Board Conference Room
Capitol Building 6, Room 353
1900 Kanawha Boulevard, East
Charleston, West Virginia
June 8, 2011
Call to Order
President Priscilla M. Haden called the meeting of the West Virginia Board of Education
(WVBE) to order at 12:30 p.m. on June 8, 2011, in the Board Conference Room, Capitol
Building 6, Room 353, 1900 Kanawha Boulevard, East, Charleston, West Virginia.
The following members were present: President Haden, Vice President Jenny N.
Phillips, Secretary Robert W. Dunlevy, Michael I. Green, Lowell E. Johnson, Gayle C. Manchin,
William M. White and ex officios Jorea M. Marple, State Superintendent of Schools, Brian E.
Noland, Chancellor, West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission. Members absent were
Burma Hatfield, L. Wade Linger Jr., and James L. Skidmore, Chancellor, West Virginia Council
for Community and Technical College Education.
Approval of Agenda
President Haden requested that item VIII. G. Initial Education Performance Audit Report
for Gilmer County School District be moved the follow item V.C. West Virginia Gear Up, and
that at item XIII. G. WVBE Personnel Matters including RESA 5 Executive Director Search,
Office of Education Performance Audits Director Search, and Termination of Employment of
Employee at RESA 1 the termination of employment of the employee at RESA 1 be removed.
Upon motion by Ms. Phillips, seconded by Mrs. Manchin, the Board unanimously approved the
agenda as amended.
Mr. Ben Adams, West Virginia for Educational Reform, addressed the Board regarding
charter schools. Ms. Misty Pritt (distributed information), President, and Ms. Phyllis Starkey,
member, Gilmer County Board of Education, addressed the Board regarding Gilmer County
audit report. (Copy appended to Official Minutes, Attachment AA.)
Education in the 21st Century: A Legislative Perspective
Senator Robert H. Plymale, Chair of Senate Education, addressed the Board regarding
education in the 21st century and spoke briefly regarding truancy, digital learning, growth
formula, and transportation costs/budget.
Student Truancy and the Court System
Ms. Shelly DeBerry, Coordinator, WVDE Office of School Improvement, introduced
Judge Alan T. Moats, Nineteenth Judicial Circuit, who addressed the Board regarding efforts to
reduce truancy in Barbour and Taylor Counties.
The Challenge Program, Inc.
Mrs. Manchin introduced Mr. Dan Perkins, Founder and Chairman of the Board, and Ms.
Barbara Grandinetti (distributed information), Executive Director, The Challenge Program, Inc.,
who provided information to the Board regarding The Challenge Program, Inc. (Copy appended
to Official Minutes, Attachment A and addendum.)
West Virginia GEAR UP
Ms. DeBerry introduced Dr. Adam Green (distributed information), West Virginia
Higher Education Policy Commission, who addressed the Board regarding WV GEAR UP.
GEAR UP is a federally funded six-year program for Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness
for Undergraduate Programs and provides rigorous educational services to help students plan,
apply and pay for education and training beyond high school. The program serves schools in ten
counties. (Copy appended to Official Minutes, Attachment BB.)
President Haden called for a break at 2:06 p.m.
Call to Order
President Haden called the meeting back to order at 2:23 p.m.
Initial Education Performance Audit Report for Gilmer County School District
Dr. Kenna R. Seal, Director, Office of Education Performance Audits (OEPA), reported
that an unannounced on-site review of the Gilmer County School District was conducted
May 2-4, 2011. The OEPA conducted the review which concentrated on official complaints that
alleged the county board was in violation of policies or laws under which schools and county
boards operate. Following Dr. Seal’s review of the audit report, Mr. John D. Bennett,
Superintendent of Gilmer County Schools, addressed the Board regarding the audit findings.
Dr. Seal recommended that the Board issue Nonapproval status to the Gilmer County
School System, declare that a state of emergency exists in the school system, and pursuant to
W. Va. Code 18-2E-5(p)(C), intervene immediately in the operation of the school system in the
areas of finance, facilities, personnel, instructional programs, and policy development.
-3Upon recommendation by Dr. Seal, Dr. White moved, and Ms. Phillips seconded, that the
Board accept the Education Performance Audit Report for the Gilmer County school system.
Upon the call for the question the motion carried unanimously.
Superintendent Marple addressed the Board regarding the OEPA report and offered the
following recommendations to the State Board as a result of the recommendations of the OEPA:
that the State Board find, based on the report from the Office of Education
Performance Audits, that extraordinary circumstances exist in the Gilmer
County school system.
that the State Board assign Nonapproval status to the Gilmer County school
that the State Board declare that a state of emergency exists in the Gilmer
school system based on the information presented in the OEPA report.
that the State Board find that the conditions precedent to State Board
intervention in a county school system are present in this instance.
that the State Board find that it would not be in the best interests of the
students of Gilmer County to delay intervention for any period of time.
that the State Board limit the authority of the Gilmer County Board of
Education as to the expenditure of funds, the employment and dismissal of
personnel, the establishment and operation of the school calendar, the
establishment of instructional programs and rules and any other areas
designated by the State Board by rule and delegate decision-making
authority to the State Superintendent regarding these matters.
that the State Board delegate to the State Superintendent the authority to
conduct hearings on personnel matters and school closure or consolidation
matters and subsequently to render the resulting decisions, and the authority
to appoint a designee for the limited purpose of conducting hearings while
reserving to the State Superintendent the authority to render the resulting
that the State Board limit the authority of the Gilmer County Board of
Education as to the ability to conduct real estate transactions and delegate to
the State Superintendent the authority to act in lieu of the Gilmer County
Board of Education in a transfer, sale, purchase or other transaction
regarding real estate.
that the State Board delegate to the State Superintendent the authority to
replace administrators and principals in low performing schools and to
-4transfer them to alternate professional positions within the county at her
10) that the State Board delegate to the State Superintendent the authority to fill
positions of administrators and principals with individuals determined by the
State Superintendent to be the most qualified for the positions.
11) that the State Board declare the office of county superintendent of schools of
Gilmer County to be vacant at the end of the day on June 8, 2011, and that
any existing contracts for subsequent superintendents be voided.
12) that the State Board appoint Ted Mattern to be the interim Superintendent of
Gilmer County Schools starting June 9, 2011, to be paid at his current
salary, continuing until a new superintendent is appointed.
13) that the State Board grant the State Superintendent the authority to hire a
county superintendent to replace the interim appointment and set his/her
14) that the State Board direct the Gilmer County Superintendent and the State
Superintendent, after consultation with the Gilmer County Board of
Education, to jointly develop and present to the State Board at a future
meeting a set of standards and/or a strategic plan that must be implemented
in order for the Gilmer County Board of Education to regain control of the
school system.
15) that the State Board direct the Gilmer County Interim Superintendent and/or
Superintendent to provide written and/or oral progress reports to the State
Board as requested.
Upon motion by Mrs. Manchin, seconded by Mr. Dunlevy, the Board unanimously
approved the motions as presented by Superintendent Marple. (Copy appended to Official
Minutes, Attachment I and addendum.)
Ms. Liza Cordeiro, Executive Director, WVDE Office of Communications, State
Superintendent’s Office, presented Global21 Moments, spotlighting Calhoun, Greenbrier,
Lincoln, Pendleton and Preston County Schools for the Board’s information.
2011 Annual Report of the West Virginia Advisory Council
for the Education of Exceptional Children
Ms. Patricia Homberg, Executive Director, WVDE Office of Special Programs,
introduced Dr. Michael Sullivan (distributed information), Executive Director, WVACEEC, who
provided brief remarks and introduced Ms. Billie J. Chapman, Chairperson, WVACEEC, who
-5presented the 2011 Annual Report of the WVACEEC for the Board’s consideration. The
WVACEEC is mandated by West Virginia Code §18-20-6 and the Individuals with Disabilities
Education Act (IDEA 2004) to advise the Board on unmet needs of exceptional children. The
WVACEEC conducts eight public hearings each year, one in each RESA, to take comments and
hear presentations on the status of education for exceptional students. The WVACEEC’s
findings and recommendations are presented to the Board annually at its June meeting. (Copy
appended to Official Minutes, Attachment B and addendum.)
Initial Individual School Education Performance Audit Reports and
Revised Five-Year Strategic Plans for Belington Elementary School,
Junior Elementary School, and Volga-Century Elementary School, Barbour County
Dr. Seal reported that announced on-site reviews (five days in advance) were conducted at
Belington Elementary School, Junior Elementary School, and Volga-Century Elementary School
March 15, 2011. The reports were presented to the superintendent, the principals, and the
WVBE. The System of School Support immediately initiated assistance to the schools and
county in revising the strategic plans and correcting deficiencies reported by the Education
Performance Audit. This item includes the Education Performance Audit Reports and
corresponding corrective actions contained in the revised strategic plans. Mr. Ronald J. Kittle,
Interim Superitendent, and Dr. F. Joseph Super, Superintendent (effective July 1, 2011), Barbour
County Schools, addressed the Board regarding the audit reports.
Upon the recommendation of Dr. Seal and a motion by Dr. Johnson, seconded by Ms.
Phillips, the Board unanimously directed that, Belington Elementary School, Junior Elementary
School, and Volga-Century Elementary School correct the findings noted in the reports by the
next accreditation cycle. (Copy appended to Official Minutes, Attachment C.)
Initial Individual School Education Performance Audit Report
and Revised Five-Year Strategic Plan for
Eastern Greenbrier Middle School, Greenbrier County
Dr. Seal reported that an announced on-site review (five days in advance) was conducted
at Eastern Greenbrier Middle School March 31, 2011. The report was presented to the
superintendent, the principal, and the WVBE. The System of School Support immediately
initiated assistance to the school and county in revising the strategic plans and correcting
deficiencies reported by the Education Performance Audit. This item includes the Education
Performance Audit Report and corresponding corrective actions contained in the revised
strategic plan. Mr. John D. Curry (distirbuted information), Superintendent, Greenbrier County
Schools, addressed the Board regarding the audit report.
Upon the recommendation of Dr. Seal and a motion by Dr. Johnson, seconded Dr. White,
the Board unanimously directed that Eastern Greenbrier Middle School correct the findings
noted in the report by the next accreditation cycle. (Copy appended to Official Minutes,
Attachment D and addendum.)
Initial Individual School Education Performance Audit Report and
Revised Five-Year Strategic Plan for Dixie Elementary School, Nicholas County
Dr. Seal reported that an announced on-site review (five days in advance) was conducted
at Dixie Elementary School March 30, 2011. The report was presented to the superintendent, the
principal, and the WVBE. The System of School Support immediately initiated assistance to the
school and county in revising the strategic plans and correcting deficiencies reported by the
Education Performance Audit. This item includes the Education Performance Audit Report and
corresponding corrective actions contained in the revised strategic plan. Ms. Beverly Kingery,
Superintendent, Nicholas County Schools, addressed the Board regarding the audit report.
Upon the recommendation of Dr. Seal and a motion by Dr. Johnson, seconded by Ms.
Phillips, the Board unanimously directed that Dixie Elementary School correct the findings noted
in the report by the next accreditation cycle. (Copy appended to Official Minutes, Attachment E.)
Initial Individual School Education Performance Audit Report and
Revised Five-Year Strategic Plan for Taylor County Middle School, Taylor County
Dr. Seal (distributed information) reported that an announced on-site review (five days in
advance) was conducted at Taylor County Middle School March 14, 2011. The report was
presented to the superintendent, the principal, and the WVBE. The System of School Support
immediately initiated assistance to the school and county in revising the strategic plans and
correcting deficiencies reported by the Education Performance Audit. This item includes the
Education Performance Audit Report and corresponding corrective actions contained in the
revised strategic plan. Ms. J. Diane Watt, Superintendent, Taylor County Schools, addressed the
Board regarding the audit report.
Upon the recommendation of Dr. Seal and a motion by Dr. White, seconded by Mrs.
Manchin, the Board unanimously directed that Taylor County Middle School correct the findings
noted in the report by the next accreditation cycle. (Copy appended to Official Minutes,
Attachment F and addendum.)
Initial Individual School Education Performance Audit Report
and Revised Five-Year Strategic Plan for
Buckhannon Academy Elementary School, Upshur County
Dr. Seal reported that an announced on-site review (five days in advance) was conducted
at Buckhannon Academy Elementary School March 16, 2011. The report was presented to the
superintendent, the principal, and the WVBE. The System of School Support immediately
initiated assistance to the school and county in revising the strategic plans and correcting
deficiencies reported by the Education Performance Audit. This item includes the Education
Performance Audit Report and corresponding corrective actions contained in the revised
strategic plan. Mr. Scott Lampinen, Superintendent, Upshur County Schools, addressed the
Board regarding the audit report.
-7Upon the recommendation of Dr. Seal and a motion by Ms. Phillips, seconded by Mrs.
Manchin, the Board unanimously directed that Buckhannon Academy Elementary School correct
the findings noted in the report by the next accreditation cycle. (Copy appended to Official
Minutes, Attachment G.)
Initial Individual School Education Performance Audit Report and
Revised Five-Year Strategic Plan for
Magnolia High School School and Paden City High School, Wetzel County
Dr. Seal reported that announced on-site reviews (five days in advance) were conducted
at Magnolia High School School and Paden City High School March 9-10, 2011. The reports
were presented to the superintendent, the principals, and the WVBE. The System of School
Support immediately initiated assistance to the schools and county in revising the strategic plans
and correcting deficiencies reported by the Education Performance Audit. This item includes the
Education Performance Audit Reports and corresponding corrective actions contained in the
revised strategic plans. Mr. William F. Jones, Superintendent, and Ms. Tammy H. Wells,
Director of School Improvement, Wetzel County Schools, addressed the Board regarding the
audit report.
Upon the recommendation of Dr. Seal and a motion by Dr. White, seconded by Ms.
Phillips, the Board unanimously directed that Magnolia High School and Paden City High
School correct the findings noted in the reports by the next accreditation cycle. (Copy appended
to Official Minutes, Attachment H.)
WVBE Employee Evaluations
President Haden requested a motion to move into Executive Session as provided in
W. Va. Code §6-9A-4(b)(2)(A), to discuss personnel matters involving the evaluation of the
State Superintendent of Schools, Director of the Office of Education Performance Audits,
Executive Directors of the Regional Education Service Agencies, and the Secretary to the Board.
Upon motion by Mrs. Manchin, seconded by Ms. Phillips and unanimously carried, the Board
entered into executive session at 4:41 p.m.
Return from Executive Session
The Board returned from Executive Session at 5:04 p.m. at which time President Haden
announced that no action was taken or decisions made and that the Board’s Executive Secretary
was evaluated in executive session.
President Haden recessed the meeting at 5:05 p.m. and announced that the meeting would
reconvene at 9:00 a.m. on June 9, 2011, in the same location.
President Haden reconvened the meeting of June 8, 2011, at 9:04 a.m. on June 9, 2011, in
the Board Conference Room, Capitol Building 6, Room 353, 1900 Kanawha Boulevard, East,
Charleston, West Virginia.
The following members were present: President Haden, Vice President Jenny N.
Phillips, Secretary Robert W. Dunlevy, Michael I. Green, Lowell E. Johnson, Gayle C. Manchin,
William M. White and ex officios Jorea M. Marple, State Superintendent of Schools, and Brian
E. Noland, Chancellor, West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission. Members absent
were Burma Hatfield and L. Wade Linger Jr., and James L. Skidmore, Chancellor, West Virginia
Council for Community and Technical College Education.
WVBE Employee Evaluations
President Haden requested a motion to move into Executive Session as provided in
W. Va. Code §6-9A-4(b)(2)(A), to discuss personnel matters involving the hiring of a Director of
the Office of Education Performance Audits. Upon motion by Ms. Phillips, seconded by Mr.
Green and unanimously carried, the Board entered into executive session at 9:06 a.m.
Return from Executive Session
The Board returned from Executive Session at 9:34 a.m. at which time President Haden
announced that no action was taken or decisions made.
Capacity Building for Low Performing Schools
including Quarterly Status Reports from Intervention Counties,
Mason County and West Virginia Schools for the Deaf and the Blind
Mr. Chuck Heinlein (distributed information), Executive Director, WVDE Office of
School Improvement, provided brief information regarding the quarterly status reports found in
the attachments and provided a brief summary of support services provided, in response to
OEPA findings, to Magnolia High School, Lincoln County, West Virginia Schools for the Deaf
and the Blind and Mason County. (Copies appended to Official Minutes, Attachments J-1, J-2,
J-3, J-4, J-5, J-6 and J-7 and addendum.)
Consent Agenda
Upon motion by Dr. Johnson, seconded by Mr. Dunlevy, the Board unanimously
approved the Consent Agenda. (Copies appended to Official Minutes, Attachments K through
Continued the Full Accreditation status of Sherman Junior High School, Boone
County (Attachment K)
Continued the Full Accreditation status Mountain View Elementary/Middle
School, Monroe County (Attachment L)
Continued the Full Accreditation status of Hillsboro Elementary School,
Pocahontas County (Attachment M)
Meeting minutes of May 11, 2011 (Attachment Mc)
One (1) request for a first time waiver of policy (Attachment N)
Six county applications representing summer school at an additional 16 county
locations (Attachment O)
Receipt of four (4) applications during fiscal year 2010-2011 for a total of
1,470 applications for Operation Recognition in connection with Policy 4355,
High School Diplomas for Veterans (Attachment P)
Receipt of six (6) affidavits, per W. Va. Code §18A-2-3, Employment of
Substitute Teachers and Retired Teachers as Substitutes in Areas of Critical
Need and Shortage, from Boone, Harrison and Putnam Counties (Attachment
Annual Report on Instructional Materials Depository (Attachment R).
Board Reports
Local School Improvement Council Committee. Mrs. Manchin provided information
regarding the committee meeting that took place on June 8. Agenda items included: Update on
Electronic Waiver Forms, Preview of Training/Resource Modules, Report on Work with
Education Alliance and Community Engagement Project, Discussion of Draft LSIC Policy and
Next Steps.
Board Member Reports. Mrs. Manchin also provided brief remarks regarding the
Board’s participation in NASBE. President Haden addressed the Board regarding a vacancy that
is open on the NASBE Board for the Southern Director – Dr. Johnson requested the Board’s
consensus (and it was given) that those attending NASBE’s June 9-11 meeting be granted the
authority to act on the Board’s behalf. President Haden addressed the Board regarding NASBE
dues and that the Board cannot include professional development funds as a part of the fee.
President Haden attended the following meetings: RESA 8 Regional Council, Globaloria,
Educational Broadcasting Authority, and will be attending a meeting (along with Ms. Phillips
and Mr. Dunlevy) of the School Building Authority of West Virginia at noon today. President
Haden also requested that the Coal Education Development and Resource (CEDAR) program be
investigated to assure that course content is all inclusive and fairly represented. Dr. Johnson
attended the following meetings: WVDE Teacher Evaluation Work Group, WVDE Principal
Evaluation Task Force, and Center for Professional Development (requested that AP courses
- 10 offered by schools be monitored to assure that the courses carry the appropriate authorizations).
Ms. Phillips attended an Out-of-Home Care meeting. Mr. Green attended an innovation zone
event at North Marion High School and a meeting with the vendor that has been hired to conduct
the Education Efficiency Audit.
WVBE Master Plan for Statewide Professional
Staff Development 2011-2012
Dr. Dixie Billheimer (distributed copies of attachments S-1 and S-2), Chief Executive
Officer, West Virginia Center for Professional Development, provided an overview of the 201112 master plan for statewide professional development. W. Va. Code §18-2-23(b) and §18-2-23
require the WVBE to establish annual professional development goals to "ensure high quality
teaching" in the public schools and to approve a plan to achieve these goals. The purpose of the
Master Plan is to coordinate delivery of the professional development offered by the WVDE, the
West Virginia Center for Professional Development, the eight RESAs, and the teacher
preparation institutions of West Virginia University and Marshall University.
Upon motion by Dr. Johnson, seconded by Dr. White, the Board unanimously approved
the 2011-2012 Master Plan for Statewide Professional Staff Development and evaluation plan.
(Copy appended to Official Minutes, Attachment S-1 and S-2.)
Approval of Statewide Waiver to Test
Prior to May 15 for the 2011-2012 School Year
Mr. Robert E. Hull, Assistant State Superintendent, Division of Curriculum and
Instructional Services, and Ms. Sonya White (distributed information), Assistant Director,
WVDE Office of Assessment, requested that the Board approve of a statewide waiver to test
prior to May 15 for the 2011-2012 school year. Per House Bill 4040, counties are afforded some
flexibility during the upcoming school year in selecting instructional term dates. The WVDE
noticed many of the calendars scheduled the last instructional day prior to or on May 25, 2012.
This information, combined with the other exams and sporting events has led WVDE to propose
a three week WESTEST 2 test administration window. This window will take place May 7-25.
W. Va. Code §18-5-45 states: "The state board may not schedule the primary statewide
assessment program prior to May 15 of the instructional year unless the state board determines
that the nature of the test mandates an earlier testing date." The Office of Assessment and
Accountability believes that a statewide waiver for earlier testing will uphold the intent of
increased program flexibility and still meet legislative requirements.
Upon motion by Dr. Johnson, seconded by Dr. White, the Board unanimously approved
the statewide waiver to test prior to May 15 for the 2011-2012 school year. (Copy appended to
Official Minutes, Attachment CC.)
Policy 2340, West Virginia Measures of Academic Progress
Mr. Hull presented Policy 2340 for the Board’s consideration. Policy 2340 was placed
on public comment for 30 days at the April WVBE meeting. The proposed changes to Policy
- 11 2340 reflects the new name of the office, changes to lower case the names of positions - county
test coordinator, building level coordinator, etc., when used within general text and replaces "one
year" with "academic year" in the appendices. Three comments were received during the
comment period resulting in no changes to the policy.
Upon motion by Mr. Dunlevy, seconded by Ms. Phillips, the Board unanimously
approved Policy 2340. (Copy appended to Official Minutes, Attachment T.)
Policy 2510, Assuring Quality of Education:
Regulations for Education Programs
Mr. Hull presented Policy 2510 for the Board’s consideration Policy 2510 was placed on
public comment for 30 days at the April State Board meeting. The proposed changes to Policy
2510 reflect the first phase of revisions to occur over the next several months. Revisions include
the elimination of time constraints for teaching particular subjects at the elementary and middle
school level; remove expired graduation requirements; condense current graduation requirements
into one cohesive set, and other minor revisions. Eighty-one (81) comments were received
during the comment period resulting in minor language changes to the policy for the purpose of
clarity with no substantive change in content.
Upon motion by Dr. Johnson, seconded by Ms. Phillips, the Board unanimously approved
Policy 2510. (Copy appended to Official Minutes, Attachment U.)
Policy 2525, West Virginia's Universal Access
to a Quality Early Education System
Mr. Hull presented Policy 2525 for the Board’s consideration. Policy 2525 was approved
to be placed on a 30-day comment period after revisions for continuous quality improvement of
WV's Universal Pre-k system were made and presented at the April State Board meeting. Ten
(10) comments were received during the comment period resulting in no changes to the policy.
Upon motion by Dr. Johnson, seconded by Mrs. Manchin, the Board unanimously
approved Policy 2525. (Copy appended to Official Minutes, Attachment V.)
Resolution on the Behalf of the Preston County Board of Education
Authorizing Investment in the Consolidated Fund
Heather L. Deskins, Esq., general counsel to the Board and the Department, presentation
a resolution of the behalf of the Preston County Board of Education authorizing investment in
the Consolidated Fund for the Board’s consideration. W. Va. Code §12-6C-6 authorizes
spending units and political subdivisions of the State of West Virginia to participate and invest in
the Consolidated Fund, which is administered and managed by the Board of Treasury
Investments and used to purchase securities and other investments authorized by law. The
Preston County Board’s bond counsel and financial advisor have determined that investment in
the Consolidated Fund, in accordance with the provisions of the aforesaid statute, is in the best
- 12 interests of the Preston County Board of Education on a short term basis prior to the money from
the sale of the bonds being used for capital improvements.
Upon motion by Dr. Johnson, seconded by Mr. Dunlevy, the Board unanimously
approved adopted, on the behalf of the Preston County Board of Education, the resolution
authorizing investment in the Consolidated Fund. (Copy appended to Official Minutes,
Attachment W.)
President Haden called for a break at 10:32 p.m.
Call to Order
President Haden called the meeting back to order at 10:43 a.m.
WVBE Personnel Matters including
RESA 5 Executive Director Search and
Office of Education Performance Audits Director Search
Executive Session
President Haden as provided in W. Va. Code §6-9A-4(b)(2)(A) (personnel exception),
called for a motion to move into executive session to determine the applicants to be offered an
interview and to discuss proposed interview questions for both positions.
Upon motion by Mr. Dunlevy, seconded by Dr. Johnson, the Board unanimously entered
into executive session at 10:44 a.m.
Return from Executive Session
The Board returned from executive session at 11:02 a.m. at which time President Haden
announced that no decisions were made or action taken. Thereupon, President Haden called for
a motion to approve the Board’s personnel attachment. Upon motion by Dr. Johnson, seconded
by Dr. White, the Board unanimously approved the Board’s personnel attachment with the
exception of the termination of employment of the employee at RESA 1. (Copy appended to
Official Minutes, Attachment X.)
State Superintendent’s Report
Superintendent Marple presented Department personnel items for the Board’s
information. Education Efficiency Audit. Mr. Heinlein provided an update regarding the
Governor’s Education Efficiency Audit. Let's Move West Virginia! Dr. Amelia Courts
(distributed information), Assistant State Superintendent, Division of Educator Quality and
System Support, provided an update on the Let’s Move West Virginia! campaign (the purpose of
this campaign is to increase physical activity in the school day). Update - Teacher Evaluation
Work Group. Dr. Courts and Ms. Lori Wiggins, Executive Director, WVDE Office of
- 13 Professional Preparation provided a status report regarding the Teacher Evaluation Work Group.
Update on the Revision of Policy 4373, Student Code of Conduct. Dr. Courts (distributed
information) provided an update regarding the revision of Policy 4373. The proposed revised
policy will be discussed with various stakeholder groups throughout the summer to gain input
during the revision process. Mrs. Manchin departed the meeting. Globaloria Stakeholder
Update. Ms. Monica Beane (distributed information), Assistant Director, WVDE Office of
Instruction, provided an update regarding Globaloria. (Copy appended to Official Minutes,
Attachment Y and addenda.)
Board Items for Future Consideration
President Haden asked that items, inclusive of any requested during the meeting, that
members wish considered for placement on a future agenda are to be provided to her as soon as
possible. (Copy appended to Official Minutes, Attachment Z.)
Future Meetings
The next meeting of the Board will be held July 13, 2011, in Charleston, West Virginia.
The meeting will continue on July 14, 2011, if the agenda is not completed on July 13, 2011.
President Haden declared the meeting adjourned at 12:03 p.m.
Minutes approved by the Board on July 13, 2011.
Priscilla M. Haden, President
Robert W. Dunlevy, Secretary
Minutes were recorded by
Virginia M. Harris
Secretary to the Board.