black shale White to pink waxy shale 1407 1410 Red brownish shale Red rock, streaks of lime 1413 Hard fine sand, re& streaks 1428 of lime Coarse red sand, streaks of 1431 lime 1436 Red sandy shale 1 2 2 18 10 5 1 1 3 3 15 ' 70 Petroleum logs of wellsmimas in Valley, Hidalgo County, (Thickness and depth values in feet) New Mexico Depth Description Well Well Well From TO Thickness 340 344 700 340 4 356 385 1890 5795 6680 6860 6980 7130 7340 7404 385 1505 3905 885 180 120 150 210 64 920 1190 3930 4007 920 270 2740 77 70 2352 3788 5907 70 2282 1436 2119 Location Name Buffalo #1 Elevation 4,160 feet gravel and Clay muckblackCoal Blue clay, gravel and cement 1 340 344 WellLocation Well Name Cockrell #1 Pyramid Well Elevation 4,244 feet KB . Surface-Quaternary , Giia Conglomerate? '' Tertiary volcanic rocks 'Escabrosa limestono Percha shale Montoya dolostone El Pas0 limestone Bliss sandstone Precambrian Federal 1 385 1890 5795 6680 6860 6980 7130 7340 WellLocation Well Name Powers No. 1 State Well Elevation 4,377 feet KB Surface-Quaternary rock Volcanic mudstone Mojado Tertiary intrusive rock 1 920 1190 3930 WellLocation Well Name KCM NO. 1 Cochise StateA Well Elevation 4,416 feet KB Surface-Quaternary 1 conglomerate Gila 70 Ringbone-shale, sand, felsite 2352 Mojado-quartzite,felsite 3788 (Thickness and depth values in feet) Depth From To Description Thickness Well Location: 30.19.8113 Well Elevation: 4825' Cockrell #1 State 1209 Well Name: Agglomeration Tertiary Volcanics; rhyolite, welded tuff, ashflowtuff 0 - 480 480 480 - 2950 2470 72 APPENDIX D Particle Size Analyses 73 C O ~ V I P O S I TDATA ~ SHEET FOR P A R T I C U - S I & EA N A L Y S I S Sample No. Analyzed By T-2 Description of K. O'RriPn Date ?,l1FI!R7 Sample Very coarse to fine sand Remarks Interval from 135 to 140 ft I n i t i a l Sample deight Classification (Polk) 130.5 g Plotted on Figure 3 as curve # 1 Class Wentworth Weight i f Totals 130.5 Cumulative g 100.0% i I ! ! I 74 COMPOSITS DATA SHEET FOR PARTICU-SIZE ANALYSIS Sample No. T-2 Description Of Remarks Analyzed &f Sa.!Uple K. O'Brjm Date >,,1 F(:R7 Fine qravel to fine sand Interval from 150 to 155 ft. C l a s s i f i c a t i o n (Folk) I n i t i a l Sample deight 115.6 g Plotted on Figure 3 as curve # 2 Class Weight Mentworth Cumulative medium sand Totals 115.6 g 100.0% i I ! 75 'a COMPOSITZ DATA SHEET FOR PARTICLE-SIZE ANALYSIS Sample No. T-2 Description of Sample Remarks Analyzed By Da'te 2/18/82 Fine sand to silt Interval from 170 to 175 ft. C l a s s i f i c a t i o n (Folk) Plotted on Class K. O'Brien I n i t i a l Sample Height 71-3 g Figure3 as curve # 3 Wentworth Cumulative Weight Totals 71.3 4 100.0% i I 76 COMPOSITi3 DATA SHEET FOR PARTICU-SIZE ANALYSIS Sample No. Analyzed By T-2 Description of Sample Remarkg Interval from 180 to 185 ft. Plotted on Figure Class Neight I n i t i a l sample Weight 3 as 92.4 cumulative ( 9Percent ) Percent -- > - 1 qravel -1 to 0 very coarse sand17.4 18.8 18.8 0 to 1 coarse sand 17.8 19.3 38.1 1 to 2 medium sand 13.2 14.3 52.4 2 to 3 fine sand 13.3 14.4 66.8 4 very fine sand 13.3 14.4 81.2 18.8 100.00 ' Pan I I 4' curve # 4 Ventworth Class (8) to 3 I Date2/18/82 Very coarse to very fine sand Classification (Folk) r K. O'Brien I silt and clay i 17.4 1 I - i : I I I I I I 1 I I I i I ! ! 1 i I ! i ! I 1 I ./ ! ! i i ! I Totals 92.4 9 ! I I 1 tI t . 1 !I 100.0% - I ! 77 COMPOSITE: DATA SHEET FOR PARTICU-SIZE ANALYSIS Sample No. ofSample Description Remarks Analyzed By T-2 K. O'Brien Date 2/18/82 Predominantly medium sand with coarse to fine sand Interval from 205 to 210 ft. Initial Sample Height Classification (Folk) 81-1 g Plotted on Figure3 as curve # 5 Wentworth Class Height Cumulative I ! i : ! 1 i i 1 i ! I 1 ! Median 1 iI 1I I I 1 i ! ! L I 72 I 1 1 I 1 i i ; ! 4 i I I ! : ! : t i i I 1 1 I I I 1 7% COMPOSITi3 DATA SHEET FOR PARTICLE-SIZE ANALYSIS Sample No. Analyzed By T-I Date K. O'Brien 2/18/82 D e s c r i p t i o n of Sample Sand and gravel Remarks Interval from 210 to 215 ft. Classification (Polk) Plotted on Figure 3 as class Initial Sample Weight 209.4 i% curve# 6 Wentworth Height Cumulative I Totals 209-4 9 100.0% i I ! 79 COblPOSITZ DATA SHEET FOR PARTICJ&-SIZ,E ANALYSIS Sample No. ~ - 1 Description Of Remarks Sample Analyzed 8y K. 0 * D a t e w R/W Sand and a r a v e l I n t e r v a l from 215 to 220 ft. Initial Sample Height Classification (Folk) 167.1 g Plotted on Figure 3 a s curve # 7 Wentworth class vleight I i c 1 I! I I I I t ! I ! I ! ! i I 1 i ! Cumulative i I t f I : i i I 1 i ! Totals I 1 I 8 1 167.1 g 100.0% i I I! I ! us. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY WATER RESOURCES NEW M E X l CO 'ALBUQUERQUE, PROJECT HOLE NO. 7" DIVISION COUNTY /J ;d&'/4 9 CAS I CKNESS. NG DEPTH-DRILLER -In. Ft. to Ft. . . STATE .fl .&le$. , TH,I to-F t . Ft. Diam. -In. RANGE CPS 5 In. NO. PEN S.P. I OATEf'fsw BORE S I Z E 1 2 , /48/ U.S. GGOLOGICAZ SURVEY ' WA?E.R RESOURCES DIVISION ALBWUERQUE, co NEW MEN LOG HEADING .VE 5 sEC.:.~ OWNER PROJECT 7-z HOLE NO. DEPTH-DRILLER LOCATION N O . Z i ' J . Z O ~ . L . 320 ; TWP. 2 2 5 . . R w ~ O c J fi,Ai/ o ' COUNTY STATE I .CAS ING . , OPERATOR(S)/JU~,,~~C,,, DATE fl.#CK. THICKNESS M~y I A, IPS/ BORE S I Z E I / In.- Diam., DEPTH-LOGGER /o - 2 7 to- Ft. D i a r nF .t x. I n . Diam. In. F t . to. Ft. Dlam.. In. Ft. to Ft. Diam. -I n . F t . to- Ft. ~ Diam. In. F t . to- Ft 272 INTERVAL LOGGED Ft. :. - ~' ELEVATIONS KE. (".L , LOG MEAS. FROM MEAS. FROM DF. GL. TC. TYPE c , ~ LEVEL . FLUID DENS I TY .RADIATION NUCLEAR 1 CHANNEL NO. 2 DEPTH RANGE CPS 5 In. 4 TIME CONSTANT Sec. LOGGING SPEED Ft/Min VERTICAL SCALE Ft/ln Ft. Ft. to Ft. Lb/GalDRILLERS Ft. to Ft. ELECTRIC LOG REMARKS 5r.r PERFORAT IONS . DEPTH $f+. . . Ft. RESlSTiVlTY S.P. /a 0 . '5 POSITION Ohms ' PEN NO. MV VERTICAL SCALE Ft/ln CALIPER /o. 0 . 2 VERTICAL SCALE Ft/ln HORIZONTAL SCALE In/ln zz0 /o /clt PO MLI 6 OTHER zo D I G I T A L RECORO TYPE LOG 3 ?o~Ydslr(, /@;*?a SPAN WATER LEVEL . ; Ft. to - 7 . . DEPTH . RANGE Ft. . .. US. GEOLOGICALSURVEY WATER RESOURCES D I V I S I O N : ALBUQUERQUE, I 7; I NO. HOLE PROJECT , NEW MEXl CO /Jf COUNTY Ad/ a CAS ING DEPTH-DRILLER In. Diam. DEPTH-LOGGER )?L LOG MEAS. LEVEL FLUID DRILLERS MEAS. FROM Ft. Diam.: In.; Ft. to- Ft. Diam, In. F t . to- ELEVATIORS KB. GL. DF. (, *. ~~ RANGE CPS 5 In. I I I I' I 'Ft. Ft. " Ft. to .; ELECTRIC LOG 4 DEPTH 3 2 1 Ft. t o Lb/Gal DENSITY , ~ Ft. . Ft-' to -Ft. - NUCLEAR RADIATION DEPTH .Ft. to. it: In. Diam. TC. TYPE (9'' L . CHANNEL ' ' ~ Ft, t o ' , . Ft. SIZE PERFORATIONS .c .L, FROM BORE to- In. Oiam. I TH ICKNESS -F t . D i a m . "In. 6 - / 7~ INTERVAL LOGGED i Me$ STATE I . I F t.. REMARKS .. . 1.' I RESISTIVITY. SPAN Ohms VERTICAL CALIPER POSITION . , LOGGING SPEED Ft/Min Ft/ In SCALE VERT I CAL WATER LEVEL I I I I I , - 1 Ft. RANGE I o ~ eI n / l n I OTHER DEPTH D I G I T A L RECORD TYPE LOG HORIZONTALSCALE Ft. . ~~ . . ~. U.S. GEOLOGICALSURVEY WATER RESOURCES DIVISION ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO .* - HEADING LOG NE 5lJ SEC. OWNER PROJECT HOLE NO. 7" z DEPTH-LOGGER 272 2 - 267 INTERVAL LOGGED 6 ,L LOG MEAS. FROM DRILLERS MEAS. FROM Dim. In.- 22 TWP. I COUNTY Dim. -I n . Dim. Ft. In.- ELEVATIONS KB. RNG. cyuL /.d,/ STATE' ;-j I .,yl I mch, DATE 1 ' Ft. Diam. Ft . Didm;' F t . to- Ft. Dim; gf+ ~ /2,,/98/ BORE S I Z E I n . A F t . : In.- In. . to T:D. -I%. F t . to, Ft. F t . to Ft. PERFORATIONS . GL. ~ . DENSITY LEVEL. TYPE FLUID G f i , THICKNESS to- 320 2 0 ~O P E R A T O R ( S ) $ ~ ] ~ ~ ~ - F t . to- DF. TC L. LOCATION N0.219.2OJ. CAS ING DEPTH-DRILLER . . L. ,' Lb/.Gal F t . to Ft. Ft. to Ft. ELECTRIC LOG NUCLEAR RADIATION I I CHANNEL NO. DEPTH , RANGE CPS 5 In. 2 3 4 REMARKS DEPTH Ft. RESISTIVITY Ohms S.P. MV PEN NO. VERTICAL SCALE SPAN CALIPER POSITION TIME CONSTANT Sec. VERTICAL SCALE LOGGING SPEED Ft/Min HOR I ZONTAL SCALE VERTICAL SCALE WATER LEVEL Ft. D I G ITAL RECORD. TYPE LOG Ft/ln 20 Ft/ln In/ln OTHER Ft/ln DEPTH RANGE Ft. . ~ , ~~ U.S. GEOLOGICALSURVEY WATER RESOURCES ALBUQUERQUE, I OWNER HOLE NO. PROJECT SEC. Diam. ' LOG MEAS. FROM MEAS. b/Gal DRILLERS DENSITY 6 !Tw. 22 ~ - 2COUNTY R z0 272 z72 .dd) ; 6, L , 6 . ~TYPE FROMLEVEL G . No.2Z5.ZOd. I F t . to- L.340 ~ O~P E R ~ ATOR(S)~~J~,,~ STATE I OATEfl>r lF8/ AI. Me y . /t, THICKNESS In. _ _ F t . to- Diam. -In. N II / CAS I NG DEPTH-LOGGER LOGGED NEW MEXICO LOG HEADING /V€ s DEPTH-DRILLER - INTERVAL DIVISION BORE SIZE .' Ft., Dim. fn Ft. Diam. I n . -Ft. Diam. In. F t . to Ft. to. Ft. to Ft. . I Diam. ELEVATIONS KB. FLUID RADIATION NUCLEAR In. F t . to- DF. GL. Ft. . . TC.' - Ft. PERFORATIONS Ft. to Ft. F t . to Ft. ELECTRIC LOG . . U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY: WATER RESOURCES D I V I S I O N ALBUQUERQUE, I DEPTH-DRILLER 7 DEPTH-LOGGER 1 19 L 6 - /?L INTERVAL LOGGED ,. CAS I NG D i a m . -In. In. -F t . D -In. D ii aa m m .. =In. In. Diam. . NEW MEXICO to- Ft. F t . to- Ft. Ft. Ft. to- . A ELEVATIONS KB. UID DRILLERSF LMEAS. FROM TYPE DF. " TC GL. I 5 In. 1 1 I. 2 POSITION Sec. LOGGING SPEED Ft/Min VERTICAL SCALE LEVEL In. F t . to D iam'. In. F t . to. D iam : In. F t . to I PERFORATIONS . : 'Ft. Ft. F t . to 3 1 4 ~ I REMARKS .I rrrCv8dJcS c f/., I I ELECTRIC LOG I DEPTH Ft. RESISTIVITY Ohms S.P. PEN MV 0 * 5- - NO. VERTICALSCALE 2 zo Ft/ln CALIPER 0 L VERTICALSCALE Ft/ln HORIZONTALSCALE In/ln OTHER Ft/ln Ft. Ft. 5 0 0 /o. TIME CONSTANT -WATER , , d f. SPAN YY _" DENSITY Yf,S. CPS 5 ~ DEPTH RANGE . Diam. . NUCLEAR RADIATION CHANNEL NO. I BORE S I Z E . I LOG MEAS. FROM 1. THICKNESS. /cf G DEPTH 1 - Ft. HOLE ~~ U.S. .GE,OLOGICALSURVEY .. WATER RESOURCES D I V I S I O N co NEW MEXI ALBUQUERQUE, L OHGE. A D I N G OWNER SEC. PROJECT NO. ' r-,z TWP. L O C A T IN OO N- d f s d 2:2 RNG. /-];la/ ),COUNTY 20vJ DEPTH-DRI LLER, CAS ING Diam. DEPTH-LOGGER 12 LOG MEAS. FROM , 11,. L. -F t . I AI. ///I C f . TH ICKNESS DATEltk)r 12,/ f , g J BORE S I Z E 'to- Ft. Diam: .s% I n . F t . to- Ft. Oiam. In. F t . to. Ft. Oiam. In. F t . to PERFORATIONS Ft. 0 F t . to 7 D Ft. . . 2 73 INTERVAL LOGGED In. CvUt OPERATOR(S) hlLlJSon STATE I 6 . 2 2 5 . ZOY D i a m . -In.- 273 Diam. ELEVATIONSD KB. Ft-. $02 Ft. In., F. G.L.. DRILLERS MEAS.D EFROM N SLI TEYV E 'LF L U I D T Y P E ; GL. j TC . --F t . Lb/Ga 1 Ft. to Ft. to Ft. ELECTRIC LOG NUCLEAR RADIATION DEPTH Ft. 20 RESISTIVITY S.P.PEN NO. VERTICAL SCALE /oo 20 Ohms MV Ft/ln CALIPER HOR I ZONTAL .SCALE ln/ln OTHER DEPTH RANGE TYPE LOG G ~ . ~ ~~ ~~ U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY .. WATER RESOURCES D I V I S I O N ALBUQUERQUE, PROJECT NEW MEXl CO rF2. NO. STATE CAS ING DEPTH-DRILLER Diam. DEPTH-LOGGER INTERVAL LOGGED ,4- 2 7 ' In. -F t . A!. /ye< THICKNESS DATE M~rr l'?,/98/ BORE S I Z E 5/17 ' F t . t o $ D. F t . to- Ft. Diam. D i a m . _ _ I n . _ _ F t . 'to -F t . Diam. In. F t . to. Ft. . Diam. In. Ft. to Ft. F t . to- In. Diam. Ft In. 0 PERFORATIONS LOG MEAS. FROM KB. ELEVATIONS LDRILLERS b / G a lD E N SMEAS. I T YL E V EFROM L FLUID GL. DF. TC. -F t . TYPE to Ft. Ft. to Ft. ELECTRIC RADIATION NUCLEAR 1 CHANNEL NO. DEPTH 4 3 2 REMARKS 272 5 In. RANGE' CPS i7P,s;jv ~ Ft/Min ~~ VERTICAL SCALE WATER LEVEL ~ Ohms S.P. MV NO. Ft/l n Ft. ~~ ~~ ~~~ ~ ~ Idln ~~ zo OTHER DEPTH RANGE L7ul r: Drw.;, f u Ft/ln HORlZONtTAL ~ I4 In SCALE VERTICAL 7-0 ~ D I G I T A L RECORD TYPE LOG RESISTIVITY CALIPER z Sec. LOGGING SPEED ~ !+ 10.0 T I M E CONSTANT ~~ Ft. VE FStR/CT AI CL AE L f.0 POSITION /i PEN /o 0 SPAN IMC"/r)JP* DEPTH Ft. U.S. GEOLOGICAL; S U R V E Y I I[r Z 0 3 0 t n P Y I 0 0 (D e 0 0 dd- 0 0 e I ln I EPZ 6 0 2 92 0 0 e e EPV GI 02 92 EPE i 7 l 02 92 0 0 LC) e 0 0 0 0 0 d- 0 - d- N dI m I 0 0 - I Z Z E 9 02 Z Z PEZ PI 02 ZZ OPP PI OZ ZZ 000 SE 02 Z Z PZP 6 OZ PZ PIP El 02 PZ OOP G Z 0 2 PZ N e 0 0 ZPZ 102 sz PZI El 02 sz IZZ El oz sz / 0 0 rr) d- e 0 0 0 I d- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 m 0 0 r) m 0 0 0 m m 0 0 dm 0 - Ln m N m (D m F m 00 m I 6, I 0 0 m 0 0 - I 0 0 1 0 0 m N I 0 0 m m I 0 0 cz) m e m I 0 0 rm Ln m I 0 0 00 m I 0 0 6, m 0 0 N 0 0 F N 0 0 N a, c -0 a a, \ C 0 v) c U a, I E i N cz) 0 0 (D 6, N 0 0 00 rr) 0 0 0 I - a, c I a, c \ v) I 0 \ )r 0 M Q \ a, a, c I c U - CY 0 CY v, c t U >\ U \ c U c 0 0 N r- 0 C z CY v, 0 v, 0 0 0 (3 N N v, 0 0 00 I 0 0 0 m 0 0 In N L n 0 0 cu 0 - cn I (/> cn 0 K 0 0