Passport to Georgia provided by The Center for Agribusiness and Economic Development The College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences The University of Georgia Athens, GA 30602 The Center for Agribusiness and Economic Development is a unit of the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, combining the missions of research and extension. The Center has among its missions to: • • Provide feasibility and other short-term studies for current or potential Georgia agribusiness firms and/or emerging food and fiber industries; Provide agricultural, natural resource and demographic data for private and public decision makers. To find out more about the Center as well as the State of Georgia and its counties, visit our websites: County Map of the State of Georgia ii Table of Contents Agriculture .......................................................................................... 1 Crime .................................................................................................. 2 Economics .......................................................................................... 2 Education ........................................................................................... 3 Government........................................................................................ 3 Health ................................................................................................. 4 Housing/Households .......................................................................... 4 Labor/Occupations ............................................................................. 5 Natural Resources ............................................................................. 6 Population .................................................................................... 6 – 7 Public Assistance ............................................................................... 8 Transportation .................................................................................... 8 Vital Statistics ..................................................................................... 9 Georgia County Rankings ................................................................ 10 Georgia Miscellany ........................................................................... 11 Georgia‟s Rank in the United States ................................................ 12 Georgia Firsts ................................................................................... 13 U.S. Firsts in Georgia ....................................................................... 13 General References and Websites .................................................. 14 iii The Center for Agribusiness and Economic Development John C. McKissick, Professor and Center Director 301 Lumpkin House The University of Georgia • Athens, GA 30602 Phone: 706-542-2434 Fax: 706-542-0770 URL: The College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences J. Scott Angle, Dean and Director The University of Georgia Athens, GA 30602 The University of Georgia is committed to principles of equal opportunity and affirmative action June 2010 CR-10-04 iv AGRICULTURE 2007 Data Number of farms – 47,846 .................................... 10.15 million acres Avg. farm size – 212 acres .................. avg. farm value/acre – $ 4,500 Farms by economic sales class: ......................$1,000-$9,999 - 63.5% $10,000-$99,999 – 18.2 % ........................ $100,000 or more - 14.2 % Export value of agricultural commodities ........................ $1.469 billion Farm production expenses .............................................. $5.999 billion Net farm proprietor‟s income ........................................... $1.241 billion Percentage of farm Income from Government Payments .......... 4.5% Annual avg. hourly wage of all hired farm labor ........................ $10.04 2008 Farm Gate Value of Production by Commodity Group Total .................... $11.922 billion (% = share of total farm gate value) Poultry & Eggs................................................... $5.652 billion – 47.4% Row & Forage Crops ......................................... $2.010 billion – 16.9% Livestock & Aquaculture .................................... $1.264 billion – 10.6% Vegetables .......................................................... $849 million – 7.1% Ornamental Horticulture ........................................ $696 million – 5.8% Other Income......................................................... $614 million – 5.1% Forestry & Products .............................................. $571 million – 4.8% Fruits & Nuts.......................................................... $268 million –.2.2% Farm Gate Value: Per farm ...... $249,183 Per acre ......... $1,175 2008 Farm Gate Value of Production for Selected Commodities (in $ MILLION) Broilers .................... Eggs ........................ Cotton ...................... Peanuts ................... Timber ..................... Horses ..................... Beef. ........................ Dairy ........................ Greenhouse.............. Field Corn ................ Container Nursery .... Breeder Pullet Units Hay .......................... Onions ..................... Turfgrass .................. Pecans .................... Wheat ...................... Watermelon .............. Peppers ................... Soybeans ................ Hunting Leases ........ Field Nursery ........... Pork ......................... Pine Straw ............... $4,887.0 $593.0 $584.1 $582.2 $472.4 $413.6 $367.4 $306.2 $261.7 $236.8 $190.2 $165.2 $144.9 $139.0 $131.2 $125.9 $121.7 $118.3 $117.8 $115.9 $110.8 $91.7 $90.4 $82.1 Cucumbers ................................................. $80.7 Agrotourism ................................................ $78.2 Tobacco ................................................. $69.6 Sweet Corn ............................................ $69.1 Blueberries .............................................. $60.9 Greens ................................................... $57.1 Tomatoes ............................................... $51.2 Peaches ................................................. $49.0 Silage ..................................................... $45.2 Wheat/Rye Straw ................................... $44.1 Cabbage ................................................ $35.4 Squash ................................................... $25.0 Quail ...................................................... $24.8 Rye ......................................................... $24.8 Snap Beans ........................................... $22.6 Cantaloupe ............................................ $20.7 Zucchini ................................................. $16.9 Eggplant ................................................. $16.8 Goats ..................................................... $15.2 Sorghum ................................................ $12.2 Southern Peas ........................................ $11.0 Grapes ................................................... $10.4 Christmas Trees .................................... $8.5 Blackberries ........................................... $7.6 1 Highest Crop Production/Yield Records (most recent year) Crop All Hay Corn for Grain Cotton, upland Oats Peaches Peanuts Pecans Rye Sorghum grain Soybeans Tobacco Wheat Production Millions of Crop Units Year 1.95 tons 2005 133.9 bu. 1976 2.769 bales 1911 17.391 bu. 1945 499.2 lbs. 1928 2,329.0 lbs. 2008 150.0 lbs. 2007 2.73 bu. 1981 6.624 bu. 1985 63.45 bu. 1982 161.402 lbs. 1974 46.01 bu. 1981 Yield/acre In Units 3.0 tons 140.0 bu. 849 bales 72.0 bu. N/A 3,450 lbs. N/A 30.0 lbs. 50.0 bu. 34.0 bu. 2,470 lbs. 56.0 bu. Crop Year 2005 2008 2005 2000 N/A 2003 N/A 2008 2005 2003 1996 2008 CRIME 2008 Index (Part 1) crimes reported – 418,025 .............4315.9 Rate/100,000 Violent crimes 10.9% Property crimes .................... 89.1% Index crime arrests ...... 107,241 .....................Rate/100,000 – 1107.2 Violent crimes ........... 11.2% Property crimes ................. 88.8% Age 17 & under ........ 22.3% Female............................... 29.6% White ........................ 37.2% Black .................................. 62.1% Total law enforcement officers – 34,811 ........................ 906 assaulted State prison inmates, as of 10/2009 ......................................... 53,163 Average age .......... 34.0 yrs. Violent/sex crimes .................. 59.3% Drugs/DUI .............. 16.9% Property crimes ...................... 19.7% White ...................... 36.7% Male ....................................... 93.0% Non-white ............... 63.3% Female .................................... 7.0% Sentence 3 or < yrs. .. 24% Prior GA incarcerations ............. 42% On Death Row ........... 103 Did not complete H.S. ............... 67% Admitted in FY09 ... 20,737 With children, admitted in FY09 . 59.1% Avg. cost per inmate: ~$47/day ................................... $18,000/year 46% of food consumed by inmates is produced & processed on prison farms. Probationers, FY09 ....... 159,258 Cost per day ......................... ~$1.30 for property crimes ...... 35.3% for Drug/DUI crimes ............... 36.3% for violent/sex crimes .. 21.9% % Straight probation .............. 81.9% FY09 juvenile court commitments–2,888 .. 2.96 Rate/1,000 age 10-16 Long-term YDC ............. 1,002 Short-term YDC Program ........ 3,634 ECONOMICS Deposits in U.S. financial institutions, as of 06/2009 ..... $198.5 billion Personal bankruptcy filings, 2008 ............. 62,802– 6.5 per 1,000 pop. Total personal income, 2008 (Census est.)....... $338B – $34,893/person Total personal transfer receipts, 2008 .......$49.4B Per capita $5,105 Median household income, 2008 (est.). .................................... $50,834 Persons living below poverty level, 2008 (est.). ...........1,388,959 (14.7%) Total GA lottery sales, FY09 ................$3.66 billion ........ $378/person 2 EDUCATION Public School Systems: 2007-08 Number of schools ............... 2,172 Number of systems ............ 184 Revenues ............... $19.329 billion Expenditures ..... $19.074 billion per FTE ...................... $8,537 per FTE ......................... $8,428 Enrollment K-12 ............ 1,609,681 Teachers PK-12 .......... 118,711 White .............................. 44.5% with advanced degrees .... 57.6% Black ............................... 39.5% Female ......................... 80.6% Hispanic............................ 9.8% Minority ........................ 25.0% Asian ................................ 2.9% Avg. yrs. experience ...... 12.25 Eligible for free/reduced lunch .. 51% Avg. salary ................ $51,466 High school dropout rate ....... 3.6% Student/teacher ratio ........ 14:1 Retained Students ................. 4.1% Graduates ..................... 83,516 Gifted Students......................... 9% Eligible for HOPE ......... 38.5% Students with Disabilities ....... 11% College prep certificate. ... 75.4% Limited English Proficiency ... 5.4% Avg. SAT score (V & M) ..... 976 2008-09 Private and Public Pre-kindergarten Programs Enrollment ................... 78,129 students ...................... at 1,840 sites $323,025,652 lottery funding................... $4,135 funded cost per child 2008-09 Nonpublic Education Home study students ..... 39,233 Private school students ..... 107,539 Higher Education/Technical/Libraries, FY08 Technical colleges ..................... 33 USG univ. & colleges ........... 35 Public libraries ...................... 349 Private colleges/universities . 53 1.2 million HOPE scholarships awarded, $4.3 billion (1993- 09/2008) Educational Attainment of Persons 25+ Yrs.: 2007 (est.) H.S. grad or higher .............. 82.2% Bachelor‟s degree or + .... 27.1% GOVERNMENT, 2007/2008 Registered voters (as of 2008 General Election) ................. 5,198,971 3.92 million votes for President - 47.0% Democrat; ...... 52.2% Republican Registered voters who voted: 75.7% ........... 56.0% of voting age pop Voting districts .................................................. 13 U.S. Congressional 56 State Senate .....................................180 State Representative Federal Govt. direct expenditures to GA, FY08) (in $ Billion) ....... $74.2B for Defense – $14.2B .................... for Salaries & Wages – $10.1B Estate & gift tax collected): State: $1.4B ..................... Federal: $349.5B Total State revenue, FY07 (all in $ Billion) ............................... $45.1B Taxes $18.2B ($7.7 all sales; $8.8B personal income; $1.0B corporate) Total State expenditure, FY07 (all in $ Billion) .......................... $41.8B Education: $15.6B ......................................... Public welfare: $9.7B Health/hospitals: $1.9 B ........................... ........... Highways: $5.0B Police/Correction: $1.7B .. Natural Res/Parks & Recreation: $0.65B Dept. of Defense total personnel in GA as of FY08 ................ 141,966 Dept. of Defense Prime Contract Awards to GA, FY08 ........... $ 7.41B 3 HEALTH Physicians by Specialty and Rate/100,000 pop., 2006 (latest data) Physicians ...................... 18,422 Rate/100,000 ................... 202.2 By Specialty (rate in parentheses) General Surgeons .. 699 (7.7) Family practice ..... 2,391 (26.2) Pediatrics .............. 1,548 (17.0) Internal medicine ... 2,471 (27.1) OB/GYN ................ 1,027 (11.3) Licensed Health Professionals and Services: 2008/2009 To find the # of current licensed professionals, visit Total health care workers . 286,300 Physician Assistants ......... 2,369 General hospitals ................. 149 General Nursing Homes ...... 354 Licensed daycares („09) ....3.097 Med School Graduates ........ 386 2008 Selected Notifiable Health Conditions Reported Chlamydia trachomatis .... 42,359 Streptococal Dis (A&B invasive) .. 931 Gonorrhea ....................... 16,170 Shigellosis ........................ 1,101 Animal bites ....................... 3,397 Campylobacteriosis ............. 690 Salmonellosis .................... 2,303 Tuberculosis ........................ 478 Syphilis, all stages ............. 2,818 Rabies-Animal ..................... 386 AIDS ................................ 22,019 S. Pneumoniae-Invasive DRSP. 462 Giardiasis ............................. 754 Cryptosporidiosis ................. 263 Hepatitis A& B (acute) .......... 239 Haemophilus influenzae ...... 151 Aseptic Meningitis ................ 285 Rocky Mtn. Spotted Fever ..... 77 Age 5+ with a disability, 2007 ............. 1,224,878 .... 14.6% of pop. 5+ Persons uninsured by age: <65 yrs. .. 19.7% <19 yrs. ...... 12.9% Total Medical Benefits, 2007 .............................................. 17.7 billion Medicare payments, .... $10.1B Military medical benefits .. $0.4B Public assistance .......... $7.2B Medicare enrollment .. 1,104,846 HOUSING / HOUSEHOLDS / FAMILIES Total housing units, (07/08) 4,026,082 .............. 22.7% chg 2000-08 3 Georgia counties in top 10 US fastest-growing („07 by # of housing units) Density per sq. mi. of land area, 2008 .................... 69.5 housing units Select Housing Characteristics, 2008 (Census Bureau Estimates) Vacant housing units ........13.8% Electric heating fuel ......... 47.3% No vehicle available ...........6.6% 3 or more vehicles ........... 21.8% One or fewer bedrooms .. 11.8% 4 or more bedrooms ........ 23.4% 2008 New Privately Owned Housing Units Authorized Total units ........................ 35,519 construction value - $4.96 billion Single family units ...... 25,030 3 & 4 family units ................. 150 Two family units .............. 140 5+ family units...................... 339 Total Households, 2008 est. (occupied housing units) ..... 3,469,845 Owner-occupied ....... 2,340,305 Median mortgage/mth..... $1,387 Renter-occupied ....... 1,129,540 Median home value .... $169,100 Median gross rent ........... $787 Average h/hold size ............ 2.71 H/holder living alone .......26.6% Householder 65+ ............... 7.3% Total families, 2007 (Census Bureau estimate). .................... 2,328,569 % total households .......... 68.1% Avg. family size ..... 3.31 persons 4 % of Total Families: With own children under 18 years ...........................1,140,219 (32.9%) Married couple family ..............................................1,585,437 (48.6%) Female head, no husband, with child <18 .................. 309,884 (8.9%) Male head, no wife, with child <18 ................................ 71,515 (2.1%) LABOR / OCCUPATIONS - 2008 Total civilian labor force (GA DOL estimate). ... ...................... 4,847,650 Unemployed: .............. 6.2% ...................................... 301,975 Employed .................. 93.8% ................................... 4,545,675 Unemployment insurance claims ............................................ 705,673 Monthly average ........ 58,806 % change, 07-08 ............. 49.2% Unemployment Rates (%) by Race & Sex, 2008 (U.S.DOL est.) Total - by Race Both Genders Men Women Total - by Age (in yrs.) All Races Men Women Total 6.4% 6.0% 6.9% 16 - 19 22.7% 24.6% 21.0% White 4.9% 4.5% 5.3% 20 - 24 11.5% 8.9% 14.3% Black 10.2% 10.2% 10.2% 25 - 34 7,2% 6.9% 7.5% Hispanic 8.2% 7.0% 10.8% 55 - 64 4.0% 3.5% 4,5% 2008 Business Averages Average number of establishments ........................................ 276,063 Av. monthly employment ..... 4,029,673 Av. weekly wages ............$819 2008 Employment by Sectors and Selected Industries Goods producing sector .. 16.0% Government Sector ......... 17.1% Agriculture .....................0.6% Service producing sector ... 66.6% Construction ..................... 5.1% Wholesale & retail trade . 16.9% Manufacturing ................. 10.1% Accom. & food services .... 8.7% Commuters in 2008 (Census Bureau estimate) Worked outside county .....38.0% Worked out-of-state ........... 2.6% Mean travel time ......... 27.0 min. Car pooled ....................... 11.9% Drove alone to work .........77.7% Worked at home ................ 4.8% Change in workers who carpooled, 2007 - 2008 ....................... 15.8% Hot Careers: Expected Annual Job Openings to 2016 Registered Nurses ............ 3,010 Accountants & auditors .......... 970 Elementary school teachers .. 2,800 Computer support spec. ...... 970 Admin. Assts & secretaries ... 1,480 Computer systems analysts .... 930 Secondary school teachers . 1,260 Management analysts ......... 890 Middle school teachers ....... 1,230 Network systems analysts ... 690 Occupations with Highest Projected Annual Job Openings, 2016 Hairdressers & personal svcs ... 606 Home Health Aides .............. 406 Medical assistants ................ 546 Pharmacy technicians ......... 299 Network systems & analysts .... .469 Special ed teachers ............. 238 Computer software engineers ... 458 Surgical technologists.......... 107 Dental assts & hygienists ..... 446 Veterinarians ......................... 99 2006 -16 annual job openings projection: 163,153 ..... 1.3% growth/yr. 5 NATURAL RESOURCES 2005 water withdrawals per day, total (all in million gal). ............ 5,471 Ground water.................. 1,180 for thermoelectric .............. 2,721 Surface water ................. 4,291 for livestock/aquaculture ...... 818 for public supply ............ 1,180 for industrial & mining .......... 604 for domestic & comm. ....... 149 for commercial .................... .291 Per capita public supply water usage ...................... 1310.2 M gal/day Forest land, 2008 (65.3% of total land use area) .... 24.8 million acres Timber land for commercial use .......................... 24.4 million acres 45.3% pines ......... 39.3% hardwoods ......... 11.9% oak/pine Economic impact of forestry (2008): .. 72,000 jobs ........... $16.9 billion 45 State parks on 63,790 acres .................................. 18 historic sites National Park Service units .............................................................. 14 Number of Active hazardous waste sites, 2009 ............................. 533 Toxic chemical releases on and off/site (2008)........... 105 Million Lbs. Wildlife-associated recreation by persons 16+, 2006 (latest survey) Total participants ................. 2,773,000..................... $3.3 billion spent Anglers ................................ 1,107,000............. $1,020.4 million spent Hunters ................................... 481,000................ $677.8 million spent Wildlife-Watching ................ 1,987,000............. $1,615.3 million spent POPULATION - Decennial Census and CAED Estimates Total Number Percentage Change 2015 CAED projected.10, 961,128 2000-2015 projected........ 33.2% 2008 estimate .............9.685.744 2000-2008 estimated ....... 17.7% 2000 ..........................8,186,453 1990-2000 ....................... 26.4% 1990 ...........................6,478,149 1980-90 ........................... 18.6% 1980 ...........................5,463,105 1970-80 ........................... 19.0% 1970 ...........................4,589,575 1960-70 ........................... 16.4% 1960 ...........................3,943,116 1950-60 ........................... 14.5% 2008 –12 counties (7.5% of counties) contain 50% of the State‟s pop. 22 counties with pop. > 100,000 persons per sq. mile (2008) .... 167.3 Components of Change: July 1, 2007 - July 1, 2008 Natural increase (births minus deaths) ........ 79,888 .... 8.3 per 1,000 Net migration (people moving in & out) ........ 83,792 .... 8.7 per 1,000 Selected Age Groups: 2008 0 -14 ....... 2,127,815 ........ 22.0% 18 + ..... ... 7,136,903 ........ 73.7% < 5 ............. 740,521 .......... 7.6% 65+ ...... ...... 981,024 ........ 10.1% < 18 ........ 2,548,841 .........26.3% 85+ ...... ...... 122,419 .......... 1.3% Median Age: 34.9 For Males: 33.6 ................ For Females: 36.2 Population (in millions): Male: 4.8 M (49.2%) .Female: 4.9 M (50.8%) Distribution by Race (one race alone): 2008 White ..................................................... 6,333,287 ................... 65.4% Black ...................................................... 2,907,944.................... 30.0% American Indian/Alaskan Native ........................ 35,528 ..................... 0.4% Asian ........................................................ 276,615 ..................... 2.9% Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander ........ 8,315 ..................... 0.1% Hispanic/Latino origin (of any race) ........... 777,244 ..................... 8.0% 6 Largest Municipalities (inside city limits): 2008 Estimate Atlanta .......................... 537,958 Augusta ........................ 194,149 Columbus ..................... 186,984 Savannah ..................... 132,410 Athens .......................... 113,398 Macon ............................. 92,775 Roswell ........................... 87,657 Sandy Springs ................ 82,674 Albany ............................ 75,831 Marietta .......................... 67,562 Warner Robins ............... Johns Creek .................. Alpharetta ...................... Smyrna .......................... Valdosta ......................... East Point ...................... Rome ............................. Gainesville ..................... Peachtree City ............... Dalton ............................ 61,336 59,431 49,903 49,854 48,547 43,418 36,041 35,668 34,788 33,648 535 municipalities: .. 47 have < 200 residents; ........ 81 have > 10,000 2000 – 2008: ......... 41 municipalities grew > 50%; .. ..... 181 declined 2000 – 2008: ... Unincorporated areas contain 59.9% of GA residents Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSA): 2008 Estimate Atlanta ........................ 5,376,285 Dalton ........................... 134,139 Savannah ...................... 334,353 Valdosta ........................ 133,348 Macon ............................ 230,777 Warner Robins .............. 133,161 Athens ........................... 189,264 Brunswick ..................... 102,850 Gainesville ..................... 184,814 Rome .............................. 95,980 Albany ........................... 164,919 Hinesville ........................ 69,943 Augusta-Aiken GA-SC* ...... 354,601 .......... 66.4% of MSA Chattanooga TN-GA* .......... 143,766 .......... 27.7% of MSA Columbus GA-AL* ............... 237,149 .......... 82.4% of MSA * Figure reflects only Georgia portion in MSA Total MSAs (70 counties) = 7,885,349 pop. ........ 81.4% of State total 24 Micropolitan Statistical Areas (31 counties) ...... 958,627population 89 Nonmetropolitan counties (includes micropolitan areas) = 1,800,395 population = 18.6% of State total Smallest Municipalities and 2008 Estimated Population: Edge Hill ..... 33 Riverside ...... 60 Weston ....... 69 Aldora ...... 91 Selected Population Facts, 2008 U.S. Census Estimates Born in GA ................. 55.6% Foreign-born ............................... 9.4% Foreign -born region of birth: Latin America . 53.6% ...... Asia, 25.0% Post-secondary education: foreign-born - 45.7% . GA- born - 41.0% % of population aged 3+ enrolled in Pre-K .................................. 2.1% Married ....................................................................................... 51.7% Never married.................. 31.1% Separated .......................... 2.4% Divorced .......................... 11.3% Widowed ............................ 5.9% Language other than English spoken at home, age 5+ ............. 12.5% Living in same house in 2008 as in 2007 ................................... 82.6% Veterans, 2009 Estimated Veteran population....................... 772,832 Female: ... 9.7% Age 65+ ...... 31.4% Vet pop. chg 2000-09 0.5% VA Expenditures FY08: ................ $2.65 billion ............ 36.1% medical Legal immigrants (permanent residents) admitted in 2008 ....... 27,769 7 PUBLIC ASSISTANCE FY08 Recipients % of Pop. Benefits Paid TANF (Avg. #) ....................... 40,609 0.4% ................. $ 54.2 million Medicaid ........................... 2,068,185 21.4% ................... $6.8 billion Food Stamps (mthly avg. #) 987,851 10.2% ................... $1.2 billion SSI ....................................... 212,977 2.2% ................ $103.8 million OASDI (Soc. Security) ..... 1,347,932 13.9 % .................. $1.4 billion Child abuse cases, „08: ........ 84,035 reported ....... 30,600 investigated Substantiated cases .......... 16,302 (53.3%) .... Closed Cases.... 36.7% Incidents: Neglect .......... 78.2% Physical/Emotional ....... 17.4% Child maltreatment victims: .......... 25,949 ..... rate per 1000 <18 – 10.3 Foster Care – Av. monthly clients .......6,590 Annual Cost ... $49.1 M Child Care – Av. monthly clients .......98,022 Annual Cost . $164.4 M TRANSPORTATION Air Transportation 2008 Public-use airports ............ 105 FY08 Hartsfield-Jackson -Atlanta Public-owned (2009) .................. 106 International Airport Air carrier ........................................ 9 Aircraft operations ... 978,824 Paved runways ......................... 96% Airport area ........4,700 acres Lighted for night .................... 94% Passengers .... ~ 250,000/day Runway <5,000 ft ................. 53% Employees ............... ~56,000 Instrument approach ............ 81% Cities/countries served: . 95 / 57 Auto weather rpt sys ............ 50% Regional econ. Impact .... ~$24 B Motor Vehicle Registrations: 2009 Total ................................. 8,499,469 Passenger vehicles .... 63.0% Trucks..................................... 22.3% Trailers ........................ 11.9% Buses ....................................... 0.4% Motorcycles ................. 2.3% Motor Vehicle Crashes, Rates (per 100 m Vehicle Miles Traveled) and Licensed Drivers: 2006/08 2006 crashes ....................... 342,534 Total crash fatalities (2008). 1,493 Crash injuries .................. 133,555 Alcohol related ........... 489 Children <5 yrs. Injured ........ 3,380 Pedestrian fatalities .... 146 Crash rates per 100 VMT, by type: Drivers in fatal crashes involving Rear-end ........................... 116.9% Drivers > age 21 .... 14.8% Off-road ............................... 47.0% Unsafe/illegal speed .. 21.9% Safety restraint use by occupants: age >5 = 80.9% .... age <6 = 65.0% Licensed drivers (valid and suspended), 2006 .................. 6.54 million Drivers < age 18 .............. 3.6% Drivers > age 75 ......... 4.6% Public Roads: Total highway road mileage .................................................... 117,238 Paved ...................... 75.7% Unpaved ...................... 24.3% Interstate ....................1.1% County roads ............... 72.1% Total highway lane miles ......................................................... 246,397 Daily vehicle miles traveled .............................................. 297.4 million Rural ........................ 35.0% Urban & small urban ....... 65.0% 2006 volume of gasoline reported ........................... 4.98 billion gallons 8 VITAL STATISTICS 2007 Data Number Rate/1,000 Live births, total ...............................150,804 ........................... 15.8 White .........................................89,722 ........................... 14.3 Black ..........................................51,148 ........................... 17.9 Hispanic origin (all races) ..........24,475 ........................... 33.0 Induced terminations of pregnancy, total 29,415 ........................... 14.3 White .........................................10,686 ............................. 8.5 Black ..........................................17,352 ........................... 24.6 Other Races ................................1,377 ........................... 13.9 Teen pregnancy, total .......................23,285 ........................... 35.3 White .................................................11,210 ........................... 28.7 Black .................................................11,354 ........................... 47.5 All other races ........................................ 721 ........................... 24.0 Hispanic origin (all races) ....................3,348 ........................... 68.3 Infant deaths (1 yr. or less), total ........1,198 ............................. 7.9 White ...................................................... 524 ............................. 5.8 Black ...................................................... 654 ........................... 12.8 Hispanic origin (all races) ......................... 75 ............................. 3.1 Number Rate/100 Low birth weight, total (< 2500 grams) ... 14,351 ............................. 9.5 White .......................................... 6,358 ............................. 7.1 Black ........................................... 7,163 ........................... 14.0 All Hispanic origin (all races) ...... 1,456 ............................. 5.9 Births to unwed mothers, total ......... 65,068 ........................... 43.1 White ........................................ 27,776 ........................... 31.0 Black ......................................... 34,957 ........................... 68.3 Hispanic origin (all races) ......... 12,100 ........................... 49.4 Births to unwed teen mothers, total . 15,251 ........................... 10.1 White .......................................... 6,650 ............................. 7.4 Black ........................................... 8,119 ........................... 15.9 All other races ................................482 ............................. 4.8 Hispanic origin (all races) ........... 2,249 ............................. 9.2 Number Rate/100,000 Deaths, total ......................................67,753 ......................... 709.8 White .........................................48,773 ......................... 779.3 Black ..........................................18,452 ......................... 644.2 All other races ................................ 528 ......................... 125.2 Hispanic origin (all races) ............... 748 ......................... 101.0 Infants..........................................1,198 ............................. 7.9 Total Deaths by Selected Causes Heart disease ....................................16,075 ......................... 168.4 Malignant neoplasms (cancer) ..........14,846 ......................... 155.5 Cerebrovascular disease (stroke) .......3,749 ........................... 39.3 Accidents (unintentional injuries) ........3,816 ........................... 40.0 Motor vehicle accidents .............1,673 ........................... 17.5 Chronic lower respiratory disease.......3,358 ........................... 35.2 Alzheimer‟s......................................... 1,831 ........................... 19.2 9 GEORGIA COUNTY RANKINGS Clarke ........ Smallest county in land area (in sq. miles) ..................... 121.3 Ware ..... .... Largest county in land area (in sq. miles) ........... .... 906.3 Wilkes ........ First in order of county creation .................... Feb. 5, 1777 Peach ........ Last in order of county creation .................... Nov. 4, 1924 Fulton ........ Highest Av. SAT score (M+V) 2007 - 08 ................. 1,065 Taliaferro ... Lowest student/teacher ratio), 2007 - 08 ........................ 9 Echols ........ Largest % employment that is Ag-related, 2008 ... 53.4% DeKalb ....... Highest % of grads with college prep diplomas) ... 95.6% Wheeler ..... Highest % establishments that are Ag-related, 2008, ... 25% Paulding .... Highest % chg. in # of veterans, 2000-09 .............. 43.6% Fayette ...... Lowest poverty rate, 2008 ........................................ 4.7% Muscogee .. Highest % chg per capita income, 2006-07 .............. 9.3% Henry ......... Highest # of deer-related crashes, 2000-2006 ........ 3,595 Forsyth ...... Highest median household income, 2008 ........... $88,626 Clay .......... Largest % increase in # of farms, 2002 - 2007 ..... 83.67% Brantley .... Largest rise in new private housing units, 2007 ........ 900% Towns ....... Highest median age of population, 2008 ................... 45.3 Stewart ..... Largest % of population age 85+, 2008.................... 4.1% Liberty....... Highest rate of natural increase in pop., 2007-08 .. 16.8% Dade ......... Lowest rate of births to unwed mothers, 2007 .............. 14.6 Oglethorpe . Largest per capita direct federal expenditures, „08 ..... $73,084 Richmond . Highest physician rate per 100,000, 2006 ............... 654.5 Baker ........ Highest % HS grad. class completion, 07/08 ......... 95.8% Bryan ........ Highest % of scores of 3 + on AP Exams, 2007-08 .. 77% Quitman .... Highest education expenditures per FTE, 2007-08 ..... $12,910 Calhoun .... Highest est. value of equipment, av./farm, 2007 ... $316,913 Fannin ...... Highest av. annual teacher salary, 2007-08 ........ $55,560 Hancock ... Largest rise in registered voters for Pres., 2004-08 ......... 14.9% Habersham . Total Farm Gate Value per farm acre, 2008 ........ $10,860 Montgomery Lowest rate per 100,000 for arrests, Part 1 crimes, „08 .... 22.4 Carroll ....... Largest number of farms, 2007 ............................... 1,054 Oconee ..... Lowest public water use/person, 2005 ........... 17.4 gal/day Franklin..... Highest poultry & eggs value, 2008 ............ $363,296,494 Colquitt ..... Highest vegetable value, 2008 ................... $106,641,442 Mitchell ..... Highest peanut value, 2008 .......................... $30,603,840 Grady......... Highest ornamental horticulture value, 2008 ........... $39,497,781 Dooly ........ Highest cotton value, 2008 ........................... $39,805,556 Bacon ....... Highest blueberry value, 2008 ...................... $23,760,000 Peach ....... Highest peach value, 2008 ........................... $15,989,000 Dougherty . Highest pecan value, 2008 ........................... $16,740,000 Wilkes ....... Highest beef cows value, 2008 ....................... $7,209,596 Jackson .... Highest beef stockers value, 2008 ................. $3,578,400 Macon ....... Highest dairy value, 2008 ............................. $49,161,600 Clinch ......... Highest forestry & products value, 2008 ...... $18,705,075 Thomas ...... Highest agri-tourism, value, 2008 .....................$16,353,725 Rabun ........ Largest federal timberland ownership, acres (000), 2008 .... 140 Chattooga .. Lowest % of probationers for property crimes, 2009 ..... 17.5 Webster .... Largest increase in lottery sales, FY08 – 09 .......... 55.1% Seminole .. Largest % of grad class entering GA colleges, 2007-08 .. 70.1% Union ........ Total bank deposits per capita, 2009................... $68,779 10 GEORGIA MISCELLANY Official State Symbols Amphibian ................................................................... Green Tree Frog Art Museum ......................................... Georgia Museum of Art, Atlanta Bird ............................................................................... Brown Thrasher Butterfly ....................................................................... Tiger Swallowtail Crop .............................................................................................Peanut Fish ............................................................................. Largemouth Bass Flower ............................................................................ Cherokee Rose Folk Dance ................................................................... Square Dancing Fossil .................................................................................. Shark Tooth Fruit .............................................................................................. Peach Game Bird ...................................................................... Bobwhite Quail Gem ............................................................................................. Quartz Insect ......................................................................................Honeybee Marine Mammal.................................................................. Right Whale Mineral ..................................................................................... Staurolite Motto ............................................... “Wisdom, Justice and Moderation” Poet Laureate ..................................................................David Bottoms Prepared Food ............................................................................... Grits Reptile .......................................................................... Gopher Tortoise Seashell.........................................................................Knobbed Whelk Song .................. “Georgia on My Mind” (version sung by Ray Charles) School .......................................................... Plains High School, Plains Theatre ..................................... The Springer Opera House, Columbus Tree ........................................................Live Oak (Quercus Virginiana) Vegetable .............................................................. Vidalia Sweet Onion Waltz ................................................................................"Our Georgia" Wildflower .................................................................................... Azalea Other Designations Capital ...................................................................................... Atlanta Colors .................................................................. Red, White and Blue Origin of name .................. by James Oglethorpe after King George II Nickname .................................................................. The Peach State Railroad Museum ......................... Historic Railroad Shops, Savannah Statehood ........................ 4th of original 13 colonies, January 2, 1788 Total area ................................................................... 59,425 sq. miles Water – 1,519 sq. miles Length – 315 miles ............................ Breadth – 250 miles Highest elevation: Brasstown Bald Mountain .......................... 4,784 ft. Geographic center ........................................................ Twiggs County Largest river by volume (Altamaha) ........... 14,000 sq. mile watershed Largest lake (Clark‟s Hill Reservoir) ................................ 71,535 acres Number of counties ........................................................................ 159 Number of municipalities (incorporated places) ............................. 532 Normal annual temperature ............................................ 63.1 degrees Normal annual precipitation ............................................ 50.78 inches 11 GEORGIA'S RANK IN THE UNITED STATES, 1=Highest 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 7 8 9 9 9 9 10 10 11 12 13 14 15 15 16 19 20 20 23 23 26. 38 41 42 44 45 46. 46 48 50. Pecans utilized production, 2009 ............................ 85 million lbs. Peanut production, 2009 ....................................... 1.78 billion lbs. Broilers produced, 2008 (number of birds) .................. 1.41 billion Number of county governments .............................................. 156 Total state gov‟t employees, Parks and Recreation, 2007 ... 3,223 Cotton cash receipts, 2008 ...................................... $562.2 million Black population number & percent, 2008 ......... 2,907,944/30.0% Chicken eggs, cash receipts, 2008 .......................... $564.2 million Peach production, 2009 ............................................ 30,000 tons. Fastest-growing population by %, 2000 - 2009 ................... 20.1% Total local government employees in Education, 2007 .... 264,126 Net generation of electricity from wood/wood waste, 2007 ... 3.4 b KWH Population, % under 18 years old, 2008 ............................. 26.3% New privately-owned residential permits issued, 2008 ...... 25,508 Federal expenditures on School Lunch Program, FY08 $395.8 M Retail sales at gasoline service stations ................... $19.34 billion Elementary school enrollment as % of state pop., 2007 ..... 17.1% Total number of firms, all sectors, 2007 ........................... 738,158 Capital Outlays, public school systems, 2006-07 ......... $2.3 billion Birth rate per 1,000 population, 2006 ..................................... 15.9 Lottery ticket sales, excluding commissions, 2007 ............ $2.96M Total population, 2009 ................................................... 9,829,211 State government expenditures on Education, 2007 ......... $15.6B Persons granted legal permanent residency, FY08 ........... 27,769 Total veterans, 2009 (estimated) ...................................... 772,832 Estimated number of housing units, 2008 ..................... 4,026,082 Teen birth rate per 1,000 women age 15-19, 2006 ................ 54.2 Federal Head Start procurement contract awards FY08 . $149.5M Exports of manufactured commodities ........................... $22.091B Population living below poverty level, 2008 ......................... 14.3% State government tax collections, 2008.................... $18.18 billion Leading cash receipts from agriculture, 2008 .................... $5.91B State disbursements for highways, 2007............................ $2.88B Dept. of Defense procurement contract awards FY08 ......... $7.2B Violent crime rate per 100,000 pop., 2006 .............................. 471 Hispanic population, 2008 ..................................................... 8.0% Average wage per job, 2008 ............................................. $43,474 Median household income, 2008 ...................................... $50,834 Bachelor‟s degree or higher (age 25+), 2007 ...................... 27.1% Energy consumption per capita, 2006 .................... 337 Million Btu Per capita personal income, current dollars, 2008 ........... $34,893 Structurally deficient bridges, 2008 ....................................... 6.8% Alcohol-related traffic fatalities, 2008 (as % of all fatalities) ... 33% Avg. price per gallon of regular gasoline, Aug. 2009 ............ $2.47 Median age of the total population, 2008 ......................34.9 years Federal aid to state and local governments per capita, 2007 ...... $1,099 White population, percent, 2008 .......................................... 65.4% Population 65 years old and over -- 2008 ........................... 10.1% State gasoline excise taxes per gallon, 2008 .................. 7.5 cents 12 GEORGIA FIRSTS 1733 1777 1849 1889 1938 1960 1964 1976 1783 1906 1973 Savannah first capitol of the 13th colony and, later, of Georgia. First GA State Constitution adopted. First tunnel completed at Chetoogeta Mountain between Dalton and Chattanooga. The first electric streetcar in Georgia made its first trip in Atlanta. First four-lane highway--Atlanta-Marietta Highway--opened. Ray Charles of Albany was the first Georgian to win a Grammy Award for "Georgia on My Mind.” Martin Luther King, Jr., was the first Georgian to win the Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts to bring about integration without violence. James Earl "Jimmy" Carter was the first Georgian to be elected President of the U.S. Richmond Academy, Augusta, opened as the first government supported high school. The first school of forestry in the south established at UGA. Maynard Jackson, Jr., became the first African American mayor of a large southern city. U.S. FIRSTS IN GEORGIA 1735 1735 1785 1790 1793 First agricultural experiment farm established at Savannah. First colony to cultivate grapes The University of Georgia, first state-chartered university in the U.S. Invention of cotton gin by Eli Whitney near Savannah. Sarah Porter Hillhouse first female in the U. S. to own and edit a newspaper, The Washington Gazette. 1819 The Savannah first steamship to cross the Atlantic Ocean. 1821 Cherokee Indian alphabet adopted after years of development by Sequoyah, a Georgia Native American. 1823 First state to require birth registration. 1842 Dr. Francis Goulding invented the sewing machine (failed to obtain a patent). 1851 The Adelphean Society, now Alpha Delta Pi, organized at Wesleyan College in Macon for college women. 1866 First state to give married women full property rights. 1881 Spelman College founded as Atlanta Baptist Female Seminary for African-American women. 1886 First sales of Coca-Cola at Jacob's Pharmacy in Atlanta. 1890 Chickamauga & Chattanooga National Military Park created. 1905 Georgia Supreme Court first to recognize constitutional right to privacy, acknowledged by the U.S. Supreme Court in 1965. 1922 First female U.S. Senator, Rebecca Felton, who also held the record for the oldest person elected and shortest term, 1 day. 1931 Atlanta Airport first to have a passenger terminal. 1943 Georgia became the first state to lower the legal voting age from 21 to 18 for state and local elections. 2002 First state to have uniform electronic voting machines. 13 GENERAL REFERENCES AND WEBSITES Georgia County Guide, Georgia Farm Gate Value Report and Georgia Statistics System; Center for Agribusiness and Economic Development, College of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences, The University of Georgia, Athens, GA:; GA Ag Statistics Service: GA Crime Information Center:,2096,67862954_88103 906,00.html GA Dept. of Community Health: GA Dept. of Corrections: GA Dept. of Education: GA Dept. of Labor: GA Dept. of Motor Vehicle Safety: GA Dept. of Natural Resources: GA Dept. of Public Health: GA Dept. of Technical and Adult Education: GA Dept. of Transportation: GA Firsts: GA Forestry Commission: www.GFC.State.Ga.US/ GA Lottery Corporation: GA Public Library Services: GA Student Finance Commission: GA Secretary of State: Governor‟s Office of Student Achievement: Hartsfield-Jackson-Atlanta International Airport: National Center for Health Statistics: New Georgia Encyclopedia: Statistical Abstract of the U.S.: US Bureau of Economic Analysis: US Census Bureau: USDA-SRS-Forest Inventory & Analysis: US Dept. of Agriculture: US Dept. of Defense: US Dept. of Justice: US Dept. of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics: US Dept. of Transportation: and US Elections Project: US Geological Survey: USG Board of Regents: 50 States: 14 “Passport to Georgia” Edited by: Susan R. Boatright Phone: 706-542-0760 or 706-542-8938 Email: and Marcia Jones Phone: 706-542-9813 Email: Center for Agribusiness and Economic Development The University of Georgia and Fort Valley State University, the U.S. Department of Agriculture and counties of the state cooperating. Cooperative Extension offers educational programs, assistance and materials to all people without regard to race, color, national origin, age, sex or disability. An equal opportunity/affirmative action organization committed to a diverse work force. June 2010 CR-10-04