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Application Cover Page
Sh1 4 3
Type of School
5 fi
If Previous School of
Elementary School
ary Stliool MitlEle Sc
om Lnbr MiqM1 Scnool n
gp SUOOi or Vo
Excellence Indicate Year
Name of Principal
Christina Bailey
Email Address
Principal Home Address
PO Box 706
304 742
304 742
Official School Name
Craigsville Elementary School
se n m me axmai
School Address
100 School Stree
1304 7425279
IhavereviewetllheapplicaHOn includinglheeligibilityrequirementsonpage4
I la
Name of Superintendent
Mrs Bevedy Kingery
6petllyl M9 MI55 Mrs @ M
Districl Name
Nicholas Counry Schools
istrict Address
400 West Main Street
304 872
I have reviewed ie applic ion i
uding the eligibility reqviremen
s on page 0 antl certify ali in
ormation to be aaura
Name o School Board President
Isoemr ma vriss
mn or mr
pRtt tioqinclutlingtheeligibili
s Sl9nalure
Areparation of Application
List the name position
title of representative
relevant stakeholder groups including administrators
teachers other school staff students parents and the community involved in the Schools of
Excellence application process and obtain their signature
Christina Bailey
Tony Nichols
Early Childhood
Teresa D Brown
Kind Teacher
Sherry Ward
Kinderg Tea
Monica Cox
Fir G
rade T
Carol Bay
Firs Grade Teacher
Peggy Sue Crowe
Pre T
Lori Crislip
Nina Stewart
Barbara Shafer
Linda Ward
Lori Holdren
Missy Ervin
Ginger McQueen
Barbara Groves
Second Grade Teacher
Tammy Hunter
Second Grade 7e
Linda Spencer
Third Grade Teacher
Carolyn Cox
Third Grade Teacher
Rosemary Gordon
Fou Grad Teacher
Sharon Hadow
Fourth Grade Teacher
Oak Myers
Fifth Grade Teacher
Danny Cau
Fifth Grade Teacher
Helen Vance
Spe Education Teacher
Lori Cvetnick
Specia E T
Nina Gregory
Spe Education Aide
Amy Cowan
Speech Therepist
Mary Griffth
PE Teacher
Holly Miller
Title One Teacher
Sharon Neal
Title One Teacher
Sara Singleton
Title One Teacher
Schools of Excellence Recognition Progrem for 21 Century Learning
Please check the appropria
e space for each of the eligibility criteria statements below
1 The school has been in ezistence for five full years
2 The school has not received recognition as a School of Excellence for 21 s Century Learning
in the past five years
The school has current full accreditation status
4 The school has made Adequate Yearly Progress AYP underthe No Child Left Behind NCLB
Implementation plan for the past two years
5 The school has not been identified as a
persistently dangerous school within the last two
False J
6 2011 WESTEST 2 data for the all student subgroup meet the required annual measurable
objective academic indicators for reading
language arts and mathematics
7 The student attendance rate for elementary and middle schools is at or above 93 percent
8 The high school student graduation rate is at or above 80 percent
Total number of Pre
12 students enrolled in the district
Number of schools in the district
Elementary Schools
High Schools
Middle Schools
High Schools
When was the school built
Date of any major renovations
5 If the school has been renovated brieFly descnbe the nature of the renovation
New classroom additions were added to the school to create more space new windows
were installed and a new roof was put on the school
Total number of classrooms in the school
Number of years the principal has been in his
her position at this school
If less than three years how long was the previous principal at this school
8 Number of students as of October 1 enrolled at each grede level or its equivalent
ethnic composition of students
American Indian
Alaskan Native
Pacific Islander
Student turnover
mobility rate during
the past year
Note This rate should include lhe total number of students who transferred to or from different
between October 1 and the end of the school year divided by the total number of students
school as
of October 1
multiplied by
Students eligible for free
Total Number
If his is not a reasonably accurate estimate of the percentage of students from low
families or if your school does not participate in the federally supported lunch program speciTy a
more accurate estimate tell why you chose it and explain how you arrived at this estimate
receiving special
education services
Number Served
Indicate below the number of students with disabilities according to special education categories
designated in the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act
Emotional Disturbance
Hearing Impairment
Mental Retardation
Multiple Disabilities
Orthopedic Impairment
Other Health Impaired
Specific Learning Disability
Speech or Language Impairment
Traumatic Brain Injury
the past five years and explain why the changes occurred
There have been no signifcant changes in the data reported in items 4
10 in the past fve years
Indicate the full
time and part
time staff members in each of the categories below
Number of Staff
Special Resources Teachers
Support Staff
Classroom Teachers
Total Number
Average school studenFClassroom teacher ratio that is the number of students in
the school divided
the FTE of classroom teachers e
g 22
SUMMARY STATEMENT Limited to two pages
Welcome to Craigsville Elementary School located in the center of small rural
Craigsville WV in Nicholas County The structure of a school begins with the
foundation that holds it together Often times the foundation may appear to be weak or
falling apart on the outside but what matters most is what is on the inside Craigsville
Elementary School was built in 1955 on land purchased from a local man named Paul
Plumber who still resides next to the school
Walk down the halls of Craigsville Elementary School and any child or staff can tell you
our mission I Think I Can I Know I Can and I Will Never giving up and putting our
entire focus on students is the meaning behind our mission We believe we can make a
positive difference in the lives of ALL students by providing consistency fairness
stability and a safe environment actively engaging ALL students and building a
foundation for a successful and productive future
Craigsville Elementary School has around 250300 students each year and is Title One
funded school We have 2
5 Title One teachers 2 academic specialists and 1 third
grade critical skills teacher who work with staff and students to promote student
achievement Craigsville Elementary is a family with many of our staff living in the
community Most of the teachers have been working together for 15
20 years Our
family is centered on our children At Craigsville Elementary learning is the focus for
all including teachers
Craigsville Elementary offers many unique opportunities for student engagement
through our collaboration with the community such as the public library local fire
department Nicholas County Career and Technical Center Senior Citizens and other
local agencies Our goal is to provide students the chance to access 21 S century
learning skills through varied means
Craigsville Elementary boasts the highest number of Nationally Board Certified
Teachers having 5 at our school We also boast a county teacher of the year and an
Arch Coal recipient as well as student Young Writer
s Winners Social Studies and
Science Fair winners and state essay and poster contest winners
Although our building may be old and unattractive on the outside our foundation is
strong because our walls are held together by our students teachers families and
community Nothing can tear down the bonds built within our old school building With
that comes good news that our old school will be replaced with a
new school
consolidating with a smaller elementary school The new school is slated to open in
2013 with environmentally sound features and a larger more concrete building for our
students While the construction is in process our students are without a playground In
order to assure our students meet their physical fitness needs teachers and parents
came together to purchase outside toys games etc and we are able to take the
students to a field nearby to get physical activity The new Gauley River Elementary will
be opened in 2013 Craigsville Elementary will be torn down and many years of
laughter education
and memories will also be torn down
One of Craigsville Elementary
s successes is our SKIP Successful Kids in Progress
program which demonstrates our focus of Intervention forAll This program provides
intervention and enrichment for all students each day for 40 minutes Reading math
and writing are the focus for SKIP groups Collaboration among teachers is key to our
success in increasing student achievement Strategies and resources are provided
during our Professional Learning Communities which meet every Friday If something
t working then we try something new Everything we do at Craigsville Elementary is
centered around what effect it will have on our most valuable players our students
There may be cracks in our walls tiles missing from the ceiling a leaky roof or a toilet
that won
t flush but what makes Craigsville Elementary School so wonderful are the
laughter smiles and enthusiasm from teachers students and parents The holes in our
walls are covered by the best writings of our kindergarten the art woric of our 4
graders hand
made postcards from 1 graders accelerated reading wall of our 2
graders and all the other work of our celebrities our students Plain and simple we are
here for our students and when our students succeed Craigsville Elementary
MISSION STATEMENT Limited to one page
I Think I Can I Know I Can and I Will is our mission statement Every child teacher
parent and staff member knows it and lives by this each day Our staff met this summer
at Carnifex Ferry and worked together in groups to talk about what we wanted for our
school our students and ourselves as professionals Each team explored the
surroundings of the park and had to come up with what their vision for educating our
students looked like Sticks items from cars rocks leaves and other items were used
to build a vision Each team performed a skit and demonstrated their vision At the end
of the day our mission was clear and our goals and vision came together for what we
believed and wanted for our school Thinking you can do something knowing you have
the support of your school family and knowing that failure is not an option means
success will happen
Each child is seen as an individual at Craigsville Elementary School It is our
responsibility to ensure the success of each student Our vision and goals are that we
believe we can make a positive difference in the lives of ALL students by providing
consistency fairness stability and a safe environment actively engaging all students
and building a foundation for a successful and productive future
When staff came together and began discussing our beliefs and goals for the school
mission and vision it all
together perfectly
A Student Focus and Support
A1 How does your school assure that all students receive the academic support
they need to achieve at high levels How is your school structured to meet the
varied needs of your student population
Craigsville Elementary School
s master schedule reflects the philosophy Intervention
ForAll Priorities are set when developing the master schedule Students with special
needs are accommodated first as these teachers work in and out of regular classrooms
SKIP Successful Kids In Progress is a school wide intervention model providing two
primary and upper blocks of instruction targeting specific skill deficits andlor
enrichment Assessment and regrouping occurs every 6 weeks or as needed All
classroom teachers instructional aides academic specialists Title One teachers
special education teachers principal and physical education teacher have a SKIP
group Two academic specialists work with all grade levels while another is a Critical
Skills Teacher who works with third grade only three days a week Title One teachers
collaborate with classroom teachers in reading and math groups and provide support in
smaller pull out groups
A daily two
hour valued and protected literacy block includes ninety minutes of reading
and thirty minutes of writing Every classroom implements thirty minutes of reading and
math in small groups Every classroom is equipped with three teachers for small group
reading and two teachers for small group math
At the beginning of the year the staff met to discuss collaboration time It was decided
that Friday would be the best day for Professional Learning Communities to meet to
discuss data and instruction Students receive intervention Monday through Thursday
and teachers use Friday to collaborate Student achievement has steadily increased
from the meetings Teachers collaborate to improve instruction Teachers have
embraced learning over teaching A short Talk it OuY time is used to vent issues but
positive learning experiences are shared weekly Collaboration is a key component in
the leaming process at CES While teachers are meeting in PLC
s students receive
additional instruction in art music and other special projects Programs such as fire
safety are scheduled during PLC times to maximize instructional time
In addition to the Friday PLC times the schedule provides grade level teachers
common planning time daily A full time physical education teacher and half
teacher provides art music and cultural education experiences
A reading consultant coaches the staff and assists with data to establish a focus
Currently the focus is writing Guidance is provided to teachers and students on the
writing process and WV Writes The staff has completed lwo book studies Robust
Vocabularv to implement effective vocabulary strategies in their classrooms and 7 Ke s
to Comprehension
questioning and depth of knowledge
A2 What comprehensive student support system is available for addressing
student physical social and emotional needs How does the school intervene
when student personal needs are preventing academic success
The school participates in the 21st Century Learning Grant providing students with an
after school program three days a week The program is completely staffed by present
faculty Students receive a healthy snack and dinner each day as well as homework
help enrichment and intervention services Many times the School Assistance Team
arranges for struggling students to attend the program as a strategy for helping the child
Many students personal needs often interfere with academic success Counseling
services are provided once a week by the school counselor both individually and as
classroom experiences arise The principal
counselor meet regularly to discuss
students who may be having personal emotional social or behavioral problems Early
intervention sometimes eliminates the need for discipline referrals later Follow ups
occur weekly with each identified child as a valuable part of our Student Assistance
Craigsville Elementary is a big family Teachers have taught children
s parents and
know the history of each family Every child and parent is treated with resped and
dignity Trust is established through a comfortable and respectful environment
eliminating potential problems Staff will often buy items for students who may have
The principal has developed positive relationships with students and families Students
and parents are greeted each morning by the principal or designee at the door or in the
car lane creating a convenient safe environment This small effort is appreciated by
students and parents Gaging a child
s demeanor before entering the door eliminates
potential bad days
Furthermore the school works with several social agencies and companies to ensure
students receive clothes food and shelter Folla Coal Company provides students with
new coats Little Union Baptist Church supplies shoes for students and a clothing pantry
in the building provides students with clothes socks deodorant and other supplies The
Parent Teacher Association supplies students with welcome back kits and survival kits
for students taking Westest The Fresh Fruit and Vegetable grant provides students
with healthy fruit and vegetables that can also be taken home
Craigsville Elementary works with the Department of Health and Human Services
communicating student needs and issues The school also works closely with KVC child
services department which provides counseling for children and families Several
students are voluntarily enrolled in the programs and counselors visit weekly to interact
with students and gather information from school employees
A3 How has your school demonstrated a commitment to addressing the
accessibility of its faci
ities and programs to students with disabilities
Craigsville Elementary School is a staple for students with special needs Ten students
from smaller schools are enrolled at Craigsville Elementary because of the services
available here Teachers embrace new students with varying needs from MI to autism
An increase in population often does not mean extra academic assistance with a new
teacher or aide The staff always accommodates and attends all trainings and
professional development to meet the needs of students Westest data is scrutinized to
determine successes of special education students This student population may not
reach mastery but make considerable gains As a family does special education
students are included in every aspect of our school
In addition to on campus invents students also participated in a Down Syndrome
Awareness Day by having a
Hat Day for one student To honor the student several
staff members participate in the Buddy Walk in Charleston This child
s family remains
at the school despite being closer to other more convenient schools because of the
support received
Occupational Speech and Physical therapists work with students The building is
handicap accessible despite its old appearance with ramps and an elevator
A preschool program is a vital part of our school We have board of education
head start collaboration with 16 students The preschool program participates
in all school activities and creates activities of their own Each year they bring in
change from home and the teacher purchases 2 bikes to be given to the Toys for Tots
This teaches the students the value of giving to others in need Our preschool also
sponsors Pops and Pizza where they invite all fathers grandfathers and significant
male role models of students in for pizza and skating This time allows students to
interact with their male role models A special Mothers Day breakfast is also held for
the significant women in the children
s lives
In addition to these family events preschool also collaborates with kindergarten hosting
a move up day for preschool students This gives them an opportunity to spend the day
in kindergarten and experiencing a school day Students who are not enrolled in
preschool are also invited to attend this kindergarten move up day as well
B School Culture
B1 What is the school
s underlying norms values beliefs traditions and rituals
that have built up over time as people work together solve problems and
confront challenges How does the school culture enhance school improvement
Craigsville Elementary believes we can make a positive difference in the lives of all
students by providing consistency fairness stability and a safe environment actively
engaging all students and building a foundation for a successful and productive future
Our mission I Think I Can I Know I Can and I Will supports our vision and goals The
school has gone from the belief and statement of my class or my studenY
to our
students By taking ownership for the learning of our entire school any problem or
issue that arises is much easier to take care of
Having time to collaborate with one another to solve issues gather resources or just
get advice has been a tremendous support for staff Most of the staff has worked
together for many years The family atmosphere creates an environment of caring and
nurturing beyond academics Students needs whether they are academically socially
personal or physical take priority in all aspects
An off campus retreat is held at the beginning of the school year to work together in a
threatening environment to review our mission vision and goals as a staff
62 What intentionai initiatives have taken place to create centered
culture within the school
a How does the academic success of all students remain a day
At Craigsville Elementary School a commitment to success of students is precedent
Evervthina is done with students in mind Each morning begins with announcemenis
news and birthdays A character quote mission statement or healthy heart fact is
announced as well Students are reminded to work hard and do their best every day
The SKIP program is an example stemming from students needs Teachers encourage
students daily with positive praise and incentives Our staff continually asks if what we
are doing or about to do is going to affect our students
Many activities promoting the love for reading take place at Craigsville Elementary
School Marathon Scholars is a program sponsored by a local hospital where students
read 26 books and walk 26 miles throughout the year Reading and physical activity are
encouraged A sports theme was selected to enhance the Accelerated Reader
program Each grade has a football field and each class picked a team name
Touchdowns are made each time a child reaches a goal Classes compete against
each other to see who can get the most AR touchdowns Students have read 50 more
since implementing the incentive program The immediate grades who rarely read for
AR points have now doubled their paAicipation in the program The BEAR Be Excited
About Reading program is also an incentive for students to read more Students who
read at least 20 minutes per day and have their parents sign a read and respond card
get a BEAR on the wall and a free movie and popcorn from our local video store
Seeing their BEAR on the wall is a big morale booster for students
Math is also a focus at Craigsville Elementary School Each year our students
participate in the St Jude
s Math
thon getting sponsors for completing math
problems The money collected supports St Jude
s Children Hospital
At Craigsville Elementary School we ensure the total success of our students
Attendance is an issue impacting achievement Students arriving late and checking out
early miss instructional opportunities Many students have 5 days or more of unexcused
absences An incentive program was established to encourage student attendance and
promote healthy lifestyles A score board was added to the hall way tracking
attendance Students who are not absent leave early or arrive late each month get to
play a game of CAT basketball with a staff member of choice Attendance basketball
is the last Friday of every month Students and teachers are coming to school and
becoming more active Students who get to play have increased from 10 to 40 To
accommodate emergencies any child who has no more than 1 unexcused absence is
eligible for a prize drawing each month such as I
pods and scooters
As our vision clearly states engaging all students is our focus Students achieve
higher if engaged in the classroom A new reading initiative called Adventures
Around the World was implemented to raise money for school events increase
students love for reading and learn about social studies The read
thon began in
October with a big kick off in the gym Indiana Brown a vivacious kindergarten
teacher came to tell of her travels around the world In the meantime several bandits
parents and other teachers robbed the school
s supply of books In order to reclaim
the books students had to collect sponsors and pledge to read and read Throughout
the read
thon each grade level studied a different continent After three months
Indiana Brown returned Students collected over 1
000 to earn the books back The
bandits were captured and the read
thon will become a yearly event for our school
Book buddies is another activity that promotes the love of reading and fosters caring
relationships between students and teachers Teachers in the primary grades pair up
with teachers in intermediate grades and establish a buddy system Students in the
intermediate grades are paired with a student in the primary grades Weekly book
buddy sessions are held where buddies spend quality time together reading to each
other Snacks are provided for the reading time
b What kinds of activities
celebrations etc are sustained to build positive
relations between and among staff students parents and the community9
Celebrating success is a key factor in a successful school and increasing achievement
Each month the principal hosts a coffee hour for parents to discuss issues and
concerns Some topics resolved were homework technology and bullying
Each nine weeks an awards assembly is held to celebrate students Perfect attendance
honor roll good character and a principal
s award is presented for every classroom
Teachers give positive praises and accolades over the intercom It is an effective
morale booster
A yearly special dinner is held to honor parents and community volunteers Each
volunteer or community member is recognized for hard work and dedication to students
Each month a parent luncheon is held for a grade level Parents appreciate the time
Children are celebrated at Craigsville through the EAGLES SOAR HIGH program
promoting positive discipline and character Students earn a hole punch or sticker on an
eagle card as follows
ager to learn
always attentive
goes the extra mile
learning is essential
engaged in learning
Once the card is full children receive a trip to the office for a prize from the prize box
The eagle card is then placed on the wall in the main hallway and the process begins
Good data is celebrated A Westest pep rally happens each year and students receive
a ticket each time they demonstrate the use of a test taking strategy After the test
drawings are held for prizes An additional celebration is held when results come back
The principal hires a DJ and a celebration dance is a highly anticipated event
Teachers are seen handing out random smiles pats on the back or good jobs daily
Each staff member selects a
VIP student at the beginning of the year and mentors
them throughout the year
Teachers are celebrated as well A big tree is displayed in the hallway with an apple for
each teacher Messages of hope and thanks are left on teachers apples Faculty
Senate meetings are used to recognize teacher successes A stuffed eagle is passed
from teacher to teacher as a momentum for good work
Craigsville Elementary celebrates staff successes five
Twenty percent of our staff is
Nationally Board Certified with the highest number of any school in the county Five
teachers are NBCT
s Craigsville Elementary School also boasts at Nicholas County
Teacher of the Year as well as an Arch Coal recipient
In addition to those recognitions Craigsville Elementary was also recognized as an
outstanding site for PEIA Wellness Program and was highlighted for the month in 2010
Our PE teacher coordinates and organizes a county wide wellness day at our school
with 99 staff participation and about 40 participation from retired employees and
surrounding schools
Our students are recognized for their achievements in the county and state level as
First Place Winner for Young Writer
s Essay Competition in Nicholas County in
Second Place Winner for Young Writer
s Essay Competition in Nicholas County
in 2011
Third Place Winner for Young Writer
s Essay Competition in Nicholas County in
First Place Agriculture Poster Winner for West Virginia in 2012
Second Place Agriculture Poster Winner for West Virginia in 2012
Third Place Agriculture Poster Winner for West Virginia in 2012
Fifth Place Winner in County Spelling Bee in 2010
63 How does your school foster a sense of cooperation and collaboration among
adults and students
a What opportunities do students have to build supportive and caring
relationships with teachers and other adults
Craigsville Elementary teachers received training in Capturing Kids Hearts which is a
nationally recognized program used to build relationships amongst students and staff
Teachers and students established values and expectations of their classroom A
social contract is created and signed by the teacher and the students in the classroom
This serves as a governing contract for all which determines awards and consequences
for acceptable behavior Capturing Kids Hearts gives students an opportunity to be
responsible and corred negative behavior By building these strong relationships
everyone benefits According to Flip Flippen founder of Capturing Kids Hearts if you
capture a kid
s heaR you will capture his head Student achievement is a result of these
b How does your school promote positive student interaction and prepare
students to succeed in a culturally and socially diverse environment
At Craigsville Elementary School positive student interaction is encouraged and
students succeed in a culturally and socially diverse environment Teachers work
together to provide multicultural educational experiences for students The WVU
6ctension staff work with students on multicultural activities such as folk dancing The
public library supports activities and events such as Read to Me Day Dr Seuss
Birthday celebration Community Christmas Store and other activities The after school
program provides students with activities that promote cultural awareness such as
karate cooking and career days Community members sponsor a Heritage Day to read
a story teach a trade or demonstrate an activity from different cultures This year a
career day will be held for students to practice interviewing skills and explore careers
Theater WV offers a theatrical program at the school site On WV Read to Me day the
school invited the county assessor magistrates business owners coal miners and
JROTC members to read to students Students also collected canned food for the local
food bank with the help of the JROTC Students also brought in money for the Haiti
earthquake victims In the meantime teachers discussed HaitPs culture and the effects
the earthquake had on Haiti in their classes
Each year kindergarten students take a field trip to Charleston to the Town Center and
to Build
Bear This is a cultural experience for many of our students as some have
never been out of Nicholas County The experience of touring Charleston and going to
the mall is rewarding for many Last year the entire school attended the Ringling
Brothers and Barnabum Bailey circus in Charleston
Craigsville Elementary students adopted a soldier this year One of our teacher
s sons
came to visit our school and talked about his travels and work in Afghanistan and Iraq
He discussed the cultural differences and shared pictures and stories with students and
teachers Students worked together and collected items to send in care packages for
soldiers as well as made cards and letters for soldiers
C Challenging 21 Century Curriculum SGndards
C1 Successful schools establish rigorous curriculum standards for all students
How does your school establish high expectations for all students and ensure
that students achieve at high evels in the core subjects
At Craigsville Elementary high expectations are a priority A rigorous curriculum is
provided for all students With the implementation of the social contract expectations are
established by the entire class and school In 2011 Craigsville Elementary School was
in the top 40 of elementary schools in the state of WV Craigsville Elementary 4th
graders scored the highest in math at the county level on the Westest and scored
second highest in the county for reading All 3rd
5th graders scored above the state
average on the Westest for reading and math The expectations of our mission I Think
I Can I Know I Can and I Will serves as a catalyst for students always giving 100 on
every aspect of their educational experience
a English Reading and Language Arts Reading is the core of our academic
framework Reading is essential in every core academic subject Wi
h the use of
Pearson Reading teachers present a whole group lesson on Mondays and
Tuesday through Friday the lessons are broken down into small groups to ensure
learning for all Students use leveled readers to focus on grammar spelling
vocabulary writing and comprehension The small groups encompass literature
circles vocabulary games podcasts and power points as a means of learning
Each class has three teachers for small group time
b Mathematics Everyday Math provides opportunities for students to explore
math solutions in many different ways With the help of Family Links parents can
work with students at home through games and technology Each week math
groups are formed so engaging activities can be done to explore math Two
teachers work in math groups each day in order to maximize the instructional
levels Math scores at Craigsville Elementary continue to excel as students
consistently seek ways to improve their math skills
c Science Our science program is integrated into our reading program as well
Science experiments are often a means of teaching and learning for students
Tech Step projects generally involve using the scientific process Every other
year our students participate in the school county and state science fair Our
after school program offers a variety of science activities to enhance the learning
A recycling program was started last year for students and teachers By working
together and educating ourselves we were the third highest in our recycling
efforts in the county
d Social Studies Each year students participate in the school county and state
social studies fair A thirty minute block is designated for students to learn social
studies Engaging activities are a big part of the social studies curriculum One of
our third grade classrooms studied and watched the bald eagle hatch eggs via
technology This type of learning keeps all students engaged and learning
e Foreign Language Although we do not have a formal foreign language program
offered at our school students have the opportunity to explore other countries
and learn about their customs and languages
f The Arts Our planning teacher incorporates a variety of arts programs in her
classes Art projects are ongoing each day for students and students are often
entered into contests where they fair pretty well Each year a skit or play is
performed involving our students Students also participate in the art contest
hosted by the Craigsville Fall Festival Committee Music is appreciated at
Craigsville Elementary School even though we have no o
cial music program
Grants are being written to have programs involving music come into our school
Local band students were invited to talk with our students as well
C2 How does your curriculum address 21 century content civic literacy
financial economic and business literacy global awareness and health and
wellness awareness What emphasis do you place on these content areas in
your curriculum
Strong emphasis is placed on teaching 21st century learning skills for all students
Kindergarten students work on a money project each year Our lwo kindergarten
teachers co
wrote the money lesson for TEACH 21 website that is viewed and practiced
around the state Students learn how money is made the value of money and how to
write checks
Students in 5th grade complete eMensive projects and programs in social studies
involving the Donner Party Concentration Camps and World War II Students are
engaged in the learning process and a result more prepared for the 21st century
Each morning a heart healthy fact is read for students Students participate in the
American Heart Association jumping rope and playing basketball All money goes to
support the American Heart Association Students also participate in the cardio program
through WVU Students are given a series of health tests to determine if they are at risk
for heart disease Healthy lifestyles and nutritious plans are provided
Preschool students take a field trip to a local greenhouse and learn how to garden and
purchase their plants for their garden Upon returning they plant a garden in their
C3 How do you ensure that diverse learners
g students with disabilities
students identified as gifted and talented students with limited English
proficiency students identified as migrant students placed at risk all have the
opportunity to learn challenging content and achieve at high levels
Craigsville Elementary is committed to learning for all The success of our SKIP
program see section A is proof of this Students are provided intervention or
enrichment for their academic needs Learning expectations are clearly defined for all
students to reach success Students may learn at a different level or pace but are
expected to learn
The Student Assistance Team meets regularly to ensure the success of all students A
process is available for teachers to refer students who may be having academic social
or behavioral issues The team consists of administrator regular education teacher
special education teacher and a Title One teacher
C4 What curriculum offerings provide rigorous educational opportunities that
transition students to post secondary education and
or careers
Students at Craigsville Elementary School are consistently preparing for middle high
and higher education Through our continued efforts and hard work students are
prepared with skills needed to succeed at the next level By setting high standards for
all students we are ensuring their success
Each year transition meetings are held for special education students going to middle
school Collaboration among the elementary teacher special education teacher and
middle school special education teacher takes place in April Parents are invited to
discuss concerns and plan for their child
s middle school experience
Students are invited to participate in summer programs such as basketball camps
science and math camps and other activities hosted by the middle and high school
These programs provide a basis for building positive relationships when they enter the
secondary schools
Preschool students have the oppoAunity to explore kindergarten during move up day
each April This allows a chance to learn kindergarten standards and expectations
D Engaging Instruction
D1 How is the development of core literacy skills an integrel part of insVuction
across all grades and subjects
Developing critical skills is a focus at Craigsville Elementary School Increasing student
achievement is our top prioriry Critical skill deficits were noted through assessment and
skill groups were planned according to specific needs Some students work in a
comprehension group and use literature circles and novel studies as a means of
learning where as other groups may be concentrating on consonant c
usters By
mastering these basic skills students increase their knowledge
D2 What school
wide practices or processes are used to accelerate the learning
of students who fall beiow mastery
Once again Craigsville Elementary
s focus is Intervention forAll with the mindset that
all students will learn and be successful The Student Assistance Team SAT provides
a means for teachers to seek guidance and strategies from a team for students who fall
below mastery Specific research based strategies are discussed and planned as a
result of these meetings Students are progress monitored for improvement and further
meetings are held as needed
Each teacher also ensures the success of her VIP student seleded at the beginning of
the year If a
VIP student falls below mastery the teacher or staff member will begin
working with the child on interventions
With the help of academic specialists Title One teachers principal and volunteers
students who fall below mastery are given one
on or small group intervention The
use of Ed mark Sonday System and Sidewalks are supplemental programs used for
students who fall below mastery
Teachers work together to ensure students who fall below mastery are provided an
instructional program that meets his needs Title One teachers step in and provide
intervention services for the child
Consistent progress monitoring ensures students will not fail Every decision made at
Craigsville Elementary is made for the benefit of our students
D3 What research
based instructional strategies and organizationai methods do
teachers use to engage students at high levels and assure students deep
understanding ofcontentratherthan coverage of materials
Teachers use a variety of research
based instructional strategies and organizational
methods to engage students For example teachers can be observed doing literature
circles with students for a novel study This style of learning offers all students an
opportunity to participate and engage in the lessons
Another example is the Pizza Fraction Lesson in third grade Teachers purchase
personal pan pivas and Hershey bars to teach fractions to their students By using
something students enjoy and can eat afterwards they gain a better understanding of
fradions The engagement level is high during this lesson
Science experiments and social studies projects help keep students engaged in their
The Accelerated Reading Program is a research based program that enhances a child
love for reading The program is not graded or mandatory however the program
incentives foster a deeper love for reading Our sports themed program we
implemented this year has increased our accelerated reading by 50
The Sonday System and Sidewalks are used to work with students who are struggling
readers Students are grouped according to their levels and academic specialists Title
One or special education teachers work with them on these programs
D4 What processes
strategies and
or management systems are used to assure a
safe and orderly schoollclassroom environment
Capturing Kids Hearts refer to section B3 a is a discipline process that incorporates
an opportunity to build positive relationships with students At the beginning of the year
teachers and students collaborate on their social contract which governs their
classroom rules and expectations therefore their behavior There are four questions
involved in this process
What are you doing
What are you supposed to be doing
Are you doing it
What are you going to do now
The success of the program is so great that teachers also develop a social contract
among themselves
The process is also used by the principal if child is referred to the office A fifth question
is then asked What is going to happen if you do this again The process gives
students an opportunity to take responsibility for their own behavior Discipline issues
have decreased as a result of this process and stronger relationships have been formed
amongst students and teachers
Teachers keep a discipline log of student incidents and work with parents to ensure
student success Parents teachers and students sign a contract for appropriate
behavior each year
Teachers also establish a partner teacher with whom they coordinate a
buddy system
if a child is having culty
di in a classroom Anytime a child is removed from class a
reflection sheet is complete and discussed with the child
D5 Demands of the 21 century require that students be proficient in a variety of
learning skills and adept at using 21 century tools How dces classroom
instruction prepare students for success in the 21 centuryT
A variety of learning skills are taught for students preparing them for the 21 century
Technology is a key component in teaching and learning I
Pads and I
Pods are used
daily by teachers and students to work on projects communicate with other classrooms
and other students across the world
Craigsville Elementary teachers have embraced Apple Technology with an Apple
mobile lab as well as using the features on Apple Our fifth grade uses Podcasts for
small reading groups and has begun using them for math projects as well
Technical art projeds are also incorporated into math lessons using measurement to
construct linear prospectives With the construction of the new school students have
opportunities to observe drfferent machinery and the building process
D6 How do teachers differentiate the instructional process to meet the varied
needs of learners
Teachers differentiate instructional practices for all students Through our SKIP program
see section A
1 differentiation is a key component for learning Differentiation is driven
by assessment data which is ongoing Within the classroom teachers differentiate
through a variety of ineans Math groups are formed based on individual skills and
teachers work together to co
teach specific content standards that need addressed
All teachers work together to differentiate for students
D7 What oppoRunities do students have to apply learning to real world
Students have the opportunity to apply their learning daily in varied situations Students
are taught how to manage money and apply this by going grocery shopping with
parents Students are also taught cooking skills through the after school program and
demonstrate these when they get home As a means to maximize instruction on snow
days teachers created Snow Packets for students to complete during a 20 day period
The packets include real world activities rather than worksheets Students measure
watch and monitor weather patterns create and try recipes create a N show and a
variety of other real world applications
Professional Learning Communities
E1 What opportunities do teachers and other staff have to participate in
professional learning communities
Every Friday teachers meet in professional learning communities to discuss data
instruction and celebrate successes of students Currently K
2 teachers meet together
for an hour and 3
5 meet for an hour Several staff members were trained through the
WV Collaborative Teams Network and provide leadership with four teachers and the
administrator Teachers were asked to participate in the leadership program to
encompass o
e member from each level and specialty area Teachers were then
nominated to attend the sessions After each session of the Collaborative Teams
training the leadership team would come back and present what they learned with their
colleagues The kindergarten teacher from the leadership team serves as the K
facilitator and the 5th grade teacher from the leadership team serves as the 3
facilitator Teachers discuss assessment data to form SKIP groups for intervention
The PLC time provides teachers an opportunity to collaborate through grade level or
vertical team to raise achievement The primary level teachers discuss assessments
such as DIBELS QPS and PASI After 6 weeks students are assessed and regrouped
Students are grouped according to skill deficit The upper level PLC spends time
analyzing Acuity reports One teacher and administrator was extensively trained to use
Acuity to determine student academic supports Desegregating data and identifying
instructional strategies and resources are key roles of PLC
s WV Writes is being used
to increase reading scores for Westest
PLC time is an opportunity to focus on learning for students and teachers Teachers
learn from each other Teachers share Acuity scores compare instructional decisions to
decrease discrepancies between similar skilis in different classrooms Teachers plan
teaching lessons according to skill level
s was a new concept for many veteran teachers but has become an accepted
practice for collaboration The Friday PLC meetings increase student achievement
E2 How does a coherent approach to professional development ensure ongoing
learning for staff How do organizational arrangements such as time and
teaching assignments make professional development a priority Is there a long
term plan
Craigsville Elementary teachers meet weekly in professional learning communities as
Professional development Teachers who have attended an off campus professional
Development present to the entire staff Professional development needs are
determined at the beginning of the year based on student needs The school is a
member of the VN Department of Education Collaborative Teams Network developing
common assessments
Technology was an area of need for professional development A teacher and
administrator attended the WV Technology conference to gather valuable information
and tools for implementing technology into the classrooms and school
The Capturing Kids Hearts training has decreased discipline referrals The amount of
discipline referrals has decreased by 10 with the implementation of Capturing Kids
Hearts Teachers create a social contract as well at the beginning of the year to help
govern and ensure staff meetings run smoothly
We also do a book study after school Last year we did Bringing Words to Life by
Isabel Beck and Creating Robust Vocabulary by Isabel Beck Teachers participated in
literature circles and activities using vocabulary They in turn took the lessons back to
their classrooms and began implementing the use of vocabulary Our word usage in the
writing portion increased on the Westest
This year we are working on comprehension using 7 Keys to Comprehension by
Susan Zimmermann and Chryse Hutchins We learn keys to helping our students with
comprehension and how to use testing strategies Our reading consultant is very
beneficial in helping plan and coordinates our professional development
We also send teachers to training on how to use Acuity WV Writes effective discipline
strategies special education and content writing This is sponsored by our district and
these teachers are then considered the expert in the area they attended If a teacher
has a question they need answered about one of the above they can go to the expert
to learn
As a result of implementing meaningful professional development student achievement
increased by 5 Special education students gained at least 10 points in reading and
math Although they may not have made mastery their scaled scores increased
tremendously as a result of differentiated instruction
E3 How has teacher professional development improved teaching
It is about learning rather than teaching as a result of ongoing professional development
for our teachers Teachers have found ihat when everyone is learning rather than
focusing on teaching then student achievement increases Teachers have gone from
the concept of my students to our students Everyone has a role in the learning
process for every child in the school When we desegregate Westest data teachers are
placed on teams Kindergarten teachers work with 5 grade on a team to look at data
because the students in our school belong to everyone When a child learns it is the
result of a team effort from everyone in our school including custodians and cooks The
Professional development and especially our professional learning communities have
taken our teachers on a new journey of teaching and learning It is no longer about
finishing a teM book or running off worksheets but rather the learning that takes place
right in their classroom
Student data folders have been developed for every student to track their own learning
process These data folders then travel with them to the next grade When students see
their own learning it is rewarding for them When our teachers moved away with
teaching from the book to student learning our test scores went up and our morale went
up as well
D Leadership and Educational Vitality
F1 How does the instructional leader develop a school
wide focus on teaching
and learning How does the instructional leader work with teachers to improve
curriculum instruction and student engagement How do school leaders work
with teachers to improve their instructional skills7
The principal demonstrates skills of a strong instructional leader The principal has set a
clear example on instruction and provides teaching and learning for all staff The
principal often leads our professional development activities and participates in all
activities and programs with staff The master schedule is designed to meet all students
needs It may not be suitable for everyone but if instruction is in the center then the
schedule is a success Continuous learning takes place year round and in the summer
for teachers and our administrator She seeks strategies and tools that meet our
students or teachers needs and provides feedback to all teachers that is constructive
Some strategies are developing successful professional learning communities learning
by doing common assessment learning targets and unwrapping common core
Through classroom walk throughs and observations the principal is able to see firsthand
where needs may be and works with teachers to ensure they have needed materials
tools and appropriate professional development to be a master teacher Student
engagement was an area in need as a result of classroom walk throughs The data
showed that students were not engaged in the teaching Many students were playing in
desks or working on something else Through this data a professional development
activity was presented to help increase student engagement Another area of need was
the use of higher order thinking skills in classroom discussions As a result of this data
a session on higher order thinking skilis and depth of knowledge was presented for
F2 How is the principal a
leader of learning How does the principal model
lifelong learning
The principal regularly attends all our professional learning community meetings and
participates adding helpful strategies and encouragement She often provides praise to
teachers who are doing great things She leads discussions on learning targets
common and formative assessments and technology She attended the PLC Summit
hosted by Solution Tree
s Richard and Rebecca Dufour and had presenters such as
Robert Marzano and Dr Anthony Muhammad How to successfully implement PLC
and dealing with difficult and resistant staff were sessions presented at the Summit
Also working with common and formative assessments was an area addressed The
most beneficial was celebrating data a session presented by an elementary principal
The principal participates in the book studies we do for learning and facilitates
professional development
The principal is an instructional leader and usually presents all the staff development for
our staff on ISE days and early dismissals Concepts such as WV Writes Acuity and
Assessment have been sessions she has led throughout the years Each quarter she
meets with teachers individually for data meetings to review progress of student
learning and assist teachers in any manner they may need assistance This learning
experience for teachers fosters a positive relationship and a growth model for teachers
to expand their learning as well
Our principal attended a summit on Assessment for Learning hosted by Nicole Vagle of
Solution Tree She always brings back all the information and leads successful staff
development for all staff Another tool we are using this year is the PD 360 site Our
principal is able to assign videos and assignments based on the needs of individual
teachers or groups of teachers Through the use of walk throughs she is able to observe
our classrooms and look for ways to help each teacher be successful Sessions
designed specfically for teacher needs are assigned individually through PD 360 For
example a kindergarten teacher has an autistic child who is having behavioral
difficulties A session on PD 360 discussed techniques and strategies to assist the
teacher in handling the behavior Special education teachers are assigned lessons and
videos on reading and math instruction for special education teachers
F3 How does the principal organize and lead the school toward collaborative
continuous improvement processes How is the school improvement process
organized and managed to ensure the school is always moving forwardl
When the principal came to our school she began working with us on collaboration and
how to successfully collaborate and use data to drive our instruction She helped us
work our schedule so that each grade level had time to plan collaboratively at the same
time This was very successful in helping teachers with the collaboration process She
became the PLC facilitator guiding us through until we became more comfortable
leading our own discussions By providing a flexible schedule and being willing to make
changes if something did not work we were able to successfully implement PLC
s into
our school The outcome was so powerful once we began talking about data and using
the data we had to drive our instruction
F4 How is the Five
Year Strategic Plan developed and how does it drive and
target school improvement efforts
Each year our leadership team and the five year planning committee meet to review our
goals objectives and needs assessment After reviewing these the five year plan is
devised or revised and discussed The team then takes the plan to the entire staff for
review and input Our five year plan is devised based on our needs as a school
instructionally Each meeting we have our goals mission and vision are discussed and
reviewed Our five year plan is our governing body to ensure our success in our school
F5 How does the principal
s model the use of 21 century tools and applications
in the role of manager and leader What processes are in place for integreting
technology into the school
classrooms and how is staff trained How is
technology used to analyze school data
Each teacher was given a lap top projector and Elmo for use in their classroom
Teachers have begun to grasp the idea of using technology to present instruction We
often have our meetings in the computer lab and work on technology needs Students
are assessed using technology We also purchased an I
Pod lab which teachers can
check out for student use When we saw how well the I
Pods worked for instruction we
then purchased an I
Pad lab for student use The technology we have now is great for
working with lower leveled students because of the applications they have for struggling
readers We also have an Apple mobile lab that teachers ca use and check out Most
of our instruction is technological based and teachers and students are more engaged
with these tools
As a staff we are using PD 360 which is an online professional development site
Through this site our principal can assign tasks readings or videos for teachers who
may need support or assistance in a certain area Feedback can be given via the site
and reflection questions can be answered This also allows teachers more time in their
classroom rather than leaving the building for professional development Any topic a
teacher may need assistance is there We can also collaborate with other schools and
educators with the use of the PD 360
The principal utilizes technology for all staff meetings The use of devices such as
ePearl has been implemented to provide a tracking system for data so it is readily
available for teachers to present in data meetings Many staff development sessions are
conducted in the computer lab in order to use the Elmo projector and technology
programs Charts and graphs are also utilized in data meetings and professional
development sessio
F6 What do you consider the major educational challenges your school must
face over the next five years and how do you plan M address them
One of the major educational challenges our school must face over the next five years
is moving into a new larger school This will create new staffing issues as well as a
larger population of students Meetings are currently taking place with the lwo schools
being consolidated into the larger school to discuss staffing physical space and other
important factors This will create an increased population in special education as well
with no added resources however a high quality staff ensures this is successful More
training and resources will need to be provided
Another major educational challenge is a change in rigor of student achievement In
order to address these issues more attention to student time on task parent education
and meaningful professional development will be needed
Societal issues will play a big role in challenging our school system in the neM five
years In order to successfully work with these issues a new school health clinic will be
housed and incorporated into the new consolidated school
E School Family and Community Partnerships
G1 What community collaboration and partnerships are in place at your school
How are these partnerships and relationships mutually beneficial resulting in the
school being a respected and valued partner
Craigsville Elementary is located in the center of Craigsville WV and plays an integral
of all community activities Each year our school collaborates with the Craigsville Fall
Festival and hosts the yearly festival in our town The school is used as the main
location for all festival events A school employee serves on the board of directors for
the festival and works with them to plan and coordinate all activities In connedion with
the festival s
Kid Night is held where children can compete in a karaoke competition
and win prizes A bike show and art show for our students are also held
Craigsville Elementary collaborates on many projects and activities with the Craigsville
Public Library which is located within walking distance of the school Students visit the
library every other week to check out books The library also assists the school with
projects such as Read to Me Day Science and Social Studies Read a Thon Local
School Improvement Committee and the new school consolidation committee
The library also hosts a community Christmas store for students to be able to purchase
gifts for family members at a low cost Students look forward to this every year
The Nicholas County Career and Technical Center is also located within walking
distance of the school and students have the opportunity to participate in several
projects and activities listed below
Start Cookinq Students in the class work with CES students on baking cupcakes
and cookies
Green House
Each year students are invited to tour the greenhouse and purchase any
flower for 1
JROTC periodically come to CES to read to students present lessons on flag
history and work on art projects with students
11 Memorial Service Each year students at CES walk to the NCCTC to participate
in the 9
11 Memorial Service Students learn about the events of the 9
11 Students are
asked to lead the Pledge of Allegiance
Richwood High School students come to CES to do the RAZE presentation and work in
classrooms on aA projects and music This is a great support system as the county has
no music or art programs currently in the schools
Craigsville Elementary also partners with the WVU EMension program bringing in
programs on hygiene folk dancing career exploration preschool readiness read to me
days and parent programs which include dinner for parents
Craigsville Elementary also serves as a practice site and places teams in the Richwood
Middle School Biddy Basketball League A parent from the school coordinates teams
coaches and schedules to accommodate all students Games are held on Saturdays in
Craigsville also partners with a local hardware store Hardware ThaYs Us on many
projects The owner is a big supporter of the school and also purchases bags for the
s recycling program
The Craigsville Senior Citizen Center is located within walking distance of the school
and students are invited over to watch and help make homemade apple butter This is a
great learning experience for the students
G2 How does your school environment welcome and respect families from all
walks of life solicit and value their meaningful input find multiple ways to invite
and involve them in school initiatives and build a shared commitment to student
Craigsville Elementary School strives to ensure all families feel comfortable in our
school A welcome packet is given to all new families and a tour of the school is also
given Our parent coordinator hosts a welcome session for new families and makes
them feel comfortable with any questions or concerns they may have A positive
friendly environment is always evident when you walk through the doors of Craigsville
Elementary School
G3 How does your school involve families in their children
s education and
student support programs
Parents are a valuable part of the school and learning process Each year a welcome
back open house is held to welcome families back to school and discuss the Westest
results Parents are also given a survey at the open house to measure parent
satisfaction with the school This year the school also had informational booths set up
with valuable information regarding PTA Title One Services Volunteering Health and
Nutrition and Technology Presentations Door prizes were given out after the
presentations and refreshments are served
Craigsville Elementary has 2 parent coordinators who work 17
5 hours a week One
coordinator operates and runs the school library as well as the fresh fruit and vegetable
program The other coordinator runs the accelerated reading program and recruits
trains and schedules volunteers to work in the library and other areas of the school
Throughout the year several parent workshops are held to assist parents with helping
their children with school work Many of these are held during the school day so parents
can see how the lessons are taught in class and then can eat lunch with their child
The principal holds an informal coffee hour for parents Parents meet for coffee and
bagels and discuss issues of choice Some topics discussed are how to help your chiid
with homework cyber
bullying technology programs used in school consolidation of
schools Westest preparation and just general conversations Parents enjoy this time
with the principal to discuss important issues
Parent conferences are scheduled twice a year for parents on a Thursday evening to
discuss student progress Parent meetings are also held periodically to discuss
benchmark results with parents
Each year the school hosts a Holiday Program for parents and families This is always a
highlight of the holiday season Every class performs a skit or song The highlight of the
program is the staff when the staff sings or does a skit to close the program
Each month parents are invited to have a special lunch with their child The cook plans
a turkey or chicken dinner and parents come eat and converse with one another
Indicators ofSuccess
H1 Research indicates that highly effective schools are data driven What
evidence do you regularly collect and analyze to judge the effectiveness of your
Each Friday in our PLC meetings teachers bring data to share In our K
2 PLC teachers
often bring informal data that is taken throughout the week We also work with the QPS
quick phonics screener to determine how students are performing using the phonics
According to the skill level students are grouped accordingly to work on the specific skill
deficits We also discuss the PASI phonemic awareness screener inventory This
provides our teachers more data to determine how the students are performing IPAP
groups are formed and completed by our speech therapist Teachers also rely highly on
the use of DIBELS data This information allows teachers an opportunity to identify
those students are intensive strategic or benchmarked Informal observations daily
also help with data collection
Our 3rd
5th grade begins with desegregating the Westest data and develops groups
based on that data Teachers are placed into Data teams at the beginning of the year
and throughout the year are given assignments in working with data All teachers are on
a data team not just 3rd
5th grade because the students in our school belong to
everyone If Kindergarten knows what is expected in 5th grade then they can begin
preparing their students We also create a writing grid based on the areas our students
needed more support with At CES we put a strong emphasis on writing instruction and
ensuring our students are successful in writing Last year we had the DIBELS Next for
our 4th and Sth grade students which were very helpful for teachers because it found
our students were weak in retell and fluency Acuity has become our main instructional
tool for analyzing and collecting data Teachers use the benchmark reports to determine
students individual needs as well as helping the teacher to know which standards need
to be re
taught or which ones were successful Acuity lessons are then assigned to
students based on their needs and standards Each week during PLC
s teachers
compare and review the data from Acuity This data tool is not only beneficial for
benchmarking our students but providing instructional support as well WV Writes is
another data tool we use weekly Teachers pull WV Writes reports weekly to determine
the success level of students on their writing Students then work with peer editors or
teachers to correct their writing Odyssey and Ed mark are other tools we use in our
school Ed mark has been very beneficial for our struggling readers and students who
are least 2
3 years below grade level One student in 2nd grade who had just started at
our school could not read or sound out any words or letters Once we started him on Ed
mark he began reading Informal data is also recorded daily by our 3rd
5th grade
teachers through student conferencing Teachers conference with students at least 3
times a week This data is powerful in that teachers can see firsthand what problems a
student may be having Students then are taking responsibility for their own learning
Students keep data folders and I Can statements in their folders to be checked off
when they have mastered a certain standard Students also assess how they
performed on a test rather than just get a percentage grade the students go back and
see the mistakes they made and have a chance to self correct them
Data collection is ongoing in our school The principal meets quarterly with each teacher
to review individual classroom data and determine if the teacher needs additional
resources or to detect struggling students It truly is a team effort in that everyone is
Teachers are placed on data teams at the beginning of the year The data teams
consist of all teachers K
2 including instructional aides Teams work together to
desegregate Westest data together and collaborate on a plan of action for students in
grades 3 The motto for the data day is Why are you a winner Teachers work
together on several tasks including breaking down the power standards that are taught
on the Westest to seleding VIP students to work with during the year Throughout the
year the teams meet to review the data and work on plans to ensure continued success
H2 Describe the daW management system
s used to summarize analyze and
report assessment resulis What assessment data are communicated to
students educators parents and the community about student school and
system performance
Data management is a key component to keeping valuable information and tracking
student progress Each teacher is given a data notebook to keep throughout the year
and bring to all PLC meetings each week Students in grades 2nd
5th are also given
data notebooks to keep track of their learning Every student has a writing folder to
keep writing samples and this contains the writing rubric for each grade level These
folders travel with the students from year to year so their progress can be charted
Each year a letter is sent home with parents of 4th and 5th graders with their Westest
results and a meeting to share the school results is held at our annual open house in
September Parent teacher conferences are held at least twice a year where data is
shared with parents and students who are struggling academically have conferences
when needed This year we are sharing the Acuity individual reports with parents so
they can see their child
s actual progress
Our Title One teachers also keep track of all assessment data and records and help
assess students needed more support Every new child who enrolls in our school is
given some assessments to determine their SKIP group Through our Student
Assistance Team referrals teachers bring their data notebooks and student data
notebooks to the meeting to discuss with parents
Community members are informed of our data results through media resources such as
the local Nicholas Chronicle and through our Local School Improvement Committee
report given to the Board of Education each year We also have our Five Year Strategic
plan readily available for parents or community members to view which states our data
results goals and vision for our school
The principal meets individually with students in grades 3rd
5th to discuss their
academic successes and needs Students are provided with helpful insights and
encouragement to do well on their Westest and all academic behavioral and social
areas At the beginning of the year teachers conference individually with students to
review Westest data with them and discuss individual plans of action This provides an
incentive and ownership for students to do well
H3 How do you use assessment results to understand and improve student and
school performance7 How dces your use of assessment data contribute to
making issues of quality and equity part of the everyday conversation at your
school How do data influence decision making
Data is the main influence on decisions at Craigsville Elementary School Data tells the
true story of our successes and needs By using data to make our instructional
decisions our students beneft Each week in our PLC meeting teachers discuss and
share data We regroup and group our students based on data and what their particular
needs are By having our SKIP Successful Kids in Progress program we can meet all
students needs Every child receives either specialized instruction on critical skill deficits
or enrichment We want to ensure the success of all our students We use data
collected from informal observations DIBELS QPS PASI Acuity Westest WV Writes
and classroom assessments to drive our instructional decisions With the SKIP program
every child gets the personalized instruction he needs to be successful
H4 Describe your school
s balanced assessment system
approach that includes
high quality summative benchmark and formative ciassroom assessments used
to improve teaching and learning
This year our principal attended a session on Assessment for learning and brought back
the information to the staff With the use of data folders students can track their own
learning and see their own progress Rather than giving grades and
next concept students have an opportunity to go back and see what
self correct their work It becomes a learning experience rather than
assignment or assessment Teachers create learning targets based
students and they assess on those targets
moving on to the
they missed and
a graded
on the CSO
s for
b Benchmark Assessment Results
Teachers use Acuity on a daily basis for benchmark results Students are benchmarked
three times throughout the year and the teachers then collaborate and review the
benchmark scores With the classroom matrix report on Acuity teachers are able to
determine which CSO
s need more emphasis and which standards may need to be re
taught Teachers can also assign students instructional resources to go with the CSO
they may have difficulty with
Teachers in grades K
2 use the DIBELS benchmark assessment to determine the level
their students are on Teachers again use the PLC time to review the data and
determine a plan of instructional action for each student Our SKIP program breaks
down the specific skills and ensures each child get the personalized learning
First Grade
Formative Classroom Assessments
Teachers use an informal reading assessment to test for reading fluency and basic
retell Again the use of Acuity provides important details in skill areas students need
more reinforcement or instruction DIBELS provides teachers a clear definition of what
plan of action students need WV Writes is used as an assessment tool for students to
be able to demonstrate their writing skills and practices Odyssey is a tool used to
assess students levels as well
H6 What specific improvements have been made in school procedures and
practices as a result of your analysis and use of assessment data7
As a result of our analysis of data the school schedule was restructured to meet the
needs of all students For example teacher schedules were reorganized to ensure
students received personalized instruction Title One teachers met and reorganized
schedules to put more support in our 3rd
5th grade to assist students with writing skills
and comprehension
H7 What evidence is available of effective overall school performance
What was your schools record for the past three years in the
What was your school
s record for the past three years in the
area of school safety discipline and drug prevention
In the past three years there have been no discipline issues involving drugs Each year
a drug prevention program is presented by high school students The program is both
informative and engaging for students
In the past three years we had lwo employee incidents where one employee fell in the
computer lab and hurt her back and another where an employee was climbing on a
ladder to hang something and tripped on the way down
Student incidents are reported within 24 hours to our safety director The safety
committee meets four times a year to review safety issues
With the implementation of Capturing Kids Hearts discipline referrals have decreased
by 5 Students are taking ownership of their behavior and making positive choices
The EAGLES Soar High program presents a positive spin on the responsible student
program where students are rewarded for good character
Bullying prevention is also a priority for Craigsville Elementary School Each year
presentations are given to educate our students on bullying and prevention
The local fire department comes yearly to present fire safety programs Every student
participates in the fire safety poster contest and firemen come and judge the posters
MC Axe and the Fire Crew from Rhode Island came and presented fire safety with the
use of comedy and two fire trained dogs They presented the program for free to our
students in memory of 2 fallen firefighters our community lost in a house fire
H8 Which awards received by your school staff or students are most indicative
Nicholas CounN Teacher of the Year Teresa Brown was named Nicholas County
teacher of the Year for 2011
Arch Coal Recipient Teresa Brown received the Arch Coal award and will be honored
on March 5 2012
National Board Certified Teachers Currently Craigsville Elementary School as the
highest number of Nationally Board Certified Teachers
Distinstuished Scholar Award for New Princioal Academv Craigsville Elementary
principal was selected as a Distinguished Scholar in 2010for her action research project
for our school involving creating a writing program for our school
Martin Luther Kina Jr Writinq Award Craigsville Elementary had a fifth grade
student win first place in the state of WV for the MLK Jr Essay contest
Nicholas Countv Youns Writer
s Contest
Craigsville Elementary School boasted a
first second and third place winner for the county competition
riculturel Poster Contest Craigsville Elementary Schools boasted a first
second and third place winner in the state poster competition