due by 4:00 p.m. August 31, 2012 Section 1- Applicant Information West Virgini a Depar tment of Educat ion Innova tion Zone and DropOut Preve ntion Grant Please fill out all appropriate boxes and respond to all questions. The application and plan must be in 12 pt. font and is limited to 20 pages. Appl ication is Name of entity applying: Nicholas County Board of Education County: Nicholas Principal: (Superintendent) – Beverly Kingery Contact Name & Title: Gene Collins, Attendance Director Phone: 872-3611 ext. 285 Email: gdcollin@access.k12.wv.us Number of students served/affected by plan: 123 (58 – Summersville area 65 – Richwood area) Number of teachers involved/affected by plan: 2 Number of service personnel involved/affected by plan: 2 Please place a check beside the appropriate entity(ies) applying for innovation zone designation ______School ______Department or Subdivision of School ______Coalition of Schools (fill out multiple listings below) ______Higher Education Institution (*must check another entity) ______Feeder System of Schools ___X___ District Application Please place a check beside the appropriate grant for which you are applying _______ Innovation Zone Grant ___X___ Drop-Out Prevention Grant (must include community partners and three year budget proposal) LEADERSHI P TEAM MEMBERS Identify the school or consortium’ s leadership team. For dropout prevention grants, the leadership team should include community partners (add additional lines as necessary). N Tit Si a le g m n e at u re K Su in per g int e en r de y, nt B e v e rl y C Att ol en li da n nce s, Dir G ect e or n e B Pri ai nci le pal y, , C Cra h igs ri vill st e in Ele a me nta ry K Pri in nci g, pal B , et Su h m a me n rsv y ille Mi ddl e H Pri ill nci m pal a , n, Ric C hw a oo rt d e Hig r h Ju 28t d h g Cir e cui G t a Co r urt y Jud Jo ge h n s o n M Nic il hol a as n, Co P. unt K. y Pro sec uti ng Att orn ey B Nic r hol a as g Co g, unt L y e Juv vi eni le Pro bat ion Off ice r C W h VD a HH m R p, C r y st al Please ensure you have all of the supporting documents required completed and attached to the end application of this __X____ Record of Commitment from Staff, Parent, and LSIC Council __X___ Local Educational Agency Report of Support or Concerns __X____ Multiple Community Partner Records of Commitment for Dropout Grants West Virginia Department of Education Innovation Zone and Drop-Out Prevention Grant Please fill out all appropriate boxes and respond to all questions. The application and plan must be in 12 pt. font and is limited to 20 pages. Application is due by 4:00 p.m. August 31, 2012 Section 1- Applicant Information Name of entity applying: Nicholas County Board of Education County: Nicholas Principal: (Superintendent) - Beverly Kingery Contact Name & Title: Gene Collins, Attendance Director Phone: 872-3611 ext. 285 Email: gdcoIlin@access.kl2.wv.us Number of students served/affected by plan: 123 (58 - Summersville area 65 - Richwood area] Number of teachers involved/affected by plan: 2 Number of service personnel involved/affected by plan: 2 Please place a check beside the appropriate entity(ies) applying for innovation zone designation ___ School ___ Department or Subdivision of School ___ Coalition of Schools (fill out multiple listings below) ___ Higher Education Institution (*must check another entity) ___ Feeder System of Schools _ X _ District Application Please place a check beside the appropriate grant for which you are applying ____ Innovation Zone Grant __X _ Drop-Out Prevention Grant (must include community partners and three year budget proposal) LEADERSHIP TEAM MEMBERS Identify the school or consortium's leadership team. For dropout prevention grants, the leadership team _____________ should include community partners (add additional lines as Title Signature j/> necessary). ____ Name Superintendent Kingery, Beverly Attendance Director Collins, Gene Principal, Craigsville Elementary Bailey, Christina Principal, Summersville Middle King, Bethany Hillman, Carter Principal, Richwood High Judge Gary Johnson 28th Circuit Court Judge Milan, P.K. Nicholas County Prosecuting Attorney ________________________________________________ Bragg, Levi Nicholas County Juvenile Probation Officer Section 2- Abstract and Waiver Requests Provide a project summary that briefly describes the project’s vision, goals, activities, and key features for student success that will be addressed. Please limit the length of the abstract to the text box found on this page only. 4 “Attendance Recovery” is proposed as a Dropout Prevention Grant to continue the downward trend of dropouts in Nicholas County. From 2007 – 2012, Nicholas County lowered the number of dropouts from 87 students to 19. This was possible by a multi-faceted approach involving the school system, judicial system, and social services to curtail truancy. A few programs implemented are partnering with the 28th Judicial Circuit Court, classroom teachers completing student juvenile probation reports relevant to attendance – behavior – coursework, student/parent conference with Superintendent before dropout can become official, and designing alternative education programs that concentrate on more than discipline/behavior issues. Communities in Schools, a non-profit organization, and the National Dropout Prevention Center have well documented that attendance is one of the three ABCs of dropout prevention. As students face extenuating and difficult family circumstances, it is not always possible for students to attend school. This program will allow students of any grade level to attend school on Saturday to erase up to two days of unexcused absence per semester from their attendance record. All grade levels are included in this proposal. Even though Nicholas County has successful yearly attendance and the dropout number is down, this past school year there was a trend upward of elementary students with 5-10 unexcused absences. The program would operate on Saturdays in the months of October, November, December, March, April, and May. Those six months were identified as months in 2011-2012 which students begin to accumulate the most unexcused absences each semester that jeopardize their state required attendance. A program would operate in both areas of the county – Summersville and Richwood – at one school site. Two teachers (grades K-5 and grades 6-12) would operate the Saturday program. All grades are included to attack poor attendance patterns that develop early and to address newer federal government graduation and dropout calculations that emphasize early intervention to high dropout rates. One custodian at each site would be available. Students would bring their lunch and parents would be required to provide transportation. The planning committee felt this places responsibility and accountability on parent and student in taking ownership for unexcused absences. As teachers cannot teach an empty desk; early attendance patterns affect the probably of high school graduation; and the further behind a student becomes academically this affects a dropout decision; the focus of the Saturday program will be on academic makeup assignments, benchmark assessments, ACT prep, social service/community projects, and/or counseling activities recommended by the school or community partners. Technology at the school sites will assist in personalizing learning and meeting individual student academic needs. The program for each student will be personalized based on individual need. Students who attend Saturday school either voluntarily or as a condition of the judicial/juvenile system will have the opportunity to erase two unexcused absences per semester from their attendance record upon satisfactory completion of academic work. One absence may be erased upon accumulating 5 unexcused absences and one absence may be erased upon accumulating 10 unexcused absences per semester. Attendance Recovery will be deemed successful if 1) a minimum of 60% of attending students meet attendance and academic requirements, 2) all Nicholas County schools meet the required state attendance rate, 3) all Nicholas County schools meet the required participation rate on state assessment, and 4) 50% of truancy cases per year are resolved. As this is a countywide proposal to affect any student in Nicholas County with excessive unexcused absences, the customary Faculty Senate vote was substituted with a vote of all county administrators as recommended by the West Virginia Department of Education. Other aspects of the grant contents herein are based upon district information as opposed to individual school information. Those particular sections will be so noted. 5 6 Waiver Requests Indicate the specific type(s) of policy or code that prohibit or constrain the design that you wish to request a waiver from: __X__ Specific waiver requested of county policy __X__ Specific waiver requested of WVBOE policy __X__ Specific waiver requested of WV code/statute 7 WV Code Waiver Request (Specify section and article) 18-8-4 unexcused absences WVBOE Policy Waiver Request (specify section and article) 18-8-8 suspensions 126-81-5 Policy 4110 5.2, 5.3.2, 5.3.3 18-8-11 condition of motor vehicle license County Policy JBA 4.12, 5.2.2, 5.2.3, 6.2, 6.4 126-81-7 Policy 4110 7.1 Impact of the waiver – What will the waiver enable the school to do differently? Waive defining and implying that attendance is within the confines of a school week Monday-Friday and allow for recording attendance on Saturday. Waive suspension as an unexcused absence if a student meets the requirements for Attendance Recovery up to two days per semester due to suspension. Waive requirement of suspension of motor vehicle license if a student meets the requirements of Attendance Recovery. This would restore up to two days per semester as excused absences. This would provide high school students an additional incentive to successfully complete the Saturday program and attend school. Section 3- Vision and Needs Assessment Creative Vision for the Project 1. What is the purpose and expected outcome of this project? The purpose of the project is to increase student attendance and ultimately increase student achievement. Attendance Recovery will allow students the opportunity to reduce their number of unexcused absences by two each semester and complete classroom assignments and assessments. The ultimate goal is increased attendance and sustaining the decrease in the dropout rate. 2. How is this project linked to the school or consortium’s five-year strategic plan? The district’s recently submitted five-year strategic plan identifies attendance and dropout rate as areas of concern based on the economy and educational level of the county’s overall population. These areas are also addressed in plan sections 1) key indicators and 2) professional development. 3. How is the school or consortium’s project connected to best practice and current research in reference to raising student achievement and/or dropout prevention? A compendium of research on school dropouts points to three distinct factors of poor attendance, behavior, and coursework, commonly known as the ABCs of dropout prevention, as the key factors that determine a student’s desire to drop out of school. Attendance was an indicator of one of the earliest signs of failure in school that leads to student dropout as reported by Balfanz and Byrnes (2010). A major reason students in Nicholas County recorded in 2011-2012 for dropping out of school was academic difficulty (coursework). If a student has academic difficulty, there is a correlation to poor attendance in Nicholas County Schools as recorded by WESTEST results 8 (students below mastery) and attendance records (students with 10 or more unexcused absences). Research by the Alliance for Excellent Education (2007) and Hammond, et. al. (2007) further supports the connection of academic performance, attendance, and dropout rates. In 2009, the National Governor’s Association studies the available research on dropouts and dropout prevention and further concluded that the ABCs of dropout prevention and been aptly identified. The primary focus of this proposal is increasing the attendance rate, offering an additional opportunity to complete coursework and ultimately decreasing the dropout rate. 4. Explain how the school or consortium’s current data influenced the need for the project described in question one? Of 19 categories a student identifies for dropping out of school in Nicholas County, 16 of 19 students identified attendance and academic difficulty (which correlate) as the top reasons for dropping out of school. There was an increase in out of school suspensions at the elementary level. There was an overall county increase in number of students with 5 or more unexcused absences. The county attendance average dropped by .5% from the previous year. Some districts might feel these results are acceptable but losing one student to dropout, suspending any student, and unexcused absences is unacceptable in Nicholas County. Nicholas County’s number one goal is to improve student achievement in order that students may have a successful life; therefore, the county addresses any decline in statistics. 9 Section 4- Goals, Objectives, Evaluation, Timeline GOALS: Objectives Activities Personnel Timeline Budget Identify the measureable objectives that will be used to determine success in achieving these goals Develop activities for each objective that are: Creative and innovative; Impact student success; Allow for greater flexibility; change the way the school(s)/district currently operate Indicate the name and title of personnel that will be responsible for the activities. Identify the timeline for the activities (include month/year) Indicate budget requirements (Must be specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and timely goals (SMART ) 60% of participating students will not exceed the10 or more unexcused absences per semester after attending Attendance Recovery. Students may be required to attend Attendance Recovery by the judge, probation officer, or DHHR worker. Parents may agree to student participation by joint agreement with the Superintendent, Attendance Director, and/or school principal. While attending Attendance Recovery, students will complete class assignments, Acuity and/or WV Writes assignments, ACT prep, special projects, and be required to read for pleasure 30 minutes. 10 Gene Collins, attendance director Attendance Recovery teachers (hired per state personnel law) The program will operate on Saturdays in the months of Oct., Nov., Dec., March, April, and May. Attendance Recovery student attendance will be provided to the school principal and attendance director within one week of student completion. (include formulas used to derive totals in budget sections e.g. 3 subs @$143/day=total) 4 teachers X $200.00 per day X 24 days per year = $19,200.00 2 custodians X $100.00 per day (estimate based on average experience and state personnel law) X 24 days per year = $4,000 Judicial truancy cases will reduce by 30% the first year, 40% the second year, and 50% the third year. All Nicholas County Schools will meet the state attendance and state assessment participation requirements The Judge may mandate a student to attend Attendance Recovery as a condition of court proceedings. Gary Johnson, 28th Judicial Circuit Judge The Probation Officer may mandate a student to attend Attendance Recovery if a student receives a negative teacher evaluation report. Levi Bragg, Juvenile Probation Officer The DHHR social worker may recommend a student attend the program and/or recommend specific projects based on a student’s needs (e.g. substance abuse, bullying, anger management, etc.). Crystal Champ, WVDHHR Social Worker The Superintendent will schedule individual school celebrations for any school that meets state attendance requirements and decreases the number of students with 10 or more unexcused absences. The last day of state assessment each year, students in each school that attended school every day during assessment will be provided 30-60 minutes of student choice activity as a reward for attendance during assessment (e.g. board games, music, intramurals, computer/technology time). Beverly Kingery, Superintendent Gene Collins, Attendance Director School Principals The Judge will provide to the Attendance Director the number of truancy cases per year that were prosecuted and the number each year that were resolved/dismissed each June. Attendance celebration will be held in September of each year. 0 $2,000 The state assessment participation reward will be held in May of each year on the last day of assessment. Section 5- Project Evaluation and Sustainability 1. How will you evaluate and report the impact this innovation project has on increasing student success and/or other stated goals and objectives? 11 1) 60% of the participating students will not exceed 10 unexcused absences per semester. The Attendance Recovery teacher will submit the name of students, date of attendance, and successful program completion to the county attendance director. This shall be submitted within one week of student completion of makeup day. The county attendance director in tandem with the student’s school will record the attendance accurately. The teachers each semester will submit a cumulative attendance report to the attendance director and effected principals including student name, dates of attendance, and student activity completion. 2) Judicial truancy cases will reduce by 30% the first year, 40% the second year, and 50% the third year. The judicial secretary will provide the school attendance director this information each year. The attendance director will chart progress and report to the Judge, Nicholas County Board of Education, and WVDE both by individual year and trend data. 3) All Nicholas County Schools will meet the state attendance and state assessment participation requirements. The Superintendent will report to the Nicholas County Board of Education and WVDE the attendance and assessment participation rates on a yearly basis and provide a three year report at program completion. 4) How will this innovation be sustained beyond the initial funding period? Nicholas County has an operational school levy that has existed since 1952. There are provisions every five years in the school levy for alternative education and supplemental personnel salaries. These levy line items are legitimate expenditures for this program. Section 6- Budget Justification The Innovation Zone allocation for FY 2013 is approximately $435,000. Applicants should prepare proposals and accompanying budgets for no more than two school years. The budget should support the activities described in the above application. Major item requests must be supported with activities within in the application. You may request up to $50,000. *Regular IZ applicants need to only fill in the FY 2013 budget. The Dropout Prevention Innovation Zone allocation is $2,200,000. These funds will be awarded in one competitive grant process and applicants must prepare proposals and accompanying budgets for three school years. The budget should support the activities described in the above application. Major item requests must be supported with activities within in the application. The budget range for each proposal is $50,000 to $100,000 for each of the three years (total 3 year award range $150,000 to $300,000). 12 FY 2013 Expenditure Amount Requested In-Kind (Optional) Total Professional Salaries 0 0 0 Fringe Benefits 0 0 0 Equipment 0 0 0 Supplies 0 0 0 Professional Development 0 0 0 Travel 0 0 0 Contracts/Consultants 0 0 0 Other $23,200.00 $2,000.00 $25,200.00 Total $23,200.00 $2,000.00 $25,200.00 13 FY 2014 Expenditure Amount Requested In-Kind (Optional) Total Professional Salaries 0 0 0 Fringe Benefits 0 0 0 Equipment 0 0 0 Supplies 0 0 0 Professional Development 0 0 0 Travel 0 0 0 Contracts/Consultants 0 0 0 Other $23,200.00 $2,000.00 $25,200.00 Total $23,200.00 $2,000.00 $25,200.00 14 FY 2015 Expenditure Amount Requested In-Kind (Optional) Total Professional Salaries 0 0 0 Fringe Benefits 0 0 0 Equipment 0 0 0 Supplies 0 0 0 Professional Development 0 0 0 Travel 0 0 0 Contracts/Consultants 0 0 0 Other $23,200.00 $2,000.00 $25,200.00 Total $23,200.00 $2,000.00 $25,200.00 15 Appendix Record of Commitment Use this form to report the staff commitment regarding the innovation application and plan. A copy must be forwarded to the Innovation Zone Committee with the application and the plan. NOTE that the following information is based on district submittal and not individual school submittal of this proposal. Officials signatures delivered by hard copy. District: Nicholas County Schools Department (if applicable): Attendance Notice of Meeting (Date provided to faculty or department/subdivision): August 3, 2012 Meeting Date: August 28, 2012 Nicholas County Schools WVDE Dropout Prevention Grant Application Administrator/Stakeholder – Vote Certification August 28, 2012 ___26____ Votes for approval ____0____ Votes for non-approval I certify the above vote for Attendance Recovery WVDE Dropout Prevention Grant Application: _____________________________________________________________ Signature – Christina Bailey, elementary principal _____________________________________________________________ Signature – Bethany King, middle school principal _____________________________________________________________ Signature – Carter Hillman, high school principal _____________________________________________________________ Signature – Gene Collins, attendance director We certify that 80 percent of the administrators affected by the application/plan has voted to support the application/plan. 16 Local Educational Agency Report of Support or Concerns Use this form to report the county board or boards and superintendent’s support or concerns, or both, about the innovation to the principal and faculty senate. A copy must be forwarded to the Innovation Zone Committee. District: Nicholas County Schools Department (if applicable): Board of Education Date of School/Department/Subdivision Receipt of Application: July 9, 2012 Date of Regularly Scheduled County Board of Education Meeting: August 6, 2012 NOTE that the following information is based on district submittal and not individual school submittal of this proposal. Officials signatures delivered by hard copy. County Board of Education Elected Officers: President: (Name) Dr. Lloyd Adkins Signature: ___________________________ Vice-President: (Name) Phil Berry Signature: ___________________________ Members Name: Bob O’Dell Signature: ___________________________ Name: Jason Swager Signature: ___________________________ Name: Barbara Taylor Signature: ___________________________ Support: The Nicholas County Board of Education supports the application of Attendance Recovery Saturday program to assist students in recovering unexcused absences in order to allow students greater academic success in school. Concerns: None Local Educational Agency Report of Support or Concerns Use this form to report the county board or boards and superintendent's support or concerns, or both, about the innovation to the principal and faculty senate. A copy must be forwarded to the Innovation Zone Committee. 17 District: Nicholas County Schools Department (if applicable]: Board of Education Date of School/Department/Subdivision Receipt of Application: July 9, 2012 Date of Regularly Scheduled County Board of Education Meeting: August 6. 2012 County Board of Education Elected Officers: President: (Name) Dr. Lloyd Adkins Signature: Vice-President: (Name) Phil Berry Signature: Members Name: Bob O'Dell s'Jfik Name: Jason Swager SignaJ&ffzr Signature: Name: Signature74 Barbara Taylor Support: The Nicholas County Board of Education application of Attendance Recovery Saturday program recovering unexcused absences in order to allow academic success in school. supports the to assist students in students greater Concerns: None (Report of the Local Education Agency must be forwarded to school/department/subdivision for submission to West Virginia Board of Education with the application/plan). (This Report Certification is not required of institutions of higher education in their application or plan). 18 19 Community Partner Support Use this form to document community organization/agency support and partnership for the innovation dropout plan/project. Use a separate form for each community partner. Dropout grants must include meaningful documented partnerships. District: Nicholas County Schools Date(s) of School/District/Community Partner Dialogues: July 27, 2012 Name of Community Organization/Agency: Nicholas County Prosecuting Attorney Contact Person: James R. Milam, II Contact Person email address: ncpastaff@nicholascountywv.org Contact Person phone number: (304) 872-7870 Contact Person address: 203 Courthouse Annex Summersville, WV 26651 Explain the community organization/agency’s commitment to the Plan/Project: One attorney in the Prosecuting Attorney’s Office, Attorney Bishoff, is assigned to juvenile and truancy cases to work closely with the school system attendance director and Circuit Court Judge in order to review and hear cases expeditiously. List the resources and contributions (not monetary) that the organization/agency is making to this Plan/Project: 1) Secretarial assistance in legal document preparation for court cases 2) Time – Assistant Prosecutor Bishoff Agency Representative (Name) James R. Milam, II Signature: ______________________________________________________ Title: Nicholas County Prosecuting Attorney Community Partner Support Use this form to document community organization/agency support and partnership for the innovation dropout plan/project. Use a separate form for each community partner. Dropout grants must include meaningful documented partnerships. District: Nicholas County Schools Date(s) of School/District/Community Partner Dialogues: July 1, 2012 20 Name of Community Organization/Agency: 28th Judicial Circuit Court Contact Person: Judge Gary Johnson Contact Person email address: Contact Person phone number: (304) 872-7840 Contact Person address: 700 Main Street Summersville, WV 26651 Explain the community organization/agency’s commitment to the Plan/Project: The Judge has a proven record of commitment to school attendance in hearing truant cases in his court. He will schedule these cases at the beginning or end of the school day so students do not miss school the day of a hearing. He will use Attendance Recovery as an additional means of keeping students in school. List the resources and contributions (not monetary) that the organization/agency is making to this Plan/Project: 1) Secretarial assistance in preparation of yearly statistics and documents for program evaluation. 2) Time to hear cases and process information for the school system. Agency Representative (Name) Judge Gary Johnson Signature: ______________________________________________________ Title: 28th Judicial Circuit Court Judge Community Partner Support Use this form to document community organization/agency support and partnership for the innovation dropout plan/project. Use a separate form for each community partner. Dropout grants must include meaningful documented partnerships. District: Nicholas County Schools Date(s) of School/District/Community Partner Dialogues: July 16, 2012 Name of Community Organization/Agency: Nicholas County Juvenile Probation Officer Contact Person: Levi Bragg Contact Person email address: Contact Person phone number: (304) 872-7860 Contact Person address: 700 Main Street, Suite 7 Summersville, WV 26651 21 Explain the community organization/agency’s commitment to the Plan/Project: The Nicholas County Juvenile Probation Officer commits to utilizing the program as a consequence for students who do not fulfill the school probation requirements of attendance, behavior, and coursework. List the resources and contributions (not monetary) that the organization/agency is making to this Plan/Project: 1) The probation officer will report to the attendance director students who should attend the program and suggested attendance date(s). Agency Representative (Name) Levi Bragg Signature: ______________________________________________________ Title: Nicholas County Juvenile Probation Officer Community Partner Support Use this form to document community organization/agency support and partnership for the innovation dropout plan/project. Use a separate form for each community partner. Dropout grants must include meaningful documented partnerships. District: Nicholas County Schools Date(s) of School/District/Community Partner Dialogues: August 27, 2012 Name of Community Organization/Agency: WV Department of Health and Human Services Contact Person: Crystal Champ Contact Person email address: Contact Person phone number: (304) 651-619-9117 Contact Person address: Summersville, WV 26651 Explain the community organization/agency’s commitment to the Plan/Project: WVDHHR works closely with the circuit court, juvenile probation officer, and school system to make the best educational decisions and placements for students. The DHHR will recommend projects per individual student that are of importance to that student based on individual student circumstances (e.g. substance abuse, child abuse, anger management, etc.). List the resources and contributions (not monetary) that the organization/agency is making to this Plan/Project: DHHR social worker will provide time to initiative projects for individual students. Agency Representative (Name) Crystal Champ Signature: 22 ______________________________________________________ Title: Social Worker, WVDHHR Community Partner Support Use this form to document community organization/agency support and partnership for the innovation dropout plan/project. Use a separate form for each community partner. Dropout grants must include meaningful documented partnerships. District: Nicholas County Schools Date(s] of School/District/Community Partner Dialogues: July 27, 2012 Name of Community Organization/Agency: Nicholas County Prosecuting Attorney Contact Person: James R. Milam, II Contact Person email address: ncpastaff(5)nicholascountywv.org Contact Person phone number: [304] 872-7870 Contact Person address: 203 Courthouse Annex Summersville, WV 26651 Explain the community organization/agency's commitment to the Plan/Project: One attorney in the Prosecuting Attorney's Office, Attorney Bishoff, is assigned to juvenile and truancy cases to work closely with the school system attendance director and Circuit Court Judge in order to review and hear cases expeditiously. List the resources and contributions (not monetary] that the organization/agency is making to this Plan/Project: 1] Secretarial assistance in legal document preparation for court cases 2] Time - Assistant Prosecutor Bishoff Agency Representative (Name) James R. Milam, II Signature: Title: Nicholas County Prosecuting Attorney 23 ^JMh^y Community Partner Support Use this form to document community organization/agency support and partnership for the innovation dropout plan/project. Use a separate form for each community partner. Dropout grants must include meaningful documented partnerships. District: Nicholas County Schools Date(s] of School/District/Community Partner Dialogues: July 1, 2012 Name of Community Organization/Agency: 28th Judicial Circuit Court Contact Person: Judge Gary Johnson Contact Person email address: Contact Person phone number: (304] 872-7840 16 24 Contact Person address: 700 Main Street Summersville, WV 26651 Explain the community organization/agency's commitment to the Plan/Project: The Judge has a proven record of commitment to school attendance in hearing truant cases in his court. He will schedule these cases at the beginning or end of the school day so students do not miss school the day of a hearing. He will use Attendance Recovery as an additional means of keeping students in school. List the resources and contributions (not monetary) that the organization/agency is making to this Plan/Project: 1) Secretarial assistance in preparation of yearly statistics and documents for program evaluation. 2) Time to hear cases and process information for the school system. lamehjudge Gary Johnson Signature: w Title: 28m Judicial ^Circuit Court Judge Community Partner Support Use this form to document community organization/agency support and partnership for the innovation dropout plan/project Use a separate form for each community partner. Dropout grants must include meaningful documented partnerships. District: Nicholas County Schools Date(s) of School/District/Community Partner Dialogues: July 16, 2012 Name of Community Organization/Agency: Nicholas County Juvenile Probation Officer Contact Person: Levi Bragg Contact Person email address: Contact Person phone number: [304) 872-7860 Contact Person address: 700 Main Street, Suite 7 Summersville, WV 26651 25 Explain the community organization/agency's commitment to the Plan/Project: The Nicholas County Juvenile Probation Officer commits to utilizing the program as a consequence for students who do not fulfill the school probation requirements of attendance, behavior, and coursework. List the resources and contributions (not monetary) that the organization/agency is making to this Plan/Project: 1) The probation officer will report to the attendance director students who should attend the program and suggested attendance date(s). 17 26 Agency Representative (Name) Levi Bragg Signature: y^r^ff,Tide: Nicholas County ^ ______________________________________ Juvenile Probation Officer Community Partner Support Use this form to document community organization/agency support and partnership for the innovation dropout plan/project Use a separate form for each community partner. Dropout grants must include meaningful documented partnerships. District: Nicholas County Schools Date(s) of School/District/Community Partner Dialogues: August 27,2012 Name of Community Organization/Agency: WV Department of Health and Human Services Contact Person: Crystal Champ Contact Person email address: Contact Person phone number: (304) 651-619-9117 Contact Person address: Summersville, WV 26651 Explain the community organization/agency's commitment to the Plan/Project: WVDHHR works closely with the circuit court, juvenile probation officer, and school system to make the best educational decisions and placements for students. The DHHR will recommend projects per individual student that are of importance to that student based on individual student circumstances (e.g. substance abuse, child abuse, anger management, etc.). List the resources and contributions (not monetary) that the organization/agency is making to this Plan/Project: DHHR social worker will provide time to initiative projects for individual students. Agency Representative (Name) Crystal Champ 27 Signature: TP ---- "V Title: Social Worker, WVDHHR 18 28 Community Partner Support Use this form to document community organization/agency support and partnership for the innovation dropout plan/project Use a separate form for each community partner. Dropout grants must include meaningful documented partnerships. District: Nicholas County Schools Date(s) of School/District/Community Partner Dialogues: August 27,2012 Name of Community Organization/Agency: WV Department of Health and Human Services Contact Person: Crystal Champ Contact Person email address: Contact Person phone number: (304) ^-619-9117 Contact Person address: Summersville, WV 26651 Explain the community organization/agency's commitment to the Plan/Project: WVDHHR works closely with the circuit court, juvenile probation officer, and school system to make the best educational decisions and placements for students. The DHHR will recommend projects per individual student that are of importance to that student based on individual student circumstances (e.g. substance abuse, child abuse, anger management, etc.). List the resources and contributions (not monetary) that the organization/agency is making to this Plan/Project: DHHR social worker will provide time to initiative projects for individual students. Agency Representative (Name) Crystal Champ Signature: Title: Social Worker, WVDHHR 29 Innovation Zone Requirements 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Proposals must be typed in 12 point font and received no later than 4:00 p.m. on August 31, 2012. Complete the application for Innovation Zone designation *Approval by 80 percent of faculty (those affected by Innovation Proposal) **Record of Support from Parents, LSIC, Business Partners, Students Record of LEA/County Board Report (Support and Concerns) on application Record of Support from Community Partners for Dropout Grants. Submit your application/plan in a PDF document via email to Shelly DeBerry at sdeberry@access.k12.wv.us with a copy sent to nmcline@access.k12.wv.us IMPORTANT NOTES: *To determine staff support, the innovation application and plan must be submitted to all employees affected by the design of the plan for a secret ballot vote at special meetings called to determine the level of commitment. The meeting is called with two weeks prior special notice, and the vote is conducted and certified to the principal, superintendent, and county board president by a panel. The panel must provide an absentee ballot to each employee eligible to vote who cannot attend the meeting. The panel consists of the elected officers of the faculty senate of the school or schools; one representative of the service personnel of the school; and three parent members appointed by the Local School Improvement Council (LSIC). At least 80 percent of the employees who are eligible to vote must approve the school’s Innovation Zone plan. Any regular employee at a school applying for or designated as an Innovation Zone whose job duties may be affected by implementation of the Innovation Zone plan or proposed plan may request a transfer to another school in the school district. The county board shall make every reasonable effort to accommodate the transfer. **Please make sure your application is submitted to your local board in time to receive their signature and supports/concern before the application due date. Completed grant application must be RECEIVED via email by 4:00 p.m. on August 31, 2012. 30