)CUMENT OFFICE 26-327 .SEARCH LABORATORY OF ELECTRONICS ,SSACHUSETT$ INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY ,MBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS 02139, U.S.A. ii_ i 4,14' OApy i DIAGNOSTIC EXPERIMENTS IN A MAGNETICALLY DRIVEN SHOCK TUBE JOHN B. HEYWOOD TECHNICAL REPORT 428 DECEMBER 31, 1964 MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY I RESEARCH LABORATORY OF ELECTRONICS CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS The Research Laboratory of Electronics is an interdepartmental laboratory in which faculty members and graduate students from numerous academic departments conduct research. The research reported in this document was made possible in part by support extended the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Research Laboratory of Electronics, by the JOINT SERVICES ELECTRONICS PROGRAMS (U.S. Army, U. S. Navy, and U.S. Air Force) under Contract No. DA36-039-AMC-03200(E); additional support was received from the National Science Foundation (Grant GK-19). This report will also be issued as Fluid Mechanics Laboratory Publication No. 65-1. Additional support for this work was provided by the Advanced Research Projects Agency (Ballistic Missile Defense Office) and the Fluid Dynamics Branch of the Office of Naval Research under Contract Nonr-1841(93). Reproduction in whole or in part is permited for any purpose of the United States Government. SCALES FOR OSCILLOGRAMS Fig. 8. VE scale 2 kv/cm; I scale 125 kamp/cm; time scale 2 jisec/cm. Fig. 18. Vertical scales in wb/m2; time scale 1 sec/cm. Fig. 19. Vertical scales in wb/m2; time scale 1 isec/cm. Fig. 21. Vertical scales in wb/m2; time scale 1 Fig. 24. Vertical scale 67 volts per cm/cm; time scale 1 sec/cm. Fig. 26. Be scale in wb/m 2 ; Er scale in volts per cm/cm; time sec/cm. scale 1 sec/cm. Fig. 28. Deflection in 1014 watts/m, 0. 5 ,usec/cm. m3, sterad; time scale I. d MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH LABORATORY OF ELECTRONICS December 31, 1964 Technical Report 428 DIAGNOSTIC EXPERIMENTS IN A MAGNETICALLY DRIVEN SHOCK TUBE John B. Heywood Submitted to the Department of Mechanical Engineering, M. I. T., September 12, 1964, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. (Manuscript received November 4, 19 64) Abstract This report describes the results obtained from a series of experiments in Hydrogen in a magnetic annular shock tube with an applied axial magnetic field. Measurements of the front speed were made over as wide a range of initial gas pressure, initial drive bank voltage, and axial magnetic field as possible. These results are compared with the predicted speeds obtained from the Kemp and Petschek solutions and the snowplow model, and reasonable agreement is obtained. Measurements were also made on the front properties with magnetic and electric field probes inside the annulus, and with phototubes. It was found that a substantial fraction of the drive current always flows in the front and no shock wave preceding the current sheet was observed. A detailed picture of the current distribution inside the annulus is obtained, and a current loop was found to flow behind the front. It is shown that electric field measurements substantiate this picutre. It is also shown that when the Alfv6n speed ahead of the front is comparable with the front speed, the flow pattern changes significantly. 9I TABLE OF CONTENTS I. II. III. IV. V. VI. INTRODUCTION 1 1. 1 General Considerations 1 1. Z2 Magnetic Annular Shock Tube 1 1.3 Experimental Program 2 THEORETICAL MODELS FOR THE OPERATION OF A MAST 4 2. 1 Kemp and Petschek Solution 4 2.2 5 "Snowplow" Model 2. 3 Comparison of the Two Models 6 2. 4 Validity of the Assumptions 6 EXPERIMENTAL APPARATUS, MEASURING TECHNIQUES, AND INSTRUMENTATION 8 3. 1 Description of the Experimental Apparatus 8 3. 2 Measuring Techniques and Instrumentation 13 EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS 17 4. 1 Summary 17 4. 2 Measurements on Azimuthal Uniformity 18 4. 3 Measurements of the Front Speed 19 4. 4 Internal Measurements with B 0 , E z , and E r Probes 24 4.5 Absolute Light-Intensity Measurements 39 INTERPRETATION OF THE RESULTS 43 5. 1 Summary of Front Properties 43 5. 2 Momentum Balance 43 5. 3 Internal Flow Pattern 45 CONCLUSIONS 47 6. 1 Summary 47 6. 2 Suggestions for Further Work 47 APPENDIX A Diffusion of the Current Sheet into the Shock-Heated Gas 49 APPENDIX B Equation for the Flux Speed 50 APPENDIX C Drive-Bank Performance with the Shock Tube as Load 52 APPENDIX D Calibration of B 54 Probes and Magnetic Search Coils Acknowledgment 56 References 57 iii I. INTRODUCTION 1.1 GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS Interest in the dynamics of gases at very high temperatures and velocities has stimulated the development of devices that permit experimental investigation of the properties of such ionized gases or plasmas. One such device is the shock tube. In it the undisturbed gas is accelerated and heated as it passes through a strong shock wave that is driven down the tube. The attraction of this type of device is that the gas compressed between the shock wave and the driver interface (called the homogeneous gas sample) has properties that can be accurately calculated from the state of the undisturbed gas and the conservation laws. A discussion of the conditions attainable in various types of shock tube and some of the limitations of these devices have been given by Kantrowitz. The temperatures and velocities attainable in conventional pressure- or combustiondriven shock tubes are limited by the speed of sound in the driver gas. These limits can be raised by adding the energy from a condenser bank to this driver gas (arc-driven shock tube); but to obtain shock velocities high enough to completely ionize the gas compressed behind the shock wave (of order 10 7 cm/sec for Hydrogen gas) it is necessary to resort to electromagnetic forces to propel the shock down the tube. This type of driver (called a magnetic driver) involves the interaction between the current obtained from a condenser-bank discharge and the magnetic field that this current creates behind it to drive the current down the tube. If the gas temperature, and thus the electrical conductivity in the current sheet, is high enough (magnetic Reynolds number effect) the current sheet will act as a piston and drive a shock wave in front of it. Shock speeds 1 of up to 6 X 107 cm/sec have been obtained with this type of device. 1.2 MAGNETIC ANNULAR SHOCK TUBE One useful type of device that has been developed has coaxial geometry, in which the driving condenser bank is discharged between two concentric metal cylinders. The radial current sheet that is produced is driven down the annular spacing between the cylinders by the azimuthal magnetic field which it sets up. Two types of test-gas distribution in this annular space have been considered. In one the gas is released at the driving end of the tube from a fast-acting valve. This type of device is usually called a "Plasma Gun" or "Plasma Accelerator." 2 '3 In the other, the initial test-gas pressure is uniform; this is called a "Magnetic Annular Shock Tube" (MAST) 4 - 8 and it is designed to produce a slug of shock-heated gas whose properties are uniform and can be calculated. To achieve such a uniform shock-heated gas sample, magnetic containment in the form of steady magnetic bias fields parallel to the walls of the shock tube must be applied, to prevent the hot ionized gas from condensing on the walls. These bias fields 1 will also interact with the shock front and the driving current sheet, and thus can substantially modify the flow pattern inside the device. Such magnetogasdynamic shock waves have been the subject of extensive theoretical work 9 - 11 and the results are now well known; however, the relevant experimental results are meager. Patrick 1 '4 has extensively studied the case in which initially there is a strong azimuthal and weak axial magnetic field in the annulus. From measurements of the radiated light intensity and the magnetic field inside the annulus, he has shown that under certain conditions a homogeneous gas sample can be obtained, and that the density of the shock-heated gas and the change in field across the shock correspond to the predicted values. and Petschek 6 and Keck 5 '7 Fishman have studied the current-sheet behavior under a wide range of experimental conditions with no initial bias fields. These experiments were carried out in a MAST for which the ratio of the outside to inside radius was large, and thus radial variations become important. The shape of the front, and the current distribution The maximum front speeds (-5 cm/[sec) were in and behind the front were obtained. much less than those obtained by Patrick; and their results show no evidence of a shock Heiser 8 has done some preliminary work on wave separated from the current sheet. the effect of an axial bias field and the existence of a switch-on shock. however, show considerable scatter, His results, and a front moving down the tube was observed only in approximately 20 per cent of his experiments. His observed front speeds were approximately 50 per cent of the predicted speed, and the flux speed (see section 3.2a) was approximately 20 per cent of the front speed. Thus it is not clear what flow pattern was set up in his experiment. 1.3 EXPERIMENTAL PROGRAM The experiments described in this report are intended to provide a detailed picture of the flow pattern inside a MAST when the initial magnetic field is in the axial direction. The experimental program was set up to provide answers to these two questions which First, do either of the two existing theoretical had not been considered in detail before. models considered predict an accurate over-all momentum balance for the device over a wide range of experimental conditions with an initial axial magnetic field? Second, what is the detailed flow pattern inside the device over a range of axial magnetic fields, and is either of the models considered a reasonable approximation to the observed flow pattern? It was hoped that evidence would be obtained to indicate that the shock separated from the current sheet, as one of the aims of the project was to develop a device that would produce a gas sample whose properties could be calculated. Of particular interest here was the switch-on shock wave, and it was hoped that the existence of such a shock could be demonstrated. When no evidence of a homogeneous gas sample was obtained, the current-sheet behavior was studied in an attempt to understand why the expected separation did not occur. This report is arranged as follows. In Section II the two existing theoretical models In Section III the experimental apparatus, that are considered are briefly reviewed. 2 measuring techniques, and instrumentation are described in detail. Section IV contains a description of the experiments carried out, the results obtained, and an evaluation of the results. Section V includes the interpretation of some of the flow features that were observed, and a discussion of the accuracy of the two theoretical models considered here. Section VI completes the report with conclusions and suggestions for further work. 3 II. THEORETICAL MODELS FOR THE OPERATION OF A MAST 2.1 KEMP AND PETSCHEK SOLUTION a. Assumptions Kemp and Petschek 9 analyzed an idealized model of the flow pattern in a MAST. They considered the general case for which the initial steady magnetic field has both axial and azimuthal components; only the effect of the axial field is of interest here. A summary of their results follows. It is assumed that the current sheet acts as a solid piston (high magnetic Reynolds number) and produces a shock wave in front of and separated from it by a region of shock-heated gas. These assumptions are made: (i) variations in the radial direction are negligible, and the problem can be analyzed in Cartesian coordinates with variations in the x (or axial) direction only; (ii) gas pressure is isotropic; (iii) gas obeys the perfect gas law with k = 5/3; (iv) gas has infinite electrical conductivity everywhere; and (v) drive current is a step function in time and rises instantaneously to a steady value. The validity of these assumptions for this experiment is considered in section 2.4. Assumption (v) results in the region of shock-heated gas having uniform properties; thus the shock and drive-current phenomena can be treated separately. b. Effects of Axial Field on the Shock Wave The effect of a magnetic field normal to the shock wave is well known and has been summarized by Heiser. 8 The important points and nomenclature to be used throughout this report will now be discussed. In shock stationary coordinates, subscript 1 denotes conditions upstream of the shock, and subscript 2 conditions downstream of the shock; u denotes the gas velocity; b x the Alfven speed (Bx/ ); uS the shock speed in laboratory coordinates; and cf 11 When wave speed. the fast magnetoacoustic u s = u 1 >Cf > f1 I s 2 >bx, x2( (1) shock conditions are not changed by the axial magnetic field B x perpendicular to the front. [Note that the theoretical models are expressed in Cartesian coordinates with B x , the axial field, normal to the front. In our experiments the flow parameters are expressed in cylindrical coordinates; thus the axial field will be Bz.] The density ratio across the shock is then given by the usual strong shock limit. P2 P1 (2) (2) (k 2 + k2 -1 4 As B is increased, the condition u =u 1 is reached. >Cf >b 1 =u (3) 2 2 The shock jump equations then permit a solution for which a tangential magnetic field exists in region 2 and a current flows in the shock front. appropriately called a "switch-on shock," since the tangential field is by this current. s This is "switched-on" This condition would exist when bx k2 -(5) s 1 k 1' and the density ratio is now given by 2 P2. c. (6) Effect of Axial Field on the Expansion Wave The axial field in cylindrical coordinates introduces a jrBz force in the which produces an azimuthal acceleration of the fluid in the current sheet. direction To reduce this azimuthal acceleration, the current sheet spreads through the gas as a wave. This effect causes a slight increase in the shock speed, and a reduction in the length of the ideal test slug until at a shock speed given by the equality in Eq. 5 the front of the expansion wave is coincident with the shock. For values of u less than this limit, the front of the expansion wave moves back away from the shock, although part of the current is left in the shock front, itself. Extensive numerical calculations on the shock and expansion wave properties have been done by Kemp and Petschek,9 and when it is appropriate their results will be compared with the experimental data presented in Section IV. 2.2 "SNOWPLOW" MODEL Another model has been used to describe the performance of this type of device; is the "snowplow" model. In this model, it is radial driving-current sheet is velocity. time, it assumed that the gas swept up by the entrained in the sheet and accelerated to the sheet Thus a surface mass density can be associated with the sheet at any instant in which is equal to the integrated mass density through which the sheet has moved. The model assumes that the current is confined to a thin sheet, and thus is not applicable for large values of the axial field. It is also assumed that the magnetic Reynolds number in the sheet is high; thus this model represents the limit of the Kemp and Petschek model as the density ratio P2/P 1 tends to infinity. The same momentum balance can be obtained merely by assuming that all of the gas is swept up by the sheet and accelerated to the sheet velocity. 5 Thus when the axial field is small a momentum balance can be written: B 2 du 2° o= PlUs + f P1 dz, (7) where Be is the drive field, and u s the front speed. 2.3 COMPARISON OF THE TWO MODELS When the front speed is constant (it will be shown that this is a good approximation to the observed results), Eq. 7 gives the front or current-sheet speed, Be u . - (8) s 2oP 1 This can be compared with the Kemp and Petschek solution for small axial fields which gives the shock speed Be 1 (9) , - s]2oP 1 (1-Pl/P2)1/ and the current sheet speed u B0( 1-P 1/P 2 )1/2 c . L2 op 1 (10) Notice that the front speed, from Eq. 8, and the shock speed, from Eq. 9, differ only by the factor (1-P 1 /P 2 )1/2. For a strong shock this factor will be between 0.87 and 1.0; the lower limit is obtained when ionization and dissociation are ignored. Thus the pre- dicted value of u s does not depend to any marked degree on the choice of model. 2.4 VALIDITY OF THE ASSUMPTIONS Significant departures from the one-dimensional model, assumption (i), could result 2 from the radial variation of the drive field Be. The ratio of the driving pressure B 0 2pLo at the inner and outer radii is given by 2 r°2= 1.9. r i/ (11) Fishman and Petschek 1 2 have considered the effect of annulus ratio (2(ro-ri)/(ro+ri), which is 0.32 for this experiment) in the case for which the initial magnetic field is parallel to the shock front. Their results suggest that for an annulus ratio of 0.32, the one-dimensional model should be satisfactory for Alfv6n Mach numbers less than 5 for an azimuthal bias field. No calculations, however, have been made for an axial bias field, and the flow pattern is significantly different, since the expansion wave moves 6 1 _ towards the shock as the axial field is increased. The validity of a one-dimensional model will be discussed in Section V. Assumptions (ii) and (iii) have been adequately discussed by Kemp and Petschek, and they conclude that the approximations are reasonable for the equilibrium temperatures predicted behind the shock at speeds comparable with those measured in these experiments. Assumption (iv) has been considered in detail by Kantrowitz, Falk and Turcotte. 1 3 1 and more elegantly by Using these results, we have made calculations of the diffusion of the current sheet into the shock heated gas (see Appendix A). The results show that if the current sheet is preceded by a homogeneous gas sample at the equilibrium shock temperature calculated from the shock speed, then the diffusion of the current sheet for front speeds measured in these experiments should be negligible. But these calculations provide no evidence that this flow pattern will in fact be set up. Assumption (v) can be satisfied by suitable design of the drive capacitor bank. The bank was set up to provide a square current and voltage pulse, but stray inductance in the leads and shock tube limited the rise time to 2 Lsec. All measurements were taken after the drive current had attained its steady value, which was between 5 10 1 Lsec and sec after the bank was fired. It was therefore expected that the flow pattern would not change appreciably over a length of order 50 cm. 7 III. EXPERIMENTAL APPARATUS, MEASURING TECHNIQUES, AND INSTRUMENTATION 3.1 DESCRIPTION OF THE EXPERIMENTAL APPARATUS A general view of the experimental arrangement is shown in Fig. 1. cross section of the shock tube is shown in Fig. 2. A schematic A photograph of the electrode end of the shock tube is shown in Fig. 3, and an accurate cross-section drawing of the electrodes and current leads in cylinders is shown in Fig. 4. These four figures supplement the following text. a. Shock Tube The tube itself consists of the annular space between two concentric stainless-steel cylinders sealed at each end with lucite insulators. The outside and inside radii of the annular space are 72 mm and 52 mm, respectively. The tube is mounted inside a 7-inch diameter, 52-inch long, 3 turn per inch solenoid which provides the steady axial magnetic field. The electrodes consist of two stainless-steel rings of triangular cross section projecting 1/8 inch into the annulus from the two steel cylinders. These rings are mounted 16.7 cm from the driving end of the tube to ensure that breakdown occurs in a region of uniform axial magnetic field. The insulator at the electrode end fills the annulus for a distance of 15 cm to ensure that breakdown occurs at the electrodes; the end of the insulator is capped with a 1/4-inch thick Pyrex glass ring to prevent excessive ablation of the lucite by the arc. spaced around the annulus, A set of eight identical search coils, uniformly are mounted inside this insulator to measure the B mag- netic field and ensure that the drive-current distribution into and out of the electrodes Fig. 1. General view of the experimental arrangement. 8 LOP STEEL QUARTZ AXIAL TO PRESSURE L OR APERTURE INLET LENS :) FILTER-PHOTOTUBE E Fig. 2. Schematic cross section of the shock tube. Fig. 3. Detail of electrode end of the shock tube. 9 - - - I) 0 r E C ) 0 "U 0o a) c 4 0 b4 o 0 r, 4a C,q mI m U be 10 is azimuthally uniform. The insulators at the other end of the tube were also covered with Pyrex to reduce ablation from the low melting point lucite that was used to seal the annulus. Hydrogen, 99.9 per cent pure, was bled continuously through the system to reduce the impurity level to a tolerable value (in all cases it was less than 0.2 per cent by A variable leak valve controlled the flow of gas into a manifold outside the volume). outer cylinder at the electrode end of the tube. The gas flowed into the annulus through twelve 1/32-inch diameter holes uniformly spaced around the circumference, pumped out at the other end of the tube through a molecular sieve. and was The flow rate was adjusted to give the required gas pressure in the system, and this pressure was measured with an Alphatron pressure gauge which was calibrated against a McLeod gauge at frequent intervals. Measurements on the front and expansion wave properties were made through 5/16inch diameter holes cut in the outer steel cylinder. Eighteen of these holes were sealed with quartz windows to permit measurements to be made with photomultipliers of the radiated light intensity, and arrival time of the front at various axial and azimuthal positions. Eight of these windows were arranged along one side of the tube at 15.3-cm intervals, the first being 8.6 cm downstream of the electrodes. The remaining windows were arranged at opposite ends of horizontal and vertical diameters at 39 cm, 54.2 cm, and 69.4 cm downstream of the electrodes so that the azimuthal uniformity of the front could be checked. All windows were mounted flush with the inside wall of the outer cylinder and were cemented in place with epoxy. Four of the holes could be used to insert probes into the annulus at 46.8 cm, 61.8 cm, and 77.2 cm from the electrodes; at 61.8 cm two probe holes and a quartz window were arranged within an arc of 60 ° in the 0 direction so that three simultaneous measurements could be made at this position. The probes and probe holders were sealed to the tube with "O" rings. All other seals were made with welded or silver-soldered joints, or with "O" rings. b. Capacitor Banks The axial field current, preionization discharge, and drive current were provided by capacitor banks connected to the shock tube through appropriate switching circuits. A schematic circuit diagram is shown in Fig. 5. (i) Axial field bank This consisted of five 60-fd, 10-kv capacitors connected in parallel through an ignitron to the axi-al field coil. The quarter-cycle time of the bank-coil combination was found to be 560 Isec, and the maximum field attainable inside the annulus was 0.45 wb/m . A field probe in the axial direction over the center 40 centimeters of the annulus indicated field variations of less than 3 per cent. The accuracy of the calibration was estimated as (ii) 6 per cent. Preionization discharge It was found that a low current (-100 amps) discharge between the electrodes, 11 +3KV 0.25aF 'T T T -1 TRANSMISSION LINE DRIVE BANK Zo= 0.0172, TOTAL OF 288yF Fig. 5. Schematic circuit diagram and firing sequence. 1.5 ULsec in advance of the main bank triggering, improved the reliability of breakdown, but had no subsequent effect on the flow pattern. Two 0.01-FLfd capacitors at -12 kv were used for this purpose. (iii) Drive capacitor bank The drive-current bank was set up with distributed inductance to simulate a transmission line and thus provide a drive-current waveform that approximated a step function. To obtain a characteristic impedance low enough to match 'that of the shock tube, the bank was designed as four parallel transmission lines with eighteen 4-Ifd, 10-kv capacitors in each line. The distributed inductance was provided by parallel copper plates of appropriate dimensions and separation. The impedance of the four lines in parallel was measured to be 0.017 ohm. The high-voltage terminal of the bank was connected to the electrode end of the inner cylinder through a coaxial spark gap, and the ground terminal of the bank to the electrode end of the outer cylinder. A 12 combination of parallel-plate and low-inductance cable was used to keep the stray inductance to a minimum. Great care was taken to ensure that the azimuthal distri- bution of the drive current leading into and out of the electrodes was uniform. Figure 3 shows the lead in connections used to achieve this end. The bank could be operated at voltages up to 10 kv, and when it was discharged through the shock tube, a current pulse of the order of 300 kamps with a rise time of 2 uLsec and a pulse length of 10 Lsec was produced. A model for calculating the loading placed by the shock tube on the bank is discussed in Appendix C. In all of our experiments, the shock tube was run with the center electrode and highvoltage terminal of the bank at a negative potential. 3.2 MEASURING TECHNIQUES AND INSTRUMENTATION a. Current and Voltage Measurements The axial field was measured by monitoring the integrated output of a single loop wound round the outside of the center of the field coil. This maximum measured voltage had previously been calibrated against field measurements made inside the annulus. The error involved in the B z field measurement was estimated as The drive current was monitored by means of a 15-turn, 6 per cent. 2-mm diameter coil inserted at the center of the gap between the copper plates leading from the drive bank to the shock tube. The effective area of this search coil was obtained by the procedure outlined in Appendix D, and the coil output voltage was integrated with a calibrated RC circuit whose time constant was 450 pLsec. The field distribution around the lead-in plate was measured with a second calibrated coil in terms of the field on the center line. The integral of this field around the plate gave the correct conversion factor for obtaining the drive current from the measured field at the center line. involved in the drive-current measurement was estimated at The error 6 per cent. The voltage between the electrodes was measured by means of two identical(to 1 per cent) 10 k2, 200 times attenuators connected to a differential preamplifier. The voltage induced in a loop that surrounds the annulus in a radial plane (see Fig. 2) was also measured. This was termed the voltage, and from it a flux speed UL7 can be obtained, since it measures the rate of change of flux as the current sheet moves down the annulus. It is shown in Appendix B that when the current I is constant, the voltage $ is given by = LIuL + ^A, (12) where L is the inductance per unit length of the tube, A is a term allowing for the dif- fusion of the current through the steel walls, and uL (the flux speed) is the speed with which the current sheet would move axially if it remained confined to a thin layer. expression for (that part of the An voltage that is due to axial movement of the current sheet) with 13 --_ ------ _ ~ __ _~~ t4= (13) - j $ is given in Appendix B. It is found that the ratio /$ decreases with time, and is approxi- mately 0.8 at the time when most of the experimental measurements were made. b. Measurements with Photomultipliers The arrival time of the front at various axial and azimuthal positions could be measured with six photomultiplier systems. Each of these consisted of an RCA 6655A 0 0 phototube with a 4400 A interference filter of half-bandwidth 100 A in front of the tube The tube output was fed directly into a cathode follower. The phototube was collector. connected to the shock tube with either an optical fibre or a simple optical system, and two collimated holes were used to restrict the volume of plasma which could be viewed by the phototube. The rise time of the system was measured to be less than 0.1 Fsec; the transit time of the front past the collimator was approximately 0.02 sec. One of the phototube systems was calibrated with a tungsten-filament lamp of known horizontal candle power and color temperature, so that absolute measurements of the radiated light intensity could be made. c. Magnetic and Electric Field Measurements with Probes Measurements inside the annulus were also made with magnetic and electric field probes. Considerable time and effort were spent in developing these probes to give reproducible and intelligible signals. Typical probes are shown in Fig. 6, in which the top probe is a B 0 magnetic field probe, the second probe an E r radial electric field probe, and third probe an E z axial electric field probe. The probe holder is also shown; Fig. 2 illustrates how probes -aka are inserted into and sealed in the shock n_ tube. ,,, ·- ,,,,,,·,. ... The magnetic field, or B probes, consisted of a single-turn loop, 2 mm in : . .... ...... diameter, of #30 Nyclad insulated copper ...L wire mounted outside the end of a quartz tube and sealed with epoxy. Fig. 6. The coil was soldered to a short length of 50-ohm Probes. Microdot cable and then connected through a 3:1 voltage divider to an RC integrator of time constant 54 ptsec at the oscilloscope (see Fig. 7). The voltage divider was included so that when the insulation on the coil ablated away, the minimum resistance to ground through the probe was 50 ohms, and the maximum voltage at the oscilloscope terminal was less than 600 v. 14 The insulation INSULATED COPPER WIRE 'SCI LLOSCOPE (IAL CABLE ;CILLOSCOPE Fig. 7. Schematic drawing of probe construction. usually lasted between 5 and 20 runs. The probes were calibrated as described in The probe-to-probe reproducibility was estimated at ±10 per cent (see Appendix D. section 4.4b). When the insulation between the probe and the plasma had broken down, no useful signal was obtained. Electric-field probes similar to those used by Burkhardt and Loveberg developed. were Figure 7 illustrates, also, the probe construction and circuit. The voltage difference between the two coaxial electrodes was measured by using an identical (0.1 per cent) pair of 1 k2, 20 times attenuators and a differential preamplifier. Burkhardt and Loveberg have shown under similar conditions that the value of the resistance of the dividers was not important until it was reduced to 5 ohms. value was chosen to give a fast rise time (less than 0.05 sec). The 1-ku The electrode sepa- ration was 0.41 cm for the Er probe, and 0.6 cm for the E z probe. Only the difference in the floating potential of the probes was measured; this potential may differ from the plasma potential by approximately kT/e. The value of kT/e corresponding to the equilibrium temperature behind the fastest shock observed was 17 volts. This is small compared with the Er signals (- 200v), but not small when compared with the E z signals (-40v). Thus the effect of temperature gradients was neglected in the former, and the E z probes were used only for qualitative considerations, since substantial errors could be introduced. d. Firing Sequence The firing sequence for all experiments and a schematic circuit diagram are shown in Fig. 5. At time T = 0 the axial-field ignitron and the oscilloscope monitoring the Bz field were triggered. At T= 560 ,isec, at the axial field maximum, the preionization circuit was triggered and a pulse sent into a 1.5-ILsec delay line. This pulse then 15 ~-1--- ~- - - triggered the main bank spark gap and the oscilloscope monitoring the drive current and electrode voltage at T = 561.5 psec. 0.5 sec. Breakdown of the drive bank occurred within A variable delay was used to trigger oscilloscopes recording phototubes and probe measurements at the appropriate time during the experiment. The calibration of all oscilloscopes was checked and adjusted when necessary before each set of tests. A typical set of axial-field Bz, electrode voltage VE phototube traces are shown for B and initial pressure P drive current I, voltage, and = 0.23 wb/m2, initial drive-bank voltage V = 250 microns in Fig. 8. 16 = 7.5 kv IV. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS 4.1 SUMMARY Our experimental program can be divided into four separate parts. (i) A preliminary set of experiments was concerned with verifying the azimuthal uniformity of the drive field, and the front position. It was obviously necessary to demonstrate that conditions around the annulus were uniform before detailed measurements at any one point could be taken. (ii) The second set of experiments was aimed at obtaining the operating characteristics of the tube over as wide a range of the parameters P1 initial pressure, B z axial field, and VO initial drive capacitor bank voltage as possible. Measurements were made of the front velocity u s along the length of the tube. (iii) In the third set of experiments, measurements of Bo, E r , and E z in the front and expansion wave were made with probes at various axial and radial positions for six selected operating conditions. These six operating conditions were chosen so that the effect of the axial field on the flow pattern at two different pressures could be investiThese conditions will be referred to as A, B, C, D, E, and F in the sequel, gated. and Table I lists the initial pressure P 1 and axial magnetic field B z corresponding to each letter. The initial drive capacitor bank voltage VO was 7.5 kv for each case. Table I. Experimental conditions. A B C D E F p, microns 250 250 250 100 100 100 Bz wb/m 2 0.1 0.23 0.42 0.1 0.23 0.42 V 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 O kv (iv) In the last set of experiments, absolute measurements of the light intensity radiated by the front and expansion wave were made with a calibrated phototube. It was hoped that these measurements would yield information on the electron density in the gas heated by the front. As we shall see, however, no useful information on the electron density could be obtained. Before each set of experiments is considered in more detail, some general comments on the reproducibility of the data will be made. About 80 per cent of the runs made at any given set of conditions satisfactorily reproduced the same flow pattern. Measurements of drive current I and front velocity u s were reproducible within Two drive-current and electrode-voltage 5 per cent. The Bo and Er probe traces for similar operating conditions are shown in Fig. 8a. 17 -, _- - - - - - VE I (a) VE I (b) Fig. 8. I (c) Types of I and VE oscillograms. measurements were reproducible within 10 per cent; the problem of probe reliability is considered in greater detail in section 4.4a. within The Ez measurements were reproducible 20 per cent; however, the qualitative behavior was unchanged. All of these runs were characterized by smooth level drive-current and electrode-voltage traces as shown in Fig. 8a. The remaining 20 per cent of the runs showed drive-current traces in which either the drive current increased steadily throughout the run (Fig. 8b) or a sharp break in the trace occurred when the front arrived at the probe position (Fig. 8c). Data from these two types of runs were discarded. It was also found that at conditions F, the B e and Er measurements showed variations outside the limits quoted above. 4.2 MEASUREMENTS ON AZIMUTHAL' UNIFORMITY The azimuthal magnetic field between the electrodes was measured with eight identical search coils uniformly spaced around the annulus and built into the lucite insulator (see Fig. 4). The output of each coil was integrated with a calibrated RC integrator (time constants between 320 1 Lsec and 420 18 sec). These signals were compared for various values of the drive current and axial field, and the shape and magnitude were found to agree within ment. 4 per cent, which is within the estimated error for the measure- It was concluded that the drive-current distribution entering and leaving the electrodes was azimuthally uniform. Measurements were also made to check the fact that the arrival time of the front at any axial position did not depend on azimuthal position. The maximum time difference measured between arrival times at opposite ends of a horizontal or vertical diameter This corresponds to a tilt in the 39 cm downstream of the electrodes was 0.05 ILsec. shock front of approximately 3 across the mean diameter of the annulus; thus it was considered negligible. It was therefore assumed in all subsequent measurements that the front and expansion wave properties did not vary significantly with azimuthal position. The similarity in shape and magnitude of B o probe traces from the same axial and radial position, but separated by an angle of 60 ° , also supported this assumption (see Fig. 16). 4.3 MEASUREMENT OF THE FRONT SPEED a. z-t Diagrams and Flux Speed Measurements of the front velocity u s along the length of the tube were made by measuring the arrival time of the front at positions z = 23.8, 39, 54.2, and 69.4 cm from A typical oscillogram is shown in Fig. 9. the electrodes, with four phototubes. It was found that the front speed was essentially constant from 20 cm to 70 cm downstream of the electrodes; the drive-current pulse was constant (10 per cent) over the corre- Typical z-t diagrams for conditions A through F are shown in sponding time interval. Fig. 10. The flux speed uL, calculated from Eq. 12 and the appropriate trace, and the front speed u s are compared in Fig. 11 for conditions B and D. It was found that the 2 changed little between B z = 0.1 wb/m were much smoother. and 0.42 wb/m , although the traces at higher B z The ratio of the flux speed to the front speed will depend on the flow pattern (the Kemp and Petschek model gives uL/us ~ Uc/u model gives uL/us traces 2 ~ 1). Figure 11 indicates that UL/Us s = 0.75; the snowplow is between these two values, and that the current sheet spreads axially as the front moves down the tube. For times less than 5.5 1 Lsec, uL > u s . This is because the drive current has not reached its steady value, and thus Eq. 12 is incorrect, since it neglects the dI/dt term. Note also that for T > 8.5 when I declines in value, the calculated uL will be too low for the same reason. Appropriate drive-current traces are included in Fig. 11 to demonstrate when the current is constant. b. Variation of Front.Speed with Initial Pressure The variation of the front velocity with initial pressure was then obtained and is shown in Fig. 12 for B z = 0.1 wb/m 2 and V = 7.5 kv. Front velocities were obtained 19 _______1__111____11I 1 -- _- --- ,- 200 s 0.098 wb/m Bz 2 -I ' -' 1 2,s I, Rr tv pv ... 2Kv VE T- I 125 ka -I J-Z2/I I Kv r -H 4LS 4_a 0.5 s PHOTOTUBES Fig. 9. Typical B z, I, VE ' , 20 u s oscillograms. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I · I I r- 8 n 0L w LL n4 cr 3 w 2 I 10 0 Fig. 10. I I I I - I 20 30 40 50 60 70 DISTANCE FROM ELECTRODES z (cm) 80 z-t diagrams for conditions A through F. 18 16 14 E J o (L 8 z ' 6 300 200 zX Z 4 n- 2 100 i: 0 1+ b r f Y IV TIME AFTER BREAKDOWN (sec) Fig. 11. Flux speed and front speed for conditions B and D. 21 ___I I I I I I l I I l I I 25 20 CHEK G) E 10 0) SNOWPLOW 5 0 30 Fig. 12. Bz = O. I wb/m Vo= 7 . 5 kv I 40 2 I I I 60 80 100 MODEL I 200 pl (microns) I 400 I 600 Front speed as a function of initial pressure. by averaging the measured velocity over two adjacent 15.3-cm intervals placed so that the drive current had just reached its steady value at the start of the measurement. The scatter in the observed values of u is approximately 5 per cent. Two theoretical curves are shown; one is obtained from the Kemp and Petschek 9 calculations, where their parameter, B/Bo = Bz /(B+B)1/2 is computed from the measured B z , and Be is calculated at the mean radius (6.2 cm) from the average of the steady values of the drive current measured at a given pressure. The other curve shows the value of u obtained from the snowplow model (Eq. 8) with B calculated as above. Note that the accuracy of the theoretical curve will depend on the accuracy of the drive-current measurement. In addition to errors involved in measuring the voltage output of the search coil-integrator combination (see section 3.2a) a constant error from the calibration of the search coil, calibration of the integrator, and integration of the field around the current lead in plate will be present. This constant error was estimated to be within ± 6 per cent. c. Variation of Front Speed with Initial Drive Bank Voltage The variation of front velocity with Vo, the initial voltage on the drive bank, is 2 . shown in Fig. 13 with P = 250 microns, and B z = 0.2 wb/m This variation was only attempted at this one pressure, since it was not possible to obtain reliable triggering of the experiment over any appreciable range of drive voltages when the initial pressure was approximately 100 microns. The flux speed uL was obtained from the traces for these runs at the time the current reached its steady value, and the ratio uL/us is also 22 I I I I I 16 KEMP PETSCI 14 12 PLOW "'L a) E U Fig. 13. 8 pi = 250 microns Bz = 0.2 wb/m2 6 Front speed and flux speed as a function of initial drive bank voltage. 1.0 4 o 2- us 0.5-- .J A UL/Us I I I 2 4 I I I I I I 6 8 V o ( kv) included in Fig. 13. 10 Theoretical curves for the Kemp and Petschek and snowplow models are shown; the experimental points lie between the two curves. d. Variation of Front Speed with Axial Magnetic Field The effect of the axial field was considered at two initial pressures (250 and 100 microns) and V = 7.5 kv. The measured front speeds, and Kemp and Petschek and snowplow model theoretical curves are shown in Figs. 14 and 15. I I I KEMP AND PETSCHEK I Note that the I MODEL 14 0S ° 12 0-NOWPLW 10 SNOWPLOW 0---MODEL u Fig. 14. E 8 u m 6 p1 = Front speed as a function of axial magnetic field with P 1 = 250 microns. 250 microns VO:7.5 kv 2 2 I 0 0.1 I I 0.2 0.3 2 Bz (Wb/m ) I 0.4 I 0.5 23 N___ _ I I I KEMP AND IMODEL PETSCHEK MODEL 20 SNOWPLOW 15 _8 as I ? MODEL I o 0 88 Fig. 15. E pl = Front speed as a function of axial magnetic field with P 100 microns = 100 microns. Vo= 7.5 kv 5 I 0.1 0 I 0.2 Bz I 0.3 (Wb/m 2 I 0.4 I 0.5 ) measured front speeds decrease slightly as B observed by Heiser. is increased; a trend that was also The drive current (which is obviously proportional to the value of u s predicted by the snowplow model) remains almost constant over the whole range of B z considered in both cases. 4.4 INTERNAL MEASUREMENTS WITH B, a. E z , and E r PROBES Summary To obtain more detailed information about the flow pattern inside the annulus, sets of probe measurements were made with the B, section 3.2c. Ez, and Er probes described in These measurements were designed to answer the following questions. (i) Does all of the drive current move down the tube with the front, or is part of it left at the insulator face to cause ablation of material from the insulator (see Keck 7 )? Obviously the momentum balance will be incorrect if appreciable ablation occurs. (ii) Does the shock front (as identified by the phototube output) separate from the current sheet (Be trace rise) for values of axial field when a homogeneous gas sample should exist? If no such separation is observed, then the Kemp and Petschek model will not be applicable. (iii) Can any change in the flow pattern be observed at the point where the switchon shock could exist? (iv) What is the shape of the front? Previous experiments by Keck 5 and by Burkhardt and Loveberg 3 have shown that the front is approximately planar when the center electrode is negative, and bullet-shaped when the center electrode is positive. (v) What is the variation of B with radius? (vi) Can an axial electric field caused by charge separation be observed in the front? This would provide a way of identifying the shock front by using the theoretical work of Jaffrin.14 24 _ _ (vii) What information can be obtained about the gas velocity from radial electric field measurements? The results will be discussed in the order in which they provide answers to these Some remarks on the validity of the probe measurements will be given first. questions. It is important to show that probes inserted into the annulus do not affect the flow pattern in any significant way. Obviously, the probe will cause changes in the velocity, temperature, and pressure in the region close to and downstream of the probe. But if it can be shown that the current distribution remains essentially unchanged, then such features as the front speed, and the Be and E distribution should not be affected. When the local axial velocity of the gas is important, as in the E r measurements where a large part of the signal is the inductive uzB o voltage, then the probe output must be interpreted with more caution. While it could not be demonstrated conclusively that the over-all flow pattern was not changed in any significant way, the following evidence suggests that this assumption is justified. We found that some of the drive-current and electrode-voltage traces showed abrupt changes in slope (see Fig. 8c) when the front reached the probe position. times occurred when the insulation of the probes broke down. This some- These data were dis- carded; it was concluded that the probe had appreciably changed the flow pattern, and thus the load on the drive capacitor bank. Second, it was found that when the drive- current and electrode-voltage traces were smooth (80 per cent of the runs) neither the number nor the position of probes inserted into the annulus appreciably affected the value of the front velocity or the signals recorded at each probe. Against this, however, must be set the fact that on dismantling the tube, black marks downstream of the probe positions were observed on the steel cylinders, thereby indicating that a wake had formed behind the probe and that material (from the epoxy seal, for example) was being transferred from the probe to the flow. In the experiments on the axial and radial variation of B e that will be reported next, measurements at any given Pl, Bz, Vo, z, and r were made with at least two different probes. This was done to ensure that any individual probe peculiarities would be immediately apparent. b. B Measurements as a Function of Axial Position Figure 16 demonstrates the reproducibility of B 8 probe measurements. Figure 16a shows the probe-to-probe reproducibility for the same run at the same axial and radial position; Fig. 16b shows the shot-to-shot reproducibility of the same probe for three runs. For conditions F, however, the reproducibility was greatly inferior. The azimuthal magnetic field is given by B where V=is 3RC the VI A voltage read from the oscillogram (as described in where V is the voltage read from the oscillogram (as described in Appendix D). 25 (14) The l1 s Be MAX. 0.8 wb/m 2 B e MAX. 2 0. 81 wb/m Fig. 16. Oscillograms showing reproducibility of B o probes. (a) 0.33 wb/m 2 -T (b) error in calibrating and positioning the probe, and in calibrating the integrator, is estimated as 8 per cent. The important features of the signal are the sharp rise in B as the front passes the probe (the rise time is approximately 0.1 psec, corresponding to a and then a more gradual rise to a maximum B distance of 1.5 cm), later. from 1 to 2 sec It will be seen, however, that under some conditions the front and the rise to maximum B o cannot be separated. To investigate how much of the drive current moves down the tube with the front, measurements of B were taken at distances z = 46.8, 61.8, and 77.2 cm from the electrodes at the mean radius (6.2 cm) for conditions A through F. The change in B 0 across the clearly defined front and the maximum value of Be were measured from each oscillogram. These measurements were nondimensionalized with the value of the field (B I ) calculated at the appropriate radius, from the drive-current value at the time the Be measurement was made. The ratio Be B. I 2 rrBe(t) (15) LoI(t) 26 __~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- I I I I I 1.0 1.0 Be BI Be BI 0.5 I I 0.5 Im 50 40 I 60 A I 70 I 80 z(cm) 0 40 50 60 70 D 1.0 80 z(cm) 1.0 Be I B1 I I I BI 0.5 fi 0.5 0 40 60 B 50 70 0 80 z(cm) fI 40 50 I 1.0 60 E 70 I II Be BI 0.5 0.5 A I I v40 I 8 A A 0 80 z (cm) 1.0 0 Be B i A I 50 I 60 C 0 I 70 A 80 z(cm) 40 50 60 F 70 80 z(cm) A MEASURED AFTER FRONT o MEASURED AT MAXIMUM o MAXIMUM AT FRONT Fig. 17. B/B I as a function of axial position for conditions A through F. is plotted against z in Fig. 17 for conditions A through F. The ratio of maximum Be to B I should be unity if all of the drive current passes the probe and measurements are made during the time the drive current is constant. The interpretation of the results is complicated by evidence presented in section 4.4d that current loops flow in the gas behind the front. The measurements of maximum field indicate, however, that with the exception of condition F, 90-100 per cent of the total drive current flows past the probe at the mean radius at each axial position. In Fig. 18 two sets of Be traces are shown to illustrate that the shape of the profile (substantially different for each case) changes little along the length of the tube, although the position of the Be maximum moves away from the front with increasing time. This agrees in a qualitative way with the plots of flux speed uL shown in Fig. 11 where uL decreased with time and uS was constant. 27 i _L rr IA rr 0.33 0.33 U.01i z =46.8cm z = 61.8cm . u i T z = 77.2 cm T)h 0.35 0.35 t1~ B T D Fig. 18. Oscillograms of B e profiles at z = 46.8, 61.8, and 77.2 cm, and the mean radius for conditions B and D. c. Comparison of Light Intensity Front with Be Front In this set of experiments, simultaneous measurements were made at z = 61.8 cm with a B. probe at the mean radius, and with a phototube arranged so that the collimated holes of the phototube collecting system and the probe were separated by an angle of 300 in the azimuthal direction. The two signals were displayed on the same oscilloscope, and the arrival times of the two clearly defined fronts were compared over the range of conditions A through F. With the exception of condition F (where a clearly defined light-intensity front was not always observed), the light-intensity front was always slightly behind (-0.05 sec) the B front. This time difference was not considered significant, since it was of the order of the difference in transit times for the signals through the two measuring circuits. Thus within times of less than 0.05 pFsec, the two fronts were coincident; therefore, one must conclude that the drive current flows at the shock front and no homogeneous gas sample collects between the shock and the current front. Precise agreement with the Kemp and Petschek model would not therefore be expected. 28 I _ d. B Measurements as a Function of Radius The B 8 probes were then used to measure: (i) the tilt of the front, (ii) the variation of Be with radius over the range of conditions A through F. The tilt of the front was obtained by measuring the arrival time of the front at two B( probes, one close to the inside wall, the other close to the outside wall at z= 61.8 cm. The probes were separated in the direction by an angle of 60°; therefore, the azimuthal symmetry of the front as it approached the probe positions was important. checked with phototubes at two windows 90 positions. ° This was apart, 7.6 cm upstream of the probe After correcting the arrival times for any slight difference in arrival time from the phototube traces, the maximum differences in arrival times at the probes corresponded to a tilt across the 2-cm annular space of shock-tube axis. 25 ° from the normal to the These data are in agreement with the measurements 3 '5 mentioned in section 4.4a (the center electrode was run at a negative potential, and it was found that the front was approximately perpendicular to the tube axis). Measurements of Be were then made at r = 5.5 or 5.6 cm and r = 7 cm; at z 61.8 cm; for conditions A through F to obtain the radial variation of Be. Typical oscillograms for conditions A through F for r = 5.5 or 5.6 cm and r = 7 cm are shown in Fig. 19. (B o profiles at the mean radius (6.2 cm) and this axial position are shown in Fig. 26.) As before, the value of B after the clearly defined front and the maximum B8 were measured and nondimensionalized with B calculated at the appropriate radius from the measured drive current. Plots of Be/BI as a function of radius r are shown in Fig. 20. The values of B(/B also included. I from the previous experiments at z = 61.8 and the mean radius are It is immediately apparent that the simple model of the drive current moving down the tube as a confined sheet is inadequate for all of the conditions considered. Probes close to the inside wall record values of B 8 -50 per cent greater than the field resulting from the drive current alone; although it is found that with the exception of conditions F the current in the sharply defined front corresponds to the field caused by the drive current within ±15 per cent. Close to the outside wall, the maximum field measured was always less than the calculated B I , and the rise time of the front increased substantially. It was felt that the 5/16-inch diameter hole in the outer steel cylinder through which the probe and probe holder were inserted would disturb the distribution of current flowing in the wall. Thus the field measured close to this probe hole may not be the same as the field existing close to the outside wall away from any probe holes. To investigate the current distribution both in and behind the front in greater detail, a radial traverse was made with a single B probe at conditions B and z = 61.8 cm. This particular set of operating conditions was chosen because the flow pattern appeared 29 ____II _I r (cm) 0.33 0.33 *-7. 0- T T I '5. 0.61 i 6 0.73 T 5.5- T D A l 0.33 0.33 -7. 0- T -T1 I 4-5.6 0.61 0.73 T 5. 5- T E B I 0.33 -7. 0-- T 0.33 T - D. I b 0.61 0.73 T 5.5- F C Fig. 19. T Oscillograms of B 0 profiles at z = 61.8 cm, r = 5.5 or 5.6 cm, and r = 7.0 cm, for conditions A through F. 30 , I, 9 1.5 _ 1.5 _ 1.0 1.0 B8 f -aA A B8 BI BI 0.5 0.5 A nl 0 0 v ,- D A 7 6 r (cm) I I - a B8 98 BI BI 0.5 0.5 0 nfl A I -5 B I 80 1.0 9~~~ 9~ a B8 I 1.5 8 1.0 7 0 o 1.5 6 r (cm) D I , 5 0 I 6 r(cm) 7 j _ 5 8 b 6 r (cm) 7 E 1.5 I..5 1.0 [, .0 B8 8 B8 BI BI 0.5 O..5 oL i I v5 C 0 1 6 r (cm) 7 F A MAXIMUM B8 B AT FRONT D MAXIMUM AT FRONT O 6 r(cm) v5 Fig. 20. Be/BI as a function of radius at z = 61.8 cm for conditions A through F. 31 --- I r = 7.0 cm 0.39 t I -00.39 r = 6.5 cm T 0.39 r = 6.0 cm 7- 0.78 r =5.5 cm T Fig. 21. Four oscillograms from Be radial traverse at z = 61.8 cm, and condition B. to be particularly reproducible. Four of the oscillograms are shown in Fig. 21. that the shape of the profile changes substantially with radius. Note The values of Be/BI after the front, and the maximum values were obtained and are shown in Fig. 22 as a function of radius. The rapid fall off in B 0 /B I at radii close to the outside wall supports the supposition that the decrease is due to the probe hole in the wall. If this were not the case and the measured field does correspond to that existing close to the wall away from any probe holes, then axial currents of the order of the drive current must flow in the 0.5 cm close to the wall. With this explanation in mind, Fig. 22 shows that the current flowing in the front over most of the annulus is 10-20 per cent greater than the drive current. While this 32 o Be MAX IMUM 67 o A /aL -Be AT FRONT 1.0 - Fig. 22. Plot of B 0/B p = 250 microns 2 Bz = 0.23 wb/m cn Vo = 7.5kv 0.5 as a function of rio r -A, V - 0 I radius for radial traverse at z = 61.8 cm, and condition B. I I;-r I 6 5 7 r (cm) difference is only just outside the experimental error involved in the measurement, it does agree with the values obtained from two different probes (see Fig. 20b). A current map showing the approximate current distribution in the front and the The expansion wave behind it, can be obtained from the four traces shown in Fig. 21. current density at any point in the annulus is given by 1 aBe ir Jr = ~F az (16) 1 jz Lr a(rB 0 ) ar since a/a80 = 0, B z is constant and it is assumed that any B r that is due to currents in the 0 direction can be neglected. If it is further assumed that the gas velocity behind the front is approximately constant (see section 4.4f), and the current distribution does not change significantly with z (see section 4.4b), then Eq. 16 can be replaced by the approximate expressions 1 AB 0 Jr 4o uAt (17) Jz 1 A(rB 0 ) 0r Ar These current densities can be evaluated from the oscillograms at a series of points in Then, by integrating between pairs of points, the actual current distribution can be obtained. It is shown in Fig. 23a, where u was assumed to be 10 cm/psec, and the front was arbitrarily taken to be perpendicular to the tube axis. Any variation in u the annulus. 33 __1^11_____11_111·--·1--·- -- I I_- o 4 o 0 E c" C CU .L z u 2 1r o L Li \ Z :I 7 n \ o ' N v o \ en Ac e0 <W N .wJ -4 \ 2 0 - LiL > 34 _ __ will merely alter the z-length scale. of the walls, Since no measurements were made within 3 mm r and jz were not computed in these regions, lines (shown dashed) are only estimated. and the constant-current The map shows that a closed-current loop of 105 amps flows in the gas behind the front spread out over a distance of -18 cm axially. Part of this loop flows at the front; thus B BI. after the front is 15 per cent greater than The center of the loop lies between the mean and inside radii, where B is 50 per cent greater than B I . The loop is shaped so that B maximum near the outside radius falls off more rapidly than Be near the inside radius. Since the field changes with radius and time were often small, this map is only an approximate solution to Eq. 16. therefore desirable. Additional evidence to support this flow pattern is Accordingly, axial electric field measurements were made with the E z probe described in section 3.2c in the regions where the current flow was predominantly axial. A radial traverse was made at conditions B and z = 61.8 cm, and four oscillograms are shown in Fig. 24. A deflection upwards from the zero line corresponds to an electric field pointing toward the shock front. The sharp rise in the E was found to correspond to the arrival of the sheet at the B probe. signal The important characteristics of the traces are listed below. (i) An initial sharp spike occuring in r = 7.0 cm the front. It was concluded that this is caused by charge separation, and its magnitude will be considered. (ii) A region of Ez directed toward the r = shock of approximate magnitude 60 v/cm 6.6cm almost independently of radius and lasting 0.8 Utsec (-8 cm). (iii) Close to the inside wall an abrupt change in the direction of E at 0.8 sec from the front; close to the outer wall, a r = 6.3 cm gradual reduction in E z but no change in direction. negtiv __o-____rot f_._ an theregions tnese positive toar traces, __rete E From Ez (directed toward the front) and negative E z (away from the front) can be obtained; these are shown in Fig. 23b. A compari- r = 5.8 cm son with the current map shows in a qualitative way that axial electric fields do exist to drive Fig. 24. Four oscillograms from E the current lnnn. the line of zero E radial traverse at z= 61.8 cm, and condition B. lthnih falls above the line joining points where jz = 0. Exact agreement should not be expected, however, as 35 Hall effects have not been considered, and the axial component of the V X B field (vrB0 from the radial motion of the gas) which should be included in the transformation from probe coordinates to gas stationary coordinates, has been ignored. Point (ii) suggests that since no substantial change in the positive E field occurs with radius close to the outside wall, in the first microsecond after the front, the low Be values measured are due to the influence of the probe hole on the current distribution in the wall as outlined previously. c. Axial Electric Field in the Front Work by Jaffrin 1 4 on shock structure in an ionized gas has shown that an electric field caused by charge separation occurs inside the shock. In shock stationary coordi- nates the electrons are decelerated before the ions and an electric field directed toward the front is set up in the shock layer. A measurement of this field would be one way of identifying the shock layer. An obvious difference between the model analyzed by Jaffrin and the observed flow pattern in the MAST is that he treated the case of no magnetic fields or currents. It has been shown that in the MAST a current of the order of the drive current flows in the shock layer. The momentum equation for the electrons 2 0 for the appropriate analytical model should therefore include a (j X B) force, which in shock stationary coordinates will act with the gradient of the electron pressure to decelerate the electrons entering the shock layer. will be unchanged. The momentum equation for the ions Thus though the magnitude of the calculations done by Jaffrin may not be correct for the observed flow pattern, the phenomenon that his analysis predicts (the charge separation field inside the shock layer) should be observed in the MAST. Jaffrin computed this electric field in the shock layer in Hydrogen with no currents or magnetic fields for initial conditions corresponding to condition B (shock speed of 12.5 cm/,psec, initial density 8.75 H 22 molecules cm- 3 , initial temperature 300°K) under the assumption that the fraction ionization (a) was 0.05. He found that the shock thickness was 0.3 cm and the integrated electric field across the shock layer was 35 volts (these results changed little for calculations with a = 0.01 and a = 0.1). 0.5u.s HFl67v/cm Ezt T 36 Fig. 25. Enlarged Ez oscillogram for condition B. An enlarged E z oscillogram is shown in Fig. 25, in which the spike in the front is apparent. Since the thickness of the front is of the order of the electrode separation of the probe, the calculation of the change in potential across the shock layer will only be approximate. This change in potential A% is given by A = f E z dz Us E z dt = 33 volts. This is also the peak voltage measured between the electrodes. Thus the thickness of the shock layer is approximately equal to the electrode separation of the probe, which is 0.6 cm. These numbers must be interpreted with caution, since the sheath potential is not necessarily small compared with the measured signal (see section 3.2c). The magnitude and direction of this measured field suggest that it is the charge separation field predicted by Jaffrin, which accelerates the ions. f. E r Measurements at the Mean Radius Radial electric field measurements were made at the mean radius (6.2 cm) and z = 61.8 cm for conditions A through F with the Er probe described in section 3.2c. The oscillograms are compared with B 0 oscillograms made at the same conditions and position in Fig. 26. The electric field deflection downward from zero corresponds to a radially inward direction in the shock tube. It was found when both Er and Be measurements were made for the same run at the same axial position, that the abrupt change in the signals when the front reached the probe positions was within less than 0.05 ~sec. From the traces in Fig. 26, the following points can be made. (i) The voltage difference between the two electrodes of the E r probe ahead of the front is negligibly small for B z = 0.1 wb/m 2 , but increases rapidly at higher axial fields until at condition F (B (ii) = 0.42 wb/m 2 ) the front is barely discernible. The shape of the Er trace is similar to that of the Be trace (with the exception of condition F); the peak Er and Be signals coincide. (iii) The ratio Er/usB8 can be obtained as a function of time behind the front. It will be shown that information on the velocity can be obtained from this ratio. We shall consider each of these points. The probe will only measure an electric field if the gas surrounding the probe is electrically conducting and has currents flowing in it. Thus any electric field measured ahead of the front must be due to a precursor effect. Such precursors in shock tubes driven by an arc have been studied for some time, and a model suggested by Paxton and Fowler, 1 5 in which the wave front of the precursor or breakdown wave is assumed to be an electron shock wave predicts propagation velocities of the correct, order of magnitude. An axial magnetic field would be expected to interact with such an electron pre- cursor effect, but since propagation speed of the wave is of the order of 5 X 107 m/sec, the effect of the field on the electrons behind the wave is of greater interest here. It would be expected that the containment provided by the applied axial field would increase the conductivity in this region. 37 B8 0.41 0.43 240 Er 2 40 I A D 0.33 0.33 240 Er 240 E B i 0.33 0.33 BE T I Er 480 480 T- T- C Fig. 26. F Oscillograms of Be and Er at z = 61.8 cm, and mean radius for conditions A through F. 38 Points (ii) and (iii) yield information on the velocity of the gas behind the front. The radial electric field in probe coordinates is given approximately by E r Jr l-+u B C z +vB z Here, effects that are due to tensor conductivity have been neglected. The order of magnitude of the resistive drop can be estimated as follows. For runs 2 where the axial field is small (-0.05 wb/m ) the difference between the voltage measured between the electrodes and the electrodes. voltage will be the resistive voltage drop across the This difference is -400 V. The computed resistive drop in the steel walls accounts for half this voltage, and thus the resistive voltage drop across the 2-cm annulus will be 200 V. This drop includes the contact resistance and the resistance of the gas; thus jr/a should be less than 100 V/cm. The values of Er measured were -500 V/cm, and the resistive part of this voltage can therefore be neglected in any qualitative discussion. Er usBo uz uB . us The ratio Er/usB0 is therefore given approximately by v Bz us Bo B' (18) and is a measure of the gas velocity. Er/usBe was computed from the data in Fig. 26 and is shown as a function of time behind the front in Fig. 27. The curve for condition F is shown dashed, since the shot-to-shot variation of B 0 and E r traces was considerable, and it is not clear how the shape of this Er trace can be interpreted with Eq. 18. It would be expected from Eq. 18 that Er/usBe would be of order one for low values of B, and greater than one for high values of B; the measured data give values approximately one-half those expected. This discrepancy was attributed to the dis- turbance that the probe introduces into the flow, since the gas velocities adjacent to the probe will be less than the undisturbed gas velocity. Er/UsB o increases by a factor of 2 from Bz = 0.1 wb/m It is apparent, however, that 2 and B remain essentially constant (see Figs. 14 and 15). to B = 0.42 wb/m 2 , while uS This increase will be due to the azimuthal acceleration of the gas in the current sheet by the jrBz force; at high B z values the azimuthal velocity v can be of the order of Er/Bz (-25 cm/pLsec). A qualitative interpretation of Figs. 26 and 27 indicates that the peak gas velocity occurs approximately at the peak B field; thus the gas is accelerated over a distance that is longer than the thickness of the clearly defined front (distances of 5-10 cm, while the front thickness is -1 cm). From 0.5 sec to 2.0 pLsec behind the front, the gas velocity is approximately constant. 4.5 ABSOLUTE LIGHT-INTENSITY MEASUREMENTS In the final set of experiments measurements were made with a magnetically shielded calibrated phototube system of the absolute magnitude of the radiated light intensity from the front and region behind it. Measurements were made at two pressures (100 39 1.0 0.8 0.6 L 0.4 0.2 0 T-1 -1- r *~ I .U 0 " . 'r, /- - T-1 .0--- . r/ USD 0 Iour conulllons i-k I- + ~ ~~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~6LtIUUgIu \K ~ ig. h -I - rui a ma,.-':a uncrLLon I time after passage of the I- - -- F front. 0.8 0.6 LU 0.4 I/ I D I 0.2 A I I I 1.0 I I 2.0 TIME ( sec) and 250 microns), V = 7.5 kv, and a wide range of axial magnetic fields. The phototube system consisted of a collimator (two 1/32-inch diameter holes separated by a distance of 10.6 cm); simple lens system (two double convex lenses to focus the light from the collimator onto the phototube collector); a second-order interference filter of half0 0 bandwidth 100 A centered about 4400 A; an RCA 6655A phototube; phototube circuit; and fast rise-time cathode follower across the anode resistor of the photdtube. This system was calibrated by using a tungsten-filament lamp of known horizontal candlepower (80.7) and color temperature (27000K). It was hoped that from these measurements estimates of the electron density in the front could be made, by using calculations carried out by Janes and Koritzl 6 of absolute Bremsstrahlung intensity for a fully ionized Hydrogen gas. Typical oscillograms for conditions A through F are shown in Fig. 28 (oscillograms for condition F showed large variations in shape and magnitude). The light intensity 40 A 4.33 B 3.89 i 1.67 C D 2.52 t- E 0.81 F 0.17 1F Fig. 28. Oscillograms of phototube output for conditions A through F. 41 corresponding to the peak phototube output voltage just after the front is plotted against axial magnetic field in Fig. 29. If the results of Janes and Kortiz16 are used to calculate electron densities from the measured light intensity, the intensities are too high by at least an order of magnitude because the total number of electrons in the front exceeds the maximum possible Thus all of the radiated light output cannot be due to Bremsstrahlung by a factor of 3. alone, and an alternative explanation must therefore be considered. ,,15 I(J I I I I I I U o 0 - 0, Fig. 29. Peak value of light-intensity measurements as a function of axial magnetic field. O E 1014 o E 7< o pl = 10 0 microns - A 0 P = 250 microns II I I lr)13 I 0.01 l l l I 1 22 (wb/m B, (wb/m I I I I 1.0 ) Keck 7 used tungsten detectors operating in the ultra violet to measure the position of the front, and showed that most of the light observed came from the arc spot on the inside electrode. The voltage output from his UV detectors was similar in shape to the traces shown in Fig. 28. It will also be seen from a comparison of Figs. 26 (Be traces at mean radius) and 28 that the change in shape of the light-intensity profile with axial field somewhat resembles that of the B trace. We have tentatively concluded, there- fore, that the photomultiplier was measuring light from the arc spot on the inner cylinder. A further point needs to be considered; that is, axial magnetic field, as shown in Fig. 29. the decrease in intensity with The results appear to be asymptotic to a line of slope -2 at high B z fields, and to a horizontal line as B z l/(l+e7e) dependence, but we have not investigated this. 42 - 0. This suggests a V. INTERPRETATION OF THE RESULTS 5.1 SUMMARY OF FRONT PROPERTIES The following features of the front have now been established. First, the start of the sharply defined front on the B, less than 0.05 1 sec (-0.5 cm). E z , Er and light-intensity profiles takes place within Thus no shock wave precedes the current sheet, and it would appear that the Kemp and Petschek flow pattern is never established. We found that between 50 and 100 per cent of the drive current flowed in a clearly defined front, 1.5 cm thick, and that the maximum Be field was of the order of the drive-current field at the mean radius, and approximately 1.5 times the drive-current field close to the inside cylinder. Thus current loops flow behind the front over a distance of 20 cm in all of the cases considered. front and the B Measurements with the E z probe indicate that the shock front coincide, but the E r traces suggest that the gas is accelerated until the maximum Be field is reached, 10 cm behind the front. Hence it is not expected that gas conditions behind the front are uniform or that either of the simple onedimensional models considered could accurately predict the flow pattern. Since we have shown that the Kemp and Petschek flow pattern does not exist, the experimental results will be discussed with reference to the snowplow model only. 5.2 MOMENTUM BALANCE It has been shown that a momentum balance (which predicts the front speed) is not sensitive to the model that was used to describe the flow pattern. Hence in the absence of losses (which have been ignored) reasonable agreement between the measured and predicted u s would be expected. Figures 12-15 show that such agreement is achieved, and it will now be shown that the departure from the predicted behavior can be explained qualitatively by considering three phenomena affecting the momentum balance. are losses caused by wall friction, These ablation, and diffusion through the current sheet. It will be shown that ablation causes losses that increase as the initial pressure is decreased, and diffusion, which results in an increase in u s , will increase as the initial pressure is increased. Thus it is not possible to separate the effects of these phenomena. a. Wall Friction To the author's knowledge no theoretical solution exists for the type of magneto- hydrodynamic boundary layer found in the MAST. Thus a quantitative estimate of the loss resulting from friction is not possible. It is well known, however, that in conventional shock tubes, as the shock speed is increased and the initial pressure decreased, losses caused by boundary-layer leakage of test gas become increasingly important (Roshko 7 ), and the shock speed attenuates along the length of the tube. But in this experiment, most of the drive current flows in the shock front; thus the diffusion of the 43 shock-heated gas to the walls is restricted by a magnetic field of the order of 1 wb/m 2 parallel to the tube walls. The solution obtained by Roshko, therefore, is not applicable to this case; nor is it obvious that increasing shock speeds and decreasing initial pressure, which in the conventional shock tube cause increased losses, will have the same effect here because the containment should be more effective at the higher temperatures behind the shock, which such trends should produce. No useful estimate of the effect of wall friction can be made. b. Ablation Keck7 has shown that ablation of material from the insulator end wall by a fraction of the drive current flowing across the insulator face could explain the large velocity defects observed in his experiments. He considered a lucite insulator. The insulator used in his experiments was capped with a Pyrex ring to reduce any ablation to minimum, but on dismantling the tube it was found that the surface of the glass (initially polished) was etched with fine lines indicating that the surface had been heated by the It was shown, however, that from 90 to 100 per cent of the drive current moves arc. down the tube with, or closely behind (-15 cm), the front, which limits this ablation from the end wall. One other source of extraneous material must be considered, namely the cylindrical steel walls of the tube. Kantrowitzl presents calculations based on simple heat- conduction theory of the time required to raise the surface temperature of various materials to the melting point for a given heat flux per unit area per unit time to the wall. This heat flux is calculated from the plasma energy reaching the wall with no containment, and thus represents a limiting case. For a plasma with n = 1022 m 3 , T = 106°K, and mean thermal speed 2.4 X 107 cm/sec he computes the time for stainless steel to reach its melting point at the surface as 1 sec. Note that the plasma temperature is an order of magnitude higher than the equilibrium temperature behind a shock at the front speeds measured here, and also that containment is ignored. This estimated time is therefore too small by two orders of magnitude; and the temperature rise at the surface in 1 sec will be one order of magnitude less than the melting point of steel, that is, approximately 150 ° . Thus gas evolved from the walls could contribute to the observed momentum defect. Note that the momentum defect is greatest (Fig. 12) when the highest temperatures behind the shock would be expected, and when the mass of gas swept up by the sheet is least. c. Diffusion through the Sheet The value of the magnetic Reynolds number (RM = or v L) in the current sheet will determine whether appreciable diffusion of gas through the sheet takes place. The inequality Rm >>1 must be satisfied for the solid piston model discussed in Section II to be valid. If v is taken as the measured front velocity, librium temperaturel 8 calculated from the equi- behind a shock of Mach number corresponding to u s , and L 44 taken as the distance between the front and the B 0 maximum (-5 cm), at P1 = 60 microns 3 2 RM is of the order of 10, and at P = 500 microns RM is of the order of 10 . These figures are order-of-magnitude estimates only and could be substantially in error on the high side because the equilibrium shock temperature represents an upper limit for the conductivity. The fact that the Kemp and Petschek flow pattern was never set up, indicates that the magnetic Reynolds number in the front must be much less than these estimates, since the calculations in Appendix B indicate that if it were of the order indicated, a shock wave would precede the current sheet. Diffusion through the current sheet results in an increase in the observed front speed, since momentum leaks out of the back of the sheet. This increase in front speed would be most apparent at the highest initial pressures considered, since this corresponds to the lowest magnetic Reynolds number in the sheet. 5.3 INTERNAL FLOW PATTERN The important features of the front and region behind it have been summarized. In this section possible mechanisms for creating the observed flow pattern will be discussed, but first let us consider the limitations of the experimental data. The B. probe measurements provide a quantitative picture of the current distribution inside the annulus; the Er measurements give qualitative information on the axial velocity distribution; but nothing is known about the temperature, density, and radial and azimuthal velocity distributions in and behind the front. A detailed discussion will not be attempted, but some comments will be made on (i) the shape of the front; (ii) the existence of the current loops; and (iii) the effect of the axial field particularly at conditions F. The shape of the front will be related to the model used for the momentum balance in the following manner. In the snowplow model it is assumed that the gas swept up by the current sheet remains close to the front. Since the driving pressure varies by a factor of 2 from the inside to the outside radius, the resulting front should be bulletshaped. Keck 5 showed that with the center electrode positive a bullet-shaped front is observed and the front is inclined to the tube axis at an angle of approximately 30 ° . He found that with the center electrode negative, the front was perpendicular to the tube axis; a result that is in agreement with our measurements (section 4.4d). suggests an explanation for this change in shape: Bostick 19 The vector sum of the Hall current (in the -j X B direction) in the front and the bullet-shaped drive current produce a planar front when the center electrode is negative. An estimate of the Hall parameter (We e ) will tell us whether the magnitude of the Hall current is large enough to appreciably change the shape of the front. When based on equilibrium temperature and density behind a shock at the measured front speed (at = 100 microns) it is approximately 5, which would indicate a Hall current of the order of the drive current. Again, this represents an upper limit, since we have shown (section 4.4f) that the gas velocities just behind the front are much less than the front speed itself, and that the peak gas velocities comparable to those expected behind a normal shock are only attained 10 cm behind the front. 45 - - - The next point to consider is the closed-current loop behind the front, which was observed for all conditions A through F. Burkhardt and Loveberg3 also measured a similar anomalously high B o field close to the cathode (center electrode) in their plasma gun; in their experiment there was no axial magnetic field. It has been shown that electric fields exist to drive this loop, but mechanisms for creating these fields have not been discussed. The Hall parameter has been estimated to be of the order of 5; therefore Hall effects both in and behind the front could be significant. Gradients in the Hall field will also exist, since the B o field varies by a factor of 1.4 across the annulus, and it has been shown that profiles through the front change significantly with radius. Axial currents, as well as Hall effects, ponent of the V X B induced field. could also be generated from the v rB com- Note that the direction of the current loop in Fig. 23 is such that the j X B force opposes radial motion toward the mean radius. Finally, the Er traces (Fig. 26) show that axial velocity gradients (uz/az) exist in the gas behind the front. These velocity gradients will cause axial variations in radial electric field in front stationary coordinates, and current loops may be forced to flow to balance out these gradients. All of these mechanisms could exist and drive the observed current loop, but in the absence of more detailed information on the gas temperature and velocity a quantitative explanation will not be attempted. The effect of the axial field on the flow at the two pressures considered can be summarized as follows. In the P = 250 microns runs (A, B, and C) the effect of increasing the axial field moves the position of the B 0 maximum behind the front closer to the front. In the P = 100 microns runs (D, E, and F) this effect is not apparent; but at condition F the B front is less clearly defined, a smaller fraction of the drive current flows in the front, the current sheet is spread over a greater axial distance, the E r front is barely discernible and the light-intensity front is not always distinct. Figures 19, 20, 26 and 28 illustrate these points. Note that the front speed and drive current are almost independent of the axial field (Figs. 14 and 15). In condition F there is the greatest Alfven speed ahead of the shock (b z = Bz/oP). If this is computed from the initial density (under the assumption that the gas ahead of the front is completely ionized), bz = 10 cm/ILsec; the measured u s is 14 cm/psec. This computed Alfvdn speed will be less than the actual Alfvdn speed, as the maximum possible density was taken. In the Kemp and Petschek calculations, as B z is increased and the Alfv6n Mach number (Us/b z) tends to unity, the shock and current sheet approach an infinitesi- mal magnetohydrodynamic disturbance, although, as the authors explain, some of their assumptions would then be invalid. being observed here. The measured profiles indicate that this trend is Note that the Alfvdn Mach number of 1.4 is less than the value (2.0) at which the switch-on shock could occur. No significant changes in flow pattern were observed at the axial field strength corresponding to this Alfv6n Mach number of 2.0. 46 VI. CONCLUSIONS 6.1 SUMMARY The results presented in Section IV show that neither the snowplow nor the Kemp and Petschek model is a satisfactory approximation to the observed flow pattern. In Section V, however, it was shown that the momentum balance predicted by the snowplow model is in reasonable agreement with the measurements of front speed over a wide range of experimental conditions. Loss mechanisms and diffusion were discussed in a qualitative way to show that exact agreement should not be expected. The behavior pre- dicted from the Kemp and Petschek theory at high axial fields was not observed as the essential feature of their model; a shock wave separated from the driving-current sheet was never set up. Our internal measurements show that a one-dimensional model will not adequately predict the finer features of the flow, since a substantial variation with radius of profiles measured through the sheet was found to occur. No homogeneous gas sample was observed, and the gas is continuously accelerated from the front to the position of the peak B field over a distance of approximately 5 cm. Thus no region of uniform properties exists behind the front, and it is therefore difficult to evaluate the change in gas properties across the front. It has been demonstrated that the clearly defined front (1 cm thick) shows axial electric field characteristics similar to those predicted in a shock wave in partially ionized Hydrogen at the experimental conditions. The measure- ment of shock properties in the regime where a switch-on shock could exist was obscured by the presence in the front of a substantial fraction of the drive current. Thus no conclusions on the existence of the switch-on shock can be made, and it was found that the axial magnetic field produced significant changes in the front profiles only when the Alfven Mach number of the front was reduced to 1.4. 6.2 SUGGESTIONS FOR FURTHER WORK In one sense the experiments reported here were unsuccessful, in that no homogeneous gas sample was obtained under any of the conditions considered. Thus, although the MAST operated as a plasma accelerator, it did not really operate as a shock tube. It has been shown that the cause of this observed behavior probably is the low magnetic Reynolds number in the front, because of the low electrical conductivity of the gas ahead of the front. This suggests that the next stage in the development of the shock tube should be to raise the conductivity of the gas ahead of the front until the Kemp and Petschek flow pattern (that is, a shock in front of and separated from the current sheet) is set up. It has been shown that if this flow pattern is set up, it should persist. One possible way of achieving this flow pattern would be to have the main drive-current discharge preceded by a substantial ionization discharge, timed so that the drive current reaches the back of the ionization discharge before the front enters the test region of 47 ---I the shock tube. Thus the drive current would be flowing at the back of a region of high electrical conductivity. A more detailed investigation of this type of approach seems to be in order. Several instrumentation problems still exist; these will be summarized as suitable areas for further development. The effect of the electric field probes on the flow should be considered in more detail, and the interpretation of the Er probe signals made more quantitative. A radial traverse with the Er probe would provide more information on the gas velocity behind the front. Provision for inserting probes axially into the annulus should be considered so that the effect of probe holes can be eliminated. The relation between arc spots on the inside cylinder and the phototube output should be investigated in greater depth, and experiments following those done by Keck 7 should be considered. Since no knowledge of the plasma density behind the front was obtained, the development of Langmuir probes suitable for inserting into the annulus seems worth while. 48 APPENDIX A Diffusion of the Current Sheet into the Shock-Heated Gas Falk and Turcotte 13 analyze the problem of the diffusion of a current layer in a onedimensional pinch. Their results can be used here to estimate the distance over which the driving-current sheet in the MAST would diffuse into the homogeneous gas sample between the sheet and the shock, if the Kemp and Petschek flow pattern is set up. Falk and Turcotte show that the field penetrates the plasma a distance of -2`t/hNo (approximately the skin depth of the plasma). Kantrowitz1 shows that for the Kemp and Petschek flow pattern to persist, the rate of increase of the length of the homogeneous gas sample must exceed this diffusion of the current sheet into the plasma. u t Pl Thus it is required that > 2/7t ,O . (A-l) The time TD at which these two lengths are equal, and the depth of penetration d at t = 5 sec (the time after breakdown at which measurements were usually made) were calculated from the predicted shock speed and equilibrium valves of temperature and density behind the shockl 8 (see Table 2). Table 2. Results of calculations. P1 Predicted u s TD d (microns) (cm/pusec) (seconds) (cm) 100 19 3 X 10 - 9 0.6 500 10 3 X 10 - 7 1.8 The calculations show that the high magnetic Reynolds number assumption ought to be valid at pressures of approximately 100 microns, provided that the Kemp and Petschek flow pattern is set up initially, but may be less valid at the highest pressures considered. 49 .~~-1---_11·I . APPENDIX B Equation for the Flux Speed loop (see Fig. 2) measured the time rate of change of The voltage measured in the flux through the loop. As the current sheet moves down the annulus, the voltage induced in this loop will be due to three different effects. These are the change in flux behind the sheet caused by the change in magnitude of the current, the axial movement of the sheet, and the diffusion of the current into the steel walls of the tube. Thus we can write (B-l) = Ll d + LIuL + A(L), where L is the inductance per unit length of the annular region, I is the axial distance through which the sheet has moved, uL is the flux speed (a speed that can be regarded as the axial speed of the center of gravity of the current sheet), and A the is that part of signal resulting from the diffusion of the current outward through the steel walls. The term that is due to dI/dt will be neglected, since the flux speed will be computed The A voltage only while the drive current is constant. from the included because it is approximately 20 per cent of the total dA will now be made so that uL can be evaluated from the sidered is shown in Fig. 30. term must be signal. An estimate of 4 voltage. The model con- Since the skin depth in the steel is small compared with (2 o RRENT SHEET rEEL Fig. 30. the steel thickness, Model for diffusion calculation. the effect of finite wall thickness will be ignored. Note that two time scales are important: t, the time after breakdown; T = t - x/uL, the time at any position x after the sheet has passed. B =erfc(y B = 4or/2 The magnetic field in the steel is given by 1), (B-2) o and the rate of change of flux caused by diffusion into one wall will be given by a voltage V, where V dt { f (B-3) B dydx} 50 ___ - The J0 B dy can be evaluated numerically to the degree of precision required here from (B-2); and from the definition of V = 1.2BoU L , and by noting that t = uL it follows that / (B-4) A; is the sum of V evaluated at the inside and outside radius; thus AS = 1 2u L /X (B-5) [Bo(ri)+B(ro)] If it is assumed that only the drive current flows in the steel; and that AQ is small compared with $ so that second-order terms can be neglected, then 1-2 J t r o riroi + ro n . (B-6) ro/ri Substituting r i = 5.2 cm, r = 7.2 cm, can evaluate the ratio A/ as = 1.7 X 106 mho/m with t in microseconds, we 00.8 T. Thus for t of approximately 5 (B-7) sec, A+/4 is approximately 0.2. Equation B-7 is used in the evaluation of the flux speed uL. 51 - ~ ~ -- -- APPENDIX C Drive-Bank Performance with the Shock Tube as Load The load which the idealized lossless shock tube presents to the drive capacitor bank can be estimated by using the snowplow model described in section 2.2. The idealized case, in which the flux speed uL and the front speed u s are equal and constant, and the drive current I has reached its steady value, will be treated, since it has been shown that the existing flow pattern is an approximation to this model. In general when the shock tube is regarded as a time-variant inductance L T in series with a resistance R, by representing the resistance in the leads, gas, and contact resistances, the equation governing the current can be written, Vo = I(Zo+R) + where Z I dLT d + d' LTdt' (C-l) is the characteristic impedance of the drive bank (which was set up to simu- late a transmission line). For the idealized model described above, (C-1) reduces to (C-2) Vo = I(Zo+R+Lus), where L is the inductance per unit length of the shock tube. When we wish to compare (C-2) with the actual performance of the bank, an additional component in the dLT/dt U. Fig. 31. 2 3 4 5 106 1megamps I ( megamps 52 Plot of u s against I. term must be included. This is the LA term derived in Appendix B, which represents the change in inductance because of the diffusion of the drive current into the steel walls. Since LIu s is now the ideal $ voltage, Eq. C-1 for dI/dt = 0 will now reduce to VoR + Zo + Luz o (C-3) V 0 =I or V o_ o 1 1 R+Z R+ZQo (C-4) A plot of the measured u s against the measured 1/I is shown in Fig. 31 for the data presented in section 4.3b. The line of slope Vo/L(+ points is also shown (V of 1.15). = 7.5 kv, L = 6.5 X 10 - 8 AS/S) which best fits the experimental h, 1 + A+/+) evaluated at a mean value Note that the calculated intercept at zero u s (which equals (R+Zo)/V evaluated from the measured Z the line that best fits the data. 0 and is and estimated R) lies close to the actual intercept of Equation C-3, therefore, accurately predicts the per- formance of the shock-tube, drive-bank combination. 53 --11IIII(---L_ _II1I--- --- - APPENDIX D Calibration of B o Probes and Magnetic Search Coils The effective areas of all B probes and magnetic search coils used to measure the magnitude of local magnetic fields were found by measuring the output of each coil when it was placed in a known sinusoidal field. A Helmholtz coil was used for this purpose, since at its center the field is uniform over a distance comparable to the radius. The field at the center of the Helmholtz coil (BH) is given by 8Lo0 iN BH - (D-l) 53/2R where i is the value of the current in amps, N is the number of turns in each coil, and R is the radius in meters. A coil of 0.367-inch radius with three turns per coil was constructed, and the validity of Eq. D-1 was checked with a DC gaussmeter and a constant current. The measured B field agreed with the predicted B field within ±1 per cent. The sinusoidal current through the coil was obtained from a bridge oscillator that produced currents of -1 amp with the coil as load, at frequencies from 5 kc to 50 mc. The value of the current was measured with a Tektronix current probe and passive termination, and the current and probe output waveforms were displayed on a dual-beam oscilloscope having two similar preamplifiers. If i A photograph of the calibration rig is shown in Fig. 32. is the peak value of the current in amps, V probe in volts, the peak output voltage of the Tc the period of the current and voltage waveforms in microseconds, -1 Fig. 32. Rig for calibration of magnetic probes. 54 -- ---- and A the coil area in m 2 , then from Eq. D-1, Faraday's law of induction, and the coil dimensions it can be shown that A = 5 52 X 10 4 pc i (D-2) o The drive current, and axial field calibrating coils were calibrated by means of (D-2) over an order-of-magnitude range of frequencies that spanned the basic frequency of the measurement. The effective area was constant (2 per cent) over these ranges. The Be probes were calibrated from 1 mc to 10 mc before insertion into the annulus and after the probe, had been removed. The two calibrations always agreed within ±5 per cent. The effect of the voltage divider (three 50-ohm, 1 per cent, low-inductance resis- tances (see Fig. 6) was also investigated over this range of frequency and the effective area was reduced by the expected factor of 1/3. No frequency dependence over the range of frequencies used in calibration was observed. With the probe connected to the oscilloscope through an RC integrator whose time constant is long compared with the signal length (at least a factor of 30 in all measurements), the magnetic field measured by the probe is given by B 3 RCV, where V is the integrator output in volts, (D-3) and the factor 3 is introduced by the voltage divider. 55 __ I_-··I-·I)I Il-·llll----·I___L(IC- ^- I I_ ACKNOWLEDGMENT The author wishes to express his thanks to many people who contributed substantially to this project. He is particularly grateful for the assistance and support provided by his thesis supervisor, Professor A. H. Shapiro, and by his thesis committee Professors J. A. Fay, H. H. Woodson, and W. H. Heiser, not only in committee meetings but also in the many fruitful hours of individual discussion spent with each of them. He is especially indebted to Professor Heiser for his patient encouragement. His fellow students Mr. William F. Ulvang and Mr. Ashok S. Kalelkar spent much time and effort developing and calibrating probes, and assisting in the experiments. The staffs of the Fluid Mechanics Laboratory of the Department of Mechanical Engineering, M. I. T., and the Research Laboratory of Electronics, M. I. T., also contributed to the project, and the author wishes to thank Mr. Erland R. Babcock and Mr. David A. Carlson in particular for their efforts in apparatus construction, instrument calibration, and many mechanical design problems. 56 REFERENCES 1. A. Kantrowitz, "Shock Tubes for High Temperature Gas Kinetics," Report 141, Avco Everett Research Laboratory, 1962. Research 2. J. Marshall, "Performance of a Hydromagnetic Plasma Gun," Phys. Fluids 3, 134 (1960). 3. L. C. Burkhardt and R. H. Loveberg, "Current Sheet in a Coaxial Plasma Gun," Phys. Fluids 5, 341 (1962). 4. R. M. Patrick, "The Production and Study of High Speed Shock Waves in a Magnetic Annular Shock Tube," Phys. Fluids 2, 589 (1959). 5. J. C. Keck, "Current Distribution in a Magnetic Annular Shock Tube," Fluids 5, 630 (1962). Phys. 6. F. J. Fishman and H. Petschek, "Flow Model for Large Radius-Ratio Magnetic Annular Shock-Tube Operation," Phys. Fluids 5, 632 (1962). 7. J. C. Keck, "Current Speed in a Magnetic Annular Shock Tube," Research Report 152, Avco Everett Research Laboratory, 1963. 8. W. H. Heiser, "Axial Field Effects in a Magnetically Driven Shock Tube," Technical Report 408, Research Laboratory of Electronics, M.I.T., Cambridge, Mass., March 29, 1963. 9. N. H. Kemp and H. E. Petschek, "Theory of the Flow in the Magnetic Annular Shock Tube," Phys. Fluids 2, 599 (1959). 10. J. A. 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Turner; "Equilibrium Hydrodynamic Variables Behind a Normal Shock Wave in Hydrogen, Report GM-TR-0165-00460, Space Technology Laboratories, Inc., Rodondo Beach, Calif., 1958. 19. W. H. Bostick, "Hall Currents and Vortices in a Coaxial Plasrra Accelerator," Phys. Fluids 6, 1598 (1963). 20. L. Spitzer, Jr., Physics of Fully Ionized Gases (John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York and London, second revised edition, 1962), p. 23. 57 _______1_·_1___11I----CII- 11.- II -_ a ___ JOINT SERVICES DISTRIBUTION LIST Department of Defense Dr Edward M. Reilley Asst Director (Research) Ofc of Defense Res & Eng Department of Defense Washington, D.C. 20301 Dr James A. Ward Office of Deputy Director (Research and Information Rm 3D1037 Department of Defense The Pentagon Washington, D.C. 20301 Commanding General U.S. Army Strategic Communications Command Washington, D.C. 20315 Commanding General U.S. Army Materials Research Agency Watertown Arsenal Watertown, Massachusetts 02172 Commanding Officer U.S. Army Ballistics Research Laboratory Attn: V.W. Richards Aberdeen Proving Ground Aberdeen, Maryland 21005 Director Advanced Research Projects Agency Department of Defense Washington, D.C. 20301 Commandant U.S. Army Air Defense School Attn: Missile Sciences Division, C&S Dept. P.O. Box 9390 Fort Bliss, Texas 79916 Mr Charles Yost, Director For Materials Sciences Advanced Research Projects Agency Department of Defense Washington, D.C. 20301 Commanding General U.S. Army Missile Command Attn: Technical Library Redstone Arsenal, Alabama 35809 Defense Documentation Center Attn: TISIA Cameron Station, Bldg 5 Alexandria, Virginia 22314 Director National Security Agency Attn: C3/TDL Fort George G. Meade, Maryland 20755 Department of the Army Chief of Research and Development Headquarters, Department of the Army Attn: Physical Sciences Division P&E Washington, D.C. 20310 Research Plans Office U. S. Army Research Office 3045 Columbia Pike Arlington, Virginia 22204 Commanding Officer Foreign Service & Technology Center Arlington Hall Arlington, Virginia Commanding General U.S. Army Materiel Command Attn: AMCRD-RS-PE-E Washington, D.C. 20315 Commanding General Frankford Arsenal Attn: SMUFA-1310 (Dr Sidney Ross) Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19137 U.S. Army Munitions Command Attn: Technical Information Branch Picatinney Arsenal Dover, New Jersey 07801 Commanding Officer Harry Diamond Laboratories Attn: Mr Berthold Altman Connecticut Avenue and Van Ness Street N. W. Washington, D.C. 20438 Commanding Officer Harry Diamond Laboratories Attn: Dr R.T. Young Electron Tubes Division Connecticut Avenue and Van Ness Street N. W. Washington, D.C. 20438 Commanding Officer U.S. Army Security Agency Arlington Hall Arlington, Virginia Z22212 Commanding Officer U. S. Limited War Laboratory Attn: Technical Director Aberdeen Proving Ground Aberdeen, Maryland 21005 II-- --- JOINT SERVICES DISTRIBUTION LIST (continued) Commanding Officer Human Engineering Laboratories Aberdeen Proving Ground Maryland 21005 Director U. S. Army Engineer Geodesy, Intelligence and Mapping Research and Development Agency Fort Belvoir, Virginia 22060 Commandant U. S. Army Command and General Staff College Attn: Secretary Fort Leavenworth, Kansas 66207 Dr. H. Robl, Deputy Director U. S. Army Research Office (Durham) P.O. Box CM, Duke Station Durham, North Carolina 27706 Commanding Officer U. S. Army Research Office (Durham) Attn: CRD-AA-IP (Richard O. Ulsh) P.O. Box CM, Duke Station Durham, North Carolina 27706 Commanding General U. S. Army Electronics Command Attn: AMSEL-SC Fort Monmouth, New Jersey 07703 Director U. S. Army Electronics Laboratories Attn: Dr S. Benedict Levin, Director Institute for Exploratory Research Fort Monmouth, New Jersey 07703 Director U. S. Army Electronics Laboratories Attn: Mr Robert O. Parker, Executive Secretary JSTAC (AMSEL-RD-X) Fort Monmouth, New Jersey 07703 _ Commanding Officer U. S. Army Engineers R&D Laboratory Attn: STINFO Branch Fort Belvoir, Virginia 22060 Commanding Officer U. S. Army Electronics R&D Activity White Sands Missile Range New Mexico 88002 Director Human Resources Research Office The George Washington University 300 N. Washington Street Alexandria, Virginia 22314 Commanding Officer U. S. Army Personnel Research Office Washington, D.C. Commanding Officer U. S. Army Medical Research Laboratory Fort Knox, Kentucky Department of the Air Force Director Air University Library Maxwell A. F. Base, Alabama Commander Air Force Office of Scientific Research Washington 25, D.C. Attn: -SREE Superintendent U. S. Army Military Academy West Point, New York 10996 Department of The Air Force Headquarters-United States Air Force Washington 25, D.C. Attn: AFTAC/TD- 1 The Walter Reed Institute of Research Walter Reed Army Medical Center Washington, D.C. 20012 Headquarters, USAF (AFTAC/TD- 1: Mr. B.S. Melton) Washington 25, D.C. Director U. S. Army Electronics Laboratories Fort Monmouth, New Jersey 07703 Attn: AMSEL-RD-DR NE SS X NO PE XE NP PR XC SA PF XS SE GF NR SR ADT FU# __ Commanding Officer U. S. Army Electronics R&D Activity Fort Huachuca, Arizona 85163 ____ Dr. Harvey E. Savely, SRL Air Force Office of Sci. Res. Office of Aerospace Research, USAF Washington 25, D.C. Mr. C.N. Hasert Scientific Advisory Board Hq, USAF Washington 25, D.C. A JOINT SERVICES DISTRIBUTION LIST (continued) APGC (PGBAP-1) Elgin Air Force Base Florida 32542 Aeronautical Systems Division Attn: ASRPP-20 (Mr. Don R. Warnock) Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio 45433 AFMTC (AFMTC Tech. Library MU- 135) Patrick Air Force Base Cocoa, Florida AFAL AVR (L) Wright-Patterson AFB Ohio 45433 Air Force Cambridge Res. Lab. L.G. Hanscom Field Bedford, Massachusetts 01731 Attn: CRDM, Mr. Herskovitz Commander, AFCRL Attn: C.P. Smith (CRBS) L. G. Hanscom Field Bedford, Massachusetts Mr. L. Block Optics and Radiometry Branch CRZCO Optical Physics Laboratory AFCRL, L.G. Hanscom Field Bedford, Massachusetts Dr. H. H. Kurzweg Director Research - OART NASA Washington, D.C. 20546 Systems Engineering Group (RTD) Attn: SEPIR Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio 45433 Systems Engineering Group (RTD) Attn: SEPRR Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio 45433 AFAL (AVTE) Wright-Patterson AFB Ohio 45433 AFCRL Office of Aerospace Res., USAF Bedford, Mass. Attn: CRDA Dr. R. W. Buckheim Office of the Chief Scientist Chief of Staff, USAF Washington 25, D.C. Mr. Rocco H. Urbano, Chief AFCRL, Appl. Math. Branch Data Sciences Laboratory Laurence G. Hanscom Field Bedford, Massachusetts Mr. Roland Chase National Aeronautics & Space Administration 1512 H Street, N.W. Washington 25, D.C. AFCRL (CRFE-Dr. Nicholas Yannoni) L. G. Hanscom Field Bedford, Massachusetts S. H. Sternick Aerospace Comm. - Attn: ESNC Waltham Federal Center 424 Trapelo Road Waltham, Massachusetts 02154 Rome Air Dev. Center (RAWL, H. Webb) Griffiss Air Force Base New York 13442 European Office, OAR Technical Information Office (Electronics Div.) APO 667, New York, New York Aeronautical Systems Division Attn: ASRPE, Mr. Robt. Cooper Wright-Patterson AFC, Ohio 45433 Professor Arwin Dougal University of Texas EE Department Austin, Texas Honorable Alexander H. Flax Asst Secretary of the Air Force (R&D) Office of the Secretary of the Air Force Washington 25, D.C. Professor Nicholas George California Institute of Technology EE Department Pasadena, California Dr. Lowell M. Hollingsworth AFCRL L.G. Hanscom Field Bedford, Massachusetts Dr. Zohrab Kaprielian University of Southern California University Park Los Angeles 7, California JOINT SERVICES DISTRIBUTION LIST (continued) Dr. John M. Ide National Science Foundation Washington 25, D.C. AFCRL (CRG/Brig Gen B. G. Holzman) L.G. Hanscom Fld. Bedford, Mass. 01731 Lt Col Edwin M. Myers Headquarters USAF (AFRDR) Washington 25, D.C. ARL (ARD/Col R. E. Fontana) Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio 45433 Professor Wm. H. Radford Director, Lincoln Laboratories Lexington, Massachusetts Office of Research Analyses Attn: Col K.W. Gallup Holloman AFB, NMex 88330 Dr. Chalmers Sherwin Deputy Director of Research & Tech DDR&E Room 3E 1030 The Pentagon Washington 25, D.C. AFCRL (CRXL) L. G. Hanscom Fld Bedford, Mass 01731 Dr. R. L. Sproull Director, Advanced Research Projects A gency Washington 25, D. C. Brigadier General J. T. Stewart Director of Science & Technology Deputy Chief of Staff (R&D) USA F Washington 25, D. C. Mr. James Tippett National Security Agency Fort Meade, Maryland Dr. James Ward Office of Deputy Director (Research and Info) Department of Defense Washington 25, D.C. Dr. H. Hattison National Aeronautics & Space Administration Code RRE Washington, D.C. 20546 AEC Civ of Tech Info Ext P.O. Box 62 Oak Ridge, Tenn. AFRST (SC/EN) Lt Col L. Stone Rm 4C 341 The Pentagon Washington, D.C. 20301 U. S. Atomic Energy Commission Lib rary Gaithersburg, Md. 20760 Frank J. Seiler Rsch Lab Library USAF Academy, Colo 80840 ARL (AROL) Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio 45433 Office of Research Analyses Library Holloman AFB, NMex 88330 LOOAR (Library) AF Unit Post Office Los Angeles, Calif 90045 Churchill Research Range Library Fort Churchill Manitoba, Canada Los Alamos Scientific Lab Attn: Technical Library Los Alamos, NMex 87544 Battelle Memorial Institute Technical Library 505 King Avenue Columbus, Ohio 43201 John Crerar Library 35 West 33rd St. Chicago, Ill. Linda Hall Library 5109 Cherry St. Kansas City, Mo. National Science Foundation Library 1951 Constitution Ave., N.W. Washington, D.C. 20550 JOINT SERVICES DISTRIBUTION LIST (continued) RTD (Tech Library) Bolling AFC, D.C. 20332 Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Lab Library White Oak Silver Spring, Md. 20910 AFFTC (Tech Library) Edwards AFB, Calif 93523 Stanford Research Institute Library 820 Mission St. South Pasadena, Calif. 91030 AFMDC (Tech Library) Holloman AFB, NMex 88330 AFMTC (Tech Library) Patrick AFB, Fla 32925 Southwest Research Institute Library 8500 Culebra Road San Antonio, Texas AFWL (WLIL, Tech Library) Kirtland AFB, NMex 87117 APGC (Tech Library) EglinAFB, Fla 32542 DDC (TISIA- 1) Cameron Station Alexandria Va. 22314 AEDC (Tech Library) Arnold AFS, Tenn 37389 ARPA, Tech Info Office The Pentagon Washington, D.C. 20301 RADC (Tech Library) Griffiss AFB, N.Y. 13442 DDR&E (Tech Library) Rm 3C 128 The Pentagon Washington, D.C. 20301 Director National Aeronautical Establishment Ottawa, Ontario, Canada CIA Industrial College of the Armed Forces Attn: Library Washington, D.C. OCR/LY/IAS IH 129 Hq Washington, D.C. 20505 National Defense Library Headquarters Ottawa, Ontario, Canada AFIT (MC LI) Tech Library Wright- Patterson AFB Ohio 45433 Technical Library White Sands Missile Range NMex 88002 AUL 3T-9663 Maxwell AFB, Ala 36112 NASA/AFSS/1 FOB6 USAFA (DLIB) USAF Academy, Colorado 80840 Tech Library, Rm 60084 Washington, D.C. 20546 AFSC (Tech Library) Andrews AFB Washington, D.C. 20331 Space Systems Division Los Angeles Air Force Station Air Force Unit Post Office Los Angeles, California 90045 Attn: SSSD ASD (Tech Library) Wright-Patterson, AFB Ohio 45433 Regional Science Office/LAOAR Embassy 676 York, N.Y. BSD (Tech Library) Norton AFB, Calif 92409 U.S. U.S. APO New ESD (Tech Library) L. G. Hanscom Fld Bedford, Mass 01731 Ames Rsch Center (NASA) Technical Library Moffett Field, Calif 94035 ___ XI--·ll·-lll I-- 1 1111_---·- C--·- JOINT SERVICES DISTRIBUTION LIST (continued) Commander Air Force Cambridge Research Laboratories Office of the Scientific Director L. G. Hanscom Field Bedford, Massachusetts High Speed Flight Center (NASA) Technical Library Edwards AFB, Calif 93523 Goddard Space Flight Center (NASA) Greenbelt, Md. 20771 Commander Air Force Systems Command Office of the Chief Scientist Andrews AFB, Maryland Geo. C. Marshall Space Flight Center (NASA) Redstone Arsenal, Ala 35808 Lewis Research Center (NASA) Technical Library 21000 Brookpark Road Cleveland, Ohio Commander Research & Technology Division AFSC Office of the Scientific Director Bolling AFB 25, D.C. Aerospace Corp (Tech Library) P.O. Box 95085 Los Angeles, Calif 90045 Commander Rome Air Development Center AFSC Office of the Scientific Director Griffiss AFB, Rome, New York Rand Corporation 17 Main St. Santa Monica, Calif 90401 Commander Electronics Systems Division (AFSC) Office of the Scientific Director L. G. Hanscom Field Bedford, Massachusetts Carnegie Institute of Technology Science & Engineering Hunt Library Schenley Park Pittsburgh, Pa. 15213 California Institute of Technology Aeronautics Library 1201 East Calif St. Pasadena 4, Calif Department of the Navy Dr. Arnold Shostak, Code 427 Head, Electronics Branch Physical Sciences Division Department of the Navy Office of Naval Research Washington, D.C. 20360 AVCO Research Lab Lib rary 2385 Revere Beach Parkway Everett, Mass 02149 Dr. G. E. Knausenberger SACOM Mail Room APO 407 New York, N.Y. Chief of Naval Research, Code 427 Department of the Navy Washington, D.C. 20360 Commander Space Systems Division (AFSC) Office of the Scientific Director Inglewood, California Commander Aerospace Systems Division AFSC Office of the Scientific Director Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio Chief, Bureau of Weapons Department of the Navy Washington, D.C. 20360 Chief, Bureau of Ships Department of the Navy Washington, D.C. 20360 Attn: Code 680 Commander Aerospace Research Laboratories (OAR) Office of the Scientific Director Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio __ __I __ Commander U. S. Naval Air Development Center Johnsville, Pennsylvania Attn: NADC Library JOINT SERVICES DISTRIBUTION LIST (continued) Library U. S. Navy Electronics Laboratory San Diego, California 92152 Commanding Officer U. S. Navy Underwater Sound Laboratory Ft Trumbull New London, Connecticut Director Naval Research Laboratory Washington, D.C. 20390 Commanding Officer Office of Naval Research Branch Office Navy 100, Fleet P.O. Box 39 New York, New York Chief of Naval Operations Pentagon OP 07T Washington, D. C. Commanding Officer Officer of Naval Research Branch Office 495 Summer Street Boston, Massachusetts 02110 Commander Naval Ordnance Laboratory White Oak, Meryland Attn: Technical Library U. S. Navy Post Graduate School Monterrey, California Attn: Electrical Engineering Department _111111_ ___ __I __ I I