Little Bears Learn To Make Responsible Choices Grade

Little Bears Learn To Make
Responsible Choices
Parent Involvement
Grade K
Time Required: 1 hour
Content Standard: 7.1.1 Standard 1: Students will acquire the
attitudes, knowledge, and skills that contribute to effective learning
in school and across the life span.
b. Students will display a positive interest in learning.
e. Students will identify attitudes and behaviors that lead to
successful living.
j. Students will take responsibility for their actions.
GOAL: Through a shared learning experience with their parent,
the student will learn to make responsible choices regarding
their money.
Anticipatory Set/Warm Up Activity Statement: The parents and children will play a
short bear game, which will introduce them to different terms related to money,
spending and responsibility.
Main Activity Statement: The parents and children will listen as the instructor reads The
Berenstain Bears, Dollars and Sense. A question and answer session will follow with the
instructor asking the questions orally.
Wrap Up Activity Statement: The parents and children will create a bear checkbook.
They will also cut out and practice writing one check as was done in the book.
Handout #1: Bear-O game
Instructor Resource: Bear-O game instructions and definitions
Instructor Resource: Comprehension questions on Berenstain book
Handout #2: Bear-O circle bear checkbook craft
Handout #3: Bear-O checks
Chalk and chalkboard
Beans for Bear-O game
Parent handout #1: Take-home activity chart for chores and allowances
Anticipatory Set/Warm Up Activity: The instructor will introduce the class to the lesson
on learning to responsibly spend and save money.
 The instructor will tell the class that learning to spend and save money wisely is a
good idea and will help them to become responsible children.
 In the warm up activity, each student will be given a Bear-O card. This game will
help them to recognize some words that are associated with money, savings,
needs, and wants. The instructor will read the definitions of words that are listed
on the Bear-O card. If the student (with the help of their parent) knows the word
that matches the definition, they will put a bean on the bear. When all of the
bears are covered, the students will have a Bear-O! They will be told to shout out
“Bear-O” when their card is covered.
Timeline: 15 minutes
Main Activity:
 The instructor will introduce the book, “The Berenstain Bears: Dollars and Sense.”
The instructor will say, “Today we will be reading a book about the Berenstain
family. In this story, the sister and brother learn an important lesson about how
to spend and save money.
 Read the book orally to the children and parents. Use the Instructor Resource
questions to determine the children’s comprehension of the story.
Timeline: 20-30 minutes
Wrap-Up Activity:
 This activity will require parents and students to move to tables where the
supplies are located in order to create the Bear-O checkbook and checks, which
are similar to the checks described in the book.
 Parents and children will cut out the circle bear pattern and paste together (A
sample should be provided). The children and parents will also cut out at least
three checks as provided on Handout 3. The checks will be attached by a staple
or paper clip to the back of the bear. This will resemble a real checkbook. On the
chalkboard, the instructor will explain how to fill out the Bear-O check, so that the
amount can be subtracted from their allowance. Since they are only kindergarten
children, it will be up to the parent to track their spending. As they increase their
math skills, the tracking component, as described in the book, can be
incorporated. Please note that children can print, rather than use cursive, for the
Timeline: 20-30 minutes
Take-Home Activity:
 A payment chart for chores will be created by parents and their children.
 Together, the parents and children, should determine what type of chores they
will complete and how much money they will receive for each chore
Refreshments: Can be provided
Resource List: The Berenstain Bears: Dollars and Sense by Stan and Jan Berenstain.
Random House, 2001.
Evaluation Component: Incentive: The instructor and teacher may discuss giving extra
credit for attending and participating in this activity.
Marketing: School bulletin board or newsletter
Author: Joyce Rea
Brooke County Schools