A PILM TO DECREASE WORLDSUCK INTERVIE\V RELEASE FORM I. HQ.X\f\flh ECl~ (interviewee) hereby authorize producer Hannah Lindgren and her film cr~, including but not limited to f\{tCl<..- ~ (interviewer) to interview me for the film, "A Film to Decrease WorIdsuck," a Nerdfigh ers documentary, on ::£) ( to 12 (date) in _ _ _ _ __ _ ~~~__tJ"-C\..:..:..lv::...L-~ (city/state/country). I understand that my interview includes m name, likeness, image, voice, and performance on film, tape, or otherwise. t I understand and agree that the above may be edited or otherwi~e altered at the sole discretion of the producer and film crew and used in whole or part for any and all broadcasting, non-broadcasting, audio/Visual, and/or exhibition purposes in any manner or media, in perpetuity, throughout the world. I understand that the film, tape, or otherwise of me will be maintained and made available indefinitely by the producer and film crew for such research, production (e.g., radio, television, film festivals, World Wide Web, exhibitions, related advertisements), and educational purposes as the producer and film crew shall determine. I hereby grant, and transfer to the producer and film crew all rights, title, and interest in the interview and video documentary, including without limitation the literary rights and the copyright. 1hereby release the producer and film crew and their representatives from all claims and liability relating to said documentary. The producer and film crew agree to retain the integrity of the interviewee's image and voice, neither misrepresenting the interviewee's words nor taking them out of context I attest that I have voluntarily agreed to be interviewed and that this document contains the entire and complete agreement concerning the use and preservation of my interview. INTERVIEWEE: t\o..nnruh. ~ \1. IF5k1H~ INTERVIEWER: A/- c --t E L/0n .9 Signature: Signature: ~ PRODUCER: H0\ YW\Q. '" L"\ t'\6\9,rer1 Signature: ~ Date: hO/ iD {I <-., Date: 30 /L(J/12 Date: 'i ("2- (p /1 L APILM TO DECREASE WORLDSUcl< lNTERVIEW RELEASE FORM l, t\u tAJ 1.,) CU"A(Z,A . . (interviewee} hereby autho rize producer Hannah Lindgren and her film crew, including but not limited to At ~c.R e.vG.A'\.4 (interviewer) to interview me for the film, "A Film to Decrease Worldsuck," a . (date) in C~c4tt I Nerdfighters documentarJ:" on 3. 0 Ito' (? Wvvt.g (CIty/state/country). I understand that my mtervlew includes my name, likeness, image, voice, and performance on film, tape, or otherwise. I understan.d and ee that the aba e f ay be edt eo 0 O ~l! u I ti discretion of the producer and film crew and used in whole or part for any and all broadcasting. non-broadcasting, audio/visual, and/or exhibition purposes in any manner or media, in perpetuity, throughout the world. I understand that the film, tape, or otherwise of me will be maintained and made available indefinitely by the producer and film crew for such research, production (e.g., radio, teleVision, film festivals, World Wide Web, exhibitions, related advertisements), and educational purposes as the producer and film crew shall determine. l hereby grant, and transfer to the producer and film crew all rights, title, and interest in the interview and video documentary, including without limitation the literary rights and the copyright. I hereby release the producer and film crew and their representatives from all claims and liability relating to said documentary. The producer and film crew agree to retain the integrity of the interviewee's image and voice, neither misrepresenting the interviewee's words nor taking them out of context. I attest that I have voluntarily agreed to be interviewed and that this document contains the entire and complete agreement concerning the use and preservation of my interview. INTERVIEWEE: +\Uw ~c1'1Q)) Signature: ~)~" INTERVIEWER: Signature: PRODUCER: Signature: A: Ifce Date: '1 01 {a •/ It ;; 104.Vl r ~-f:/id=-_·_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Date: Cio\ VW\CAb L"t (\~8re\1 ~~ soil () / /;( A FILM " 0 fi ~eREAS~ WORLE7SUCK INTERVIEW RELEASE FORM Cef;ttJ I, IlL I; '" (interviewee) hereby authorize producer Hannah crew, including but not limited to If I! c £_ . f;VCt t-- :C Lindgren and her . (interviewer) to interview me for the film, "A Film to Decrease Worldsuck," a . (date) in Cdr rd / Nerdfighters documentary, on ~ a /10 ! (<kl r;\ k). (city/state/country). I understand that my i'ntervieJ! includes my name, likeness, image, voice, and performance on film, tape, or otherwise. ' f:fo J I understand and agree that the above may be edited or otherwise altered at the sole discretion ofthe producer and filmctew and used in whole or part for any and all broadcasting, non-broadcasting, audio/vj~ual, and/or exhibition purposes in any manner or media, in perpetuity, throughout the world. I understand.that the film, tape, or otherwise of me will be maintained and made available indefinitely by the producer and film crew for such research, production (e.g., radio, television, film festivals, World Wide Web, exhibitions, related advertisements), and educational purposes as the producer and film crew shall determine. I hereby grant, and transfer to the producer and film crew all rights, title, and interest in the interview and video documentary, including without limitation the literary rights and the copyright. I hereby release the producer and film crew and their representatives from all claims and liability relating to said documentary. The producer and film crew agree to retain the integrity of the interviewee's image and voice, neither misrepresenting the interviewee's words nor taking them out of context. . ~~ ~' j - :;' { .~;. ~ ~ .i.: ~. i.!-.\.., ~ . j{ ' .; .'. :~ , · r I ..• . ! ... . . 't - ..' "I-' . j .;.~, '. , ... I attest that I h~ve\'ol,4 I1t~ri~y agre~d ~o b~ ~n~erviewed~nd that this~ocu m ent contains the entire and. complete agreef!lent concerning the 4se aI1c:t preservation of my interview. ,. ' .. . , '. INiERVIEWElt .1+ {/'-,:e ~ V{)1. YlS A1#:t~ Signature: Date: :s O/! 0/12 Date: '3 0/ I 0 / rL INTERVIEWE[ ~'\J\\u.. . ~~ ~ Signature: ~ PRODUCER: Signature: H0\ Y)V\O h L'\n(}.sreV) ~ & • A FILM TO DECREASE WORLDSUCK INTERVIEW RELEASE FORM A'f,' ce ~Va r1f (interviewee l hereby authorize producer Hannah Lindgren and her film crew, including but not limited to -t1Y'd .16\ v1 o" ad (interviewer) to interview me for the film, "A Film to Decrease Worldsuck," a Nerdfighters documentary, on SO (10 11"2- ' (date) in Uri/I! i IJ &'lIe.{ (city/state/country). I understand that my inter~lew inc1udes my name, likeness, image, voice, and performance on film, tape, or otherwise. t I understand and agree that the above may be edited or otherwise altered at the sole discretion of the producer and filmctew and used in whole or part for any and all broadcasting. non-broadcasting, audio/visllal, and/or exhibition purposes in any manner or media, in perpetuity, throughout the world. I understand that the film, tape, or otherwise of me will be maintained and made available indefinitely by the producer and film crew for such research, production (e.g., radio, television, film festivals, World Wide Web, exhibitions, related advertisements), and educational purposes as the producer and film crew shall determine. I hereby grant, and transfer'to the producer and film crew all rights, title, and interest in the interview and video documentary, including without limitation the literary rights and the copyright. I hereby release the producer and film crew and their representatives from all cIilims and liability relating to said documentary. The producer and film crew agree to retain the integrity of the interviewee's image and voice, neither misrepresenting the interviewee's words nor taking them out of context. I attest that I have voluntarily agreed to be interviewed and that this document contains the entire and complete agreement concerning the use and preservation of my interview. INTERVIEWEE:~A~' I+[~(~~~~~~\~6~0~fi~Y~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ' Signature: ~(lh::" Date: S? 0 If O/rQ ; INTERVIEWER: Signature: PRODUCER: Signature: ,10 HL> 1,,1 c±tl~ M ( :7 HO\YHf\CAh if1 f S' Jr;v~ L'\(\o.sreV) F~ Date: ? () /; ul!:2, A lfiLM 'r o Dl!r.REASE wonLTL UCK INTERVIEW RELEASE FORM ~~(-..{_/ ~t)f\(\ I, (interviewee) hereby authorize f.lroclucer J-hmnah Lindgren and her film crew, including but not limited to ~(cJ..ae( _ (interviewer) to interview me for the film, "A Film to Decreas Wo~ldsuck, " a Nerdfighters documentarj, on I ! 2.- / t ' - . (date) in \30~hh., fV\& (dty/state/country). I understand that my interview includes my name, likeness, image, voice, and performance on film, tape, or otherwise. eYV11':t; to l)5A.-- I ltnderstand and ag p e that the above may bG edited or othe rwi se a lte re d at th e s ole discretion of the producer and film crew and used in whole or part for any and all broadcasting, non-broadcasting, audio/Visual, and/or exh ibition purposes in any manner or media, in perpetuity, throughout the world . ) understand that the film, tape, or othel'wise of me will be maintained and made available indefinitely by the producer and film crew for such research, production (e.g., radio, television, film festivals, World Wide Web, exhibitions, related advertisements), and educational purposes as the producer and film crew shall determine. 1 hereby grant, and transfer to the producer and film crew all rights, title, and interest in the interview and video documentary, including without limitation the literary rights and the copyright. 1 hereby release the producer and film crew and their representatives from all claims and liability relating to said documentary. The producer and film crew agree to retain the integrity of the interviewee's image and voice, neither misrepresenting the interviewee's words nor taking them out of context. 1 attest that I have volunta rily agreed to be in t erviewed ilnd that th is d ocumtl n t contains the entire and complete agreement concerning the usc and preservation of my interview. INTERVIEWE~: E.JIV\)'1; ~~; c ~_ __ __ ~_ _ Signature: PRODUCER: ~t-I~-t...L-.~~ .-'A~' . . /L$:2~ L H0\ '()V\(A V\ L\ \\ d.8 reV] Signature: ..~~ II(/~ Date: />()l~Cr-.-: r . A FILM TO DECREASE WORLDSUCK INTERVIEW RELEASE FORM 1, ~o.h t WI...l,~--uJ (interviewee) hereby authorizeproducer [-!annah Lindgren and her film crew, including but not limited to ~(IlG' "Sf c iAtz ( (interviewet-) to interview me for film,/,A Film to Decrease WOl(SgSUc)<;....g ,_ I Nerdfight;ers documentary, on ( fL . (date) in O/~' 0 f'J (city/state/country). I understand that my interview includes my name, likeness, image, voice, and performance on film, tape, or otherwise. tBL 10ft: vs A- rz ( I understa nd and agr'ee that the above may be edited or oth r wisc a ltered at the sole discretion of the producer and film crew and used in whole or part for any and all broadcasting, non-broadcasting, audio/visual, and/or exhibition purposes in any manner or media, in perpetuity, throughout the world. r understand that the film, tape, or otherwise of me will be maintained and made available indefinitely by the producer and film crew for such research, production (e.g_, radio, television, film festivals, World Wide Web, exhibitions, related advertisements), and educational purposes as the producer and film crew shall determine. I hereby grant, and transfer to the producer and film crew all rights, title, and interest in the interview and video documentary, including without limitation the literary rights and the copyright. I hereby release the producer and film crew and their representatives from all claims and liability relating to said documentary. The producer and film crew agree to retain the integrity of the interviewee's image and voice, neither misrepresenting the interviewee's words nor taking them out of context. I attest th a t I have volunta rily agreed to be inte rview ed and th:l t this d o umcnt contains the entire and complete agreement concerning the use and preservation of my interview. IN'fERVI~WEB;~llb '~ SIgnature: ~ L ~~~_ INTERVIEWE~ . t?icLJ. r Signature: PRODUCER: ~~ H0\ ~V\cd(\ L i r\(~\8reV) Signature:F~ Date: I() --j '2. -/ L A FILM TO DECREAS E WORLDSUCK I, ~~ INTERVIEW RELEASE FORM (interviewee) hereby authorize producer Hannah Ljdgre!1 and her film crew, including but not limited to &;/:& S;cl" (interviewer) to interview me for thj fill'l}, "A Film to Decrease Worldsuc~' a yJ Nerdfighters documentary, on l7.1 IL.. . . (date) in t?D/ ( () ~ A: uS A(city/state/COuntry).! understand that my interview inc udes my name, likeness, image, voice, and performance on fUm, tape, or otherwise. 1 / rb I undCl'scand and agl'ee that the above may be edited or othel'wl!lc altered Olt th o so le discretion of the producer and film crew and used in whole or part for any and all broadcasting, non-broadcasting, audio/visual, and/or exhibition purposes in any manner or media, in perpetuity, throughout the world. r understand that the film, tape, or otherwise of me will be maintained and made available indefinitely by the producer and film crew for such research, production (e.g., radio, television, film festivals, World Wide Web, exhibitions, related advertisements), and educational purposes as the producer and film crew shall determine. I hereby grant, and transfer to the producer and film crew all rights, title, and interest in the interview and video documentary, including without limitation the literary rights and the copyright. I hereby release the producer and film crew and their representatives from all claims and liability relating to said documentary. The producer and fIlm crew agree to retain the integrity of the interviewee's image and voice, neither misrepresenting the interviewee's words nor taking them out of context. I attest tha t I have voluntarily, agreed to be iot rviewed and that this docum n t contains the entire and complete agreement concerning the use and preservation of my interview. Signature: --&':&f>''-'d'~~-'b\,.L~'''-''----------- Date: _ _ _--,-_ _ INTERVIEWER: m ;I~,_' _-S--,tc.=kt~Q.....l-I ' _ Signature:~ PRODUCER: Signature: _ _ _ _ _____ ~ HCA Y!V\ C\ V\ Date: _ _ /0 4 _ _ _ Z --It.. L'i (\ d..@reY) ~ Date: '1 t2-U! 1-_12__ r\ FILM TO OEtREi\:-; 8 WO LDStJ eK INTERVIEW RELEASE FORM 1,':':1',(, \ LA (interviewee) hereby authorize producer Hannah Lindgren and her fil crew, including but not limited to J11vr~:)(Ah rVJDf"b Z (interviewer) to interview me for the film, "A Film to Decrease Worldsuck," a Nerdfighters documentary, on i ; i 'I -;' \ , . (date) in Lo( fbJcf e S ( V· S (city/state/couhtry).l understand that my interview includes my name, likeness, image, voice, and performance on film , tape, or otherwise. I understand and agree that the above may be edited or otherwise altered (ll the so le discretion of the producer and film crew and used in whole or part for any and all broadcasting, non-broadcasting, audio/visual, and/or exhibition purposes in any manner or media, in perpetuity, throughout the world. I understand that the film, tape, or otherwise of me w ill be maintained and made available indefinitely by the producer and film crew for such research, production (e.g., radio, television, film festivals, World Wide Web, exhibitions, related advertisements), and educational purposes as the producer and film crew shall determine. I hereby grant, and transfer to the producer and Aim crew all rights, title, and interest in the interview and video documentary, including without limitation the literary rights and the copyright. I hereby release the producer and film crew and their representatives from all claims and liability relating to said documentary. The producer and film crew agree to retain the integrity of the interviewee's image and voice, neither mj5repreS(~ntjng the interviewee's words nor taking [hern ou t of context. I c..I U ) t thall h"lv u v IUHlii rily agl:fj QO to b . in llVi 'WiH:I . n lR ' thi docum 1t contains the entire and complete agreement concerning th e use and preserva tion of my interview. . .... I. \ j Signature: ~)+----------------------Date: 10 6::,I (/ -------------~ ? t- ( I NTERVIEWER: 'C ---~r-'-. -'...-.;%~h_~~ __"'_D_L-=-_ __ Signature: H~ VJV\O h LI (\0.8 reV) FM,0"o C _ _ _ _ _ __ Signature: _ _-L.~..::......-'i~:...J<:...:.-==-= . ----'=.....!::.....=..~=_ _ _ _ _ Date : PRODUCER: 7 l 2/ (I.,. ! IL I A FILM TO DECREASE WORLDSUCK INTERVIEW RELEASE FORM - ~ : ,'. -.. ~;. I.' , Ii ;:' ; ,V ~ (. (interviewee) hereby authorize producer Hannah .ijt<,Vh1a;V1 M(9'b l----: Lindgren and her film crew, including but not limited to (interviewer) to interview me for the film, "A Film to Decrease Worldsuck," a Nerdfighters documentary, on ('"lll(, / 1'2 (date) in u,J ~~J ! CPr / V, S (city/state/country). I understand that my interVIew includes my name, likeness, image, voice, and performance on film, tape, or otherwise. I, ' I understand <lnd agree that the above may be edited or otherwise altered at the sale discretion of the producer and film crew and used in whole or part for any and a ll broadcasting, non-broadcasting, audio/visual, and/or exhibition purposes in any manner or media, in perpetuity, throughout the world. I understand that the film, tape, or otherwise of me will be maintained and made available indefinitely by the producer and film crew for such research, production (e.g., radio, teleVision, film festivals, World Wide Web, exhibitions, related advertisements), and educational purposes as the producer and film crew shall determine. I hereby grant, and transfer to the producer and film crew all rights, title, and interest in the interview and video documentary, including without limitation the literary rights and the copyright. I hereby release the producer and film crew and their representatives from all claims and liability relating to said documentary. The producer and film crew agree to retain the integrity of the interviewee's image and voice, neither misrepresenting the interviewee's words nor taking !"hem out of context. I attest that I have voluntarily agn:ed to be interviewed and th a t this documcI1t contains the entire and complete agreement concerning the use and preservation of my interview. f..jj{. "I~)(/' !C-f-r-SJ /1/ Oate: ----+!_~---,...-T-"";:{;-.k;-t-;_.':_l-_-_ Signature: --Cj~=--===?='4:J1:5~-"-';;;;;;;~_ _ _ _ _ Da te: PRODUCER: Signature, H0\ YW\Cdf\ LI f\0-8 reV] ~ (L I {f- / ( 1 \ J A FILM TO DECREASE WORLDSUCK INTERVIEW RELEASE FORM I,. L:~(;'; ,~ \ hc"pl1\;,) . (interviewee) hereby author~e producer Hannah Lindgren and her film crew, including but not limited toO.[1JO< Vj (VlI?rQ-z.. (interviewer) to interview me for the film, "A Film to Decrease Worldsuck," a Nerdfighters documentary, on '. 'L/lb/IL (date)in LCi-\O"rit") ,I.,()A (city/state/country). I understand that my interV ew includes my name, likeness, image, voice, and performance on fil m, tape, or otherwise. (-As I understand and agree that the above may be edited or otherwise altered at the sole discretion of the producer and film crew and used in whole or part for any and all broadcasting, non-broadcasting, audio/visual, and/or exhibition purposes in any manner or media, in perpetuity, throughout the world. r understand that the film, tape, or otherwise of me will be maintained and made available indefinitely by the producer and film crew for such research, production (e.g., radio, television, film festivals, World Wide Web, exhibitions, related advertisements), and educational purposes as the producer and film crew shall determine. I hereby grant, and transfer to the producer and film crew all rights, title, and interest in the interview and video documentary, including without limitation the literary rights and the copyright. I hereby release the producer and film crew and their representatives from all claims and liability relating to said documentary. The producer and film crew agree to retain the integrity of the interviewee's image and voice, neither misrepresenting the interviewee's words nor tllking fhem out of context. I attest that J have voluntarily agreed to be interviewed and that this document contains the entire and complete agreement concerning the use and preservation of my interview. ,/ Signature: ~, ( INTERVIEWER: f!..-.r-~ \itt" (\{It;y~ _10.-=-1---"-1_1 1-'-./'''''-=2._ _ Date: _l2.---=-1_1L_I_IL_ b,-+­ ' rvton::> 2­ Signature: ~t-wf2b4~ PRODUCER: H0\ Y'\V\ CA V\ Signature, Date: LI i\d8 reV) ~ Date: f\ F'ILM TO DECREASE WORLDSUCK INTERVIEW RELEASE FORM ~ (interviewee) hereby authorize producer Hannah Lindgre n and her film crew, including but not limited to _1:J (7\ '" 1'\..1\ h. __ _ (interviewer) to interview me for the filj "A Film to Decrease Worldsuc~" a Nerdfighters documentary, on 1;)..// b I'd(date) in La ~ /i-~e /i'\ \ 1 V SA (city/state/country). I understand that my interview includes my name, likeness, image, voice, and performance on film, tape, or otherwise. I, ,Se.¥IV\ Y Cd I under tand and agree th at the above may be edited or otherwise altered at the sole discretion of the producer and film crew and used in whole or part for (.my and all broadcasting, non-broadcasting, audio/visual, and/or exhibition purposes in any manner or media, in perpetuity, throughout the world. I understand that the film, tape, or otherwise of me will be maintained and mClde available indefinitely by the producer and fIlm crew for such research, production (e.g., radio, television, film festivals, World Wide Web, exhibitions, related advertisements), and educational purposes as the producer and film crew shall determine. I hereby grant, and transfer to the producer and film crew all rights, title, and interest in the interview and video documentary, including without limitation the literary rights and the copyright. I hereby release the producer and film crew and their representatives from all claims and liability relating to said documentary. The producer and film crew agree to retain the integrity of the interviewee's image and voice, neither misrepresenting the interviewee's words nor taking !'hem out of context. I attest that I have voluntarily agreed to be interviewed and that this document contains the entire and complete agreement concerning the use and preservation of my interview. Date: _ 1-2/ ( ~ /I2- /Vloro 2 Date: PRODUCER: Signature: HOI YW\CX VI L\ nd8 reV] lll({; / (L ~-;M-+--'~~p'-',------,--- Date: ~(1) 0=-­ A FILM TO DECREASE WORLDSUCK INTERVIEW RELEASE FORM £~y ~~ I, I V] (interviewee) hereby authorize producer Hannah Lindgren and her film crew, including but not limited totiU)) l'jru IJ f"'l ~ L (interviewer) to interview me for the film, "A Film to Decrease W rldsuck," a Nerqfi htersdocuJllrntary,on ltJi2117c (date) in \C ',-:~ I ~Lc. , tZ, I;, • r' 1 / Vs>.:' (city/state/country).! understand that my intervl W includ my name, likeness, image, voice, and performance on film, tape, or otherwise. I understand and agree that the ahove may be edited or otherwise altered at the sole discretion o(the producer and film crew and used in whole or part for any and all broadcasting, non-broadcasting. audio/visual. and/or exhibition purposes in any manner or media. in perpetuity, throughout the world. I understand that the film, tape, or otherwise of me will be maintained and made available indefinitely by the producer and fIlm crew for such research, production (e .g.. radio, television, film festivals, World Wide Web, exhibitions, related advertisements), and educational purposes as the producer and film crew shall determine. I hereby grant, and transfer to the producer and film crew all rights, title, and interest in the interview and video documentary, including without limitation the literary rights and the copyright. I hereby release the producer and film crew dnd their representatives from all claims and liability relating to said documentary . The producer and film crew agree to retain the integrity of the interviewee's image and voice, neither misrepresenting the interviewee's words nor taking them out of context. • I attest that I have voluntarily agreed to be interviewed and that this document contains the entire and complete agreement concerning the use and preservation of my interview. ,./ '\ .- i{.. . , V r' l./..' l,l INTERVI8W EE: ,r==--::~-~~--r--;;"'::"'_'_~ v_ _ _ _ __ ~_ __ __ r understand and agr discretion of th e p broadcasting, non-brUilUU. manner or media. in The producer and film crew agree to retain the lrttearttV':Q'fJ and voice, neither misreprese nting context. I attest that I have volu ntarily ag~~ contains the entire and complete my interview. aFAtI nt;tl'rm\llC I hcrl!by grant, and trill1sfer to the producer ,m d film crew all mterest 1I1lhe interview anti video documentary, including witbolir : Illaary nghls and the copyright. I hereby release the producer their representatives from all claims and liability relating to The producer and film crew agree to retain the integrity af and voice, neIther misrepresenting the interviewee's context. I ,)ttest th,lt I haw voluntarily agreed to be int"1"\Ii..w~ containS the entire Jnd complete agreement my Interview. INTERVIEWEE: Signclture: ; v -_ . .•, //'''-- sy ,1vl Ii V ,"· Ar1 ' ,MTO DECREASEWORLDSUCK INTE RVIEW RELHASE fORM. I, ~ ';Ja.clO.>S. (interviewee) hereby Lindgren and her film crcw, including bUl not Iim\tedtDtl (interv iewer) to interview me for the 111m, • A film to Nerd fighters documentary, on \}lI<5/\~ , -,- IS /l (Clty/ state/country). l indudes my name. liken ess. image, voice. and otherwise. I understand and agree that the above may be discretion of the producer and fil m crew and broadcasting. non-broadcasting. audio/visual. manner or media. in perpetuity. throughout I understand that the fil m, tape, or otherwise .lVaiiable indefinitely by the producer and film (e.g.. radio. tele\'1sio n. film festivals, World advertisem ents). and etlucational purposes as determi ne. I hereby grant. and transfer to the producer interest in tlle in terview and video docu literary rights and the copyright. I hereby their represenratives from all claIms and The prod ucer and film crew agree to and voice, neither misrepresenting the context I attest that r have voluntarily contai ns the entire and complete my interview. rNTr::I{\IIf-:WU~: Sigllalure: I W;r;;t ~ ,"Slf'''''-i P"d'bl I uOl1cnt:and that the film. tape. or "therwlse ofmc w.n be av:allolble indcil I'll tt:1)' by the produ(cr .m olil", crcw fo r such (e.g. rad,.,. tcll'VISlon. fIlm "c~t1v.,'s. World W,M Web. exhibitiolft and cduc3tlOnJI pu rposes as the n rnii ",..... "dn~rtisements). determine. I hereby ~r''"t .•m d transfer to the producer and film interest in the Interv iew J nd video docu mentary. literary rights and the cOPYright I hereby release th.m representatives from all claims and l!JbHllYicI I attest that I have volun~ contai ns the entire and my interview. ~. A FILM TO DECREASE WORLDSUCK INTERVIEW RELEASE FORM I, (interviewee) hereby authorize pro uc~ Hannah Lindgren and her film crew, including but not limited to . , ~. (interviewer) to interview me for the film, "A Film to Decrease orld uck," ~ Ner ~ hters documentary, on ~!&¥I.2 (date) in u() { ;e j . '"'1 (city/sta;/co ntry). I understand that my interview includes my name, likeness, image, voice, and performance on film, tape, or otherwise. .11 AI J.. I understand and agree that the above may be edited or otherwise altered at the sole discretion of the producer and film crew and used in whole or part for any and all broadcasting, non-broadcasting, audio/visual, and/or exhibition purposes in any manner or media, in perpetuity, throughout the world. [understand that the film, tape, or otherwise of me will be maintained and made available indefinitely by the producer and film crew for such research, production (e.g., radio, television, film festivals, World Wide Web, exhibitions, related advertisements), and educational purposes as the producer and film crew shall determine. J hereby grant, and transfer to the producer and film crew all rights, title, and interest in the interview and video documentary, including without limitation the literary rights and the copyright. I hereby release the producer and film crew and their representatives from all claims and liability relating to said documentary. The producer and film crew agree to retain the integrity of the interviewee's image and voice, neither misrepresenting the interviewee's words nor taking them out of context. J attest that I have voluntarily agreed to be interviewed and that this document contains the entire and complete agreement concerr'ing the use and preservation of my interview. '* U4 INTERVIEWEE: Signature: J eKLn ~ Date: INTERVIEW:¥~ ~_~ ~ PRODUCER: H0\ VW)(X h L'~ nGlgreY] Signature: Signature: ~ Date: or i L ~ J \ 'J... 1/r2f/!Z A FILM TO DECREASE WORLDSUCK INTERVIEW RELEASE FORM ~\:)\!1Q,~ l G f'I'fY'\ (interviewee) hereby authorize producer Hannah Lindgre~nd her film crew, including but not limited to K"1 IA.. $f~ utJ (interviewer) to interview me for the film, "A Film to Decrease Worldsuck," a Nerdfighters documentary, on ~ (date) in _ _ _ _ _ __ I\1vr<c< le)L Aj U,S , (city/state!country). I understand that my interview includes my name, likeness, image, voice, and performance on film, tape, or otherwise. 1, a14/1/1 I understand and agree that the above may be edited or otherwise altered at the sale discretion of the producer and film crew and used in whole or part for any and all broadcasting, non-broadcasting, audio/visual, and/or exhibition purposes in any manner or media, in perpetuity, throughout the world. I understand that the film, tape, or otherwise of me wlll be maintained and made available indefinitely by the producer and film crew for such research, production (e.g., radio, television, film festivals, World Wide Web, exhibitions, related advertisements), and educational purposes as the producer and film crew shall determine. I hereby grant, and transfer to the producer and film crew all rights, title, and interest in the interview and video documentary, including without limitation the literary rights and the copyright. I hereby release the producer and film crew and their representatives from all claims and liability relating to said documentary. The producer and film crew agree to retain the integrity of the interviewee's image and voice, neither misrepresenting the interviewee's words nor taking them out of context. I attest that I have voluntarily agreed to be interviewed and that this document contains the entire and complete agreement concerning the use and preservation of my interview. Signature: ---\."..<>o-~4:o'bI''I74Ji':>....L!:==---~-7L-':....L.£.-=-----'~- Date: _ q . . . +rJ_- 2._'1-+-1, ",-(2-__ INTERVIEWER KMH~~ SIgnature: _J5u. o.L-..:. LI (.:AJ.oIj~~~ ~_,-_.::...---,t<""'-~'-" ~_ I'Ai't-",-.::J~ 0..f~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Date: PRODUCER: Signature: H0\ YWHX V\ L'\ \\ 0.8 reV] ~ Da te: C(/Jtl/ld.­ r I _~(f---2_(P-t-/1_'L_ A FILM TO DECREASE WORLDSUCK INTERVIEW RELEASE FORM I, (interviewee) hereby authorize pro Lindgren and her film crew, including but not limited to ~~'-"'-7~'"---":...r--...:r..:.~=­ (interviewer) to interview me for the /Olm, "A Film to Decrease Iq~ld uck,' a . (date) in /flU!], ('f/,D ) Nerdf)ghters documentary, on Wttjf?? 1L t (city/stcrte/country). I understand that my interview includes my name, likeness, image, voice, and performance on film, tape, or otherwise. S I understand and agree that the above may be edited or otherwise altered at the sole discretion of the producer and film crew and used in whole or part for any and all broadcasting, non-broadcasting, audio/visual, and/or exhibition purposes in any manner or media, in perpetuity, throughout the world. I understand that the film, tape, or otherwise of me wj]] be maintained and made available indefinitely by the producer and film crew for such research, production (e.g., radio, television, film festivals, World Wide WeD, exhibitions, related advertisements), and educational purposes as the producer and film crew shall determine. I hereby grant, and transfer to the producer and film crew all rights, title, and interest in the interview and video documentary, including without limitation the literary rights and the copyright. I hereby release the producer and film crew and their representatives from all claims and liability relating to said documentary. The producer and film crew agree to retain the integrity of the interviewee's image and voice, neither misrepresenting the interviewee's words nor taking them out of context. I attest that I have voluntarily agreed to be interviewed and that this document contains the entire and complete agreement concerning the use and preservation of my interview. INTERVIEWEE: Signature: Ca.rl~ Ue~0?vlAo+ M' ~ Date: q ~ L.or -I G INTERVIEWER: t-=~~--=---I"'-'......:~~----------------­ PRODUCER:_~~~_~_ _~~~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~___ Signature: ~ Date: '1i'1&!i lZ­ A FILM TO DECREASE WORLDSUCK INTERVIEW RELEASE FORM ~y.(" e..\) I, Me.qo.V' .. (interviewee)hereby authorize p oduc::er Hannah Lindgrewand her film crew, including but not limited to ~"""",:~"--~"'--'-'-=-'f--"'-"-­ (interviewer) to interview me for ~hAhm, "A Film to Decrea e Worldsuc / a_ _ • / Nerqfighters documentary, on Y'~p Ch (date) in /V) J I\ ?1 e 1=,11[ I ~ ~ (city/state/country). I understand that my intervie(Y includes my name, likeness, image, voice, and performance on film, tape, or otherwise. U . J I understand and agree that the above may be edited or otherwise altered at the sole discretion of the producer and film crew and used in whole or part for any and all broadcasting, non-broadcasting, audio/visual, and/or exhibition purposes in any manner or media, in perpetuity, throughout the world. I understand that the film, tape, or otherwise of me will be maintained and made available indefinitely by the producer and film crew for such research, production (e.g., radio, television, film festivals, World Wide Web, exhibitions, related advertisements), and educational purposes as the producer and film crew shall determine. I hereby grant, and transfer to the producer and film crew all rights, title, and interest in the interview and video documentary, including without limitation the literary rights and the copyright. I hereby release th e producer and film crew and their representatives from all claims and liability relating to said documentary. The producer and film crew agree to retain the integrity of the interviewee's image and voice, neither misrepresenting the interviewee's words nor taking them out of context. I attest that I have voluntarily agreed to be interviewed and that this document contains the entire and complete agreement concerning the use and preservation of my interview. Date: Date: 9 (d q I )r;) 0/02 o/I~ A FILM TO DECREASE WORLDSUCK INTERVIEW RELEASE FORM AJ~le;jh Ie I, h(lP,'J fr (interviewee) hereby authorize producer Hannah Lindgren and her film crew, including but not limited to H-"'I\I\.. h LII..Lj (interviewer) to interview me for the film, "A Film to Decrease Worldsu~k," arf\J I( A-. Nerdfighters documentary, on -;,..-/ :1 / /5 (date) in !v'lv-.Il (" ( I) I' ,WIT . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (city/state/country). I understand that my interview includes my name, likeness, image, voice, and performance on film, tape, or otherwise. (r" I ) I understand and agree that the above may be edited or otherwise altered at the sole discretion of the producer and film crew and used in whole or part for any and all broadcasting, non-broadcasting, audio/visual, and/or exhibition purposes in any manner or media, in perpetuity, throughout the world. I understand that the film, tape, or otherwise of me will be maintained and made available indefinitely by the producer and film crew for such research, production (e.g., radio, television, film festivals, World Wide Web, exhibitions, related advertisements), and educational purposes as the producer and film crew shall determine. I hereby grant, and transfer to the producer and film crew all rights, title, and interest in the interview and video documentary, including without limitation the literary rights and the copyright. I hereby release the producer and film crew and their representatives from all claims and liability relating to said documentary. The producer and film crew agree to retain the integrity of the interviewee's image and voice, neither misrepresenting the interviewee's words nor taking them out of context. I attest that I have voluntarily agreed to be interviewed and that this document contains the entire and complete agreement concerning the use and preservation of my interview. INTERVIEWEE: Signature: ASh< 17~e,der ~ INTERVIEWER: Date: _ t-lCAnv\Clh IJ ] li vtd8~ ~~ PRODUCER: H0\ YW\C{ \It Lo\ (\ct8 reV) Signature: Signature: ~/ ? ~ Date: I I '6 { I 1,3 A FILM TO DECREASE WORLDSUCI< INTERVIEW RELEASE FORM I, (intervieweelherebyauthoriz~producerHa~nah Lindgren and her film crew, including but not limited to A) Ie &:V(111/J S (interviewer) to interview me for the fjlm, itA Film to Decrease Worldsuck," a (date) in Cdr Nerdfighters documentary, on ? () II rJ 111 t,/a le f (city/state/country). I understand that .my interview includes my name, likeness, image, voice, and performance on film, tape, or otherwise. Vallier LtJU,'RJ -e i: It: I understand and agree that the above may be edited or otherwise altered at the sole discretion of the producer and film crew and used in whole or part for any and all broadcasting, non-broadcasting, audio/visual, and/or exhibition purposes in any manner or media, in perpetuity, throughout the world. I understand that the film, tape, or otherwise of me will be maintained and made available indefinitely by the producer and film crew for such research, production (e.g., radio, television, film festivals, World Wide Web, exhibitions, related advertisements), and educational purposes as the producer and film crew shall determine. ' I hereby grant, and transfer to the producer and film crew all rights, title, and interest in the interview and video documentary, including without limitation the literary rights and the copyright. I hereby release the producer and film crew and their representatives from all claims and liability relating to said documentary. The producer and film crew agree to retain the integrity of the interviewee's image and voice, neither misrepresenting the interviewee's words nor taking them out of context. I attest that I have voluntarily agreed to be interviewed and that this document contains the entire and complete agreement concerning the use and preservation of my interview. INTERVIEWEE: Signature: 00 # e( C() ((:Jti ~ I Ir~ Date: Signature: ~---.::.d2t:i~~Z£=-=---,..-------- Date: PRODUCER: tlO\vw\ah Ld,dsreV] Signature: . F~ 7 ()! I rJ / (2 '5 0 / I 0 / J':Z A PILM TO DECREASf! WORLDSUCK INTERVIEW RELEASE FORM I. HQX\f\llh Ett!l~ (interviewee) hereby authorize producer Hannah Lindgren and her fllm cr'Wr, including but not limited to f\{tCl<... E\ra..,rYS (interviewer) to interview me for the film. riA Film to Decrease WorJdsuck," a Nerdfigh ers documentary. on :::P ( to 12 (date) in _ _ _ _ _ _. _~~.I;f1IT_ _w~i\..:..;,.Ie--~- (city/state/country). l understand that my interview includes m name, likeness. image, voice, and performance on film. tape, or otherwise. r I understand and agree that the above may be edited or othefWlse altered at the sole discretion ofthe producer and film crew and used in Whole or part for any and all broadcasting, non-broadcasting, audio/visual, and/or exhibition purposes in any manner or media. in perpetuity. throughout the world. I understand that the film, tape. or othenvise of me will be maintained and made available indefinitely by the producer and film crew for such research. production (e.g., radio. television, film festivals, World Wide Web, exhibitions, related advertisements). and educational purposes as the producer and film crew shall determine. I hereby grant. and transfer to the producer and film crew all rights, title, and interest in the interview and video documentary. including without limitation the literary rights and the copyright. I hereby release the producer and film crew and their representatives from all claims and liability relating to said documentary. The producer and film crew agree to retain the integrity of the interviewee's image and voice. neither misrepresenting the interviewee's words nor taking them out of context. I attest that I have voluntarily agreed to be interviewed and that this document contains the entire and complete agreement concerning the use and preservation of my interview. INTERVIEWEE: Signature: H. 515u\~ INTERVIEWER: Signature: PRODUCER: Signature: ~ ~ Air- c --e Date: '¢>O / {D It z., EVan .9 ~ \:iO\YW\c\~ L"\ I'\GtgreV) ~ Date: Date: 30 /to/12 "} !7.- (p Ii'2.. A PILM TO DECREASE: WORLDSUCI< INTERVIEW RELEASE FORM J I, :\Au hI n ..maA (interviewee} here by autJ .orize produ c r Hannah Lindgren and her film crew, including but not limited to ttR. e.V~ (interviewer) to interview me for the film, "A Film to Decrease WorJdsuck/' a Nerdfighters documenta~, on 3. 0 Ito' (7.. . (date) in C~c4tt I WcvlM (City/state/country). I understand that my mtervlew includes my name, likeness, image, voice, and performance on film, tape, or otherwise. ru I understand 3fld 3lfree th t th e abave tllay be edt d or ' , e Cit · discretion of the producer and film crew and used in whole or part for any and all broadcasting, non-broadcasting, audio/visual, and/or exhibition purposes in any manner or media, in perpetuity, throughout the world. I understand that the film, tape, or otherwise of me will be maintained and made available indefinitely by the producer and film crew for such research, production (e.g., radio, television, film festivals, World Wide Web, exhibitions, related advertisements), and educational purposes as the producer and film crew shall determine. I hereby grant, and transfer to the producer and film crew all rights, title, and interest in the interview and video documentary, including without limitation the literary rights and the copyright. I hereby release the producer and film crew and their representatives from all claims and liability relating to said documentary. The producer and film crew agree to retain the integrity of the interviewee's image and voice, neither misrepresenting the interviewee's words nor taking them out of context. I attest that I have voluntarily agreed to be interviewed and that this document contains the entire and complete agreement concerning the use and preservation of my interview. iNTERVIEWEE: +\UuJ ~a.(V\Q)) Signature: ~)CVI1e/)' INTERVIEWER: Signature: PRODUCER: A: Ifce r: Date: It4Jd '1 01 I () •I (Z. r ~-'h'id,-",--_ _ _ _ _- - - Date: sOl! () / /;( Ho,V)V\C{ h L '\Y\~8_reV) Signature: . ~ A ILM 'l4t} B ~ eR.BASE W(}RLuSUCK INTERVIEW RELEASE FO RM t . I,. J/) 0< _ ~ (inte.,:"iewee) he~eby authorife producer Hannah Lmdgren and her crew, mcJuamg but not ltmtted to 4/! c ~_. /;:V(;(?-:r (interviewer) to interview me for the film, itA Film to Decrease Worldsuck," a . (date) in Wrcl / Nerd/fighters documentary, on ~O /1 Q ! 12J \aIQd{~ (city/state/country). I understand that my fntervie0 includes my name, likeness, image, voice, and performance on film, tape, or otherwise. L-e I; f:t I understand and agree that the above may be edited or otherwise altered at the sole discretion ofthe producer and filmctew and used in whole or part for any and all broadcasting, non-broadcasting, audio/visual, and/or exhibition purposes in any manner or media, in perpetuity, throughout the world. I understand that the film, tape, or otherwise of me will be maintained and made available indefinitely by the producer and film crew for such research, production (e.g., radiO, television, film festivals, World Wide Web, exhibitions, related advertisements), and educational purposes as the producer and film crew shall determine. I hereby grant, and transfer to the producer and film crew all rights, title, and interest in the interview and video documentary, induding without limitation the literary rights and the copyright. I hereby release the producer and film crew and their representatives from all claims and liability relating to said documentary. The producer and film crew agree to retain the integrity of the interviewee's image and voice, neither misrepresenting the interviewee's words nor taking them out of context. - , ;'- ~' .~ -,v... .{ ~;~. ~ ~ .:. ...?!;._. IZ" ·~ ~' ~".. t .... _ . .~ ~ ..- '.', ;...... I attest that I h~ve vohl ~t~rily agr'e~d to be interviewed~rid that this '~o cument contains the entire and complete agree~ent concerning the 'u se all~ preservation of my interview. ' .; . . • . "; .::.:. I " "." '!" ' , , ': INTERVIEWEl1 Af/ c...-e £ {/tXV1S ~~ Signature: INTERVIEWE[ ~\..>\\u...LuaD ~ Signature: ~ PRODUCER: Signature: HO\VJV\Ct\rt L\ nO-sren ~ Date: ?'O/!O/12 Date: ' 30/ I 0 / rL t .. A FILM TO DECREASE WORLDSUCK INTERVIEW RELEASE FORM t A(('cR ~Va r/f (interviewee) hereby authorize producer Hannah Lindgren and her film crew, including but not limited to -K'i/M' 1"6) r111v od (interviewer) to interview me for the film, "A Film to Decrease Worldsuck," a Nerdfighters documentary, on SO (10 /1'2- . (date) in Utvd/I--/ I \J &'\ I~ (city/state/country). I understand that my inter~lew includes my name, likeness, image, voice, and performance on film, tape, or otherwise. I understand and agree that the above may be edited or otherwise altered at the sole discretion of the producer and filmctew and used in whole or part for any and all broadcasting, non-broadcasting, audio/visual, and/or exhibition purposes in any manner or media, in perpetuity, throughout the world. I understand that the film, tape, or otherwise of me will be maintained and made available indefinitely by the producer and film crew for such research, production (e.g., radio, television, film festivals, World Wide Web, exhibitions, related advertisements), and educational purposes as the producer and film crew shall determine. I hereby grant, and transfer to the producer and film crew all rights, title, and interest in the interview and video documentary, including without limitation the literary rights and the copyright. I hereby release the producer and film crew and their representatives from all claims and liability relating to said documentary. The producer andfilm crew agree to retain the integrity of the interviewee's image and voice, neither misrepresenting the interviewee's words nor taking them out of context. I attest that I have voluntarily agreed to be interviewed and that this document contains the entire and complete agreement concerning the use and preservation of my interview. /f4-[. . :. (. . ;:;.e'- -~r2-"- .· J,L,\Ii.(,L{2l~P~-.2=- -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ m~ Date: "20 If 0/12 INTERVIEWEE: --+-A..ySignature: > INTERVIEWER: Signature: PRODUCER: Signature: 1iL) It) J J-0 W] & S' ~a! M.f 7b;v~ H0\ Y)v\CA \n. L·\ n <i8 reV) ~ Date: SlJ /; u!) '2 A FILM TO DrieR ASE \lVORLD SUCK INTERVIEW RELEASE FORM [, ~;y.~ MOf'{\ ~roducer (Interviewee) hereby authorize Hannah Lindgren and her crew, induding but not limited to E'lk11't; 'b(c.J..~( (interviewer) to interview me for the film, "A Film to Decreas Worldsuck," a Nerdfigh~ers documentary, on ~ () II ~ I l ' (date) in \30&hh., ,M& (city/state/country).l understand that my interview includes my name, likeness, image, voice, and performance on film, tape; or otherwise. film l!/Ll.r j understand dnd agFOe that th@ above may be edited or otherwl sG altered at th e sole discretion of the producer and film crew and used in whole or part for any and all broadcasting, non-broadcasting, audio/visual, and/or exhibition purposes in any manner or media, in perpetuity, throughout the world. I understand that the film, tape, or otherwise of me will be maintained and made available indefinitely by the produceI' and film crew for such research, production (e.g., radio, television, film festivals, World Wide Web, exhibitions, related advertisements), and educational purposes as the producer and AIm crew shall determine. I hereby grant, and transfer to the producer and film crew all rights, title, and interest in the interview and video documentary, including without limitation the literary rights and the copyright. I hereby release the producer and film crew and their representatives from all claims and liability relating to said documentary. The producer and film crew agree to retain the integrity of the interviewee's image and voice, neither misrepresenting the interviewee's words nor taking them Ollt of context. I attestthat I have volun tarily a greed to be interviewed and that th is document contains the entil'e and complete agreement concerning the usc and preservation of my interview. Date: INTERVI EWE~: PRODUCER: Signature: I EY'v1,'/"47-.5-L.c. . . la~&-.+-! ____~___~_ _ _ ____ t'I/~'itfo~7__ . ~- Signature: )(21 I~ / i c. tlo\Y\V\C\V\ L\ r\~8reVJ . ~~ Date: 16//r/;~ 7 A FILM TO DECREASE WORLDSUCK INTERVIEW RELEASE FORM I, lI)o..ht W'_r\~uJ (interviewee) hereby authorizeproducer Hannah Lindgren and her film crew, including but not limited to fvv., Itt 5/ c /At, ( (interviewer) to interview me for tBl fiIm/A Film to Decrease WOf5SU~k~ ._ 1 Nerdfight;.ers documentary, on ( r 12-. . (date) in () I~' 0 f'--I (city/state/country). I understand that my interview includes my name, likeness, image, voice, a nd performance on film, tape, or otherwise. Mit: rz vs A- I unders tan d and agree that the a bove may b e edited or oth e w ise a ltered at the sol e discretion of the producer and film crew and used in whole or part for any and all broadcasting, non-broadcasting, audio/visual, and/or exhibition purposes in any manner or media, in perpetuity, throughout the world. r understand that the film, tape, or otherwise of me w ill be maintained and made available indefinitely by the producer and film crew for such research, production (e.g., radio, television, film festivals, World Wide Web, exhibitions, related advertisements) , and educational purposes as the producer and film crew shall determine. I hereby grant, and transfer to the producer and film crew all rights, title, and interest in the interview and video documentary, including without limita tion the literary rights and the copyright. I hereby release the producer and film crew and their representatives from all cla ims and liability relating to said documentary. The producer and film crew agree to retain the integrity of the interviewee's image and voice, neither misrepresenting the interviewee's words nor taking them ou t of context. I attest tha t I have volunta rily agreed to be interv iewed and that thi s d ocument contains the entire and complete agreement concerning the use and preservation of my interview. w;? IN'I'ERVIEWEE;~lJ.h! SIgnature: _~ L -1dJ~_ INTERVIEWER: la ~/'2 --/L £V'Y\; Iva- .bicL-; r {vv~~ PRODUCER: H0\ Y]V\C{ h L\ ncAg reV] Signature: Signature: Date: · ~M".0-"-' Date: lO~ (Z - ~ (L A FILM TO DECREAS E WORLDSllCK ~~ INTERVI EW RELEASE FORM J, (interviewee) hereby authorize producer Hannah LidgreI1 and her film crew, including but not limited to &J(} S;c/... , I (interviewer) to interview me for filr1}, "A Film to Decrease Worldsuc~' a J Nerdfighters documentary, on 17.( I-z. . (date) in tfO/ (()rv ~ A(city/state)muntry). I understand that my interview inc udes my name, likeness, image, voice, and performance on film, tape, or othervvise. thi tv us.4: I understand and agree that the above may be edited or otherwise altere d at th o s ole discretion of the producer and film crew and used in whole or part for any and all broadcasting, non-broadcasting, audio/visual, and/or exhibition purposes in any manner or media, in perpetuity, throughout the world. J unde pstand that the film, tape, or otherwise of me will be mi'\intained and made available indefinitely by the producer and film crew for such research, production (e.g., radio, television, film festivals, World Wide Web, exhibitions, related advertisements), and educational purposes as the producer and film crew shall determine. I hereby grant, and transfer to the producer and film crew all rights, title, and interest in the interview and video documentary, including without limitation the literary rights and the copyright. I hereby release the producer and film crew and their representatives from all claims and liability relating to said documentary. The producer and film crew agree to retain the integrity of the interviewee's image and voice, neither misrepresenting the interviewee's words nor taking them out of context. I attest that I have vol untarily agJ'eed to be intorviewed and that til is document conta'ins the entire and complete agreement concerning the use and preservation of my interview. ~ Em :10 . .' ..P L BRVillW~~'(l ­ Signature: -;~7"n~~~rl'"--p-#--I,..."b~=:""--'----------- Date: _ _ _ __ _ _ INTERVIEWER: Signature:if-j",~:/ PRODUCER: Signature: 6",c=,hC-L-C4..k-1_ _ __ _ __ bv;t---z..- H 0\ YlV\CA h L·\ Y\(3l8reV] ~~ .._ _ _ Date: 10 4"Z --If A FILM TO DEC REASE: WOR LI1S UeK INTERVIEW RELEASE FORM I,..:.Jt 1:('· Y''--, (interviewee) hereby authorize producer Hannah rv1 D 'o C Lindgren and her Filrn=trew, including but not limited to 1i:wJV)G\.~ (interviewer) to interview me for the film, "A Film to Decrease Worldsuck," a Nerdfighters documentary, on i i i 'I < \; ;. (date) in Lo( / U· S (City/state/couritry). tunderstand that my interview includes my name, likeness, image, voice, and performance on film, tape, or otherwise. !rude. S I understand and agree that the above may be edited or otherwise altered at the sole discretion of the producer and film crew and used in whole or part for any and all broadcasting, non-broadcasting, audio/visuaL and/or exhibition purposes in any manner or media, in perpetuity, throughout the world. [ understand that the film, tape, or otherwise of me will be maintained and made available indefinitely by the producer and film crew for such research, production (e.g., radio, television, film festivals, World Wide Web, exhibitions, related advertisements), and educational purposes as the producer and film crew shall determine. I hereby grant, and transfer to the producer and film crew all rights, title, and interest in the interview and video documentary, including without limitation the literary rights and the copyright. I hereby release the producer and film crew and their representatives from all claims and liability relating to Said documentary. The producer and film crew agree to retain the integrity of the interviewee's image and voice, neither misrepresenting the interviewee's words nor taking rhem out of context. I L1t hail th t1 Ill'l vl! iJOIUf1L l' ilyagJ;(J d l) I , in e ' iew d ti t d I. ~ thi s docu nl contains the entire and complete agreement concerning the use and preservation of my interview. j <\. Ill' iLi~' I'· I '1'8ftViEWe [\ : ~ ______'_ - _" A.. __ . _I ,_~.... : ._. \'.,. . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ( ) / Signature: __:_/ _t_(_i....:.C__ ~_ ..\--_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Date: I ?1(o/!/ INTERVI EWER: _--'Hwl-'----'-)_V)J~.->.,~_---'~'__ r-_D-'L=___ __ __ _ __ __ _ _ __ Signature: _ _-'.~~~-:...l<:.....:...::...=:::.~=-.!::......=.--===_ _ _ _ _ Date: PRODUCER: Signature; H0\ Y")V\O h L\ (\0.8 reV) F~ 7 ,_ 12 (( (,. / I~ I A FILM TO DECREASE WORLDSUCK INTERVIEW RELEASE FORM • , f! J1 I, - i.~. "---:;- I'-/:, ; 'y~ (. (interviewee) hereby authorize producer Hannah Lindgren and her film crew, including but not limited to #ttV>Qo;V) MoI'b ~ (interviewer) to interview me for the film, "A Film to Decrease Worldsuck," a Nerdfighters documentary, on (Lll(~ / 12 (date) in ~J ~~l cPr / V, 5 (city/state/country) . I understand that my interVIew includes my name, likeness, image, voice, and performance on film, tape, or otherwise. L I understand and agree that the above may be edited or otherwise altered at the sole discretion of the producer and film crew and used in whole or part for any and all broadcasting, non-broadcasting, audio/visual, and/or exhibition purposes in any manner or media, in perpetuity, throughout the world. [ understand that the film, tape, or otherwise of me will be maintained and made available indefinitely by the producer and film crew for such research, production (e.g., radio, television, film festivals, World Wide Web, exhibitions, related advertisements), and educational purposes as the producer and film crew shall determine. I hereby grant, and transfer to the producer and film crew a.ll rights, title, and interest in the interview and video documentary, including without limitation the literary rights and the copyright. I hereby release the producer and film crew and their representatives from all claims and liability relating to said documentary. The producer and film crew agree to retain the integrity of the interviewee's image and voice, neither misrepresenting the interviewee's words nor taking t'hem out of context. attest that I have vol'untarily agreed to be interviewed and that this document contains the entire and complete agreement concerning the use and preservation of my interview. r )NTERVIEWEE:~!/ ,(;J( Signature: f,.Gl'/~Au: / , · (~ 1(-, j~ · )r~7.../ INTERVIEWER: /v-1: 1M , Date: ( !~ • ; cl-r-6F . r;, . < ; / 'l- . ~n~~ rrtrD 2 Signature: ~<"">-c-;=;;? PRODUCER: H0\ VJV\CA V\ Signature: j{'. jj{ :.t ;) / . ( Date: (L I {(. / f 1 LI r\(}.8reV] ~ Date : ----'Cf+-/2_CIJ--j/_I_L-_ t 1 \ i A FILM 1'0 DECREASE WORLDSUCK INTERVIEW RELEASE FORM I,. LC~0 ' ; ,~ \ \\v' . . Il"'t") (interviewee) hereby author~e producer Hannah Lindgren and her film crew, including but not limited to?Y'{"'I'\ lr) (V'l(;>/{}£"" (interviewer) to interview me for the film, "A Film to Decrease Worldsuck, " a (date) in Lei AO"r 1t"';> Nerd fighters documentary, on '. 'L I I kt / \ L CA i !)'')A (city/state/country). I understand that my interVew includes my name, likeness, image, voice, and performance on film, tape, or otherwise. I understand and agree that the above may be edited or otherwise altered at the sole discretion of the producer and film crew and used in whole or part for any and all broadcasting, non-broadcasting, audio/visual, and/or exhibition purposes in any manner or media, in perpetuity, throughout the world. r understand that the film, tape, or otherwise of me w ill be maintained and made available indefinitely by the producer and film crew for such res earch, production (e.g., radio , television, film festivals, World Wide Web , exhibitions, related advertisements), and educational purposes as the producer and film crew shall determine. r hereby grant, and transfer to the producer and film crew all rights, title, and interest in the interview and video documentary, includin g without limitation the literary rights and the copyright. I hereby release the producer and film crew and their representatives from all claims and liability relating to said documentary. The producer and film crew agree to retain the integrity of the interviewee's image and voice, neither mi srepresenting the interviewee's words nor taking fhem out of context. I attest that I hav~ v()lufltarily agreed to be interviewed and that this document contains the entire and complete agreement concerning the use and preservation of my interview . , .r INTERVIEWE E: __-,,~ IZ~-'? ,/ /'/1 ~~ t"'f:: , '~~ :~ n L (.'-~ C \ J<c\.'i.4-J1.....7""" ',7..2___ .,. _ _' Signa tu re: -~ ....s-he~ ,--. ~ ( _KI--'-":::_~_9__~_.~ . _ _ _ __ __ Date: \ 1 / I t;/I']" J NTERVI EWER: Signa tu re: _-----...~~~~d~>w~~~b::!::4:::<""~~Q_ _ _ _ _ _ Da te : _l_L--,I-_i_L_I_I _L_ PRODUCER: Signature: ----'-H+--4.-'-'ff\Ov'----'--'~kJ----'----LL}o~_/{::)___=2~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ HOIYJV\CJ.V\ LI (\0-8reY] ~ Date: ~~_IL__ l\ PILM TO DECREASE WORLDSUCK INTERVIEW RELEASE FORM Se..Y\ \1"' Y . (interviewee) hereby authorize producer Hannah Lindgren and her film crew, including but not limited to _1:::L0\ Y\ "'-1'1. h (interviewer) to interview me for the fili "A Film to Decrease Worldsuc~" a Nerdfighters documentary, on 1;)..//6" I'd(date) in ~ /i-~~ (fl~ ~(4) V SA (city/state/country). I understand that my Interview includes my name, likeness, image, voice, and performance on film, tape, or otherwise, I," L.D \ understand and agr ee that the above may be edited or otherwise altered at the sole discretion of the producer and film crew and used in whole or part for any and ali broadcasting, non-broadcasting, audio/visual, and/or exhibition purposes in any manner or media, in perpetuity, throughout the world. J I understand that the film, tape, or otherwise of me will be maintained and mClde available indefinitely by the producer and film crew for such research, production (e.g., radio, television, film festivals, World Wide Web, exhibitions, related advertisements), and educational purposes as the producer and film crew shall determine. I hereby grant, and transfer to the producer and film crew all rights, title, and interest in the interview and video documentary, including without limitatioll the literary rights and the copyright. I hereby release the producer and film crew and their representatives from all claims and liability relating to said documentary. The producer and fjlm crew agree to retain the integrity of the interviewee's image and voice, neither misrepresenting the interviewee's words nor taking rhcm out of context. I attest that I have voluntarily agreed to be interviewed and that this document contains the entire and complete agreement concerning the llse and preservation of my interview. IN -eRVIEWEE: - r\ ) 'l: Y\"\,.. f[ e ~___..,,.,. :;: : ::....~_-:> 2) .;.J~h~ . '14.-___"____ __ _ _ _ .. Slgnature:J~~ ?_~ I Date: 1:4(0/L ~ _ NTERVI~WER: ~ ~V)~.-,- ~_~iVlo _ _r:_o_...2,---_ __ Signature: _--L~_-=-t7~,.-=~~--=-_ __ ~_ _ _ _ Date : (2- 11& PRODUCER : Signature: H0\ Y'\V\ a lr\ LI f\ 0.8 reV] ~-,~+-_. --,(''-=--_ _ _ _ __ _ Date: I (L ~ 2([; ~._L__ A FILM TO DECREASE WORLDSUCK INTERVIEW RELEASE FORM £~'1 HG ~ I, 7 v] (interviewee) hereby authorize producer Hannah Lindgren and her film crew, including but not limited to-HOl) {/'I'll I] (V1 ~ L (interviewer) to interview me for the film, "A Film to Decrease W rldsuck," a Ne~qfi tersdocufl(,~~tary,on \ti/12117c (date) in ' It /,~~!,,"<~ __ , L\ I \' . /' 'I. / V>.- (city/state/country), I understand that my intervl w includ . my name, likeness, image, voice, and performance on film, tape, or otherwise. I understand and agree that the above may be edited or otherwise altered at the sole discretion orthe producer and film crew and used in whole or part for any and all broadcasting, non-broadcasting, audio/visual. and/or exhibition purposes in any manner or media, in perpetuity, throughout the world. r understand that the film, tape, or otherwise of me will be maintained and made available indefinitely by the producer and film crew for such research, production (e.g" radio, television, film festivals, World Wide Web, exhibitions, related advertisements), and educational purposes as the producer and film crew shall determine. I hereby grant, and transfer to the producer and film crew all rights, title, and interest in the interview and video documentary, including without limitation the literary rights and the copyright. I hereby release the producer and film crew and their representatives from all claims and liability relating to said documentary. The producer and film crew agree to retain the integrity of the interviewee's image and voice, neither misrepresenting the interviewee's words nor taking them out of context. " I attest that I have voluntarily agreed to be interviewed and that this document contains the entire and complete agreement concerning the use and preservation of my interview. --~~~--~~~~~~--~---------- Date: .j{/I'2 /; S­ ( [~VlV)1. h ~'--.£-'<~"--"----"'-_ _ _ - & - -_ _ _ _ PRODUCER: Signature: H(A YWHA V\ LI tl0-8 reV] ~ Date: [' ('-'1&VO 2 L--/b" ::L~ A FILM TO DECREASE WORLDSUCK LIAISON RELEASE FORM , I, LlAd 8 CQ SP;:I~:TO (liaison) hereby release all footage gathered on behalf of producer Hannah Lindgren and her film crew for the documentary A Film to Decrease Worldsuck, including but not limited to interviews, gathering footage, [date(s)] in musical performances, etc., on 21 / 111)2... I)WON'[. (\)f'I?:S . h(<xe.r-\; \ r-.Sjl (city/state/country). lJ J understand and agree that the above may be edited or otherwise altered at the sole discretion of the producer and film crew and used in whole or part for any and all broadcasting, non-broadcasting, audio/visual, and/or exhibition purposes in any manner or media, in perpetuity, throughout the world. I understand that the film, tape, or footage I gathered will be maintained and made available indefinitely by the producer and mm crew for such research, production (e.g., radio, television, film festivals, World Wide Web, exhibitions, related advertisements), and educational purposes as the producer and fIlm crew shall determine. I hereby grant, and transfer to the producer and ftlm crew all rights, title, and interest in the interview and video documentary, including without limitation the literary rights and the copyright. I hereby release the producer and film crew and their representatives from all claims and liability relating to said documentary. In exchange for the footage, the producer and film crew agree to grant the liaison a "Videographer" and/or "Liaison" credit in the final film, as well as send them an llx17 poster signed by the production team and a DVD copy of the' final film signed by the production team. I attest that I have voluntarily agreed to be a liaison for this film and that this document contains the entire and complete agreement concerning the use and preservation of my footage. __ ~_----'-'-_ _'--_ _ _ _ _ _ _ Date: __----' 2.rJ ·~~.·. .~,iz -_1I PRODUCER: Hannah lJV}d@rm Signature: ~ ~~ Date: II /1 '1/1 L I A FILM TO DECREASE WORLDSUCK NERDFIGHTER GATHERING FOOTAGE RELEASE FORM 1, t P...} ~f\ J J ~.i) ~ __ (videographer) hereby release all footage gathered by myself at one or more Nerdfighter gatherings, which I have submitted to producer Hannah Lindgren and her film crew for the documentary A Film to Decrease Worldsuck. This includes but is not limited to interviews, footage, musicaJ performances, etc. I understand and agree that the above may be edited or otherwise altered CJt the sole discreti0 rt of the producer and film crew and used in whole or part for any and all broadcasting, non·broadcasting, audio/visual, and/or exhibition purposes in any manner or media, in perpetuity, throughout the world. I understand that the film, tape, or footage I submitted will be maintained and made available indefinitely by the producer and film crew for such research, production (e.g., radio, television, film festivals, World Wide Web, exhibitions, related advertisements), and educational purposes as the producer and film crew shall determine. I hereby grant, and transfer to the producer and film crew all rights, title, and interest in the interview and video documentary, including without limitation the literary rights and the copyright. I hereby release the producer and film crew and their representatives from all claims and liability relating to said documentary. In exchange for the footage, the producer and film crew agree to grant the videographer a "Secondary Videographer" credit in the final film. I attest that I have voluntarily agreed to submit my footage for use in this film and that this document contains the entire and complete agreement concerning the use and preservation of my footage. VIDEOGRAPHER: _t""",'".-,-R.--'.\.:.;.1<",-,8::>...-._ _r ,-,\;""" :;'..cW~:".· .L1 2A::l.-_~=!..A'--l.!.: \ 6,,,,,·..L.;J-I:....-_>.<J",.,.\.L:c::D:..L.:..\ ' ) \<_ _ _ _ _. Signature: _--"~ --,,-,,,"'-'~=J-'-'~::)=_·-+-'h"""t\""".<lC_"_)L=.>...-~ .. _ _ _ _ Date: oL / 0 ")- / ) ~~ PROD VeER: -t-t\-l.UrAcw..V'\...!.'V\-'-'u"-"J\.b'--'---'L:.-;.f"'-.:h'-=-d_9+r---=-tc...:.Vl--'--_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Signature: .. --,-fi~"-'~'""'-"--"-'----;d:i"-~.:L..;;.~,-,¥-~=,---_ _ _ _ Date: IZ /2 !I 2-­ (p A 1'lLM TO DECREASE WORLD UCK NERDFIGHTE GATHERIN GFOOTAGE RELEASE FORM l~"0-.-l \.x~~ I, (videographer) hereby release all footage gathered by myself at one 0 more Nerdfighter gatherings, which I have submitted to prod ucer Hannah Lindgren and her film crew for the documentary A Film to Decrease Worldsuck. This includes but is not limited to interviews, footage, m usical performances, etc. I u nderstand Bnd agree that the above may b e edited or othelwise Itered at the sale tli cretion of the producer and film crew and used in whole or part for any and all broadcasting, non-broadcasting, audio/visual, and/or exhibition purpos es in any manner Of media, in perpetuity, throughout the world. I understand that th e Hm. tape, or footage I submi tted will be ma intai l ed and made availabl indefinitely by the producer and film crew for such res earch, production (e.g., radio. television, film festivals, World Wide Web, exhibitions, r elated advertisements), and educational purposes as the producer and film crew s hall determine. I hereby gran , an tra f to he p odu cer and fill 1 crew all igh ,ti le, and interest in th intcrvi wan d vid 0 d ocumentary, including with out lim itation t he literary rights and the copyright. I hereby release the producer and fil m crew and their representatives from all claims and liability relating to said docum entary. In exchange for tne footage, the producer and film crew agree to grant the videographcr a "Secondary Videographer" credit in the final fil m. I attest that I have voluntarily agreed to submit my footage for use in th is film and that this document contains the entire and complete agreement concerning the use and preservation of my footage. V D OGRAPr-iE ; Signatur e: P ODUCER: Signature: a A, " It l t,..;..{. .L, ,1j..J I.?'~ \:ja,\C)V\UID l / (I \ ! 13 Date: I) Date: 1z.. Ltl'\d§ -e..n ¥(:0<~ ~v-""/ ! 2 /1 2­ (p A FILM TO DECREASE W RLOSUCK MUS1C1AN RELEASE FOltrA L (musician) hereby rele e the pieces of music listed fo r use I the d C\lm~ n tllry A Film to Decn ase Worldsuck. What I Mean To Say Is This (the Eff Yeah Nerdflgllters song ) Internet Antl19m Any of my additiona l music available at http Ifhello-the-futu re bandcamp com I unde rstand and agree that the above m y be edited or 0 erwi altered t th ' sole dl cretion of the produ(. r. d film crew and used in whol or p Ii. for yanu 11 broadcastmg, no n-broadcasting. audio/ visual, and/or e)(J\ibition purpo es In • ny m nner or media. in perpetuity. throughout th world. I underst..anu that lhe mus c will be m InCiln d and m de av lable lndon lely by the producer J'ld film crew for such research. produc:ti n (e.g., r ello. televL IOn. film fe d val , Wo Id Wid Web. xhibitions, related dv rtisem nts). and ducationaJ pu po e as he produ r and film cr 'W shall determin 0 I hereby ~W nr, nd trans cr to the producer nd film crew all rights, title. and interc t in the ideo documentary, i neluding WithOut lim l lion the lilerary rights nd the copyright' her by relea t producer a d 11m crew and their repr sentatives fl· mild 'm and liab ility reL LiDg said documentary. Ln exchange for the m us c, the producer and film crew agree to grant the liaison a " Music By" nd/or '"Th nks For MuslcaJ Contributlon ron" c dlL in th nn 1nlmo d e cli ng on wh ther lhe music is ed In the film or not. lottEst th at I have voluntarily agr cd to. ubmlt my mu Ie for this fi lm and that this documc . t co. tain tl en ire ""nu compl te agreement co n ming th usc and pre ervaLlon of my music. MUSIClA: Nir:nlA n ip.kA 0=t) .. ~ ( ___ Signatur : ---:r-Jh ~ ; t-=~'f~---7'b,;''-'''-V-.J,..J--------- D PRODUC~~~~~~~~~~~~~ igna tu rc : -=f~!J,4.~~~ 11/30/1 ________________________ _ _._ 0 te: i\ FiLM 'ro DECREASE VORLDS UC1': MUSICIAN RE EASE FO RM t). l, Kef! ( c' Y\ \.)0 (mu ician) her by release the piea:s Oi l1LUSic listed for ~sel in the d <?cum~ntary A ~i/m to D7~Q~e ~orldsuck 1 ~ ( _ 1 r . ) ) I ~i u ,:,,, l .~ ,.. . n ""< I> U ... ~._ I.• ~I~ "(", v- " ( understand an d agree that the above m y be edited or otherwise alte re d at the SOl E di scretio n ofthc producer nd film crew and used in whole o r pa tfor any and all broadcasting. non-broadcasting. a udio/visual, and/or exhibition purposes in any manner or medi a, in perpetuity. th roughout the worlci I understand t hat the musl{: will be maintai:oed and m ade avaiJable indefinitely by the producer a nd fil m crew for such research, production (e .g., radio, te levision, film festivals, World Wide Web, exh ibitions, related advertiseme nts), and e du cational purposes as the producer 3nd film crew sha ll d termi ne. I hereby grant, and transfer to the producer and film crew all ri ghts, tltle. and interest in the video documentary, including without limitation the litera ry lights and the copyri ght. [ hereby release the produce r and film crew and the ir represe ntatives from all claims and liability rela ' ng Lo said docum nta ry. In exchange for the music, th . producer and fi lm crew agree to grant the liaison a "M us ic By" and/ or "Thanks f or Mus ical Contributions Fro. "cr rut in the fin I fil m, depending on whether the mus k is use d in the fil m or noL I attest that J have voluntarily agreed to subml t my music for this film a nd t hat this document contains the entire and complete agreement concerni ng the lise and preservation of my musi MUSl 'IAN: ~~k r...><:0""'t~~~C~I:).;..:..",. " lv.:,.J.~)~ .:. ____ ... _ _ ______ I Signature: _ _ _~~~ ~-""':...:.. _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ Date: ~/..:..I,/-,.:(;.:::g-,-,t=.. __ P\{OOUCER: Sign t re: HCi(\\C\c:. ln LI nC:1cj Vf lV) ~ 1.! 1....J2~~ Ltv. A FI LM TO DECREASE WORLDSUCK MUSIC1AN RELEASE FORM t:...t\ I, I). V\ Co,,", (0 'j (musician) hereby relea.<;e the p ('ces use in the documentary A Film to Decrease Worldsuck. •7. \ L DIp':> (-Ir' V C! c::.. '\ - (If music listed .or I-e c:<.':) \ .t () Ct I, I understand and agree that the above may be edited or the rwise altered at the sole discretion of the producer and filmc.rew and used 1n whole o r part for any and all broadca Dg. non-broadcasting, audio/visuaL and/or exhibition purposes in any manner or media, in perpctuity~ throughout the wor,ld. [understand that the musicwlll be maintained and made avail ble Indefinitely by the producer and film crew fur sum research. production (e.g.. radio, televislon. film fu.~tivais. World Wide Web, exhibitions. r elated advertisements), and cdu tionaI purposes as the produC'eT and film crew shall detennine. I hereby grant, aDd transfer to th producer and film crew all rights, title, and interest in the video docuroenmry, including without l.irnitation the lir.erary r ights and the co-pyright. 1 hereby release die producer and. film crew and their repre~eDtati from all claims and liability reiatingto said docnmentary. In exchange for the music. the producer and film crew agree to grant tile liaison a '"Music By' and/or 4'oonk.." f or MQ'ilcal Contributions From· crcdtt in fi nal fil m. depending on whether the music is used in the ftlru or not I att.c:,.1: that j have voluntariJy agreed to submit my musIc for this film and that tills docuroent contains the entire and complete agreement concerni n the use and preservation of toy music. S::c:=o-~ ~I O".;..;........V)J----__ ( ~~o_:;'i . . ;. .r._o_'_)-+---"~--------Signature: _.=.~....-:-_ C_.:1'\_(O../--7'J)~_ __ __ _ Date: .J\,/ ?-t:1i 2­ MUSf...1AN: __ PRO 0 UCffR: Signature: 1-1" Yl\t){~ kl L LI(l~ v-en ~L~\- 7M1 uL.-. II HL~l fO DECReASE WORI.OSllC:K MUSICIAN RE LEASE FORM E...,+ dl.- "I, ,~ .. (musician ) hereby rele"se the use in the dO<1Jmentary A Film to Dec:rease Worldsuck. ';., ~~ ~~'- I ( .:q'\. \l..w """ rL ::..., ,. P"~(:es 01 music listed for 1 ''"It,-"''''4 .. . 'r-"L _ .\,~ - :C:~:" /U- .) I understand and agree that the above mdY be ""!ted or otherwise altered at the sole d.\scretion of the producer a nd film crew and used in whole Of part fo r any and all broadcasti ng. non-broadcasting. audio/visual, and/or exhibition purposes in a ny manner or media. in perpe tuity. throughout the world. I understand that the music will be maintained and made available lnde tiniteJy by the produL-er and mro crew for such research. productio n (e.g.. rad io. television, film fesuvnis. World Wide Web. exhibition.~. rel.ated advertiseme nts), and e ducational purposes 'lS the producer ;\Od fi lm crew shall de termine. I hereny grant, and transfer to the producer and film crew aU rights. title. and in terest in the video documentary, induuiug w ithout limitation !he literary rights and th e copynght. t here by re lease the producer an d film crew and their n' prestlltatiYCS from all cla ims and liab ili ty relating to said documentary. In e xchangl' for the music:, the producer and fil m crew agree to grant the liuison" "Mus ic By' and/or ~'han ks For Musical ConlributioDs Fro m" credit in the fina l film. depe ndi ng on whether the music is used in the film or not. I a ttest tha t I have voluntllriJy agreed to submit my musIc fo r this film and tha t this document co ntains the c nltre arid complete agreement con ce rning the use and preservation llf Illy music. MUSICIAN : " ~ ~\LL SignatlJ re: ) \~:::h \ ;<A.. "'- J02l ~ Dale: \j Dale: ll 2.I{2.. =, -<­ '/ PROD UC ER: ::\(.\I'\\Ou V1 L iY1da v t' . . Signarure: J ~ """" F ..--J2, ~ ' I l --I A FILM TO DECREASE WORLDSUCK MUSICIAN RELEAS E FORM I, Amanda "Tsukj" Smith (musician) hereby release the pieces of music listed for use in the documentary A Film to Decrease Worldsuck. String Matrix Bury Me In Yellow Blue Eyes Apocalipse r understand and agree that the above may be edited or otherwise altered at the sole discretion of the producer and fUm crew and used in whole or part for any and all broadcasting, non-broadcasting, audio/visual, and/or exhibition purposes in any manner or media, in perpetuity, throughout the world. I understand that the music will be maintained and made available indefinitely by the producer and film crew for such research, production (e.g., r adio, television, fi lm festivals, World Wide Web, exhibitions, related advertisements), and educational purposes as the producer and film crew shall determine. r hereby grant, and trans er t o the producer and film crew all rights, t itle, and interest in the video documentary, induding without limitation the literary rights and the copyright. I hereby release the producer and film crew and their representatives from all claims and liability relating to said documentary. In exchange for the music, the producer and film crew agree to grant the liaison a "Music By" and/or "Thanks For Musical Contributions From" creditin the final film, depending on whether the music is used in the film or not. I attest that I have voluntarily agreed to submit my music for this film and that this document contains the entire and complete agreement concerning the use and preservation of my music. MU SIC IAN : Amanda Signature: 'I sukill Smith, ShaUll @,FY Amanda TJftik/ Smith Amanda Raleigh J Smith (alias Tsuki) PRODUCER: ,HCAY)v)01il Signature: c Date: 11/25/2012 LI nagVein ~I..d ~ ~.~ ~ "l!'I" /":---Date: _l-+-L ~---l{~' DOCUMENTARY HAS GOAL TO DECREASE 'WORLDSUCK' Honors student to premier thesis on Nerdfighters I EMILYMAAG STAFF RE PORTER erm8llQ@bsu edu After a year's worth of work. Hannah Lindgren gets to do her part in the effort to de­ crease Worldsuck, a term coined by the VlogBroth­ ers as the amount of suck in the world. Lindgren's documentary about Nerdfighter culture, "A Film to Decrease Worldsuck," premieres tonight. Nerdfighter is a term for superfans of the VlogBrothers duo: author John Green and his brother; musi­ cian and web series creator Hank Green. The documentary is not the story of the brothers, but rather the people inspired by them. "I think it's a good balance between telling people what Nerdfighteria is, while also be­ ing something that Nerdfight­ ers enjoy," Lindgren said. The senior film and 1V studies DOCUMENTARY PREMIERE WHAT "A Film to Decrease Worldsuck" WHEN 7:30p.m. WHERE LB125 RUNTIME 42 minutes with a Q&A following COST At least one nonperishable food item SECOND VIEWING There will be a second showing in Indianapolis in May. major created the fil m for her honors thesis. The idea came to be last March after run­ ning into John Green at an In­ dianapolis movie theater. She originally planned to write a paper about the VlogBrothers, but that soon changed. "The idea of doing a film on them grew from a spark to a smolder to a full-blown fire that I couldn't put out, and I just had to do it," she said. Lindgren got penmsslon from the brothers to do the film, but they could not sit for intelViews for it. This led to the idea about focusing her project on Nerdfighters in­ stead. She formed a team and traveled to VidCon last sum­ mer; distributing information and gathering interviews. "I think the most rewarding thing is that so many people got on board," Lindgren said. "I'm happy with the final prod­ uct because so many people were involved, and so many people supported it." Lindgren had a team of liai­ sons that helped her collect stories of Nerdfighters. They asked questions that, when pieced together; would tell the story of "Nerdfighteria," she said. It progresses from Vid­ Con coverage, to the history of Nerdfighteria, to the personal connections people have to Nerdfighteria. To read the full preview. go t o bsudaily.com TOIBE 'DON'T , ON PHOlO TAYLOR IRBY From left, Hannah Lindgren, MacKenzie Cox and Sarah Rscher pose with books written by John Green on Tuesday. All three students consider themselves part of the Nerdfighter community. a concept created by fans of the author and his brother. Community of 'Nerdfighters' share love for young adult novelist John Green I EMILY MAAG STAFF REPORTER BYTH errnaag@bsu edu eadheads, Trekkies, Potterheads. Each of these represents a person who claims to be a super fan of something, w hether it's music, television or books, Another term that can be added to this is Nerdfighters. We don't fight nerds," said MacKenzie Cox, a sophomore secondary math education major. "We fight for nerds. We fjght for the acceptance of nerds." Nerdfighters can simply be described as fans of brothers John and Hank Green. John Green is an award-winning novelist of books such as "Looking for Alaska" and "Paper Towns." His most recent novel, "The Fault of Our Stars," released Jan. 10, 2012, was named TIME Magazine's No.1 Fiction Book of 2012. Hank Green is a musician and the creator and executive producer of "The Lizzie Ben­ nett Diaries," a webseries modernizing Jane Austen's "Pride and Prejudice." See NERDFIGHTERS. page 4 UMBER year John Green published his first book "Looking for Alasksa" number of Green's books to make the New York Times Bestseller list number of weeks "The Fault in Our Stars" was No.1 on the NYT Bestseller list number of VlogBrothers subscribers as of print NERDFIGHTERS:Gre\en bros inspire senior honors thesis on decreasing 'Worldsuck' PHOTO PROVIDEDBY HANNAH Ban State alumnus Paul Weller.. left, and Hannah Undgem pose for a photo during Vidcon held June 26 to 30 in Anaheim. Calif. Weller regularly works with Lindgem on cinematography projects. I CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 Together, they are known as the Vlog Brothers. The duo creates videos for a YouTube channel under this name for both educational and enter­ tainment purposes. According to a Nerdfigther fan site, the brothers began the project in 2007 as a way to re­ connect with each other; even though John lives in Indianapo­ lis and Hank lives in Montana. Six years later, their channel is still running with about 1,000 videos, more than 900,000 sub­ scribers and nearly 300 million video views. "Being a Nerdfighter means completely different things to each individual person," said Hannah Lindgren, a senior film and TV studies telecommJlnica­ tions major. Lindgren said the label can be put on people who are fans only of Johl 's books or only of the VlogBrothers channel. But for some it goes far beyond that, she said. "UtlJ.nyolves--who_vou are. as a BOOKS BY JOHN GREEN "LOOKING FOR ALASKA" (2005) "AN ABUNDANCE OF KATHERINES" (2006) "PAPER TOWNS· (2008) "LET IT SNOW: THREE HOUDAY ROMANCES· (2008). compilation novel written with Maureen Johnson and Lauren Myracle "WILL GRAYSON, WILL GRAYSON" (2010), written with David Levithan "THE FAULT IN OUR STARS· (2012) be where you are. "You feel like you're part of the whole that matters; you feel like the world has stopped spinning for about 30 seconds." But Cox doesn't think a Nerd­ fighter necessarily has to be a Green fan. person. Nerdfighters are caring, empathetic, giving and want to help Worldsuck," Lindgren said, referring to a term coined by the Greens as the amount of "suck" in the world. WORLDSUCK Lindgren is wrapping up her senior honors thesis, which is a film called "A Film to Decrease Worldsuck." Originally, she in­ tended to focus on the broth­ ers, but they were unable to do interviews with her, so she changed course. "It would be the story of Nerd­ fighteria told by Nerdfighters, for Nerdfighters," said Lind­ gren, who antiCipates finishing the film by the end of March. Once it is completed, a grant she received from the Ball State Aspire program will allow her to host 10 screenings of her film worldwide. However, she's not just talking the talk of Nerd­ fighters working to decrease Worldsuck - she's helping them take a step in this direction. "Each screening will be tied to a local charity:' Lindgren said. "For example, our screening in Indianapolis in May will be to help Indy Reads, a used book­ store that helps promote adult literacy and holds classes. The admission fee to get into the screening will be a donation of a used book." Lindgren's project has been a worldwide collaborative en­ deavor. She traveled to VidCon in Anaheim, Calif., last summer to spread the word and begin collecting footage. Lindgren has been able to set up a program where she has Nerdfighters collecting inter­ views from all over the world. So far she has received inter­ views from people in places such as Boston, Washington, D.C., Ireland and Argentina. This reinforces what Cox be­ lieves is one of the core aspects of Nerdfighteria: community. "It's being accepted in a world where there's not much accep­ tance," Cox said. "I remember the moment I called myself a Nerdfighter, and you felt like it was supposed to happen, like you're supposed to be a Nerd­ fighter, like you're supposed to "Ifyou're interested in some­ thing obscure, or weird, then I think, by definition, you are a Nerdfighter," she said. Cox said she receives mes­ sages from friends wanting to know what John Green books they should read because they're not Nerdfighters, but she assures them that they are already Nerdfighters because they want to read. COMMUNITY On campus, people don't need to look far to find a fellow Nerdfighter. "When you find out that some­ one else is a Nerdfighter, you're like, 'Oh, they're really cool: and you know you probably have stuff in common with them," Tara Olivero, a junior education major, said. "I have Nerdfighter friends in real life, like through high school and college, and also on the Internet, so it's cool to have those two differ­ ent places where you can have a community of people that you can talk to." The Ball State Nerdfighter Facebook group consists of more than 40 members. Even outside of that group, Olivero said she's seen a lot of people on campus wearing Nerdfighter T-shirts or items with the Nerd­ fighter slogan of sorts: DFTBA, or Don't Forget To Be Awesome. "It's a reminder for all of us that [we] are full of awesome," Cox said. "We are people who are capable of being awesome, and we must live that awesome­ ness every day to it's fullest; that even though we are nerds, we are just as much human as everyone else." Although what each individual takes away from John and Hank Green is different, the broth­ ers have ultimately created an environment for people to con­ nect with one another on a deep level while still feeling safe. "Meeting Nerdfighters has shown me how much [John] and Hank have affected the lives of others, and seeing how much of an inspiration they are to others has inspired me," Lindgren said. "Nerdfighters have given me hope for my generation and the generations just below mine." •• ~ '" 0 <1 3 :},:,JI }\ -L ~ "(\ :~ ~: 1: ~ OJ s J ~ ~ ~ _ .~ f ~ '?~ . "V .'t i)r Lo f:,- ~ i i ~ ;l ~ ~ "V" 2. ~ j ~ ~ ~i ~ i -j 1 1~ tl 1~ ~~ ~~~ ~ I L "'nl ~ E "]~} -'0 ~ n ~~ f~~ os: 0 §,~~ _ s:: <J~2 . f" .~ ~-~1 ~ ~~.~~~!~~~~~ + ~ ~ ~ ~1~ ~ <:=j4 ~ ° ~~)f) ~ '" ~2 (;>.cr- ~