EIGHTEENT; CT1LQUE OF CORVALLIS, OREGON STATE AGRICULTRAL COLLEGE CORVALLIS OREGON r 882-883 EIGI4TEENTIH NNT1L CTLOGUE OF THT OFFICERS AND STUDENTS CORVALLIS, OREGON STATE AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE CORVALLIS, OREGON. 882-883. CORVALLIS, OREGON: BENTON LEADER PRINT, CORVALLIS. 1883. - 3 CATALOGUE OF CORVALLIS COLLEGE. Pt(si of 1ntcs, 0 REV. B. F. BURCH B. W. BROCK ROBT. L. BUCHANAN JAS. A. CAUTHORN CAUTHORN. JOSEPH EMEB Independence Corvallis Corvallis Corvallis Corvallis ¶ Y REv. D. C. MCFARLAND. J. M. OSBURN. U. B. SMITH... HON. R. S. STRAHAN L. ARNOLD, (ex-officio). DR. J. B. BAYLEY HON. A. M. WITHAM. JUDGE F. A. CHENOWETH DR. J. B. LEE REV. T. B. WHITE JUDGE JOHN BURNETT M. JACOBS REV. J. B. N. BELL I . Corvallis Albany Corvallis Corvallis Albany Corvallis Corvallis Corvallis Corvallis . Corvallis Albany Corvallis Corvallis Corvallis CATALOGUE OF CORVALLIS COLLEGE. if th FOR CATALOGUE OF CORVALLIS COLLEGE. Joatd. 883-'84. 0 REV. B. F. BUTRCH President Vice President Secretary RON. J. B. LEE REV. J. EMERY B. J. HAWTHORNE. M. JACOBS B. J. HAWTHORNE FOR 883-'84. Collector B. L. ARNOLD, A. M., Treasurer Librarian PRESIDENp AND PROFESSOR OF MOBAL PHILOSOPHY AND PHYSICS. B. J. HAWTHORNE, A. M., PROPESSOB OF LANGUAGES. an osimj4tIge. PBES'p B. L. ARNOLD, Chairman. MR. JAMES A. CAUTHORN. MR. J. M. OSBURN. REV. J. EMERY, A. M., PROFESSOR OP MATHEMATICS. EDGAR GRIMM, PROFESSOR OF AGRICULTURE AND CHEMISTRY. W. W. BRISTOW, CQi4UQ OI4j4fl4ftq4, JUDGE JOHN BURNETT. J. B. LEE. MB. J. A. CAUTHORN. 4 PREPARATORY DEPARTMENT. MISS IDA BURNETT, PRIMARY DEPARTMENT. MISS E. MCFADDEN, DRAWING AND PAINTING. CATALOGUE OF CORVALLIS COLLEGE. ( ( CATALOGUE OF CORVALLIS COLLEGE. GEORGE A. GRIMES WILLIAM C. CRAW:U'ORD 1875.. ( REUBEN A FULLE.B, n. a 0 Ms. CLARA EGLIN MARIEN ELLIOTT HATTIE M. HANNA JAS. K. P. CTJBRmr, B. I s. GEO. F. BUERHART, B. MoN. FINLEY, A. U. S MARY J. HARRIS, B. s.... *FANE J. KENDOLL B. . Corvallis . Corval1 S . ('orvaij 1872. (3. ALEXANDEB, B. s.. *JOHN EGLrN, BOSS JACOBS, B. s.. > ALONZO 3. LOCKE, B. .......... JAS. K. P. WEATHERFORD 1873. LEANDFR N. LIGGETT CLARA THAYER, B. s.... WILLIAM F. HEBRIN, . OSCAR L. ISON, . s S 1874. JOHN B. BRYSON . THOMAS H, CRAWFORD, B. EMMET H. TAYLOR B. s EMMA THAYER, 'Deceased. S . Bento Benton County Couity Corvallis Corvallis Brownsvjiie . Norton's . Corvallis Corvallis Corvallis Corvallis 1878 Albany MOSICS NEUGASS, B. S 1 79 *If5 WOITE, BARTHOLOMEW P.SODEN,n s.. MARION El4LIufl, s................... a....................... 1880. WILLIAM E. YATES. A. M.................. ' SHUBEL 0. McCANN, A. B................... LILLIAN i4LA1S, A. B........................ I1ATTIk M. HAJNNA, B. S.................... DAYTON ELLIOTT, Line County Albany Corvallis Jacksonville Baker City Corvallis .Eagle Creek East Portland SAMUEL T. .JEFFREYS, A. B.... FREDERICK W. VINC)ENT, B. S.. LAURA TuOMPSON, B. S...... ELVIN 3. GLASS, n a ' Harrisburg Norton's GEORGE P. LENT, LS........... NEWTON A. TIIOMP B. S. MINNIE it WHITE, B. Cottage Grove Corvallis Lebanon Corvallis Jacksonviii8 .D. FOUNTAIN, B. s.. W. B. PBIVETT . S... 1876.. FRANKLIN CATJTHC RN, A. 1k! tISAAC JACOBS, B. Cottage trove 1871. B. S ADDlE M. ALLEN, B.8 Secretary. 'i'rea8urer. 1870. ROBT. MOVEATOH B. 5.. ALICE E. RIDDLE, B. S. *4/ PInUP Fl LINN, Pre8ideng. 7 The roLlowing were graduated in Moral Philosophy and Mathe maties, and were proficientin Chemistry: %Vjl.LIAM V. MASTERS, A. 3%.............. ElM JACOB$. A. B BEITHA NEIJGASS, A. B.................... ALICE Id. HOithINO, B. S..................... ARBIN R1C4R r, a. s........................... 1883 Corvallis / WILLIAM Ii. HOLMAN, B ' OEORG? B. BOVFlNOF.N, a .Independence Corvallis Cdrvallis Corva]Jis orvallis Albany Hubbard Corvallis Corvallis Corvallis Corvallis Corvallis Corvallis 1881.. ................... ............... JESSIE L. TAYLOR. B..................... IDA BURNETT, s............................ 1882. ELMER FL CRARMAN, A. T. LEONARD CFIARMAN, a. s. Corvallis - . . Oregon City . Oregon City Corvallis Corvallis Portland Corvallis Corvallis Corvallis Corvidlis Corvallis ........................Beaten s. ..........................MarionCo. Co. I 2 ------,--OO CATALOGUE OF CORVALLIS COLLEGE. ALL OTHER DEPARTMENTS. Additon, Alton, Allen, Ira, Aliplitin, Emma F., F t 0 Abby, Edwin J., Abby, Richard, Bowers, Ira E., Brassfield, Arthur, Brock, Russell W., Buchanan, Andrew S., Buchanan, Robert G., Bush, Howard L., Clemens, John A., Collins, Benjamin F., Collins, James H., Crocker, Charle8 L., Davis, Zenas C., Denman, John, Douglas, John, Dunsworth, John A., Elliott, Elda J., Emery, William G., Ferguson, Claud C., Glass, David H., Guilliams, Rufus, Haasler, J. C., Hodges, Arthur, Holgate, Harry L., Holman, William H., Hovenden, George B., Humphreys, John H., Jackson, Edgar, Jackson, Edwin, Jacobs, Isadore, Jennings, Orville 0., Johnson, Jasper J., Johnson, William W., Keesee,Andi ew T., Armstrong J., Arnold, Harry L., Baldwin, Carrie A., Baldwin, Cora, Bassette, Eva, Bayley, Eva, Bayley, Lizzie J., Bayley, MaryE., Belknap, Ida, Belknap, Eddy, Bell, Homer, Bell, Ora, Bell, Lee, Bell, Nettie, Bell, Xenia, Buchanan, Jane M., Burnett, Brady, Burnett, Mattie, Campbell, John, Chenoweth, Ella, Owslev, B. F., Peck, Frank J., Powell, William H., Priest, Frank L., Rayburn, Fred W., Robbins, 0. W., Ryals, W. F., Scott, Charles, Skeels, Chester W., Skeels, George, Stock, Sol. S., Thompson, Charles D., Wadsworth, William S., Whitney, J. E., e0' Cook, Edwin, Crees, Kate, Davidson, Inez, Eglin, James L., Elliott, Minnie M., Emery, Bertha, Emery, Lelia, Feagles, Florence, Friedly, Chancy, Friendly, Hattie, Friendly, Herbert, Goidson, W. Henry, Greffoz, Ed. P., Groves, Jessie, Groves Lilly M., Harris, Henrietta, Haskins, Ivie, Hawthorne, Eddie S., Hayes, N. Belle, Horning, Archie B., Jacobs, Sarah, Johnston, Edwin J., Jones, Thomas, Keesee, Lizzie, Kelley, Addie E., Kelsay, Lyman, Kennedy, Eflie, Kiger, Offie E., Kime, Alice, Langworthy, Perry, Lewis, Florence, Martin, Belle D., Mason, Chester, McFadden, Julian, McFarland, Minnie, McLaughlin, Michael, Miller, Lulu Maud, Mitchell, Lana, Nash, A. 1)., Nash, W. Gifford. Nelson, George, Newton, Diana C., Newton, Margaret, Owens, Ella, Pitman, Emma, Porter, Otis E., Porter, Marc, Preston, Ethel, Preston, John, Ray, Herbert G., Ryals, Ada, Rickard, Daniel, Riekard James, Rickarci, John, Right, Hattie, Right, Ida, Robinson, Carrie, Roggers, Charles E., Roggers, Harry, Samuels, Alice L., Samuels, Jessie E., 10 CATALOGUE OF CORVALLIS COLLEGE. Sawtelle, Uattie, Simmons, Nellie, Smith, Ed., Smith, Lula, StOlair, Arthur J., Stock, Eddy, Stock, Willie S.. Taylor, William 0., Vincent, Georgia, Watkins, Jennie, CATALOGUE OF CORVALLIS COLLEGE. Wells, Otto, Wiley, Charley, Wiley, May, Willard. Christina, Wilson, Eddy, Wilson, Robert J., Wrenn, Daisy, Wreun, Richard, Wrenn, Teenie, Wrenn, 'Willie. on of 11 tnq, 0 PREPARATORY CLASSES. Mathematics.Arithmetic, Algebra English.Reading, Spelling, Geography, English Grammar, Penmanship, Composition, Elocution, History of United States. NatUral Science.Natural History, Philosophy. Physiology. Languages--Latin Grammar, Latin Reader, Greek Grammar, Greek Reader, French Grammar and Reader, German. Military ldrerthes.Tactics, Drill. Agricultura&--Practical instruction on Farm. FRESHMAN CLASS. 7 Mathematics.Alge bra, Geometry. English--Rhetoric, Composition, History, Book-keeping. Natural ScienceInorganic and Organic Chemistry, Qualitative Analysis, Structure and Physiology of Plants, Water, Atmosphere and Soil in their relations to vegetable production, Meteorology, Zoology, Botany, Physical Geography. Languages. Ancient Geography, Roman Antiquities, Virgil, Cicero, Greek Antiquities, Greek Testament, Homer, French, German. Agriculture. Theory and Practice of Agriculture, Principles of Tillage, Drainage, Landscape Gardening. Military.Tactics, Drill. Excursion8. --Botanical, Zoological. SOPHOMORE CLASS. Mathematical.Trigonometry (plane and spherical), Navigation, Mensuration, Farms, &c. Surveying, Field Surveying, Drawing, Maps of EnglishRhetoric Logic, Composition, Elocution, Book-keeping, Universal History. Natural Science.Analysis of Minerals, Ores, Soils, Manures, Ashes of Plants, Mineral Waters, &o. &c.; Practice in Mineralogy, Entomology, Geology, Botany. 12 CATALOGUE OF CORVALLIS COLLEGE. CATALOGUE OF CORVALLIS COLLEGE. Layuas.Romun and Greek Antiquities, Sallust, Horace Odes and Epodes, Greek Testament, Homer, French, German. AjricuUure. Theory and Practice of Agricultnre, Horticulture, Farm Implements and Drainage, Stock Breeding. ' curo. Geological, Botanical. JtINIOR CLASS. Moral P/d1osop/ij.Evidenoes of Natural and Revealed Religion, Moral Philosophy, Political Economy. Mat/tematks.Analytical Geometry, Differential and Integral Caloulus, Practical Surveying and Engineering. Eagiis/.Ment.al Philosophy, English Literature. Natural &ienee.Qnnljtative and Quantitative Analysis, Mineralogy, Chemistry, Geology, Organic Analysis. Languayes.Livy, Horace's Satires, Epistles, &e.; Odyssey, Do Corona, Latin and Greek Composition. French, German. Agrkulture.Theory and Practice of Agriculture, Tr.ining and Culture of Fruit Trees, the Vine, Small Fruits, Culture of Flowers. Mililar.Tactics, Drill. SENIOR CLASS. Moral Philosophy._.Evjdence of Natural and Revealed Religion Continued. Mcthenzatjcal. Mechanics, Astronomy, Civil Engineering. Haural Science._Chernistry_completed; Quantitative Analysis. Language8._Juen, Cicero, Tacitus, Alcestis, Thucydides, De- L1II 2 0 until he Runx 1. No student can enter a class with any professor Pre3. the College and enrolled by the shall have been admitted to ident. Puix 2. All students must attend the opening religious services of each day. required to observe "study" hours RULE 3. All students will be loitering in the streets, in shops, or atpalces of and not be found amusement during these hours. enter at any RULE 4. No student shall play at cards or billiards, orhis room or drinking, or buy. keep, or use in time places of gambling or elsewhere any intoxicating liquors. of the Institution who i RuLE 5. No one can remain a nemher idle or vicious, or whose influance is detrimental to the discipline or reputation of the College. smoke on or near the ColRULE 6. No student will be allowed to lege grounds. abstain from all profane RULE 7. All students will be required to noisy and disorderly conduct about and obscene language, and all the College buildings. mosthenes. AgricuUure._Theory and Practice of Agriculture, Laying out of Lawns, Ornamenting Grounds, &e. Military.Tactjcs, Drill. RuLE 8. Students must attend promptly to their duties and studies assigned them, and in no case suspend a study or change a recitation without permission. r and deportment of each RuLE 9. A record of the scholarship the in- ) 3 student will be kept, and this will at all times be open to spection of parents and guardians. that students, on Sunday RULE 10. It is expected and enjoined attend the church of their choice, or that of their pareet8 or guardian. CATALOGUE OF CORVALLIS COLLEGE. CATALOGUE OF CORVALLIS COLLEGE. 1 ) 111 md xuüudt 0-- DEGHEES, There are four degrees conferred in this Institution: 1. The degree, A. M., conferred on all who complete the course in the study of Physics, Mathematics, Moral Philosophy. History and Literature, and Language. 2 The degree, A. B., on such as complete the course in the school of Physics, Mathematics, Moral Philosophy and Ancient Language. The degree, B. S., on such as complete the course in th sct'oi of Physics, Mathematics, Moral Philosophy, Engineer;ng, Latin, and Special Department of Agriculture. The degr e of Graduate in a schol, o" such as complete the course in inv schoo'. No dgr-e will be conferre I upon 'ny student of immoral conduct. EXAMINATIONS. c Stated examinations are all done in wriin; they are, of two kindsIntermediate am! Final. The final examination occurs at the end of the year. Foiure8 to , E.raminathm, No student failing to pass at examinations on any study, will be ndxnitted to a second exambiation on that study during the same year. Candidates fo degrees will, at their final examination, be e>amme(1 on the entire cinzrge. Students in the Ancient Lanr guages will be examined for degrees in dc Classical Authors at the will of the Professor, and the examination will not. be confined to th authors read by the student durthe session in the lecture room. We require but two things of students, viz: Gentlernani conduct anJ yood Ieseonsthese are unconditionally required By gentlemanly conduct, we mean that all students a±. required w behave toward one another and toward techer as the laws of refined society direct. GOOD LESS0NS.We mean by "good lessons" that stu- dents wl, be required to attain in daily recitation at least 50; our standard of perfect lessons being 100. Everything F like inattention, talking, communicating in any way wha-.. ever during reitation, and being tardy at recitation, Wi ' detract from merit of recitation. Students persisting in violation od these rules will b promptly dismissed We sincerely hope that no student who does not intend laws, will apply for admisto obey ehee-flLi/y these simple sion. REMARK1. No student from another (11001 will be admitted to this school, unless he brings ccrtificate of good conduct from the President of that shool. REMABK 2. No student will be allowedto take up less than three studies. r more than five, oxcept in special cases. REMABK :. No student will be allowedto change a study in any case, or discontinue a stutly,un]ess, in case of ill health, physician of good standing lie bring a certificate fr that. such change or discontinuance is absolutely necessary ALOGUE OF CORVALLIS COLLEGE. 17 CATALOGUE OF CORVALLIS COLLEGE. see fit to allow such change or discontirnj REMARK 4. tf disorder at recitation, absence from recita,il 'be. - reported and students permitted to render own excuses upon honor, and in writing; their exto be submitted to the entire fcu ty for extminBut in all cases students must state 8pcia1 not gnil reasons, It will not do to say "I had important business," but the kind of business must be stated, and the ?amilty must decide its impoance. REMARK 5. vs of the State forbid drunkenness,gambling rioTh1a'c uct of any kind, attenng saloons; penalty for 9us COfl(l itinn s LOCATION. The College is located at Corvallis, Benton County, Ore- goi. This is a healthful place. sisten( eexpulsion. REMARK 6. 11 communications between ladies and gentlemen on the e College premises are expressly forbidden. gir REMARK 7. student leaving this College without the permiss:ion oft he Faculty, is liable to he declared expelled. SCALE OF DEMERITS. Absence from recitation 5to 10 Late at recitation 5 to 10 Failure at recitation S to io Leaving recitation without excuse 5 t3 3') Ladies and gentlemen conversing on premises.. 5th 25 Disorder at recitation 50 5th General disorder SESSIONS. The scholastic year couists of ten months, of twen days each. This is divided into three equal Terms. EXPENSES. PAYMENT IN ADVANCE. Tuition charged from date of entrance to the end of LI1 100 demerits dismiss. * term. No deduction except for sickness. Primary Department Preparatory, English $5 00 6 00 Preparatory, Classical................................. 8 00 4 . Collegiate, Irregular. .................................... 13 00 Collegiate, Regular.. ................................... 15 00 Contingent fee........................................... 1 00 Laboratory fee for students of Chemistry............ 1 00 EXTRAS. Stol00 Mr,ckrn Lanunes. each, ..............................5 o6 Graduating fee, Classical course......................0 00 Graduating fee, Scientific.............................8 00 ? PRIMAItY.Readiflg, Spelling, Mental Arithmetic and Primary Geography. 2 2 ' 'V 1884, 4, June Day. Commencement 1884. 3, March Term. Third of Beginning 1883, 3, December Term. Second of Beginnning 1883 3, Septembe begins Session 1883-1884. for CALENDAR sickness. serious protracted, of case in unless it, out with- or excuse with absent whether recitation, at failure of mark the receive will recitation from absentees All Faculty; th of option the at this t and Christmas. at except holidays, no be will There charge. of free tion, any gradua- to passed been have may they which in school All in lectures attend can school this of graduates a distinction. of certificate receive will cent., per 75 examination at attaining undergraduates All quired. re- examination the pass person that unless degrees o son per- no pass will we for examination, thorough a passing without g.t e'nnot they this scholarship; in honor seek school, this attending students all that presumed is It guardian. or parent her or is 1' of permission the without minor a tru4 on,e lu) Jet PUBLIC. THE TO or reside, they which College. the of President the to in district the for Senator the to applying by pointments ap- secure may men Young old. years sixteen over men, young sixty of tuition free the for provides law The STUDENTS. STATE week. per dollars four to three from costs Board BOARD. Greek and Latin and course Reynlar.Scientific Collegiate, course, Scientific Irregular. Collegiate, Greek. or Latin, and English Claica1 Prtparatory Reader. and Geography Algebra, ementary El- Arithmetic, Written Lngiih.Gramrnar, Preparatory COLL,.. CORVALLIS OF CATALOGUE 18