Creating an Identity: Wabash Farmer's Market An Honors Thesis (HONR 499) By Laura J. Merriman Thesis Advisor Ball State University Muncie, Indiana May 2013 Expected Date of Graduation May 2013 St, t cl/ Lind I :N.. J 1he.;u I-l> Zrf.,CJ Abstract . Z'f ! (/.3 . M'f713 For this project, I felt it was important to provide not-for-profit work to a cause I truly care about. Improving the health and sense of community in my hometown of Wabash, IN can be accomplished by promoting the ways in which the Wabash Farmer's Market benefits the town nutritionally, socially, and economically. Providing the market with an individual identity became the center of this thesis. This will allow the Wabash Farmer's Market to be recognized more immediately within the community and can extend its reach to surrounding counties. By working with the members of Wabash Marketplace Inc., I was able to gain a sense of their message as an organization and do my best to translate this visually. I designed a series of visual elements that include: logo, letterhead, business cards, advertisements, signage, a website, and a production booklet that aim to increase awareness and attendance to one of Wabash's most healthy, fun, and economically beneficial events. 1 Acknowledgements I would like to thank Professor Sam Minor for his continued support throughout my visual communication career at Ball State. He has gone beyond what many professors would do to support my work and get me ready for life in the design field outside of class. I truly appreciate all the effort he puts into my education and the education of my peers. I would like to thank Jason Callahan and Kellie Brace, members of Wabash Marketplace, for collaborating with me and providing the support to implement my ideas. 2 Author's Statement The Wabash Farmer's Market is run by the overarching organization Wabash Marketplace. In order to promote the farmer's market specifically, out of the context of downtown promotion, I developed a logo and corresponding set of advertising and communications media. In order to keep the brand consistent, I chose a specific palette of fonts and colors to use throughout campaign materials. As part of the project I wanted to create a headline typeface. The logo for the Wabash Farmer's Market is hand drawn and I was able to pull from it to create a set of capitals that could be used for the rest of the promotional materials. My primary hand-created typeface works with the secondary serif typeface Alegreya. Creating a contrast between serif and sans serif typography made materials easier to read and made the importance of the hand drawn aspect in the headline font stand out. Since my hand drawn typeface had a tall x­ height, I chose a serif with a shorter height to contrast as well. Creating a specific logo was another major component of this project. I met with members of the Wabash Marketplace to discuss the stylistic feel they wanted to accomplish. With this feedback I was able to develop a modern, specific, and organic style. Full color was used in the creation of icons to reflect the nature of the market, with its wide variety of products and brightly hued produce. The fun and happiness a rainbow of color provides can appeal to young and old alike. Since customers of varying ages attend this event, it was important for media to appeal across a range of ages. Focusing on the healthy aspect of the market lead me to creating specific fruit and vegetable icons. The three colors of the logo (green, orange, and black) were used more prominently in the design of supporting pieces in order to keep the branding more concise and clear. An additional element of striping was derived from the vendors' tent awnings. This playful addition gave the brand a more hometown feel as opposed to big­ city campaigning. It was important for me to create an approachable brand that spoke clearly and specifically to the average citizen of Wabash, IN. The vertical 3 stripes direct users toward content found in the letterhead and website design. Both pieces contain larger amount of information so creating a directional focus became important. The icon patterning used in the tote bag and business card appeal to a younger audience. This aspect targets a younger audience to ensure the continuation of the program for the future. The bright busy pattern also keeps the brand fresh and new and is a fun graphic. Wabash Farmer's Market wanted to create a slogan that sent out a specific and direct message. Collaboration with Marketplace employees lead to the create of the slogan "Buy Healthy. Buy Local." This keeps the message clear and direct while promoting nutrition and the local economy. One of the main goals of the Wabash Marketplace group is to generate a more healthy economy for local businesses downtown. The Farmer's Market can attract people to the area and generate interest in the downtown scene. My goal for this project was to incorporate a variety of techniques I have learned through my time in the Visual Communication program. With the branding and campaign work for the Wabash Farmer's Market, I have experimented and refined techniques in-typography creation and manipulation, illustration, book layout, website design and photo manipulation. I was also able to gain skills in client relations and communications. 4 Ij~nVH 5.~jWHVj ~ NI'HSV~VM l]~~VH 5.~jW~~j ~ NI'HSV~VM 41. ~A~ASU.IN s .... •.. \1. ~WX. l f '\T \";A..!W[[. I l\ H.. ",IL J..t.."' >O('~ -l .r~ DEAR JOE SMITH, Lorcm i psum dolor sit arnet, consectetur ad.ipiscing erit. Morbi a.dipiscing, clui vel iacuJis aliquam, purus lacus phareO'a lacus, ut gravida nisi quam sit amet massa. Ut ulrrices gravida tempor. Ut ac diam dignissim orci porttitor bibe Mum. Phasetlus eu dolor teUus. Donee leo orci, eleifend ut pretium varius, dapibus in risus. Proin vitae diam ut turpis cursus accumsan. In aliquam massa sed eros moUis ornare. In purus nisI, venenatis sit amet semper sed, O'istique moUis metus. Ut aliquet bibendum neque, dictum ullamcorp1;~ r ~~ rat faucibus non. Suspendisse feugiat pulvinar teUus varius imperdiet. Proin tristique tincidumquam in soda-res. Mauri:) blandit lorem ac diam p[acerat pharetra. Morbi erit odio, blandit nee cursus ac, ulO'ices sit amet odio. In hac habicasse platea dierumst. Vivamus imperdiet enim metu...... Mauris non ma.ssa augue. EDam eget velit nibh, ae conseetetur mauris. Donee non eleifend dolor. Eciam sagittis, nunc nee mattis sagittis, est nibh p(acerat diam, id aliquet ipsum orci ut nibh. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faueibus orci luetus et ultriees posuere eubilia Curae; Suspendisse sit amet enim diam, sit amet imperdiet leo. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faueibus orci luetus et ultriees posuere eubiliaCura.e; Mauris hendrerit rhoncus ornare. Quisque ac ornare urna. Aenean id orLi enim, velloborcis augue. CurabitLLr porttitor con vallis aliquam. Nullam vitae diam orci. Aliquam eu eursus odio. Quisque faucibus, enim sed mattis faueibus, orci tortor mattis enim, vellacinia libero mauris ve[ LLrna. Morbi ve[ neque fermenrum mi imperdietcondimentum. Nam non adipiseing tellus. Integer eleifend ultriees eros eu fringilla. Morbi uflameorper eursus ante, sit amet sus-eipit nibh cineidunt ac. Cras a faueibus risus. Nullam sed augue libero. Proin id ipsum imperdiet forem uJlamcorper condimenrum nee nee orci. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per eonubia nostra, per ineeptos himenaeos. SINCERELY, The Wabash Farmer's Marl<et Staff I EVeRY SAT URDAY MAY THROUGH S EPTEMBER SAM -12.PM 175W. M~rkc. S•. IN ~6991 Z60 -S6] ' 0975 STARTING AQT~ ~bQg~ THIS 'UN E J bVb QY PQODU(~ bVbQY ~LOW~Q~ WAgA~WtIN TQ~AT~ (QArT~ ~ATUQOAY ~ATUQOAY WAgA~~tIN MARKbT 8AM TO 12PM MA K~T SAM T0 12PM AT THE CORNER OF w. MAQK~ T & ~.(A~~ -- "., -­ gUY UrALTUY. ; gUY LO(Al. / • y , -­ WAgA~UtIN a AUOUl N~~~ mJ[lJl~ • CONTACT QIN WrALTUV. gIN LOCAL. Wabash Markerplace, Inc. is pleased ro continue programming me Wabash Farmers' Market in downtown Wabash. Thousands of shoppers arrend the market each season. The market officially opens the first Saturday in June from 9 a.m. ro 2 p.m. and concludes me third Saturday in Ocrober. The marker is conveniendy located on the corner of US Highway 13 in the Honeywell Center/Wabash Elk's Parking lot. Free parking is available at the Honeywell Center along Carroll Street and the Elks Lodge along Cass Srreer. Bikes are also encouraged ro ride and park ar me marker. .I WAgA~~.IN rAQM~Q'~ MARKbT ~v~ay ~ATUQDAY WAgA~U.IN rAQMrQ'~ ~~Q~~T <AM r07;.pM J THE MESSAGE THE MARKET • The purpose ofthe WABASH FARMER'S MARKET is to provide a venue for area farmers, gardeners & artists to sell their fresh home grown fruits, vegetables, herbs, cut flowers, bedding plants, potted plants and arts and crafts to the public. Wabash Marketplace, Inc. administers this event. .t The Wabash farmer's Market wants to encourage organic clean living in aspects of every day life. The slogan "Buy Healthy. Buy Local."was chosen to give customers a direct and simple message. Buying at the farmer's market promotes healthy eating habits and the local business of downtown wabash. ~ THE MESSAGE THE MARKET ( .. The purpose ofthe WABASH FARMER'S MARKET is to provide a venue for area farmers, gardeners & artists to sell their fresh home grown fruits, vegetables, herbs, cut flowers, bedding plants, potted plants and arts and crafts to the public. Wabash Marketplace, Inc. administers this event. t The Wabash Farmer's Market wants to encourage organic clean living in aspects of every day life. The slogan "Buy Healthy. Buy Local." was chosen to give customers a direct and simple message. Buying at the farmer's market promotes healthy eating habits and the local business of downtown Wabash. ~ LOG06ICONS PALEITE . Ag(ObrG~IJK · WAgA~~ IN , LMNOPOQ~TUV q~ WXYZ& .. PRIMARY HEADLINE FONT: HAND DRAWN SANS SERIF Alegreya Alegreya Alegreya ALEGREYA .Ct ~ , MA fADMbQ'~ MAQK~T 4 -~ WAgA~U.IN rAQM~Q'~ MAQK~T sc --1 COLOR PALETTE SECONDARY fAQMbQ~ MARKbT ~AQA~U,IN SECONDARY COPY FONT: ALEGREYA PRIMARY WMA~~.!.N • rI ~ " \, I. , fA~ LOG06ICONS PALE'ITE Ag(ObfG~IJK '" · IN WMA~~.~.N WAgA~W LMNOPOQ~TUV t --.- WXYZ&., PRIMARY HEADLINE FONT: HAND DRAWN SANS SERIF Alegreya Alegreya Alegreya rAQMbQ~ MAQKbT .­ WAQA~W,IN , MA ~ rADMbQ'~ MAQK~T 04 - .-.­ WAgA~~.IN rAQM~Q'~ MAQK ~T ALEGREYA SC SECONDARY COPY FONT: ALEGREYA , -1 COLOR PALETTE PRIMARY • ~ SECONDARY I ~ ADVERTISEMENTS STREET BOARD BANNER STARTING AQ~ W~Dg~ ~V~QV ~ATUQDAV THIS PQOOU(~ llIAE (QAffi JUN E rLOW~Q~ ~v~ ~v WAgA~W.IN ~ATUDDAV ~-. ~AQMkQ'~ rAQMbQ'~ MAQKbT WAgA~W.IN 7 MAQKkT SAM TO 12PM AT THE CORNER OF w. MAQKkT & ~.(A~~ BAM TO 12PM I SIDEWALK ADHESIVES rv~QY ~ATUQDAY WAaA~u.IN I rAQM~Q'~ MAQ~ rT ADVERTISEMENTS STREET BOARD BANNER I I I ~V~QY STARTING AQT~ W~Qg~ JUNE ~O~~ I I WA9A~W. IN THIS tvt ~v PQOOU(~ ~ATUQOAY ~ATUDDAV WAgA~W.IN II ~AQM~~'~ rAQMbQ'~ II MA QKbT MAQ KbT I I SAM TO 12PM I AT THE CORNER OF W. MAQKbT &~.(A~~ 8AM TO 12PM SIDEWALK ADHESIVES ) I - 'f ij U II .. I i ~I ; J I · r f ii" II r f n r S' :, ! ( if I ~ r - •• I !, Ifill! f f i I ~! !I J I r I i I · r f r if I ... (If J I! • WABASH MARKETPLACE, INC. P.O. Box 42.0 104 W. MARKET ST. WABASH, IN 46992 INFO@WABASKMARETPLACE.ORG V' Q..; \/J ~ I \ (L./ ~ ""'-/ c:$ ~ F U, :­ l . ' .., ~ , .' , --=­ .. . ' .. ... • ... , '. I. ". • \ r ~ :Y -, -1~ \'-' ~ y--' ~ -0 -u ~ ~ ", . ~ ,of' - ~ \) '::::. ~ ", r:. ~ • ("', \§ y 1J ~ ,~ ~~ ~ J' M ~ ­ L\- I [11> ~ ~) "! V \ ~ _ ~~l.J r"r'1 _ Vk1< ',V\ __ r 0'\F'v11\!\ c i ,' """,d7J\J ~ f'( MPH I, _L 1 - (-' r)'1f/" / ~ ~~ +! ~~r NI C_ ,)0, ~ yckhs . 1~ C>. cl~/d cO , w