Physics 2D Lecture Slides Lecture 7 Jan. 22, 2007 Relativistic Force & Acceleration p= mu 1 − (u / c)2 = γ mu Relativistic Force And Acceleration Reason why you cant quite get up to the speed of light no matter how hard you try! ⎞ dp d ⎛ mu F= = ⎜ ⎟ dt dt ⎜⎝ 1 − (u / c)2 ⎟⎠ ⎡ m F=⎢ ⎢ 2 ⎢⎣ 1 − (u / c) ⎤ ⎥ du : Relativistic Force 3/ 2 ⎥ dt ⎥⎦ du Since Acceleration a = ,[rate of change of velocity] dt ( ) 3/ 2 F 2 ⎡1 − (u / c) ⎤ ⇒ a= ⎦ m⎣ Note: As u / c → 1, a → 0 !!!! Its harder to accelerate when you get closer to speed of light Linear Particle Accelerator : Parallel Plates With Potential Difference - F=-eE e- E d + Parallel Plates E= V/d F= -eE V Charged particle q moves in straight line in a uniform electric field E with speed u accelarates under force F=qE 3/ 2 3/ 2 2 2 du F ⎛ u ⎞ qE ⎛ u ⎞ a = = 1− 2 ⎟ = 1− 2 ⎟ ⎜ ⎜ dt m⎝ m ⎝ c ⎠ c ⎠ larger the potential difference V across plates, larger the force on particle Under force, work is done on the particle, it gains Kinetic energy New Unit of Energy 1 eV = 1.6x10-19 Joules 1 MeV = 1.6x10-13 Joules 1 GeV = 1.6x10-10 Joules Linear Particle Accelerator : 50 GigaVolts Accelating Potential 3/ 2 eE 2 a = ⎡⎣1 − (u / c) ⎤⎦ m PEP-II accelerator schematic and tunnel view Magnetic Confinement & Circular Particle Accelerator B V Classically v2 F=m r v2 qvB = m r B F r dp d(γ mu) du = =γm = quB dt dt dt du u 2 = (Centripetal accelaration) dt r u2 γ m = quB ⇒ γ mu = qBr ⇒ p = qBr r F= Charged Form of Matter & Anti-Matter in a B Field Antimatter form of electron = Positron (e+) Same Mass but opposite Charge Positron curls the other way from electron in a B Field Accelerating Electrons Thru RF Cavities A Circular Accelerator : Using B Field to Confine the electron and RF cavity to power it Circular Particle Accelerator: LEP @ CERN, Geneve Accelerated electron through an effective voltage of 100 Billion Volts ! To be upgraded to 7 trillion Volts by 2007 circular track for accelerating electron French Border Swiss Border Geneva Airport In Tunnel 150m underground, 27km ring of Magnets Keep electron in Circular Orbit Inside A Circular Particle Accelerator Tunnel : Monorail ! Test of Relativistic Momentum In Circular Accelerator mu p= = γ mu 1 − (u / c)2 γ mu = qBr = p qBr γ = mu Proof That p ≠ mu Relativistic Work Done & Change in Energy x2 W = ∫ F .dx = x1 X2 , u=u x1 , u=0 x2 ∫ x1 dp .dx dt du m mu dp dt p= ∴ = , substitute in W, 3/ 2 2 2 dt u ⎡ u ⎤ 1− 2 ⎢1 − 2 ⎥ c c ⎦ ⎣ du u m udt dt ∴W = ∫ (change in var x → u) 3/ 2 0 ⎡ u2 ⎤ ⎢1 − 2 ⎥ c ⎦ ⎣ u W = ∫⎡ mudu 3/ 2 = mc 2 1/ 2 − mc 2 = γ mc 2 − mc 2 ⎡ u ⎤ u ⎤ 1 − 1 − ⎢ ⎢ 2 ⎥ 2 ⎥ c c ⎣ ⎦ ⎣ ⎦ Work done is change in Kinetic energy K 0 2 2 K = γ mc 2 − mc 2 or Total Energy E= γ mc 2 = K + mc 2 Relativistic Kinetic Energy & Newtonian Physics Relativistic KE K = γ mc 2 − mc 2 ⎡ Remember Binomial Theorem ⎤ ⎢ ⎥ nx n(n-1) ⎢ for x << 1; (1+x) n = (1+ + x 2 +smaller terms) ⎥ ⎢⎣ ⎥⎦ 1! 2! − 1 2 ⎡ u2 ⎤ 1 u2 ∴ When u << c, ⎢1- 2 ⎥ ≅ 1+ + ...smaller terms 2 2c ⎣ c ⎦ 1 u2 1 2 2 2 so K ≅ mc [1 + ] − mc = mu (classical form recovered) 2 2c 2 Total Energy of a Particle E = γ mc 2 = KE + mc 2 For a particle at rest, u = 0 ⇒ Total Energy E= mc 2 Mass is Energy, Energy is Mass : Mass-Energy Conservation Examine Kinetic energy Before and After Inelastic Collision: Conserved? K=0 S K = mu2 Before v 1 v V=0 2 1 2 After Mass-Energy Conservation: sum of mass-energy of a system of particles before interaction must equal sum of mass-energy after interaction = E before mc 2 2 + mc 2 2 = Eafter Mc 2 ⇒ M = 2m 2 > 2m u u u 1 − 1 − c2 c2 c2 Kinetic energy has been transformed into mass increase 1− ⎛ ⎞ ⎟ 2K 2 ⎜⎜ mc 2 2⎟ ΔM = M - 2m = 2 = 2 − mc 2 ⎜ ⎟ c c u ⎜ 1− 2 ⎟ ⎝ ⎠ c Kinetic energy is not lost, its transformed into more mass in final state Creation and Annihilation of Particles γ µ- µ+ Sequence of events in a matter-antimatter collision: e + e →γ → µ + µ + − + − Relativistic Kinematics of Subatomic Particles Reconstructing Decay of a π Meson The decay of a stationary π + → µ +υ happens quickly, υ is invisible, has m ≅ 0; µ + leaves a trace in a B field Pν , Εν µ + mass=106 MeV/c 2 , KE = 4.6 MeV What was mass of the fleeting π + ? ν π+ Energy Conservation: At rest µ+ Eπ = Eµ + Eν ⇒ m π c 2 = (mµ c 2 )2 + pµ2 c 2 + pυ c Momentum Conservation : pµ = pν ⇒ mπ c 2 = (mµ c 2 )2 + pµ2 c 2 + pµ c Pµ , Εµ Relativistic Kinematics of Subatomic Particles Energy Conservation: Eπ = Eµ + Eν ⇒ m π c 2 = (mµ c 2 )2 + pµ2 c 2 + pυ c Pν , Εν Momentum Conservation : pµ = pν ⇒ mπ c 2 = (mµ c 2 )2 + pµ2 c 2 + pµ c ν also pµ2 c 2 = Eµ2 − (mµ c 2 )2 = (K µ + mµ c 2 )2 − (mµ c 2 )2 π+ At rest µ+ =K µ2 + 2K µ mµ c 2 Substituting for pµ2 c 2 ⇒ m π c 2 = mµ2 c 4 + K µ2 + 2K µ mµ c 2 + K µ2 + 2K µ mµ c 2 Pµ , Εµ Put in all the known #s ⇒ mπ c 2 = 111MeV + 31MeV = 141MeV ⇒ mπ = 141MeV / c 2 Conservation of Mass-Energy: Nuclear Fission M1 M Mc 2 = M1c 2 1− 2 1 2 u c <1 + + M2 M 2c2 1− <1 2 2 2 u c + + M 3c 2 1− 2 3 2 u M3 Nuclear Fission ⇒ M > M1 + M 2 + M 3 c <1 Loss of mass shows up as kinetic energy of final state particles Disintegration energy per fission Q=(M – (M1+M2+M3))c2 =ΔMc2 236 92 90 1 U → 143 Cs+ Rb+3 n 55 92 0 (1 AMU= 1.6605402 × 10-27 kg = 931.49 MeV) Δm=0.177537u=2.9471 × 10-28 kg = 165.4 MeV= energy release/fission =peanuts What makes it explosive is 1 mole of Uranium = 6.023 x 1023 Nuclei !! Energy Released by 1 Kg of Fissionable Uranium 1 Mole of Uranium = 236 gm, Avagadro''s # = 6.023 × 1023 Nuclei 6.023 × 1023 So in 1 kg N = × 1000g = 2.55 × 1024 nuclei 236g / mole 1 Nuclear fission = 165.4 MeV ∴ 103 g = 2.55 × 1024 × 165.4 MeV Note 1 MeV = 4.45 × 10-20 kWh If the power plant has conversion efficiency = 40% Energy Transformed = 748 × 106 kWh ⇒ 1 100W lamp can be lit for 8500 years ! Nuclear Fission Schematic : Tickling a Nucleus Excited U Absorption of Neutron Unstable Nucleus Oscillation Deforms Nucleus Sustaining Chain Reaction: 1st three Fissions Average # of Neutrons/Fission = 2.5 Neutron emitted in fission of one U Needs to be captured by another To control reaction => define factor K Supercritical K >> 1 in a Nuclear Bomb Critical K = 1 in a Nuclear Reactor Schematic of a Pressurized-Water Reactor Water in contact with reactor core serves as a moderator and heat transfer Medium. Heat produced in fission drives turbine Lowering Fuel Core in a Nuclear Reactor First Nuke Reactor :Pennsylvania 1957 Pressure Vessel contains : 14 Tons of Natural Uranium + 165 lb of enriched Uranium Power plant rated at 90MW, Retired (82) Pressure vessel packed with Concrete now sits in Nuclear Waste Facility in Hanford, Washington Nuclear Fusion : What Powers the Sun Opposite of Fission Mass of a Nucleus < mass of its component protons+Neutrons Nuclei are stable, bound by an attractive "Strong Force" Think of Nuclei as molecules and proton/neutron as atoms making it Binding Energy: Work/Energy required to pull a bound system (M) apart leaving its components (m) free of the attractive force and at rest: n Mc 2 +BE=∑ m ic 2 i=1 2 1 H Deuterium + 2 1 H = 4 2 He + 23.9 MeV = Deuterium = Helium + Released Energy Think of energy released in Fusion as Dissociation energy of Chemistry Sun's Power Output = 4 × 1026 Watts ⇒ 1038 Fusion/Second !!!! Nuclear Fusion: Wishing For The Star • Fusion is eminently desirable because – More Energy/Nucleon • (3.52 MeV in fusion Vs 1 MeV in fission) • 2H + 3H 4He + n + 17.6 MeV – Relatively abundant fuel supply, No danger like nuclear reactor going supercritical • Unfortunately technology not commercially available – What’s inside nuclei => protons and Neutrons – Need Large KE to overcome Coulomb repulsion between nuclei • About 1 MeV needed to bring nuclei close enough together for Strong Nuclear Attraction fusion • Need to – heat particle to high temp such that thermal energy E= kT ≈ 10keV tunneling thru coulomb barrier – Implies heating to T ≈ 108 K ( like in stars) – Confine Plasma (± ions) long enough for fusion » In stars, enormous gravitational field confines plasma Inertial Fusion Reactor : Schematic Pellet of frozen-solid Deuterium & tritium bombarded from all sides with intense pulsed laser beam with energy ≈106 Joules lasting 10-8 S Momentum imparted by laser beam compresses pellet by 1/10000 of normal density and heats it to temp T ≈ 108 K for 10-10 S Burst of fusion energy transported away by liquid Li World’s Most Powerful Laser : NOVA @ LLNL Size of football field, 3 stories tall Generates 1.0 x 1014 watts (100 terawatts) 10 laser beams converge onto H pellet (0.5mm diam) Fusion reaction is visible as a starlight lasting 10-10 S Releasing 1013 neutrons ITER: The Next Big Step in Nuclear Fusion Visit for Details of this mega Science & Engineering Project This may be future of cheap, clean Nuclear Energy for Earthlings